#its never something they 'overlook' because the rest if you is so good. your body is good too. as it is.
roboraindrop · 1 year
Hey plus size or underweight self shippers? Your f/os don't see your weight as a flaw. They love you for all that you are, and that includes everything. Yes, human beings are very flawed. Yes, your f/os do love your flaws as well! But, your weight is not a flaw. Just wanted to make sure you knew that. 💕
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goosewriting · 2 months
I have an inq!cal thought!
Reader and cal both having a crush on the other when they were both on the mantis and just when they finally admit it to the other and get together something happens and cal is presumed to be dead but actually he’s been captured by the empire and turned into an inquisitor and then during a mission reader is on she runs into cal 👀
And like it could be a good ending OR Cal’s conditioning wins and he kisses reader as he runs them through after reader says they can’t fight him and like uh I am very partial to the angst ending
The Bad Ending
summary: years after thinking Cal is dead, reader meets him again as an Inquisitor. 
relationship: inquisitor!Cal Kestis x gn!reader
warnings: mention of character death, also actual character death (ahem, you, ahem), yummy angst
word count: 3k
A/N: i too, am very partial to the angst ending so, bon appetit 😌 no but seriously this has been sitting in my wips for FAR too long, i really loved this idea so i hope i made it justice! thank you sm for requesting and the patience dearest anon<3
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
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Somewhere in the Outer Rim, it’s early dawn on a small, often overlooked planet. The first rays of sun hit your face as you’re helping a fellow resistance fighter in loading a truck with some supplies, and it makes you squint. You stop your motions to block the light with your hand held to your forehead, and for a split second, you see a head of red hair in the corner of your eye. Your body reacts on its own, immediately turning and craning your neck to find him. But it’s a false alarm, obviously. The ginger human gives you a weird look as you’re staring, then shrugs their shoulders and keeps walking. 
Heaving a sigh, you load the last of the crates, shaking your head at yourself in embarrassment. It’s already been years since you last saw him. Since you saw any of them. The crew of the Stinger Mantis.
You can’t help the small smile on your face when you think back to everything that you went through together. All the adventures, the missions…the sneaking out. Stolen glances here and there, lingering touches that may have meant something more, making the most of every moment because you knew it could be the last. Except that you didn’t actually believe that. All of you knew how risky the missions were, aware of the dangers that seemed to loom around every corner. But you hoped to, wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. None of you was invincible, you knew that. But to think that he would just be… gone. It still stings. 
When retrieving the Holocron on Bogano, the Second Sister confronted Cal in the vault, except that you never saw him come out. By then, the Stormtroopers had overrun the place, so you had to leave. But you came back, multiple times, searching for him. Every time unsuccessful. 
At some point, you came to terms with the fact that she had probably killed him in the vault, a place you couldn’t access as you’re not Force sensitive. The thought of Cal being in there, bleeding out, alone, BD probably also dismantled by the Imperials… The thought makes you shiver to this day.
Losing Cal took a toll on everyone, and it didn’t take long for the Mantis crew to split up after that. Cere took it particularly badly, blaming herself for the failures, both with Trilla and Cal. Ever since then, you’ve never seen or heard of either Cere or Greez again. So you were on your own. 
You’ve been lying low, helping out more from behind the scenes instead of getting into the action like back then. But you can’t deny the fact that you miss Cal every single day. Despite knowing that you’ll never see him again, you can’t help but wonder “what if”. Back then, you two had something going on. You were actually planning on confessing to him after you safely got off Bogano with the Holocron. But those plans were cut short by one very grumpy Inquisitor. You still regret not having told him sooner, as you were fairly certain he felt the same way. To this day, you still dream with Cal at night, picturing what life would be like if he was there with you.
Shaking your head to focus on the task at hand, you look down at the fruit you’ve been holding in your hand. You were so lost in thought, you didn’t even notice that the loaded truck was long gone, and your feet brought you to the city market. The vendor at the stall you’re standing at looks at you suspiciously, so you shoot them a quick smile and put the fruit back into the basket, then stroll to the next stand.
Focusing back on the task at hand, you force yourself to shove the painful memories aside to make room for a mental plan. The rebellion is growing every day, and that means the amount of mouths to feed is increasing as well, so you’re to get provisions at the market. Other supplies like tools and machinery parts were sent off just earlier. The food you’d bring yourself to a hidden spot where your contact told you they’d pick it up. You just have to find a way to smuggle it all out of there unseen by the imperial troops, who walk around the place in regular patrols.
You actually have your suspicions that your contact is either a Jedi themselves, or someone who’s working closely with one, as there’s been rumours here and there about someone with mystic powers having arrived in the village. No matter if they’re true or not, you really hope the rumours will settle down quickly, as it will undoubtedly attract unwanted attention.
After you’re done with your shopping spree, you look at your haul, which occupies several large crates. You grimace slightly, as it’s more than you anticipated. Maybe you can ask that one farmer who owes you a favour if you can borrow his cart, since you can’t carry all of this on your speeder. Getting your holopad out of your satchel, you double-check the drop-off place, and conclude that hiding the crates there will be quick work. The problem is the cart itself; hopefully with enough hay you’ll be able to cover them all to go by unnoticed. 
So that’s exactly what you do. The farmer is more than happy to help, and you feel a little bad knowing that you’re about to leave his cart at the pick-up spot, then tell him that there was an accident and it broke down, getting swept away by the river which conveniently ends in a waterfall not far away. You’ll pay him for the cart of course, but even so… you’re essentially lying to his face. While in this case, the end does justify the means, this part of the job still doesn’t get any easier for you. 
It’s the same afternoon when you’re loading up the cart. The animal pulling it is tame and knows you, so you bring some extra treats for her. Once you’re done putting on the harness and hiding your crates, you head out. It’s a sunny day, and except for the occasional bleating, the clicking of your tongue and the clinking of the reins, there's not much else. 
The air is calm, and you allow yourself to hum a little tune to yourself. As you arrive at a narrow passage between two walls of stone that leads into the valley, the path turns a sharp corner and you can’t really see ahead. Only once you fully turn are you able to take in the image before you, and your blood runs cold in your veins. Not far in front of you, there’s a shuttle parked on the road, blocking your way, and half a dozen Stormtroopers stand with their loaded weapons. You pull on the reins, wanting to turn her around, but as you look behind you, you see more troopers blocking the other way as well.
You bring the cart to a halt instead and turn back to the front, reaching for the blaster under your seat, when from behind the shuttle you see two dark figures appear: an Inquisitor, followed by a Purge Trooper. The latter approaches you in quick strides, pointing one of the two electrobatons at you.
“Get down,” comes his modulated but demanding voice through the helmet.
You hesitate for a second, unsure of what to do. Biting the inside of your cheek, you quickly analyse the situation, concluding that while you certainly can't take on all troopers alone, let alone an Inquisitor, maybe you can make a run for it towards the thicker vegetation. You just have to make it back past the narrow passage you just came from.
“I said get down!” the Purge Trooper barks, clearly annoyed. 
“Alright, alright,” you finally respond.
You motion to stand up, as if you’re pushing yourself off your seat with your hands, but instead get your rifle from underneath and, from your elevated position, you shoot the trooper right between the shoulder and chest plates of is armour. 
He falls down to the ground with a groan, and you jump off the wagon, making a run for it. You know your rifle can penetrate the normal Stormtrooper armour, so you shoot the ones that had appeared behind you, hitting each one twice, and push past them.
You don’t look back despite hearing the other troopers closing in on you, and you duck as they shoot at you. But you know their aim is not the best, so you keep going, your lungs burning at the sudden effort. You’re just passing the treeline when something knocks you over; you seem to trip over air as you fall face first to the ground, hard. You barely manage to let go of your rifle to brace yourself, and you roll a couple of times from the speed you were coming at.
Everything spins for a moment, and you reach out to grab your weapon and keep going, but an invisible force keeps you pinned to the ground on your back. You groan in frustration and confusion, looking up to see the troopers now gathered around you aiming their blasters at you, yet not firing. They all take a step back to let the Inquisitor walk through, and you give them the best glare you can muster.
The red visor glistens, the sun reflecting on it, as they tilt their head to the side while looking at you. Then comes the modulated voice, calling your name. Not just your name, but your nickname, the one only one person ever used for you. One that you were certain you’d never hear again.
You let out a shuddering breath as you watch in horror how the Inquisitor takes off the helmet, dislodging it with a hiss, to reveal the face underneath. 
“So we meet again, after all these years,” Cal says, running his free hand through his hair, looking down at you with a sour face. “After you left me for dead.”
Your mind is reeling, unable to comprehend the situation.
“I- You-” you stumble over your words. “We didn’t leave you. We thought you were dead. We looked for you!”
He gives you a half-hearted chuckle.
“Not well enough, it seems…” he retorts. “Yeah, well, the crew never was much anyway. I work better, alone, after all.”
“You know that’s not true”, you say in a small voice, your body finally catching up to the situation, starting to shiver.
He extends his hand towards you, and you find yourself being lifted off the ground and to your feet, but slowly pushed backwards into the forest.
“Leave us,” he orders without breaking eye contact with you, and the troopers obey, putting some distance between you and them. For every step Cal walks towards you, you take one back, and after a few moments you’re surrounded by vegetation, out of sight and earshot from the others. Only then does he let go of you, and you stand there for a second, looking at each other. 
Then the quiet tension becomes almost unbearable. There's so much you want to tell him, ask him. What happened in the vault? Did he ever come looking for you? Even if you never got to tell him yourself, does he know how you felt about him?
“I don’t know if it means anything to you anymore,” you finally break the silence. “But I missed you.”
He doesn’t answer, instead continuing to look at you with this unreadable, almost bored expression.
“Are you going to kill me?” you decide to ask instead, fearing the answer. 
“If you stand in my way, I might have to,” he replies, and your heart drops. “You’re not my target, though.”
“Then who is?” Your gaze falls to the ground.
“There’s been reports of a Jedi in the village,” Cal says, taking a careful step towards you. Your eyes snap back up to his, stopping him in his tracks.
“So that’s what you do now? Hunt Jedis?” You don’t try to hide the hurt in your voice.
He merely raises a brow at you, as if the answer to that is obvious. It is. 
“And you're okay with that?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You were a Jedi once, too.”
“Technically, I never got knighted, so no,” he retorts with a hint of a sadistic smile.
You scoff.
“But Cere would have done it sooner or later, I’m sure…”
At the mention of the name, Cal frowns.
“Yet she didn’t,” he states coldly. He looks up into the trees with a deep breath, then picks some imaginary lint off his uniform, his face relaxing back into the nothingness from before. His eyes snap back up to meet yours as he stands still. “And she won’t.”
“W-what do you mean by that,” you ask, horrified. “Is she…”
Again, he doesn’t answer.
“D-did you…”
You see his jaw tense up, and your body runs cold, colder.
“Cal, what have you done,” you breathe, barely audible, and bring your hands up to hide your face. You can feel the tears prickling at the back of your eyes, and you try your best to hold them back.
“I only did what must be done,” he answers matter-of-factly, then takes a step towards you, but you take a quick one back. He stops again. “So what were you planning on doing, exactly? Run away?”
You shift uncomfortably.
“I would have found you either way, just like I did now.”
“I thought I wasn’t your target,” you retort. 
“And you aren’t,” he assures you. “But after finding out you’re here, I just wanted… to see you.”
“Why,” you mutter, not really meant as a question. “After all this time. Not like this.”
He takes another slow step towards you, and this time you don't have it in you to back away. Your tears are running freely now, rolling down your cheeks as you hold back a sob. Now standing right in front of you, Cal lets go of his helmet, which falls onto the grass with a soft thud. His gloved hands come up to cup your face, his thumb swiping away a tear over your cheekbone.
“I missed you,” he says in a small voice that doesn’t really fit with his current image.
“And I missed you,” you choke out, placing your hands over his. “So, so much.”
You look into his eyes, now a fiery yellow, and the sight is so unfamiliar, so cold, that you can’t hold his gaze for long, and it falls back down, but you don’t want to look at his black armour either, so you look to the side instead. Your hands still hold his in place, though.
“I really thought you were dead, Cal, but this…” you manage to say after taking several shaky breaths. “An Inquisitor… This is no way to live. It’s not you. We can escape together. Start over. Whatever they did to you, we’ll undo it layer by layer. Please.”
“I’m afraid that's not possible,” he says, dropping one hand while the other moves from your cheek to your chin, making you look at him, and he studies your face for a moment. “But I can’t let you go either. You're working with the resistance fighters, aren't you.”
“I- I’m continuing where we left off, just in a different way.”
“So you are working with the Jedi, and as such against the Empire.”
His hand goes to the back of your neck, holding you in place, and a strange panic starts to settle in your limbs as you realise you can’t move away from his hold. Cal is so close now that you can feel his breath fanning over your cheek.
“If I let you go, will you shoot me?” he asks in a low voice.
You want to scoff, but it’s more of a teary-eyed huff.
“I could never, Cal. I- I loved you,” you tilt up your face to properly look him in the eyes. “I never stopped loving you. I still do.”
He tilts his head ever so slightly to the side, his brows furrowing, then scrunching upwards in the middle, as if he just remembered something painful.
“So do I,” he whispers. 
You let out a sob, broken-hearted. All this time. All this time and he felt the same, was alive. But now he’s… an Inquisitor. A killing machine, fed by his own pain and anger, a tool used by the Empire to eradicate any remaining traces of hopefulness that people still might harbour.
“I can’t fight you,” he finally says.
“Neither can I,” you assure him.
Then he leans in, kissing you hard, and your mind is reeling. He holds you in place with the hand at your nape, your own coming up to hold his face. He kisses you like he’s making up for lost time, pouring his very being into it, and you reciprocate.
