#its like 2AM but hey its the weekend so who cares
dailycupofcreativitea · 9 months
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The blorbos are fighting :O
(Rough doodlessss)
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Thank you so much for the response to my request <3. the fic was better then I could have hoped!!!!
I have a new request (but feel free to focus on the story themes you were wanting to do!), I have been really wanting to see a Jamie fic where he takes care of sick reader. Could be period or illness (no preference) and Jamie has no idea how to help but tries his best. I think its a cute idea
Can't wait to read more of your fics!
Thank you so much for requesting!! Literally love when people ask me to write things. Also, apparently everyone loves a sickfic because my other one has the most notes of everything I’ve written. Anyway, here’s your fic!
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there’s orange juice in the kitchen
You are not sure of much, but you know one thing: you’re in pain. It’s 2am, and you’ve gotten a grand total of two hours of sleep. You’ve given up on laying in your bed and have filled up your bath with hot water, bubbles, and bath salts. Lots of bath salts. Your abdomen feels like it’s shredding itself and you suppose, technically speaking, it is. You’re just relieved that tomorrow is the weekend and you don’t have to slog through a work day, white-knuckling these absolutely ripping period cramps. 
You don’t have regular periods like, ever, and your doctor’s concerned about your fertility. You remember waving it off with the statement, “That’s a problem for another day.” Thing is, that was just a cop-out. You didn’t want to think about it for a single second because then it would become real, and you make it a personal point never to complain about a period no matter how brutal it is because at least it’s something and never mind that your last one was four months ago, you’re ok. You have a good life and good people and you’re fine. 
It’s just the principle, you know? The desire of choice. 
The hormones don’t help either. 
But anyway, you’re in your tiny bath trying to soothe the pain you’re in, trying to make yourself tired enough to fall asleep once you get out. You breathe, in, out. In, out. 
You’re up till 6am when you finally doze off. 
You wake up in a sweaty haze. You’re in soft pants and a large t-shirt, on top of your sheets rather than in them. You reach for your phone then pull your legs in with a sharp gasp. You’re still in pain. 
It subsides so you reach again and check the time. 9:01. You groan. Three hours of dubious sleep is not enough. You have a missed text from Sam (remind me which brand of kitchenware you use?) two missed texts from Keeley (look at this absolutely adorable puppy! Attached: 1 Image), and a missed call from Jamie. 
Ah, right. Jamie. 
Your boyfriend. 
Who you were supposed to meet for breakfast exactly sixteen minutes ago. 
You call him back and he answers on the first ring. 
“Hey love!” he says. “You alright? Not like you to miss breakfast.”
You grimace. “I uh, I wasn’t feeling well last night and I haven’t slept very good. I forgot to text you. Didn’t fall asleep until 6.”
“A.M.?” Jamie asks and you reply to the affirmative. He lets out a long “shiiit,” followed by a, “how contagious are you?”
“For you? Not very,” you say. “For another girl, incredibly contagious, although some say that’s an old wive’s tale.”
Jamie is silent in confusion, then- “Ohh, I get it! You’re not sick-sick, you’re on your fucking period.”
You chuckle, despite remaining curled up on your side. 
“Yes,” you reply, “My fucking period. I feel nauseous and tired and I am bleeding so. Much. It’s like my body’s making up for the last four months of nothing.”
Jamie’s silent for a moment and you internally cringe, kicking yourself for over sharing. You haven’t been together that long, about a month and a half, and he doesn’t need to know that about you. He’s a famous footballer, after all, and a guy’s guy. Probably gets grossed out about periods and stuff. 
Then he says, “Can I come over? I’ll bring food,” and your worries almost completely evaporate. 
“As long as you don’t care about how disgusting I am or the fact that I hurt a lot, sure,” you say. “I’ll leave the door unlocked.”
Jamie’s at your flat in 40 minutes, which is fast considering how much food he walks in with. He’s brought a bag of Chinese takeout, plus two overflowing grocery bags. 
“This is for now, these are for later,” he explains. He’s in a pink sweatshirt with matching shorts and socks, and maybe it’s the damned hormones again but he looks hot. His hair is pushed back with a headband and you want him to fuck you. You don’t think you can convince him, though, what with the blood. And the fact that he’s Jamie fucking Tartt. And that he probably doesn’t do shit like that because it’s gross. 
Your brain whispers, but he’s here, isn’t he? so you just push that thought down to live with other scary ones like, I will never have kids, or I’m going to live with this pain for the rest of my life.
Jamie is oblivious to this, just pulling everything out of the bags and chattering on. He’s kicked off his trainers near the door, and he hasn’t made any comments about the fact that you’ve wrapped a blanket around your shoulders like a shroud, or that your hair is in the messiest bun in the history of the world. Not the sexy, reader-insert fan fiction type of messy bun, either. Just an I-did-not-get-anywhere-NEAR-enough-sleep-last-night messy bun. 
“-and me mum always drank orange juice, swore it helped with bloating or hydration or somethin’, I don’t really know, but I got some of that too and this tea that’s supposed to help with cramps, and also a shit-ton of chocolate because I didn’t know which kind was your favorite. I was thinking we can sit on the couch and watch a movie or play Animal Crossing or some shit while eating the takeout, then I can cook you a proper fucking meal later. Coach always says it’s important to have a balanced meal when you’re under the weather, and I think it applies to this too.” He stops when he notices you just looking at him. “You alright, babe?”
“Yeah, I just- why did you get all this?” you blurt out. 
For the first time since you’ve known him, Jamie looks unsure of himself. “I dunno. I mean, I do know. You didn’t sound great over the phone, and Keeley’s always telling me to fucking listen to other people, and me mum was always the same on her period so I used to get her the things she wanted all the time. And-” he takes a breath, “and I picked up on what you said. The fuckin’ four-months shit. That ain’t good babe. Even I know that. And, we haven’t been together that long, but I’m pretty fucking sure you know that too, and I wanted to let you know I’m sorry.”
You’re momentarily fixed on the way he says certain words. Keeleh. Sorreh. It’s sweet, for some reason, and it causes a dull ache in your chest. You realize what he’s actually said to you and that ache deepens. You’d kiss him if you weren’t sure your breath was gross. 
So instead, you settle for nodding and staring at your kitchen wall. That’s because option one is kissing and option two is crying. You can’t do either right now.
A traitor tear slips out your eye anyway, and you hope Jamie won’t see it. He does. 
“Hey, hey.” He comes around the counter and pulls you into a hug, blanket shroud, messy bun, and all. “Love. It’s alright. It’s alright. You’re not alone, and we’re going to go sit on the couch and eat as much food as we can and then pass out, alright? We’re not going to think about anything else except what’s right in fuckin’ front of us.”
“That was,” you sniff, “weirdly philosophical. And very sweet. And I’m sorry for being disgusting.”
Jamie pulls away from you, and you think this is the first time he’s realized how gross you are. 
“Don’t say that shit, babe,” he says, and you laugh before you realize he isn’t joking. 
“I’m serious,” he continues. “You might feel disgusting, but you aren’t. You smell like fucking lavender, for Christ’s sake. Your pajamas are clean, and so’s your hair. Might be fuckin’ messy right now, but me mum also taught me to braid, so it’s nothing that can’t be fixed.”
You pull him back against you and let some more tears come out. 
“Why are you being so nice,” you ask, voice muffled through his sweatshirt. 
“Oh, dunno,” he replies, hint of a smile in his voice, “Think you’re fit. I like shower sex. You pick.” He pauses. “Maybe both. Heard that it can help with cramps.”
You laugh wetly into his chest. He’s warm and comforting, and so completely not what you expected him to be. You both stand in the kitchen for another minute, his cheek resting on your head before he says, “Oi, you hungry?”
“God, yes,” you say, “I could eat a fucking horse.”
“Good.” Jamie picks up the bulging bag of takeout and a roll of paper towels. “Lead the way, babe.”
It’s not until much later, after you’ve eaten, watched a movie, and showered (and all that implies) that you realize you’re finally tired. Finally calm. You let yourself relax on your bed in Jamie’s arms, breathing in his clean smell. In, out. In, out. By the third breath, you’re asleep. 
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2jaeh · 3 years
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genre: smut, angst
warnings: mature themes, enemies to lovers kinda, kinda toxic theme, multiple smut scenes, swearing, alcohol, toys. 
slight jenoxreader 
word count : 17,5k (sorrry he’s my ult)
author: sin! 
You and Yuta never had a good relationship within your group of friends. The closest the two of you ever came to even slightly caring about each other was...in bed. After some friendly advice you decide to venture out of this toxicity and an old friend comes to the rescue. Thinking things will finally settle and you are ready to move on, Yuta comes to the realization that he wasn't a fan of you leaving him for someone else. 
A/N: WHOA this took me so long to write and rn its 2am and I barely proofread anything and just wanted to post it already! ALSO I just wanted to add Jeno is practically my ult as well and I wanted to use him for this scenario ! I promise Ill make it up to you guys with a full length fic of him lol Anyways enjoy. 
You couldn’t understand why you hated him so much. Was it the way he did his hair ? The way he rolled his eyes at every snarky remark you directed at him ?
Or was it the way he stared at you from across the room, a smirk on his face signaling that it was going to be one of those nights.
You joined this collective of artists or the “blank space” as you were known to the public, a year ago. The team did everything from clothing to organizing crazy exhibitions, and the best part of it all was that the team members remained anonymous.
Now some of the members were already in the spotlight for their personal artworks and collections but anything under blank space was under that name only, promoted only under its respective social media accounts. The collective was founded by Taeyong, an introverted guy you met at a fashion show you once worked at. He approached you the night your art hit the runway and you’ve been working for him ever since.
You didn’t know everybody under Blank Space except for the people Taeyong trusted the most. Which from possibly 50 designers, only reduced to a total of nine close friends.
Taeyong, Johnny, Ten, Renjun, YangYang, Doyoung, Sungchan, Lucas and You.
And then, there was one person you called a friend when the mood was right. When he was not being an absolute pain in the ass.
Yuta Nakamoto.
“So there’s a launch happening this weekend over at the shed” Taeyong announced to your friend group who were barely paying attention thanks to Yangyang attempting to stuff four marshmallows into his mouth. “Come on you can do one more” Lucas edged him on while Renjun shook his head disapprovingly and Sungchan tried to suppress his laughter.
“Guys please pay attention” Doyoung, the only type of authority around here spoke up, finally quieting down the room and allowing his best friend to speak.
Taeyong cleared his throat and shifted nervously as all eyes were focused on him again. “I’d like all of us to attend, maybe look for a new recruit” the timid pink haired boy spoke and everyone nodded knowing the routine of these launches at this point.
“Can we party hard or is this just one of those save face kinda gigs ?” Yuta raised his hand and the spark in Lucas’s eyes indicated that he may have had the same idea.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your leg over the other, “Yuta’s having a dry spell he wants to find some damsel in distress to get into his bed” you turned to him and he only smirked at your snarky comment.
“Well now y/n it’s only because you haven’t been in the mood for my dick lately” he pouted and Renjun threw his head back, followed by groans from both Johnny and Ten.
“I’m not in the mood for the two of you today seriously” Ten chimed in, rubbing his temples just waiting for this group meeting to be over. “Yeah me too” Johnny added, “you two fight the entire week then hook up over the weekend, we are tired.”
“Why are you guys tired ? Are you doing the fighting and fucking ?” Yuta scoffed and Doyoung jumped to his feet, folding his arms across his chest as he looked down at the scowling black haired man,
“This is a work meeting. If it's not about work” Doyoung eyes moved to you, “then we don’t want to hear about it.”
You nodded after getting reprimanded but Yuta being Yuta just snickered and downed the rest of his coffee, unbothered by what any of the people in the room had to say about him.
“Okay then well I’ll see you guys Friday night, if you find a possible recruitment just text the group chat and we will decide as a team then and there” Taeyong wrapped up the meeting and everyone dispersed back to their work stations to finish up any outstanding projects.
Blank Space had its own office block but you guys were the only ones with a private floor at the very end of the hallway, far away from the part-timers.
Everyone had their own cubicle made up of makeshift drywall, so it was private but not private enough. Taeyong felt that closed offices made no sense for a room of creatives and when working on bigger projects it was easier for members to move their stations to their partners' cubicles.
Your cubicle though had the unfortunate fate of being placed in front of Yuta. The members had tried to swap with either of you but neither of you budged. Moving meant there was a problem and showing that you had an actual problem with the other person meant it could sabotage the team and things may go sour.
So both of you conceded. Trying your absolute best to stay out of the other person's way during work hours. But it was impossible when bickering was just something you guys did.
From the very beginning You and Yuta had disagreed on almost everything. Both of you were pretty stubborn people and had a very similar mindset. Then on a random drunken night Johnny suggested that you and Yuta needed to release your anger in bed and the next day you’d be best friends. Yuta was pretty adamant on the idea and not only did you hook up once, it became this ongoing hell of fighting, building up your anger and releasing it during mind blowing sex.
Neither of you questioned the abnormality of your relationship. Rather, you ignored the red flags and the toxicity of it all and just assumed attraction only happened through liquor, high sexual needs and boredom.
“Hey y/n sorry about snapping like that earlier” Doyoung stepped into your cubicle, his gummy smile showing as he nervously scratched his head.  “It’s no problem, I’m sorry about my stupid comment” you pressed your lips together feeling a tad guilty that it all started because of you.
“You guys really love riling each other up don’t you?” Doyoung took a seat opposite you which was a bit unnatural for anyone who walked by. Doyoung was a very reserved person and never bothered to converse with any of you besides Taeyong. Unlike the rest of you Doyoung was recruited to handle finances and foresee the operation. He appreciated the arts but never delved in it, hence his awkwardness with the openness and unhinged personalities of the group.
“I get that it can be...exhausting” you sighed, propping your elbows up on the counter and pouting.
“Then why do you continue ?” Doyoung quizzed and you shrugged, “stress relief ?”
Doyoung chuckled at your words and pushed his spectacles up his bridge, “you guys are the ones stressing each other out,” Doyoung turned back to look at Yuta who was busy sketching and turned back to face you,
“All I’m saying is that maybe it’s time to look for a stress reliever that doesn’t result in anger the very next day, you guys need to move on.”
Move on.
Doyoung’s words swam in your mind hours after the short conversation had ended and you wondered if it was indeed time to move on. You looked up from your desk and to your surprise Yuta’s eyes were locked with yours as he twirled a lollipop in his mouth.
The issue was, as much as you hated him you couldn’t deny he was so goddamn hot. From the long hair to the edgy attire, physically he was your type. Personality on the other hand, it was like nails against a chalkboard.
You kept your eyes locked with him until he slowly pulled the sweet out of his mouth, licked his lips and blew you a cheeky kiss from across the room.
“Moron” you mumbled and shook your head trying to ignore his devilish motives and get back to work.
Doyoung was right. You definitely needed to find someone to distract yourself from Yuta’s hold over you.
It was the night of the launch and everybody showed up with their own rides and  began mingling with former clients and partners. You arrived with Ten and Lucas who already decided to pre-game drinks just in case ‘there wasn’t enough at the party.’
“Hey please do us a favor and not hook up with Yuta tonight” Ten wrapped his arm around your shoulder as the two of you maneuvered through the groups of people. “Not planning on it” you replied in his ear, “and besides Doyoung already beat you to that pep talk.”
“Doyoung ?” Ten wrinkled his nose before ordering the two of you a mojito from the open bar.
“Yeah he said that I should move on, possibly find a new hookup” you shrugged, retrieving the drink and headed to a balcony that overlooked the first floor of the launch party. There were bodies of people everywhere, networking, checking out merchandise or just getting plain wasted.
“Seems like Lucas has already been cut off from the open bar” Ten pointed out, watching the tall man try to push his way back to the bar but the bouncer refused him to do so.
“Let me go help him out, I'll catch up later” Ten sighed and gave you a pat on your shoulder, “and yeah find a new hookup, if Yuta gets to sleep around so can you.”
You watched Ten disappear into the crowd and twirled the glass in your hand wishing what he had said was that easy.
There were no rules about hooking up with other people or just any reinforcements in general when it came to you and Yuta. But you we’re well aware of his loose sex life. There were many times where Yuta ended up going home with some random person if he wasn’t in the mood to hook up with you. But You on the other hand, never bothered these days because you were either too busy or whoever you met just ended up boring you to death.
“Y/n ?” You heard someone say from behind you and to your surprise it was a face you hadn’t seen in years.
“Jeno ? Oh my God” you quickly gave the blonde boy a quick hug, taken back by how much he had filled out since high school.
Jeno used to help you out from time to time during proms and fashion shows, lending out his strength to build anything from sculptures to installation art in the city.
“I was wondering when I was going to bump into you at one of these shows” his bright smile turned his eyes into crescents as he joined you at the balustrade. The Jeno you knew in high school was a lanky shy kinda guy but the Jeno you saw now was confident, mature and outright gorgeous.
“I’m quite surprised seeing you here actually” you chuckled shyly, “I didn’t know you’d pursue anything in this field to be honest.”
“Wow” Jeno mouthed and cutely grinned, “hmm that kinda hurt considering I’m the one who made the centerpiece of this entire launch”
Your eyes widened as you looked down at the structure of colored sharpies bound together to create a giant rubix cube in the middle of the party. “Holy shit that’s awesome my boss would absolutely love you” you gasped, knowing Taeyong absolutely loved installation art especially at a large scale like this.
“Oh who’s your boss ? I’m actually a free agent right now” Jeno replied and you quickly remembered the reason you were even at the launch in the first place. “Wait! We’re looking for recruits right now, let me just tell the others about it” you said excitedly, handing Jeno your drink and pulled up the group chat on your phone.
A few minutes later everyone confirmed the meeting place of a private room located on the second floor, quiet enough for a quick interview and decision. The best part of this job was everyone was so connected that there was no need to go through the process of a full portfolio look and a million interviews, all you needed was a trusted ally within the group to vouch for you and you were already one foot in.
“Ten and Yangyang took Lucas home after he tried to challenge the bartender to an arm wrestling match” Johnny entered the room and sipped his whiskey while Renjun and Sungchan followed close behind him. Taeyong and Doyoung stood in front of the room discussing something amongst themselves while you and Jeno took a seat on the burgundy couch.
Yuta entered shortly after, drink in hand and you noticed his eyes narrow in on Jeno who sat close to you. “Okay everyone who’s able to make it is here let’s get started” Taeyong clasped his hands together, “everybody this is Jeno Lee and a long time friend of y/n.”
“Not that long but yeah we did work together” Jeno chuckled and got to his feet, “well I’m an installation artist, I actually made the centerpiece in tonight’s launch.”
“Wow, it's amazing!” Renjun complimented and Sungchan agreed, giving Jeno a thumbs up, “yeah man that piece is brilliant.”
Jeno smiled from ear to ear as the meeting proceeded with everyone going through a few of Jenos works and what he could bring to the team. While your teammates concentrated on Jenos work all you could concentrate on was Jeno himself.
You wondered if Jeno knew how gorgeous he was in his effortless tank top and denim jeans combo. You hoped no one caught you staring but someone was well aware of your actions.
Yuta watched how you looked at the young guy, he wasn’t stupid, he knew when you found someone attractive and the way you were ogling Jeno right now, he didn’t like it at all.
The meeting ended and everyone welcomed Jeno to the collective. Johnny gave him a few pointers on which coffee to order from the cafe next to the office and Sungchan exchanged gamer tags with his new friend.
“I’ll see you guys on Monday” you waved as everyone exited the meeting and before you could make your way to catch up with Jeno and Sungchan you were being pulled back into the room.
“Your place or mine ?” Yuta mused and snaked an arm around your waist, looking down at you with dark eyes.
“Neither” you responded, “I’m gonna hang with Jeno and head home, you should find that little damsel to play with”
“Don’t be difficult y/n we're long overdue for our therapy session now” he groaned, pressing his lips to your ear and jaw. As much as he aroused you by just breathing you thought about what Doyoung had said, you needed to move on from this mess.
“Listen I think we need to just stop our sessions” you stepped away from him leaving Yuta slightly taken back from your actions, “let’s move on, be out of each other’s way and not make the group uncomfortable okay ?”
Yuta watched you press your lips together and finally make your exit, leaving him completely alone. You denied his advances for the first time since the two of you started sleeping together and something in him broke.
Monday came around and the whole team buzzed about Jeno joining the team. Usually a new recruit would hang downstairs with the part time designers but because Taeyong trusted your judgement on Jeno, he was able to integrate with the team.
“Man that Jeno guy seems real chill” Yangyang hopped alongside Johnny and Yuta who were doing the morning coffee run. Yuta kept his composure despite knowing he wasn’t a huge fan of someone new joining the team and throwing off the dynamic. Hands in his pocket he ignored Yangyangs endless questions about the meeting, allowing Johnny to entertain the eager young boy.
“All I know is that having Jeno around means I don’t have to do all the carrying when Lucas bails on me” Johnny sipped his drink as they made their way back to their office. To their surprise Jeno had just arrived, looking like a lost puppy as he examined the names of the floors next to the secretary desk.
“Speak of the devil” Johnny threw his arm around Jeno, startling the boy and led him over to the elevator, “we’re at the top floor newbie, make sure to get an access card from Taeyong.”
“T-thanks” Jeno grinned and bowed politely to both Yuta and Yangyang before stepping into the elevator. The other guys barely bothered with Yuta’s reaction to Jeno because he rarely liked anyone enough to show any sign of enthusiasm. Jeno wasn’t going to change that.
The elevator opened to the top floor and Jeno awed at the chilled atmosphere you all had created here. From Ten’s thousands of plants around the room, Taeyongs fish, a pool table brought in by Lucas and gaming stations set up by Sungchan, it looked like paradise.
“This....is so cool oh my God” Jeno stepped in, his eyes wandering all over the place until it locked on you hanging over at the fish tank with Taeyong.
“Y/n!” Jeno jogged over and you greeted him with a wide smile and a tight hug, “Jeno you made it!” You gleamed. Jeno quickly shook Taeyong’s hand unsure of how formal of a boss he actually was.
“Whoa I feel like a principal” Taeyong giggled as he dropped a few fish flakes for his babies. “Wow, does everybody have their own cubicle ?” Jeno strolled around the room taking a peak at the vast versions of decor each cubicle adorned.
“Yeah” you responded, “but I don’t think yours is ready yet right Doyoung ?”
“That’s right,” Doyoung replied and folded his arms across his chest, “you don’t mind sharing for the week do you ?”
Jeno shrugged and looked over at you, “I was hoping to catch up with y/n anyway, I don’t mind sharing if it’s okay with you ?”
“It’s perfectly fine” you assured him and gestured over to your cubicle, “me casa is su casa.”
“I’m just gonna need some admin stuff sorted Jeno can you join me for a bit ?” Doyoung asked and Jeno nodded, giving you a quick hug before heading off to the administration offices with Doyoung. You watched the blonde guy exit and something just felt so much brighter in the office. You felt a sense of excitement of what’s to come now that Jeno was back in your life. But like all sunny days there always comes a thunderstorm and yours was staring you down like he was waiting to rain on your parade.
“What ?” You blinked, and Yuta shrugged as he peeked into your cubicle. “It’s a bit small isn’t it ? Don’t think two people can work in here” he raised his brow and looked over at you.
“It’s fine” you sighed and pushed past him, “it’s only for a week and he’s not a stranger to me, why do you care ?”
“I don’t” Yuta mumbled, dragging his feet back to his cubicle leaving you questioning his slightly odd behavior. Your mind quickly snapped out of it when Jeno had made his way back, that bright smile spread across his face and suddenly it felt like sunshine filled the room once more.
“I’m back!” He sang and pulled a chair opposite you, retrieving his laptop already looking like a regular in the office.
“Did Doyoung tell you about tonight ? Our little welcoming party over at Kleo’s Sky Bar ?” You asked, skimming through your emails for the day. “Oh, yeah he did, I mean you guys don’t have to do all of this” Jeno chuckled shyly, those pretty eyes distracting you for the third time that day.
“Nah we do it for everyone, and it’s better you know everyone drunk to avoid future surprises” you pointed over to Lucas who was coaching Yangyang through a trick shot at the pool table.  “Gotcha” Jeno nodded, as he watched one of the balls fly off the table and nearly knock Renjun in the back. It was chaos absolutely everyday in the office and you knew Jeno was going to love it here.
But even with Jeno in front of you, your new distraction, your new beginning, like Doyoung and Ten had said you needed, it was a habit at this point to look across the room, wondering what Yuta was up to. You watched him remove his cardigan, exposing his arms in those loose tank tops he always loved to wear as he concentrated on a sketch in front of him. Thankfully he was fully immersed in his work for once to take notice of your eyes on him. You continued observing him, watching him nod along to probably some alternative song blaring in his headphones as he sketched away on his iPad. He was so effortlessly attractive when he wasn’t aware of it.
You needed to snap out of this daydream.
“So are you seeing anyone these days ?”
“Hmm ?”
Jeno laughed as you finally realized that he’d been talking to you and you mentally cursed yourself for even being distracted by Yuta of all people.
“I’m sorry..Uhm no I’m not seeing anyone” you replied, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and Jeno nodded cutely, “uh good...uhm not good that you’re alone but I was hoping you weren’t...God I’m still so bad at this”
You felt your cheeks heat up seeing Jeno fumble over his words and get nervous about asking you such a question. He was so adorable and something in you also wondered if he was like this in a relationship, or in the bedroom.
Was he dominant ? Was he passive ? Yuta was very dominant and you’d even rile him up to the point of him making you shut up with his actions.
“Y/n ?” Jeno waved his hand in front of your face and you shook your head, you couldn’t believe you did it again. What the hell was wrong with you ?
“Oh my God Jeno I'm so sorry...these emails are just a pain in the ass” you lied but thankfully Jeno took the bait and nodded, “it’s okay I’ll let you get back to work, I was going to go down to the cafe, do you want anything ?”
