#its so cute and the atmosphere is so soft
sighcomics · 2 years
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155 notes · View notes
sahkuna · 29 days
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synopsis: the universe has a funny way of working. gojo always knew he was destined to be with you and so did others. it just took some time for you to figure that out as well.
content warning(s): FLUFF! eventual smut so 18+ mdni, fem! reader, pining gojo (sooo cute), mutual pining, friends to lovers, unproetected sex, gojo calling you baby multiple times while going innn.
word count: 6.8k zoo wee mama... pls read anyway or i'll d—
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“So, you’re not gonna miss me? Not even a little?” 
An arm was suddenly thrown across your shoulders, leaving you to bear its weight. The press of his uniform stuck to your nape, making his presence all the more difficult to ignore.
Fellow students bustled and sidestepped their way around you two, some even falter in their steps to ogle briefly at the scene unfolding before them.
“Satoru, move!” Shoko— your saviour— jabs Gojo’s side, urging him to budge, but to no avail.
He’s still tethered to your side, twirling around his diploma in his unoccupied hand despite your best efforts to create space between you two. “You’re literally blocking people’s way toward the gates,” she says.
It’s graduation day and the last day of school for the spring semester, bringing the school year to yet another successful end. It also meant that today would be the last time your upperclassmen would walk on school grounds as students.
The sun was beginning to dip behind the many trees surrounding the school, and its marvellous glow cast warm hues of pink and orange that stretched across the sky. Its rays descend onto the school’s campus; setting for a brilliant, comforting atmosphere. 
Answering Gojo’s initial question about whether you’d miss him, you avert eye contact with your persistent senior. “I never said that,” your voice teeters between a grumble and a groan riddled with exasperation. 
Your eyes sweep the courtyard and you spot a few familiar faces in the crowd. Some are gathered along the steps leading up to the school taking photos to commemorate today. Others linger on campus chatting amongst themselves, and some whack each other with their diploma scrolls while others treat theirs delicately.
And not too far off from where Satoru holds you hostage stood a small crowd of his classmates—specifically, his female classmates— waiting for their chance to bid their goodbyes...
Or stumble out an unprepared confession thrown out in the heat of the moment before they may never see Gojo Satoru again.
Who knows. 
All you’re sure of is that they are most definitely throwing you shady death glares from your peripheral.
“Y’know, I’m gonna miss you,” Gojo says, his arm still looped around your shoulders. He has half a mind to drag you away from standing right front and centre in the entranceway and shuffles you off to the side. “All the years we’ve spent together—”
“Two years, by force.” 
“— and now we’re being split apart,” he finishes, paying no mind to your sardonic comment. The infliction in his voice prompts you to turn to look at him, only to wind up and see a slight pout tugging at his soft, pink lips. “How ever will we manage?”
You smother down the urge to heave a loud and heavy sigh at the clingy characteristics he’s displaying today and decide to play nice.
Gojo’s always been one to be playful, perhaps even a bit pushy at times but it was all in good nature. However, for some reason, his antics have reached a whole new level today. 
Emotions were running high among staff and students alike. Some are more potent and… persistent than others.
“You’ll be fine,” you assure, patting his arm half-heartedly, “and I will certainly be fine. Everything will be just fine.”
In the middle of your sentence from the corner of your eye, you spot another one of your seniors— Geto Suguru. You watch him step out from a conversation with two classmates of yours (Haibara and Nanami) and is now trekking his way over to where you and Gojo occupy the front steps.
Geto greets you warmly by placing a comforting hand on your head and gives you a reassuring pat once, then twice. The action leaves your hairstyle a little dishevelled, nonetheless, there’s a small smile tugging at your lips.
You’ve only interacted with Geto a sparse number of times outside of class or at the end of the school day. Whenever you both would cross paths you appreciated how he would regard your presence with temperance. It always left you feeling at ease. You’ll miss him. 
You’ll especially miss how he was so quick to offer you and Haibara snacks from the vending machines on campus.
Gojo emits a pathetic squawk at the special name drop.
Pale, white brows are pinched tightly together with faux betrayal. “How come he gets honorifics but I don’t?!” he complains once Geto’s within earshot. 
“I see that Satoru's already started…”
Though Geto was talking to no one in particular, Shoko chips in given that she bore witness to Gojo’s incessant pestering toward you ever since the home bell rang. “You missed the part where he blocked her from getting to the lockers for a good several minutes.” Unzipping her bag, she carelessly shoves her diploma into it. 
“But anyway, I’m gonna head out for a smoke. I’ll catch you guys later.” Before departing, Shoko stretches her hand towards you and gives your arm an affectionate squeeze. “Get home safe, ‘kay? Don’t let these guys keep you out too long.”
Which reminded you…
“Gojo, this has been fun and all…” Being rag-dolled around by your upperclassman across campus has been anything but fun. “But I really should start heading home now.”
You wanted to beat the rush hour of students and working-class alike trying to go home on a late Thursday afternoon. Looking for empty seats on the 4:25 PM train was brutal and you did not have the energy to stand the entire ride home.
Sensing your air of urgency, he eventually relents. Heaving a dramatic sigh, Gojo steps back a few and gives you some space.  
“Gimme a second, yeah?” He rummages around in his uniform pocket, searching for something. It only lasts about a second before he pulls out his flip phone.
“Suguru!” A curt upward nod of Gojo’s head is the only warning Geto gets before he tosses his cell toward his best friend to catch. You’re appalled that he catches it so easily with the little to no notice that was given. “Take a picture of us.”
Your brows drew close-knit together with confusion. “What are y—?!” Before you can even finish your question, you’re pulled tightly into Gojo’s side. 
His arms circle your neck once more, but this time, he uses the opportunity of your close proximity to tip his head to the side and knock it against your own. 
“Smile,” Gojo murmurs into your ear, his slender fingers pinching at your cheek prodding for you to plaster on a sugary smile for the picture.
You don’t have enough time to register, let alone recover from how his lips faintly brushed against your skin, Gojo’s already obnoxiously yelling “Cheese!” towards the awaiting camera.  
Snapping the photo Geto sports a lazy grin admiring his work. “Looks good,” he says before he tosses the phone back to its owner. 
You’re still reeling over the gentle graze of Gojo’s lips against your cheek, too dazed to digest what’s going on around you. What. In. The hell. Just happened??? 
Sputtering out a laugh, Gojo grins down at the image on his phone. “What’s with that face you’re making, huh?”
Eyebrows furrowing, you look up at Gojo curiously. Whatever was in that picture that made him smile that wide couldn’t have been good. “What do you mean?” You question, stepping closer to see what he was referring to on his screen.
Gojo tips his cell over and shows you the photo Geto took. There you both are in grain, Gojo looking the most lively out of you two. Despite the quality of the camera, you can see the proud and happy smile he wears compared to your frazzled and confused expression.
If anything, it looked like you were the one who was graduating and he so happened to snag a photo with you before your big send-off.
“I wasn’t ready…” you grumbled, looking away from his phone.
There’s a faint smile lingering on his face, blue eyes still trained on the screen. His voice's cadence grows warm and carries a small hint of affection.
“That face of yours is what I’m gonna miss the most.”
SUMMER 2009 
To no one’s surprise, you and Gojo kept in close contact, even after graduating high school. 
Well… More so Gojo kept in contact with you. Consistently. 
Whenever he can.
He was there during your spring graduation (shocker), much to the elation of the entire female population from your graduating class. Looking back, the number of times he stopped to pose with random students around the school when he came to greet you was absurd.
You’ll also never forget how loud he cheered when your name was called despite Principal Yaga telling the audience to hold their applause and hollers until after the ceremony.
Fast forward to the summer of ‘09 where Gojo consistently seeks your presence to go and hang out with him now that you have a freed-up schedule. Whether it's with him alone or with Geto and Shoko, you can always rely on him to shoot you a ‘u busy?’ text an hour before dragging you out for the rest of the day.
“Sooo,” you start slowly.
Your eyes skim across the playground, watching the few children who were there amble and climb on the jungle gym before you. The sun was beginning to descend below the skyline, and hues of warm orange press onto your features casting you and your surroundings in a soft glow. 
“You’re a… guardian now,” you state, eyeing how Gojo stretches his legs out beside you. 
You both sit at a park bench, the chorus of laughter and playful shrieks surround you as you watch Megumi— a kid Gojo now supposedly looks after— poke mindlessly at something buried beneath the playground’s sand.
“Yup!” he chirps, but then it’s swiftly followed by a hesitant, “Well, sorta kinda…”
There’s a mental warfare going on in his mind as he combs through the various explanations he can give you, searching for one that would be both concise and easy for you to digest.
“To put it simply, from here on out I’m going to be a constant in Megumi and Tsumiki’s life.”
You think of the step-sibling duo. They’re the sweetest pair of children you’ve had the delight of coming across, and now…
“They’re doomed,” you say with pity, your gaze still focused on the youngest Fushiguro. 
Gojo gasps in disbelief at your bold accusation with his hand flying to his chest, clearly having taken offence. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” he asks.
But before you could give him a smart alec answer, the cheerful exclamation of your name pulls your attention elsewhere. The soft thump of Tsumiki’s shoes approaching prompts you to smile brightly. With open arms, the girl practically throws herself at you and giggles.
You give her cheek an affectionate squeeze. Despite her being in the second grade, you couldn’t help but coddle her. “Why hello, Tsumiki!” 
It takes her a few moments to finally release you from the hug, backing up a bit she glances up at you. “Where were you? I missed you on Tuesday, the swings weren’t fun without you!” she says, pouting.
“I wasn’t feeling the best, so I had to turn down Gojo’s invite to meet you guys at the park that day.”
Upon hearing all the commotion, Megumi spots Tsumiki talking to you a few steps from the play area. It prompts the young boy to walk over and join you three at the bench. He nods his head over at his step-sister and says, “She thought you guys broke up.”
You blink rapidly. “Broke— Broke up!?” You squawk, the inflection of your voice rising at the ‘up’ part.
Where could she have possibly gotten that idea from? You and Gojo weren’t even dating!
Gathering your composure you plaster on a sweet smile, ready to explain to the young pair that you and Gojo weren’t together like that before a heavy arm comes hunkering down onto your shoulders. “Even if she tried, she can’t get rid of me that easily,” Gojo comments.
Tsumiki claps her hands together in glee at this revelation. “Yay! ‘Cause I like you!” she confesses. “I thought I’d have to deal with Gojo and his friend with the big ears pushing me on the swings forever.” And with that, the girl’s already off running to the big yellow slide, pulling Megumi along in her wake.
The sweet smile you wear grows more and more strained the longer you two sit there on that damned bench with Gojo’s arm still lodged around you like it belonged there. 
Long delicate fingers drum themselves along your bare shoulder which leaves a tingling sensation that lingers against your skin.
“Gojo Satoru…” you hiss between clenched teeth.
Your hand creeps up to give his knee a mean pinch, but as always, Gojo reads your movements like a damn book and catches your hand in his before that could happen. “Hm?”
“What do you mean ‘Hm’?” You gesture in the general direction of where the kids are playing. You feel your brows start to pinch together. “Why would you tell them that?!”
“It’s true though, no?” Snowy white wisps of hair fall in front of his eyes shaded by his signature round sunglasses. “We haven’t ‘broken up’ and we’re still together. Just not in their understanding of it.”
“You—! That’s not—” You flounder for words, trying to spit out why he can’t go around inadvertently feeding into the imagination of whatever relationship Tsumiki and Megumi thought you two had. But you come up blank.
“You’re irritating, you know that?” you say, as you try (and fail) at removing his arm which still rests comfortably around your shoulders, pressing you tight against him. “You’ll wind up confusing them.”
An easy smile slips onto his lips as he observes Tsumiki and Megumi scramble up the slides. “Relax,” he responds. “They’re smart kids.”
And until it was time for the Fushiguros to go home, there you two sat underneath the thinning ochre sky. Stuck under the guise of an unspoken relationship.
Being the “middleman” between two people who are so obviously into each other but cannot figure out how to hang around each other normally was all too common for Shoko.
It’s a shame that Geto wasn’t available to come down and hang out with the three of you tonight, he would’ve revelled in getting a kick out of this expected yet unexpected… turn of events.
Brought in as a buffer between you two, with an unlit cigarette dangling loosely from her lips Shoko leaned back in her chair and watched the buzzing scene before her unfold with bemused eyes. 
Underneath the comforting golden glow of the restaurant’s hanging table light, Gojo picks at the cookie dough chunks that litter your plate to which you turn a blind eye. Now, Shoko could’ve easily brushed this occurrence off, seeing that friends often eat from each other's share of food all the time.
But something was... different.
With Gojo seated to your left inside the booth, he neatly cuts up a piece of his soft, creamy cheesecake and leverages the small serving on his spoon. “Here, try some of mine,” he says.
Harmless, right? 
So, you reach for your own spoon to retrieve the sample of dessert that he was offering you. But without any hesitation, Gojo lifts his cutlery to your lips and prods the food toward your mouth.
There was no way that he intended on doing this right here, right now. In front of Shoko especially.
“Say, ‘Ahhh’!”
Concern creases your brow when Gojo continues to press the spoon against your lips, idly humming as he waits for you to open your mouth so he can spoon feed you as if he were your mother. A delicate, yet sure hand cupping your chin and everything.
He was being serious.
From your peripheral, you catch the slow spread of a Cheshire-like grin creeping onto Shoko’s face.
You press your fingers onto Gojo’s wrist and frown. Trying to retreat from his hand, a peal of nervous laughter bubbles out from you at his display of reckless affection at the table. “Give me a br—”
Gojo uses the opportunity of your uncertain state to slip his sharing of the  Japanese cheesecake into your mouth in the middle of your sentence. Your eyes widen a small fraction at its creamy taste, prompting him to comment, “It’s good, right?”
The cigarette threatens to slip from Shoko’s mouth, as her lips slightly gape at what just happened before they curve into a soft smile. Her brown eyes are warm with… something. It’s as if she knew something that you didn’t.  
“Ehhh…” Is all she says before you’re already jumping down her throat to clear up any misunderstandings.
“It’s nothing!” you supply in a rushed manner. Your main objective was to simply imply that this was nothing for her to lose her head over. Hell, even the friendliest of friends feed each other all the time! Right?
But at your remark, Gojo’s mouth downturns into a cute little pout. “What do you mean, ‘nothing’?” From the corner of your eye you glance at how he’s fixed another spoonful of the dessert, and it's hovering in your direction.
“Sato—” Fuck.
You quickly correct yourself on your mistake, and school your voice to have a bit more edge to it. Despite that, you don’t overlook how hard Gojo’s beaming at you. “Gojo, not now.”
“Ehhh?” Shoko exclaims once again, but this time the cadence of her voice has changed. It’s gained an amused note to its tune. “You call him Satoru now? Since when?”
“I’ve been begging her to use it for the longest time ever,” Gojo answers on your behalf, and he ignores your mutter for him to please stop talking in favour of jabbing an accusatory finger at you. “You know how painful it was to see you be all chummy and on a first-name basis with everyone but me?”
Lord. You’ve forgotten how dramatic he could be. 
There’s a teasing glint in Shoko’s eye that you quite don’t like, and her lips purse heavy with consideration at his comment. “You make him beg?”
Groaning, you cross your arms against the table and bury your face. You can’t with them. Your two former upperclassmen were the bane of your existence right about now. 
“I’ll kill you both,” you mutter, your speech muffled by the fabric of your sweater.
A calming blue nightly glow ripples through your curtains, casting your room in nothing but moonlight. Amidst the serene silence, you idly stare at your screen and read the text Satoru sent you right as the clock struck midnight.
Satoru: Are you home?
What an ominous question. Your eyes skim over his message again. And then again. 
…And again.
Thumbing through your phone, you glance at the time displayed on the top of your screen. It’s been five minutes since you’ve opened his text. You should probably send something back soon before he quintuple texts you.
As you’re about to respond right when Satoru immediately shoots you another.
Satoru: I KNOW you see this!!! ( `ε´ )
Satoru: Hurry hurry hurry
You: yes... why?
Now it’s his turn to take a while to respond. First, it takes a couple of minutes for you to receive that pinging chime; indicating that he’s texted you back— which isn’t too bad because you like to consider yourself a pretty patient person. 
But then five minutes slowly turn into ten, and that ten becomes a whopping fifteen until finally he answers.
Satoru: Open your door.
What the fuck.
Satoru: Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepl
So that’s why he took so long to reply. The man was coming all the way down from his place to come and visit you!
You: you're actually insane.
You: hold on!
Rising from your seated position on your bed, you stalk over to your bedroom door and are about to exit when you spot yourself in a nearby mirror.
“Oh!” you exclaim to no one in particular. You can’t open the door for him looking like… this.
Wait, why do you care about what Satoru thinks of your clothes?!
 He’s seen you wearing much worse. Like that one instance in first-year, when you had to borrow Geto’s spare parachute pants because Haibara accidentally spilt his soda all over your lap during an informal outing with everyone.
Shaking your head, you slip out of your room and pad down your apartment hallway wearing your discoloured oversized band tee and shorts. Upon reaching your door, your hand hesitates on the doorknob. 
It stays like that for a few seconds until the doorknob is rattled in a fashion that’s all too persistent, annoying, and all from—
“Satoru!” you hiss, swinging the door open. You’re ready to chew him out on how much of a nuisance he may be for your sleeping neighbours a few doors down. But your looming reprimand falls short on your tongue once your eyes take in the man facing you.
“Happy birthday!” 
In the darkness, the soft glow of sparklers illuminates your features and highlights the exquisite details of a beautifully decorated cake held in Satoru’s hands.
Wordlessly, your hand aimlessly searches for the light switch to brighten up your hallway so that you may get a better look at what’s on the cake. 
Something trembles in your chest and it hurts a little to breathe. But not in the way that you detest.
He’s cute.
Gojo Satoru is so heartbreakingly cute.
On the cake, you see that damn grainy photo you two took on his graduation day back in ‘08. The photo you love to hate.
Wetness springs to your eyes from the entire gesture, from the fact that he ensured he was the first one through text and physically to wish you a happy birthday, and from the fact that he’s here right now.
“Hey…” There’s concern creasing Satoru’s expression as he pokes his head down a little to get a better read on you. “Are you crying?”
You sniff back your tears and grunt out a watery, “No… Shut up and come in already.”
Ushering him inside, Satoru hands you your cake, toes off his shoes and heads straight to your living room. Good to see that he’s already making himself at home.
Plopping himself down onto your couch you hesitantly follow behind him, suddenly feeling like a stranger in your own home. “Come, come!” He waves a welcoming hand at you and pats the seat beside him, insinuating that you should sit.
With immediate interest, you do as he says and take a seat beside him after you position your cake in the middle of your coffee table. The couch feels so small now, with him spread out like that.
Pulling out something from his pocket with one hand and tugging off the party hat from his head with the other— had he been wearing that the whole time?— Satoru clears his throat. “Before you cry again, I gotta make sure you’re able to see your present first.”
He takes your head in his hands, and you realize his fingertips are a little cold as they press on your warm cheeks. Stretching the string down from the party hat a bit, he places it under your chin and snaps the cardboard cone into place on your head.
Breathing a noise of satisfaction seemingly content with how you look, a cheeky grin dances across Satoru’s face. “Perfect. You can now go ahead and open your gift,” he says, handing you a small black velvet box with the company logo HW scrawled across it.
“Wait, what,” you deadpan.
This can’t be what you think it is.
“It’s not a ring!” Satoru blurts. But composes himself seconds later with a quip of, “Unless you want it to be?”
Har. Har. Very funny.
You disregard what he’s said and peel open the box with caring hands.
Inside was the most extravagant necklace you’ve ever laid eyes on. A diamond pendant laid bare inside the box in the shape of a forget-me-not with your birthstone at the flower's centre. 
That could’ve easily cost him a little over one million yen if you think about it deeply.
“Satoru!” you squeal.
Without thinking, you throw your arms around his neck and squeeze your longtime friend into your loving embrace. Satoru’s gift to you almost topples and sinks into the crevice of your couch had it not been for his quick hand to catch the necklace.
Your heart’s racing, and initially, his body goes rigid until he gradually relaxes under your hold. “You’re crazy, ’s too expensive!” you sparingly chastise him. 
Satoru swallows hard and brings a careful arm up to reciprocate the hug. You feel the warm press of his arm against the thin material of your shirt. 
“Nothing’s too expensive if you’re involved,” you hear him murmur into your ear. “So, don’t worry ‘bout it.”
You give him one last bone-crushing squeeze, hoping that your rare show of physical touch does not go unnoticed and exemplifies how grateful you are. Pulling away from him you look him dead in the eyes. “Thank you, seriously.”
Shrugging you off like it was no big deal as if he didn’t blow double, maybe even triple the money the average Japanese businessman earns on a singular paycheque toward your necklace, Satoru casts you a gentle smile and changes the subject. 
There would be no need to dwell on it any longer with what’s to come.
“Now…” He gives your lower back a soft pat. Once, and twice. “A birthday kiss from the birthday girl.” Satoru puckers out his lips and shuts his eyes real tight, making a huge show out of it.
For extra effect, he even hums a prolonged Mmm-ing sound to emphasize him waiting for you to initiate it.
It’s a joke; you know he’s joking. He has a ridiculously long history of being overly affectionate with his teasings and whatnot. 
But this time, you really do lean in and take said kiss from him.
There’s something incredibly adorable about this kiss that has your heart surging in your chest. Partly because it’s the first time that you’re kissing each other, but mostly because of how frigid and careful it is. It made you feel as if you were in high school all over again, trying a plethora of new things for kicks and giggles.
The tension was almost palpable, thick enough to suffocate the air he breathed. Even when you pulled away creating space between you both, Satoru still felt a lingering lump in his throat.
Cracking your eyes open, you see that Satoru’s own are blown wide. Piercing cerulean eyes stare unblinking at you. Normally, you would’ve found that to be off putting as hell, had it not been for the slow rise of a blooming pink crawling up his neck.
“Sorry,” you offer weakly. Sensing that you may have gone too far, you make an effort to scoot off his lap. But a determined arm holds you in place.
“Again.” He swallows thickly, and your eyes follow that mesmerizing movement in his throat. “I… I didn’t do it right. Please.”
And who are you to make him beg? So, you do as he says.
Leaning in, your lips press against Satoru’s once more. And this time, he has the sense to close his eyes and bask in it, not daring to let his nerves get the best of him (though he’d never admit it). 