Somewhere in your mind, the metallic clink and the pressure against your side got registered, but with the kiss, it’s too much input to make sense of anything else. 
Cal breaks the kiss and pulls back just enough to look you in the eyes, and you see a single tear rolling down his cheek.
“But I can’t let you go either,” he whispers against your lips, voice breaking, and before you can ask what he means, you not only hear his lightsabre igniting, you feel it. 
Your mouth opens in a silent scream. Within a split second, your upper body feels on fire, and a sharp, unbearable pain prevents you from breathing or thinking straight. You hear your own flesh sizzle as Cal retracts his weapon after running it through you. Even though your legs give in, he holds your full weight, embracing you, and slowly kneels down, bringing you down with him gently.
“C-Cal,” you gasp for air as your lungs burn quite literally, everything around you getting blurry.
“I’m sorry,” he says over and over, caressing your cheek softly as he kisses you again. 
With your last effort, your hand comes up to hold his, but it goes limp before it can do so, falling onto the ground. Cal cries into your shoulder, holding your limp body for a long time, until it turns cold.
🐥 taglist: [link to join in my pinned post!] @DyByNyght, @galaxtic-writings, @kalea-bane, @soka-writes-things, @Padawancat97, @Riddikulus-Obsessions, @optimisticprime3, @starilicious, @ivelostmyabilitytoeven, @alternatescififandomelover, @lovelyygirl8, @cathyket, @wildefire, @ghostkestis
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angelsanarchy · 3 months
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Righteousness of Man: Kappa x Y/N- Mini Series PRT 07
Tagging: @icarus-star @ithinkitstimetonap @kappasbbgirl @chainsawgvtsfvck @luzclarita57 @miniisunshine @romanroyapoligist @madamemaximoff06 @thirtyratsinasuit @ethical-cain-vinnel @blueberrypancakesworld @dumbbitchdelrey @loljustignoreth4t @tvgirlsbluehair @s0ulfulll @mommymilkers0526 @vomiting-blood @ultrakissed @hisemoslut @lustkillers @s-0lar @roryculkinsgf dukesofsp00ks thirtyratsinasuit
After that night, Kappa changed his tune a bit. Instead of being a disciplinary with Y/n, he's softened his actions. He worships her body every night, sometimes eating her out for hours until she's overstimulated and demanding he go to bed. Kappa has become a slave to her every wish.
If she has a taste for something, he orders someone to retrieve it. If she's cold, he builds a fire, even in the middle of the day. He doesn't allow her to have a need that goes overlooked. Y/n however hasn't let her guard down. She knows that Kappa didn't just suddenly become a sucker romantic because she made him cum from pegging him, despite him having her do it at least twice a week.
Y/n is lying in the grass, enjoying the sun on her skin when Kappa starts kissing her belly. She pays him no mind until she hears him almost humming against her skin.
"I think we should start a family." Kappa said, continuously stroking her skin.
"I'm pretty sure that's what all those people over there are." She pointed to the rest of the people down on the ranch but Kappa sat up to look down at her.
"No I mean you and me, we should have a baby." She let's out a chuckle.
"A baby? You plan on carrying it?" She teased but Kappa persisted.
"Seriously, let's have one....or twelve." He grinned.
"Now I know you're crazy." She shook her head but Kappa sighed.
"Are you planning on leaving me?" His demeanor changed.
"What? Kappa, I never said I was leaving. What brought all this on exactly?" Y/n sat up on her elbows and he ran his hand through his hair.
"I just want you to have a reason to stay. I don't want you to get bored of the life here, bored of me..." Kappa was never quite this pathetic. It left a strange taste in Y/n's mouth.
"And you think knocking me up will somehow make me stay forever? You know that's not exactly how the nuclear families are made, right?" She poked fun at him but he clenched his jaw.
"You don't want to make a baby with me?" Kappa questioned. Y/n sighed at the question.
"Kappa, babies can't live in the desert on bonfire food and a trailer that fits barely a person. It would be impossible to provide for a child here, with the limited resources-" He cut her off.
"Those are all bullshit excuses and you know it. I would take care of you and our baby. I would protect you both and make sure you never went without...why don't you want to have a baby with me!?" He pressed.
"Your ideas for the world, the vision you have...they are much bigger than me...bigger than what I can give you. You don't need me-"
"I do! I do need you and I don't just need you, I want you! I want to start the revolution with you! I want our children to grow up in a world without the need for all these machines telling us whats real and what's not!" Kappa took her hands in his and Y/n knew he was desperate.
"Do you believe I love you?" Kappa asked firmly and Y/n nodded her head.
"Yes Kappa, I know you love me." Y/n affirmed his belief so he was less paranoid.
"Then let me make love to you. Let me put a baby inside of you so we can create the new world how we deem fit." Kappa crawled over her body and Y/n knew if she tried to argue, it wouldn't do her any good. Kappa had a one track mind.
"What if its not easy? What if I can't give you a baby?" Y/n asked as Kappa stripped her out of her shorts and tank, rushing to rid himself of his slacks and shirt.
"Our love could build two worlds. I want to fill this one with as many of us as possible." Kappa resumed his position atop Y/n and she watched him spit in his palm to tug himself hard.
"I love you Y/n. I love you so much." Kappa entered her cunt and let himself moan out loud. Y/n let her knees bend against his hips so she could enjoy this out of the ordinary fuck.
"Oh fuck your cock feels so good." Y/n gripped his bare ass and Kappa let his hair hang in his face.
"It's all for you my queen. My cock belongs to you. My heart belongs to you. My seed belongs to you." Kappa thrust his cock frantically, gripping her thighs in his hands, trying not to let the sweat from the heat make him lose his grip on her.
"Is that what you want Kappa? To put a baby in my belly? You want to cum inside of me so deep that your seed creates new life?" Y/n panted.
"Y-yes. Yes I want that. I want that more than anything." Kappa pleaded.
"Than cum inside of me Kappa. Give me your cum and let it create life, a new life...to start a new world." Y/n felt herself cumming and could feel Kappa's hips stuttering as he let out a loud moan.
"I'm cumming! Fuck I'm cumming." He kept thrusting as if he could push his load further than her cervix and win some sort of prize baby on the spot.
Once Kappa had stopped, he stayed inside of her. He laid atop her, resting his head on her sweaty chest.
"I can't wait for this to be real. I want it all with you, my love. You will be a beautiful mother." Kappa kissed Y/n's breasts as he tried to calm himself.
She couldn't lie and say the sex was ever bad with Kappa. The sex was always good. She enjoyed having him try different things with her but the moment he started talking about children, Y/n knew her time with Kappa was now on a clock.
Soon he would realize what brought her here, why Y/n had let him bring her into his world and just how wrong he was for letting himself fall in love with a stranger.
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Aurora Borealis - König x reader - Part 4
Series master post - Read on Ao3
Chapter specific tags/warnings: Apocalypse, end of the world, mass extinctions. Kidnapping, some violence, slight dub/non con kissing, implied nonhuman König.
It’s your third night at the cabin, and everything’s going great… until you’re nudged awake in the middle of the night by König, who has plans.
Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
Tags for this series as a whole can be found on the series master post, this chapter is where this fic earns a lot of them.
It was your third night at the cabin, and so far things were great, you were enjoying yourself much more than you thought you would. The first night was on its way to proving itself a fluke, and you were able to chock it up to the first night sleeping in a new place since you hadn’t had any nightmares or problems sleeping since.
The cabin felt homey at this point, perfect for spending hours snuggled up with König and forcing him to watch the movies you’d downloaded on your computer with you- a good chunk of which, much to his dismay, were chick flicks.
The remoteness- the thing that had made you so antsy about this trip in the first place- turned out to be one of your favorite parts.
It’s been a while since you’d been so surrounded by nature. When you went with König on hikes, it felt like rounding every corner brought you face to face with picturesque landscape after landscape, and it was calming and grounding in a way you never thought it could be.
The isolation came in handy in another way- with no neighbors around to hear, you and König had been fucking like rabbits since that first night.
In conclusion- it was amazing. It really was, and when you fell asleep on that third night, you’d done so tucked securely against König’s chest, feeling the most at ease you had in a long time.
He’d woken you up about 15 minutes ago, nudging your shoulder and whispering that he had something to show you.
König had ignored your sleepy grumbles, gently pulling you into a sitting position and wrestling your uncooperative body into a jacket, windbreaker, and snow pants over your fuzzy pajamas.
It didn’t strike you as weird that he was fully dressed in his own cold weather gear- neither did the almost empty coffee pot, or that, despite his many reassurances that he’d join you after he finished with the dishes, you’d never felt him slip into bed with you. Even if any of it had made you think twice, it was König- he’d watch the world burn if it meant keeping you safe.
König had led you out of the room, a steadying head at the small of your back as you shuffled towards the door with a yawn and stretch.
“Bigggggg stretch,” König had teased- tugging a hat over your head and giving you his arm for support as you stepped into your shoes.
You’d glared at his comment, ignoring the further teasing and accusations of “pouting”, but too sleepy to do much more than that.
It was quickly forgotten anyway, because when König opened the door, you were met with the sight of neon greens, blues, and purples dancing across the sky. You’d balked at the sight, jaw slacked as you let König lead you down the house’s stairs and across the snow covered yard.
It must be something about seeing the lights in person, because even in photos, you’d never seen the northern lights look so vibrant.
König had chuckled at your reaction, unzipping his coat, pulling you close, and enveloping you in a bundle of warmth and fabric as he rested his chin atop your head and watched the lights with you.
The moon was beautiful too, it must be where you are, but you’d never seen the moon looking so close.
Like in my dream. A voice in the back of your head says that you quickly silence.
The two of you are on an elevated area, a break in the trees by a ledge that overlooks the landscape below. What must be miles away, you can see the dim lights and small buildings of the town you two had flew into.
It was great- it was perfect even. It really was been. The snow crunched beneath you when you shifted your weight, the wind was nice- blowing just enough for the aluminum wind chime above the cabin’s door to sing its tuneless song, but not enough to turn your nose immediately numb- and the sky had been picturesque.
It was unbelievable, every photo you’d seen of the northern lights had failed spectacularly at catching the beauty of what you saw before you.
But the awe really only lasted a minute at most, because the longer you watched the sky, the more a distinct feeling of wrongness and anxiety bubbled up.
It was a creeping dread, moving slowly but steadily from the edges of your mind to become your sole focus, from the depths of your stomach to the back of your throat, leaving you feeling like you were nearly about to vomit.
Something was deeply wrong.
Because this wasn’t what you had seen in photos. This wasn’t what tourist guides advertised or what occupied the cover of every travel magazine at least once during the winter.
Only so much could be chalked up to the limitations of a camera lens. This was brighter, bigger, and closer. You don’t recall ever seeing a photo of the northern lights where they looked like they were touching the ground in the distance- like the light was pouring out of the sky, reaching down from the heavens in fluorescent, twisting tendrils.
“König- I don’t feel good,” you mumble, shifting subconsciously closer to him and deeper into the open sides of his coats that enveloped you. Something basal, something primal, something scared inside you was telling you to run. To hide, to get away.
König, for his part, seemed unconcerned.
“Don’t worry, Liebling. You’re safe with me.” He murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
“I don’t feel safe- I want to go inside.” You insist, trying to step away from his hold and towards the cabin’s door.
König’s arms immediately tighten around you, nearly lifting you onto the tips of your toes with how closely he hugs you to him. The way he’s holding you may have been comforting in any other situation. In fact, just a few moments ago it had been comforting. But now, it was nothing but suffocating.
“You are safe.”
You’re stuck- trying not to squirm despite the unease and borderline panic thrumming through you. König knows you’re uncomfortable, you know he does based on how he keeps his hold firm but not painful, and his voice low and soothing like he would with a scared animal about to bolt- and the condescending nature of it would anger you if it was anywhere near one of your priorities at the moment.
“You are safe, my dear.” König repeats, stroking at your hair with one hand while continuing to hold you against him with the other. “You know I would never do anything to hurt you, yeah? So why do you worry?”
“Let me go, König.” You say, pushing at the arm he has looped around your waist and trying to keep your tone firm. The urge to run is overpowering now. You want nothing more than to find a safe, small, dark space to squeeze yourself into like some small animal hiding from a storm.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that, Schatz.”
“König- König come on, this isn't funny.” You say, voice cracking as you squirm and try to force his arm off of you.
“I am not joking.” König replies, his tone devoid of any humor or teasing and as serious as you’ve ever heard him.
The sense of dread feels crushing now- inescapable as a sense of panic fills your thoughts, adrenaline pumping through your veins and hastening every thought and motion. The lights had spread further, with more pockets of the sky opening up to spill the tendrils light towards the earth. In some places, the lights had already reached the ground, while in others, they had just begun to leak from the sky.
Where the light touched the ground, it spread, flowing across the ground in a deceptively liquid like manner, reminding you of the cloudy white gas that would come off of dry ice.
The lights were mostly centered towards the area you recognized as where the small town from yesterday sat. It was far- but you could make out the light moving over the ground, swallowing ant sized buildings in lava flows of fluorescent light.
If it weren’t for König’s hold on you, you’d be gone. You know it. You’re not sure where to- maybe back inside, maybe out into the forest- but you’d be booking it.
It’s uncanny. Uncanny in the way the light flows called you, made you want to reach out and touch them, even as your every instinct screamed at you to run. You couldn’t help but be reminded of a guppy in the face of an angler fish’s lure.
“If I let you go, you’ll run. You could get hurt- trip and break an ankle running around like a frightened bunny. That would defeat the whole purpose of bringing you out here, yeah?” König says, his hold on you strong and unyielding. “I’m not letting you go until I know you won’t run off and get yourself hurt or worse.”
