#its probably ok im sure its fine 😅
caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Yippie its time for uncovering ~cult memories~ /s
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Crack Fic
Words: 986 😅
(13:47) Sirius, I’m going to fucking murder you in your sleep. 😌
(13:48) you can try
(13:48) but
(13:48) i’ve been awake for hours
(13:48) What did he do now?/
(13:48) He knows what he did.
(13:49) I said I shouldn’t go out last night.
(13:49) and yet out you went
(13:49) And yet, out I went. 😔
(13:50) Pretty sure I just heard Moony sigh through the wall.
(13:50) So what did Pads do?
(13:55) O NO
(13:55) o nooooooooo 😬😬😬😬
(13:56) ???
(13:56) i may have given us all personalised ringtones on moonsss phone
(13:57) 😂😂😂😂😂😂WHAT WS MNE?!??!!?
(13:57) Moony don’t bang on my wall to punish me for shoddy spelling when Sirius hasn’t used a capital letter since 2008.
(13:58) do-re-mi from the sound of music
(13:58) I am less excied about this now.
(13:59) naturally pete’s was rat-a-tat-tat by fall out boy and courtney love (absolute banger btw)
(13:59) Nvm I’m back on board!
(13:59) What about yours?
(14:00) You Belong with Me.
(14:02) Ah. 🙃
(14:04) So Benjy suggested we ‘take a break’
(14:04) fuck im so sorry moons
(14:05) i can text him and tell him it was a joke
(14:06) Nah, it’s ok. I care a lot less than I thought I would tbh.
(14:10) James. Your headphones are unplugged.
(14:10) wow moony’s having a crisis and you’re having a wank
(14:11) harsh
(14:12) I’m not having a crisis. I’m fine. That’s probably not a great comment on my relationship though?
(20:27) Lads, 😱😱 I think Benjy’s on a date
(20:28) Just showed up here with some guy
(20:28) moony sleeping 🤫 wtf we need details
(20:29) Nvm, Sirius woke him when he yelled wtf
(20:40) Yeah, I bet that's David. He’s on Benjy’s course and he may have come up a few times.
(20:41) He didn’t even give it 8 hours. Wow. What a prick. I’m not surprised though, which probably also speaks volumes.
(20:41) Fuck. 😂
(20:41) you have four minutes to make yourself presentable moons then we’re coming in with tea and chocolate and a movie
(20:42) three minutes
(20:42) 👀👀👀 What’s happening next door?
(20:43) TWO MINUTES dont change the subject
(20:43) new neighbours
(20:43) all girls
(20:43) james is in love already 😂
(20:43) I AN NOT
(20:44) When did you meet them?
(20:44) one minute moony moon also we did not meet them but james spent a lot of time peeking out of his windoe this morning
(20:44) let the record state that i was assaulted with a wooden spoon 😔
(20:44) 😏😏😏
(10:01) Just met the neighbours.
(10:01) They asked what James’ ‘deal’ is.
(10:01) You were not slick at all. 😂
(10:02) They invited us over for drinks tonight, though.
(10:02) It’s not my fault they were so loud moving in that I had to see what the commotion was.
(10:02) There was Beyonce and shrieking. I was merely a CONCERNED citizen. 😌
(10:02) That’s your story and you’re sticking to it?
(10:03) Benjy and David are already Facebook official. Wow.
(10:04) Moony. He is a massive twat. You have terrible taste in partners.
(10:05) That is not at all reassuring.
(10:06) I’m going to drink so much tonight. 🙃🙃🙃
(10:07) oh yeeeeah? Anyone from next door ccatch your eye?
(10:07) moonys only got eyes for me thank you very much 😤😤
(10:08) Don’t get me wrong, they’re all pretty, but no.
(10:08) Plus, I CLEARLY only have eyes for Pads.
(10:17) So… whats her nameeee? 🫠
(10:18) Who?
(10:18) YOU KNOW WHO
(10:19) Drawing a real blank here.
(10:20) hes just giggling at his phone
(10:20) Traitor.