Slotting yourself to be more flushed against him, the tips of your noses brush and you feel Satoru’s hand smooth down your spine. The pads of his fingertips press onto your exposed skin peeking out from underneath the hem of your shirt bunched around your hips.
God, you wanted him bad.
It’s abrupt, the way you push yourself off him and force yourself to stand on your feet, breaking the kiss. The rise and fall of your chest is a bit staggered and Satoru’s is too. He’s all red-faced and his snow-white hair is a bit dishevelled, considering how many times you’ve combed your fingers through it.
“Did I do something wrong?”
That alone made you want to jump his bones even more.
You shake your head and get one good look at him before you leave him to head down your hallway. He looked perpetually enraptured by you, eyes hyper-focused on your every movement.  “Come to my bedroom.”
Satoru’s stunned, the implications of your remark not lost on him.
And like a keen lost puppy, of course he follows. He joins you in your bedroom seconds after you and stands in the doorway, just kind of hovering there. Not sure of what to do.
Wait. Did he come here too fast? Did that make him look overly desperate? A million and one questions rush through Satoru’s mind as his neck grows red, stained with embarrassment, want… arousal. 
Seeing how he seems to be short-wiring at your doorway, you beckon him to join you on the bed with your hand. Once he does, he sits extremely close next to you. His clothed thigh brushes against your bare one, which sends a jolt of electricity through you.
Your fingers find his nape once again and they stroke up on his fresh undercut, prompting him to shiver a bit. “Why’re you so shy all of a sudden?” you question, your voice going gentle with a provoking edge to it.
Gaining some of his personality back, Satoru pinches your cheek. “‘Cause I didn’t think you’d want to kiss me!” But his mean hand then turns soft and slides along your jaw, his thumb rubbing smooth circles into the skin just below your ear. 
“Well, I’m here,” you say, scooting impossibly closer to the man beside you, “and wanting.”
Message received.
Hauling you onto his lap, Satoru cradles your face in both hands and kisses you deeply. It’s full of emotion, expressing all the things he’s been wanting to say for the longest time. A trembled exhale escapes you, and it’s through that that Satoru uses the opportunity to slide his tongue alongside yours. 
The kiss is frenzied, but so filled with love.
“So you like me?” he asks, his breathing laboured.
“Yes,” you bite, pushing him away from you and onto the mattress. “As if swapping spit with you wasn’t enough.” You guess you’ll have to show him how much you undoubtedly like him, love him even, through other means. 
He huffs a breath of laughter and drops his back onto your bed. Underneath you, you see Satoru’s eyes sparkle as he watches you have your way with him. 
But something’s up.
His eyes climb up a little higher and this time, he barks out a real laugh.
You still have that piece of fuck sitting on your head. You probably look stupid as hell right now.
Discerning that you’re about to raise your hand to your head, Satoru holds your wrist in his palm. There’s something bright that gleams behind those alluring pools of blue, warm and tender. He bites back a smile. “The birthday hat stays on during sex.”
You scrunch your nose at him. “You’re so dumb,” you growl with artificial frustration and tear off the cone-shaped hat from your head, tossing it into the depths of your room. He whines at its loss, but you’re quick to placate him with a slow roll of your hips into his lap.
Satoru’s jaw clenches and his hands fly to your waist, gripping you tightly as you continue to grind yourself down onto his erection. Your ministrations pull a wanton whimper from his lips, one that has you grinding with more purpose— the purpose of hearing that sound again.
“Do you like that?” you ask.
He nods, not trusting himself to speak, else he’ll let out a pathetic string of moans.
“I know, me too.” Satoru’s dick lurches in the confines of his pants as he watches you dry-hump him into the mattress slowly, your eyes shining with lust. Fuck, he could get hard just off your expression alone. “It feels reeeally nice being up on you like this,” you continue.
You have a fucking dirty mouth. One that Satoru’s growing more and more addicted to the more you speak.
There’s an incessant throbbing between your legs that you can’t quite alleviate. While rolling your hips into Satoru’s lap— with his occasional thrust to match your movements— felt good, it can only do so much. You wanted and needed more.
And so did Satoru, because he’s already pulling at the waistband of his pants. His thumb loops two layers and tugs both his pants and boxers down, revealing his toned V-line. 
You fall victim to Satoru’s enamoured gaze from below, which makes you squirm hot with arousal. “Take it off,” he commands.
He wants you to strip him of his clothes. 
Caught taking a startled breath, you ignore the wicked, handsome smile that slinks onto his face as you slip off his lap so you may curl your fingers around his waistband and pull. Your pussy clenches when his erect dick springs into view, and the heat pumping through your veins runs a little hotter.
You shiver at how pretty and filling his dick looks. After a few seconds of openly ogling at his lap, Satoru clears his throat which successfully gets you to drag your eyes back up to his face.
“While that was nice,” he starts, leveraging himself up onto his elbows and grins at your cute error, “I meant you, baby. Take it off.”
Seriously? Just ‘Oh’?
Mentally facepalming, you shimmy your shorts down your legs along with your panties. They pool down at your ankles and you step out of them to stand between his legs.
Fully sitting up, Satoru pats his lap; encouraging you to sit on him again. “C’mere.”
You crawl onto his lap, but you don’t sit down fully. Hovering a few inches away from his cock, your knees press on each side of his thighs, trapping him in. 
There’s no way in hell you were gonna sit down right now, knowing that if you do, you’d be pressing your bare pussy onto his naked thigh and he’d feel everything. Exposing how wet you are.
Humming, Satoru lifts the hem of your oversized top to your breasts and sighs. “Pretty,” he murmurs before he leans forward and captures your nipple into his mouth.
You gasp harshly at the titillating feeling. Your hands balance on his shoulders for support, as he rolls your nipple on his tongue.
“Sa— Ah!” You cry out. The hand between your legs startles you and has you whimpering in the open air.
“You’re wet,” he comments, slipping a finger against your slick pussy.
“Shut up about it…”
But he doesn’t. Another finger joins the first and delves down between your lips, gradually easing them inside you. They push against your walls, curling in a way that has you gasping into his neck. “You got wet from grinding alone, huh?” 
A breath stutters out of your mouth and you rock yourself against his hand. You can’t take this anymore. You want more. “Do you have a condom?” you ask.
“I—” he groans when your hand slides between you two, your fingers curl around his dick and stroke his tip along your leaking slit. “I didn’t bring one, because I didn’t think we’d—”
Biting your bottom lip, you sling a heavy arm across Satoru’s shoulders. You meet his hungry gaze with one of your own and inch closer toward his dick that rests against his stomach. What you’re about to do could be risky, but at this given moment you couldn’t find it in you to be overly stressed about it.
“No worries,” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper, “I trust you enough to pull out in time.” And like that, you push down on him and ease Satoru’s cock into your aching cunt, making him bottom out inside you completely.
You’re so wet and slippery that it took little to no effort for him to slide inside. The noise of your slick sticking to where you two meet at the hips has you two moaning softly in unison.
The harsh mutter of your name echoes off your bedroom walls and goes straight to your cunt. “So tight,” he grits out behind clenched, white teeth.
Each time you slide up and down on his cock, Satoru grows more unrestrained with his vocal appreciation of how well you take him. Desperate little moans escape him each time your sweet cunt squeezes him of all he’s worth.
You were no better. Choppy, broken whimpers can be heard from you, loving how he stretches your walks with your length. He fits perfectly inside you like your cunt was destined for this moment, for him alone. 
“Let me fuck you,” Satoru blurts out. He was losing it, and he could feel him tipping closer and closer to the edge of release.
“You are— Ugn!” you say weakly when his hands grab your ass and he stands, lifting you with him as if it were nothing. Kicking off his bottoms, Satoru props you on your back against your mattress.
 Crawling between your legs, he positions the crown of his cock to press against your opening. “No,” he drawls, with one hand on the base of his shaft and the other propped beside your head. “Let me fuck you.”
He pushes in and you swear you see stars. 
Satoru pistons himself faster and faster inside of you, rocking your bodies against the mattress which makes your wooden headboard tap noisily against your drywall.
You fear your neighbours may have some… less than pleasant words to share with you about the noise tomorrow morning. 
“Ah! Fuuucking— shit!” You wail. Euphoric tears start prickling at the corner of your eyes. “Don’t stop, please!”
The pleasure melts through you when Satoru presses down harder into you, his hand finding the back of your right knee and hikes your leg around his waist so that he can fill you at a new angle.
“Baby,” he murmurs into your neck. He says it like you’ve been his for years. “Say my name.”
Laughing a little, probably too fucked out of his mind, Satoru removes his face from your neck and presses a hot, searing kiss onto your lips.
You yelp when he drives his cock more harshly into you, growing more desperate with the urgency to come inside you.
Riding his high, Satoru says the first thing that comes to mind, which is a long drawn-out, “Haaa…”
What Satoru meant to accomplish was to wish you another ‘Happy Birthday’, but of course, it all gets garbled up in his throat due to his approaching orgasm and comes out sounding fucking obscene.
That’s what gets you.
You come hard, your back bowing off the bed. Satoru, remembering your initial statement about how you trust him to pull out, does exactly that. Albeit, he did it at the very last second, but you avoided a pregnancy scare. So you can’t be mad.
Thick ropes of his cum splash across your bare belly and some get on your top. You’re hyperaware of how it trickles down your abdomen, some dipping into your belly button.
Breathing hard and heavy, both coated in sweat among… other sensual fluids, Satoru rolls onto his back.
“Stuck with me for life, huh?” he asks, delicate fingers intertwined with yours. 
You hum. “Seems so…” you agree quietly. 
Now that you think about it, there hasn’t ever been a moment where Gojo Satoru hadn’t been present in your life, ever since meeting him during your high school days.
You two lay like that for some time, soaking in each other’s company until the early traces of morning light ripple through your curtains.
You’re about ready to shut your eyes until your thoughts are accosted by something you offhandedly forgot. 
“Satoru?” you begin, tone nice and sweet.
You sit up slowly so you can peer down at his blissed-out face. “By chance, was the cake you got for me made out of ice cream?”
You know how deep his love for sweets goes. You just pray and hope to whatever higher power that he chose the safe route and chose a normal ca—
“…Yeah, why?”
Jumping out of bed, you rush to the living room where the cake is probably spilling its guts out all over your expensive, mahogany coffee table. “You IDIOT!” 
A string of curses follows you out into the hallway, as Satoru sits on your bed confused.
“What’d I do?!”
Whether you liked it or not, you were stuck with this bumbling idiot if he had any say in the matter, an invisible string keeping you two bound.
And maybe it wasn’t that bad.
Even if it’s at the cost of your ¥20,000 table.
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if you read this far, we're fucking making out.
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chuuyrr · 5 months
feat. dazai, chuuya, fyodor
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ꨄ˙ SYNOPSIS: bsd men as girl dads to their daughters
ꨄ˙ CW(s): f! mom! reader, established relationship (married to your lover ofc), fluff, short scenarios, not proofread
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DAZAI was humming the quiet melody of his 'certain' song as he cradles his little one. the baby in his arms was sniffling, crying softly and practically looking at him with tearful brown eyes that resembles his. he gently hushes and cradles baby sonoko in his arms, his soothing hums a lullaby in the quiet room.
sonoko was a captivating blend of both you and dazai. with her dark hair that mirrored dazai's locks and the bright twinkle in her [color] eyes reminiscent of your own, she was practically a living canvas of your shared features.
dazai gently rocks baby sonoko in his arms, whispering soothing words to calm her cries. the soft glow of the nightlight illuminated the room, creating a serene atmosphere. he cradles her close, the warmth of his embrace a comforting haven.
"hush, my little one," he murmurs, his voice a gentle melody. "there, there, sonoko. daddy is here." dazai presses a tender kiss to her forehead, his heart swelling with paternal affection, "no need for tears, little darling."
he softly sang a lullaby, the words weaving through the air like a protective cocoon. as the room embraced a peaceful stillness, sonoko's cries transformed into quiet sniffles.
dazai continued to sway gently, cherishing the precious moment of connection with his baby girl. he places her head against his chest, manipulating his heart beat into a calming rate to ground her with its sound.
you lay in bed, exhausted, but you find yourself smiling in the calmness of the night as you see your husband and daughter share a quiet bond, the world outside fading away. dazai's love for sonoko radiated in every soothing touch, a promise to always be there, hushing away any fears or tears that may come.
"you're doing that thing with your heart again, aren't you?" you whisper softly to dazai, quietly giggling.
dazai glances at you, still cradling the fruit of your love to his chest, he gently strides to your side and presses a lingering kiss on your forehead, "yeah, i am."
"i still don't get how you do that though, but it works, doesn't it?" you say softly as you see how your baby girl is all calm now.
you extend your arms to reach for sonoko but dazai gently refuses to do so, and he shakes his head as he insists, "shh, let me look after her. you go get some rest, darling."
"are you sure, osamu? sonoko can get a bit fussy," you ask softly as dazai uses his free hand that wasn't carrying sonoko to gently push you to lie back down in bed and pull the blanket over your chest.
"i'm certain. please, my love. you're exhausted from feeding her and looking after. it's daddy's turn to take over, okay?" dazai chuckles softly as sonoko began to coo and pat her tiny hands against her daddy, "we're ok."
"okay," you giggle quietly as you look at your husband and daughter, "try not to give your daddy a bad time, okay sonoko?"
sonoko merely coo and giggle at the sound of your voice before they intensified in volunme when dazai started to tickle her sides and pepper her cute round face in kisses, the rain of affection from her father making her happy.
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CHUUYA sighs, holding baby saika in his arms as her cries echoed through the room. he paced around, trying to replicate the comfort saika found in her mother's presence—your presence.
although your child resembled very much like you, she got her traits and personality mostly from chuuya. she even throws quite the fuss when she was upset, and chuuya only realizes it now that you're away for a while.
"shh, saika, it's okay. come on, now." he whispers softly, his voice a mixture of reassurance and longing.
despite his best efforts to spoil her with affection, saika's cries persisted and he feels a pang of helplessness, "mommy will be back soon, little one. until then, it's just you and me, okay?" chuuya continued to sway, his touch tender and caring.
but saika's cries merely intensified, and chuuya's frustration grew. he couldn't replace the warmth and comfort that only her mother seemed to provide.
chuuya's heart sank as he looked down at his precious little one, her tear-filled eyes gazing up at him with a mix of sadness and yearning. he felt a wave of helplessness wash over him, an ache in his chest as he desperately wished he could ease her distress.
"come on, saika," chuuya whispers softly, his voice a blend of sorrow and affection. he cradles her even closer, tracing gentle circles on her back. "what's making you so upset, huh? don't you want toys? food? sweetheart, please."
saika's tiny lips quivered, and her cries persisted. chuuya's usual fiery determination waned in the face of his daughter's tears. money and gifts meant nothing in this moment. though he had her spoiled with everything and anything, she didn't seem to want any of those things as she would only squirm, kick and throw those things away in a tantrum.
in a moment of realization, chuuya gently sets aside the lavish toys and the carefully prepared food. he holds saika to his face and he looks into her teary eyes and finally, he understood the true source of her distress.
"it's not about the toys or the treats, is it, saika?" he muses softly, a smile forming on his face. cradling her up in his arms, he held her close, focusing on the simple act of giving her his undivided attention.
as he spoke soothingly to her, chuuya sensed the shift in saika's mood. her cries slowly gave way to sniffles, and she looked up at him with wide, trusting eyes. realizing that what she craved was the connection with her daddy, chuuya embraced the simplicity of the moment.
"dada's right here, baby," he whispers to saika, pressing a tender kiss on her cheek, "i got you."
in that instant, the room was filled not with the extravagant gifts he could provide, but with the warmth of a father's love that proved to be the most comforting of all.
he bounced her tenderly as he swayed around the room, the rhythm calming her sniffles. chuuya presses another soft kiss on her forehead, and saika's tiny hands clung to his shirt, finding solace in the familiar embrace.
as you entered the room later on, a tired yet content smile adorned chuuya's face. his hair was tied in a low ponytail with stickers and traces of food decorated his face. in his arms, little saika peacefully slept, nestled against his chest, her [color] hair braided with small butterfly clips.
chuuya looked up, and his eyes softened at the sight of you, "hey there, love," he greets you quietly, careful not to wake saika, "we had a little adventure, but someone decided it was time for a nap."
you couldn't help but giggle fondly at the adorable scene before you. the stickers and food smudges on your husband seemed like badges of a day well spent. saika, oblivious to your arrival, continued to sleep soundly in her father's arms.
quietly, chuuya rose from his spot, carefully transferring saika to her crib. as he joined you, he sighs happily and captures your lips in a tender kiss, "looks like our little one just wanted some dada time today." the exhaustion in his eyes was overshadowed by the joy of the shared moments.
"seems like it," you say softly as you wrap your arms around his neck as you kiss once again, "but hey, you did good. thanks for looking after saika."
"don't mention it, we're in this together. i can't have my darling wife do everything. you deserved a well-rested break today," chuuya whispers against your lips as nuzzles his nose against yours lovingly.
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FYODOR cradled his precious lyubov on his lap, her wide eyes filled with curiosity. with a tender smile, he began to read from a novel, his deep yet gentle voice resonating through the quiet space.
"once upon a time, in the turbulent depths of the human soul, there lived a complex character named raskolnikov. he grappled with existential questions, much like the profound mysteries we face in our own lives," fyodor narrates, his gaze shifting between the words on the page and the wide-eyed innocence in lyubov's eyes.
as he continued reading, the intricate plot and philosophical undertones of the novel intertwined with the gentle rhythm of lyubov's breathing. fyodor couldn't help but adapt the narrative, transforming it into a bedtime story that echoed the complexities of morality and human nature.
lyubov, oblivious to the weighty themes, giggled in delight at her father's animated expressions. fyodor, in turn, savored the precious moments, cherishing the bond he was cultivating with his daughter.
as lyubov listened to her father's storytelling, a contagious giggle bubbled up from within her. with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she pointed at the novel in fyodor's hands.
giggling at the sight of her father's earnest storytelling, little lyubov couldn't contain her innocence as she pointed at the pages in amusement.
lyubov, with her jet-black hair cascading in waves down her shoulders, bore a striking resemblance to her father, fyodor. the deep purple hue of her eyes mirrored his own, reflecting a shared intensity that seemed to peer into the depths of the human soul.
yet, amidst these echoes of her father's traits, her features held a delicate familiarity, capturing the essence of her other parent—you. the gentle curve of her nose and the subtle arch of her eyebrows were reminiscent of your own distinct features too.
in a moment of quiet amusement, you turned to fyodor, your husband, a playful glint in your eyes, "isn't she a tad too young for stories like that, darling?" you ask, your laughter blending with the warmth of the dimly lit room as you enter your baby's room.
fyodor, with a gentle smile, glanced at lyubov, who had now nestled herself comfortably against his chest, before looking at you, "perhaps, my love," he replies, his voice carrying a touch of self-awareness, "but the beauty of storytelling is that it grows with the listener. however, if you insist, then i suppose i'll find tales more suited to her age, tales that will weave the magic of childhood without delving too deep into the complexities of the human psyche."
as lyubov cooed and giggled in response to your shared laughter, fyodor couldn't help but join in the merriment.
with a twinkle in his eye, he gently teases, "my, my. look at this, darling. it seems our little one has a taste for the profound, even if the words are a bit too deep for her tender age. perhaps we have a budding philosopher in our midst."
"perhaps, fedya," you say with a playful glint in your eyes, your lips curving into a smile.
you and fyodor share a tender kiss, the laughter lingering in the air as a sweet reminder that, in the midst of literature's complexities and parenting's challenges, there's always room for joy and lighthearted moments in the embrace of family love as lyubov was still nestled in fyodor's embrace, she continued to babble and gurgle, her infectious laughter filling the room.
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ꨄ˙ A.N.: sonoko's name came from one of the dazai osamu's actual children. saika translates to fortune with its kanji meaning happiness and the moon. it was inspired by the poems of upon the tainted sorrow and the moon of the actual nakahara chuuya, but i purposely alluded the name to happiness instead. lyubov means love, and it is also the name of one of the actual children of fyodor dostoevsky. ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
ꨄ˙ TAGGING.: @chuunai @aureatchi (っ'ヮ'c) ₊˚⊹♡ !
this is a queued post by the way . . .
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so-starz · 5 months
˗ˏˋ⭒ things that make their heart flutter ⭒´ˎ˗
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genre ? fluff reactions/headcanons , cw ? mentions of insecurities
bf!riize x gn!reader
⋆ note: first post! check pinned :3 might do little drabbles on some of these
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[initiating hugs]
☆ shotaro’s love language is definitely physical touch
☆ so when you hug him from behind to surprise him
☆ or pull him into your arms in bed
☆ or bury your face in his chest as you squeeze him
☆ he feels like his life is complete
☆ adores when you run and jump into his arms after a long day
☆ just the feeling of being in your hold is enough for him
☆ he always makes sure to hug you back 10x tighter too
☆ (and no, he is never letting you go now)
[dressing up for him]
☆ he thinks you always look pretty, no matter what you wear
☆ but when you dress up really nicely for dates, or to show off some new clothes you bought
☆ oh my god he loves it
☆ makes sure to compliment you every 3 seconds
☆ “you look beautiful”
☆ “that sweater looks so nice on you”
☆ fixes your jacket for you, smooths out your skirt
☆ silently admiring you the entire time
☆ you are his angel and he can’t believe he was lucky enough to be chosen by you
[public skinship]
☆ sungchan loves to make sure everyone knows that he is yours and you are his
☆ like Yes you are taken and Yes he will bark at anyone who dares to think otherwise
☆ he always has a hand on your back, an arm wrapped around your waist or over your shoulders, etc
☆ but when you do it to him? he literally does a happy dance on the inside
☆ when you grab his hand and lace your fingers together
☆ or link your arm with his
☆ or hug his middle while waiting in line
☆ you are his Baby okay
☆ he thinks its so cute when you show him off to others
☆ it always puts the biggest smile on his face
☆ you always have a knack for telling when wonbin gets in his head
☆ when his smile doesn’t reach his eyes, or when he’s even quieter than usual
☆ so you make sure to shower him in compliments and praise whenever you can
☆ telling him how hard he’s working and how good he is at what he does
☆ commenting on how pretty his eyes are, or how you like his new shirt
☆ you can see the stress leave his body when you praise him
☆ sometimes your reassurance is all he needs
☆ especially when he’s feeling insecure, he immediately searches for comfort in you
☆ because you always know just what to say
[random kisses]
☆ there’s nothing seunghan loves more than when you kiss him
☆ he’ll just be scrolling on his phone and you stop to kiss him on the forehead before going about your day
☆ or you could be in the middle of a conversation and then you randomly peck him on the lips
☆ it makes him smile so hard
☆ he could be having the worst day ever, but at least he knows he’ll be able to get a kiss from you later
☆ please cup his face kiss his cheeks when you see him
☆ if you kiss his neck while cuddling, he’ll literally melt in your arms
[whispering in his ear]
☆ cuddles with sohee is a mandatory step in your nighttime routine
☆ and the atmosphere is always so soft and peaceful
☆ you always whisper an “i love you” into his ear
☆ or if you’re quietly talking about your day in your soft sleepy voice
☆ and he kind of dies inside everytime
☆ like his heart actually stops in his chest
☆ your voice is so beautiful to him, and when you whisper??? even better
☆ you make him feel so safe and he loves how vulnerable you can be around him
[playing with his hair]
☆ it’s a subconscious habit you have, to mess with his hair, or twirl strands around your fingers
☆ and he falls for you all over again every time you do it
☆ when his hair falls into his eyes in the middle of a conversation and you reach up to brush his fringe to aside
☆ and if you make eye contact at the same time? 
