#ive finally gotten past 70 days
m0thkiller · 7 months
It just hit me that its been a long time since ive self harmed in August. ive cut it close a few times but im getting close to 100 days clean heresoon. thats like, kinda insane to me.
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Re-watching House as a Physician. Pilot Episode. Neurology in the young.
I’d actually recommend this as an exercise.  Re-watching this as a means to motivate studying. It’s truly terrible watching it. So much so, that you want to do it properly or throw shit at the TV. 
If I had students and we couldn’t physically see patients I’d probably tell them what episode to watch and we’d go through the cases together. Go through all the things the team does wrong. Then discuss the things you don’t know yourself.
Because that is actually how you learn best.  Recovering from your mistakes. Identifying gaps in knowledge. 
Unfortunately, all my current students are final years and they do have to see real patients. 
Opening episode: 29 year old female, no past medical history has expressive dysphasia then a first seizure.  How do we know it’s expressive dysphasia?
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IN the episode, the patient notices she’s having trouble getting words out, and is able to write. Then has a seizure. Wilson actually has a good introductory statement here. House finds the case boring, this really isn’t boring. If it doesn’t excite a physician it should certainly terrify them. A la house of god, rule number X = Treat the dying young. With urgency. The majority of patients I see in IM are in their 70s-90s, have predictable issues like metabolic syndrome, heart failure, arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation, infections like community acquired pneumonia and dementia. These are my bread and butter. 
More often than not, my primary role is to ensure a dignified end of life care. Many of them come in already at death’s door or will be imminently there. To continue to push them through medical treatment when they no longer have resilience to go through them, is to prolong suffering. 
You can’t predict how someone young will respond even to the most aggressive of treatment. You give them every chance you have. OFten if the young are sick, it’s really bad. With the elderly, a common cold can make them really sick as their body is in decline. 
Young patients with a single organ system issue will usually go to a subspecialty.  Actually any medical subspecialty or IM in general is considered “diagnostic medicine”. It’s just different flavours of it. 
1st seizures: - it’s rare to have a second.  - usually the cause of underlying seizures is infection - follow-up is clinic with neurology. It’s rare to require further.  - we could go into differential seizures, but that’s a whole other post in itself
(Epilepsy only occurs if you have a number of them and this is rare)
In the case of House, they jump straight to cancer like webmd.
Before they do much, she jumps straight to radiation therapy. This is completely unrealistic. This sort of thing requires multidisciplinary teams to pour over all her results and discuss the best way forward. Chemo and radiotherapy are notorious in the general public for having crazy toxicities. For obvious reasons.
It’s weird re-watching these, where medicine is no longer a foreign language. Actually, it’s watching someone for whom English is a new language and they haven’t really gotten it yet. The tense and grammar are all wrong. 
I watched the Queens Gambit - holy fuck is chess a foreign world and language. I know the basics, but none of the strategies. Sicillian sounds like a great name for a tasty pizza. Or something else. 
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Anyways, it takes a whole lot of time before they get to differentials. 
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Honestly, you would be getting to these the minute you hear the presenting complaint. Then considering how to rule them in and out. For students, always have the surgical sieve in mind. 
Differential diagnosis of expressive dysphasia in a young woman are then addressed in the episode. here’s what they consider: - Aneurysm and stroke (haemorrhagic stroke in this case if we’re talking aneurysm), incidentally most common cause of berry aneurysms is high blood pressure. this is a decent consideration. but you would have seen it on imaging from the start. 
- CJD = very much mad zebra. I wouldn’t even suggest this. You would if it was rapid onset dementia or behvarioural changes and they came from high risk areas (eg ate burgers in the UK in the 1980s and 90s). But rapid meaning weeks to months. Not sudden onset within minutes. It’s more stroke.  - Cncephalopathy: requires an LP to go over this, and she doesn’t present with a fever either. regardless, important to consider. would always consider an LP in addition to imaging.  - Wernicke’s: only consider if they have a nutritional disorder like severe, chronic anorexia (which she doesn’t have) or heavy alcohol use. This is caused by thiamine/VitB1 deficiency. A thiamine level test takes days or weeks. We would never wait for a thiamine test to come back, you’d treat IV thiamine straightaway. I mean it’s vitamin B. This is a terrible differential to consider so near the top. She also doesn’t really have the other symptoms.
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Then there’s the more obvious differentials they didn’t bother to consider: The greatest mimic for a stroke particularly in young women is migraine. You can have similar neurology, but it’s often associated with a headache.  If we wanted to chase zebras in the young, you could consider a PFO (holes in the heart that are congenitally there) and thromboemboli causing stroke. (In other words, you develop a clot, normally the lungs will pick up the clot like a filter before it gets to the brain. But the clot can bypass the lungs via holes in the heart and give you a stroke). This is always the consideration in cryptogenic strokes (in which you have a young patient without any reason for having an atheroma causing stroke). Risk factors for thromboemboli can include the oral contraceptive pill (estrogen can be thrombogenic) and then long periods of immobility, think long haul flights or trauma to the long bones or surgery. IN rare cases, those who had particular types of heart surgery as an infant, like a Fontan’s. But this is very niche mind you. And they’re often already on preventative therapy. Infection is a key thing to consider, where there are risk factors. she’s not immunosuppressed or done any exotic travel or eaten raw foods she shouldn’t have eaten (raw pork, bad sushi etc.). It’s a shame they didn’t mention it early. THere’s a few infections that go to the brain but you’d often have these in mind with the risk factors as stated before. THe imaging is often a giveaway
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Learning point here - always eat cooked pork! Finally, cancer. But it’d be obvious on imaging if you’d already developed seizures or focal neurology, the lesions would already be large enough to pick up. the sad part to many brain tumours is that they’re already very large by the time of presentation. Beau Biden for instance, presented with acute confusion before his diagnosis, preceding that he had weakness and altered sensation (the lesion was likely too small at the time to be picked up on imaging and was diagnosed as a stroke). 
