#its pride ma dudes
tireddovahkiin · 2 months
Basically Vincent Valentine having his ass forced to babysit my OC Junior who's a Twitch streamer. This is how it goes (I might even draw this):
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[have in mind that Junior is a cringey ass teenager💀]
This oc x canon interaction is strictly platonic!
. . .
*stream starts with Juniors face in the webcam*
Junior: ".... Hello everybody my name is Markipl-" *breaks character*
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Junior: How's it GOINNN', mothershockers, IT'S YA BOIIII Junie, with a VERY special guest today!~ ... Give it up for da babysitter, the one and only, Vincent Valentine~!!!! *dramatic ahh Will Smith showing off hand pose*
*camera is set so only Vincents torso is shown as he sits cross-armed, his head and legs off-screen* (its gonna be like that during the entire stream)
*awkward silence*
Junior: ... Psst. Hey. Dude. Peace sign. Show it to the camera.
Junior: *nudges his gloved hand*
Vincent: *awkwardly shows the sign to the camera*
Junior: LET'G GOOOO-
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Junior: *reading the comments*
"What is Dracula doing in your house dawg"
"AYO SICK COSPLAY DUDE- How did you make him do it"
"He looks like the type of person who says: 'Fare-thee-well folks, hale be thou' to people unironically"
"Oh no... is he going to start talking about the war"
"bLAh, bLAH bLAH"
"Don't com to ma house or I'll succ yo di- I MEAN BLOOD"
Junior: Well, the audience seems to like you already, man. What do you have to say about that, Vincent? *presents imaginary microphone to Vincent off-screen*
Junior: Understandable, have a great day.
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Junior: —And that is why I personally think flies are spy cams sent from aliens out in space.
Chat: *Donkey_King43 donated $1.55 through super chat* "Stfu you dollar tree PaRappa The Rapper ahh bootleg" [bc Junior is an antro dog]
Vincent: *headbutt*
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*few minutes later*
Junior: *kazotsky kicking to Mortal Kombat theme while wearing a creeper hat and minecraft sunglasses* I ate soap with japapeño sauce and sprinkles this morning! It was bussin' let me tell ya—
Vincent: (??????)
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Junior: Vincent, question from a fan. What if you solve a math test while LeBron James is purple, does that make racoons skeleton knives or 6 AM greek yogurt under alphabet?
Junior: He thinks the answer is Mexico.
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Chat: Xxdollasigndude: "Yo if you and your medieval knight babysitter bro sing "If you're happy and you know it" song I'll give you 300$ hands down"
Junior: *jumps and clears throat* HOLY— OKAY OKAY— VINCENT COME ON AT LEAST CLAP FOR ME BRO PLEASE— ANYWAYS— If you're happy and you know clap your hands...! *looks at Vincent in ecstatic hope*
Vincent: *after five seconds, he caves in, and claps two times*
Junior: *grins like an idiot, even happier* —If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
Vincent: *pause* *clap clap*
Junior: If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it, if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands...!
Vincent: *pause* *clap clap*
Chat: ... *Xxdollasigndude donated $300.00 through super chat-*
Junior: IYEEEE—
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Junior: *after one hour, he finally beats a level, releasing a victory scream and offering Vincent hand for a high five*
Vincent: *ignores*
Junior: *pouts*
Chat: *Khorn_lord donated $0.55 through super chat* "Haha get left on seen loser"
Junior: *looks at Vincent*
Junior: *offers a hand again*
Vincent: *high fives*
Vincent: *headbutt*
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Junior: And I'll make sure to show you just how much of a pro I am! I'll drink five cans on cola in ONE go, no reaction! Alright, buckle up! THREE, TWO, ONE—
*a few moments later insert*
Junior: *is knocked out dead asleep and snoring like an engine from the caffeine* (ADHD skill💀)
Vincent: *he finally picks up the camera, trying to figure out how to shut it off*
Vincent: *reveals his face* To the rude ones in this 'chat' today, a message from me: I will find you. One way... Or another.
*ends the stream*
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(Fun fact: Junior's account went viral over night because of Vincent.)
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pwnyta · 1 year
I live in MA so its pretty ✨🏳️‍🌈PRIDE🏳️‍🌈✨ where I live ATM and my mom was talkin about how her friends daughter was getting married to her girl this month and I told her I saw this dude with a rainbow Pri-demon-th shirt while we were driving and explained why it was a shirt and she just went off on homophobes which ended with a little tidbit of info she never told me before which was that she was friends with drag queens when she was younger...
She never told me... SMDH
Although knowing my mom Im not exactly surprised (even if shes super religious)but drag queens are cool we both watch RPDR... she never told me?
The audacity...
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floatyhands · 6 months
So, instead of being productive, I decided to check out the first issue of the 1980s wuxia manhua series Chinese Hero: Tales of the Blood Sword by Hong Kong comic artist Ma Wing-Xing. It's nominally set in early 20th century China and the USA, and follows the exploits of Hua Yingxiong/Hero Hua (yes his name, 華英雄, literally means Chinese Hero), a martial artist dude and blacksmith's son who possesses the heirloom Blood Sword/Crimson Sword (赤劍), called so because it gleams a dazzling crimson red once it tastes blood.
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This opening issue involves him avenging his (very badass in their own right) parents by fighting and slaughtering the greedy tycoon and the (perhaps a bit cartoonishly racist) western imperialist who killed them, then becoming a wanted man and fleeing to the US, meeting cool villains and really cool allies along the way. Oh, and fighting sharks and meeting a guardian water god.
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(That other guy is NOT the water god)
That being said, I'm not sure I'd... recommend this to anyone. Not until I understand it better anyway. The aggressive Chinese patriotism might have had its place back in the 1980s, but its treatment of the topic of racism is pretty questionable. I know it's basically a given at this point that any Chinese martial arts story which features foreigners will inevitably result in an arrogant foreigner underestimating the hero (usually for being Chinese) getting the lights kicked out of him by said hero, proving that Chinese martial arts is thus superior after all, but the emphasis on avenging national pride, means we get a black antagonist (長人, "Tall/Long Guy") behaving exactly like the pure evil white ones and assuming he's physically and culturally superior... Except he's also extra threatening because he's Really Tall and Long-Limbed. At least he actually fights honorably, unlike some of the white villains? There's some outdated racial language as well. Then again, with a title where the hero is literally named Chinese Hero, I'm not quite surprised, so if you do read, do so with caution.
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wickiria · 5 years
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We Exist
ahhh im so happy with the way this came out. Just all the colors and everything, I loved working on it. Also finally drew some of ma gays kissing, took me long enough. Hope you guys like :)
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poppadom0912 · 2 years
Falling in love with you
Characters: Jay Halstead x Sibling!Reader, Will Halstead x Sibling!Reader, Stella Kidd, Christopher Hermann
Warnings: Overprotective brothers, swearing, minor injuries. Incorrect information about the American School system (Apologies for mistakes)
Summary: Growing up, you’ve always had eyes on you and your brothers did everything they could to get them off. 
You were the youngest sibling and being a girl definitely did not help anything. The years between you three weren’t much but it was still there and always used as leverage, something you did take to your advantage when you could easily put the blame on them or sweet talk you parents while they tended to struggle a bit more. 
Now, the Halstead genes were strong, and they did not miss when it came to the three of you. Your brothers were in a league of their own, looking so different but so alike. Adding to the mix, Will’s red hair, Jay’s green eyes and your mothers height, was you. 
Being the youngest came with pros and cons that you could go on for hours, but you were as humble as they came. Being the only girl came with its pros and cons, one of the pros that was also a con was your brothers were extremely protective of you. 
Curse that damned Halstead stubbornness. Chicago continues to send their wrath towards you three because of it. 
Anyways, carrying on with being overprotective, something your brothers prided themselves in being. 
The first time they truly showed it was one random day at the local park. You were all young, playing around and being stupid, like always. For some reason, the three of you decided to play hide and seek, you being the seeker. 
So, you started counting to twenty, kicking the greying tarmac with your worn out shoes, hearing your mother scold you in your head for ruining and tearing said shoes. 
Reaching nineteen, excitement built up, jumping on the spot you were preparing yourself to run and find your brothers, shoving it in their faces when you found them. But you never made it to twenty, a hand tapping your shoulder making you whip around, braid smacking you cheek harshly. 
The boy seemed around Jay’s age, but you’d never seen him before. You knew a lot of people both in the area and at school, so you deducted he didn’t live here. 
Tilting your head to the side, you confronted him. “I’m sorry but I’m busy, I can’t talk to you right now.” 
Thinking that was more than enough, you turned around and was about to shout really loud to let your siblings know you were coming to find them, but he poked your shoulder again. 
Before you could confront him again, your six year old self felt a presence behind you. The familiarity of that tall shadow made you crane your neck up, coming face to face with your older brother. 
“Dude, back off.” Jay made sure to enunciate each word with as much grit as he could. “Don’t be a pedo.” 
Yes, Jay was very much exaggerating, but he felt that, taking into account the situation, it seemed appropriate. 
Before your green eyed brother could go any further, you heard Will calling for the both of you, your parents standing further behind him. They must’ve come back from the market. Did you really take that long to count? 
Looking back at the boy, you sent him an awkward smile, not too sure what to make of the situation and ran into your ma’s open arms. 
Jay followed but not before giving his best glare at the boy, eyes never breaking contact even as he walked away. 
Between the ages of six and thirteen, a lot had happened. 
First, you grew up, maturing at an earlier age in comparison to your brothers. Your mother made sure she always made that apparent, boasting about a girls maturity and how much easier they were to handle. 
But, little did she know she wouldn’t be there to watch as it got harder. 
Second, you started ‘womanhood’, getting your first period and all that jazz. It was a rollercoaster and it made absolutely no sense at first, but you got there. 
This wasn’t the second time Jay and Will were overprotective, definitely not but this was one for the books. 
It was your last year in middle school, you were still thirteen since your birthday was in august, at the end of the school year and your classmates constantly used that to their advantages during the time you spent together. 
The school was holding a dance. The last week had all sorts of different things to do, making it as memorable as possible and this dance was a version of high school prom but for eight graders. 
You were confused as to why your mother was getting emotional, watching as you refused to wear bright coloured dresses like the other girls in your class, much preferring to go in a smart shirt but with much reluctance, settling with a navy blue knee length dress that complimented your red hair. 
Untold to your brothers, you had a date. Well, it was more forced by both your friend groups and there was no attraction on either of your behalf’s yet here you were. 
His parents came to pick you up, him ringing the doorbell as his parents stood behind him. 
Refusing to open the door, Will more than happily volunteered to do it, opening the door with such enthusiasm it made you openly gag, earning an elbow to your side from Jay.
He liked this as much as you did and after hundreds of attempts, he had gotten nowhere in his protests. 
“Ma, Pa, Jay and Will, Noah and Mr and Mrs Parker. Noah, Mr and Mrs Parker, my brothers, Ma and Pa.” You introduced everyone to each other, hands gesturing at each person when they were named. 
It was very subtle, and they pulled it off far too well. 
While the parents were talking, you had gone to get a last minute drink of water and your brothers took this time to get whatever message they had through to Noah. 
They were very successful. Noah was shaking like a leaf, flinching away from you and refusing to hold hands when taking pictures, sitting in the farthest corner of the car and never to be seen again when you got to the dance. 
What to do, what to say. 
You were thankful, to say the least. It was the biggest relief, not having to fake anything and not being around a boys company. There was no need for the overprotectiveness, but you were grateful for it today. 
Sixteen was a wonderful age. That’s what society says but then your mother had fallen sick out of the blue. 
Being a typical seventeen year old, Jay continuously butted heads with you both in amusement and distaste. While Will, well, he was Will. 
So, you had a crush, your first male crush. Emphasis on the had. He was a new boy in your maths class, having moved from another state. 
It became scary just how much you were interested in him that you were disgusted with you behaviour. Why were you adapting features of a stalker? Nothing felt right when you came to the realisation just how infatuated you were with him that you forced your feelings away. 
You were happy with yourself. No feelings left and moving onto your next platonic female crush that was really your best friend, who you promised that if you were single at thirty, you would marry each other and she was over the moon, accepting with her pinky finger. 
