#its wholesome trash but its my wholesome trash
paul-marrane · 1 year
Unrelated but I just watched the Ted Lasso finale and the utter amount of balls these writers have is mind blowing to me.
Not once but TWICE did they make the choice not to make the most obvious and popular ships canon.
And they even deceived you at the start into believing the opposite. It’s just insane to me because I’m so used to shows basically going down on their audience and approving as many wishes as possible. But nope. They really went out there and said:
“Listen up, this season Ted is going to leave even though everyone wants him to stay, Keeley will be canonically bisexual, Coach Beard get’s outed as a former meth junkie, one episode will just randomly take place in Amsterdam cause why the fuck not, Rebecca will get together with a random Dutch man, Collin will have a whole coming out arc and then this random cocky guy named Zava will pop up for a couple of episodes only to later leave the club to start a wholesome avocado farm with his wife.”
Exactly nobody asked for this but they did it anyways and pulled it off in an amazing fashion. That’s about as fucking punk as a show that’s on AppleTv+ can get if you ask me.
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nin-deer · 7 months
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ivy my beloved <33333 she is baby and must be protected (ง'̀-'́)ง
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medlarmeadows · 1 year
i'm catching up with QSMP updates and omygoodness QSMP HAS MY WHOLE HEART what do you mean they have to take care of an egg baby child? and the clips i'm seeing are just some of the most chaotic series of events i've seen on a Minecraft server this is hilarious i'll never shut up about how amazing QSMP is
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torunarigha · 1 year
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sugoi-and-spice · 4 months
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For the first time in his life, Tomura Shigaraki has full control of his quirk. With this newfound freedom, there is so much that he wants to do. And it just so happens that you are at the very top of that list.
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x GN!Reader
Rating: Explicit - Minors DNI
Contains: GN!Pronouns, Smut, Soft Shigaraki, Penetrative Sex (Reader Receiving), Oral Sex (Reader Recieving), Pre-Paranormal Liberation War, Post-PLF Manga Spoilers tho, Established Relationship, Alcohol, Massage, League Shenanigans. (Honestly, no crazy CW's with this one lol. It's just fluff and smut and angst lol)
Notes: I tried to write something wholesome to try and heal our mourning Shig-simp hearts... It had mixed results lol.
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That seemed a little too easy.
It’s the first thought that crossed Shigaraki’s mind when he came to on the Doctor’s operating table. Don’t get him wrong, the time Ujiko had spent vivisecting him from finger to finger had been hell on earth, but it seemed to go by a little too quickly for four months. 
“That’s because it’s only been a week,” Ujiko explained as he approached Shigaraki with a paper cup of water — an absolutely pathetic offering considering the world of pain the man had just mercilessly put him through.
But Shigaraki took it anyway.
“Didn’t realize that there were going to be breaks,” he said before knocking back the cup in one gulp.
“Once we begin the transference of All for One, there won’t be,” Ujiko explained, “What I was working on this time, was completing your quirk.”
Shigaraki’s brows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
Ujiko chuckled, gesturing to the paper cup in the new leader’s hands, “Why don’t you try putting your pinky down?”
He shot the doctor a confused look, not sure what exactly that would accomplish other than sparing him a trip to the trash can. But upon Ujiko’s nod of reassurance, he looked back down at the cup, bringing his raised finger down on its crease experimentally.
Shigaraki’s eyes widened immediately.
The cup was still in his hand.
It didn’t turn to dust. Didn’t even crumble or sport a single crack. He touched it with all five fingers and yet it stood with as much integrity as the steel IV pole next to him. 
He snapped to the doctor, something unreadable in his voice, “Is… Is decay gone?”
“No, no of course not. I’d never purge you of such a powerful quirk,” Ujiko assured, “You just have control over it now.”
Shigaraki willed decay to activate, testing Ujiko’s explanation, and in an instant, the cup dissolved under his touch, just like he was used to. 
He stared at his hand in disbelief, the dust falling through his fingers. He couldn’t believe this…
“And it’s not just turning it on or off, all or nothing,” Ujiko continued, “You can stop the spread of decay at certain points, activate it with just one finger — you have full control.”
Shigaraki snapped to Ujiko, intensely. Desperate. Maybe he should’ve been doing a better job of maintaining his poker face like Sensei would’ve, to try and hide the way this was affecting him. But he just couldn’t. Not now. Not when something he’d longed for so badly, so primally was so close to his grasp.
“Are you sure?”
Ujiko didn’t seem to take notice of this lapse of control however. Or at least, he didn’t care. His bushy mustache just raised with a small smile and pride in his work.
“Quite sure.”
 Shigaraki’s eyes narrowed. He was not fucking around here, “ How sure?”
Ujiko’s smile shifted slightly, a challenging smirk pulling at the corners as he offered his own hand as fodder.
Shigaraki slapped his fingers fully atop the back of Daruma’s fat hand, letting the full extent of his anger and emotions drive him. He wanted to test this fully, test that even in fits of passion, he wouldn’t lose control.
And he didn’t.
Daruma Ujiko stood just as whole and living in front of him as the moments before. The only change was the chuckle of satisfaction that Shigaraki’s dumbfounded expression brought him.
“Pretty neat, huh?” Daruma said, turning back to start pulling out equipment for the next phase of experimentation, large hulking tubes and wires that looked more akin to HVAC parts than real medical equipment.
Neat wasn’t exactly the phrase Shigaraki would use. But he didn’t really care anymore. 
He had shit to do.
“Now, regarding the next steps in your transformation—”
The EKG machine behind him beeped loudly and suddenly, signaling that it had been disconnected. Ujiko turned back to Shigaraki curiously, watching as he pulled off the various electrode pads scattered across his chest and back.
“You don’t want to get started?”
“Tomorrow,” Shigaraki answered, ripping the IV from his wrist as he hopped off the table.
“But what about the power? Your dreams?” Ujiko pressed, something strained, irritated starting to form in his voice, “I would think that these are all things you’d want without delay.”
“I do. But achieving them one day later won’t kill me. And I have some shit to take care of before I grind for four months.”
Ujiko clicked his tongue, clearly unsatisfied with this new development. 
He knew exactly what Shigaraki had to go take care of. And he didn’t like it. Didn’t like you . He’d never liked you in fact. You asked too many questions. Had too many suspicions…
But Shigaraki didn’t care about the doctor’s disapproval, simply turned to him after slapping a bandage over his free-flowing wrist and commanded, “Warp me back to the villa.”
This clearly wasn’t up for discussion. Ujiko could’ve protested, sure, but at the end of the day it wouldn’t have mattered. Shigaraki wasn’t a kid anymore, far from it. He’d taken the mantle of true leader by force, and held his head high with the confidence that accomplishment deserved. If he wanted to do something, he was going to do it. The risk of upsetting the doctor or even his master was not a concern anymore. It barely ever had been.
So in the end Ujiko just sighed and turned to his obedient servant sitting patiently in the corner, “Johnny.”
Shigaraki didn’t so much as flinch as the warp came spewing out of his mouth. In fact, a rare sheen of childlike joy took over his features instead. Daruma noted this with a shaking head as he warped away. Oh well. If Shigaraki wanted one last night with his companions, with his little distraction , who was Ujiko to get in the way?
This was the last night he’d have control over his own body after all. Might as well let him enjoy it.
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“Robber!” you cheered victoriously, pumping your fist over the seven you rolled.
“Noooo, not again!!” Toga cried out.
You grabbed the little gray token off the board, twirling it around tauntingly as you hum, “Hmmm, and where should I put him? I wonder…”
Spinner glared at you from across the board, “If you put it on my wheat field one more time—”
“Great idea Spinner!” you mock-gasped, already well aware of where you were planning to put it, and slap the Robber down in the center of Spinner’s monopolized wheat hex. 
“Great move! Cheap shot! ” Twice, the last player of the group, piped in.
“ Damn it !” Spinner punched his fist down on the table, shaking the drinks surrounding the board precariously.
“Oi, oi careful there!” you said, grabbing your glass of wine protectively, “If you party foul, you lose a turn.”
Spinner just grumbled irritably, grabbing his own beer and knocking it back to try and quell some of his frustration. You giggled at the sight. It would be easy to assume that Shigaraki was the most competitive and aggressive game player out of the League, but he actually managed to keep his cool during sessions most of the time. No, it was undeniably Spinner that was the most uncontrollably competitive, and it never failed to make you smile.
Even as the thought of Shigaraki threatened your demeanor with a frown.
You shook out the thought, because of course, you had another certain player to focus on. And you turned to her pointedly.
“Alright Toga, half your hand, let’s go.”
She gasped, “Whaaaat? What are you talking about!? I only have six cards!”
“That’s because two of them are sticking out of your sweater.”
Toga looked down to her sleeve, where indeed the corners of two resource cards were poking out rebelliously.
She snapped back to Compress in offense, who sat on the couch behind her, observing the game amusedly with his own glass of wine in hand, “Atsuhiro! You said that trick would work!”
“I’m sorry my dear,” he shrugged his hands tragically, “But it seems your sleight of hand needs a bit more work.”
Toga groaned, pulling her cards out of her sleeve and looking over which ones she wanted to discard with a pout.
Crushing his finished beer in his hand, Spinner turned back to Dabi who sat across the room, as far from the game as possible, and pretending not to watch it all, like he wsn’t invested in a single thing in this room. Not at all.
“Oi Dabi, can you grab me a beer?”
“You’ve got legs, get it yourself.”
“But the fridge is right freaking next to you!” Spinner shouted, pointing at the minifridge that actually, was not only right next to Dabi, but that he was currently resting his feet on top of.
But Dabi was a son of a bitch. So rather than even giving him an answer, he just crossed his feet over the fridge, making himself more comfortable.
“God, seriously ?!”
Shigaraki watched this all from the doorway with a whisper of a smile on his face. He’d stopped by his bedroom at the villa to grab a button down and even considered grabbing a quick shower while he was at it before coming here — the griminess of a week of experimentation sticking to him thickly. But ultimately he’d been too eager to see his comrades.
Yet, once he got to the doorway that the familiar rowdy laughter of his League led him to, he couldn’t help but just stop and take in the moment. It was nice to see them all so comfortable and content after months of chaos and vagrancy. And it was a look that especially suited you.
While you’d never been particularly materialistic or image-obsessed (if your decision to be with him didn’t make that obvious), you certainly also weren’t one to turn down the finer things in life when offered. And clearly here, you’d been offered, given the cashmere sweater and expensive bottle of wine you were currently enjoying. The regular access to showers and brand name moisturizers and cosmetics certainly weren’t hurting you either. Your skin was clearer and more glowing than he’d seen in months. You’d even seemed to have some time to style your hair today.
And of course there was your laugh. That big, uninhibited laugh that you only let out when you were truly comfortable. In general you were a pretty pragmatic person. It’s one of the things he’d always appreciated about you, particularly when surrounded by this circus that he calls a villain group. 
You approached new situations skeptically and took most things seriously. It’s not like you had no sense of humor, quite the opposite actually. But you also were very aware that there was a time and place for everything. When the pressure was high, laughter was nowhere to be found. And it had certainly been nowhere to be found for a while now.
So it went without saying that seeing you like this now, laughing over a game board, cheeks tinged slightly-red from the wine, completely taken care of and without a care in the world…
It was quite the sight for sore eyes.
He blinked and looked back to Spinner who, in standing to go grab a beer from the fridge, had turned and spotted him in the doorway.
“Tomura!” Toga squealed excitedly, jumping up out of her seat with Twice to join Spinner in barraging him in the doorway.
“What’re you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be leveling up with the Doc?” Spinner asked.
“Got a night off,” he answered simply.
“That’s awesome boss! Who needs ya?! ”
He turned to look past the three as you approached behind them, much calmer than the others, as usual. But that didn’t mean you weren’t just as thrilled to have him here. The adoration in your eyes was clear from across the room and it warmed him up in a way that he’d learned to really enjoy.
“It’s good to see you,” you said, simple and sweet. There was clearly so much more behind those words, but you knew how Shigaraki felt about doing shit like that in front of people, so you kept it subtle.
Apparently the caution was unnecessary though, as Shigaraki seemed to have lost his own patience for pretense. Even if it made his next words the spark that set off a firework show of “ooo’s” and teasing from resident forever teenagers, Toga and Twice.
“Yeah…” he breathed, “...Can we talk? Alone?”
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It was all you could do to sit down on his bed when he told you.
“Full control?” you repeated in disbelief.
“Full control.”
You smiled, so genuinely, eyes starting to shine. You weren't even thinking about what this meant for the two of you yet, you were just happy for him, for the peace he could now live with. The burden that had eased.
“That… That’s amazing Tomura…”
Shigaraki stared down at you, a lump of nerves settling in his gut. He wasn’t affected by things like nerves or apprehension very much anymore — barely ever was in the first place, and especially not now that he had all the confidence and authority of a “Supreme Leader”. But he couldn’t keep those feelings from surfacing in that moment, couldn’t shake the image in his mind of things going terribly wrong. 
Of you crumbling into a pile of dust and viscera in front of him.
He swallowed down those fears though, and started to reach out a shaky hand, “Can… Can I…?”