(10:20) Did you two sleep together again?
(10:21) I mean the red headed, fiery goddess who lives next door and laughs like a witch.
(10:22) Ooooooooooh? 👀👀
(10:22) Emphasis on the word SLEEP. Yes.
(10:23) No homo.
(10:23) I mean, partially homo, I guess. 😂
(10:23) get over it wormy
(10:23) I didn;t mean it like that!!!! It’s fine if you want to do that!
(10:24) I only request that you do it in Remus’ room, bc Sirius is next to me and I don’t need to hear his cum noise.
(10:25) let the record state that moonbeam laughed so hard at ‘cum noise’ that he banged his head on the wall and dropped his phone down the side of his bed 💀💀💀
(10:25) Is his hed made of lead? That was so loud fuck.
(10:26) That means your cum noise is gonna be loud too. Ew no. go fuk by Pete.
(10:27) We’re not fucking, wow.
(10:27) We’re all very aware that I’m not Sirius’ type.
(10:28) what is my type
(10:28) fite me
(10:28) dumb, obscenely pretty, easy.
(10:29) One out of three. Damn. 🙃
(10:29) Also you misspelled *bite. 😌
(10:30) which one what moony what wait what 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
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xnchxntmxnt · 1 year
If you're taking Nightbringer requests (well this might be more of a ramble than a request tbh):
With the way we can suggest certain things that might influence the OG timeline (like suggesting to Luci where to hide Goldie), do you think us being here is creating some sort of a time loop paradox? Like the Exchange program was highly influenced by MC's future-past self in OldTimey Devildom, but OldTImey Devildom wouldn't have existed without Exchange Program MC and it's all just a huge timeline mess (or, as Nightbringer put it, like mud).
Plus if that's the case, then us going back to our "regular" timeline probably erased the boys' memory of us.
Anyways I'm just imagining MC making it back to their normal spacetime and having to explain what happened to their demons (and maybe them unlocking their memories of OldTimey us, idk) and I'm curious what your thoughts are
i wasnt sure how to answer this in writing (like a oneshot or smth) but I CAN reply with my own thoughts i hope that's okay :D i put in a cut so its not so long
ok im not very far in but i can tell you this
personally, i'm not a huge fan of time travel tropes. its a lot to wrap my head around but i do think from a timeline standpoint its gonna change things and that can be fun to think about. i just gotta wrapp my head around it for a sec 😅
i think the boys would all have different reactions do it. considering/assuming they have memories of og obey me events and nightbringer, i think everything would make more and less sense at the same time.
mc is probably going to be incredibly confused (when aren't they tbh) and the boys are going to think everything happened. linear-ly.
from mc's perspective, they got to the devildom but were sent back in time later. according to the demons & co. (solomon, simeon, etc.), they met mc, then they left (?), and diavolo brought them back from the human world because of the exchange program without any memories of the demon world. however it's mc's actual first time in the devildom. maybe this erases the boys memories too.
i believe, knowing what we do about barbatos, that he's the one at fault for all the time travel stuff and he's the unknown person at the beginning of nightbringer. maybe im wrong. idk i think its the only reasonable explanation based on the characters we know so far.
there's a lot of ways this could go, but lets assume no one loses their memories when they come back to the "present", mc's memory is gonna be a lot different than the boys because they did things out of order. i think this is where i get to finally your question (I tend to ramble, can't you tell 😂)
i think lucifer takes it the best. he knows barbatos is powerful and figures this kind of magic isn't out of the question. he's glad to have you back, though to him it didn't seem like you were gone at all. he also apologizes for any way his past self might have treated you since it was directly after the celestial war.
mammon is a different story. he gives up on trying to understand time travel and when he makes the connection that was YOU, HIS mc, he gets all sorts of defensive. feels your face all over and makes sure you're still his mc and that you're still normal and that time travelling didn't change you any (if anything, it could have changed him, but you don't mention that. probably would freak him out more)
levi thinks about it like a video game. he understands, but pulls you aside later and begs for you to explain everything and anything that happened because now he believes he should pitch this to some animator friends he made online to see if it could be a new up and coming anime.