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I would rarely be referred brain tumours, the emergency department will have scanned the brain and seen something that would prompt referral to the neurosurgeons. When you’re young and have a lesion/tumour, any team will try everything, including majority surgery, to salvage what life is left. it is very tragic. 
Anyway, stopping here. Already too much stuff to dissect and unpack from just the first episode alone. Note that I’m in IM, no doubt a neurologist or neurosurgeon will have different opinions on this episode. Ha. 
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us-ugay · 3 years
i think ive talked about it on here but idk if i went into much detail
along w those realizing ur sexuality AUs im also a sucker for time travel AUs because i just love history and differences between our modern society and previous historical societies i lose my shit every time but one of the near and dear personal AUs i have at the moment is time travel AU where a modern day arthur and an all american alfred who slowly fall in love in the intolerant and small minded setting of 1950s small town USA
adding a read more cuz i practically turned this bitch into a short story on its own
arthur, a 21-22 year old student researcher at berkley gets involved in an accident in the lab with an experimental time device, sending him back to 1951 (exactly 70 years prior to the day). while dazed and disoriented, he stumbles around for a while until alfred, a 19 year old baby faced server finds him on the side of the road as he’s coming back from a shift. alfred is just as naive as the town he lives in, so of course hes not afraid or concerned like arthur is and gladly extends a helping hand to this friendly looking stranger.
throughout the AU, alfred helps arthur on his feet in the town, gets him a job at the diner, brings him to meet his family and they grow to become best friends. alfred is ecstatic. he’s never met someone like arthur who has an entirely different sense of perspective than the rest of the people around him. he knows so many things that alfred can’t even begin to wrap his head around. he’s open minded and talks about so many new things that alfred hasn’t ever stopped to consider. arthur is so cool to him for reasons he himself cant even begin to explain, and he feels drawn to him. of course, alfred’s constant hanging around w arthur doesnt escape the notice of other folks in town, along w his family
arthur on the other hand, is now in an entirely new place and time with absolutely no way to get back. he thinks that maybe if he stays stuck in one place, someone would come back looking for him, even if it takes the folks in the future trying to find him a while. months after months roll by with nothing. arthur slowly loses hope. he’s been trying to blend in, not stick out in obvious ways. he isn’t any expert in history, let alone how society was even just decades ago. he doesn’t know what others know at this time, and how people think, so he feels completely out of his element. alfred, the eager and excitable boy who keeps helping him out and talking to him, is one of his only sources of comfort.
once a year, year and a half roll by, arthur finally realizes that no one is coming for him. he grieves over it, but comes to the conclusion that he has no other option but to make a new life here in the past. he starts to actually get involved in the town, make some friends, but he’s still the closest with alfred. they become virtually inseparable.
alfred, now having spent the last year and a half-two years with arthur, is starting to have some tension with his family over his place in life. his mom and dad want to see alfred settle into a career, get a house, and bring a girl home to them. his father in particular, starts to grow resentful towards alfred’s friendship with arthur, seeing it as a distraction for alfred preventing him from moving on in life. his mom is just tired of arthur becoming a de-facto new son at the table whenever alfred joins them for their weekly family dinners.
around the 2 and a half, 3 year mark, they hit a breaking point. rumors have been swirling around the small town about the pair, which have gotten back to alfred’s father. he begins to notice that despite his son being a mans man, tall and athletic and works on cars for a living, arthur is the opposite. he doesnt understand why the two spend as much time together as they do when they don’t have almost anything in common. he starts seeing arthur as a corrupting force in alfred’s life, and begins to try and deter alfred from seeing him. as alfred ignores him, he becomes more and more stern and demanding
arthur of course, can see what’s happening around him. he knows people realize that something is off about him. while he was in the present, arthur had no problem with being open with his sexuality. he was secure in himself and never ran into much issues when it came to it. of course he had struggles with internalized societal messages but he never had to deal with targeted bigotry outside of school yard name calling.
however, now is different. he can see people begin to leer at him on the street and hear whispers when he passes by the diner regulars. while he made sure to keep everything private, something must have tipped off everyone around him, and he sees the writing on the wall. he begins to work out plans to move to the bigger city if/when things escalate.
alfred, on the other hand, doesn’t quite understand why things have started to shift. he doesnt understand why his parents are suddenly so eager to see him bring home a girl when he himself isn’t interested in finding a girl. he’s only 21, much too young to be married in his mind, and it’s not like he hasn’t had super close male friendships before. and sure, he’s maybe had a few late night conversations while star gazing with arthur about how other men sometimes fall in love with each other, and how it was weird when he felt something flutter in his stomach when arthur couldnt meet his eyes throughout those entire conversations, but its not like he ever acted upon anything! how dare people be suspicious about him when he’s never done anything that would elicit suspicion?!
