#its not like theyd show that much interest in anything else
chickencowcow · 5 months
Vent under da cut or smth
Every now and again I get so brutally reminded of the fact that whatever I do I will never feel "autistic" enough. And it's like whatever sure I have autism I'll always have it and it's not like I hate myself for having autism or anything it's just. Somehow I managed to absorb so many neurotypical habits that make it so much more difficult to communicate with ANYONE. I'm too. Fucking. Off-putting for neurotypical people and I'm too. Complicated for autistic ppl.
Like the whole thing ab ragging on "neurotypicals not saying what they mean" -- those rules make Sense to me! The social customs of like. Not saying when you're mad but wanting the other person to pick up on it bc you don't rlly wanna talk about the issue it's like. I get it. Mostly from the perspective of like "if I say I'm mad people will either get mad at me For that or want to Talk about it and I want neither of those" and. Like. It's so often that these rules are called stupid but like. They Make Sense to me. Sure maybe that's masking but like. At this point it's so much more to "unmask"
Also somehow some way I manage to talk ab my special interests in a way that either annoys, bores, or like. Disturbs people. And it's like. I don't know what im doing. Wrong. Ppl in my friend group seem to get it right. I mean I've gotten the "you always wanna talk about that why are you so self centered" from neurotypicals but I've also gotten a lot of "oh of course it's that when isn't it that" from autistic friends.
Idk. I just feel like I'm doing so much wrong and that I'm not. Idk. "Good" enough. I'm tired
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
idk i just feel like there's something particularly cruel about having a solid episode concept like "verosika hosts a fuck you party for blitz and everyone else he's fucked over," because its a great way to show a pattern of behavior in blitz and the effect he has on others he's been with and hurt!
then.. they put stolas there. stolas, "you have sex with me every month or your I.M.P is going under without my book you need, no exceptions until i legally gave you an asmodean crystal a year later, for your work", goetia, or whatever the fuck his last name is.
this episode is trying so hard to make stolas on equal levels to verosika and the other imps dumped by blitz, but if any of these hellborn actually knew how he got into a "relationship" with blitz to begin with, and how blitz never even had a choice in whether or not he wants to be with stolas, (even when they were kids!) i really doubt theyd want anything to do with him. stolas never explains that their relationship wasnt a relationship, just a transactional monthly hookup to literally keep blitz's business afloat. he doesn't, because he STILL doesn't fully understand what he did wrong, but understands it enough to know he had to be the one to break off the deal he made. i doubt he'll ever actually explain what the deal was to any outsiders who ask, because then stolas would be forced to actually be held accountable for his own actions, and we cant possibly have that! /sar
i think one of the worst lines from stolas in this episode, aside from most of them because i think hes annoying, was when blitz expressed he didnt know why anyone would care about him, stolas responds that this party, dedicated to blitz, because they hate him so much, shows how much they ""care."" and that might have some kind of point coming out of verosikas mouth- implying that these people genuinely cared for him at one point and he pushed them away- but absolutely not stolas's. so its no wonder that blitz responds by self deprecating himself, saying, "i dont even know why youd want to be with me." followed by stolas admitting that what he really wants is someone to care about him.
and honestly, thats another thing too. i cant believe that after everything, after everything stolas has claimed about wanting blitz because he loves and respects him, when blitz then asks WHY stolas wants him, stolas responds, "you know what i want? i want to know what its like to not be alone. i want to be someone's someone. i want someone to care about me." because it shouldve been his moment to explain to blitz what he sees in him, and why he fell in love with him to begin with the more they slept together. but it wasnt.
not only is it unbelievably selfish of stolas to make blitz go through all of this for almost a year, to not only have NO reason as to why he has/had feelings for blitz, (basically confirming to me that stolas never really cared about blitz or his feelings, still doesn't, and just needed to have an adult relationship someone who didn't outwardly hate his guts like stella did, because were 2 and a half fucking seasons into this show and still dont know why the love interest romantically wants the main character, and die hard viv stans still think the stoliz insta posts count as canon because they're on copium,) but to ignore the one good thing in his life that he insists that he genuinely loves, octavia, in favor of him acting as if he'll die alone completely if he doesn't have a partner..
y'know that one scene in adventure time where jake is like, "dude.. let's kill the horse."? thats how i feel towards stolas right now.
Let's kill the owl.
I'm so tired, Anon.
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hannieehaee · 9 months
Out of pure curiosity you do think in seventeen is most likely to settle down first or at least prioritize a private relationship over their careers as idols. I've been thinking about it and I definitely think leader line/jeonghan would be the least and Joshua cuz of yk :/ but then members like jun/mingyu/wonwoo/vernon/minghao seem to me to he the type where they'd sacrifice their career not because they care less but give priority to things outside being an idol. Chan and seungkwan is either/or for me - seungkwan cause of how long he's been in the spotlight acting as a promoter for seventeen and Chan cause he seems to be the ambitious "chase two girls (dreams) lose the one" type. But then again I think this also kinda reflects which members would be willing to go solo...the members who'd priorize not having relationships would be the members to least go solo and the members who would I can totally see as going solo. Sorry for the long ask btw😅
omg this is such an interesting question and i've honestly thought about this before. ima make a most to least to put their relationship before their career (this is just from my own personal read on them from what we've publicly seen of their personalities) personally i think theyd all probably find a way to work through hardships and keep it going as long as possible instead of ever ending a committed relationship due to their careers but gonna rate them all anyway lmao
a/n: this was just word vomit so its not proofread
wonwoo - he seems to value his personal life a lot to a point where he wouldn't let anything get in the way, never shying away from expressing how much he cares for his loved ones. he knows the value of his personal life, meaning he would likely place it at a higher level of importance than his career. he seems to really enjoy being an idol, though, so this would probably be a very difficult decision. i think if it really came down to it, he'd pick his s/o over his career as an idol, or would at least prioritize it more.
vernon - he seems very family oriented. i think he once said one of his dreams was to be a dad, so i think if he saw that future with his s/o, he would pick his s/o over career as an idol. he's had a long run as a public figure, even dating back to when he was a child. he wouldnt wanna risk his personal relationship for his idol career, no matter how much he loves it.
minghao - has never shied away from drawing lines in between his personal life and his public one as an idol. he gives me the vibe of a romantic and he's also very family oriented. he would likely wanna find a love like that of his parents, so he would probably see that with his s/o and prioritize the future of the relationship over anything else.
mingyu - he seems veryyyy used to his privacy being invaded (stalkers constantly calling him; seemingly more so than other members), so i think he'd be good at handling anything that came hurdling at his personal life, meaning there would probably never be a need for him to feel like he has to choose BUT if he realllyyyy had to pick, he'd pick his s/o. he adores his loved ones and is one of the most caring people, so he'd pick his s/o without a second thought.