“Yeah a cafe latte would be great thank you” You felt guilty but it was still only two days since you decided to cut off Yuta so adjusting was going to take a bit of time.
Jeno had left for the cafe and you quickly dove straight into your work, hoping the time would just fly by. That was until you heard a knock and watched Yuta saunter into your cubicle and take a seat right in front of you. You watched him prop his elbows on the table and his piercing eyes narrowed down on you as if he were waiting for an answer.
“Why are you here ?” You questioned him, doing your best to divert your attention from his chiseled arms and exposed chest.
“I want an explanation,” Yuta said calmly, his voice deep and monotone.
“To what ?” You knew fully well what he was talking about but you were really  not in the mood to talk to him about this.  Yuta sighed and cocked his head to the side, clearly annoyed by your response. “Why the fuck are we calling it quits when we are nothing to each other ? Can’t we just hook up and ignore each other as usual ?” You sensed the annoyance in his voice. Denying him that night was indeed eating him up since you’ve never done it before.
“Yuta that’s the whole point” you rubbed your temples, “if we are nothing to each other then we shouldn’t be hooking up, it just ties us together for absolutely no reason.”
Yuta stayed quiet for a bit and eventually just nodded, “fine do whatever you want I guess.” You watched him walk out, not bothering to give you a second look and you wondered if the unsettling feeling you were experiencing in this moment was how he felt two days ago.
Nothing made sense.
The evening arrived and everyone was in good spirits because you were all headed to one of your favourite spots in town. “Lucas you gotta do karaoke tonight” Sungchan threw his arm around the large brown haired man as they entered the bar. “Hmm give me a few rounds of drinks first” Lucas stuck out his tongue as he gestured to the waitress to get the gang the usual table.
Thankfully tonight the bar was fairly empty which meant that the gang could really loosen up without the prying eyes of strangers wishing you’d all just leave.
“Wow this place is pretty cool” Jeno gleamed, allowing you to enter the booth first like a true gentleman before scooting right in next to you. Yuta opted for the seat at the very end as usual, so he could sneak off to smoke without bothering any of friends every couple of minutes. The position also gave him a clear view of you and Jeno who were snuggled up in the corner already lost in your own private conversation.
“Beer ?” Johnny nudged Yuta, snapping him out of his fixation. Yuta nodded and slumped back in his seat trying his best to focus on whatever Renjun and Yangyang were talking about. It’s not like him to feel this way. Usually by now he’d be seated next to you, annoying the shit out of you until he saw those pretty eyes glare at him with rage. Then after you’d have a few drinks you’d be leaning on his shoulder, playing with his rings until he offered to take you home, and then-
“To Jeno!” Lucas yelled, lifting up a shot glass of God knows what and rallied everyone to join in on his toast.
“To Jeno” you grinned leaning into Jeno’s side and clinked glasses with him. Jeno felt warm, comforting, he made it so easy for you to just enjoy having him around rather than it being a task. That’s what a healthy relationship was like wasn’t it ?
“Jeno Im glad and also sorry that you have to join the most annoying group of people ever” Doyoung half smiled and Taeyong waved his hand, “we’re not that annoying Jeno I promise” the pink haired boy reassured him despite Renjun and Ten agreeing with Doyoung’s words. Jeno just laughed it off and turned to you with a bright smile as he draped his arm over your shoulder,
“Kinda feels like fate that I bumped into you huh?”
You know he may have been joking but Jeno was really unaware that his presence really was the antidote to getting rid of the Yuta situation. The team loved him, he was someone you knew and could trust, it was all right there for you, written on paper. Nothing could possibly go wrong… right ?  
“Fourth round is on me” Taeyong held up his card to the waitress despite his tired eyes were quite evident. Everyone was well over tipsy and Lucas had already entertained the bar with his beautiful rendition of “Starboy” by The Weeknd and Johnny stepped in as his air guitar player in the back.
“Gotta go to the bathroom!” You whined while Jeno helped you to your feet as you pushed your way past a sleeping Renjun and a spaced out Sungchan. You could tell tonight was going to take a toll on everyone tomorrow morning.
You quickly exited to the back where the bathrooms were located. You walked down the dim hallway, mentally thanking yourself for not overdoing it with the alcohol as each step became darker and darker.
“Watch your step” someone said and you turned around to see Yuta leaning over a railing with a cigarette sticking out of his mouth.
“Yeah” you managed to say and entered the bathroom before he could say anything else. The lack of alcohol didn’t stop the intrusive thoughts of Yuta filling your mind as you stopped to wash your hands. All you could think about was if he was going to be there when you walked back. Was he going to say anything ? Was he going to do anything ?
Were you going to do anything ?
You stepped outside, head a little more muddled than when you walked in and your first question was answered, Yuta was still there leaning up against the wall looking ahead of him. You slowly began your journey back, keeping your head down to avoid any type of confrontation with him.
“Y/n….” He mumbled, reaching out until he had a grip on your wrist causing your eyes to look up at him. Why did he look so goddamn breathtaking right now, with his stupid black hair all messy and his eyes luring you in like a lion to it’s prey.
“W-what ?” You replied, unsure why you still allowed him to hold you or even have the nerve to stop you from getting back to the rest of your friends. Yuta pushed himself off the wall and turned your body so you were now pressed against the concrete and his body was pressed against you. Your breathing hitched as he ran his fingers lightly down your arms. His eyes concentrated on his movements while yours focused on his face, watching him bite down on his lip as he took in the position the two of you were now in.
“You remember a few weeks back and I had you up against this wall moaning my name ?” His voice was so low that it aroused you, making you mentally curse yourself for the lewd thoughts.
“Yuta…” you sighed but there was a hint of desperation in your voice surprising yourself but not really phasing Yuta at all.
“Yeah just like that” he hummed before pressing his lips to your jaw, and peppered kisses all the way down to your neck. You felt yourself willingly giving him access, melting into every kiss he placed on your warm skin. Yuta’s hands grabbed your waist and pinned you against the wall while your hands instinctively wrapped around his neck and into the soft tufts of his hair.
“Yuta…we shouldn’t…I shouldn’t” you breathed, feeling yourself pulling him closer instead of pushing him away.
“Tell me no and I’ll stop y/n '' Yuta said into your ear to which you responded by pulling him by his belt buckle and pushed yourself up to capture his lips. Yuta’s dominance finally showed when he slipped his leg in between yours, giving you the chance to gain a bit of friction your core so desperately desired at this point. You felt Yuta’s smirk in your kiss when you began grinding down on his thigh showing him the obedient whore you were for him. Nothing Yuta loved more was for you to beg for him, beg for his touch, need him. That was until the two of you heard footsteps and to your dismay it was the last person you’d ever want to see you trapped against a wall with the man you hated.
It was Lee Jeno.
“I’m sorry I - I’m sorry I’ll leave you guys alone-“ Jeno stumbled, he felt his cheeks heat up and made his quick exit out of the hallway.
“Jeno!” You called, pushing Yuta off and tried to neaten yourself. Yuta felt a heated sensation overcoming his body the moment he saw the look in your eye when you saw Jeno and the way you pushed him off like he was a piece of trash. Like he was nothing.
“You know maybe if you’d stop pretending like you don’t wanna fuck me then we can go back to normal” Yuta spat, not caring about the unfortunate situation that had just unfolded.
You turned around to face him and the next words that came out of your mouth you weren’t sure if you were going to regret it or not.
“You’re right Yuta that’s all you are to me and that’s all you ever will be, a good fuck for about an hour and that’s it. Other than that there’s no use for you. At all.”
You stormed away before Yuta could respond, but by now you would have heard his curses echoing throughout the hallway, the whole damn bar would’ve heard it. But there was nothing.
Absolute silence.
It had been two weeks since the interaction with Yuta at the bar and what you had to him still resonated with you, wanting so badly to apologize. But each time you saw him at the office he paid you little to no attention, going on about his day peacefully and you didn’t want to interrupt that.
Jeno thankfully understood the situation and was more than willing to be the rebound guy, his only rule being that besides work related matters you needed to cut off communication with Yuta altogether.
‘It was the only way you’d get full closure and my mind would be at peace’ Jeno had said after you gave him the rundown of everything that had happened.
Jeno and you agreed to just casually date, nothing official and nothing too serious. You guys went on movie dates, cafe dates and kept the physical aspect to a minimum. It was simple. Laidback. A very normal form of dating.
“Y/n I’m gonna need you on a photo shoot set in a few hours” Taeyong peeped his head into your cubicle and you looked up at him with a frown, “I thought we were working on that rappers record party ?”
“Yeah that rapper wants you, Yangyang and Yuta to tag up the wall for a video segment of his photo shoot” Taeyong replied with a shrug and left you bewildered.
Yuta. From all the damn people he could’ve chosen you had to work beside the person who practically called trash in your last meeting.
You wrapped up the last of your work and headed downstairs to the parking lot where an Uber was waiting for you. Thankfully Yangyang  could talk anyone’s head off because just sitting next to Yuta during the car ride felt tense. Normally he’d be pushing you into Yangyang or commenting on how his tattoos were better than yours. But all he did was look out of the window watching as the buildings moved past, keeping his airpods in to avoid any type of communication with anyone.
“You guys are finally here! Good Mark Lee is waiting for you at the shoot location” a woman dressed in all black led you into what looked like a gymnasium turned into a giant canvas.
“Are we going to paint all of this ? Man this is going to take forever” Yangyang gasped as the three of you walked through cans of paint, staff members and models.
“You guys are the designers from black space who did that painting over at Jynx Club ?” A young guy approached who you quickly realized was the new hot rapper around town, Mark Lee.
“Uh yeah, that’s us” you chuckled shyly and looked around, “are we really doing up the entire room ?”
“Oh hell nah just the backdrop behind me” Mark waved his hand, “we just laid everything out for a few cgi effects but you guys, do ya thing over there!” You watched the hyped boy get called over by the director leaving the three of you faced with a gigantic piece of white board and no idea.
“Since you guys are uncultured and probably don’t listen to Mark Lee, let me be in charge of this piece” Yangyang pulled out his iPad and began scrolling through some of his sketches. “Be my guest” Yuta shrugged, completely disinterested in the topic and most likely just wanted to get done and go home.
Yangyang finally settled on something that utilized all three of your styles and you all put  on your white overalls, immediately getting to work.
The vibe of the whole job was quite chilled and because of the fumes most of the staff had left the gymnasium leaving the three of you to work in peace. “God I need to pee so bad,” Yangyang groaned as he dangled from a ladder, an aerosol can in hand and a nearly completed section in his corner.
“Dude take a break we’re way behind you anyway” you walked over to steady the ladder as Yangyang finally made his way down. “Thanks guys, be back in 20” he shot you a thumbs up and disappeared into the tunnel leading to the gym lockers.
The tension returned but it was somehow worse than ever before. Even though Yuta was minding his own business for the first time while retrieving a paintbrush he looked at you. There was no unsettling glare or the feeling that he was pissed off at you, he just looked at you like he’d look at anyone else.
And somehow that felt even worse.
“Yuta…do you mind if we talk for a bit” you cleared your throat and he looked over at you and removed one of his airpods signaling to you that he was listening.
“Okay Uhm well I want to apologize for what I said that night” you bit down on your lip, “I didn’t mean it, and it was selfish of me to even think of you like that after coming onto you in the first place.”
Yuta blinked and eventually just nodded, “apology accepted, and I can see that you like Jeno so I’m trying to stay out of the way” he shrugged and continued painting as if this conversation wasn’t that deep to begin with.
“Are you not going to get me back? Are you sure you’re Yuta ?” You raised a brow and Yuta’s manic laugh echoed throughout the gymnasium, “you want me to be mean to you ? Wow y/n that’s truly some kink you got there”
“Ugh you know what I mean” you shoved him playfully, unaware that the brush you were wearing was still wet and now Yuta’s jaw adorned a light shade of orange.
“Oh shit I’m sorry” you quickly said but Yuta had already responded by swiping his red painted fingertips across your cheek and smirked, “now we’re even.”
“Hey mine is way worse than yours!” You grumbled and flicked more paint at Yuta which then enabled a paint war between the two of you. Yuta giggled so much that for a second you forgot how silent he actually had been the past two weeks. He was back to his usual self and so were you, playfully making a mess with him until Yangyang emerged from the tunnel and yelled,  “What are you morons doing ?!”
You and Yuta stood still in the middle of the room both covered head to toe in paint but the scene was way too comical to hold in your laughter any longer.
“Yangyang we’re so sorry but look, it gave the canvas a little more color” you gestured to it and you weren’t lying, it actually did look a lot better than before.
“Fine you two can go on break, I'll finish up so we’re not sitting around until midnight” Yangyang huffed and returned to his masterpiece. “Is there a place to clean up here ?” Yuta asked and the woman from earlier on walked in and pointed to the tunnel located in the back of the gym, “there are bathrooms and showers back there, our crew provided fresh towels as well so go ahead” she smiled and you silently thanked her before heading to the tunnel with Yuta.
“God I have paint everywhere” you whined as you took a look at yourself in the mirror. Yuta chuckled as he began inspecting himself, looking at the peculiar fingerprints all over his face and neck. “This shit better not stain my skin” he grumbled as he picked away a piece of paint from a crevice in his ear.  “Tell me about it” you responded and began removing the overalls. All you could think of was jumping into that shower stall and allowing the hot water to melt away all the grime and paint when you noticed Yuta was already down to his boxers.
Your gasp made Yuta snicker to himself as he walked around the bathroom looking for the ideal stall to take his shower in.
“Nothing you haven’t seen before” you heard him say before hopping into one of the stalls and drawing the curtain. Despite his words being correct it still made your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. You guys were comfortable like this before, not now, not with Jeno in your life.
You shook your head and entered a stall opposite Yuta and a few rows down, just so you weren’t close to him but not far enough that made you feel alone.
“Fuck how is their paint on my ass ? That’s impossible!” Yuta groaned and you couldn’t help but laugh, “TMI, Yuta” you replied and Yuta scoffed, “says the person who’s responsible for this.” The banter ended and again all you heard was the sound of both showers hitting your bodies simultaneously, the air filled with steam and more unusual tension.
“Y/n ?”
Yuta was silent for a while and then you heard his water turn off. “Do you uhm mind checking if I got all the paint off my back ? I’ll uhm put my boxers on” he mumbled and you felt your heartbeat speed up.
First of all the Yuta you knew would’ve just walked over butt ass naked and pulled your curtain aside not caring at all. The way he acted now was out of character, but somewhat familiar.
“Yuta I’m still in the shower and naked” you chewed on the inside of your cheek while you waited in silence.
“I’ll close my eyes, I just don’t want this shit to dry up when we get back to work later” he replied and you heard his light footsteps coming toward you. Quickly moving your hair back and holding the curtain against your body, you slowly peeled back the material to reveal Yuta with his back facing you and with his eyes closed, like he said.
You peered down at his golden skin, taking in his broad shoulders and tiny waist as you inspected for any more signs of acrylic paint.
“Uhm yeah you have a little on your shoulder blade and lower back”
“Do…you mind…”
You bit down on your lip knowing this was already crossing the line. But you had just made up and it was your fault that he had paint on his back in the first place. It was innocent. That’s what you had to keep telling yourself while staring at one of the sexiest people you had ever met.
You began rubbing away pieces of the paint, ignoring Yuta’s whines when you used too much pressure. Your hands traced down to his lower back, settling in the dip as you tried to remove a very stubborn piece of paint.
“Ugh this one is not coming off” you scratched at it and to your surprise Yuta had let out a moan instead of the usual wincing.
“I don’t mean to kink shame but-“
Yuta spun around and glared at you, challenging you to finish your sentence but you were more concerned at the fact that the only thing protecting your nude body from Yuta right now was a thin piece of fabric.
“Yuta!” You scolded and he rolled his eyes, “oh please y/n I’ve seen it all, now can you please help me with the paint ?”
You watched wide eyed as Yuta stepped into the shower going back on his word to close his eyes and face the wall. You couldn’t believe what was happening right now but the quicker you removed the paint the quicker he’d be out of here.
“Aren’t your boxers…going to get wet ?” You watched him step closer to water already allowing his hair to soak up the warm stream. “Well you’re not gonna let me take them off with you in here and I’ll probably just go commando when we get back to the office” Yuta shrugged and you should’ve known that was one of his options since he has done it in the past.
You sighed and let go of the curtain allowing your naked body to be free and go back to work on his paint splatter. Yuta was calm and collected throughout the process, you silently commended him on his restraint, that was until he decided to turn around and look at you.
“Y-Yuta you promised” your voice was small but you still didn’t do much to cover up your body. Yuta leaned against the cold ceramic wall as he stared at you, his stare was dark, inviting you in like that night at the bar.
“I’m not going to do anything y/n unless you want me to” he reassured you, still maintaining a distance and doing absolutely nothing to persuade you. But did you need persuasion when all he needed to do was be in the same room as you?
The two of you stared in each other’s eyes for a few minutes and you had no idea who actually made the first move but there you were in the center of the shower stall, in a random gymnasium, kissing Yuta Nakamoto.
Yuta’s bare body was pressed against yours as the two of you fought for dominance in the kiss. You placed your hands on his chest to which he responded by wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer until his hardened member twitched against your stomach. There were no words, just actions. Each kiss only made you more desperate for him, not feeling this type of arousal since that night at the bar. He was the only person who could turn you on to the point that every image of Jeno was erased from your mind.
You tugged down his boxers with urgency and Yuta helped you quicken the process, quickly kicking away the piece of clothing and had you pushed up against the wall with your legs wrapped around his waist. Yuta pulled away from your lips with a sultry bite on your bottom lip and lined up his member with your core. He kept his eyes on you the entire time from the moment he slipped into your wetness to the harsh thrusts he was now giving to you against the coldness of the wall. You felt like you were complete, filled with the right amount of passion and ecstasy. God you hated to admit it but nobody could fuck you the way Yuta did. Absolutely no one.
Yuta slowed down his thrusts and you brought your feet back to the ground, gesturing for him to take a seat on the floor and got on top of his member once more. Yuta threw his head back as you rode him relentlessly, grabbing onto your ass as he tried to meet your rhythm. The sight of him partially under the water and his swollen lips was delicious, you couldn’t ask for a better view right now. Yuta on the hand was also enjoying having you bounce on his length, quickly realizing that the women he had bedded during his time without you were not worth it. Not a single one of them made him feel the way you did. Even the times you guys were fucking around he’d sleep with other women because he didn’t want to admit that you are his best. You will always be his best.
“G-gonna cum” you panted and Yuta quickly rubbed circles on your clit to help you reach your orgasm. He watched your body spasm and you threw your head back with a soft moan. The sight alone made him come undone straight after you, filling you up completely.
You slowly got to your feet with the help of Yuta offering his hand and managed to finally catch your breath.
What the fuck did you just do ?
“Before you say this was a mistake and you hate me, hear me out” Yuta spoke up, “I need to know something”
You bit down on your lip. “Yeah?”
“Do you like me ?”
“What ?” You quietly questioned and Yuta sighed, rubbing his temples, “do you like me y/n ? actually like me ? Or is it you just like fucking me ?”
“I don’t know Yuta you know that I’m seeing Je-“you began explaining before Yuta quickly cut you off. “Don’t say his name, listen I know you like fucking me because that’s what happened right now despite whatever feelings you have for…Jen..him.”
“So what am I supposed to do ?” You asked, still unsure of how you were even going to face Jeno back at the office after this.
“Use me,” Yuta deadpanned, “keep me as your dirty little secret and I won’t tell a soul. I just don’t want this to end. I’m fucking addicted to this, and clearly you’re in need of me just as much as I need you.”
Yuta took a step forward and cupped your cheek with the palm of his hand. “I just crave you all goddamn day and nothing is fulfilling that need until right now.”
You knew exactly what he was talking about but you couldn’t bring yourself to share how much you ached for him. Late nights when you were alone you even pleased yourself with memories of him. You were unsure if it was lust at this point or you actually missed being around him. Despite every fight and argument the two of you had, there was something always drawing you in.
“First of all I don’t hate you” you sighed and he chuckled dryly before you continued, “I don’t know if this is a good idea but I’m only agreeing because Jeno and I aren’t serious yet and if we are-“
“I’ll back off I promise” Yuta quickly added and you nodded, “he can’t know about this, nobody can.”
“You have my word” Yuta pressed his lips together and for the first time he looked absolutely serious. Something in you made you trust that he wouldn’t fuck this up, because that would mean the one thing he wanted most right now would fall through.
You just hoped that this little need the two of you had for each other wasn’t turning into an…obsession.
“You guys are finally back” Ten stretched his arms above his head as you, Yangyang and Yuta returned back to the office after quite an eventful afternoon.
“Wanna see pics ? It turned out great!” Yangyang grinned quickly, running over to the older guys, showing off his artwork. Jeno was over at the game area with Sungchan completely invested in beating his friend in a round of Call Of Duty.
“Hey you” you sunk into the beanbag next to Jeno who shot you a quick glance before concentrating on his next move, “your hairs wet, why ?”
“Showered after the painting session” you answered diligently hoping there were no follow up questions. Thankfully he was way too invested in his video game to care much, you really weren't in the mood for an interrogation after half a day with Yuta.
Jeno asked a lot of questions when he felt insecure about something. Even though time had been short with him, it still somehow felt like a 2 year relationship. For a young guy Jeno was pretty old fashioned, he made you pick all the date places and never bothered to make the first move physically until you hinted to him that it was okay.
He was so different to what you were used to and you were afraid that if you didn’t speed things up with him this little secret with Yuta would turn into a reality.
“Hey y/n can you help me with lunch ?” Doyoung called from the makeshift kitchen area a few feet away and you silently thanked him for distracting you from your thoughts.
“Hey Doyoung” you smiled as you began opening containers from the Chinese delivery you guys frequented. “Just wanted to check in with you” Doyoung sweetly said as he grabbed a few utensils, “you and Jeno huh ? Was that part of my advice ?”
You pressed your lips together and nodded. “Yeah I guess so, it also helps that I’ve known him for a while now and he did actually have a thing for me in high school” Doyoung cocked his head at your words and leaned in, “and you liked him back or you’re seeing something in him now that you didn’t see before ?”
“U-uhm I think he’s hot” you chewed on your lip and Doyoung chuckled softly, “you know not everything is about looks or…hooking up, do you enjoy his time ? His interests ? His company ?”
You turned back to where Jeno was still playing his video games and you did feel a little confused as to what you guys actually did have in common. “I mean…” you began, crossing your arms across your chest, “we’ve only been seeing each other romantically for two weeks I think it’s too soon to tell.”
Doyoung combed back his hair and instead of bringing forth his insight in order to make you see things clearer he just nodded.
“You’re probably right, well I wish you guys all the best, it’s better than being with someone who doesn’t care emotionally right ?”
You slowly nodded and with that Doyoung began taking the food to the dining area leaving you with more confusing thoughts than you had before.
Lunch and the rest of the evening went on smoothly. Yuta stayed out of your way and there was absolutely no sign that the two of you we’re together that day. It was easier to fake seeing Yuta since the group knew the two of you would’ve been bickering straight after hooking up. It was the perfect illusion.
“Mark Lee’s party is at 9pm tomorrow night you guys, don’t forget” Taeyong looked around the room until he heard a confirmation from every single mouth.
“9pm ? Shit would it be okay if I only stuck around for an hour ?” Jeno sighed and looked over at Taeyong, “my brothers in town and I promised I'd get him from the airport at 10:30.”
“Well you’d have to show one of the guys here how to turn the installation on” Doyoung’s worried look matched Taeyong.
“I’ll be there to turn it on I’ll just need to leave straight after” Jeno assured them and squeezed your hand under the table, “it’s all really sudden but you’ll be okay right ?”
“I’ll be fine, I’m probably going to head home after the music video airing anyway” you smiled at him and he placed a soft kiss on your forehead earning a whistle from Lucas.
Yuta awkwardly shuffled at the sudden PDA and he hoped no one at the table noticed but it caught the attention of none other than Johnny Suh who narrowed his eyes at his coffee run mate.
The evening had wrapped up and everyone had already headed home except for Yuta and Johnny who were adamant on finishing a photography project for a band they were working with.
“Trouble in paradise ?” Johnny hummed as he edited an image on his laptop. Yuta, who was busy sorting out the Polaroids, turned to face his large best friend with a lost expression.
“Huh?” He raised a brow to which Johnny shook his head still staring at his screen.
“I can’t believe this, after all these fucking hellish months now you realize you like her?”
Yuta leaned in on the desk. “What the heck are you on about Johnny ?”
“Y/n” Johnny sighed and your name made Yuta’s heart race a bit, hoping Johnny hadn’t found out about the shower incident. God you’d hate him forever if anyone found out.
“Listen Johnny we-“
“You like her! After all those months of fighting I knew you were secretly in love and now” Johnny threw his hands in the air, “now that Jeno has entered the arena you have ruined your chances. Way to go buddy.”
“Wait what ?! I’m not in love with y/n!” Yuta scoffed. Saying that sentence out loud felt like a lie even though he couldn’t fully convince himself.  Was he in love ? Was Johnny mistaking love for just lust ?
That’s all it was and ever was right ?
You enjoyed fucking around with him and he was okay with it. That’s what he wanted too. Even if you didn’t answer his question of whether you liked him or not, it was okay. Whatever you wanted was okay as long he got to be with you.
“I’m not in love with y/n.”
