#its not a complicated story. so like. its sorted. I know how it goes so the brain goblins dont see any value in working on it
bitchfitch · 6 months
Tbh I wish I was in a that cursed twins thing mood more often. bc there's a joke comic I want to make that's like. absolutely not funny if you don't see Peregrine often enough to know his wardrobe is mostly white.
Who ever is sitting on the TV remote that controls my brain needs to do a shimmy and give me fuckin Inspo to work on that project.
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frogmascquerade · 4 months
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comicaurora · 5 months
Hi! I finally got the chance to read Aurora a bit ago. It's a wonderful story--all I was expecting and better! I was particularly amazed and delighted by the artwork and visual mechanics used to tell the story, so I wrote a post to yell about how cool it is and break some of it down. (No criticism, just praise.) I'm mostly a hobbyist, so I'm hoping I've done it justice.
That said: zero pressure to read it or respond to this ask. Normally I wouldn't send it since I tagged, but I know Tumblr's notifs are a mess and things get lost very easily. I've been in both the "one (1) word of praise will feed me for a year" and the "oh gods don't talk about my writing/art because anything that seems Off will break my brain" modes before, and I absolutely don't want to push or make you uncomfortable!
If you are comfortable, however, I wanted to ask about your use of what I'm assuming are Screen and blending modes in sound effect words. (I'm only guessing that's the technique, though, so I could be totally wrong about how it's done! I'm mostly experienced in image manipulation in Photoshop.) Making them semi-transparent over the actions is genius :) What inspired you to do that, and are there specific techniques you use to make it work?
Same questions go for using specific colors to distinguish different characters' words and actions. I really noticed it in the cave sequence with Falst and Dainix, since their colors are so vivid in the dark (ex. Falst's little swats and Dainix's swooping kick at 1.20.9). It lends excellent clarity to busy scenes.
Thanks! Have a lovely day, enjoy your break, and happy holidays <3
You're correct about the technique! "Screen" is the blend mode I use most often for sound effects. I stumbled on it mostly through trial and error - I love how sound effects add depth to a comic panel, but it's very easy for them to obscure the art in a way I find counterproductive, so "Screen" lets me put the sound effect directly over the origin of the sound while still letting it be visible through the word. Early chapters didn't have it as much-
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Most of the sound effects in early chapters are just solid colors with reduced opacity if I'm feeling fancy. But I started figuring it out around chapter 8 and 9, because Falst is kind of a sound-effect-heavy guy, especially in his fight scenes.
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In order to make sure they don't impede the visibility of the action, I'll often soft-erase the top or bottom half of the SFX to reduce its opacity while still leaving it readable.
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I'll usually double that up with an outline on the SFX so it's still readable. This is an especially important consideration if the SFX goes over an area of the background that's very bright or glowing.
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Color-coding the speed lines and SFX to the character or force causing them isn't a hard and fast rule, but I like using it (in part because it's a habit from the OSP illustrations, where every character has a single pop of color in their lineart) mostly because it sort of codes every sound to make it clear where it's emanating from, or the general feeling of the sound. Since I normally do character-colors for SFX, something like this stands out more jarringly-
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Which it's supposed to, but a big lightning strike doesn't register as anything too worrying because it's just Tess up to her usual shenanigans.
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It's also very useful for magic effects, because each form of magic has its own associated palette.
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And when I had a very complicated fight scene in a dark environment, I used the texture pattern I'd already made for the monster to color its SFX, so when I Screened them onto the panels they didn't obscure too much while still communicating "this is something else."
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Changing the weight, lined-vs-not-lined, and opacity of the SFX words also helps to communicate that not every sound has the same feeling. A strong motion is solid and aggressive, but a crackling, unstable sound is more ephemeral and staticky.
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It's definitely been a process of learning as I go - looking back at the earlier chapters I can actually see when I first tried various tricks I now use regularly, like doubling and distorting an SFX to produce the effect of a camera-shaking impact. I haven't really seen any other comics that do it like I do, probably because most other comics follow a more traditional production pipeline where text bubbles and sound effects get locked into the composition early, before the inking stage, because traditional physical comics don't have digital-art layers to play with. Adding sound effects to a page is almost the last thing I do before exporting them, and that only works because digital art and layers allow for a ton of flexibility.
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orange-orchard-system · 6 months
Been thinking for a while about what one of our singlet friends said about not really getting what it's like to have DID or be a system. And while I get it, it's just something that stuck in my mind because... I don't really know what it's like to not be a system. I haven't had that experience. For as long as I can remember, I've been more-than-one. And so it's interesting to think of my life as something that others struggle to fully understand.
Again, I get it. It's very hard for me to put certain experiences into words or even art, and I've been in the position of a "singlet" (a plural egg, really, but at the time I didn't have any awareness of that that would help me understand) trying and failing to understand system things. I've been there. I know how hard it is to get something like this, and I know how hard it is to describe something like this. I get it.
But at the same time, I don't think it's an impassable mountain. I think of that post going around Tumblr that easily and clearly explains calculus, of all complicated things, and I think "Is plurality really so impossible to explain when this can be done? Difficult, yes, but impossible?" and I don't really think it is. Sometimes, things will have to be simplified – which is a large hurdle I find people encountering, trying to simplify something enough to make sense but not enough that it loses all its meaning – but I think it's a bridge we can build.
Do I know how? Sort of. I don't have a foolproof plan, but I like to bring up and explain plurality to the people in my life. I told a professor about plurality and am writing to her to explain it more in-depth. I gave a speech on dissociation and highlighted dissociative disorders as something I recommended the audience learn about. I wear plural merch and answer people's questions on it. I think just making the attempt, even if you have to simplify things, goes a long way in the long run.
Every time I try to add more to this post it devolves into poetry that only vaguely makes sense, so I'll end the post here. Moral of the story is uhhhh differences in experiences aren't walls between us, we can always work for a better future together. May you have the strength and courage to help both others and yourself
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clangenrising · 21 days
sorry if this is too harsh to ask. when ever the story leans over to the city cats, they mistreat others or lean on the evil/bad side (look at poor aldertail, lake, scorch, and smokeyrose :( ) the more I read this, the more I'm siding with the clan cats to wipe out all the city cats. that way there can be peace for everyone because I can't see how the city cats have any remorse in the clan cats eyes or yours
Wow. Okay.
Um, first things first, I will never be in support of Wiping Out any group of people. I get what you're trying to say but that's just not an ideology I can get behind. It is honestly a very dangerous and upsetting argument to make and hopefully, I can explain why.
Most of the city cats are not Evil. Most of the city cats are people who grew up in a corrupt system and have been taught to do bad things from a young age. Like Mystique for example: Has she hurt people? Yes. Does she seem resistant to change? Yes. Does this mean she is not worthy of compassion or a chance to grow and be better? Absolutely not!
I was raised Mormon. I know a lot of people, some who I love, who do bad things on the regular - people who voted for trump, people who support homophobic or imperialist policies, people who are hurtful to the marginalized people in their lives. I will NEVER believe that these people deserve to die for the way they are. They are just humans doing their best with the knowledge they were given and the baggage they've accrued.
I do think that there are cats, like Razor for instance, who need to be Stopped, certainly, and removed from positions of power. Unfortunately, cats don't have the ability to institute more systemic solutions to these kinds of problems so they will most often solve these problems by killing the cat. But this should only happen after it is clear that there is no opportunity for a non violent solution.
The world is complicated and messy and it means people are taught bad things and have trauma that makes them hurt other people. I'm not saying that those behaviors are okay. They should be held accountable for the harm that they do. But those behaviors do not make them irredeemable or Evil. Hell, I don't think there ARE Evil people! I don't think there are GOOD people! People can't be good or evil because they are always going to be making new choices. Some of those choices will hurt people, some of those choices will help people, some of those choices are entirely neutral. I believe you can judge people's actions but its impossible to judge their 'soul' so to speak.
There are a lot of cats in the city who do bad things because they see those things as normal or because the system rewards them for doing so. Do you think the Clans should kill all of those people?? Because I will never agree with you if you do and I urge you to rethink how you see the world.
Give me any city cat and I will be able to find a way to empathize with them. Yes, even Razor. They're all just people. And in my opinion, none of them deserve to die. They deserve to change and heal. And I think most of them will. I'm a death penalty abolitionist and that means I don't think ANYONE should be put to death. You don't get to selectively apply that kind of belief only to the people you think are 'good'.
Sorry for how long and rambling my response was. If anyone has follow up questions or comments, I'm open to discussing this further, just please remember to be kind and avoid any sort of harassment, and that goes both ways. Nobody harass this anon for what they said. I believe they are very misguided but that doesn't make them a bad person. If you think that then you've entirely missed the point of everything I said.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Sweet + SMut
Hey fiction witch, if u can see this I have a request, in the show Beth leaves New York and goes back to her house and when Beth and Benny r on the phone Benny gets upset and tells Beth to not call him, after that happens can u plz make y/n find out that Beth hurt Benny and y/n being her sweet and empathetic self, goes to comfort Benny in his house and yk wtv happens next 🤭 if u can make that story asap that would be amazing thank u 🙏
I shifted my hips from side to side humming along with the tune coming from my record player speaker, My hands in the hot water washing up the dishes and pots from dinner. I jumped as I heard my phone begin its blaring. So I left the last pot to soak trying off my hands on my apron as I scampered my shoes across the floor of my little townhouse I quickly turned down the volume on my record player as I passed the shelf, I lost my footing a little on the rug's stupid curled corner and went tumbling onto my sofa on my back, luckily just beside my phone table so I picked up the red rotary phone from the table bringing it to my ear. 
"Y/l/n Residence." I smiled 
"Hi y/n" Beth smiled 
"Ohh, My my to what do I owe the pleasure, Miss Harmon?" 
"Oh you know, nothing unusual. How's queens?" 
"Boring. But finally unpacked my last few boxes so shaping up nicely. How's kentuky?" 
"Much the same" she smiled "So, I had a question."
"ahh there is the point of your call, of course, ask away"
"You've been to Moscow correct?" 
"Yes, I have. I assume there is a follow-up question."
"Yeah, I'm doing a bit of packing. I know everyone says Moscow is cold but... exactly how cold?"
