#its okay I'm sure new ones will form! :D
waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚎: 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝟷 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚜
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Haruto: The date is 13 June XXXX. I'm recording this video to log the prisoners' reactions to their verdicts. I'm sure such information will come in handy in the future.
Especially for the higher ups! [He waves at the camera.] Hello! Are you watching this? Aren't I a proactive warden, logging this kinda stuff for your convenience?
... [He sits back in his chair.] Well now I feel stupid.
But! [He jerks up suddenly.] I'm sure there's someone watching. An operation as sophisticated as this doesn't magic out of nowhere. [He aims two fingers at his eyes and then at the screen.] I'm onto you.
[He sits back in his chair.] Prisoner 001, Kanai Ichiro. Verdict: Guilty. When I informed him of my decision, he questioned me and got angry when I refused to explain the logic behind my judgement. As part of his punishment, I confiscated his soft toy which he is very attached to. He tried to snatch it back, but was intercepted by the force field.
Since then, his mental health has deteriorated significantly. He sleeps a lot more and encounters nightmares often, refuses to eat meals, and is prone to meltdowns and self-harm. He also mumbles to himself and has claimed to hear voices telling that he is unforgivable.
[Haruto runs a hand down his face.] What am I going to do with him?
But anyway, prisoner 002, Kobayashi Akane. Verdict: Innocent. She reacted positively to the news of course. She claims that getting voted innocent was the only possible outcome for her, but she looked relieved for a bit. Her behavior hasn't changed much since then. She's just less jumpy and more confident now.
Prisoner 003, Iwamoto Daisuke. Verdict: Innocent. He was probably expecting a guilty verdict, because he told me "my moral compass must be a roulette wheel". He's been more quiet and timid recently, it seems he's dealing with a sort of survivor's guilt.
Prisoner 004, Toma Suzume. Verdict: Innocent. She was surprised, but didn't say anything about my decision. Her behavior hasn't changed much, just less unsure and anxious. She's also been helping Noa-san to cook for everyone now that Mayumi-san has been voted guilty.
Prisoner 005, Endo Haku. Verdict: Innocent. He was happy to hear the news. He even smiled and thanked me for "understanding". He's been more friendly and outgoing since then. Its good that he's interacting more with the other prisoners now. I hope that his next music video will reveal some important information too.
Prisoner 006, Sasaki Yui. Verdict: Guilty. She didn't react well to her verdict. After a few seconds of disbelief, she started yelling and threw her chair at me. I put her in a straightjacket for 24 hours after that.
Her mental health has dropped drastically. She can't seem to sleep and is no longer taking care of her appearance (which is a big red flag for Yui-san). She's probably hearing voices too, but I can't confirm as she hasn't spoken to me since the incident. She doesn't interact with the other prisoners as much anymore either. I told Suzume-san to keep an eye on her. I hope Yui-san doesn't do any other stupid things.
Prisoner 007, Shigeru Rin. Another guilty prisoner. He started yelling and crying when I informed him of my decision, saying that "she was the one in the wrong". At least he didn't throw a chair at me.
He's become more on-edge and easily agitated recently. He's no longer allowed to request for things, so he's had no choice but to become less demanding. He's hearing voices as well, and will respond sometimes to tell them to shut up. He's not coping well with the auditory hallucinations. If it gets too bad, I might have to procure some meds.
Prisoner 008, Watanabe Noa. Verdict: Innocent, despite her begging for the death penalty. That's what she asked about when I informed her of my decision. I gave a satisfactory answer, but didn't tell her the full story of course. She's now cooking for everyone along with Suzume-san in Mayumi's place. That's Milgram's big sister figure for you. She's doing more productive stuff now. Good for her.
Prisoner 009, Miyahara Kiyoshi. Verdict: Innocent. He was happy with his verdict, claiming that his victim "had it coming". He's more cheerful and easygoing now. He became comfortable surprisingly quickly after being voted innocent. I'm not sure I vibe with that very much. His victim may have been a drug dealer, but I don't think he deserved to die because of it. Well, we'll see.
Prisoner 010, Okura Mayumi. Verdict: Guilty. She wasn't happy with my decision, but she didn't snap. It was a cold, chilling sort of anger. All she said was: "At least vote consistently." She was probably referring to Kiyoshi-san. [Haruto shrugs.]
Her liberties are restricted now and she isn't allowed to cook for everyone anymore. Her friendly and helpful personality is no more. She's become withdrawn and quiet. She confirmed that she can hear voices speaking to her, but she hardly seems affected by them. I can tell that she's still angry about her verdict. She hasn't done anything aggressive so far, but I'm not letting my guard down. Just in case.
Well. I sure hope my decisions don't come back to bite me in the ass. [Haruto flashes a peace sign at the camera.]
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2996-sana · 10 months
lost in japan
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loosely based on lost in japan by shawn mendes :D
being a soloist in the industry is a bit like riding a rollercoaster of emotions. while it brings creative freedom and a chance to shape your own journey, it comes with its share of loneliness. unlike being in a group, where you share every step of the journey, as a soloist, you navigate the entire process – from making albums, promotions, gigs, to tours and interviews – all by yourself. sure, you have your crew and team, your chosen family, but seeing groups together makes you a bit envious. they get to share the highs and lows, the crazy moments, and the struggles. it's a camaraderie you sometimes wanted.
but being a soloist has its perks. you get to pour your soul into your music, writing and producing most of your songs. music isn't just a job; it's a deeply personal expression. every note and lyric carries a piece of your story, every emotion, and experience that left a mark on your heart.
and then there's the subject of love.
in the vast expanse of the industry, finding love can be a challenge. all eyes are on you, not just in korea but globally, and being an idol only adds to the scrutiny. but that hasn't stopped idols from dating, and who can blame them? when love comes knocking, it's hard to resist.
for you, love arrived unexpectedly in the form of a blind date, set up by mutual connections. specifically, yeri from red velvet, who passed down the idea to nayeon from twice. and believe it or not, love turned out to be a member of the renowned girl group twice.
love felt like magic, and at this moment, love happened to be right beside you on the couch in the recording studio.
"baby, i'm gonna miss you like crazy," sana pouted.
"i know, baby, but it's only gonna be a few weeks, right?" you ask, trying to offer comfort.
"three weeks, yeah, but i hate being away from you," she replies, eyes still a bit teary.
turning to your girlfriend, you put down your guitar and scoot closer to sana. "i understand, baby. if i didn't have schedules lined up for the next few weeks, i'd come with you guys," you say, your voice carrying a tinge of sadness.
sana sighed in defeat and planted a playful kiss on your cheek. "you should write a song about me while i'm away," she teased.
you rolled your eyes. "they're all about you, i don't know what you're on about."
sana giggled, fully aware that it was true. despite this knowledge, hearing every new song you wrote about her never got old and it never failed to make her swoon. your love story held a special place in both your hearts, and having it immortalized in your music felt special. especially since the general public remained oblivious to the fact that the songs were about her or your relationship. it was like a secret world that only the two of you shared, untouched, and safe from the prying eyes of the public.
as much as sana wanted to shout about your love from the rooftops, she found solace in the fact that you both hadn't given anybody the power to take what you had away. having your close circle and family know felt like enough for now.
"i adore you so much, baby. i feel incredibly lucky," sana confessed, locking eyes with you.
"i love you, baby. we're both really lucky," you replied. "are you excited to be home and visit family?"
sana's eyes lit up. "yes! mom and dad wanted to see you, though. but yeah, it's been a while, so i'm excited."
the joy on her face brought warmth to your heart. "i'm excited for you, baby. send me lots of pictures, okay? and don't worry, i'll give you a call when you're together with your parents."
that night, you had to take sana and the rest of twice to the airport. well, technically, you were in the same car they were dropped off in, but you couldn't get off due to the swarm of reporters and fansites. now, that would be a headline.
you gave sana one last kiss and waved goodbye to tzuyu, dahyun, mina, and jihyo, who were sharing the same car.
"be safe, you guys," you said.
"we'll miss you, unnie!" tzuyu exclaimed, and the rest of the girls echoed her sentiment.
"i'll miss you the most, though," sana said sadly.
you reached for her hand and gave it a soft kiss. "i'll see you real soon, baby."
"y/n, you better pay me extra to keep sana from talking everyone's ears off about missing you this whole trip," jihyo joked, earning laughs from the group.
"bank transfer?" you suggested playfully.
"yah!" sana feigned annoyance.
"alright, alright, you guys go. the rest of the girls are already outside."
as the car door closed, you sighed. a busy week awaited you with recording sessions, and on top of that, you didn't have a girlfriend to come home to for the next few weeks. *+:。.。  。.。:+*
a week drifted by, and there you were, sprawled out on the cushy couch in a hotel in taiwan, peering through the grand glass windows that framed the city's glowing lights. the sun descended gracefully, painting the sky with warm hues. you wished sana was there with you. memories flooded in — of quiet evenings cocooned on the couch, watching anime after demanding days, and lively moments in the kitchen, dancing and singing together.
"it's cool. just two more weeks," you mumbled.
suddenly, a soft buzz broke the silence.
m.by__sana tagged you in a post
you tapped the notification, revealing snapshots from a dinner a week past, capturing the comically overcooked steak you had made.
당신은 여전히 최고입니다, 셰프님! ♡´ (you're still the best, chef! ♡´)
a gentle chuckle escaped you.
당신은 미친 듯이 나를 그리워하고 있을 것입니다, you playfully commented. (you must be missing me like crazy)
almost instantly, you got a reply.
당신은 모르고 있어요 (you have no idea)
you released a resigned sigh, well-acquainted with the sacrifices that came with being idols. both of you knew the drill — the inevitable stretches of separation that, despite understanding, never got easier.
you knew sana was currently holed up in her hotel with the other girls, having just gotten off a facetime call with her. it didn't make the distance any more bearable, and resisting the urge to fly over and be with her required more self-control than you cared to admit.
with a swift move, you grabbed your phone and opened up the voice memo app. "na na na na, do you got plans tonight, baby? something something, lost in your paradise. the only thing i’m thinking ‘bout is you and i, i can’t get you off my mind," you sang, a mix of determination and confusion in your voice as you attempted to untangle the tune in your head. recording the snippets, you couldn't help but hope that this spontaneous burst could turn into something.
as a musician and songwriter, you know that when inspiration hits - seize it and craft it into art. luckily for you, sana was the kind of girl who could fuel a billion songs, and the thought of writing about her never got old.
fueled by the sudden inspiration, you reached for your guitar.
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
"sana, you okay?" mina inquired, concern etching her features as she observed sana lost in thought, brows furrowed.
"she's fine. just being dramatic because y/n hasn't replied," nayeon chuckled, finding the situation amusing.
"you don't get it; she never takes this long to reply, even when we're both busy," sana whined, her frustration evident.
"unnie, isn't she in the middle of preparing for a comeback?" chaeyoung suggested. "maybe she's stuck in a meeting or recording something."
despite chaeyoung's rationality, sana's irritation persisted. she wasn't worried; she was just plain mad that you weren't responding.
the day dragged on with your replies limited to one-word responses, fueling sana's growing annoyance.
"who does she think she is?" sana slammed the door of her and momo's hotel room. "she didn't even pick up when i called her at my parents' house, and she specifically told me to!"
momo racked her brain, knowing sana's penchant for needing attention. she silently cursed you for leaving her with a moody sana.
"sana, it's okay. she'll eventually reply. i'm sure she has her reasons," momo sighed, offering a reassuring smile.
sana, across the room, sprinted to momo, shoving her phone in her friend's face. "what is this, then?"
momo squinted at your instagram story, revealing a tiktok of you and jennie doing a dance. momo silently cursed you again.
"uhh, scheduled post? maybe it's a new challenge," momo suggested, attempting to ease the tension.
sana rolled her eyes and threw her phone on the bed. "i don't care anymore."
"we can go out tonight, satang!" momo encouraged. "you'll get your mind off y/n."
sana shook her head defiantly. "i'm not going out! i'm staying in."
"nope, you can't," momo declared, standing up and joining sana. "you promised, remember?"
sana groaned. "fine, whatever, but i won't like it." *+:。.。  。.。:+*
sana and the group entered mina's cousin's newly opened restaurant, exclusively reserved for the night. despite the collective effort to lighten sana's mood, she remained unusually gloomy, a stark contrast to her typically bubbly self.
"sana, you look ugly when you’re frowning," jeongyeon teased, eliciting laughter from the group. sana responded by sticking her tongue out playfully. just as sana was about to retaliate, their food arrived, and the delightful aroma of the ramen momentarily diverted her attention. she was clearly hungry.
the dinner unfolded with vibrant conversations about their promotions, and even sana couldn't resist breaking into a smile and sharing a few laughs. after finishing her ramen, sana reached for a napkin on the table and discovered something tucked underneath — a small note?
do you have plans tonight?
suddenly, the lights dimmed, causing gasps from everyone. a soft strumming of a guitar filled the air.
"all it'd take is one flight,
we'd be in the same time zone."
sana could recognize that voice anywhere. her eyes shifted across the room, finding her girlfriend perched on a high stool with a guitar, singing just for her. sana could barely wrap her head around what was happening. she glanced at the girls, who were all smiling with their phones up.
as you sang, it dawned on sana what the song meant. her eyes widened as she listened.
“do you got plans tonight?
i'm a couple hundred miles from japan, and i
i was thinkin' i could fly to your hotel tonight
'cause i can't get you off my mind.”
you smiled and threw her a wink. sana couldn't help but cover her blushing face with her hands.
“do you got plans tonight, baby?
i was hopin' i could get lost in your paradise (paradise)
the only thing i'm thinkin' 'bout is you and i,
and i can't get you off my mind.”
sana should've probably known you were up to something. you wouldn't have left her hanging like that. but who would've thought you were crazy enough to leave in the middle of your schedules and fly to japan for her?
“let's get lost tonight,
let's get lost tonight,
baby, you and,
i can't seem to get you off my mind.”
the guitar strumming gradually faded, and the girls were howling and clapping. you walked toward sana with a single flower in your hand, wearing a big grin.
"hi," you said, still grinning.
sana got up, playfully shoving you before throwing her arms around you. "you are crazy!"
"crazy in love, apparently," dahyun giggled.
"are you complaining, though?" you laughed, ruffling her hair. then, you whispered in her ear, "if love doesn't make you do crazy things, then are you really doing it right?" *+:。.。  。.。:+*
"lost in japan is trending," sana giggled from the couch.
you joined her, tossing a blanket over both of you. "you think they're putting two and two together?" you laughed.
sana laughed, sharing a message from a fan on the bubble app.