the pit in alfred stomach grows more and more each day while the rest of the town slowly becomes darker and darker. him and his dad can hardly speak to each other without it becoming an argument. the late night drives and talks with arthur begin to have an air of tension to them. even arthur seems more serious than usual. they’re parked at their usual scenic point thats overlooking the town where they often have their philosophical talks. arthur is just staring out ahead at the lights of the town, quiet, while alfred tries to chatter away.
while racking his brain to come up with something that could get arthur to talk, a thought crosses his mind. along with losing the town and his family if things keep going down this path as they are, he might lose arthur too.
alfred goes silent at the thought while looking at arthur. arthur, realizing alfred has stopped talking, looks back and meets his gaze. a few moments pass by.
alfred then leans forwards and kisses him.
its just a brief brush of the lips, nothing either boys haven’t experienced and yet, both of their breaths are held as alfred shifts back into his seat and they snap their eyes ahead out of the front wind shield.
alfred drives arthur home in silence, and drops him off at his apartment with a small see ya. alfred then goes home and settles in bed. he doesnt know what he’s feeling. his heart is fluttering and yet he feels sick to his stomach. he now understands why everyone is disgusted with him, and he feels disgusted with himself. the next day, he doesn’t visit arthur at the diner like he usually does.
arthur on the other hand, is dumb founded. alfred has always been curious about a lot of things. of course they talked about how men can be gay, but they also talked about philosophy and life and whether or not soviet russia is as bad as everyone says it is and what the moon could be made out of. alfred loved talking about the stars and would point out all kinds of constellations arthur knew nothing about and arthur in turn would explain to alfred about important it was to be empathetic towards the plight of people that movies and books and the radio didnt talk about. he never expected that alfred, handsome, friendly, perfect picture of 1950s americana alfred, could like men, let alone him. his heart soared as he went to sleep that night.
in the morning, however, the idea that he could just run off whenever the town inevitably turned on him now rocked him with guilt. he would have just left alfred without much fanfare. alfred helped him on his feet when he was alone and scared in a new world, and he would have just severed the relationship they had without regards to how alfred would have felt. he decided then that he would talk with alfred about what was going on and about his plans.
to wrap it up, the rest of the AU is arthur helping alfred work through his internalized homophobia and working on a relationship together as the town and alfred’s parents turns on them. they eventually do flee to san francisco, the closest big city where they would just be faces in the crowd. alfred learns to be in a relationship without set in stone rules and dynamics that he used to expect he’d have to act out one day, while arthur then has to grapple with keeping alfred in the dark about his own history and how he came to be in alfred’s life in the first place.
of course, arthur’s place in then-1958 is discovered by the lab at berkley through historical archives 👀 arthur then has to grapple a little harder about having kept alfred in the dark about everything, and alfred has to decide if once again, he could sever himself from everything he knows to follow arthur
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findingmypeace · 2 years
I am beyond exhausted. It’s only 7:30pm but I think I’m going to go bed as soon as I finish writing this. I had ECT this morning and it was rough. When I woke I from the anesthesia the nurse told me that my blood pressure was really low and so they were really going to push the fluids (IV fluids) and I also needed to drink a lot of water orally. My blood pressure had been down to 80/50. Normal is 120/80. Most likely this was because I was super dehydrated. It’s not unusual for them to give me IV fluids as they have been doing that almost every time I have ECT since I admitted to residential but it was unusual for my blood pressure to be that low. They finally got it to ~100/70 after giving me a lot of fluids but even then when I stood up I felt a little faint. For the rest of the day I’ve been super tired. I went from ECT to treatment and I spent most of the afternoon sleeping rather than attending groups. Since I’ve gotten home I’ve felt like I can barely move. I just feel so weak. It’s been a long time since ECT wiped me out this much. My body has pretty much gotten used to it and most of the time I just feel sleepy from the anesthesia and that’s all.
That wasn’t the only complication today. As I was sitting out in the waiting room after ECT (I was waiting for my ride) I started to get sharp pains at the top of my stomach. It finally got bad enough that I told the nurse about it and she said they give us oxygen during the procedure (through a mask) and most likely that air got trapped in my stomach as gas. That makes since and it most likely was that. I’ve just never had that happen before. It hurt so bad and when I got back to treatment I talk to the nurse (at php) and she gave me some stuff to help with gas and it did help which I am grateful for.
However, on a good note, I have been having ECT every other Friday. This time we are stretching it out to every 3 weeks since I am doing so well. I feel like this is right decision but I am terrified. I don’t want things to fall apart. But my psychiatrist did say that if I need to I can come in before then which is comforting for me to know. My mood has been so much better then it has been, probably ever. I don’t want to jinx it and I’m terrified that it will all come crashing down around me. It also feels really strange to be okay. It’s new territory. The past I don’t how many years have all been full of so much misery. It makes me cry when I think of how dark things have been. But it’s amazing to feel good. Just please don’t let it fall apart.