He loosens his hold the slightest bit, letting you go forward just enough for him to be able to see your face and lock eyes with you.
He looks down at you with concern, looking almost genuinely confused at the state of you. “I don’t see why you’re upset. I thought you’d want to see it… witnessing the end of your own species is quite the achievement, isn’t it?”
You freeze, eyes locked on the far off town, watching as the few remaining buildings are enveloped by the flowing lights.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” König says, speaking quietly and calmly into your ear, watching the lights with a hint of pride and admiration.
“An…. Extinction event. Hm? I believe that’s what you would call it.”
And somehow. Deep down, you know what he’s saying is true. As you watch the seemingly endless light continue to pour from the sky, you know the people in its path are dead. You know that the woman you’d seen walking as you helped König lug your suitcases through the snow was dead, and you know that the little boy you’d seen walking beside her- bundled up in puffy coats and struggling to make his way through the fresh, powdery snow- was gone too. You know that the man König had paid an absurd amount of money to fly the two of you up here and the sweet, elderly couple that ran the general goods store- who you had promised to talk to again before you left- were all dead. And you know they’d never even stood a chance.
You didn’t want to believe him- you really didn’t. You wanted to believe that what you were seeing was harmless, that it was a simple, harmless phenomenon that was easily explainable by science.
But more and more adrenaline was steadily pumping into your veins, every bit of your body practically ached with how bad it was telling you to run, and the horrible, building, bubbling feeling of dread was only growing. You just knew- you just knew he was right. Or rather, not that he was right, but that what you were seeing in front of you was undeniably the end.
“Schatz- why do you cry?” König murmurs, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, licking and sucking softly at the skin, seemingly unaffected by the sights in front of him.
You whine, desperate and pleading as you try to shrink away from the mouth on your neck. But he only took you tilting your head away and your noises as an invitation, continuing to suck hickeys into your skin like a dog to the first water it’d seen in weeks.
At a sob from you, he stopped, removing his mouth from your neck and looking at your hurt and terrified face with something that bordered confusion- seemingly genuinely disappointed that you were not reciprocating his affection.
“I don’t understand, why are you so upset? I told you, you’re safe with me. There is no need to cry.” He says, trying to wipe at your tears with his hand, frown deepening when you take the opportunity to try and break free of his hold, sobbing and scrambling like a rabbit from a wolf’s jaws. His brows are furrowed tightly together and his face is one of sincere confusion.
Even just the single arm wrapped around your waist is enough for him to hold you, and it hits you just how much bigger and stronger than you König is. You’ve always known he’s strong- you’ve watched him work out, but the feeling of being restrained so effortlessly is crushing. You find yourself both clinging to him in fear and for support and desperately trying to get away from him.
The hand wrapped around you disappears, only for it to reappear almost instantly as he grabs your shoulder and turns you around, hugging you back close to him with your face pressed right up against his chest.
“Shh, shhh” He coos, petting your hair in an attempt to settle you. “Just calm down, listen to me.”
You want to lash out at his words. At the audacity of him to tell you to “calm down”, at the gall of this man for treating you like you're the unreasonable one. The threat and fear of the lights pouring from the sky and König’s actions has long ceased from being the most prominent issue in your mind, losing out its spot to white hot fury towards the man you’d trusted so deeply.
You feel like an animal caught in a trap; willing to gnaw your own leg off to escape and ready to tear into the hand reaching towards you regardless of whether it brings harm for assistance- yet without the teeth to do either, and you hate the mixture of fear and desperation that comes with it.
“Why are you doing this? I saved you, Schatz.” König says softly, almost pleading with you, and there’s genuine confusion and pain in his voice as he does. He watches you continue to fight and sob for a moment longer, holding your tear and snot streaked face gently and tilting your head up to look at him. “Why can’t you just listen? I wouldn’t have to be so rough if you weren’t acting like such a child.”
He brings his hand up to brush your hair from your face again and you take your chance, jerking your head and catching the side of his hand in your mouth and biting down hard.
The taste of blood drenches your tongue and König yanks his hand from your mouth, cursing when you don’t and shoving his other arm between you and him, using it to pry and shove you off and away from him with inhuman strength.
“Verdammte Schlampe!” König yells, clutching his hand and taking a moment to assess his injuries.
The force of his throw is enough to send you nearly flying through the air, your head snapping back as you land on the ground and continue to skid across the frozen earth and through the layer of snow resting on top of it.
The initial impact alone is enough to make you cry out, your head already aching from where it hit the ground.
König drops his injured hand to his side, looking down right livid as he stalks towards where you’d landed. There's already a steady stream of blood running down his fingers and beginning to drip into the snow, creating a dark red trail as he comes to tower over you.
Any and all confidence you’d had left you in an instant as König stood over you. He was visibly seething and you can feel your face go pale with fear as, again, you’re reminded of just how much bigger and stronger he was than you as you try to scramble backwards, only for him to take a single step and be right back on top of you.
The northern lights dancing across the sky painted a haunting backdrop to König’s silhouette, and behind you, where they breached the horizon to pour out and onto the land below cast an eerie green glow over his face.
“No no no, please! I’m sorry!” You cried, trying to scramble back and get your feet underneath you.
König’s eyes held no more softness, though they also lacked the anger you’d seen seconds ago. He merely seemed cold as he reached down and picked you up.
“It’s okay, Schatz.” König said, yet the nickname held none of the warmth it usually did.
“It will be okay, this is all for your own good.”
He cradled you in his arms, carrying you back towards the cabin, and you didn’t dare fight back, not after being flung nearly 6 feet away by a man who you’re only now realizing the true strength of. You didn't so much as squirm as he held you tight, allowing you to sob into his shoulder- resigned and defeated.
You catch a glimpse of the lights from the corner of your eye. They’re still going strong, pouring out of the sky at the same rate as when you’d first seen them.
“You’ll come to understand soon, my love.” König says, taking his hand and gently covering your eyes and turning your face back into his chest.
You’re quick to abide, burying your face back into König’s chest and squeezing your eyes shut as you pray for the image to leave your mind, even as you’re sure it’s ingrained itself into your retina and that you’ll remember it long after today.
It’s a fear that’s quickly confirmed, because once König brings you inside the house and sets you on the bed, the softness and affection gradually returning to his person as he shushes your cries and tenderly undresses you before laying you on the bed. After he ignores how you squirm and curl away from him- pressing yourself as close to the wall as you can until you’re nearly wedged between the wall and mattress itself- and simply slides into the bed beside you and presses himself flush to your back, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close more like one would do to a pillow than a person. As you, despite all that, try to fall asleep- even if it’s for no reason other than feeling too exhausted to resist König’s insistence- you see the lights falling from the sky everytime you close your eyes.
And possibly for the first time, as you try to focus on anything besides your current reality, you notice there’s no heart beat to the body that lies beside you.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
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Under Wicked Charm
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Dabi x f!reader
Warnings: smut, no quirks, demon sex, incubus Dabi, succubus reader, blood kink/play, dom/sub undertones (sub leaning Dabi), reverse cowgirl, deep throating, cunnilingus, dick piercing (ofc), aphrodisiacs, 69 position, implied age gap, unprotected sex, mentions of wings tail and horns, a bit of praise, creampies, brief mention of pregnancy. please let me know if I missed anything!
Word count: 4.8k
Notes: I’m so not used to writing a dom top but I’m TRYING okay lmfao I love reading it but don’t write it enough but how will I get better if I don’t write it more!!!! also this has been on my ao3 for a while I just got lazy uploading it here lol but pls enjoy!!
Minors/blank/ageless blogs DNI!
also available on ao3!
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The bar is darkly lit, a strobe effect being casted upon a crowd of people, drunk and high alike. It feels like everyone has been dancing for hours; feet sore, legs cramped, but somehow unable to stop themselves from grinding and groping, singing and screeching, until they drop. 
They don’t know that this is a club for the otherworldly. 
The fairies in the corner all snicker at the people who complain of the aches and pains, going round and round in circles, despite the stabbing pain they must feel in their toes. Dabi is all too familiar with it, after pissing a fae off once when he ghosted her. He can only imagine how the humans feel, being forced to dance this macabre number until they pass out from exhaustion. 
When that bores him, Dabi turns away from the crowd, rests on the bar in front of him. He whistles at the bartender, a witch who knows him all too well and the good stuff that he likes mixed in with his drinks. She nods to him before fixing it, and he catches her dumping something from one of her little vials into his drink, the black fume wallowing up and around her arm before she shakes it away, mixing it all in with a red straw. 
“You remembered,” He nods his head to her with a teasing grin, watches how she rolls her eyes as she pushes his drink over for him to catch. 
“And you never remember to pay your tab.” She quips back, but she can’t help the proud smile on her face when he downs half of it in one sip, groaning when he finally pulls the rim away from his wet lips. He licks the moisture away, before glancing up at her from under dark lashes. 
“What’s a tab again?” Dabi asks playfully, slinking away into the dance floor as she hollers for him to stop playing stupid when already is. He can’t help but snicker under his breath, sipping at his drink as he makes his way through the crowds of people until he finds the steps that lead up to the higher level, where the VIP sections are. He nods his head at Shigaraki, who sits in his section with his feet up and his phone in his hand, and instead of sitting with the boring fuckin’ crowd, Dabi leans on the railing that overlooks the lower section. 
He needs his meal for tonight. He’s gone a couple of days without feeding, mainly because he just didn’t feel like the hunt. It can become tiresome having to look for a potential meal; find someone suitable, desperate enough, flirting with them, convince them to take him home, screw them into their bedsheets, and flee before they could even wake up. He would much rather come in the night when someone is sleeping, but that proves to be a lot of work, too. 
So he looks into the crowd, ignoring the otherworldly people who want to spend a night with an incubus. His charm isn’t even as strong on them, so he doesn’t understand the hype of it all, plus he can’t even feed as well on them, so its really just a waste of time. 
But then, Dabi locks eyes with you. You’re in the middle of the dance floor, body turned, chin held up, as you stare at him from where he leans on the railing above. His eyebrows jump up in surprise, before he neutralizes his expression quickly. You were staring at him with such an intense look, he wondered if you were somehow other-kin that he hadn’t seen before. But you seem human for the most part, with a devilish little grin and tits to die for in your small top. 
Okay, color him intrigued. 
You dance amongst the people, although you don’t seem to be under the same spell as the people that the fae are fucking with. Your moves are sultry, all smooth and sweet and dripping sin off of your swaying hips like a leaky faucet. Dabi feels hypnotized, in a sense, as he watches you, taking another sip from his drink as he doesn’t dare take his eyes off of you. When you see his bright cerulean eyes drag up and down your body slowly, you grin even wider, and he fears he might see canines too sharp for a human mouth. But the imagery is gone before he can clock it, and he blames it on the potion that witch put in his drink. 
Dabi crooks his fingers at you, signaling for you to come to where he’s at, and you cock your head at him in response, a teasing little quirk of your eyebrow directed at him. He points to the stairs below, and feels a shiver rack up his spine with how you lazily drag your eyes from his face, to his hand, to the stairs, and back at his face. 
What the fuck is up with you, and why the fuck are you making him feel like this? Are you human? You look like it for the most part, but something about your allure makes him think that he’s in troubled waters and you’re the alligator ready to lock him tight inside your maw. 
Dabi blinks, and you’re gone. He doesn’t see you anywhere on the dance floor or the steps, and he wonders if he somehow scared you off. But then you tap at his shoulder blade, and it makes his head whip around faster than he thought it could. 
You’re even prettier up close. Your makeup is done up in such a way that your eyes look sharp, all shadowed depths creating dimensions that he feels like he might get lost in, your lips a deep plum color, your bottom lip just waiting to be bitten. 
“You ask me to come up here just to stare at me? I would’ve figured you had better game than this, Dabi.” Your voice is a low sultry tone, quiet despite the loud roars of the speakers in the club and—wait, how did you know his name? Dabi quirks a surprised eyebrow at you, pausing where he went to reach out for you, hand resting midair as he takes you in. 
“Do I know you from somewhere?” You couldn’t have been one of the humans he’s bedded once before; he would remember such an addicting face and voice if he did. You only shrug at him, saddling up to where he was leaning against the railing as now its your turn to overlook the people below. He watches you, follows your movements until your shoulders brush against each others, breath sucking in at the electrical zap that pulses through his body when his flesh skims yours. 
“You don’t know me, but I know you.” You flirt, winking at him and bumping him a little when he can’t take his eyes off of you. Dabi straightens out, clearing his throat a little as he tries to wrack his brain for every encounter he’s ever had where he could’ve seen you before. It’s rare someone knows him and he doesn’t know them in return, as being one who gets around due to his ‘line of work’. You baffle him, and you can tell how much the gears in his head are turning through the concentrated look that has fallen on his face. 
“Nice to formally meet you.” You tell him your name, reaching your hand out for Dabi to shake. He glances at it, and then your face, before he finally takes your hand in his own, squeezing the softness of your palm. He’d love to feel that wrapped around his dick tonight. 
“Tell me; what crazy fucking story have you heard about me to know me?” Dabi asks you, still holding onto your hand, now rubbing the backs of your knuckles with his thumb. Through the contact, he can start to release his pheromones, the shit that drives you humans crazy. While you won’t be able to smell it as much in the heady atmosphere of the club, it’ll sink into your skin, glide through your system until you feel high on the attention from him. And then after that—you’ll be wrapped around his finger and bouncing on his dick in no time. 
You go on speaking to each other for a while, flirtatious banter being exchanged between the two of you. You get closer throughout the night, from Dabi caressing your hand, to your own grazing the hair at his nape, to his chest pressed against yours, to your thigh straddling one of his as you press against each other. He thinks his charm has worked finally, if that hazy look in your eyes has anything to say about it. 