☆ anton.exe has stopped working
☆ he stutters in the middle of his sentence
☆ you always make him so nervous
☆ you can see him trying not to smile when you begin to play with his hair if his head is in your lap
☆ he's so soft for you, it's crazy
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reblogs + feedback are greatly appreciated!
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gomzwrites · 1 year
Task force 141 found out about your soft spots
Summary: You’re one of the members in the taskforce, and you’re one of the more quiet, self-reserved and stoic soldiers among them. They didn’t mind since they respected your personal space, but at some point, they saw just a glimpse of your rather different, softer side. a/n: I’ve had this idea in mind for a long time and just wanted to get this out there, English is not my main language so I apologize for any mistakes along the way! This is also my first fic so feedbacks are appreciated :] Tags: incorrect military terms/training, fluff, can be read as platonic or romantic, x gn!reader, reader's text is in purple Part 2 is out! PLEASE DO NOT RESHARE MY WORK ON OTHER PLATFORMS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION 
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Captain John Price
You were on a mission with Price in another city, stalking and trailing the target, when suddenly the target decided to take a turn and entered a cafe. With the captain’s signal, both of you followed and took a spot in one of the corners in the warm, bustling cafe. It was a perfect atmosphere; the cafe was not necessarily noisy, but the number of people and music were busy enough for you and your captain to stay hidden and blend in well. You kept a keen eye on the target, noticing that he was in the queue and, so far, not presenting any signs of danger or threats. The captain gave your foot a nudge as he diverted your attention to the young waitress beside the table that you didn’t notice. "Hi! What would you like to order?" The waitress spoke in the local language that you didn't understand, but you knew she was most likely trying to take an order with the way she held a small notepad and a pen. You gave a small nod as you glanced at Captain for a moment, who was also reading the menu. You do the same, only frowning slightly as you couldn't read anything as well, and because you wanted to get this over with, you randomly pointed at one item to the waitress as she smiled and jotted down your order.
When the waitress walked away, you followed the captain’s gaze on the target; it seemed that he was still in line. You're slightly confused but relieved that the target remains in sight. Not long after, the drinks ordered previously arrived, but your eyes remained fixated on the sketchy figure. It wasn't until the Captain cleared his throat that you broke your gaze and stared down at the table. You froze slightly at the sight before you.
You watched a little wiggle action of the foam on top of what you assume is coffee before you. Except it's not the normal flat latte art kind of foam, but a huge bear foam with a cute face drawn with chocolate. You blink once, then twice before releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding.
This is so cute!! 
You thought to yourself internally as you felt yourself smiling, before realising the situation at hand as you snapped your head towards the captain, hoping he didn't see you, and to your relief, his eyes were still glued to the target. You take this opportunity to slowly take out your phone and take a quick picture of the drink before doing the same and observing the target again. As soon as you do, the target made its move and headed to the exit, which made the both of you follow promptly, seemed like he had a bag as well which was definitely not good news. You were a bit disappointed that you were not given the chance to try the cute drink, but you know you have a job to do, so you just hope that perhaps you can take a closer look again at the coffee later on your phone.
What you didn’t know was how the Captain noticed the change in your demeanour when you spotted the drink; he honestly wasn't expecting much from you, thinking you might just ignore it. But he saw from the corner of his eyes just how your eyes widen slightly, how they are shining when you realize what you ordered, and the way your cheeks had a shade of pink on it as you smile. He rarely gets to see you smile, and he found it endearing to think a cold soldier like you has a liking for cute things. He smiled internally as he noticed how you took the photo sneakily when you thought he wasn’t looking.
He made a mental note to bring you to a cafe he knows that have those famous latte art drinks after the mission, just to see you smile like that again.
John Soap MacTavish
The military base has decided to bring in military working dogs to aid in the next mission, which involves scouting and detection for drug detection at the port, where secret drug trafficking from a certain group of terrorists has been reported.  
"Soap, you’re assigned to Max and Judy; you’ll have to talk to Sergeant Sam about the training," the Captain says as he walks through the compound. You noticed how Soap seemed to tense slightly as he clenched his jaw; you also noticed how his breath hitched as he stared at the two German shepherds standing on the sides of the dog handler; you knew he had a bad history with canines in general when you stumbled upon his journal once; and seeing how uncomfortable he was, you decided to step up for the job.
"Captain, can I do it instead?" The captain glanced back, his beard shifting as he thinks for a moment before nodding and giving you permission. Soap stared at you upon hearing your voice and gave you an apologetic yet grateful look as he breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Aye thanks… Let me know if yae ever need something from meh in the future."
He watched as you gave him a gentle pat on his shoulder as you nodded. Unbeknownst to him, you actually own a German Shepherd yourself, and you’re very much a dog person, and you’re excited to start the training with the military dogs. He stood on the side as you approached the two dogs, nodding along to the instructions given by Sam. As you bent down and extended your hand out, the two dogs gave a few sniffs before finally warming up to you, with their tails wagging as they circle your body. He’s impressed with how friendly you seem with animals, and you were natural with the dogs.
After the training, he went around looking for you as he held a bottle of ice-cold mineral water, hoping that he could give it to you since you were training heavily under the hot, blazing sun. As he turned a corner, right behind the shed, he heard a few barks. He softened his steps as he leant in and took a peek behind the wall, and he was glad he did.
Who’s a good boy? Yes, you are! Yes, you are! Come here! Oooh, such a big boy are you? You did such a great job with me just now~ oh! No wait wait- aH-!
He watched with a grin as he took in the image before him. You, giggling and rolling on the floor as the dogs lick and nuzzle your face and neck, having fun and relaxing with the dogs. He would almost forget that they were military dogs, and yet, with you? They looked domestic. On top of that, he has never heard you laugh or speak like this before; sure, you were using a baby voice and all as you cooed the dog, but he didn’t care because you have the softest yet brightest giggle, a stark contrast to your usual stoic self. He left after watching you for a while, smiling as he walked away to let you have your moments with the doggies. Next time, he’ll definitely want to join you in the training if it means getting to see this side of you more often. 
Kyle Gaz Garrick 
You groan as you sit on the passenger side as Gaz drives the Jeep. It was almost 9.30 pm as you were both ordered to buy a few furniture pieces, tables, and chairs specifically as an emergency thanks to Soap breaking them when he was messing around earlier.
"Why can’t we buy it tomorrow?"
Gaz asks as he, too, frowns and crosses his arms as a yawn escapes his mouth.
"We have a meeting with the other members from London tomorrow, and we can’t make them sit on the floor now, can we?"
Captain replied with a sigh as he frowned; he too was tired and annoyed with the situation, but he has a point. Gaz has asked you for help since the furniture needs to be carried, and you followed along (not without silently complaining).
The day has been terrible for you, it seems like bad luck was looming around your shoulders in every moment. Just this morning, you stubbed your toe and you couldn’t find your left sock, then sprained your shoulder slightly during the sparring session with Ghost. Not only that, the sandwiches that you always order for dinner were out of stock, so overall, you’re not having the best day. But who can you blame? You just decided to suck it up as you nod and follow Gaz. 
After parking a spot in IKEA, both of you decided to split up to find the respective wood and parts of the tables and chairs that, thankfully, the details of them have been sent to you by the Captain, so that the process can be faster before the store closes for the night. You sigh as you place the last part of the table in the trolley, crossing off the last serial number and name. You walk towards the place that Gaz told you to meet up with before stopping when you walk past the kid's section.
There it is, in all its glory: Djungelskog and the other notable plushies in the corner. Truth be told, you actually own two Blåhaj (they're in your house) and a baby Blåhaj in the quarters. You’re a big fan of plushies, especially the ones from IKEA and Miniso. You just haven't saved up enough cash to bring the big brown bear home. You take a step, then another, inching closer to the tray, until you’re right in front of the bear. You glanced around to make sure no one is around before you gently pick up the bear, thankful that there weren't many people in the first place due to the late hour. Without a second thought, you gave in and squish your face into its tummy as you give a big sigh and hug it tightly, smiling to yourself as you feel the stress dissolving away. Something about burying yourself in the soft cushion of cotton is healing for you; it gives you a safe, warming feeling, and it reminds you of the comfort that you never got much of as a kid.
You gave it a few more squeezes before finally parting ways with the bear, softly nudging its nose a few times as you whispered softly:
I swear I’ll come and bring you home next time I come.
You smile and place the bear back in its original position, glancing at it one last time as you spot Gaz in the distance, then swiftly push the trolley towards him. Gaz pays for the parts, and both of you head to the car. You get ready in your seat and fasten the seatbelt before Gaz speaks up.
"Oh, I forgot something. Give me a sec"
You haven’t even had the chance to ask back as he bolted back into IKEA. What did he forget? All the parts have been bought, and the store is nearing its closing time as well, but whatever it is, you waited patiently.
Maybe it's because of the long day, but as you rested your head on the window, you dozed off while you were waiting and didn’t wake up until you heard the driver's side car door open.
"Sorry it took awhile, we’ll go back now"
You nod sleepily as you murmur. "What did you forget?"
"Oh, don't worry about it", Gaz replies as he presses the gas pedal and promptly drives back to the base. You didn’t question further; you figured he probably needed something himself.
You went straight to bed after dropping off the equipment for Soap and Ghost to handle, immediately passing out as you landed on the soft bed.
The next morning, you were getting ready for the day as you stretched, satisfied that at least the sleep last night was good enough. As you open the door, a soft material lands in your room with a soft “umph” sound, you immediately look down cautiously, and that's when you see it.
Djungelskog, with its head tilted to your side as its fluffy hand remains on its tummy, on your floor. You were confused, and frankly, you were not awake enough to fully comprehend what just happened. But once you connected the dots, you smiled to yourself as you lifted the bear up and hugged it.
You make sure to buy Gaz something next time as a thank you.
Simon Ghost Riley
The day was mundane; after a few gruelling missions, the task force had many reports to do. You’ve opted to do them in one of the empty meeting rooms; you liked doing work in these rooms more than facing the concrete wall of your own quarters. At least here, the table was wide and it was fairly quiet; sometimes Ghost will join you as he feels the same. You enjoy his presence because, unlike the rest of the group, he is one of the few people you like spending time with in silence. Today was no different.
The hours go by quickly with the room filled with nothing but paper shuffling and turning pages. You sigh as you place down your pen and give a big stretch, deciding to take a break as you stand and move towards the door. The big man himself also follows along; you don’t question it; you figured he might need a break too.
As you walked away from the room, you decided to go to the bathroom. You passed by the training hall as you overheard the Captain and Laswell talking over some topics for the upcoming mission, but something caught your attention.
"....My wife brought cheesecake; it's in the fridge…."
Your ears perked up to the sound of cake; you haven’t had any dessert recently, and you do like cheesecake. You make a mental note to take a trip to the mess hall after using the bathroom, hoping to have a slice yourself.
As you make your way to the fridge silently, you approach the kitchen and let out a soft sigh of relief when the place is empty. You slowly open the door of the fridge as you poke your head in and search for any sign of cake. You were about to give up when you couldn’t see any, but you jolted slightly when you felt a pat on your shoulder. You quickly turn around, only to be met by Ghost again, with a plate in his hand. As you look at the plate, which has a slice of cheesecake, your eyes blink with hope as you slowly glance back at him. He gives you a nod as he hands you the plate, and you nod back as well with a smile, happy and grateful that he saved you a slice. You take a seat at one of the stools and grab a fork as you eat the cheesecake happily. Ghost leaned against the counter opposite you as he makes himself a cup of coffee. He watched silently as your mood seems to improve. Earlier, he saw how you stopped in your tracks when you overheard the conversation, how your eyelashes fluttered, and how your steps grew lighter. He immediately went to the kitchen when you head to the bathroom and managed to pry one last slice of Soap before he finished them, hoping to save you a piece when you come by later. As you take the first few bites with your eyes closed, you give a hum of approval as your shoulders drop. It’s not like the cheesecake was extremely good, but you can tell from the texture that it was homemade. You miss baking yourself; the last time you did it was with a roommate before you joined the military. You missed those silly moments as you clumsily mixed the ingredients and argued with your friend to stop adding too much sugar into the batter, or the time your friend made fun of you for baking the hardest brownies that can break cement if thrown at them. You also tend to have favouritism towards home-cooked stuff, no matter who made it; you always liked how the food tends to taste just slightly better. Is it because of comfort? Or the memories that flood your mind when you take in the smell? You honestly don't know; maybe it's both. Or maybe you like the thoughts and love people put into the meals when they cook. You were so lost in thought that you didn't realise you were swinging your feet idly on the stool. The stool was slightly taller than the regular one, and your legs barely touched the floor.
Ghost finds the view a bit charming—to see you relax and content over a slice of cake. It's not that he is complaining; he just never really saw you this comfortable before. He observes you silently and takes note of how you like to munch on your right cheek more than the left, making it puffy. He chuckles to himself when you start swinging your legs too. He's glad that he managed to snatch the last piece of cake, and perhaps in the near future, he’ll bring you some cake to share with you.
•·················•·················•·················•·················•·················•·················• a/n: that's all! Let me know what you think!! like a part two or something, have a nice day/night! :>
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
A thousand times over - Lewis Hamilton
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request: Hii! Omg, I just saw a comment on instagram that was so cute it made me think a Lewis fic would be so much cuter. You're my favourite writer for F1 so I know you'd eat this up. So a guy commented that when his wife takes off her wedding rings for baking/gardening/painting/etc and he finds them, he waits til she's done then gives them back to her by proposing to her again. - @happy-golden-hour
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: pure fluff
wordcount: +1K
a/n: The three times Lewis reasks y/n to marry him, and the one time the roles are reversed.
a/n.2: Thank you for the idea bestie, took me a while but I couldn't decide on a single scenario, so there's 3 and a surprise one. Hope you like it ❤️
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The Gardening Proposal
The morning sun made the garden golden, its rays filtering through the leaves and casting long shadows from the pine trees across the lush grass. Even though it wasn’t even 8 am yet, you were already lost in the peaceful new flower bed you had been working on for the past week. The air was crisp and fresh, a bit of fog still lurking deep in the woods that surrounded your country home, adding to the serene atmosphere.
Lewis looked over from the porch at the scene, his ever-attentive eyes lost in thought as he admired you. His fingers played with the golden band of your wedding ring he had found on the kitchen counter just minutes ago. The soft glint of the ring caught his eye, reminding him of the love and commitment you shared.
Before you could even feel his presence, he cleared his throat to catch your attention. Your vision as you turned was him, in only his basketball shorts, kneeled in the grass by the flower bed. In his hand was the band you had left in the kitchen the previous day, placed carefully so it wouldn’t get amidst the dirt.
"Love, would you marry me, again?" Lewis said softly, holding out the ring between his fingers, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. His voice was gentle, carrying a hint of playfulness that always had you melting.
Surprised but delighted by his heartfelt gesture, you accepted the ring, feeling its familiar weight as he slid it back onto your finger. The metal felt cool against your skin, a tangible reminder of the bond you shared. "Thank you," you whispered, your heart swelling with love and gratitude.
Lewis chuckled, his eyes sparkling as he looked up at you. "Well, is that a yes?" he began, his voice filled with warmth and humor. His playful tone made you laugh, easing any lingering nerves.
Tears of happiness welled in your eyes as you nodded, your voice filled with emotion. "Yes, a thousand times over" you replied, sealing your promise with a passionate kiss. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air around you, a perfect moment in your blossoming garden.
The Workout Proposal
The early night lights danced around in your bedroom windows as you read your book. You had just finished an intense workout in your home gym, the exhaustion and exhilaration leaving you feeling both drained and sleepy. So, after a shower, you had wrapped yourself in a plush robe, seeking comfort in your bed for a bit before thinking about dinner.
A while later Lewis found you, curled up in bed. A smile tugged at his lips as he admired your relaxed demeanor, his fingers playing with the ring he had found placed at tv console in the gym, now safely tucked in his pocket. Scooting closer to you on the bed, he gently pulled you into his embrace, his warmth enveloping you. His touch was gentle, and with a contented smile, you nestled closer to Lewis, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your chest. His arms wrapping around you protectively.
In that intimate moment, Lewis gazed into your eyes softly. "I love you," he whispered, his voice soft but filled with conviction. "And I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy."
“I love you” You whispered back as you looked up at him, although not without a questioning look, as to why the sudden confession.
He let out a chuckle and reaching into his pocket, he retrieved the ring, his features full of adoration as he asked you for the thousandth time "Will you marry me, again?" his voice barely above a whisper.
Overwhelmed you took a moment to gather your words, your heart pounding just like it had when he asked for the first time. “Yeah, always”, your voice steady and certain. As he slipped the ring onto your finger, sealing your renewed commitment, your hands reached for the back of his neck, pulling his lips down to yours.
The Candles Proposal
The aroma of a Sunday roast filled the air, mingling with the comforting scent of herbs and spices. You were in the kitchen, focused on preparing a delicious meal for Lewis's family. His mother was by your side, offering her expertise and sharing cherished family recipes.
As you started making fresh pasta from scratch, you carefully removed your new wedding ring, placing it in Lewis's hand for safekeeping. He smiled, understanding the gesture, and pocketed the ring, promising to keep it safe.
The meal was a success, filled with laughter, stories, and the warmth his family always provided. As you two got back home late at night you headed for the shower, to clean up and decompress.
When you returned to the living room, you were greeted by the soft glow of candlelight. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on the walls, and soft music played in the romantic and intimate background that Lewis had created.
In the center of the room, Lewis knelt on one knee, his eyes filled with love and determination. The ring you had entrusted to him earlier glinted in his hand, catching the candlelight. "Since I still don’t believe it’s true… would you marry me?” Lewis asked softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection as he held out the ring to you.
"Yes, Lew" you replied, your voice filled with love and gratitude. "I would be honored to marry you, over and over again." Surprised and touched by him, you felt a wave of emotion wash over you. The love and thoughtfulness he had put into this moment a reminder of the lengths he would go to show the love he felt.
The Surprise
As you entered the newly painted nursery, a smile spread across your face at the sight of the lovingly decorated room. Your heart swelled with anticipation at the thought of welcoming your baby into this home and to finally start your own family.
As you admired each detail, your eyes fell upon the wedding band resting on the dresser. Curiosity piqued, you picked up the ring, a tender smile playing on your lips as you realized Lewis had left it behind, probably had taken if off when he was painting.
Knowing he must be in his study, you made your way there, your heart fluttering with excitement. Entering the room, you found Lewis absorbed in his work, surrounded telemetry and car part’s designs. Without a word, you wrapped your arms around him from behind, resting your head against his shoulder.
He turned to meet your gaze, a soft smile lighting up his face as he pulled you onto his lap, his hands automatically resting on your 6 months-bump. "You know, I can't physically kneel like you always do" you teased, a playful glint in your eye, "but there's something I've been meaning to ask you."
Lewis chuckled, his arms tightening around you as he waited for you to continue. With a grin, you reached into your pocket, retrieving the wedding band. Holding it up between you, you met Lewis's gaze, your heart overflowing with love and joy.
"Would you marry me?" you asked, your voice filled with warmth and affection. Lewis's eyes shimmered with emotion. Without a moment's hesitation, he nodded, his voice filled with love. "Yes, I’ll marry you, every day if need be"
As you slipped the ring onto his finger, sealing your renewed commitment, you knew that no matter what life had in store, your love would always be the guiding light that led you through every joy and challenge.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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chaldeanu · 1 month
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innocence lost ノ sunday
ৎ୭ ₊ ˙ ⊹ . 0.8k ノ gn reader — reader works for the family and is cleaning his office when he comes to you with a pierced wing . i like to think he did it himself ノ blood descriptions . treating injury ノ hurt and gentle comfort if you squint ノ reader is intimidated by his presence but willing to help anyway ノ not romantic . not in any relationship — i just wanted an excuse to write about sunday’s pierced wing :3
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he comes to you on wobbly legs, trying his best to appear dignified when there’s blood trickling down his neck and dripping slowly on his shoulder — stains on his boyish innocence splattered with crimson, along with the prim suit now only fitting to be thrown into the laundry basket. the pierced wing behind his ear shudders, flopping down unlike the other, healthy one. he must’ve torn its sensitive nerves, the golden spikes constantly violating the delicate structure of the feathers.
sitting in tense silence in the middle of his office, you’re incapable of forming any questions to throw at him, too flabbergasted at the sight, because what will the family think of his sudden rebellious outburst? but then again, how else could he have proven himself? he wanted to stand up against the other leaders, and so he did, so they stopped considering him a baby, a little finch, still unable to live on his own away from the nest.
it was not your place to judge, though, not as a mere servant working for them. instead, you settle him down and turn on the light, washcloth at hand, and warm water ready in minutes.
treating the messy wound proceeds slowly; he winces under your touch, but his face remains expressionless with cold eyes fixated on an unreachable spot in space. dab after dab, the cotton ball cleans the shattered fluff, but the soft sensation feels like stabs against the pulsing area next to his earrings. you keep your fingers as slow and gentle as possible, holding his chin up so he can take a deep breath and finally look at you. you cannot meet his gaze, focused on caring for him, but you feel his golden irises on your heated cheeks.