You and Jeno arrived at the party with Yangyang and Sungchan all helping carry equipment for Jeno’s installation. The piece was a pixel art board that formed Mark Lee’s latest EP cover, and once plugged in it gave it an animated effect, basically bringing the EP cover to life. You marvelled at the hard work Jeno had put in, it was just a shame that he wasn't sticking around to receive praise from everyone who attended.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay here ? I know how much you hate these parties” Jeno pressed his lips together as he brought you into a tight hug. You hummed and looked up at him smiling, “Only been dragged to one of these parties a million times, another round won't hurt.” Jeno responded by pressing his lips to your forehead before joining Sungchan in setting up the installation. You always wondered why Jeno opted for your forehead instead of your lips most of the time despite already having your first real kiss. You understood he wasn't big on PDA, but the only time you ever got to kiss him was at your apartment door when a date had ended or when you sneaked in a kiss at the cinema. As much as you liked his chivalry, God at times you just wished he took initiative and bent you over your kitchen counter and had his way with you. It was kinda humorous how Jeno was the ideal type of any women out there but for you, you needed an unhinged, sex-crazed maniac to match your energy.
You needed Yu-
“It looks really good Jeno.” Your breathing hitched when you heard Yuta’s voice from behind you. You turned around but to your surprise he wasn't alone. Yuta was accompanied by a familiar face, Mei, a part-time designer from a few floors down. The way she held onto his arm made something stir inside of you. Your cheeks burned up and you dare say it for the first time you felt...jealous.
You were used to seeing Yuta with many different girls but it was always some nobody that he never bothered to introduce to the group. He always made sure none of them integrated with his work life but Mei, Mei was the first person you actually knew.
“y/n its been a while, Oh my God you look great” she said sweetly and you returned a friendly smile despite your awkwardness. Yuta gave you a quick glance not really paying you any mind as he kept a steady hand on Mei’s lower back, the two of them practically looking like a couple. It made you feel uneasy. After all he had said to you that afternoon in the shower, It seemed like he didn't mean it.
“It’s perfect Jeno you really outdid yourself” Taeyong applauded as the rest of the team finally arrived, all congratulating Jeno on his first big project under Blank Space. Jeno shyly thanked everyone and checked his watch, sighing that it was already time for him to depart.
“You're going now ?” You walked over to wrap your arms around his waist. You didn't care much before about Jeno leaving early, before Yuta decided to bring a date to the party which meant you would definitely be on your own. Jeno pouted and stroked your head, “yeah, we're still on for Sunday though right ?” and you replied with a nod before sinking into one of his very warm hugs. You had no idea why, but the need to ease your jealousy and get back at Yuta was so strong that you ended up pulling out of the hug and kissed Jeno in front of everyone. Thankfully Jeno didn't shy away and maybe the guilt of leaving you made him return the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you against your body.
“Get a room you guys” Ten joked when the two of you finally pulled away, and Jeno chuckled shyly before leaning into your ear, “let’s do that more often” he cheekily smiled and pecked your lips once more before making his way to the exit. Johnny watched as Yuta still looked visibly uncomfortable, more so now than before. But Johnny also knew how damn stubborn Yuta was and watched him throw his arm around Mei, departing from the group most likely for the rest of the night.
It was late into the night and Yuta was already way too many shots down to call himself sober. Mei was talking but he was not listening. Mei was a nice girl who had made it known to him that she liked him for a while now, but unfortunately for her she was not you. All Yuta wanted was you and again he cursed himself for being so fucking hooked. He wanted to make you jealous but after he saw you kiss Jeno it just came back to him ten thousand times harder. He came to terms with his addiction now in his drunken state he was scanning the crowd for a glimpse of the only person he cared about.
“Hey I'm going to leave now...do you want to come with ?” Mei nervously bit down on her lip hoping the man she's been pining for months will finally take notice of her.
“Nah im good, I’m probably going to wait until my friends leave” Yuta replied coldly, his eyes still scanning the crowd as he took another sip from his jack daniels and coca-cola concoction. Mei nodded, disappointed that her night had not gone as planned and left silently, leaving her date to finally gain his freedom.
Yuta scanned the crowd for the tenth time until he did a double take at a figure in the back corner, dancing on their own with no care in the world. Downing the rest of his drink Yuta kept his eyes focused on you despite the alcohol blurring his vision and his body feeling heavy, he had to get to you.
You were in the same state as him, most likely worse since Lucas challenged you to a drink off. You had no clue when you separated from the rest of the group so you stuck a little corner hoping to sober up before heading home. As you swayed along to the music you felt someone wrap their hands around your waist and the familiar scent of that Tom Ford perfume made you realize who it was.
“Yuta…” you groaned, pulling his hands away from your body, still remembering how awful he made you feel a few hours earlier. God were you the rebound chick now ? The thought alone was sickening.
Yuta, still blissfully unaware that you were mad at him, still pushed his body against yours until your back was pressed against the wall and you had no choice but to look up at him. You watched him move his face down in order to capture your lips, but you quickly evaded it with a turn of your head. Yuta scoffed and sufficed for your neck, giving you soft wet kisses all the way down to your collarbones until you pushed him off yet again.
“What the fuck ?” He growled in your ear, “I thought we had a deal.” You rolled your eyes at him, there was the side of Yuta you hated the most. You wondered how long it would be until he factory reseted back to an asshole.
“I thought I was first choice” you snapped at him, “all your talk about no one can satisfy you like I can, use me y/n, I only want you” you mimicked his voice and flipped him off with your finger. Yuta knew you were jealous but it was kind of ironic given the situation. You were the one in a relationship, not him. “Oh so I'm supposed to see you suck face with Jeno but I can't have any fun y/n ?” Yuta had you back against the wall, this time his hand was locked on your jaw with his lips against your ear.
“Maybe I should've fucked Mei” Yuta’s voice was dark, you felt him smirk against your ear when his words clearly affected you, “Maybe if I fucked her she would've been so good that i would forget all about you y/n.” Your eyes darted to him and he cocked his head, challenging you, waiting to see how much you could take before you caved. Normally you’d be the one getting Yuta riled up like this. It was common knowledge that Yuta was a very jealous person and just mentioning another man sexually he would lose his mind. Once you were craving his attention and casually mentioned to him that if Doyoung was interested you’d let him screw you on his office desk, and Yuta responded by fucking you senseless in the supply closet until the only name that escaped your lips was his.
But now the tables were turned and you didn't want to hear about Mei. You didn't want to picture her next to Yuta let alone in bed with him. It was selfish on your part considering Jeno, but you wanted Yuta all to yourself.
“Shut up” you narrowed your eyes at him and grabbed a fist full of his shirt and brought him closer. Yuta traced his thumb over your lips and smiled, already knowing he won this round.
“Tell me why I cant fuck her right now y/n, tell me” he coaxed, and you responded by pulling him into a sensual kiss, your tongue slipping into his mouth and your hand palming his member until you heard him groan in your ear,
You pulled away from the kiss and pressed your swollen lips to his ear, “Because...you're mine.” Yuta licked his own lips at your words and grabbed at your ass,
“Show me I'm yours, baby.”
You had no idea when and how the both of you got to Yuta’s apartment in one piece but the moment he had his foot in the door, Yuta was tugging your dress over your head. “Fuck why do you always wear the most  complicated things” Yuta whined which you found cute even though you would never let him know that you were well aware of his adorable side. Sighing from victory, Yuta finally got your dress off and pulled you into his familiar bedroom, which you honestly missed so fucking much.
Taking in the familiar scent of his perfume and his slightly messy room, with posters on the walls, and a rack of band shirts - it was his little heaven and you loved it.
You walked over to lie on his bed, sinking into the soft fabric of the bed sheets as a familiar rock song began playing from Yuta’s stereo. You watched him as he discarded his shirt and ripped jeans, showing off his chest tattoos and belly ring, just the sight of him was already making you wet. Yuta was none the better, groaning as his boner pushed against the fabric of his underwear as his eyes took in your body, sexily laid out for him like you used to be.
“Fuck…” his lips parted as he watched you spread your legs, waiting for him obediently. Yuta crawled up onto the bed and nestled in between your thighs, his mischievous eyes looking up at yours before he began peeling away the thin piece of fabric revealing your core.
“You're…so…wet baby” he said in a low voice and leaned in to give your heat a soft kiss. The instant contact made your body shiver, reaching down to play with his dark curls. “Yuta…please” you whined as he continued his light kisses, not giving you the pressure you desired. Yuta looked up with an innocent face and cocked his head, “Why should I do it ?” His fingers traced circles on your hips and abdomen, waiting for an answer.
“Because…you’re mine Yuta, I want you…all to myself…I want to please me, only me” you threw your head back. Not having sex for over a month was really getting to you and the frustration had you saying just about anything. Yuta watched you squirm and after hearing those words he figured it was a good enough reward for his dear fuck-buddy. Yuta kissed your core once more but this time his tongue darted out every once in a while, awarding you with a better sensation. You moaned inaudible words as he began eating you out like a pro, lapping away like his life depended on it before inserting two fingers inside you.
“Yuta wait I’m gonna-“ you grabbed onto his hair, feeling your orgasm come on way too early for your liking as his fingers moved rapidly and his tongue licked away at your clit. Yuta ignored your plea knowing this was only the first of many and honestly he was glad that he was still the only man giving you orgasms for the past couple of months.
Yuta pulled away, a devilish smirk spread across his face as he watched you cum all over his fingers and just as your vision was in focus you had the pleasure of seeing him lick his fingers clean as if he just had the most amazing meal ever,
“Mmmm tasty” he bit down on his lip and winked at you. God he was so damn cocky, and it didn’t take you long to recover from that orgasm to make room for another. You got to your knees and sat back, your face now level with Yuta’s clothed member.
Yuta groaned as you palmed him, his length already twitching against your touch. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone but since the night you had called it off with him, his desire had subsided and he wondered if you were the sole reason for his high sex drive. You placed your lips against his belly ring, giving it a kiss before pulling down his boxers and allowing his member to spring free. Yuta cursed as your tongue swiped across the tip and you looked up at him with those large eyes, and Yuta knew exactly what you were waiting for. Positioning your mouth over his tip, you waited until Yuta grabbed a fistful of your hair and guided you down on his length, groaning loudly as you took in all of him.
Yuta’s hips began to meet your rhythm and the grip on your hair tightened, the sudden roughness made you shiver with excitement. You and Yuta always liked it rough, since it took out your anger on each other and any type of nurturing or romance would throw off the dynamic.  
Yuta threw his head back as he released, keeping you on him until you swallowed every bit. He muttered curse words as he pulled out and watched you lick your lips, swiping the corner of your mouth with your thumb and sucked it off.
“Yum” you mimicked his words from earlier with a smirk essentially driving Yuta crazy with lust. You giggled as he pushed you onto the bed and attacked you with bites and kisses, leading from your neck down to the valley of your breasts. “How long until you get hard again?” You sighed playfully but winced when Yuta’s teeth sunk into your skin, punishing you for your words.
“Cocky aren’t we ?” He moved back up to your lips and kissed you passionately. Just as you began melting into the kiss, Yuta pulled away and jumped off his bed heading to his closet.
“What are you doing ?” You groaned as you watched him sift through the mess of his closet until he finally retrieved a familiar box. “Yuta you’re literally hard right now, come on let’s just fuck already” you whined, knowing that when Yuta brought out that box it was his way of getting rid of your bratty attitude.
“If you wanna be impatient two can play at that game” he grinned and hopped onto the bed, pulling out his favorite pair of hair cuffs and with ease, cuffed you to his headboard. You watched him look through his box of toys, rubbing your thighs together excited about what his choice will be.
Yuta grabbed something out of the box and discarded the rest onto the floor, making his way back up to your body and pressed his lips against your ear, “you remember the safe word baby ?” Yuta pecked you when you nodded and you watched him insert a mini vibrator in your core and roll off the bed with the remote in his hand.
“I wasn’t even that mean to you” you grumbled, still getting used to the device inserted in you. Yuta shrugged and turned the device on, keeping it on a low setting as he watched you stir in his bed.
“I’m not punishing you for that actually, I’m punishing you for something else you did” he said calmly, pacing around the room butt ass naked.  You frowned and thought back to the party when he had found you, what did you say to him ?
“I’m sorry I pushed you…away” you pouted but a moan escaped your lips when you felt the setting turn higher and you watched Yuta shake his head, “nope that’s not it.” You groaned and threw your head back, unable to even think what the hell he could be on about. Yuta would get mad at every little thing so it honestly could’ve been anything.
“Can’t I have a hint or something ?” You pleaded and Yuta raised his eyebrow and eventually sighed, giving in too easily. “It happened in the beginning at the party” he said annoyingly, and finally something in your brain clicked.
“The kiss ? You’re mad over the kiss ?” Your words fell off when you felt the vibrator go another setting higher, the new speed was decent enough to start building a second orgasm. “You don’t sound like you’re apologizing for it” Yuta scoffed and dangled the remote in front of your face, “this goes up 4 more speeds y/n.”
“Why do I need to apologize for kissing my boyfriend when-“
Another setting higher.
“Fuck wait Yuta” you breathed, it was impossible to even keep focused at the new speed and the sensation was now running throughout your entire body. “You kissed him in front of me to make me jealous didn't you?” Yuta questioned and you nodded frantically, pressing your thighs together to ease the intensity, “yes yes oh my God, I wanted to make you….jealous because you brought someone else…and..fuck” just as you felt your body finally build up a perfect orgasm the vibrator suddenly turned off and you were met with Yuta’s cocky smile.
“You like to have it all don’t you y/n” he hummed as flung the remote aside and knelt between your thighs that were shaking from the orgasm denial. “You want to fuck me, but not let me fuck anyone else, you want Jeno but you don’t want me to get mad over it” he continued as he pulled the dripping wet toy out of your core and tossed it to the floor. Yuta placed his hands on either side of you and looked down at your defeated face and smiled, “Do you want me to fuck someone else?”
You shook your head and Yuta undid one of the handcuffs. He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek and again asked you another question, “Do you want to fuck me ?” and you quickly nodded, earning your second hand free from the cuffs allowing them to fall to your sides. Yuta placed his hand around your throat and squeezed gently, smirking as you arched your back, thirsting for him so desperately.
“Who would fuck you better, me or Jeno ?” Yuta mused as his hand released a bit of pressure on your throat. “Y-you” your voice was small and Yuta released your throat and his hand moved down to smack your thigh.
“Say it, say who will fuck you better” he hissed.
“You Yuta, you will fuck me better than anyone…better than Jeno” Yuta grinned at your words, a little surprised that you used Jeno’s name in such a blasphemous way. He was in euphoria at this point. It was all he needed to hear after continuously seeing you and Jeno look as if you were in love with each other.
It was all wrong.
You and him loved each other.
Fuck. He loved you. He really did.
Yuta pushed his length into your core and groaned as the realization of his thoughts and his conversation with Johnny all hit him at once. The sight of you beneath him, moaning his name and your confession that you wanted him over Jeno. It was all too much.
You moaned as he thrusted into you, his hips violently hitting against yours as your nails dug into his lower back. The lewd sounds filled the room and for a second the two of you looked into each other’s eyes, both feeling something…different. Usually Yuta would be fucking you from behind, his favourite position because he loved looking at your ass but tonight especially after his sudden questioning, he took care of you differently.
You don’t know what came over you and it was yet another thing you never did during sex but you pulled him down to kiss you. Your lips moved passionately against his, desperately clinging to his body as his strokes became longer and more powerful. Yuta sighed into the kiss, palming your cheek and his movements suddenly became more gentle as if he were making love to you, not fucking you.
“Yuta…I’m close” you moaned into his ear, loving this new feeling of him on your body. Yuta hummed in response and quickened his pace, making sure to sneak in a kiss every now and then until he finally brought you to your long awaited orgasm. You watched him bite down on his lip as he thrusted into you, chasing his own orgasm until he pressed his against your ear and said the words you never thought you’d hear from him.
“I love you y/n”
Your body slightly froze as Yuta finally came and he rolled off your body, mentally cursing himself for allowing those words to escape his mouth at this moment. But it’s what he felt.
Johnny was right.
“W-what ?” You finally managed to say and turned to him. Yuta licked his lips and kept his focus on the ceiling above him.
“You heard me right” he said calmly and you felt your heart race. Where was this coming from ? He was the one who always implemented the no romance rule and he chooses now, the moment you’re seeing someone else to confess to you.
“I have to go” you murmured and jumped off the bed, starting to collect your clothes from the floor. You heard the bed creak and Yuta sat up and watched you dress up. “It’s late now y/n and you drank, stay the night and leave when the suns up” he insisted, eventually grabbing his own boxers,
“Here you can sleep in one of my shirts and you’re welcome to sleep in my bed for the night.”
“Y-you…that was one of the rules…no staying over” you were biting on your nails, everything that had happened in the last ten minutes made no sense. Yuta shoved the shirt into your hands and sighed, “Look, we don’t have to talk about what I said or what happened, just stay the night and you can go back to your perfect life with Jeno.” Yuta began making his way to his door when you grabbed onto his arm making him stop in his tracks,
“Where are you going ?” You asked him softly.
Yuta looked at you and sighed, “I’m going to sleep on the couch.”
“What ?”
“Stay with me.”
You had no idea why you had told him to stay in bed with you considering all that had happened a few minutes ago. But here you were, curled into his chest listening to his heartbeat as he lightly stroked your hair.
“How…long ?” You broke the silence and felt his heartbeat slightly race, “The realization came recently but I’ve…always liked you y/n” Yuta responded softly.
“Well you don’t have a good way of showing it” you rolled your eyes and Yuta’s soft laughter filled the room. “Well at first you actually were annoying but I did find you cute” He replied and shifted until you were on your back looking up at him,
“You put up with me and we’re not afraid to fight back. You know it’s not even about the sex, I think we’ve always enjoyed each other’s company, we just have a weird way of showing it.” You listened to his words and did a bit of reflection for yourself. You were already well aware that he occupied your mind 24/7 and did not enjoy seeing him around other girls he would eventually sleep with. But was this…love ? You weren't so sure.
“Do you ever think it’s more of an addiction rather than…love ?” You looked up at him, hoping your words did not offend his sudden confession in any way. Yuta sighed and rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling deep in thought.
“What is love then ?” He murmured, clearly by the look on his face he had been pondering on this question for a while now. You joined him in laying on your back and looked up at the ceiling, “love is when the other person completes you” you began, “when you’re having a dull day and just the sight of them could turn that around. Love is wanting to protect that person all the time, it’s just love.”
Yuta turned to you, “have you ever been in love ?”
You shook your head. “I don’t think so.”  Yuta shrugged and returned his focus above him, “whatever you just described is how I feel, but maybe I’m just still hung up on the Jeno situation.” You felt a pang in your chest as if you just completely destroyed his spirit. You always saw Yuta as a strong confident presence, yet the person next to you seemed lost, he looked broken. But deep down you knew that whatever he was describing had floated in your head from time to time, maybe it needed to be said out loud for you to finally realize.
“Give me a week”
“Huh ?” Yuta’s eyebrows raised at you.
“Give me a week to figure all of this out and we will have this talk again” you sat up and looked back at him. Yuta propped himself up on his elbows and shook his head, “y/n, if you don’t feel the same way it’s okay I won’t come in between you and…Jeno anymore.”
You pulled the boy by his shirt until you were able to lock your lips with his, slipping your tongue into his mouth and he mimicked your actions before pulling away, a confused expression spreading across his face.
“I don’t know where this is going to go and whether we’re right for each other,” you chuckled dryly, “but I will always want you Yuta, you’re not coming between Jeno and I because the one who wants… .”
It was finally Monday and you already regretted seeing Jeno at the office since you faked a terrible hangover to get out of the Sunday date, something that wasn’t entirely a lie. You spent the whole of Sunday laying in your bed thinking about the night you spent with Yuta and all that was shared during the morning.
You thought back on your own words about what your version of love was. Protecting someone. You reminisced about the days when Yuta got sick after a night out and you were the one to take care of him despite his protests. You thought back to when the two of you were working on a project, arguing as usual and you managed to slip on a wet paint spot, causing you to sprain your ankle. Yuta was the one to help you around the office when needed, he wasn’t appointed to you nor did he have to use up his own time to help you but he did it anyway.
When you were having a dull day the person you loved would find a way to brighten it up, just the sight of them was enough. There was an occasion where a client got real mean with you in the office, and hated the project you worked almost a month on, refusing to pay you for the labor you had put in. Yuta had seen the commotion and joined you in your booth and the two of you flooded the clients company with hilarious bad reviews anonymously until you were literally tearing up from laughter. That was one of the rare days the two of you didn’t get into an argument and the moment completely slipped your mind. You had  forgotten that Yuta and you actually shared fond memories of each other outside the bedroom.
You thought about every moment you got to the office and Yuta would be sticking his tongue out at you, calling you names and being a jerk as usual. But days when he had to work out of the office felt boring, empty, it wasn’t worth sitting in your cubicle without seeing him across from you.
But then after feeling the warm fuzziness of knowing Yuta felt the same way about you, your phone buzzed with Jeno’s name across the screen. Why were you doing this to him ? Why was Jeno in the crossfire when all he wanted to do was get to know you better ?
All you ever wanted was a distraction from the man you were scared to fall in love with.
“Heyyy you, you feeling okay ?” Jeno beamed when you entered the office, immediately bringing you into a tight hug and ending with a kiss on the cheek. You nodded and the sense of guilt over took your body as you looked up at his cheery smile.
“I heard you guys got so wasted at the party, damn I wish I stayed” Jeno giggled as the two of you walked hand in hand over to your cubicle. “Yeah it was…crazy” you faked a smile before settling in your seat. You looked across, a force of habit and you were greeted by a soft smile from Yuta before quietly returning to his work.
“I was thinking we should go see that new marvel movie tonight, what do you think ?” Jeno’s eyes were so bright and full of energy that everytime you looked into them it just made it harder to keep up your facade. “I’m pretty busy this week but hey Friday you can come over, I…need to talk to you anyway” you bit down on your lip and Jeno’s expression changed from excited to slightly wary, clearly noticing that something wasn’t quite right.
“Is….everything okay?” He asked in a staggered voice, and you slowly nodded and reached to squeeze his hand, “yeah let’s hang out on Friday okay ?” You smiled and Jeno pressed his lips together and nodded. You watched him exit your cubicle and all that was left in your view was the only person you wanted to see today, Yuta.
Yuta looked up and caught your stare, smiling softly as he rested his chin on the palm of his hand and winked at you. It was sweet and innocent, nothing like how he usually acted from across the room. You found yourself blushing and hid your face until you heard a beep come from your phone. Opening the messenger app you were greeted by a picture of yourself hiding your crimson cheeks with the message ‘Cute’ attached to it.
y/n: didn’t take you for a simp.
yutaa: fuck off, I have a folder like this.
You stifled your laughter when Yuta sent a screenshot with a folder just of you in your cubicle. From you flipping him off, to you glaring at him clearly pissed off at something he had said, and one of you trying your best to pay attention to whatever story Yangyang was on about.
y/n: oh my god you’re a BIG SIMP.
yutaa: maybe.
y/n: well I do have ONE of you that I don’t have the heart to delete.
yutaa: oh really ?
You sent Yuta a picture you absolutely treasured of him in your bed fast asleep hugging one of your plushies. It was one of the last nights you had with him before things got sour. Normally you’d never allow him to nap in your bed after a hookup but he looked so at peace and so adorable  that you decided to bend the rules a little.
yutaa: that was a good ass nap. yutaa: simp.
y/n: maybe.
The rest of the day went on and honestly you felt as if you were on cloud nine, chatting to Yuta like he was your high school crush. Smiling every time he texted back and glancing up every now and then, waiting for him to look at you with that cheeky grin. But as reality set in and Yuta’s smile faded, you were still dating another man. Who now had his arms wrapped around your waist peppering kisses all over your neck and shoulder while Yuta looked on, not being able to do a thing about it.
The team decided to head out for dinner the next day, and something in Jeno had switched. After Yuta had watched him cuddle you until the day was over, you barely even got the chance to talk to Yuta face to face since Jeno offered to take you home. He was being suspiciously clingy and you wondered if he suspected anything.
“You’re okay with sharing a pasta and plate of fries ?” Jeno smiled over at you, one hand rubbing your waist and the other holding up the wooden menu. You nodded and Jeno placed his order in with Johnny who was doing the rounds for everyone. Yuta sat across from you and you could feel his stare on you from time to time, and the moments it felt like he was staring, Jeno’s grip on your waist got tighter.
“Is...is something wrong ?” you leaned into Jeno as he took a sip of his water. Even though he was smiling, his jaw was clenched signaling that he was trying to suppress himself from doing or saying something. “I'm just really tired” he rubbed your back and to your surprise leaned in to capture your lips. It was innocent but your lack of effort to mind his feelings wasn't good enough for Yuta. Frankly he had no idea where you two stood at the moment, for all he knew you could be playing him right now. It probably wasn't the case though, but Yuta was not really used to his life getting a happy ending. The night drove on and the group split with you, Ten, Doyoung, Taeyong and Renjun seated at the table while the rest of the guys were hanging around the bar babysitting their drinks. Jeno was really a changed man since high school. He was so confident, well-built and a good socialite with the team. You watched him lean against the bar counter, drink in hand entertaining whatever story Lucas had for the night.
“So you and y/n huh ? Have you scored yet ?” Lucas raised his brow cheekily to which Jeno chuckled and shook his head, “Really Lucas ? were talking about my sex life now ?” Yuta was in conversation with Johnny and Sungchan but he couldn't help but overhear your name in the chat next to him.
“Yeah man, I'm sure she’s good too after locking down my boy Yuta” Lucas smirked and Yuta flinched when the boisterous man grabbed onto his shoulder and pulled him into the conversation. “Even though they hate each other I just know they had the best hook ups” Lucas laughed despite Johnny trying to make him shut up.
“Well that’s all over now” Jeno’s eyes narrowed on Yuta before looking up at Lucas, “she invited me over tonight and considering the type of pictures she sent me, i'm guessing it’s going to be one hell of a night.” Yuta’s chest felt tight not only at the possibility that you may have invited him over to finally sleep with him but mainly because of the way Jeno spoke about you. He probably only shared that information to appease Lucas but hinting at you sending him nudes was not something you would like the guys to know about.