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kitchen-witch-bitch · 3 years
bill/eddie 2 please ^_^
You got a whole thing my dude 🤣
"He--t-t-took--Georgie," Bill grunts, dashing forward out of Mike's hold to help Richie pull Eddie up, "h-h-he's n-n-not taking you t-too, get up, get up, get up come on please please please--" 
Bill doesn't realize he's started screaming, that the stutter is gone because he's screaming and this plea is coming from somewhere deep inside him, ripping through his body as if he had been the one stabbed, not Eddie. 
As he sits in the waiting room of the hospital, leg bouncing, he wishes he had been stabbed. He wishes he could take Eddie’s place. It would have been poetic, had he nearly died by the hands of the thing that took his brother, that took Stan, that took the innocence of the Losers and--
Well, that last one was his fault. One hundred thousand percent his fault. 
You see that guy I'm punching? I'm pretending it's you. Richie.
I hate you. Stan. 
Please don't be mad, Bill. Eddie.
Out of his first three friends, Eddie was the only one who never actively hated him. Had been so scared, but walked right into hell because Bill asked him to. 
And look where it fucking got him. 
Audra calls again and he throws his phone at the wall, shattering it. 
He thinks he hears Mike get up and whisper to Beverly that now he has to make a call, but he ignores it. Audra hates him, too. He can't handle that right now. He's known that for a long time, known that his marriage was crumbling and God help him, he could not deal with that right now. He'd replace his phone some other time and sign anything she wants to end things. He doesn't want to fight. He's tired of being hated. 
So, he sits. And waits. He's hunched over, his hands on the back of his neck and his head down so he can hide. He hates this waiting room. He's been here 3 days, only moving to go to the bathroom. He thinks the phone shattering incident happened around the middle of day 2. He remembers a lot of yelling about that. It hurt his head. 
He thinks it's the night of day three when he feels a hand on his back. It's large and soft and could be Ben or Richie. He lets out a sob. He hasn't seen his best friends in 27 years and he can't tell their hands apart even though they're his best friends and they're the most important things to him--
"Bill," Richie coos from somewhere above him. Richie, then. It's Richie who has his hand on his back. Richie, who may have just lost the love of his life after finding him again. Richie is being sweet to him even though Bill has a stupid crush on Eddie too and there's no way Richie doesn't know that by now. No way. "Bill, bud, come on. You've gotta sit up. You've gotta eat something."
"I'm sorry."
"Nope, that's not related to what I said."
Bill doesn't move. 
"Bill, you have five seconds to come with me willingly and go get food. If you don't, I'm throwing you over my shoulder and walking out of here with you, and the tabloids are going to have a field day with that that I'm sure our managers are going to love. Five."
Bill storms out behind Richie on 2. 
Bill eats with Richie in relative silence, and it's as if some God has finally heard their prayers. 
Stan calls in tears. The suicide attempt failed. He’s heard about Eddie and he's coming to Maine immediately. 
Eddie wakes up.
Eddie wakes up. 
Bill throws a $100 bill on the table and they run to Richie's car. Richie does 70 to get to the hospital, parks in the middle of two spaces and they run. Richie ends up running past Bill, who's stopped in the doorway and is fidgeting as Richie and Eddie reunite. 
A lot of things are going on. Bev jumps up from her spot near Eddie’s hips and lets Richie sit there. Ben pulls her into their lap in a free chair near the bed, and Mike’s on the other side wiping at tears of joy and relief. Richie leans forward and kisses Eddie’s forehead, then takes his hand and holds it tightly between his own. 
Bill feels like an outsider. Eddie’s breathing and he's awake and fuck, he's so happy, and he's not yanking away from Richie or teasing him and Richie looks lighter and Bill can see it, they're finally getting their shit together, they were in love all those years ago and they're in love now and that's great. Fantastic. 
Maybe he's a little bitter. 
Maybe he wanted Eddie, too.
That's selfish, though. He'd almost gotten the man killed due to Eddie’s hero worship and Bill’s stupidity. He fidgets at the door like he stutters on his words.
"Where's Bill?" Eddie finally rasps, starting to move. Richie forces him to settle back down before looking back at Bill. 
"He's here, Eds. C'mere, Billiam, Eds is looking for you."
Bill moves forward a few feet, and he and Eddie lock eyes. "Bill, you look like shit."
"Says you," Bill retorts, but there's no heat behind it. There's so much guilt. His voice breaks and he has to wipe at his eyes so he can see Eddie. 
"Bill," Eddie starts, gently tugging his hand out of Richie's hold (it’s the only one not covered in wires and an IV or it would have stayed tangled with Richie's) so he can reach for his friend. "Come here, dipshit." 
He does as he's told, finally making it to the bed and half sits on it, taking Eddie’s hand. The other man interlocks their pinkies, making Bill chuckle for the first time in days. They'd done that the first day they met and promised to be the bestest friends forever. Eddie had, quite literally, gotten shafted on that deal, according to Bill. 
"I can't do all the talking," Eddie wheezes, smirking at Bill. "It hurts. So, tell me what's going through your head."
"Later," Bill promises, squeezing Eddie’s pinkie finger before letting Richie take Eddie’s hand again. The two share a look, and Bill bites his lip. Maybe this will get easier with time.
They have that, now.
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heli0s-writes · 5 years
IV. A Commitment*
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes Summary:  Natasha teaches you how to kiss. Tony gives you an opportunity. A/N: Part 4 of Mystery of Love. . (*) denotes NSFW!!  