“mister, d-does it still hurt?” you ask after some time, words slipping off your lips without thinking. you blurt it out involuntarily, trying to dissolve the unbearable tension between you two; it was a silly question, as if that wasn’t clear enough already.
sunday holds back a weak smile and tries to move his wing.
he flinches in pain and shoots his arm down.
“it does, unfortunately.”
you finish dabbing the last remains of blood off his neck, the tip of your tongue sticks out in concentration as you pull the cotton away. now that the wound is clean and no longer bleeding, it isn’t nearly as alarming as before. rather than frightening, it only serves to be fascinating for you. as cruel as it sounds, even if an angel-like halovian will always have moments of clumsiness, it doesn’t happen often to see him struggling. it makes it all the more precious in its rarity.
yet despite his strength and elegance, the sight of him looking like a hurt baby bird tugs on your heartstrings, perhaps because he’s cute or because there are butterflies in your stomach just by having his presence here alone in this room. sunday usually has little care for those working under the family, let alone to stay long enough to witness their existence; when he does, it is usually through passing glances during business meetings, never catching eyes with one another. and now that he came to you willingly and spoke your name as though he were truly interested, you felt blessed beyond measure.
trying to stop the fire from returning to your cheeks, you sigh, standing up with a bowl in hand. he stays quiet and unmoving, save for a twitch of the eye or an awkward scratch to his neck. the atmosphere feels uncomfortable, at least to you, but it must be even worse for him, the shame finally catching up to him.
“don’t tell anyone about this. i will… deal with the consequences on my own. later…” he trails off, breaking the silence at last. “this will surely bring some drama to my next meeting. but i do not wish for you to get involved by an accident.”
his voice becomes bitter, almost whining; the sound muffled as he presses his chin down into his collarbone. as though the pierced wing is heavy like stone on his shoulders, a burden too hard to lift right away. sunday speaks as if the entire weight is on him alone, the pressure piling up without end. you doubt if someone can really help him, much less a servant.
the thought saddens you.
“it will be alright.” you bite your lip and take the bowl and bloody cotton balls away without another word. unsure of what to say next, slightly embarrassed about getting so friendly with the young leader, it’s best to leave. he didn’t come to you for empty platitudes, anyway; he would have called a professional, someone with experience.
perhaps he trusted you not to say a word, to keep it between you two, forever sealed.
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ৎ୭ ₊ ˙ ⊹ . author’s note ノ if anyone’s curious, i couldn’t come up with any title, so i used a phrase from “gods & monsters” by lana del rey. also, i wanted to make it more… symbolic, but turned out casual just to include a story from the past. i really like to think that, aside from hidden references, him piercing his wing was a rebellious act when he started to get lost in all the scheming etc. etc.
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deunmiu-dessie · 2 months
ⅷ▬ ⁽ 𝒶𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓃 ⁾
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𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ♡︎ : ₈˖₅ₖ ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ♡︎ : unedited, plot, alien/human, fluff, nim'xen is a simp, he falls first and then falls harder. ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა ʳᵃʷʳ ⁿᵒᵗᵉˢ : no smut, but! a cute little unfinished one-shot of mine.
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ♡︎: on the way home from the store, the unthinkable happens.
꒰male!alien ₊⊹ afab!reader꒱
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“Breaking News: Massive Asteroid Comes Dangerously Close to Earth, Scientists Unaware Until Hours Later.
In a stunning turn of events, a colossal asteroid, previously known as ZTFoDxQ but now identified as Asteroid QG, narrowly missed colliding with Earth. The planet-sized asteroid made its closest-known approach to our planet on Sunday at 12:08 a.m. EDT, coming within a mere 1,830 miles. This remarkable event marks the closest asteroid flyby ever recorded, where the celestial object managed to survive the encounter unscathed, as confirmed by NASA.
However, the surprises didn't end there. Just this afternoon at 1:00 p.m., reports have emerged that a fragment of the asteroid has broken off and penetrated Earth's atmosphere. The exact location of impact is currently being evacuated as a precautionary measure. 
 Scientists are scrambling to analyze the data and understand how such a massive asteroid managed to come so close to Earth without being detected until hours later. The lack of awareness has raised concerns about the effectiveness of current asteroid detection systems and the potential risks posed by near-Earth objects.
NASA and other space agencies around the world are now working to improve their monitoring and detection capabilities to prevent similar surprises in the future. The incident has also sparked discussions about the need for increased funding and resources for asteroid detection and deflection efforts.
As the world watches in awe and relief at the near miss, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking in space and the importance of continued vigilance in monitoring the skies for potential threats. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.” 
3 months later
“Can you do me a favor, sweetheart?”
Interrupting your peeling, you raised your eyes from the bowl of potatoes, freezing the peeler in your hand. You cast a frustrated glance at her, your annoyance thinly veiled behind a strained smile. You were already handling most of the cooking for the evening, so what more could she want from you?
Interpreting your insincere smile as a signal of agreement, she resumed her task of tending to the bubbling broth on the stove, deftly chopping the carrots and watching them plunge into the savory liquid with a satisfying plop. "Your sister's going on a trip tomorrow and I totally spaced on getting her food. She likes turkey right? I'll just throw together a sandwich for her." 
A soft snicker escaped you as the peeler slipped from your hand and plunged into the water-filled bowl. You shifted your attention towards her, trying to decipher if she was genuinely serious or not. Yet, as you locked eyes with her, she responded with an arched eyebrow and an inquisitive grin.
"Jess has a poultry allergy, Mom." 
The woman paused briefly, inhaling deeply to gather her thoughts. As she glanced up at you, she shifted her hip to the side. Her apologetic expression seemed somewhat contrived. "Of course, I should have remembered. I'm sorry, honey." 
It was understandable that the woman might eventually forget. She wasn't the one who hurriedly took Jess to the hospital when she had her first experience with it, she wasn't the one who remained by the girl's side day and night, eagerly waiting for her to regain consciousness. But you were. You were Jess's first in everything. You had always been there for her, so it's only natural that the bond between the two of you grew strong. You knew all about her allergies, her preferences, her school crushes— you felt like more of a mother to her than her biological one.
 "Whatever. I'll pack her lunch." 
You swivel the chair and slide off of it. "The blue card, right?" As she nods her head absentmindedly, almost as if she's in a daze, you leave the kitchen with a frown etched on your face.
Snatching your keys from the hook, you hastily slide into your gym shoes, relieved that you hadn't bothered changing your clothes. You stand at the bottom of the stairs and shift your weight. "Jess! I'm going to the store, do you want anything?!" You delve into your mom's purse, sifting through the chaotic contents until you locate her wallet and retrieve the blue card food stamp card.
   After a brief silence, her bedroom door swings open and she rushes towards the railing, a bright smile on her face. " Ice cream? Shark week came and I've been really craving strawberry ice cream."  You give a nod and quickly retrieve your jacket from the closet. "Do you need any money for the trip tomorrow? I can take some out on my way back." 
The young girl shakes her head, her eyes filled with adoration. You raise an eyebrow but still nod in understanding. Retrieving your phone from your pocket, you give it a gentle shake. "Text me if you need anything, but be quick about it." Without waiting for her response, you swiftly unlock the door and make your way onto the porch.
The sky is adorned with a delicate blend of pink and deep purple, gradually blending into the mysterious darkness of the night. A gentle breeze carries a subtle chill, but you embrace it without a word, wrapping your jacket tightly around your being. Swiftly, you navigate towards your vehicle, unlocking the door and sinking into the plush leather seat. A faint hint of smoke dances in the air, causing your nose to crinkle in response. Without hesitation, you lower the window, letting it air out.
As the smell dissipates you roll up the window and rub your hands together from the cold.
 With a flick of a switch, the heat begins to flow, gradually filling the space and caressing your cheeks with a gentle warmth. The jacket you wear, once a shield against the chill, now threatens to make you feel almost too warm. With a contented smile, you leave the driveway behind and glide swiftly down the street, embraced by the cozy ambiance within.
 As you embark on the drive, the radio remains silent, allowing your thoughts to drift away. Your thumb dances lightly on the steering wheel, lost in a world of its own. Deep down, you had already made up your mind to have Jess by your side once you left. There was no way your parents could take care of her, especially with what you've heard today. 
 Your job was well-paying and you had saved up to rent and secure a two-bedroom apartment at an astonishingly reasonable cost, despite its pristine condition. Nestled within a delightful community, the apartment stood conveniently close to Jess' school. Naturally, obtaining their consent would be imperative, yet even if they were to resist, you would unhesitatingly embark on a legal journey to assert your rights. Yet even if they were to resist, you would unhesitatingly them to court. 
  You wanted a better life for Jess, you wanted the rest of her remaining years of growth to unfold effortlessly. Your affection for her was so profound that witnessing her spiral, just as you had, while residing with your parents was simply inconceivable.
Startled by a gentle tap on your window, you were momentarily transported from the reverie you had been lost in while sitting in the Kroger's parking lot. Your mind had been wandering, lost in a sea of thoughts. With your heart pounding in your chest, you slowly shifted your gaze towards the source of the sound and cautiously opened the window, allowing a sliver of the outside world to seep in.
 She was an elderly lady, much older than you, with a look of homelessness about her. Her shirt was stained and torn, her jeans in tatters, and her face covered in grime. You hesitated for a moment before offering her a warm smile and rolling down your window just a tad further.
  "Hi, do you need something?"
As her murmurs dance in disarray, fragments of words manage to intertwine, and in a fleeting moment, a shiver cascades down your spine. " You're. . . Die. . . Tonight."  
Her expression is vacant, her gaze distant, and the fidgety way she picks at her cuticles hints at her unease. Even though you feel a sense of discomfort, a strong urge to leave the parking lot doesn't overcome you. Instead, you reach into the glove compartment, retrieve a crumpled $20 bill, and gently pass it through the window.
 You recoil in shock as she snatches it out of your hand, making sure to quickly wobble off. With your heart racing, you roll up the window and sink into the headrest, trying to soothe your jangled nerves. What the hell was that about? The only conclusion you can draw is that she must be a deranged old woman.
After finally catching your breath, you unlock your car door and slide out, card in hand. Gently inserting the blue plastic into the slot at the back of your phone case, you carefully place it in your pocket. The night had fallen, and you were eager to return to the comfort of your home.
You took a cart from the parking lot racks and pushed it inside, feeling the chill of the air as you entered the store. "Hmm, what should I pick up for Jess?"
   "Jess! Mom! I'm home!" You set the bags onto the dining room table and wait there with a cocked hip. Within moments, Jess emerges from her room and descends the stairs in a flurry. A gentle smile adorns your face as you present the tub of delectable ice cream, relishing in the delightful sound of her joyful squeal.
  "Ah! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" With a grateful smile, she plants a sweet kiss on your cheek and pulls you into a warm embrace. She then heads to the kitchen, excitedly searching through the drawer for a spoon. Your mother, already present in the kitchen, peeks out from behind the corner.
You notice her face contorting into a slight frown paired with a gentle smile. You recognize that look instantly, so you grab the car keys and smoothly slide the card off the table. Her eyes soften with regret as she passes you a tiny list. "It's just a few things, the ingredients for Jakiya's birthday cake that slipped my mind. Do you mind picking them up?"
   You raised an eyebrow, lips pursed. "I don't necessarily have a choice, mom." Your mom huffed and rolled her eyes. "It's a simple yes or no question, don't be difficult." Despite your strained relationship with your mom, you made an effort to avoid arguments when Jess was present.
Speaking of which, Jess had stopped rummaging in the drawer, body strung tight like a bow. Your gaze softened as you released a weary, deep sigh. You were completely fed up with your parents' nonsense, but Jess shouldn't have to witness the constant fighting between the three of you.
With a gentle nibble on the tender flesh of your cheek, you gracefully acknowledged your mother's request, enveloping yourself in the comforting embrace of your jacket. "Sure mom, what do you need?"
A smile of gratitude adorned her face as she pushed a small list towards you. You grinned wryly as you snatched it, then swiftly headed towards the door. The sun had long set, plunging the world into darkness. The street lights flickered weakly, barely illuminating the empty streets.
 Jess gazes at you as you prepare to depart, smiling guiltily.  With a playful roll of your eyes, you silently express your affection, mouthing the words 'I love you' and blowing a tender kiss in her direction. Her nose scrunches up adorably, but her face lights up with a radiant smile as she reciprocates the gesture. As you steal a glance to the side, you catch sight of your mother observing the exchange, her eyes filled with a bittersweet longing.
 "Text me if there's something else, I'm not going back out later." The words were directed towards Jess, but she dismissed them with a wave of her hand and reached for a large spoon from the drawer. Stepping outside, you were greeted by the refreshing embrace of the cool, crisp air, causing you to release a frustrated sigh. The sound of your keys jingled as you retrieved them from your pocket, pressing a button to unlock the car doors. With a swift motion, you hopped into the front seat and firmly closed the door behind you.
 You wait impatiently as the engine sputters before shutting off. Resting your head on the steering wheel, you attempt a few more times before surrendering. Frustrated, you hit the dashboard and recline in your seat. If you were to go inside and inform your mom that the car wouldn't start, she'd make you walk anyway.
With a sigh escaping your lips, you swing open the door and slide from the seat locking the doors behind you. Embarking on your journey towards Kroger, you find yourself humming a gentle melody, adding a touch of serenity to your brisk pace towards the supermarket. The night envelops you in a tranquil embrace, yet the houses you pass by are alive with vibrant activity. As you stroll along, your gaze wanders towards the windows, offering glimpses into the lives unfolding within.
    Some families are cooking while others are at the table already eating. Happiness danced in the air, casting its enchanting spell upon every corner. Yet, as you observed this idyllic scene, a twinge of envy tugged at your heartstrings. Growing up, you yearned for such a blissful atmosphere that seemed to elude you. At the tender age of nine, your parents bestowed upon you the title of maturity, deeming you wise beyond your years. And while, yes, you possessed a certain level of wisdom, it did not equate to being capable enough to care for your baby sister.
 It fell upon you to fetch Jess from daycare and ensure a safe journey back home for the two of you. It was your responsibility to prepare meals for both of you after school. The weight of raising your four-year-old sister and yourself rested solely on your shoulders, as there was no one else to do it for you. Over time, the bond between both of you and your parents had weakened. They were seldom present, and when they were, disagreements ensued. You made an effort to keep the arguments hushed whenever Jess was around. She often blamed herself for the strained relationship between you, your mom, and your dad.
As you stroll along the dimly lit street, a sudden hush falls upon your heart as the echo of footsteps reaches your ears. Time seems to stand still, and for a fleeting moment, your heart skips a beat. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, you cling to a glimmer of hope, imagining that those footsteps might belong to a passerby, innocently treading the same path as you.
They draw nearer, their footsteps quickening. You swallow your trepidation, nearly stumbling as a man's voice pierces the air. "Excuse me!" His voice resonates with a deep, thunderous timbre, sending shivers down your spine. You flinch, but press on, hastening towards the bustling street where the glow of passing cars illuminates the pavement and towering structures. Towards the sanctuary of safety.
 "Hey! I'm talking to you." 
  You're almost there. You start to jog a little but they've closed in a bit too much. Their presence looms closer, their energy palpable. Just as panic threatens to consume you, you part your lips to release a piercing scream, only to find that silence has enveloped the air.
A gentle breeze rustles the leaves of a bush, followed by a brief, hushed cry that fades into silence. The chirping of crickets has ceased, leaving a stillness that envelops the world. With uncertainty, you glance behind you and collapse to the ground as the two men have vanished. Gazing up at the night sky, the reflection in your eyes, you offer silent gratitude to whoever intervened and saved you in that fleeting moment.
   You stand up and you resume your journey, eventually arriving at the bustling street. Though your legs falter when you notice the woman from earlier sitting on a bus stop bench. The impact of the $20 becomes evident as she savors a warm, nourishing meal, and her once weary eyes seem to be less bloodshot. 
 A part of you hesitates to pass by her, yet you dismiss that fleeting sense of unease and march towards her. It appears that she is also cautious of your presence, as her head swiftly turns towards you—almost as if she is just as cognizant of you as you are of her. Her gaze drifts beyond your shoulder and her eyes widen, a sheer terror reflecting in them. She abandons her meal, rises with some effort, clutches onto her bag, and hastens away.
Your brows knit together and you cast a glance over your shoulder, a whirlwind of bewilderment dancing in your gaze. There is no one lingering in the shadows and the surroundings appear undisturbed. Returning your attention to her path, you discover that she has vanished into thin air. A sense of unease settles within you as you resume your journey towards the store, diligently keeping a watchful eye on the space behind you.
The parking lot is nearly empty when you leave the store. Alongside you, a stream of tired employees bid farewell to their workday, their footsteps echoing in harmony with your own. Amid this scene, a message from Jess illuminates your phone, informing you that dinner has already been prepared. However, a bittersweet note lingers as their parents, driven by impatience, have chosen to indulge in the meal without your presence.
      The girl had put you some food up and would eat with you when you got home. You tell her that it's fine and for her to go to sleep. She responds back with the middle finger emoji. You let out a soft laugh and gently tuck your phone away, resuming your journey back home. In moments like these, you can't help but appreciate the invaluable presence of your sister. She is the unwavering support that keeps you grounded, the guiding light that helps you navigate through life's challenges. It is because of her that you find the strength to persevere, even in the face of your parents' constant demands.
Raising Jess, despite its challenges, has molded you into the person you are now. A person who is dependable, always on time, patient, and strong-willed. You possess the remarkable ability to adapt swiftly and thrive in any endeavor you undertake. If your parents hadn't entrusted you with the responsibility of raising your sister, none of these remarkable qualities would have blossomed within you. Although it may be bittersweet, raising Jess has truly been a hidden blessing, concealed in the depths of life's mysteries.
As you hurriedly make your way home, you take a shortcut and find yourself in the dimly lit parking lot of a mysterious barber shop. Instantly, a wave of regret washes over you as you stumble upon a group of men engaged in some clandestine activity. Panic sets in, and you quickly decide to retreat. However, fate has other plans for you. In your haste, you accidentally collide with a solid chest, causing you to freeze in your tracks. 
When you gather the courage to look up, you are met with a sight that leaves you breathless. Standing before you is a towering figure, adorned with intricate tattoos that seem to tell stories of their own. His pierced septum and eyebrow only add to his intimidating presence, and his annoyed expression sends shivers down your spine. As his eyebrows furrow, you can't help but do a double take at his striking attractiveness.
 "Watch where you're going, woman." You nod in agreement and attempt to move aside, but a member of the group lets out a disrespectful whistle. Your body tenses as you try to keep walking, only to have your wrist grabbed by another individual. "Where do you think you're going? You're such a pretty little thing."  
"I just want to get home. Please, let me go." Your attempt at a stern tone falters as your voice quivers and a hiccup escapes. Laughter fills the air, causing you to shrink back as if confronting a pack of wolves. Six of them. 
   The mysterious figure you collided with earlier firmly grasps the man who is restraining your wrist. " I don't have all fucking night Tyler. Either give me my shit, or I'm going to blow your brains across this goddamn lot." 
The atmosphere suddenly becomes hushed, as if time itself holds its breath. A distant memory resurfaces, a conversation shared with your sister, where you both playfully pondered about how you would handle such a situation. Laughter filled the air as you jokingly mentioned pepper spray and karate moves. But now, in this very moment, fear grips your heart, rendering you utterly petrified.
    Tyler releases his grip on you, causing a small, trembling breath to escape your lips. "Jesus, Dom. I was just joking," he says nervously, glancing at his friends for support. A few chuckle while others remain silent.
 Dom gazes at you, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Go. Before I change my mind." Despite the stern tone, there is a softness in his eyes that reassures you. You thank him profusely and speed walk away from the group. 
The moment you thought you were making headway, the piercing screams and the thunderous gunshots shatter the night's calmness. Time seems to stand still as the world around you falls into an eerie silence once again. With a lump in your throat, you quicken your pace, feeling the weight of tears welling up in your eyes.
This couldn't possibly be the end for you. It simply couldn't. You still had a duty to care for your sister, to provide her with a better life than you ever had. You longed to shield her from your parents, but how could you do that if you were no longer alive?
   As you sprint away, tightly holding onto the groceries, a gasp escapes your lips before a hand covers your mouth, guiding you into a hidden bush. The struggle feels like the most intense challenge you've ever faced. Through a tiny gap, you catch a glimpse of your groceries left behind on the pavement.
  " Shh, little female." 
As if by magic, a wave of calm washes over you the moment you recognize the familiar presence of 'Dom'. Tears cascade down your cheeks, and you gently rest your hands upon his, feeling the rhythmic beats of your heart resonating in your ears. As you glance through the foliage, a gasp escapes your lips upon seeing 'Tyler' once again. Yet, he appears far from human this time. His complexion is a mesmerizing shade of deep purple, and his face is adorned with four fiery red eyes and a menacing set of frothing, razor-sharp teeth.
His mouth oozes with saliva, which cascades onto the solid ground and creates a sizzling noise. It was acidic. Dom embraces you tightly, his free hand ascending. In his grasp, a peculiar gun emerges, unlike anything you have ever laid eyes upon. With precision, he positions the barrel's tip against the peephole, his finger gently caressing the trigger. As the gun powers up, a radiant orange glow illuminates its entire frame, casting an ethereal aura. The release is nearly soundless, as a beam pierces through 'Tyler's forehead. 
He moves away from you, emerging from the bushes, taking your stunned body in his arms and lifting you up gently. Running his fingers through his hair, the white locks falling smoothly into place.
As your gaze meets his, your mortal eyes widen in awe. He appears changed, yet undeniably captivating in a strange, otherworldly manner. His complexion is a deep shade of grey, adorned with intricate tattoos in an unfamiliar script. Some markings are white, while others emit a haunting red glow. His hair, too, is a ghostly white, almost pulsating with life. His eyes, a cloudy white, give the impression of blindness, yet two more eyes rest just below the main set. The piercings on his nose and eyebrow remain, adding to his enigmatic allure.
 You take a step back, but he gives you a piercing look that freezes you in place "What are you?" Without a word, he hesitates for a moment before taking your hand and leading you away. "Where are we going?" Your voice trembles with fear. Dom halts and releases your hand. He gestures towards the lifeless body.  "Do you see that? Hundreds of those things have already touched Terra, 3 earth months ago." 
  You shiver and wrap your arms around yourself, trying to keep warm. The deep timber of his voice brings you back to reality. "They proliferate with astonishing speed, ceaselessly multiplying. Your planet is infested, we're only here to see if it was preventable. We were too late." 