"that new song from y/n is definitely about you and i'm taking no arguments."
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monkey-d-ezekiel · 6 months
Gear Reverse Theory (kinda)
okay hear me out. no the 3 week break is not messing with my mind. but WHAT IF Gear Reverse is an actual thing. we've seen Luffy in Gear 5 multiple times by now, right? and one of the consistent responses that Luffy has had to people acknowledging him as Sun God Nika has been essentially "Huh? I'm just Monkey D. Luffy!". Like he does not care for this Sun God business in the slightest.
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The point is, Luffy has never wanted to be any sort of hero or God, and he doesn't take kindly to his new gear (Gear 5) basically being called a reincarnation of someone else, specifically someone who was worshipped as a God of Liberation. He always clarifies that he's just Monkey D. Luffy and doesn't really understand this Sun God business.
But we've also seen it be stated that Zoan devil fruits have a 'will of their own' and in the case of Luffy's mythical zoan, the will of the fruit is that of Sun God 'Nika'. We've seen Luffy undergo a fairly noticeable shift in personality numerous times while fighting in Gear 5. While his major fights pre-awakening used to be tense struggles with him adopting a more serious demeanor, his recent fights have been more characterized by humor and goofiness. This seems to be a direct effect of the will of Sun God Nika or Joyboy coming to the forefront. In a way you could say that Luffy's will and personality is sort of playing second fiddle in Gear 5.
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We all know that Luffy is a headstrong and in a sense, selfish guy. He values his beliefs, personality and aspirations over the morality of a hero, as we've seen several times in the series. He was averse to Jimbei trying to frame him as a hero in FMI, and the same held true for one of his first interactions with Vegapunk, in which he seemed disenchanted at the thought of being some sort of hero. Oda seems to be indicating more than once that Luffy is yet to realize that his awakening has made him a reincarnation of a God.
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So what exactly will Luffy do once he fully understands what his fruit and its awakening entail? He's going to be unhappy about it. Luffy does not want to be a hero, and especially not when it comes with the added cost of having your will taken over by a mythical deity. and this is where Gear Reverse comes in. Luffy is going to be the first human to go beyond his awakening. Gear Reverse is going to be Luffy asserting his will over the fruit and making use of all its powers post awakening while also making sure his will is the dominant one, and not that of the fruit. I'm not sure how exactly Gear Reverse would look, but I think it would be cool if it was Luffy simply in his base form and nothing more, while still being able to fight in the ridiculous manner he does, turning the environment to rubber and such.
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I think one of the biggest indicators which point towards Luffy slowly gaining control over his devil fruit, rather than his devil fruit having control over him, is this panel from chapter 1108. It is in equal parts menacing and goofy, combining both those elements to create a terrifying atmosphere, and a bit of a departure from the overly humorous style of fighting that Gear 5 has been so far.
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Anyways yeah, there's probably a buncha holes in this theory, but I found the concept of an internal clash of wills within Luffy, between him and his devil fruit, to be pretty interesting and in character for Luffy, while also being a fresh and innovative direction for the series to take with Gear 5 rather than it just being a chosen one story.
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modelbus · 1 year
Heyy! Could you do Wilbur x artist!reader dating hcs because a musician and an artist? I feel like Y/N like Wilbur makes so much art of him to the point she actually probably made one of their lovejoy posters!! And Wil would teach Y/N guitar and Y/N teach Wil how to draw and its so SDHDSGJ
I'm an artist and I think this would be cute! Hope you can answer this ask <3
- 🍄anon :D
I’m not an artist myself, but my two artist friends came in clutch here!
Pairing: Cc!Wilbur x Gn!Artist!Reader
Adored Artist
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Idle drawings of Wilbur completely fill your sketchbook. Him playing guitar. Him sitting there. A specific doodle of him with a large forehead— for the joke.
The two of you tend to sit together without talking. You drawing, him creating Melodies and lyrics.
Getting showered in compliments.
He talked about decorating his guitar once, and you drew nothing but guitar designs for the next week.
His callouses and your graphite-stains are jokingly called “battle wounds” together.
When Wilbur buys you art supplies as gifts, he is painfully meticulous in making sure the supplies are good and ones you like.
Him peering over your shoulder to see what you’re working on, always delighted when it’s something related to him. Whether that be a simple guitar sketch for practice, or actually him.
And 100% yes he’d be yoinking your drawings to use for Lovejoy or merch reasons.
“Hey Love, remember that drawing you did the other night?” He asked, leaning against the couch where you’re curled up with a sketch pad. “You’re gonna have to be more specific than that, Wil.” You had laughed, finishing part of the sketch and looking up at him. He laughs too, leaning down to kiss you. “The one with the Lovejoy mascots. And our skull.” He had elaborated for you. Your eyes had lit up, flipping to the page for him. “Yes! That one. I was thinking, maybe it’d be cool to use as a design for merch?”
You couldn’t believe it, that he actually wanted to use your drawings. But, when you realized he was serious, you jumped at the chance.
(He insisted on paying you for it, too, even though you assured him you were perfectly happy giving him the designs. For two weeks you played a game where you passed the money back and forth until you gave up and just accepted it)
He doesn’t shut up about you or your talents ever. Met someone new? He’s pulling out his phone to share your art. Saw someone online talking about art? He’s tagging you to say you’re the best artist ever.
Teaching each other <333
Wilbur had made a small comment, and you jumped on it.
”I wish I could draw like that. You’re so talented, you’re incredible.” “I can teach you.” “What?”
Did not go well at all.
“Imagine that the light is here, okay? So you have to shade where shadows would be, making it darker there.” You explained patiently, gently tapping the areas you’re talking about.
“Shadows. Darker. Shading.” Wilbur repeated, looking up at you. You were leaning on him, your head on his shoulder to see his drawing. A very… admirable attempt at you.
“Go for it.” You encouraged, and he blinked.
“…Were you listening?”
“Of course I was, love.” But the way he had leaned in to kiss you—to distract you—certainly said otherwise.
Since you “made” him draw, he convinced you to learn how to play guitar.
You protested (secretly loving the idea of learning from him) but in the end he got you to agree.
Sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around you to help you form the chord shapes. It’s cozy, and you’re absolutely failing.
“This is a G—“ “My fingers don’t do that, Wil!”
In the end, it turns into him playing a song for you. But only after you manage to make that G chord, finger pain be damned.
He loves putting up your art on the walls. Taped.
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bjtch-craft · 1 year
"Can I make it up to you, please?"
Peter Parker x Black! Male reader
✩ Summary: Peter gets into an argument with the reader but makes it up to him...
✩ Word count: 2k
✩ Genre: Angst to Smut
✩ Request: Yes or No
✩ Warnings: Smut, crying, over stimulation (if you squint you'll see it), and (LIGHT) choking!!
✩Authors note: Sorry for disappearing for a while. School started again, and I wanna d!e already!!! Anyways this is my first attempt at writing smut, and it's so totally not proofread! So if there's any mistakes, please comment them so I can correct them.
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"I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me!"
"Peter, I’m not fucking mad at you!"
Peter takes a deep breath and rubs his eyes with his wrist before placing them on either side of him, softly gripping at the sheets.
"Then why are you yelling at me?"
"I’m not-!" [Name] cuts himself off after hearing his tone. "I’m not yelling at you; I'm just... worried. Okay? Worried that one day you’ll meet your match or run into some crazy obsessed fan." He finishes his sentence with a softer tone.
"Well, you don’t have to be! Okay?"
"I know, but..."
"Is this about MJ?:
[Name’s] worried look is wiped away by Peter’s accusation and a look of shock forms.
"W-what? No!"
"Because it feels like it is! Is that why you meant by an obsessed fan?" Peter says, putting up air quotes while saying "obsessed fan. " 
"That’s not what I meant!"
"Then what did you mean? Because to me, it seems like you’re upset; I’ve been hanging out with her more often. Jealous even."
"Oh my God, Peter, you’re un-fucking-believable! This isn’t about her or anything else; this is about me! And my concerns! You don’t even know how many times I’ve seen you go up against some big and how terrified I've been! Terrified that you’ll get seriously hurt or worse."
Peter lets out a scoff.
"So you’re just being overprotective now?"
[Name's] jaw dropped at the sentence that left Peter’s lips. He wasn’t sure how to react.
Peter and [Name] never argued, and even if they did, they’d get over it within a minute or two, but for some god-forsaken reason, Peter was being an absolute dick.
The energy in the room increased by ten as both of them (mostly [Name], of course) could feel the anger begin to sink in even deeper.
"Peter. What. The. Fuck! Is wrong with you today? I don’t know why you’re being like this!"
"Like what?"
"Like a dick! I don’t even know why you’re arguing with me; I’m just telling you my fucking concerns, and you have the fucking gall to call me jealous and  overprotective."[Name] says, dragging out the word "Gall". 
"And I’m just telling you how I feel too!"
[Name] didn’t know how to react; he felt hurt and could feel a sob begin to make its way up his throat. He gulped it down (that didn’t work; he ended up still crying later, but that’s later) he began to pull at the bottom of his shirt while looking at the floor.
"Peter… Can you leave?" [Name] said quietly.
"I said," Can you leave," please?"
"Okay. Fine."
And with that, Peter stood up and made his way out the door, leaving [Name] standing there in silence, a tear threatening to fall from his eye. It wasn't an empty threat, and the tear fell. And fell. And fell. And fell.
Soon the sun set behind the tall buildings of New York, and the moon rose, casting a small bit of light into [Name's] room. [Name] sunk into his bed as he stared up at the ceiling, a million thoughts rushing through his brain.
Are we over?
Why was he mad at me?
Should I say sorry?
Should he say sorry?
Is it my fault?
No, it's his fault.
For sure.
Tap tap tap. [Name] sat up softly and looked towards his window, expecting to see the source of the sound. But there was nothing…
"Am I hallucinating? Can you even hallucinate sounds?" [Name] thought aloud.
Now, you can actually hallucinate sounds, but this wasn't a hallucination. Tap. Tap. Tap. [Name] got up from his bed, crept towards the window, and slid it open.
"Hello…? Why'd I say hello? That's basically a death wish if this was a horror movie. "
[Name] jumped back from the window with a yelp. Before creeping back towards it and looking out it once again, but this time staring down to see a familiar blue and red suit.
Peter stood on the building's brick wall, looking up at [name], his arms crossed around.
"Can I come in?"
[Name] backed up from the wall as Peter climbed inside with a smile on his face.
"Do you have anything I can change into, babe?"
[Name] let out a scoff.
"Babe! Don't babe me, dude. Are you seriously going to pretend that our argument didn't happen?
"Sorry! I thought you'd be a little calmer. But do you?"
[Name] walked to his closet, pulled out a sweater, made his way toward his dresser, grabbed a pair of sweats, and threw them at Peter.
Peter changed and threw the suit in a corner before sitting down on the mattress. And a somewhat awkward energy filled the room.
"I'm sorry… I am. I don't know why I was being such a dick! But I'm sorry for what I said." Peter looked down at the floor, unable to look at his boyfriend.
[Name] wasn't sure what to say, and in situations like this (awkward, scared, and nervous), he often coiled his already-curled hair around his finger.
"I feel like such a shitty boyfriend."
[Name] placed his hand on Peter's cheek. "You're not a shitty boyfriend, though... You admit when you're wrong and understand why 6 wrong. That's legit one of the many reasons why I love you!"
Peter looked up at [name], nuzzled his face into his palm, and planted a soft kiss on his palm. [Name] ran his thumb over his pale cheek. It was a sweet moment that didn't last very long.
[Name] softly ran his thumb over the corner of Peter's soft lips. Peter adjusted his head and planted a kiss on the darker-skinned boy's thumb. [Name] smiled down at Peter.
"I love you, Peter..."
"I love you too."
[Name] pressed his finger against Peter's lip. He got the hint and opened his mouth, letting his boyfriend's thumb in. He looked up at [name] with innocent eyes as he bobbed his head up and down on his thumb.
"Jesus..." [Name] whispered out.
Peter came off his finger with a pop, his face turning a light pink.
"Can I make it up to you, please?"
[Name] nodded his head softly and backed up as Peter got up off the bed and kneeled in front of him.
"You can say no at any time, and I'll stop," Peter said with a smile.
"Same to you."
Peter reached up and pulled down [Name's] basketball shorts, dropping them to his ankles. Peter reached up and gently groped at the bulge in the other boy's boxers. Peter pulled them down with ease.
Peter stroked it gently, causing a soft whimper to release from [Name's] mouth as Peter's soft hands glided over his cock. Peter grabbed the base of [Name's] cock and gently licked the tip before taking it into his mouth. Peter looked up at [Name] as he slowly took more into his mouth, gagging a bit as he made his way towards the base.
[Name] reached down and placed his hand in Peter's hair, holding his head in place, making Peter gag as drool pooled out of the corner of his lips.
"Fuckkk! Peter, your mouth feels so  good."[Name] moaned out.
Peter let out another gagging sound and tapped the side of [Name's] thigh, signaling for him to let go. And [Name] did Peter come off his cock with a pop and look up at him with a smile, a rope of drool connecting [Name's] tip to his lips.
"Are you okay, Peter?"
"Yeah. Fine." Peter said as he began to slowly stroke [Name's] dick.
He placed it back in his mouth and began to go back down on it. He bobbed his head up and down in a repeating motion as he reached into his sweats and pulled out his own cock and began jerking himself off.
Peter came off his dick and kitten, licked the tip, and placed it back into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it.
"Agh, Jesus Peter" [name] whimpered out.
[Name] placed his hands on either side of his head and slowly began pulling his head further down on his shaft.
"I'm going to go a little rough. Is that okay with you?"
"Mmmm," Peter hummed in response, causing a soft vibration on [Names] dick, making him let out another moan.
[Name] gripped a handful of Peter's hair and began to pull his cock out of his mouth before slamming it back down his throat. Peter, still stroking his own cock, reached out and grabbed at [names] thighs for support.
[Name] strengthened his grip on Peter's head and began slamming his cock down Peter's throat harshly, causing drool to pool out of the corners of his lips.
"Ohhh God! F-fuck!"
Peter whimpered and whined around the length as tears filled his eyes, threatening to spill.
"MM~ MMM~" Peter whined out.
Peter jerked himself off at an even faster rate, chasing his climax. And he chased it, cumming all over his hands and floor.
"Aww, Pete...."
[Name] pulled his dick out of Peter's mouth, leaving him gasping for air.
"F-fuck~" Peter said in between breaths.
"Are you okay, Pete?"
"You came... kind of fast."
Peter's pale face turned a soft pink as he ran a hand through his hair, looking down at the floor.