Will was at med school, Jay was sitting on a metal chair next to you, you were eating a cookie and your best friend spilling school drama. 
Jay wouldn’t admit it, but he would always listen to your best friend every time she talked about school gossip, finding it somewhat interesting and even getting invested when he found out the things that happened despite going to the exact same school as the two of you. 
“Emily, there’s no way a teacher and student hooked up, that’s mad.” You shook your head, not believing her words as you broke the rest of your cookie in half, giving a half each to Jay and Emily. 
Without hesitation, they took the sweet treat, Jay taking his attention away from his phone and onto the two of you, fully invested in the drama. 
“That’s illegal.” Jay added, as if you two already didn’t know. 
You looked at him, eyes shouting ‘are you being serious right now’
The voice was loud, shouting your name from across the street. All three of your heads snapped in the voices direction and Emily obnoxiously scoffed at the sight of your former crush turned classic high school football team bully. 
A mouth full, yes, but that’s what he was now. 
This was going to be a disaster, you didn’t have to be a genius to know that. 
His teasing made your blood churn, his smirk made you want to wipe it away with antibacterial wipes. His gang of friends hanging back, egging him on and slapping his shoulder with pride at each of his comments. 
Clearly, he was blind, not noticing your older brother sitting literally right next to you. 
You had this under control, having to deal with his new personality at school all the time, you were basically an expert in the bully department. 
“Back off man.” Jay stood up, chucking his phone and unfinished half of the cookie into your awaiting hands that you held up before he even spoke. 
Your brothers played this overprotective role way too often, especially in public that you memorised how everything would play out. 
“Why should I? You have no authority over a girl, y’know, feminism and all that shit.” He laughed to himself, over the moon with his comeback. 
“Take a step back and think about what you just said, really think about it.” Jay said with a humorous tone. “If you’re going to be a dick, at least do it right.”
Emily smacked her hand over her mouth, muffling her loud gasp as she watched with wide eyes despite being familiar with you brothers protectiveness. 
You sat, watching unfazed. Honestly, you were expecting Jay to be a bit mouthier, maybe even a little physical. 
It wasn’t until you heard another voice, one that didn’t belong to any of the boys surrounding you three. You knew that voice and bit your lip, your eyes shining in realisation. 
“Oh fuck.” Emily whispered loud enough for you to hear, taking a pause between her words to express her shock. “This is going to be good.” 
Will Halstead stood in all his med school glory, his student scrubs still on under his jacket. His eyes zeroed in on the man of the hour, eyebrow raised in recognition. 
“You.” His voice was strong and firm, scaring all the high school boys which was surprising as Jay was the brother that was all for the threatening and all that scary jazz while Will was more on the nurturing side of all things. 
The boys cowered, and your ex crush gulped at the sight of your eldest brother. 
“Oh shit.” He squeaked. “I’m fucked.” 
You had your fair share of people falling in love with you, ranging from a boy trying to introduce himself at six, forced love at thirteen, an attempted of bad boy falls for the good girl at sixteen to all of the others to now. 
You were looking pretty good for a thirty year old. Well, you turned thirty today but as Jay and Will liked to point out, you wouldn’t truly be thirty till around four in the afternoon. 
Speaking of Jay and Will, it’d been a hot minute since you saw them. Because of all your jobs, the three of you were constantly colliding. 
How it happened will always be a mystery, but you were all first responders: Will a doctor, Jay a detective and you, a firefighter. 
The Halstead name must’ve been known by a lot of Chicago and by most of the staff that worked at Med, the 21st District and the firehouse. It was funny when the three of you happened to be together during work hours and responding to the same voice shouting your shared surname. 
Being a female firefighter came with its pros and cons but with experience, all the cons became tolerable, and the pros made you smile brighter. 
Realistically speaking, it was a miracle the three of you were still employed with that stubbornness that seemed to shine a bit too bright sometimes. Only sometimes though.
Your legs were swinging back and forth as you sat on the hospital bed, voices muffled as they spoke outside about what just happened. 
Currently, you were at med for injuries that were all superficial. Being the siblings of a doctor, you and Jay found yourselves getting hurt a lot and Will always was on the receiving end of the phone, being told you two somehow hurt yourself and was being brought in. Jay was always reckless, constantly getting shot and you couldn’t stop yourself from being burnt and inhaling smoke. 
It was truly a miracle Will had no grey hair because the first would be from either you or Jay, maybe both. 
The curtain was opened, your legs stopped swinging and you sent your older brothers the brightest smile you could muster. 
“None of this was my fault.” Was the first thing you said, hands in the air in surrender as you looked back and forth at both brothers. “It’s my birthday, why would I willingly want to see your brooding faces.” 
Jay looked at you with a raised brow, hands going into the pocket of his dark jeans while Will rolled his eyes and came forward to look at the extent of your injuries. 
You winced when Will inspected the bruise on your wrist, the colour was a mix of purple and blue. At Will’s frown, you tried reassuring him that it was nothing, poorly pushing him away so he would stop inspecting you. 
“What happened?” 
Looking back at Jay with uncertainty, you debated whether you wanted to tell the story or let one of the guys on truck let them know. 
Your eyes were squinted, one hand acting as shade so you could properly see as the other was comfortably placed on your hip. Holding back your laugh was difficult in this situation, especially when your boss was on the verge of strangling the man. 
A cat was stuck in a tree, a classic yes but it was a situation that was a waste of time. The cat would come out on its own accord eventually, they were meant to be allowed in the wild to do whatever they want, not to be saved by firefighters. 
The man whose cat was stuck in the tree didn’t seem fazed at all in comparison to his stress and instability over the phone when he called for help. Instead, his muscular build was standing to your right, talking your ear off. 
Not paying attention, you rolled your eyes at the underlying tone in his voice. He was trying to charm you and it was clear you weren’t the only person who noticed, Stella snorting behind her hand before clearing her throat and making her excuses, apparently needing to help out with the rescue. 
You watched her walk away, eyes desperate, begging for her to come back. 
Thinking fast, you too excused yourself saying you were needed and hastily followed after Stella, not wanting to be along with the man despite the most harm him doing was none stop chatter. 
Stella stopped, turning slightly so you could catch up and ‘help’ the rest of your team in getting the cat out, but you didn’t make it to her side, a voice calling for you as a hand circled around your wrist. 
The force around your wrist made you stop in your tracks, eyes landing on the man. You looked at him in shock, eyebrows furrowed as you turned to fully face him. 
You had to remind yourself you were working, and people were watching, both members of the public and truck. 
Before you could say anything, Stella interrupted. “Hey! You mind letting my friend go so we can get back to work?” She said was a raised voice, her expression screaming that if he made a wrong move he was fucked. 
You sent him a tight lipped smile and turned to walk away but his grip got tighter, pulling you towards him so your back hit his chest. 
He was quick, so quick that despite your fast reflexes, you didn’t see it coming. Neither did Stella expect it either, shouting at him to let you go as she made her way towards you with slow steps as to not provoke him any further. 
Being this close to him was suffocating and you weren’t claustrophobic at all, you were trained to fit into small places. 
Scoffing, you looked up and harshly pushed him away, not caring that he staggered, nor of your pulsating wrist or of the peering eyes of a forming crowd holding out phones to record everything that unfolded. 
You were so stupid. How hadn’t you noticed that familiar scar on his eyebrow and that chipped tooth that was inflicted onto him at the ripe age of sixteen.  
Pointing an accusing finger at him, your eyes squinting threateningly. “You” 
That stupid ex crush of yours from high school that was relentless, always trying to get your attention even after he was confronted and even physically threatened by your brothers. 
He smirked and looked as if he was about to burst into a soliloquy. 
A silver glimmer caught your attention, shining in your eyes making you divert your attention away from the man expressing his infinite love for you, you found an awfully familiar object in his pocket that his hand was tucked in. 
A fucking blade. 
Behind you, Stella was silent, watching both of your actions closely as she informed Hermann, who was having difficulty standing back, of your predicament. She too caught the hand size weapon sticking out of his pocket and didn’t miss the darkness blanketing his eyes as you gave him a strict warning. 
Once again, it was all so fast that you didn’t get time to hit back. 
His hand appeared from his pocket, lunging at your retreating figure. His voice was raised but was lost under the shouts of your colleagues and friends. He was being pulled away but not before doing some decent damage to your face and wrist, your complaints fell on deaf ears about how this wasn’t how you were meant to look on your birthday. 
Sighing in defeat, you slumped in Hermann’s arms that was restricting you from going any further. Mumbling a quick thank you, you patted his arms and insisted to be let go, promising not to do any harm to the man being pulled away by the rest of truck, officers yet to arrive to the scene. 
Standing up straight, shaking off your gear, you made eye contact with him for a split second, taking the second to flip him off, relishing in the laughs it received from your crew, ignoring the gasps the bystanders let out at the gesture. 
“Just to be sure, let’s get you to med.” 
You finished your story with a lazy smile. “And here I am.” 
“But you already knew what happened because you hassled everyone didn’t you?” It wasn’t even a question, it was a fact. You knew your brothers too well for your own good. 
“I mean.” You paused, hissing when a nurse started disinfecting the scar on your brow. “We saved his cat at least.” 
“Y/N” Will sounded tired and well in fact fed up. “This is serious, he attacked you.”
You shrugged, it was nothing knew, and you’d definitely been through worse. “What’s he looking at?” You ignored Will and looked at Jay. 
“Don’t you worry about that.” Jay shook it off, deflecting your question. “Can you go and marry Emily so that we don’t have to worry about your depleting love life anymore?” 
Will snorted, remembering the pinky promise you and your best friend made back in high school. A promise that was still strong since you and Emily was as thick as thieves. 
“You know what?” You challenged your brunet brother. “We’ll get drunk at Molly’s tonight and find an open courthouse to sign the papers. Might even buy her a ring pop.” 
The three of you settled into silence at your very serious comment and very serious face before bursting into laughter. 
How people found you irresistible would always be a question you’d contemplate on for the rest of your life but then you remembered just how easily girls fell to their feet, immediately falling in love, at the sight of your devilishly looking brothers. 
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metaphor-cheese · 3 years
Because im weak for my own damn au heres some doof and byoof hcs:
-buford wants to call doof dad but is too anxious to do it other than accidentally
-doof has 100% accepted him as an honorary child however. whenever people ask him how many kids he has he says 3, before pausing and asking if they mean biologically, legally or emotionally
-vanessa and buford had no idea what to make of each other at first but he offered her some tuff gum and she gave him one earphone so they could listen to heavy metal together and they reached an understanding. They’ve said like 3 words to each other but hang out all the time
-they watched one of vanessas french films together once and buford quietly understood every word and when he laughed at a pun vanessa was like ‘?!?!!?’
-norm pats the Childe on the head. He is accepted.
-biffany and doof know each other from yoga class and she sees him as bufords babysitter. Buford has warned doof that if he hooks up up his ma its on sight
-buford had a meltdown once like Really Bad and doof instantly went into parent mode
-doof asked about bufords dad one (1) time. Biffany was busy and he asked why his dad couldnt pick him up instead. Buford didnt reply and doofs pretty aware of family issues so he dropped it and just silently decided ‘right. Time to be a dad’
-buford talks abt baljeet all the time. Doof refers to him as his ‘little friend’ or ‘little enemy’ depending on the context (“‘nemesis’ is a bit strong. I mean you’re still just kids, afterall”) and is torn between thinking its cute and being sick to the back teeth of hearing about him
-he totally gave buford ice cream and sat with him on the couch telling him he was too good for baljeet while he cried over the breakup at one point fkckdkkdfkmf
-eventually doof hears enough abt the situation he forces them both on dr feelbetter lol
-buford keeps seeing perry around doofs base and is always like “what’re you doing here little buddy? :/ *picks up and hugs* dw i got ya. Im gonna get you home :)” and perry is Dying inside because now he has to treck all the way back
-buford has never once said doofs name right and doof has never once spelt bufords name right. Equivalent exchange
-whenever buford hears an emotionally scaring backstory he’s always like ‘oof thats rough buddy’ so doof stopped telling him emotionally scaring backstories
-vanedsa bought buford an nb pride badge when he came out
-buford Does Not understand norm but they’re both batshit so they get along. Norm will be like ‘I LIKE MY EGGS CRUNCHY :)’ and buford will be like ‘wtf. …yeah same’ and they highfive
-buford cant rlly build but he likes to think he’s helping. He tends to default to his task in phineas and ferbs builds of just carrying heavy stuff to doof but doof wants him to feel included so he’ll sometimes teach him how to use a drill or lift him up so he can turn on the machine or let him add a sandwich maker to the design in the blueprints stage or snth
-buford sometimes rants about something really stupid and petty and doofs like ‘DUDE. SAME HAT.’ and then when they build an inator based it, he lets buford tell his emotionally scaring backstory of being ripped off in a yarn shop or smth
-theres always some plot contrivance that stops buford finding out doofs nemesis is perry. Always.