“She’s really been trying to speed up the process between us too it's cute actually” Jeno continued as Yangyang and Lucas egged him on, “that night after that painting you guys did for Mark Lee she was practically begging me to fuck her after our movie date. God if my brother didn't give me all those errands I would've done so right on the kitchen counter.”
Yuta shot back the rest of his drink and stormed off as Lucas and Yangyang hyped up Jeno, pouring him another shot and laughing erratically in their drunken state. From where you were seated you saw Yuta storm off and watched Johnny run after him worriedly, making you slightly anxious.
“Yuta don't listen to them man '' Johnny huffed as he finally caught up to his friend a few blocks down from the restaurant. “I dont fucking care man I really dont” Yuta chuckled dryly and ran his fingers through his hair, “It doesnt matter because at the end of the day im still the worthless piece of shit and guys like him are God fucking sent.” Johnny watched Yuta’s expression change and he turned around to find you standing there, desperately looking between them for context.
“Yuta what happened ?” you asked in a small voice and the familiar sting in his chest returned, hearing you call out his name, following him out here while Jeno was still inside, it was all just confusing to him.
“I thought you giving us a week meant you felt the same way and I could finally relax knowing you were going to be with me y/n” Yuta groaned in frustration while Johnny took a step away from the heated exchange. You shook your head as you approached him, “yes I did, so what's the problem ?” Yuta scoffed and folded his arms. “What's the problem ? doesn't look like anything’s changed y/n. I have to see you act like the couple of the year after telling you how I felt about you ? That's brilliant.”
“I told you I would speak to him this week” you snapped, unbothered by the now random onlookers who were concerned at the scene taking place. “But fine honestly Yuta if you really want me to say it you have my permission to fuck some random girl until im finally free.” You rolled your eyes about to turn on your heels to leave when you felt a tug on your wrist and Yuta pulled you into a kiss. He held your face in his hands as he kissed you passionately, sighing as he slowly pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours,
“When I said I loved you I fucking meant it y/n, I only want you. But please, if youre going to invite him over or send him dirty...pictures atleast tell him not to tell the whole fucking world about it.”
You took a step back and frowned at his words, “What ? What pictures ?”
“The ones he told Lucas about, y/n honestly I don't care I was just mad that he was airing your business out like that” Yuta bit down on his lip and yet again you were deeply confused as to what he was on about.
“I...I didn't send him anything” you responded, “I didn't invite him over tonight and I definitely haven't sent him any...nudes.”
“Tell that to him then”
You turned around and noticed most of the team was now outside watching the commotion go down and right in front was Jeno, who by the look on his face had most likely seen the kiss you just shared with Yuta.
Jeno approached the both of you with an irritated groan and scoffed, “I was going to ignore the signs but God I was so right, you were still fucking him this entire time ?” You lowered your head and Yuta glared at Jeno, “If you knew all this time why didn't you just break up with her and move on ?”
Jeno rolled his eyes and took a step closer to Yuta to which Johnny quickly responded by placing a firm hand on Jeno’s shoulder making sure the boy was at safe distance from his best friend.
“I'm not like you Yuta” Jeno licked his lips, “unlike you I respect her, I understand that she was going back to you because you like to play around, you never cared about her until I showed up. You were threatened by the fact that you were no longer in control of her.”
“Nobody is in control of me first of all” you chimed in, “and second what’s this about me inviting you over and sending you nudes that apparently the whole fucking bar knows about”
“It's just banter y/n” Jeno shook his head.
“Banter ?” Yuta repeated, “didnt know talking about how you were going to fuck your girlfriend on the kitchen counter in front of her coworkers is banter.”
“What?” you walked up to Jeno, “W-where is this coming from Jeno ? you’re not like this.”
“Well how am I supposed to be y/n ?” Jeno raised his voice, “you wouldn't mind if he said that to you. You're always letting him get away with shit. Im the one sitting around here knowing my damn girlfriend is fucking around with someone else yet somehow still trying to forgive you and figure this out.”
“Why, though ?” you shrugged, “Is it because you want to prove to other people that you're the bigger person ?”
“Would you rather be with someone like him ? someone who will probably throw you aside after he’s bored, or someone like me who was always patient, always willing to put you first no matter what” Jeno reached for your hand, his eyes widening when you shrugged him off.
“Someone who I barely know that talks about me to my friends like im just some kind of whore or someone i've known for a while and not once shared anything intimate that happened between us,” you looked over at Yuta, “It was my one rule, the same rule I gave you Jeno and he was, Yuta is the only one who has abided to it.”
“y/n Im sorry,” Jeno lowered his voice, “we hurt each other and I want to fix that, just make your final decision...me or Yuta”
“Jeno….I apologize for using you, I'm sorry for leading and hurting your feelings” you began and Yuta slowly shook his head and turned around ready to hear the bad news that always seemed to follow him,
“But as crazy as it may sound to everyone here, I'm most like myself when I'm with Yuta, I love the person I am when I'm around him” Yuta turned at your words and instead of the sting he felt a sense of warmth. Hearing you say that in front of everyone who wanted the two of you apart, besides Johnny ofcourse, was absolute bliss.
“Who knows maybe it won't work and it will explode but I really want to try, that's the thing I'm most sure of, I really really want to try” you smiled as Yuta made his way over to you and pulled you into a tight hug.
“Let's get out of here” Yuta whispered before placing a kiss on your cheek and draping his arm over your shoulder as the two of you exited the street walking away from the mess and not even giving it a second glance.
The two of you ended up at your apartment full of smiles and giggles as you slowly discarded your clothes on the way to the bedroom. Once your back touched your soft duvet covers Yuta pressed his body against yours and peppered your skin with kisses all the way up to your ear. “I want to try something different” he whispered and you nodded in response while Yuta pulled his shirt over his head and discarded his jeans. Yuta pulled you on top of his body and returned to your lips, kissing you slowly and passionately. His touches were so delicate and nurturing that every time his fingers ran down your back you felt butterflies in your stomach. You unhooked your bra shimmied out of it, still attached to the addictive taste of Yuta’s lips. He slowly rolled you onto your back and left soft kisses all the way down your neck, down the valley of your breasts until he reached your abdomen. You watched as he pulled your underwear off, looking at your body like it was the most beautiful thing he had seen. That was it. Instead of lust he looked at you with love. He looked like he wanted to take care of you, be gentle with you, savour every moment he had with you. Your breathing hitched when you quickly realized that he inserted himself inside of you and used one arm to steady himself on the bed as he lent down to meet your lips. His strokes were slow but sharp, digging his nails into your thigh from time to time, preventing himself from losing control. Wanting to feel more of him you signaled that you wanted to switch positions and Yuta licked his lips as he watched you place your knees on either side of him and sit down on his member. “F-fuck” he cursed as you began to ride him, keeping to his wishes of keeping things calm and slow. Yuta wrapped his arms tightly around your waist as the two of you kissed in between your moans, twirling your tongue with his as your hips slammed into his.
“Y-Yuta…” you moaned, feeling a tear escape your eye as the long night and the building orgasm caught up with you.
“Yes baby ?” he hummed in your ear.
“I really fucking love you” you sighed, just the words finally leaving your mouth made you sob with joy. It felt so fucking good to finally say it out loud.
Yuta responded by flipping you onto your back and chased both his and your orgasm, fucking you with his usual intensity until you came and he followed straight after, filling the room with heavy pants and both of you trying to catch your breath.
“I love you too y/n” He finally said, bringing you to his chest and pressed his lips against your forehead.
The two of you lay in your bed both napping for a bit until the first sight of dawn began filling the bedroom. You winced at the sun and hid your face in Yuta’s arms as he grinned at your actions.
“I don't want to go to work!” you grumbled.
“Fuck go to work after all the drama you caused ?” Yuta pinched your cheek playfully, earning a nudge in his side from you.
“Anyway” Yuta continued, “I got an email from Taeyong and he said if we want we can work remotely, he gave us the Okinawa project.” You sat up in bed and turned to face him, “the Okinawa project ? Its 9 months in Japan, the same project the whole damn building was trying to get” you blinked, still unsure if Yuta was just fucking with you.
“That's the one” Yuta shrugged, “anyways he said he was going to send either of us anyway since he knows we always get the job done. Oh and he actually said something really funny actually”
“What ?” you raised your brow and watched Yuta reread the text message on his phone.
“He said Doyoung was the one who suggested the two of us be the ones to go, who would've thought ?” Yuta closed the messages and tucked himself back into bed.
“Yeah” you smiled, “Who would've thought.”
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pink-flame · 3 years
One more for tonight! Well, this morning since it’s almost 3am. ANYWAY...this is a lot longer than I intended for it to be and it’s almost certainly not what you wanted when you came up with this prompt but it’s where my mind went. So in the immortal words of Luke...*ba da*! Hope you enjoy it anyway my friend! 💜
After spending months trapped in a garage in the 90s, it was the simple pleasures that really stuck out to Julie now that she was home.
Of course being reunited with her family and Flynn along with the knowledge that her boys were alive and well and hers to keep were the biggest perks of this new version of her existence. But that didn’t mean she didn’t fiercely appreciate some of the things she used to take for granted about existing in 2020.
There was the comfort and convenience of having a working cell phone, all of the best and worst parts of modern living within easy reach at all times. There was the fact that she was no longer subject to the whims of Beatrice’s radio or Bobby’s tapes when she wanted to listen to music, but could simply search up anything her heart desired on Spotify. And there were the movie nights that had been started with her and Flynn in the original 2020 but had now expanded to include Carrie and the boys in this new reality. They watched action movies, and horror and comedies all crowded around the tv in the living room, Julie often pressed up against Luke’s side, his arm sliding easily around her shoulders now that they were finally together.
Still. There were a few movies Julie didn’t bother suggesting, too embarrassed to try to introduce some of her personal favorites to the group. There were the romantic comedies she thought might make the boys roll their eyes, and the documentaries she thought might bore them, and then there was her absolute favorite movie which she was pretty sure they would find unintentionally hilarious and that would be too soul crushing to ignore. So she never suggested it, even when it was her turn to pick the movie, only pulling it up on Netflix when she was unable to sleep at night or on a rare weekend she had an afternoon to herself.
Of course, she should have known better than to think it was ever safe to think she could keep anything from Luke, even something as innocuous as her questionable taste in movies.
She was curled up in her bed one night, the only light in the room coming from the glow of her laptop as she watched her favorite comfort film for about the hundredth time when suddenly there was a sound at her window. Julie just about jumped out of her skin and barely managed to hold down the shriek that wanted to escape when she realized it was Luke whose outline had appeared in her window. She clutched at her chest as her heart slowly returned to a normal speed but she still jumped up and hurried to open the window for him, stepping aside as he slid a little clumsy down to stand on her bedroom floor.
Luke wasn’t exactly allowed to climb through her bedroom window in the middle of the night but she was also pretty sure her dad knew it happened from time to time and chose to turn a blind eye out of trust. She appreciated that usually. Not so much when her boyfriend was on the verge of giving her a heart attack.
“You couldn’t shoot me a heads up text first?” She scolded as Luke trailed after her like an eager puppy as she returned to her spot on the bed.
Sometimes she swore Luke’s soul somehow knew deep down that it was intended to exist in an era without easy communication. He had a terrible tendency not to use his cell phone unless he absolutely had to.
Luke just gave her a sheepish “sorry” before crawling onto the bed next to her, instantly curling his body around hers so she could rest her head on his chest while her eyes drifted back to the movie still playing on her laptop. She was so wrapped up both in her attempts to calm down and Luke’s arms that it didn’t hit her at first that the movie playing was the exact one she had been embarrassed to let Luke catch her watching. Which admittedly, seemed a little dumb now. If she let him see her in her monster feet slippers why should she care if he knew she liked a kind of movie Flynn had once charitably labeled “cringey”.
“Uh...Jules? I think I’ve forgotten how to speak English.”
Julie stiffened as she realized her mistake but decided the only way through was to play it cool.
“You didn’t forget how to speak English,” She assured him. “They’re not speaking English. It’s a Bollywood movie. It’s in Hindi.”
“Oh,” Luke was silent for a moment. “What’s Bollywood?”
So then Julie had to explain to him that Indian cinema (which included more than just Bollywood but she couldn’t get into all of that) produced way more movies every year than Hollywood did and that the movie they were watching Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge had been playing in one theater in India for 25 years straight.
“That’s...impressive,” Luke said, his eyebrows raising as he glanced back at the screen. “So what’s it about?”
So then Julie spent probably way too much time describing the love story and all of its surrounding elements to him, and then he wanted to start the movie over so he could see it from the beginning, and then she realized that she had forgotten to tell him that almost all Bollywood movies were musicals and before she knew it, it was 2am and they were only half way through the movie.
Julie couldn’t help but let an involuntary yawn escape.
Luke was clearly trying not to echo her yawn but in the end he failed.
“Bollywood movies sure are long, aren’t they?”
Julie could only nod.
She was just about to suggest he head home and they try to finish it another time when she realized her favorite scene was starting.
“Oooh, this is the best part,” She said excitedly, slapping his arm so he would pay attention.
On screen Raj and Simran ran to each other across a field of beautiful yellow flowers, embracing each other in pure joy after being separated.
Julie couldn’t help but let a little bit of a stupid smile slide onto her face. So she was a sucker for a good romantic moment, especially between a couple who the universe seemed to want to keep apart. So sue her.
“Where are these fields of just flowers?” Luke asked, breaking the moment. “I’ve never seen a whole field of flowers, have you?”
Julie sighed. That was his takeaway?
“I think they’re actually mustard plants,” She offered.
“Mustard is from a flower?” Luke said in a tone of wonder.
“It’s from the seeds and then they...you know what that’s not the point,” She grumbled, slightly annoyed with her boyfriend’s lack of affinity for the pure romanticism of it all.
Luke must have sensed her quickly fouling mood and the reason behind it because he suddenly wrapped his arms more snugly around her.
“Hey, Julie?”
“I’d run across a field of flowers to hug you any day.”
Julie didn’t reply, just snuggled further down into Luke’s arms, and returned her attention to the movie.
Maybe they could watch just a little bit more.
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azucanela · 4 years
Okay so i'm feeling pretty bad atm because my best friend replaced me and i need some fluffy rn. How about hcs for the reader being coldly abandoned by their previous best friend. Believing she is alone, she falls to her knees and cries outside in the middle of the rain. A moment later, she glances over to see Bakugou, Kirishima and Shinsou behind them trying their best to cover her from the rain with their jacket. Thank you♡
[ft. bakugo katuski, kirishima ejirou, shinsou hitoshi]
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SUMMARY: In which you are abandoned by your closest friend and are found by the boys. 
WARNINGS: mentions of murder, mean friends, me being violent, y/n has those main character moments in the rain its nice, 
A/N: bb im so sorry that they did that,,, please know that im here if you need anything and i will fight this person :D with your permission of course.
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your so called friend ended up ditching you
im going to throw hands literally 
you end up leaving the café you have been waiting for her in, near tears, and as if it can’t get any worse, you have no ride home, so naturally, you are now walking whilst trying to keep from crying
you’re about half a mile from UA, the hill is visible in the distance and you are very relieved because you just wanna cry in your bed
then it starts to rain
so yeah it did get worse
out of frustration and the built up sadness, you just kinda start crying, coming to a stop and falling to a seat at the side of the road
you felt so alone, the one person you thought would always be around he replaced you
clearly they didn’t feel the same
meanwhile, katuski is running with his jacket above his head, cursing out the skies
and then he spots someone crying in the rain, he initially thinks nothing of it, until he realizes its you
the girl who he “begrudgingly” helped study on weekends, the one who he was up until 2AM with, even though he slept like a grandpa
now he’s cursing for a different reason, he comes over to you
he is gonna wanna kill someone when he finds out and tbh you should let him but thats just me
in the past, people have abandoned him due to his personality, and though it hurt in the moment, he got over it pretty quickly 
and tbh, most of the time he had a little squad of jerks following him around so he didn’t really care abt anyone else.
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Staring at the text she’d just recieved, Y/N let out a shaky breath, trying to compose herself. Her so called best friend wasn’t coming, and would never be coming again. Apparently she had better things to do than hangout with some wannabe hero. Blinking away the tears, Y/N stood making her way to the exit of the shop, she stepped outside. 
She was beginning to regret ever leaving the UA campus, because at this point she’d much rather be crying in bed rather than in public. Y/N was suddenly grateful that the café was relatively close as she speedily walked down the sidewalk.
The one person she thought would be there for her through everything, through all the pain and joy and anything in between, was gone. Great. 
At least it couldn’t get worse than this, she decided as she saw the UA Campus in the distance, relief flooding her as her pace quickened. 
Then she saw lightning in the distance, thunder rattling in the sky, Y/N couldn’t help but wince. As water began to poor over her she paused her steps, exhaling deeply as she looked up at the sky. 
Then the tears began to fall, a hand coming to her mouth to quiet the sobs escaping her as she fell to the ground, seating herself at the side of the road, Y/N felt her body shake as she tried to force herself to even out her breathing.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was cursing out the skies, he’ been on his way back from visiting his parents when it began to pour. Immediately bringing his jacket over his body to try and shield himself from the brunt of the rain as he ran through the now empty streets. Save for one shaking person on the side of the road, causing him to raise a brow at, it was pouring rain and they were just sitting there?
He slowed temporarily to try and get a better understanding of what was going on, only to realize he recognized the person. Y/N. His classmate, the one he begrudgingly tutored on the weekend, the one he cursed out when she forgot to eat, the one who kept him up until 2AM even though his bedtime was normally 9PM.
Katsuki grimaced, coming up behind her with his jacket overhead to try and shield her from the rain as he spoke, “what the hell are you doing out right now? You’re gonna get sick.” 
Y/N jumped at the sudden voice behind her, though she knew it was Katsuki, she turned to see he was holding his jacket over the two of them, the red of her eyes a dead giveaway that she’d been crying. She couldn’t bring herself to speak as she looked up at him in shock. What was he doing here?
Katsuki’s face fell as his eyes scanned her for injuries, “who did this to you?” He wasn’t the best when it came to comfort, and he feared that would show as he began to interrogate her. 
Blinking Y/N realized what she must’ve looked like, trying to shake off the feelings she was experiencing she spoke, “we should go.” Wiping the water from her face, she moved to stand, and Katuski moved with her, his eyes still on her face. 
“Hold this side of the jacket.” He ordered, and she did as she was told, bringing one hand up to the left side of the jacket, which was now soaked in water and doing little to help. This action provided Katsuki with a freehand to put on the small of her back and push her forward rather aggressively. He lead them to a small grocery store on the street, pushing the door open. 
They were dripping wet, and looking up at Katsuki, who had returned to interrogating her, Y/N couldn’t help it when more tears leaked out of her eyes and she lunged forwards to tackle him in a hug.
He quickly shut up, body stiffening momentarily before he allowed his hands to wrap around her waist and return the hug. “Thank you,” she mumbled, burying her head in his chest.
Brows furrowed, Katsuki scoffed, “yeah, yeah. Whatever.” He turned to the view the rest of the store, “pick out some food, I’ll cook you something when we get back.”
Looking up at him, her mouth gaped open, “are you serious?”
“Did I stutter, you idiot?”
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kirishima ejirou 
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okay so
kirishima definitely is gonna hound you with questions when he finds you crying
like he cannot allow his bb to cry
not that you know you are his bb but like
it would be unmanly of him to just leave you in such a state so he does his best to comfort you.
has likely never experienced something like this so he can’t really empathize with you but he’ll try
basically tries to make you smile and laugh the entire time you are upset
contemplates talking to the girls for help, but he doesn’t know if you want others involved
instead texts them how girls like to be treated when sad but in a very vague way and tries to pass it off as some obscure tik tok trend
they go along with it, thankfully, mina has a major obsesssion though so shes upset she didn’t know about this trend
thats how kirishima accidentally started a tik tok trend
will respectfully commit a murder
i’ll help
least likely to acc go through with murder tho
he’s going to try his best
also goes the food route, based off his studies via the “tik tok trend” and he will gladly hold you
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Exiting the convenience store with a plastic bag of candy in hand, Kirishima sighed. He’d been out longer than anticipated, and it was already getting dark. The grey clouds above signaling the possibility of rain, Kirishima grimaced, he needed to get back to UA quickly.
He’d intended to have a movie night with the rest of the Bakusquad that night, and maybe even invite Y/N. He’d been trying to work up the courage to finally ask her out, but it hadn’t been going well. He didn’t feel very manly each time he chickened out, and Kaminari’s teasing didn’t help at all, escaping him was the main reason Kirishima agreed to pick up the candy that day. 
Sighing, Kirishima continued to walk, though the rain came faster, pouring down onto him as he groaned in annoyance, hoping that it wouldn’t damage his snacks as he pulled his jacket off to provide himself with some cover. Though it wasn’t very helpful, it was better than nothing. 
He begins to speed up, jogging slightly when he notices someone on the curb, seated. Kirishima frowns, moving behind them and bringing his jacket over them, “hey, what are you doing?” Considering how much it was raining now, and the sound of the thunder overhead, he figured the storm that was coming would only get worse. Being outside was the worst idea. And as a hero in training, he simply couldn’t allow this action. 
The mysterious person turns around, and Kirishima suddenly realizes its his classmate, his frown only deepening when he sees her swollen eyes. “Kirishima? She says, confusion clear in her tone as she looks up at him, eyes wide. They knew each other fairly well, though he could be shy at times, he was fun, and nice. And of course, rather respectful during all their interactions, she liked him. 
Kirishima pauses before finding himself sitting beside her in the pouring rain and allowing the water to hit him as he lowered his jacket, pulling a candy bar from his bag. “What’s wrong?” He asked, extending the candy to her. Though it would likely react poorly should she open it and the candy came in contact with the rain, it was the thought that counted.
Y/N’s mouth gaped open as she smiled sadly at him, taking the candy bar from him, “thank you.” She whispered, “it doesn’t really matter anymore, though.” She looks up at the sky, water cascading down her face as she inahles deeply.
Suddenly, Kirishima’s hand is in hers, “it’s bothering you, so obviously it matters.” He tugs her hand to get her to stand up alongside him, “and it wouldn’t be very manly of me to leave a pretty lady out in the rain.” 
A laugh escaped Y/N at this, “and I could never force a handsome man like yourself to stay out in rain.” Comes her reply, “let’s go.”
She wasn’t alone. Not while she had him.
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shinsou hitoshi
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definitely the best at comforting someone especially with something like this
feeds you sweets because food makes everything better, will be affectionate just for this instance because he knows you just want some love during this time
the best to talk to about it tbh, he’s very good at giving advice and listening to your problems
i feel like shinsou has probably experienced something similar in the past and he’s gonna understand what you are feeling
won’t try to make you open up but you’ll want to, he has a comforting presence
very calm about it, gently speaks with you and guides your actions, makes sure you take care of yourself if you are in a really bad place
once you’ve stopped crying he’ll ask you what happened and should you tell him he’ll honestly be VERY mad
like why would someone do that to an ANGEL like YOU???
is genuinely confused and potentially in a murderous mood
and he has the quirk to get away with it
wants to go off on this person though, desperately, and should he ever run into them they are going to get a piece of his mind
a really really mean piece of his mind
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Shinsou frowned as he felt a droplet of water fall onto his head, realizing that rain would likely come soon, he picked up the pace of his walk. He’d been out at the bookstore, and was suddenly grateful that he hadn’t bought anything as he watched everyone in the shopping center begin to retreat to their cars and into shops. 
He watched a lightning flashed in the distance, brows furrowing at the realization that a storm was coming when thunder accompanied the sight and pouring rain soon followed. UA wasn’t far, but he didn’t really want to have to run in the rain up the hill the school had been built upon.
Turning a corner, his eyes scanned the area in search of a shop he could wait out the storm in when they fell on the figure of someone seated in the rain, no umbrella or hood to protect them from the downfall, and their body shaking. 
Then he recognized the hoodie. It was his actually, and he knew exactly who he’d lent it to. 
Y/N L/N. The pretty girl in the hero course who’d threatened anyone who spoke poorly of him, defending his honor even though he never asked. She was always kind to him, even when they weren’t the closest of friends. Though that had changed, the pair now talking almost daily about a variety of things, something Shinsou was grateful for.
Questions flood his mind as he removes his jacket and brings it above him, going over to her, and when he’s close enough he can hear her small sobs, barely muffled by the palm of her hand. Shinsou can’t help but feel concerned as he brings his jacket above her to shield her from the rain, “hey, let’s go.” He mumbles gently. 
Y/N looks up at him, her eyes red and puffy, and if it weren’t pouring Shinsou would’ve hugged her right there. “What are you doing?” When she’d simply collapsed in the rain, her emotions overwhelming her, she hadn’t assumed Shinsou would randomly appear.
“Getting you out of the rain.” Came his response, “come on, we can wait out the storm in the café.” Shinsou would’ve extended a hand had he not be preoccupied by holding up his jacket, which was now soaking through.
Sniffing, she nodded, “yeah, you’re right.” She stands, and he follows her movements, jacket never leaving her figure as the pair makes their way to the door of the café. Y/N pushes the door open, and they both enter, allowing him to finally put the jacket above his head down, though it started soaking onto the floor. 
He threw it outside, much to Y/N’s shock, “I don’t wanna dirty the floor.” Shinsou explained nonchalantly, his purple hair sticking to his forehead. “Have you eaten?” 
“Sorry about your hoodie.” She mumbled, at they moved out of the way of the entrance. 
Raising a brow, he extended a hand, “that didn’t answer my question.” 
Y/N’s brows furrowed as she looked to his hand, tilting her head in confusion as she placed her hand into his, Shinsou gave her a small smile before leading her to the line of the café as she replied, “no. I didn’t.”