satan is pretty quiet. mostly, he's just happy that you're okay. he waits for all the chaos to settle and makes sure you're physically fine, then swears he'll hurt whoever sent you back in time and away from the rest of them. he also apologizes if he ever hurt you int he past that he may not remember distinctly. please reassure him its okay.
asmo is the first to pounce on you for a hug. immediately. you explain that you were gone for what felt like forever and he's SO happy to have you back!! insists that he gives you a makeover and you do a self care day for you to unwind after having to deal with their antics when they first got to the devildom.
beel low key wants to take you from asmo (and almost does) when you suggest you'll spend the whole next day with him and belphie. beel's idea of quality time is eating food & watching movies with people, so when you agree to do that, he agrees to not argue with asmo about who gets to make sure you're okay first. he's not really sure about this time travel business, but he knows he cares about you a lot and the thought that he (or him at the moment) wasn't there to protect you makes him feel a bit guilty.
belphie is more or less on the same lines as beel. he takes a bit more convincing to not pummel asmo (he's worried about you in his own way). however, he wants to spend the whole day learning about your adventures and trying to figure out how you remember everything versus how he does. his best way to think about it is like a weirdly-specific and realistic dream, but actually in reality. it's strange, but its the best way to wrap his head around everything.
i tried my best to answer your question!! i also started writing this WAY to late for my brain to be functioning properly so im sorry if this doesn't make sense :(( but thank you for sending smth in!! i love talking about these guys they're so fun. let me know if you have any other thoughts/want me to share any of my own!
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afterhourswjay · 2 years
Heeeey bestie...Guess who's struggling with crippling anxiety 💅💅
I was barely even able to get out of bed to take my meds 🥲
Anyways, I want to ask for some crippling anxiety comfort for (I know this sounds stupid) but a partner being scared to get off the bed because of a monster or person being under it, and Aizawa, Pro Deku, Pro Katsuki, and Mic comforting the reader. Sorry if that's too many characters 😅
Uuuugggh! Bestie, same!! I suffer from pre-bedtime anxiety and it manifests in the weirdest ways sometimes.
Befriend your Monsters
the reader is struggling with their depression and anxiety, and its beginning to affect their sleep schedule. how does their partner help them with this?? note: im simplifying katsu's hero name to Dynamight as its ridiculously long lkdfsljf
characters: aizawa, hizashi, pro!izu, pro!kats warnings: slight angst, but mostly fluff, some swearing
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Aizawa Shota || Eraserhead
when it first happens, he's certainly confused. what do you mean your scared of a monster under the bed? sure, one of the cats may be under there, but not a monster
he's not about to go probing you for answers. you do you boo
if you feel like letting him in on your nighttime anxieties, then he'll ask clarifying or slightly probing questions
just enough questions to be able to help you better
do you need a distraction until you reach sleepy town?
do you need snuggles and cuddles to help calm you down?
do you need to chat about your day to help get your mind off of what may be under the bed?
well, no matter what you may need, shota is more than willing to put aside his sleepiness to help you out
sometimes he'll even bring over a mug of hot chocolate or a glass of warm milk to help you relax ignore the milk one if your lactose intolerant slkdflsd
if you need a distraction, he'll help you snuggle up in your favorite jammies, and blanket. then he'll ask you about your day
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Yamada Hizashi || Present Mic
this guy, this dude. he probably doesn't sleep much himself, always working on his lesson plans for the next class and drafting out what he'll say on his radio station
he'll invite you to join him if your having a particularly hard time with falling asleep
if he's doing some late-night broadcasts for his station, then he'll make sure that your comfortable. He'll set down a mic in front of you, and hand you some headphones if you want to join him
if not, then he'll make sure to give you as much attention as he can
he'll let you help him grade papers, or to come up with some lesson plans if you want to help him out
if you don't want a distraction, and instead want to talk about your anxiety, then he's all ears
if you don't have any coping mechanisms, then he's helping bounce ideas off of you to help come up with some for you
if you take some of his ideas to heart and start using them, then he's falling in love all over again
he's super happy to see that he was able to help you to any capacity
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Midoriya Izuku || Deku
chances are, deku has already figured out something's keeping you up at night
he's already got a couple of journals dedicated to you, and a handful of pages are dedicated to brainstorming what the possible affliction is and ways to help with it
you two strive to be as communicative as possible, so it doesn't take you too long to let him know that you have anxiety surrounding sleep
he doesn't want to overwhelm you, but he does immediately jump to questioning you about it
do you prefer distractions, or should he focus on checking the room over? should he get you some warm milk/hot coco/tea and you two sit down and talk about stuff??