-perry wanted reassigning cos of this new difficulty but OWCA sucks and is exploiting him so they refused. Give this damn plat a day off
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kazudon · 3 years
ONE CALL AWAY — m. chifuyu (spider-man!au)
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you’re completely and utterly lost. the rain doesn’t show signs of ceasing its relentless assault, leaving puddles that have you slipping across the slick concrete. with only a school bag above you to protect yourself from the heavy droplets, you feel a chill start to seep into your bones and in your head where a pulsing headache blooms. you’re not entirely sure where you’re going aside from the fact you’re nowhere near your apartment.
the blaring sirens, honking cabs, neon lights—there’s so much around you, you don’t notice the dark, hooded figure trailing behind you, nor their posse that have also noticed your vulnerable state.
a scoff and a dog bark makes you turn around, oblivious to the shadow that looms over your shoulder. by the time their hand is over your mouth, it’s too late to scream. the other hand struggles to rip your bag away, which you have locked in a death grip. a small flash of pride runs through you when you stomp on your assailant’s foot, forcing out a pained groan.
that only makes them angrier, and from the corner of your eye comes more, all equally faceless and terrifying. your feeble attacks won’t be enough to fend yourself, but is it too early to give up?
it’s not worth breaking your own bones in an unequal fight, you think sadly. your assailants are closing in, wicked smiles shining through the darkness of the night. you let your tired eyes fall shut, curling into a ball in the street as the rain continues to pour.
a whoosh, so quiet you nearly miss it, whips by, but you feel the air swipe across your ear. it’s oddly silent around you, aside from the typical sounds of the city. hesitantly, you crack your eyes open, jumping to your feet when you notice the disappearance of your assailants—that is, until you look up and see them tied to a lamp post, unable to wriggle free from the white ropes. wait, are they ropes?
“are you alright?”
above you is a man—no, he can’t be that much older than you—clinging onto the side of the building, face and body covered in a tight red and blue suit. even through his mask you can make out the outlines of a cheeky smile, especially when he does a jaw-dropping flip and lands in front of you, quiet as a cat.
“uh, yeah, i’m okay,” you utter, trying your best to compose yourself. the reality of the situation hasn’t settled in yet. it’s like a dream that’s gone on for way too long, and you’re not sure if it’s bad or good.
his cheeriness (spider-man, you finally realize but are too shocked to point out), manages to brighten your night a bit. you still feel uneasy, evident in the way you clutch your school bag tight against your side, averting your eyes from his.
you hear the shuffle of fabric and glance up to see spider-man lifting his mask up, only up to his nose, leaving the rest covered.
“hey,” he says softly. “that was scary, wasn’t it? it was scary for me fighting the first time, too.”
you let out a short laugh. “really? you, the amazing spider-man, never backs down from a fight. me? i accepted defeat before it was even there.”
you can help the smile growing on your face, mirroring his.
“don’t underestimate yourself. i saw you stomp on that dude’s foot. in my expert opinion, you’d make a mean villain.”
you both burst into laughter, completing ignoring the same dude who curses at spider-man before he throws a web over his mouth. a mere ten minutes ago, you never would’ve believed you’d be conversing with the spider-man, joking around like you were old friends.
old friends...he does have that charm to him. it reminds you of someone you once knew before, during a time that feels like it was a millennium ago.
“well, i’m keeping you out for too long,” he sighs. you catch yourself withering with disappointment, quickly masking it with a brief nod.
“yeah, i guess you have things to do, too,” you say. “thanks for saving my life, i guess.”
“oh come on, at least sound a little more enthusiastic,” he teases.
as he readjusts his mask, he doesn’t notice the blond hairs sticking out, a shade that makes you itch with familiarity. spider-man leaps to the top of the lamp post, then waves.
“it was nice see- uh, meeting you! if you’re ever in trouble, i’m only one call away!”
“nice to meet you, too, spider-man!”
he’s gone, swinging through the city in silence. you watch until he’s a speck in the inky black sky, lost in the sea of stars twinkling above.
one call away...
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Hi, bb!! For a request I was wondering about Nishinoya, Kuroo, bokuto, and daichi with a crush who’s his close friend who watches his practice/game and after he’s done they notice his lips are a little chapped so they go on their tippy toes and hold him by the jaw and put their chapstick on him without thinking? I have no idea why but this has been in my brain for so long and I just absolutely adore your writing :D
Thank you honey ❤❤❤
• Yall been friends for God knows how long
• The matched chaotic energy?? Immaculate 😫
• You're always supportive of one another, with practically everything
• gonna commit a crime? Fuck yeah babe let's go
• You're always (and I mean always) at his games
• more often than not you're at his practices too
• you watch for the most part, sometimes if you got homework you'll work on that while he practices
• Nishi doesn't mind, just having you there is enough (just kidding he totally tries to get your attention)
• Anyway
• After one particular practice, a particularly rough one, he's tuckered out
• do you know how hard a practice how to go to get nishi tired??
• There wasn't many water breaks with this one so his lips are chapped and he's sweaty.
• Sluggishly walks over to where you sat on the bleachers
• "Man this one did a number on you, huh?"
he can only nod, picking up the tumbler of water in front of you.
You shake your head as he finishes what you had left, and stand up.
"Nishi, your lips are chapped." You pull the chapstick from your sweaters pocket, opening it with a pop. You took a step closer, your hands securing his chin and gently you apply it to his lips.
• he's -
• he's frozen
• just staring
• head tilted up towards you, another thing he loved
• his heart t h u m p i n g in his chest
• he joked about kiyoko a lot, sure, but at the end of the day, it was you who he was thinking about
• "there," you smiled. "Go get changed, you smell and you're still coming over for dinner. Mom misses you." You step down and pocket the tube.
• his face flushes a he nods again, scurrying off to change
• he's regained his composer by the time he's ready again, and he doesn't hesitate to grab your hand once he's bounded down the club stairs.
• "Whats ma cooking?"
"Ahhhh yeah! I love when she makes Oden."
"Thats why she's making it dummy," you squeeze his hand.
• affection always did come easy with you two
• Thats something that would surely never change
• and even if feelings weren't outright explained, its not out of the realm of possibility that the two of you have already picked up on it
• Kuroo can get frustrated at practice, he really can
• He loves his teammates, he does, but sometimes they're just fuckin stupid
• he likes having you at practices because you keep him grounded when he needs to be grounded q
• he doesn't think you've ever missed a practice.
• he knows you've never missed a game
• youre always fuckin there to support his nerd ass and he loves that about you
• thats one of the reasons he fuckin fell for you in the first place
• in any case, its clear he's frustrated
• Kenma isn't listening
• Lev can't seem to grasp this concept
• Yakus pissed
• Fukunaga, is just- being Fukunaga. 
• he calls a water break and heads over to you
• "You look like you're gonna explode," you snicker, looking up from your book and closing it.
"Probably will. Might be charged with murder too."
"Ah head up," you stand up and pull chapstick out or your back pocket. "They're trying you know," You say as you uncapped the chapstick and grab his jaw. Even on the bleachers youre on your tippy toes. "Karasunos given them a new incentive. They want to win."
His eyes scan your face and he wonders if you even realize what you're doing. He hums and answers when you pull the chapstick away. "Yeah I guess you're right." He smiles slightly. "Now are you gonna watch my practice or keep your head buried in a book?"
"Keep my head buried. You're a fucking loser."
• Feelings come to light in the most casual way after that practice
• Bokuto has been in love with you for what, 2 years?
• i mean you were supportive, you laughed with him, you were there- you made him feel special.
• had he figured those feelings out yet? Lmfao NO.
• He'd missed another spike, and he was bummed about it
• so Akaashi calls a break
• and you are who he trudged too
• "Bo, stand up straight." You smile slightly at his theatrics. He grumbles but does as he's told, straightening up. "Take a deep breath dude, you'll get the next one."
"Its just frustrating that I haven't been hitting them today." He huffs, eyes scanning the floor before looking up at you, who's defending the steps the the stands.
"I know, that's why I'm telling you to chill out. You have to focus." You say as you hop off the step.
"I'm trying."
"Try harder, you're all over the place." He could only groan and drop his head back. "Dummy, come here."
He looked back at you, no sooner was your right hand steadying his face as the left applied chapstick to /his/ lips. You were on your tippy toes, looking directly at his lips, acting super non-chalant about it.  "Uh-"
"You're dehydrated. Lips are lookin crusty. Get some water, get your head out of your ass, and fuck this next toss up."
That seemed to spark something and he shot up. "Got it!" He grinned and you watched as he bounded off. Akasshi sent a small nod of thanks and you waved it off, walking back up the steps.
• and he absolutely did fuck that next toss up.
• Bro he's a father 💀
• He swears he is ALWAYS looking after some stupid underclassmen.
• he feels the frustration.
• but he also feels the pride when they do well.
• And they did well. They did so fucking well.
• He grins when he see's you on the bleachers, there was a break in the game
• so of course he's gonna run over
"Did  ya see that?"
"I did! It was amazing! Hinata jumped so high."
"He did and he scored us the point." He smiled and took the water bottle you handed him.
• Then he watched you reach through the railing and take his chin
• you ran the chapstick over his top lip then his bottom
• then he watched you smile and your thumb ran gently over his chin.
• "Go get em."
• He couldn't stop himself, he pressed a kiss to your palm before turning back to the court.
• He was gonna win that damn game for you.
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mammonsvulva · 4 years
Hi there! I just discovered your page and i loved the bachata headcannon!
On that same line, can you do a female latina headcannon? Like, more specifically, Colombian, you know, an MC that's like normally fluent in english but when mad she just burst on angry spanish screaming session with latin curses and a strong accent and also just getting really mad if deemed as Mexican by default? I'd love that! Thank youuuu (also feel free to ignored this if it's not of your fancy)
I hope you have a great day!
Of course! I really hope you like it! :)
(I tried to incorporate things some of my relatives say as Colombians please don’t hate me🥲)
The Brothers + Datables and a Latina MC with Colombian Habits
Lucifer has always been amused by the boldness MC portrayed, that is until Mammon pissed her off
MC actually f*cking explodes, calling Mammon “culicagao” (like a bratty kid) and a bunch of profanities out of rage
Actually leaves Lucifer surprised, who could she hate so much that she’d put a curse on them?
Is actually kind of scared to speak up after she went silent, kinda just stares at her like “what the fuck do I do”
(Oooohh Mammons gonna get his ASS WHOOPED)
Could learn a thing or two from MC, had some strong clap backs
Is counting his money when OUT OF NOWHERE MC just starts incanting a literal curse
Literally has his quaking in his boots dude, like he’s genuinely terrified
He can’t keep up with anything she’s saying and feels like his time to die has come
Doesn’t say A WORD when she calms down, jumps when she starts apologizing for reacting like that
“W-w-what happened? ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )”
Is genuinely more cautious for a while, kind of traumatized him
Mammon thought it’d be a great Idea to take her to meet one of his witches, MC already didn’t like her but listen to this
First thing the witch said was “Aren’t you that Mexican transfer student or whatever?”
(‘Oooh Ms. Girl you fucked up’)
Wishes he could have MCs confidence, ‘how does she respond like that 0•0’
He’s reading Manga while MC just lost on the same level for the 5th time
Accidentally shifts to his demon for he got so scared
Has to whip his tail up and grab the controller before she could slam it, genuinely terrified for his well being
Once she calms down she goes to give him a hug, to help with her frustration
*PANICS* “I-I can h-help you with that level, if y-you want..”
