#its just how i interpreted the songs lmao
vault81 · 4 months
🧶 🐰 📓 for all three? Hier sind kekse.
Ahh hello Bleu!!! thank you sm for the ask!! happily do those for all 3 :)
🧶 - Do they do any arts, crafts, or creative hobbies?
Jack: for Jack I would say his hobby is photography! It probably started in the Vault one day when he found an old camera, I don't think he thought much of it at that time but he'd slowly come to love it. I don't think he'd like photographing people though, he finds it a bit awkward. I think he'd love to photograph the landscape around him, any view he finds interesting he'll instantly get his camera out to capture it. Also, any plants he comes across are getting captured! doesn't matter where! he'll lay flat on his stomach to always get as close as he can for a good picture. (totally not projecting here lmao)
He probably has stacks of photo albums in his home/bag just full of these photos.
Eliza: I can easily see Eliza being into drawing, primarily sketching. See something interesting in the wasteland? lemme just make a quick sketch of that and move on! or if she finds a piece of interesting tech she's drawing a full technical diagram of that thing. She probably just started it one day in class, and just kept on drawing the things around her. I think she'll be perfectly able to draw a robot accurately, but if you asked her to draw a human you'll get a stick figure.
Stephen: for Stephen I think he'd more musically inclined compared to the other two. I can see him really enjoying playing the Piano or Keyboard! He probably picked up this hobby post-war, It's a hobby he probably always wanted to get into but couldn't afford at the time. But now he doesn't have to pay? he's totally stealing a Piano from a ruin and dragging it back home so he can learn. I think he'd enjoy being able to express himself musically, being one of the few thing's that can relax him. He just switches everything else out and focuses on the song. (again totally not projecting here lol)
🐰 - How huggable is this oc?
Jack: Very huggable, please hug him. He loves hugs! but none of his friends do! He's perfectly built for them as well! Strong Arms ✔️ 2 Big Pillows on his chest ✔️ a soft tummy? ✔️ prime hugging body! I think he'd give bear hugs too, or if you haven't see him for a while he's picking you up and spinning you around.
Eliza: Contrasting Jack, do not hug her. She hate's them, she only tolerates Jack's hugs because he's her brother. If you hug her she'll immediately tense up and make a foul face over your shoulder. She wouldn't turn them down because she doesn't want to be too rude, but she won't enjoy the experience either. If she is the one giving hugs, be prepared for the most awkward half-hug of your life. It's so stiff, and she won't fully embrace into it, she'll keep a respectable distance from you with one arm behind you.
Stephen: I'd say Stephen is huggable, but only from people he knows and likes. He doesn't like that kind of physical contact with strangers, it makes him very uncomfortable. I don't think he's afraid to put up that boundary either. On the other hand, if you know him then he loves to give and receive hugs! he'll always ask first though if you would like one. I think Stephen's hugs would be very soft, barely any pressure applied but still nice and comforting.
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
Eliza: I think the quote that I associate with Eliza the most is from Integra from the Hellsing anime (prime inspiration back in the day) the quote is: "You want me to roll over like a dog? Give up, and accept defeat.. Ha! That seems to be the sort of language that your kind is used to using. Language for cowards who forfeited their humanity, because they were too weak to survive as such. Don’t look down on humans, you monsters. Come on. I’ll send you all to hell." that quote does a good job of summing her early character really, she's changed a lot since then but I'll still always think of her when I hear this.
Jack: for Jack the lyric I'd associate with him is: "I'm a peace-loving decoy, ready for retaliation" from Dirty Harry by Gorillaz, again I feel like that does a good job of summing up his character! Jack prefers to talk out his problems with other people rather than get violent, but don't mistake that for him being unable to do so. (that's how I interpret that lyric anyway)
Stephen: the lyric I'd associate with him is: "Welcome to my world (My only world) It is full of Space Junk But your words are getting through I'm riding on the Space Junk and It's bringing me to you Bringing me to you" from Space Junk by Wang Chung, just captures his feelings up waking up in this now destroyed world, but also seeing the beauty and value in this destroyed world.
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
i do still periodically remember that post on twt that had far too many likes talking about how fnf is def a song about romance, chan was lying for pretending it was about australia and i still start squinting into space because how fucking stupid could all 500 of you be
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stellarspecter · 1 year
dear god it's so annoying to have your own song stuck in your head bc like i can loop the one shitty recording i have from a year ago but then i'm just thinking about how i would make it better and it's too late to play guitar out loud so i can't actually do any of that >:/
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park-chimney · 2 years
ik it would look cluttered but i would adore if i could put comments about songs on my spotify playlists. esp for playlists that are about a very specific thing, like there is a lot of joy in just listening to a song and guessing the meaning but sometimes i want to explain why i put a goofy lil tune that might seem disjointed from the overall vibe
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tess-talks-inc · 6 days
On the Topic of Telemachus’s age:
First off preface lmao I’m a stranger on the internet if you want to see this and be like “I don’t care” more power to you this isn’t to condemn it’s more like my explanation? I guess? Of why Telemachus being represented as an adult is important to the context of the story and also to me.
Like obviously once again I acknowledge artistic interpretation, and Telemachus being young is important to the story as well and is part of the role he serves as a comparison to Odysseus, but like sometimes the way some artists draw him makes him look pre-pubescent and like… I understand what you’re doing, and honestly I respect it and I hope you are having fun, but I am holding your hands when I say that him being a young adult with that attitude is so so so important to his character and his relatability.
Adulthood isn’t something that magically appears one day, taking all of your dreams, immaturity, and weakness away. Telemachus embodies that- at twenty years old, he should be inheriting a portion of his father’s house and assisting in its running. He should, for all intents and purposes, have been a full and functional independent adult looking at purely his age. However, he is both literally and mentally stuck in limbo- his father is lost, so he cannot inherit in the case of his father’s death because Odysseus’ status is MIA, and internally he knows (literally mentioned book 1 of the odyssey and in Legendary) that if he reaches for that authority as an adult, the suitors will kill him. He doesn’t feel like he can, or that he is even on equal standing to the suitors as an adult man, he cannot see himself as one like they are, and it’s why he imagines his dad doing it instead. He wants to be saved, a childlike desire, even though he has advanced to a point where he himself can do something physically. That’s why, in the odyssey, Athena tells him explicitly that he can do something about the suitors, and lays out a plan for him. She says that he is no longer a child to his face, and the Telemacheia thus begins to be a coming of age story in which he matures, and later is registered as a threat of the suitors. He is a young adult yes, and he still has aspects of his young self (idealization of his father, daydreaming, him being quick to frustration), but him being an adult who realizes that he can do something and can understand the way he is childish is important and central to his character arc.
His arc is him growing into his skin, adulthood no longer being something that fits him like loose clothes and only a description of his physical state, but something that now is tailored to him, something that feels close to right.