mans just wants you to be ok, and regardless of how long or rough his day is, you come first
if you simply want to shadow him through his nightly routine, thats fine with him too
just don't push him away. its not healthy to bottle things up and, while he understands the desire to 'protect' others from negative feelings, it only leads to making you feel worse
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Bakugo Katsuki || Dynamight
he doesn't beat around the bush and, after the first month of you two living together, he questions you on why it seems like you haven't slept at all
he might get a bit more aggressive, and tell you to suck it up at first, you simply need to be firm with him. tell him how your anxieties aren't something that you can simply put aside
when he realizes just how much it affects you, and how much you have a hard time going to sleep, he jumps to trying to help you
i feel like he's likely to suggest ideas to physically tire yourself out, so your brain has no time to allow your anxieties to form
so, things like sparing, lifting weights, maybe even going on an evening jog/run every night
if those don't work, then perhaps the two of you could talk until you feel better or sleepy enough to... well, sleep
he'll ask you if you have coping mechanisms, and seems relieved when you tell him you have some
he'll ask what they are so that he can help you better
kats will even ask if theres times where you become nonverbal, and if there are, if you have ways of communicating when you do
if you don't, then he'll help you with that too
he just wants the best for you, even if he shows that weirdly sometimes
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crazyf0rswayze · 1 year
How do you think darry would be like when he's taking care of you while you're sick?
How Darry Would Take Care Of you if You Were Sick
Warnings: cursing
-i feel like since he has two younger brothers,
-hes used to taking care of people
-and usually he wouldn't mind taking care of his brothers,
-and wouldn't make a big deal
-but when it comes to his lover...it's a different story
-he gets so so worried, and scared
-like he would try to do so many things at once
-like make soup, a warm drink, cuddle and hold you, get you warm
-like....this man would be so worried he would make himself sick
-but once you tell him to chill (💀) he's like...
-better...but not really 😅
-'baby it's ok! I'm not bed ridden I can help a little'
-'no! Go back and sit on the couch while I make soup!'.....'and wrap yourself in some blankets!'
-after he's done making soup he would pour 2 bowls
-one for you and one for him
-so you didn't feel weird being the only one eating
-he would set them down on the table infront of the couch (idk if there even is one in the movie 💀)
-he would wrap an arm around you
-turn the TV on
-and make sure you have lots of blankets
-'whatcha wanna watch babes?' 'mmm...idk'
-if you were like...super sick
-and I mean throwing up
-he would hold your hair back
-'its ok darling get it all out of your system, you're ok baby' 'uugghh I feel like shit Darrel'....'ik baby'
-he would make sure you get all cleaned up
-he would like...grab some toilet paper and wipe your mouth off
-he would leave you in the bathroom alone to freshen up after
-most of the day would js be on the couch, cuddling
-i feel like he likes you being vulnerable,
-bc he secret loves to take care of you 🥺
-he would fvcking MELT if you fell asleep in his arms
-'haha oh baby that was funn-....oh you're asleep. Ok, that's ok baby'
-ahem, anyway
-he would stroke your arm soothingly
-run his fingers through your hair
-have his arms securely around you
-kiss your head,
-hand 🥺
-lips (he doesn't care if he gets sick)
-'thank you Darry...for everything' 'oh it's no big deal sweet cheeks, I like taking care of my girl'
-if the boys came home and were loud....na 💀💀 like Darry would be so mad at them
-especially if they woke you up
-'guys, shut the fuck up, she sick, tired, and she's fucking sleeping'
-^ Darry has never cursed more in his entire life
-'uugghh what's all the noise? It makes my head hurt'
-you'd say waking up
-'ssshh it's ok...the boys are home but I'll make sure they're quiet. Go back to sleep sweets'
-hed probably say that as he runs his fingers through your hair, and kissing your forehead
-'you guys better be quiet, if she wakes up again bc of y'all, you're dead meat'
-'haha look at how defensive he is...it's so cute.'