Whatever apprehension he felt, you obviously didn’t share. You shot out a hand immediately, without hesitation. With complete trust in his word. In him.
His trembling palm pressed against your own firm one, fingers still raised taught and high on instinct, careful not to make contact. You slotted your fingers through his own, bringing them down to hold his hand with none of that same carefulness. His knee-jerk reaction was to scold you for being so reckless around his hands, just like he always did, but he held the words back, knowing he didn’t need to anymore. But the subconscious anxiety buzzing within him was just the same. 
You didn’t rush him either. Just gave him a squeeze of reassurance, and that was enough to finally encourage him to put a finger down. And then another. Tip by tip resting firmly and fully against your knuckles, until only his pinky remained raised.
He stared down at the horrid appendage, the one that had betrayed him so many times. That he could remember the horrible, gruesome ways in which it had destroyed in full, vivid detail now. Of the damage it could do to not only the world, but had done to his world. To Mon-chan, his mother, his sister…
The League was his world now — you were his world. And the idea of destroying that all with his own hands. It was too much. 
No, he decided, starting to pull away. This wasn’t fucking worth the risk.
But you leaned forward then, pressing your lips gently against his, locking him in place. You didn’t deepen it, nor did you pull away. You just held yourself against him, willing him to understand that this would all be okay. That he was a “Grand Commander” now, and with that came taking risks. Risks that you’d stand behind him through to the bitter end.
How you managed to communicate that all in just a kiss — how you always managed to communicate so much with so little — should’ve been a quirk of its own honestly. But regardless of how, the comfort of those unspoken words was enough to spur him forward. Shigaraki brought down his pinky.
And you didn’t turn to dust. 
You pulled away in fact, just a little, your eyes fluttering open as a soft, tearful smile spread across your face.
He surged forward, all of that hesitation and fear from before vanished in an instant. He shoved your hands together forward, pressing you to the bed as he kissed you with new fervor. His free hand came to hold your face, full and tight, all five fingers scrambling up the length of your cheek, your temple, tangling tight into your hair.
You sobbed happily into his mouth as he pulled his other hand free from yours, running it all across your body, disintegrating your clothes on contact, and then bringing those fingers back up the same route of bare skin, fully in control.
He was just as quick to decay his own clothes as you reached forward to try and tear at the top button of his shirt, which, while haphazardly done, was still too secure for either of your patience. He needed to feel you, all of you. Every inch against every pad of his fingers for the very first time.
And possibly even the last.
He didn’t want to think about that now though. He just wanted to shove you up higher onto the center of the bed, shoving your legs open wide as he kissed down the expanse of your chest and stomach. As he buried himself into your center, the pads of his fingers squeezing painfully tight into the pudge of your thighs.
But you didn’t mind the pain. Not only because it surged the pleasure just that much further, but because it grounded you. Reminded you that this was real. It promised a world — no matter how distant or near-impossible it was in reality — where Tomura Shigaraki could be whole and happy. 
Where he could fully be with you.
Your legs strained against his grip, instinctually trying to close as his working tongue pushed you closer and closer to climax. It wasn’t going to take you long at all to reach that peak. After all, the intensity and emotion of the moment aside, it had been a long while since your last coupling. The weeks of recovering from his fight with Re-Destro, the full month you all spent fighting Gigantomachia. And of course, even before that, with the close quarters and stress that came from living on the run and in complete squalor, your escapades had become pretty few and far between. (It was hard to get in the mood when you hadn’t eaten or showered properly in over a week).
So yeah, suffice it to say you were pretty touch-starved at this point, the work of your fingers on lonely nights at the villa having absolutely nothing on Shigaraki’s skillful tongue. And the voraciousness with which he assaulted your sex certainly wasn’t slowing things down for you either.
He didn’t even need to slip his long, knowing fingers into you to have you coming undone — he wouldn’t want to right now anyway, completely losing himself in the way your thighs felt squeezed between his fingers, but that feel of his nails digging into you spurred you on in their own way, ripping a cry from your throat as you came hard under his lips.
Shigaraki smirked up at you, wiping the excess slick from his chin with the meat of his palm, “Missed that.”
You smiled back at him, your own tinged with a bit of sadness as he climbed up over you, hands running up your ribcage. Because you didn’t just miss this. You missed him. And you knew that feeling wasn’t going to go away anytime soon. In fact, it was just getting started.
His brows furrowed at your expression. He’d always been good at reading you, and it’s not like you were being particularly subtle, “You good?”
You chased the melancholy from your smile quickly, planting a happy peck at the corner of his mouth before showing him teeth, “I’m great.”
He hummed, a gentleness overtaking his own features as he stared down at you. Adoration, pure and whole and unrestrained, particularly as he brought a hand back up to cup your face. His fingers spread across the expanse of your skin greedily, his thumb dipping down into your mouth. 
They were small gestures, little things that he seemed the most eager to do with his newly-attained range of touch. But it was obvious that they were huge to him. They were a freedom and a comfort that he’d been chasing his entire life. Even if he didn’t know it.
He groaned as you wrapped your own fingers around his cock, guiding him eagerly to your entrance. You had to. As much as he obviously wanted to fuck you, he couldn’t bare to take his fingers off of you for a second. He’d settle for fucking the plush of your thighs if it meant that he could hold you fully in his hands for just a second longer.
You, of course, were not so willing to settle.
“God—fuuck yes,” he growled, low in his throat, as he sank slowly into you, eternally grateful that for once your patience was even more lacking than his.
You grinned up at him`, shifting your hands to settle on the hard curves of his hips, “That’s good, huh?”
It was all he could do to nod shakily, lip biting back a breathy whine and brows knitting hard, as he tried desperately not to blow his load immediately.
You hummed happily at the sight, bringing one of your hands up to run across his cheek and through his hair. You remembered thinking a few months ago just how much those fights with Gigantomachia and Redestro had hardened him, aged him. Foolishly, it had even had you questioning briefly if this would be the end of your relationship. If maybe the shift that occurred during his awakening would chasm too big a valley for you two to bridge.
Of course, in the privacy of the League’s quarters, off of the stages and away from all the new adoring fans (bandwagoners, you and Spinner sometimes like to joke), he had been the same old Tomura Shigaraki, if not a little more confident and level-headed. He still complained about how everyone sitting on his bed eating dinner while he was on strict bed rest was too loud, still invested himself fully and kicking ass at every little game – from video games to cards – they challenged him to in order to pass the time with a cocky little smirk on his face.
And right now, with his face flushed and mouth agape with pleasure, he still looked just as young and ready to take on the world as the day you met him.
Finally he started to rock into you, slow and deep. One of his hands slipped down to the crux of your neck, fingertips biting tight into that smooth skin as he pulled you closer and closer into him. The other found a tight, desperate purchase on the handle of your hip. He used the grip of both to pump harder and deeper into you with every snapping thrust.
Minus the dry spell the two of you had endured over the last couple of months, you and Shigaraki had, overall, had a lot of sex over the last year that you’d known him.
Like, a lot of sex.
Rough sex, soft sex, angry, and fun. And while the man who claimed to hate everything would of course be remiss to admit it, there had indeed been quite a lot of genuine, intense lovemaking mixed in there too. But this right now, with all of the feelings and newness and longing that came with every stroke and whisper?
If Tomura Shigaraki was in fact capable of love, you were positive that this was the representation of that.
His lips dropped hot against the shell of your ear, peppering desperate bites and kisses along the skin as a string of breathy babble spilled out between.
“God fuck, you’re so perfect. Feel so good. Every part of you, so good. So fucking perfect…”
Overwhelmed with emotion and pleasure, it was all you could do to just mewl out his name, “Tomura, Tomura, Tomura—!”
His hips rolled against you with every hard buck, stimulating your aching sex in the way he knew you loved. That would have you clenching and spilling around him over and over again in the way that he loved. You weren’t even sure if it was intentional at this point, or if you had memorized each other’s bodies so well that it just became an instinctual part of his movement. You certainly didn’t have the forethought to drag your nails up the curve of his spine in the way that had him cursing and speeding up immediately.
“F-Fuck, I’m not gonna last like that—” he growled out, rutting desperately into you in spite of his own warning.
“G-Good,” you breathed back, rolling your hips right back into his, “Don’t.”
He couldn’t get the rest of the words out, his mouth overtaken by a deliciously loud moan instead as he hit that deep, spongy spot inside of you that was heaven for the both of you. You got the message anyway.
But he wanted to keep fucking you. But he wanted this to last.
But he never wanted this to end.
You tangled your hand through his locks, reveling in the fact that there was so much more to hold now, and yanked his head back hard so he’d look at you.
“But nothing,” you smiled through hot, huffing breaths, “You’re fucking crazy if you think this is our only round.”
He stared at you in complete awe for a moment, hips almost coming to a stop as he took in this moment, took in you and the way that you always seemed to know what he was thinking and what he needed, even when he didn’t. 
Even if he hadn’t had his own dreams for the future, looking at you now, reveling in all that you’d been through together and all that you’d done for him, thinking about all that you deserved… If he could destroy this rotten society just so that you could have the freedom to be half as happy as you looked in this moment for the rest of your life, he’d gladly fucking do it.
Shigaraki’s face mirrored yours quickly after, a wide lascivious grin spreading across his face. It was all teeth and joy and feral desire to absolutely fucking wreck you. And let himself pound into you with the most reckless abandon he could muster.
You cried out at the new punishing pace, nails pushing hard into his skin, and heels locking sharp around his waist, spurred by the desperate need to have him pound into you harder, deeper, faster. Until you were completely coming apart around him, with his own violent release following close behind.
About two hours later, when you’re lying blissed out, sticky, and half-asleep on Shigaraki’s bare chest, he told you to roll over onto your stomach.
You groaned in protest — while your spirit was eager to roll around the sheets with him as much as possible before the sunrise, your body was sore and spent.
“Not for that,” he said, nudging your shoulder, “Just trust me.”
There was still some visible exasperation as you finally gave in, joints and back aching as you moved them before they were ready. You rolled over onto your stomach, dropping your cheek into the mountain of pillows that awaited you.
Shigaraki followed, moving his body over yours and straddling your hips. You were about to scold him for tricking you when, rather than grinding himself into the curve of your ass or thighs, he simply sat down on your butt and brought his hands to the base of your back. Then he started to knead and you knew exactly what he was doing.
Many a time during your months on the run did you take it upon yourself to try and alleviate some of his stress. Of course one of his favorite ways (and yours too) of doing so was to fuck each other’s brains out. But there were also many times when that wasn’t exactly an option. Whether because there were others around or because he was elbow deep in work for their next operation.
At times like those, when he was hunched over a shitty, half-dead laptop he’d manage to scrounge up from a dumpster, or held his fingers to the bridge of his nose, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to fight off an impending headache from the constant pressures of responsibility — you’d usually come up behind him and rub his neck. 
It wasn’t like you made a big show of it or anything. Most of the time you’d just reach a single hand over to him and start to stroke his neck without a word. Not expecting him to say or do anything, not even expecting a thank you. You just wanted to do whatever you could. When it was just the two of you around whatever sorry excuse for a base you’d managed to find, or when you’d been lucky enough to be settled in a safehouse with private rooms, you’d manage to talk him into laying down on his stomach, much like this, and work knots that he could’ve sworn had been there since birth, right out of his back. 
He never said anything about it, never thanked you nor told you to stop, but in retrospect he did realize that it was one of the few things that managed to bring him even a smidgeon of peace over those many stressful months, that actually got him through it all. Particularly in the fights against Gigantomachia, where, the second the beast was asleep, you’d insist he lay his head down in your lap while you rubbed softly at his temples, lulling him near instantly to do the same.
It truly meant the world to him, even if he’d never admit it. A deep, foolishly sentimental part of him always wished that he could return the favor. 
And now he could. 
Of course… That didn’t mean he was any good at it.
“Pinching, you’re pinching,” you winced as his thumbs pressed together, unoiled, on a patch of your back awkwardly.
“Oh shit,” he released his grip, settling to just rub his fingers up and down your back slowly, “Sorry…”
“It’s fine. You just can’t do it that hard if you don’t have any oil or lotion, you know?”
His brows furrowed, “You always did it that hard without any of that crap and it felt fine.
You smirked back at him playfully, “That’s because I’m really good.”
He shot you a look, completely unimpressed.
“I liked what you were doing before,” you conceded. 
This was clearly something he wanted to do, and who were you to complain or judge when he was being so unabashedly giving? 
“When you were using your palms. Just pressing and kneading with your whole hands rather than trying to do any pressure point stuff is really nice.”
“Yeah, okay…” he nodded, concentration settling over his features as he followed instructions.
You sighed, burying your face back into the pillows as he ran those hot, calloused hands purposefully up and down your back. 
This was nice. 
Again, while he wasn’t hurting you anymore, the massage itself wasn’t particularly skillful. It did put you at ease though, the way his smell and presence, the way those hands — even when you could never feel them fully against you — always managed to put you at ease.
After at least thirty minutes passed and Shigaraki showed no sign of stopping his ministrations, you peaked back up at him.
“You don’t have to keep this up you know.”
He snorted, “Yeah I know.” 
