#its ya birfday
stupidlyunhinged · 1 month
ayo its my birthdayy whoop whoop 🥳
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mik-mania · 11 months
tbh its just a sketch so its nowhere close to finished but. i wanted to poot this out while its still ya birthday, so HAPPY BIRFDAY @roetrolls
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moonlit-imagines · 6 hours
WHAT THE WHAT?! ITS YA BIRFDAY?!?!?!? HAPPY LACEY DAY, QUEEN!!! promise me you'll shake some ass and/or get fuxked up today, you deserve it 💗
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xclusivebih · 1 year
Have your cake and eat it baby its ya birfday
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Happy 48th, Misha!
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butch-charmiiing · 4 years
Happy birthday!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you!! 🥳
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therichantsim · 3 years
Whaaaaaaaat!!!! Its ya birfday??? Happeee BIRTHday to ya, Happee BIRTHday to ya, happy BIRRRRRRRRRThday, Happee BIRTHday to ya!!!
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Happy Birthday, Happy Earthday, Happy New Revolution Around The Sun, ALL THE THINGS!! May the next year bring you love, joy and abundance my friend. LOVE YOU LOTS!!
Thank You!
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yeenybeanies · 3 years
Oh dang its ya birthday?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
it me birfday!! thank u!!
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even in their old age, celebrations of life were frequent - a reminder that they've shared so much time together. ' ya know, rei-chan, it sure has been a helluva long time since kamuro. ' laying down on the roof garden on the outskirts of sotenbori, majima's arm laying underneath reijiro's neck, fingers grazing across an exposed collarbone... it was simply enough to be here. ' happy birthday, reijiro. i'm glad yer here with me. '
//. @gunafide // birfday // majima
     Osakan summers were sweltering, but the onset of the eve brought no small relief. Light pollution notwithstanding, it was a beautiful night with a cooling breeze that staved off the stifling heat that otherwise kept Reijiro at bay. With one of his legs draped over Majima's and his head cradled in his arm, he could think of nowhere else he'd rather be on a day that once held for him such immeasurable sorrow. He always preferred to keep his own birthday quiet and calm--a day with Majima with little to no fuss, and true to his word, the celebration of Reijiro's birth was kept a private affair--warm, calm, and intimate.
     ❝ Mmm, ❞ he turns his head slightly, enjoying the feel of Majima's muscle beneath his neck, and his fingers across his collar bone, ❝ Even longer than that since we first met in 1986... Thirty-five years. And just as long since we've been together. We've gotten old, haven't we? ❞ The question was accompanied by a gentle chuckle. The idea of getting old was... scary at first. But now they were in the throes of it, the old guard giving way to newer generations. The dissolution of the Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance certainly made things a little less stressful for Reijiro, and there was a calm serenity whenever he gave thought to the future. One of his hands would travel up to gently stroke at Majima's fingers.
     ❝ Thank you. You've made my life an adventure, ❞ he says after a brief moment of quiet, ❝ A terrifying, stressful, and often nerve-wracking adventure, but an adventure nonetheless. ❞ The addendum was playfully added, albeit in a slightly sharper tone. It was true at least--he couldn't lie. Being the partner of a Yakuza patriarch had its perks but also its dangers. Slowly, he adjusts, moving to lay his head against Majima's collarbone, lazily draping an arm over his chest, a contented sigh escaping him, ❝ And I look forward to many more years to come. ❞
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Much love from your own personal hoe, ya know the PorcoHOE. Here I'll tell you a joke my momma always tells me about BIRFDAYS
Okay okay here we go
What does a turtle do on it's birthday?? IT SHELLEBRATES
Happy birthday SUZ❤️🥰
-signed and love by your one and only hoe, the PorcoHOE
Thank you SO SO much my dear!!!! You are indeed my one and only porcHOE and I live for it!!! You never fail to thirst for that mans with me and lemme tell u - I planned out the fic for him and it’s GON BE LONG and it’s GON BE PAIN. so BUCKLE UP.
I love your turtle joke so much too XD I love turtles 🐢🥳
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jocelyn-wellson · 4 years
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21 Years Ago (September)
"Ya donnae 'ave ta walk me there," snapped Jocelyn. "I kin figh' fer meself."
Kasyade and the Captain traded a look. The Captain shook his head.
"Miss Jocelyn," he began, "I promised I would take you to see their graves myself. Did ya forget?"
"Ya go' me drunk on me 10th birfday an' ya 'spec' me ta take ya at yer word? Ya think I be tha' stupi'?"
The Captain looked like someone hit him in the gut.
"Jocelyn," said Kasyade, voice stern and serious as ever, "Calm down. He's right."
"Righ' 'bou' wha'? The drinkin' o' the protec'ion, hm? An' wha' 'ave ya done fer me?"
Kasyade backhanded the teenager. "Kept your ass alive how many times now?" Jocelyn fumed. Her eyes darted between the two. "Fuck et," she said, storming to the room she shared with her mentor. "I donnae wanna see."
"You ok?" asked Melody.
"You've been distant all night... something happen?"
Joci shook her head. 
"I know you better than that," said Melody.
Joci looked up at her date. She reached for the bottle of burgundy and filled her glass to the rim.
"Now I know something happened the other day."
"Et donnae mattah," Joci said, setting the bottle down. She closed her hands around the bowl of the pinot noir glass. Tobacco and berries, smoke and leather and oak, they all emanated from the palms of her hands. 
"If it didn't matter, I wouldn't ask," said Melody, gently. "Are you ok?"
Joci closed her eyes. Breathe in. The scent of the wine mixed with the image of the little child in Moonbrook, playing with the mutilated teddy. Breathe out. 
"No," she admitted.