As he looks down upon you, his eyes soften, embracing the sight of your trembling figure.  "Our ultimate aim is to gather a chosen few among humanity and escort you to a hospitable planet, so that you can once again repopulate."
You shake your head slowly, taking a step back, "I cannot abandon my sister here." Dom releases a fierce growl, pointing his gun towards you and firing. The beam narrowly misses you, striking another monster in the head.
"Make it quick."
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In a flurry of movement, you dart into the house, the groceries slipping from your grasp and finding their place on the table in a haphazard manner. Dom follows silently, his presence masked by a cloaking device that renders him invisible to the naked eye. 
Your heart races within your chest, a wild stallion galloping against the confines of its cage, as you ascend the stairs with reckless abandon, the sound of your footsteps reverberating loudly against the wooden steps. Bursting into Jess' room, a wave of relief washes over you, a grateful prayer whispered under your breath. Taking a seat on her bed, your smile quivers with a mixture of emotions.
Her expression is one of bewilderment and a touch of fear. Tenderly, you sweep a strand of hair away from her face. "Do me a favor, my sweet girl. Pack some clothes, but pack light. I'll explain on the way but do it quickly." Jess has always trusted your decisions without hesitation, and she won't begin to question them now. She swiftly jumps out of bed and retrieves a bookbag from her wardrobe, the very same one you both use during your camping adventures.
"We don't have much time, little female." His tone isn't rushing in the slightest but you quickly head to your room and grab your book bag. You gather only the essentials - tough denim, comfortable shirts, reliable footwear, empty notebooks, and writing tools.
Jess rushed into the room, packing faster than anticipated, much to your relief. You take her hand and guide her out, but suddenly a loud crash interrupts. Both of you scream and huddle in the corner. Dom reveals himself and fires a shot, striking the massive creature in the shoulder. Its deafening roar rattles the house and you hear your parents' heavy footsteps approaching. Just as the monster lunges towards you, Dom takes aim and shoots it in the head. Neon blood splatters the wall, causing it to slowly dissolve.
With wide, frightened eyes, Jess looks up at you as you cling to her protectively. Your parents step into the room, dressed in their robes, shocked expressions on their faces as they take in the scene in front of them. Dom pays no attention to them, instead turning his gaze towards you and giving you a once-over.
" Are you ready?" 
 With a subtle nod, you accept his outstretched hand, intertwining your fingers with his while ensuring your younger sister is safe by your side. The first to break the silence is your father, his voice laced with bewilderment. "What the hell is happening?!" His eyes fixate on you, as if you hold the key to unraveling this enigma. Disregarding his inquiry, Dom strides past, leading the three of you down the staircase. Your parents trail behind, bombarding you with a flurry of questions. Despite their persistent curiosity, you make a conscious effort to block out their voices, but your mother intervenes by snatching Jess away from your side.
With a sudden movement, the girl breaks free and falls into your waiting arms. Dom brandishes his weapon, his expression icy and resolute. Your mother retreats, seeking solace in the arms of your father.
 Dom takes the lead, while the two of you follow closely. Observing Jess, he sees her slight build and anticipates she may have difficulty keeping pace. However, he remains utterly unfazed, not a hint of complaint escaping his lips. In a surprising display of strength, he effortlessly lifts her, prompting her to let out a startled yelp, and places her book bag on his shoulder.
" We need to move fast. Keep up."
 As you secure your book bag and inhale deeply, a rush of adrenaline courses through you. Dom sprints ahead, weapon in hand. The sound of breaking glass startles you, disrupting the tranquility of the surroundings you had just passed. The anguished cries of parents and children tug at your heartstrings, but your focus remains on Jess.
 The length of time you've been running is a blur, your legs now numb from the effort. Nevertheless, you persist, matching his pace as best as you can. Jess has succumbed to sleep, worn out from the night's adventures. You grin wearily at her and give yourself a firm slap on the cheeks, determined to stay awake.
 Dom is pleasantly surprised by how far you've been able to sprint, appreciating your resilience and commitment to your kin. As the three of you reach a vast clearing, he gradually slows down and halts. You catch up to him, panting heavily, with sweat glistening on your skin. You look at him, curious as to why he's stopped. Dom raises his arm and utters something in his native tongue. The gauntlet beeps and responds to him in kind.
The once vacant clearing now teems with life as your gaze is captivated by the majestic arrival of a ship. Its sheer grandeur overwhelms you, compelling you to take a step back. Towering above, the ship's entrance demands you to tilt your head back. 
As Dom guides you onward, the hatch swings open, inviting you to step onto its surface. A warm welcome awaits you from a gathering of his companions, each adorned in vibrant hues, yet all sharing the distinctive feature of milky white eyes. Drawing nearer to Dom, you find solace in the proximity of your sister. They engage in conversation briefly, before the hatch seals shut and Dom secures his firearm in its holster. " You will be safe here. The ship will take off tomorrow night when my people come with more of your kind."
  He leads the two of you to a room, one big bed placed in the middle of it accompanied by a smattering of curious contraptions. The walls exude an ethereal shade of slate grey metal, while a petite window graces the space just above a cozy sitting area. Tenderly, Dom settles Jess upon the bed and places the bag on a nearby table. He looks towards you and motions forward. "Rest."
As he moves towards the room's exit, you seize his hand. Your eyes betray a lack of trust, not in him, but in the very ship and its occupants. Dom stares at you, his emotions veiled, and you struggle to hold back tears. " Will you come back? Are you leaving us?" 
 In Dom's world, the idea of a female requiring reassurance and assistance was unfamiliar territory. The females on his planet, known as sîmalę, were formidable warriors, often occupying positions of power surpassing those of the males. Dom found himself fortunate to have gotten his position. [ Female¹]
He reminds himself that you are a human hailing from the terra planet. The concept of hunting or encountering creatures that did not resemble pets or the animals confined within the cages of a zoo was foreign to you. Dom gently releases your hand from his grasp, his gaze emanating reassurance despite the vacancy in his expression." Sleep, little female and this one will be back soon."  
Observing as you reluctantly nod, you make your way towards the bed. With tenderness, you remove your sister's shoes and tuck her in, finding solace in this simple act of nurturing. Your savior exits the room, leaving you to collapse onto your knees, tears cascading from your eyes. The events of today crash upon you with the intensity of a thunderstorm, and you come to the realization that it is now solely you and your sister. A small part of you regrets not bringing your parents along, but you have convinced yourself that it was the wisest choice.
 " What's wrong?"
You swiftly brush away the tears with the back of your hand. Gazing at your sister, you grasp her hand gently in yours. Her eyes hold a hint of doubt as you shake your head. It was crucial to show Jess that you were the pillar of strength, assuring her safety and control.
  "It's nothing, I'm just exhausted. Let's head to sleep okay?" Jess nods, revealing the empty side of the bed for you to rest on. You kick off your shoes and wrap yourself in the comforter. Jess joins you promptly, nestling beside you to provide warmth. The lights recognize your need for rest and dim down.
  "I love you." 
You grin and hold her hand in yours. "I love you too."
The gentle murmur of voices pulls you from your slumber, but Jess is no longer by your side, leaving you feeling a sense of emptiness. Your eyes gradually open, taking in your surroundings. A sleepy yawn escapes your lips as you sit up in bed. The voices fall silent, only to be replaced by Jess' voice, beckoning you to join the conversation.
"Are you finally awake?"
A slight thumbs up is the only response Jess receives before you run your hands over your eyes, dispelling the drowsiness. "Dom says that the others will be back soon, in two hours. Then we'll be leaving here." At the mention of his name, you lift your gaze completely. The alien is stationed at the entrance, arms crossed, sporting a ghostly smile as a greeting.
Relief floods through you when he appears, and he can sense it too. Your oxytocin levels spike at the mere sight of him. The moment is disrupted by the loud rumbling of Jess' stomach, leading her to groan and flop onto the bed. "I'm starving!"
  A piece of your heart is relieved to see Jess back to her usual self, yet a part of you understands the importance of discussing the recent events and what lies ahead. Dom opens the room door and motions to it. "This one will take you to the canteen, you'll eat there." 
   Jess eagerly jumps out of bed, taking your hand and pulling you along. "Hurry, I don't want to go by myself," she pleads. You yield to her plea and stand up. Dom watches the two of you but doesn't race you to get ready. The two of you quickly put on your shoes and exit the room.
Dom assumes the lead, acknowledging the presence of the guards stationed throughout the ship. "You will eat with the rest of your kind, worry not." You reciprocate with a nod, holding your sister tightly while marveling at the ship and its bewildering gadgets that surpass Earth's comprehension. Dom opens the door for both of you, placing a comforting hand on your lower back. His touch brings solace as you step inside, with Jess following closely behind. Although the canteen isn't teeming with people, its modest occupancy provides a semblance of safety within the ship's vast expanse.
    The sound of your sister's name comes from a girl with dyed red and pink hair. A dazzling diamond stud graces her pierced nose, and her eyes gleam in a warm toffee shade. It takes a moment for your sister to locate the person who called out to her, but when she does, her eyes fill with tears of happiness as she waves in acknowledgment.
You anticipate your sister's eager rush, yet she remains rooted, her hand clasping yours with increasing intensity, as if seeking your validation. A profound connection is forged as your eyes meet, and despite the weariness etched upon your visage, you manage to summon a tired smile, silently conveying your agreement. With unwavering determination, Jess propels herself towards the girl in the queue, leaping into her outstretched arms. "Kayla!"
 While your sister is occupied, you sit at an unoccupied table, startled by Dom's sudden presence across from you. "How do you and your kin fair? Little female." It's a pity that you feel more at ease with an alien than your own kind. 
" My name is [ ]."  The nickname he has given you isn't one that offends you in any way. The way he uses it is quite endearing, but you'd rather him call you by your real name than anything else. You wring your hands together and your stress levels rise steadily. Anxious thoughts swirl in your mind as you ponder,  "What will happen to everyone else that's left here?" 
Your name carries the meaning of 'to conquer' in his native tongue and he finds it fitting for you. Dom's jaw tightens slightly as he locks eyes with you. "This one will not lie to you. Many of your species will die, it is survival of the fittest when it comes to the Qęnłar. They are hard to kill without proper weapons but it is not impossible."  
[ Abomination¹]
A soft gasp is stifled by your hand as tears well up in your eyes. The sense of guilt consumes you, making you question your own worthiness. Unsure of how you could have helped, you can't help but feel like an imposter among those who perished.
Dom seems to sense your inner turmoil and does his best to console you. "There is not much you could've done, litt–."His voice falters momentarily as he nearly utters the name he'd given you, but he swiftly regains composure. "Had you not gone out that night, you also could've been left here on terra to die. None aboard this vessel would have spared a second thought to rescue you." 
 It's clear that he's not skilled at soothing people, particularly humans, yet you offer your thanks with a watery smile. As he opens his mouth to speak again, he gently places a hand on his ear. Despite the absence of eyebrows, you observe the furrow in the center of his forehead. His gaze turns icy as he stands up from the table.
   "This one will find you in your chambers later, ask the guard to lead you when you are ready. Fęrłåk dė hłał." Although you don't understand the meaning behind his words, you nod in agreement, captivated by the enigmatic aura surrounding him. He then departs, pausing briefly to converse with the guard. [ Eat well ¹] 
  With a glance in your direction, the alien acknowledges Dom with a nod. Your stomach emits a low growl, prompting you to lay your head on the table, too fatigued to make a move.
Next to your slouched figure, Jess sets down two trays brimming with mouth-watering dishes. As you straighten up, a grin spreads across your face. You instinctively grab the tray loaded with an assortment of fruits, feeling understood by her intuitive gesture— she knew you so well.
"Where did he go?" You assume she's talking about Dom. With a nonchalant shrug of your shoulders, you indulged in the succulent sweetness of a ripe mango, savoring each delicate bite.
 "Jess. What happened yesterday–."
The girl holds up her hand. "I don't know what happened when you left, and there's no need to tell me. I've never questioned anything you've done for me before because you always have the best interest at heart. Thank you for coming back for me. Dom told me that you wouldn't leave without me." 
She gazes down at her tray of food. "A part of me feels guilty for leaving mom and dad but I know that you made the right decision and had your reasons." Jess lets out a shaky sigh and turns to face you. "I'm scared, absolutely terrified but I want to be strong for you. Like how you are for me. I can tell you're stressed as it is and I don't want to burden you." 
  You pull her into a hug and shake your head. "Jess, you could never, and I mean never be a burden to me. Do you understand?" She nods into your chest, sniffling softly. You rub her back and bite your lip. "I'm also really scared, this is new to me but I'll make sure that we'll get through it."
She nods again and pulls away from you. You purse your lips, a mixture of emotions swirling within you, and decide to divert your attention by savoring the delectable cantaloupe. "Now eat. You pulled me from my sleep and I want to go back to bed."  Jess chuckles softly, her head bobbing in agreement. " I'm also really sleepy. It'd also be crazy to wake up in space." 
 The mere thought causes you to grimace involuntarily. This entire experience is uncharted territory for you, but just like in the past, you will learn to adapt and persevere. The cool, refreshing juice of the watermelon glides down your throat, its delightful taste prompting a gentle hum of satisfaction.
 It feels almost surreal to grasp the idea that within a mere two hours, you will bid farewell to your beloved home. A place you believed to be exclusively inhabited by humans, the notion of extraterrestrial existence had never crossed your mind. The journey that lies ahead will undoubtedly present its fair share of challenges and hardships. This very moment, unfolding like a scene from an otherworldly sci-fi saga, is something you never could have anticipated, even in your wildest dreams. And now, as you find yourself in this new reality, your mission has taken on a profound meaning - to protect Jess at all costs.
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 "Captain X'ęnš would like to enter your chambers. Will you allow him access?"
   In a state of heightened alertness, you find yourself sitting up, your muscles tense with anticipation. The room is suddenly bathed in light, only to swiftly dim as the perceptive AI detects that Jess is still sound asleep. A wave of uncertainty washes over you as you contemplate the identity of the person standing outside the door. 
 Your gaze sweeps across the room, desperately seeking an object to grasp onto for a sense of security. Eventually, your eyes settle upon one of your worn boots. With a mixture of doubt and determination, you call out to the AI. "Please show me the door feed." A brief moment of silence ensues before the AI responds, its voice calm and reassuring. "Certainly."
The door shimmers, revealing a translucent barrier that draws you nearer. Dropping the shoe, you breathe a sigh of contentment at the sight of Dom standing before you. Standing in front of the door, you gaze at him, captivated by the intricacies of his face.
 "Can he see me?"
In a swift response, the AI speaks, "Negative, this is a unidirectional perspective. He is visible solely to you."  As soon as it finishes saying that, Dom raises his head. Your heart pounds rapidly as his gaze eerily connects with yours, contradicting the AI's statement. "Open the door."
As the entryway unfolds with a whisper, Dom's towering figure emerges. You greet him with a breathless smile, slipping your hands into your back pockets. "Hi." Dom mellows at your soft tone, allowing you to place a hand on his arm and push him back, watching as you discreetly slide out of the room so as to not wake up your sister. He does a once over, looking for any wounds or signs of distress, and finds that he's pleased with himself that you're alright. 
 "This one said he would visit after his duties, jœrmünd łæ bšłåm." He watches with amusement as your eyebrows furrow. " What does that mean?" Your lips form a thoughtful pout. "And earlier you said, ferrak di hal." From the moment you first laid eyes on him, even though it was just recently, you had been curious to discover the sound of his laughter, and it did not disappoint.
   His laugh isn't boisterous. It's a deep and soothing sound, akin to the soft murmur of a distant waterfall. As the echoes of his laughter reached your ears, they stirred a gentle fire within, causing a delightful warmth to spread and caress your belly. Whether he noticed the subtle increase in your body's temperature or not, he remained silent, allowing the enchantment of the moment to weave its spell.
    "Jœrmünd łæ bšłåm, it translates roughly in terra language to, 'good evening.'" His eyes twinkle with a playful delight as you attempt to mimic the intricate sounds and melodic cadence. " Fęrłåk dė hłał. It means to, eat well."
Dom gazes intently at you, then clasps his hands behind his back. "Walk with this one."  You wriggle your toes in your cozy socks and give a slight nod. 
As if guided by an invisible force, your steps align effortlessly with Dom's. The silence envelops you, but it feels far from uncomfortable. Your gaze wanders through the vast corridors of the ship, capturing glimpses of unfamiliar beings from distant worlds. At this moment, you break the silence and softly inquire, "May I know your name?"
With a quick glance, Dom's gaze shifts to you, his lips forming a straight line, prompting a frown to appear on your face. You ponder if your request was too bold, unsure of the cultural norms that may have been offended by your question.
As he utters the words, a sense of relief washes over you, even though his expression seems tinged with sadness. "This one's given name is Nim'xėn." he murmurs. In the distance, a group of his fimea approaches, but you remain oblivious, lost in your own thoughts. With a tender touch, he clasps your wrist and guides you to his side, yet your attention barely registers the gesture. [ soldiers ]
  "Nim'xėn, in the language I speak, translates to 'of soft heart'. It doesn't much fit, when it comes to this one's line of work." Your mouth opened in a small 'o', that was probably the reason he had stuck with Dom all this time. You laughed softly, holding your hands up in surrender when he shoots you a coltish look of exasperation. 
    "I think it fits, regardless of what you do." There is no trace of mockery in your tone, nor any hint of jesting at his expense. With a gentle smile adorning his face, he steals a glance at you. A surge of warmth courses through your veins, causing your body temperature to soar. Swiftly, he averts his gaze, evading your notice.
With a gentle laugh, he responds to your attempt at saying his name, "Nim'jin?" He guides you towards a door, "This one will help you practice your Tuökkorsė, later." You assume that he's talking about his home language and your cheeks flush with embarrassment, making you question just how badly you butchered his name.
As Nim'xėn gently swings open the door, a beckoning gesture invites you to step inside. Without hesitation, you follow the invitation, and in an instant, your jaw falls open in awe. Unbeknownst to you and Jess, who had been lost in slumber for over two hours, the ship had gracefully ascended into the vastness of space. The sight before you is nothing short of breathtaking, confirming your belief that waking up to the wonders of the cosmos is an experience beyond compare.
The space around you is encased in what looks like a delicate glass structure. You floated weightlessly in the vast expanse of the universe, far from the comforts of home. "Nim, this is truly breathtaking," you marveled. The alien blinked in response to the endearing nickname but remained silent. "Jess would love to see this." 
  Nim'xėn walks up behind you and fixates on the view he has witnessed countless times. However, inexplicably, he discovers himself treasuring your pįiwth expressions and yearning to unveil new wonders, all to witness your delightful grin once more. [ childish or cute¹ ] 
 "This one gives permission for you and your kin to visit here anytime." The enigmatic allure you possess has captivated him, leaving him bewildered. It is not his nature to be swayed so easily. He should have abandoned you on that desolate street, yet your innocent gaze had a profound effect on him. The depth of your love for your family astounded him, for even in the presence of imminent danger, your thoughts were solely consumed by her, and her alone.
Once he had escorted you to your room, his task should have been complete. Yet, your tender human hand had entwined with his own. Your unwavering trust and reliance had ensnared him, making it difficult for him to let go. In a realm where his female counterparts were independent and formidable, that moment of vulnerability had drawn him in, like a eürq to light.
 [ large mosquito like creature —  a saying similar to, ' a moth to flame ' ¹ ]
   Yet, he also knew how strong you were. None before you had managed to match his speed, let alone endure it for an entire three hours. Your unwavering determination fascinated him. Nim'xėn yearned to prolong your time together, reluctant to bid you farewell.
 Turning to the extraterrestrial, you met his gaze with the same wide-eyed innocence that had captivated him during your initial encounter. "Seriously?" His nod elicited a radiant smile on your face, reminiscent of the joy of Christmas, and Nim'xėn felt a flutter in his hearts. Your eyes then sought his. "How do you say thank you in your language?"
 Nim'xėn couldn't help but find it pįiwth¹ that you were making an effort to learn his people's language. He decided to humor you. "Stęq'hn kevvhr.²" The alien chuckles when you grimace, looking up at him with furrowed brows.  [ childish or cute¹ ] [ thank you² ]
 "Lirft X'ęnš, quœ mojå iėał ph'ük ak hlem.¹ "
As he tightens his jaw, a resolute grunt escapes his lips. Returning his attention to you, he observes the slight downturn of your plush lips and the tilt of your head to the side. "Do you need to leave, again?" Nim'xėn softly hums, his hand finding solace on your lower back as he leads you towards the door.
[ Captain X'ęnš, we need your assistance up front. ¹ ]
"This one will take you back to your room."
 As you tread back, a hushed calmness settles in, and Nim'xėn discerns that your thoughts have carried you away. Respecting your need for introspection, he chooses not to disturb your reverie. Upon arriving at the room, you turn around, meeting his gaze head-on. "Stęq'han kever." Without delay, you slip inside, leaving him standing there, his words left unspoken.
   He then realizes that while the two of you were walking back, you had been trying to replicate what he had just said. Nim'xėn, finding himself once more, made his way towards the pit. Despite your imperfect rendition, he grasped the essence of your intention and couldn't help but chuckle to himself.
phæż pįiwth ¹ he thought.  [ how cute. ¹ ]
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bluelockmaniac · 3 months
baking disaster (ft. itoshi sae)
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synopsis: you try to persuade your boyfriend into making cookies with you, but he's not the best baker.
cw: lots of fluff!! mentions of making out, i think sae slaps your butt once
author's note: i literally had to watch a cookie tutorial to make this fic because if baking were a sport, i'd definitely be on the bench permanently. so, i apologize to all bakers out there.
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here you were, sitting on the couch next to your boyfriend, desperately clinging onto his chest as he fixates his bored gaze at what he called a 'pathetic excuse' of a football match. the only somewhat affectionate gesture he's giving you is an unexciting arm slung carelessly around your shoulder.
while sae was in practice, you had dedicated two hours dolling yourself up; attending to every little detail of your appearance carefully. you even lit a few vanilla-scented candles in the living room to romanticize the atmosphere, all in order to have a fun date night and bake cookies together. so, why have you spent the last thirty minutes attempting to convince him to follow through with your plans?
"sae," you whine softly, deliberately pressing more of your body against him as you bat your eyelashes pleadingly in an attempt to get his attention, and hopefully change his mind.