“Wanna get outta here?” Dabi asks you, his head tilted toward your own, his nose brushing against yours. Both of your arms are wrapped around his neck as you slowly sway to the beat, your hips grinding occasionally on his knee slotted in between your thighs. You nod, biting at your bottom lip, the lipstick you have on seemingly never budging and he makes it his mission tonight to smear it all over your face with his thumb and tip. 
“My place or yours?” You whisper to the air between your mouths, his hovering over yours, teasingly so. Dabi grins at that, warm hands squeezing once, twice at your hips. 
“Whatever’s closer.”
You come stumbling into your loft before you know it, clothes flying every which way. His boots are kicked off, and you still have a heel resting haphazardly on your ankle. His shirt rides up to his collarbones, and yours is somewhere left in a trail on the floor. You two can’t even make it to your bed, falling on the couch as Dabi pulls you on top of him, his hands gravitating instantly to your ass. He kneads the flesh in his hands, groaning under his breath when you start to rock your hips to no rhythm in particular, gasping inside of his mouth. 
You’re so intoxicating, so addicting, Dabi almost forgets that he’s the one in charge, that you’re the one under his spell, and not the other way around. It’s hard to remember that though, when his head starts to feel foggy and his limbs start to get too loose for him to not panic. 
Did you drug him? Even if you did, it would’ve burned through his body quicker than it would’ve dissolved in his drink. So why does he feel like this? Why does he feel like he’s the one under his own charm, like he’s a desperate bitch in heat that just wants to cum?
“What did you do to me?” Dabi asks groggily, laying his head down on a throw pillow behind him, disconnecting from your sweet mouth as he groans. He squeezes his eyes shut, starting to freak out internally, as an evil little giggle from you starts to float around the room. He doesn’t see the change happening in front of him, right on his lap, and only snaps his eyes open when your tone is way too devilish than any human should be. 
“Oh, little fledgeling, you have so much learning to do.” You purr to him, grinning, waving at him with sharp, black tipped, taloned fingers. 
What. The. Absolute Fuck?
“You’re a—a succubus?” Dabi asks, groaning again and clutching his sides when something pulses through him, something so strong and unwavering, that he has to shift his hips around to make sure he didn’t just cum on himself untouched. Your laugh floats throughout the room as you start rocking your hips against his, ignoring his almost pained groaned as you tilt your head back. 
“I’m a greater succubus, little fledgeling. Older than you could even comprehend.” You moan sweetly, taloned fingers starting to massage your tits from overtop your lacy bra. Dabi can only sit back and watch, dazed and confused and entirely too turned on to function as he takes all of you in. 
Your smile is wide, canines sharp and wicked where they rest just a few centimeter down from your bottom lip. Your irises an unnatural crimson, like stained blood, black horns twisting and twirling from your temples, tipped a dark purple like the stain on your lips. Your skin seems to have some glow underneath, a pulsing rhythm that correlates with the way you grind your hips into his, wings that span as wide as the room flapping and twitching with every little hiccuped gasp that comes up from his throat. They’re leathery and dark, just like the swishing, evil little forked tail that shoots out in front of Dabi’s nose, only to slyly trace the outline of his face, almost lovingly. 
You’re a sight that he’s never witnessed before, and for some reason, he feels blessed to have fallen under the trap of a greater succubus. 
“Why so shy now?” You ask him with a pout, leaning forward until your breast rests against his chest, nose to nose with him, your tail now rubbing the hairs on his eyebrows. Dabi sucks in a shaky breath, trying to regain his composure, the control he never actually had, and swallows thickly. 
“How did you disguise yourself so well?” He mutters, biting back a moan when you suck on the sensitive part under his jaw, hips still a slow rock on top of him. “We can always tell when someone is—when another one of us are—”
His brain is completely fried at the moment. Finds it hard to think, see, hear, and breathe with the way you tongue and nibble at his neck, with the way you put more pressure down on his pelvis with your own weight. He can feel his cock spurt against his thigh, fears he might cum without even directly touching you—but this was why he could never sleep with another succubus, especially not a greater one. 
You things were downright heathens, all tantalizing, all sweet and devilish little smiles, luring people in until you caught them with the honeyed trap between your thighs. But you—you were different. You were sin in and of itself, and Dabi doesn’t think that he could ever be a match for you. 
“That’s the power of being greater. I can disguise myself from anyone that I please, and I wanted to have just a bit of fun with my meal first.” He can hear the bite in your voice, the eery laughter bubbling up from your throat as you trace sharp canines against the flesh of his throat, threatening to bite. Dabi feels himself swallowing thickly before he can stop it, and you outright laugh at him as you sit up. 
“Now, are you gonna be a good boy and let me eat you?” You ask him breathily, tracing a sharp talon up his chest, grinning when he hisses at the trail of black blood you leave on his torso. Dabi glances at the trail, before meeting your blood red eyes, licking his lips as he nods slowly, gripping your hips tightly in his hands. 
“Whatever you want, sweetheart.” Dabi mutters to you, eyes now solely focused on the way your skirt rides up as you sit in his lap. But you demand his full and complete attention, talons gripping his cheeks to make him look you in the eye, as the other hand trails ribbons of black blood down the other side of his stomach. 
“Beg for it.” You demand of him, licking sweetly at the seam of his mouth and pulling away when his tongue darts out to greet yours. “Beg for me to fuck you, fledgeling.”
Dabi downright moans at the tone, at the authority laying in your voice. He’s always been the one in charge, always took control with the little humans he would charm. But you, you’re all power and control and commandment, and he can’t help but fall pray to a demon older than his own ancestors. 
“Fuck me.” Dabi spits at you, letting his own claws extend as he digs them into the skin of your thighs. You glance back at them, chuckling at the little beads of blood that he spills from you, gripping his face harder at the sheer audacity he could have with you. 
“Attitude, I see. A stubborn one.” You muse, turning his face to the side to lick up the blood that you’ve squeezed out from his cheek under your talon. Dabi hisses at the contact, and you can smell his pheromones trying to take over the aroma in the room. How cute, he’s trying so hard to be in control. 
You couldn’t wait to ruin him. 
You pull back quickly, hands reaching down quickly to shred him of his jeans, a big pile of his clothes and your own making a mess of the couch and floor. Dabi can’t even keep up with how quickly you work, your tail flickering out to knick at his boxers, entirely too close to his dick when you expose him. He hisses, before holding his breath when the forked tip of it hovers menacingly over his mushroomed head, sitting up on his elbows as he gets ready to throw you off of him. 
“Scared?” You tease with a smile, watching how his low cerulean eyes narrow at you when your tail soothes over the precum dripping down his shaft, so fake innocent. You knick the side of your panties until they fall into a heap in his naked lap, grinning when his eyes immediately zone in on how your sticky lips split open when you sit on his shaft. 
“Does your pussy have teeth? That would scare me,” Dabi snips at you, his voice low as he grips your hips to start making you grind along his shaft, this time with no barriers in between. But you scoff at him, digging your nails into his hand until he releases you with a hiss, quickly maneuvering your body until your ass is in his face and his cock is in yours. 
“Shut up, and put my pussy in your mouth already.” You throw over your shoulder with a little huff, giving him no time to process the beauty in front of him before you lick a long stripe down from his tip to his balls. Dabi groans hoarsely, head thrown back as he holds onto your ass for dear life. 
“Y’don’t have to keep using your charm on me,” He mutters, damn near miserable with how hard his cock is throbbing in your warm hands. But you only chuckle at him, waving your ass in his face for him to get to work already, as you dip your tongue in his cockhole. 
“Why shouldn’t I?” You ask him in a hum, mouthing at his tip before you suck his mushroom head in your hot mouth. Dabi hisses, holding your cheeks open until he’s greeted by the pretty sight of your sticky lips and twitching hole and cute rim. His eyes go low as he sniffs in the pheromones that drip onto his chest, mingling with the blood that slowly evaporates from his skin, your essence dripping and mingling into his very being. 
“Because I already want you.” Dabi mutters, shoving his face between your cheeks and holding them closed until they swallow his head. He licks at you, feverishly, feeling your charm overtaking him more and more as he’s engulfed in where the scent is strongest. He can’t stop his hips from bucking up into your mouth as your smell surrounds him, licking doggishly at your cunt, making you moan high in your throat. 
“Yeah? Well I want you pliant and susceptible, like the easy little thing you are.” You tell him, reaching a hand back to shove his head even further between your cheeks, grinding back on his face as he starts slurping on your hole, determined to taste every thing slips from you. 
You sigh, ducking down to bob your head on his cock, taking him in easily, like you’ve been sucking cock all of your life. And in a sense, he guesses that you really have. Dabi pulls back for a breath, spitting on your cunt and thumbing it into the arousal that drips from your inner thighs, licking it all back up slowly. 
“Did you just call me a slut?” He grunts, grinding his cock deep into your throat, head falling back momentarily when he realizes that you don’t have a gag reflex. Most sex demons don’t, but he doesn’t sleep with them regularly, and you’re also greater, so it makes the experience all the more euphoric. 
“Well if the slut panties fit,�� You tease him, reaching back to shove his face back between your cheeks when you realize that he’s had enough air. Dabi doesn’t complain though, but he does whimper when you start fondling his balls in your hand at the same time you swallow around his shaft, nose buried into the pubes there. 
Dabi suckles at your clit, feeling your hole throb against his skin, reaching a hand up to start gliding a bony finger inside of you. Your sultry moan vibrates around his cock, and it twitches so violently, that he fears it might jump straight from your mouth. But you keep him in, humming around him, soft, warm hands tugging and tugging at his balls until his toes curl and he can only find it in him to lap at your cunt like a dog. 
You’re messy, where you suck him off, all loud slurps and gulps and swallows, the sound of spit dirtying his pubes. He can hear the sticky sounds of your hands jerking off his shaft when you pull off, how your throat closes around him, how you pull his prince Albert piercing with your teeth gently, how your fingers rub at the seam of his balls. It feels like all too much, like he can’t keep up, like he might burst from the inside and spray your entire little loft in cum and black blood. 
Before Dabi can even register that he’s coming, you pull your mouth off of him, moving around too quick for him to catch, and he damn near yelps when he feels another, tighter heat engulfing him. He struggles to peel his eyes open, mouth dropped lewdly at the sight of you riding him reverse cowgirl style while he still cums from you sucking him off. He’s too sensitive, and you’re too tight, and too mean, with how you look over your winged shoulder and laugh maniacally at the pitiful and pained expression on his face. 
“Aww, poor little fledgeling can’t keep up? How fucking pathetic.” You bite at him, hips and ass dropping quickly as you ride him. Dabi tries his damndest to keep up, to slow you down with the pumping of his pheromones, but at the moment, he can’t even tell up from down. Can only lay there as you take him, fuck him the way you said you would, tight and hot cunt clenching down around him with every drop of your hips. 
“This dick only good for little humans, huh? Can’t hang with a succubus, now can you, baby?” You tease, grinning, one hand on your lower back as you fuck yourself down on him, moaning when the pierced head of his cock grazes something soft inside of you. You press down on your lower stomach where you feel him, eyes fluttering shut as you take him for your own pleasure. 
“F-Fuck, slow down s-some,” Dabi stutters uncharacteristically, teeth grit as he can feel his own canines starting to protrude, losing all sense of stability as your cunt clamps down tight around his dick. You’re trying to kill him, aren’t you? With your tail reaching around and under you to keep rubbing over his tightening balls, with your wings fluttering in his face, with your sharp talon reaching back to trail more blood down his bellybutton, pooling in his lap. It creates a wet slapping sound where you drop your hips, and the feeling of his cum and blood now staining your cunt and inner thighs only makes you howl in pleasure. 
“Keep up or shut the fuck up, fledgeling. This is all for me.” You growl at him, your playful energy suddenly gone as you glare at him over your shoulder. It shouldn’t make his cock throb the way it does, but he listens to you. Only because he wants to cum again and feel how tight you’ll get around him, his head hazy and filled only with thoughts of you riding him until he passes out on your couch. 
Dabi does as told, clamping his mouth shut, breathing heavily through his nose as he struggles with keeping up with you. He can only hold onto your hips, and hope that you cum first this time, because he doesn’t think he can handle you still going after he’s cum for the second time. 
Luck seems to be on his side though, as he feels his balls tightening once more, but you start to lose your rhythm, hips stuttering against his, a wet kissing sound every time you drop down. Dabi picks up where you seem to slip off, hands clamped tight around your hips as he starts thrusting up into you, watching the bounce of your ass and how your tail doesn’t know what to do with itself at the height of your pleasure. 
“Fuck me, just like that, baby, just like that. Make me cum on this dick, cmon.” You growl through gritted teeth, eyes clamped shut as you throw your head back, voice staccato and a low growl. Dabi clenches his jaw, focused purely on bringing you over the edge as his orgasm creeps up closer in his lower belly. He reaches around your hip, strumming quickly and messily at your clit, hearing you whimper out before you start clamping down tight around him. 
“Shit!” You yelp, body jerking as you orgasm, cunt suffocating his cock as you keep riding him through the throes of pleasure. Dabi unclenches his jaw, canines scraping his chin as he growls at the feeling, his orgasm not too far behind as he keeps fucking you through it. He stills when the first rope of cum spurts inside of you, back arching off of the couch when evil little you moans and starts rubbing at his balls with every twitch of them. 
“That’s right, little fledgeling. Fill me up, just like that, doing so well,” the praise you sing to him gets to his head as you keep grinding on his lap and rubbing at his balls. He thinks he might’ve cum dry at some point, his cock kicking inside of you despite not feeling any extra leaking from his tip. His eyes are screwed shut, his body pulled taut, finally collapsing into a heap on the couch when you stop riding and fondling him. 