MC watches as he beats it with ease and heaves a sigh of relief, literally such a stupid game
Gets just as offended as MC when somebody said “I went to Mexico on vacation once, what was it like growing up there?”
Will let her handle it and he’ll be her Moral Support <3
Loved that MC was always ready, he was like that too being the Avatar of Wrath
Is genuinely amused when MC burst out swearing because she got a bad grade, he actually thought it was hilarious
Thinks of like a game to keep up with everything she’s shouting, makes her more upset
“What the fuck are you laughing at juemadre de la-“
“You’re Hot when you’re mad, Did you know that?”
Makes her go silent immediately, why is he like this, making people wanna act up on DIAVOLO
When they’re BOTH mad at something it’s like a f*cking BOMB RAID bro
They both just keep adding more, even when Satans speaking a Demon Dialect and MC is speaking Spanish LMAOO
When an arrogant soul decides to purposely mislabel MC as Mexican, the fool needs to count his seconds with MC and Satan both getting on his ass
Has always liked the spunk MC had, it entertained him to watch her bicker with his brothers
Surprised, but not happy AT ALL with the fact that MC could blow up like that
Gets MC to tell him what made her loose her cool like that
“That stupid b*tch from class posted saying “That Mexican transfer student isn’t pretty enough to be this annoying”
Almost explodes as bad as MC did
“MS. GIRL SHE SAID WHAT? Lemme hop on Devilgram and end her career real quick💖”
Devilgram post- Asmodeus 19:34: “Aw sweetie, Not everybody can be as gorgeous as MC and muah, but don’t go trying to drag her in the dirt with you. Filthy🥱”
No mercy on the haters💔
Like Asmo, found it entertaining to see MC bicker with his brothers every now and then
MC just couldn’t keep calm anymore when she messed up the recipe she was working on AGAIN
Beel becomes more concerned than scared, ‘Is she ok? :(‘
Gets up to hug MC, hoping it’ll help calm her down a bit
She explains that she kept ruining the dessert no matter how hard she tried
“MC, it’s ok to do it wrong, because it helps you learn how to do it right :)”
She’s tried again, except this time with Beel to help her :)
Gets upset when someone defaults MC as Mexican, knowing how much she hates it
He may be a teddy bear but man don’t f*ck with his Chef
Thought MC was amusing with the way she made sure everyone knew she wouldn’t take any BS
MC just happened to stub her toe while Belphie was sleeping, and now he’s awake, and heated
“What the f*ck happened?”
Is actually more concerned than upset, she wouldn’t lash out like that for no reason
When MC explains that a picture of her in the RAD Catalog still ended up being there even though she made it clear she was against it
“Oh, MC- you look good in every photo, I wouldn’t be upset about it”
Assures her it’s not a big deal and then invites her to come take a nap with him
Will mean mug the f*ck out of anyone who assumes MC is Mexican, because he finds extremely disrespectful (as it is)
Might commit homicide if they keep saying Mexican but I ain’t no snitch
At first took MC as disrespectful, but learned it was only when she felt she was being disrespected (then by all means, go off)
Surprisingly, Diavolo speaks Spanish, but he still kind of struggles to keep up
He’s just laughing the whole time too, like MC isn’t furious
Later, MC calmly explains just some random student pissed her off again
“Who is this student you say? Do I need to have a chat with them as the Demon Lord of The Devildom? :)?”
Dia actually admires how passionate MC is about her home country, agrees that it’s disrespectful to mislabel someone
Because he can, Dia starts to learn about Colombian culture and throwing parties just for MC
Starts saying shit like “politas pa la rumba!” (I’ll buy beers for everyone¿) just to sound cool to MC
Barb doesn’t understand how someone could be so beautiful but so hostile sometimes, overall doesn’t really mind though
Is surprised that such things could conde from MC, kind of chuckles thinking about it
He figured he should try and step in to calm the situation
“Is there anything I can do to ease you, MC?”
It ended up being that Diavolo was completely ignoring her and brushing her aside when he never did that with Solomon
Asks if she’d like him to talk to Dia about it, since he may approach it better than she will
Barb will quietly correct anybody who believes her to be Mexican, just so MC won’t have to deal with their arrogance herself
Takes his free time and makes dishes from Colombia, or Colombian themed cookies or cupcakes to make MC happy :)
Is trying to teach MC better ways to respond to idiots, more Angelic ways
When MC blows up for the first time in front of him, the literal shock she sent him into omfg
Helps to calm her down after showing distaste for her words
“You’re lips are to beautiful to speak such sinful things”
Will go on to give MC a long but kind lecture about why exploding like that is bad for her Aura and whatever
Will politely make it known that someone was wrong for assuming MC is Mexican, does get a bit irritated though
He now goes up to MC when she’s getting upset, to remind her to breathe and comfort her with a deep hug :)
“See? It’s ok MC~ just breathe in and out for me, ok? :)”
Will piss MC off on purpose just to see her pop off, he LOVES it
Literally her #1 cheerleader when she blows up, adding on to what she’s upset about
“Period MC” “No way she said that! What a fugly b*tch” “Right, she’s just a hater”
Hypes her up all the time, even when she’s obviously in the wrong
Sol needs ALL the tea, pulls up like “who we talking shit about?”
Will get on someone’s ass just because, now think about when someone mislabels MC😳💥
Gives MC a sense of pride hearing him say “Cagué” when he messes up a potion, he obviously picked that up from her
Gets kinda (really) scared when MC becomes a little aggressive
Actually bursts out crying because he was scared MC was mas at him
MC traumatized this kid so bad, he ran to Simeon like he was getting chased be some demons
“M-m-mom is really m-mad and *sobs* I’m s-scared *sobs more*”
MC IMMEDIATELY feels super bad because she scared away his soul
Simeon, having talked to her about it already, mouthed “Apologize now.” In a very not polite manner, kinda scaring MC too🚫🧢
Has MC apologizing PROFUSELY, trying to explain it wasn’t Luke’s fault
Once he calms down, they go to bake cookies like usual, except this time he’s sniffing the whole time :( 💔
I really hope this fit what you asked for :( </3
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peeterparkr · 4 years
perfidy;tom holland
teaser & prologue: the end of a beginning.
enemies to lovers au
story summary: Tom and you have been sworn enemies since you were young. However you happened to be best friends with the twins. When one of your friends challenged you to break Tom’s heart, you immediately accepted to get back at him for all the times he’s hurt you. Old feelings might come back, while both of you try to go past your pride and your lies. 
teaser summary: the first & the last times. 
pairing: tom holland x y/n
warnings: none I think, further chapters angsty, smutty 
word count: 1k
tell me what you think? wanna be tagged? 
chapter 1 series masterlist
As you know, Limits of Desire is coming to an end so I’m starting this new series. I’m very excited for this! Maybe it’ll flop but I like the idea, so I hope you like it too! 
Tumblr media
per·fi·dy /ˈpərfədē/ (noun): 
1: the quality or state of being faithless or disloyal: TREACHERY.  2: an act or an instance of disloyalty 3: deceitfulness; untrustworthiness.
When we walk in with the idea of a sworn enemy, it is expected to be deceived. One never walks into a war without expecting a battle, without expecting casualties. But you would have never guessed to be hurt in this way, not because you never thought he could stab you, but because you would have never guessed you’d feel this way by knowing he wanted to hurt you. 
This wasn’t a first time he’d hurt you, but you thought you’d learned better. You’ve learned it before, he was not worth the aggravation. Yet there you were, in your way to apologize to your best friend for causing such a mess. You were sure neither Harry nor Emma wanted to see you. But you were even more sure that they didn’t want to see Tom. 
You didn’t want to see him, because this wasn’t the first time Tom Holland had shattered your heart. It was the first time you shattered his, however. If you could even say that. And you were sure you had been both initially determined to hurt each other. Because both of you had twisted your words, and you’d both played with fire. 
But right now, you were trying to figure out if it had only been only an act of playing pretend, you were trying to understand if you really had gone to the battle wanting to win. Maybe you were destined to lose. Because you were sure that even if you were now standing in the end, there was still a beginning. 
Everybody talks about first times, but not the best ones. Not the ones that really settle in a relationship. Not the ones that you barely remember. But they’re important. 
Everybody remembers the first kiss, the first date, the first time you slept together, the first time saying I love you. 
No one remembers the first time you looked into each other’s eyes, or the first time your hands brushed against theirs, the first time you ran out of breath after laughing at a joke they made. The first time you hugged. The first time they reached out to pull back a lost strand of hair. The first time you ever shared fries or the first time they gave you a spoonful of whatever they were cooking. The first time they showed their ugly laugh or the first time you really turned into friends. 
The first time that you ever saw them with different eyes, and the first time that you didn’t roll your eyes at a lame attempt to flirt. The first time you talked wholeheartedly. The first time you weren’t lying. 
And nobody talks about the last times which turn into firsts. The last time you ever ignored each other, the first time you listened. 
The last time you stayed up all night to wait for a text and the first time you ever feared they wouldn’t text back. The last time you said goodbye and the first time you’d be scared to say hello. The last time you fought and the first time you didn’t want to apologize. The last time you went to bed together and the first time you ever woke up without him. 
Nobody talks about the last time you believed it was real, and the first time you ever let loose. Because it was a mistake, but all good things are, aren’t they? Miracles happened by accident. But this wasn’t an accident, this had been a perfectly crafted way of hurting each other. 
Maybe the first times led to the last times. And you wondered if you had ever crossed his mind before. Because he was always roaming your mind. You were not supposed to fall in love with him, this was just a stupid bet, and this had been a stupid decision. But maybe he did hate you now, maybe it was always meant to be this way, with him not wanting to talk to you, not even having the energy to annoy you and with him not answering your calls or your texts, not even to call you names. 
But nobody talked about betrayal, and how you shouldn’t even be angry about it because you had accepted the dare so nonchalantly and you knew what you were playing with. You were both wrong in this situation. 
Had this been the sweet revenge you were looking for? Or had it been just a pathetic excuse just to get close to him and finally accept your feelings? Maybe this just meant you were both too proud to accept it. But you were hurt, too. 
And now there you were, wondering what you had done wrong, wanting to turn back time so you had said no to that dare. Because, then it wouldn’t have hurt that much. Both playing pretend but both letting each other fall. 
But you remembered a first time, the first time you met, the first time you crushed on him and the last time he hurt you and the day you had promised yourself you’d never think of Tom Holland as anything but an asshole whom you would never trust, and you remembered that from a very young age you’d promised yourself that you’d never get tangled in his charms. Because they were not true. 
But you weren’t really one to talk now about truthful charms and you couldn’t say anything because you were no better than him.
But Tom Holland was so vain, and arrogant and too proud of himself. And everything revolved around him. Even your mind and your heart right now. But it was Tom, the idiot you’ve sworn you’d hate your whole life and the one who annoyed you whenever he strutted into a room. 
This was Tom, there was no reason to cry. You’d always say it: ‘I’d rather have grounds in my coffee than spend 5 minutes with him.’ Yet you were crying.
But there are first times, and there are last times. It’s just a matter of retrospective to see if its the end of a beginning or the beginning of an end, even if both of you showed how big of perfidy you can pull.
chapter 1 series masterlist
tell me what you think? wanna be tagged?