-probably either Dal or Steve would say that 💀
-'shut it, at least I have a girl' he would snap at them
-he would js hold you tight
-he'd probably wind up carrying you (bridal style🤭) to his room,
-lying you in bed
-he'd lay down behind you, spooning you
-his arms around your waist
-he'd probably fall asleep with you is his arms
-them wake up in the afternoon/evening
-'do you feel any better sweets?'...'mmm only a little'
-'ok...I'll cook something and then we can go back to sleep, but you need to eat, ok?' 'ok'
-you'd wrap your arms around his waist, but then
-hed pick you up and carry you to the couch,
-softly throwing you on it
-'stop it. I want you sitting or lying down ok? I don't want your body too hurt or too tired bc you're standing'
-'darry! I'm fine! I wanna hold you....it'll make me feel better'
-*pouty face*
-'ok fine...'
-he'd cook, you'd eat, and then he'd carry you to bed
-you'd sleep the night, and (hopefully) not throw up or anything
-if ya did ...
-darry would be right there behind you as you go to the bathroom
-same deal as earlier
-he'd hold your hair back, and leave ya to freshen up
-(brush teeth, hair)
-'im so sorry that I woke you up. And 'm sorry that you feel the need to take care of me'
-you'd say, tears lightly filling your eyes
-'oh darling, don't cry...it's all ok. I swear to you it's ok. I don't care much. And yk...I do feel a need to take care of you, and I have every right to care about my lovely girl'
-and you'd sleep again 🙂
-not waking up until morning
-you'd wake up in Darry's arms, and he's wake up soon after
-'how ya feelin''....'better'
-'yea?' 'mhm...yea I feel better'
-'that's good darling. I'm glad you're feeling better...makes me happy'
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
(How Would Furcorn Do This …) So , We’re Finally On This Island Called “Fire Haven” ! We’ve Met New Monsters (Like Floogull And Repatillo , Who I’ve Become Good Friends With) . And Right Now , We’re In A Room Of The Castle Infirmary . My Leg Really Hurts From The Fall , So I’m Just Waiting For Kayna To Show Up With The Plaster Bandages 😅
we still havent seen furcorn anywhere though
its kinda concerning
Don’t Worry , Mammott ! They’re Probably Somewhere Researching The Celestials .
… Probably .
(A Kayna opens the door with a bag of plaster bandages in one hand and a tray of some steaming tea in the other, smiling at the two.)
Have you two made yourselves comfortable ?
yeah kinda
im just kinda worried bout furcorn
Oh , they are just in the castle library reading about the Celestials ! My favorite is Furnoss , they seem very interesting . He is actually the one who inspired me to take up smithing , haha !
Well , It’s A Good Thing They’re Safe ! Can We Go Talk To Them ?
Hey , I haven’t bandaged up your leg yet !
Ooooohhhhh , Right .
(The Kayna opens up the bag and bandages up PomPom’s leg.)
Thank You !
You are very welcome ! And by the way , do you two care for some tea ?
yea sure
Of Course !
(Kayna passes the steaming tea cups to Mammott and PomPom, and they both take sips from it.)
AAAAAH !! HOT !!! HOT !!!!
Ohhh , I forgot . Natural Monsters cannot digest overly hot and spicy things unlike Fire Monsters 😅
Can I fetch you guys some water ?
(Furcorn’s annoyed head peeks through the door.)