"Do you want to, like, you know, go all the way? You don't have to say yes." [Name] said, reaching down and lifting Peter's chin up to look at him.
"Yes, I want to do it."
[Name] reached down and pulled Peter up by his arm, smashing his lips against his. [Name] kicked off his shorts and boxers and began walking them toward the bed, lightly pushing Peter down. Peter reached out and gripped the collar of [Names] shirt, pulling him down with his lips, never breaking contact.
[Name] broke the kiss, placed a soft kiss on Peter's cheek, and started making his way towards his neck. Kissing down his jawline before softly biting his neck.
"Fuck~" Peter moaned out.
[Name] began sucking on the flesh and biting at it before licking over the bite. The warmth of [Names] tongue made Peter blush even more, making his already pink skin turn a deep scarlet. [Name's] hands traveled down Peter's body, slipping them up his shirt and feeling him up.
[Name] reaches out from under Peter's shirt and takes his cock in his hand, gently tugging at it. Peter let out a soft whimper at the feeling of [name's] warm hand.
"Is this okay?" [Name] says speeding up the pace.
Peter bites down on his bottom lip and nods his head.
With his other hand, [Name] begins to pull Peter's shirt up and begins placing soft kisses on his torso, making his way toward Peter's cock. Peter pulled his shirt off, making [Name] let go of his cock.
[Name] delicately kissed Peter's tip, spat in his hand, and began jerking him off once more. The sound of wet noses and whimpers filled the room.
"Does that feel good, Peter?"
"Mhm-ahh~ Fuck~!" Was all he could whine out as [Name] ran his thumb over his tip in a particularly hard motion.
[Name] let's go of Peter's cock and steadied himself on his knees, grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls it off.
"Let me know if it hurts or if I'm going to be rough, okay?"
[Name] placed Peter's legs on his shoulders and steadied himself on the mattress before lining himself up with Peter's hole. Peter reached out and felt around on his boyfriend's bedside table until he felt a familiar wrapping.
Peter handed him a condom. [Name] opened it and slid it over his dick and pushed into Peter slowly, wanting him to adjust to his size before moving.
Peter gripped the sheets and twisted them in his hands as he let out a soft moan.
[Name] reached out and grabbed Peter by the waist and pulled him down on his cock. [Name] bottoming inside of Peter as he looked down at him to see his arm covering his face, his face somehow even pinker.
"Does this feel okay?"
"Can you uncover your face? I want to see all the pretty little faces you make, Pete."
Peter's cock twitched at this, and a drip of precum made its way down his cock. Peter did as he was told, took his arm off, and looked up at the curly-haired boy.
"I'm going to start moving, okay? Let me know if it's too much or if you want to stop. I won't be mad, I promise!"
"Okay, I will."
[Name] began to roll his hips in and out of the pale boy, starting off with a slow pace to ensure he didn't hurt him. [Name] decided to test the limits and pulled out of Peter, making him let out a breathy gasp at the loss of friction before slamming back into him and producing another loud moan from him.
His face contorted into a mixture of pleasure and pain as his hands shot out and grabbed at [Names] shoulders as he rocked his hips into Peter.
"Aghh~ C- Can you go a little  harder?'
[Name] listened to his question and sped up the pace, filling the room with the sound of a headboard banging and the sound of skin against skin. [Names] hands roamed down Peter's thighs until they reached his cock, took it in his hand, and began once again jerking him off at an irritatingly slow pace.
[Name] placed his other hand on the back of Peter's head and leaned in their lips inches apart. [Names] thrust slowed for a second before stopping all together.
"Why did you stop?" Peter said, his voice barely above a whisper.
[Name] closed the gap between them. Peter kissed back almost instantly and placed his hand on the back of [Names] head, tangling his fingers in his curls. [Name] began to thrust into him slowly and more gentle as the kiss deepened.
[Name] grabbed Peter's hands and placed them above his head, holding them in place and breaking the kiss in the process. His thrust quickened, and once again, the sound of skin against skin filled the room.
"Fu-fuck~ ugh!" [Name] moaned out.
His thurst became even harder as he chased his high. Peter could feel tears starting to fall from his eyes, not from pain but from pleasure. It was all too much. His ccok standing up straight twitched and shot ropes of cum all over his abdomen, painting that area of his body glossy white.
"I'm not too far behind," [Name] grunted out.
His thrust became sloppy, losing the rhythm as he tightened his grip on Peter's wrist.
He let go of Peter's wrist, pulled out of him, and made his way to the floor. Peter got the idea quickly and knelt before sticking his tongue out as [Name] jerked himself off.
After one or two strokes, he came, shooting his load over Peter's face. Blotches of white landed on his lashes, chin, nose, forehead, tongue, and hair.
Peter swallowed the cum that had landed in his mouth and smiled looking up at [name] innocently.
"Jesus Christ, Peter, you're so pretty."
Authors note part 2!!!:
Okay so y'all I'm thinking of doing an Olivia Rodrigo type of story with Bad Idea, right? Should I do this???
Link to the song in case y'all haven't heard it yet!!!
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adviceformefromme · 3 months
Listen I feel so ugly all the time I'm trying to get myself better but it seems like every time I do something comes up and knocks me down to the point where I just quit and it pisses me off. Recently I started to use my journal more to write down stuff to better myself I write down quotes of the month, and listen to podcasts at work sometimes. But after work, I'm so tired I work from 8AM-4PM I don't have the energy to do anything especially working out and that's my biggest issue and it hurts me to the core that I'm this way. Do you have any tips to help me? Please cause I need it bad.
Hey sweetie, okay some ideas...
What is it you don't love about yourself ? What is that makes you feel ugly? Are these things you can accept or want to change? If you can't accept things you don't like about yourself, then honestly I would start thinking about making some changes. What is within your power to change? What would make you feel beautiful? Is it your teeth? Start saving for the Invisalign or teeth whitening strips, is it your thin hair, look into new hairstyles, weaves, extensions.. If it's your face shape that you really can't make peace with maybe its worth getting some fillers. And while I don't want to promote these things, in my personal experience I have felt happier when I've invested in my image. I had 11's between my eyebrows and after so long of trying to accept these lines in my head I got botox and I was the happiest. So go invest in you, if you can't afford it do what you can, save up & research online. Invest in your image. I've seen friends feel so unaccepting of how they look for years, putting themselves down because of early wrinkles, bad teeth - when all it would take is some investments. So choose you. This is your one life, do you want to spend it feeling ugly and second class every time you look in the mirror? Or do you want to invest in looking and feeling your best?
On the low energy - I would assess your diet. What are you eating, drinking? This will be a huge factor. Carbs - the devil in my opinion. I spent a vast majority of my life in carb crashing and hunger and needing more sugar / food DESPITE thinking I was eating and drinking healthily. Now I am studying nutrition, I am learning how detrimental my diet was to my overall health. So I would advise, protein and greens diet. Cut sugar, in the form of carbs/ starchy vegetables, replace chocolates / crisps with nuts and fruits. Drink more water, invest in some celtic salts, supplements (vitamin D + k2, vitamin c, DIM, selenium, magnesium - ensure there on no nasties inside bulking agents), grass fed meats, organic veggies, salads, bone broths weekly.
I would also make sure you are doing exercise. It needs to be sweat inducing. A run down the road and back to start with if you're unfit. You don't need a fancy gym. Take a cold shower when you get home (you can start with a hot temp and then do 30-60 seconds cold to build yourself up). Do some stretches, make an effort, as simple as while the kettle boils, make this an opportunity to touch your toes or rotate your hips.
These are some starting points. I would begin the latter first, get your energy and body right initially and then start putting money and investments into your image. Health is wealth, so while you may or may not feel beautiful, without investing in great health you will ultimately struggle.
I hope this helps. DM is open if you have more questions/ need more support xoxo
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puffyducks · 2 months
DCRC Week #8 (Part 1)
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ODIN WEEK! ODIN WEEK! ODIN WEEK!!! It's PKNA #5: Portrait of the Hero as a Young Duck btw. Please enjoy my epic edit- I mean real panel I mean totally real screenshotted and unedited comic panel.
Also, I try to put spoilers for the comics I'm reading about as they happen in the story, but this time I couldn't help myself so beware of reading this if you haven't read the whole chapter yet.
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I already have this panel saved in my folder, it's so iconic in my head. He wanna be Batman sooooo bad.
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Gotta love these military guys opening fire like their lives depend on it and PK is just behind them making silly little jokes like :D
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Wow this guy seems interesting I wonder what his opinions on AI art are
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Gorgeous panel and some gorgeous one-point perspective here. Sorry for being an art student but we made a lot of drawings like this and it made me learn that drawing buildings makes me want to die. So this is even more impressive to me in that regard.
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Lowkey cute asf for Odin to just put a whimsical little garden in place of where Ducklair tower used to be
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Donald is so SAD it breaka my heart 💔 RIP Uno who is totally super dead 💔💔💔
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Donald is SO SMALL. Shoutout to the PKNA writers for pushing the entire main Duckverse cast to the side so that they could create an all-new roster of characters that all fucking TOWER over Donald in height. Lyla, Angus, Xadhoom, Styvesant, soon to be Odin in like a few pages. If you need to know anything it's that Paperinik is a little SHRIMP and he is so tiny and small and the most specialest boy ever.
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haha..... yeah..................
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DEFEND UNO'S LEGACY DONALD!!!!! Also Lyla... okay and I guess Geena cause she's the ACTUAL robot he's defending-
This is the part where I look at the camera like it's an episode of The Office btw. If you know you know.
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OOOOH SHIT IT'S YA BOI!!! I forgot about him trying to meet Donald by just slamming his ship into theirs. Like I GUESS that's a surefire method to speak to someone...
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Cheeky son of a-
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Snitches get stitches Geena... (imagine a little text pops up on screen like in a video game and says "Geena will remember that")
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Hmmmm where have I seen this shot before.... *flashback to issue #0.1 which I put a filter over to make sure you know it's a flashback to an earlier chapter*
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oh right.
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Crying over this shot they BOTH wanna be Batman man 😭 two dumdums that were made for each other
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He's so cheeky I hate him (affectionate)
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So obviously they bring up that Odin just means "One" (or Uno) but it's also worth pointing out what an Eidolon is. Eidolon is a Greek term, meaning "a spirit-image of a living or dead person; a shade or phantom look-alike of the human form" (at least according to Wikipedia).
Anyways to wrap up with some final thoughts-
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Something that doesn't really get addressed in this comic (probably for plot reasons, it's not super relevant) is just how comforting it must be for Donald to travel to the future and see that the Evronian Empire is all but wiped out, a shell of its former self. Obviously timelines can still change, we saw that in Day of the Cold Sun, but it still must be nice to see that all the fighting he does is going to pay off in a big way.
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Btw remember that bit in an earlier chapter about Uno finding Lyla attractive? Yeah well I should think so considering that YOU'RE THE ONE THAT BUILT HER- Okay well he's not the DESIGNER but still I think that connection is funny ok. I wonder if Uno scanned Odin's gun and was like "oh"
I like this comic, I think it's another really good one. I mean it's no Earthquake but still, between Day of the Cold Sun, Earthquake, and then this volume I feel like we've just had banger after banger after banger. I'm also super stoked to have Odin in the story now, even if thinking about Uno way outliving Donald and being excited to see him again after 200 years makes me really depressed if I think about it too hard. I'm happy that he got to escape the confines of Ducklair tower and even got a cunty green suit in the process though, good for him. Donald is REALLY gonna regret not accepting that explanation from Uno though, RIP 🙏 SUUURELY he'll figure it out one of these days guys. Like EVENTUALLY. Right???
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littlelovelyra · 4 months
The Ritual - (The change pt4)
"You will kill him. You. Will. Kill. Him."
Notes: Pt 4 is here! Spent some time day dreaming this one and the time has finally come to kill the bastard :D The first half is in Astarion's PoV and then Tav's PoV takes over. I have marked it clearly (hopefully.) I hope this all makes sense - I'm a bit sleepy so tried to make sure i edited it enough.
Warnings: Violence, Tav gets called a wh*re again (poor tav but its ok), soft dom astarion, blood sharing, PiV, Oral, C*zador, death, let me know if I have missed anything.
Ao3 if you prefer <3
This place makes your skin crawl, and not just because of the terrible decor, though that has always been abysmal. You and your companions stand before an intricately locked door, one that your lock-picking skills won't be able to conquer. There's only one option left: you must search for clues to unlock this blasted door. As you walk these halls again, unsettling memories flood back. If it weren’t for Tav checking in on you, you would have been overwhelmed by your trauma the moment you set foot in this God-forsaken place.
As you journey down the corridor you find yourselves in a room you are all too familiar with and you can’t stop the shiver that rolls over your body. She touches your cheek and rubs her thumb in loving circles “I’m here. We are all here, you are safe.” Breathing her scent, you turn your mouth into her palm and kiss it.
“This room is where I brought my… conquests for Cazador… I would entertain them here until he was ready for them.” Your face scrunches in disgust as she pulls you in and holds you for a moment running her hand up and down your back.
“Tav, Astarion, sorry to interrupt but I think we found a way in.” Karlach stands at the doorway her expression is soft but laser-focused at the same time. You give her a nod and grasp Tav’s hand in yours as you return to the locked door.
You watch as Gale places a ring on the door and speaks an incantation, after a moment you hear a click and you push the door open. As you and your companions look in you see a few werewolves, bats, wolves and rats. “Cazador is getting desperate,” you think as you walk in.
“You’re new, Cazador never kept guard dogs before.” You spit out at the werewolf making its way to you.
“The runaway spawn! You reek of the master’s scent. Come with us, come to master.” The creature sniffs the air eagerly inching forward.
“Excuse me. I will not be ordered around my own house by some blow-in mutt.” You wave your hand dismissively in the creature’s face.
“We bring you to him! We get his favour!” He snarls and readies himself for a fight.
Instinctively you push your hand out and move Tav behind you as you pull two short swords out lunging forward at the mutt in front of you and expertly slashing it twice across its chest. It shrieks in pain and stumbles back, it shakes its body as if it were shaking off the pain you inflicted and it gets ready to pounce.
Behind you, you hear Tav’s voice “Ira et dolor!” a cloud of cold black mist forms in a circle, encasing the beast and several others inside. You hear whispers emanating from the darkness and recognise this as a Hunger of Hadar incantation and multiple screams erupt from within.
You glance back and flash her an approving grin and she replies in kind. “Nicely done my love, save those resources as much you can though okay?” You press your thoughts to her mind and she nods in reply.
You and your companions make quick work of clearing out the room and make your way to Cazador’s quarters. After looking around for about five minutes you stumble across an elevator.