seokmin - he's boyfriend personified, so i think if be fell in love he'd fall HARD, meaning that he would willingly give anything up for his s/o. loves his idol life so much but he loves his family twice as much (with his s/o being family to him ofc), so he would propritize them in a heartbeat, never regretting his choice.
seungkwan - he's such a loving person. he loves so many people and he loves so hard, i think he'd be unable to part ways with his s/o if his career got in the way. he loves being an entertainer to a fault, though, so i think he'd try really hard to find a loophole in there to not risk his relationship with his s/o and still keep his entertainer career intact. if it came down to one or the two, though, he'd let his heart guide him.
seungcheol - he doesnt show his romantic side that often (at least publicly) but he seems like he'd be a very dependable s/o, which makes me think that he would never drop his s/o bc of his job. he made a promise to stay by their side, so he's not letting anything get in the way. he's the leader, though, so he would never wanna leave his boys in an uncomfortable position due to his personal life. would be an extremely difficult point of tension, but he'd know that he'd always have his boys even if his career went down under.
jun - even with all the scrutiny he got as an idol for taking on a role where he was very affectionate, he still did it out of his passion for acting. in the same way, he would also fight for your relationship no matter the repercussions to his strict idol career. he seems like he'd be a bit more level headed and less emotional than the aforementioned members though. i think he'd be willing to take a break with his s/o in order to work through things, not giving up his career but also keeping a door open for a future with his s/o.
jeonghan - he's a very family oriented person and seems super protective over them, so i think he'd be the same with his s/o. only reason why i put him so down on the list is because i dont think this would be too much of an emotional thing for him. i dont think he would ever be in a position where he had to give up his relationship. he would just work his way around it somehow. would either take a break with his s/o or take a break from his career OR just work through any and every hurdle that comes his way. as cliche as it may sound, he'd cheat his way through the situation to not have to permanently give up anything.
joshua - feel kinda bad commenting on him considering his current situation, but i think he'd find a balance somehow, just like jeonghan. even if he went through horrible scrutiny, i think he would just somehow work it out and keep it together, even if it was all completely out of control. he comes from a small family, so i think letting anyone into his family must be insanely intimate and personal to him, which makes me think he just wouldnt be willing to let anything get in the way. he's also worked too hard for his career and loves his boys too much (he moved from a whole other country and found safe haven in svt) so i think he also wouldnt be willing to give that up.
woozi - his career is what he breathes. hes known for being a workaholic, creating almost the entirety of svt's discography from scratch. not only would he not wanna give up or risk his passion for making music, but he would never wanna leave his group without the stability that he brings to the group. he's a very loving guy, though, even if he's not too expressive about it. he wrote circles for wonwoo and yawn for kwan, showing how much he cares for them, which makes me think he'd feel a similar love for his s/o. would maybe take a break, or find some way to balance both out. would likely put his career above a relationship if it really came down to it though.
chan - he's young so i think he'd be more interested in his career right now than ever risking it for an s/o. i fee like he's least likely to be in a long and committed relationship rn too, considering the tightness of his schedule and the fact he's at the height of his career. this would probably come easier to him than most members, having probably not been in love yet in order to really make it a difficult choice.
soonyoung - he seems way too in love with his career to let anything get in the way. the amount of dedication he's always put on his career tells me he wouldnt let anything get in the way. although he would be emotional about it and do anything be could to not let it get in the way of his romantic relationships, i think he would still be most likely out of all members to actually end his relationship if it really came down to it. he's said before he'd like to try solo stuff someday, so i think he's more willing to put his career before anything else.
a/n: this isnt meant to be a fic lol i was just rlly interested in the question u brought up anon haha
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shoezuki · 8 months
Okay random ramblings bout the aeons in the divinity au, the feelings/aura/sensations around them, their general vibes and their relation to sampo/aha:
The Elation is. Obviously. About joy and happiness and revelry. But the Elation is more than that: its the extremes of emotion, absolute tragedy and bone chilling rage. Its being overwhelmed by feelings and sensations and stimulation. Its the chaos of thrills and suffering and all emotions spawned by consciousness.
As aha, they technically can experience emotions much more than most other aeons. But unlike mortals, they experience everything at once. Joy/elation is obviously the overwhelming majority, but everything else is muddled together that it becomes vague. They seek thrills and constantly fight boredom to keep joy as the reigning emotion.
(Thats why as sampo he gets. Confused by feelings and doesnt get it. Anything other than excitment or elation is something else entirely. grief or nostalgia or anger or love or jealousy, its strange. As a human, he experiences emotions individually and simply, which makes it more... precise. Its sharp and direct.)
Aha is laughter, drunken singing, tragic comedies and bells and drums and every instrument and orchestras and people preaching into crowds. They're frilly clothing and theatre masks and splatters of paint and childrens toys and buttons and whistles and confetti. (They also like birds a lot lately)
Would create puppets to see through so theyd go watch plays and movies and concerts. If they liked them a lot they'd keep the show to themself, stealing it from everyone's minds and making it so it no longer exists for anyone but them.
Aha is the most sociable with all other aeons. They send out 'messages' to other aeons constantly. Only Qlipoth responds.
Aha's 'messages' are usually limericks, poems, songs, highly emotional words that echo out in frequencies only Aeons can feel/hear
Aha particularly likes qlipoth because they can put up with a lot of aha's shit before getting pissed. They have a weird morbid interest in Nous and tries to make Nous talk in something other than questions. Aha also likes poking at Lan and then running from The Hunt
(No wonder Sampo delights in the chase, almost getting caught by gepard time and time again)
Ancient and so massive they makes Aha look like an ant. Theyrepowerful and so, so overwhelming. Their presence even affects other Aeons; theyre a constant feeling of pressure, like youre buried under mountains or at the bottom of the ocean. Aha is largely immune because they visits qlipoth a lot and they just powered through the pressure
Qlipoth likes? Aha. At least as much as qlipoth is capable of liking anyone. Aha doesn't know why, but its because exactly 3489 amber eras ago Aha started stacking cool rocks and meteors they found on the celestial wall and altho they meant it as a game to see how many rocks they could stack before qlipoth got annoyed qlipoth took it as Aha helping build the wall. And qlipoth Never Forgets
Qlipoth existed before emotions, before consciousness. They existed when the universe was dark matter and atoms pushing against one another and stars barely shining. When there was nothing but rock. Theyre not alive, not conscious. They just Are.