After her initial tantrum, Miss Jocelyn emerged from her room. She looked between the Captain and her mentor, her fist closed around her knuckles. She had donned her best set of clothing, a birthday gift from Kasyade two years prior - a light green dress with white accents. "Look..." she said, staring at the ground. "I donnae wha' ta be findin' 'ere. Mebbe a grave, mebbe nothin'. An' tha'," she admitted, "scares th' fuck outta me."
Kasyade nodded toward the Captain. She knelt. He stepped out of the room.
"Are you sure you want to do this? You haven't been here for over 9 years."
"Ain' no green-skins 'ere now, be they?"
"Not the point."
"I ain' afrai' o' no seadogs..." 
"Still not the point."
"Yeah." Kasyade brought the girl close to her. "That's it, right? Not knowing what happened to her?"
Jocelyn didn't answer. She held out her fist and opened it, dropping her weapon into her mentor's hand. 
"I'll take you, yea?"
"No' th' Captain..." Jocelyn said quietly. "'e's why I be 'ere in th' firs' place."
"Aye, just us." Kasyade tucked the small pair of knuckles into her pack. 
"I wanna go jus' like... like I donnae wanna hur' no one. Jus' be in peace, like."
"I'll keep watch the whole way, alright?"
Jocelyn nodded. She walked over toward the broad window of the Captain's quarters and looked out at Rustberg Village. Kasyade excused herself to speak with the Captain. Voices were raised, but he relented.
Melody offered Joci a wistful smile. A platter of coconut-breaded shrimp and another of raw seafood were placed in the center of the table. Joci reached for one of the coconut shrimp and dipped it in the sweet cocktail sauce. "What's bothering you, J?"
Joci bit the head off the shrimp. "A boy, a boy me an' Myz foun' in that town, Moonbrook." She chewed for a moment. "'e 'ad nothin', no' really."
Melody nodded slowly. "Moonbrook was hit hardest by the abandonment of the Crown... my family fled to Sentinel Hill just before the anarchists."
"Et ain' always been like tha', ya mean?"
"No... no, not always." Melody chuckled. "I remember when it wasn't so bad. Before the riots and the hate. I remember playing there, the different farms..." She took a raw scallop from the other platter, squeezing lemon juice atop it. "...but this isn't about me, is it?"
Joci cleared her throat. She told her about the little boy, the little boy who seemed haunted, whose teddy was falling apart, missing its eyes, was filthy. Melody nodded as she spoke. Like she knew exactly what she was talking about.
"...et remin'ed me o' me bruv," Joci admitted at last.
The two headstones were simple. "B.W." and "J.W." Set atop a hill, looking over the village. Kasyade stopped five meters out to give her charge a bit of privacy; after all, it was the first time Jocelyn had visited her parents' graves. She watched as Jocelyn approached the headstones, slowly and timidly. In her hands, she held a small burlap sack. When she reached the headstones, she opened it. Kasyade looked on as the girl extracted a well-loved teddy, the same one she had watched Jocelyn cuddle with for the past four years. 
"Mama," she heard the teen say, "Papa... I miss you... miss you so." Kasyade could hear Jocelyn start to cry. A bandit turned and was about to yell something, but she shot the man a death glare. The bandit left. Kasyade's focus returned to the posthumous reunion.
"Ya remembah this 'un 'ere? Lil' B called it ‘Jan’?" asked the teen, setting the teddy between the two headstones. "'ow he gave 'er ta me th' day..." she choked on her words. Kasyade watched closely, but still remained silent as the young woman continued. "...she done saw me go through 'ard times. Now ya kin le' 'er see ya through yers," she heard the teen say. "Kasyade?"
"I nee' yer 'elp."
The mentor approached her protégé bearing a shovel. She dug a hole for the teddy. Jocelyn wrapped the toy in burlap and set it to rest in the hole. She threw a handful of dirt on it and backed away. Kasyade began to cover it. Jocelyn kissed her fingertips, resting them atop her papa's headstone and then her mama's.
"I luv ya..." she said. "Donnae forge' me, an' I cannae forge' ya."
Kasyade set a heavy stone atop the shallow grave she had dug for the child's toy. She set her hand on Jocelyn's shoulder. "Good?"
Jocelyn cried for two minutes more. She swiped at her eyes. "...nay," she said, voice breaking. "Le's go."
After they had finished their meal, Joci and Melody walked hand-in-hand. They passed the Cathedral. Joci hesitated. "Kin I show ya somethin'?" she asked.
They ventured into Stormwind Cemetery. There, about half way, were a collection of headstones, the names on which were familiar to Joci, even if all their stories were not. She led Melody to one: "...this one was me bruv," she said.
Melody plucked a few late-summer flowers from alongside the path. She knelt, running her hands across the headstone's crescent moon. She set the flowers at the base of the memorial. "I'll watch over her," she promised the cold stone. "Not that she needs it," she whispered. She swore she could hear an ethereal chuckle. She stood. "Let me show you my flat," she offered. "If you'd like."
Joci wrapped her arms around Melody. She melted into those arms, sobbing. Neither of them said another word. They took each others' hands and walked the long way back to Melody's flat.
( @myzariel )
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flightboundtrolls · 4 years
o ya its birfday
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iamknicole · 5 years
ITS YA BIRFDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRFDAY, BEST FRIEND @kayah16 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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favvnsongs · 5 years
Its ya girls birfday and I'm working 6am to 11pm tonight ;__;
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kello-unknown · 5 years
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go shawty! its ya birfday! https://www.instagram.com/p/B8AiE2OH97q/?igshid=1g8586h3n6upj
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oc-lootcrate · 5 years
We've never interacted but I wanted to wish you a happy birfday!!! -- I hope its a great one for ya!! C:
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BLESS!! Thank you so much!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜
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