“What in the hells? I never knew this was here. This was always Cazador’s private quarters, only he ever came in here. Well, him and the unfortunate souls we brought to feed him.” You say as you all stand on the platform. You activate the lift and hold your breath the whole way down.
As you finish your descent you feel Tav interlock her fingers with yours as you walk forward. You take in your surroundings, this place… is massive. How could you not have known about this after all these years? How could you miss this? The atmosphere is cold and uninviting, it smells of death as you walk down the corridor.
Reaching the end Tav stops in her tracks, her gaze fixed to the right-hand side of the room. “Astarion… do you know who these prisoners are…?” Her voice is soft as she slowly approaches the iron bars of their holding cell.
“I don’t even know what this prison is. He hid all of this from me and the others. If I had to guess, I’d say they are all part of his ritual. But where in the hells did they come from?” You peer into the cell and see an ocean of red eyes staring back at you.
“You. I know you. You’re the one from the Tavern. You smiled and joked and got me drunk.” A familiar voice fills the room and your body turns to ice.
“You- no. You’re dead.” Your voice shakes and it dips down into a whisper.
The male continues “You called me so many sweet things. My name sounded like a lyric on your tongue.” Your stomach twists into knots and you loosen your grip on Tav’s hand, suddenly feeling overcome with shame. You shouldn’t be touching her… you’re not good enough for her.
Your face twists in pain at the memory, “Sebastian.” Is all you can get out.
“You remember me.” Sebastian replies, his voice is monotone, flat… it sounds, dead.
“You were handsome. Shy. You’d never been kissed.” Your gaze falls to the floor and you feel as though your legs may just give way.
“You taught me how. And then you destroyed me!” In his rage, he lunges forward his hand reaching out through the bars trying to grab you and he drops to the floor defeated.
Tav moves toward you and you try to step away, how could someone so perfect love someone like you? You feel filthy. Unworthy. As if she can read your mind, she gently snatches your hand and gives it a tender squeeze.
“They’re my conquests. I pursued them, seduced them, and then brought them to Cazador. He told us he was feeding on them. But he turned them to spawn. He turned every last one so He’d have souls for this cursed ritual.” You are losing your composure, being faced with all these souls you deceived is eating away at you.
“How long?” Sebastian whispers. “How long have I been down here?” His voice is filled with venom as he stands facing you.
“One hundred and seventy years. You were one of my first.” You look at him and wait.
“My family. My friends, they’re gone… you took them from me. You took everything from me. I damn you to the Hells! I damn you to misery! I damn you - damn you…” he falls to his knees weeping as you stand there unable to move.
You feel a small tug on your hand and turn to Tav as she scans your face, her brows furrow and she leads you out of the room for a moment.
“Look at me. Astarion, look at me!” Her hands grip your shoulders as she shakes you firmly. “You had no idea what Cazador was doing, you did what you had to, to survive. You had no choice, those actions do not define you. What you do now… that is what matters.” Her hands come to your face forcing your eyes to meet hers. “You need to focus. We will end this and then we can decide what we do with all of them. But right now I need you to focus, Star. Please.” She kisses you deeply and you wonder what you ever did to deserve her love.
“Okay. You’re right.” You whisper back pressing your forehead to hers. You once again inhale her scent and it instantly grounds you. “Let’s get this over with.” You say as you both make your way to Cazador.
As you pass the cells again you keep your gaze forward but you extend a promise to your past “I will kill him, for all of you. For all of us.” And you push the last set of doors open.
Slowly you make your way down the stairs hand in hand with Tav, your allies following closely behind you. And that’s when you see him.
“Who stands before us? Is this truly our prodigal son? Do not slouch before me, boy! Have you no respect for yourself? Look at you, crawling back after abandoning your family. You should be begging our forgiveness!” Cazador glares at you, his crimson eyes burning with rage.
“Forgiveness? You’ve never forgiven anything. Every mistake, every slip was punished!” You spit out at him.
“I strove for perfection in all things, even those as imperfect as you. A pity you amounted to so little, despite my efforts. You couldn’t even protect your little pet you ‘love” so much from me. Pathetic.” His voice is smug as he gloats at your shortcomings. You feel the rage swell up inside you.
“No! No, fuck you and fuck everything you’ve ever done to me.” You will kill him… You will kill him. You. Will. Kill. Him.
“We’re here for justice. You’re going to pay.” Tav’s words are laced with hatred as she stares Cazador down.
“I will not speak to whores! This is between me and the boy. I will have you after I’m done with him” Cazador holds her stare. Whore… There is that word again, perhaps he forgot what happened to the last person who called her that wretched word.
“You son of a bitch! I’ll KILL YOU!” Rage takes over your body as you run up to him ready to punch that smug look off his face. As you pull back your hand and launch it forward Cazador takes his staff and with one strike to the floor, he holds you in place.
“You truly forgot my power. You truly thought our bond as creator and creation was all that stopped you from killing me? You are weak, my child. You are a small, pathetic little boy who never amounted to anything. But today, you will finally do something worthwhile. You will burn and I will ascend.” He waves his staff and you are flung into the single free spot and are suspended in the air.
Panic settles into your core “No! Stop him! And get me out of this!” You look to your lover, you know that look on her face and you know you wouldn’t be able to convince her to run.
“Witness the birth of the Vampire Ascendant! Ecce Dominus!” Cazador opens his arms wide.
Then it begins, you watch the fight unfold before your eyes, Karlach runs to the frontlines, rage explodes from her body as the werewolves surround her. The one closest to her clamps down on her arm, she twists around and drives her sword into its chest. She makes quick work slaying every single one of them and moves on to her next target.
Gale shouts an incantation of fireball that disintegrates a group of bats into ashes and focuses his attention on Cazador hitting him with a lightning bolt and taking out a few more bats along the way. Your eyes are darting around scanning the platform for her and you find her. She is surrounded by ghouls, a few of them make contact slashing into her arm and you watch her stumble back in pain with blood dripping down the lashes. You can tell she is quickly assessing her options and then her gaze meets yours.
“Inveniam viam!” She disappears for a second and reappears in front of you, your heart swells at the sight of her, yet again throwing herself in the middle of danger just to help you.
“Let’s get you out of here, you’ve got a vampire to kill.” You don’t know how she did it but the minute her hands were on you, you found yourself back on the floor and free to move about as you pleased.
You look behind her and notice a group of ghouls coming towards you and Tav protectively steps in between.
“Detono!” She sends them flying back over the edge, falling to their death.
The two of you lock eyes with Cazador, his face steaming with rage as he sees that you are free from the ritual’s grasp and his reinforcements are lessening by the second.
“Fiat lux!” Gale yells across the room and a bright orb appears in the centre of the platform, you hear Cazador yell in discomfort. “Gale you bastard I could kiss you right now!” You send down the tadpole’s line. “As flattered as I am Astarion, Tav may have an issue with that and I would not like to be on the receiving end of her envy.” He shoots back in response as you and Tav stalk toward Cazador's weakened form.
You glance towards Tav and see a little mischievous smile spread from her lips as her eyes darken.
“Obedi me.” She cocks her head to the side, her voice sounding like silk as the command runs off her tongue and her grin widens knowing her spell has landed on its victim. As you look up you see Cazador … dancing. Oh gods above she’s selected the most humiliating way to trap him. It sent a swell of approval towards her and you mentally note to show her just how much you appreciated this moment.
“Pathetic.” You scoff out watching Cazador's rage boil over as he uncontrollably dances. You unsheathe your short sword and slash his shirt open down his back. He winces in pain, his pride won’t let him scream. Not yet.
You throw him to the ground and kick away his staff as Tav releases the hold she has on him.
“Get your hands off me worm!” Cazador spits out.
“HAH! I’m not the one in the dirt.” You bend down and retrieve the blade from Cazador’s side. “One last thrust and I’ll be free of you. I’ll never have to fear you again. But if I complete the ritual I will never have to fear anyone ever again.”
You bring your foot down with blinding force to his shin and hear a satisfying snap. Cazador wails in pain and it is like music to your ears.
“You think me a fool? That I would let someone take my place? Those runes on your back lock you in place boy! I made you to be consumed!” He spits out at you.
“I can do this, but I need your help. I can be free, truly, completely free… isn’t that what you want?” You turn to Tav, the desperation of never having to be afraid is consuming you. This is how you can keep her safe. Keep you safe. You can be better than him.
“Star… I know you think the ascension will set you free, but it won’t. This power will trap you, just like it trapped him.” Her voice is soft as she points to Cazador.
“You- you’re right. I can be better than him. But I’m not above enjoying this.” You say as you bring your attention back to the vermin sitting in front of you.
Taking the dagger you plunge it into Cazador’s stomach and hear him scream in pain. After years of torment, years of abuse you finally have this moment. You twist it slightly and he screams once more as you start viciously stabbing him over and over.
Before the killing blow lands you stop yourself and look at him, his breathing is staggered you can tell he is almost at the end. Turning to Tav you extend the blade out to her, slowly she crosses the floor and makes her way to you. She kneels and places her hand over yours that holds the dagger.
“Together?” She says.
“Together.” You respond
His eyes widen in fear as the two of you thrust the dagger one last time and you watch the light leave his eyes.
The blade falls from your hand as you are overwhelmed with emotions, Tav wraps her arms around you and the tears start pouring. It’s over. It’s finally over.
Wrapped in each other’s embrace you sit there for a moment and take in what’s just happened. You feel his sobs start to slow and his breathing regulates. He offered you the final blow… you. Even though he was the one who spent years in torment he wanted you to have your moment, gods you loved this man, more than you ever thought possible.
“What do we do about the seven thousand?” He whispers to himself.
“That depends… On the one hand, we get rid of them which could haunt us, on the other unleashing them would mean they could inflict harm on innocent people… I don’t know what to do.” You feel hopeless, as the leader, as his partner… you don’t know what the best course of action is.
“I think…we need to release them. They deserve a chance… right?” He looks to you, pleading for some direction. You place your hand on his cheek and give him a soft smile. “Yes. They deserve a chance.” You reply and softly kiss his lips. “But if they come after you, they will not last very long. Not if I can help it.”
Astarion opens the cells by slamming the staff to the floor and you make your way up to the crowd of spawn.
“You are all free now. I know none of you willingly chose this life but what you need to understand is that he never had a choice either.” You point to Astarion as you address the crowd. “You have a chance now to live your life and live it well. Make the right choices.” You look around assessing the faces and see no immediate threat.
“Let’s go, this place reeks of death and I want to feel alive again.” He says as he takes your hand in his and you make your way back home.
Your companions anxiously await your party’s return to the Elfsong Tavern. You are greeted with enthusiasm and relief the moment you enter the doors. Shadowheart rushes to your side assessing the damage and begins to heal your wounds as best as she can. She hands you a potion and advises you to pour it into a bath so you can soak in it for a while. After a few moments of everyone fussing over you, you take Astarion’s hand and lead him to your private quarters.
You draw a warm bath and pour Shadowheart’s potion into the water. “Come on, Star.” You walk up to him and place a soft kiss on his cheek. The two of you sink into the tub and immediately feel the healing effects of the potion. Working the soap into a lather you gently start to wash the blood from the curls of his hair, massaging his scalp in deep circular motions he releases a long sigh and you feel his body relax. There are no words exchanged between the two of you during your time in the bath, you simply sit and enjoy the comfortable silence around you.
Once the water begins to cool you make your exit from the tub and dress yourselves.
“There’s something I want to show you if that’s alright? Something out in the city.” He turns to you his face is serious, something you are not used to seeing on him,
“Of course, lead on.” You offer a gentle smile, letting him take the lead as you stroll side by side.
He leads you to a quiet graveyard to a gravestone covered in overgrown ivy. You stay silent and wait for him to talk. He walks to the gravestone and clears the vines.
“Nearly two hundred years and I never came back. Not since the night I woke up down there. I had to punch a hole in the coffin and claw my way up through six feet of dirt. Then when I finally broke the surface, retching up dirt and congealed blood, Cazador was waiting. From that day on I was his. Until today.” His gaze is fixed on his tombstone.
“You were never his. Whatever he had, he took by force.” Your voice is soft in reply, you can barely get the words out.
“Maybe, but he did take it. There’s almost nothing left of the person I was. Just a name on a rock. For nearly two centuries I stalked the streets like a ghost while the person I was lay here, dead and buried. Now I need to figure out who I am. What I want.” He turns to you and smiles at you, his eyes have a spark in them that you have only ever seen glimpses of. But tonight, they shine bright.
“You are the person I love… the person I want. Tell me what you want Astarion and I will make it happen.” You hold his hands in yours
“I feel the same. You were by my side through all of this. Through bloodlust and pain and misery. Through… your change. You were patient. You cared, you trusted me when that was an objectively stupid thing to do. I feel safe with you. Seen. And whatever the future holds for me, I don’t want to lose that.” His ruby eyes glisten in the moonlight as tears fill them.
“You won’t lose me Astarion. Ever. I am here with you, through it all, forever.” Your voice cracks at your promise as you hold his gaze.
“Thank you. Well, I should probably fix this…” He leans down and starts chiselling away at his tombstone, you spot a white flower nearby, pluck it and place it on his grave.
He looks at you with a soft smile “Cute… I’ve been dead in the ground long enough. It’s time to try living again. With everything that life has to offer.” He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a handkerchief and slowly unravels it, revealing two matching bands.
“I found these, in the house of healing back in the shadow-cursed lands. I knew I wanted to give you one of them, I was just waiting for the right time. Gale told me they have a warding bond… this is my promise to you. I promise to be at your side, through all that life has to offer us. I love you. I love this. And I want it all.” He slips it onto your index finger and does the same with his.
“A promise ring?” You choke out your words.
“Yes. And one day, in the future, there will be another. One fit for this finger.” He raises your hand, taps your ring finger and then brushes his lips across your knuckles. “Come, it’s getting cold.” His fingers lace between yours and you make your way back home.
As the two of you arrive in your room he guides you to the bed, his hands slowly roaming their way around your body. He pushes your head to the side with his, and slides his lips down your neck and up again. Spinning you around he slowly brings his hand up your chest between your breasts, it glides up your throat seductively to grip the base of your head. His thumb rests on your bottom lip as he drags it down opening your mouth and he places his on yours, his tongue moving against yours. A soft groan escapes your lips at the sensation and desire pools in your core. You release all control, you want him to do whatever he wants in whatever capacity he is ready for.
“Tonight I’m in control, I want to devour you. I’m done letting my past hold me back because you, Little Love… you deserve it all.” His words are hot in your ear as he snakes his free hand down your body and slips between your legs running a teasing line down your panties. Out of instinct, you try to grind yourself on his hand.