They harbours a strange sense of protectiveness for Aha. It might be because Aha is the only glimpse of emotion they get. They dont feel much beyond a need to build the wall when aha isnt around, and the messages aha sends are like little tastes of feeling they indulge in.
Qlipoths 'messages' are never in words or anything straight forward. Its entirely a sensation, a nudge, a pressure, a rumble across the cosmos. (Normally Aha can take qlipoth's messages no problem. But now that he's sampo, qlipoth's messages sometimes bring him to his knees.)
Qlipoth is substance, they are insurmoumtable, theyre physical form and matter itself. They are bigger than anything humans can imagine, made up of the first material from the creation of the universe, metals that no longer exist, planets and astroids and celestial bodies
Lan was human once and rose up from the Xianzhou due to his absolute unwavering desire to destroy the Abundance; unlike aha, he very much remembers being human before his ascension
He is narrowed down to a specific, narrow focus on destroying the Abundance. He's the rage and anger and bloodlust of humanity condensed into that one goal. Unlike Aha his form is not nearly as vague, he's a large endlessly moving centaur and everything he does is deliberate and with precision.
Doesnt give a shit or even consider anything else or any of the other aeons. As long as they don't get in lan's way
Second to Aha and akivili, probably closest to humanity. Rage and revenge are all he is now, but its still very human of him.
The aeon of the hunt is focus, its bloodlust and rage and suffering sharpened onto a deadly point. The Hunt is wind and speed, the path of a predator.
Lan hates Aha but also long as they dont get in his way they dont bother with aha. Unfortunately aha loves pushing Lan's buttons, poking and prodding until Lan snaps and rains arrows at Aha.
Aha doesn't realize it, but they are capable of instilling emotions in other Aeons and especially aha just by being around the elation. Lan hates it, hates being shaken from his narrow desire to destroy Yaoshi by feelings of annoyance and frustration and even sometimes amusement that Aha causes him.
Lan doesnt send messages across the cosmos and he ignores any that Aha sends to him. But if he did it would be a direct shot, instantaneous, a sentence or even single world like a punch.
Frankly, Lan could probably strike Aha down in one shot or at least wound and scatter them. The few times Lan gives in to Aha's badgering and hunts them down he doesnt try nearly as hard as he could. If Lan actually gave in to Aha's presence and the emotions they reawaken, Lan would realize he actually enjoys their cat and mouse games.
(When Aha causes some weird shit, like infinitely duplicating bodies or worms that stretch infinitely, they always Always call to Lan and pin the blame on Yaoshi. Lam isnt stupid, he knows its not the abundance and Aha just getting Lan to clean up his messes, but Lan does it anyways)
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webvampzz · 2 months
Hey regarding the question thing can I get your answers to 9 and 31
Ok so
9. idk if ive ever had a true accomplishment tbh but probably passing an exam i knew i was gonna fail? ( im so sorry i cant think of anything)
10. i am allergic to mango
11. highs- when i bought a game i really wanted and was able to lore dump for hours, lows was when i had a breakdown ( rlly bad one ) to some music i dont remember the reason but i was 100℅ sure i wasnt gonna make it to today ( sorry about the personal vent,, tldr i had a breakdown with music playing thats it)
12. definitely spain. no clue why but definitely spain or france
13. i listen to ambience / save room music and rant to myself . or just music in general and rant to myself
14. pinterest and last fm ( or any app that lets u track what music/ movies uve watch i love stats and numbers sm)
15. lore nerd with bad taste in movies
16. i like my eyes the most so probably those
17. im somewhat good at writing but only about my interests
18. i am terrible at math and science
19. im ngl probably anytime i went to the doctor and they asked me about how im doing mentally
20. radiohead was named after the talking heads song and they were originally called on a friday because theyd practice on fridays hence the name
21. probably myself? i dont like revealing much about me to anybody tbh
22. my keyboard and guitar definitely i love them sm esp the key board
23. one that ive had since 5th grade iirc,, idk how long its been tho but its defo been a long time since we've been friends
24. when i realized i had to get a job eventually snd pay taxes and move out someday
25. ive never played any :(
26. bad
27. night owl, i wish i were an early bird though 😭
28. i kinda do but i kinda dont its hard to explain. more on the not at all side though
29. these r very weird answers ik i sound like an edgelord rn 😭
" i want to be someone else or ill explode " ( talk show host by radiohead)
" we were good as married in my mind, but married in my mind's no good" ( pink triangle by weezer)
" a heart that's full up like a landfill, a job that slowly kills you, bruises that wont heal " ( no surprises by radiohead)
" you'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking " ( nude by radiohead)
30. probably just basic self care like showering i dont do anything past that tbh
31. thom yorke, thomas edward yorke, the radiohead singer ( i cant think of anyone else 😭)
Im actually so sorry if any of these were too personal or the answers were too long 😭 i just really like answering these but in so sorry if they seem weird or like im venting
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huellitaa · 8 months
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ྀི ୨ embarrassment ୧ ྀི
...is a social construct designed to make us feel bad by those who cant handle their own mistakes & or shortcomings.
seriously. like. it baffles me how people are still living in the mindset where they let embarrassment become anything more for them than a concept.
୨୧ embarrassment
- a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.
embarrassment is perfectly normal. it happens to everyone because we all make mistakes. but some people let embarrassment and the fear of embarrassment consume them and the choices they make far too much, far too often.
♡ which leads me onto my first point; it is completely normal. everybody makes mistakes. this is our first time in this life and we are all learning & growing with our every choice, every action, every decision <3 remember that the next time youre panicking and freaking out because you made a mistake.
♡ its never that deep. i like to try be gentle w this stuff but lemme tell u straight no one actually cares . im serious,, like babes no one gives a shit honestly 😭😭 and your mentality should be the same. people remember this stuff n laugh for 5 mins and then theyre back to their life. and if they hang on to it for longer then theyre the one who should be embarrassed.. get a life pls??
♡ similar to what i said a moment ago , its. never. that. deep. laugh it off !!!!! giggle !!!!!! laugh about it !!!!!!!! nobody cares !!!!!! this shows that it doesnt faze you and this shows how confident you are within yourself that you dont let silly little mistakes bother you because they do not matter.
♡ when it comes to your interests, please never be embarrassed about these. this is something ive struggled with since i was little but never never never be embarassed of the things that bring you joy. if they arent hurting anyone and are perfectly okay you should never be embarrassed ab that. it makes you happy. why should you be ashamed of that for someone else???🩷
♡ has someone ever said something to you? made u doubt urself? then you get embarrassed ab it???? dont. do not even go there. i ws so insecure before (i know😭😭) and couldnt hold a single opinion for myself but when you know who tf you are you wont be doubting yourself for anyone ml.