 "When they say cold they mean cold beth. It's freezing in Moscow. The snow came up to my knees. I was so cold I ripped stuffing out of the hotel pillow to shove in my bra because I was convinced my nipples would freeze off. and that's coming from a New York girl" I laughed "Pack for ice. Pack for snow. Pack for seeing your breath inside buildings." 
"If you're too hot you can always take layers off," I explained 
"Fair enough,"
"That all?"
"I had something else to ask too"
"Sure, fire away." 
"Did you... Like to fuck Benny?"
"That's a bold question for six pm" 
"But did you, when you two were... together?"
I laughed "My darling Elizabeth. Me and Benny never have been... together. Not officially anyway."
"But when you did. Did you like to?"
"You can say every time you've had sex you liked it? sometimes stuff's just shit"
"But other than those times"
"I did. Course I did. Benny... is a complicated man"
"How so?"
"Because he's Benny" I laugh "He's weird, he thinks fifteen steps ahead at any one moment, he's passionate and dedicated with an ego big enough to fly himself to Moscow and back, but he's also... you know a man. so he's blunt and simple, and can't see a hint five inches in front of his face." I explained, "Why?" 
"I think. it might be over."
"Over? Did it ever begin?"
"I mean... kinda. sort of. It's complicated."
"Beth. What happened?"
"So you know how Benny's been bugging me to come to New York"
"Yes. Because he misses you. That's his way of saying that." 
"Yeah he even told me"
"He told you he missed you?"
"And you did what?"
"Yeah I mean we called a little more but not much else. and I kinda... pissed him off"
"What did you do?"
"I gave the church the money back. I tried to ask him for money. if he wants to come he can help me pay for it right? he flipped out and told me not to call him again. That was... two days ago and he won't answer the phone. Guess I'm just kinda..."
"You're serious?" I sighed 
"Okay... I have not got time to deal with you" I sighed sitting up normally "All I'm gonna say is you've fucked up Beth. And I am going to clean this up, not because I want to help you. But because I care too much about Benny. I will call you later and we will have a chat" I told her before hanging up the phone 
"Fuck..." I sighed "Harmon, you do make my life difficult" I grabbed the phone again and dialled the number for the Brooklyn basement listening to it ring but no answer, I tried again but still no answer, I gave it one more try but still no answer. 
I gave up setting the phone back on the receiver and I got to my feet untieing my apron throwing it on the kitchen table grabbing my handbag making sure to grab my spare key. changing my shoes and slipping on my gloves before rushing out locking up my front door as I scampered down the steps of the stoop I unlocked the door on my little red mini threw my bag on the passenger seat quickly started the car up and scampered through the New York streets using all the little cut thoughts I knew to travel the six miles from my townhouse in queens to the basement in Brooklyn. I pulled my mini up behind the little blue Beatle parked and grabbed my bag climbing out of the car and heading down the little foul-smelling stairwells until I finally reached the metal door giving it a firm few taps. No answer came. but I could hear noises from within. I knocked much louder but still no answer came.
I rolled my eyes grabbed the spare key from my handbag forced it into the lock and opened the door shutting it behind me immediately I could tell things weren't good.
This apartment was dark, gloomy and damp as usual, bottles littered his table enough you could use them as pieces in a chess game, and things haphazardly moved around the apartment. And Benny amongst it all. Barefoot. Black jeans tight to his body, his belt gone, his black turtleneck on with his sleeves rolled up, frustration across his face, a beer in hand that he finished and there across his apartment smashing it on the wall. 
He ran a hand through his hair and glanced up at me “Hey y/n.”
“How are you feeling?” 
“I'm fine” he snapped grabbing a cigarette from his table setting it in his mouth and lighting it up with his old Zippo 
“Benny.” I glared
“I'm fine.” He snapped 
“Beth called me.”
“Did she now? You come down to tell me I'm an asshole”
“I don't make judgements till I hear both sides” I answered “So, tell me what happened.”
“So it fucking -”
“It's over. I'm done with her. I have put up with so much shit from her. She treats me like a doormat, and only calls me when she needs something. Well she can go fuck herself” he says pacing around his apartment
“Okay, what exactly happened?”
“She gave the money back. Asked me to pay for us. She ignored everything I told her. All because she didn't want to sign some worthless bit of paper. Now I can't go to Moscow with her. Fine, she clearly didn't want me with her anyway.”
“Alright, and you told her?”
“I told her not to call me again. She wants to do this on her own fine. She can. She won't hear a word from me, but she can fuck off if she wants anything.” 
“You've been ignoring calls?”
“I didn't exactly feel like talking right now” 
“Alright, go get changed and I'll make you some tea”
“I don't -”
“Benny. Don't make me bonk you with a spoon” 
“Fine I will get changed” he sighed going to his room “and make coffee.”
“No tea. Coffee will keep you up and you do not need more energy right now” I explained going and making some nice tea one for me and one for Benny taking and sitting them both on the small table in the centre of the living space, as well as a glass of water I took a small dustpan and brush from the cabinet and cleaned up the broken glass from the bottle as well as any other little mess that littered the apartment. I went to the small record player beside the chair and for a moment flipped through his small collection grabbing a nice album of some gentle swing music adding it to the player letting it spin and turning it down to almost nothing, and I took a seat on the pile of pillows he used as a sofa. Soon enough he returned with a fresh set of clothes, some new jeans, a black T-shirt and his green button-down 
“There you feel a little better now?”
“It is nice to have some fresh clothes on” he grunted back 
“Come on” I offered patting the pillow beside me
“I'm not in the mood y/n”
“Benny. Come here.”
He rolled his eyes but came and sat beside me still as angry and frustrated as before leaning his head against the exposed bricks 
“Good, now when did you last drink something?”
“I'm not thirsty”
“Did I ask that?”
“When did you last drink something? You're only going to give yourself a headache” I told him, offering him the water but he turned away “Hydrate. Or I will hit you with a spoon”
He took the glass and had a sizable sip 
“Thank you, now come here and talk it out” 
“Y/n I know you mean well but I’m-”
“I will get the spoon in a minute.” I warn “Come” I demanded patting my thigh
He rolled his eyes but leant over so I wrapped my arms around him letting him lay his head in my lap “I don't see how this is going to help”
“You need to acknowledge and work through your feelings”
“I don't have feelings. I'm a man.”
“Ohh no you don't have feelings. That's why you've been spending your days in a dark basement drinking like a fish and frustrated smoking. No feelings at all” I smiled gently petting his soft fluffy hair 
“I don't need to work through my feelings.”
“Yes, you do. Otherwise, you're just going to be angry forever. And god knows I can't deal with that” I laughed
“Fine” he sighed 
“Take a moment just to clear the brain” I smiled playing with his hair in all the usual spots he liked me too
“My brain doesn’t clear.”
“Then hyperfocus. On the ticking of the clock, the nice gentle music, clear the mind of all other things and just exist for a moment”
We sat for a few moments just enjoying the quiet of his basement, the gentle hum of the music and the rhythm of our breaths
“Okay” He nods sounding far calmer than before
“That help?”
“A little”
“Okay do a Big breath in.”
“Why do I-”
“Benny” I warned so he did as I asked “Big breath in. And back out. Another one in… and another out. Okay? Feel a little better?” I smiled walking him through it a few times
“A bit” 
“Are you calmer?”
“So, tell me what happened”
“You going to tell me when I’m wrong?”
“No. I'm not going to say anything you just explain and I will listen.” 
“I try asking her for months to come up to New York, actually spend some time together, no she's busy she needs to do this, she needs to do that, she ghosts me for six months, okay I try asking to go to Paris with her support her with the tournament, no she's going on her own, she can't afford to take me too, so fine she goes on her own only when she's fucked herself up so bad she looses her tournament and has headlines everywhere she was drunk as a sailor then! I got a call. I try to be supportive and offer to pick her up from the airport. No, she wants to be alone. I try to talk her through everything and offer her a safe space, so we can be together and work stuff out, no she wants to be alone. She wants to drink. Fine, I try! I try and say she can drink so long as she came here no she wants to go and get drunk. She goes home to Kentucky and ghosts me again. She calls me finally because she wants my advice and again I try to get her to come here, I try and be nice hell I told her I fucking missed her nope she wants to stay on her own meaning she wants to fucking drink. And again I'm ghosted. She completely ignores what I tell her to do. She gives the church their money and calls me up like I'm the problem! Like I haven't spent the last year waiting for your phone calls like some abandoned puppy! Says she's paying her own way to Moscow and can't afford to take me with her, if I wanna come I need to pay, when she knows full well I don't have two thousand dollars laying around to jet off to Moscow. Accused me of gambling it all away. So fuck it. Fuck her. She wants to go and her drunk and fuck her life up that's her decision she's not taking me down with her. I'm not staying as her fucking doormat fuck to treat her how she wants. If she'd rather get drunk than be with me fine I hope she and her bottle are happy” 
“How did that make you feel?”
“Like shit.”
“Benny, feelings are not shit. use your words. Not just your swears.”
“Like… why should I bother you know? Like I'm trying so so much and you're giving absolutely nothing back. And that makes me feel like I'm the asshole for wanting anything”
“You're not an asshole for wanting acknowledgement Benny. You've done a lot for Beth and it's not easy for you to be emotionally numerable”
“Exactly! It's like you bare your fucking soul to someone and their response is okay cool. What else? Like I don't know what more you want from me. Am I being a dick? Asking for too much or something?”
“I don't think so, I do think you also need to respect Beth is also not an emotional person. The two of you aren't going to have a great emotional conversation because neither of you are good emotional communicators and that's fine some people aren't, but it would seem you are putting a lot of effort in, now Beth may not see it as a lot of effort in her mind and may not be seeing how much effort that Is for you and not appreciate it as much or it could be that she just expects more. and if you can't give her that then you can't there's nothing wrong with that Benny” 
“Do you think I'm an emotionally distant person?”