What the fuck has gotten into you two?! I’m trying to READ, you know.
Sorry , Furcorn ! We Were Drinking Tea , And Uhhhhh It Was Really
Well, you should have known. This is FIRE Haven, what did you expect?
Anyways , Umm , Since Water Is A Limited Supply Here On Fire Haven , I Don’t Want To Waste Your Time Waiting … See You When It Comes !
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sl33pybug1 · 8 months
Its alright! And i realized i kinda messed up my last ask, cause i copy paste what you reply with and use it to make sure i dont miss anything in my replies and then delete it after, but looks like i missed doing that last time-im sorry! I was half awake when i sent that probably lol 🙁 I'm glad I make you so happy though! I like talking with you too!😊 my day was fine, work went by surprisingly quick too so I don't got anything to complain about 😅 though tomorow I have to work the late shift so I'm not exactly excited for that. At least this week I should have the weekend off to relax and either watch ghibli movies or get around to playing that game. Apart from rhythm games, what other kinda games are you into?
-Mr. 🧸 anon
It’s ok!! And I’m glad works been going good!! And I def wish you luck on working the late shift! It’ll be worth it with the weekend:) and I play quite a bit of visual novels!! Like omori, error 143, (definitely mostly romance and horror). Also sorry I was late to reply again I had a band practice after school today. As always thank you for the ask and I look forward to hearing from you again mr. 🧸😁
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magdasabs · 2 years
baby canadian here!
ik you’re probably sleeping rn but i just came back home (its 3:30 am here) and i may or may not be drunk off my ass cause im finally done with my school year and i maybe went overboear with the tequila cause my girl is so fucking hot and we were doing body shots so can you blame me 🙈🤪
so first of all, do your australian anons want to exchange weather? ill gladly take 12°C cause its averaging 25 here and i cant stand heat and humidity
two, i got a great result on my physics exam! im feeling confident about my essays in philosophy and french literature and about my calculus exam (thanks again for all the help nonnies) but completely and utterly tanked my chemistry exam today so im just anxiously waiting for all those grades 😬😬
third, you have another (actual) baby canadian here!? im ofgicially claiming them as my little sibling 😌
ok thats all for me tonight/today/whatever the fuck day we are. im now gonna go to sleep and regret my life decisions anticipating the big ass fucking hangover ill wake up with 🙈
the update you've been waiting for all day 😅
I'm glad your exams went well! I'm sure chemistry will be fine too, you seem smart
So nice to hear you like your little sibling!! Not everyone is so happy to welcome a new baby in the family
Hope you're hangover's better btw but you seem to be good if you're dropping a pin on my map now :)
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cloudystevie · 3 years
Jasmeeeeen omg finally, it's been 84 years lolol, I had the longest day ever, but finally I have the rest of it to myself😩 I hope you have a superb day bc u deserve it💗💗💗
I quickly have to mention your new theme— it's so pretty and I love the light blue font in contrast to the soft pink sooo much💖🥳
I know you said u were fine, and I hope me messaging you about this now is ok cause like I said I don't wanna overstep any boundaries& def. don't want to bring up any bad feelings again!! So pls pls pls just ignore this if it's too much😅
I wont say I 100% understand, bc every person is different blah, but I can kinda relate with how your dad buys you things because mine (sort of does the same but he earns less now and I would feel horrible asking for things at this point.. unlike my brother🙄 hshdhsjsh sorry) and idk he kinda tried to build a relationship with me like that. Anyways the point is that it's not right, and not how any father should love their child.