His brows draw together as she looks at her, she seems resigned, quieter than normal. “How about a muffin then? Or maybe a cupcake?” He peers into the display window, squinting at the variety of foods. “I say cupcakes,” In his experience, sugary foods always made things better, to an extent at least. 
Giving him a tight lipped smile, she nodded, “sure.” He was trying. It was better than nothing if she was honest. Considering the fact that her best friend had abandoned her today, it was a nice reminder, that she wasn’t alone. She had other people, regardless of what had happened.
Shinsou’s eyes met hers as he sighed, bringing his free hand to the back of his neck, “you wanna talk about it?” He knew they’d have to address it at some point, there was no denying that she had clearly been crying, something had upset her. 
Shaking her head, Y/N pulled him closer using their joined hands and brought him into a hug, “not right now.” It was an oddly intimate moment, despite the fact that they were in public.
Regardless, he pulls her tightly against him, wrapping his arms around her protectively as he responds, “alright. 
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A/N: if anyone ever needs to talk or anything pls know im here! my dms are always open to anyone for anything :D
anyways, remember to sleep well, eat food, and drink water!
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
HEY HEY HEY @shirari TOOK ME THIS LONG BUT I GOT YOUR MATCHUP DONE WOOHOO HERE YOU GO the ask deleted so im just gonna paste the information below the cut
Hiya! I'm [Hikari] :) My pronouns are she/her. September Virgo and INFP-T. I prefer a male as my s/o I describe myself as an understanding individual no matter what situation. Even the bare minimum, I would bombard questions about the small matter lol. I lack showing emotions, but I do occasionally and it's very random. Overall, I'm a very supportive friend who doesn't have many opinions. You want to do it? Go for it. Unless it's something illegal then I'll call the police lol. I like drawing, obviously. I also LOVE reading some good fanfics or actual books. I stream kpop music videos while I do my business as well. My friends describe me as kind, quiet and mysterious. They also say I'm quite talented and smart. I tend to have a soft spot for people who share the same interests as me. They know art and tend to have the same music taste as me. An extroverted boyfriend would be a good dynamic for me as an introvert. I like someone taller than me, should be no problem cuz I'm short at the height of 5'1 wnnjskaks If anyone judges me for liking BTS and haikyuu, please get out of my life. I'm so done with you. Random fact? When being in a relationship with me, it also means dealing with the most questionable things at 2am. I'm weird. My aesthetic is soft girl, cottagecore and Gothic! Favourite song is Celebrity by IU Colour I would describe myself with is Blue or pink Favourite artist. Like I said, BTS lol
sooo i talk more about why later, but I'm going to match you with...
Oikawa Tooru!
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How It Started
This is a real y/n moment here but y’know its really cute so i love it
Yes im doing this
You were the one person that wasn't constantly all over him
And he didn't know how to feel about that (so he decided to make you fall for him while also falling for you in the process)
He was like “yeah all these girls that absolutely adore me? I want the one that doesn’t care”
It was less you didn’t care, you just didn't wanna get in the way because so many other girls were interested him
You assumed you had no chance
Until he was leaving chocolates in your locker
Roses, never signed from anyone
But it seemed almost daily you were finding more things in your locker
(Thank Mattsun, he helped)
One day you were after school for some club thing that only ran like once a month
He didn't know this
So he was at your locker after practice, around the same time your club was over
You’d forgotten a book you needed for homework in your locker
And he was there, sliding a love note in your locker
You saw him and he saw you and the both of you just
Stared for a moment
He was shocked and flustered and had no idea what to say
So (more awkward than you've ever seen him act) he walks up to you and hands you the letter
Smiles (while his face is BRIGHT red) and just walks away
Just know that he started SCREAMING when he got outside and Mattsun, Makki, and Iwaizumi barely had any idea what he was saying because he was so embarrassed
Shocked and embarrassed yourself, you read the note to see what he was freaking out about
And it read (bc I’m a sucker for writing love notes)
“Hi, Hikari,
It’s been...way too long and I havent found the words to say this yet. I hope this doesn’t seem weird or anything. It probably is. Sorry about that.
But I've taken a bit of a liking to you over the last couple weeks, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me this weekend? I was going to make some sandwiches and we can have a picnic at the park, if you want! If that’s not your idea of a good time, no worries, we can do something else!
Anyway, I--yeah, here’s my number. I won't take offense if you say no. Really, no worries! Have a great rest of your day!
~Oikawa Tooru”
To say you were now even more shocked was an understatement
Btu here you were
Reading a love letter
From mr. pretty-boy-of-seijoh
Oikawa tooru himself
Now what??
No, now you go on the date and you have fun and then marry him
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General Headcanons
Can i tell you how much he loves you like seriously
You probably tease him about his confession and then he gets all embarrassed about it
But then pulls some suave line about how he’s glad he did it anyway because he loves you
Now its your turn to be a little embarrassed
The team loves you almost as much as they love iwaizumi
Because you’re known as the oikawa wrangler
And its funny as hell
But yeah the first years don't really know how to talk to you but they think you’re cool, the second years are happy oikawa shuts up when you tell him to, and makki and mattsun LOVE YOU
Like legit
And theyre constantly trying to pull you into their shenanigans
And they get the Dad Look from Iwa like “leave her alone she’s here to watch the practice game not be your accomplice” and they get frowny and go do something else
But back to tooru
He’s very elaborate and perfectionistic in what he does
In everything he does
Which means when he plans dates, you know it’s going to be fun
When your birthday is coming up, he makes a HUGE deal out of it
Even the little things he does are always calculated and thought about beforehand because he wants to make sure he’s the best boyfriend possible for you
Sometimes that means that hes going to stress himself out and you have to remind him you love him for him, not for a facade, but still
All the gifts
So many gifts
Specifically food
They're not even all from him
Takeru thinks you're super cool and will make you things from time to time (you have so many pasta necklaces from him) (and pictures he drew)
Tooru’s sister makes you things from time to time
Like if tooru is babysitting and she knows he and Takeru are going to see you, she’ll make cookies to bring along
Safe to say the whole Oikawa family loves you a l o t
Tooru himself, though, buys you a lot of stuff too. Sometimes its a keychain he thought was cool, other times it’s extra food because he technically bought it for him but he got some extra so that you could share
Sometimes he goes a little more elaborate but usually he just likes giving little things that will remind you of him
Totally lets you wear his jersey
Like makes comments about it
Leaves it out for you
Wants you to wear it tbh
He thinks you look so good w it like expect this man to d i e the first time you wear it
Gives you his alternate jersey for games because he wants you to wear it
Calls you every pet name in the book (that youre comfortable with)
You rarely hear him actually say your name
Its very very uncommon
Instead its just “sweetheart” “darling” “dearest” “angel” “love of my life” “cupcake” yes he would 100% call you cupcake
Seijoh loves you, they really do, they just hate that their captain becomes to irritating and just lovesick when he’s not with you
Bottom line he’s a simp
Tell him you love him, give him a kiss, he’s yours forever
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A Date With Oikawa
I don't know how you feel about this because some people love it and others hate it with a burning passion
But bear with me here
We know how stressed out oikawa gets
And besides volleyball
I think he does coloring books
Like he just has piles of them in his room with a crap ton of pencils and markers and pens
So one day he’s stressed but you guys were supposed to have a at-home date
So he just tosses his coloring books on the floor and his like gallon sized freezer bag of colored pencils
And says "i need a distraction we’re doing this today” and you two just do that
Eventually he gets to talking a little about why hes stressed out and overall its really fun to just
Vibe in the quiet
He puts on music or smth
But yeah coloring books i think this would genuinely be a fun date
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So all three of these guys (pair + runners up) are super compatible for zodiacs AND theyre your perfect matchup for MBTI (all being ENFJ or ENTJ), so safe to say, you’re doing pretty well. I picked tooru because a) you love him b) i thought the vibes would work the best.
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You guys give me very,,,sweet acoustic vibes. Not slow songs but like Peaceful I like it (also i don't think i've listened to this much kpop in my life while writing this wow--not that that's bad thing it's beautiful i just never got into it before)
Way Back Home - SHAUN with you - The Rose Don’t Wanna Cry - SEVENTEEN Butterfly - BTS Vacation - Gaeko
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Runners Up
Futakuchi Kenji, Sawamura Daichi
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cattles-bians · 3 years
exes au part 15
post directory
em: viola teas i am like. incapable of sleeping in
em: i woke up 10:30 on the dot and i thought. what the fuck
em: 10:30 is especially offensive bc it means the mcdonald’s breakfast is done
obsetress: brain immediately said viola up and about doing all the chores vacuuming with no sympathy for her constantly sleeping in snoring girlfriend dani clayton
obsetress: but nah i'm sorry for you that sucks
em: inspiring deranged viola behaviour is
em: the greatest gift of all
obsetress: god so true when u think about it
obsetress: not that viola vacuums, she def has cleaners but
obsetress: actually no
obsetress: she has cleaners but she's prob not satisfied and gets out her expensive vacuum she has no idea how to use and is clattering n making such a fuss
obsetress: and poor dani
em: she’s up and about rearranging things, she’s causing a ruckus,
obsetress: dani's like "you have just as bad insomnia as me and you're just... getting up? that early?"
obsetress: viola shrugs "i don't need that much sleep"
obsetress: "you do, though"
obsetress: she shrugs and disappears into the kitchen
obsetress: insomniac gf and insomniac gf
em: insomnia gfs
em: viola runs on like
em: supernatural element carrying over: viola is a little too good at running on no sleep and no one knows if she ages
obsetress: YEAH
em: i love a sorta, grounded real life show w like one or two unexplained ambiguously supernatural things that no one blinks at
obsetress: i was gonna be like
obsetress: i wonder what dani and viola do when theyre up not sleeping at night and then i was like
obsetress: Well,
obsetress: no they do that but they also do the most random borderline unhinged shit like
obsetress: dani tries new baking recipes and they sit on the countertop in their pjs or underwear or nothing and eat scones at three am
em: go for night drives
em: night drives aren’t even unhinged but they’re nice
em: but they don’t listen to music they listen to fucken podcasts
obsetress: that fuckin lorde song
[em note: it's supercut]
obsetress: they go to the roof and dani lays her head in viola's lap and stares at the stars while viola reads to her in french
obsetress: ugh i put it on oh god why did i put it on
[em note: it's still supercut]
obsetress: in my head.........
obsetress: i do everything right............
obsetress: when you call............
obsetress: i'll forgive and not fight.............
obsetress: ours are the moments.........i play in the dark OH MY GOD VI'S INSOMNIA AFTER DANI LEAVES AND SHES ALONE
em: ur a MONSTER
obsetress: i need to lay on the floor and put this song on repeat
obsetress: anyway um
obsetress: another thought from when i was thinking about the vacuum like
obsetress: viola has a degree of learned helplessness that all rich people have but she's not an idiot like the rest of them yknow and i think like
obsetress: she had to do a lot when she and perdita were kids!
obsetress: after her mom died
em: hannah......
obsetress: and then after her dad died before she married arthur and like
obsetress: then being a single mom (viola lloyd single mom i'm drooling) even w all the help she can afford
obsetress: she has a chip on her shoulder and Does Things For Herself but also just
obsetress: sometimes it happens! there's never enough time and never enough help!
obsetress: and she loves isabel so much like
obsetress: viola making isabel her lunches
obsetress: oh god
em: making her little lunches at like 2am bc it’s been a busy day and she’s tired and she’s sore and she’s sad but the one thing viola will never skip is like
em: making sure isabel gets her lunches
em: hey what is wrong with us
obsetress: GOD YEAH
obsetress: EXACTLY
obsetress: anyway um yeah viola making isabel her lunches at two am
obsetress: i know that i wrote jamie leaving flora notes on her napkins but like
[em note: read 'and she taught me a lesson alright']
obsetress: i just think it's something a mom who really loves her kid and wants them to feel safe and okay would do so i want to say vi does it for isabel too!!! and what of it they're different universes it's fine
em: ur just building the hannah obsetress cinematic universe
em: building up some Themes and Motifs
obsetress: themes motifs and symbols
obsetress: anyway viola packing isabels lunches she writes little notes and puts on lipstick n kisses them
obsetress: so isabel can get a kiss from her mom
em: im going to kill u w my bare hands
obsetress: cut to vi in the bathroom wiping it off later à la jennifer check
em: im GONNA
obsetress: sometimes when vi has to go out of town for business or w/e she leaves a stack of napkins with arthur to put in isabel's lunch so she can still get a kiss from her mom even when she's gone
em: thats so extra??
em: its so viola
obsetress: exactly
obsetress: she definitely has a fear of isabel favoring arthur over her (abandonment issues etc etc)
obsetress: gestures at canon
em: dani 'its casual' taylor
obsetress: leave the typo
obsetress: dont you dare change it
em: i need u to know that i DO fuck but
em: hgfngjkyhGJBJKFHD FUCK
em: ruined my own joke
obsetress: in the most spectacular way
em: dani 'i need you to know i DO fuck but im accepting offers' clayton
obsetress: she takes care to drop that like
obsetress: it's just casual SHE'S not anything serious. i'm not dating HER or anything
obsetress: jamie's like dani i know you're gay you literally stare at my lips every time i talk
em: dani getting off the phone and dramatically rolling her eyes like 'ex girlfriends, am i right? whats up with these women i-' and jamies like love i get it
obsetress: jamie raising her eyebrows "how many ex girlfriends do you have"
obsetress: dani's like "well, just the one, but"
em: but i COULD have more. if i wanted to. bc i am looking to date more women
em: jamies like ok cool
obsetress: jamie, a little too casually: oh? any, uh. prospects?
em: danis like (patented nervous dani lip bite) maybe but
em: jamies like drat
em: jamies like darn
em: and then she gets home and shes like
em: wait
obsetress: jamie calling dani back "when you said maybe"
obsetress: and dani immediately is like yEAH?
em: jamies like do you think you could ever be interested in me and danis like umm. yeah.
em: jamie hangs up like ok cool
em: long beat
obsetress: oh my GOD
obsetress: ok last thing i was gonna say
obsetress: i meant to say this earlier and got distracted a hundred times over
obsetress: but um imagine dani helping isabel with her english homework
obsetress: vi helping isabel with her math homework
em: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
em: SOFT
obsetress: well,
em: oh no
obsetress: isabel needing help w her english homework post dani and vi's trying to help and vi's smart n all but
em: get HELP
em: dani 'hooking up w my ex is actually a v girlboss of me' is SO funny to me
em: when they get together danis like, oh but havent we all- and jamies like nooo i have very good boundaries
em: except for the perdi vi psychosexual power play ig
obsetress: moment of weakness
obsetress: who wouldn't want to hook up w their hot boss
obsetress: when dani goes up to london whatever weekend like friday night to get her closure dinner with vi
obsetress: boom haircut and therapy reveal
em: 3 day bender u say
obsetress: all of a sudden it's sunday night and
obsetress: YEAH
obsetress: they spend
obsetress: all fucking weekend
obsetress: in vi's bed
em: sighs dreamily
obsetress: dani playing with her hair
obsetress: "this is nice"
obsetress: "i'm gonna miss your bun though"
obsetress: vi's brain is short circuiting at "i'm gonna miss"
em: later danis like look. jamie. what would you have done? and jamie chokes on her beer and splutters 'not fuck my ex for 3 days straight?!'
obsetress: dani "well you've never fucked v–– oh wait"
obsetress: "you really can't blame me, jamie, you KNOW" jamie: (grumbles)its different... dani: well i mean i guess, technically, you didnt,
obsetress: unrelated in some bad fight at the end vi is like "you can't go isabel needs a–– you're like her–––" and dani's like "a what? say it" and viola's too stubborn and proud and hurt to say it
em: just perpetually bouncing back to the worlds angstiest break up
obsetress: i don't know WHY
obsetress: as someone who HATES ANGST
obsetress: i am so DRAWN to these two
em: its ummmm weirdly cathartic??
em: the whole exes au is based on a joke about them being friends and exes. we are v firm in like. viola and dani reconcile!
em: idk i love a catharsis moment! i love it when a character claws their way to happiness. or even begrudgingly goes to therapy
em: viola can go through a little hell as a treat
obsetress: turns out the only one who could fix her in the end
obsetress: was the one who said it's not my job to fix you
em: dani transformative power of (platonic) love
obsetress: "Platonic"
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tevivinter · 4 years
For DWC! Pairing of your choice for the college/university AU: "you live above me and I’m going to murder you if you don’t stop throwing parties Sunday night"
I couldn’t finish this in time for DWC but I wouldn’t be able to wait until next week to post! Thanks @luzial​ for the ask, I love these modern AUs so much :D
It had been only three weeks ever since someone moved into the room above his own. Not even a full month and this person, whoever it was, had already managed to turn his weekends into shit. Marel threw the pillow over his head in an attempt to hush the damn noise coming from above. No matter what he did - whether it was putting on headphones or even bumping the ceiling with a broom - nothing could change the fact that sleeping on Sunday nights felt like an impossible task to do.
“Hey, pissbag!” Sera, his roommate, yelled from the upper half of their bunk bed. “We’re friggin’ trying to sleep here!”
Marel’s voice came out like a muffled grumble from under the pillow. “They can’t hear you.”
“Ugh,” she groaned in frustration. Sera stared at the ceiling for a moment, considering. “We should really prank that guy. Bet he couldn’t do any parties that way.”
Marel took the pillow off his head with a frown. “You know who’s up there?”
“One of the popular ones,” she shrugged. “His dad is rich or something. Bet they’re both asses.”
“What’s his name?”
“Dorian, I guess. Pff, you really don’t know shit about him.”
“How should I-” Just when Marel began to answer, the roaring sound of music somehow became even louder. The beats thumped incessantly in his ears, loud enough to make him feel like the room was goddamn shaking. Marel tightened his fists. “You know what- fuck this.”
Sera sticked her head off the upper mattress once she heard the sound of footsteps in the dark. She quickly caught the sight of Marel reaching for the doorknob. “Tell him to piss off for me, yeah?”
He glanced at her before opening the door. “Gladly.”
Marel let out an annoyed groan as soon as he walked outside the room. He didn’t bother to change his flannel sweatpants nor the oversized shirt that he wore for sleep. Hell, he didn’t even bother to put some slippers on because he was pretty sure it was at least 2am and he just wanted to sleep. Marel crossed the corridor easily enough even while in the dark. He only used his phone light to go up the stairs, putting it back into his pocket as soon as he got there.
It didn’t take long for Marel to find what he looked for. The room just above his own had plenty of colorful lights leaking from underneath its door. The noise was somehow even worse on the second floor, which made Marel wonder why the heck no one else had complained about it yet. He approached the room with furrowed brows and knocked.
But no one answered. Fucking Creators. Marel took a deep breath before closing his fist tighter to knock once again, hitting the wood with more force. He was already counting the seconds for the third knock, and gods help him if no one listened this time--
The door suddenly creaked open, revealing a flash of colorful light that felt utterly blinding in contrast to the dark corridor. Marel instantly winced in response, raising one hand to his eye level to block some of the brightness towards his face.
The man who answered the door was impeccably dressed. His dark purple shirt was a perfect fit for his body without being too tight, and the fact that he had at least one button undone was distracting to say the least. His black pants looked expensive as well as his shoes - in fact, his entire outfit looked like something worthy of a movie star. But his clothes alone were not the reason why Marel went speechless for a second.
Marel cursed at himself for feeling his cheeks growing hotter by the second. “You're making too much noise," he finally said. "It's pissing me off."
He never expected that guy to be so damn handsome, for fuck’s sake. Marel simply found himself unable to look away from his face, swallowing.
"Well? Can I help you?" The stranger asked, arching one dark brow at him.
"Truly?" The man asked in what appeared to be genuine surprise.
Marel frowned. "You seriously thought that no one would hear this shit?"
"Who's there, Dorian?" A female voice came from inside the room.
Dorian looked over his shoulder, still holding the door half open. "It's only an unexpected guest, Mae. I'll be back in a moment." Just when he was about to step out, he added: "Oh, and turn the music down, will you? We so happen to be bothering our neighbors."
And with that he looked at Marel once again. "Well then. Do you have a minute?"
Marel took a second to realize that he was still standing in the doorway. He stepped back with a confused expression, not bothering to say anything.
The stranger turned the corridor lights on as soon as he stepped out of the room. "Let's start again, shall we?"
Now that they could properly see each other, Marel couldn't help but stare into the stormy grey eyes ahead of him. Something about those eyes seemed to pull him in, and Marel swallowed silently once he realized that guy was not only handsome - he was fucking breathtaking. 
Marel slipped his hands into his pockets, once more muttering silent curses to himself. "I'm not exactly here to chat."
"I know, which is why I'll make things brief." Dorian managed a small smile that lifted the edges of his moustache just a bit. "Truth be told, I was quite sure that my room had soundproof walls until this very moment. I did ask for it before moving here."
"Really? A soundproof room?" Marel scoffed. "You realize clubs are a thing, right?"
Hearing that made him frown slightly. "If only things were that simple.” There was a hint of resentment in his tone, Marel noticed, but it soon faded away with a small shook of his head. “In any case, I owe you my apologies. I had no clue I was bothering other people.”
It was becoming increasingly harder to stay mad at Dorian, mostly because his words sounded pretty honest. Still, the fact that no one even thought to knock at his door for three weeks made Marel intrigued. “So no one else came here to complain before me?”
“You are the first one. Shocking, isn’t it?” Dorian crossed his arms while casually leaning against the wall. “The other students - I assume they are most likely to be afraid of my father. How foolish of them,” he waved dismissingly. “But now that I’ve mentioned it...” He looked at Marel again with a certain curiosity in his gaze. “You don’t happen to know who I am, do you?”
Marel shrugged. “My roommate said you are a rich guy named Dorian.” A pause. “By the way, she told you to piss off.”
Somehow the comment made Dorian chuckle humorously. “She’s not entirely wrong, I’m afraid. It seems I should apologize to her as well.”
Marel couldn’t help a small smile at that. “You probably should. Wouldn’t want to see her angry,” he suggested.
“What about you?” Dorian asked, looking at Marel up and down in an attempt to recognize him. “I don’t recall seeing you around. What is your name?”
Somehow Marel had managed to completely forget that he was still in his pajamas up until that moment. He was probably looking like a clown with his red flannel sweatpants and old blue shirt. Hell, he didn’t even need to see his reflection to know that his undercut was a complete mess too. In the meantime Dorian looked dashing in every possible way, which made him feel more than just a little self conscious.
He glanced down for a moment while wishing to bury his head on the ground. “I’m Marel,” he muttered.
“Marel? I believe I’ve heard some things about you.” That earned him a questioning look, one that made Dorian chuckle once more. “But don’t worry. I’m not one to believe in mindless gossip.”
Being aware of his own reputation, Marel almost sighed in relief after knowing that Dorian didn’t care for any of that. People often thought of him as a troublemaker for numerous reasons, up to the point that he was already used to it by now. Still, it felt refreshing not to be judged at first sight.
“Me neither.” The music had already stopped by then, leaving the two of them in silence. Marel took his hands off his pockets. “I... think I should get back to sleep.”
Dorian nodded. “Naturally.” He watched for a moment as Marel began to walk his way to the stairs. “Oh, and Marel?”
Marel looked back at him, stopping when he was just about to step down. “What?”
“Do feel free to stop by if you ever want to have a few drinks.” Dorian smiled as he opened the door. “You should invite your roommate as well - I hear vodka is a wonderful way to apologize.”
The corners of his mouth involuntarily twitched into a smile. Marel let out a breathless chuckle, glad to be far away so that Dorian couldn’t see him blush. “I’ll see you around, Dorian.”
The lights were on when Marel returned to his room. Sera didn’t even wait for him to properly enter before practically leaping at his direction. “The music stopped. Just- stopped! How did you do that?” She questioned, eyeing him suspiciously for a second. “Did you find that Dori-whatever?”
“Yeah.” Marel closed the door, not minding the way she interrogated him. “Turns out he’s not an ass.”
“Really?” Sera asked, stepping away to allow him to move towards his bed. “Because he looked like richy-ass type to me.”
There was a slight creak of wood when Marel laid on his bed. He turned his body to face the wall. “He said that I- we,” he quickly corrected, “could join him for a drink sometime.”
It didn’t take long before Sera had a mischievous grin on her face. “Ohhh.” That made him roll his eyes. “You think he’s hot, innit?”
She giggled when Marel threw a pillow in her direction, dodging it with ease. “Missed it, dumbass.” She didn’t need to see his face to know that he was embarrassed.
“Go get some sleep,” Marel grumbled.
“Alright, but only because it’s hella late.” Sera turned the lights off and proceeded to effortlessly hop into the upper bed. A moment of silence went by before she spoke again. “Try not to dream of him, yeah?”
Marel groaned. “For fuck’s sake, Sera-”
She giggled one last time before finally falling asleep.
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sheerbeautyreigns · 3 years
Part 33
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Joe woke the following morning still with Paul’s strong arms wrapped around him. They stayed up until around 2am talking and fucking. It felt like nothing had changed in their relationship.
He trailed his fingers along Paul’s forearm, causing Paul to stir behind him. He nuzzled into the back of Joe neck, causing him to tense up his shoulders a little. “Did you sleep OK baby?”