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At 23, you were struggling to have a conversation about … it.
It was almost three weeks since your moment on Steve’s couch with him and Bucky. Their touches on your skin haunted you day and night, and it made your work at the compound significantly more difficult than you could have ever imagined. It was hard to find clarity under such zealous and watchful eyes, and the distance you continued to keep them at would eventually be thwarted. You had to ask Pepper for an extension on your assignment mid-May before it got too out of hand. She happily obliged, very understanding of your predicament. The deadline was extended indefinitely, but having no schedule threw you further off course.
In an effort to control at least your personal life, you allowed yourself to spend time with Steve and Bucky in small bursts, intent on not repeating another couch-event. They each had very different approaches of being in your presence, you found out. Steve was happy to accompany you to galleries and the store if he was already in town- which he often was whether it be by coincidence or intention.
You took walks with him through the park, had coffee together, read the paper, and laughed at the comic strips. You’d go to bookstores where he’d browse non-fiction and history while you showed him some of your favorite art books, teaching him about famous artists and their vision. Your conversations were light and full of laughter.
Once, he met you at a local bar and you discovered his passion for sports- one you didn’t share but were happy to appreciate. You didn’t even know the championship game was going on that day and in the middle of it it’d become so rambunctious (someone recognized him!) that the two of you had to run out before it could conclude.
 Physically, Steve was rather indulgent of your reservations. He’d hold your hand in private and brush his fingers over your knuckles in public. More than the touches, it was his gaze that sent your blood rushing. He perfected that slow lingering sweep with his eyes. There was no fervent message to be analyzed behind those blue-green gazes—only a simple feeling. And that feeling he held for you was incomprehensible. It swept you away.
It wasn’t like you didn’t want to be physical or intimate because you loved the feel of the pads of his fingers and his callused palms. Or that smooth line of his winning smile, tilting upwards on one side. You constantly thought about those rough edges of Steve Rogers on your body.
It was rather that you were so fearful of crushing all the eggshells under your feet labelled “Steve and Bucky’s Tentative and Healing Friendship”.
Oh, you knew about The Winter Soldier and HYDRA. You’d gotten the quick and dirty version from Steve after your initial meeting with Bucky; the wipes, the assassinations, the complete and utter control they had on him for 70 years. The image of him in ice seared itself into your brain, the thought of them putting him up when they were finished using him killed you.
You weren’t just heartbroken, you were livid. You couldn’t help but take it so personally and you couldn’t quite explain why to Steve as you sobbed uncontrollably in the kitchen that morning except rasping breaths of goddamn it, oh god, Bucky. By the time Bucky returned from his run, your eyes were swollen and pink, bottom lip nearly chewed through.
You buried your face in his chest and whispered that you were happy to have him in your life and nothing else. There couldn’t be anything else yet. He was still raw, and you couldn’t tear him open any more.
 Spending time with Bucky was significantly different, and a much more delicate task than Steve. He was hesitant to go into the city, a choice you understood completely so you never asked. Instead the two of you spent lots of time on separate sides of couches with tea and a book, careful not to sit too close. He’d gladly sit with a movie on while you worked on editing your many files.
After travelling for so long, you wanted to pick up your old hobbies again, so you started to make small meals at the compound. Bucky was hardly a cook by any means, but always seemed to know when you needed an ingredient from the cupboard and before you could fumble to reach for it, he’d have already set it next to your hand.
The conversations were short, and as you expected, he never divulged anything meaningful. After you had the talk with Steve, Bucky often sent you precarious glances, worried you might lash out because of his past. When you carried on as usual, the weight lifted from his shoulders.
Bucky was more physical, to say the least. He tried to respect your boundaries, but it wasn’t unlike him to push them from time to time. Unlike Steve’s tender gazes, Bucky stared intensely and openly. There were many a time when you’d look up from your book to see him on the other side of the sectional, staring straight through the pages and right at your face. His fingers would be tapping on his knee. When you’d finally see it and swallow nervously, he’d smirk and look back to his book.
Or you’d sit on the floor with your laptop open on the coffee table and Bucky would have silently moved from his supposed area on the couch to directly behind you. He’d lean over close, so that his breath would tickle your ear and ask you innocently about the picture you were working on. It never failed to send shivers up your spine and elicit wide, devilish grins from him.
It was his favorite game. It set you on fire.  
And so it was that you attempted to balance your time with both men, as they navigated their own schedules of work, training, and rehabilitation.
You also tried to retain any semblance of your employment to Stark Industries.
You snapped pictures here and there, trying your best to maintain the illusion of your contract. There were some exceptional ones of the interior but photographing the Avengers themselves was challenging. Especially when it came to Bucky. He could sense any time you were in the room and strictly refused to ignore your presence. There were no candids taken of Bucky Barnes; he simply did not allow it. He never stopped staring at you.
At the end of May, you put the assignment on pause and decided instead to focus on the photos from your travels. Pepper kindly put up a room for you so you didn’t have to make the trip to and from the compound, but you were afraid that being in such close(ish) quarters with Steve and Bucky would lead to complications. She was very understanding at your hesitance and careful not to pry but left the offer open if you had any questions. You contemplated asking her, but in the end decided to save your queries for someone less motherly and more straightforward.