Dabi swears he hears you say something about being knocked up with little incubus and succubus babies now thanks to him, but he’s out like a light before the words can even register in his head. 
When Dabi wakes up the next morning, he thinks that it might’ve all been a dream, that his sins are finally starting to catch up with him. But you’re standing in the kitchen across the open layout of your loft, in nothing but a pair of panties, your wings and horns and tail still on display and just as grand as he remembers. He groans, head falling back onto the pillow he slept on, as you perk up at the sound of him. 
“Good morning, little fledgeling.” You singsong, pulling out a few things from the fridge as you smile in his direction when he pokes his bedhead up from over the back of the couch. He looks so adorable like that, you think. 
“Breakfast will be ready in twenty.” You tell him, bringing flame underneath the pan in front of you with a snap of your finger. Dabi squints at you, frowning, as he checks the clock on your kitchen wall that’s framed by a black cat. Hm, cute. 
“I’m not hungry, and plus, I should be getting out of here.” Dabi groans, standing, uncaring of his naked state as you obviously don’t either. You both glance at each others bodies, before you turn from him, tutting under your breath. 
“I don’t think so.” You declare, scrambling the eggs before you, speaking up when Dabi opens his mouth to protest. “You’re going to stay here and eat, because you need your energy.” At that, he quirks a brow, strolling leisurely to you as he scratches his stomach, wrapping a finger around your curious tail when he gets close enough. 
“Energy for what?” He asks, grunting in surprise when your tail suddenly pulls him in, his front against your back as you look at him from over your shoulder with a devilish smile that makes his cock twitch against your ass. 
“Round two.” You say simply with a shrug before going back to the eggs. Dabi can only blink, before he shrugs with a nod. 
“Round two doesn’t sound bad at all.” 
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xenomorphee3 · 1 year
More Recoms + Spider Flashback shenanigans from my story!
From Chapter 5. Departure
[Flashback to the time the recoms and Spider were together, a few days after they got their Banshees]
The recoms were traveling as full tilt Na’vi for a while now. They had their banshees, they were eating Pandoran fruits and nuts, even hunting. Spider, who still felt like a prisoner to a strong degree was actually impressed with the way the team adapted to the environment. He never said it, but he knew that being Avatars, err, recoms, was helping them in this regard… Something that Spider wished so badly that he could experience.
While the group was having an afternoon meal one day in a beautiful, grassy clearing next to a waterfall and a medium-sized basin that the falls fed into, Spider went to sit on a log overlooking the falls, his legs up against his chest and his arms wrapped over them. Spider was visibly pouting, cursing the universe for the idea that these murdering assholes had recom bodies and he had to wear an exopack and paint himself with blue stripes to try to fit in better.
The seven recoms were seated together eating when Prager glanced over at Spider on the log and asked, “What up with the kid?”
Miles peered over to see him upset and he felt compelled for some reason to go comfort him. Miles let out a loud sigh, placed his leaf of food to the side, stood up, and walked his imposing form over to Spider. He just sat next to him on the log without a word. Spider, his knees held against his chest, just turned his head away from his hybrid-clone kidnapper. They sat in silence for a while, the sound of the waterfall and some of their banshees flying overhead filling the air.
Miles suddenly broke the silence by saying, “Football.”
Spider brought his head around and looked at Miles with a bewildered expression. The randomness of the word disrupted the pouting demeanor he was trying to maintain.
Miles then looked down towards Spider, smiled, and said, “ When I was a good bit younger than you, well... when human Miles Quaritch was a little younger than you, his father took him to a football game. And American Football, none of that kicking shit. Yeah, it was a dying sport, but you could still find some games around when I was a kid.”
Spider had no idea of what "football" even was and was especially confused as to how a game with the word "foot" in its name had no kicking apparently. Miles picked up on his confusion and grinned, but continued speaking.
“Anyway, so me and my old man went to one of our favorite matchups. The Kansas City Rattlers vs. the Trenton Gators. I misplaced what I thought was my lucky cap and I couldn’t bring it to the game. Every time I brought my cap, the Rattlers won. I was so mad that I no longer had it. Spent that entire game upset and worried that the team was gonna lose because of me. And you know what? Rattlers won. And it was a great game. A real nail-biter. I missed out on enjoying this game because I was busy being upset over something I had no control of.” 
Spider truly couldn’t believe that this guy was really sitting here trying to relate his childhood sporting experience to his kidnapping and being used to hunt down his friends and the people he cared about. People he considered family. In fact, Spider felt compelled to say exactly that.
“Are you seriously trying to compare your childhood ‘whatever ball’ game to taking me and hunting down my friends?” he said with irritation. 
Miles smirked and bit his lower lip in mild frustration and then expressed, “No, kid. I’m telling you that if ya spend all your time worrying about something while the world moves on around you, one day you’ll look up and the world will have passed.”
Miles, though knowing he was not great at this, was trying to give some fatherly wisdom.
“We ain’t hurtin’ ya. You’ve got food, water, our protection, and a comfortable place to rest at night. You’re teachin’ us some Na’vi, showing us the way of the land. You even get to ride our banshees. Now how many humans have done that, huh? You got some impressive hours logged, kid,” Miles continued, with a positive, friendly tone.
Spider looked up into Miles' gentle eyes with a dually pissed and thoughtful expression. Spider then realized he was right—regarding his Ikran flight. The answer was probably none. Until him. That suddenly made him feel special.
“You got it pretty made for a captive. We’re havin’ a good time."
Right on cue there was laughter from the other recoms a few yards away, no doubt due to some Wainfleet or Prager-delivered joke. Spider loosened his grip on his legs and let them relax over the log, then looked down and pondered what his Na’vi hybrid captor with his father’s memories had just said and how he said it. His careand sincerity. Reflexively, Miles gently reached out to place his huge blue hand on Spider’s back. The way the Colonel had comforted many a despondent Marine or security personnel under his command in the past. However, this was slightly different. It felt even more real and sincere. He was comforting a son, not a soldier.
Spider, to Miles’ surprise and solace, didn’t react negatively to his touch. Not so deep down, Spider found himself deriving comfort from his hand—a comfort that he was conflicted over, but his spirits were a bit lifted, regardless. Seeing Spider coming up out of his negative mood, Miles slapped his thighs and stood up in a typical dad-like fashion, and he went to look over the steep ledge down at the basin's pool and the falls. He thought for a moment, assessing what was below him, the pinks of his ears forward and tail curling lightly.
Suddenly, he yelled over to his recoms who were still chuckling over whatever funny shenanigans just happened. “Alright, Marines!” All of the recoms’ heads quickly turned, ears attuned to their Colonel. “When’s the last time any of you had a shower?” he asked, humored, the positive energy of his voice captivating Spider.
The recom team chuckled.
“I don’t know about you all, but this Na’vi nose of mine is pretty sensitive, and I’m getting damn sick of the stank of Na’vi B.O.,” Miles remarked, playfully serious.
The six recoms smiled and laughed, but to their sudden shock, their Colonel leaped off the ledge and dove into the basin below with a neat splash. Spider was the first to run and look over the cliff edge in borderline horror. The way down had to be at least eighty feet. Maybe a hundred. All the recoms quickly ran to the ledge to join Spider in looking down for their leader.
To everyone’s great relief, Miles popped up out of the water below and he yelled, “Come on Marines. That’s an order. I can’t take it anymore, you’re offendin' me,” he yelled, amused.
The recoms gave each other some funny looks, including ones that said, he’s lost his mind, but they started to remove any gear they did not want to get wet. Suddenly, Prager, shirtless, jumped down without a moment’s warning, screaming “Woooo," all the way down. This made Spider lightly laugh and the rest of the Marines excitedly jumped into the refreshing water one by one. Except for Z-Dog.
When Spider gave her a confused look as to why she stayed, she simply commented, “Well someone’s gotta stay up here and keep an eye on you. I volunteer,” with her tattooed arms crossed, and she blew a bubble gum bubble.
Spider smirked and gave a friendly, eye-rolling scoff under his exopack and looked back down to see the recoms acting like literal kids, splashing each other, Ja dunking Lopez under the water as he protested. Mansk was just peacefully floating on his back until Wainfleet tackled him.
Miles was wiping his face with his hands when he looked up to see Z-Dog and Spider looking down at them. His sharp vision could pick up the huge grin on Spider’s face and he couldn’t help but grin in response.
[Flashforward to Miles, Lyle, and Mansk in the Kestrel headed to the archipelago home of the Ash People]
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inkymamma · 2 months
This one is pure fantasy but fun
Trigger warnings 18 and over only this is an erotic fantasy dubcon, cnc, public play
gym time
It's late... I'm alone like most nights at the gym.
I swiped my key fob and the door clicks open. I slip in the gym and the lights slowly start to flicker on. I shiver in the chill of the gym as i drop my gym bag next to the elliptical.
Stripping down to my sports bra and little gym shorts. The only time i feel comfortable doing so is times like this. I dont exactly have a "gym ready" body. Which is stupid just because I have a big belly and back rolls my progress and strength is overlooked. Which is insane... have you ever seen male powerlifters? They are hella fit but many have beer bellies.
But whatever fat phobia and all that right?
Anyways... i finish my cardio then i move on to a quick weight workout... lamely sticking to the safer machines. Doing an upper body workout. Im lost in my audio book and lifting. Letting my muscles burn with the strain of the weight as my mind gets lost in my stories.
As i finish my rear delt flys i rest my arms on the machine closing my eyes and then reach up to massage my neck bc of a knot forming there.
All of a sudden i feel strong hands covering mine... replacing them and working out that stubborn knot... i moan from pleasure before i fully realize what is happening...
That snaps me back to reality... some stranger is touching me... he's doing a great job and i want to melt under his hands.
I reach up and pull out my earbuds.
"Excuse me what the" another moan escapes me as i shake my head to clear it "hell..."
"Stop" his deep voice rumbles "i watched you for no less than 5 mins try and rub this out on your own i'll keep it to your neck and shoulders nothing naughty but i can help."
My mouth drops open to reply but i grudgingly shut it trying to move to see who was touching me, because of course we are right in all the blind spots of the mirrors.
"Now stop moving" he almost growls close to my ear "every time you move the knot does too"
He zeros in on the stubborn knot and begins to coach me through my breathing "now this will hurt but we are gonna get this knot broken up... deep breath... thats it thats a good girl keep breathing through it" as the pressure increases and i start to see stars behind my eyes... i moan in a whiney way "thats a good girl you are soo close just relax in to it breathe for me baby"
Tears are in my eyes as the knot finally bursts "you did so good hun... it's a hard thing to work though"
His hands stay on my shoulders bringing me back to earth.
As he does i realize i am wet... and dont want him to stop touching me.
I let my head drop back against him relishing in his touch
" you have magic hands* i say breathlessly biting my lip im never bold like this "any chance i could get your help with my lower back it's super tight too" i glance nervously up at him
He grins down at me and i know he looks familiar but i can't quite place him
"If you dont want me to take my hands off you can just say so"
"I... i mean .. uh i dont want to bother.. its ok just forget it.." i stumble through my words and start to get up and move away
He grabs my shoulders firmly and bends down to my ear "i didnt say no baby girl" i know i should protest at his pet names... we dont know each other like that but there's something about him ... so i dont as he grabs my hand and guides me over to a massage table they have out for stretching and gestures for me to get on it.
So i do... laying face down in my sports bra and shorts all of a sudden feeling self-conscious ...
His gaze rakes over my body making me feel like a snack instead of a project
And he starts to work on my lower back... "you know lower back and glutes are often connected... would it be ok if i went lower massaging your ass too... it might be a sciatic thing"
Fuck he is so hot... im am totally ok with him touching me wherever he wants "um ya that would be fine... what ever you think would help"
He chuckles and my panties get wetter
As he works on my lower back and ass i feel like putty under him. I feel his hands grazing under the edge of the legs of my shorts working and kneeding my ass my hips involuntarily move towards him and i bite back a moan as he hits a sore spot.
"That's it... good girl.. breathe for me... such a good girl" his deep voice coaches me through it and i am putty under his hands
I feel him climb on the table straddling my legs between his now working on both of my cheeks at the same time under my shorts
"Ooh who do you have here?" A new deep voice chimes in
I tense and panic for a moment. Someone else came in? How did i not hear the door chime?
I start to look up and the first guy pushes me back down as he works up my back. His erection pushing against my ass. I freeze and decide to lay back down letting a moan escape.
"He's that good eh baby girl?" Guy 2 chuckles "ever have 2 guys..." He chuckles as i freeze "massage you at the same time?" He finishes
I shake my head no "ive been part of a 2 person massage team but i'm giving not receiving" I nervously reply
"God thats hot" they sigh in sync. "So a trade may be in our future?" Guy 1 says hopefully
"I'm definitely up for negotiations" i giggle nervously.
"But you know the best massages are without clothes" guy 2 teases
I nod and lift my hips letting guy 1 slide my shorts and underwear off. Then i lift up on my elbows awkwardly letting guy 2 peel my sports bra off me. I close my eyes nervously and look down trying to lay back down to hide my rolls in vain but guy 2 catches my chin and forces me to look up at him. "Stop... baby girl, you're beautiful, nothing for you to hide... understand?"
I bite my lip and nod and he lets go and lets me lay back down.
Then my body exposed they start working on me... one at my shoulders and back and one on my legs and ass
I loose track of who's touching where and as my body relaxes i am getting wetter starting to crave more than just a basic massage.
One purrs in my ear for me to roll over and i do.
They resume positions one at my shoulders
One on my legs
The one at my shoulders starts caressing down and begins massaging my chest playing with my nipples squeezing and pinching...
guy 2 moves my legs more open and starts to massage the inside of my thighs working higher and higher towards my wetness. I moan as he gets close wanting to feel his fingers inside me
"She is so wet" #1 says reverently
"Such a good girl, you like how we touch you dont you baby?" #2 teases pinching my nipple at the same time.