Honestly, I think this aspect of him being an adult while still holding onto these aspects of childishness is where Legendary and We’ll be fine falls short in adapting his character. I understand why, because while he is introduced he is not the true central character of the Saga- it’s Athena and how he affects her, that’s what’s most important. Also, once again, he was just introduced. He’s not matured yet, but he’s realizing he needs to. I still love the songs and the saga, because it’s a good adaptation that poses interesting questions, but yeah. Telemachus is v clearly a young adult and that hasn’t translated over sound yet, which I think is why this whole age debacle is happening alongside the uwu-ifying of the man.
TLDR: Telemachus is a young adult and he acts like it due to his blend of childishness and slowly gained maturity. You can draw him and see him as a child if you want, have fun with it, but at least internally understand how his 20 years of age plays into his arc a of him maturing into manhood outside of your own interpretation of him :D
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omegalomania · 1 year
the full apple music interview with zane lowe is out! we got snippets of it when love from the other side dropped, but they finally rolled out the full thing. here are some highlights that stood out to me :)
patrick describes pete's lyrics as what gets him out of bed in the morning. if pete doesn't send him lyrics, he doesn't write a song.
andy and pete used to draw fake snake tattoos on each other using magic markers as kids omg?
so evidently patrick was the one who got covid during hella mega tour. and he hated it and he was miserable and that's when he called neal avron about the new record lmao
patrick says that joe was hesitant at first and he was the one who said that for this record he wanted to make something that they could all savor and spend time on and patrick was immediately on board with that
pete says patrick's job is to interpret him because pete calls his mentality a "little bit off" but patrick is capable of understanding him and translating it
patrick describes his and pete's creative relationship as "twin speak." it's not linear and it's like living in his brain a little bit. he calls it the "weirdest thing i've ever seen" when pete can just Tell that some words that patrick adjusted weren't ones he wrote despite not remembering writing them. patrick says he's gotten better at connective tissue and knowing how pete would say things
pete: back in the day patrick was like, "what's the difference between cry and weep i will KILL YOU. THEY'RE THE SAME THING. I'M GONNA KILL YOU RIGHT NOW."
zane says patrick's vocals are next level for this album. pete agrees that he kills it on this album and said he never would've expected that voice coming from him when they first met. zane says patrick could sing a recipe and it would be good. he then passes patrick a recipe and patrick. sings it???
patrick: i'm not gonna belt it. (starts belting) NINE INCH PIE PLATE ROLLING PIN
patrick says that pete doesn't mean to have rhythm to his words but there's a rhythm to them all the same and patrick can find this syncopation in his words and thinks it's amazing
more talking about patrick and pete's Magical Mystical Transcendent Soul Bond. patrick says "if we were one guy, we'd be an INCREDIBLE DUDE"
patrick and pete say that interviews with all four of them are hard because it's chaos and everyone's talking at once but it all makes perfect sense to them and no one else. zane says that sounds like fun flkjdfd [i agree please do this more it's a joy]
pete says joe really stepped up and wrote a lot for this record!
patrick: "joe is kind of a conundrum because he's this really talented...he's a brilliant writer, a brilliant player, but pete and i became the "team" and it wasn't really a plan, but that's just kind of how it happened. [brief tangent about the hiatus] we come back from the thing and joe is this fully-formed writer with a very distinct - he has one of the most distinctive writing voices. when i hear his parts, when i hear his ideas, i could pick them out of a crowd. like i know the way joe writes, and it's VERY joe." part of the process with post-hiatus was integrating him into the writing process more.
discussing the hiatus and fame and pete says his life kind of "blew up" and took it pretty hard. apparently during production for folie paparazzi actually broke down the gate to neal avron's house
patrick goes on a big tangent about how bad things got during the height of pete's fame. "part of my role is to tell his story. i'm a composer. that's what i like to do. i work on movies, i work on shows, and i work on pete. pete has a story that needs music, and if he's removed from himself, if he's not even able to access himself because he's behind all of this stuff, i don't have a story! so not only did i not have my buddy, which was heartbreaking in its own way, but then i also don't have a purpose as an artist."
patrick says that andy is always ready to play but when you get him happy to play, it's another level
"and trohman, there were these moments where he...he got so excited."
patrick describes writing what a time to be alive as wanting to write the saddest, most desperate song you could hear at a wedding. pete bursts into laughter and calls it "so twisted"
talking about other endeavors outside the band - patrick talks about composing and said joe's been super busy with his book and writing for tv and because there are so many deadlines for stuff like that, it's what hammered home to him that fall out boy needs to not be that. "there's something special about this that can't be...this has to be passionate and art."
discussing how scared patrick was of his own voice while the band took off. patrick was really scared of the song saturday at first because there are some really exposed vocal moments. he describes saturday as a song where everyone in the band lets each other go for it.
zane calls fall out boy the "emo blueprint" and says they were unapologetic in being emotional. patrick immediately says, "that was pete. i don't think we could've done that without him." he and joe were basically kids and patrick was too anxious to talk on stage.
zane says, "i remember interviewing you in the early days and i felt like every time i asked you a question i was bullying you." pete IMMEDIATELY loses his shit.
"in another life where i didn't have a pete...cause saturday, i did write most of that by myself...so there's a world where that song exists without the band. there's no world where i sing it in front of people without pete."
pete says every night before they put out a new song he calls patrick up and gets really scared and wants to back out and patrick talks him down every time
they talk about how scary it was when arm's race released and performing it at the amas. patrick starts laughing rly hard as they get into how there were giant crickets on stage and the crowd was just stone-faced and utterly nonresponsive and their stage manager was utterly panicked
towards the end patrick really loosens up and starts swearing more dlkfjdfd
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laluv-469 · 6 months
"The Other Woman"
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synopsis: its a mean one. gojo is cheating on his girlfriend with you and the guilt of sadness of it all is starting to hit you. practically a flashback and a psychological breakthrough contemplating why you tolerate his shit. but whether you continue to is an entirely more difficult question.
content: smut, jjk x reader, cheating gojo satoru x reader, vaginal sex, rough, hair pulling, unprotected, gojo on top, angry sex, dom, angst, asshole gojo, etc idk i dont write smut often lmao
for clarification; gojo would NEVER cheat, at least that's what I think. uh I just had this really neat, angsty idea linked to this song, and I know how to write gojo better than any other character. granted, toji or most definitely sukuna would fit better, but again, don't know how to write those characters as well. i also think this is a very poor interpretation of gojo and his personality, but it cruely exposes his flaws related to being a little boasty f-boy. hope it doesn't disappoint too much, i am not an experienced writer <3
deepest apologies for any typos and grammatical errors. literally editing this at 1 am ♡
word count: 1,526
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As much as you hated thinking about it, you were undeniably the other woman. You were the woman Gojo would sneak out of the room to text once his girlfriend fell asleep. You were the woman he would call when he got lonely and sad. You were the woman he would take out on secret dates across town. And, of course, you were the woman Gojo would ruthlessly fuck at the local motel. 