“Tsk, so impatient.” He growls slowly laying you down on your stomach on the bed. He grips your hips and pulls them up so that your knees are on the mattress and spreads your legs apart. He places his hands on your ass, rubbing circles on each cheek. Slowly he rips your underwear straight down the middle leaving you exposed to him and a low growl of appreciation escapes him.
“What a vision.” He slips two fingers into you, pumping them slowly in and out and brings them up to his mouth. Sliding himself under you he brings you down onto his face, you gasp at the feel of his tongue slipping through your wet folds as he begins to lick long strokes against your entry to your swollen bud. His hands travel up your sides and grip your hips once more, moving your body back and forth so that it rides his face. You obey his silent command and continue the motion yourself riding his tongue you start to feel your body buckle and spasm as the wave of pleasure crashes down on you, crying out his name you fall beside him.
“Good girl…” he sheds his clothes and places himself over you, spreading your legs open for him you watch his hardened length twitch as his gaze rakes over your body. You wiggle your hips up practically begging him for entrance. He chuckles as he grips your hips and pulls your core to his, easing himself into you.
“Gods… I’ve missed this. The feel of you.” He says as he tenderly thrusts into you. His mouth comes down to yours once again, kissing you passionately. You can feel all his love in the slow movement of his body in yours. The way you fit together, he was your missing puzzle piece and he found his home. You found your home in him. He pulls back and your eyes lock, you roll your head to the side inviting him to drink from you. He bends down sinks his teeth in and offers you his wrist while he still thrusts into you.
You bite down on his wrist and as the two of you drink your bodies become hungry for more. His thrusts fasten in pace and your hips roll in time with him, you release his wrist from your mouth and he brings it down to your clit, working it in tight circles and both of you shatter in pleasure together.
As you lay there he brings you into his arms scattering sweet, soft kisses around your face.
“I love you and I will always love you.” He whispers into your hair.
“Forever?” You whisper back.
“Forever.” He replies
As you lay in each other’s arms you breathe a sigh of relief. Today was a lot… but it is the start of your forever. You feel him slip into a rest and an odd thought crosses your mind while you stare at him. You realise you had not seen Sebastian within the crowd after the spawns were released… “Perhaps it’s nothing” you tell yourself as a new anxiety settles over you.
Part 5 here
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cosmic-ships · 5 months
Guess who is finally out of the crush zone? >/////> He's only been in there for 2 months. I have LORE, I have a PLAYLIST. Lord so help me I LOVE this goofball-
Hey if you aren't a self-shipper dni. I have anxiety lol // self shippers this is okay to rb! I'd love to know your thoughts on the new ship! :D its been a long time coming! (so long as you're not a dick. I dont do critic stuff here cause its self ship lol)
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Lore? Lore. (I use his first and last name interchangeably for obv reasons lol)
Kaden met Adam on their birthday. Kaden was out with a group of friends but things went sour when Kaden's ex showed up. There was a huge fight that broke out and basically it ended with Kaden ditching their own birthday party to go cry on the curb because their friends ended up hanging out with their dumbass ex.
That's when they met Sackler. He didn't acknowledge them at first. He sat right next to them at the curb but when he did speak he said something that made Kaden scoff and give him a look of disbelief.
"You look ugly when you cry."
Kaden thought they were already having a horrid night who the fuck was this guy!? Kaden called him a douche bag and smiled a little because they honestly weren't expecting him to say it. He followed up his last statement.
"See now you have a very beautiful smile." smooth bastard.
Eventually Kaden and Adam started talking at that curb side and ever since then they hadn't stopped talking but it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows for them. Kaden learned about his past and the type of person he used to be.
Adam was a player- a big time one, they found that out when they ran into his previous ex's Hannah and Jessa. Kaden made a snap judgement. 'don't fall in love with this guy.' Which of course ultimately failed but they never revealed it to him out of the sheer fear that he would turn them into a one and done.
Eventually Sackler admitted that he liked Kaden way more than a friend and Kaden tried their best to reject him but he knew that they liked him just as much if not more than he liked them.
Thus a relationship formed with the two. It didn't end well.
Kaden had trust issues from the get go and Sackler of course was pissed off whenever Kaden started to feel paranoid and that caused tension between them and Kaden made the decision that they shouldn't be together anymore.
During their break they remained friends, very close friends but there were moments of awkwardness. Adam hadn't moved on and secretly, neither did Kaden but they didn't want to get back with him, not when there was distrust.
Over the time of their new friendship(about a year and a half) Sackler stayed consistent, he really did reinvent himself. Kaden was worried that when they split up he would just go find someone else but he didn't. He did a lot of self reflecting and acknowledgement to all the shitty things he's done in the past and how much he had hurt others because he wasn't emotionally ready to take serious steps. Kaden was impressed.
Kaden didn't leap at the chance to get back with him though. They wanted to make sure he was being serious. Which to Kaden's surprise, he was.
One night they were walking down a familiar spot and Adam grinned running over to the side of street, sitting at the curb and patted the spot next to him to which Kaden followed and sat down. he remanences on the past.
"Remember you sat there, I sat here?"
"You said I looked ugly when I cried."
"Made you smile though."
They shared laughter and smiles about their past when Adam moved closer to them, he wrapped his arm around them, he kissed their cheek and spoke.
"I don't know if you'll ever trust me but I can't life without you, you know? You're allowed to feel what you feel and I'll always be here to remind you that I'm not the person I used to be. I'm not going anywhere. Friend or lover. You're stuck with me.. weither you feel the same or not... I love you"
Kaden lowering their head as Sackler embraced them, his head resting on their shoulder, they seen so much growth and change in him, they knew he wasn't that person who he used to be. They couldn't deny that he wasn't that person anymore.
"I love you too.. " Kaden ended up whispering, they refused to look at him and confessed that they never stopped loving him. They broke down and Adam made them look at him.
"You're pretty when you cry." he smiled "You're pretty when you smile.. and laugh.. you're pretty when you're sitting around doing nothing...you're just so pretty. Beautiful...."
Kaden's lips tugged into a smile and he closed the distance, sharing a kiss that felt brand new as they sat at the place where they first met.
"Happy birthday~" he hummed against their lips
From that day forward, they learned to communicate better, they had trust, friendship, love, he was their best friend and they were his rock, keeping him grounded when he needed it.
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5cookiekitty · 2 years
*『Meeting of a lifetime』
Yandere portgas d ace × gentle reader
Summary: or the one where a resident fire user heart is taken by a woman with the gentlest persona. It's a tragedy when her love is her undoing.
Tw: yandere behavior
Author note: yes I turned the headcanons into a fic , your welcome. Some things may different but that's okay.
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Ace couldn't help but stare at your form. The way you weaved through the hoards of people with that same gentle smile that always made his hear flutter.
He was in love with you and every thought about you set him on fire until he was buring , burning , burning , gone. His love for you hurts , it'd Hurst so much that he can't hold you in his arms or even kiss you on your cheek cause you weret his.
He knows he doesn't deserve someone like you. You got the best , you deserved the best that the world could give you. But couldn't he be selfish just this once. Is ot so bad to be that best thing you deserved. To feel how hot your love would for him or to see how perfect you would fit in his arms. He knows he shouldn't want this , it's not healthy and your not a object but just being near you is making it hard.
He then sets his resolve for the next time he meets you. He's a pirate and he'll do anything to obtain the treasure his blood so desired. "Goodbye ace." Your voice manged to cut through the air and towards his ear and his gives a little wave back as his smiled. He couldn't wait untill you were entirely his.
Your sisters stood around your shaking and sobbing form crumbled on the floor. The news paper that you had just gotten done readings tossed off to the side like a piece of trash. Your wailing was breaking their hearts more than what they already were.
Ace was such a prominent figure in the bar it wasn't long untill everyone who was calling you big sis was calling him big brother. They loved ace with all his goofy and charming ways and they way he brought joy anytime he came. They all loved ace , just not in the way you did.
"Onee-san." A teenage girl mumbled quietly behind you as she sat on her hands and knees right by your form to wrap a arm around your shoulders and pull you to her side. "I'm sure he'll be fine , ace is strong." She said and your eyes glanced towards the paper from where your head was still wrapped in your arms. "I know that but whitebeard is-" another sob rocks your body and every flinched at the unusual sound coming from your usually gentle voice.
One of the younger girls stepped out from behind an older girls skirt with determined eyes. "I know you love him Ms.l/-" your head snaped up causing the girl holding you to jump up with a small yelp. "I don't love ace He's just kind and has a nice smile and he's supper good looking and strong and he's...my..friend." everyone in the room winced at the realization on your voice as you trailed off into a quote whisper.
"Oh." You quietly voiced as you stared blankly ahead with tears streaming down your face. You were in love with ace , his charm had wormed its way into your heart and set it ablaze. You were in love with ace , you were in love with a man you would never see again.
With hat thought anointed sob ripped its way through your body. This one sounding just like the heartbreak you felt.
Ace laughed made its way across the deck. Cheers , drinking , and dancing were seen and heard across the waters as the whitebeard celebrated his promotion to second division captain. His laughter morphed into a smirk as thatch swung his arms across his shoulder , tipsy and smelling of booze as he crashed his face right onto his shoulder. "So second division commander what's on your mind , you seemed to be in thought lately." Ace smiled melancholy.
He thought about alot of things these days. How the whitebeards were just as much his family as luffy and those kids back on the isalnd were.or that he finally understood he could allow himself to be happy and have happiness. Or about the next meal that would fill his bottomless stomach or even the weather for the day.
But his thoughts were mostly consumed of thoughts about you. The one thing his body crazed to touched , the person his eyes desperately wanted to see and the voice his ears wanted to hear. He thought about alot of things , but none of them brought him pain like when he thought about you.
And while ace desperately at these times wanted to scream , shout , or cry in frustration and want he held back. He held back so long it hurt but for the first time in months he lets his thoughst wonder back to thoughts about you. Finally he felt safe and vulnerable enough to ask the one question that plagued his mind for months.
"I want to visit <Island name>." Thatch was at first confused by the answer he received. Why would some Island be cauing his little brother this much dilemma? Maybe the island people wronged them and he wanted revenge , they would of had gladly backed him up if they did.
But his thoughts were proven wrong not a second later when every spade pirates within the vicinity started loosing their God damn minds. Their reaction combined with ace answer brought a silence to the deck as the confused and downright worried whitebeards watched as the spade pirates laughed and teased their captain.
"AYOO i was wondering how long you were going to last!"
"Just couldn't wait could ya!"
"I was just thinking about them! Seems like I'm not the only one!"
"Poor things , probably thinkd your dead.."
"That just add to their love story! A once thought dead ma-OUCH!"
The whitebeards watched on in various stages on confusion as ace whacked one of the spades in his heads before the incoherent screaming started. Thatch leaned over to mask deuce with the question that plagued everyone's mind. "Whats that about." He asked and mask deuce gave a chuckle that spoked of found memories.
"A girl lives on that island." He said and thatch cocked his head to the side as marco joined his side. "One that managed to take the captains heart." He finished. Marco and thatch froze in place as it finally clicked in their heads.
'Ace had a lover waiting for him.' They thought and mask deuce apparently had thr ability to read minds and his swayed his hand in the air as if to dismissed their thoughts. "Don't go thinking that now or whatever. They weren't love birds just yet."
"Yet?" Thatch questioned and mask nodded as his stared down at the beer bottle in his hands. "Yes , yet. Ace was planning on confessing after he got rid of whitebeard , but as you can see..." he jesters in the direction of where Ace was and side eyed them. "I now Ace and I know that being away from her has hurt him more than whatever whitebeard could do to him." Mask stood up and stretched as he looked back at the now serious face commanders.
"If you don't take him to her he won't last. Ace loves that girl with all his heart and it breaking in two. If he asked he's in trouble. Take him to her." And with that he turned around but not without one last question being thrown his way.
"What is she like?" Mask turned around and smiled in a way that spoke of the mysterious girl personality.
"Like butterfly kisses on your skin."
There was a certain buzz on the ship after that night. A lingering want and curiosity buzzed around the halls and decks like bees to a flower. Ace hasn't been seen nor heard of since he was told they were going to the island. "LAND SPOTTED!" Someone shouted and everyone on the three boats clambered respectively on their docks to watch the island come into view. Not a second later did ace appear right at the railings , practically about to fall off into the water with how much he was leaning over.
Marco glanced at him , noticing the way he seemed to bounced in place and grip the the edge of thr boat almost as if the stop himself from jumping over and swimming there his ownself. They docked , right in front of a small port littered with boxes and old nets. There were multiple people there , each looking on with uncertain fear as they docked.
They were all able to witness how , the moment ace leaned over the railing and smiled , did the shout of happiness and joy srround the dock. Ace without a second thought jumped from the ships with the sound of worried shout behind him. The moment his feet touched the dock was his immediately surrounded by relieved and happy people who were sprouting questions and things at him like bullets.
The whitebeards watched on , leaving the boat more safely than ace did , with wonder and curiosity. Ace who had taken months to even say a word to them was letting these people hug , touched , and shower him in trinkets and gifts all the while he smiled and let them. And then kids of all ages and sizes came running down the docks with shout of "big bro ace." Echoing it nearly gave all them whiplash from how fast they were able to twist their head around in shock.
They watched as ace let the kids climb him like a jungle gym. They watched as he smiled as he passed a kid of the an adult who gave his head a rub. And they watched the moment hushed over the dock as a tiny faint voice cuts through the air.
"Ace?" That tiny voice held so much hopefulness and so much awe thatch couldn't believe his eyes when a woman , a tiny thing clambered in cloths and kids alike as she stepped across onto the dock. Those kind e/c lit up , like she was dying and only ace was the cure. The kids hurriedly made off the woman as she was running full force at the fire user. They tense , imminently on edge but as they took glances at ace they knew...
This was the woman.
As soon as she could she threw her arms around the man who had stolen her heart and held on like he was going to dissappear from her sights once more. Ace was fast to wrap his arms around her and burry his face into her head.
With after months apart , she was here and he felt whole again.
"Oh would you look at that." Thatch said watching the familiar gleam in ace eyes take shape the longer he held the woman and he smiled. Cause he recognized that glint , it was one passed to brothers and old and one that promised protection and undoubtedly mine. He glanced over at msrco and they both nodded.
What better reward to their little brother promotion than his soon to be lover. And besides she seemed like such a sweetheart.