"pleasee, just this once! bake chocolate chip cookies with me!"
he cocks his head subtly, looking over at you with half-lidded eyes. "i told you already, darling. i can't bake for shit."
"i know you're probably more likely to start a kitchen fire than bake a decent cookie, but that's why i'm here!"
you look up at him lovingly as his hand travels to your cheek, giving it a light squeeze.
"if that's what it takes to shut you up, then i guess i'll make these lukewarm cookies."
he quickly plants a chaste kiss on your lips as the trace of a very unnoticeable—yet unmistakable— smirk appears on his mouth.
in the kitchen, you rolled up your sleeves and gestured towards the pantry and cabinets, instructing sae to look for the dry ingredients with a rather authoritative tone.
"sae, find the flour, baking soda, and salt. they should be in there somewhere."
he rolls his eyes and gives your ass a light slap, "when'd you get so bossy, pretty?"
you giggle as he disappears into the pantry, turning your attention to the bowl on the counter. with determination, you begin to vigorously beat the soft butter and the brown and white sugar together until it formed a chunky mixture.
"y/n," you hear your boyfriend's frustrated voice call out as he walks closer to you with a displeased expression. "i can't find the ingredients, where'd you even bury them?"
"oh sweetheart," rolling your eyes with a mocking grin tugging on your lips, you teasingly smack his chest and enter the pantry, effortlessly locating the loathsome ingredients that caused your lovely boyfriend's annoyance. "you really couldn't find the ingredients that were practically screaming their location? how lukewa—"
"cute, i meant cute!" you defend yourself with a wholehearted laugh, unaware of the genuine smile forming on sae's lips as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear (his smile quickly dissipated into a more subtle one once you turned towards him).
"sae, get me two eggs... in the fridge."
he lets out a soft sigh and places them on the counter, looking at you for further instruction. "well?"
you shake your head, feigning disappointment as your hand finds its way to your forehead.
"crack the eggs, silly,"
"oh, right..."
"and make sure to do it gentl—"
sae slams the egg on the counter with an unnecessarily excessive force, sending shells and egg whites flying everywhere across the kitchen.
"oh. oops." he says blankly, staring at the slimy mess in his hands— and the counter. he looks over to you expecting to be scolded, but is instead greeted with your loud laughter, your banging fists assaulting the poor counter.
"seriously sae...haha...ha... what did you expect would happen??"
he glances away in embarrassment and quickly washes his hands. "shut up."
"it's okay, love, you can try aga—"
"—thought so. okay, i'll do it, can you measure half a teaspoon of salt? the measuring cups are over there."
you point somewhere in the kitchen as you turn your attention back to the bowl, cracking two eggs and adding vanilla extract into the mixture.
"baby, let's mix the dry ingredients now!"
you say excitedly as sae appears behind you, placing his hands on your waist as he gently kisses your neck.
without you noticing, your boyfriend scoops a handful of flour. "y/n."
when you turn around, unsuspecting, he brings his hands close to your face and blows the flour from his hands, dusting your cheeks and nose with the powdery residue.
"what the— sae!" you were caught completely off guard at his playful and not so sae-coded gesture, and after seeing him laugh—a rare sight to behold—you couldn't help but break into laughter as well (his laugh is very contagious).
"you look adorable,"
he teases, caging you against the kitchen counter with his strong limbs, preventing you from returning his pleasant surprise.
"heyy, that's not fair!" you huff in annoyance as you squirm around his arms.
"life's not fair, mi amor."
after (a small session of making out), you instruct sae to mix the flour, salt, and baking soda—which he does uncooperatively— you mix combine the powdery compound with the wet mixture.
"alrightt, time for the fun part!" you exclaim cheerfully, lightly smacking the bag of chocolate chips against his chest as you stare at his powder-covered face. a few moments ago, while you were making out, your flour-dusted hands left many imprints on his cheeks. "i'll add the amount you want because you look adorable."
he rolls his eyes, an irritating smirk ghosting over his mouth as he attempts to brush away the lingering flour from his face. "hm. then don't add too mu—"
"on second thought, your charm won't sway me into accepting your very absurd demand— they're chocolate chip cookies, sae, not classic cookies!" you protest, pouring in a bit more than a cup of chocolate chips into the batter, meeting his gaze with a proud, cheeky smile as he sighs and raises his hands in defeat.
"you're a brat."
you sit on the kitchen counter, a proud smile on your lips as you watch him awkwardly roll the chocolate chip dough into imperfect little spheres, then place them onto the baking tray in a slightly messy arrangement. you had managed to persuade him after telling him they would resemble miniature soccer balls, and now looking at his attentive features, you couldn't help but snap a few pictures to treasure this moment.
giggling softly, you affectionately ruffle his hair, teasing, "i've never seen you so focused on anything other than soccer, handsome."
he huffs and presses his lips together before giving you a light nudge. "you brought out my hidden talent."
"pftt. yeah. talent." you snort mockingly, running your hand soothingly up and down his back.
rolling his eyes, he pushes the baking tray in your direction, a faint pout on his lips, "oh, be quiet."
you carefully place the tray in the oven before joining him in the living room, where he immediately plops down onto the couch. attempting to squeeze in beside him, you gently nudge him, "sae, move over," but he looks at you lazily and shrugs, "just lay on the other couch or something."
puffing out your cheeks in frustration, you chose to lay on his chest instead. without hesitation, he quickly pulls you closer by the waist, snuggling you warmly as his hands find their way to your ass.
fifteen minutes later, you cautiously remove the tray from the oven (sae didn't remove it because he was scared of the heat radiating from the oven) and set it on the counter to cool, your eyes sparkling with excitement as you lean against your boyfriend. "baby, don't they look delicious?" you ask eagerly, impatiently tapping your fingers against the marble surface. "meh," he replied nonchalantly, purposely trying to annoy you.
"okay pretty boy, you taste it first," you say with a short giggle, offering sae a cookie near his mouth. hesitantly, he takes a bite. with soon-to-be misconceived pride, you optimistically ask, "soo, how does it tas—" your words trail off as he spits the cookie into the trash, his face contorting in disgust. "blegh,"
you were caught off guard, and rolled your eyes in disappointment, "oh come on, sae. it can't be that bad," you say confidently, taking a daring bite of the cookie in an attempt to prove him wrong. however, this fleeting confidence immediately turns into regret as you gag and hurriedly spit it into the trash. "ew, what the fuck?" you choke in disgust, reaching for two glasses and hastily fill them with water. you pass one to sae and quickly chug down the water to wash away the unpleasant taste.
"why is it so salty?" you ask in confusion, closing your eyes as you ponder in thought. you suddenly notice your boyfriend's uncharacteristic type of silence, watching how he presses his lips together and avoids meeting your gaze. there is definitely a subtle hint of guilt in those narrowed teal eyes fixated on the baking tray of cookies. your eyes widen in realization, "wait a minute," you begin, connecting his behaviour with your growing suspicion.
"sae, show me the measuring cup you used to measure the salt,"
"...it's over there," your eyes follow his finger, and eventually settle on the culprit responsible for the cookie failure—the measuring cup sitting innocently on the kitchen counter.
you smack your forehead at the comical mistake sae had made, then turn to look at him. he was still trying to avoid your eyes, but eventually sighs and meets your gaze awkwardly.
"sweetheart, that's a 1/4 cup, not half a teaspoon! that's about eleven teaspoons too many!" you say shaking your head with amusement.
he runs the back of his neck as he yet again focuses his eyes on something else,
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late at night, you two are cozily draped over the couch, wrapped in each other's arms. sae had ordered takeout to make amends for the baking mishap— although he stubbornly claimed "it was deliberate— to enhance the flavour,". despite the cookie baking failure, you enjoyed you and your boyfriend's special bonding in the kitchen. you wished the next time you two baked together, it would turn out a success.
"don't wanna. also, why am i rolling the dough on your lock screen wallpaper?"
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thank you for reading! comments appreciated :)
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thxmanix · 1 year
How did you get here?
Well, not that you're complaining though.
Heavy breaths. Panting. Skin glistering from sweating and the atmosphere was hot and heated. The sounds of skin slapping on one another. Sweet little moans that escaped your lips.
How did you manage to get here though? One moment they're home, the next thing you knew was their body pressing yours against the wall. Lips roughly on yours felt desperate and more needy than usual. And one of their hands just gropes one of the sides of your breasts and lightly squeezes them while the other is making its way down to your wet core.
That's probably why you were sprawled onto the bed. Legs spread out wide for them to take a good look at that pretty little tight cunt of yours. Their lips licked for a bit before eating you out like a starved beast ravaging their food deliciously.
Maybe they had a rough day? Who knows.
Oh those sweet little moans you'd make every time they flicked their tongue against your clit upward is just music to their ears. Their long and thick/slim fingers just pumping and curling in your pussy in and out is just pure bliss for you to handle. Your legs twitched under their touch so easily and moaning their name out loud so lewdly its embarrassing but the pleasure they gave says otherwise. It's just too much for you to handle. And it's cute to see how sensitive you were to them.
"Come on, that's right. Does it feel good? Oh I bet it does darling."
"Thaat's right. Keep moaning out my name baby. I wanna hear those sweet little noises you make."
"Dear, look at me, please? Good girl. You've been obedient for some time now aren't you? I'll give you a reward. How does that sound?"
Your whimpering just makes them riled up and they start fingering you like crazy. Cock aching and leaking precum in their tight boxers while sucking your clit and you'd just babble incoherent words and how good they made you feel. The feeling in your stomach was building up just snapped and you moaned loudly while your warm gummy walls just came and squirted on his fingers as he rode your orgasm out, licking and sucking up all the juices you made.
Good girl.
Oh but it isn't over yet. Did you think it was?
He immediately went up to kiss your lips roughly, tasting yourself from his mouth as his hands tracing across your breast and squeezing them lightly before pulling away and taking off their boxers, revealing their massive and girthy cock with leaking precum that had you drooling a bit and he smirked before whispering down against your ear.
"Do you want my cock? Do you see how it's aching for that sweet tight wet hole of yours? You can take it whole right? I know you can."
He placed a small kiss at the sides of your temple before pumping his cock and teasingly dragging across your glistering pussy. You let out a soft whimper and he smirked before roughly slamming his dick right inside in you making you moan in pleasure. He started out by moving slowly as you were adjusting yourself with that massive length of his for a few moments before he started moving slightly faster.
"See? I know you can take it. Take it like a good girl you are."
Skin slapping can be heard across the room and your cute little moans just make him want to go faster and deeper in you. And so he can't help himself and rammed his thick cock inside and hit the deepest parts in you over and over again. Gripping the sheets at the side of your head and his other hand making its way down to flick your clit again making you whimper and your toes curling with pleasure.
Oh god the tip of his length just felt so good in you. Hitting up against your cervix ungodly amount of times. His breath is getting heavy as well as his grunts and groans. After a few deep thrusts in you, he finally snapped his hips stuttering and came right inside you. Filling your womb with his seed and not pulling it out until it's buried deep inside you.
"...You can go another round right baby? I'm not finished yet."
Oh boy it's going to be a long night for you.
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highdefhoetry · 4 months
tipsy invitation.
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cw: nsfw!! gentle femdom, bondage, oral sex/blowjobs, mild sensation play/tickling
summary: inspired by rafayel's veiled whispers five star memory. things get a little steamy after the two of you break open the red wine.
word count: 1508
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The faint sound of rustling of ribbons and soft, quiet grunts echo through the empty house as you stand before Rafayel. The lights are dim. The atmosphere is set. Your head is still spinning from the red wine you had an hour or so ago, but not enough to take you away from this moment. 
You weren’t sure if the red ribbons would hold out or if Rafayel would break free as soon as you finished tying the knots, but as you stood there admiring your handiwork, you saw how they held tight despite his constant wiggling. The chair he’s sitting on shakes a bit, but for the most part it looks like he really can’t get out of it. His playful expression slowly turns to one of slight panic, his cocky demeanor slowly falling away.
“You haven’t even started unwrapping me. Am I just gonna be thrown away like that?” he whines, pulling his arms a bit as he leans forward. You can tell he’s still trying to keep up his unshakeable facade, but you could see right through him. You were going to strip him of every layer, until he had no choice but to sit in front of you bare and vulnerable.
You lean forward and rest your hands on his knees.
“On the contrary. I’m going to take my time unwrapping you.”
Your fingers undo the buttons on his shirt, exposing his soft, pale skin. You trace the tips of your nails along his collar bones, causing him to shudder and gasp.
He’s trying hard not to react, but you know this is his weak spot. His ears grow redder and redder, his expression becoming more strained and desperate. The corners of your lips curl up as you speak.
“What’s wrong? I’m giving you the attention you wanted, right?”
He stifles another sound, barely holding it together. All that talk, just for him to crumble at one touch. He was an absolute treasure. One you were going to plunder.
“This isn’t… what I had in mind…”
“Too bad,” you sing, grabbing the rose sitting prettily beside his chair. “You don’t really have a choice now, do you?”
You brush the soft red petals against his ear, just teasing him a bit to remind him of his current helplessness. He gasps again and flinches away.
“...You’re good at catching people off guard.”
You giggle in response, then brush the flower against his bare collarbone. This time he actually shrieks.
“...Can’t you be more gentle?” he whines, pouting ever so cutely. It almost makes you want to show mercy. Almost.
“I’m being as gentle as I can,” you paint a trail from his collarbone to his neck, then back around his ears. “You’re just too sensitive.”
“Aahhh… nnngh… hngrh!”
Rafayel has been reduced to pained grunts and breathy whimpers. Seeing him get all flustered from such a light touch stirs something inside you, something feral. You discard the rose, wanting to feel him with your own hands. Within seconds you’re straddling his lap, your ass resting on the tops of his thighs while your arms drape over his shoulders.
“Poor little fishy. Already so flustered and worked up.”
“As if…” he chuckles. “It’ll take a lot more than that to break me.” 
His brattiness seems to have made its comeback in full force. He mirrors your smirk, a small glint of mischief in his eyes. Clearly you’d gone too easy on him.
You take his chin in hand, gently pulling it up while running your thumb across his bottom lip.
“Good. Because I want to play with you for a long, long time.”
You start to grind against his hips, feeling a certain stiffness beneath you. His low grunts turn to soft moans as you press against him, moving forward and back in a steady rhythm. You push your thumb into his mouth and moan from the softness of his lips and tongue. He sucks it obediently for a few seconds before you pull it out. 
“I’m very pleased with this new toy of mine,” you say, lacing your fingers in his hair. “He’s exactly what I wanted.”
“Are you sure you’re satisfied?” he whispers in between breathy gasps. “If needed, you could do a slow, thorough inspection. Make sure everything’s functioning the way it should.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You don’t wait for him to answer. Your hands suddenly grasp fistfuls of his hair, gently yank his head to one side. He gasps, then lets out a small yelp when your lips press against his neck. His skin feels warm, its reddish tone matching the blush on his face and ears. You start off slow, simply kissing the sensitive bare skin, then when you think he’s gotten used to it, you begin sucking and licking with as much softness as you can muster. The whimpers and cries coming out of him are to die for. He moans in falsetto, splutters out half-formed sentences in between sharp, hitched breaths.
“...Aahhh! (Y/N), please… ohhh…”
You drink in his sweet, tittered noises until you’ve had your fill. When you finally pull away, you see a flurry of pink and red lip-shaped marks on his neck where your lips had been. 
“Oh, dear. This won’t do,” you coo as you stroke each mark with your fingers, making him shudder a bit more. “I suppose I won’t be able to return you now.”
“Urgh…” he twitches at every touch, trembling as he tries his best to keep his composure. He’s breathing heavily, his brow and bangs are damp with sweat. When his eyes dart away from yours, you grab his jaw once more and use a bit more force to bring his gaze back to you. His wide, sparkling eyes stare back at you with an amalgamation of emotion. Anticipation. Adoration. Maybe even a hint of fear. 
“I’ve heard there is a very special feature with this kind of toy,” you whisper, leaning forward to press your lips against his chest. “Shall I do some exploring and find out for myself?”
He can only respond with fluttered moans as you kiss down his chest, lingering on his soft stomach. His muscles twitch as you kiss each of his defined abs, and his hips start thrusting the closer you get to his belt. You slide off his lap and crouch down in front of him, staring at the present waiting for you between his legs. Feeling bold, you undo his belt and zipper, giving him a chance to protest. He never does. You tug at his waistband, pulling it down as much as you can, revealing the white boxers under his pants. His dick pulses and throbs beneath the white cotton.
You start off with just one finger. There’s a small, clear stain already, and you smother the urge to tease him about it. Rubbing the tip of his member forces out more strained moans; you feel him throb harder and push himself upwards, as if begging for more. 
There’s a slit in the middle of his boxers, perfect for sneaking your hand inside. You grab his shaft, smile when he lets out a desperate cry before leaning forward to take him in. Your lips envelop the tip, suck gently while his whimpers increase in volume. You wait until you hear him beg to continue.
“Come on…” he groans. Your hand tightens slightly around his shaft.
“You know the magic words,” you tease, licking the length of his cock from balls to tip.
“Please, what?”
His frustration grows. You can tell he’s nearing his breaking point. His face is crimson red, his eyes are squeezed shut, his muscles tensed against his ribboned bonds.
“Please… keep going…”
You kiss his cock and praise his efforts.
“Good boy.”
With that, you take him into your mouth, sucking him in a steady motion while your tongue dances around his dick. His moans are loud and airy, like a beautiful siren’s song luring you to demise. You start to lose yourself in the act.
It doesn’t take long for him to finish. Maybe a minute or two, maybe shorter. He lets out one last high-pitched cry, then an explosion of cum fills your mouth. You feel his cock pulsing inside for a few more seconds before it’s over. You swallow his load, then give his pretty cock one last kiss before standing up.
With a smile plastered across your face, you lean forward to start untying the knots in the ribbons that keep his arms and legs bound to the chair. However, as soon as your hands reach down, you feel something grasp your arm firmly. When you look back at Rafayel, he’s grinning at you with cheeks reddened and hair sweaty and disheveled.
“Wait, when did you…?”
“There are all kinds of escape methods you can learn online,” he winks. 
“You little…!”
“Ah, ah, ah,” he wags a finger in front of your face. “Such profanities won’t do. Besides, I think it’s your turn to be unwrapped…”
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cho-aaacho · 4 months
—My Little Honey
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Summary : Sometimes you have a wild thought about wearing one of Gojo's favorite sweaters, stealing his warmth, borrowing his kiss, or basking in all the beauty he shares. So this time, you've decided to steal his sweater. Who knows, he would love this?
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"Sensei, could you pass this on to Gojo-sensei?"
"What's this?"
"His sweater. Ijichi-san did the laundry a few days ago, but he hasn't had the time to give it to him. Can you help me out? Thank you, sensei."
You just nodded as Megumi strolled in horror, still wondering why he acted like that all of a sudden. Megumi has always managed to keep his cool in front of everyone. So there's no chance he fears Gojo's presence, right?
A sigh escaped you as you observed Megumi running, chatting with Toge, Panda, and the others. It appeared they were engaged in some discussion, perhaps gossip or something stupid.
You noticed that those kids glanced at you before hurrying towards the entrance and disappearing into another atmosphere.
What could be going on in their minds? Were they scheming something absurd again?
But you're trying to forget all that.
They're likely plotting another scheme like they've been doing to you for the past two months. Like accidentally locking you and Gojo in the teacher's room, switching your sweater with his, or some other trivial prank.
You can't fathom why they're so foolish. Like, why on earth would they lock up Gojo in a room with you? Gojo can practically blow up the school if he wants.
"A sweater?"
You gaze in wonder at the paper bag, tilting your head for a better view. A black fabric with a baby blue gradient peeks out of it. Sending you a sweet memory deep in your mind when smelling the softener.
Seated on the bench, you ponder for a moment, and you find yourself lost in thought, remembering when Gojo wore that sweater.
You rarely see him in casual clothes at school. He always sports that black uniform akin to Megumi's. So, when your gaze falls on him wearing that sweater, revealing his pristine azure eyes, it comes as a shock.
The gentle gradations of blue and black fabric wrapped around his tall figure, paired with gray pants and sporty shoes. He looks much younger than you had imagined.
At first, you didn't even recognize him, assuming he was just some random guy at school. However, after a mumbled comment from Kusakabe, it dawns on you that this gentleman is none other than Gojo Satoru.
You still remember the aroma wafting around your presence, clueless about its cologne brand. It's subtle yet spicy, with an intoxicating fragrance that transports you to another atmosphere. He smells incredibly nice.
As Gojo glides towards you, you realize he's surprisingly tall, with his fingers remarkably pretty and neatly trimmed. The way he talks makes you melt every time he calls your name under those kissable lips.
How can this man be so charming, leaving you dumbfounded every time?
Sometimes you have a wild thought about wearing one of his favorite sweaters. Imagine the soft fabric wrapped tightly around your body, perhaps making you dance under the moonlight until intoxicated.
It's so random, but you crave that experience. You have a weird desire to steal his warmth, borrow his kiss, or bask in all the beauty he shares. 
However, you couldn't really do that, could you? After all, you're a teacher like Gojo. The higher-ups might find it weird if they caught wind of such thoughts about your coworker.
So you simply sat there, patiently waiting for Gojo Satoru to arrive, and handed him the sweater. You wonder what outfit he wears this time. Maybe something cute or cool. 
Humming to pass the time, you had no idea how long you had been waiting for Gojo. According to Kusakabe, Gojo was engaged in a long conversation with Yaga, indicating something important, especially since he had just returned from Africa.
As twilight blankets the horizon, its orange hue tenderly caresses your body, filling your mind with positive thoughts.
Once again, you find yourself gazing at the sweater, almost breathless, as weird thoughts flood your mind. 
An irresistible urge consumes you, telling you to steal the sweater and take it home. Imagine yourself wearing it while you're sleeping. Imagine that Gojo gives it to you as a gift.
You don't care if Gojo might catch you and claim you as a thief. You have to do it.
It was just a little thing; Gojo wouldn't be angry.
So, you took the sweater from the paper bag, feeling the soft fabric caress your fingertips as the scent of fresh detergent danced to your nostrils.
Gazing at the sweater for a moment, you lost yourself in thought, and you found yourself drowning in a desire for him—Gojo Satoru.
You might come across as a bit creepy this time, really, but who can judge you when you have such adorable coworkers? Everyone can lose their minds too.