I’ll be using the tag list I used for LOD, please DO TELL ME IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE TAGGED NO HARD FEELINGS!! 
tag list   @clairesrainbow @underoosmarvel @wronglanemendes​  @itsvianny​   @jake-and-amy-are-married​ @starlightfound​  @harleenqueenofgotham  @kill-the-stereo​ @originalpinkpowerranger​ @spidxrparkxr​ @mukesnugget​ @anxiousdesignerdancerbandlover​ @organicpurplepants​ @happywolves81​  @nedthegay​ @skylar-mendes​  @sentimentalquackson  @savannah0111​ @spidermansmj14 @soccerstud004​ @marinaabernardii @applenter​ @silver-winter-wolf​    @dark-infernal-instruments​ @claredolphinbear24​ @bookgirlunicorn​  @tomshufflepuff​ @avengersgirllorianna​ @nevertoofarfromivar​ @saintlavrents​ @herofiennestiffinashardinscott.  @tomzfrog​ @tohollandback​ @morganhoran1671 @awkwardfangirl2014​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​  @everythingbooknerd​  @xapham​ @xapham​ @xxtomxo @tomhollandisagod​ @danicarosaline​ @laurfangirl424​ @vintageroses1014516​ @cinnamon-roll-peter​   @the-lost-fairy-tale​ @lala-florez​ @fufaation15 @healthyassdonut​    @ilcveyou3000 @xxtomxo​ @socorroann​ @muffinmari25   @cassindeansass  @rogers-obsessed-barnes-curious​ @southsidespidey​ @nathaliabakes​ @nathaliabakes​ @marvelstuck​ @embrace-themagic​ @bradfordbantams​ @sanniegirl1214​ @gioandreolli  @peterpandco​ @fairytaleparker​ @underooling​ @griff1ndor​ @chubby-cheek-calum​ @thatweirdomimic​ @avengersgirllorianna​ @reginalaufeyson-holmes @better-daisy​ @yeahimcrying​ @allmonstersxarehuman​ @spider-manholland​ @clairesrainbow @georiaang @sebxstianbarnes​ @kissingtrutharchives​  @snoopy3000​ @prettymessygurl​ @spideyparkerstark​ @fanfic-4-you​ @lexshead​ @officiallyunofficialperson​ @mannien @whitewolfandthefox​ @melodiclovesong​ @bizzlepotter​ @localfangirlx​  @xxpeachyxo​ @acceptance07​ @mendes-fan​ @mendes-fan​ @swaggyspiderman​ @localfangirlx​​  @queengemsworld @liberty01​ @stiles-banshees​ @itsjusttor​ @stretchkingblog97 @annathesillyfriend​ @dangerousluv1​ @tomshufflepuff​ @thewayilookatbacon​ @petersdiaries​ @emjaywrites​ @swaggyspiderman​ @infamousmany​ @jungeunave @bullshitstars23​ @ispiderdudei​ @calhtlland​ @literalfsngirltrash​ @quacksonhq​ @it-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes​​ @desir-ae​​ @pxkajesus​​ @unbelievableholland​​ @peterporkpie​​ @justanotherusername80 @smolpeachees​​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​​ @quackeroos​​ @spideyyeet​​
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IPK Rewatch: EP 01; the fateful night
ah the first look! the first impressions and the first introductions. it's interesting how the first snapshot after introducing us to Lucknow is of the Guptas. While both the families belong from the same city, it's now after 14 years that Arnav is at the point to take what is rightfully his, that Khushi breaks past the gates of his shell.
I love that bua ji's, the fiercely protective guardian of the two girls later onwards entrusted with their responsibility when they are sent to Delhi with her is the one introducing us to whose day it'll be.
"arre khushi ka mawqa hai!"
one of my favourite things about ipkknd were the possibly double meaning of dialogues. of course, it's a blissful and happy day for the daughter of the house is about to get married but today also marks the day where Arnav think he's won from his past. He is unaware that Khushi or happiness will come knocking at his door in span of few hours. Khushi is unaware that the turmoil her recklessness will pull through will lead to her, and her sister's best decisions of life.
Khushi's introductory dialogues reveal that despite being nervous she doesn't shy away from doing whatever she thinks is 'right'. I've always maintained that Khushi's moral compass is driven from the understanding of morality but whether whatever decision she makes will make the person she's doing that particular action for or from happy or sad. Right now, the shop being mortgage is going to take all of Guptas' assets and savings away. It'll also endanger her sister's happiness if the demand for dowry doesn't stop. While Khushi is right, as we know Shashi assures her afterwards, her going behind everyone to fix the situation herself isn't. These actions establish a running theme with Khushi's character. She is the definition of chaos and regardless of her intentions, things do tend to explode a lot in her face.
Also Payal's character's demure and ever-pleasing nature is established from the get go. While Bua ji is singing for her outside, she is worried about Khushi and her father instead of enjoying. The stoic tendency to please others and care for others before observing her own happiness stands out however her ability to go along until someone else takes the first step also shows her status as the elder daughter, whose often lauded as the perfect daughter of the house taking play.
The first look of Khushi, we see her eyes.
The eyes have a big role to play with both Arnav and Khushi, and to see the clarity and courage in Khushi's eyes from the first instance is just a beautiful directorial decision.
I also love Khushi's face reveal just as she is justifying her actions and revealing the same to Devi Ma. This is Devi Mayyian's child. Her absolute favourite and the closet confidant before Payal for Khushi! Sanaya looked absolutely ethereal in the first episode. The lengha is beautiful, the subdued green with pink with gota all over suits Khushi. Her switching out her khussas for tennis shoes few seconds earlier showing the unconventionality she doesn't shy away from. My only qualm is the amount of bronzer they put on Sanaya's face. (cough cough *colorism*)
Again with Khushi's moral compass, she wouldn't have stolen the milk man bike along with milk crates on the side if she actually took decisions which she thought through. Milk symbolises fertility and abundance blessed from gods. Khushi running away with stolen milk is a good use of metaphors in direction with Khushi being the force of change for everyone around her. Today in particular with Payal and Arnav's life. Also, 20,000 rs is symbolise the how the universe is shifting for the Guptas at least in the beginning. 20 being the universal number of harmony, balance and blessings and adding 0s to it which symbolise a divine journey. Three zeros simplify the divine journey Khushi has set out on and taken others along with her. The journey starting with loss will one day end with the gains Guptas didn't ever dream about. These little details were what pulled me into the script the first time around and seeing it repeat reinforces for me at least that I am glad to have been on this journey of Khushi and Arnav's from day one. (I started watching around the teej episodes).
Shashi's red kurta, I think at one point Shyam and NK both wore this during A & K's marriage. The recycling of wardrobes.
Shashi and Garima's conversation reveal the compliance that comes with being a woman in society and is understood by perhaps Garima and Bua ji. Shashi on the other hand might give into the norms, is also someone who stands against the injustices practiced in name of tradition and I love him for it! I really wish we had seen him recover before the show ended. A conversation between him and Arnav would've been heartwarming to witness since they both seem to align on their moral perspective of the world to an extent.
I know they try to tell us Khushi is around early adult years like 18, I really thought she passed as someone who was 21 and 22 through mannerism and with the bday tracks, I'm using that age as cannon.
We finally have the entry of our rakhshas urf rajkummar
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I love the shot of Khushi's motorcycle leaving the gates and stopping at the signal for the chopper to fly over and her being the only one to look up in the shot. 
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Ah ASR, Arnav Singh Raizada. He oozes arrogance, attitude, entitlement, purpose, and luxury. This is not an ordinary man and makes sure everyone around him remembers that. Of courses betiya didn't care about any. of it and that wasn't okay, at all!
With the first pap question we already know the this man has an established reputation of being hard to reach, of being mysterious, and making calculated decisions which leave others stumped in light of his age and experience. The second and third follow up are questions are just as enthralling. This is one of the most eligible bachelors and not many know much about his personal life. His mysteriously magnetic persona also begs answers to know why they're exceptions in him making a presence at events he is hosting in smaller cities of the country. All these questions and he answers nothing. Just calmly walks past. But we get hints. There's a past. A haunting one with a broken marriage, death, and a mother.
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"Hum usoolon ke bare pakke hain!"
"Usooloon se somjhota nahi karte!"
ah chacha ji! where else do we go on to hear these lines from? Dadi ji. How ironic that a woman and her son taking pride in their ability to stick to rules, morals, traditions, are the ones at mercy of this man whose morals are deemed questionable throughout, who doesn't advertise morality, nor preach verse of tradition. These are also the people who wronged him and his sister as a kid. The Maliks left Arnav and Anjali at a place where they couldn't use their name without feeling disgraced. And now here, fourteen years later Arnav stands on the same grounds he was was told to leave from. I love the 630 above Arnav. The number signifying success. Apt! The white dove signifying the turmoil ending to some degree with the Arnav Malik rightfully taking what was his, a reign of peace.
In contrast Payal and Khushi once again having the conversation about what they're doing is right or not brings us to a contrast in decision making abilities. Arnav's move was calculated. He went over Chachaji's head to buy from the man the havali was mortgaged to. Khushi's move is driven through impulse of protecting her sister's happiness.
Khushi's words abut dil, zameer, paisa are hilarious because the man she loathes for the same reason is the one she is unable to hate. Oh how the tables turn!
I love Anjali's introduction. The first words are Arnav. The first interaction in the flashback of her's is with Arnav. The siblings are each others' first friends, first confidants, first people. Anjali wearing very thick visible sindoor after we just saw an ambiguous flash back of hers at her wedding is such a perfect example of Raizada's not being much different than the Maliks in their quest to bury the past and refuse to answer questions. Anjali wearing yellow in a see of red is such a perfect repression of what she means to Arnav. Yellow symbolises happiness, sunshine, brightness. Khushi later showing up in Green is also such a beautiful thing as green symbolises rebirth, revitalisation, and reincarnation of life. The two women are everything for this man.
We find out Arnav wanting to knock down Sheesh Mahal. Whether he does so or not, we don't find out.
(The ipk Redux was amazing at plot analyses and predicting tracks through easter eggs in the show. The complete truth of Garima, Arnav's dad, Khushi's parents, Chachaji, Dadi ji, and Shyam being tied to their past was changed according to those theories and ofc they are theories not canon. but these narrative shifts annoyed me a lot which is why I think IPK would've been good as a finite series. It wouldn't have to adjust its tracks in accordance to trps. Regardless of this theories being right or wrong, we can already observe with the omission of Chacha ji that there were changes made. Ah well.)
I loved that poet dude. The insinuation of taking to rights and two lefts, and Khushi being lost in the labyrinth that was Sheesh mahal is apt in terms of how Khushi found her life tangled with Arnav's past later onwards. I love how Khushi always ended up unintentionally walking towards Arnav since this day onwards. We see that when she ends up at Shantivan with saris. We see that when she ends up in front of him after Shyam the first time around.
and now for that fateful moment. The moment planned by the Gods. the moment where Khushi finds herself scared, her phone battery gone, she has no one and in a sea of people her eyes land at that one person. Interesting how she pulls up her dupatta just as that man stares her. Arnav's eyes when looking at Khushi find a way to admire her or in this case, he was straight up being disrespectful towards this strange girl. When she turns around to leave, she slips on the dupatta his staff had pinned on her and god, this man was taken aback by her. The first meeting derived anger from Arnav but also it pushed something he didn't hope to have to that extent. There is a pull between the two. He looks at her eyes, observes her trembling lips, and her hand, her hand clutches onto his collar which becomes a theme. The dupatta and Arnav's collar are two things that become so important in their ability to communicate their comfort to each other.
And so it begins. The love story. The kahani of nafrat, of refusing to be indifferent but trying so so hard to be.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
I am having Thoughtstm about Bianca.
Have you thought about what her relationship would be with the rest of the Halliwell brood? Like does she get along with white!future Wyatt and Melinda? And what does she think of Henry Jr and his desire to make his Mark on the Halliwell Line?