♡ so... you wanna pursue your dreams but ur too embarrassed. ur too embarrassed and worried "what if this doesnt work" "what if it doesnt happen" n whatever other dumb shit ur worried abt and scared to outgrow your surroundings and evolve. wow. you know how silly that sounds? so.. like.. let me get this straight... youre telling me... that youre not doing what you love... for the sake of someone else or some silly little doubts????wow. you get one life n youre doing that. GET IT TOGETHER BABES. GET REAL. WHY WOULD U SABOTAGE URSELF LIKE THAT????? YOURE WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT LIKE 😭😭🩷🩷🩷🩷
♡ understand that peoples perceptions of you are often reflections of themselves just like your perceptions of others are often reflections of yourself. they think its embarrassing because they know for a fact deep down that theyd be too embarrassed and self conscious to do it themselves.
♡ and then watch the way they'll all come crawling back apologising and grovelling the moment you're rich and successful and got everything you ever wanted.. all because you had the confidence to trust in yourself and pursue what you wanted without listening to their self doubts. <3
♡ reverse psychology. "why r u doing that" "thats so cringey" why r u so wrapped up in my business? thats so cringey
♡ overall, confidence, strong self concept & trusting in your ability to bounce back from anything are the three main things that will never let you wallow in this silly little emotion again. embarrassment is like a pitiful, more insignificant, ridiculous version of fear. if ur gonna be scared then b scared of something worth ur time babe ur more than that <33
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mamadarama · 5 months
personally i feel like airas story woulda hit a lot harder if they just gave him a french lest name and changed nothing else. aira talks about how ppl thought it was cool he was french but then theyd get disappointed when he didnt know anything, reminded me of my own "half-hispanic but doesnt know any spanish beyond what i learned in class" upbringing. he says he feels alienated for being part french but the thing is. you wouldnt know it if he hadnt said it. like yeah hes blonde but so is many other members of the cast. if this was real world japan his blonde hair would stand out but its anime japan so its literally nothing special. but if hed had a french last name, like he introduced himself as "aira cygne" or something? or if he had a french given name that showed that part of his heritage (kinda like adonis otogari, something like aimé shiratori, that would show off both sides of his heritage) *that* would make it very obvious right off the bat, and make his feeling of alienation more understandable (particularly to us western audience that doesnt really get the significance of being part-french the same way that a japanese audience might)
yeah i guess so. i assumed his mothers maiden name is french . i like his name the way it is. speaking of his name, aira is a predominantly female name in most languages which is interesting to think about . also adonis' name is greek, its used to describe a man with unparalleled beauty . adonis was the mortal lover of aphrodite that was so beautiful every woman loved him . the story goes he was killed hunting a boar and died in her arms as she wept, and the anemone flower sprouted from his blood. zeus recognized how much she loved him and made him somewhat immortal, so he would come back to life temporarily for part of each year . the story itself is thought to be taken from a mesopotamian myth but that doesnt have anything to do with his name.
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drifloonz · 2 years
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i can!! the polycule ever. Being between these two is so funny bc i feel like theyd just barter and argue over you lightheartedly sometimes and then other times in private theyre both just loving all over you and eachother and the tonal shift is so funny.
also i accidentally answered this early because tumblr sucks so bad and APPARENTLY pressing enter does that which is why the ask is a screenshot instead of an Actual ask and that'll annoy me but oh well that was all i could do.
i hope you enjoy !
red x reader x blue! ( poly )
i'm not gunna separate the names here probably bc its a polycule if you get one you get both, even if thats more useful for the organization, So.
ღ whether you knew them as your childhood best friends or met them recently - probably on one of their travels or vacations - and somehow wormed your way into both of their hearts - you found yourself dating both red and blue. i'd like to imagine they both agreed to date you simultaneously in a polyamorous relationship because... well, they were already dating, and they're sort of a package deal. they discussed this with eachother and decided it'd be perfectly fine.
ღ blue's gotten older and is therefore a bit less of... how he used to act, being all smug and acting better than anyone else, but his cockiness and confidence will never go away no matter what, and he'll make it clear to you - he's definitely the main PDA giver in the relationship - red does give PDA as well, but mostly handholding and kisses. blue straight up will try to embarrass you with how overbearing and affectionate he is sometimes because he finds it really fucking funny. i like to think he tries to make a game of making the most embarrassing pet names and nicknames he can use for you and so every time you two talk in public he'll just keep coming up with them.
ღ in a related note, blue is also very protective and jealous over you. not with red, obviously, he was dating red and also dating you. just with anyone who tries to flirt with you or tries anything weird, he'll come over and put his hand on your shoulder and start to very obviously state that he's your boyfriend. red doesn't get as jealous or protective as easily, but he will do the same thing sometimes if he senses you're uncomfortable with talking to someone, simply putting his hand on your shoulder and making a little grunt towards the other person, then quickly walking you away from the situation.
ღ red's the tallest of you three unless you happen to be taller than him. he does use this to his advantage... which, is mostly just flexing on blue and you. blue's a close second ( once again unless you happen to be taller than him but shorter than/the same height as red ).
ღ i hope you like attention because both of them will give so much to you. they're pretty mindful in not accidentally excluding you from activities, wanting you to feel comfortable and included in anything the two do unless you outright don't wanna do whatever they're doing at that moment, which is fine.
ღ the funny thing abt this though is that blue specifically is very clingy and wants attention from either, preferably both of you, at all times. if you give red a kiss he'll be like "Hey, where's mine?" and will bother you until you ( both, usually ) give him one.
ღ related to the last point, they're both very adventurous in their own ways - traveling regions often, going to explore anything that interests the two of them... so you'll be moving around a lot, probably. hopefully you're fine with that. if you are, they'll both make it a point to make wherever you visit exciting and to show you the prettiest spots in whatever region they visit next.
ღ i hope you like getting cuddles from both sides, because if you three all choose to sleep together ( they will probably get a big ass bed solely due to this ), then you're usually going to be in the middle. they also both snore in their sleep, but blues is noticeably louder than red. so i hope that doesn't bother you LMAO. blue is also the type of guy who sleeps the fastest out of you all, and also changes sleeping positions a lot and he's probably pushed one of you two off the bed more than once. red takes a while to go to bed, usually waiting until you two have dozed off. he usually is just reading something to wind himself down before bed. he might even have reading glasses but who knows. red himself always makes it a habit to give both of you goodnight kisses before he himself goes to bed.