“Fuckkk” Gojo would greedily groan as he slid his thick member in and out of your squelching hole. “You're nothing like her…” He chuckled to himself in awe as his grip on your hips tightened. 
“So- fuckin’ tight~!” He bared through gritted teeth.
You shifted your weight slightly, burying your head down into the sheets with furrowed brows. Your long locks of hair fell loosely over your shoulders, draping down over your forehead. You only hum lazily in response, a bored expression on your face as he pounded into your little pussy. 
God, he felt painfully good, but you hated when he compared you to her. You hated the way it made you think too much. And for awfully too long. Your eyes drifted off into long, angry thought. Gojo noticed this, and he also hated when you weren't receptive to him.
He had you bent over on your stomach,  breasts smushed against the sheets as his hips rolled against your ass. The man lowered himself to your head, his warm breath tickling your neck. In a swift motion, he moved his hands toward your stomach and pressed firmly, pushing himself deeper inside you. His thrusts soon became rough and intentional… like he was testing your limits. 
He managed to get a whimper out of you, your face contorting slightly with his change in pace. “Nngh~”
You tried to remain nonchalant though, turning your face away from him, not letting him see your arousal. 
With the hand that wasn't clenching your stomach, he pulled a large chunk of your hair to the left, forcing you to meet his piercing eyes. They were narrow and.. almost dark with deep passion.. anger.. whatever it was your actions made him feel. 
“Not feelin’ it hon?” He questioned with only slight irritation in his voice. 
"Am I doing a crap job, hm?” He asks in a low voice, humor and frustration swirling into one. 
Both of your heads were bobbing up and down with the intensity of his thrusts, heavy pants accompanying that. Still, he managed to stare into your soul as awaited your response. The room was filled with nothing but the sound of skin slapping and the reserved whimpers you let out through tight lips. 
You avoided his eyes, closing them while trying to endure the pain. Each thrust sent him further inside you, his hips barely moving away from yours. It's like he was nearly locked in place with you, his hips bucking back and forth, keeping a small distance between your bodies. His grip on your body was tight, holding onto your hair and waist like his life fucking depended on it.
He scoffed at your silence, yanking at your hair again, harder this time, causing your head to whip back. You finally broke, your mouth was open and now loud. He seemed to have reached your core, repeatedly hitting that sweet spot. Each time, you swore you saw stars. It's like he was becoming one with you, his entire size stuffing you grossly. 
“Ah, ah ah!! S-Satoru-nn!!” You pleaded, your voice loud and squeaky, yet barely coherent.
“Don't- fucking ignore me…” He spoke in a low growl, his voice breaking in a similar manner to yours. 
He placed his temple against yours, your foreheads now pressed against each other as his movements grew more sloppy and erratic. His grip on your hair was still tight, practically using it for support as his body moved restlessly against you. Your scalp wss being stressed, strands sure to fall out after it's next brush.
“What's wrong, hm? Before.. I-” He stopped, struggling to speak and fuck you at the same time, “Before I pull out.. tell.. me” He panted heavily in an ugly rhythm with your moans, a lewd melody of slaps and grunts filling the air. 
He was close, you felt him throb inside you, and you were too. Your walls began to enclose, almost trapping him inside your hole. “Tight fuckin’ cunt…” He grunted lowly, chuckling to himself once again at the marvel that was your pretty little pussy. 
You shut your eyes tight as your orgasm neared, mouth gaped open, trying to find the right words. What could you possibly utter to him? You hated that he was in this secret “relationship” with you.. yet you let it fly. Why, though? Speak up, tell him! And so you did.
In broken words and whimpers, “Break.. up with her..” You regretted the words as soon as they escaped your lips, biting your entire lower lip in immediate guilt.
Gojo's hips stuttered a bit, your words clearly catching him by surprise. But you were too lost in the rhythm to stop. You felt a rising sensation in your stomach, a hungry desire to completely let loose everywhere. It was strong, so very strong, and you just needed this orgasm so badly. Your pussy was puffy and throbbing, his large member surely leaving you sore. He fucked and fucked and fucked, that lovely spot being tapped and played with till it went off. Shortly after, you came all over his cock, juices spilling out and dripping onto the bed. He fucked your cunt still, helping you ride out your orgasm as he neared his. Your eyes rolled back, the feeling of being emptied and filled all over again overstimulating you immensely, yet satisfying your desire so beautifully.
He followed shortly after, shooting his load inside you accompanied by the release of your hair, relief washing over the both of you. Letting out a heavy, slutty breath into your ear, he slowed down significantly, gently fucking the mixture of cum inside of you. Your head was soon back on the bed, red from shame and regret at what you said before. However the man simply pulled out and collapsed beside you, both of you simply laying on your stomachs, backs rising and falling with the aftermaths of an intense session. He raised his hand to your head, caressing your scalp in a comforting manner, as to apologize for the pulling and yanking.
He sighed, a worrisome look on his pretty fuck-boy face. “Break up with her?” He whispered.. sounding sad… Sad? 
This asshole, what did he have to be sad about? You were the one crying yourself to sleep every night and eating alone more often than not. And imagine how his girlfriend would feel if she knew? This entitled, pretty asshole.
Your eyebrows furrowed angrily, turning your head to face the white-haired man. “Yes. She doesn't deserve to be cheated on for one, now you're just leading her on. Are you that dense or what?”
His head pulled back slightly in a contorted facial expression, seemingly offended by your comment. But he knew you were right, his eyes drifting away in thought. “You're right… Just.. let's sleep on it.” He sighed, his eyes fluttering shut.
Yeah, he sure did have a habit of putting this off. He'd always find an excuse not to think about it or talk about it.
You huffed, pulling away from his touch and rolling out of the trashy motel mattress. “No, that's your decision.” 
He pissed you off, his eyes fluttering open again and stupidly following you with the dumb puppy face. You ignored him though, limping your way to the bathroom with a change of clothes. 
Took a piss, showered, and changed within the next 20 minutes, you stepped out fully clean and refreshed. You dried up your hair a few feet away from the bed, Gojo watching your every move. Your face was scrunched up and angry, hating the fact that he was looking at you so desperately right now. Why'd you even let him fuck you? 
“I'm going home,” You grabbed your bag and phone, heading for the door.
Without even realizing, Gojo was rushing out of bed, quickly stumbling toward you, “Fuck do you mean? I'm not driving you back over right now..” He leaned against the door frame butt naked, dick hanging loose and head tilted sideways.
You pushed his chest lightly, “Put some clothes on, get some sleep. I'll take a bus or something.” Again, you turn away from him, heading for the door knob.