 When you turned up at Natasha’s room, she hardly seemed surprised. She had two Irish Mules set on coasters on the small coffee table. You took a sip, licking your lips at the lime and ginger beer; she could really make a drink. It would have been bad to get drunk quickly and spill all your secrets, but there was something about her presence that was tossing out all pretense. You supposed the phrase, “You can’t bullshit a bullshitter” was especially applicable with Natasha.
The first query slipped out before you could catch it.
“Does it hurt?”
The right corner of her lips lifted, but her eyebrows raised in sympathy at your innocent question. It was a valid one, of course, and it was right of you to ask it. Natasha assured you that discomfort is normal at first since you’d never experienced it before- but that they both should be treating you respectfully, kindly, and lovingly. She restated that there was nothing wrong with taking it slow, finding your own pace and easing into it, and doing what you feel is comfortable.
When you told her you’d never kissed anyone before and that Bucky sucking on your finger probably didn’t count, she sputtered up a bit of her cocktail mid-drink. She didn’t specify whether it was because you’d never been kissed or if it was the... other thing.
“I don’t even know how it works. There’s two of them.” You’d been stuck on it all month. You’d have to decide in the end, and sure, maybe Bucky wasn’t jealous when Steve kissed your hand or when you’d go out with him but what if they started fighting about who got to do what with you. It wasn’t like they were each others’ soulmates. You complained to Natasha more freely at the end of your mug.
What if they didn’t like how you looked?! What if you were bad in bed? What if they got bored after seeking the physical aspects? What if that was all that became of your relationship?
She had listened to your rambling briefly but became determined to put a stop to the madness and set down her drink.
“You have to stop being so crazy, those two are closer than you or I can imagine. You might need to be convinced about the validity of being Soulmates, but those old boys do not. They have committed.”
There was that word again, you thought.
“And, if you’re so worried about your first kiss...” A single red brow raised itself high up her forehead, “I can show you. No more worrying about who kissed you first.” Natasha set her copper mug down with a definitive clink.
It might have been the drink that was making you brave, or the desperation of wanting some relief to your constant distress, because you eagerly said yes. Natasha had brushed back loose strands of your hair with her hand and propped herself up on her knees. She hovered over you, letting her locks fall over your face.
“Is this okay?”
You nodded, captivated. You could feel your eyes fluttering as she lowered her lips to yours in a single tranquil movement. Her warm breath pleasantly caressed your mouth as she kissed you. Natasha’s lips were soft and full, velvety with every parting and descent. One hand came to cup your jaw, pulling you closer and deeper into her motions. You didn’t expect the sound your mouths made against each other- the smacking was half disturbing, half arousing.
She had seemed like a good kisser, but it was almost a clinical experience, whether it was because it was a learning moment from a friend, or if it was because you were so concentrated on memorizing Natasha’s actions, that made it not quite enjoyable as the movies tried to portray. There were no string quartets harmonizing in the background or doves flying, only the lax pulse of your heart in your own ears.
When she finally pulled away, you were expectant for another one; you wanted to learn. She cocked her head at your silence.
“How was it?” You had thought about it for a second before answering truthfully, “Noisy...”
Natasha howled with laughter. When she gathered herself enough to speak again, her raspy voice was slightly a little more hoarse than usual.
“Kid,” she gasped, “The noises are the best part, trust me.”
The unexpected statement made your abdomen clench. You vaguely wondered what kind of noises Steve and Bucky might make, but hurriedly squashed them. Linger on that one for too long, and you’d burst.
After another half hour of fielding questions, she finally sent you back to your quarters with a flash-drive in hand, disclosing to you that it was her personal collection of “friendly” pornography- which made your entire body flush crimson. It was for you to watch, explore, fantasize about, and maybe get some ideas before the day arrives. Before opening the door, Natasha called your name sternly.
“Remember when I asked you if it was okay before I kissed you?”
You nodded.
“There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, they should be asking you. Porn does not capture all the real-life shit that happens during sex. There is nothing embarrassing about asking questions, voicing your needs and desires, and talking to each other. You’re not going to be awesome at it the first time. But you’ve got the rest of your life to practice.”
You thanked her sincerely. There was nowhere else that you were going to receive this kind of lesson and you really wanted her to know. Natasha shooed you out of her room, pointing to the flash drive gripped tight in your fist.
“Go rub out some good ones for me, okay?”
With a wink and playful slap on your ass, she promptly kicked you out but not before deftly tucking a flask of whiskey under your arm. You shoved the deviant things as deep into the pocket of your jeans as possible and wandered to the guest room Pepper had set up. You often took naps in there, and it would have been a better idea to go home, but you were strangely eager. Bucky and Steve were in the shooting range this evening, so you hoped they’d be fully distracted with loud gunfire and not sniff you out with 100 gigabytes of porn in your pocket.
 Once safe in the comfort of the room, you tentatively launched a window on your laptop, headphones jacked in, one bud hanging loose. Your door was locked all the way, and you had wiggled the handle thrice just to be safe, satisfied when nothing budged.
 Natasha’s files were categorized into multiple folders and subfolders. You made a mental note to thank her for such thorough and thoughtful placement of the videos, sorted and titled by extremely efficient keywords. She had a deliberate folder of multiple threesome videos, just for you, and you promptly decide to never bring it up any of it. Reading the titles alone made your legs tingle; your mind couldn’t help but automatically fit Steve or Bucky in the fantasy.