And you should’ve expected that response. Because of course he knew. He wasn’t doing this out of obligation or anything. Tomura Shigaraki didn’t do anything he didn’t want to after all.
You rolled your eyes, “I just mean that you must be tired after all that. Don’t you want to sleep?”
“I’m gonna be asleep for the next four months. I think I’ll be good missing one night.”
The message behind those words was clear. He only had so much time to spend with you, he wasn’t going to waste even a second of it with something as stupid as sleeping.
You should’ve been flattered by that. And of course you were. And truth be told, you had the same mindset as him. You had no plans to sleep that night either, even if he had. But the reminder of his fate for the next four months brought a bitterness to your mouth that overpowered the sweetness of this opportunity.
“Sleep, huh?” you said doubtfully, “Is that what the Doctor is calling it?”
“I guess suspended animation,” he corrected himself, “Or whatever the fuck.”
Amongst other things. Hellish agony he believed was the way the Doctor so eloquently put it. But he’d chosen to spare you (and the rest of the League) those particular details.
Even without that knowledge though, you still weren’t thrilled by the prospect. Of course because you were going to miss him, but mostly because you trusted that fucking doctor about as far as he could throw you. Which, for that portly little creep, you were pretty sure wasn’t far.
Particularly, because now that the excitement and happiness you’d had for Tomura’s newfound quirk control (as well as the fog from your repeated orgasms) was starting to fade into something more grounded, a sneaky little question managed to worm its way into your head.
Had the Doctor been capable of “fixing” his quirk this entire time?
A loud pounding on the door suddenly broke the silence, at least two fists rapping. And then Twice’s muffled call of, “Alright you two, you’ve had your fun! Now come out and play with the rest of us! Take your time! Make babies if ya want!”
You snorted at the call. Shigaraki was substantially less entertained.
“Jiiiin!” Toga whined from the other side of the door, “Leave them alone! They want some privacy!”
Ah, so the two fists knocking must’ve both been Twice.
“But you missed Shigaraki too, Toga!”
“I know, but…” 
A stretch of silence. And then apparently Toga’s support for love was outweighed by how much she missed her friend. Because then two more fists started knocking on the door.
“Tomuraaaa, come ooouuuut!!” Toga cried, Twice starting up his own pounding on the door right along with them.
“Yeah, yeah— come out! Stay away !”
“I’ll kill them…” Shigaraki growled, glaring at the door heatedly.
You just giggled as you rolled over under him, dropping him to sit on your waist.
“Oh don’t be like that Tomura,” you cooed, reaching up to cup his cheek in your palm and turning him to look at you, “We should all go hang out. I’m not the only one who’s gonna miss you these next four months, you know.”
He sneered at the suggestion at first, wanting nothing more than to spend the entirety of these next twelve or so hours with his hands holding on to you as tight as possible.
But then he really got thinking about it. About them. 
Spinner, Toga, Twice, Compress, hell, even Dabi. There wasn’t going to be time to fuck around with them all once he woke up. They’d be going straight into action, into war. Into the future, wherever that may lead. This wasn’t just going to be his last guaranteed chance to enjoy time with you. It was his last chance to spend time with any of them, until they achieved their goals. And by the end of all that, who even knew how many of them would still be alive?
It was a weight he’d carried around with ease as they planned out their attack over the last couple of months, a weight he’d been carrying for the past year if he was being honest. But it never felt as heavy on his soul at this very moment.
You were right. Absolutely right.
How annoying, he thought with a grumble.
You smiled as you saw that shift on his face, the slight softness that always fell over him when he thought about the League, even if he wasn’t aware of it.
“Alright?” you pressed.
He sighed, “Yeah, yeah. Alright…” 
And then let the corner of his mouth quirk up ever so slightly as he looked down at you, so splayed and fucked out and pretty. He leaned down to press a long, but surprisingly chaste kiss on you, for someone that was still sitting atop your naked form with his own.
Because just because he was going to get up, didn’t mean he was going to be in any rush.
Caught up in the feel of each other, neither of you noticed the click of the door and Spinner’s voice announcing, startlingly clear, “Guys, the door is unlocked.”
“Ack— SPINNER!! ”
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“Okay, you’ve got that all memorized?” Toga chirped, sitting criss-cross applesauce on the floor.
“Yeah, I guess.” Shigaraki, across from her, shrugged, strongly resisting the urge to tell her about how stupid this all was (again). 
“Great! So then we start in that first position, crossed arms,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest by example.
Shigaraki sighed and mirrored her.
“Alright! One, two, three!” she sounded off excitedly, before fluttering her hands eagerly and singing, “Misssss Maaaaaryyyyy Mack, Mack, Mack! All dressed in black, black, black…”
You grinned from your position on the couch, glass of wine in hand, as you watched the two. Shigaraki was pointedly not singing along with Toga, but he was matching her claps with impeccable accuracy.
The League had been just as stunned and excited to hear about Shigaraki’s new upgrade. Not to the point of immediately jumping on his dick, but that was obviously more than okay with him.
No, they were more interested in giving him a speedrun through all of the things he’d missed out on in life from not being able to grab it with all five fingers. Playground clap games that Shigaraki, as a boy, couldn’t say he ever played even before his quirk awakened, were apparently of the highest priority to Toga.
“With silver buttons, buttons buttons— Tomura, you’re not singing!”
“And I’m not gonna,” he grumbled back, but not stopping his hands, “Take the W as it is, or don’t take it at all.”
You laughed at the sight, a new glass of wine that you were sure Shigaraki would want by the end of this.
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Mr. Compress read Shigaraki’s palms next. 
They supposed that this was technically something they could’ve done even before Shigaraki’s upgrade, but with how careful and particular he’d been with anybody getting anywhere near his hands, it definitely wasn’t something they had ever thought to give a go before now.
He decided to read the palm that hadn’t been marred by the fight with Redestro, for more “accuracy” (a reasoning that Shigaraki had openly scoffed at).
“Your love line is quite straight and short,” Compress explained, “Which indicates that you don’t have a lot of interest in love.”
“Booooo,” a red-faced Toga whined from her place on the floor between your legs, shooting Shigaraki an aggressive thumbs down.
You promptly grabbed the half-empty can of chuhai next to her foot, and moved it up to the side table out of her sight. Underage drinking was officially done for the night.
Unbothered, Mr. Compress continued his reading, running his mechanical finger along the top line of Shigaraki’s palm, “Since your love line begins below your middle finger though, it also means that when you do love, you’re quite selfish about it.”
You chuckled, “Hammer? Meet nail.”
“Oh shut up,” he waved you off with his free hand.
“Next is your head line, which represents the way you learn and communicate, as well as your overall intellectualism and thirst for knowledge.” Compress turned to the rest of the group, finger raised as he lectured.
Dabi, from his place leaning judgmentally against the wall across from them, huffed, “Alright, I agree with the Boss on this one. This is really stupid.”
Toga grinned at him, pointing teasingly, “You’re just saying that because you don’t have any more lines in your palm to read! Jelly!”
“I’m not—”
“Jelly!” Twice backed Toga up with a chant, “Jelly, jelly, jelly! Peanut butter !”
Dabi just sighed and returned to his nth beer of the night.
“You have a deep and long head line, that runs separate from your heart line,” Compress continued, “That means that you’re clear and focussed, with a great sense of adventure and enthusiasm for life.”
Shigaraki snorted, “Alright, now I know this is bullshit.”
You flicked his cheek scoldingly, “Just keep going.”
“I also see a singular cross in your heart line, which suggests that you carry some emotional crisis.”
Compress didn’t linger on that point. After all, everyone in this room was dealing with the same thing in one way or another.
“The lifeline is the most interesting in my opinion,” Compress explained, “As opposed to what you might think, it doesn’t have to do with the length of your life, but the quality of it. Yours runs close to the thumb and forks downwards, which means you’re often tired and a pessimist.”
Toga snickered a bit at that, “Still think it’s BS, Tomura?”
“I’m getting the distinct feeling you guys are doing this just as an excuse to insult me to my face.���
You gave his freehand a squeeze, “Oh we don’t need the pretense to do that.”
“ Oi. ”
“There’s a circle in the line too, which predicts great injury or hospitalization.”
The League looked at him pointedly, and he just rolled his eyes.
“The last detail about your life line is a curious one. It’s short and shallow,” Compress said, cocking his head in a way that clearly indicated that he didn’t exactly agree with it, “Which indicates that you’re easily manipulated by others.”
Your frowned. 
The rest of the League members pulled faces that clearly showed their similar disagreement with the reading. But you, thinking back to all his interactions with All for One and the Doctor, everything in his life that he’d described to you…
Well, you weren’t so sure.
“Pffft, like I said,” Shigaraki scoffed, gesturing for you to hand him his wine, “It’s all bullshit.”
Deliberately, Mr. Compress did not read Shigaraki’s fate line.
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You weren’t sure when the night turned into the League taking turns with choosing tasks for Shigaraki to complete, but you weren’t going to complain. You were already looking forward to Toga’s next round after she’d screamed up into the security camera you all knew Skeptic was watching irritatedly through to get her some string for cat’s cradle.
Spinner’s turn was pretty simple though, and at first, not especially different then before. You thought at first that maybe that was by design, that Spinner just wanted to spend some time with Shigaraki the way he always had.
He wanted to play video games.
Of course, there was a twist.
“Fingers down.” Spinner scolded him for what had to be the fifth time in the last ten minutes, “Toga, I need chicken.”
“Yes, chef!” she chirped back happily.
“God, fucking—” Shigaraki growled, forcing his pinkies back down onto the controller against every instinct in his body.
Years of having to hold things in a particular way had caused him to develop a very particular controller grip. One that, once, back at the bar — god, that felt like it was so long ago now — several of you had tried to mimic, just for the hell of it. (Or more accurately, just to get his goat). And it had been hard . The general consensus had been that no normal human should be able to hold a controller like this, let alone hold a controller like this and be as good at video games as Tomura Shigaraki was. 
Now though, the shoe was on the other foot — or more accurately the controller was in the other hands — as you all forced Shigaraki to go a couple rounds of Overcooked while holding the pro controller like a normal fucking person. And it was not going well. 
“Stop dropping shit!” you yelled hysterically next to Shigaraki, “Do you see how many burritos we still need to make?!”
“Do you think I’m doing it on purpose?!” he shouted right back, possibly more worked up than you’d ever seen him.
Toga on the other side of him giggled. She and Spinner were having absolutely no trouble at all on their side of the kitchen, “Tomura, I thought you were supposed to be good at video games.”
“I am! I’m just not used to this grip— FUCK! ” he screamed out as his character once again fell off the map, throwing his controller down onto the carpet.
The room erupted in doubled over laughter and “woah woah woah’s”, over the tantrum the sorts of which none of you had seen since the early days back at the bar.
Maybe he wasn’t such a good sport after all.
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With Twice’s request, even you had to admit that things were getting a bit ridiculous.
Twice slammed his elbow down onto the table, holding his palm open for Shigaraki to take, “Gimme all you got, boss! Go easy on me, please!”
Shigaraki, on the other hand, seemed the most enthusiastic about this one, placing his own elbow on the table and grabbing Twice’s hand tight in his own with a cocky grin. 
You suspected that the many beers he’d knocked back (not to mention the entire bottle of wine the two of you had killed together) played a decent role in that, but it was also impossible to deny that their dear leader was fiercely competitive, no matter the game.
“Ready?” you asked, looking between the two. They nodded, and you begrudgingly stepped further into your role as referee, clapping as you counted down, “Three, two, one— arm wrestle!”
The room blew up in a (small) chorus of screams and cheers.  Actually, even that was generous. As referee you were expressly forbidden from picking sides (Twice was very serious about that), and Compress and Dabi were too composed and too uninterested respectively to participate. It was just Spinner and Toga going wild and slamming their hands on the table as Shigaraki’s and Twice’s muscles strained against each other — although they were more than loud enough for the whole group.
“Go, Jin go!” Toga cheered rhythmically, “Go, Jin go!”
“Kick his ass, Shigaraki!” 
The match lasted a respectable amount of time, both sides putting up a pretty damn good fight. And while Twice was built like a tank and was no slouch either — he probably would’ve won this by a moderate margin a couple of months ago — Shigaraki’s month-long escapade with Gigantomachia had given him a strength and will that surpassed Twice’s own.
“Arrrrgh— damn it !!” Twice shouted as Shigaraki slammed his fist down into the table definitively, “Great game Shigaraki! Die!”
You chuckled as Twice got up from his seat, head dropped in defeat, then turned to Spinner, who was already rolling out his dominant shoulder.
“Next challenger,” you gestured to the seat, “You’re up.”
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Dabi didn’t have any requests throughout the night (surprise, surprise), just a lot of eyerolls and snippy commentary. But he also didn’t ever split off from any of you, which made you consider that he may not have thought this was all as stupid as he claimed.
The part of the night he seemed to enjoy (or at least, not vocalize his annoyance or the group’s childishness over), the most, was when around 4 am rolled around. 
Out of ideas and exhausted, but absolutely refusing to go to bed, the League decided to take a particularly noisy and drunken nightwalk around the property (much to the dread of whichever resident’s window they passed). This quickly turned into an equally harebrained climb up onto the roof so that you could all watch the sun come up.