I moan and #1 slides his fingers in my slit playing in my wetness finding my clit making me writhe and jump at the sensation.
#2 bends over my as sucks a nipple into his mouth as #1 teases my clit making me shudder
"More.... yesssss ... please... more" i whine/moan desperately
#1 slides 1 finger in me then 2 "such a good girl so wet and eager for us"
#2 continues to suck and bite my nipple which triggers a small orgasm i can feel him smile against my nipple "oooh shes so sensitive arent you sweetheart?" Then to guy #1 "i claim that one" chuckling as makes a check mark in the air with a free hand
#1 curls his fingers inside me finding the sweet spot and i cry out orgasming against his fingers... he smiles wickedly "now were
Guy 2 leans down and kisses me as he plays with both of my nipples
Guy 1 quickly brings me to another small orgasm as i moan into guy 2's mouth
I reach up and stroke guy 2 through his gym shorts quickly pulling his cock out so i can suck it... as he slides in my mouth i cum all over #1's fingers "ooh look at this little fuck doll... she wants to be filled" i nod with the cock in my mouth as he grabs a condom from his bag and slides it over his cock "as you wish" he roguishly replies then slides his cock up and down my slit coating it with my wetness. As he positions it at my entrance "you ready baby girl... i'mma go slow... its kind of big" i nod as guy 2 slowly fucks my mouth.
Guy 1 pushes slowly in to my tight entrance... i moan and tense a little he is so thick! "Your doing so good baby girl.. your pussy looks soo good stretching around my cock... thats it baby breathe.... he starts rubbing slow circles on my clit as he slides into me almost painfully slowly....then his whole length is in me... and he pauses "your doing so good baby" i rock my hips i need movement i want to feel him in me sliding in and out... and he obliges starting slowly fucking me
The whole time guy 2 is slowly fucking my mouth letting me be more in control and hes playing with my nipples "fuck that pussy looks so good "
"God its so good and tight"
They continue lazy fucking me from both sides for a few mins and a major orgasm starts to build in me... i start to rock my hips more and suck harder wanting them to cum with me
And they take the hint.
All of a sudden they are both fucking me. I grab guy 2's hips and lock my feet around guy 1's hips as i cum with my moan guy 2 loses it and cums in my mouth and as we are both cuming guy 1 buries himself in me filling me up (well the condom) sharing in our orgasms
I swallow and lick the cum from guy 2 as he slides out of my mouth and release my legs from guy 1 and lay back all jelly on the table
"Well that was not the workout i planned on" i giggle "but thank you"
I get up and gather my things and put on my shorts and sweatshirt. On wobbly legs... "im gonna go shower off... yall are welcome to come" i call over my shoulder as i walk towards the locker room... as i enter the locker room i receive 2 air drop requests with their contact info i giggle accept and step into the shower
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002yb · 2 years
For the prompt, Priest Jason and Demon Dick? Dick seducing Jason to the dark side. Thank you, your writing is lovely.
There’s something wrong with him–something wicked, something wretched.  It’s his putrid soul and his twisted, bleeding heart.  It’s the rot in his blood that sloughs through his veins, poisoning everything around him.  It’s the obsessive thoughts that fill his head, screaming at him to let go, to give in and succumb to everything he’s fought so hard to walk away from.  He’s sullied, so depraved that there was never anything to save.
Even still, a church he fled to granted him asylum.  The people there helped him get clean, helped him find faith and support and purpose.  Everything was good here.  It was safe.  Jason got to dedicate himself to purging all of the wrongness in him and just–helping, rather than hurting.  There are so many people just as troubled as him, an entire struggling community and Jason–he’s something wicked, something wretched, but he wanted to be good.
Instead, he brings ruin.
Jason has attracted demons–metaphorically, literally–all his life.  He’s succumbed to them, too.  Been taken advantage of for it.  Maybe this is a consequence for some forgotten barter, or maybe this is a ploy to get him to sell himself to eternal damnation.  If so, it’s working.  Jason’s heart is broken and it leaves room for all the sinful temptation he’s fought so hard to keep out.
(He wants to scream-fight-maim.  Violence burns white hot beneath his skin and he can’t–he can’t with this city and all its overlooked crime.  They were children, just like him.  They were fucking kids that should have been safe at this place of worship, but they were all–).
The stonework of the church floors is unforgiving beneath his knees as he prays, bowed over himself with trembling hands clasped in front of him.  Although Jason has dedicated himself to a life of faith, he’s never heard His voice or felt His spirit.  Right now Jason needs Him–that guidance, that steadiness, but Jason is alone.  His hands fall to press the heels of his palms to his eyes; he grabs his hair and breaks forward over himself, forehead rested on the alter infront of him.
Jason has been pleading for help, help.  No one answers.  Even this Father, supposedly benevolent and kind, abandons him.  It leaves him with familiar feelings of doubt, betrayal, and fear.  He breathes a stuttering breath, bites his quivering lip.  The terrible feelings he has won’t go away.  Jason wants carnage; he wants vengeance.  This city has taken so much–taking those kids, the kids under Jason’s purview–he chokes.  They should have been safe with him, but they got hurt.  Because this city is twisted.  Because it’s foul.
Because Jason isn’t any better.
(He found a home for himself here at the convent.  It was safe, but not anymore because Jason brought something terrible here.  He chose to stay; it’s his fault–).
Maybe Jason’s sins were too great.  Maybe his presence here was blasphemous and this is his comeuppance.  Maybe no blood can make him clean and no atonement can cleanse his soul.  Jason is something wicked, something wretched.
A kiss brushes over the knob of his spine as Jason shakes apart at the seams.  God isn’t answering Jason’s cries for guidance, but Jason–he’s attracted demons all his life.  This one comes without Jason asking for anything.  It holds him gently, guarding him.  Steadying the trembles that rack his body and coaxing him still, clearing Jason’s mind enough that he can think.
Jason has a past.  Demons have followed him all his life and sometimes–sometimes Jason succumbed to them.  These demons are human though and although Jason thought he escaped them long ago, they’ve come to collect.  They lined orphans up and beat them down.  They exploded and collapsed the roof of the church Jason prays in over the heads of devout men and women.  Dust and the scent of their blood hangs heavy in the air.  On the windows, Jason can see the splatter of the kids he helped raise and care for and–
And God did nothing.
Jason’s soul is already rotten.  If he were to sign it away, at least he could make a deal and finally do something good.  It doesn’t matter that he’ll be damned for eternity; he was born to this world ruined already.  Jason can take it.  He wants to bring damnation upon his enemies.
Demons have followed Jason all his life.  This one is familiar, always sensitive to any distress that pulls at Jason’s putrid soul and just as eager to cut a deal.  Jason has refused him each time, but no more.
The demon smiles into Jason’s shoulder, all teeth and temptation.
If God won’t do it, Jason will contract a demon to help him instead.  They’ll clean up this city; they’ll make it safe for all the people as troubled as him, for all the people struggling to get by and be safe.  Jason will make sure they’re okay, his own wretched soul be damned.
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primalvessel · 1 year
@confluxium because reasons
Kugane was spread before them, descending towards the sea with its colourful array of places and peoples; a sight that Maru would never tire of. The port city might be a far cry from the heat and the deserts that were his favourites and yet still he found himself drawn to the place - not in the least because of its hot springs.
Good things came to those who waited though and though it earned him something of an affectionate sigh from the Hyur, Maru insisted that they first walk the markets.
He was of a mind to see his love in a yukata and to that end, he intended to browse the stalls until he laid eyes on one Firi might look good in and of course they couldn't peruse the markets without some of the local delicacies in hand to munch on while they meandered.
While he was quite partial to the grilled sweetfish himself, he settled for the tempura platter that they might pick at it while they walked.
His goal though, was always going to be the hot springs.
With their purchases deposited at the inn (including the yukata he would insist his love wear later), Maru had all but dragged Safiri to the hot springs with an enthusiasm not often seen in him even considering his usually energetic and jovial nature.
"Look," he insisted as he refused to relinquish his grip on Safiri's hand even with how close they were to the springs, "how often is it that we get to do something like this? And you've not had the pleasure of my company while you're here before, so... You could have been here two dozen times already and I'd still be this eager to be here with you."
And with ears up and a flick of his tail, he led the way into the springs.
Once they'd cleaned the grime of the day from their bodies, it was time to slip into the heated waters of the springs proper and thankfully the space wasn't very busy. With a glance back at Safiri to be sure that the Hyur was remaining close, Maru chose a spot that overlooked the ocean and settled into the hot waters with a content sigh.
As soon as Firi was seated next to him, the Miqo'te scooted in against his side and rested his head against the Hyur's shoulder, basking in the simple contact. "Finally," he rumbled softly, inhaling deeply of the steam that rose from the water and he rubbed his cheek lightly against his lover's shoulder. "You have no idea how for how long I've wanted to do this."
"And is it everything you had hoped it would be?"
"Of course," the feline replied, despite - or perhaps because of - the simple domesticity of it. "There's nothing quite like the thrill of fighting at your side but this...? This is quiet and normal and the gods know you've earned the respite. And if it also happens to be one of my favourite things to do while in Kugane, then so much the better."
He gave the Hyur a playful little splash and shifted then, glancing at the few other occupants of springs for but a moment before he moved to sit sideways in Safiri's lap. A fleeting kiss pressed to the stubbled jaw and the Miqo'te settled comfortably, touching as much as he could without making a spectacle of himself and he was rewarded by Firi's arms winding around him.
"There is nowhere I would rather be."
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hellmouth-manor · 1 year
dromio || cedric || ch2 body react
The scent of copper sits heavy on the back of Cedric’s tongue, carried through the air and into his lungs at the first inhale after stepping into the library. It’s sweet in the sort of way that should turn his stomach. It should, but it doesn’t. Instead, it feels familiar—like rough carpet under his palms; like long, late night car rides with the windows rolled down; like mall music echoing through empty halls. It sets his mind at ease.
At least, until he looks a little closer. It’s not the body very clearly lacking a head that unnerves him. He hadn’t really known Wakako all that well, and it would take something worse than that to turn his stomach at this point. It’s something else that slowly stirs in the back of his mind, sent out from where it’d been filed away to ever-so-politely deliver itself into his thoughts. 
Cedric’s eyes glance over the rest of the group until he finds Hisashi. He’s not surprised to find that Hisashi is already looking back at him. Of course he would. There’s an unspoken understanding between them. It’s an instinct just as familiar as the smell of Poppy’s blood pooling on the floor. Ah. Right. That.
He looks back towards the corpse on the ground with no particular emotion on his face, in part because he’s already separated the two in his mind—Poppy the person, and the thing someone has left on the ground like a puppet whose strings have all been cut. (The other part was simply that he didn’t have many feelings about Poppy aside from… frustration.)
I pity those who don't understand or have the love of a family. Nothing can truly forge bonds like blood does…
Some ugly, bitter part of him stares down at the red pool and can only feel that frustration melt into vindication. What good is your blood doing for you now, Poppy? he thinks. The answer, of course, is: Not much. But Cedric already knew that.
Poppy’s lofty talk of family had made his stomach twist in ways that the scene in front of him could never. This scene, Cedric knows, is where blood will leave you. This is what happens when you put your faith into something that will always go running out on you at the barest hint of an escape. Maybe Poppy’s pity for him had been displaced. Cedric certainly wouldn’t be bothering with placing his anywhere.
But there are bonds other than blood—ones that far outlast it. Ones that Poppy was so fond of overlooking. Cedric looks around the group once again, noting (but not quite understanding) the apparent grief that other people felt. These are bonds didn't need blood. These are bonds will still be there, long past when the red stain left on the library floor is mopped up and forgotten. 
His gaze drifts to Alou, as the man sits curled up in the chair with Micah by his side. Even here, Cedric won’t risk misplacing his pity. He still remembers what Alou told him, after Hisashi had been executed.
If Poppy was gone... I would feel very much like a ghost.
Well, Cedric thinks to himself, we both know you won't be haunting anything for too long. Poppy will be back soon enough, after all.
Finally, he looks back towards the other body curled up in a chair. The one missing its loud, obnoxious, very lively head. Maybe this is where his pity should go—to something with no eyes to see it in his stare, or ears to hear it in his words, or mouth to protest against it. To prove him wrong.
If it’s misplaced there, then maybe it doesn’t belong anywhere at all. 
It would only make sense, coming from him.
0 notes
okay, so mayhaps I missed STS again, and Sunday is maybe...fluff...Sunday? so, tell me about a fluffy moment in your wip!
Well, technically it is already Monday over here since it's past midnight ^^
I see what I can see about the fluffy for your @ashen-crest
*takes a big sip from my red wine*
May I offer you what I wrote for the newest plot bunny about a world where reincarnation exist and learning about your past you is mandatory? This is maybe even a little sexy because the one whose POV this is from is a lil bit emotional and tensed as fuck right now. It will make sense in a minute.