“You can be. You're… very practical Benny. You're emotional to the extent of practically, when emotions aren't useful you don't bother to express them. But I do think you not in the wrong here you've made a lot of moves to be more outwardly expressive and it was clear you were upset long before this” I explained “I think, and of course, you don't need to take my advice. But I think you and Beth need time apart I think you both need to not see one another, not speak to one another, for a couple of weeks I think you both need to separately decide the kind of relationship you want together. If you want to have the kind of relationship where you call every other day and talk or if you want a relationship where you talk every six months how much emotional investment you each have needs to be equal and it clearly isn't so I think spend time apart to think and when she gets back from Moscow you two need to talk and see where you go from here.”
“... Your right.” He sighed sitting up “Where did you learn all this stuff anyway?” He asks having some tea 
“Therapy. You know that thing I keep telling you to go to”
“I don't need therapy”
“Everyone needs therapy, Benny.”
“I don’t” 
“Yes, you do.” I told him “You have a lot of untapped emotional issues rattling around in that big head of yours” I told him having some tea “And I’m boarder line convinced you have… some type of-”
“No I don’t” he snapped
“Benny you hyperfocus on chess, don’t understand your own emotions, freak out when someone tries to touch your skin, and use your rings like fidget toys… and you don’t think there might be a possibility you could have some form of -”
“Fine, fine. I’m not going to argue with you” I giggled “You should go to therapy though Benny.”
“Ohh what because I have ‘emotional trauma’?”
“Yes. you do.” I told him “Even if it's just having someone to talk to, to rant about your problems”
“That's why I have you” 
“I'm not your therapist Benny”
“It's fine” I smiled pressing a kiss to the top of his head “You really liked her didn't you?”
“I did. I kinda thought we were the same. Maybe we're too much alike”
“Do you think maybe… you're seeing the bad things in Beth that you see in yourself?”
“Kinda. I think it's … made me realize how bad it is to be on that side of it. To be the one waiting by the phone on the promise of a call that never comes. I think I'm .. trying though. I can see how bad it is and in trying to fix it but just feels like bailing a bucket out a lake” 
“Well, baby steps. Just the fact you see it and are making steps is still better. You're never going to bail the lake if you don't start with a bucket”
“I guess so. It makes me wonder… how she sees me. I know officially we didn't label anything but, I kinda think she just saw me as a chessboard that could make her cum” 
“What did you want her to be?”
“....I don't know. Guess I wanted someone to call. Someone to spend time with. Someone who wants to talk to me. Listens to me. Makes me feel like what I say makes a difference. Like I Matter to them. Someone who gets excited about spending time with me, who wants to be with me not because we might play chess or we might have sex but just because we like being together”
“You ever tell her that?”
“Then … you can't expect her to give you that Benny. She's not a mind reader. She doesn't know that's what you want same as you don't know what she wants. You two are both people not great at emotions be the best course is to straight forward sit her down and say that's what you want and if that's not what she wants you can either try to find a middle ground or that can be it”
“Your right. But I don't want to see her. Or talk to her. I don't completely want to think about her but there's no getting out of that” he explained lighting another cigarette “But I'm done. Unless she's willing to try I don't want anything more than to be her friend”
“If that's what you want. That's what you want” I smiled taking the cigarette from him putting it out in the table’s ashtray “You’re not smoking because you want it you smoking because your frustrated.” I laughed
“Your therapist tell you that too?”
“No. I just know you, Benny. Besides you’ve been doing really good. Don’t destroy all your progress just because you’re mad” I told him 
“You rather I drink?”
“I’d rather you have healthy coping mechanisms but you know… baby steps.” I smiled “You feel a bit better? Got all that off your chest?”
“Yeah. Thanks y/n.”
“Your welcome” I smirked having some tea “It's kinda funny”
“What is?”
“That's exactly what I wanted. Back when we …”
“Really?” He asks 
“Yeah. I'd have killed for you to want to spend time with me without it seeming like I was dragging you away from something you wanted to do more”
“.... Fuck. I was a dick.”
“You kinda were.” I laughed “But we wanted different things that's okay”
“I feel like shit. Maybe things would be different if I figured out this is what I wanted”
“Maybe” I shrug “But you didn’t want that then that’s fine you can change your mind as life changes, that wasn’t the sort of thing you wanted then”
“You’re a very emotional person. I think I struggled with that”
“I can be… overly emotional. In working on it. Trying not to overthink everything so much.” I said “How do you think it felt for me sitting here miles deep in overthinking as to why you weren’t talking to me, that you were mad, that I did something wrong, all the while you just sat there playing chess completely unaware I was even upset being quiet because… you like to sit quietly.”
“I saw you were upset… when it was too late. By the time I picked up on it you crying so far down an emotional rabbit hole even if I did know How to deal with it, it was kinda too late”
“And yes that is on you for not noticing my emotions but also on me for not being clearer with them, literally could have fixed all my overthinking with, Benny are you mad at me? But no I wanted to sit there pouting getting more and more anxious waiting for you to figure out that I was worried.” 
“I always felt like a dick for asking you what was wrong,”
“Because I wanted you to pick up on it. I didn’t want to tell you I just wanted you to pick up and fix it. And that's on me. That was my issue and I’m getting better. Can’t expect people to know everything. But you're getting better too, learning when people are upset being more outwardly emotional if you need a little coaxing.”
“Or threatening” 
“Everyone is different Benny. The sooner you realize that the easier life is. Everyone you speak to, and everyone you see is completely different we all think differently, behave differently, and have different responses to things, and no one can read minds. We all need to give each other a little more slack because we don't know what's going on in their head and they'll never know what's happening in ours. Some people can read emotions across your face like a book, some people need to be told or they'll never learn. I was an emotionally overthinking young woman craving emotional intimacy without having to ask for it. While being in a non-official relationship with a man who can't read emotions, has a hard time expressing his feelings and craves reassurance. On top of the very basic one, what's to fuck one wants to love problem. You surprised it went south?” 
“I crave reassurance?”
“Benny. You're a chess player who dresses like a goth pirate.”
“Point taken” 
“It's fine people grow and change neither of us are the people we were then”
“That's true” he nods “Can I get the number for your therapist?”
“He sounds good. The fact you rattled all that off is pretty impressive”
“Find your own therapist. Don't want conflicts of interest”
For a moment he was puzzled “You talk about me in therapy?”
“God was I that much of a cunt?”
“No. You’re my friend. Our lives are very intertwined is all” I laughed leaning on his shoulder 
“that’s fair” he laughed “... Do you think I ask for too much? With Beth?”
“I think… you ask for more than she's comfortable with. Let's face it Benny your fighting against an addiction. You might have an ego and you might love chess but you're not physically addicted to it” 
“I just feel like in trying so hard, pushing myself so far beyond what I'd normally be comfortable with the least she can do is try”
“if that's how you feel. Then I think she should respond to that”
“I'm not a dick?”
“I don't think so” I smiled
“Thanks y/n. I'm really thankful you came over”
“Well I can't just leave you someone has to try and get you through these gross… feelings you're not used to”
“Can you stay?”
“Can you stay? I don't think I wanna be on my own tonight”
“Of course Benny”
We stayed up a little long chatting about things but soon it came time for bed he put up the air bed for himself and I took his bed even if I argued but he let me have it. 
I changed borrowing one of his shirts for the night getting cosy in the warm bed. 
The lights out the only sound the occasional sound of the New York cars above the basement. 
I was about to drift off when I perked up hearing the creek of the door and soon enough the covers moved and Benny crawled in with me 
“Did you want your own bed back?”
“No, I just… I don't wanna be alone right now” he says slowly wrapping his arms around me and pulling me tight to his body my hips to his my back to his chest squeezing me almost like I was his teddy bear 
“Okay Benny, you don't need to worry I'll be right here,” I reassured letting him squeeze me tightly to his body, he held me tight pressing his lips to my shoulder 
“Can I get my anger out?” He asked 
“Alright” I nodded 
He moved and pushed me down on my back “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” I nodded 
He nodded and leant down to nibble and kiss my neck, before he pulled down his boxers and tugged off my panties, he started off gently slipping himself inside me he held my hips firmly digging his nails into my skin as he aggressively thrusted, often bitting his lips and gritting his teeth letting out his frustration and anger though the movement of his hips. He began to slow so I smiled and held his hips gently turning us so he laid on his back and I sat on top of him gently moving my hips slowly “Reveling in your anger is not going to make you feel better” I smiled stroking his stomach as I moved 
“I know. I just wanted to get the anger out” he sighed moving his hips with me 
“Wouldn’t this be nicer?”
“It is much nicer.” he smiled “Nice and calming” He cooed sitting up a little and wrapping his arms around me to pull me into his chest for an intense kiss I smiled into the kiss as I moved my hips faster trying to match his own speed getting more and more intense the longer it went on I knew I was close starting to nibble on his neck as I began to slow getting close to my edge he noticed and smirked making sure to work as hard as he could letting out the last of his frustration until I reached my peak biting his neck as I did which in turn got him to his own edge burying himself deep inside me and riding it out before he collapsed against the bed and I basically fell off onto the other side 
“Feel better now Benny?”
“Yeah” he nods between gasps “That is way better than therapy” 
“They're not mutually exclusive Benny.”
“I still think this is better”
“You can’t just ignore your feelings and deal with your frustrations through sex” I told him
He smirked and turned over to spoon me “Did it work?” 
“...yes but?”
“Did it work?”
“Then I'm gonna do it” he shrugs 
“Alright Benny, if that’s how you wanna deal with your feelings” I laughed “Come on, let's get some sleep”
“Alright, Night”
“Night” I smiled giving him a little kiss before we cuddled up and drifted off to sleep. 
I yawned as I woke up I gently pushed Benny’s arms off me climbed out the bed and headed across the apartment, I went to the kitchen and began to make coffee humming to myself a little. 
“Morning,” Benny spoke up from the bedroom door
“Morning, How are you feeling today?”
“Better. Much better” he smiled coming and wrapping his arms around me giving my neck some kisses “You always make me feel better”
“I do?”
“You do. I’m sorry”
“For what?”
“For being a dick, when we…” he began “I realize it and I’m sorry”
“That's very sweet. Apology accepted. I’m sorry for how I was too”
“Apology accepted” he smiled 
“I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with the shit from Beth”
“It’s fine. I know how to deal with it”
“She can find another doormat. She wants to drink and wants to go on her own she can. I don’t want that. We can be friends if she wants but nothing more than that. I don’t feel like I want anything more”
“Okay. I’m proud of you, for expressing your feelings” I smiled
“Did you wanna stay for a while? Spend some time together?”