That sunrise was still a good hour or so away though by the time you all got settled up there, and as chatty, adrenaline-filled, and drunk as most of you were, the late hour and comforting breeze was starting to get to you all. 
Twice and Toga had long fallen asleep, heads resting together. Compress, with his hands folded over his stomach and Spinner, curling up tighter into a ball with every minute, were not far behind. Dabi’s eyes were closed, but he might’ve still been conscious. He didn’t make a sound either way.
Only Shigaraki seemed to be wide awake, staring up at the waning moon with a complex expression on his face. He looked like he was thinking hard, but also somewhat at peace. Grateful for this moment, but already mourning its inevitable end. Exhilarated by the future that began for him tomorrow.
Wondering just what exactly he’d be leaving behind in the past.
You watched this all cross his face, not shifting between expressions, but clearly feeling it all at once. Overwhelmed, and unprepared to process it all. The one thing that seemed to keep him grounded was the hand that held yours, tight and warm. Anytime tonight that his hands weren’t occupied with whatever silly ringer the rest of the League was putting through, he was threading those fingers right back with yours, savoring the one new experience that he truly wanted to indulge the most in. 
And you were more than happy to let him.
He shifted a bit in surprise as you nuzzled into his shoulder, squeezing his hand just a bit tighter in your own.
“You’re still awake,” he commented, voice horse with the sleep his body clearly wanted.
“So are you,” you mumbled against the fabric of his shirt, just breathing him in.
“Yeah, but you need sleep,” he chuckled, “Like I said, I’ll be having more than enough of it for the next four months.”
You stilled against him, frowning. 
Right. The next four months.
Shigaraki seemed to sense your shift in mood, and kicked himself. That was a stupid thing to mention again when you’d finally managed to put it out of your mind for a few hours, and when that fate itself was even fewer hours away.
He ran his thumb with a restlessness that was once reserved for his nails against his neck. Even with that itch seemingly gone for good from his life, Shigaraki was still a fidgety person by nature. Especially when uncomfortable.
“You guys will be busy,” he grumbled, “Planning the attacks, organizing your regiments, training… You’ll barely even notice I’m gone.”
You didn’t comment on the stupidity of that statement, even though it was a really, really stupid and patently untrue thing for him to say. Because frankly, it wasn’t what was on your mind at the moment, not the front of it anyway. Of course the fact that you were going to miss him and these days together was a constant parasite, gnawing and suckling in the back of your brain. But truly, your current concern was a bit less melancholy. Less abstract.
Shigaraki had full control over his quirk now. And it was great and beautiful and nothing short of a miracle of course, you wouldn’t trade this night and all the memories opened up by that particular door for anything in the world. And yet you could not fight that question that had first struck your mind the first moment you had to actually think about it.
Why now?
That question wrenched through you painfully, no matter how much you loved the feel and sight of his hand in your own. Because sure, Shigaraki had been out of touch with the Doctor ever since All for One’s arrest. But what about the last sixteen some years that he’d been at the personal beck and call of All for One and his ward? Why hadn’t he ever adjusted Shigaraki’s quirk then? Was it a matter of technology, a breakthrough in quirk alteration he only recently was able to make? Or was it something else? Was there something bigger going on here? 
What was he not telling you all?
Shigaraki looked down at you, giving that flat expression of his that you knew translated to concern. You looked up from your locked hands to meet his gaze. He stared into you, those deep pools of carmine that stood so hard against the rest of the world, now soft and imploring. Even more than they were for the League. This look was for you.
“It’s gonna be worth it.”
You paused, that newfound calm confidence in his voice silencing you in an instant.
“I know these next four months are gonna be hard for all of us. This war is gonna be hard for all of us,” he said, turning to stare back up at the stars, “But it’s all going to be worth it in the end. We’re gonna make a new world where you’re all able to live as you want to. To be free. And this power that the Doctor is giving me... That’s going to assure that it all happens.”
“And… You don’t think that you can do all that now?” you breathed, “You’ve gotten so strong already, Tomura. Maybe you don’t even need that power.”
He turned back to you with a small but sincere smile. The one that betrayed that deep down tenderness he always tried so earnestly to hide. That called his bluff, revealing that there were feelings other than hate in that cursed body of his.
The one that made your heart skip a beat.
“I don’t want to take any chances,” he said, bringing his free hand — all five fingers — to rest on your cheek, “Not when it comes to my comrades’ dreams.”
Not when it comes to you .
Those unspoken words were loud and clear.
You swallowed something tight in your throat, fighting the burn that threatened to overflow from your eyes, the worry that brawled to burst out from your chest and ruin everything. But you had no choice but to shove it all down.
Forcing a smile onto your face, you squeezed his hand tight.
“I understand.”
His own smile remained the same, although a bit of relief did seem to fall over his eyes. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your temple and stayed there, breathing as much of you in as he possibly could.
Shigaraki had made up his mind. He was going to go through with this. And there was nothing you could say, no concern you could voice or ultimatum you could give that would change his mind. This decision was beyond his own wants and dreams at this point. It was for something far more important to him, even if he’d never admit it.
This was for all of you.
And who were you to stand in the way of that?
The fears wouldn’t ease with time, the nagging in the back of your head wouldn’t be forgotten through training or planning or anything else that you could do in the next four months to try and drown it out. But you just had to suck it up. You had to support him.
You could talk about your fears and the Doctor and any secret ambitions he may have after this ordeal. After the war even. You could talk about anything then, really. It was only four months after all. 
And the two of you would soon have all the time in the world.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
the busted engine
lilac, chapter one
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a/n: the plot of this series came to me like fucking lightning, essentially all at once with how quick it fell into place. sometimes it's like that, sometimes magic happens in your brain. I hope you all enjoy this ride as much as I am having writing it. get ready for everything, because I've got twenty chapters planned out and ready, and spoiler, they aren't all just gonna be insanely wholesome small town cuteness... we getting angsty... we getting the drama.... but most of all, we be getting slutty. strap in folks.
summary: “I, um,” your eyes briefly flickered to the bundles of firewood needly stacked in the back of the pickup, “my car broke down and my phone conveniently also decided to run out of battery, so, uh, could I perhaps borrow yours just a moment? I just need it to make one call, that’s it.”
warnings: lumberjack!frank castle x reader, lumberjack AU, pete castiglione era, past domestic violence, crazy ex trope, slow burn, car trouble, meet cute
word count: 2674
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Your vision couldn’t help but linger every time it drifted over your hands gripping the steering wheel. The immense weight the sight of your bare ring finger lifted off your shoulders was so overwhelming that you found yourself fighting tears from blurring the road before you. 
The sun was beginning to set as you had been driving all day long, not stopped for even a second to let the gravitas sink in of what you’d done at the crack of dawn. 
The fear of Preston stirring from his slumber and finding you in the midst of sneaking out still hadn’t settled within your gut. Your paranoid brain still compelled you to check the rear-view mirror every couple of seconds just in case the sleek sportscar of your former fiancé would appear.
You had finally done what he had drilled into your mind you weren’t capable of. You’d left him for good. 
Equipped with only a small backpack of your belongings, the last thing you’d done before sneaking out of the apartment had been to toss the ring he had so insistently forced upon your finger into the trash. 
Ripping you out of your cloudy thoughts, your car suddenly began to cough like a mythical monster that was dying. 
“Oh shit…” you felt the vehicle begin to slow as ominous smoke started to billow out from under the hood. Mindful of the bushy pine trees framing the road, you guided it to the edge just in time before it gave out. 
Stepping out with an exhausted sigh, you promptly cracked the front open to take a look, though what you saw within didn’t soothe your worries as all of the fumes oozing out only made the broken engine look like that much more of a mess. 
“Fucking great,” you mumbled heatedly, fiercely slamming the hood shut in an effort to relieve some of your abundant stress. Curving back around, you swung the passenger side open and rummaged for your phone, though when you located it, the only solution it flashed you was a blinking red battery icon before the screen went completely black, “seriously?” 
Not knowing if you were about to scream or burst into tears, you chucked it back inside before hurling your spine against the side of the car, leaning against it as you cursed up at the grey sky. 
Was this the universe showing its true bias? You’d hoped that was the one thing money couldn’t buy, but perhaps you were wrong, just like he always said you were. Perhaps it would be best if you went back to the city. His reaction towards a stunt like this couldn’t be that bad compared to what you had endured before, could it? 
The sound of another vehicle cresting the thicket on the rural road caught your ears and you turned your head to see a navy-blue truck appear.
Your hand shot up to wave it down before you could even ponder the action. Fearing that it was a lost cause by the speed the driver was going at, it caught you by surprise as it suddenly came to a halt a ways in front of you. 
“Are you alright, ma'am?” the driver asked as he slammed his door shut behind him. The tall man certainly looked like the type to call the area his home. Dark beard scraggly and hair in unkept waves long enough to tickle the furrow lines decorating his forehead, his wide palm traced the lines of the truck as he made his way towards you.
“I, um,” your eyes briefly flickered to the bundles of firewood needly stacked in the back of the pickup, “my car broke down and my phone conveniently also decided to run out of battery, so, uh, could I perhaps borrow yours just a moment? I just need it to make one call, that’s it.”
Eyeing your busted vehicle a moment, his low timbre then rumbled out once more, “sure,” as he reached into his pocket and fished out his telephone.
“Thank you so much,” seizing it, you swiftly clicked it to life, “you have no idea what a lifesaver you are–, oh fuck,” your vision zeroed in on the lack of bars in the uppermost corner, “of course there’s no fucking services out here,” your eyes briefly screwed shut and your jaw clenched in an effort not to scream, “it’s fine, it’s fine! I’ll just walk then!” you tried not the throw it as you handed the phone back to the helpful stranger, “I’m sorry that you had to stop for nothing, but thank you anyways.”
Swinging your door open to yank out your stuff, the stranger’s feet stayed fast, “what direction are you headed?” 
“Dunbrook,” you answered as your body folded to reach your tossed telephone.
“You wanna catch a ride?” he unexpectedly offered, causing you to bump your head on the roof of the car.
“Ow–, what?” you blinked back at him through the windshield as your hand shot up to rub the top of your now sore head, “no, I couldn’t… I–, uh, I kinda recognise this area, the town is not too far from here, so I can walk, it’s fine.”
“Yeah, but it’ll properly still take you all night. Please, it’s no bother, I’m headed in that direction anyways.” 
Gnawing at your bottom lip, you slowly retracted out of the vehicle, “you sure?” 
“Yeah,” he nodded, attempting a faint smile in order to soften his gruff and intimidating features. 
“Alright,” swinging your backpack on you slammed your busted car shut, “thank you.”
Sliding into the passenger seat, you clicked on the seatbelt and slotted your bag between your legs. Fiddling tensely with the straps for a moment, it dawned on you how your sleeves were still rolled all the way up to your elbows from when you had checked under the hood. Pulse instantly picking up and thumping in your ears, you hastily tugged them back down to cover the lavender bruises peaking out. 
Had he noticed?
Hearing the door slam to your left, being too caught up in your own mess, it only caused your form to jump in the seat.
Trying to play it off as nothing, you attempted a casual, “I’m Y/n by the way,” though your voice came out much more strangled than you’d intended. 
Catching your flickering eye a moment before turning the key, he likewise enlightened, “Pete.” 
Your bottom lip didn’t escape the prison of your teeth the entire ride, gnawing subconsciously at it as you purposely stare out at the wild flora you passed in order to not look at the advantageous stranger. 
Though after you passed the crooked sign welcoming you back to your small hometown, Pete’s gruff voice broke the silence.
“So, where can I drop you off?”
“The inn,” you turned your head to inform him, “the Lilac Inn, if you know where that is.”
“Yeah, I know it,” he nodded, sucking in a knowing breath as if he didn’t need any more information to figure you out, “so you’re a tourist? One of those nature people who come out here to hike or something?”
“Not exactly,” was all the explanation you offer as you watched the familiar scenery come into view. 
Dunbrook. To call it a town was very generous indeed as the whole population could properly fit under the same roof if they really wanted to, and they often did. The rolling fields of wildlife that surrounded the village also divided and broke up the infrastructure of the old settlement, causing most of the homes and businesses to not all the clustered together as you had grown accustomed to seeing after moving to a metropolis as vast as New York. 
Every familiar structure rolling by evoked memories long ago buried and forgotten. The corner where you fell learning how to ride a bike. The quaint general store where you once stole a lollipop, walked for all of 48 seconds before turning right back and apologising to the owner with tears in your eyes. But most of all, the large Victorian structure at the bottom of the tiny town by far held the fondest of memories in your heart. 
The dust puffed up around the truck as you rolled down the narrow dirt road, the bushy lilac trees that flourished all over the property haven not quite yet come into bloom, yet still forewarned your destination that already peaked over the tops. 
“Here it is,” Pete exhaled as the car came to a stop before the vast veranda, “the Lilac Inn.” 
Eyes glued to your childhood home, you stepped out of the truck, “thank you,” slamming the door shut, you turned to add awkwardly through the rolled down window, “and also thank you for not turning out to be an axe murderer or something,” a nervous laugh swiftly bubbling out at the notion.