You swiftly put on that sweater, feeling the warmth from its fabric snugly enveloping your presence. A gentle blush tinged your cheeks as the thought of Gojo hugging you from behind flooded your sweet dreams.
Is it real, or is it just a dream?
"So sweet... So warm. I wonder if Gojo-san is always this warm..."
However, before you have time to change your mind and put the sweater in the paper bag, you feel like someone is tapping on your shoulder—not a forceful touch, but a tender and gentle one.
"Of course I always have this warmth, sensei; do you want to feel that too?"
As you turned your head, there he was—Gojo Satoru—standing right there with a gentle smile gracing his lips. His silver hair is caressed by the hues of orange and red from twilight, making his presence look adorable.
You don't even know how long he has been standing before you. Perhaps he witnessed the way you unfolded his sweater, wearing it as if it were yours and hearing how much you adored it.
"Eh... Gojo—"
"Why are you so surprised? You look like you've seen a ghost. But I wasn't a ghost!"
He tilted his head for a better view, letting out a cute chuckle while casting curious glances at you.
Froze. You stood frozen there. Blurred and foggy. Breathless. How could he stare at you with such eyes? It makes you fall deeper and deeper into his ocean-blue eyes.
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to wear your stuff, Gojo-san."
"Eh? Do you think I was angry at you? No. Why would I be angry with someone as nice as you? Beside..."
He leaned in, keeping his head close to yours, and paused between your ears. You could feel Gojo's breath brushing against your ear and his sweet lips almost caressing your earlobe.
Whispering softly, he said, "I won't tell anyone about this, because it's quite embarrassing, right?"
Foggy eyes.
Heart pounding.
Crimson cheeks.
Why did Gojo Satoru do this? Was he merely teasing you? Did he have a desire to see your embarrassment?
"I bought too much cake, and I want to share it with you. So, maybe you could join me at my apartment, and you'll have the chance to explore all of my sweaters. What do you say?"
This time, Megumi's prank really worked. But did Gojo call it a prank too?
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yunqni · 11 months
" park seonghwa - vacation "
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pair; fiance seonghwa x fem reader
wc; ~3k
genre; fluff ?? smut ?? 🤭 idk its just kinda cute kinda sexy kinda lovey dovey ?? its my first ever fic IM SO SCARED,, :')
contents + smut warnings; cussing, kissing/making out, dom hwa, unprotected sex (im not encouraging this irl), multiple orgasms, squirting, creampie, oral+fingering (f recieving), i think thats all ?? also indulges into some aftercare and massaging after the smut, please let me know if i missed any content warnings !
note; writing below is not proofread cus im too lazy and its intentionally written in all lower case, so please excuse any mistakes !
《 minors strictly dni, sexual content below. 》
today was only the second day of your vacation in singapore, and you couldn’t have wished for it to be any better. seonghwa had spoken to your manager himself and surprised you with a holiday at a luxury resort for the next two weeks ‘just because you need a well deserved holiday’.
soft pecks from your fiance were what pulled you out from your sleep, and you were pulled closer into his warm arms. you slowly opened your eyes only to be blessed with the sight of seonghwa’s gentle smile as your eyes adjusted to the light.
“ good morning, angel “ he whispered, careful not to speak to loud as though to not disturb the peaceful atmosphere you two were embracing.
you leaned upwards to give him a kiss which he eagerly returned, pulling you closer by the shoulder to deepen the kiss.
his hand traveled further down your body while his fingers gently grazed against your soft skin, leaving goosebumps as they moved. he hoists your leg over across his waist before poking his tongue against your lips, asking for access into your mouth.
you gladly accept his invitation before allowing him and his tongue to take control over you, lewd yet sexy noises resonating throughout your room.
seonghwa pulled away before anything could progress further, both of you horny and helplessly panting .
“ sorry baby, got a little carried away “ he said sitting upright, letting out an airylaugh at himself.
placing a hand on his chest, you sat up and responded “ its alright “ before leaning in to make out with him once more.
he directed his kisses downwards, moving towards your throat. his hands slipped underneath your t-shirt making you shiver in delight as you pressed further into his warmth. as he licked and kissed all the sensitive areas of your neck, you felt your pussy clench unconsciously around nothing and the butterflies in your stomach take flight .
seonghwa fiddled with the mountain of pillows behind you to create a surface comfortable for you to be loved destroyed on. he encouraged you to spread your legs for him, as he slowly removed your tiny pajama shorts leaving you in the black lacy thong you had particularly chosen to wear. he laughed again and admired the sight of your wet panties before removing them aswell .
he leaves teasing kisses and licks on the skin of your plush thighs, slowly moving closer towards your most sensitive areas. after placing one final kiss over your dripping entrance, he unexpectedly slips one long finger inside you, penetrating it deeper than your own fingers could ever go.
you whine out at the sudden insertion to which he inserts another two fingers, now fingering you at a fast pace with three of his beautiful fingers. you shriek at the strange feeling bubbling inside your tower stomach , legs trembling around his head.
seonghwa also moved back to continue kissing, licking and sucking at your clit which bought you dangerously close to your first orgasm.
“ cumming already, sweetheart? hold it. “ he said, making you cry out helpelessly at his wish to deny your orgasm.
with the way he kissed and touched you before, the orgasm was too strong for you to hold back. as your fingers gripped his wrist which was still mercilessly pounding three long fingers into your sopping pussy, he understood you.
“ too much for you to hold, baby? “
“ yes, yes p-please seonghwa… “ you plea, moans uncontrollable as your hips writhe against the once perfect bedsheets.
“ go on then baby. since you’ve been such an angel for me, i’ll let you cum now. “
just as he had barely finished his sentence, your orgasm went by in a blur. your entire body went numb and you close your eyes. his motions never give up during and after your orgasm, overstimulating your pussy.
“ s-seonghwa,, p-please, please…. too much “
“ you can do it, baby… can you give your seonghwa just one more before i give you my cock?”
you give up complaining as your discomfort from overstimulation soon turns into intense pleasure, feeling that tightness in your lower stomach build up once again. seonghwa felt your walls flutter against his fingers, signalling your impending orgasm. his finger adopt a ' come hither ' motion against your walls, rubbing directly on your g-spot. he honestly couldn't believe he was able to have such an affect on you with just his fingers.
he could feel his painfully hard dick throbbing against the confinements of his sleep shorts, but he so desperately wanted to serve you how you wanted and worship you with endless orgasms.
that was when your second orgasm knocked you like an intense wave. your legs were shaking as your thighs tried to close around seonghwas head. but, he forced them apart with his spare hand and pinned your hips down. his tongue was swiping against your spent clit as he helped you through your second orgasm.
he reulctantly pulled his head away from your pussy to look up at you, but kept his fingers inside you. he looked so sexy like this – hair mostly pulled back from his face, eyes still slightly heavy from his sleep, lips drenched in your cum (and it was evident where he hadnt shaved his facial hair for a day or two), desperately trying to catch his breath with three of his slender fingers still knuckle deep inside your throbbing pussy.
" so, so beautiful, baby... " seonghwa whispered for only you to hear as he very slowly began moving his fingers inside of you again. the movements sent shocks throughout your body . you tried to grab his wrist with one of your shaky hands to get him to stop, at which he smiled at. tease.
he tutted as he used his spare hand to pry you away, before kissing the back of your knuckles and removing his fingers from you. he lifted them up to your mouth, encouraging you to lick your fluids off his fingers. his sultry eyes held eye contact with you as you took his fingers into your mouth and teasingly licked at them. the motion has his cock painfully throbbing inside his shorts, desperately wanting to be released from them.
he took his fingers out before moving to take off his shorts and boxers in one . he leant down to hover over you, meeting your pink lips in a quick, messy kiss. seonghwa directed his cock towards your pussy, slowly rubbing his tip up and down your soaking folds. he could feel your already half used hole clenching around nothing, just craving for him to finally make you feel full again.
seonghwa smiled at that thought, kissing the shell of your ear before moving across to kiss your collarbone . His hand wrapped around your shoulder as his tip prodded against your entrance, slipping into your soaked hole. you let out a moan after he forced the tip in, staring down to look at your lips stretched around him as he slowly slid further inside inch by inch .
with some further force and the aid of your drenched pussy, he bottomed out inside you eliciting a whine from deep within your chest . you could feel his tip deliciously pressing against your cervix, it was a very tight fit. feeling every vein of his cock pulse and strain against your mushy walls.
" do you feel that, baby? you feel how perfectly we fit together? " seonghwa spoke, leaving your brain to short-circuit at his words. he was right. the curve of his length fit so snug against your walls.
seonghwa checked up on you, then had to wait a minute or two before he started thrusting in fear of cumming too soon. fluid from your previous orgasms encompassed him and with the way your walls parted to accept his thickness, it was all too much for him.
when he did start moving, he teased you with his thrusts — moving at snails pace in and out, in and out . he took his time experimenting the different angles based off your facial expressions everytime his cock penetrated areas inside you that had never been reached before him.
you were such a whiny mess, all for seonghwa. each slow, calculated thrust left you breathless. you wanted to encourage him to do whatever he wanted or to use you — but every time you tried to speak your brain could barely formulate a simple sentence.
eventually, when he found the angle that truly hit your spot, he began ruthlessly pounding into you. his desire for you was insatiable, as was yours. every thrust hit your g-spot so perfectly, to the degree, and had you moaning, whining, shouting his name . his soft lips were grazing against the shell of your ear, letting out beautiful grunts and moans directly for you to hear .
he looked down at where his dick was lost inside your pussy only for the sight of his cock bulging in your lower stomach to make his hips stutter . he cautiously placed a hand over where his tip reached inside you and added slight pressure to your abdomen .
the pressure made you whimper and shift around on the bed, to which seonghwa had to pin you down with his spare hand . it had caused a new feeling to spark which became increasingly difficult to hold back . this feeling is not one you were a stranger to when it came to seonghwa, he is just so skilled that he’s the only one to able to bring yourself to such an intense point of orgasm .
he pressed down even further onto the area before saying, “ d’you feel that, sweetheart? thats my cock buried deep inside of you. d’you know how much i enjoy being so deep inside of you, hm? “
your entire body shivered at his words, moving your hand to feel where his cock pounded inside you too. seonghwa slightly angled his hips making his tip bulge further out your stomach, smashing against a pleasure spot you didn't even know existed, but either way he'd only gone and found it (albeit to abuse it). your pussy repeatedly clenched around his dick in a vice grip making it difficult for him to move , your juices dripping out of you like a broken faucet .
“ only i can make you feel like this, hm? no one else gets to treat you the way i do, hm? “
“ y-yes! yes, yes, yes, seonghwa… “ you managed to get out among your heavy breathing and whines
both of you were on the brink of orgasms , anyone could have recognised that. with the way seonghwa's relentless thrusts somehow got faster and harder, and the way your legs shook around his hips. seonghwa had to hold your legs down again so as to not get in the way of his thrusts. his thumb dropped down to your clit working in precise circular motions, a pattern which he had memorized to exactly how you like it .
as your orgasm hit you, you couldn't help but lift your hips slightly off the mattress in sheer pleasure, writhing in seonghwa's grip. the feeling was indescribable — as juices endlessly gushed out of your pussy, almost pushing seonghwa out of you. he fought through the resistance though — as his thrusts kept at their back-breaking pace and his fingers still worked at your clit . you could hear the grumble of seonghwa's sultry voice as he praised you, yet you were too indulged in the feeling to recognise his words.
seonghwa's fingers definitely heightened your orgasm even further as your juices exploded all over his pelvis more than previous times he’s made you squirt . your fluids puddled below the two of you by your hips, and squelched inside your hole with his thrusts . the sounds that were now being produced as his cock penetrated your hole were new wordly, something that you two had never experienced before .
you weren't too sure when your orgasm had ended, seeing as you had practically passed out from the pleasure. he was so unbelievably proud and in awe of the both of you, and he wanted to do it again .
he never stopped thrusting into you, though, as his cock proceeded to drag against your raw, spent insides during your orgasm. after he recognised your recovery, he jumped straight back in to pounding your used hole in order to bring himself to orgasm. likewise, his finger hadn't ended their movements, only heightening the speed of his teasing circles against your swollen clit as he began fucking you again.
“ such a gorgeous girl,, such a good girl for me “
in mere seconds you were cumming again, not even realizing it until you felt your cum dripping out of you. seonghwa looked down at where you were connected to see white cream decorating the two of you. goosebumps formed at the sight .
“ hm, what was that , number 4 sweetheart? “
yes! yes seonghwa,, please dont stop !" you moaned (screamed) desperately. he was so entranced by how obedient you were for him. you were so deep into subspace by now and seonghwa wanted nothing more than to care for you.
“ oh my g-god y/n, you're so incredible. im g-gonna cum soon, just wait for me sweetheart. you want me to cum in your pussy, yeah ? “
“ y-yes please seonghwa,, yes… inside please,, i want your cum inside me… "
inside? he thought to himself. your words had him whimpering desperately as he crept towards his orgasm. the pleasure was so intense for the both of you, as his fingers dangerously dug into your sides as your nails scratched along his tense, muscular back.
" y-yeah, baby? you want my cum inside you, sweetheart ? you want me to fuck you full of my cum? you want me to breed you, hm? “
his taunting words left your pussy clenching helplessly, intensifying another upcoming orgasm. you could see the sweat dripping down his forehead and off his chin, only making him look even sexier as his face contorted in pleasure as he approached his orgasm.
it only took a couple more thrusts before he pounde one last time, letting out a beautiful broken whine as his cum endlessly shot deep into you. he had buried his cock to the furthest he could go inside you, his fluids dangerously close to your cervix. his orgasm felt like it was never ending, the immense pleasure you bought him made him cum more intensely than ever before .
he continued thrusting into you in order to keep his cum as deep inside of you as possible. unknowingly though in your last spurts of stimulation as shockwaves overtook your body, you came hard, one last time for him.
his tip rubbed against your dangerous spot as you, once again, felt the dam inside you break free as you squirted all over him. his fingers went to move on your clit gently to elongate your orgasm and to leave you feeling fully satisfied. as the juices spurted out of you, seonghwa couldn't help but stare at you, drowning in lust (and your squirt). your pussy was now overflowing with a mixture of both your releases.
you weren't sure what number orgasm it was at this point, you didn't even know you were capable of such. seonghwa really just had that affect on you. as your orgasm drew to a close, you flopped back against the pillows like a fish with closed eyes and heavy breathing.
before seonghwa could succumb to the tiredness he felt and the desire to do nothing in your embrace, his instincts took over him as he immediately ran to care for you after such intensity.
you were startled into consciousness by the feeling of a warm, wet rag cleaning at your lower regions incredibly gently, while another hand was massaging your neck and shoulders. if ever you expressed discomfort from the sensitivity, seonghwa would immediately pause his actions as though to not overwork your body .
you opened your eyes after a minute or two to be met with seonghwa gazing at you patiently, with the look of an angel spread across his new worldly features. his hand, which was digging into your sore muscles, moved to wipe some of your hair out of your face, while the other picked up a glass of ice-cold water conveniently placed on the bedside table. seonghwa urged you to drink from it, silently panicking that he was tending to all your needs .
he gently rolled you onto your stomach and moved the comforter away from your fragile body. despite how he has just handled you, he couldn't help but feel like you were a porcelain doll that needed to be taken care of in every way. he would have hated to cause you any long term pain simply for his pleasure, so he made it his absolute goal to ensure you were well taken care of .
seonghwa gently yet thoroughly massaged your inner thighs and all the way along your back, gently applying pressure into any knots . he took his time in making sure he was targeting the most sore areas by asking you where you needed the most attention.
after a thorough 20 minutes of massaging, seonghwa moved to hover over your body so his lips were right next to your ear. he left a feather-like kiss to the skin behind your ear before whispering to you ,
"you wait here for a minute sweetheart, okay ? 'm gonna run you a nice warm bath. don't fall asleep just yet, baby. still gotta go for breakfast too. "
he planted one more kiss by your ear before moving off your body into the bathroom, leaving your skin to form goosebumps from the lack of warmth.
as you glanced over at the alarm clock on the bedside, 10:47am, you let out a small laugh realising that you had missed the hotel breakfast hours for your little moment .
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raainberry · 3 months
I’m so glad you got lost
Jihyo x gn!reader
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synopsis - helping a damsel in distress like in the old times still works like a charm (you’re a security guard at a music festival and Jihyo appreciates both your help and looks)
worcount - 2.9K
T/W - none i think, but like cute summer vibes, first meeting, sweet moments, you’re whipped for her, the usual stuff
A/N - lowkey struggled, tried to get a bit out of my comfort zone by adding a little more desc but not mad at how it turned out
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The outdoor festival Jihyo and her friends chose to spend their weekend at was a success. The atmosphere was vibrant, fun and exciting, the music was good, the food was even better, but perfection is just never possible.
Something had to go wrong or else it wouldn’t fun.
Losing a few people in a friend group as large as hers is understandable and not uncommon. It’s expected, maybe even fate, but only losing one? Now it just felt like luck was involved and there wasn’t any on her side as Jihyo found herself to be that one lost friend.
She tried to scan the elated faces surrounding her for signs of more familiar ones in vain. She could feel a sense of mild unease creeping over her as the crowd seemed to grow denser, making it all the more difficult to locate anything familiar by the minute.
She was slowly feeling herself losing grip over the situation when a gentle hand found its way to her shoulder.
The sudden contact startled her though, and she turned to see who it belonged to. Last thing she expected to face was a warm, comforting smile.
"Hi! You look like you’re on a mission,” you chuckled. “Need a little help?" you offered over the loud music.
Jihyo’s eyes quickly noticed your attire, and if the black and bulky clothes you wore didn’t make it evident enough, the “security” arm band did enough on its own. She’s never been more thankful for assistance in her life, and a flicker of relief crossed her features as she nodded.
"I'm looking for my friends, there’s no service and it's getting a bit overwhelming.” she explained, her voice barely audible.
You nodded understandingly, and gestured for her to follow you. With practiced ease, you navigated through the crowd while Jihyo trailed close.
Your familiarity with the festival grounds seemed to guide you effortlessly, and maybe it was the distress she was in, mixed with the fact that you jumped in to save her when no one seemed to care—maybe the uniform had its hand in as well, but… You looked pretty cute.
The soft and warm smile, the gentle and protective gaze as you looked back at her every once in a while, making sure she followed suit—and the hand… The way your hand brushed against her exposed skin as you guided her; never daring to rest it on her arm, her back…
The subtle spark your touch ignited didn’t go unnoticed on your end either.
In fact it was very much felt. Though you were focused on getting your job done, part of your attention was monopolised by her appearance.
Jihyo, a name you had yet to learn, was certainly one of the prettiest sights this weekend outdoors offered. The make up she wore was flattering, highlighting features you found to be among your favorite in people. They looked even better on her.
You crossed eyes with her brown ones a few times on your way over to the security post. The hints of worry as she looked around tugged at your heart, feeling a sudden need to protect her beyond the way your duty called for.
“Let's see if we can spot them from here." You said, holding on to the bit of professionalism left in you before helping her up the ladder to reach the small elevated shed.
It was a sort of temporary lifguard tower imitation. Your colleagues referred to it as a base to make it sound fancier—which you mocked them for multiple times—but part of you hesitated to use the word in case it would impress the damsel you’d brought over.
You judged against it though, something your future self would be thankful for, and instead guided the woman up to the railing surrounding it.
The vantage point offered a broad view over the better half of the festival, and her eyes wasted no time in scanning the animated sea of festival-goers.
You joined the search only a second later, snapping yourself out of the micro-trance her sculpted arm sent you in when she brought her hand up to shield her eyes.
You don’t know how long it took, if the silence as your gaze flitted from one cluster of people to another was awkward or not; but she ended reuniting with her friends.
Their shouts for her as they noticed her up the tower from the ground taught you her name, and you had a hard time tellibg whether your smile was because of how funny their desperate waving looked from up there, or because of the way her name fit every idea of her your mind had managed to come up with.
A wave of relief washed over Jihyo, and you were sure to never forget that grateful smile she sent you before rushing to friends.
Who knows how they got separated. The thought was very much far out of line, but you were glad she got lost.
As the day melted into the night, the festival began to wind down, and the crowd started to thin out.
Jihyo and her friends made their way towards the exit, with the day's excitement still clinging to their spirits. A bunch of memories were made that day, all ranking in their own degree of wholesomeness.
The smile on Jihyo’s lips was subtle, her mind lost in the remnants of her emotions as she walked surrounded by the people she cared so much about.
Their intensity was exhausting, and little did she know this festival had just one more thing to make her feel, and her friends were very much happy to help with that.
As the group approached the exit, they spotted you there, your attentive gaze scanning the departing crowd. A quiet presence amidst the festival's crescendo.
Jeongyeon, her most daring friend couldn't resist her own playful nature as she hurried to tease Jihyo, "Look, your savior’s still on duty.” Her elbow nudged into her best friend’s back a couple times as her messing around soon received back up.
“Why don't we go and say thank you for helping you?" Sana giggled, not bothering to wait for an answer from anyone, much less Jihyo as she made her way over to you.
The sight of a bubbly woman darting towards you was enough to get you on alert. Sana was oblivious to the walls you’d put up, and the ease with which she knocked them down was alarming.
You guessed her charm had a lot to do with it, but recognizing her as one of Jihyo’s friends from earlier did most of the job. As soon as you did, your gaze was quick to find the rest of the group approaching you.
Among them stood Jihyo, who stayed silent as they expressed their appreciation for your assistance earlier in the day.
Half their words didn’t make it to your brain, which was crazy considering there wasn’t many. In the moment, you found Jihyo’s silence to be much more interesting and important than anything else.
Teasing words and drunk people needing guidance could wait, you had an opportunity to take.
Your eyes met, and the sparks you caught in them were undoubtedly fueled by each other’s lingering effects ghosting over your skin. It seemed you could communicate without uttering a word, but you still needed her friends to make anything of this miracle.
The two of you exchanged numbers amidst the playful teasing of her friends, their laughter and banter serving as a backdrop to this tentative yet promising connection.
As she struggled to type in the right numbers in the correct order in your phone, Jihyo could only thank the moon for hiding the blush burning into her cheeks at the thought of everything this could lead to…
Well, back to square one apparently. Although the year it took to get there brought some wonderful changes.
“I can’t believe I’m back here again…” You sighed in disbelief over the situation.
You knew history repeats itself or whatever, and sure the romance you’ve built with Jihyo was one for the books, but damn… Losing your friends twice at the same festival is just too much.