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The clerk lead them down a long hallway bathed in more soft purple light. At the end of it was a room that lead to many doors. “Please enter one of the cabins, each and alone. You will find clothes to change into. Once you changed, please wait till one of my colleagues get you for the procedure.” All of them nodded thanks and the clerk left in a hurry. Amren looked over his shoulder to see if he was gone for good before he turned to Màiren with a frown. “Changing clothes? Why do we need to do this?” She rolled her eyes at him. “Did any of you two actually listen to the lecture back then, or were both of you too busy mentally salivating over me?” Amren threw a questioning glance at Keir who just shrugged and put an apologetic smile on. “You can’t blame us. You are a wonderful, smart, warm-hearted…” “… good looking, busty, innocent looking woman who got you two too horny to remember the basics, apparently.” With her hands on her curvaceous hips and the angry blush on her light skin, Keir wanted to shower her with kisses, but this was the wrong moment. Instead, he pulled her into a hug and rested his head on her shoulder. “Charming idiot.” “What happened to lovely?” “Don’t want to encourage you right now.” Her tone was playful but tensed, and he could sense the tension in her whole body through the hug. Keir placed a soft kiss on her temple. “Please, enlighten us. We will listen this time.” “You better do”, she warned but sighed right after. Màiren’s glance went to the doors and back to Amren and Keir. “We have to change into special clothes that have some stuff woven into the fabric that make it easier for the whole process to take place. After this, we get guided into the mist of souls, and yes, it is an actual mist or more a huge waterfall like thing, while we are connected through wires to a machine that overlooks our vital signs and more. How long it will take depends on us and how fast our minds can be cleared, so the state of emptiness is reached, and the mist can do its job. After this, it will take up somewhere between twelve and twenty-four hours till we remember the first things.” Amren’s skeptical glance didn’t get lost on both. “What are you thinking about, honey?” “I am still worrying about all three of us going at the same time, love”, Amren finally admitted what was on his mind. Keir knew there was something since the invitations came in, but Amren never voiced them until now. “It is not common, that is true”, Màiren confirmed thoughtful, “On the other side, it happens a lot recently. Maybe they found a way to make it safer?” “Let’s hope, it is really just this.” With this, Amren reached out for Keir and Màiren and pulled them into a hug in a rare moment of showing his emotions so clearly. Instinctively, Keir wrapped his arm around him and breathed in his scent of lemon balm and white musk. “Remember, my loves, no matter what the mist shows, the love of this life is real. No matter who we were in the past life, it won’t taint our love in this life. I won’t let this happen.” “Neither won’t I, honey”, Keir confirmed, his voice thick with emotions. “You can bet your sorry asses on this”, Màiren snickered. After one more tight hug and some kisses, they parted into the cabins to change for the life ahead of them. A life guided by the life the lived in their previous life and society expected them to continue in someone. Keir snorted as he put his clothes aside over this thought. He never got why his past life should determine his future when he already carved out a path for himself here and now.
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Yes, I am slightly drunk right now but I love these idiots already because Amren knows he has some short-comings in the emotional department, Keir is a drama queen and Màiren the single brain cell in many moments and the one who knows how to keep Keir sane
0 notes
looye29 · 2 years
Indeed, it is true. The Sacred Sound Healing System is NOT something I’ve experienced before. Sure, I listen to music—I have my favorites, and there are certain tunes that I can listen to over and over again simply because it makes me feel good or it takes me back to a particular memory in my life. Some people also enjoy music because it reminds them of someone. I know music is powerful, but the beauty of sound and its power have always been overlooked… until today. SSHS has brought something in my life that I never thought possible just by listening to sounds. Yes, you just hit on the “Play” button, and the magic starts there… I have some negative emotions that I need to release, but I couldn’t, simply because life gets in the way. What I love about SSHS is that you do NOT need to do anything to experience its benefits. As I’ve said, all you need to do is listen to it. I started with the Divine Clearing Ceremony because, well, it’s the first one there. It comes with the following: Divine Clearing Ceremony The Heart Awakening Ceremony Whole Body Healing The Shamanic Plant Medicine Ceremony Plus, there are two extra gifts, which are pretty amazing: Miracle Sleep Solution 5-Minute Meditation Series So, as I’ve said, I started with the ceremonies, which are the main inclusions of the product. Each ceremony is 20 minutes long, but there are shorter versions that last for 10 minutes. I usually listen to the10-minute version when I’m on the way to work so I can finish it. At night, that’s when I listen to the 20-minute version, while I relax and rest. Another thing that I love about it is that I don’t need to understand it before I get the benefits. Simply put, it works on an energetic level. And since it incorporates a unique Biofield energy healing technology, which is based on the premise that everything in the Universe radiates energy. The technology applies it to our energetic bodies because unbeknownst to many, we all have a biofield. This bitfield surrounds our body that is connected to our conscious and subconscious. Pretty amazing, huh? Now, for the ceremonies… The Divine Clearing Ceremony is designed to clear energetic blocks that are holding you back. It’s a ceremony that allows you to feel to heal. The Heart Awakening Ceremony helps balance the energy into a harmonic in sync state of being. The Whole Body Healing “Golden Qi” Ceremony is digital acupuncture or Qi Gong session that is designed to encourage the flow of subtle energy for health, relaxation, and inner healing. The Shamanic Plant Medicine Ceremony will take you on a shamanic journey that will let you gain insight into various areas of your life through your spirit guides. The bottom line is, SSHS has given me a new way to heal and understand myself more. It’s certainly not a magic solution but it has provided me with a fresh new perspective in life that lets me deal better with things that come my way—good or bad.
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katherine-traylor · 2 years
I couldn’t breathe at first for awe. Lit by the moonlight and her own radiance, she crossed the stone floor almost as if floating. Her eyes were large and dark, her features fine. The delicacy of her mouth slightly softened the sharpness of her chin. Her graceful stance made her seem tall, though she was no larger than I. Like a queen, she wore a velvet mantle. Her veil was gauze of silver. Her silver jewelry gleamed. Her delicate slippers were covered in dark embroidery that seemed to have grown there like moss.
As she approached, I stood aside, yielding the space to her. Then she stopped, looked me over, and said, in a voice that rang like glass chimes, “Give me some water.”
I understood, then: this was the fairy Rose had met. She’d changed her guise, as fairies are known to do, and come again to look for another victim.
I couldn’t answer at first. I’d expected an old, ragged woman. I didn’t know what I could say to this lovely, queenly person that wouldn’t sound foolish. More importantly, I didn’t know if the fairy’s new appearance had changed the rules for our encounter. Rose had been rewarded for charity and compassion, but the lady before me was as high above me as the moon. I could offer her no charity, and she had no need for my compassion.
Above all, I didn’t want to be rewarded as Rose had been.
In the end, I decided to err on the side of coldness. “I didn’t come here to draw water for strangers,” I said. “But you may have some, if you like.”
From the flash of her eyes, I saw I had miscalculated. 
She didn’t speak. Taking the pitcher in her fine, slender hands, she drank long and deep. I felt as if I couldn’t look away, as if every sip she took bound me more tightly to her.
 Finally, she lowered the pitcher. “I came here prepared to be lenient for your sister’s sake. She told me about you—how you and your mother made her work outside all day with no help while you sat indoors. But I was ready to make allowances. A snake, after all, can’t help its bad nature—and perhaps you were good at heart. But I’ve seen enough.” Her ringing voice turned flat. “You’ve shown me what kind of person you are. And a rude, ill-mannered girl deserves exactly what she gets.”
“You think I’d want to deserve better?” I snapped, unable to restrain myself in the face of her prating. “For you to ‘reward’ me as you did Rose? For her kindness, she’ll be a target for every rake who passes through town and scarred and toothless besides. What a gift! What a reward. And all for a drink of water!”
Shock flashed across her face. Suddenly she looked younger, almost as young as I was, and very uncertain. But she recovered quickly. “You needn’t worry. You’ll receive no such gift.” Her mouth twisted into a smile.
Too late, I realized I’d overlooked an obvious danger. I’d been so worried about avoiding the fairy’s reward that I’d never spared a thought towards avoiding punishment.
I felt suddenly afraid.
 “Because your words are so low and poisonous,” she continued, “from now on, and for the rest of your life, every word you speak will cast from your mouth a serpent or a toad.”
As she spoke, I felt a burning in my chest, tingling quickly through the rest of my body. It lingered on my tongue, sparkling, dancing—then stinging, as if I’d swallowed a mouthful of ants.
She was turning to go. I held up a hand, imploring. “Please—”
Something was crawling out of my throat. I gagged as a great cool mass surged forward through my mouth, sliding slickly over my tongue and spilling from my lips. It fell, a dark, writhing tangle, onto the ground between us.
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Read the rest of "Serpents," as well as eleven other dark fairy tale retellings, in the anthology Once Upon a Wicked Heart, available for sale now. Leave a review if you like. : )
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lyak12 · 2 years
Could you do a story with Scarlett where we are at like premier or something and an interviewer says something inappropriate or uncomfortable and she gets self conscious and anxious and we calm her down
Premiere Anxiety
Summary: Scarlett’s anxiety sparks up during the premiere of your new movie and you’re there to calm her down.
Warnings: anxiety, body image, hateful comments (kinda but not really), if more lmk
word count: 1,1k
A/N: First of all I’m so sorry it took me so long but I finally got something done and feel like its good enough to post. Second thanks so much for this hgreat request, I hope you like it anon! Also thank you @goldenempyrean for helping me out as I got stuck!
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not my gif :)
It was premiere day for the movie you starred in with your wife and actually one of the first premieres after lockdown because of Covid. Being amongst a lot of people for the first time in over a year was nerve wrecking already especially for Scarlett who got anxious pretty quickly in such an environment.
„Baby, are you sure I can wear that?“, Scarlett asked you for what felt like the thousandth time. You look at her, she was wearing a tight fitting dress and it looked amazing on her but you could understand her insecurity. She gave birth to your little daughter barely 5 months ago. However if you wouldn’t know there is no way someone would be able to tell.
The problem and probably the main reason for her insecurity was that the both of you had just announced the birth of your Baby girl. But you never failed to make her feel like she’s the most gorgeous woman on earth „Scar I’m more than sure, no one and I mean no one is gonna look as good as you in that dress. You look amazing!“. She just smiled and you kissed her lovingly before you had to leave.
The drive to the location she spent in your arms and you enjoyed every second of it, glad she was so relaxed and comfortable in your arms. As you reached the venue you couldn’t help but stare at her 90% of the time, your love for her could not be overlooked.
On the red carpet your ways separated for a short while for pictures and short interviews before you came together again for a bigger interview.
„Scarlett, Y/N it’s so nice to see you! How have you been? It’s been so long since we last saw you guys“, the interviewer asked cheery. I smiled at Scarlett and let my hand rest on the small of her back as she answered „We’ve been good. It feels good to get out again though“. She looked at me and I smiled bright before I said „Yeah it’s been a bit“.
„And you guys had a Baby… That’s exciting, a little girl“, she said and I just smiled lovingly at Scarlett. We didn’t announce the name yet but we said we would tell them if someone asked. „Yeah, our little princess Sierra“, I said and Scarlett grinned and I laid my arm around her pressing a soft kiss to her temple.
„Sierra? Thats cute how old is she now?“, the interviewer asked smiling. „She’s almost five months“, said Scarlett smiling brightly and the interviewer asked „Just 5 months and you’re already wearing such a dress, wow“. That’s when you started to get defensive already. Especially as you could feel Scarlett tense slightly.
„Yeah she looks amazing“, you said with a tone that told her to drop the topic but she ignored it completely. „So do you Y/N“, „Thank you“, you answered but the smile you gave her was forced. Scarlett could feel how tense you were so she gently took your hand in hers trying to calm you. Looking at her soft green eyes you understood her request and calmed down a little again.
She changed the topic for a few questions and you almost thought she got the memo but then the interviewer said „I’m sorry, I can’t get over the fact that you must have so much confidence for wearing such a tight dress“. You can feel Scarlett starting to play with you finger and tensing slightly, a sign you know is her anxiety starting to get worse. „That’s enough“, you said strictly but she just continued „It’s great to see you showing that people shouldn’t care about their outward appearance“.
That was it. You stopped giving a damn about the cameras filming you and the people watching. She really overstepped with that comment. „Excuse me… WHAT?“, you snapped, the protectiveness radiating off of you. Scarlett felt uncomfortable, clutching your hand and trying to hide behind you. Wanting nothing more than to get out of the public eye.
„It’s so bold of her, I certainly wouldn’t wear such a dress after giving birth“, she said and you glared at her trying to bite back all the things you wanted to yell at her right now. Scarlett was your priority and she just wanted to leave so you looked her up and down and spat „Well instead of her you’d never be able to pull it off anyway. I will call your management, this is unacceptable. We’re leaving, let’s go Scar!“.
Scarlett has become awfully quiet next to you and one look at her told you she was trying to keep it together. Holding onto her tightly you pull her away from that interview and into a „backstage“ area where you’d have some privacy. Red carpets made her anxious plus the fact that she was insecure about that dress before already and now all that caused her to almost have an anxiety attack.
Taking her face in your hands you said „Baby, look at me please. Breathe“. She looked up and you saw the tears building in her eyes so you took her in your arms and held her close. „Shh it’s okay Scarlett. Listen to my heart and breathe“. You gently stroke over her neck while she slowly calms down.
It took her a few moments but she calmed down and looked up. You caught the tear that fell down her face and dried it before resting your forehead on hers. „You, my love, look amazing. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I am honored to walk this red carpet with you“, you said and she smiled softly before she answered „Thank you Baby“.
Once she was ready you went back out again and walked the rest of the red carpet. You stayed by her side, not leaving her anymore. Only for single fotos you separated slightly but you made sure to always stay close to her and have her in your sight.
As you reached the end you pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, her eyes closing softly before you said „I’m so proud of you Baby. I love you“. „I love you more“, she said while opening her eyes. You just smiled and kissed her softly before going in.
At the end of the night Scarlett stood leaning in your arms ready to leave and said „I gotta say eventhough what happened today, I kinda missed it. But I miss our girls more and can’t wait to be home“. Holding her close, kissing the top of her head you mumble into her hair „Yeah me too“.