Also I for some reason see her getting along really well with Dency? I know they don’t exist in the same universe but I could see them being friends? Maybe roasting Chris together and being good sparring partners? I think she’d dig Dency’s little detective thing she’d got going… and I know Bianca is with Chris but like… Bianca x Dency ? 👀 👀 Could be cute 😂😂
okay so for starters i think bianca gets along p well with all of the next gen but like. it wasn’t an immediate thing like. i think esp with wyatt because wyatt really is kind of like. like he's the kind of epitome of the next generation son of a charmed one and a whitelighter he's hella powerful blah blah blah and like. he kinda sits at the top of his class. which is like bianca. so i think bianca thought that wyatt would be like her because you know how like if you're only raised around people like you you kind of start thinking like how your brain works is how like everyone's brain works? i think bianca thinks wyatt is like her so she doesn't like him because well. you can guess. but i think upon meeting wyatt i mean he's just really like gentle really passive he doesn't like. like he doesn't hate magic. but it doesn't feel ingrained in him despite who he is he doesn't live for the battle like looking at him you see no markers that he's one of the most powerful witches of his generation and bianca's kinda just like huh. you don't have to feel the compulsive need to be the best at everything all the time and like make sure people know you're the best and also people kind of hate you for it because they'll never be as good as you so u decide to hate them first you decide you will be the bitch you craft a persona they're basically guaranteed to hate so when they reject you it's on your terms you wanted them to do that you basically forced their hand because the alternative is being genuine and that way if they do reject you it's not a mask they just saw you and didn't like you because let's be real there's not much to like. and wyatt's like hmm. no? i think she wouldn't really get along as well with wyatt as she would with chris because her and chris are very much both witches at heart you can feel it in everything they do but i don't think she like. doesn't get along with wyatt. i mean okay for starters wyatt kind of operates the opposite as bianca whereas bianca will throw up her stone cold alpha bitch mask before anyone can decide whether or not they like her again she kind of forces their hand because she needs this to be on her terms. wyatt does the exact opposite because again the elders almost killed him as a bebe and he's always kind of worried that some day they'll realize he as a person is just not worth the risk so he tries to be so super likable and genial and like. good witch!! at all times. and it's kind of like calls to like game recognizes game where both bianca and wyatt can tell the others wearing a mask no one's that nice and no one's that cold so like. i do think they like each other. they feel like they can be honest around each other (eventually. it does take wyatt a very long time to overcome that phoenix hurdle because again he's well read he knows what's up he knows they're like an organization of like superwitches smart deadly all of the above and he doesn't wanna be. giving up his secrets to them you know? much less the halliwell secrets. but i think once it becomes clear that bianca is her own person once she breaks from the phoenix then like. like you know they have to trust each other first. but once they do, they're buddies) i also think bianca's studied art history so i think they can talk about that and chris is like. okay? because like. no he gets it shure it's cool but also how long reasonably can you talk about a single painting like come on now.
as far as melinda goes i think like i think melinda comes off as really passive really kind a nurturing type like in her day to day life or whatever like oh she's such a sweetheart but she's kind of shy again like s1 piper is really my jumping off point for mellie that and she has leo's big heart That Being Said i do not think that shows At All when she's home i think she drags her brothers for filth like nail on the head baby she's like. if you're being a dick (which, between chris and wyatt, happens relatively frequently) she's gonna call you out on it!! in a very brutal and personalized, but at the same time still kinda funny way. she definitely has receipts. so i think just first hearing the way chris and bianca engage the way she like. like she respects chris's skills as a witch bianca does she thinks he's very talented she would trust him with her life but at the same time chris u fuckin idiot i think they have a very playful raport but bianca is very starstruck by him she's never lost in the layer and layers or fog that surround chris's identity i think like too many of chris's lis (not that he like ever does relationships really) are just kinda like. lost in the image. whether it's charmed one or brooding skinny brunet w daddy issues they are many images of chris u can see instead of the real one but bianca sees chris as he is which i think gives her immediate points from melinda melinda is also an empath and i do think bianca is protected against empaths but like melinda's like oh you two are In Love in love. as far as personal relationships go between melinda and bianca i think melinda would be the one who most consciously tries to make bianca feel like a part of the family like a halliwell. chris, respectfully, i love him, doesn't think of like. inviting her to some family events, especially not early in the relationship because like. he just doesn't. but melinda's like chris!! thanksgiving u gotta invite her 2 thanksgiving. because again. melinda can't feel bianca. but like. she's been an empath her whole life she knows what she's looking at and like. bianca needs a loving family. and she is totally willing to provide that!! and then for what it's worth i think despite all her skill bianca isn't nearly as good at reading mel as melinda is at reading her. like i think she sees the soft external melinda and then the melinda who roasts her siblings and is like okay i kinda get it. and like melinda want to be a nurse or doctor she wants to fuse her empath with a mortal career to best help people like sure. but i think like. but them on a solo mission together (i guess duo mission) and bianca'll fine she's just really misread melinda like in general what she thought she was looking at is not the witch melinda is and i think it's just because bianca's unaccustomed to seeing someone who has power like melinda who can fight like melinda who undeniably has her mother's unbreakable fierce spirit just be like how melinda is in her day to day life. like someone who's that great at what she does just choose kindness and gentleness daily not because the elders are breathing down her neck or like she needs allies or like she has some epic prophecy to fill she just like. chooses kindness because she wants to. she wants a kind world. and bianca's like huh. bc lowkey forgot that was an option. but it's difficult seeing all the shit bianca has.
in regards to henry i think henry jr and bianca get along famously because they just like feel really similar like. like bianca was never liked in the phoenix because well a) she's a bitch b) she's the best and c) like she was always clearly people favorite so like. others were it was jealously call a spade a spade this is like elementary era it's jealousy when you're eight and trying your hardest and the other eight year old gets praise the praise u really want and she didn't even try she didn't even care she didn't have to because she's just so much better than you. like!! yeah so kids at school never liked her, esp within the phoenix (ftr i think phoenix go thru a normal education system so like can like function/blend in real well in normal society and then Also go to phoenix academy, so kinda like what gen2 does with magic school). bianca's never fit it, but she's also wicked smart. so kinda like henry! like paige kind of runs magic school henry's sisters go there like henry's been at magic school. he doesn't take classes, but he's always there. he burns through the books in the library. he knows everyone just calls him the mortal, he doesn't care, because he also knows they know he's smart than them like if they could swallow their pride and ask him for help like most of these kids would become better witches but they don't because henry's a mortal. bianca doesn't care, the kid knows his shit. so what if he doesn't have powers, like, dude, he's basically a walking encyclopedia, and he's read the book of shadows cover to cover like a dozen times, do you know how rare that knowledge is? that's the sacred book of the warren line like that's a crucial ancestral item and henry's like. like in bianca's mind not only is henry a warren witch like he's Thee warren witch no other person alive knows that magic better than him. i also think they have similar senses of humor.
dency!! i mean i think if dency were born any later she'd be besties with like all the phoenix i think magic isn't at a stage where they're really integrated into society yet and there's still kind of that cultish structure but that's not the reason light magic doesn't engage right they don't deal with the phoenix because they're neutral so they will work with demons meaning working with them as a light magic practitioner is forbidden. and then for what its worth i think dency being demon/charmed one is really gonna herald in an era of just kinda like acceptance for those who are neutral or even born of dark magic but like. that hasn't happened. yet. but like. in regards to bianca specifically. i think they'd vibe. i think bianca would throw up her cooler than u bitch personality as she always does and i think dency'd be so into it. and then, of course, dency doesn't look down her nose at the phoenix like most other witches do, again, because she's the source's heir. from what vantage point can she judge others? i think for bianca just seeing someone who's so kinda unabashedly themselves like honest about it too dency's not like. a role model. like there's penn who's really put together and always trying to seem pristine and polite and then they're dency who like hasn't showered in four days because she's out of shampoo so she needs to buy some Then she can shower. there's like. an honest about being kinda uncool kinda a fuck up that makes dency like. cool. like because we all do it (maybe not specifically the shampoo thing, but) like we all have some elements of ourselves that are just kind of truly pathetic and dency doesn't try to cover it up with some shiny veneer she doesn't she not like wyatt with his perfect mask or even bianca with her bitch one dency doesn't wear a mask take me or leave me baby and i think bianca really loves her for that. it genuinely depends on were in the timeline in chrisbianca does bianca meet dency because like. dude. powercouple. i don't think it'd go anywhere i don't think we're necessarily hitting soulmatism or kinda the raw vulnerability we'll get from a latestage chrisbianca but like. dude. like. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀. like. !
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gaillol-13 · 3 years
"Hey, why the long face?"
Benjamin looked up to see a small boy, about his age, with brown slick hair, a black and blue striped jacket, and black shorts, in front of him.
"G-go away!!" Benjamin shouted, eyes welding with tears non-stop, and that was humiliating enough. To be shown sitting on the bench at recess, sobbing like the pathetic bratty nobody he is. He didn't deserve attention, he didn't deserve-
"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong."
Benjamin sniffled "Why do you care? Its non of your business." He buried his face in his arms.
"Well that doesn't mean I shouldn't know about it. Plus, according to Ms. Undorstud, its affecting your grades." The kid sat down next to him. And Benjamin went silent.
"Look, I understand if you dont wanna talk about it, there are things that hurt alot. But I'm here for you, and if theres anything that will make you feel better, I'll help." Benjamin felt the boy's hand on his shoulder. "Okay?"
Benjamin was speechless, he never had a stranger care about him, or his feelings. He looked at the kid's warm smile, and thought for a moment.
He does care...
The boy cocked his head in confusion, "Huh?"
Benjamin was now facing the other boy, still having tears run down his cheeks.
"She was my little sister, born years ago, me and my twin brother Jasper loved her very much. She was so energetic, goofy, a little annoying, but most of all, she was so optimistic. She looked up to us, so me and Jasper home-schooled her..."
The boy then saw Benjamin's face scrunch up, eyes closed shut, breathing became shaky. As if he didn't want to remember these memories, like he just wanted them to go away.
"F-for weeks a-ago..." his voice started to crack, "She got-t hit...by a car and-..."
The kid let out a small gasp as he realized what Benjamin ment, his little sister died.
The latter hesitated to keep going.
"Ma wasn't looking and-...Jasper hated her, he hated her for it. And then Pa was so upset he-... he got a rope."
Benjamin then bursted into even more tears, and covered his face with his arm. "There," he wiped the snot off his nose "You happy? You gonna tell everyone I'm a wimp?"
The kid stared at him in disbelief, "Why would I do that?!"
"Because-*sniff*- because c-crying over-*sob* something like that i-s stupid."
"Losing a family member isn't stupid!!" The boy's voice almost hissed, "it's a big deal!! You lose them forever!! You cared for them!! You have every right to be upset!!!"
"But-" Benjamin stopped for a moment to dry his tears and face, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "People said that crying is showing weakness, a-and-"
The boy then grabbed Ben's shoulders, making him flinch.
"Dude..." He looked at him with an intense look in his topaz-colored eyes, they seemed the pierce through him. The ladder swallowed hard, lost for words.
"We don't cry because your weak." The kid used his thumb to wipe away the tears, now cupping Benjamin's cheek. "We cry because we've been strong for too long. And in your case, you've been superman for years."
"R-really?" Benjamin felt his heart stop for a moment, then a spark of hope.
"Of course, its totally normal to cry about things like this. Heck, it would be horrible if you didn't feel sad about it! Trust me, I may not know exactly how it feels to be in your shoes, but I did lose my grandparents in a fire."
The boy's eyes then spawned tears, but his smile still remained.
"It hurts alot, more than anything in the world, to lose someone who is so close to you, and you feeling responsible for it. But that's okay, cuz you know what? They'll want us to live our lives without them, so we can be okay, so we can cherish the past and make our future. For them..."
He nodded, and Benjamin took it as his cue to let it out of his system, which he did, for 4 minutes. 4 minutes of crying, 4 minutes of yelling, 4 minutes of him crying on the kid's shoulder (who was patting his back).
After that, he felt a bit better. Even chuckled a little.
"Heh, thanks."
The boy grinned, feeling proud of himself, "No problem, and remember I'm always here for you."
Hearing those words warmed Benjamin's heart. He then looked at the boy who just made him feel better. Wow, seeing the said boy so full of pride was both intimidating and inspiring, he's super nice too.
"Hey, um would you like to come visit me?"
The boy turned to him. So he kept going.
"I have a secret hideout at the forest, we can go there."
The boy's eyes lit up, "Are you kidding? That would be awesome!! Oh! By the way, I didn't get your name."
"Benjamin Krupp, but I go by Benny or Jammer, Yours?"
"Theodore murdsly, but I go by Ted or Teddy."
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stardustacefics · 4 years
Ke Yi Ma?
Pairing: Teh/Oh-aew
W/c: 1k
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(omg this scene 😭😭😭)
Chapter 7: Teh
I told my mom the truth about me and Oh-aew…
It went okay, I think. I mean, it definitely could have been worse… but it definitely could have been better too.
Either way, I can’t get the conversation out of my head. I am lying in the middle of the floor in my bedroom. I reach over to grab my phone and check the time. 3:08am. Great. I flop my arm back down on the ground and stare up at the ceiling. I’m not going to get any sleep tonight. Once I accept that, I sit up, put on my shoes, and leave to go for a walk.
It feels as if time has stopped being linear for a moment, as I suddenly end up at my favorite spot on the beach. Did I really zone out for the entire walk here?
As I stand on the beach, I take off my shoes and feel the sand between my toes, and I recall the last time that I was here with Oh-aew.