That night was filled with laughter, joy ,and happy tears all around. Pirates and civilians mingled as beer (and juice for the kids) were passed all around. Everyone watched on fondly at the two long at last reunited young adults. Ace has been glued to y/n side since the hug , always having some sort of touch on her rather it be his thigh touching hers or a hand on her knee.
"All right kids it time for bed." Y/n stood in front of the group of kids who all imminently groaned out in protest. "Ah ah-i don't want to hear it. Your all growing children who need sleep and rest." Ace who had his arms wrapped around her waist and head on her shoulder nodded his head in agreement.
"It's about time we all take our leave to."one of the towns people said walking over. "It's late and we all still have jobs that need to be done in thr morning. We'll catch you tomorrow yeah?" The woman nodded as parents grabbed at the kids all voicing their goodbyes as they did so.
Y/n yawned and giggled a little when ace held onto her tighter. "You won't leave tomorrow without saying goodbye?" She questioned and ace stunned her around so quickly she yelped as he took her hands in his. "Of course not." Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in worry as ace tilted his head in confusion. "Y/n?"
"You scared me you know..." it was said barely above a whisper as she glanced off to the side. "Really badly. I thought that you were gone forever and I will never see you again." She said and aces heart clenched in guilt but also anticipation. Did she feel the same he felt when he wasn't able to be by her side? Was her thoughts also filled with him ever second of every day? Did this mean she felt the same way. Ace would of had smiled if it wasn't for the look she was giving him.
"Your reckless and a idiot but you can be cause your strong." Her words were wobbled in fear as she recalled how she almost lost him. "Ace you need to be more careful. There is always a bigger fish in the sea and one of these days your going to get eaten. You need to rember that there are people who worry for you, I worry for you , and I don't think my heart can take it if you truly got hurt. I know this sound selfish you of this bu-"
"I don't think it sounds selfish." He was quick to interrupt her. He lets go of her handsome stuff his hands in his pockets and looks down at the ground as as stood there. "It sounds very human cause that what we're are at the end of the day. Human." He was quick to take her cheek in his hand as he smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't mean to give you a scare , I'll try not to go up against anymore big bad pirates without help ok?" He held out a pinky for her to take from his other hand as she laughed , sliding her pinkie into his. He rested his forehead against hers , wanting nothing more than to just kiss her right then and there but he held back if only for her sake. "I promise." He said and they pulled apart.
She started to walk away but not before turning around and planting a kiss on his cheek as she ran off. Ace reached up to the spot where he lips grazed and he smiled , never noticing and uncaring of how deranged he looked in that moment. 'Her lips are softer than what I imagined.'
He just fell in love with her all over again.
"Marco..." Thatch voice expectantly said as he perched on the side of the the phoenix in the tree. "If that wasn't enough proof than his expression is. Look at him." Marco rolled his eyes the joking tone at the last sentence as he stretched his legs before plopping down on the soft grass floor with Thatch following. "Yeah yeah whatever." He looked over at his little brother as he shouted out.
"Ace! let's get this over with before the morning yoi!"
Your head was pounding as you open your eyes. You were quick to sit up when you heard the startled sound of multiple woman who when you looked over were nurses. They were quick to shimmer out the room and you winced wondering where in the hell were you.
And then not a moment to soon ace was walking through the door and you calmed down if only a little bit. "Ace?" You questioned noticing how nervous he looked. "Whats going on ,where am I , wh-" He rushed to you side to once more hold your hands in his like he did last(?) night. Only this one felt more meaningful , like the calm before the storm , as he looked eyes with your and held that stare.
"Y/n I love you." He said it so suddenly that it took you a moment to register what he said. "Wh-" He squeezed you hand still holding that stare that you now realized was filled with love and want. "I've love you for a while now and I just couldn't take not telling you. I understand if you don't feel that same but I needed to tell you." And your face gained that look he always adored on you. One held with such fondness and love it made his heart pound.
"Oh Ace..." you manged to get out through tears and suddenly he was panicking and was quickly waving his hands around frantically. "AHH don't cry! I'm sorry if I've made you-AHH!" His shout of terror and worry made you cry more as you were quick to ressure him. "Their happy tears ace." He calmed down as he lets his arms fall limply to the side , letting them hand there as he looked on hopefully and longingly. "Does that mean..." he had his arms around you the moment you nodded your pretty little head.
Ace was practically burning with happiness as he held you in his arms. You fitted so well and he never felt so warm-so complete before and he never wanted to let that feeling go. If he could hold you like this for the rest of his life he would...but ace wasn't stupid and he knew what was to come to the moment you looked towards the door.
"I've got to tell the kids. They'll be so happy-" you cut yourself as you looked back at the man as he sat there blankly staring through you. "Ace?" You said softly and all he did was mumbled and looked down at his hands. "I'm sorry." Was his simple response , blood draining from your face when you heard the sound of waves coming from outside. "I'm so sorry. I didn't do it , I promise , but then marco said it was to much of a opportunity to be missed and I couldn't help my self." If you could get paler you would.
"Ace what do you mean." You hoped it was a misunderstanding. You desperately hoped he didn't do-they didn't do what you think they did. But that guilty look in those sweet Grey eyes told all the story thye needed to. "Your not leaving me again y/n. Ever." You rushed out the door and towards the railing hoping to see your home isalnd somewhere , anywhere.
It was no where to be seen.
You break down in tears right then and there. The sense of betrayal strong , but not strong enough to fight off ace arms as he gathered you up snd walked you towards what you could assume was his room. You pounded on his chest in anger and screeched at him for doing this you. You hated him at this moment and you wished to hate him for the rest of your life , but you couldn't. Cause no matter what ace did he was still your ace. The very same ace who sat yall gently on the bed and let you cry your heart out in his arms all the while he gazed sorrowful down at you.
He watched as you tired yourself out and he watched as you felt asleep , tear striken face pulled into a pinched as his fingers rubbed your back. "I know you hate me and I know what I did was wrong." He talked to himself as he gazed out the window from his room and into the seas gaze. "But you'll forgive eme eventually ,I know you will." He kissed your forhead as he leaned back into the bed and brought you down to his chest with his arms still wrapped around you.
"I love you y/n."
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book-of-legends · 6 months
@ask-noonescity: Cresselia trotted over to the Jirachi in excitement "Oh my ! I can sense it! You are a Jirachi correct??" she giggled lightly "You even look like my universes little star so tired ~" she chimed happily before eyeing the crown as she titled her head "Are you a...so called...roy-al-itheee...?" she awkwardly stammered through her words as she clearly hasn't interacted with anyone as much "I-I apologize im new to whole terms and stuff...I dont really venture out of my bubble" she chuckled awkwardly "Basically the crown its important correct?"
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"D-do I know you??" Earendel seemed completely baffled at the fact someone approached him, Usually people ignored him. He wasn't exactly the most talkative of Hope's children, or... rather people never gave him the chance to be. Despite the confusion, he looked more worried than anything.
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"I am a Jirachi... you're right about both those things... How did you know what kind of Pokemon I was?" How odd. Maybe she was some kind of soul reader? Wait... was it also that obvious how sleep-deprived he was? Perhaps he was just easy to read.
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As he spoke he nervously looked around, he still found it extremely strange how direct she was. But it was a nice change from people generally avoiding him. "It's okay, I'm not really good with words either. It's actually why I don't talk at public events and stuff, I don't have the vocabulary to do that like the rest of my family. I'm kinda the odd one out in that area." "Pretty sure it's pronounced royalty but... don't take my word for it. You'd have to ask my little brother, he's the smart one, not me. I might be the older one, but It really feels like he is sometimes... even if I baby him a lot." "Oh! Yeah. Sorry. Um. I forgot, you asked a question."
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"My mom's pretty well-loved, so, our people demand we wear the crowns at events to... you know, bring Hope and Harmony to the realm. I guess just think of it as a blessing of good times and prosperity?" "I don't wear it in my free time, trust me. Not really my cup of tea, I'd rather exist in the background." He sighed before looking back towards her. "Hmmm."
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"You kind of remind me of a little bird too... so. Uhmmmm." The Jirachi quietly stared at her for a long moment, taking in all the details of her appearance before giving his final guess.
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"Maybe a shiny one?" He gave a nervous smile, "I'm not really good at guessing... If you couldn't tell." "I really like your clothing though... I honestly wish I could pull off cute outfits like that. I'm not really used to my human form so this is the only thing I own. Pretty lame but yeah. That's about it."
[ Ask from @ask-noonescity ]
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ghostieeeee · 1 month
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Word count: 608
Warnings: none? :D
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The ride to Starship Entertainment wasn't as bad as you had anticipated, especially with the energy induced members that seemed to want to just blast IVE songs all the way there.
Fortunately enough, they lost the vote to do so as the driver decided to tune in, needing to focus on driving through the dark without the back of the van shaking from the girls’ excessive dancing. However, that fortune could not be considered as having been carried any further than the vehicle as Hyein and Hanni had basically flung IVE's practice room’s door open - the hinges almost crying at the sudden force and recoil away from the wall it almost smashed against.
First entered Hyein, followed very closely by Hanni and Danielle. The rest of you just kind of filed in at random, not really fussed about getting to see your new co-workers first.
You take a moment to look over the room, seeing where their equipment was and how it was set up in contrast to your own back at your own practice room. This one seemed more light, the floor a light panelling of wooden planks and the lights more alive than the people inside… except for maybe Hyein, of course.
Hanni and Danielle are pretty hyped too, but nothing of the sort in comparison to Hyeins level of hyperfixation on the new group that drag themselves off the floor, standing to greet you all.
“Good morning” Yujin begins, a gleeful smile gracing her face, her eyes smiling too. “We were considering ordering coffee and tea for everyone before we become acquaint, do any of you want something?”
“Usuals?” Minji asks, taking everyone's nods as a fair response, “three coffees, two iced americanos, and a hot chocolate, if that's okay?”
“Of course it is” Yujin smiles as Wonyoung eagerly pulls out her phone - presumably going to order what everyone wants.
“I'll pay.” You chime in, a wide grin forming on your lips as you look at everyone blinking in confusion - a few staring at you oddly.
“There's no need” Yujin smiles, “It's a kind gesture, but I'm sure we can all pay for ourselves”
“Speak for yourself! Unnie, would you please~ buy me tea?” Leeseo smiles, stepping closer so her fists could ball into your hoodie, her eyes wide and her bottom lip slightly protruding out in a small pout.
“Me too! Please~” Rei chimes in, smiling bashfully as she wipes the tiredness from her eyes.
You chuckle, pulling your credit card out from between your phone and its case. “I'll order my drink from my phone. If anyone else wants me to buy them a drink, please tell me now before I order and pay”
A raise of hands seems to be the tally of responses you've gained as you look up from your phone. A fair share of IVE have theirs raised, and the whole of your group are following pursuit.
“You two sure you don't want me to order for you?” You ask, looking at Yujin and another you have yet to introduce yourself to. Come to think of it, she's probably the only member you don't know of, somehow. If you were to try and remember, you're sure you could possibly spark a memory from what Minji has mentioned, but you settle for just staring at her, a small smile on your lips. “How about you?”
You watch as she bows her head slightly, her index finger swirling around the tip of her thumb. “If you don't mind, then please”
“May I know your order then?” You smile comfortingly at the girl, her eyes catching and latching onto your smile, a small one forming on her own lips. “Thank you”
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: Have you ever been so in love with someone that you just can't help but want to be around them all the time? That you feel the need to show off and prove you're worth their attention, their affection, their love? Well, Liz felt this way about you. However, where Liz saw destiny, you saw nothing more than a fling.
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@hyein-hyeout @oceanview-s @lyninabin @yuyuy90 @saysirhc
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Andrew Doyle asks: Remember when the pride flag made sense?
Remember when the pride flag made sense?
It was designed by an American Artist called Gilbert Baker in 1978. It was originally an eight-stripe rainbow but was soon refined into the six-striped version that was the norm for many decades.
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At a time when gay people couldn't hold hands with their partners on the street, this flag served a useful purpose. It meant that you could easily find gay pubs or other places where no one had to pretend to be something they weren't. The rainbow symbol was a simple and effective concept that conveyed positivity and unity.
And then some activists came along and said hang on a minute, why are there no black or brown stripes in the rainbow flag? See, for some reason they were under the impression that the gay flag was a literal representation of the range of skin colors that are acceptable in the community. And so we got this.
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Okay then, I mean, well, there weren't any white stripes in the original one either. But most people understood that it was symbolic with that we were all included already, irrespective of our race.
But then after this, trans activists came along and said, why aren't we in there? So we got this one. And this was the chevron with the pink white and blue, which was based on the trans flag.
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But surely this eyesore couldn't get any worse, could it? Well, it could, because activists were then concerned that it was excluding intersex people, so they added this symbol.
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Okay, it's getting a bit out of control now. But then last year, some bright spark added a red umbrella to represent sex workers.
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Now, if you thought this was getting out of hand, last year then we had Microsoft. They designed a new version to incorporate all the other multiple sexualities and genders that have been invented over the past few years. Let's have a look at that.
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I mean, what the hell is it? It looks like a space ship going at warp speed through a Care Bear's bum hole.
Identity politics in its current form is an ever expanding beast. Pride used to be just one day. Then it was a month. And now Pride events have been scheduled all the way from March through to September. As one sign in a shoe shop pointed out Pride never stops. If only it would.
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The initialism as well that's expanded too. First we had LGB, and then it became LGBT, then LGBTQ, then LGBTQIA. The Canadian government currently favors 2SLGBTQIA+, although even its prime minister finds that a bit of a mouthful.
Similarly, Pride started out as an important protest against injustice. When the original Pride March took place in London in 1972, homosexuality had only been legal for five years, and the prospect of gay marriage or even an equal age of consent, seemed impossible. Only 2000 people turned up to these protests.
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But by contrast, the Pride parade in London in 2022 attracted over a million. And of course, most of those people aren't even gay. It's become a family day out, a huge party.
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And what's so wrong with that, you might ask. And that's a fair question. If people are celebrating and having a good time, that's great. Except that's not necessarily what's going. Increasingly, gay people no longer feel welcome at Pride. I spoke to a representative from a lesbian group on this show last year who had been moved along by police when trying to protest at Pride. But isn't Pride meant to be a protest, not a party? What's going on?
The answer is that pride has been hijacked not once but twice.
First by avaricious multi-billion dollar corporations who are able to pose as virtuous by posting the pride flag. Only, they don't do it in the branches in countries where homosexuality is still illegal. After all, you wouldn't want to fly the flag anywhere which might actually make a difference.