ღ if you ( or any of them ) are in danger, the other two'll know. it's like a secret sixth sense for them - they'll try to find you ASAP and protect you from any sort of threat, whether it be a strong pokemon or a malicious trainer, or something else. if it's fightable, they'll absolutely woop the things ass if it is a pokemon or a trainer giving you a hard time or even genuinely threatening you.
ღ it's not a guarantee, but i feel like you'd probably have to be a pretty strong pokemon trainer to get their attention in the first place - or someone else of note. but if you aren't, you know the drill. they'll definitely try to nudge you or help you get more pokemon and train them to be a powerful trainer. ... mostly as an excuse for them to have someone to fight on an equal level that wasn't just each other, if you weren't already a strong trainer. they're your personal trainer bfs...
ღ red's the most typically romantic of the group, i'd feel. although his preference for dates is just adventuring, similar to blue, he'll also take you and blue to places with the best sights and views, and is also the one who's most likely to take you all on a dinner date or something. type of guy to give you a bouquet of roses to confess. meanwhile blues the type to give you a random pretty stone or rock he found. ( admittedly, red would do the exact same probably. )
ღ i like to think that you and blue can basically understand anything and everything red says, despite him being mute. basically just seeing his expression and then looking back at someone and going "He says he likes your hat." or smth. Psychic Brain Link /j.
ღ red will scruff you and blue out of awkward or dangerous situations at a moments notice. which is funny bc reds prob a hypocrite and goes into fairly dangerous situations often just due to wanting a challenge or something.
ღ blue and red if you don't wanna go wherever they're going at that time, will be sure to at least leave one or a few pokemon to watch over you and keep you company. all of the two's pokemon are pretty familiar with you at this point, and they're all very happy to be around you :]
ღ they also like to show you any new pokemon they caught or at least saw along the way in other regions if you don't come with. will take pictures and show you.
ღ i like to think all 3 of you, intentionally or not, share clothes with eachother sometimes. its cute.
ღ most iconic polycule of kanto. amen.
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suffarustuffaru · 9 months
What are your thoughts on Re:63 fic by Spriteanon?
(okay also gonna leave a link to spriteanon’s rezero fics here and the re:63 series here if anyone is interested!!! and please feel free to leave some nice comments if you enjoy <3)
hi anon!! :o okay quick disclaimer that i havent touched spriteanons re:63 fic in a Very Long Time but i read a few of their If route/spinoff fics and got to around somewhere in arc 3 of the main re:63 fic yes :o!! (i only havent touched it since because Time and my Uncontrollable Attention Span. i dont tend to read super long fics either—no hard feelings or anything i am just a student with adhd hah.)
also quick explanation for anyone else stumbling across this—re:63 is a long plotty multichapter fic series where subaru and a few other surprise characters are genderbent (i use “genderbend” here in the sense of. biological sex and gender were bent yes). the fic starts from arc 1 and then comes with Major Divergences throughout the entire story. its a very solid read!!
but yeah so from what i do remember, i really enjoyed the fic, yeah. if i did read it again recently + caught up all the way to the current arc of the story (arc 4 i believe) i might have minor criticisms here and there, but again theyd be minor, and big emphasis on might because i do think re:63 is incredible (also i 1. try to adhere to fanfic courtesy of not giving unsolicited criticism directly to the author anyway wkfn and 2. im very light on most fic because. well we are All writing for free). and spriteanon has wrote more than a million words for this, all of which are Very polished with a solid plan for each arc. the fic’s such a labor of love its absolutely one of the best long form multichapter fics in this fandom, in my opinion. the writing style is very precise, i think, while still hitting Hard for every emotional beat and i think they generally get characters right. it’s a perfect balance.
i think what i most enjoyed about spriteanon’s fic though was its take on fem subaru.
the thing with fembaru takes in this fandom (though i see this also happen with fem reinhard takes as well)—im speaking for the english side of the fandom here by the way hah—is that sometimes writers tend to fall into this like. pitfall of being way too different with said now-female-character.
making a genderbend au does kind of show how you think of gender roles and gender and biological sex and all that, you know? not that thats a bad thing thats just an Inevitable fact given how intertwined these things can be irl and how a genderbend au will focus on these things in some way.
but like. genderswapping a character Is gonna change some things but its not usually gonna change Every Single Recognizable Trait in existence. sometimes people fall into pitfall of “this character is girl now” and forget to write her as a Person. they dont let her be as humanly “ugly” as how the character is in canon as a guy. and too many times i look at rezero genderbend fics or requests for genderbend fics in the rezero reddit fanfic ideas thread and fem subaru and reinhard are often genderswapped just to ship them with men (such as fembaru with regular reinhard or vice versa)—it does make me a little uncomfortable sometimes because 1. shipping the now fem character with another character of the same sex (such as fembaru x rem) doesnt really. Happen as much. it doesnt seem to be treated as a possibility that much?? or at least i havent seen it in fic. even though it Could Be, it’d just be less likely for Multiple Reasons (though of course correct me if im wrong if this ever happens in spriteanons fic akdndn) and 2. it feels like making a gay ship (like reinsuba) straight (ie reinsuba but one of them is the opposite sex now). which i have personal feelings on but i wont go too much into that hah.
BUT OKAY i digress i dont mean At All to go after authors who do any of this akndnd and spriteanon does have a few spinoff fics with fembaru x reinhard—all of which i ENJOYED, because 1. what i just said is a Personal Preference and 2. i dont mind it at all if its Well Written regardless (i have enjoyed a few other fembaru x reinhard fics too just bc they were well written yes!!). and spriteanons writing and handling of reinsubas dynamic is very very well written imo and i really liked reading through it. theyve written both fembaru and reinhard + subaru and fem reinhard together with a nuanced understanding of both characters, i think, and it absolutely still feels like Them. if that makes sense hah. like im not thinking “this feels like whole other people”, im thinking “this IS reinhard and subaru” regardless of gender. which is good because the former might take me out of the story a little bit T^T
and also i understand people are gonna have different takes on how genderbend aus would go, and i DO enjoy seeing variety in this yes!! :o (i cant really judge either because my old genderbend au fic is very. its different, lets just say hah.)
also spriteanon is Very good at showcasing subarus positive and negative qualities, i think. and spriteanon doesnt forget to show subarus npc/game/genre awareness-related mentality (in another way this time, given the slight differences in female lead isekai stories) either!! it was very interesting to read for Sure, and i appreciated how well they showed the trauma and horror in the story and showed how subaru understandably responds to it. fembaru feels Human here and like this is still subaru, which i think should be the goal yes. character is Very Important. and subaru can be very hard to get even close to right in fics so i gotta commend spriteanon in general for all the hard work on this fic hah.