Glancing back at your bumbling form, he simply flashed you a tight-lipped smile and said, “you have a good trip, ma'am.” 
“You too–, I mean, you have a good, uhm, rest of your life,” you fumbled as your feet slowly backed up, “it was nice meeting you, Pete.” 
“Yeah, you too,” he just managed to reply before you spun your mortified flush away from his stare and scurried up the steps of the porch. 
Pushing the creaky, stained glass adorn front door open, you tiptoed inside. 
The lighting dim and the atmosphere nothing short of comforting, a smile finally bloomed upon your lips as you let out the breath you’d been holding for who knows how long. 
Peeking around the corner into one of the sitting rooms, you only spotted one patron sitting by the small round table next to the crackling fireplace, working away at a puzzle. Either the others had gone to bed already or this fellow was the only one staying here. 
“Excuse me,” you gently interrupted from the archway, “would you happen to know where the owner, Harvey, is–”
Though before you managed to get out the remainder of the sentence, a bustle from the kitchen answered your question for you, “every time I forget to whisk long enough and every time I say it’s gonna be different, but this time I mean it!”
Sharing a knowing look with the guest, you chuckle, “never mind…” 
“This time I won't just stop when my arm feels like it’s gonna fall off,” even though it was clear he was talking to himself, his usual vibrato still carried, “oh no, no, you just wait and see how light and fluffy you turn out this time, cake!” 
Poking your head through the ajar door, you spotted the familiar greying man grumbling into the contents of the bowl he was furiously beating with a whisk. 
Nearly jumping out of his skin, your father gasped, whisk jolting upright as he laid his eyes upon you, subsequently splattering some batter across the kitchen, back near the sink, “Y/n?” he exclaimed, his eyes growing to the size of saucers, “is that really you? Is my little baby girl really standing in my kitchen or is this a hallucination?”
“Hi,” your head tilted in a soft chuckle. 
Staring at you as if you were just a newborn puppy, “oh, come here, munchkin and give your pops a hug!” the moustachioed man’s arms went wide and pulled you in, dropping whisk still in his hand as he blubbered into your hair, “ah, I’ve missed you so much,” squeezing your form in the magical way that only parents could, “I haven’t heard from you in, well I don’t even know how long, that’s how long and if you ask me then that’s too long,” he pulled back, cupping your cheek as he gazed at you, “you don’t write, you don’t call.”
“Not true, I do write,” you corrected him light-heartedly, “and you don’t have a cellphone.” 
“Well, there’s the telephone out in reception, why would I need more?” he shrugged, lending you to then slip out of his grip, swiftly boosting your own form to hop onto one of the empty counters, “also, your last letter was 10 months ago.” 
“No, it wasn’t, was it?” you gasped, thinking back.
“You can check the date, they’re still in the cookie tin up there,” he gestured to one of the top shelves before reuniting the whisk in his grip with the large bowl on the table. 
Only briefly glancing up at the enamel box, you already knew that you didn’t wanna revisit them. However vague the letters were, which they always were, you were still certain that they’d have the power to send you right back there into Preston’s iron fist, even though you’d never even mentioned him once in all the years you’d been with him. They only ever really contained small talk and pleasantries, never about something so personal as to whom you were dating, but you also didn’t share at all as things took a turn for the worse, when you were in so deep that you felt like you couldn’t escape. Perhaps it was out of pride, perhaps it was to shield him from the truth, or maybe even in a way yourself, not admitting to the fiend you had welcomed into your own bed, creating some false reality as a coping mechanism. 
Averting your gaze, you then uttered softly, “I’m really sorry dad,” gliding your right thumb over the jagged edge of the counter as you gripped onto it with both fists.
“Ah, it’s fine,” he waved a hand, “you’re young, out there living your life. You shouldn’t have to check in with your father every few seconds. I am aware that you’re 29 after all. Although, you know I wouldn’t be a pose to just a little bit more…” he winked, playfully bumping the side of his hip against your shin before picking up the speed of the whisk once more, “so, did I forget it’s my birthday or did you just miss your old man?” his jovial glance flickered between you and the batter. 
“Can I stay here a while? I just need some place to,” lay low, “figure things out, you know?”
Whisk halting, his gaze upon you grew in concern, “of course you can, honey. Is everything okay? What’s wrong?”
“I’m okay, I just–, uh… needed a change,” not looking him in the eye, you spoke, “I don’t know to where or what I’m gonna do next, but I do know that I don’t wanna go back,” you felt a lump of emotion swell up in your throat, “and I won’t just stay here for free, I’ll pay you rent,” you tried to appease the stubborn sensation of being a nuance to everyone, even to your own kin, “though I don’t really have any money right now, so I’d have to get a job first, but that’s fine, I’ll figure something out–” 
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous,” your father cut you off, “you can stay here as long as you want, it never stopped being your home even when you moved away. Still keep your room exactly the same, just in case,” he offered you a warm smile, his silver moustache stretching wider, “how about you just give me a hand around here, huh?” 
“Alright,” you exhaled, “deal.”
His grin turning more mischievous, he then noted slyly, “you know I’ve always dreamed of you taking over this place one day, running the family business…” 
Rolling your eyes, you chuckled, “not this again…”
“Just think about, you could–”
“Dad, I’m not gonna take over the inn! Running a place like this isn’t what it used to be back when your parents opened it up. You might have always been dead set on taking over it, but I haven’t.”
“I know, I know,” he gracefully backed down again as he always did, “you want adventure, isn’t that what you called it when you went away for college?” 
Adventure… it was that kind of philosophy that had sent an innocent young girl into the arms of a devil…
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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kakishirocream · 3 days
My Thoughts on Asriel’s Letter both Meta and Non Meta
Starting with Non Meta sense
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Reading the letter really contextualized things even more
Chara’s favourite number is 9 because if they reach it, "nothing can hurt you" and "nothing can hurt anyone."
Asriel gets that Chara isn’t perfect and the reason why they failed to be a friend and sibling is because they're a troubled, self loathing traumatized kid who was most likely a child abuse survivor before falling down. Also, as much as Chara loved and cared about the Dreemurrs, unfortunately their hatred for humanity, their desire for the absolute and invincibility lead to that plan which stripped away Asriel’s innocence and childhood the most brutal way imaginable.
Asriel is fully aware that Chara wants to get such power and become invincible so “nothing can hurt anyone.” However he knows that it doesnt excuse anything.
Despite everything, he still cherishes these moments he had with Chara.
Now onto my meta analysis on the Letter.
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I honestly think this hits harder after reading the letter (my poor sweet summer child.)
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In the metanarrative Chara represents the addiction to number based rewards. The number “9” in Video Game Metrics is the final single digit and “the absolute.”
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While numbers and stats have a limit, the memories you cherish transcend that. Frisk is curiosity, completionism, emotional attachment (though it can be twisted to perverted sentimentality), and the memories you cherish and the joy from playing the game just for plays sake.
They represent that. Stats and power may be fun to get but just one shotting everything is boring and theres no joy in that. You may have reached the absolute but whats the point now? Wheres the cool challenging boss? The game even becomes boring because you just one shot everything. You win over and over again and there are no challenges, But there is something that never ends, Its being friends, playing with that friend and having fun with your friend not because they'll help you increase a number, but because they're your friend, your best friend! A friend you want to play with without counting or caring about getting towards the end and simply cherishing the moment. So it's forever, its sentimental but its not innocent.
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Frisk is basically embodies what Asriel values. They truly really is the friend Asriel needed. (I think Chara needs Frisk too and going by narrachara, their dynamic is wholesome and one or my favourites (trash gremlin and royal child.) When nice cream is eaten the narration is “is it as sweet as you?” And earlier narration was sarcastic and cold, the later narration is more open and sillier)
If you are curious about Frisk and Chara along with their meta implication, check these docs out, (Credits to @lazynickname for both docs)
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absolutebl · 11 months
Rules: List 10 of your comfort shows
tagged by @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle (thanks doll)
I rarely pass along tags but you should do this one and tag me if you do so I can see, comfort watches are my absolute FAVORITE.
This is a BL blog and I've watched most of them, so I will be picking BL. But I will only be picking BL I am rewatching for comfort right NOW.
Some of these may surprise. Ready?
My Top 10 Comfort BL's right NOW
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1 kiss x kiss x kiss - perfect scandal (short)
My favorite of this series because it's basically office romance sexy bits we all wanted from Old Fashion Cupcake.
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2 Jun & Jun
his show made up for in style what it lacked in substance. I like fluff. I loved this. I smile every moment I'm watching. This is very much MY style of BL.
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3 Love is Science (BL cut)
Mark and Ouwen gotta be one of my all time favorite side dishes. LIS? is a noona romance with added mature side couple as well as these two, mostly interwoven. It’s a big buy in just for Mark & Ouwen but WORTH IT, and some kind soul uploaded a BL cut to YT. Everything is a touch quirky but the BL boys are beautiful, earnest, and high heat. It's one of Taiwan's favorite dynamics: the bisexual himbo meets the confident gay, but they are just LOVELY, plus tiny queer family at the end.
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4 2 Moons 3
What can I say, it's utter trash but there is something about the main couple I love. A Thai pulp that felt like it came out 5 yrs ago with many of the flaws inherent to that time and studio system, including manufactured angst and convoluted plot, but an ultimately sweet main couple that (as a pairing) feels a bit more modern and is satisfying to watch. This will probably go down in history as one of the few BLs where I genuinely didn’t care about any of the side couples.
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5 Love Class 2
But only "my couple." ( the mature student and the TA). I still hold that they probably should’ve had their own series.
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6 Big Dragon
I didn't love this when it first aired but I am coming around to it more on the rewatch. (I may even up its score from 7 to 8 if the eventual movie sticks the landing). This is a pairing that proved itself to be a lot more sophisticated than I expected with nods at kink in a more respectful way than Mame could ever dream, plus excellent chemistry.
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7 Why R U? Korea
The Korean remake of Why RU? is BOTH bizarro land, and EXACTLY what I expected. There is something comforting in watching the Cliff's notes version of a show I enjoyed before just in a different BL style. I don't know why I like this one so much, but I really do.
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8 Takara & Amagi
I gnawed on my knuckles and squealed a lot with this show first time around. Now I still love it but I'm more calm. It is beyond charming: soft and gentle, packed with cuteness and high school angst, thirst, & yearning.
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9 About Youth
A truly lovely little coming of age high school BL with a classic YA low drama but high angst and an earnest depth.
Clearly I'm having a bit of a high school phase because I've been thinking of doing this one next:
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10 My School President
Yes, we’ve seen it all before, but I still ADORED this. And there is a lot to be said for the classics being re-executed perfectly. Who let my BL be this wholesome and funny?
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sleepysnoots · 5 months
Hi! I saw your requests were open for ramshackle, so if that’s ok with you can i ask for a stone x male/gn!reader where the reader has a black cat (let’s call it maxie)? like how would he act towards it, i imagine he’d be wary at first but eventually warm up to it
anyways, thanks for listening, sorry if there’s any mistakes, english isn’t my first language :D
Ahh omg i love this idea!!! im sorry if this is ooc but i tried my best :D i just reread ur request and this isnt exactly what u were asking for but ih well hope u like it 😭
You hum as you come next to him a huge grin on your face, your arms behind your back like your hiding something
He looks at you with a nonchalant expression as he raises a brow at your excitement
“Yes ?”
Stone says glancing at you for a second, before taking another drag of his cigarette
“Look at what i found!”
You gleam as you pull out the black scruffy cat you found on the streets, holding it up so stone can look at it
Stones eyes widen as his eyes shift to you then the cat giving a concerned look
“What the fuck?”
He said looking at your happy expression as you hold the scruffy thing
“His name is Maxie! I found him in the trash, he kinda reminded me of you”
You giggle as stone looks at the cat with mixed feelings about it
“We cant keep it, we cant even feed ourselves let alone an animal! Also that thing definitely has rabies”
Stone muttered flicking the end of the cigarette as he glanced at you
Your expression drops as you bring the cat to your chest the cat curling up in your arms
“Well.. vinnie has rabies and we kept her!”
You say back seeming almost upset at stone for saying that
Stone sighs before chuckling
“To be fair but still look at it-“
“Him. Maxie is a boy”
You correct as stone rolls his eyes
Stone mutters before you hum softly
“Stone look i think youd really like him!”
You chuckle as stone looks at u with an unsure expression
“Never really been a cat person”
He mutters looking at Maxie watching the cat cuddle up to your chest as you scratch the back of his ear watching him begin to purr
Stones eyes soften as he looks at Maxie before shaking his head
“Fine we can keep him…. but ur feeding him yourself!”
Stone mutters annoyed before smiling at your happy reaction
You jump up happily smiling at stone he rolls his eyes at you before smiling softly to himself
Stones sat in the alleyway outside their little home, looking up into the night sky as a takes out a 6-pack of cigarettes, bringing one to his lips and lighting it as he enjoys his alone time.