You fired up the first video, reaching over to the small nightstand to inhale two fingers of whiskey for good measure. It burned your insides going down but became a relief when it took your mind off the fire in your cheeks at the performance unfolding on your dim screen. Once again, your brain replaced the two male actors with your respective soulmates, and yourself as the woman sitting in the middle of the bed.
Of course you’d masturbated before, you weren’t a nun, for crying out loud; some bodily tension could only be relieved in a certain way. And it just so happened since the Binding, you were in the habit of doing it much more, anyway. It was difficult to spend all day with Bucky’s burning gaze and Steve’s feather light touches and expect yourself to immediately fall asleep...
Your phone lit up as two large hands caress the actress’ shapely thighs.
Tony’s face blinked on the screen. You ignored it, concentrated on thick fingers peeling the flimsy material of a lacy bralette down. Open-mouthed sloppy kisses begin between the woman and the man on the left as the one on the right cups the breast closest to him in a firm hold. You imagined a ghostly touch on your own chest and shuddered. One hand imitated the actions between the woman’s legs: feather-light touches interspersed with solid grips. The tickle creates chills that crawl all over your skin.
Tony face blinked again on your phone.
You fixed your posture against the headboard of your bed and flexed your legs, straightening them for a more relaxed pose. Your palm traced over the slope of your thighs as they dipped into a valley in the middle, slowly you brought your other hand to your chest, following the line of Steve’s Words. Bucky’s eyes flashed in your mind when one of the men catches the woman’s fingers in his mouth in a hard suck. The woman’s free hand and palms the opposite man’s crotch, rubbing slow circles around the tent in his jeans. He sucks in a low hiss of air and groans lightly, a profane word wiggling its way out of his mouth. In your left ear, it sounded like Steve.
F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice filling the room sent you into shock.
“Mr. Stark is requesting your presence in the living quarters.”
In a panic, you slammed your hands down on the keyboard of your laptop multiple times, silently screaming when the headphone jack falls out and there’s moaning repeatedly being paused and played in the darkness of your room.
“How does he--”
“Mr. Stark had me do a sweep of the rooms to find you.”
“Mr. Stark does not know what you are watching.”
You grumbled, accepting the interface’s comment. Sometimes it was hard for you to remember that she wasn’t an actual person since she so often responded in very human ways, including predicting your source of embarrassment. You flopped down on the bed, muffling your face in the soft comfort of your pillow, catching the smell of your whiskey-sour breath.
“Please tell Mr. Stark I’ll be coming,”
“That's an interesting choice of words, ma’am.”
Another scream was muffled in the pillow before you trudged your body out of the guest room.
As soon as you stepped foot into the gathering space, a tiny firework was popped in your face, colorful confetti flying from it into the air and scattering itself in your hair. You shrieked, naturally. There were some cheers and whooping from those in the room: Steve, Natasha, and Pepper. Your heart was pounding in response.
“Hey kid! Congrats! I got some news for you.” Tony beamed widely, slapping both hands firmly on your shoulders, “What is that, whiskey? Do I smell whiskey? Good shit, too. What is that? You drinkin’ Yamazaki?”
You cleared your throat and pressed your lips together firmly, hoping Tony would get the message, eye catching Natasha’s cat-like grin in the process. He clucked his tongue before pointing to the wall to your left where an e-mail was being projected. You briefly glanced it over as the room watched on, flicking bits of neon plastic from your head.
The e-mail thread was between Tony and Kristopher Byrne, the former director of the Museum of Modern Art, singing your praises. Your eyebrows raised higher and higher the further down the e-mail chain you went, and eventually it felt like they might fly off your face altogether. Byrne was pushing meeting you, possibly having a dinner together, possibly a position of employment with a local university or being a permanent fixture at one of his private galleries.
There was a choking noise you were vaguely aware of coming out of your mouth- and it wasn’t from excitement.
There was a reason you didn’t pursue a higher degree in the Fine Arts. There was a reason you only gave phone interviews, hardly showed your face, never entered your work in museums, and ran all over the world instead. You hated the attention and the culture of rubbing elbows with the upper crust. Yes, having a secure and stable income is nice- but that was already fulfilled by being employed by Stark Industries, and you never really needed more than that.
“I really appreciate it, Tony,” you began gesturing to the screen, hoping to not offend him, “But you don’t have to do this on my behalf.”
Tony put a hand over the ACDC logo and dimly glowing light on his chest, “I love nepotism as much as the next guy, trust me, but I did not schmooze him, he schmoozed me. He schmoozed me a lot, kid, and it was to get to you. He’s been asking about you for years.”
“Can you stop saying schmooze?” Pepper called, raising her hand primly, “You make it sound so gross, Tony.”
“Look, he just wants to have dinner. With you. And some friends.” Tony shrugged, as if the lift of his shoulder could so easily discard the rest of the statement hanging in the air. You knew that Kristopher Byrne did not just want to have dinner.
“What kind of dinner?” Bucky piped from the background. You turned your head to him, lingering in the back; he must have just come in after a shower. His wet hair was tied into a low knot at the nape of his neck, a few strands hanging loosely. You tried to hide a smile at his protective questioning.