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I'm old enough to remember that corporations were certainly not celebrating Pride quite so openly before section 28 was repealed in 2003, or before the age of consent was equalized in 2001, or before the decriminalization of homosexuality in Scotland in 1980. So, these corporations' commitment to LGBT rights apparently only manifests itself when it's likely to make them a profit.
And then there's the second hijacking. See, whereas the original Pride was about agitating for equal rights for gay people, it's now been taken over by activists who are obsessed with group identity and who believe that gender is more important than sex.
That's why the British library, to celebrate the advent of pride month this week, posted a thread on Twitter about the sex life of fish, and how some species have been known to change from male to female.
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I mean, what's that got to do with Pride? Why have Librarians seemingly forgotten that human beings aren't the same as fish? Now, they've since deleted those tweets, because well, you know they're bonkers. And although we might laugh at that kind of nonsense, the ideology it promotes is actually rather sinister, particularly for gay people.
See, in her book, "Time to Think" by Hannah Barnes, she found that between 80 and 90% of adolescents referred to the Tavistock pediatric gender clinic were same-sex attracted. Studies have long confirmed a correlation between gender non-conformity in youth, and homosexuality in later life. At the Tavistock, staff used to joke that "soon there would be no gay people left." Somehow the medicalization and sterilization of gay people has been reframed as progressive.
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Even Stonewall, the UK's foremost LGBT charity has redefined the word "homosexual" on its website and promotional materials to mean "same gender attracted." Its CEO, Nancy Kelly, has claimed that women who exclude trans people from their dating pool are akin to sexual racists. There's been an intense resurgence of old homophobic tropes online from gender ideologues that believe that "genital preferences are transphobic" and that lesbians who don't include men in their dating pool must be suffering from trauma.
Gay rights were secured by recognizing that a minority of people are instinctively attracted to members of their own sex. And the new ideology of gender identity rejects this notion entirely, and actively shames gay people for their orientation.
So, when you see this flag, try to understand that many gay people consider it to be a symbol of opposition to gay rights, Women who are concerned about their rights consider it a symbol of misogyny, because it promotes an ideology that denies the reality of sex-based oppression, and yet most people, gay people included, haven't even noticed this transition from the pro-gay rainbow flag to this anti-gay imposter.
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And that's because it all happened so quickly, and activists are playing on good intentions of a public who don't want to be seen to be on the wrong side of history. Well, I would suggest that upholding the rights of women and gay people and protecting gender non-conforming children and opposing the hypocrisy of corporations is the truly progressive approach.
Anyone who spends any time on social media would have seen that homophobia is clearly on the rise. It's coming from the reactionary elements of the right, who are now holding gay people responsible for sexualized drag shows for children, and the proliferation of sexually explicit books in school libraries. But of course, they've fallen for the trick. This isn't gay people. That's gender ideologues who've convinced everyone that the LGBTQIA+ movement is one big happy family, when it isn't.
And we know this because homophobia is also on the rise among gender ideologues themselves, who frequently go online to tell gay people to kill themselves. Some of them have said that they celebrate AIDS as a good thing. And this isn't just a few mad activists, there are thousands of examples of this if you've got the stomach to look them up.
So whether it's coming from those who consider themselves right wing or left-wing, anti-gay sentiments are back in fashion. And the best way to combat this is to remind everyone that that Progress Pride flag, and the corporate orgy that accompanies it, is not in the interests of gay people.
And if it's too late to reclaim the original Pride flag, we can at least ditch the new one.
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
I love your writing :)
Would you be able to do a male reader X newt oneshot? There isn't a lot of representation for the male readers in this fandom despite newt being canonically gay haha
Idm about any specifics, I'm just desperate for male reader material
Thanks :D
Omggg yes I can absolute do that. It's really sad that Newt doesn't get enough written about him with men, and I am more than willing to provide some much needed content.
Also, yes, I know I have a lot of Minho requests to get through, but I just had to write this.
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SUMMARY: See above. Male!Track-hoe!Reader x Newt. You've always had a thing for Newt, but when the new boy Thomas arrives and you watch Newt slowly grow interest in him, suddenly you realise how much he means to you.
Based on the movie for simplicity's sake. Thomas and the other Gladers don't know Thomas' name yet, but I do and I'm using it to make this easier to read.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, sappy shit.
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Newt was the first person you'd ever spoken to. Obviously, that isn't literal, but for someone with no memories of his previous life, it was what you were going off of.
You showed up like every other boy. You woke up scared shitless in the Box, got dragged on the Tour with Alby, and spent the Bonfire questioning your existence.
So, nothing out of the ordinary.
But when Newt held out his surprisingly strong hand out to you and said, "It's alright, Greenie, you're safe 'ere." You knew he was telling the truth, even if you were still stuck in the grease-filled, feet-smelling Box.
And he was right.
Life in the Glade is a bit hit or miss. If you get a good job and find the right friends, then it's basically paradise on Earth. If you ignore the constant looming threat of Grievers and the reliance on supplies from the Box.
You're one of the lucky ones.
With a pull towards gardening and a natural with plant life, being a Track-hoe seemed like the perfect job to you. And it's not anything to do with Newt also being a part-time gardener. Not at all.
Other Gladers notice your level of skill dropping when he's around, also helping with the pruning. You can't help it- it's hard to ignore Newt. Especially when he wears that tank top with the too-big armholes.
He's not the type you thought you'd be attracted to, but he is. His blond, floppy hair and deep brown eyes pull you in every time he looks at you. And he looks at you too.
He really looks at you. And you are exactly the type he expected to be attracted to.
It's just a small crush for you, though. Nothing important. Just a simple attraction to a cute boy that you live with, and teenagers aren't exactly known for their rational feelings. So, that's all it was for a while- a dumb school-boy crush.
But, it doesn't help that Newt is well-liked. He's one of the few people occupying the serene place that most Gladers can't say much bad about. He's always level-headed and reasonably nice to Greenies- not to mention he's the second in command, so he's a man in power too. A man in power who doesn't use it to take advantage of those around him.
And he's nice to you. Some people in the Glade can be confrontational and harsh- probably due to the sucky environment you've spent the only life you've ever known. But Newt isn't. He makes sure everyone is okay and doing well, but it always feels like he takes extra care of you and makes an extra effort to talk to you.
Despite being in some form of denial, your small crush began snow-balling pretty quickly.
Though, you knew not to get your hopes too high, especially with all the pussy talk that takes place around the Glade. Ironic, since no one there has ever even seen a girl. But when Newt drunkenly confessed that he's not into girls to Minho one night, which made its way back to you, you couldn't have been happier.
You were grinning like the Cheshire cat for a week.
You actually had a shot with Newt. The boy who you'd been crushing on from the second he opened his mouth. And you actually have a chance with him.
That was until Thomas showed up. Flying out of the Box and making his immediate escape, you saw the amusement in all the boys' faces- Newt included. Newt had this slightly crooked grin that could make the heart of any man melt, and it's something you don't see nearly enough of.
It only doubled when Thomas tripped over his own feet and went tumbling into the ground.
After a short visit to the Slammer, the new Greenie was dragged around by Alby. Which is where he met Newt.
You couldn't make out what was happening or what they were talking about when Alby first introduced them to each other. But the way Newt's face lit up and Thomas looked over his shoulder to catch another glimpse of the boy made you feel something new.
It made you angry- frustrated almost. A new source of possession and a further want to be close to the pretty leader figure.
You were jealous. All it took was one good-looking Greenie to show up, and bam, you'd become territorial. Even though you had no grounds to stand on. You thought it was just a small insignificant crush. But with how it's completely affected your day in one swift motion; it doesn't take a genius to see your genuine feelings.
For a second, you thought you'd imagined the whole thing. Had Newt just been treating you like everyone else? Were you making up everything to make yourself feel better? Was it all nothing?
Which led to you sitting at the Bonfire, a couple of feet away from all the commotion, a drink in your hand as you sit on the floor, facing away from the crowd. Your stomach flipped when Newt had chosen to join Thomas instead, who didn't even know his name yet.
It made sense- he's new and he needs the extra guidance. It was the same hospitality he'd graciously offered you, which somehow made the whole thing worse when Newt started playfully showing him around.
"Alright, shank," Gally startles you when he puts his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to look back and face him, "What's going on?"
"What?" You blink at him. Gally is the last person you expected to notice something is wrong. "Nothing."
"You've been moping around all day, kid- we can all see it," he sighs, crouching down from behind so he's level with you. "The Track-hoes are sulking that their best man is buggin' out, and I'm already sick of hearing all this klunk about fixing the planters- I don't need anymore shuckin' tree-huggers moanin' 'round here."
You scoff at this. "Yeah, I thought it was unlikely that you have an ounce of emotional intelligence in there."
"Ha-ha," you smile at him and his sarcasm.
Unbeknownst to you, Newt is watching from a distance. His eyes occasionally falling on you, sitting by yourself between giving Thomas a run-down of the different jobs. But when Gally walked over, he froze, watching you smile up at him and seem to actually enjoy his company.
It's perplexing, really. Why would anyone enjoy Gally's company? How could anyone possibly enjoy Gally's company?
Newt seems to be experiencing some jealousy issues himself. I mean, he has been a bit neglectful today, but it's no different from any other Greenie Day. And Gally talking to someone isn't exactly strange either.
But it's you- you're hard-working and spirited; something he's always admired. You enjoy spending time with other people and bringing smiles to people's faces. Newt will be the first to admit he wasn't nearly as fun to be around before you arrived.
You're quick to tell when something is wrong with him or any of the other Gladers, and it's a nice change to have someone that actually cares around. Newt's always gravitated towards you- how could he not?
You brightened each other's days. So why the fuck is Gally now brightening yours?
"Seriously, the shuck's goin' on?" Gally pushes further, grumpiness becoming more prominent in his tone since he didn't originally intend to end up having an actual conversation with you.
You open your mouth to speak, but your eyes flicker to Newt, whose gaze immediately returns to the Newbie upon making eye contact.
"Ah," Gally nods his head, sucking on his teeth to hide the smirk forming, "lover boy not paying enough attention to ya?"
"What?" Your eyebrows fly up, feeling embarrassment burn in your throat under Gally's accusatory stare. "No! It's not like that!"
"Is it really?"
"It's not!"
"I don't believe you," his blunt nature comes to display and you glare at him. "You want me to kick the Greenie's ass for taking your man?"
"What?" You blink, stunned as Gally's smirk grows. "Gally, no."
"Oh, yeah, I think that sounds like a great idea," he stands up, arms outstretched at the sides as he walks backwards, straight into Thomas, who trips slightly. Gally easily makes it seem like the whole thing is Thomas's fault and that he walked into him.
You scramble up, not quite hearing the start of the commotion, but it doesn't take long for another wrestling match to ensue.
Thomas manages to pull a surprising stunt, even managing to impress the stone-faced Minho, but he is quickly knocked down a peg when Gally absolutely floors him.
"Thomas!" He shouts, hurrying to get to his feet, "I remember my name! It's Thomas!"
Well, that was it.
Everyone and their mothers took to congratulating Thomas. Newt included as they do that weird handshake hug thing that boys do.
Gally shoots a guilty look your way.
That did not go as planned.
Instead of joining in, you sigh. How could you have possibly been this delusional? Of course Newt doesn't like you- I mean, he's got plenty of options here. It's not like you guys are the only gay dudes around.
You decide to call it a night, walking away and to the safety of your hammock. You kick your shoes off and climb in, pulling your hood over your eyes and pulling at the worn drawstrings. You snuggle deeper into the unstable resting place, trying to swallow your own emotions.
"Hey, have you seen (Y/N)?" Newt asks Minho, noticing your sudden lack of presence.
The Runner has a drink in his hand and has been watching the both of you for a while now. From overhearing what Gally said and watching Newt send you some longing glances, he's figured something is going on, just from tonight alone. Minho is known for his observant nature. It's part of his job, after all.
Not to mention, you're all Newt talks about. And he's getting really sick of it.
"Yeah," he takes a sip of his drink, not taking any means to elaborate further as Newt sends him a confused look. The blond raises his eyebrow, expecting more than Minho's willing to give.
"Why are you asking?"
"Because I want to talk to him? He's my mate? The shuck's got under your skin today?" Minho scoffs at this.
"Me? What's got under your skin, shank?" Newt blinks at him, getting more confused by the second.
"What are you talking about?"
"You need to tell him how you feel-"
"Dude, it's obvious- even shuckin' Gally can tell. And if you weren't too busy making eyes at the Greenie, then you might have noticed something."
"Noticed something...?" Minho flashes his friend a look that says, 'dude, you can't be serious.'
"What are you tryna say? I don't have all day, a'ight?" Newt's not dumb. He can tell what Minhos trying to imply, but he doesn't want to jump to any conclusions if he's wrong.
"You dumb shank," Minho barks a laugh, dropping his head, "you really gonna make me spell it out? He likes you, slinthead. (Y/N) likes you, and you're acting like an oblivious shuckface. Get your klunk together, man."
Newt doesn't know what to say. He's just been told that the boy he's been crushing on for months likes him, too. Sure, he had a hunch, but he never wanted to act on anything, just in case he'd been reading things wrong.
"He's in his hammock. Go do something about it for a change." Minho stands up, downing the rest of his drink in one gulp and slamming the glass back on the small, wonky wooden table. He brushes past Newt, leaving him to process it all on his own.
Sometimes, Newt wishes he could be as forward as his friend. Minho's right. He knows for sure now, so it's not like he has any excuse not to act on it.
Maybe it's about time he did.
Sleep had decided to avoid you tonight. Maybe it's the fact that there's still loud chattering from not that far away, and you can see the dancing flames behind your eyelids. You just want to sleep and ignore all your feelings.
"Bit early for you, ain't it?" You almost tumble out of your hammock as Newt's smooth accent reaches you, scaring the everliving shit out of you. "Woah! Easy!" Newt jumps to your assistance, grabbing the hammock and stabilising it. "You good?"
You push your hood back, eyes flickering up at the boy, whose crooked smile sends butterflies into your stomach. The faint light from the fire leaves flickering pattern across his skin, making his almost look hypnotic.
Yet, when you open your mouth, you just end up being a bit of a dick.
"Bored of the new Greenie already?" Shockingly, Newt chuckles. It's a rare sound that seems to immediately wash away any negative feelings you've been experiencing.
"Uh, no, Thomas still has a lot to learn, but I'd rather spend my free time with you." Newt casually leans against the beam that your hammock is tied to, his hands in his pockets.
It's a simple gesture, really, but his soft words leave you thankful it's too dark to see your blushing expression.
"Is that so?" You just about manage to mumble out.
"Yeah, unless you wanna spend all night wittering on to Gally?" There's a tinge of annoyance in his voice that makes you raise your eyebrow.