“Yeah like a log thanks to you.” He could feel Paul smiling behind him. “Good, me too. I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Me too.” Joe smiled leaning his head into Paul’s upper arm. He just wanted to stay like this all day but he had to do some promotional work for Summerslam since it was fast approaching so he would have to check out in a few hours. “What time do you have to go for your interview?” I’ve gotta be there for three.” Paul pulled the covers off and climbed on top of him. “Then I’d best make the most of my time with you.” He said with a devilish smile before kissing him. Paul grabbed a couple of pillows and slid them under Joe’s back. “Spread your legs baby.” He said, reaching for the lube on the bedside and smearing it on his fingers. Joe groaned and let his head fall back on the pillow as Paul fingered him deeply. Paul loved to see his face in this position. It wasn’t long before his cock found its way in. “Aaah fuck,” Joe breathed, grabbing the pillows on either side of him. Paul just continued to smile devilishly. “You can take it baby,” He breathed as he started to fuck him. Joe moaned and groaned as Paul rocked him back and forth “That’s it.” He shifted his position, hoisting Joe’s legs up to his shoulders, holding them up as he fucked him faster. His eyes burned with desire as he was fucked hard. He could not take them off Paul’s muscular physique. He shook, throwing his hands over his face as the older man came inside him, allowing a few more stiff thrusts to empty himself out. Joe sweeped his hands back over his hair, his chest heaving with heavy breaths. Paul lowered his legs again and slid out, lowering himself next to Joe who in turn wrapped his arms around him. They lay in silence for the next few minutes, bodies entangled. “I wish you could stay here with me all day.” Paul finally said, his head leaning into Joe shoulder. “Me too. I’ll only be gone for a couple of hours though.”
“Good, I’ll get a workout in, in that time. Don’t forget to cancel your room for tonight and tomorrow.”
“I won’t. Thanks for letting me stay. I missed you.” Joe said turning into him. A small smile crept onto Paul’s face. “Missed you too baby.”
They spent the rest of the morning snuggling until Joe really had to get back to his room and gather his belongings for check out. He stowed his luggage behind reception and went off to the radio station where he was to have his interview. Paul meanwhile went down to the hotel gym and got his workout in. As he was in reception, he bumped into Drew.
“Hey,” Paul said, a little startled. “Haven’t heard from you, everything OK?” Drew checked “Oh yeah, just so busy with Summerslam coming up. You know how it is. Joe also keeps me busy, as you know.” Paul knew what he was doing. He was adding that little foot note in to remind Drew that Joe was his. “Yeah looks like we’re gonna be working together for Summerslam. That’s exciting.”
“Yeah, creative think you guys work great together, Bray too so I’m looking forward to it all unfolding-” Paul’s eyes met Joe as he entered the hotel. He was wearing a smart charcoal coloured suit with a navy shirt, hair up in a bun. He looked so damn good. “Hey,” Paul greeted with a smile “How was your interview?”
“Really funny actually. Hey man,” Joe smiled at Drew. The Scot couldn’t keep his eyes off him, especially in that sharp suit. “Well, guys I’ve gotta head on but probably see you Monday.” They said their goodbyes and both men watched Drew leave. Joe felt so awkward walking in like that, especially after the events of the last weekend. “I just need to grab my bags. I’ll come up to yours soon. Don’t want anyone seeing us together.”
Paul left. Joe watched him take the elevator. Immediately, he left the hotel. He could see Drew walking towards the parking lot.
“Drew!” He called out, trying not to be too obvious. The Scot stopped and waited for him. “Hey, I’m sorry about that back there.”
“I thought you guys split up?” He questioned, looking a bit miffed. “We did but we’re working things out…I just don’t want things to be awkward or anything?”
“Only if you make it.” He said, trying to make light of the situation even though he was disappointed to say the least.
“OK cool, I”ll see you Monday.” Joe grabbed His bags behind reception and headed up to Paul’s room.
“Well that wasn’t awkward at all was it?” Paul didn’t even say hello when Joe arrived. “I guess it was bound to happen sometime.” Joe responded, setting his bag down. “Never mix business with pleasure.”
“We do,” Paul said wrapping his arms around Joe’s waist. “You look great in this suit.” He said before kissing him. “I’m gonna get out of this workout gear and shower. When I come back, I want you naked and waiting for me down on the floor.” He said pointing to a spot in front of the sofa. “As you wish Sir.”
“Good boy.” Paul said smacking his ass as he walked into the bathroom. Joe smiled to himself. There was just something he loved about being a “good boy” for Paul. He went about changing out of his suit, hanging it neatly in the closet and getting down on his knees in the exact spot that he had been instructed to. He listened out for when Paul would be finished in the shower as to mentally prepare himself for whatever he had in mind to do. He kept his head lowered, focusing on the carpet below, eyeing the small details in the pattern until he heard Paul pad towards him, barefoot. He was holding a belt.
“Good boy.” His tone was almost seductive “Now, hands crossed behind your back.” He instructed before he yanked Joe up so he was kneeling upright. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach at Paul’s touch and they intensified as he secured the belt around his neck. “Feel OK?”
“Yes Sir.” Paul held onto the longer end of the belt edging Joe mouth towards, his erect cock. Joe opened his mouth immediately and took the length. Paul let out a pleasurable groan from above as he took a firm grip of the belt, tightening it more as he began to fuck Joe’s mouth. He had no choice but to keep his mouth open. Trails of drool escaped as Paul continued. He loved to hear Joe gagging on his cock and it was even sexier that he had him on a leash of sorts. “I’m gonna cum on the back of your throat and you’re gonna swallow it all right?” Paul said firmly, asserting himself while he adjusted the belt holding it on either side around the back of Joe neck, effectively forcing him to go balls deep. Joe eyes shot open due to the impact and his hands freed themselves.
“Aah aah! Hands behind your back!” Joe did as told, fidgeting away as he began to choke on Paul’s cock. At that very moment, he shot his load into the back of his throat. Joe struggled to swallow, leaving trails of cum and saliva to fall from his mouth as Paul let him go. Joe continued to cough, doubled over on the floor breathless as Paul hovered above. “Went a bit too hard on you there did I?” He knew he did. It was his way of making Joe feel worthless and small. Maybe he did it because he was still mad about the Drew situation?
Paul ordered in some food and they settled down on the sofa in front of the TV for the rest of the afternoon. As usual, it wasn’t that long until Joe started nodding off as he rested his head on Paul’s chest. Paul set his hand gently on the back of his head and thought about how lucky he was right now. He thought about how easily he could have blown things earlier that week. He had to be careful now, maybe go a little easier initially. In the midst of his thoughts, he had a notification on his phone. Joe awoke looking around him, trying to get his bearings. “It’s just my phone baby, sorry.” The young man shifted his position, sitting upright on the sofa, knees to his chest. “You OK?”
“Just tired, think I over ate.” He confessed, sweeping his hair back. “What’s your plan for the rest of the weekend?”
“A little admin here and there but mostly just take it easy with you.” Paul told him, his eyes soft. Joe smiled. He wished he could see that gorgeous smile more often. He loved the little gap in his front teeth and his cute dimples. Paul reached out. “Give me your foot.” The smile lessened. All Joe could remember was his begging and crying for Paul to stop last week when he was carrying out a little foot torture. “I want to give you a foot rub.”
“That’s all?” He checked. “I like to do nice things too for you baby, It’s not all about pain.” Slowly Joe stretched out his right leg, resting his foot on Paul’s abdomen. He flinched as soon as he touched it. “You’ve gotta relax, I’m not gonna hurt you.” He assured him. “Sorry, I’m just naturally ticklish.” He tried to relax as Paul went about gently massaging the sole of his foot. “That’s nice.”
“One thing you’ve gotta realise is that there can be just as much pleasure as there is pain in this relationship babe. I know you’re still learning but you’ll see that as time goes on.” Joe began to relax into the sofa, a small smile spreading across his face. “One thing I do want to do more of is get you over to my place. It was nice having you there.”
“Nice because you happen to have your own dungeon there?” Joe remarked. “That amongst other things. We felt free y”know? None of this sneaking about when we’re on the road.”
“I know.” Joe felt deflated. He hated hiding their relationship. He wanted to do regular things that couples do with Paul but that was a no go. “It’s so frustrating.”
“I know baby. I feel the same. Maybe if you want to come out to mine just after Summerslam. We could maybe make it a fortnightly thing. That and, I’ve been thinking over the last few months about buying a place in Tampa to be closer to the Performance Centre.”
Joe eyes lit up. “Really?”
“I’ve been playing with the idea now for a while and with you living there already, would make things easier for us. What do you think?”
“I’d love that. We could see each other more often.” Paul was happy to hear that Joe was into this idea. “Well I guess it’s settled then. I’ll start looking.” Joe moved forward, towards Paul and kissed him passionately.
“I love you.” He said pulling away, looking into Paul’s eyes. This new sign of Paul’s commitment as well as his confessions since the night before had lit a new fire in him.
“Let me fuck you.” He simple said before Paul kissed him back. He positioned himself on the couch, kneeling, leaning onto the back while Joe slid into the bedroom to retrieve the lube. He could see the excitement in Joe eyes. This was a rare treat for him but one he hoped would become at least that bit more frequent now that there was a better understanding between both men. Paul groaned and Joe prepared his entrance. It already felt so good. Gently he started to force himself in. “Aww baby, that’s it.”
“You like that?” Joe knew he did. He slid in further, the feeling of Paul’s walls closing in around his cock, giving him a high he rarely felt. He took a firm hold of Paul’s pelvis and began to fuck him hard. He knew Paul could take it. He took in each and every one of Paul’s moans and groans. “Aah fuck!” Paul let out as Paul drove him over the edge. It only made Joe fuck him harder, thrusting with as much force he could until his seed exploded into Paul’s hole, trying to keep a hold of him as his body trembled in orgasm. “Christ….”He breathed as he stood back, watching Paul lower to the sofa, spent. Joe knelt on the floor next to the sofa. “Thank you.” He smiled.
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gamelpar · 4 years
It’s All About Fakes (100 sentence prompts fanfic)
Because I suck a writing even short stories or drabbles, I write 100 sentences prompts for the Fake AH Crew instead.
Some of them are inspired by moments in Let’s Play videos, headcanons, social media posts, or just comes straight out of the blue.
Feel free to take inspiration from the prompts or use them.
Prompts are written from a non-shippy perspective, but each prompt can be intercepted in whatever way pleases.
Also my first work, so let’s see how this goes.
Hey, why don’t you read it on AO3 instead?https://archiveofourown.org/works/24787825
1. How the Fake AH Crew got this far is a hell of story, and you can bet it’s one damn worth telling. (Fake it Til’ You Make it)
2. Ray was a sniper; he could spot bullshit a mile away, so how come he ended up in the Fake AH Crew? (On the Spot)
3. Sitting by the wheel of the red minivan Geoff sighed for the 67th time that day, still disbelieving the fact that they were not on their way to carry through a well-planned heist but rather enroute to the beach for some “splashing and slacking”, as Jack had called it. (Sunday Driving - To the Beach)
4. “The Vagabond says: it’s all gonna be murder.” (What the Vagabond Says)
5. Whether it was the Golden Boy or Gavin; Mogar or Michael; they wouldn’t leave each other behind. (Bois Forever)
6. Lindsay---being an absolute goddess as always---supports Jack in her telling for Fiona, and Jack couldn’t have been more grateful. (Women’s League)
7. Matt screws something up; Trevor is there to help him fix it; then Gavin and Alfredo is there to screw it up even more. (Nice Job Breaking It)
8. It’s Bake a Cake Day (according to Gavin) and it’s Gents vs. Lads (insisted by Gavin) and it will also be known as the day when Geoff’s kitchen met its undeniable demise (because of Gavin). (Bake a Cake Day)
9. Long story short: Michael breaks into an animal adoption center for a cat because Lindsay, and Gavin and Ray tags along because why the fuck not. (No Animal Came To Any Harm Except For Gavin)
10. A heavily tattooed man walks into a bar; later, a mad man and a lady in a Hawaii-shirt joins him. (It’s Not a Joke but the Punchline is Fluff)
11. Lindsay and Jeremy have dealt with shit going sideways longer than most people so they know how to make the best of it. (Failure is an Old Friend of Mine)
12. “I hereby announce that the official Prank Wars Week is in session!” (Oh No)
13. The Vagabond might be ready to die, but Ryan knows he’s not. (Ready as I’ll Ever Be)
14. The Lads---and Geoff---gets drunk as hell one night and starts a sock company. (Socks, There’s Socks Everywhere)
15. A boring Fake AH Crew means a dangerous Fake AH Crew and the residents of Los Santos better prepare for chaos. (Boredom Can be a Health Hazard)
16. Ryan gets hiccups and Ray thinks it’s funny until he gets hiccups, too, and soon everyone is stuck with hiccups and everyone blames Ray for some reason. (The Hiccup Disease)
17. When dawn arrives the Fake AH Crew will never be the same again. (Dawn After Battle)
18. Shopping weekends was nothing Lindsay used to do regularly, until Ryan one time decided to come along; then it became a thing. (Stuff We Do Together)
19. Even after leaving the crew, Ray would still have a home to return to. (Home is Wherever You Make it Be)
20. “No---we’re not twins, we’re not brothers, we’re not related in any way, so please for god’s sake, stop asking that.” (Stop the Questions Goddamnit)
21. Jeremy tried to apply more pressure to the wound but as the time on the bomb was running out, so did the blood. (A Mistake You Won’t Live to Learn From)
22. Someone knocks---no, pounds on the door to Ryan’s apartment at 3AM in the morning and Ryan’s still not that happy to being woken up in the middle of the night even if it is Meg waiting behind the door. (Late Night Visitor   or   Expect the Unexpected)
23. “Hey, guys, Fiona here---you’ll never believe this---but I’m stuck in jail and I need one of you to come and bail me out.” (Let’s Bail)
24. Matt is found alone sitting on top of the roof, watching the sunset, but what Geoff finds is someone who needs to talk and so he decides to be that other someone who listens. (Everyone Needs Someone Sometimes)
25. Gavin gets into trouble, which drags Michael and Jeremy into more trouble, and Geoff just wants to have a fucking drink. (Prepare for Trouble)
26. Gavin makes a statement, and Ryan feat. Alfredo makes it a hundred times worse. (Disturbance of Your Own Making)
27. Being welcomed by the sight of a bloodied and battered Gavin through the open door eliminates any tiredness and annoyance Geoff had worked up to having been woken up by a loud pounding on the door at 2AM. (Bloody Brit)
28. That was the way of the Battle Buddies; if one went down, the other had to keep on going, no matter what. (Broken Promise)
29. Nothing lasts forever, and Ray knows that better than anyone. (Never Say Forever)
30. The remaining Gents as well the rest of the Fakes would always be missing a part of themselves from now on. (Parts & Pieces   or   Next Step is to Move On)
31. The alphabet wasn’t enough to cover every brilliant plan the Fake AH Crew had in store, but they never settled for a single letter anyways. (Seven Ridiculous Plans and One That Actually Made Sense)
32. To the Lads, brighter days ahead is just an illusion they can only dream of in the aftermath of a heist gone wrong which claimed the lives of the Gents. (Miserable Lads)
33. It’s a story from being refused of coffee, to wanting to commit suicide briefly, to Trevor having made room for tea-parties with Jeremy, Gavin and Lindsay in his schedule every now and then. (Shut Up and Have Some Tea)
34. Really, it all started when Ray wouldn’t leave Geoff’s house one night. (A Place for Everyone)
35. Usually things doesn’t escalate this far by playing a simple Xbox-game but having ended up in jail, Michael and Matt doesn’t have much of a say about it and Geoff’s pissed. (Hate the Players)
36. Waking up in a dark room tied to a chair with no slightest idea of what the hell’s going on tends to lead to some anxiety-ridden experiences, especially when it is Gavin who finds himself in that situation. (Blackout)
37. No one wants to be the only sober one left to take care of a drunk crew, but with Ray gone Ryan just has to accept that this is his life now. (Trust   or   Sober One)
38. To think it all started that day when Jack saved a drunk man from being robbed in a dark alley. (Mind Your Manners)
39. Neither Lindsay or Michael would force Gavin to put on a brave face after a nightmare; everyone had fears and it was okay to be scared sometimes. (Sharing is Caring)
40. Matt’s life was just another pile of broken pieces until he met Jeremy, and suddenly he had some glue to put the pieces back together. (Glue   or   Glue My Life Back Together)
41. In the temporary apartment Ray was living in at the moment there was a vase by the kitchen window, always holding five red roses. (A Vase Full of Roses)
42. Geoff’s mood could easily be improved a 100 times better with some nice and warm socks. (Can Never Have Enough of Socks)
43. The crew quickly learned that pairing up Ryan and Trevor together would leave a traumatic amount of battered bodies and large pools of blood behind. (Madness In Me)
44. Michael’s life was like a puzzle; bits and pieces all over the place, some fitting, some not, some missing or broken, some didn’t even belong---and Jack standing there in the middle of it all being the only one who seemed to sense some kind of pattern. (Puzzles)
45. The Fake AH Crew weren’t good guys---they never would be---but that didn’t mean they were incapable of doing good, and they were by far the most decent team of criminals that had ever set foot in Los Santos. (Bad Guys Do Good)
46. Tears kept falling, slowly soaking the photo Jack held in her hand of her and the crew---not wanting to forget, yet not wanting to remember. (Remember to Forget)
47. The pink sniper rifle that hung on the wall would always serve as a reminder for the members of the Fake AH Crew that they were not immortal after all. (We Could Be Immortals)
48. Ryan’s an evil mastermind and that frightens Gavin a little, but the Golden Boy reckon it’s time to beat the Vagabond at his own game. (The Reckoning)
49. Kerry Shawcross crosses paths with the infamous Fake AH Crew completely by accident, and all hell breaks loose. (Welcome to Fake Hell)
50. The blood on his hands belonged to someone he knew---someone he cared about---and Ryan had never been more afraid of himself. (There’s Someone There But it’s Not Me)
51. It’s Pride Month and Jeremy really takes it up a notch when coloring his hair this time. (Rainbows)
52. Watching them Lindsay realized that while each of them all had lost so much, they had found even more. (Less is More)
53. Trevor would be better than Geoff ever’d been at scheduling heists and leading the crew, but he still gets to handle all the complaining from the crew so he isn’t as satisfied as he would like to be. (Point of No Return)
54. When the realization strikes him that he’s the only one left remaining, Jeremy falls to his knees in defeat and can’t stop screaming. (What Remains)
55. Fiona can never seem to stop messing with Gavin in any way possible. (A Step Too Far)
56. “Yeah, they’re all idiots---but they’re my idiots, so don’t you fucking dare lay your hand on them.” (A Bunch of Savage Animal Idiots)
57. Times have never been darker for the Gents as each of them struggles to cope with the deaths of the Lads in the aftermath of an coordinated attack. (Falling Inside the Black)
58. The day he met the Wildcard, Michael’s whole world finally started to make some sense. (Wild World)
59. Geoff’s constant drinking worried Gavin sometimes. (Drunk Concern)
60. Matt didn’t believe anyone would care enough for him to consider him family, nor did he believe he would end up in becoming a part of one. (Lost and Found)
61. Alfredo always wondered who Trevor really was underneath his iron suit of armor. (Armor)
62. Even when stuck in a seemingly never-ending coma, Geoff was never alone. (Not Alone)
63. Alfredo joins the Fake AH Crew with more blood on his hands than most people---including himself---would’ve expected. (Red Sea)
64. There’s a perfectly valid reason why Lindsay, despite not being his roommate anymore, is the only one who has a key to Ryan’s apartment. (Key to the Door)
65. Four times Jeremy and Trevor talked their way out of jail and one time they didn’t. (Another Approach to the Problem)
66. Lindsay tried, and that’s why she was still alive, even though everyone else that mattered to her weren’t anymore. (The Fake Among the True)
67. Fiona was her own knight in shining armor and no tower could ever hold her captive for long. (Green Knight)
68. There were days when Jeremy saw a way out, yet the light would always fade at the end of the tunnel, leaving him in the dark. (No Way In, No Way Out)
69. The others would never come back, and Gavin, walking in the wake of that horrifying truth, felt like an empty shell with nothing left to give. (Empty)
70. Trevor would give his life for the crew just like Geoff and Lindsay had. (Third Time Counts)
71. One time for when each of the Fake AH Crew members showed strength and one time when they didn’t. (No Shame)
72. Jack and Geoff shared a special responsibility for every member of the crew, and Michael was no exception. (Nightmare Terrors)
73. ‘Who’s the creepiest motherfucker?’ is a question rather avoided and unanswered. (Creep Contest)
74. All Michael felt now was a burning anger that refused to flicker and fade, and thirst for revenge than could never be quenched. (Road Rage)
75. The last time they all saw each other the city was burning, wounds were bleeding---figuratively and literally---and they never expected to see each other again. (One Last Time)
76. Jack liked to be up in the early, quiet mornings while everyone was still asleep, but she was seriously going to tackle Ryan into bed if she found out he was still awake at 5AM again. (Go the Fuck to Sleep)
77. He’d said he was going to visit, but Ray always pushed the promise further to its limits every time. (Liar Liar)
78. Five times a heist went to hell and one time when it actually didn’t. (Heisting Hell)
79. Not every backstory of the Fake AH Crew’s members is full of shattered dreams and points of no return. (Wanted)
80. Gavin missed home sometimes, but the Golden Boy didn’t. (Two Sides of a Coin)
81. Jeremy’s admiration of monster trucks stretches way back to when he was only a child, walking past a toy store. (Monster Car)
82. “You can leave if you want”, Geoff said, “No one’s going to stop you.” (Freedom)
83. The Vagabond was almost always in control after the Fall of the Fakes, mostly because Ryan let him. (Dead by Daylight)
84. Perhaps the next mishap won’t be so embarrassing for Alfredo, but life didn’t seem to like him much at all. (It’s Life, What Can You Do About It)
85. Four times Geoff said no to either Gavin, Ryan or Lindsay bringing an animal home, and one time he actually said yes. (Animal Addition)
86. So the members of the Fake AH Crew decides to steal their boss’ yacht again and Geoff’s as usual late to the party. (Yacht Party)
87. The crew goes to get some tattoos, and Lindsay is very sure of which one she wants to get. (Tattoos)
88. When Jack falls sick and can’t make her awesome lunch for the whole crew, the crew makes one for her instead (and Jack appreciates it even if it’s a little burned). (Faking the Chef)
89. The day Fiona joined the Fake AH Crew is a day Gavin will very well remember. (Bully)
90. The B-Team is usually there to clean up the messes, except for this time. (Don’t Leave Your Messes Here)
91. The whiskey burned his throat when he guzzled it, and Geoff wished that the liquor could burn away the pain and memories the same. (Burning Bridges)
92. The Fake AH Crew may look like they’re having the time of their lives, but the outside is designed to hide the struggles and issues that lingers underneath. (Inside Out)
93. With the Gents missing, the Lads stuck in a burning building, and the B-team cornered in a firefight, things does not look good. (Already Over)
94. The Fake AH Crew never failed to be impressed by Michael’s colorful vocabulary of swear words. (Words of Color)
95. Jeremy tries to cover up some traces of his past life from the rest of the crew; it does not go the way he wants. (Known to the World)
96. The Ring had been like home, but he wasn’t earning any money being beaten up every round in familiar surroundings, so Michael left---and ended up in Los Santos. (Ring of Fire)
97. The different paths that every member of the crew took for themselves led each of them to end up somewhere they never intended to be, but somewhere they were meant to be. (Pathfinders)
98. It was safe to say that every member of the Fake AH Crew had at least one weird obsession; some had way too many, and some obsessions were just what the fuck. (Obsessions)
99. The Fake AH Crew heists in style, or they do not heist at all. (Do it with Style)
100. The Fake AH Crew is made up of a selected (un)worthy and unique individuals---each one with their own story of whens, ifs, whats, whos, and hows. (Now That We’ve Come So Far)
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maatryoshkaa · 5 years
Stray Kids as Roommates | Thread
some roommates-to-lovers fluff coming at you!
Bang Chan
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You guys are the pair that n e v e r sleep
Turned his room into a home studio; probably would have thrown out his bed and turned his room into an office if you hadn’t stopped him
You often fall asleep to the sound of his humming and tracks muffled through your bedroom wall
You see the most of him during exam season, while pulling all nighters
He’s always in the kitchen making his 14th cup of coffee when you get up to go to the bathroom at 3 am
Lots of deep, meaningful conversations over late night snacks
You swear you’ve heard him talking to his Goku figurines during the unearthly hours of the morning
You’re the only one Chan lets ruffle his fluffy dandelion bedhead in the morning
Takes care of you more than he takes care of himself
Always asks you how your day went when you get home and insists on listening even when he’s been awake for over 48 hours
Always there to give you advice and comfort you when you’re feeling down! A living breathing mental health hotline
Walked into your room when you were studying for finals at 2am
You were in your pajamas, hair a mess and eyes barely open
And that was when Bang Chan decided he was in love with you
Ah, the couple with matching bags under their eyes.
☽ Read the rest of the boys under this cut! 
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Fried chicken takeout for dinner is a big Friday night thing
Kind of like a big moral support teddy bear, his hugs are the greatest
You steal half his closet in the winter because his hoodies are the comfiest
Literally the dad of your household
Checks up on your health and how you’re doing every now and then
Pushes you to finish your work and makes sure you’re not procrastinating
Honestly, your grades are soaring thanks to him
Helps you with homework
Your parents love him
Always saves and brings you good things to eat
Tucks you in at night when you can’t sleep nyahh i’m soft
And a couple times, when you wake up shaking from nightmares, homesickness or stress, he’s always there to comfort you, lying there until you fall asleep again.
“Yeah? Shh, don’t worry, I’m here.”
You always sit outside the bathroom and listen to him sing in the shower
Until he suddenly opened the door in nothing but a towel and you couldn’t face him for weeks
He thought your furiously blushing face was the cutest thing he’d ever seen and teased you about it, 
Until you finally kissed him to make him shut up
Hint: it worked wonders.
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Saturday night dance battles are a t h i n g
Doesn’t do any chores unless he notices you’re feeling tired
Tried to cook once and probably accidentally gave the both of you food poisoning
Remember when he cooked rice cakes in the unwashed metal pan I’m--
Likes you a lot more than he lets on
Like, you’d mention craving a certain food or not having saved up enough money for something, and voila, the next day it’d be sitting on the kitchen table.