Oh-aew… his boat runs 24 hours a day.
He wouldn’t mind if I come over… right?
I decide to text him, but he doesn’t answer. Of course not. It’s the middle of the night. He’s probably been asleep for hours.
I’m still going to visit him.
I walk over to the pier and take the boat to his family’s resort. As the boat makes its way across the water, the wind blows briskly against me face. I can almost smell his coconut scent as we approach the resort.
My phone buzzes, and I find a text from Oh-aew.
oh.aew you ok?
teh can’t sleep
teh can I come over?
oh.aew sure
oh.aew is something going on?
teh almost here
teh meet you on the beach?
oh.aew I’ll be there
Once the boat stops, I thank the driver and walk down the pier. As I approach the beach, I see Oh-aew sitting on the hammock, his hair sticking up all over the place since he had just woken up. He looks over and sees me, and I wave to him. He smiles and waves back.
“Hey,” I say as I stop next to the hammock.
“Hey,” he says with a kind smile. “What’s going on?”
I sit down next to him and exhale. “I told my mom,” I say quietly.
“Oh?” he implores, raising his eyebrows. “… are you okay?”
I shrug and shove my hands deep into my pockets, kicking the sand as the hammock swings gently. “It was fine. She… she wasn’t exactly happy, but she wasn’t angry either. I don’t really know what she thinks.”
He nods and takes my hand into his, rubbing my thumb softly. “But are you okay?” he urges again.
I shrug again. “I don’t know….”
“Disappointed?” he suggests.
I nod, my chin sinking lower. He’s right… I guess I am disappointed. I knew that she wouldn’t be perfect about this… but I did hope that she would be…
Oh-aew reaches around me and pulls me into a gentle hug. He doesn’t say anything. Neither do I. We stay like this for a while, neither of us saying a word, and then, I start to cry.
It hurts. I didn’t know that it was hurting this much.
“Shh, it’s okay,” Oh-aew whispers as he embraces me and rubs my back softly. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
After a while, I couldn’t breathe out of my nose anymore and my eyes were incredibly puffy, so I leaned back and tried to wipe all of the tears and sweat from my face.
“Hey,” Oh-aew says soothingly. “It’s going to be okay.” He grips both of my shoulders and stares intently into my eyes. “This is just one moment, and one day. It will pass, and I will be here. For this day, and all of the other days in the future. Okay?”
I sniff loudly and nod, mustering up a grateful smile.
“Do you want to talk about it? If you don’t want to, you don’t-”
“I want to,” I blurt out, and I begin to tell him the story.
“Um, brother of the year?!” Oh-aew exclaims, a look of astonishment and pride glowing on his face. “When did you tell him?”
I laugh, my spirits having been raised a bit. “The night before we ran to the tip of the Promthep Cape… when I was having a different mental breakdown,” I say with a smirk.
“Oh?” he asks mockingly, nudging me in the side with his elbow.
“Oh?” I tease back, nudging him even harder and making a face at him.
Our nudges become slaps, which become punches, and eventually, Oh-aew decides that he’s had enough, so he scoops me up in his arms and carries me towards the sea.
“Wooooaaah what are you doing??” I ask uneasily as I wrap my arms around his neck.
“There is no way that I’m letting you win this round,” he says with a sly grin.
He wades into the water, and I curl up tighter and tighter, hoping to avoid the inevitable.
“Dude!” I yell once the water is almost up to his waist. “It’s 4 in the fucking morning! I don’t need to be dunked in the sea this early!”
“Oh, okay,” he says simply.
“Yeah fucking right!” he retorts with an evil smirk and he dunks me entirely into the water.
So, naturally, I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him down with me. If I’m going to lose, he’s going to lose with me!
Once we are both submerged in the sea, I look up at him and find that he is trying not to laugh. Serves you right, asshole! He drifts over to me, wraps his arms around my waist, and pulls me in for a kiss. When our lips touch, my eyes close and let my hands slide up his chest. We continue to kiss until we run out of air, and then we float back to the surface.
As I am catching my breath, Oh-aew is still next to me laughing. “What?” I ask, smiling at him in bewilderment.
He smiles at me as he brushes my hair back with his fingers. “When you’re really happy, your nose crinkles when you smile.” His smile grows even wider as he says, “I love it.”
“Aiiish,” I complain, and I can feel my face going scarlet. I quickly start to swim away as I shout, “Don’t say stuff like that!”
I hear him cackling as I swim back to shore, and I smile because I know that he’s following right behind me.
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lightfoot-bros · 4 years
I wrote this mini scenario where Ian and Barley had a conversation with each other while searching for the Phoenix gem. I call it:
The Wandering
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Ian walks with some fatigue now since the changing of the weather from rain to shine and walking for countless miles following these ancient ravens with Barley and half of their Dad. Ian was starting to feel doubt as he calculated the position of the sun located zenith above them which indicates it is noon by now. He couldn’t help feeling distraught that there could be a possibility that they won’t make it on time to see their father. Then Ian remembers the folded note in his jean’s pocket that their father left them about the spell of visitation.
Ian reached into his pocket while holding his staff in the other and unfolded the note displaying a drawing of a man with the sun above him, and next to it the man slowly disappearing with the sunset in the horizon. The illustration reminded him of the lack of time they have in finding that Phoenix gem; Ian reinforcing his critical thoughts on their situation that things might not go as planned. He looks at Dad who is trying to catch up with his sons despite not having an actual head to see, while Barley holds the leash guiding him. Ian realizes that they have come this far to find this ancient gem, and his brother gave up his pride and joy Guinevere to make this possible. Ian then felt the flame of ambition arising as he reshaped his walking posture to get to the end of the ravens faster. He was determined that he will see their father as a whole because that is what he wanted more than anything.
Barley is in the lead pulling Dad and notices that they have been walking for a while now and him and his brother hadn’t really talk much since he gave up his beloved Guinevere. He admits he still feels sad about it but he knows he made the right choice and he will not let Guinevere die in vain. So he tries something to lighten the mood on this quest.
“So with all this walking we must be getting closer by now,” Barley said optimistically while still walking on the path.
Ian distracted with conflicting thoughts of determination and fear of failure in his head he replied bluntly, “yeah, I hope so.”
The conversation went cold between them; so Barley’s instincts took over: “Man, it feels like we’ve been walking for hourrrrrs....Much more than when mom signed us up for Boy Scouts when we were little, remember Ian? They made us do a lot of hiking.”
Ian mentally dig through his files of memories and recalls, “Huh. Oh yeah. The campsite was near Lochlake. A lot more trees compared to here tho.” He stopped for a bit trying to make sense of his memories, “I remember them teaching us how to fish. And that was when I earned my fishing badge,” Ian said proudly.
“Oh Yeaaah! I remember! I wasn’t good at fishing,” Barley admitted.
“You keep trying to catch the fish with your bare hands.”
“Yeah because that was how mighty warriors catch their meal!” Barley remarked with zeal.
“By thrashing in the water and scaring everyone’s fishes away,” Ian said jokingly.
“Hey I used the ancient way to catch fish while you guys used the modern way,” Barley said reassuring.
Ian just shrugged and said, “Whatever you say.”
“Wait!” Barley called out. “Do you remember those lunches they fed us?”
Ian trying to remember more of his faded memories of his past and then it made Ian squinting his face and sticking out his tongue in disgust remembering it, “Ugh, yes...it tasted horrible.” Which Ian is honestly surprised faculty found a way to bring a microwave in the woods.
“Really? I thought it tasted like chicken.”
“Barley, you think every kind of meat tastes like chicken.”
“Hey, that’s not true! I can tell the difference between Burger Shire’s fried chicken and Pizza Realm’s. And obviously Pizza Realm tastes better in a land slide; and—they have laser tag,” Barley smiles brightly.
Ian chuckled, “I can’t believe my 19-year brother would play laser tag with other kids.”
“Hey, laser tag is hella fun! And these kids now a days are really good at it. And you love laser tag too.”
Ian recalled his mother bringing him and Barley to Pizza Realm on weekends and they can play arcade games for hours; they were pretty young. Ian remembered being too shy to make small talk with the other kids. He doesn’t know why he always behaved like that honestly. But he does remember Barley always inviting him over to play laser tag and they be on the same teams against the other kids. They weren’t too bad working as a team, Ian admits; it was his favorite childhood memory...But that was the past...
“Yeah when I was 9, Barley. We’re too old to play those kid games and everybody would think we’re weird.”
Barley doesn’t budge, “Hey age is just a number, bro. And I enjoy playing laser tag. If something is so fun why should I care what others think. Worrying about how other people would think just bring misery.”
Ian felt unsure how to respond to that comment. In fact, he admits he does worry how other people perceived him. Always trying to get good grades, always saying please and thank to his elders, being a good stand-up citizen. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with that. But. Its just that it never occurred to him that maybe being “perfect” is the problem...Ian felt at conflict with how he wants to be more like Dad—confident, bold and daring—and trying to hold this perfect image seemed impossible. Who is Iandore Lightfoot, really? He always asked himself that every night before drifting to sleep.
Ian responded with a low-sounding agreement looking down at the ground, “yeah....” Feeling so low with this new realization and questioning his identity.
In silence Barley noticed how Ian’s mood and tone has changed. Feeling concern for his little brother he stop walking and turned around and looked at him with reassuring presence. “Hey, I was saying all of that because that’s how I live my life, man. If there are things you don’t like doing then that’s okay. I like doing these kind of things because it makes me happy about myself—even though people can say otherwise. And Ian, I was there when you told that cyclops cop how you really think about yourself. Quite frankly you are none of those things. You’re attending honors at school, you like taking photography outside in nature, you can play chess, dude! You know I won’t try to figure out how all of that works!” Barley said enthusiastically.
Ian just looks at Barley and take in everything he said. Feeling appreciated. Not saying anything.
Barley continued, “Just these few days I’ve seen how you stayed your ground in front of the Manticore; you did an impossible left turn on the freeway leaving behind the crazy biker gang; you’ve master your fears by crossing the Bottomless Pit-”
“Barely,” Ian interrupted.
“But you’re still alive!” Barley reassured. “And you hightailed Colt and the cops!” Barley lightens up with his huge smile and raised his arms to the sky. “Bro, you’re freakin’ AWESOME!”
Ian couldn’t believe what he was hearing from his brother. Dumbfounded actually. But surprised with Barley’s words of encouragement—no, perhaps honesty. Ian stood there for a while trying to embrace it all. He felt his heart wanting to give in to the warm tears his eyes want to release. But he rubs his eyes quickly with his arm and responded to what came to his mind first by smiling, “Thank you, Barley.”
Barley is happy that his brother sees that he is more than what he thinks. “Hey don’t mentioned it,” as he put his hands on his waist appearing indifferent to the comment (which he appreciates, really). Barley looks at Dad and sees his father wanting to sit down, which he can’t blame him from all the shenagins their father experienced. He turned to Ian, “Hey we got to hurry up and get that Phoenix gem. I will carry a Dad from here and you lead the way,” he said returning a smile.
Ian felt more bolder from his brother’s comments so he took the suggestion with ease. “Sure.”
Barley picked up his father on his shoulders and Ian walked ahead.
After a while, Ian asked Barley, “So I was thinking after we meet Dad, maybe we can check out Pizza Realm. I do miss their pizza,” Ian said as a suggestion.
“OH Dude, they have this new pizza called the Triple-Meat-Eaters Pizza and it is A-MA-ZING.”
“Hahah, yeah I’m down for that,” Ian responded.
As they continued walking on the grassy field they see a raven statue at the distance pointing them to the next direction.
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On Bruce And Texting:
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Author’s Note: Hello and welcome, this is my first properly written fic, originally posted to my AO3, and now that I have finally created a writing blog, it’s here as well. Please enjoy!!  AO3.  Masterlist
Warnings: Hopefully none, its all cute and fluff <3
Summary: Bruce Wayne texts like he's sending correspondences to the Queen, so of course the little monsters he calls children just have to make fun of him! Brats, the lot of them, but he wouldn't have them any other way.
Features: Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle, all the bats and birds, mentions JL, no crime fighting, only family fluff, jokes and nods to Millennial and GenZ shenanigans.