"What?" He copies you as you tilt your head.
"Have you got a problem with me talking to Gally?" The question comes across as cautious, like you don't want to step on any toes. Why would Newt care if you'd been talking to Gally?
"What if I do?" Newt seems suddenly confident, like he's been provided with a piece of information that has made him more ballsy.
Of course, he actually has. But you don't know that.
"Dude," you laugh, kind of awkwardly as you try to get your brain to catch up with the situation, "you almost sound jealous."
"What if I am?" He crosses his arms, looking down at you as he reads your expression. You look at him, eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar. You don't know how to respond, so he sighs.
"Can I ask you something?" Newt had managed to steal another glass of moonshine before coming over to you, probably another reason for his forward nature. That, and Minho's impatience and his own- this has been going on for long enough.
"Uh, sure?" It comes out as more of a question than an answer.
"Do you like me? Like, do you have feelings for me?"
And there is is. You suck in a sharp breath, eyes immediately flickering away from Newt's. Oh God, this is actually happening. Being honest feels too real, and rejection is still a fear, despite Newt's slightly flirtatious tone. Lying could cause more problems and hurt him, or you, in the long run.
So what do you even say?
"What if I did?" Is all you can scrounge up the courage to say, simply repeating Newt's earlier attitude.
"Well," he scoffs, "well, if you did, then I'd just have to ask you to be my boyfriend, wouldn't I?"
Your head snaps back up, mouth agape, and Newt snorts, rubbing his face with his hands before letting them flop to the sides as he stands up straight.
"Are you serious?" You mumble, "'Cause if this is some kinda joke then that's really shitty, dude-"
"So, you do like me?"
"Well, uh, yes-" you groan, "of course, I like you. How could I not? But you can't just come over here and ask me this klunk and expect me not to freak out? Did someone put you up to this? Or did Gally say something, or-?"
You get cut off as Newt takes your face into his hand, forcing you to look up at him. He leans down slightly so his face is just in front of yours.
"Alright," he says, "maybe I could've phrased that better," he clears his throat. "Will you be my boyfriend? I'm asking you to be my boyfriend- not as a joke, okay? I really like you, and Minho told me you like me too and- and I just had to say something."
Your face burns as you attempt to keep breathing like a normal person. He's so close. And he's literally confessing to you; how are you supposed to cope under these conditions?
He notices your hesitation, feeling like he's putting too much pressure on you and that he needs to give you some space. But you lean forward, a split-second decision taking over as you press your lips to his, trying not to fall out of your hammock in the process.
Newt freezes at first, but he quickly recovers, kissing you back as you feel him softly smiling against your lips. It's perfect.
His lips are surprisingly soft, and he moves them with care, trying to keep himself calm. The kiss continues to be sweet, but it's still full of feelings that you've both been avoiding for months on end.
You have to pull away before you, or Newt makes the kiss even more heated. Mainly because you don't want to move that fast, especially in a place as tight-knit as the Glade where everyone knows everything. But also because you haven't answered his question yet.
Your foreheads brush against each other, as you both pull away. You can't stop the grin that's creeping across your face.
"So, I'm takin' that as a yes then?"
You roll your eyes as you take his hands in yours, feeling his rough skin from labour against yours.
Part of you can't believe this is happening. It feels exactly like some fantasy you'd have and then you'd wake up again. But that's not it. Newt is right in front of you, staring at you like you're the only thing in his life that matters. And it makes your blood pump and your brain feel fuzzy.
It's definitely more than some childish crush. Hell, it might even be more than just having feelings for him. But that doesn't matter, you'll worry about that later.
"Yes, Newt, it is. I'll be your boyfriend."
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Ayeeee, I've finally written a Newt fic. Like I said before, there isn't nearly enough representation of Newt's canon sexuality in the fandom, and it's sad to see such a brilliant character getting a part of their identity removed.
Honestly, I wasn't quite sure what to write for this one since I am very bad at vague requests, but I figured an actual story was in order here instead of just headcanons.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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mulling-over-milgram · 8 months
My current Remi theories
Agghhh I’m very late….but here we go ^^;
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Okay so first of all again starting with a timeline. Now Remi’s recordings seem like they could be over the course of multiple years? So since as far as I’m aware we don’t know what year tsumigram takes place I’m going to be referring to the first paragraph of recording one as year 0001 and then if I believe the year changes 0002 so on and so forth so keep in mind I’m not actually referring to the real life years 0001 , 0002 , 0003 ect ect.
“Summer is ending. Let's stop already, how long are we going to chew on this cold food?” End of august
“Spring is ending. We part and come back together, this must be a form of true love for you; though as for me, I'm not so sure.” End of may
“Winter is ending. Closeness never matters; they switch their opinions in an instant, and always, always, always, always choose someone else instead.” End of February
“Autumn is ending This was a game of play-pretending for everyone but me; right, I wanted a place I and others could belong to, but as I've seen through lies, I'm burning down the theatre..” November/December
“Summer is ending. You simply disappeared without a word; I didn't care, did I care? Too many people, I get lost.” End of August again
Now there are two interpretations since the memories from this recording if my research is correct :
-1) the memories take place over the corse of five years which explains why we start in august the 8th month of the year and then go to the 5th , 2nd , 11/12th and finally back to 8th assuming the recordings are chronological then this is the only answer that really makes sense
-2) the alternative would be that the paragraphs are in reverse order so then you’d go 2>5>8>11/12>8
but I personally lean more towards them being in chronological order because there feels like a progression. In paragraph one Remi asks the other why they are still in this relationship? The relationship to borrow Remi’s metaphor had gone cold then in the next paragraph they seem to be on better terms but still not great then 3 we are back to the relationship being strained and getting worse…it won’t make alot of sense for us to start with “you simply disappeared” and end with “how long are we going to chew on this cold food? = how long are we going to prolong this dying relationship?
The only thing really giving me pause is that its such a long time. 5 years! Remi is 18 thats just under 1/3 of her life time…it makes me feel like I’ve made some mistake in my research….
moving onto the second memory
“Year by year, I look back and feel all the same, let me out of this, let me out of this loop! I wonder what kind of person I used to be before. Is it your fault? Changing me so much. Cherry blossom petals, a wave of crystal water covering my ankles, tender girly laughs from all sides.” CHERRY BLOSSOM’S SAVE THE TIME LINE YET AGAIN :D because cherry blossoms were blooming that places this paragraph around late March and early April.
“Ah, my first ever wish made on New Year night was to meet a true friend. I imagined my own friends, and this is how I became a writer, slowly but surely. I met real friends to grow up with, slowly but surely, but all of them were condescending, and I got trapped in a small box of expectations. “ because its new years eve December 31st
“Warm snowflakes falling from the night sky, the stars are never seen in the city; I watch myself looking up from the sidelines, holding onto the lantern as my last hope.” Now personally I interpret the warm snow flakes line as describing the stars rather than actual snowflakes as warm snowflakes is a contradicting description and the fact the next line literally talks about the stars with that in mind the lantern is the only clue as to wear to place the memory now I’m not fully sure on this but the main Japanese lantern related thing I could find was Toro Nagashi now I’m a little iffy on this since from my research Toro nagashi is mostly about the dead and guiding dead souls but I did see a few places mention wishes “Toro Nagashi is a summer tradition in which people make wishes and float paper lanterns down a river” again I’m really not sure about this but its the best connection I could find so far…this slots (assuming the toro nahashi connection is correct) this memory at the 13th - 16th of August or July.
“Running through a chilly meadow, sun rising and I hold your hand, catching lavender clouds as I stay at home.” Chilly = cold // cold = autumn? September December???
“You're squeezing something heavy with your hands, water covering your eyes, so you can't see what's there; sun’s warmth is on your back, a chill feeling spreading over the body.” Warmth = summer???
I’m quite shaky on alot of the conclusions but my overall interpretation of the time line is.
The trial starts possibly some time in December due to 003’s birthday being soon after T1 starts???
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0001 / august / ?? Summer is ending. Let's stop already, how long are we going to chew on this cold food?”
0002 / march / April / ??
“Year by year, I look back and feel all the same, let me out of this, let me out of this loop! I wonder what kind of person I used to be before. Is it your fault? Changing me so much. Cherry blossom petals, a wave of crystal water covering my ankles, tender girly laughs from all sides.”
0002 / may / ?? “Spring is ending. We part and come back together, this must be a form of true love for you; though as for me, I'm not so sure.”
0003 / February / ??
“Winter is ending. Closeness never matters; they switch their opinions in an instant, and always, always, always, always choose someone else instead.”
0003 / December / 31st
“Ah, my first ever wish made on New Year night was to meet a true friend. I imagined my own friends, and this is how I became a writer, slowly but surely. I met real friends to grow up with, slowly but surely, but all of them were condescending, and I got trapped in a small box of expectations. “
0004 / August / ??
“Warm snowflakes falling from the night sky, the stars are never seen in the city; I watch myself looking up from the sidelines, holding onto the lantern as my last hope.”
0004 / September / ??
“Running through a chilly meadow, sun rising and I hold your hand, catching lavender clouds as I stay at home.”
0004 / december / ??
“Autumn is ending This was a game of play-pretending for everyone but me; right, I wanted a place I and others could belong to, but as I've seen through lies, I'm burning down the theatre..”
0005 / august / ??
“Summer is ending. You simply disappeared without a word; I didn't care, did I care? Too many people, I get lost.”
0005 / August / ??
“You're squeezing something heavy with your hands, water covering your eyes, so you can't see what's there; sun’s warmth is on your back, a chill feeling spreading over the body”
0005 / December / ??
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Now moving on to what I think remi’s crime is…..I have not idea! That is the reason why this is so late because I am completely lost on what it could be :)
clearly remi was in some sort of unfulfilling relationship were she felt she was giving more then taking , felt neglected and like it was dying for a long while before it actually ended. So her victim is probably that person?
as for the description
“You're squeezing something heavy with your hands, water covering your eyes, so you can't see what's there; sun’s warmth is on your back, a chill feeling spreading over the body.
It's not the time to listen to yourself. It's never the time, remember?
Your knees and hands seem to hurt, but you keep on pushing, can't give up — now or never”
ummm it kinda gives me the vibes of drowning? Like keep pushing = keep pushing the head under water??? Water coving her eyes could be because she’s also under water…? But I feel like “something heavy with your hands, water covering your eyes,” thats gotta be tears right? Like yes it could be a large body of water was involved if so probably the one implied here “a wave of crystal water covering my ankles,”
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Her murder location does look like a lake surrounded but trees to me? But that could just be the distortion. That what go me started down the whole drowning train of thought.
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(Gorgeous diagram I know)
but just overall I don’t have a strong theory (this seems to be a reoccurring theme….)
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Once again moving on. Time to tackle these two images , her memory recordings and her undercover.
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Starting with the memory recording this is alot more abstract then hotaru’s so I feel like the symbolism in it can be read into more. Remi is in space and I feel like space is probably a metaphor for her relationship. Space is cold and a vacuum you can’t speak or be heard in space (without special equipment and the whole no speaking thing is more that if you open your mouth you die and boil/freeze alive but lets put the logistics to the side for a minute) she is surrounded by other planets (possibly reproductive of the other people like the other people implied by lines like “ tender girly laughs from all sides.” / “I wanted a place I and others could belong to” / always choose someone else instead“ ect) and how planets and other celestial objects go in set orbit going round and around on the same path could be seen as similar to how remi describes the relationship “So tiring. I need to break the cycle.” There’s falling star’s in the bg which could refence wishing stars or possibly the concept of star crossed lovers? Or wishing
I attempted to map the planets from the art to our solar system which again not sure if its ment to be our solar system or just a general space setting but if it is our solar system then perhaps we could read into the fact that in this context remi would be on the outer side of the solar system far away from the sun and in the colder part of the system.
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unrelated observations that the shape on the side kinda looks like a wave or maybe thats just my conformation bias talking…?
And this art could also possibly reference a magical girl transformation ??? I feel like I’m reaching to much with those last two points tho…
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As for the undecover frame we have already seen remi liken her relationship to food “Let's stop already, how long are we going to chew on this cold food?” So relationship metaphor???
there seems to be strawberries in the picture which according to google in japan has symbolism of love and is a gift on valentines day in japan….? it is also apparently a symbol of the goddess Venus which links it back in with space but idk
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I really don’t feel like I know enough to vote her anything….? I went with victim in the end because I didn’t really feel like I had any strong concussion on her situation but I feel like I gotta be missing something cuz it was 50% predator when I originally wrote this section.
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dsudis · 1 year
So I have not the first idea what critical thingy-bob is but I've just reread all your Witcher fics and it's not enough so clearly I'm going to have to follow you into a new fandom. Is there a primer? How much do I need to know? Is it like OG Bandom where a hundred fics in I'm still not sure how many bands there are? Or Teen wolf where I couldn't quite face the source material at all but feel like I have a handle on the whole set up?
:deep breath:
Okay, so! Critical Role is a long-running Actual Play show on Twitch/YouTube--each episode is three to five hours of watching a group of voice actors sit around a table and play Dungeons & Dragons. All of their main D&D campaigns take place in the world of Exandria which they have created for these games, and as the campaigns go on they connect to each other in various ways, so it does all become one vast interconnected story. Critical Role has a good wiki that gives overviews of all of this stuff and links to videos, but just so you know where to start looking and how it all relates...
Their first campaign began as the home game this group of friends played in their spare time for a couple of years before they turned it into a Web Series (largely, they've all said, so that they'd have a reason to definitely get together and play every week). That first campaign, Vox Machina, is currently in the process of being adapted into an animated series, with two seasons available on Amazon Prime: The Legend of Vox Machina.
Currently, Critical Role is running its third main campaign, Bells Hells, which started in the fall of 2021 and shows no signs of ending anytime soon.
The second campaign, which began in 2018 and ended in the summer of 2021, although there continue to be shorter bonus episodes, is the one my currently-posting sex pollen fic is about, and it's called The Mighty Nein. My fic is set fairly early on in the run, and this is the official artwork of the main characters at that time:
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Left to Right: Mollymauk Tealeaf, Beauregard Lionett, Fjord Stone, Frumpkin the Fey Cat Familiar, Caleb Widogast, Nott the Brave, Jester Lavorre, and Yasha Nydoorin.
The entire run of The Mighty Nein's campaign comprises 600+ hours of videos (also available in podcast form) but if you want a quicker route to getting an idea of the story of it all, you can read the recaps or for the even shorter short version, watch the animated recaps which compress the whole story into about an hour of cute animatics voiced by Critical Role's official Lorekeeper, Dani Carr.
I hope this helps!
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