and also i enjoyed the exploration of another subaru hobby (music!!) (which iirc is probably also a canon detail anyway?? but its expanded on in re:63??) very interesting. not much to say on that bc i dont Entirely remember every detail of this i just thought it was a fun take yes.
also i did love seeing the other characters that were genderbent. that was very fun. i kinda wish there were More just because i enjoyed it a lot. i liked seeing what changed and what didnt. though iirc spriteanon has some sort of interactive quality with some parts of the fic where they put up polls to vote on some aspects of the story?? so maybe some reoccurring readers voted on some of who gets to be genderbent and who doesnt hah.
and also the canon divergences in the story are Interesting. i was really kept on my toes a bit fr. i think out of what i read arc 2 was ABSOLUTELY my favorite for sure. it was such an amazing read and in a few aspects i enjoyed it More than canon arc 2!! not that canon arc 2 is bad (i enjoyed canon arc 2 A Lot) but re:63’s arc 2 has such Fascinating things in it…. hah i wont go into too much detail though its Spoilery.
but either way. re:63 is a very strong and solid fic imo. i really enjoyed it overall!! i might return to the fic someday to read through it from start to finish—not sure if i ever will but id have a fun time i think hah. its an absolute gem and you can see all the work spriteanon puts into it!!
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electrificata · 6 months
here are my late night talk show thoughts.
i think in the modern era the only hosts who understand the potential of the format are eric andre (obviously), craig ferguson, and. ok i want to say ziwe but she has one bit she does and was not allowed the time to develop beyond that (i think she could) (ferguson took literal years to get into his groove and he was only allowed because a) white guy and b) some fabulously weird, impossible-to-replicate network circumstances i could go into another time). conan is good but i ultimately dont find him interesting in a long term way. if there were old people here theyd probably demand i have opinions about letterman or carson or something. i do not. suck it. wendy williams presents an interesting conundrum to me, her vibe is quintissentially daytime but i think the warm, slightly unhinged gossipyness of her show would translate really well to late night. ACROSS THE POND graham norton is good at what he does but im slightly bored because hes been doing it the same so long. i like how incredibly gay alan carr is but i cant deal w him in large doses. jonathan ross eh.
now, there is also the question of politics. i reallyl genuinely question the value of addressing political issues in late night tv monlogues/obviously colbert was on the fuck-trump beat for the entire administration, and john oliver and the daily show make an entire premise out of comic political commentary. its fundamentally useless. i think it just makes people feel smug. sure they occasionally learn something, but like. how much. and does it spur them on to greater action or learning? eh.
oliver is occasionally nice for edutainment, but id say its...how do i put this...not that late nighty? hasan minhaj's show was on netflix, and had a similar format, and worked just fine at any time of day. i really think shows like this do great if you slapped them onto the msnbc lineup or kept them on streaming. like its a different thing.
WHAT IM SAYING. is that the ideal late night host has to combine charisma, warmth, wit, and anarchy. they cannot be overly impressed with their celebrity guests. you need to look incredibly beautiful, talented, famous people in the eye and talk to them like a friend from college you havent seen in a long time - of course youre happy to see them and youre engaged and interested in them, but you see them as fundamentally on the same level as you. ferguson could make anyone feel like the prettiest girl in the room. andre makes everyone fear for their lives.
some people i think would do a really good late night show: laci mosely. scam goddess is great and i think acts as an audition on its own. amelia dimoldenberg probably. cant actually think of anything else right now. oh, right. ME.
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irrigos · 1 year
OKAY im gonna talk about the thing in mask of the rose thats been consuming my thoughts. For people who might know the scene I'm talking about, it's something Ivy tells you, and the game keeps giving you options to stop the conversation because it is, genuinely, pretty disturbing. its got horror elements that have been in FL before, but never in this particular way, and as i said in my last post, seeing the content warnings will probably give away the broad strokes. im gonna put them in the tags, and hopefully if you have them filtered, then you wont see this at all? idk. i genuinely am sorry if you see this and didnt want to, but i have things i wanted to say about it
okay so in mask of the rose, Ivy gets really into doing Hallowmas stuff, accepting peoples confessions and secrets, and occasionally doing stuff to their memories (i think there was something in Zubmariner where theres a port made up of peoples regrets?? it might be connected to that, but i never played zumbariner. it might also be something Midnighter adjacent. or it might be its own thing!! i just dont know)
Ivy can tell you about a confession she received, which is incredibly disturbing. To make it quick: a womans child died, and times being hard as they are, she ate it. But then David returned from the dead fully intact, and everyone learned that death isnt permanent. Ivy had to remove this womans memory of what she'd done
like i said, while FL as a franchise has included (maybe too much?) cannibalism, and certainly a decent amount of child death, it's never been... like this before. it was disturbing in a way nothing else ever had been in any of the games
...so is it bad to say that i kinda liked it?
cannibalism has come up in fallen london often, but its usually kind of flippant about it imo. like, it's a thing that debauched rich people do sometimes, or starving zailors do, or deranged cultsits do, but not people like US. random women in london dont get that desperate!!! until they do.
and when cannibalism appears in the games, its usually written so... idk distantly? that i really never feel much of anything for it, except almost bored. most of the time when it shows up, im like "wow cannibalism. again. how original 🙄 pretty sure thats the only horrific twist fbg even knows exists". i dont think it's bad, the way its usually written. it's not like i even WANT ever lurid detail, and i think it would be pretty bad for me and for the writers to do that. but the side effect is that, for me personally anyway, it never really has the weight i think they probably want it to
but in mask of the rose? its a visual novel, so youre not given that same kind of distance you get in fallen london. it affected me in a way that other, similar horrific moments very much did not. I mean, i played all of seeking and i just thought it was boring for the most part!!!!
i also think it really gets at the horror of "you cant die in the neath". i mean, this woman did something horrible and taboo out of desperation, and then had to learn that it was also entirely unnecessary. she could have just waited! how could she possibly live with herself, having done this? but also she cant die! what option is there for her, other than to excise the memory entirely?
and also i think it emphasizes why cannibalism would be especially taboo and especially horrific in the neath. if death is rarely permanent, i would think defiling someones corpse would be seen as especially abhorrent
anyway. it was a moment of pure horror and i kind of liked that it was in the game. its a little tonally out of step with the rest of motr, tho, lol. but it kinda makes me wish theyd leaned more in on the horror of the fall. you as the player character want for very little, because you always have food and a place to sleep, and the Masters are (allegedly) organizing and distributing resources. but also... i mean clearly thats not benefitting everyone, and i think thats genuinely really interesting
.......... although i sure would like it if i could stop thinking about that scene lol. the game kept being like "you dont have to read this" and i did not listen. ain't that just the way!!!!