Word Count: 2.7k
Billionaire, genius, tech expert, father of many children, and all around up-to-date-with-just-about-everything type of person he may be, it is also a well-known Fact that Bruce Wayne, the Batman(TM) himself, can’t text to save his life.
Whether it’s due to his Very Proper English Upbringing, his inability to be informal via written correspondences of any type, his indifference, or the fact that it bothers his children so much, Bruce Wayne has not and never will text with anything less than perfect grammar, spelling, and formality. If he has not sent you a proper letter (featuring a dedication, indentation for every paragraph, signature, and post-script when applicable), he did, in fact, not send you that text. Informality is not his Batman Way(TM) according to his children... he’s not too sure what that even means, but it makes his young ones laugh so it’s probably fine?  
His oldest children (Richard and Jason) were raised in the time of Change, where computers, internet access, social media, and all things similar were only just being introduced into households en-masse. They were young enough to remember a time without such devices and connectivity (both for very different reasons, of course, but they grew up without the newest technology none-the-less). They could understand his relationship to the digital environment more so than his younger children, but they still tended to poke fun at his ‘texting blunders’ regularly. All his kids somehow ended up as brats. He doesn’t know how this happened. It’s certainly not his fault. He blames the League members, and especially Clark Kent, for their defiant personalities. 
His younger children, whom he loves dearly, like to confuse him as much as they possibly can with their slang, egregious spelling errors, and all-around ‘internet humour’. He doesn’t know what ‘wig’ or ‘worm’ or ‘oof’ or anything means. He has no idea what those dances are, or how they relate to the music that seems to always accompany them, and for the love of all that is good, don’t ask him what he thinks of this or that ‘meme’. What even is a ‘meme’, and should he be more concerned about his kids being obsessed with them? He tries, oh my god, does he try to follow the children’s conversations, but they somehow all learned a language he has no idea how to decrypt. His best response to them once they start speaking in tongues is as follows: smile but not too much, listen to child even though he is deeply confused, and pat child on head or shoulder when they are finished and are looking for assurance.  
He refuses to be a parent who ignores or tunes out his children, so he always makes sure to put down his work, his crossword, his tools, or whatever else is in his hands when a child searches him out for a conversation. But somehow, despite all the time he spends around them and their strange words, when he gets text from them comprised of abbreviations, acronyms, and completely random words, he goes a little cross eyed. He would never tell anyone, but he keeps a running list on his phone about the things they say that he has had to translate in the past. Spilling tea? Speaking the truth, usually to do with gossip. Wow? Multiple possible meanings: either a video game, or someone saying it (different pronunciation depending on context and who sent the text). Stickbug? A nice little prank with no ulterior motives, just for fun. Something along the lines of “this basic bitch Karen at the grocery store who is a dirty rat-licker and is def an anti-vaxxer just took 45 (forty-five) minutes to decide she didn’t actually want that almond milk. I Stan the cashier who had to put up with her. Rad af dude.” roughly translates to “A rude, middle-aged white woman who wasn’t wearing a mask and doesn’t believe in disease control or vaccinating her children wasted a great deal of an essential worker’s time in the checkout line. The cashier was very professional in their dealings with said customer and should be commended on their actions.”  
Given enough time, the internet for searching up new slang words, and occasionally some help from a friend (Alfred, Selina, Lucius, another of his children, etc), Bruce could decode and respond appropriately to most texts. He was quite proud of these achievements, and although he didn’t always like how often his children were on their phones or computers or gaming systems, he was quite proud of how integrated and easily they adapted to the ever-evolving world of electronics. All his kids were gifted in many ways, but their ability to learn, their hunger for knowledge, and their perseverance when exploring new and challenging ideas were always the things that he was most impressed by.  
He could do without their comments though. Yes, surprisingly, he did manage to get girlfriends with his type of texting. No, he doesn’t miss the ‘good old days’ when telegraphs were the main form of long-distance correspondence (how old do these brats think he is?!). And yes, he does know what a “tweet” is, and how to “post” on his social media accounts, and what “sliding into your DMs” is (thanks to a frantic search after a WE employee mentioned it near him). The Wayne children, truly whom and what Bruce considers his pride and joy, are cruel little jerks to him sometimes. His hoard of parenting books fails to mention what one should do when their children gang up on them. Bullying is covered of course, but he can’t really talk to a teacher or his guardian about how his second son calls him an idiot sandwich, or that his third son regularly tries to get him to do something “For The Vine”. His oldest and youngest boys are only slightly better in the bullying him department; Richard and his puppy dog eyes when he wants to do something dangerous or not-Alfred-approved, and Damian and his growing collection of pets because “Mother never let me have them, and I am deprived, and don’t you love me Father?”.  
His only good child is his beautiful daughter Cassandra, the flower of the Wayne clan. She gives him hugs, and pats his hands, and can sit with him and just enjoy the quiet and stillness when his other children are not around. Her language skills are improving by leaps and bounds every day, and her heart and spirit are unparalleled, but her main method of communication is in her movements. Her hands, her posture, her dancing; Bruce couldn’t think of a more graceful, fluid, powerful person if the world depended on it. His amazing little girl doesn't bully him (and if she ever does, he probably deserves it, he trusts her), so he turns to her most of all when it comes to communicating with someone else. She doesn’t let him send anything that is “sketchy” or “wrong words, bad meaning, Dad”. He would give the world to his children, but for Cassandra, he would destroy it and build her an entirely new one.
Social media, especially with his terrible children all having accounts dedicated to making him look like a simpleton, was another rocky terrain he had to navigate on the regular. He had professionals in place at WE to run the company’s many accounts, paid top dollar to help appeal and relate to the masses, but he mostly had to manage his personal accounts himself. And so, @TheRealBruceWayne was one of the greatest struggles in his adult life. Why can’t he just retweet every post from @WE_Offical and leave it at that? People should only want to know about what’s new with the company. What do you mean they want to know more about our family and private lives? That’s unnecessary, and not important to the running of the company, right? Right? Why are you laughing?!
Luckily, most people in his life aren’t so intimately aware of his struggles. He can act and lie all he wants about being “hip” and “woke” and whatever else the kids are saying these days when he’s with the JL or in board meeting intermissions, networking with his associates. The Batman knows all and sees all, Green Lantern, of course he understands how “Tiktok” works. The Batman is a robot without a funny bone in his body, Green Arrow, but I did witness him sigh and say “same” when he knocked his cup of coffee over while on monitor duty once. No matter how badly his darling children call him out, the Justice League would be so much worse. So, it’s one of his most importantly guarded secrets... even more so than his secret identity at this point. Being unmasked in front of every Gotham rogue would be less detrimental to him than his “friends” learning of his utter ineptitude in staying on top of the younger generations’ lingo.  
When questioned why the League doesn’t have a group chat or a forum or anything that they can use to contact each other outside of world ending matters and communicator (”because we’re friends, Batman! Ma and Pa Kent would love to have everyone over for a barbecue!”), the person who dared even mention texting isn’t even given a verbal response. They are just glared at, silently, often for several uninterrupted minutes, frozen in place only able to breathe shallowly in fear of setting off the Bat. “You know why” his glare says, “I’ll eat you, your family, and everything you have ever held dear” the younger members hear. No one makes the mistake of asking about it twice.  
Outside of his children and Alfred, and his small circle of true friends involved in all aspects of his life, there is only one more person Bruce allows to know of his Darkest Secret. Selina. Someone most people would recommend he not be involved with. Catwoman: accomplished thief, distraction, chaos-incarnate most nights, and his significant other. Sharp as a whip (ha) and crafty like no one’s business; he is head-over-heels. On again/Off again and all over the place their long romance has been, but no one has ever challenged him, intrigued him, like this clever, beautiful, amazing woman has. He’s brought his partners around his children before, both for their judgement, and for their worst behaviours to vet out any “unworthy” suitors. He trusts them explicitly to tell him the truth about those he allows into the manor; were they rude about Bruce wanting to have group outings, did they say something about Bruce’s money, did they get angry or shout or make anyone uncomfortable while they were here? If his children even looked slightly unhappy with someone he brought them to meet, that person would not be invited back. Children, he finds, have the best sight when meeting people; no motives other than finding safety and love, no fear of consequences from speaking honestly...  
Selina, or Catwoman, as they had known her first, was someone all of his kids liked without issue right off the bat. She would make puns and play word games with Richard, his first Robin, tiny, still working on his English, able to connect with him over their acrobatic abilities. His second Robin, Jason, skittish and feisty as an alley cat, knew of Catwoman and her daring escapades long before Bruce found him. The young boy had a few heroes, and no one (not even Wonder Woman) could compare to the incredible burglar who bought food and jackets and medicine for the street kids in Crime Alley. She was saintly in his eyes, and to this day, Bruce was still working on convincing Jason he was good enough for Selina. Tim and Cass and Stephanie (basically another daughter to Bruce, she spends so much time with the family) all joined the Wayne clan around the same time and officially met Selina as a friend and partner of his, and in the good graces of his first two sons. Selina, in all her nightly business, and many travels and acquaintances, had met the three independently, helping Tim get home safely back to Drake Manor when he escaped to photograph Batman and Robin in the dank darkness of Gotham when he was just a young boy, spending some time with Cassandra when her despicable father left her alone long enough to recover from his rough treatment, showing her the first scraps of kindness in her short life, and watching over and protecting Stephanie as she followed and sabotaged her father Cluemaster and his criminal activities. There was no need to win them over once they met her civilian identity, she had already gained their favour and acceptance, and they were happy to have her near their new family. Damian, his youngest, his biological son, took the longest to warm up to Selina. He would never fault his little boy for fighting so hard against a woman that was not his birth mother, especially after all the manipulation and cruelty dealt to him by Talia for the first decade of his life. But as he began to learn about his father, these people in his father’s life, and this woman that was Not His Mother but “still okay, I guess”, he grew to see her as acceptable. Her cats definitely helped, he’d say, no one with cats that loyal and happy can be a bad person.  
Selina, the love of his life, he’d admit quietly to himself, was also a dirty traitor and in cahoots with his terrible children. She would say his texting skills were “sweet” and “very gentlemanly” when she was asked by anyone outside the family, and privately to him she would say she thought they were “adorable” and “please don’t ever change, Bruce, I like it.” However, nothing seemed to bring her more joy than his children sending her texts and “Snaps” and “memes” about him to her. Sometimes it was screenshots of the family group chat that they forced him to join, where he would post “To whom it may concern...” and “In regards to...” when he needed to reach all his delinquents in a timely manner. Sometimes it was video clips of him staring at his phone intently, then typing something on his laptop, then him reading and nodding along, and then finally going back and responding to the text he received with a small, pleased smile. And sometimes, when he got too injured or was too incapacitated to text coherently, he’d have his nearest able child transcribe his text to her. Depending on who was texting her for Bruce, she could expect many different things. From Dick, she’d get lots of shorthand and silly emojis, and many, many, winky and crying/laughing faces in brackets depending on what Bruce had made him type. Jason, bless him, used proper English most of the time, but would never write a single word of Bruce’s soliloquy to her, instead she enjoyed the TL;DR version: “hurt again, missing you, come home soon, blah blah blah, sappy gross words here, love you”. Tim would allow speech recognition to run on Bruce’s phone, and just let it go until the man passed out. Stephanie, the little chaos child, would film it and send it to her, including all her muffled laughter and shaky camera shots of Bruce emoting with his available undamaged limbs. Cass, still more versed in physicality and emotive movement, would interpret Bruce’s text into mostly emojis, hearts and happy faces and animals, but would include photos, and phrases that she found important enough to type out for Selina. Damian, forever his Father’s son in any way possible, texts very formally, referring to her or his siblings Bruce mentions by last name only, and lots of “Father requests me to tell you...” and “Kyle, know that Father...”. She adores these kids, and once Bruce recovers enough to text her himself, or she gets back to the Manor, they get to laugh about whatever she was sent this time.  
So, while it’s true that Bruce couldn’t text his way out of a wet paper bag, and his kids are sometimes brats about it, there’s probably a lot of different reasons he doesn’t spend too much time trying to improve his skills. Whether it’s the smiles of his children, the giggles of his significant other, or the warm feeling in his chest when he sees all his important people bonding over him, well, in the end, who’s to say?
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