“What? It was on sale, just lying around. Don’t think too much of it.”
Clowns you for every little thing, but the moment he hears someone make fun of you, it’s on sight
Bicker like an old married couple, lots of back and forth catfights
Evenings falling asleep on the sofa, both tipsy and giggling while his two cats snuggle up around you
Arguing over who the cats love more
Endless crackhead antics; the neighbours probably hate you
Insists on walking his cats around the apartment complex, when in reality he just wants to spend more time with you
Everyone already knows you’re basically dating but you’re both too stubborn to admit it
Probably hooked up once or twice, or more than once or twice ;)
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Honestly when you first got him as your roommate, you were terrified
Because this 5’6 ball of dark is intimidating as frick
Realized how soft he really was when he whipped out his Munchlax plushie
Petty arguments with him are impossible because he speaks so fast
So you just let him win
Makes you kill the spider
Always manages to convince you to watch horror movies at 1 am
Probably as an excuse to have you in his arms if you get scared ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he thinks he’s slick
Perfected the “stretch and put his arm around your shoulder” move
Made a special playlist for everything you do together: good vibes for breakfast, upbeat jams when doing the chores together, chill indie mixes for cozy evenings in doing work
Insists on helping you around the house
Bringing you fresh ice coffee, cookies, and convenience store hauls whenever he gets off work
“B-but the Peperos were on a buy one get one free sale 👉👈”
Suggests playing the pocky/pepero kiss game to which you smack him in response
But you end up giving him a quick peck anyways, and he freezes, stunned
You run off, face red, Changbin chasing after to you with a wicked grin
“What was that? Is that buy one get one, too, because I want another oneeee!”
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The chillest roommate, but when he gets hyper oh m y
I ain’t gettin no sleep cos of y’all, y’all not gettin sleep cos of me
You have to wake him on the weekends because this boy would sleep until the evening
You want to let him rest, though, since he’s always out and working so late ;(
Secretly takes so many candid, soft pictures of you and saves them as his wallpaper
Loves to take you shopping and dress the both of you in matching #OOTDs
Hypes you the heck up
“She’s sister snatched today! Skin glowing, outfit on point -- oh look at that SMILE! Do the thing again -- oh my gosh. You’re killing it, y/n!”
Gives you fashion advice and beauty tips, although you keep bugging him for his skincare routine cuz damn
Probably share skincare products
Always do face masks together but fail at keeping them on because the two of you keep laughing at the stupidest things
Sometimes he has to put you to bed when he comes home late, and you’ve fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him to get back
Can’t resist kissing your forehead sometimes when tucking you in
At moments like these, he finds himself wishing for a sliver of a chance that you might feel the same way he has
He’s honestly so damn obvious though, getting you matching “roommate” things when he goes out -- plushies that remind him of you, little snacks when you’re down, cute accessories, you name it
This boy also forgets that he talks in his sleep -- and is very hard to wake up
So one morning, you’re leaning over his bed, about to shake him awake, and hear him mumble
“y/n, y/n, y/n...i like you sooo much...what do i do?”
You nearly choke on your toast, effectively waking the boy up, and he stares at you, half-awake and mortified.
“What? Did I--did I say something in my sleep?”
The smug, blushing smile spreading over your face is enough to send him diving back under the covers as you begin to tease him
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So comfortable to be around, he’s basically your best friend from day 1
Except for the fact that he’s so. Damn. LOUD
Noise complaints filed from the neighbours, the landlord, the neighbour’s dog, you name it
Another soft bean whose bedhead you love to ruffle
I mean have you seen My Pace dance practice? That boys mane has a mind of its own--
Brings you lots of cakes and pastries from cute bakeries when you’re stressed
A responsible boi™ ! always helps you out around the house.
Grocery shopping together? What a concept
Except he piles the cart with chips and snacks when he thinks you’re not looking
Lots of late nights binging movies on Netflix
This boy loves moves
But he loves them even more when he watches them with you ;D
Afterwards, you’re both too lazy and comfortable to move, so you end up falling asleep cuddled up against each other
Always runs away and hides when you ask to see his songs
You find scraps of hastily scribbled lyrics and ideas strewn around the house all the time
Little phrases like “i think i love you” and “my heart beats impossibly fast when i’m with you”
So you manage to collect enough to bring them to him and tease him about it
Jisung gets all quiet, though, instead of whining like he usually does, and you quickly apologise, thinking you’ve gone too far
You reassure him his writing is amazing
“It’s not that.”
He finally looks you in the eye, the intensity of his stare making your heart stop for a moment.
“They’re about you.”
Oh, how the turn tables.
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i hate him sm, blease
Why did you even agree to room with him
Rooming with Felix is a one way trip to insanity -- we going ✈️✈️ acid trip
You can hear him yelling yeets and yeehaws when he plays Fortnite while you do your homework, and you swear you’re t h i s close to putting his head straight through his screen
Video game marathons when you’re not busy though, you have to admit, are the bomb
Probably convinced you to make TikToks with him
Makes you do all the viral challenges, including the couple trends
Honestly the most fun guy to be around ever
Your daily dose of memes and sugar
Knows when to be down to earth and serious, though!
Gives the best massages when you’re overworked and runs you a bath, promptly ordering your favourite takeout and making sure to feed you
Building pillow forts together on rainy days and snow days, and having sleepovers!
Binging vine compilations together during said sleepovers
Sending each other memes at 1 am when you’re both simultaneously procrastinating on homework
You basically became a couple without really going through the confession stage; it just sort of happened
“Hey, ‘lix?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I think I kinda like you.”
A sideways smirk. “Well, yeah, you’ve dealt with me for this long.”
The best-friends couple: soulmates, and, more importantly, partners in crime vine
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Sweetest roommate!! Honestly you feel bad for even asking him to do chores
Has a bit of an evil side, though
One second he’s flashing you an angelic smile, the next he’s roasting you for your selfie skills on your recent Instagram post
You make one (1) complaint about the living room being messy, next thing you know you wake up and it’s spick and span
Cooks?? Really hecking well?
Sometimes you wonder if you signed up for a roommate or a housekeeper
Your apartment is so clean
Taking evening strolls together after dinner and taking pictures at the park
Walks you to and from work/school like a little puppy, and gets anxious if you’re late coming home
Doesn’t know how to show how much he cares about you and gets frustrated with himself
So he indulges in the little things, like packing you cute little lunches with sticky notes on the containers
Little notes around the house on days he stays out working late, like make sure you’re eating! And don’t sleep too late!
Honestly, you fell for him the moment he first smiled at you
Once, he was working overtime nonstop, and you didn’t get to see him for over two weeks
When he finally came home on time, you couldn’t help tackling him in a big bear hug
After he got over his initial heartbeat racing a thousand miles per hour, he dropped his head into the crook of your neck, hugging you back tightly
No words were needed, you missed each other’s presence so much, it seemed to say itself
I love you, and I missed you.
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Is this boy even old enough to rent out a room? He is babie
So incredibly shy when he first meets you, but warms up quickly
Owns animal-printed pajamas and onesies
You both had a mini celebration when he got his braces off, complete with banana milk and animal crackers
You are both babie
An early bird, always wakes up before you
You wake up to him shaking you and laughing at your scrunched up face
“Wake uuppp, y/n, you’re going to be so late!”
Can’t clean to save his life; always ends up breaking something or knocking things over
So he’s in charge of doing the laundry
Had a fat mental breakdown when he realised that meant your underwear
Your apartment is littered with figurines and plushies that both of you collect and don’t have the heart to clean out
“Jeongin, where are y----” you stop. “Why are you lying face down on the ground?”
“...we’re out of banana milk.”
Another hidden evil bean who clowns you for everything you do once he warms up to you
Baby boy!Jeongin switches to Savage!Jeongin in a matter of seconds
Also makes you kill the spider
Helps you cook, but only if you tell him how to do everything or he’ll freak out
Putting mukbang channels on the TV while eating together and watching in comfortable silence
Loves watching you eat and has a million derpy pictures of you saved on his phone
Poor boy has no idea how to tell you he’s falling head over heels with you
Accidentally blurts out “I like you” during a screaming contest
Lots, I mean LOTS of awkward laughing as Jeongin feels his face heat up, watching yours do the same
The longest moment passes, and Jeongin is getting ready to disassociate when you’re finally able to open your mouth and scream back,
“I like you, too!”
Baby boy found his soulmate.
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destinymedia · 4 years
My first fic. Tell me what you think so far
The lights were in your eyes. So bright you had to close them making you listen to the band playing more intently. You loved the Foals but tonight they were playing there newest album for the club well and some old ones. The club was filled up with hipsters in man-buns and flannel. Tight shirts with vans and skinny jeans, you were in heaven. This was the first time youd been out since you moved here and you were loving the city, loving the vibe, loving the people and loving the music. You lived for live music. You couldnt have been happier with life right now. You finally landed an internship with Rolling Stones after years of trying and failing. You were in your last year of your Master's degree at NYU. This was the shit life was made of. Your friends from work were all there. They were the ones who emailed you about the secret show and you knew you had to be there. Life or death you were going to the show. Luckly you had finished your work and made to the show just in time. The music was aloud and pumping your blood faster. Making your way over to the bar you bumped into your workmates. You made your way over to the bar and got a drink. Just a good ol fashion beer. Your plan was to enjoy the music and get drunk, you needed this after the week you had and class hadnt even started yet. Thank God. You started you head back into the direction of you friends and accidently bumped into a guy standing hear them. Sorry, my bad. You smiled at him and he smiled back and put his hand on your back to help you through the crowd. Its not a problem he said into your ear and winked as you pasted. Smiling you made you way to your friends and started moving to the music and drinking your beer. Hes fucking hot. your friend yelled at you over the loud music. You looked back to where he was standing. You watched as he bumped his head to the beat. He was fucking hot, probably one of the hottest guys youd seen yet. He had long black hair that was pulled back into, of course, a bun. He was dressed normal. As if you could call anything in New York normal. A button up shirt unbuttoned over a white t-shirt, black tight pants and what looked like dress shoes. He must of had a good job. He looked like a more sofiscated hipster. You giggled checking him out. You turned you attention back to the band jumping on stage and finished you beer. Not wanting to miss the show you decided to wait to go get another when you felt a hand on you shoulder tapping. Can i buy you another drink? It was the hot guy from earlier. You nodded and followed him to the bar. You watched as he ordered to more beers and 2 shots of whiskey. Hey, you said as you leaned closer to his ear, i thought it was only one drink. He laughed and shrugged his shoulder. More for me then he said back into my ear. When the drinks came you leaned over him and took the shot glass before he could touch it. You waited for him to take his glass and cheers him downing the shot. The warm liquid burned so good. Thanks man, you said to him. I saw you checking me out earlier he leaned close to your ear. You felt the warmth of his breath on your neck and it sent shivers down you back. You looked at him and smiled. "what can i say you look good in those pants.'' He laughed again making you chuckle and smile back. "I'm Loki. Nice to meet you.' "Y/N." you put out your hand as habit. Smirking he shook your hand. You guys talked and drank the whole time about everything and anything that came to mind. You laughed and touched eachothers legs so much you didnt even realize that the band stopped playing and it was just the music from the bar playing over the speakers. You both only had notcied when they called last call. Holy shit what time is it?! Wow you looked at your phone is was already 2am. Thank fuck you didnt have work this weekend but you did start classes on Monday. Do you live around here? he asked. You raised your eyebrow at him and he laughed. Should i call you a cab or something is all i meant. Im actually in walking distance. Do you mind if i walk you home then? he asked smiling. Sure, you said as you blushed hoping he couldnt tell. As he paid the tab off you looked around for your friends. Not seeing them you checked your phone.            Seen you talking that hot asf hipster up so i left you alone. let me know when you get home okay. At least Jane cared about me you laughed He really walked you home like a true gentleman. When you made it to your door you stopped and looked at him. Why the fuck not. You needed to have fun and let go. Want to come up for some coffee or tea or more beer. yeah i have more beer if you want. you asked trying to think about what was in your fridge and not his tight pants or his arms with the tiniest hit of tattoos peeking out of the sleeves. You noticed you were actually looking at his face. You looked him in the eyes and finally noticed his dark green gaze. Do you actually want to have more beer or tea or even coffee? he asked stepping closer. No you said feeling you legs slightly shaking from his gaze. Would you like me to leave? he asked me with a smirk on his face. No you said breathless. He stepped closer to me so i had to look up at him, with his head tilted down he leaned close to my ear and whispered "Then take me inside." He pulled back and kissed me. Pressing his lips against mine tasting the whiskey and beer i sighed and he took advantage of my relaxed mouth. He pushed his tongue pasted my lips and i could help but moan as his tongue played with mine. My hands moved to cling to the black of his shirt and his hands were everywhere. This is exactly how you wanted him, in the moment not caring about a thing. When you pulled away from him to breath you turned and started up the stairs to your apartment door pulling him by the hand with you.
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fuck-customers · 5 years
Stingy boomer alert & other fuck you moments.
This is a mix of tmshit that has happened at my job. (I'm the one who works in a rural casino in the PNW. Hey all)
So as I stated before my casino is in the middle of like phase 2 remodels, because some spaces desperately need it & others had to be reworked from phase 1. Ok fine.
On 3/30/19 I am told that myself & 2 volunteers have to clear out a bar area for renovation & that I am to continue that action on 3/31. Which is a Sunday (the day I am supposed to get the extra work done from doing 2 other peoples jobs done) AND an inventory day! AND we are open & somewhat busy & short staffed! Fun!
We get a good start 3/30, but then we are told on 3/31 that we moved things to a wrong area. So we had to move all that shit again & finish the project. All the while, I came in at 4pm and still had to put in our alcohol order for the week. AND finish inventory (5 restaurants worth, between 3 people ON TOP OF tearing down and moving a bar).
We got it done, but my ass was still there at 8am the next day (yes. Yes. 16. Fucking. Hours) when 2 of my bosses came in for their shifts. & I had a 3pm shift later that day. (4/1. And no: this is not a joke). And I get snarked at for not having inventory done sooner. My boss kindly overlooked the fact that I cussed at her as I was leaving. But I was still expected to be there at 3. (I asked the AM relief supervisor if she could cover til 4 and she was like "oh but...I have plans..." ME TOO LINDA* LIKE SLEEP SO I DON'T MURDER ANYONE YOU WAFFLE IRON!!) I make it in at 3pm by the skin of mybteeth to find: we still jad to inventory the bar we tore apart. I talked to the inventory queen & was like "that isn't happening but all the alcohol is in the other bar that we *did* inventory so its just paper products & those are now X place want me to just count that off?" And she agrees but Mondays are Hella busy so I don't leave(again) until nearly 1am. Cue 2 days off, half spent just recuperating and being in general physical pain. FUCK my BoH director he was the one who INSISTED that we start the bar remodel now GRR.
So this weekend! (4/7) I come in at 1pm on Sunday to do orders & run one of our restaurants. Someone mentions that one of our renovated areas is to open the following day and I laugh thinking its a joke as it opens on 4/16.
Not a joke! They decided to soft open for the tribe! No one has stocked it except for soda! A fridge, a low boy & a freezer arent working! No one but me knows how to work the smoothie machine! There is no water connected! And best of all: THERE IS NO UPPER MANAGEMENT ON SITE TODAY.
The other supervisors/chefs who have been here for YEARS are like "hurr durr what do?" And I am like OMG GET MAINTENANCE R U KIDDING ME? Omg we have to stock it! OMG ITS EMPTY.
Thankfully AM supervisor #2 (lets call her Rachel) is like
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Meanwhile my ass is like
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And the 2 veteran chefs are like:
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I did have to connect w/ department director (.gif chosen very specifically cause she is kind and a badass but can absolutely challenge you)
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& she gave me an attaboy b/c I Handled It & didn't panic & got my important shit done but!
My ass left at fucking 2am I worked a 13 hr day & I was STILL FIELDING CALLS THE NEXT DAY.
And now! The title cunt of this long ass post: THE BOOMER.
So! Our buffet (all the rvcs really) has an 18% gratuity in parties of 8 or more policy. Have had it since I started. This SAME DAY that we are having to scramble to get this rvc stocked and opening ready, an 8top comes in and is charged gratuity. I have been to exactly nowhere in this state that does NOT do this when faced w/ a large party. 8 is the normal cutoff point.
I get a call from my host saying I may wanna talk to the table b/c they said it was forced (if you say no we can't add it, but most people don't say no, they ask 'why') and are being really shitty to the server.
So I ask cashiers: did they day no? No? Ok.
Get to table & one lady is like " this girl is getting 40 dollars of a tip this is ridiculous! Its not like she is BRINGING me my food! I shouldnt have to tip! At ALL." And stuff like "entitled little girl! We are BIG TIPPERS we don't need to be Forced to tip!" And other bullshit like that.
And I exolain its a standard industry policy & if she goes to other local buffet itd haooen there too, amd also clarify that the server is getting 18 something and then ask "Do you have your receipts? *she shoves all 4 at me* OK I can refund your tip, oh hhey who had the credit card & who had x? I can fix all of these..." And everyone else at her table glared at her & were like "No no its fine! We don't need a refund on the tip!"
SHE still insisted though, so I told her I would take care of it & I did. I made sure to ask if everyone else was surr but they declined firmly.
As I walk away I hear them start to argue w/ her & shes just being nasty a.f. & she was nasty when I returned her 3.21 (taxes incl) to her table too & made a point to put all of it but 2 pennies in her purse.
Her entire table kinda stopped talking to her & I assigned a busser to finish out that particular ladies service (drinks, bussing plates etc) b/c even after it was over and done she was making my server uncomfortable.
Tell you what though, every table near hers in my servers section was *appalled* and my server still walked out well compensated but seriously: FUCK that lady. She had no cause to be rude a.f. the server in question is a sweetheart & one of the best.
I hope that bitter twat chokes on a prune.
When it comes down to it: can't or won't tip? Don't eat out!!! Jfc.
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elevatorsnot-worthy · 5 years
Just A Little Chaotic (Chapter 2)
CHAPTER 2 - Keep In Touch
Description: Alison, a singer-songwriter and an actress, finds herself in a middle of a chaotic set up with two of her cast mates. One’s a new face and one’s an old friend.
Pairings: Chris Evans x OFC x Sebastian Stan
Just A Little Chaotic (All Chapters)
“Really? Sebastian?” He said and continued eating. His face was a mixture of shock and amusement. At the moment, I didn’t really know what to feel. Should I be upset that Seb didn’t talk about me with Chris? Or maybe he did say something? Should I be worried at Chris’ reaction?  I took a sip as I waited if Chris was going to say anything. “He didn’t tell me that – I’m actually surprised,” He started to laugh “It’s such a small world, am I right?”
“Yeah, I know.” I giggled and continued to tell a short story about my friendship with Sebastian. “Well actually, it’s my brother and Seb who’s close since they both went to Rutgers. He was also our roommate for a few years.”
“Do you guys still talk?” Chris leaned back on his chair and his blue eyes stared into mine.
“Not really, since were both really busy.” I answered. I better change this topic. “You know what, enough about Sebastian… Tell me about more about you.” I leaned forward to him and rested my chin on my hand. Chris giggled in response and leaned forward too.
“What do you wanna know?” Chris smirked at me. God, he’s beautiful.
“So, in all of our castmates, who do you find most interesting?” I purred at him and giggled. I spotted his free hand on the table and I softly placed my hand above it.
“Well, other than RDJ,” he chuckled, and his voice was deep as he started his answer. “In all honesty, it was actually you.” Shivers went down to my spine and I can feel my cheeks turn red. “You baffled me the first day I saw you at the table read. You were sitting across me wearing that large blue sweater and it only made me think how good you would look when you’re wearing mine.” Somehow my breath escaped my body and I felt his warm hand interlock with mine. I wanted to devour him immediately on this table. Before I could even give him a flirty reply, my phone rang. I took it out from my bag and it was my brother.
“It’s my brother, I gotta take this.” I said and answered the call.
“Hey there, sis!” My brother slurred into the phone. I look at Chris as he signaled the waiter for the bill. “Are you already back in LA?”
“I’ll be back this weekend,” I was distracted by the noise on the other line. I assumed that he was in a party and rolled my eyes at the thought. “What do you want, Adam?”
“Nah, nothing… not – that’s good! Yeah, that’s good. We gotta get back rehearsing, you’re gonna be back on the road in a couple of weeks.” Somehow even when he is drunk, my brother still can talk about performing. It’s one of the reasons why he’s my musical director. “By the way, I’m with Sebastian right now, he’s in town until tomorrow.” I immediately can hear Sebastian’s loud drunk voice in the background.
“Okay, you guys have fun. Please don’t do anything stupid. I’ll be back in two days. We’ll start rehearsals once I get back. Love you, A.” I put my phone back in my bag and playfully swatted Chris’ hand. “Hey! That’s no fair! You didn’t let me fight you for the bill.”
“It’s okay, I asked for the date, I must pay.” He said as he stood up and offered his hand to me. I took his hand and we both walked out of the restaurant and went back straight to the car. We spent the night driving around the city and we just kept talking about life, dreams, and Disney. It was around 2am when Chris and I were headed back to hotel.
“You’re right, you’re right. Mulan is pretty badass.” Chris gave up after our banter about who was the best Disney princess.
“Hey! Mulan saved China plus Shang was really hot.” I answered, and he laughed in response. After a few minutes, we both realized that we were already in front of the hotel. Chris offered to walk me up to my suite. We were like high school kids giggling at everything. Once we reached my door we faced each other, looking deeply at each other’s eyes. I stepped in closer and placed my hand on his chest then Chris placed his hands around my waist.
“I had a lot of fun,” I purred at him and he smirked at him. His face inched closer and in less than a second our lips met and came crashing each other. Chris kissed me like he needed me, as if I was lost and came back to him. His soft lips find its way to my neck as he pinned me against the door.
“Chris,” I moaned and his grip around my waist moved down to my ass. Keep a hold of yourself, Ali. A bunch of thoughts came into my head all of a sudden. “Chris, wait.” He stopped and rested his forehead against mine. “I’m sorry, it’s just – you know, I’ll be on tour and I’ll be busy. If we did do this…” I took a deep breath and placed my hands on his face. “Look, I’m not saying no. This night was completely amazing, and you are wonderful. I’m just saying let’s take it slow.”
“I understand,” Chris nodded his head and gently placed a soft kiss on my lips. “We’ll keep in touch while you’re on tour, then let’s see what will happen.” He offered.
“Well I still got two days here, you want to make the most out of it?” I smirked at him and opened the door to my suite. He followed me, and his eyes were hungry for me. I lead him to the bed and he placed himself on top of me. He kissed me deeply and passionately. His hands wandering around my body. I pulled off his coat and threw it somewhere away.
“Are you good?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m on birth control, don’t worry.” I answered. He zipped down my dress and slid it down my body. He stopped kissing me and took off his shirt then I unclasped my black lace bra.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned, and his mouth went straight to my breasts. He planted soft kisses and sucked on my nipples. His fingers softly tugged on my panties and he proceeded to play with me. It was euphoric, and he kept me on the edge. His mouth pleasured my pussy and my moans filled the room. I didn’t care if the whole floor would hear me, he was too good. He made sure each stroke made my knees weak and made me gasping for air.
“Fuck me, please. Now.” I begged, and he complied quickly. He took off my shoes then his bottoms. He entered me slowly, stretching me with pleasure. He started with a slow pace and then he started to speed up little by little. “Faster.” I said breathily, and I gripped his arms as he picked up his pace. His mouth crashed into mine concealing my cries. It didn’t take long for me to explode under him. My body was in waves and I was lost in the moment. I was in heaven, and I felt like I was on a swing just swinging up. Chris buried his face on my neck as he pulled out and he came in me. He planted a kiss on my forehead and he plopped down beside me.
We continued on until the sun rose up and slept. I woke up without Chris on my bed. Fuck. Look what have you done now, Ali. I shook my head and sat up. I pulled my robe from the chair near the bed and wrapped myself with it. The silk was touching my skin gently and reminded me of Chris’ touch last night. I rummaged through my bag which was on the floor and got out my phone. 4 text messages and 2 missed calls and it was all from Sebastian.
               Wher aree you?
               We ned to hang ot soon
               Noticeee me
               I miss you,,.
“Hey there, you.” Chris’ voice shocked me, and I slid my phone in the pocket of my robe. “How are you? I took a shower, I didn’t want to wake you so…” He said as he sat on the edge of the bed. He was wearing nothing but a white cotton robe from the hotel bathroom.  
“I’m okay, I’m starving – kind of.” I chuckled and stood in front of him. “I’ll go shower and then we’ll eat?” Chris nodded his head and I went straight to the bathroom. I opened up my phone again and stared at Sebastian’s texts. He last texted me almost a month ago and we haven’t spoken since. What does he want?
Tag list: @everything-is-awesomesauce @supernatural-girl97 
(Please message me if you want to be tagged, I forgot and lost some of the messages. Thank you!) 
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the-canary · 6 years
Irreplaceable - B.B (Epilogue)
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Summary:  It’s not even about not noticing what’s in front of you. At this point, it was plain idiocy on both your parts. (Modern/Childhood AU!Reader/Bucky Barnes).
Prompt: “You know that feeling when you’re not your favourite person’s favourite person, and it kind of feels like you’re constantly swallowing sand?”  
A/N: This is for @writingcroissant 2k writing challenge. It was hard as hell to write a balance between loving someone but still trying to be friends/relearn who they are, but I hope it came out well. These events take place in a linear fashion, however their distance from each other is up for you to decide. Please enjoy the epilogue! 
Part 1 | Part 2
Feedback is always welcomed.
Two weeks, Bucky realizes that he has been in loved with a concept, an idea of someone that used to do everything that he wanted in the summer if he pushed her hard enough to. The you of today doesn’t live in that box he molded out of old childhood daydreams and the potential “what-if” he constantly dreamed of.