While the situation kind of annoyed you, Jihyo seemed amused by it, laughing as she turned to you after a quick scan of the area. “Y/n, stop whining, it’s like a full circle moment, isn’t that fun?”
“Okay, but how do you lose eight people at once, I don’t understand.” You whined even more, frustrated, but the feeling was weak compared to the smile that cracked through your façade when you met your girlfriend’s pretty eyes.
They had a mischievous twinkle in them as she suggested, “Okay, let’s use your useless height. Let me climb on your shoulders,” she tapped on them and you lowered yourself down. “I’ll see if they’re anywhere near.”
“If that’s what you wanted all along you could have just said so.” You mumbled. “Didn’t have to lose everyone…”
A playful grin tugged at the corner of her lips as you caught her shameless one. You couldn’t resist her infectious joy. It only took you a few seconds to secure Jihyo onto your shoulders, and you went on to navigate through the scattered sea of people, laughter blending with the distant music.
"See them yet?" You asked after a while of weaving through the crowd. Jihyo shook her head, her hair swaying with the motion. "No," she frowned, gaze sweeping over the people’s head in search of the same familiar faces.
Apparently you took that as a sign to let her down, and she found out when you suddenly stopped in your tracks, crouching down to make her step down safely. Key word was sudden; Jihyo was not ready for the drop and ended up reaching for your hair out of survival instinct, accidentally tugging on it.
That hurt, naturally, so you let out a half genuine whine and brought a soothing hand to the top of your head as she tried to do some damage control. She’d made it down unharmed, but at what cost.
“Oh, baby I’m sorry—” She laughed through her apology, and although you didn’t doubt her concern, her laughter did make the mocking come out on top.
Her hands tried to convince you otherwise, gently brushing your hair away from your face. You felt a rush of warmth as Jihyo's fingers brushed against your skin, her touch sending that same old shiver down your spine.
Despite her obvious amusement, there was an undeniable tenderness in her actions as she cupped your chin, her gaze scanning your features for any signs of discomfort. You couldn’t help but lean into her touch, appreciating how close she was.
“You should have warned me, did it actually hurt?” She asked and you pouted your lips in hopes to get a healing kiss from her own.
“Kind of.” You said, but she only gave you a few mocking giggles, making you sulk even more.
“I’m really sorry.” Jihyo's laughter was infectious, filling the air with joy as she peppered kisses all over you. You could feel the pain fading with each one of them. Each touch of her lips against your head, your forehead, spilling over your temples…
Placebo effect or the healing power of love, whichever it was, it worked.
It was in moments like these, where you stood together, lost in your own little world, that you realized how grateful you were for her and the love and warmth she’d brought into your life.
“Well, there you are!” A familiar voice you recognized as Nayeon’s pulled your eyes off each other, finding the rest of the group trailing behind her. “We’ve been looking everywhere, stop wandering off!”
“Yeah, or just get a room. No one wants to see this.” Jeongyeon gestured to the two of you, waving her hand around in a way that pulled a laugh out of everyone.
You only shared an amused look with Jihyo, a silent understanding prompting the two of you to playfully stick your tongues out in response, brushing off the harmless teasing.
Jihyo is competitive.
You knew that by now and learned the hard way. The only reason you don’t cry when she renders you bankrupt in Monopoly is because you’re cut from the same cloth.
She’d found her match in more ways than one, and her friends were oh so delighted, taking any opportunity to turn games into a true and free show by putting the two of you on opposite teams.
“You don’t stand a chance.” You told Jihyo, grabbing the cornbags from the friendly festival-goers who’d put up the game and turned it into a side attraction.
Trashtalk isn’t the most loving kind of talk, but the two of you kept it playful and harmless, taking it as a form of bonding.
“I love you.” Jihyo answered, ignoring your words, and her knowing look startling you into a horrifying realisation.
How could you forget about the pre-game vows…
“Right, I love you too.” You smiled, quickly going over to her side in order to lay a shy kiss on her cheek. The gesture pulled a few aw’s and laughs from the small crowd around, but you could very well distinguish your friend’s teasing as you went back to your side.
The game started shortly after with Jihyo opening it. She never went easy on you, and neither did you, to everyone’s pleasure.
The way you bickered, trying to destabilize and distract each other in each round was a highlight of a lot of people’s night.
While you tried to stay civil, only sticking to playful taunts and harmless cheating claims, your girlfriend went as far as stealing one of your bags.
Honestly you weren’t mad she did it, you were only mad you didn’t do it first because the point she made with it was counted by the appointed referee, along with the crowd’s approval.
It was everything but fairplay, but it was a good time. A memory you’d cherish for a long time.
“Congratulations, Hyo.” You shook her hand and she chuckled at you formal greeting. “I hope you know I let you win.”
Her laugh resonated amidst people’s cheers and playful protests from the ones who’d been cheering for you.
The smile on your face stuck around even when she landed a playful swat on your shoulder. If it weren’t her you’d be sulking like never before. She was the only one you’d be glad to lose against.
The chaotic search earlier didn’t teach you anything. That same evening you wandered off again, although this time you did at least agree on a place to meet back at.
As the night slowly settled in the sky, moon and stars rising to offer a gentle lighting support to the ones the festival offered, the two of you embarked on a stroll around the grounds you were still familiar with somehow.
Hands clinging to the other, fingers intertwined and shared giggles marked the way you’d remember the moment.
After a while, you walked into a quieter, more secluded area where nature seemed to hush the lively music still blasting from the stages afar.
The playful twinkle in your eye was hard to miss and stay indifferent to for Jihyo as you sat down, arms wide open and inviting.
You recognized the grin she sent you before ignoring the arms she was actually dying to feel around her. She went to sit next to you instead, prompting your shoulders to sink down with your arms.
“Why are you so mean to me today…” You sighed, wonder dramatically evident on tour face.
Jihyo chuckled, a soothing sound that brought more comfort to the bubble you were immersing yourselves in. “I’m not mean, you just made it really easy for me to tease you,” she shrugged, eyes wiping her nonchalant words with the affection they held for you.
Your smile returned when she carried herself into your lap shortly after, shifting herself to comfortably rest her back against your chest.
A quiet conversation eased itself between the two of you, soft and shy words reminiscent of the path you’d shared together so far as you mindlessly cuddled her; your gentle swaying a soothing rhythm.
“Do you remember when we met here?” Your voice sounded a little more nostalgic than you meant as you spoke.
Jihyo’s gaze softened on the flowers standing in the grass she was picking at. “Of course I do. It was only a year ago.”
“Feels longer, though, no?” You asked, wondering if she felt the same for a few seconds. The bond you’d developed was so strong, sometimes you forgot it was only your 8th month together coming up.
Everything was still so fresh, yet intense in the most perfect way. You could only hope she was on the same page.
“It does.” She admitted quietly. “It’s a little scary to think about sometimes.”
You recognized the nerves in the small laugh she let out, and you focused on softening the patterns your fingers caressed over her upper arm as she continued. “I mean… I was hopeful when I gave you my number, but I really didn’t think it’d amount to anything close to what we have.”
A small smile tugged at your lips upon hearing her words. It was enough reassurance for your heart. “You know, I never told you this, but… I thought this then and I think it now; I’m so glad you got lost that day.”
Her giggles sounded amazing breaking the peace and quiet you were getting used to, and she suddenly sat up to look at you in an amused kind of disbelief.
“I’m sorry, but you looked so pretty, and your smile almost made me faint; what else was I supposed to think?”
“Really?” She said slyly, poking at your chest. “What else happened?”
“Well, there’s not much. We barely spoke and acknowledged each other for like ten minutes tops.” You reminded, and the truth only made her roll her eyes before bringing you in for a kiss.
Her sudden impulse led you to share a quick, tender kiss, something you almost considered a moment of weakness when you pulled away on instinct, expecting the girls’ banter and teasing.
You could only laugh at each other when you realized you were alone. Happiness bubbled between the two of you, pushing Jihyo to draw you back into a sweet, deeper kiss.
It didn’t last long though, as your embrace soon got interrupted by the sudden burst of fireworks further away.
Right, that’s what you’d wandered off for this time.
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kitscutie · 1 year
could u do a smut where drew comes back home from italy ?
homecoming (drew starkey x fem!reader)
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𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝖽𝗋𝖾𝗐 ꜱ𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗄𝖾𝗒 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀ꜱ: ꜱ𝗆𝗎𝗍 18+, ꜱ𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗅𝖾
ꜱ𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒: 𝖽𝗋𝖾𝗐 𝗁𝖺ꜱ ᖯ𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗂𝗇 𝗂𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗒 𝖿𝗂𝗅𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗎𝗋𝗇ꜱ 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗉 ᖯ𝗎𝗍 ꜱ𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋.
𝖺/𝗇: 𝖿𝗂𝗋ꜱ𝗍 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 ꜱ𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗂𝗍 𝖽𝗈𝖾ꜱ𝗇𝗍 ꜱ𝗎𝖼𝗄. 𝖺𝗅ꜱ𝗈 𝗁𝖺𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖿𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗎𝗋𝗀𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗍𝗁𝗂ꜱ 𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖾𝖼𝗎𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀. 𝗉.ꜱ 𝖱ⴹ𝖰Սⴹ𝖲𝖳𝖲 𝖮𝖯ⴹ𝖭!
"I'm so glad you're home." You sighed in his arms. Drew had finally returned from his long visit to Italy and you couldn't have needed it more. You were a very clingy person, anxious when you hadn't seen him in a while so it had been difficult.
He was dressed in a muscle tank, something he had been waring a lot lately and god were you happy as you got to see his biceps, which had been growing, more often.
You enjoyed the feeling of his bare skin on yours, hands wrapped around your waist which was void of fabric due to the cotton of your shirt riding up as you both lay on his bed which was messy and unmade but only on one side seeing as you had been sleeping alone for, well, too long now.
"Me too." He whispered. One hand coming to play with the hair on your scalp delicately, head tilted to face yours as his nose nuzzled the soft skin of your forehead. "You been sleeping okay?" He asked concern laced within the question.
"Mostly, some nights were a bit hard, just when I really missed you but I would never admit that." You answered, jokingly. Though you did have trouble sleeping without him. He chuckled gently along with you, though the silence of the room brought a peace you hadn't been feeling in his absence.
"You're cute." He snickered, tempting you into a peck though you refused to pull away. It had been too long.
The numerous, light kisses turned heavier, deeper slowly getting to the point that you weren't even coming up for air anymore. His breath became yours, mouths entangling repeatedly.
"Wow, you really missed me, huh?" He chuckled, one hand holding your jaw, the other smoothing over the skin of your waist.
"Yeah." You whispered while his thumb traced your lips, eyes fixed on you, and you only. Something you'd been craving for months now.
Finally giving up on fighting the urge you opened your mouth, gently biting down on the tip of his thumb. You felt the atmosphere change, his pupils shrinking.
Butterflies filled your stomach as he squeezed your cheeks together, licks puckering as the kiss ensued once more. Never once pulling away he rolled the two of you over, him now laying on top of you. One arm holding himself up next to you and you couldn't help but gawk as his veins protruded visibly.
The pair of you kissed for what felt like minutes but was really almost half an hour before he gave into temptation, hand moving from your face and ever so slowly down to the waistband of your sweatpants. Feeling his hand at the bottom of your stomach, you jolted, always very ticklish which made him chuckle in smugness.
You laughed quietly too, quickly pulling his hand back to its previous spot.
"You okay?" He asked for permission before he pushed any further.
"Yeah." You said though it almost sounded like a whine and Drew's lips turned up into a smirk, placing one last kiss on your lips before he was pulling your pants down your legs.
You helped him out, lifting your hips and noting that they met something hard in his pants. You could guess what it was.
His hand began to drift into your underwear though you stopped him, "No, it's okay, want you." You whispered bashfully, tugging at the ends of his shirt before you pulled it over his head, taking in his toned body.
"No baby, we don't want it to hurt, it'll only take a couple of minutes." He answered, shaking his head but again you denied.
"No seriously it's fine." You blushed, hinting that you didn't need to be warmed up, you could feel it dripping into your underwear, a wet spot forming that you weren't aware of.
"Oh." He said, raising an eyebrow and smirking.
"Shut up. It's been a while." You murmured, cheeks now bright red as you turned your head away from his watchful eyes.
He grabbed your chin with his hand, the end of his thumb gripping onto your bottom lip, lightly dipping into your mouth as he used it to turn you to face him once more. "Look at me, yeah?" He asked, and warmth filled your chest. Lust or love, you weren't sure.
You simply nodded, helping him unbuckle the belt that held his jeans around his waist while he unbuttoned and took them off.
You both took your own underwear off feverishly, having enough of the waiting.
"Ready?" He asked, eyes glancing down into yours which were hooded but shining with excitement.
Ever so slowly he placed the tip against your, extremely, wet entrance, circling it a few times before you whined in complaint to which he gently 'shushed' you, chuckled but finally gave you what you'd been waiting for for months.
As he pushed in Drew could swear he heard you sigh in relief. Your hands tightened around his biceps while he pushed his head into your neck.
Your lips latched onto said neck, sucking harshly intending to leave bruises. You had missed all of this greatly from the smell of his cologne down to the kisses he'd give you before leaving for work at six in the morning.
The first thrust brought you back to reality. He hit just where you needed him, to the hilt as your bodies touched as close as they possibly could.
You felt tears kiss your eyes, relief that he was home, happiness. Whatever it was you knew it was the most euphoric you had felt in a while.
He kissed them away as he continued fucking you into the mattress below. You actually weren't sure if this counted as 'fucking' seeing as it was slow and soft. The type of sex that happened when your only worries were making sure the other person knew you loved them with every inch of your being.
Your body's were truly entwined, never parting as your hips grinded against one another.
"I love you." You said, hand gripping tightly onto the back of his neck.
"I love you too baby." He replied, thrusts speeding up as you felt him throb inside of you, Your own pressure building in your lower belly. "You're so good for me." He added, panting as his words pushed you to the edge.
Coming around him your walls tightened, leading to his own climax, hips officially pistoning in and out of you as fast as humanly possible.
Finally releasing, he came inside of you and you felt some of it drip out onto the bed as he pulled out, instantly checking in on you and worshiping the love you gave him.
"Clean up in a minute?" You asked, hoping to recover in his arms for a little longer.
"Yeah, in a minute." He agreed, turning you both on your sides, spooning you with an arm wrapped tightly around your waist, the other being used as a pillow by you he placed soft kisses against the warm skin. "You treat me so well angel." He murmured against your hair.
You began an argument that he was the good one in this relationship. He was the one to take care of you but he shushed you and told you to get some rest. That was all it took to put you out like a light, having the best sleep possible since he had left months ago.
None of that mattered now though, he was home and you were safe in his arms.
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taeu7 · 1 month
"Hello Mr. Lover !"
Mingyu x Reader ❤️
Summary: Y/N is a staff member who has quietly developed a crush on Mingyu, the idol she works with. As they go about their daily tasks, they both steal glances and share unspoken moments. The twist? Mingyu has a crush on Y/N too.
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The spring breeze gently wafted through the open door, carrying with it the sweet scent of cherry blossoms. Y/N, a diligent staff member for Seventeen, found herself alone for a brief respite amidst the hectic schedule. The scenery outside was a painter’s dream, a canvas awash with the soft pastels of spring. Trees adorned in their floral finery swayed softly, as if they were swaying to the rhythm of a Seventeen ballad.
Inside, Y/N stood near the video equipment, her eyes momentarily lifted from the screens and lights to gaze upon the natural splendor. It was a rare moment of tranquility in the whirlwind of her day-to-day responsibilities. With a soft smile, she pulled out her phone, seeking a brief escape. Her thumb scrolled through the endless feed until a particular video caught her attention—a compilation of cats doing the most adorably absurd antics. A giggle escaped her lips, a sound as light and carefree as the petals that danced on the wind outside.
The air was still, charged with an unspoken anticipation. Y/N’s laughter had barely faded when she felt a presence behind her, a shadow looming over the light of the spring day. It was Mingyu, his tall frame eclipsing the sunlight as he leaned against the window, arms encircling her in a protective embrace.
His voice, a soft whisper that tickled her ear, broke the silence. “It’s cute,” he said, his breath warm against her skin. Y/N’s heart skipped a beat, surprise etching her features as she turned to face him. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to shrink to just the two of them, too close, too real.
The digital watch on Y/N’s wrist came to life, its beeping a testament to her racing heart—a melody to which only Mingyu was privy. He smiled, a knowing look in his eyes. So, you love cats?” Mingyu’s voice was gentle, a soft rumble that resonated with Y/N’s quickened pulse.
“Yes, I love them. I even have two,” Y/N managed to reply, her voice a mix of excitement and nervousness.
“Wow,” Mingyu’s response was simple, but it held a world of wonder. Y/N’s voice was barely above a whisper, “Let me show you the picture…” She retrieved her phone, her fingers swiping to her gallery where the cherished images of her feline friends resided.
Mingyu’s curiosity drew him closer, his lean frame bending towards Y/N’s. As he did, their shoulders brushed against each other, a touch as fleeting as the sakura petals that fell outside. It was an innocent contact, but it sent a wave of warmth through Y/N’s body, her heart fluttering like the wings of a captured bird. In the quiet room, the air was thick with unspoken words as Y/N and Mingyu locked eyes, each gaze holding a world of silent conversations. The moment stretched on, a delicate balance between what was said and what was felt.
Suddenly, the spell was broken by the arrival of DK, his voice slicing through the tension like a gentle breeze. “Brother, everyone is waiting for you. The shoot will resume in 10 minutes,” he announced, oblivious to the charged atmosphere he had just interrupted.
Mingyu nodded, the spell of the moment dissipating as reality beckoned. “Okay, coming,” he replied, his voice steady but his eyes lingering on Y/N for a fraction longer than necessary. Before he turned to leave, Mingyu reached out, his hand gently patting Y/N’s head in a gesture that was both comforting and familiar. “Let’s meet later,” he said, a promise hanging in the air between them.
As Mingyu followed DK out of the room, Y/N was left with the warmth of his touch still lingering on her scalp, a silent vow that they would indeed meet again. The beeping of her watch had ceased, but her heart continued to echo the sentiment of that simple touch, a reminder of the fleeting connection they shared. Y/N stood motionless for a moment, her fingertips pressed against her cheeks which still tingled from Mingyu’s touch. Her mind raced with questions, her heart aflutter with emotions she couldn’t quite name. “What’s happening to me?” she whispered to herself, the words barely audible. The thought of harboring feelings for Mingyu sent a jolt through her, a mix of fear and excitement. “Do I like Mingyu? No, no, I can’t…” " Do i ???? No, Y/n don't think about it now " hushhhhh
With a determined shake of her head, Y/N pushed those thoughts aside. She couldn’t afford to let her personal feelings interfere with her professionalism. Taking a deep breath, she turned on her heels and made her way back to the shooting area, her steps steady but her heart still unsteady. Mingyu stood with the other members, his gaze occasionally drifting towards Y/N, who was busy with her duties. The set was alive with activity, but his attention was anchored elsewhere.
Jeonghan, with a sly grin, leaned in close to Mingyu, his voice a conspiratorial whisper. “So, that’s the girl you have a crush on?”
Mingyu’s eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and amusement, a silent chuckle in his throat. He gave a small nod, his eyes never leaving Y/N. “Yeah, that’s her,” that' the girl i like "
(shooting continue....!)
*Around 7 pm*
The set was quieting down as the members of Seventeen began their journey home. Mingyu’s eyes caught Y/N in a moment of struggle, her arms laden with a cumbersome box.
Mingyu: (with a warm smile) “Here, let me help you with that.”
Y/N: (attempting to maintain her composure) “Oh, I can manage, really.”
But Mingyu was already by her side, easing the weight from her grasp and placing the box carefully in its rightful spot.
Y/N: (her heart touched by his kindness) “Thank you, Mingyu. That was very thoughtful.”
Mingyu: (shaking his head lightly) “No worries. Are you not leaving yet?”
Y/N: “I will, shortly.”
Mingyu: (glancing out at the darkening sky) “It’s late. I could drop you off, if you’d like?”
Y/N: (a bit startled) “Huh? Oh, no, I was going to take the bus.” Mingyu: (with a gentle insistence) “Please, let me drive you. It’s no trouble at all.”
After a brief hesitation, Y/N’s eyes met Mingyu’s, and she found herself nodding in agreement, her heart fluttering with unspoken feelings.
Y/N: “Alright, that would be really nice of you.”
Mingyu’s heart raced a little faster as he opened the car door for Y/N, his actions smoother than he felt inside. Y/N’s cheeks warmed at the gesture, her heart doing a little dance as she settled into the passenger seat.
As they drove, Y/N couldn’t help but steal glances at Mingyu. The city lights played across his features, casting him in a soft, ethereal glow that made her heart skip. She wondered if he could hear the loud thumping of her heart.
The silence in the car was a comfortable blanket, wrapping around them until Mingyu’s voice cut through, gentle and tentative.
Mingyu: “Today was quite the day, huh?”
Y/N: (nodding) “Yes, but it’s a relief that we finished everything. And now, the weekend.”
Mingyu: “Any plans?”
Y/N: (with a light laugh) “Eat, sleep, and repeat. What about you?”
Their laughter mingled, a sweet symphony in the confined space of the car.
Mingyu: (scratching his head, a shy smile on his lips) “Well, um… I was wondering if you’d like to have lunch with me tomorrow?”
Y/N: (her heart fluttering) “Me?”
Mingyu: (with a teasing glint in his eyes) “Unless you see someone else here?”
Y/N hesitated, her mind racing with the possibilities this lunch could mean.
Y/N: “Okay, cool.”
Mingyu: “I’ll pick you up at 11 then?”
Y/N: “Sounds good. Oh, and take the next right here…”
Mingyu: “Alright.”
They arrived at Y/N’s place sooner than she wished.
Y/N: “This is me. Thank you, Mingyu, for everything.”
As she stepped out, their eyes locked for a fleeting moment, both hearts pounding with the promise of tomorrow.
Mingyu: “See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
Y/N: (barely above a whisper) “Tomorrow.”
(to be continued....... ! )
Part 2
Author Note
"Hello dear readers,
I hope this message finds you all in good spirits. I'm thrilled to be sharing a new story with you, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed crafting it. Life can get busy, but I promise to update whenever I can find a spare moment. Your support means the world to me, and I'm sending all my love your way.Thank you for joining me on this journey.
Warm regards,"
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