I get that you're probably used to the way you're being treated, but just remember that it's not okay at all and you deserve so much better bby❤️ You're not a bad person for how you're feeling or reacting to these things, I promise <3 I'm sure you probably know that but I'm just gonna say it anyways :)
I haven't been here very long (like on this blog) but you seem like such a nice, kind and loving person n I'm very grateful for you!! Sending you lots of love and all the best💕💗
oh no :(( i hope you have lots of time for yourself that was a long ass work day :(((
yeah its like growing up when i was super duper young my family wasnt that financially stable so they were working a lot and neglecting me and taking out their frustrations on me if u know what i mean and by the time my dad got his own business when i was like 11 and shit he tried to make it up to me by buying me all these cool things and its like.... bro. like thanks for the newphone but i want you to tell me you love me yanno? sorry i got deep😣😣 but yeah feeling like a bad person is something i genuinely struggle with and i dont think ill ever see myself the way people say they see me but is okay cuz im sexy😎😎😎
im so so so grateful for you!!!! <333 i love you so much😣😚😚😚 muah muah muah muah💓💗💘💕💝💞💞
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transguyjesus · 3 years
Ok so this is a typical question a lot of trans accounts get but... I have been seriously questioning gender and thinking I am either non-binary or a trans man but i am confusing on the trans man part here. How do I really dig deep and REALLY know? I am always so confused and sometimes it sounds so right and then sometimes i just feel like nothing. maybe its because i am not used to hearing a new name for myself or using he/him or he/they pronouns and i just need to get used to it. i need some advice.
2/2 (same person asking about being sure of being trans) I dont really get upset that i have periods and i have always hated my body and not felt good in it but i always feel like its just because of mental health issues so i dont know if that is a trans thing or just self hatred. i know that you dont have to have this hatred of your body or hatred of your period or have the same experience as others to be trans but still.
I have no problem at all, thats exactly why i made this blog. Im very happy to help. I was in your boat many years ago, i didnt know i was a trans man for various reasons, none being my sex dysphoria but ive always had very typically feminine interests so you can imagine how long it took me to accept it 😅.
I wanna tell you about how gender dysphoria is labeled now, first of all, because you seem to be having an issue with how it ties to your identity as either nonbinary or a trans man. So what people are used to calling gender dysphoria is now called gender incongruence. Which explains the whole thing a lot better. This gender incongruence is what makes gender dysphoria a thing and you dont need horrible gender dysphoria to be trans, only gender incongruence. Gender dysphoria is the despair that having gender incongruence brings, you get it? This is also the reason why not all nonbinary people are trans, as not all nonbinary people feel 100% gender incongruence and some still partly identify with their gender assigned at birth.
Hating your body is most definitely not a Trans ThingTM. Because gender dysphoria also presents in different ways, people often feel they dont actually have it, but something as simple as the universal feeling of damnit that comes when someone misgenders you or uses a name or pronouns that make you uncomfortable are also gender dysphoria. You dont need to hate your body, i myself love mine. I have a whole post about it as well.
So now i say: i already know you are probably feeling gender incongruence, now your thing is to figure out why, is it because youre nonbinary? Is it because youre a trans man? Or maybe youre transmasculine nonbinary? How do you figure this out? Well, you already said it too! Right there in this same ask. Oftentimes not being used to using a name or certain pronouns because you've only been using them by yourself in private is exactly the reason you cant figure it out. Gender euphoria is as important as gender dysphoria when it comes to knowing your gender incongruence. Ask people to call you by a different name and pronouns, loud and clear. Maybe you're not out and that's fine, telling internet friends to do it can also work. If you can, ask for your name in a starbucks or similars, or tell your parents that you want to act in a play and want to get used to the name and pronouns. Maybe tell people you got into roleplaying and to call you by your character's name so you win the campaign.
Assess how it makes you feel and if after a lot of it you are still questioning, thats fine too! figuring out your identity is very hard and theres tons of people who have just given up on it and stopped worrying about it. Maybe finding a good therapist will help in this case or just asking other people who cant figure a specific gender out and decide to not care can give you an insight into what they feel and how they decided to stop caring.
You can always send me another ask or just pm me directly! All the good wishes to you 💜💜
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crazyf0rswayze · 1 year
How Darry Would Take Care of You if You Were Sick
Warnings: cursing
-i feel like since he has two younger brothers,
-hes used to taking care of people
-and usually he wouldn't mind taking care of his brothers,
-and wouldn't make a big deal
-but when it comes to his lover...it's a different story
-he gets so so worried, and scared
-like he would try to do so many things at once
-like make soup, a warm drink, cuddle and hold you, get you warm
-like....this man would be so worried he would make himself sick
-but once you tell him to chill (💀) he's like...