Suddenly he hears a small meow from his side he looks down questioningly before noticing its Maxie
Stone stares at maxie with a cold look before maxie comes up to him brushing his body against stone whilst he purrs causing stones eyes to widen as he smiles softly deciding to give the little guy some attention
Bringing his free hand down to pet Maxie’s head and scratch just behind his ear feeling his surprisingly soft fur on his fingertips
Maxies soft hums dont stop as he jumps onto stones lap stretching before curling up onto his lap and falling asleep there
Stones pupils widen as he looks down at maxie curled up in his lap as he just gazes at him in awe
Stone stays incredibly still as hes just sat there on a crate the yellow streetlamp emitting faded light on him as he finishes his cigarette with the small kitten cuddled up on him and a small smile plastered on his lips.
I might have to draw that cause i think itd just be such a wholesome image 😭😭😭
Anyways i really hope u guys liked this
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this is not spop-related and it's something i've talked about before but i just want to rant so feel free to skip ahead.
(mild spoilers for heartstopper!)
i just find it weird that people want "spice" in highschool romances. i remember seeing people complain about how heartstopper is too "vanilla" as if it's not a story about two underage boys falling in love. why the fuck would you want that to be smutty?
if you don't like cute romances, that's fine. consume the content you like. and if you have constructive criticism about heartstopper, that's fine too.
i'll admit that i didn't like the netflix show as much as i liked the graphic novel. the characters had more personality and interesting dynamics in the book. this is personal opinion and it can also be constructive criticism.
but saying that you hate heartstopper or that it's trash, just because you don't like wholesome romances or healthy relationships. that's a you problem. if you don't like it, don't watch/read it. simple as that.
also heartstopper isn't all vanilla fluff. it addresses some serious issues like abusive relationships, the pressures of discovering your own sexuality and coming out, eating disorders, etc. idk how much the show has touched on these, since i only watched the first season, but the book definitely goes into detail and addresses all of it pretty respectfully.
i just don't understand why people are suddenly against healthy romances. it isn't a question of preference when you openly bash a piece of fiction and its creator for simply writing something that you personally don't like. do you not have freewill? you could just find something that you do enjoy, not every single thing in the world is catered to you.
i've also heard people complain that heartstopper only got a show because it's an mlm romance, and that wlw romance is not as popular. which is just bullshit because i see mostly wlw romances nowadays. lumity, bubbline, rupphire, caitvi, fucking c//a.
and this isn't supposed to be a competition. i'm a wlw myself and i'm happy that mlm people got a chance to see themselves in heartstopper. not to mention, it has secondary characters who are wlw, trans, ace, etc. at the end of the day, i'm just happy we're getting more queer fiction, and good ones at that. not a toxic romanticized mess.
anyway yeah, this has been my rant. you can have your preferences or you can provide constructive criticism, but to act like a highschool romance is "too sanitized" is stupid at best, and weirdly creepy at worst.
(also i want to add that there is some smut in the webcomic but thats only after the characters graduate from highschool and are of an appropriate age.)
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sadesluvr · 9 months
Hello, new here! I first found you through your William Afton fics and LOVED THEM!! Especially the one with ghost reader, that was a fun one (which kinda inspired me for this ask)
If it's alright, I would like to request a movie William Afton scenario, with again some crazy supernatural elements, where the reader is kind of a shape-shifter/metamorph. The best part is the animal form the reader and shift into is a rabbit!!
Whether platonic or romantic fluff (although I kinda want to see platonic the most), whichever you decide, I was thinking of a scenario where the reader was exploring the rural/forest areas outside of the city when they spot the abandoned pizzeria, get curiouse and go to investigate. But coincidentally, William is there doing some killings from recent intruders trashing the place. And before they can be caught they shift, so Will only finds a supposedly small abandoned domestic rabbit that found its way here. He's taking it home :). Reader is freaking out. And maybe after a little while, however you chose, Will discovers the rabbit being the reader and secret of being a shape shifter and surprised.
You can continue it however you wish.
A/N: Hey, I’m glad you like my work! Thanks for the ask and being patient - This is more of a drabble/list of headcanons bc it was easier for me to write :)
William isn’t really a pet kind of guy. Vanessa had a fish and a rabbit, but since she grew out of it he’s never felt the need for an animal companion
Still, he takes you home because something about you reminds him of his past- both good and bad
He puts you in a random box that’s filled with spare parts, hoping he doesn’t have to wash more blood from his hands since there’s a few blunt nails and hums on his way back
You, on the other hand, are worried. You won’t be able to get home, and you’ve seen what he’s capable of
You’re shy at first - you don’t eat, and rub away from pets
But he’s actually rather kind to you - he leaves out water and spare veggies. He doesn’t have a hutch at first but makes sure your shoebox is clean and padded with blankets
Eventually you start roaming around the house and opening up to him. He’s totally chill as you watch him make sandwiches for work and stuff, and he even starts talking to you. It’s actually kind of wholesome given the fact you met him murdering someone….
When he’s out, you shower and go back to doing your regular human stuff. Once, his neighbour almost caught you standing by a window you left open so that you could get back in (bunny form). Luckily she was senile so William brushed it off
Your luck runs out one day when he comes home unexpectedly. He sees feet under the door to the bathroom and is ready to kill - bursting into the room without care - only to find you, his pet.
He’s confused, thinking the intruder disappears, but sees your socks on the floor. He doesn’t believe it, even when you shift right in front of him:
“Don’t hurt me!” you say. “It’s crazy, but I can explain…”
You tell him everything about you - including why you were there at the pizzeria that night. He’s shocked, even considering the fact he’s created literal Frankenstein’s, but he softens
Is most impressed you didn’t rat him out to the cops
Both of your secrets are now safe with each other - William still looks after you (he prefers when you’re in bunny form) but there’s times where you’ve had a bit of breakfast together before he leaves
It’s nice, actually. You kind of keep him sane.
Getting a matching purple tie for you like his Springbonnie suit 
But he’s a psycho at heart so of course he’s thinking of how he could *inadvertently* use you in his schemes….
His best friend is a bunny. It doesn’t make sense but he doesn’t either
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bird-inacage · 2 years
Love in the Air: Sky’s Truth Scene
So the other scene I MUST absolutely do a deep dive on is Sky’s truth scene. This occurs immediately after the ambush aftermath. Before Sky had even stepped into the condo, he made a promise to himself that he would tell Prapai the truth. Because not sharing his past with Prapai was slowly eating him up inside. In this episode, it’s revealed that Sky was living in fear of what Prapai would think of him, of how he would react once he found out.
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So Sky decides to tell Prapai that Gun abused him and essentially shares a short re-telling of what we saw in the flashbacks. This is Sky finally telling Prapai his truth, and the cause for this trauma. As painful as it is for Sky to share that incident with Prapai, its the final piece of the puzzle that allows Sky to impart why he is the way he is, to the man that he loves.
As Sky is telling his story, Prapai is incredibly gentle and quiet throughout. He constantly strokes the back of Sky’s head - provides his warm, steadfast presence and allows Sky to say what he needs to say. This stroking action is a gesture of comfort first and foremost. We see Prapai do this a lot with Sky, but it also acts as a coaxing action. ‘It’s okay, you tell me in your own time, take it easy, I’m listening.’
Then Sky says the part that upsets Prapai the most.
“I’m trash. I’m damaged goods. When I returned home, I was like a broken doll. I didn’t speak. Didn’t listen. I spaced out so much that my dad got worried.”
For Sky, these are his inner demons. These are the poisonous type of inner thoughts that have plagued him ever since the abuse. Thoughts that have been deeply ingrained on Sky’s psyche. This isn’t just about how he felt back then, its how he still feels now. And Prapai has seen facets of that first-hand. The fact that Sky says this with a self-deprecating smile, speaks volumes. It’s not conjecture in Sky’s mind, it’s a matter of fact. Like he’s admitting a shameful part of his own character.
As Prapai listens to Sky say these things about himself, it deeply, deeply hurts him. One, because it insinuates a degree of self-loathing that derives from thinking this was brought on by one’s self. That Sky still believes he was at fault for causing this to happen. Sky doesn’t say, ‘He’s trash, He’s damaged, He’s an absolute lowlife for doing this to me’, it’s ‘I’m the worst, I’m nothing, I’m worthless’. And Prapai cannot bear hearing Sky say that about himself. Two, that Prapai (who loves Sky so dearly), knows and sees that Sky is everything but those things.
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Sky is sweet, he’s considerate, he’s loving. The Sky backstory really cemented my take on that Sky has always been an ardent child who wants desperately to be loved and to love. He just has so much love to give. And we saw evidence of this at the start of the episode. Sky is adorably clingy, he’s affectionate, he’s wanting. When he’s finally opened up to another human being, he showers them with his undiluted love and attention. And that earnest love is so distinctly palpable and wholesome. Sky truly gives his everything to someone he loves. Every ounce and every drop of himself he can muster.
Prapai remains silent, shaking his head in disbelief and seemingly taking this all in, but his eyes are screaming out. You can literally hear the thoughts in his head blaring, ‘No, that’s not true. None of what you’re saying is true. You’re the most incredible person I know. I love you so much. Please, please don’t say that about yourself.’ When you love someone else, you see all the amazing qualities they possess, the qualities that made you fall in love with them in the first place. To have your significant other say such awful things about themselves, knowing that there’s no easy way or quick fix to erase the cumulative years of self-hatred, is just unbearable. Loving someone isn’t enough to convince them to love themselves. Healing is very much a process that has to take place within oneself. Prapai knows this, and so he doesn’t deny what Sky’s saying. Because denying those things won’t dilute the impact they have on Sky. So all he can do is be heartbroken on Sky’s behalf. To mourn the Sky that could have been if none of this had happened.
When you hear stories in retrospect, aware that you cannot change the course of history, it can cause anyone to feel immensely helpless. Knowing that there’s nothing you can do to repair the past. This may also be a real point of fear for Prapai. It could have so easily gone a different way. For Sky to bear the brunt of that trauma and come out the other side - to be how he is and where he is today is nothing short of a miracle. There was always another possible trajectory in which Prapai never meets Sky. A version of events where Prapai doesn’t ever get to prove to Sky that he deserves to be loved and cherished. Where Prapai doesn’t get to do his darned best to heal and protect Sky. Prapai can now vividly envision how much could have been at stake, and how much could be have been lost. This wonderful love he may have never even known.
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Then Sky asks, “Can I love you? Can I?” And this is such an fitting piece of dialogue that encompasses Sky so completely. He desperately loves Prapai, and wants to love him freely, fully. But he feels he has to ask permission. That little additional “Can I?” sounds like the child in Sky speaking. ‘Please let me love you. Please don’t turn me away.’ It almost sounds like Sky is additionally implying, ‘I know my love may be a burden, but I promise I’ll be good and I won’t overstep.’ This links back to what Sky said last episode about Gun trying to programme Sky to be obedient. The fact that Sky even feels he has to ask just destroys Prapai, who has wanted nothing but Sky’s love. Who treasures Sky’s love above all else.
Sky asking if he can love Prapai can also be interpreted as - do I deserve to love again? Do I deserve to burden you with my baggage, with myself? Am I even capable of loving again (like a normal, undamaged person)? Akin to how Sky’s nightmares still plague him, Sky feels a huge sense of hopelessness over the shadow this has cast over him and his future. He has no idea when he will be free of this, if ever.
Every step of this conversation peels back another layer of Sky’s withered sense of his own self-worth. A chasm that Gun intentionally created. So Prapai is understandably tearful and devastated 
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And yet Sky, despite all this, is still the caring and considerate soul that he always has been. He asks Prapai why he’s crying and carefully wipes away his tears. Through all his insecurities and anxieties, Sky is still able to believe in Prapai’s good and Prapai’s devotion. He doesn’t want Prapai to cry out of guilt over something he could have in no way prevented. Because Sky is thankful. He’s immensely grateful. For everything Prapai has done for him. For everything Prapai wishes he could have done for him. It certainly doesn’t eradicate the past, but its a colossal comfort to Sky. It’s gives him strength to keep fighting.
Prapai goes on to emphasise that this isn’t about Sky asking whether he deserves to love Prapai, but Prapai can’t bear the thought of Sky loving anyone but him. Because Prapai loves him so much, he’s possessive and fiercely protective. He knows what a beautiful human being Sky is, and just how lucky he is to have Sky’s affection. So he also wants Sky affections to belong only to him, and to him alone.
I do believe that Sky finally sharing this with Prapai was clearly a huge weight off his chest. Yes, this conversation by no means ‘fixes’ the issues and trauma that Sky is still working through. But Sky and Prapai are taking those healthy first steps to allow Sky to begin healing properly, thoroughly. And that begins with acknowledgement, transparency, and letting go.
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deezbignutz · 4 months
Redacted characters as musical songs because I'm a sucker for musicals :))) + some lyrics cuz why not 🤷‍♀️
Guy abt Honey - "Never Ever Getting Rid of Me" From Waitress. He is a simp and he makes sure they know it. Kinda yandere coded, but womp womp ig. (yandere Guy? 😳😏) "Such a stubborn man, you'll likely never meet another." "Oh, I'm gonna love you so." "I though it was hilarious to call a cat a kind of fish."