“Is that also part of you dealing with this?” I giggled turning to face him
“Kinda. But Now I know what you wanted. And I want that too. Maybe now we're a little older we’ll be better, more communicative, better with our feelings. So? Did you wanna try again?”
“On one condition.”
“Go to therapy, Benny.” 
“Do I have to?”
“How much therapy?”
“How about one session, one date.”
“Three dates one session”
“Two.” “Deal” he smiled pulling me into a sweet kiss “Will you help me find one?”
“Yes, I will.” I giggled “Come on we’ll have coffee and a cuddle”
“Sounds perfect” 
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wyllsravengard · 2 months
mutuals i know you don't know arthur morgan and a lot of you never will but i really need you to know how Moving and Compelling the cowboy game is like im being deranged of course and i do hyperfixate so often but arthur morgan is such a well written character he has such an amazing arc and genuinely it makes me sick thinking about him for more than a single minute. his entire story is based in this inevitable doom and its obvious from the beginning of the game that things are starting to go wrong. you learn about arthur slowly, and at the start - he's exactly the kind of man and protagonist you expect. he's cold and he's uncaring at least seemingly and he's awkward and he's badass and what every man who plays a game like this would want. but then he isn't. you start to play the game and you look at arthurs journal and you get to see him introspect and you get to view the sort of tenderness he sees the entire world with. he is so tender he is so thoughtful he is so considerate of nature and he takes so many things to heart. he has something to say and introspect of everyone he meets. he cares deeply about this world he's in and struggles so much to find a place with in. he admonishes himself and praises characters like charles who seem to be so good naturally. he believes deeply in his own evil and acts on, and he has a code sure - but he never feels good about what he does and it causes him such deep strife. he clings onto the life he has because its all he knows. being an outlaw is all he has ever known of himself, been like that since he was fourteen. just a boy and the two men who adopted him into his gang. he clings so desperately onto this belief that even when things fall apart, all arthur can hope for is that he can save those he cares about. its what he has always wanted deep down. its who he is which is someone who is sensitive and careful and wants deeply to live in a good world and be apart of a good world. the gang falls apart and everything goes to shit and where does that leave arthur? when young men and good men die? the man he admires as his father dies and whats left of them becomes the worst version of himself and so arthur, after all of this time, becomes his own man. at some point, he realizes what matters most to him is his brother and the woman he has a child with. and he realizes that he is simply afraid but what of exactly? of believing that he was good all along. of accepting that he has changed and that he was always good. its all so very complicated and shit starts to go down hill so quickly and just when you think it can't get worse - arthur goes to the doctor. hes sick. its tuberculosis. ailment that he received when he beat a man who couldn't pay his debts and committed a sin so great. arthur is going to die. he's sick. its not a bullet that will kill him but the weakness in his body. the same thing will happen to him in some crazy tragedy. arthur will give his life up for john and he won't regret it. he'll tell the shell of his father figure that he gave up everything for him. he will die alone in the mountains and see a stag bathed in yellow gold. but he will believe in goodness at the end because of a nun in saint denis and the woman mothering his little brothers child. he will believe deeply in the kindness of the world because he chooses to. arthur will die because he is doomed to die. there's nothing he can do except go, and he will never live to know what an impact he had on those around him. every life he's ever touched so profoundly effected by him and he never gets to find out. the man he used to admire so much, charles, buries arthur somewhere where the sun always rises. even in death he haunts the world of the game like a ghost. arthur morgan is dead and you'll hear him every where you go. john inherits his dead brothers journal and his guns and everything else and he learns a side to him he never knew. arthur morgan is dead and the world rippled in his absence like a drop of water pulsing through a lake. and he loved. most of all he loved the people around him. he loved.
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Do the timeline post!!
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Right so before I get cracking on this I want to make a few things clear:
This is all speculation and should not be taken as fact, due to how XP and stamina gain work in this game I will probably re-vist this post once I am finally able to work on Zayne's myths card (i am prioritizing Xavier since I have both of his as opposed to just one of Zayne)
For simplicity's sake this post is just going to be focused on Zayne, though I will reference things from the other boy's lore where applicable. He ironically seems to have the easiest timeline to understand, which is saying something.
I will gladly make a post for Xavier later this week when I am able to unlock his last anecdote, but if you are more interested in Rafayel I will have to direct you to this post by u/joonmin on the love and deepspace subreddit as I don't have a lot of Rafayel cards and lack the information they posted. I will say that he seems to have the most complicated timeline out of all three of the love interests, and that a lot of the information on that thread won't make sense if you have not read chapter 7.
Ok? Ok. Here is my best attempt at a timeline for Love and Deepspace Zayne: SPOILERS FOR ALL IN GAME CONTENT UP TO CHAPTER 7, VARIOUS MOMENTS, AND ANECDOTES, PROCEED WITH CARE.
I lied I have one more thing I want to clarify: yes there is a timeloop/alternate reality thing going on in this game. That is not really something that I think needs debating because that's kind of the genre this developer does, and the game starts off telling you that the deepspace tunnel is a spacetime anomaly. It isn't subtext, it is just text.
Current Timeline
The current timeline where the main story of LAD takes place is set in the year 2048 in a place called Linkon City. We are told that the Deepspace Tunnel opened 14 years prior and that is when wanderers started invading earth. There is a lack of understanding about why this has happened, and it has sparked an interest in space exploration in the hopes of finding a solution.
The hunters association is sort of like an adventurers guild? It's supervised by the government, and is sort of split between Hunters like MC and researchers attempting to understand what makes the wanderers tick.
This includes researching protocores, currently the only thing the hunter's association knows for sure is that they contain a great deal of energy, and that they can cause disease in humans based off of which category the protocore falls into. This is confirmed to be what is wrong with MC.
It is also mentioned that protocore energy is used for lots of things, in technology I assume. This will be important later so keep it in mind.
The "arctic" that chapter 5 is set in appears to be referring to the Northern arctic circle. The in game "spacepedia" says there are lots of energy fluctuations (and therefore wanderer attacks) due to its close proximity to the earth's magnetic pole. The epicenter of these fluctuations appears to be Mt. Eternal, where most of the research institutions in the arctic are based.
There seem to be sort of "fixed points" that repeat themselves within Zayne and Rafayel's timelines, and a theme of MC forgetting things. The lyrics to the opening theme even say "Time goes by but memories rewind" and while Zayne doesn't say MC has forgotten anything to do with him specifically, she has forgotten something about both Xavier and Rafayel. For Rafayel, the thing she forgets also seems to be his "fixed point": he and MC always meet when they are younger. For Zayne, he always hurts someone with his evol at age 12.
While there are technically three versions of Zayne and two of them seem to be aware of each other: current/Dr. Zayne and Dawnbreaker Zayne. They both started dreaming of each other at 12. It is unclear if either version dreams about Forseer Zayne, or if he is aware of them, but all three versions of Zayne are fond of jasmine. I haven't made much progress with Zayne's myths card, but it is clear that this like has something to do with MC, just from the little bit I have been able to read.
Dr. Zayne dislikes talking about the incident when he was 12, simply telling his friend Will that he lost control of his evol and hurt someone. He refers to this someone as a friend, and I might be a smidge delusional... but I think that friend was probably MC. If she's forgotten about it, Dr. Zayne might see that as "for the best" and not wish to remind her of it.
It would also explain why Grandma trusted him with MC's care and those secret documents. He has gone very far out of his way to try and not be someone who hurts people, and is obsessed with working himself to the bone to save as many people as possible. Grandma might seem like a sweet old lady... but we know she has some questionable morals so I could see someone like her thinking that since Dr. Zayne feels like he owes MC he is a good choice to protect her since he won't betray her.
The Fragmented Dreams moment is typically pointed to when talking about Dr. Zayne and Dawnbreaker's dream connection, but after reading the Never Ending Winter anecdote I don't really think it is. Look at what the nightmare actually says:
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I think this moment starts out with Dr. Zayne dreaming about MC coming to visit him at work and bring him lunch, but devolves into him dreaming about what he did when he was 12. Dr. Zayne's dreams of Dawnbreaker as depicted in the anecdote are almost always related to his mercy kills, he doesn't seem to see the finer details I'll get into when discussing Dawnbreaker's timeline. The anncedote makes me think that Dr. Zayne sees Dawnbreaker as a sort of manifestation of his fears for himself; he fears becoming a killer, he fears hurting people, the only things Dr. Zayne wants is to save lives. That wish applies to more people than just the MC, he genuinely enjoys being a doctor and is very popular with his patients.
Beyond Dr. Zayne seeing his friend turn into a wanderer and being forced to kill him, we don't know much about his relationship with his teacher or the arctic. We do know that he still visits the arctic from time to time to help Dr. Noah with his research, and we can only assume it has something to do with protocores. I think it might specifically have something to do with humans being transformed into wanderers, but that's wild speculation on my part.
Dawnbreaker Timeline
The concept of Dawnbreaker Zayne is introduced in the annecdote Still In Dark. It is set in an unknown time and place, but it is confirmed to not be Linkon as Dawnbreaker mentions wanting to visit there, but that it was destroyed a long time ago.
In this timeline in this unknown city, wanderer attacks are so common that people don't really leave their homes. Most menial jobs (such as staffing convenience stores) are done by robots and most people find their entertainment through VR.
It is known by the government of this unknown place that prolonged exposure to protocores and their energy transforms people into wanderers. These infected can then kill and infect other humans. When Dawnbreaker Zayne was 12 years old, he watched his adopted father transform into a wanderer and turn his mother. He used his evol to kill them both to save himself. This is also when he begins dreaming of Dr. Zayne, though he is much more interested in MC.
In the anecdote he is under investigation by the police as a suspected serial killer, as he has been mercy killing infected people as they transform so they can't turn more people. This includes children, which is what Dr. Zayne ends up dreaming of in Never Ending Winter.
The police officer investigating Dawnbreaker ends up learning about the infected, and destroys his investigative files after realizing his superiors know about these wanderers. He wishes Dawnbreaker Zayne luck in finding a solution before things get too far gone.