Gojo's hand grabbed your arm, tugging you softly. “Why are you mad… baby… you know how this goes..” He practically pleaded, a tired and worn out expression on his stupid face.
“Cut it out, please I'm done Satoru I'm tired of feeling like shit every day.” You threw your head back, sadness and anger finally broke through. 
“I'll cut her off, okay?” He spoke quickly and firmly, almost as if just to shut you up. After that, it was all a blur.
That day though, you fell for the facade, running right back into his arms, climbing right back into that bed, and continuing to be just the other woman.
Why you still do it? For the thrill? For the love? You sat for hours thinking about it, writing about it, crying about it. You almost told his girlfriend a couple of times. You have countless pages saved in your notes explaining everything to her, yes everything. But your heart and soul know you won't ever tell her, better yet jeopardize the “relationship” you have right now. 
“Hey love…” He would greet you, caressing your cheek and brushing through your hair with his pale slender fingers. “You're so beautiful baby… I don't deserve you.” He smiled warmly at you, love genuinely radiating from his body.
Was any of that real? He was right though. A cheater doesn't deserve you. But you weren't any fucking better that's for sure. You're not sure when this will end, but damn you hope it ends with you finally being content and happy. No longer, the other woman.
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lunarmoves · 1 year
for evermore
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summary: you laugh—loud and carefree—and they have never wished so desperately before to be human. if only to love you for the rest of their life.
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pairing: DCA sun/moon/eclipse x reader
mentions: gender neutral reader, possessive (obsessive) behavior, ruminations of a robot, dark thoughts ahead tbh (human mortality, fragility, death), oblivious reader if u squint, non-sexual intimacy, forehead kisses, mentions of blood and gore, moon is glitch'd, sun too tbh but its more subtle, sun's pov is like. sm lighter and then moon's is right out of an mcr song, unreliable narrator
a/n: this fic is inspired by @bamsara's iconic solar lunacy. sun&moon in this are very much deeply, irrevocably in love with u, but! when taken from the reader's pov, u can interpret that as you like! hope yall enjoy my silly little 4 am thoughts LMAO hope they make sense
word count: 2k
ao3 link
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One of the kids has a bit of a crush on you. 
It’s cute, really. Sun watches the way little Riley holds out a drawing to you—two stick figures holding hands together in a field of flowers colored lavender and cerulean. It’s clear that it’s supposed to be you and Riley, both of you happy as can be. You smile as you take the drawing, admiring the care Riley put into every stroke of their crayons. 
“It’s us!” Riley says proudly, tiny fingers gripping onto your arm that holds the paper. Bright eyes look up eagerly at you for your reaction. “Do you like it?” 
“I love it!” you reply with all the care and adoration you can muster into your voice. Your free hand reaches over to smooth down the hair on Riley’s head. “Oh, you’re so talented! Look how cute we are!” 
Riley beams, bright and happy, and Sun thinks it’s so wonderful that you’re able to get along well with the kids. He twirls a crayon around in his hand, idly spinning it across metal joints and silicon, then returns to doodling across the paper in front of him. Long limbs have pretzeled their way into sitting at one of the kid’s tables not too far from your own. 
“When I grow up,” Riley continues in a steadfast voice, “I’m gonna marry you. And we’ll get a biiiiig house with lotsa puppies! And kitties!” 
“Lotsa puppies and kitties, huh?” you ask as you set the drawing down on the table and pull Riley closer so you can set them on your lap. You pinch at their chubby little cheek. “You ready for that much responsibility, squirt?” 
Riley nods. Sun rests his chin on his palm, propped up on one of his legs. The hand holding his crayon continues to doodle. “Yeah! We’re gonna feed ‘em, and we’re gonna walk ‘em, and dress ‘em up!” 
You hum out a response, but by then Sun is lost in his thoughts. It’s cute, he tells himself again, gaze not really seeing what’s before him as he glances at you and Riley. Humans and their little dreams. Their bonds and their emotions. The freedom they hold within their grasps. Silly, silly humans. Silly, silly, silly.
Sun looks down at his drawing. You and him, standing in front of a little house. Free as can be to live under a bright blue sky with puffy, cotton-candy clouds. He wonders what that is like. To live with someone so closely. Being there when they wake up and when they fall asleep. Seeing them at their highs and their lows. He wonders if that is even feasible, for someone like him. The freedom he dreams about rests just beyond the tips of his artificial fingers. He tilts his head to the side and releases the tight grip he has on his crayon. 
Silly robot, he thinks to himself.
Then, he folds up the drawing and stuffs it into his pocket. 
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The pizzaplex, above all else, is a cold place. 
Sun knows its lights are too bright and its colors too jarring at times. It’s something he has grown used to—the only thing he has ever known, really. He is not exposed to much, with how limited his boundaries are and how restrictive the access he has to the internet is. You give him new things to ponder about. You blow away the coldness like it’s nothing. And he thinks the warmth you bring along with you is something he has perhaps always craved, deep inside. Him, modeled after the sun. Ironic, he thinks. 
You play around with the children as he tends to a checkout by the door. It’s quick work, it usually is, and he gives his regular old smile to the parents who pick up their kids and press kisses to their scrunched up little faces in greeting. 
What a concept—kissing, that is. An action done by humans to express some of their pesky little emotions. He waves away the parents and closes the door, white gaze falling on you as you laugh while you chase a few kids around. The daycare was what introduced him to all the idiosyncrasies humans have—it is the only form of contact he has with people. And it is the only way he really learns about certain things he wouldn’t have known about otherwise. 
He thinks back to Riley. He thinks about the rings he sees on humans’ fingers and the terms of endearment they call each other. He watches you spin around and lunge after another giggling kid who squeals and barely evades your grasp. You laugh—loud and carefree—then make eye contact with him for a split second. And Sun feels something strange in his chassis. Something that lights his insides on fire and makes his wires buzz in fervor. Maybe this is the warmth he’s meant to hold—that he is meant to be. His rays do a little spin. 
Then Sun does what he does best. He swoops in, snatching you up from the ground and yelling out something-or-other about kidnapping you for his very evil, very nefarious plans. All in a day’s work, at the daycare. You smile up at him—so small, so tiny in his hold—and he thinks he wouldn’t mind seeing it again and again and again. 
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Moon thinks about the stars often. 
He wonders what they look like, if they match the designs that dot his hat and pants. He thinks about you, standing under the night sky. Do you like the stars you see? Do you come to the daycare and compare the artificial ones plastered to the ceiling to the ones you experience every night? Moon doesn’t know if it is enough—if it will ever be enough.
He glides around the daycare on his cable, keeping a watchful eye on the slumbering kids below. You had been subjected to Riley’s grabby hands as they refused to go down without you by their side. So now you lay next to them, idly stroking their hair as they suckle on their thumb and snooze close to your chest. 