Damien abt Hux - "When He Sees Me" From Waitress. Damien just overthinking about going out Hux even before knowing him all that much. "I stick with real things, usually facts and figures. When information's in its place I minimize the guessing game. Guess what? (What?). I don't like guessing games or when I feel things before I know the feelings." "What scares me the most. Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it? What happens then?." "Or even worse, he could be very nice, have lovely eyes and make me laugh, come out of hiding. What do I do with that?" Also literally the entire song ngl. It's very Damien coded in my opinion.
David & Asher - "For Good" From Wicked. Just wholesome, very platonic love and friendship shared between two friends. (No, I'm not trying to be sarcastic. They're just very good friends) "I've heard it said, that people come into our lives for a reason. Bringing something we must learn." "Who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I have been changed for good." :')) "You'll be with me, like a handprint on my heart."
Young David & Asher - "For Forever" From Dear Evan Hansen. Just two friends. On a perfect day. :'))) "All we see is sky forever. We let the world pass forever. Feels like we could go on for forever this way, two friends on a perfect day." "He looks around and says to me 'There's nowhere else I'd rather be.' And I say, 'Me too'." "And I see him come to get me. He's come to get me, and everything's okay." witerally the inversion
Imp!Lasko to Imp!Freelancer - "Meant to be Yours" From Heathers. I don't think I need to explain this one, it just speaks for itself. "You chucked me out like I was trash, for that you should be dead." "You were meant to be mine. I am all that you need. You carved open my heart. Can't just leave me to bleed. Veronica, open the, open the door, please. Veronica, open the door. Veronica, can we not fight anymore, please? Can we not fight-" yada yada yada, you know the audio
Freelancer (?) - "The Wizard And I" From Wicked. It's just them being pumped to go to DAMN and to get to learn more abt their weird and foreign powers. "This weird quirk I've tried to suppress or hide, is a talent?" "No father is not proud of you, no sister acts ashamed." 🙂 "And this gift or this curse I have inside. Maybe at last, I'll know why."
Asher + werewolf bois - "I Feel Pretty" From West Side Story. Broski is on cloud 9 after meeting Baaabe, and the others are just there to witness his delulu. "It's alarming how charming I feel. And so pretty, that I hardly can believe I'm real." "Have you met my good friend, Maria (Asher)? The craziest girl on the block." "I feel dizzy, I feel sunny, I feel fizzy, and funny, and fine. And so pretty, Miss America can just resign!"
Gavin - "Noel's Lament" From Ride the Cyclone. Just a gay little guy dreamin up his gay little fantasies during work because workin in 7-Eleven is too boring. 👍 "Good girls call me 'The Town Bicycle'. Don't knock it 'til you've tried my life of sin." "He said, 'I think I am in love with you' I've heard that lie a million times before." "'My chils, do you have any final words to the Lord you'd like to say?' 'Oui, tell him that, like him, I coose to burn out rather than fade away!'" get into it, queen.
Avior & Starlight - "What Is This Feeling?" From Wicked. This is how I feel like their first reaction to each other when they're in hell went. "For you see, my roommate is: Unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe. Blonde!" "What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame. Does it have a name? Yes. Loathing. Unadulterated loathing." "Ev'ry little trait, however small, makes my very flesh begin to crawl."
Caelum to Freelancer - "Popular" From Wicked. Hear me out. He doesn't mean it in a bad way, he just wants to help Freelancer out in their new, scary school. "And even in your case, though it's the toughest case I've yet to face. Don't worry, I'm determined to succeed!" "So let's start, 'cause you've got an awfully long way to go..." "Now that I've chosen to become a pal, a sister and advisor. There's nobody wiser!" he's just way too excited to show the magical world to them
Shaw Pack - "Jet Song" From West Side Story. You could also debate that this is also kinda like the Solaire Clan, but the Shaw Pack suits it better cuz of how laidback and playful the song is. "When you're a Jet, if the spit hits the fan, you got brothers around, you're a family man." "When you're a Jet, you're the swingin'est thing. Little boy, you're a man; Little man, you're a king!" mmmm, Solaire Clan vibes "Someone gets in our way, someone don't feel so well!" Quinn? That u?
Any and all immigrants moving to Dahlia - "America" From West Side Story. Two perspective on how livin in Dahlia is like. "Buying on credit is so nice One look at us and they charge twice." ✨racism✨ "Life can be bright in America (Dahlia) If you can fight in America (Dahlia)" "Here you are free and you have pride Long as you stay on your own side."
Marcus - "Cool" From West Side Story. Anxious little technician anxious about being found out and fired. :)))) "Don't get hot, 'cause man, you've got some high times ahead." "Breeze it, buzz it. Easy does it. Turn off the juice boy. Go man, go. But not like a yo-yo schoolboy." idk with this one, it doesn't really have much lyrics anyways :\
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk :))))
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synonomy · 1 month
As a David Thewlis enthusiast, what movies of his would you recommend?
That depends if you’re watching for the plot or just simp fodder tbh
Naked (1993) is number one for David simp fodder since it lives up to its name/you get to see him doing sexy things, but its a tradeoff since his character is fucking insufferable and the film is a weird, unpleasant slog, so any time he isn’t naked or being sexy will be 💀💀💀
Resurrected (1989) is pleasing because it features a babyfaced and very Remus-esque David, but the plot is kinda meh and depressing/upsetting, especially near the end
Vroom (1988) also has some very young and pretty David (with bright orange hair!!!) but the film itself is kinda boring since he’s not the main, so you have to put up with some shitty Clive Owen lovestory
Total Eclipse (1995) is worth a watch because even though David has the most atrocious hairstyle possible you get to see him being topped by a twink Leo DiCaprio 👌 I mean, they have the most toxic relationship you’ve ever seen, but it’s gay so
Gangster No. 1 (2000) features the most Daddy of Davids as a slick suit-wearing London gangster, but the plot is kinda trash and you have to endure Malcom McDowell’s godawful narration throughout the whole thing. Ironically, the narration mostly revolves around him simping for David, which, while relatable, doesn’t make it any less irritating
Veronika Decides to Die (2009) also has a Daddy-style (also very Remus-esque) David as a smart and bespectacled psychiatrist. The plot isn’t absolutely terrible from what I remember, but he’s not in it a great deal, so
If you care more about the film itself, or are looking for a good balance between plot and simp:
Divorcing Jack (1998) is my favourite David flick by far. Not only is it the best he’s ever looked, he has an Irish accent(!!!), his character is adorable and the film is hilarious. There’s also bonus Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy). Highly recommend 🙌
Seven Years in Tibet (1997) is also pretty good. David has an Austrian accent (can’t comment on its quality) and looks cute with a lil Remus moustache. My main takeaway from the plot is that David has superior rizz to Brad Pitt (unsurprising) but I remember being entertained
The Lady (2011) is also one of my faves. It’s based on a true story about a Burmese diplomat, in which David plays the most supportive and wholesome husband ever to Michelle Yeoh (whom I also love) 🥰
I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020) is great, though again David’s not in it all that much
I also really love Life is Sweet (1991) despite him only being in it for about 5 minutes
Honestly though, most of his really great performances have been in television rather than film.
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jacenotjason · 1 year
What was i doing
Sally funfacts n not so funfacts round!! Right!! Ok!!
Fun Facts!!
She is a lesbian! At least in this au. Her sexuality isn’t confirmed (I don’t think) so to me shes a lesbian until it’s confirmed!
She is a REALLY good dancer. You spend all day inside online you’re gonna end up on some K-pop dancing tutorials.
She sits like a goddamn gremlin. Like fuckin L from death note but worse posture
Her computer is a Commodore 64 (or C64), aka the best computer you can get in like the 1980s.
She does all sorts of things on her computer, share art, talk to Julie, troll in chat rooms, play games, talk to Julie some more, look up recipes she’ll never do, order her food, and talk to Julie, of course!
^ she’s actually really goated at like most games, esp shooters
Her favorite food is microwave noodles :3
She really loves Julie. So so so much <3. She thinks shes the prettiest girl in the world and nearly faints every time she gets a kiss. They’re so cute. I’m not normally super into wlw ships being a dude, but these two are just- a- theyre so wholesome and cute and i love them they have a special place in my heart.
She owns a lock of Julie’s hair lol. Not because she was a creep and like snipped it when she wasn’t looking, Julie gave it willingly. it went something like this: “Julie your hair is really soft…” “Aw thanks.. do you want some of it lol?” “…kinda..” “why didn’t you just say that then, here..”
She really likes hyperpop and breakcore music! Julie thinks its weird, but loves her anyway lol. (I actually have a playlist dedicated to each character and Sally’s is mostly breakcore)
She was originally going to be a moon, but i liked the star better. I just like drawing the loopys
Sally smells like Julie because Julie regularly sprays her with perfume bc she smells kinda bad. (“Sally, I love you, but *spritz* thats better”)
Not-So Fun Facts
Sally is an addict. Mostly narcotics (cocaine), but she has a collection of prescription drugs, too.
She came to Home recovered, but Howdy got her hooked again
She regularly hallucinates being outside, despite not having left her house in about six years.
I imagine her hallucinations are really unnerving, like liminal space. Something just isn’t right.
Some people have argued with me that Sally shouldn’t “be in such good shape”, but shes really not. She’s just thin, doesn’t mean shes healthy, in fact she’s just thin because she regularly skips meals either because she forgets or because shes high. Cocaine skinny isn’t in shape, PSA lol
Sally’s house is really, really gross. Sally wears shoes all the time in her own house because you literally can’t see the floor anymore and she’s scared of what she’ll step on. Its all trash, boxes from packages, noodle containers, definitely does not smell pleasant.
She fears social interaction so much, if she were to overdose, she would rather die then call for help. Not even her survival instincts overpower her agoraphobia.
I don’t think I missed anything this time! Thanks for reading :D
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
The Boar Prince/ss (Tighnari/Reader)
A/n: Tis I, your secret raccoon @riabef offering you a humble present for this day 🦝 🎁!!! It is probably wet cuz my trash animal brain tried to wash it by the creek but eh, hope ya like it!!! I can't say I celebrate Xmas, but happy holidays, belated happy birthday and best wishes for the new year!!! <333 - with love, ansytea
CW: none!!! Pls trust me– they're just sassy children being sassy children. Just wholesome fluff-crack vibes with added soulmate elements (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Unreliable Synopsis: Seven-year-old Tighnari meets his soulmate in the forest on the eve of Celestia's Day. Hilarity ensues.
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Tighnari was FREEZING!
He was just a kid! Why was HE the one tasked with picking up branches for the fireplace?! That's not fair at all! Just because he had maintained his ears and tail better than the rest of his family doesn't mean he's best suited for this job. Sure, it doesn't snow much in Sumeru, but he's not the most resilient fox compared to his relatives! Tighnari's too young for this. The place is positively humid and there is little to no room for his whining unless he would devolve into a fit of sneezes. 
With "Grrr"s turning into "Brrr"s, young Tighnari cloaks himself up with the same scarf by adding more layers to protect his neck. When he went out, Tighnari's hair was wild and unruly, constantly falling in his face as an act of immature defiance. He didn't care how much his mom preached about appearances as the kid fennec stomped to the rainforest. 
The rainforest was positively duller than it was in any other season, and he can't even perceive colors. All greys and darker shades. Then again, he's just a kid so that's only natural. He's not as lucky as his mom and dad who found each other back when they were five. And yet, woe is Tighnari for being seven years old and unable to tell plantains and bananas apart. 
Grey… grey… grey… everything was dreadfully grey. Why can’t it snow here now like it did in Liyue? That’s not fair. He wanted to see something lighter and more cheerful than this cold sight.
Tighnari trudged through the place with his tiny legs, hoping to pick up what he needed and head home fast. He whined and his shoulders sagged. In the common egocentric view of children his age, he complained loudly as he picked up a branch as if he was Atlas and it was the Earth. Tighnari rebelliously waved the stick at the sky for a bit when he did pick it up.
Now would be a good time for him to gain a vision, Celestia! It’s Celestia’s Day Eve! Do you hear his thoughts?! A pyro vision would be great, thank you very much!!! 
When Tighnari noticed four mushroom boars cuddling up to one another, he came to a complete halt. The cold must be hard on them too, huh? They stand out against the less vivid background because of their lighter fur. Tighnari might be able to bring some home. 
He instinctively reached for his bow but stopped midway.
Hold on– Dad didn't send him out here to hunt! He's supposed to bring back lumber like a grown-up!
Tighnari pouted. 
Ngh… but hunting's much more fun, though!– 
Hold on.
His eyes widened. His ears jolted upwards as Tighnari revolved his feet on an axis. He turned his heels around in an alert stance. There was no danger around him– there were no ruin guards, no eremites, no fungi– but his surroundings drastically changed. Tighnari kept shooting glances at the new world– the real world around him.
… What is that...?
“What color is that?!”
His hold on the branch tightened, squinting at the small leaf that grew on its side.
Green… green! This has to be green!
He grabbed his tail. Green– dark green? This is green! Are all of these leaves green? 
Tighnari grinned widely. 
His young and simple mind had decided that he liked the color green.
… Green… Yellow-green…
Those were the first colors he saw, but they didn’t come from the trees and the sprouted leaves surrounding him. What do other colors look like? As he was about to hastily scout the area for Sumeru roses, a dire thought occurred to him.
... Why did he start to see colors?