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1tsjusty0u · 8 months
OK SO. poking around the property of hate comic yes yes. BUT BOTW OCS??????
>:D !!!! AND HAHA… MAYHAPS..,,,,,,,
i dont have a lot (yet) but i do have some! and some are more for funsies than others
first ones!!!!! the court poet and kass’s mother! i have an unfinished sketch of these two. the poet probably went a lot with zelda for shekiah tech escapades, so he probably knew purah robbie and link by proxy. i think hes heard of impa but hasnt really Met met her.
kass says that the poet knew a bit about ancient civilizations, though i dont know if he was actually interested in them? im taking this as he studied rigorously on them for a bit until being a poet/creating art became more of his priority. also because im not having link and zelda be interested in each other romantically thatll beg the question if the poet is still classist, which is a very funny thing to say out of context! for me i think he still is, its just more of an internal thing. (though i dont know how that will work with his upbringing? also i dont know how thatd work in general- in botw there wasnt really an upper class ? maybe the soldiers or knights were but the rich arent really depicted in that game (which makes sense considering the calamity), but i dont know how id translate into pre-cal. are class structures Exclusive to castle town and the closer you are to the castle the more likely nobility will exist. does the same apply for other races like the zora or gerudo..) i think he was raised in castle town but wanted to learn more about his heritage as a sheikah
kass’s mother is Just Some Guy. shes skilled in the sword, cannot play the accordion to save her life, and i like to think she was a mail person. she would probably do things reserved for warrior rito without permission and simply outrun consequences if there were any (likely social consequences, but otherwise i dont know how theyd stop her). she and the poet are friends (no i dont know how they met yet, and no i do not know how itd work with classism. the poet thinks kass’s mother is the Odd One Out and the rest are filthy low-life peasants or something and she sucker punches him. however they would still be friends despite the classism . being friends with the poet but shes shaking her head constantly to show she doesnt condone being nobility)
next is sheik! they r here more for fun than anything else. i think they were a shekiah assassin/warrior who just really liked sheik from the legends so they strived to be just like them. basically a teen finding out about naruto and consistently cosplaying as kakashi for the rest of school (/positive). they have a Mysterious and Cool persona, like the know more than they do, however that is a complete lie and if anyone spent more than a second of time with them Theyd Know. so to avoid that sheik basically just dodges social interaction the best they can. i dont think most people know they exist as theyd probably be a knight guard and guard in inconvenient places. i also like to think that theyd guard/spy on link specifically, but that depends on how important you think the royal family would view the hero/master sword as, and how paranoid youd think theyd be. otherwise every time theres no guards except link dont worry its simply shiek theyre just out of view of the camera hiding behind a rock or something similar
i also have links mom and aryll, though i dont have too much to say on them. they have roots in lurien/faron (and that may? be apparent once i design them including link) but i hc that they live in hateno and link visits yearly. aryll is younger and keeps asking for impractical souvenirs. stuff from savage lynel gear thats too heavy for her to carry or a brick from the castle. she’d think mipha is the coolest person on the planet, and would want to learn spears because of it. she’d also want to meet the champions and keep asking link to bring them over (he does not </3). but otherwise shes doing her own thing. she probably knows sword stunts/tricks due to link but isn’t knowledgeable in fighting itself. if someone Were to fight her she’d simply bite them <3. losho harbor is probably a notable spot for Family bonding (boat rides or sand structure making) however yeah not too much to say! good mom and good sister
the rest is misc ocs i know Exist but have done 0 (zero) things for . this includes making characters for. basically knights, maids, townsfolk, and people who have relationships with the champions (like mentors or friends). yeag 👍
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isa-ah · 8 months
Fuck it I'm foregoing the anon button
Same person from the previous 2 TOTK asks: putting Teba my beloved aside, yes: I was making the rounds on zeldatube after everything and I quite enjoyed the zonai theories and all, especially when they tied into the twili or something, but (and perhaps this is symptomatic of our current culture) I'm not a fan of theories becoming canon. Like I remember back in the day when the timeline was just a theory but Nintendo made it canon, along with the downfall timeline, yet know it seems to be irrelevant with the kind of stories they want to tell: so basically they trapped themselves into a corner
so with the zonai, while it's cool to expand upon them, it completely derails the previous culture and history. Are they ancestors to the shiekah? Are they a separate tribe? Who knows!
perhaps it would've been better if they had left the zonai untouched, like the kingdom of Ikana from majoras: there's so much history there (and woah the theories are intense when they interpet them as blasphemous beings shunned by the goddesses) but they aren't important to the main plot. I think Nintendo forgets that an npc, a background, can be just that without needing to expand upon it
THATS A FANTASTIC COMPARISON.. ikana is the PERFECT measure of "this is a land of DEEP blood soaked history, but you will only get the fringes of it. the remaining hostile spirits, the restless soldiers who dont know the wars over, the futility of it all when no one survived." and thats all they had to say! thats fantastic!
or likewise, the twili. i think they Should have gone more into the twili, but ultimately? the amount of information we got was just enough of a taste to leave an IMPACT. their structures, their culture, their subjugation by hyrule, the way their ancestors being ruthelessly punished has carved out the space they now occupy, down to their very beings... it MEANS something. its impactful! it stays with you. i still think about the twili now, and some of my silly headcanons i had as a kid, bc they did a Good Measure of implications, showing, and not telling.
ultimately i would have been fine with the zonai being left as they were. i had no expectation for them being ACTUALLY brought into totk like this- and its very obvious they had no expectation to either. i didnt particularly want confirmation for theories, but if they were going to use them, they could have at least Pretended to adhere to the scraps of worldbuilding theyd already done.
its less that they didnt conform to fan expectations, and more that they didnt conform to Anything and then refused to expand on it anyway. what was even the point? of using the zonai? beyond getting more attention because the fandom had cultivated their own interest in it. idk. it just feels like a cheap novelty; you could swap the zonai out for anything else and it would be just as congruent with our previous understanding of hyrule. thats bad writing!
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Oh would you mind posting my Thundercracker submission as well? I don’t quite remember what I said but it can’t hurt!
Of course! I’m happy to! You also might have had the longest “anything else” response? I’m not 100% sure, but it might be!!
What genre of aromantic are they?
Why should they win?
He is a giant robot from space and their species holds like platonic relationships & romantic ones in equal regard and they have these things called amica endura which is like the term for your platonic life partner and he never shows any real interest in pursuing a romantic relationship and just wants to be a screenwriter and hang with his dog and girl bestie. also inherently his species is asexual so thats cool
Anything else?