Trapped now, he’d told you when he saw Riley latched onto your leg earlier. Bedtime for you. And you simply gave him a defeated smile and caved to the whims of the child. 
Moon ponders about what that must be like—laying so close to another. Would you be as comfortable with him—with his body made of unyielding metal? Would you let him soothe you to sleep with the music box in his chest chiming out a gentle song that would waft through the air? Or maybe you would prefer another human. Hmm, another.
He remembers the kiss you had pressed to Riley’s forehead at their insistence and his fingers reach up to rub thoughtfully at his own. Pesky little emotions. His red gaze always finds itself trailing back to you, lingering on your form through the rest of naptime. And when the lights flick back on, he thinks that his time with you is always too short for him to bear. 
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It’s the middle of the night, long after you’ve gone home, and Moon stands in front of an arcade machine that’s turned off. He stares at his reflection in the dark screen, fuzzy red eyes lighting the space up in a hellish glow. One of his hands passes across his mouth smoothly—the sharp teeth that make up his grin. And he thinks back to the parents kissing their children on the cheeks. He thinks about all the ‘sweetheart’s, and the ‘baby’s, and the ‘love’s. He thinks about you. 
Moon wonders what it would be like to be human. 
To just—feel everything, all the time. To hear his heart pounding in his chest. He doesn’t have a heart—never will—but he wonders what it would be like to have one. He’d give you his heart without batting an eye, he thinks. Would you do the same for him?
He ruminates on what it would be like to hold your hand. To feel the plushness of your skin against the firmness of his metal. To look and see the difference between the two. Unnatural, he frowns. Disconnected. Two puzzle pieces that don’t fit together—not in the way he would like. He doesn’t belong to you and the thought strikes him hard enough to frazzle his wires. He imagines you with someone better suited that can live with you, grow old with you. Someone that is not him—not like him, broken and robotic as he is. 
And Moon wonders if this is what it feels like to die. To have the wires ripped from his body and turned into dust. Something nasty festers itself in his hardware, sears through him like a vicious piece of malware.
He stares down at his hands, fingers slim and painted blue. And he sees them doused in ruby red. He wonders what it is like to have it running through tiny, tiny veins. So fragile. He wonders what it is like to hold your skin between his fingers and feel it rip into shreds. His grin tightens and he shakes his head minutely. He looks back up at his reflection and a gleam of purple flashes across his pupils before he seizes it and locks it away.
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Eclipse stands in the middle of an empty daycare and watches as you enter through the large, castle doors. 
It’s you, you’re here. They missed you so much, you were gone for so long you were gone for so, so long. But you’re here, and you’re safe, and you’re you.
You freeze when you notice them—looking at you with a too wide smile and too sharp teeth. Their head tilts at you and before they can even process their actions, they’ve already taken several long strides up to your form. Because you’re here, with them, so close they can touch you.
You’re looking up at them with an expression they can’t quite decipher. But they know it must be adoration! It has to be, it must be, what else would it be? And they lean down and reach out two of their hands to grasp at your smaller shoulders. They can feel your heart beating through their fingers.
“I love you!” Eclipse chimes out, hunkered down over your smaller figure. Casting you in their deep, deep shadow. And then they curl down to press the gleaming metal of their grin against your forehead. Again and again and again. I love you I love you I love you so much it hurts what are you doing to us don’t you know this hurts? You smile (you’re smiling, right? You have to be!) at them—confused, sincere maybe—your fingers balled into fists. And Eclipse thinks that if they were to dig through their software, through lines and lines of code, they’d find a little version of you there. Infecting them—constantly there with your kindness and your adoration. Their grin twitches, their eyes upturn. “Marry me!”
You say nothing, only look up at them, but that’s okay! That’s okay, it’s okay it’s okay, right? They are bubbling and boiling alive with the fire that runs through their wires. And they have never wished so desperately before to be human. So they can be with you—outside, under the stars, under the sun the real sun—and hold you, and treasure you until the end of time until you both die.
They think about you and them, standing in front of a little house in a field of lavender and cerulean flowers. They think about waking up with you and going to sleep with you. They think about the softness of your skin and the brightness of your smile. The blood in your veins that can so easily spill over their fingers. 
And they know they are not human. They know you will grow old and you will inevitably move on—leaving them for a place they cannot reach. 
But still, they think, they will love you until the end of your life. And until the end of theirs.
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wheeboo · 1 year
seventeen as wave to earth songs
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FEATURING. seventeen (ot13) GENRE. headcanons WARNINGS. none WORD COUNT. 1.3k
notes: i thought n wrote this within the hours of 3-4 am because my brain couldn’t fight the urge even tho no one asked for this lmao ;; im blaming this seungkwan edit on tiktok that conspired me to do this. a lot of ppl have prob done this but this is my take (some of them were HARD) :') honestly any of these can be switched around
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choi seungcheol as calla
the first word i associated with this song is "devotion", and my mind immediately thought of cheol. he is the definition of loyalty and puts in his all when it comes to love and towards whoever his calla will be. he has the power of reassurance and hope, and this can also be interpreted vice versa will cheol being the "calla" of the relationship--the one who may be withering away inside, so he needs that other half to supply him with the rain that he needs to grow
"But Calla, you can always grow back, oh If you don't have enough sunlight I'll blow the clouds away, Calla Bloom yourself until the end"
yoon jeonghan as daisy.