This anecdote does two very important things. First and foremost it confirms/introduces the concept that some wanderers used to be human, and that this transformation is caused by prolonged exposure to protocores. The second is that it suggests that MC is not a part of that world's timeline. Why is not clear, but Dawnbreaker doesn't know who she is, just that from what he can see in his dreams he wishes to be loved by her. I mentioned that Dr. Zayne hates Dawnbreaker, but it doesn't seem that Dawnbreaker hates him at all. He likes to watch medical dramas, and seems to genuinely want to be his other self even if he is aware that's impossible in his current reality.
Forseer Timleine
I haven't made much progress on this one, so we are going straight to bullet points on things I think are relevant.
Each of the myths cards take place in a world called Philos. It is unclear if this place is a planet, a country, or just a city as each Myths card seems to have a distinct cultural feel and history to it. I am leaning towards planet as Xavier is an alien and refers to earth as if he is foreign to it.
Xavier and MC also talk about how Philos is dying in his Myths card because of the wanderers, and that the wanderers will eventually leave Philos and make there way somewhere else.
It is a commonly liked head cannon that Dr. Zayne became a cardiologist because of MC's heart condition, and while that still might be true I think it might be a sort of residual desire to help her from his Forseer self, as MC breaks into his prison to try and cure her heart condition, which is slowly turning her into ice.
... forseer's MC is a little out there tbh. Kind of out of pocket and honestly I love that for her. If I was told I only had 3 years left to live my reaction wouldn't be to break into the Vatican to see if the Pope had any reliquaries that could prove my doctor wrong but I guess we all deal with grief differently.
I talked in the original timeline about the fact that all versions of Zayne like jasmine, but I am noting it here again as he agrees to not kill MC if she can convince his houseplant to bloom. Did I mention she broke into his house? Did I mention she did this practically claiming to be a government official? Of course Zayne is just going to shrug off her antics, even if he doesn't remember it he has seen worse.
My last sort of point I want to make here is that Xavier has a bit of throw away dialogue in battle asking whether or not something is "immortal or undying." Forseer Zayne refers to himself as undying, and has an issue with controlling his ice evol to the point it should be killing him, but isn't for some reason. It is also implied in MC's dialogue he is being used as a tool by Philos, which is something she can't stand. As for why this distinction is important, as of this point in time, I don't think Zayne is aware of his life as the Forseer because he is not immortal, unlike Rafayel or Xavier. When the Forseer dies, his memory of his life will go with him while Rafayel keeps his and Xavier- Well he just hasn't died yet.
Dr. Zayne and Dawnbreaker Zayne might be aware of each other because they still posses the same gift that the Forseeer (allegedly) does, or it might just be because of their connection to the MC, or because of the rift in spacetime above Linkon. It might even be a combination of all three. Whatever it is, it's a lot less complicated to understand than whatever the hell Rafayel has going on and makes me wonder how exactly all of these various timelines fit into place.
When I get more familiar with the rest of the lore I will make a very pretty diagram on my white board complete with color coding because this story has me in a chokehold for no good reason.
Final Thoughts
While I was thinking about all this, an idle thought came to mind that maybe the three current ROs sort of represent the past (Rafayel), the present (Zayne), and the future (Xavier) even though all three arguably have some sort of past with the MC in their Myths cards. The mystery fourth RO would then represent an alternate reality in my deluded mind, maybe a split timeline created by MC's current actions???
I am doubtful that the events in Linkon city we are currently experiencing are meant to be MC's "origin point" (or whatever timeline she originally came from), but that just makes me wonder what the hell is. I want to know who or what caused the deepspace tunnel to appear. I said on another post that it probably has something to do with the destruction of Philos, and while I do sort of still think that I have no real reason to beyond a hunch.
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melbatron5000 · 4 days
More crap about story rules
I dunno if this is helpful, but I read somewhere that Tumblr is just talking to yourself until someone goes, "Oh, I like this," so here goes. It helps me to get this sort of stuff out and be able to reference back to it.
I'm a novelist. I write speculative fiction, primarily urban fantasy with a dollop of mythopoeia (wanting to lean more towards the mythopoeia, but anyway). Neil is definitely a role model of mine, and has been since I was 19. Terry came a little later for me, in my mid-twenties. I'd read Good Omens by then, but believed Neil had a heavier hand in it than Terry did (Ha!). Once I finally picked up some Discworld, I was hooked for life.
I also recently learned I have ADHD, so not only is traditional institutional academia not my thing, I also have trouble sussing out meaning and details from things unless I have specific instructions on where to look. Once I have that in hand, I often go on a tear and find things that I never imagined were there, and frequently surprise not only myself but others. But I absolutely have to have that first step laid out for me in order to make more of my own.
When I first started writing in the 80s (yes, I'm old), I started looking around for the elusive "story structure" I'd heard about vaguely from other writers. I really couldn't find anything written down about what constitutes the steps of a story, the journey a hero must take for a story to be told start to finish. The other writers I'd heard discuss it didn't have concrete ideas for me (lots of hand-waving and "oh, you know"s), so I figured I'd find it in a book somewhere.
I found a little something about structure from Greek philosophy, but that mainly boiled down to stories needing a "beginning, middle, and end," like, duh, and not a lot about what made those three parts up. As a very basic story-telling model, it is incredibly concrete and important, but it's something we've known for thousands of years by now so it doesn't exactly light up the night sky with insight anymore. It's become such common knowledge that it almost doesn't seem like knowledge. I found more from Joseph Campbell, but a lot of what I found written by him was very airy and sort of dream-like, and hard to follow. So I gave up and muddled along the best I could.
About ten years ago now, I decided to try again, and found a whole ton of stuff written about story structure, from Greek philosophy decoded to Shakespear's five-act structure to The Hero's Journey first talked about by Joseph Campbell to modern Hollywood 3-act structure. Around about 2010 there was an explosion of work done on story structure, and damn if it wasn't eye-opening.
My favorite book so far on structure is The Story Grid by Shawn Coyle, because he has broken down all the various types of structure into very concrete, easy-to-comprehend steps that make sense. He talks about exactly where there is wiggle room, exactly where there is not, the general shape of a story in comparison to the general shape of the five stages of grief, what precisely constitutes a scene and what the sequence of scenes has to be to tell a whole, complete story. (In case you're interested, my next favorite book on structure is Save the Cat! Writes a Novel. It fills in a few holes that The Story Grid misses, and together they make a beautifully complete map of how to tell a good story.)
My favorite, in particular, are the Five Commandments of Storytelling. Each scene, each act (however many you want, I like 4), and the story as a whole, all have to follow the Five Commandments. These are elements that have to be present for a scene to work, and for a story to reach its beginning, middle, and end satisfactorily.
Inciting incident. This is something that happens that forces the main character to change course, take action. It has to be either an Act of God, or another character acting on the main character.
Progressive complications. The main character forms a plan to put life back in order and tries it, but is blocked. They have to regroup and form a new plan. Threes in storytelling are always good, but the main character must be blocked until they reach the Turning Point Complication, where they realize that in order to move forward and have a hope of getting where they want, they must make a hard choice. Often the hard choice is that they must do The One Thing They Didn't Want to Do, though the introduction of new information will drive this decision as well. New information can come from another character, or be realized by the main character as a result of the action.
Crisis. They reach the decision point, where they must choose one thing over another. The decision must be between two irreconcilable good things, where they can't have both; or the lesser of two evils, where they can't escape both. The Crisis can also be boiled down to a "what will they do?" question. They're going to have to pick, but they're going to resist before they choose, and that creates tension which keeps the reader invested.
Climax. They make their choice. It's really that simple. They pick.
Resolution. The consequences of their choice are laid out. In a scene, this means the inciting incident of the next scene is introduced because of the character's choice; in an overall story, this leads to the end of the tale where our hero emerges, having learned whatever it was that the author deemed they needed to learn.
For example, Aziraphale is listening to music when a knock comes at the door. (Inciting incident) He forms and enacts a plan -- answer the door, probably hoping to get rid of whoever it is quickly. It's Gabriel. (Complication) He forms and enacts a new plan -- find out what Gabriel is doing here. Gabriel says he doesn't know. (Complication) Gabriel asks to come in. (Complication) Aziraphale forms and enacts a new plan -- tell Gabriel no. Gabriel says oh-kay and turns to the people on the street. (Turning point complication) Now Aziraphale has two bad choices -- bring Gabriel inside, or leave him to wander naked around Whickber street doing God only knows what. (Crisis) He chooses what he thinks is the lesser of two evils -- he tells Gabriel to get in. (Climax) Now Gabriel, possibly Aziraphale's worst enemy, is inside his home, the book shop. (Resolution) And because this is a scene, this Resolution is also the inciting incident of the next scene.
This can go different routes, as when the inciting incident rouses curiosity or creates a promise of something the character wants, instead of inflicting discomfort -- although if a character wants something bad enough, deciding to say no to pursuing it could inflict discomfort, so that counts, too. The inciting incident just means that something happens so that the main character can no longer keep living life as it was. Something has to change, and they have to change it. In the end, it all boils down to something outside the main character knocking them off course, them deciding how to try to get back on course and failing, and what happens as a result. (Beginning, middle, end!)
A good way to create a mystery is to hide the Inciting Incident from the readers/viewers. Or at least, the Inciting Incidents of certain character and scenes. In the above example, we see Aziraphale's Inciting Incident, but we don't see Gabriel's until episode six.
I believe we haven't seen the Inciting Incident of Crowley and Aziraphale's storyline for season 2. It seems like Gabriel showing up is the Inciting Incident for the entire season, but I believe his arrival is a Complication, not the Inciting Incident. As far as what the original Inciting Incident was, well, first and foremost, the Resolution of season 1 would naturally lead into the Inciting Incident of season 2, just as a scene would do for the scene following it. So there's one Clue. As for the answer -- we just have to keep looking where the furniture isn't.