He wants to be a screenwriter!! and he tries to emulate the human style of writing and kind of sucks at it for awhile but hes trying his best and he made a character called josh boyfriend. he has a dog named buster and he loves her so much and hes brought her to space and she was wearing a cute little doggy astronaut suit. he wrote, directed & acted in starscream the movie where he played both starscream and skywarp (his 2 friends who look exactly like him in just different colors) and won a best screenplay award. this is just in the comics. also he has a special outlier ability (basically a transformers superpower) and can make sonic booms at will!
in the generation 1 cartoon he doesnt do much but he a deep voice i wish theyd bring it back, actually made him sound distinct from the other characters and hes really petty towards starscream and its really funny. thers also this one famous post that slowly zooms in on him while megatron is talking and playing the pina colada song. also also in one of the games if you call him he says "starscream is at work... working" its so funny. okay well call back later king
hes one of the decepticons and he turns into a metallic blue F-15 Eagle fighter jet :). his shattered glass color palette is so funny it looks like he decided to copy a packet of skittles
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inkthecat · 1 year
OC - Lark Penn
sometimes you impulsively make an oc at 2 am and then you keep turning them around in your head for the next few hours unable to sleep because theyre so skrunkly and suddenly its 6 am and you NEED to draw them. anyway this is my baby lark i love them very much
Tumblr media
pokemon oc if it wasnt obvious already dkfjlasdkjflasd but aaahhhhh theyre so baby aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
lark penn, they/them, 16 years old, from eterna city in sinnoh, so very tired. aspiring artist with a special love for sculpture. their parents are kinda busy 24/7 so they just kinda raised themselves (and they had really nice elderly neighbors who taught them how to cook and also how to do a mean right hook if anyone ever tried to hurt them).
more info under the cut if youre interested!
they wear loose, long sleeved clothing with less saturated colors, and almost always wear a scarf. when they were younger they believed the flowy ends could be wings. theyre emotionally and socially awkward (like me :D) and cant handle people being around them very well. they always put in earbuds with music when they go grocery shopping (also me afdbfasffhhfcgfbn)
they really really like flying types. they met ven the zubat in a cave somewhere while they were stumbling along looking for cool rocks. they didnt have any pokemon at that point so ven kind of maybe poisoned them a bit (there are a lot of humans that come through the ravaged path and a good percentage of them dont do anything good. flash bright lights, break parts of the walls, litter, etc etc) and lark was like. oh. that sure happened. and theyre like "hey mx. zubat? uh. do you know the way out? i get that you poisoned me out of a sense of self defense so ill see myself out but im kinda lost also i probably need medical help" and ven is like. bestie you fr right now and shows them out of the cave where they promptly collapse and ven kinda likes this human at this point so they go get help. long story short, woah its lark's first pokemon! theyre besties!
umbra the corviknight was brought to sinnoh as a rookidee by a rich galarian trainer on vacation. sinnoh is very much colder than galar (in my hc at least) and the baby bird's wings could not handle it. consequently her battling was severely hindered, so the entitled rich trainer shoved her off to someone else (who happened to be lark. they were just at the right pokemon center at the right time) and they were having none of it. then they realized umbra would be in a much better home if they accepted her. ven proceeded to leave the rich trainer with poison and a nasty bite on the ankle. umbra has been added to the party! she adapts to the colder climate gradually and with much care from lark
lark isnt a battler but ven definitely is. ven is a fast and bitey little menace who prefers staying unevolved because they love it when people underestimate a tiny zubat and then get obliterated. also they really like being small and sleeping in lark's scarf (and they are kinda scared to become a golbat. they saw a big one being a bully back in the cave and theyre scared evolution will make them meaner. it wont and they know it, but lark doesnt mind ven napping in their scarf for as long as they want to). umbra...umbra likes battling sometimes, but she doesnt like it when its too intense. reminds her of her old trainer. not good. she doesnt mind evolving- her evolution into corvisquire was out of something like fear that she wasnt good enough as a rookidee. lark figured that out, hugged her, and told her that no matter how strong she was theyd always love her. she evolved into corviknight with more love in her heart, and she loves being big enough to fly lark around and to curl around them as they sleep.
haha yup i am so normal about pokemon
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Decided to rank the fgo arcs from most to least favorite
Atlantis - pretty much every character firing on all cylinders. Charlotte and Mandricardo are some od my favorite accompanying servants, and i did really enjoy the relatjonshio between artemis and orion. Ir also just established a really interesting setting lore wise, and added a lot to type-moon lore in general with the olypmians. Also caenis and goredolfs scene was one of my favorites ever.
India - most interesting settibg imo, and i love jinako and laskhimi and the skyboulder. This would be first place but i felt kind of disappointed how they both got over being in the skyboulder within like five seconds. Also pepe is best crypter.
Shinjuku - jalter x salter. Need i say more.
Olympus - this is pretty much like atlantis except it made me want to rip my hair out. Fuck you demeter fucj you demeter fuck you demeter. The gods are great though. And mushashi and caenis gave incredible chemistry.
Salem - great story up ubtil the end. It felt like it kind of flopped on the whole reveal vut i liked how different it felt from every previous (and future) singularity.
Russia - this gets a slightly unfair bonus bcuz im including the prologue with it. Anastasia and kadoc were a great pair of villains, and even if the allied servants were only okay, patxi was one of the best non-servant npcs. Ivan was dissapointingly boring though and even though kirei was present he didnt show up too much.
Shimousa - musashiii. One of my favorite fgo characters. This obe might be higher but i had gotten burnt out on fgo in the middle of it which kind of lessened my enjoyment
SIN - qin shi huang is a very interesting villain, and we got the first true ancestor on forever. Who was inlove with an ancient robot. Other than that there wasnt much going on though.
Camelot - first actually good arc. Love the hassans and its the first time that anything actually felt threatening. I also do like the additional pwrspective it adds onto fate route, in a way.
Babylonia - this ones story was pretty boring but all the characters were top notch. It was kind of just like a fun ttrpg campaign.
Heian-kyo - just kind of a disapointing end for douman. It also felt like auch a fake out because i was ready for a cool grail war and instead it just wasnt one. Best part was the onis.
America - cu alter
Scandinavia - it was juat so boring and uninteresting. Ophelia was the only thing i cared about. And sintonai i guess but she wasnt even in it. Its still betrer than the eaely singularities though
London - better than the bad singularities worse than everything else. Mordred is there at least.
Okeanos - i like orion.
Orleans - no duh its down here. It isnt even jeanne alters best arc despite being her intro.
I didnt read agartha and rome so i didnt put them on but theyd be down here anyways from what i can tell
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