jeonghan as daisy just MAKES SENSE?? he is the splash of colour within a simplistic life, a constant source of happiness even in the most mundane situations. i just love the vibrant feels of this song and it makes me imagine a scenario of running down the beach holding hands with him. seeing his presence just never fails to brighten up my day up, and its just a very comforting song in general which reminds me sm of him
"Oh, daisy, it's my happiness to run into you Life always goes on and on But, I'll live with you forever So, be my daisy"
joshua hong as bad
the instrumentals of the song gives me joshua vibes. and just like the lyrics, how can the sight of joshua's smile/just him in general not make your day even better? for some reason i also had an imagination of him serenading someone with this song plsss, it would be so swoonworthy to hear that. its such a romantic song abt finding joy and happiness in your loved one, and i think joshua has a lot of love inside of him
"How could my day be bad when I'm with you? You're the only one who makes me laugh So how can my day be bad? It's a day for you"
wen junhui as light
the constant mention of the moon and the sky just gives me jun energy. i don't know if the word quirky is the right word to call this song (probably not, now that i think abt it, maybe more calm) but its a word i would definitely describe jun with. he's always a person who tries his best to shine as much as he could and he's just someone you can rely on yk
"You are my sea, you are my sunshine The star, the moon"
kwon soonyoung as pink
this song is just very... freeing and nostalgic? and it reminds of me soonyoung where everything just feel so liberating and free when it comes to being with him. his spirit just seems to rid of any worries just so easily, and it kind of reminds me of the sunset, where the colour pink is shown, and just like the song says- it's such a beautiful colour just like him
"During the sunset The pink light is clear It drew you, the beautiful you Your image" (translation may not be accurate because it's in full korean)
jeon wonwoo as seasons
someone had to be seasons and it was such a hard choice of who to give this song to but ultimately, i picked wonwoo. this song is just so bittersweet and melancholic. it holds so many heartfelt emotions inside of it but also so many unhappy emotions as well. it displays vulnerability and how that kind of feeling can feel burdensome to those around you and overall, i feel like he is the more perfect choice for this song tbh
"Oh my life is fallin' apart Maybe no one will notice if I disappear But I'll pray for you all the time If I could be by your side I'll give you all my life, my seasons"
lee jihoon as wave
i absolutely adore the instrumentals of this song sm. it's about embracing the unknown with someone special and i feel like the kinda fits with jihoon very well. i just love the symbolism of waves and stars in the song and how it symbolises this desire to adventure and traverse thru the unknown. i also think jihoon is very introspective n knowing that nothing lasts forever, but with the wave being mentioned that will last forever just,, perfectly contrasts with that? this was a bit hard to explain asljkdlas n made more sense in my head
"When you spoke to me, The words are like a floating star Now I'm next to you The waves will take us far away"
xu minghao as ride
the lyrics of the song is basically describing someone else being your safe space, and i definitely think minghao is that. he is the type of person whose presence is an easy source of comfort to whatever sort of emotional baggage one may hold. he's simply just the definition of the word comfort and to me, is what this song gives
"I'm on a ride Ride You are my city Everything"
kim mingyu as peach eyes
mingyu is just the type of person whose eyes seem to hold SO MUCH love or appear so lovestruck? or just him in general tbh--he just seems to hold so much love and is willing to dump that all for the person he adores w all his life. like eyes can carry so much within them istg. this song is also more on the cheery and upbeat side and i definitely think that resonates w the type of person that he is
"Peach eyes and blue skies It's on the moonlight, how many songs I write You'll be my sunlight, how could I not rely On you, peach eyes?"
lee seokmin as sunny days
the sun = seokmin hello?? i love the description of nature in this song and it reminds me of walking in the park on a sunny afternoon with him and it's just so perfect, like how everything is just so insignificant without the presence of the other person aka him. it's a golden type of love where it doesn't waver even as time goes by, and i can definitely see that with seokmin
"You are my golden age Evеrything shines so bright That my eyes go blind Our youth never ages here"
boo seungkwan as love.
this is my favourite wave to earth song btw. it may just be me being very biased but listening to the song while thinking of him just FITS him? the song is literally abt the strength of love thru hardships, being someone with a fragile heart, and reminds me of those types of hugs where it just feels... right? like everything is simply okay? the song makes me ascend each time i listen to it on full blast, and boo never fails to make me ascend with not just his voice, but his care and the amount of love he carries in himself, his strength, just HIM
"My little heart too Like small waves in it Broken and pushed back Melting into you Only then can I see my eternity" (translation may not be accurate because it's in full korean)
vernon chwe as so real
the instrumentals in this song esp at the end are so superior btw. other than that, despite the calm vibes this song emits just like vernon, it's also a song about feeling stuck, about being lost in your emotions. not that i'm assuming vernon is feeling this way, but in general, it reminds me of that feeling being alone in your own world which i think suits him with this song more than others
"I can't explain Where I'm buried now An empty vein You'll never understand"
lee chan as surf.
this song has such an uplifting and upbeat vibe and it's about enjoying the time that you have, even though it's temporary, and living in the moment spending time with yourself and also those that you love as well. the lyrics make me smile so much, and i definitely think chan fits the song very well because i def think he has this power to charge others (like his members) with energy just by being himself
"Dance my babe, dance my friends We don't have much time to enjoy Just sing it my babe Bigger than you ever did We don't have much time to enjoy Our time will be gone someday But I'm okay Life is like surfin' anyway"
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @ylliris-hanniehae @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae
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souryogurt64 · 1 month
Have you ever seen Spectrum Pulse's video essay on The Young Blood Chronicles? Because you may enjoy it.
Im skimming this and it doesnt look like something I agree with— save rock and roll is my favorite album, i dont “hate listen” to it, and fall out boy being “an industry plant” is categorically not true. It also spends quite a bit of time saying the album is anti rap and racist, without really acknowledging that multiple rappers feature on the album and fall out boy continued to work with rappers even more in the future.
It also argues that the evil kid is supposed to symbolize them hating their fans, but the kid is androgynous/biracial and clearly supposed to be Pete, IMO, because there’s an androgynous and biracial kid in a lot of FOB’s works. I am just skimming, but it does not mention that Pete is biracial either. It also trashes the talent of a lot rappers like Kanye West and Big Sean which I fundamentally disagree with.
Conflating Pete’s dick pics with unnamed “allegations” is also a really unprofessional way to write in my opinion. Also pretending that the only reason why they got away with “sexist lyrics” is because critics did not care about them because they were unpopular is categorically and grossly false. Critics did not care about sexism and Fall Out Boy’s lyrics are incredibly, incredibly tame compared to other mainstream media of the time. The senior rock editor of MTV news and rolling stone literally co wrote the book in which pete talks about wanting to hit his teenage girlfriend. Critics knew— they just didnt care.
I do have to give this person a lot of credit for intentionally separating FOBs involvement in racial justice with their treatment of women. This is something the fandom and other creators like history book writers seem incapable of doing, and in fact uses their past involvement in racial justice movements as a tool to harass people who criticize the band.
Urghh and then they trash courtney loves performance too and say she ruins the song. Not true.
Also I feel like this essay spends all its time arguing that srar hates its fans and fans hate it, maybe that was true of older fob fans but I was 13 when it came out and I immediately loved it and so did all of my peers. Fob also continued making pop rock for years and years after that too.
Finally, I think interpreting the entire album as about the relationship between FOB and their fans/critics and bitterly hateful is honestly a bit self absorbed of the author and is skewing their perception of the record as “fall out boy hate their fans”. They bring up MMY as a specific example of this when MMY is pretty clearly about Pete’s ex wife. Etc. Its very bizarre to write like this.
I also think calling MANIA a corporate album is bonkers and like calling FOB an industry plant or Kanye West a bad rapper demonstrates that this person isnt very knowledgeable but is pretending they are. Mania is very weak in many places but it is not “corporate” and “kowtowing to trends” just because they dont personally like it, lmao.