I hope this story breakdown was interesting to someone. I find it completely fascinating, but I am a story nerd, so maybe what I like and find interesting isn't up everyone's alley.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
How would tonowari help with spider? What activities would they do together
@windhashirapiller this also answers you're ask
he's the stoic dad, so I think a lot of his love language is quiet personal time; walks on the shoreline, under the stars, one arm around his kid, telling stories from his past. watching spider sleep, one hand in his hair, nothing but love and bliss on his face. being the dad spider looks to when he's looking for recognition or admiration, and tonowari is always there to give him the proud dad smile.
very defensive of spider, but unlike ronal, instead of being an aggressive force that will make threats anytime anywhere, he is a daring and formidable force that stands behind him, daring anyone to bring harm to his boy.
when they first adopt spider he's the one to have The Talk with him. in my mind they adopt him after the neglect causes him to do harm to himself (he overworks himself, ignores his needs; he doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't sleep. its when his body eventually goes out that tonowari and ronal step in), so spider is already on edge, physically and emotionally on edge, and trauma responding (pushing people away, getting aggressive to shield his weakness, expecting the worst of each and every interaction). so tonowari has to sit there and try to explain to this terrified kid, that he deserves better, that he is loved (despite feeling unlovable), that they want him. he has to console this scared child who has never truly known love. that night has forever scarred the great metakyina chief, just thinking about the look in his child's face, brings tears to his eyes. he's vowed to never, not even over his dead body, let spider feel like that ever again.
I think him being the stoic dad verbally, makes him the much more physical dad. he's always cupping spider's chin, embracing him, pressing their foreheads together (technically mask and forehead).
he speaks through his eyes, and spider has learned to read him like a book. there's always so much love and awe on his face.
he learns spider's favorite things; favorite foods, favorite types of beads for his jewelry making, favorite plants for his paints, etc. and he brings them to spider without him asking.
he was cautious with saying "I see you" or calling him son cause he knew spider had a complicated relationship with all his past father figures. when he adopts spider he does it knowing he may never bee his father in spiders heart (if anyone has seen the dragon prince, think callum and harrow; both want to be father/son so badly it is palpably painful, yet due to simple miscommunications, neither is aware of this, and actually think both parties want the opposite). so when the dam finally breaks (maybe spider gets hurt and tonowari can't contain his worry, or spider is desperate for any sort of paternal affection and he just flips out and clings to tonowari) it's devastating (but sorta in the best way possible). you'd think they're a father and son reuniting after the most trying of separations; big fat tears from both sides, tonowari won;t put spider down, spiders clinging to his father like he's gonna disappear. after that, tonowari never stops telling spider he sees him, that he loves him, that he is his son.
I have to say it, tonowari is a fishing dad, he takes spider hunting on the skimwing, just the two of them.
like ronal, he has many beads on his song chord for spider, but they are much more frequent. out of all of things in his life, nothing compares to his children. they keep him sane amongst all the duties of being chief, and with the circumstances that surround spider, its even more true. he finds any reason to add more and more beads for his children, especially spider, so when he reflects on this time in his life, it doesn't seem so bad.
he will play dumb so spider has the opportunity to teach him, he likes hearing how his son talks about things, how he thinks, and he loves the confidence it gives spider to teach someone else. Sometimes he genuinely learns things, other times he gains a new perspective; but no matter the case, its builds spider up, makes him more likely to speak within the village. (spider has adhd in my mind, and I know tonowari indulges every infodump that kid gives him, no matter how well he knows what he's talking about)
he takes spider under his wing just as he did ao'nung; he teaches him to rule, to think for the village, to be a good diplomat. he teaches the boys to work together to solve conflicts because if he gets his way, if all goes well, ao'nung will become chief with spider as his right-hand man so to speak. his boys futures are of the utmost priority to him.
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noraiir-arts · 1 year
Does anyone else have very complicated ways of shipping?? like when i say "i ship them" i don't mean "oh they love each other so much they kiss each other and will be together forever" i ship characters but in a way that's unique to only them and/or only in certain scenarios
Like, for example Zelink- I think pre-calam zelink was one sided, i dislike post-calam zelink, but i sort of like totk zelink (yes i know they are the same two people) but only certain dynamics??? but i also think that its the type of love that goes unsaid, they just look out for and support each other, maybe its not entirely romantic but they are closer than friends. It's the type of closeness you can only get by knowing that no matter what lifetime you are in the other will always be there. I don't think its necessarily the type where they hide behind pillars to make out, or try to stay in a committed relationship, but more of a tired love, one that has been renewed throughout hundreds of lives, each time being something different.
But take skyward sword, i believe that it's easier to see romantic zelink here
or Miphlink - I don't really ship this, but it's a tragic one-sided love story that Mipha knew was doomed from the beginning. The other woman. Was never given enough time to tell Link how she felt, yet even if she had time he might not have returned her feelings. Now he barely remembers her. Maybe 100 years later she's a little embarrassed of herself, of what she wrote in her diary. Maybe it was a simple crush, mistaken for undying love and has dwindled over the past century. But now it's a sad love, the type where she grieves for what used to be, and what never will. But after being saved from Ruta she switches her sights towards the domain. She can see how much her brother has grown and is so proud of him. She knows Link will never remember her fully, but maybe it's for the best. No matter what, she will always be there to heal his wounds.
Tbh i was dragged into Revalink kicking and screaming, but now it's one of my favorites. - Their dynamics work so well, but oh no it's so sad. Started from a one-sided "rivalry" to some sort of friendship. Link never hated Revali, he didn't even dislike him. And Revali just wanted Link to be impressed, to understand why he was chosen for his role as pilot, and he wanted Link to prove himself to Revali (honestly i can go on a on about why revali was harsh to link in botw if anyone wants me to) But over time they both start to realize that they are more similar to each other than any of the other champions. They weren't born into noble families or blessed with magic. Revali learns about the vigorous training Link underwent after pulling the sword, and Link learns that Revali isn't the son of the elder or was an important figure in his village before becoming a champion, but a simple warrior just like Link. Their friendship grows and they become a great team, surprising mostly everyone. Maybe it grows into something more. Maybe neither of them know it. Maybe they just never admit it. Revali knows Link doesn't remember him. He doesn't want him to. He tells Link not to go asking about him to the princess. It's for the best, he will still be there to help Link after all. Maybe it's cruel to keep him from knowing. Well, Revali will be gone soon anyway. Maybe he hopes that Link will at least remember good things about him.
Honestly I love revalink aus, they are my fav!!
I think of Zelimpa (aoc) like a mix of how i described miphlink and revalink but im too tired to explain it rnnnnn
oh also urbosa/zelda's mom but i think that goes unsaid
but anyway these are just a few. Most of the time i can't use words to exactly explain something pictured in my head, (synesthesia is so silly) but i tried my best
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halemerry · 9 months
Hello, hello, I wanted to ask for your opinions or theories about how "power" works in Good Omens. What I mean is when an angel or a demon gets demoted (for exaple Aziraphale being demoted from a cherub to a principality) do they get to keep their level of power? Aziraphale to me didn't seem all that powerful even though he was a cherub which is one of the highest ranking angels. Crowley on the other hand is kind of confirmed to be really powerful even though he is a quite low ranking demon now. I'll assume that the Fall doesn't effect ones magic (I can't find another synonym for power) so Satan and Crowley (who was propably an Archangel) and everyone got to keep their abilities. But like I said, Crowley is a low ranking demon (I think), he gets tossed around, constantly threatened and all that but he seems to be still very powerful. I might have missed something obvious but it's late and I'm too tired to think about it. (Power doesn't sound like a word anymore..)
Hi there! Thanks for the question - honestly I’ve tried to answer it a few times since you’ve sent it because I can’t quite find the angle I want to come at this with. Because power in Good Omens is sort of complicated, especially once you start attaching it to things like hierarchies. We don’t know much about the canonical ranks aside from the fact that they seem to pull mostly, but not always, from the Christian hierarchy compiled in De Coelesti Hierarchia. And honestly I really love that we don’t have real solid answers to this stuff - it makes playing in this space really interesting and gives a lot of freedom and I genuinely adore the idea that in this world humans got some of it - but not all of it - right when they were first putting this stuff to paper. It suits the story to exist in this space.
But it does make trying to parse stuff like this a little complicated. After all, how do we address how powerful someone like Aziraphale is when we don’t even actually know if the cherub to principality rank shift is one that goes up, down, or laterally. Just as an example, depending on which hierarchy you’re using, a cherub in terms of rank can be second from the top, third from the top, fourth from the top, third from the bottom, second from the bottom… you get the idea. And that’s not even getting into the fact that Good Omens isn’t actually beholden to any of those ranks. It can and does just do its own thing fairly often.
Now, interestingly enough, that doesn’t mean we don’t know anything about how power works. Because we actually do get more on this than I think is immediately obvious.
I’ve talked a little bit before in a different ask about why Aziraphale’s lie works on the archangels when he first brings the Maggie and Nina’s B plot center stage, but I want to revisit it for a moment. Because I think this provides a really important context just in the sheer fact that this lie works.
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The archangels don’t question this despite the fact we will get Aziraphale telling Crowley a few scenes later that miracles don’t work like that. And this is important to the point I’m trying to make because, well, honestly, when it comes down to it I genuinely don’t think they know how their own powers actually work.
Because think about it - it’s not like God left clear instructions behind.
You have a set of Plans that may or may not have come from God at all that you follow and as far as we know that’s it. We see clearly that much of the way they interact with the world is awkward and unsure, even for characters like Shax who theoretically dealt quite a bit with human souls in Admissions. They don’t know how the world works or how they work in it and I think that has to apply to their miracles too. Hell, they barely know how their powers work in their own domains.
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Not only do they not have an obvious successor for Gabriel lined up to fill that power but Michael, whether bluffing or not, threatens several times to utilize the Book of Life, a thing that most characters aren’t even certain is real let alone a threat that can actually be used.
They can’t even isolate who has done a miracle and occasionally watch a demon and an angel perform a miracle involving some ribs, some geckos, and a mockery of human anatomy right in front of them without even recognizing the demon in front of them let alone the fact that miracles had been performed.
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And honestly, as far as Heaven and Hell are concerned, they haven’t really needed to learn the limits of what they can do. Up until the past decade they all thought they were following the Plan. They kept to their own spaces and their own boundaries for millennia. This is why you get Crowley’s dialogue about bees right? He can waltz right into Heaven because there’s never been any reason for Heaven to think that anyone ever could or would infiltrate them.