His heart dropped as he looked at the herd again.
… Green… Yellow-green boars…
Oh… oh no… to think he was just planning to kill them earlier...
Is his soulmate… a BOAR?!
His knees buckled down to the ground, the dewed tall grass scraping it slightly. No, it can't be. Tighnari laughed humorlessly. His parents take great pleasure in their son's innate intelligence and curiosity. It's only natural that he likes reading books– he leafed through some encyclopedias so there’s no way for Tighnari to miss that boars…
… have a life expectancy of 10 to 14 years.
"Ngh...!" Tighnari nearly teared up.
How… how can he fall in love with a boar, especially when they'll die before him? H-how can he kiss a boar? Is that even okay? Won’t his friends make fun of him?! Then again, if it's love, then there shouldn't be anything wrong with it, right?
But the rainforest… it’s greatly affected by the withering…By the time Tighnari graduates, he may not even see his soulmate frolicking in the grass anymore...
… That’s it.
The child clenched his fists. Tighnari’s knuckles grew pale– he had never felt this much resolve in his childhood years. It doesn't matter how long his soulmate lives, as long as he can help extend what little time they have, he'll make the most of it. Tighnari wasn’t going to let them die young, nu-uh! Especially not after he saw how beautiful the world is in full color.
He made up his mind. Starting today, he’s going to be a forest ranger to save his soulmate’s natural habitat!
"I-I…!" Tighnari puffed his cheeks out. The child didn’t care if he looked stupid, especially when his only audience was the silence of the rainforest. "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE UGLY! I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE A BOAR!"
He shut his eyes tight, mustering the courage to accept his (hilarious) fate. If he had them open, Tighnari would’ve noticed two (h/c) protruding fox ears at the center of the bewildered herd.
“W-Why are you screaming?!”
An unexpected voice called out. Tighnari froze, opening his eyes. 
A fox, you, suddenly appeared in the sea of yellow-green fur. Your face was coated in dirt, and your wool jacket was littered with hair that wasn't yours. You were a bit smaller in stature, probably younger than him, and you pulled your ears down to feign meekness and pain from Tighnari’s previous wailing. But most notable of all, you donned a nervous yet mischievous smile– a smile Tighnari will increasingly grow accustomed to for the entire duration of his life, and it gets better each time he sees it.
Your (e/c) eyes blinked, groggily realizing something was amiss. 
“O-Oh, woaaahh, COLORS!!!” You gawked in awe, mimicking the same movements Tighnari did when he gained the ability to see in full colors. “Hey, are you my soulmate?!– Achoo!!!”
Wait, is his soulmate one of the boars or…?
He shyly combed his hair down, now hyper-aware of how embarrassingly messy it was. Tighnari should've listened to his mom earlier. He didn't know he was meeting his soulmate today!
“I… I’m not sure…” Tighnari blinked, visibly perplexed. He glanced at the boars, troubled. A person was cuddling between those stinky animals? How could a fox's nose even handle that? He could barely keep his jaw from hitting the floor.
“Whack!” You blew a raspberry, your small fennec ears drawing back down. “W-Who else would it be other than ME? The boars???”
He grumbled. 'Well, excuse me, prince/ss', that was exactly what Tighnari thought earlier since you were hiding under their fur like an egg waiting to hatch.
“Never mind that! How about you? What are you doing here alone? Where are your parents– and why are you snuggling with them?!”
“C-Cuz it’s cold, alright?!” You sneezed again. Your voice echoed, cute and high-pitched. “M-My parents are adventurers and I wanted to follow them cuz they’re leaving me alone on Celestia Day b-but–”
You sneezed for the umpteenth time.
“B-But I don’t know where they went... I just wanted for us to drink hot cocoa b-but..." You sniffled. 
"S-so I’m hanging out with my REAL family now! They’re nicer and they gave me mushrooms. HMPH!!!”
You proudly put your hands on your hips as your fluffy ears pricked up. You mimicked a "dignified" posture you observed in exaggerated storybooks, pointing your chin upward.
Tighnari clicked his tongue. “Whatever, Boar Prince/ss. Get out of there before they ram their noses to your butt!!”
His weak threat only made his fellow fennec grouchier. “H-Hey! My name is (Y/n) and I’m five years old, th-thank you very much!”
(Y/n)... That’s a really pretty name… He wouldn’t mind saying it often.
“Whatever, I’m still gonna call you Boar Prince/ss. My name’s Tighnari. I’m seven so I’m two years older than you.”
“T-Tighnari, Tighnari. Heh. S-Sounds cool. What’s your last n-name?”
“O-Obviously I don’t wanna keep my papa’s last name after they abandoned me, so I’M taking your last name, soulmate.”
“Gah– D-Don’t say things like that, you big lummox!!!” Tighnari huffed, his angry breath visible in the cold air. “And they probably didn’t abandon you, you’re just stubborn and you didn't listen to them like a bad kid.”
You purposefully ignored his last remark. “Why not? Aren’t we going to get married someday?”
Tighnari paused, his face heating up. Technically, you're right, but he didn’t want to admit that. 
He reached his hand out to help you get out of the boars’ place. “S-Shut up! Before you freeze, why don’t you come over to my house? My parents can make some pretty good hot cocoa.”
Your eyes beamed at the suggestion. “Drinking hot cocoa? Hmm... But I wanna do that with my cousins though.”
Tighnari's eye twitched. So much for "soulmates".
“HMPH! If you don’t wanna drink cocoa at my place then be one with the forest!”
“W-Wait up!”
Tighnari walked faster, a few paces ahead of them. You profusely apologized to your "new family" as you swerved out of the herd. Unfortunately for him, despite nearly shivering to death, you're a faster runner than Tighnari. Your hand seized his tail, and he felt his face and ears warm up. You could have yanked him playfully, but you chose to look at him and catch a glimpse of yourself in his eyes.
You decided at that moment that you like the color green, too.
“Hehe, your tail’s prettier than mine.”
He felt his heart race again. 
“W-Wa…” Warm...
Tighnari trembled in jittery frustration.
“W-Watch your step, our place is near s-so it shouldn't be long until we see mom and dad. And grab my hand instead, won't you!” Tighnari huffed. His place WAS near, but that doesn't mean he won't complain about being ordered to pick up wood earlier.
You did what was instructed, and Tighnari suddenly recalled that you referred to him as your soulmate numerous times. He looked down and noticed how much your hands fit perfectly with his.
A perfect fit... A perfect match...
"Hey, soulmate?"
He answered reluctantly. "...Yeah?"
"I like how warm your hands are too..."
Tighnari's hand is sweating and his heart can't take it. It's physically impossible for him to fire a sassy retort to that. He closed his eyes again, overwhelmed.
Slightly, he wished that he couldn't see colors so that he wouldn't notice how cute his soulmate is with that "pink" blush dusting their face.
“Oomph– y-you surprised me, love.”
Neither of you can believe it’s been 14 years since you both found each other– and this would be your 12th year spending Celestia's Day together.
Tighnari, now visibly older but just as energetic as he was before, captured your waist from the back. He put his head on your neck, humming contentedly as he basked in your presence. 
"Sorry, I just missed you…"
You smiled and ruffled his hair slightly. "I missed you, too…"
That's right, 12th year. You're finally home after a two-year-long expedition in the Chasm with Miss Yelan. Suppose being a bit adventurous does run in your blood. However, you weren't too late to not witness the nation of Sumeru change because of the traveler's influence. Since your return, Tighnari frequented your house more often– leaving the rangers with more work. Not that they mind, they’d rather pitch in than see their forest watcher mopey and depressed. Besides, you might've missed the Sabzerus festival, but you won't leave your fiance at his lonesome again for Celestia's Day. 
It’s impossible for him to keep under wraps just how much he adores you. Tighnari sighed dreamily, his expression softened as he looked at you. His fingertips shyly brushed against yours until he intertwined your hands. Although you were slightly tense, you relaxed into the hug and squeezed him back.
He whispered in your ear, his soothing tone complimenting the crackling of the fireplace. "I'm not letting you go… Ever…"
"I know."
"You know what? I'm locking the doors."
"Then what's the point of inviting the others to spend Celestia's Day if you did that, hmm? Do you want poor Collei to be alone on the holidays?"
His nose scrunched. The kid was sleeping soundly upstairs after she got tired of waiting for the traveler and Cyno. Tighnari's never going to abandon her, she can't be alone when she got the best parental figures with her. Better than those boars, at least.
"Collei can stay in, she’s like your daughter at this point. The others can perish."
"OUR daughter. Plus, last time I checked, it was your idea to invite them."
His hug tightened, "I made a grave mistake. I don't want to hear Cyno's jokes under the pine tree." 
By no means a novice to his snark, you chuckled softly. As time flew by, your old playful happy-go-lucky nature refined to be more serious, but never dull. You've both matured into fine adults. However, you're behaving rather timidly compared to your usual banter, which only pushed him to act skittish.
Tighnari pouted intentionally cute. “Honey... you know there’s no one else in the world more gorgeous than you, right?”
You tell each other everything, and this is often his best conversation starter for it. “What is it this time, love?”
“Hypothetically speaking, what if I told you I accidentally gave the others the wrong map?”
“...The wrong what?”
“The wrong map to your house.” His voice was muffled this time as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. You’re used to the sensation of him hiding his meek expressions behind you. “What if I told you I mailed them Collei’s drawing?”
You put your hand on your chin profoundly, your ears drooping down. You're something of a schemer yourself, so it's in your nature to doubt his claim. “Ah yes, because I’ll definitely believe you did that accidentally after you just said you don’t want them to come over.”
“Yes– cause this time I’m not lying.”
“Sure, you rotten fox…” You grumbled. “I can’t believe you’re exposing to everyone that I’m the Boar Prince/ss. It was supposed to be a secret!”
Tighnari laughed, his joy so contagious that your pretend dismay collapsed in an instant. The both of you stood by the fireplace for a while, your ears listening to the sound of your soulmate’s breathing.
It's the warm and comfortable moments of silence like this that can wash two years of loneliness away.
Life has kept you both so busy that the beginnings of your somewhat haphazard love story have been buried behind numerous tasks and research papers. Nevertheless, regardless of the conflicts you two had experienced, it all comes down to one tale. It is a wonderful serendipity that both perspectives coalesced into a single, cohesive narrative of a child who believed a boar was his soulmate and another who was unexpectedly adopted by the herd while looking for their parents.
Tighnari traced the engagement ring in your hand. His eyes were intensely green yet soft whenever he gazes at you. 
Green’s such a beautiful color, especially when it paints his features. You'll never grow tired of observing his face.
“(Y/n)... I'm so glad that you're alive, unlike a boar's lifespa–”
As if to ruin a magical moment in a Fontaine rom-com film, the door busted open, revealing a particularly unamused scribe with a mercenary, a dancer, a general, a gliding champion, and a traveler trailing behind him like lost puppies. You flinched at the sound while Tighnari put a distance between you and the “intruders”. He only relaxed when he saw Cyno lazily raise his hand.
“Motherfu– See? I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you, Dehya.”
“Relax, Haitham, what matters is we’re here now.”
“We would’ve gotten here earlier if SOMEONE didn’t trust a crayon map.”
“I’m sure Tighnari didn’t mean to send us that one.”
“Stop defending him, Cyno, you’re not his damn lawyer.”
While carrying a sizable sweet madame, Lumine shrugged at the very back and looked directly at you and Tighnari. Paimon drifted next to her while sluggishly drooling.
"Happy Celestia day!"
Despite being worn out, the traveler tried her best to ignore the miserable arguments being had by everyone with a large smile.
You snorted behind your hand as Alhaitham brushed off the snow in his cloak by the carpet. You found it funny that none of them, except the scribe, ventured to doubt the quite literally sketchy map. It's impressive that they managed to read Collei's handwriting.
Deciding not to point that out, you helped them get inside. Dehya stood behind him with a sheepishly amiable smile with Nilou directly next in the queue. Nilou giggled as Alhaitham muttered a string of curses under his breath about how he’s too feeble of a scholar for this amount of legwork. Meanwhile, the person who you assumed was "Amber", looked around for any signs of her Sumeruan friend.
Your satisfied smile never left your face as you watched your friends chat heartily. Celestia's Day with friends and family... it's just like what you asked for 14 years ago.
"I'll go and wake Collei up," Tighnari muttered before he pecked your cheek. You nodded along. It was your idea to surprise Collei with Amber after all.
"Bring out the mugs and hot cocoa too."
"On it."
Alhaitham noticed the fox was about to leave and scoffed, his face souring in an expression similar to his housemate's. Oh, he's pissed.
“You…" He pointed an accusatory finger at you. "Why did you send us to the middle of the rainforest? And why on earth is it jam-packed with boars? Is this some high-level joke I can’t comprehend?”
“That’s what I would also like to know too, actually,” Nilou mused, but by the teasing lilt of her voice, it seemed as if she already guessed the answer. “Why did you mark the boars’ habitat as (Y/n)’s home?”
You and Tighnari looked at each other in unison. Your shoulders shook as you both silently held back your laughter.
“Yeah, well, about that…”
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Ansytea: happy holidays, riabef!!! hope you liked this <33!!!
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