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zuluc · 4 years
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summary: how the genshin boys give hugs
characters: childe, diluc, kaeya, razor, venti, xiao, xingqiu, zhongli
style & genre: bulleted & written; fluff
warnings: none
notes: a self-indulgent fic for my birthday yay, i hope you guys enjoy this I just really want a hug but it’s hard to see friends right now 🤧🤧
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sometimes a side hug or quick embrace; sometimes not because there are days he never wants to let you go
his outward persona is lost because he trusts you
once his arms come around you, you feel like the life is being squeezed out of you, in a good way of course
there are still traces of his past he has yet to share but he wants you to know how much you mean to him
Paimon had stayed behind to finish that chop suey Su Er'niang offered you both. You finished your share, giving some to your companion, and you left to sight-see around Liyue. 
It’s different from Mondstadt and there were quite a bit of things to get done here for your journey. Your feet take you to the stairs leading up to the Wanwen Bookstore and you hope no one has bought out the book you wanted to finish.
Before you could take a step upwards, someone grabs your wrist and pulls you into a small alley. You hand comes up to summon your sword but then your vision is obscured by a head of copper hair. You gasp when his arms tighten around your torso while he heaves a sigh beside your ear. He lets go after a few seconds and you can see the smile on his face.
“Just a recharge,” Childe winks and turns around to get back to what he was doing.
he gives the type of hugs that hold so much emotion that he hides from the public
his body runs warm and appreciates when you snuggle further into him when he has you
his hugs are never quick and he likes to take his time, his hold tight enough to make you feel safe but loose enough to allow you to leave if you so wish
rarely initiates them but will take full control when you’re in private
You could tell when the work he had was becoming too much for the night. The annoyance tainted his handsome features and you just wanted to take it all away. Diluc worked hard, everyone knew that, but he was only human. 
You give him the letter Jean wrote out and proceed towards the door to get back to your own duties. Your name rolls off his lips and when you turn around to look at him he’s gesturing for you to get closer. When you’re mere inches from his desk he stands up and places one hand on your back and the other on the back of your head, burying his face into your neck.
The temperature outside was chilly and his naturally warm body contrasts to how you felt prior. You can feel him frown against you when he feels how cold your skin is.
“Will you be coming back tonight?”
he gives you many hugs, anywhere and at anytime
there isn’t a day where you never receive one and if that every happens, the next day will include even more
will almost always lift you off your feet and/or catch you off guard; he likes to keep you on your toes
even when you’re just standing around waiting for another mission or watching the sun set he’ll hold you close against his side
He’s late. Again. 
You finished off the last of the slimes around Starfell Lake with little to no damage to yourself, luckily, but someone was supposed to assist you to get the job done faster. You look around for any more enemies before kneeling down and dipping your hand into the water. It was cool against your skin, relaxing you after the day’s work. But it might have been just a bit too peaceful.
A force pushes you forward and you close your eyes to brace for the inevitable impact into the water. You wait a few seconds before realizing that you are still very much dry, but there’s something blocking you from lifting your arms. Kaeya chuckles behind you as you lightly hit his arm, hugging you tight.
“I got you,” he says with a smile.
he’s an awkward hugger, mostly because he doesn’t know how these things work as well as that he doesn’t want to hurt you
he doesn’t know where to put his hands and they usually end up against his sides before he realizes that he makes you think he doesn’t like them
when he gets more comfortable, his hugs are gentle and soft
he grew up with the wolves and these types of things just didn’t happen, but you make his heart soar
He’s taking a casual walk in Wolvendom to reflect on what Lupus Boreas had told him only days ago. He wasn’t a wolf, he was human, but he couldn’t accept it so quickly. His mind wanders and he doesn’t hear the steps, or rather running, behind him. It’s only until you jump on his back that he realizes.
You knew that he was thinking about what happened and you wanted to return as fast as you could to check on him. You slide off his back and he gives you a forced grin. Razor avoids your gaze but you place your hands on his shoulders to square them towards you.
He appreciates your presence and he wants nothing more than comfort, hands twitching at his sides. You’re aware of his little signals and smile when you hug him tightly. He closes his eyes and breaths in your calming scent while hugging you back with care.
“Thank you.”
there’s a sense of happiness once he hugs you because it just makes you feel lighter and free
there seems to always be a slight breeze about him and you can feel it brush your face when you rest your head on his shoulder
he comes and goes but never forgets to hug you before and after he returns to see you
his hold can range from very loose to holding on just a bit tighter
Venti left a month ago and you knew that’s just how his way of life was. He was never one to stay place for too long, much like the wind you would say. You yourself were someone who likes to travel around, but everything always brought you back to Mondstadt. 
You stand overlooking the city at “your usual place,” as he liked to call it, for some peace of mind. You sit on the edge of the statue’s outstretched hands and lean back on your hands to take in the view. A soft breeze passes by you and your ears pick up a quiet sound behind you. You smile and stand up, immediately wrapping your arms around him. 
His own naturally fall in place behind your back and a light laugh escapes his lips. It was nice to see you again, as always.
“Missed me?”
he used to be so stiff when he first started hugging you as he never had physical contact with anyone
being you, he warms up and learns how to properly hug someone
will have a hand behind your head because he wants to make sure that every part you of is against him
he’s very protective of you in general and it gives him a peace of mind knowing he can keep an eye on you in this way
You’re sleeping, sitting in his lap with your head resting against his chest as he sits on the balcony of Wangshu Inn. You came to him only a few moments ago and it was clear that you took the time to clear out nearby hilichurl camps due to the small scratches and bruises you had on you.
Xiao narrows his eyes at more of the culprits across the water on the little islands, making a note to do something with them later. You mumble in your sleep and he looks down to see your brows furrowed. He cups your face gently and smooths his thumb over your cheek which causes your face to return to it’s peaceful state and you move closer to him. 
It was surprising that he fell for someone. You made your way into his life so unexpectedly and now he just wanted to take care of you. And he wouldn’t change a thing.
“Rest well.”
very proper hugs because they are reciprocated in with the same energy, or even more, than the ones you may give him
he has no problem in giving you hugs away from prying eyes
he would usually whisk you away onto adventures with him with a promise of them
will get flustered when you hug him while saying just how much you appreciate him
You’re amused at the way he presents himself to others and talks to them as expected of him. Xingqiu was known to be mild- and well-mannered as his mischievous side was hidden from those not so close to him.
You both manage to escape the party, standing beside each other as you look up into the night sky. He feels less restricted with you and he takes this opportunity to lace his fingers through yours. You give him a fond smile and return to staring at the stars.
An idea pops into your head and you let go of his hand, him giving you a questioning look before he is brought into a hug. Xingqiu blushes at the suddenness of your actions but returns it nonetheless. His eyes keep diverting to the house so you have to reassure him that no one can see the both of you. 
“Let’s get out of here.”
he enjoys hugging, contrary to what most might think
he likes the intimate feeling and being close to someone he loves in such a sweet way that can be done anywhere
he will never deny you of the affection and if you initiate it he will go through with it no matter what
he’s always looking at you paired with a soft smile on his face whenever he has you in his arms
Zhongli’s voice pierces the quiet as you both take a stroll outside of Liyue. He’s telling you of its history and old traditions that have disappeared throughout the years, but you’re becoming tired due to the sound of his voice.
When you’re out of sight from the guards at the front gates you give a slight tug to the end of his coat sleeve. He stops in the middle of his story and sees that your eyes are growing weary. You keep your hold on his sleeve until you pull yourself to rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes and content with the sound of the night as you’re against him. 
He holds you close, making sure that you’re not actually asleep as it would make for a very interesting walk back. You tell him that you’re just resting your eyes for a few moments and that he can keep talking. That you love the sound of his voice. Zhongli places a kiss to your forehead as he continues, adoration for you clear in his eyes.
“Now, where was I...”
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dogloveri23 · 2 years
Never enough
Pairing: Ayaka x reader (gender-neutral)
Warning: angst, heartbreak, suicidal thoughts, loss of vision
A/n: So I don't think I've said this but most of my content is gender-neutral or at least I try to make them gender-neutral, just in case I don't specify in the title. I felt bad and teary-eyed when writing this and it doesn't happen often.
Originally written by @dogloveri23
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"Hand over your vision Lady Ayaka before it is forcefully taken from you. These are the shogun's orders" You say as you stand before the Shirasagi Himegimi with no ounce of emotion on your face. "Please Y/n! Do not do this, we were once lovers, I do not believe you wish me to suffer the loss of my memories! Of everyone! Of you" Ayaka yells from her spot on the ground outside the Kamisato estate! "Your memories of us? How delusional do you think I am Ayaka? You never loved me " You say with pure rage as you point your sword to her neck. "Y/n please, spare my sister!" Ayato yells to you as he stood not too far away from the scene unable to engage as he was subdued. "Please! You were both lover-" "We were not! And the only reason you are exempt from this is because of the Raiden Shogun! Your sister however is not" You say interrupting him. She did not love you, she made it clear that day.
"Ayaka, I forbid you from associating with them again!" An elder of the clan said as he looked at you with disgust before walking off. " I think we should cut this relationship off at this point, it may be best to not see each other anymore. I am afraid this relationship can not work out" Ayaka said failing to meet your gaze as her eyes focused on the floor. "What? After all the promises we made to each other Ayaka? After moving to Inazuma and staying here with you after my father decided to move on with his journey without me? After all that Ayaka? Thoma say something! "You say as you look at Thoma begging him to tell Ayaka to think about what you both put into the relationship. "I think ...my lady will need some time to herself, she would appreciate it if you exited the estate," He says slowly with an apologetic look before accompanying Ayaka indoors. "Ayaka please! Ayaka please reconsider!" You yell to her as she makes her way indoors without sparing you the smallest of glances. As soon as Ayaka made her way into the building, you ran. You ran as fast as you could, why was this happening to you? She said she loved you, she said she would be by your side regardless, she said she would fight for your love despite you only being a commoner, so why did she back out without a word? why did she let them discard you without so much of an opposing statement, without so much as a glance? Was she embarrassed by you? Did she think you were beneath her? After you learned all the appropriate mannerisms to use, after you changed almost everything about yourself believing she loved you, believing she would stay with you! What was the point in trying if you would never be good enough? If she would never stick by you?
The forest was cold and quiet if you overlooked a few tanukis here and there. But the cold only reminded you of her, the way she left without a second thought. The way she lacked emotion on her face as she turned and walked away. You could barely pay attention to your surroundings as you continuously kept getting cuts on your arm from the surrounding trees as blood soon seeped out of them decorating your skin in crimson red that never seemed to stop flowing as you found it harder to run and your vision became hazy. You could only make it to the beaches outside of Ritou before the world seemed to spin and you couldn't seem to focus as you continued to spiral into grief. Not long after, you found yourself falling as your body gave up its fighting and succumbed to exhaustion. You could not close your eyes to rest but you could only hope that an electro lawachurl would end your suffering quickly, maybe then she would care, maybe she would react, cry, regret what she put you through. A pair of red single-toothed geta obstructed your line of vision. "This is pathetic, even for you," A familiar voice said from above you. The face of the voice however was out of your field of vision and your body refused to move no matter how hard you tried. Though you knew the owner of the voice without seeing the owner. " "Pick them with us, we will take them with us to the Tenryou Commission," Kujou Sara said. That was the last thing you heard before the wave of exhaustion hit you, sending you unconscious.
The Inazuman sun assaulted your eyes causing you to wake up earlier than you would have liked. You sit up in an unusual bed, the bandaged wounds reminding you that the events of the previous day were no nightmare but your reality. "You're up, that's a good sign, I was afraid you had lost too much blood" A voice that belonged to none other than Kujou Sara said. "Thank you, Sara," You say. "Do not mention it, I would usually not inquire but considering what went down could have killed you, I must ask" She says, eyes not leaving yours for even a moment. "She did not love me, I was cast away as soon as her family found out," You say as you stare at your lap trying to blink back the tears. "I see, I know you are hurt in more ways than one. But do you remember the offer I gave you a year ago?" Sara asked as she crossed her hands over her chest. " I hardly think that this is the appropriate time for that," You say as your tears trickled down your face. " I am aware. I simply know what you are capable of, your swordsmanship skills are higher than any of those in the Tenryou commission! I do not want you to wallow in grief when you are talented and capable! Others will come but if nothing see this as an opportunity to find yourself and hone your skills" Sara says to you before walking to the door. " I was worried about you, I'd rather you not try that again," She says before finally leaving the room. The next day you had joined the army and in a matter of months, you were a general. The vision hunt decree had followed a year later. Leading to this moment.
"You did not love me, you tried to change me and I agreed if it meant I would be with you. But in the end, you let the words of someone else nullify all the promises we had made to each other. You let another person nullify those 'memories' completely. So now, those memories will be nullified for you as well. You don't change someone you love, you don't abandon someone, you don't dismiss the feelings of someone you love, so Ayaka, you did not love me, only the idea of me. When it didn't fly, you left. So consider this me finally wiping away those worthless memories from you," You said as you took some steps toward her with the tip of your sword still pointing to her. "But you still have your memories! Why would you want them if you hate them so?!" Ayato yelled trying to reason with you. "When I complete my mission of collecting visions, regardless of what she wants, I shall ask her to take mine away," You say unfazed as your gaze does not leave Ayaka's frightened ones. "What! But you would forget everyone, you would forget your ambitions" Ayaka whispered shakily. " I would, but it would free me of the nightmare of loving you, and that for me is enough of a reason," You say as you bend and cage her to the wall as your hand went to her back and grabbed her vision. The last thing you hear before she forgets you completely were " I really did love you, I still do". Ayato's daze grew cold as he watched the scene unfold between the former lovers. "Feel free to send the blond traveler of her's after us, we will be ready," You say as you walked away. Ayato was still restrained till your men decided you were far enough a distance to release him. Ayaka's confused eyes could only watch the familiar yet different figure walk away as she tried to piece together what had transpired.
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