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Which in a roundabout way also gets at the one way we know power actually does work. Because in Good Omens power has an intrinsic tie to belief. If you believe something to be true that has power in a very literal way. The same logically goes in reverse. This is explicitly what makes Crowley as powerful as he is - because he has the imagination to consider things possible for him that no one else ever has. I suspect he can do things like stop time because he believes it can be done. (Though it probably doesn't hurt that the Starmaker would’ve likely worked with time as a malleable object if he was building objects in space but I digress). He and the Bentley can survive things that should have destroyed them through the sheer force of will to imagine that it is survivable.
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This scene is where we get the literal word of God calling out Crowley's imagination as purely unique. This is also how Adam’s powers work. He believes something to be true then it is. The universe wants to shape itself to his beliefs.
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This is also how the Horseman work - they are manifestations of evils of humanity that are defeated by humans choosing to defy them.
So that all being said, I genuinely think Aziraphale seems less magically 'powerful' not because he literally is and more because he's more inclined to doubting himself in this particular way. Notice he pretty immediately does some pretty intense miracles the moment he has his epiphany about being able to possess someone like a demon could. I also think Aziraphale's strengths are less in this realm of power as in others, but that's a whole different meta.
We also got some interesting stuff from Gabriel's memory wipe this season. Namely that no mattered how many times Jim insists he can't remember anything, he repetitively does in fact remember.
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It leaves an imprint even if it's difficult to access. They don't change the passwords, even if their filing systems grow more sophisticated. I suspect power also works like this. Demotion might make it harder to access, especially if you believe it will, but it can't define you in that way unless you let it.
We also know now that Aziraphale and Crowley are stronger together. We know that they both have known this for a very very long time. Crowley's confession and Aziraphale's choice all but explicitly say that they both understand they are capable of incredible things together. But their big miracle in itself is undeniable proof that they actually believe that to be the truth on a fundamental level.
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xxlemon-chanxx · 1 month
heyy I have a question abt Philip and/or Belos and idk if it's stupid or not but imma ask it anyway :)
Soo imagine Philip/Belos has a partner who got prego and it's childbirth time, how would he react?
Also another question, would he treat his partner differently after childbirth?
Last question I promise, how do u think he would treat his child??
These are all fantastic questions and they're all things I've had long, in-depth discussions about! I have a lot of thoughts on this.
1. Childbirth
Philip during child birth is pretty useless. He doesn't know what to do but also doesn't trust any witches or demons near his S/O enough to let one assist in the birth. (though, if the birth is truly horrible and there's tons of complications, he will run to fetch a healer. If it comes down to choosing between his partner and the baby if things go horribly wrong, he's almost always going to choose his partner to be the one to survive.
Belos during childbirth is a lot more competent. He’s going to be a lot more calm and isn't going to just be running around like a chicken with its head cut off. This is mainly because now he has an entire hospital wing’s worth of healers attending to you at any given time. He absolutely refuses to leave the room, though. For any reason. If his S/O doesn't want men present in the room, he thinks he is the exception because he is the father, if S/O tries to tell him directly to get out, he chalks it up to hysteria and stays anyway. (side note on Belos: he takes the baby immediately after birth and cuts it's ears to match it's parents’ ears. He’s the first one who gets to hold the baby, so the S/O doesn't see the baby until it has little gauz wrapped around its head.)
The childbirth discussion was one I had with @sariacreedsthirst and was inspired by the AO3 story “And In Her Gilded Cage, She Sang”
2. Post-partem
Philip would give his partner a few days/weeks to recover until they weren't literally bedridden from a massive, gaping, bleeding hole that just shot out something the size of a watermelon. He's definitely more inclined to lay next to his partner, resting his forehead against theirs, caressing them lovingly, etc. Just overall being far more romantic and gentle with them than he ever would be otherwise. This lasts for a couple of months before he slowly goes back to his old self.
Belos would treat his partner like they were made of glass or fine china. He did this during the pregnancy too, but especially now with them being so bedridden and exhausted after the birth.
3. Parenthood.
I think no matter what Belos/Philip would be a “I put food on your plate, clothes on your back, and a roof over your head, be GRATEFUL” parent.
But when the children are babies he's sooooo much more affectionate with them. And then when they get older he starts to turn stricter, just in different ways.
I can also imagine him using prayer as a form of punishment because it's God’s will for children to obey their parents, so I imagine him saying this at some point: "Be thankful for what you have here. You have a roof over your head, a comfortable bed to sleep in, food in your belly. The only reason you have any sort of life in this place is because I grant you those things. Now, you are going to go up to your room and pray for forgiveness for defying God and his word by not honoring your father, *understand*?"
Also, physical punishment is very much his cup of tea because, well… *gestures wildly at Hunter.*
I've always thought that he would expect his daughter to grow out of “playing” much faster than he would a son. Like, it's super unfortunate, but when his daughter is a baby/toddler he practically fawns over her. She can do no wrong, she is the apple of his eye…but then she turns ten/eleven and she's expected to act like a proper lady while his son would be able to act like a kid and play in the dirt for a few more years. Her punishments aren't as severe when she gets in trouble, but she will get in trouble far more often over stuff that wouldn't even matter if she were a boy, like getting dirty, roughhousing, wanting to go out and play in general.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
This is something that suddenly struck me in the head AND I CANNOT SHUT IT UP!!
How do you think Maxima reacted to the time Optimus got Cybonic plague? Or when he got turned back to Orion?
And how might Lithia react to Ratchet of Sync Energon? Think she might do it with him or knew something is not right about this energon before he did?
(I know there are probably more moments with Umtra Magnus as well, but I havent watched TFP in a long while so I’m still catching up in Season 2 before Ultra Magnus joined. But I know about the hand incident) how did Maxima react to Ultra Magnus and his new hand? And maybe other moments that you can think of? I don’t mind spoilers at all.
*Inhales deeply* I LOVE THESE CONCEPTS!!!
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These would each have to be in separate requests to give them proper justice.
So... I'll give a short response!
A nutshell summary, if you will.
Maxima reaction to Optimus getting infected
She is scared.
Point blank, just scared.
Would most likely end up being confide to the base trying to help Ratchet with anything instead of going out, not wanting the emotions get in the way.
She is constantly checking over her father's condition trying to keep calm.
Ratchet's the only one who notices her servos shaking.
When Optimus does get better, Maxima is watching her father's every move and insisting on doing many manual things for him for a couple of weeks before toning it down after a talk.
Maxima reacting to Orion Pax
Maxima doesn't meet Orion Pax when Optimus looses his memories.
She is confided to the base thanks to a pede injury caused by the explosion.
Maxima does hear about Orion making an appearance through Ratchet.
She feels selfish... but she really wanted to meet her dad one more time.
Maxima doesn't talk to anyone about this wish and no one will know.
Lithia reaction to Ratchet on Synth-En
Now, Lithia knows well that her father is not fueling properly. She does try and get him to fuel more but he is stubborn.
Too bad, because she is stubborn too and 'fasts' with him.
Ratchet makes sure that Lithia is out of sight when he does do the injection.
She is panicking when she hears Raf yell that Ratchet fell.
Does not approve at all of her father taking the untested substitute. She doesn't care for its 'benefits', she cares about what side effects and complications are going to come with this.
When Ratchet goes rogue on that one Decepticon miner, she is trying to get him to see reason with Optimus.
Does not tolerate him bringing up Elita-One in front of Optimus.
But things change when he goes after her.
By now, most of the team wants to put this smug Ratchet in his place after what he said to Lithia and Optimus.
Arcee is so close on doing it, but Lithia tells her not to.
(Can't spoil everything can I?)
Maxima reaction to Ultra Magnus's new servo
To put it simple...
Pure and utter RAGE.
Its not often to see Maxima snap and this is definitely one of those times.
Her rage can go from a full out screaming battle cry to silence.
The screaming ones are hard to get her to calm down. Its a team effort to get her to take things down a couple of notches.
But everyone knows sort of how to spot those signs.
The silent ones are a different story.
Its the silent ones that are the scariest ones because Maxima will be planning several plans on how to get revenge and several back up plans in case they don't work out.
And NO ONE knows when to spot those signs. To them, they will happen and they won't know until there is a slip up. Spoiler: They rarely happen.
That's all I can say without giving too many details and/or spoilers for anything in the future.
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Sukapon
Debut: Joy Mech Fight
I have never liked fighting games all that much... too competitive for me! And often so complicated. No thank you.
But a fighting game where every character is a funny robot with floating limbs and the main character is some pink orbs with an eyes? Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Joy Mech Fight is very silly and strange, and it is also a fighting game for the Famicom, and that is why it is so silly and strange. But it’s pretty genius! To have the characters be so big and animated, their bodies are made of small, disconnected sprites that can go all over the place! It is very impressive!
The game’s story is NOT impressive! It is nearly identical to the plot of Mega Man. Two scientists make robots, one becomes evil and makes the robots evil, the good one has to reprogram a non-combat robot to fight, that whole thing. The bad scientist’s name even starts with a W! He has an evil castle with a W on it! It’s really quite funny. His name is Dr. Walnuts.
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Anyway, the aforementioned non-combat robot is Sukapon! My beloved bundle of balls! Sukapon is a comedy robot who loves nothing more than to stand up on stage and be silly. And even as a Fighting Robot, this personality does not change!
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Here is Sukapon’s “Good Punch”. I think it’s pretty good!
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And this is one of Sukapon’s signature moves, Tondeker, in which it throws one of its head! It has an infinite supply of its own head, so it’s ok. See how impressive? They figured out infinite matter generation in this game!
In the opening cutscene of the game... we get to witness the Birth Of Sukapon!
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One day in the lab, a robot is being made! Some kind of serious-looking guy, in a tube. This serious guy is very important, and is in fact my favorite character in the game! We’ll get to that. What’s important is that the procedure is activated, something goes wrong, and there’s an explosion...
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And out comes Sukapon! Dancing with glee! Happy birthday! See? That serious-looking guy is my favorite character, because that was Sukapon all along! It seems the Sukapon we know is a sort of unintended result. Cuter, sillier, pinker. Better! I’m not sure what the original robot was supposed to be, but it doesn’t look like much of a comedian. Whatever the case, even though things did not go as planned, Sukapon is well loved, and gets to be as silly as it wants!