-better...but not really 😅
-'baby it's ok! I'm not bed ridden I can help a little'
-'no! Go back and sit on the couch while I make soup!'.....'and wrap yourself in some blankets!'
-after he's done making soup he would pour 2 bowls
-one for you and one for him
-so you didn't feel weird being the only one eating
-he would set them down on the table infront of the couch (idk if there even is one in the movie 💀)
-he would wrap an arm around you
-turn the TV on
-and make sure you have lots of blankets
-'whatcha wanna watch babes?' 'mmm...idk' 
-if you were like...super sick
-and I mean throwing up
-he would hold your hair back
-'its ok darling get it all out of your system, you're ok baby' 'uugghh I feel like shit Darrel'....'ik baby'
-he would make sure you get all cleaned up
-he would like...grab some toilet paper and wipe your mouth off
-he would leave you in the bathroom alone to freshen up after
-most of the day would js be on the couch, cuddling
-i feel like he likes you being vulnerable,
-bc he secret loves to take care of you 🥺
-he would fvcking MELT if you fell asleep in his arms
-'haha oh baby that was funn-....oh you're asleep. Ok, that's ok baby'
-ahem, anyway
-he would stroke your arm soothingly
-run his fingers through your hair
-have his arms securely around you
-kiss your head,
-hand 🥺
-lips (he doesn't care if he gets sick)
-'thank you Darry...for everything' 'oh it's no big deal sweet cheeks, I like taking care of my girl'
-if the boys came home and were loud....na 💀💀 like Darry would be so mad at them 
-especially if they woke you up
-'guys, shut the fuck up, she sick, tired, and she's fucking sleeping' 
-^ Darry has never cursed more in his entire life
-'uugghh what's all the noise? It makes my head hurt' 
-you'd say waking up
-'ssshh it's ok...the boys are home but I'll make sure they're quiet. Go back to sleep sweets'
-hed probably say that as he runs his fingers through your hair, and kissing your forehead
-'you guys better be quiet, if she wakes up again bc of y'all, you're dead meat'
-'haha look at how defensive he is...it's so cute.'
-probably either Dal or Steve would say that 💀
-'shut it, at least I have a girl' he would snap at them
-he would js hold you tight
-he'd probably wind up carrying you (bridal style🤭) to his room, 
-lying you in bed
-he'd lay down behind you, spooning you
-his arms around your waist
-he'd probably fall asleep with you is his arms
-them wake up in the afternoon/evening 
-'do you feel any better sweets?'...'mmm only a little'
-'ok...I'll cook something and then we can go back to sleep, but you need to eat, ok?' 'ok'
-you'd wrap your arms around his waist, but then 
-hed pick you up and carry you to the couch, 
-softly throwing you on it
-'stop it. I want you sitting or lying down ok? I don't want your body too hurt or too tired bc you're standing' 
-'darry! I'm fine! I wanna hold you....it'll make me feel better' 
-*pouty face*
-'ok fine...'
-he'd cook, you'd eat, and then he'd carry you to bed 
-you'd sleep the night, and (hopefully) not throw up or anything
-if ya did ...
-darry would be right there behind you as you go to the bathroom
-same deal as earlier
-he'd hold your hair back, and leave ya to freshen up
-(brush teeth, hair)
-'im so sorry that I woke you up. And 'm sorry that you feel the need to take care of me'
-you'd say, tears lightly filling your eyes
-'oh darling, don't cry...it's all ok. I swear to you it's ok. I don't care much. And yk...I do feel a need to take care of you, and I have every right to care about my lovely girl'
-and you'd sleep again 🙂
-not waking up until morning
-you'd wake up in Darry's arms, and he's wake up soon after
-'how ya feelin''....'better'
-'yea?' 'mhm...yea I feel better'
-'that's good darling. I'm glad you're feeling better...makes me happy'
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