The whole second half of this is just them whining about how every song and every album fob released past 2008 is the worst thing ever. Which like. Okay. Sure
Anyway this is why I dont read or like other bandom essays, I just think no one is very smart about Fall Out Boy and people are intentionally stupid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but people probably think that about me too lol. This essay reeks of someone who only likes pre-2007 FOB music and is desperate to sound smart enough to back this up instead of seeming like a petulant child, and also seems delusional in that they view all of FOBs music to be about “hating their fans” to make their opinion seem mutual and justified. Anyway this essay blows
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melrosing · 8 months
It's crazy how often sexism leads to terrible media opinions. It's girly to have a compelling and emotional narrative with character arcs. Fangirls interpret the narrative as being deep and meaningful so we have to push back on that. People really think like that it's insane. Toxic masculinity is coming for Jaime from all goddamn sides he can't get away
yeah I do genuinely think that's a significant part of it, like I've seen enough times the whole 'redemption narrative' being blamed specifically on jaime fangirls which is just laughable, given the author has talked in interview about redemption as a theme in Jaime's story, and about his personal belief that redemption should be possible for everyone (his catholic ass showing)
and on some level sure, it's natural there will be different opinions in the room as to whether Jaime can be redeemed or not, GRRM anticipates that himself when he talks about redemption as a theme in that Rolling Stone interview. but then, there are things I don't necessarily want to happen in asoiaf, but if it's patently clear that that's where the narrative is headed.... well then that's that?? cope??
but yeah I think there's a specific antagonism towards 'redemption jaime' cos like 'oh you just want to fix the hot boy' and it's just??? so condescending lmao, like everything fans have to say about the story and its themes are reduced to vapid fantasies because you know the girlies can't think straight when it's a hot fictional dude. istg if hot fictional dudes were all I wanted there tend to be better sources than a song of ice and fuckin fire
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dsaf-confessions · 2 months
I'm gaining a minor fixation on musical theatre and this thought popped into my mind.
How would a DSaF musical work? What would the vibe be? The sets? What would the songs be about, what SPECIFIC PART of DSaF would be good for a musical (considering it's probably better to focus on one part than the whole timeline, yk?)?
Or DSaF movies, even? How many? I'm guessing one per game. What route would be touched on for either a movie or musical?
These are just silly little ideas I'm having I do not want to execute them nor to I expect it at all. Lmao it would never happen
-the. Hooker fox.
personally, i have a top three picks for when the dsaf musical would be best set!
Pre-canon. Perhaps with Henry's circus, focussing on william and henry and them opening up fredbear's
dsaf 1&2, following a gnarly route -> perfect route combo. we get to see jack completing his promise mindlessly, longing for a 'life' that means so much more than this. we get to see what causes him to work with dave and kill kids and go to vegas, and the regret he feels as he realises his selfishness took over him. we get to see him desperately try to make up for what he did in dsaf 1, and having act one conclude when he gradually connects the dots about peter. act 2 could follow him desperately try to make up for what he's done, if we go based off of the idea that peter shut out jack in the rain after dee died bc of jack being framed (a common and insanely angsty interpretation) then act 2 could follow jack desperately trying to save the kids and reconnect with his brother, the guilt from murdering kids and going to vegas creeping up on him even worse now. peter shut him out under the belief that he murdered dee, and he was so desperate to prove him wrong and that he would never, but how is he supposed to do that when he did murder children? the musical could end with peter letting jack in like he did at the end of the perfect route, and him being let back in could be symbolic of jack accepting his wrongdoings and swearing to never do that again.
just, the entire dsaf lore. if u wanna keep the act1/act2 combo, then act 1 could just be dsaf1 and 2 and 2 was just dsaf3. the majority of the story would be likely told in flashbacks
im sure its very obvious which of the three ideas is my fav
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disruptivevoib · 6 months
hi! ive listened to some of chonny jash's songs but did not realize that there was really a story? Or i vaguely knew but didn't have the time/energy to get into it and with the release of the bidding animation ive realized theres like a bajillion awesome animations and art and i want to get into cccc but have no clue how. also why does soul have a trident.
OH man!
The story of CCCC has an overall seeming narrative, but much of it's smaller points are interpretive due to Jash himself leaving it up to fans of the album. But! Overall it kind of goes like:
-Jash or, what most people call Whole, splits as due to mental dissonance and waning mental health. (Time Machine Reprise).
- Whole fades into Soul (End of TMR into Dream) and from there its Mucka Blucka as a sort of introductory song. The recap for a story you have or haven't heard yet.
- (The entire album is a time loop! Which is a big metaphor for the cycles of mental health and illness people go through.)
- From there its the section called "Cacophony" which starts off with Soul, but eventually it turns to Heart and Mind + their fighting and inability to see or listen to one another or their points of view. Of course, as Logic and Emotion, they both have valid ideas or opinions, but believe themselves so contradictory that the other must be evil or out to get them.
- Heart attempts to shoot Mind, as referred to in Ruler of Everything. Literal or Metaphorical as you take this, it is seemingly symbolic for an attempt at one's own life if not self sabotage. If not then both.
- The rest up until Soul Eclectic is sort of just the Mind and Heart fighting and their own personal views each on the situation.
- Soul in The Soul Eclectic reaches his breaking point. Threatening to kill them all (A more direct attempt at suicide)
- Mind and Heart in the subsequent songs decide to get their shit together.
- (Two Wuv) Soul realizes that not only can they be happier now but that trying to force themselves to conform to society's ideas of mental health or belief or love is just plainly unbeneficial. Sort of a song about unapologetically being yourself.
- Welcome To Tally Hall is a tribute to Tally Hall themselves more than anything.
- This transfers into Concord soon after! Concord is Whole or Jash by himself, though many of the songs seem to carry themes from Cacophony in them. Self sabotage, disagreement, importance placed on the wrong thing, the idea that no one person is better off than another. It concludes with Taken for a Ride. Which is also sort of CJ's epic "im burnt out as hell" song towards the end. But exaggerated to my knowledge for lyrical shenanigans.
That is CCCC as neutrally told as best as possible. I highly recommend forming your own ideas on it, but I'd be happy to also discuss more in depth my opinion on each song should you or anyone else express interest!
Getting into the Trident: The fandom took the metaphor of "Tridential Sovreignty" and "This trident he formed (found? Lyrics.) is both weapon and motive" and said "Soul's got a trident" to which Jash responded with "Absolutely yes he does now" Same with the crown most people put Mind in, and that is referenced in the "Trident, Crown and Blindfold" line.
Soul really did get noose imagery, a trident and a mask. All Heart n Mind got were a blindfold and crown. Lmao
Though Heart is also commonly drawn with wings. Which is semi-canonical according to album covers. I choose to ignore them because I don't particularly have an attachment to the idea!
Getting into the fandom itself, I can recommend looking around for the Chonny Jash Fan Server (CJFS) Discord link. But it can be extremely intimidating and even I just stick to discussion and one other thread channel. (Sides from my au channels which pop up every once a month or so).