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As the story mode goes on, Sukapon’s opponents get stronger and stronger, including stronger versions of previous opponents... and even a stronger version of Sukapon! This is Sukapokon! I feel like this is a very profound moment in Sukapon’s journey. It’s come so far, defeated so many powerful opponents, but here it is, faced with an objectively better version of itself. That’s heavy stuff for a robot! And you know what? Sukapon wins, against all odds! I honestly feel like a situation like this is worthy of being a final boss battle, with the personal stakes and impact it has for Sukapon as a character.
In reality, the game does not give this battle any more fanfare than all the rest! This is all Dr. Walnuts has to say about Sukapokon:
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Yeah, ok. Whatever, gramps!
Sadly, Nintendo would go on to lose the rights to Joy Mech Fight, preventing Sukapon from making further appearances... but then they found the rights! They had literally just misplaced them.
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Most recently, Sukapon has appeared as an Assist Trophy in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, its second major appearance ever, but a very notable one! Fully modeled HD Sukapon, doing recreations of classic Sukapon attacks! What’s that you got there, Sukapon? A Luigi? What fun! Just make sure you put it back where you found it when you’re done playing!
I will leave you with a tidbit that will change your perception of Sukapon forever. The U is basically silent! It’s pronounced Skapon! Now you can go back and reread the post with this knowledge, and it is like you get a whole extra post for free!
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darlingkirstein · 6 days
can I ask how you go about developing your stories/plot? I think coming up with an idea is (semi) easy because ✨vibes✨ but how to you actually turn that into a story? there's so much (character, backstory, plot, arcs, etc.)
I'm anxious to know how it is your going about developing home beckons the wanderer. Are you using any sort of method? I can't see you using a "point a to point b" method. It feels more complicated.
I know what I want to write but developing that is daunting. (In general and time wise)
Are you at all getting impatient with the development of your stories? Sometimes I forget a story can't just instantly be entirely plotted within the span of a week.
I apologize if this was too invasive, feel free not to answer, but if you do, I greatly appreciate it <3 take care love
it's not invasive at all!!!! these are all super great questions — and i hope my answers can be helpful and ease some fears!! and ofc, always feel free to ask more questions if you have them! :) i'll include some screenshots from my planning documents because i am a visual person so maybe you are too and that'll help :)
every story is different for me, and some are far more demanding and complicated than others. but, generally, it's outline, outline, outline. i have never been able to just write without having an outline backing up, unless it was for a one-shot or something more simple. another tool i have found extremely helpful and honestly essential for me is discussing my barebones ideas with others and watching them grow with the combined brain power behind it. if you have people in your corner supporting your ideas, let them help you!
so, for developing a story, start with your major idea. then, just start coming up with little ideas, anything, doesn't need to be in order. discuss with your friends, whatever helps! write those ideas down somewhere. i personally use a combination of my notes app, google docs, and the app notion to organize my thoughts.
notion tends to be where i start — i'll jot down little ideas i have, basic stuff needed to kickstart the rest. here's an example for the cult au:
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google docs tends to be where i flesh whatever i did in notion out and have it more accessible. here's an example from thespian's coquetry:
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for me personally, i have recently started spending a lot of energy into the development of the story/background before writing it. that also tends to be why i take forever to update/publish. let me get into the four things you specifically mentioned! characters, plot, backstory, arcs.
characters: stories depend on characters, and they need to feel real and have the capability to connect with the reader! i myself sometimes struggle with feeling like i don't do a well enough job with this. the main thing here is motivation — what drives this character, what is their goal/purpose, what makes them do whatever they are doing for the story? this goes hand in hand with their personality and their actions, so deciding what motivates them is important! this also ties into their backstory, so yeah it's important! their motivation will progress the story and explain their every action, so start there!
i can reference hbtw here actually, because it may be the story of mine where the character motivations are clearest — eren is motivated to go home to his family again, while mikasa is motivated to sustain herself financially by taking eren on their little quest. these motivations kickstart the plot and are essential to how it'll progress.
tldr; start with motivation, build from there, go to personality, hobbies, interests, quirks, etc.
backstory: this can be two things! either it's the actual world-building itself or its individual character backstories. since you're particularly interested in hbtw, I'll reference its development!
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this story has been an absolute beast in terms of backstory/world-building development. this is why i say my process is dependent on the story, because this one is very involved and time-consuming. this is the place where you'll need to be the most patient if you're writing anything with a complicated world to develop. i am attempting to make hbtw as original as possible, so that involves a lot of building from scratch. right now, with the help of @strscrossed, i am working on the development of the eight regions in eldevane — this involves geography, economics, people, religion, history, and more. for example, i developed a history of eldevane's rulers and major historical events because, even though the story takes place decades later, i wanted to lay down a strong foundation to make the world feel real. this story is kinda stuck in world-building hell right now because i want most of that finished before proceeding because of how much eremika will be directly interacting with the world and its little intricacies. this is a daunting process, and its time-consuming! more on the frustration later.
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basically, overall, my method for backstory development is to take it one step at a time and go slowly. there are also a lot of great resources for developing the world! http://arcadia.net/Cruinne/DnD/Articles/worldbuilding.html#language — this is an extremely (maybe overkill) detailed list of world-building things to consider in fantasy/sci-fi/etc. settings. the details matter, basically! also, consider your favorite medias and look at all the details there that feel small and inconsequential but develop the world and make it what it is. same with characters. what do you find interesting about this character's backstory? it is no danger to study fiction that you consider to be great? if you love it, you can learn from it :))
arcs: gonna do this first because it leads into the next bullet point. when you're starting to develop the plot, what helps me personally is putting a little shape to the plot, dividing it into crucial sections that are encompassed by one major plot point/resolution. if you divide your story into chunks, it may make development easier. for thespian's coquetry, i divided the story into three 'acts' and an epilogue to divide the plot more evenly in my head and make it less overwhelming.
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this way, i'm able to break things down — when i think of a new plot point, i sift it between the three parts; where does it fit most? this makes placement of things less overwhelming, because it'll at least be confined to act i, ii, or iii. so decide these major headings and i find it'll help you compartmentalize things more accessibly.
plot: this is where its tricky for me. i have the exact same problem with every single multi-chapter story that i write; i know the beginning, and i know the ending, but it's everything in between that is muddled and less clear.
so, if you're me, you imagine the start, then (or oftentimes first) you imagine the ending — now, what has to happen between those two points for the ending to feel earned? what plot points will draw the characters closer to this pre-destined conclusion? most important in this is conflict. what conflicts happen to drive the plot? there will more than likely be multiple answers. there will be the overarching conflict/challenge (the dangerous journey of taking eren back home in hbtw is the overarching challenge) — but there will also be mini-challenges that serve the big one overhead. this can be inter-character conflict, quarrels, fights, disagreements, etc., but it can also be more external — challenges in their journey, little roadblocks that must be overcome to progress the story and maintain interest. there is only so long that a story can sustain itself without some degree of conflict; if things are smooth sailing forever, what's the point? if eren and mikasa's journey to eren's family happened without bumps along the way, sure it might be cute and wholesome, but it's not interesting, and the beautiful thing about stories is how they can interest and ensnare the reader's attention.
so, create little conflicts, big ones and important ones, and smaller ones more readily resolved. conflict drives the story. i think if there's one thing to take away from this total yap session of mine, it's that. seek conflict, and you'll find a plot.
please let me know if you have any questions or want me to clarify anything about everything i just said!!! i know it's a lot!! but i wanna be super helpful for your story!
now, you're absolutely right about hbtw being a very non-linear process. most, if not all, of my stories are developed like that. you develop as the inspiration takes you — i have been jumping between developing backstory/world-building which has bled into plot point development. it's one big system that works together — figuring out one thing often leads to another eureka moment in another aspect. me and stella developed the religious ceremony for eren's home region and that bled right into the story.
to answer your last question, ABSOLUTELY. i'm a very impatient person in all aspect of life, but i find it so frustrating when the ideas in my head cannot be immediately translated onto page. i was at first trying to rush through hbtw world-building before i was starting to burn myself out and realized that doing that was counterproductive and a total inspiration killer. this has been a very big challenge for me with all my stories. i'm rather meticulous, and i need to know the details and everything before starting, but sometimes i just want to be done with the planning and plotting so i can start. it's a perfectly normal feeling (or, i hope it is LOL)! you're eager to get your story somewhere, and you feel like there's an invisible wall that you keep banging your head against. i know that feeling well! writing can be an exhausting process, but it's the end result, finishing a story/chapter and sharing it with the world that feels very rewarding.
my overall tips for story development:
be patient and go slow — stories deserve nourishment, not ham-fisted neglect! your story deserves the time it needs to flourish!
jot down every idea you have. every single one. even if you're not sure you'll use it — better to have and not need then to need and not have. you really never know!
it's okay to go out of order! don't force yourself into a linear path if that doesn't feel right — it's never felt right to me! develop in whatever order you need to develop.
lean on your friends if they're willing! i probably would've given up on a lot of my stories already if not for my friends. (special shoutout to @random-millennial, @likesunsetorange, @strscrossed, @sinigangsta-ao3, @karizard-ao3, and others for always being willing to help me/listen.)
use online writing resources! there's so many articles and reddit posts (feels shameful to recommend reddit) and such with experienced writers happy to share their experiences and provide advice!
model after media you enjoy — can be books, movies, shows, manga, whatever!! figure out what you think the creators/authors/screenwriters did well and consider emulating it. you obviously like it for a reason! everyone gets inspired by someone else. don't feel like you're not a 'real writer/artist' because you reached out for resources or inspiration. you are real, and you're doing it!
HAVE FUN!!!! i'm a hypocrite because i often take all this way too seriously and get easily frustrated but promise, it's more fulfilling when you're really having fun doing it :))
i hope some of this was helpful!!!! apologies for the total yap session, i know this might be sorta overwhelming??? hope not! like i said, feel free to reach out with more questions, and i'd love to help you out individually if you'd be interested! all love and best wishes on the development of your story — manifesting nothing but success your way, and thank you for trusting me to help!
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