In two weeks, he realizes that you and the ideal aren’t the same in anyway. You’re so much more than that, and it takes him a good long while afterwards to come to terms with that.
You run your family’s business all on your own, leading its expansion in careful measurements after so many years stateside. You are a dear friend with your own share of crazy adventures that Sam can recall with perfect clarity, much to your annoyance and Bucky’s temporary anger. You’re a great daughter and are involved in so many things back on the West Coast it makes his head spin. However, in some ways you haven’t changed -- you still prefer to stay home and watch old movies than party with the younger Barnes sisters, much to his joy as he comes over during the time you’re there -- baby steps.
But even in those little moments, he can see that you’re stubborn and opinionated, preferring to run to the beat of your drums than anyone else’s anymore. And for a brief instant, James Buchanan Barnes mourns the old you –his childhood friend and the what-if– but he’s even more excited to learn all about this beautiful new version of you.
It’s funny, what had taken you two years to realize had only taken him two weeks.
However, after everything is said and done Bucky Barnes is a weak man that misses those timid smiles and cautious words given to him a month ago, and even though there is calling and texting -- it’s isn’t enough to what he had back in Shelbyville. So, he books a flight for Los Angeles when the Labor Day weekend comes -- he is aware of the uneasiness in your voice, but you let him come anyways.
Downtown Los Angeles isn’t the same as Indianapolis, closer to New York than he has been in a long time. He isn’t as tired as he should be from the four-hour flight, so after getting himself set up in his hotel room he decides to go to your office -- surprise you a bit earlier than intended. It’s a quick walk from where he is staying to your office anyways.
Said office is small with it only occupying one floor of the high tower that it is placed it. At max, James sees a fifteen people working at the moment, but he has to remind himself that your company had satellite offices in different states aside from trying to expands to other countries now. It’s crazy how you can handle all this, he can barely handle moving from Indianapolis to New York when he is needed there, but somehow if anybody could do all this and more -- it would be you.
The receptionist is quick enough to show him where your office is and James swears he is struck breathless for a moment as he sees you standing next to the large windows. The hazy afternoon sun giving you a certain glow, as he can barely understand the language you are speaking to the person on the other line. The receptionist leaves, but he’s still standing there for a good while until your phone call ends and you’re --so elegant in a navy blouse and black skirt-- asking what is he doing here with a cautious look in your eyes.       
“I was thinking we could hang out tonight,” James admits bashfully as you give him an exasperated smile, unsure of what to say for a moment.      
“I can’t do tonight,” you state as his heart drops, but then jumps like a kid on Christmas day over your next statement, “But, I am yours until Tuesday.”
“I can do that,” James nods, trying not to be too obvious about his excitement, though he can’t help but ask,  “What do you have planned for tonight?”
“Business dinner with Tony Stark,” you state, falling into old habits of when Tony was still the CEO, before correcting yourself, “And Mrs. Potts-Stark.”
“Wait, wait! You know the Tony Stark?”
“Trust me, sometimes I wish I didn’t,” you can’t but reminisce on how your disastrous friendship --getting too drunk after a tech conference and throwing up on his suit-- with the older man started, as James waits for an answer.   
Blue eyes watch as your lips quirk up at what seems to be a memory before laughing. You tell him to sit down and proceed to tell him of the horrible first impression you  had made to Tony Stark when you were just an undergraduate and how it proceeded from there.
You make it a point not to spend more than one day alone with James.
It’s too easy to fall into the deluded fantasies that your head and heart after years of desperation could come up with, and how well he could fall into them as well -- it caused you to guard your heart tightly, least you move far and set yourself up for heartbreak once more. It had happened at least twice back in Shelbyville, but you weren’t looking for that with him. You wanted to heal and learn who this new James was. Thus, the small rule you had set up for yourself -- Saturday was completely for him, taking him around all the places that you loved within the place you called home now.
The Getty. Santa Monica. Place you know like back of your hand and James welcomes with amazement.
“Reminds me of Coney Island,” he says with a smile while sitting on the ferris wheel, while looking down at the Pacific Ocean as you keep a tight smile from the other side -- you’ll never get that close again.
Sunday was for everyone else, as you invited friends and business partners to celebrate Labor Day in your home. You’re running around, making sure everything is running smoothly while trying to connect with friends and old business partners. With everything that you were doing, you didn’t notice a pair of blue eyes watching your every move like a love struck puppy -- your friendly demeanor and easygoing smiles, something that he wishes were being thrown his way.
“You should throw him a bone, sweetheart,” Sam can’t help but laugh, as he drags you away for moment. You frown as he motions to a certain man trying his hardest to make it seem like he isn’t looking in your direction.
“You know I can’t do that,” you state harshly and quickly run away from discussing this any further when someone -Tony, it’s always been Tony- starts calling out your name from the back of the small garden you own.
“Bunch of fools,” Sam can’t help but shake his head, as he glances at his girlfriend who can only nod at what she knows Sam is thinking, though Nat understands your line of thinking a bit better.
You’re just trying to protect your heart from the pain that was sure to come out of all this and James was just trying his hardest to prove he wasn’t the same rash child of his youth -- the both of you needed to see this through first before anything else could move forward.   
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and maybe that’s what happens as you stop seeing James for a good while -- his workload catching up to him, long with other things that came with being an adult, as the two of you just can’t seem to find the time to meet up anymore. However, there is always text and phone calls and man, does James try his hardest to keep in touch through those means.
You know it’s him when the clock strikes 10pm.  
“Hey, what’s up?” you speak softly when you hear James’ haggard breathing.
You know it going to be one of those nights, where Bucky just can’t sleep and you’ll be running on barely 2 hours of sleep.
“Same old, same old,” he lets out with a self-deprecating laugh, as he hears you let out a low hum. He almost wants to hang up, but you beat him to it  by asking him how his day was -- make him go through the whole thing in great detail as a distraction.
Bucky doesn’t know when it starts: waking up from his infrequent nightmares turned into calling you in the middle of the night, but it’s usually followed by the best sleep that he’s gotten in the very long time. And maybe because it is the middle of the night or simply because it’s you on the other side of the phone -- Bucky lets his defenses fall just a bit. He talks about his day, his time in the Army, he hopelessly murmurs his hopes and dreams to you -- and when he has the right timing, you’ll answer him back with yours as well.
It last until 2am your time, as sleep slowly starts to claim Bucky, though with promises of something much sweeter this time around. He tells you he’s going to sleep now, as you let out a yawn.
“Thank you, I l--” Bucky in his sleepy haze manages to stop himself from uttering those three words, though his heart aches when you sigh.
“I know, I know,” you mutter hopelessly back but never give him the response he is longing for, “Goodnight, Bucky .”
Your side of the phone clicks signaling the end of the call, but James keeps staring at his dark ceiling for a while longer. It wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but it was definitely a step towards the right direction.
And if Bucky has a goofy, lovestruck on his face for the next couple of days -- nobody dares to tell him.  
James isn’t sure how a night out to get a few drinks with Steve, Peggy, and Nat turned into making fun of the current state of emotions -- all because you were on a date, with someone that clearly wasn’t him, back in Los Angeles.
“I’ve never seen him this mopey before,” James glares at his best friend as Nat shakes her head.
“I’ve seen worse,” is all she answers back with because she and Sam have been through the thick of it with both of you in different ways since the wedding.
James chugs his beer at the thought of seeing you in that dark dress you had sent Nat, who proceeded to show it off to everyone else that had gathered in the bar that night. Because even though the two of you you were sort of friends and sort of something else that didn’t stop you from going out on dinner dates that your other friends and business partners set you up on.
People wanted you to be happy, just like they were, and while you took it with stride and a wisecrack here and there, it was killing him slowly. What if you found someone that complimented you in every single way. What if you finally fell out of whatever it was you had with him? James  didn’t want to lose you, but he didn’t want to suffocate you with his emotions either -- James knew how distant you could be when the need arose for it. Thus, he was stuck in this hurtful limbo.
“You could always go on a date too, James,” Peggy tries to add on as an incentive, like the old Bucky Barnes used to go around and run after any pretty thing that batted their eyelashes at him.  It’s was one night thing or a casual thing that lasted a few dates, but never nothing of substance.
He was slowly coming to realize that with the time he spent with you, the possibility of years of daydreams finally turning into a reality that he couldn’t go back to that type of lifestyle. This was a lifetime sort of thing, like what Steve and Peggy had, like what he saw growing between Nat and Sam.
After all the years apart, after all the damage he had done to you and the relationship you two shared -- he deserved to live with the detachment and silence you couldn’t help but show him sometimes, but he knew it was melting -- the small changes were there...in the fleeting smiles, in the honest laughter, in the talks you had that could last for hours.
“I don’t think I could--” James starts off with a shaky breath, as everyone’s eyes widen at what he might say -- what he is declaring in front of all of them.
However, he is stopped by an all too familiar Nutcracker suite ringtone as Nat picks up her phone.
“ Message: Date ended horrible, call me!” Nat exclaims to everyone as James perks up for just a moment, looking at the redhead with bright eyes, but if he thinks that she is going to call you right then and there -- well, that’s a completely different story.
“Later, lover boy,” is all the redhead says before leaving, a secret smile in her face --over things she already knows-- as she pats Bucky’s back. Steve and Peggy start to prepare to head back home as well,  his declaration completely forgotten, though James knows deep down that he meant every word on the tip of his tongue.
He would gladly be a starving man if meant keeping you in his life after all this time.  
It’s by some miracle that the two of you are spending some of the Christmas holiday in New York, what with you having end of the year meetings with investors and James having to attend a conference. Now, it’s his chance to show you his old hunting ground. It takes you a couple of days to figure out when you could meet up, but James hasn’t stopped grinning since this morning when he took you out for brunch and showed you around the city, though mainly around Brooklyn.
Now, here you here -- on your way to Steve and Peggy’s townhouse to celebrate Christmas with them. However, you were treating it more like a business transaction and had gotten a heap of presents for the people that you knew were coming and the Rogers-Carter children as well, which meant that you and James were carrying four bags full of presents.
“Is all this really necessary?” he can’t help but ask, as the two of you are waiting on the steps for somebody to open the door.
“My parents used to do it all the time,” you explain, thinking back to all those holidays  parties you spent on the West Coast, “Have to make a good first impression.”
“You’re gonna spoil those girls,” Bucky can’t help but remark on the three girls that were used to calling him Uncle, though he can’t help but also think that this is the first holiday that you have really spent together -- back as children, one of you was usually away on trips with your family. With the variety of presents, your festive sweater, and your wide eyes over the decorations outside the home. He just knew you had a soft spot for the holiday. He’s about to say something, but it is stopped when the door opens.
“Uncle James!” a small girl, brown hair with blue eyes who looks around 8 years old, as Bucky yells out Lily.
“You have to forgive her,” Peggy comes into to the picture from behind the door with a smile, “They’re are each other’s favorite.”
“It’s good to see you again, Margaret ,” you nod, as Lily tries to get James to hug her though it isn’t quite possible until he has put all the bags down, which Peggy tries to get her daughter to understand, though the Rogers stubbornness is strong in her.  
Eventually, Lily does get her hug from Uncle James as you are introduced to the three girls that make up the household -- Sarah, Michelle, and Lily-- all a mix of their parents with dark hair but light-colored eyes. For most of the night you are pushed between meeting business associates, helping Peggy, and spending time with Michelle, who has taken a shine to you. It isn’t until close to midnight that you finally allowed a chance to breathe and sit on the couch next to James, as he gives you a shy smile.
“Tired?” he laughs, as you nod while watching the people that are still left exchanging gifts with one another. You’re too lost in the scene to notice that he has placed a long, slim box in front of you that is until you hear something jingle inside.
“You didn’t have you,” you say softly, as he places the box in your hand.
“But, I wanted to,” is all he has to say, as he waits for you to open it, which you do rather eagerly. A daisy linked charm bracelet in all its glory lined up against the black cushion. You give him a smile full of appreciation, as you place the bracelet on your wrist.
You get up for a moment and come back with a medium sized box and hand it to him, “Merry Christmas, James.”  
“Merry Christmas,” he breathes, as he watches you glow underneath the Christmas lights. James proceeds to grab and open his own gift, only for his eyes to widen as he gives you a dubious look due o the item in the box.
“Really?” is all he can manage to say, as he lifts up the bear with a sweater that says Winter Boo Bear as  his head moves back with laughter.
You laugh and slide to James’ right side on the couch as you watch the kids and your other friends signing carols throughout the evening.
It’s springtime when James realizes he hates the season.
It is around the time you left, even now he can’t see you due to all the international traveling you do during this time. He doesn’t want to push you, force you to answer all the texts and calls he wants to send you when you might be working or too tired to answer.
It’s then when he hears the ringing of his cell phone, a huge grin on his face as Steve groans at his best friend’s lovesick state.
Hey, hey, what do you think of this cake?
He didn’t know, you also hated the springtime too.
It’s summer in Shelbyville when you have time to visit once more, though all the activities you had planned in terms of business and travel are pushed back due to your father’s weakening health. It was a scary time for both you and your mother, and as their only child --regardless of your past and how your relationship fluctuated at times-- you needed to be there for them. You stayed through the doctor’s visits and eventually hospitalization, but your father had always been a stubborn man and even in his weakening state always asked what you were doing about the business at hand.
All day watching over them in some way and all night working through all the work that you had been missing was wreaking you in all sorts of  ways.
And maybe, James knew that from the string of late night calls and endless, frustrated texts.
That’s when James gets an idea and decides to head back home --to Shelbyville-- from Indianapolis for the weekend. He keeps it a secret on the Friday he gets there until he gets permission from a smiling George Barnes to use the old blue truck that he used to own back in high school. He asks your mother to make sure you are dressed and prepared on Sunday morning, much to her excitement.
He’s standing on your porch that Sunday morning, while he can hear your mother fussing on the other side of the door that you need to get out and have sometime for yourself, much to your distress. The door opens and you are pushed out, only to be meet with a smiling Bucky.
“Morning,” he declares brightly, while grasping your hand as you are still trying to figure what is going on.
“Bucky,” you gasp out, as he freezes halfway to the truck since you don’t use his nickname often which always causes a pleasant shiver to run down his spine, as he grins, “Where are you taking me exactly?”
“ Everywhere ,” is how he explains it before getting on the driver’s side of the truck and staring down the familiar road.
James stays true to his word and takes you to all your favorite places. You eat lunch at Stan’s Diner. You go to the bookstore and spend more of the early afternoon in the arcade, as you and James fight through the various games, and he wins you small trinkets and plush toys with his skills, only for you to move down the block and watch a late afternoon movie at the local theater. There’s a huge grin on your face the whole day and James couldn’t be prouder of himself.
The sun is slowly sinking into the hazy evening sky, as James takes you to the edge of town though you aren’t sure where he is taking you since you usually stayed within the limits of Shelbyville. You look at him with a questioning look, as James keeps his eyes on the road.
“Where are we going now?” you ask.
“One of my favorite places,” James answers vaguely, as you frown -- just a little weary because you were still too cautious when it came to the past.  
It’s a fifteen minute drive to where the woods are thicker and after you get out of the truck, it’s another ten-minute walk -- that’s when you stop and gasp at the area.
It’s a large meadow that leads to one of the small lakes where the kids love to swim in, though it was empty for this time of day. The tall grass and large pink flowers blend in beautifully with the oranges, pinks, and purples of the setting sun and you can’t help but take a deep breath of the fresh air.
It’s a beautiful sight and you are left in momentary shock. Years of living in the area and you had never seen this place before. It was daunting as it was beautiful.
“I always regretted not showing you this place,” James states as you turn to look at him with great appreciation, “Even, if it’s not the best of times -- it’s always here of you-- I am too, ya know. Always. ”   
“Thank you, James,”  the sincerity and caring tone of his words sending a flood of gratitude and a million other emotions running through your body and fill your heart with a warmth that you hadn’t felt --hadn’t been willing to accept-- in a very long time.  
The sun is golden, as the lake shines beautifully to match its radiance. You glance out of the corner of your eye to see James standing there with the most serene expression you have ever seen on his face.
Your heart stops, as your breath hitches.
Maybe, this is the moment when you truly fall in love with James Buchanan Barnes all over again.
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weartirondad · 6 years
Let In Light (At Christmas Time) 10/12
A/N: Lil late, lil messy but it’s 2am so here have some semi-angsty post-nightmare comfort and stargazing
FF.net I ao3 I masterpost
Saturday, December 22nd: bundling up
Peter’s lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, whole body rigid.
His heartbeat still hasn’t completely calmed down. He feels the fist-sized organ thumping loudly in his chest two times a second and he’s holding his breath so he doesn’t hyperventilate but it only enhances the panic sitting in his rib cage until his lips break open in a silent beg for air.
He prays for peace, for quiet, for anything but this.
Tears are running down his face and he’s too shaken to wipe them away, still not completely back in control over his body.
He just wants –
Aunt May or Mister Stark.
But Aunt May is at home, probably sleeping tightly and enjoying her weekend off, and Mister Stark – Mister Stark doesn’t sleep all that much but he does when Miss Potts is around and Miss Potts is finally back from her business trip and he knows how much his mentor has been looking forward to it and –
He gasps for air when his spiraling thoughts become too much to handle.
Point is, he can’t wake up the man just because he’s had a nightmare. He’s not five anymore, running to his aunt and uncle when the demons in his head got too real. He’s sixteen and, more importantly, a superhero he should be able to handle these episodes.
It’s just – It felt so real.
The pictures won’t leave him, they haunt him, taunt him, mock him with chilling voices that make his Spidey sense tingle and the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
Shadows chasing him, trying to get his mask, trying to take his most valued possession from him. He won’t let them.
The empty room, the screen, Mister Stark and the kid. Who’s he? Why’s he there?
The girl with the curls, the green- eyed snake.
The mirror.
Piano music.
The sudden shift in his room is enough for him to rip his eyes open and fall back into reality. His mind stumbles, trying to discern between what’s real and what isn’t but he clings to the soothing sounds. Those were not in his dream, those are real. Real and steady.
There’s something familiar about them, too, he realizes when he forces all conscious thought on the song playing instead of on the bright green eyes in his head. It’s a song Mister Stark always plays when he wants to relax. Something Italian, he thinks.
His senses are dialed up. They always are after a nightmare. It’s why he doesn’t flinch when there’s a soft rap on his door because he has heard his mentor approach, muffled footsteps shuffling closer filed away mentally because they’re not a threat.
“Hey squirt, you up?”
Peter grunts in reply but it’s all the older man needs before he slips into the room and quietly shuts the door behind him.
The room feels different with another person in there with him. The air isn’t as stifling and he doesn’t feel as cold. There’s a different heartbeat and breathing pattern to focus on to take his mind off his own raised vitals.
His mattress moves when the superhero sits down on the bed, joints creaking with the motion, and the teenager scoots over to make room for him. A part of him settles when the other man does.
“Nightmare?” – “Mmph.”
“Panic attack?” – He shakes his head, then changes it to a shrug midway through. “Mmph.”
“Can I touch you?” – “Mmh,” he nods, glad when a hand comes to rest on his sternum heavily, grounding him in the moment.
This is real, he keeps telling himself. But it’s hard. The thought is slipping away more often than he can hold onto it.
“Do you want to talk about it?” – “Mmph.”
“Should you talk about it?” – “Mmh,” he shrugs. Probably. Maybe? It’s just a dream.
“Was scary,” Peter says eventually, hand reaching out, flailing a little until another takes a hold of it. “Was running and,” he shudders, “Killed a snake. Bit me. Couldn’t move.”
For a moment the soft piano music and their breathings are the only sounds in the room. Mister Stark keeps rubbing soothing circles on his chest, making the panic in there loosen a little. It’s not quite enough for it to completely disappear but it makes it easier to breathe anyway.
When his mentor speaks again, his voice his heavy with emotion he doesn’t have to articulate to be understood. They’re evident in his tones and sub tones and the way he hasn’t stopped the calming motion once.
“But you can move now, right? You’re fine. I’ve got you. I’ll always protect you.”
“Not you.” The snake said that. But the snake isn’t real whereas Mister Stark is. His body is warm and solid and here. The snake is just a figment of his imagination. A very terrifying figment but in his head nonetheless.
“Promise?” His weak whisper is barely audible in the big room but somehow the other man hears it and for the fraction of a second puts more pressure on his chest.
“Always, kid.”
He’s my kid.
The dream Mister Stark had his arm wrapped around someone else. Not you, not you, not you.
But his Mister Stark is sitting on his bedside, foregoing his own sleep to talk him down from a nightmare. He cares about Peter.
Always, kid.
God. Why is this so fucking hard? Why is he always falling back into the warped up dream version of things? Why can’t he stay in the moment? Why is he still scared? Why is he always scared?
“Hey, hey,” Mister Stark’s hand covers his ever so gently, “No pinching yourself till you bleed on my watch again. I promised May, didn’t I?”
I’ll always protect you. Not you. Always, kid. Not you. I’ve got you. Not you, not you, not you.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“This isn’t working.”
The words have Peter’s thoughts screeching to a halt. He wants to scream and kick but all that falls from his lips is a pathetic, pleading whimper. Does Mister Stark have enough of babying him all the time? Has his patience finally run thin?
The billionaire pulls his blanket back and him into an upright position, grunting when he has to move Peter’s dead weight because they boy doesn’t help the movement at all. He doesn’t seem to mind, though, just holds him up and wraps a blanket around his shoulders before pushing both of them off the bed and into a standing position.
Somewhere along the way, Peter’s neurons start firing again and he’s almost able to stand on his own feet, thankful that his mentor is keeping a secure arm around his shoulders.
Always, kid.
He stumbles over his feet a few times before they reach the door but he doesn’t question where they going once. It’s a relief to be moving at all. Anywhere to get away from his bed, away from the nightmares, away from the snake.
“You up for your first lesson in stargazing?”
“Huh?” Peter blinks up tiredly, burrowing deeper into the embrace when the man pulls him impossibly closer.
“Tony,” a different voice – female, Pepper – comes from somewhere – left, hallway to the master bedroom – sounding weirdly muffled in his ears – his head is pressed into Mister Stark’s chest, oh. “You can’t take him to the roof like that!”
They talk for a little after that, although Peter can’t say how long for. He just zaps out after his mind has identified the rough parameters and instead concentrates on Mister Stark’s heartbeat that is much better than the 60bpm piano music because he can feel his chest vibrating with the force of life behind every pulse.
He only looks up blearily when someone wraps another blanket around his shoulders and slips a warm bobble hat on his head.
“Do you need anything else? Jacket? Gloves? Scarf?”
“No, mom. We’re all bundled up. We won’t be long anyway.” Mister Stark sounds amused and relaxed. Peter likes it when he sounds like that and his lips curl up in something akin to a smile, too.
“Okay,” Pepper sounds a little stressed but her hands on his cheeks are reassuring and warm when she drops a kiss to his forehead, “Take good care of him and have F.R.I.D.A.Y. call me if you need anything. I love you both.”
Oh. Miss Potts loves him, too? That’s nice, right? It sounds nice. He likes the sound of her voice when she smiles so he whispers a quiet thanks because it feels right and promptly is being pulled tighter by Mister Stark. He must’ve done something right then, he figures.
His tired, shaken thoughts only pick up on their conversation when they’re already in the elevator.
“Yeah, stargazing,” Mister Stark smiles, “It usually helps me focus after a nightmare. Jarvis taught me how to find the North Star when I was a kid and then Rhodey told me some more cool stuff when we met. The consistency of it makes me feel safe even after everything.”
Consistency. That sounds nice, too. He nods in understanding. “North Star ‘s the guidin’ star?”
The elevator stops and they step out on the roof, the chilly December air hitting the parts of him that aren’t covered. It helps wake him up and clears his mind, still he buries himself as deep into the hug with Mister Stark as he can, not wanting to lose the comfort the other man is providing.
“It is, it’ll always lead you back home.”
He squeezes his shoulder as he leads him a little closer to the edge – but not close enough they might fall – and there’s a lot more being said between the lines but they’re both too tired and feeling too raw to say it out loud.
“How do I find it?” he wants to know, craning his head so he can look up at the sky.
As his mentor explains the Big Dipper to him he feels his apathy give way to the buzzing that always accompanies learning something new. It’s just a fraction of the feeling that usually takes over his body but it’s enough to break his mind out of its loop and follow the descriptions and explanations eagerly.
“So if that,” he points to the sky with his hand tightly wrapped into the corner of the blanket, “is Ursa Major then that’s the bowl and –“ he pauses and frowns up at the other man who’s watching him fondly. He’s sure Mister Stark already said it but he can’t remember. “In which direction do I follow the pointers?”
Instead of being annoyed, Mister Stark wraps his hand securely around his wrist and moves him the right way. “In winter you have to go to the left.” He stops the motion when Peter’s index finger is pointing to a bright star above them.
The teenager is barely listening when his mentor is listing where to point in summer, spring and autumn, too transfixed on the brightly shining star that seems to be twinkling down at him, telling him that it would be okay.
Always, kid.
“Any ideas on how to figure out the latitude once you found Polaris?”
He grins when the answer presents itself easily, a sign of his mind finding its way back to him. It’s trigonometry, simplest math.
“The altitude of it above the horizon should equal the latitude.”
“Pretty cool, right?”
Peter smiles, sinking back into his mentor’s embrace. He’s tired again but not the same tired he was before. This tired is sleepily at peace not exhausted from a nightmare.
“’s very cool,” he mumbles, “’D you ever need ‘t?”
The admission comes hesitantly and quietly. “I did.”
The promise that follows is neither. It’s confident and strong. “I’ll make sure you’ll never do, though. I will always have your back and I will always bring you home.”
Peter smiles.
Not an empty room and daunting hallway with green-eyed snakes.
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