Important note is that only Tally Hall covers have to do with HMS. Any of Jash's other music (of which I highly recommend, always) is unrelated. There is also a fan QnA somewhere that was done like a year ago now which has some neat answers in it.
I, again, am happy to go into my interpretations of HMS and the music as a whole but skdmsm saved you the reading hopefully should that be undesired!
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✨🌙 Free Intuitive Readings Open here!! 🌙✨
Hi guys:) I’m back:)
None of you probably remember me lmao but I used to do intuitive readings on here a few years ago now I guess and now maybe its the influence of this Cancer Moon but I’m feeling very drawn to do some intuitive readings again.
I’m feeling people’s energies pretty intensely & easily these days and can tap into energies pretty well.
I used to do these to practice my intuition and improve it but I really feel I’m in a place where I can hear and trust my intuition well and easily now. And I’ve came back here because idk where else to really do these for now lol so if u guys have any suggestions on where I can do these intuitive reading’s please dm me or inbox me and let me know.
But yes I’m doing intuitive readings again and my inbox is open for your questions of all kinds.
My rules are generally no health or pregnancy or death questions (obvious ethical reasons). I am not a psychic medium I cannot channel spirit but I am highly empathetic and intuitive & can tap into your energy and feel it to answer any questions you may have about your situation when it comes to general, love, friendship, financial, spiritual, career or anything else. I’m very visual so I will see what my intuition is saying sometimes.
I am mostly claircognizant (clear knowing), clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairempathy (clear feeling), clairaudient (clear hearing) and clairsalience (clear smell) in that order.
So I will usually feel your energy first then I might see some visions in my mind regarding you and your situation and can map out an answer from there. I feel you’re energy deeply so I may feel your pain and emotions too.
Reading rules
I just ask that you ask and send your questions into my inbox this format please:
• send all questions to my inbox
• anonymous questions are welcome. Just add your initials please
• your initials in your question please (it helps me focus on your energy)
• 3 free questions per day
• no health/pregnancy/death/spirit/celebrity or idol related questions please
• no spamming
• no future spouse readings
• feedback is not necessary but is greatly greatly appreciated. Feedback helps me understand and improve my intuition
• respect my space and time
Type of questions you can ask:
• yes or no questions
• how does X feel about me?
• test questions (test my intuition first if you like, ask what your pet’s name or initial is or something)
• should I pursue something?
• how do I feel about X?
• will I receive X by X amount of time?
• general questions regarding general, love, friendship, financial, spiritual, career
• what’s my energy/vibe like?
• what’s X’s energy like?
• I hear messages through songs ALOT so questions like: what song do you hear when you tap into my energy? What song represents our connection?
- Please take these readings with a grain of salt. I do these using my intuition, gut feeling & interpreting your energy. I feel out your energy whilst reading your question & discuss what the energies are like regarding your topic & what messages i may hear or see. Therefore my interpretation of the energies is subjective to your own.
- I do not claim to be 100% accurate or completely right. I just get a feel of the energy & I may not always be right. I understand sometimes I may misinterpret energy or get thing’s completely wrong and that’s okay but I try to separate my thoughts completely when tapping into readings & energies to avoid this as well as cleansing my energy regularly.
- Everything I say is based on the current energies of whatever situation. Think of energies as being in different restaurants or social settings; there’s a different vibe in each bar, restaurant or social setting & the people add to the energies within that setting. This is what I mean by “energy”. Therefore, I am extra sensitive & empathic to these energies & can feel the emotions of the environment/people/situations a whole lot easier.
Tips are also welcome if you feel inclined, it is much appreciated. 😊✨🤍
If you have any questions dm me but thank you so much! :)
(FAQS are in #faqs search tag in my profile)
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just-antithings · 4 months
not really an anti thing but something that kind of pulled me to the "huh, it's probably why kids can easily be antis" thought:
was watching "teens react to i'm not racist" and its both funny and fascinating watching their reactions which is like:
- i'm uncomfortable
- i'm angry
- i'm uncomfortable and this shouldn't have been made
- i'm angry and happy the black guy is "winning"
- i'm angry and uncomfortable and this should have been more
- i don't get why the two men hugged in the end (the music video ends with a racist white guy and a black guy hugging, there isn't an actual solid conclusion on the conflict. kinda open ending)
- i'm (understandably) too cynical, too angry, too hurt, etc to fully believe talking it out will help
very funnily they all were all "yeah, i understood the video" despite the fact that most of them didn't like the two guys hugging at the end
and me watching it made me reflect. kids are still learning how to process emotions, both positive and negative. and they're rarely satisfied with a gray kind of answer. they want a definitive, binary, black-and-white conclusion.
and theoretically they'll learn how to process that as they get older, and be more inquisitive and reflect and blah blah blah. but sometimes they don't, and they grow up relying on their knee jerk first reactions and thinking that's the only right thought.
(which i find ironic because im p sure part of the message of that song is warning against that lmao, but i digress. thats just my interpretation of it)
and like. yknow. people should be a lil uncomfy with media. should be a lil dissatisfied with open endings. even non-endings. should be a lil frustrated that there's no hard "good wins, evil loses" happily ever after. should understand that while stories and songs are powerful tools, there's a limit to what they can do and it's weird to elevate an artist's work to high moral levels and think it can "do more" (i still don't understand what that kid meant, did they want joyner lucas to materialize from the screen like sadako and punch a white dude???? what did that mean?????????).
it's enrichment, apparently. keeps the anti thoughts from growing
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taylortruther · 14 hours
Raee, what do you think Taylor meant in IHIH when she sings "Quick quick, tell me something awful like you are a poet trapped inside a body of a finance guy"? I saw a vídeo where a girl interpreted it as sort of like "lets dig beneath this surface levei talk" like the person shes talking to needs to be less logical, deeper. I always thought it meant something completely different tho, like sort of asking someone to tell you a bad joke that you're not really interested in hearing (maybe mostly bc the imagery that comes to my mind is more negative lmao like the finance guy and the tortured poet being sort of like the two basteons of misogyny and mansplaining in my mind), with the "Quick quick" being ironic. Its just the poet trapped inside the finance guy thing for me is like not only someone who's unable to express how they feel but also someone who will turn those imaginative ideas into babble
it comes across as ironic to me, too! the whole song is about how reality is terrible and she escapes into her own mind/imagination... she used to court attention, now she can't even be outside... she wouldn't fit in anywhere, even the past sucked... the real world is so cruel, she can no longer find a way to fit into it... quick, tell me something terrible, like you wanted life to be different...
it kind of reminds me of the lakes or paris or sweet nothing. i want to transport you somewhere the culture's clever, i'm too soft for all of it, so take me to the lakes where the poets went to die, i don't belong, my town was a wasteland full of cages full of fences, another fortnight lost in america. just this strong sense of being too soft, of life not turning out how she wanted.
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