“And what kind of friends?” Steve added, arms now crossed as he sat down on the couch.
Natasha gave a knowing look to Pepper as if to communicate that Tony couldn’t hide his agenda with both Bucky and Steve at his heels. Throwing his hands up he rolled his eyes with a histrionic lament, “Wow. You overprotective geriatrics really suck the fun out of my life, you know that? Great. Cover’s blown, F.R.I.D.A.Y.! Give me the real deal.”
The projection against the wall was hastily replaced with a different e-mail chain, one that very specifically requested a formal show of your most recent work post-travels, as well as a special request for never-before-seen Avengers portraits. You released a loud, disappointed groan, taking two big steps to the wall and jabbing your finger at the mass of text.
“This is why.” You ran your pointer under the phrase “black tie event” and shook your head. “This isn’t my life, Tony. It’s your life.”
“Yeah, I thought you’d say that.” You felt set up. His abruptly somber tone meant that he was about to drop some shit on you that would change your perspective.
“This is my life,” Tony began, pausing for effect before taking two fingers and waving it broadly over the room, making sure to catch Bucky and Steve in his radius. “And it’s their life, too. You think Cap’s not obligated to formal events? He’s a national treasure, kid. And Winter Dead-Eyes over there is America’s new Redemption Sob Story.”
Bucky growled, but was quickly silenced by the outline of Steve’s turning profile.
“You’re Bound to them; you can’t wander the world at your whim anymore. This is a golden opportunity dropping into your lap. One black-tie event with Byrne gets your foot in a lot of doors. He’ll make you a permanent faculty member at Tisch in two years if that’s what you want; you’ve got the clout- whether you like it or not.”
The whiskey was making you a little agitated, and it felt like Tony was cornering you into a pocket you weren’t ready to face. These types of decisions required time and deliberation, and twenty minutes ago, you were barely choosing when you were going to have sex in the next week.  
“And if you’re so adamant against nepotism, how do feel being employed by me?”
“Are you saying you continue to employ me because we’re friends?”
“Aren’t we?”
He really did corner you. If you answered no, it would have been too cruel to everyone. If you answered yes, then you’d be a hypocrite, and there would obviously be no reason for you not to take the offer other than the fact that you didn’t want to. Regardless, Tony had a valid point: you couldn’t keep floating. You needed to settle permanently in New York.
You put your face in both hands, feeling the heat rise from your neck.  
Steve stood up from the couch, “That’s enough.” The edge in his voice meant he was serious. He didn’t like seeing you distressed, but you waved him off, eyes still closed.
“I’ll need… time.” You thought your voice might shake, but it didn’t. Your brain was pumping out information that your mouth was glad to blather about, “I need at least a month. I need to work. I need to set up a studio space, I need equipment, need to find my printing guy… Where are we hanging them?” When your eyes opened, Pepper had her hands clasped together over her chest and Natasha gave you two thumbs up. Steve and Bucky, on the other hand, looked concerned.
Tony was grinning like a child in a candy store.
“Leave all of that to me, kid. Date’s set. Last Saturday in June, we’re doing it. Mazel tov! I love a good black-tie event, especially if I’m throwing it.”
You went home that night and slammed yourself into bed, tossing and turning for what seemed like hours. Your stomach was churning wrathfully, already expectant of the party. Everything felt like it was falling apart again. You had just barely come to the physical terms of having soulmates, taking small steps to ensure that you were treating them fairly and meeting their needs, yet it seemed like once again, the reality of being Bound was eclipsing your independence.
Steve’s words echoed in your head. It was a commitment. You needed to stay in New York and commit to him. You needed to commit to Bucky.
You picked up the phone when it vibrated and lit up with Steve’s face. A concerned murmur of your name passed through the receiver.
“Hey,” You replied, face pressed into your pillow.
“You okay? You left in a hurry.” He sounded relieved to hear your voice.
“I’ve got a lot on mind, I think.”
In the background was Bucky’s distinct mumble of “What’s she doin’?”
“Did ya get that?” Steve laughed, “Buck’s on edge.”
You shuffled yourself around the bed and snuggled deeper down, imagining the crinkle on Bucky’s forehead and matching crease of Steve’s eyes as he smiled. You suddenly missed them. There was something about the image of them sitting together purposely, talking to you, concerned about you, that opened the floodgates.
You let go.
Steve listened generously as you expressed your hesitations about presenting your work to Kristopher Byrne or any other elite art critic or connoisseur. The thing you dreaded most about art school was the jargon of “artspeak”, the constant performance of socializing with the right people in the right way to get an opportunity. After your solo exhibit of the Soulmate Series, you were so exhausted and disenchanted by the questions and feeling the need to defend yourself that you refused to enter any more exhibitions. It was why you chose to travel instead of pursuing a Masters or making your mark in New York.
Interviews were strictly phone-only for independent magazines or social media websites and you never showed your face. You didn’t want any attention that was not on your work, which was why you were so glad that Pepper was not only a great resume opportunity, but that she was extremely professional. The photos you took of the Avengers were posted for the public relations needs and you were credited only by name.  
“I just want to be a photographer,” you said, “I want to make images and talk about them in way that is digestible for ordinary people. I think photo is a great medium for that because it is so commonplace. Why is necessary to then jumble it all up with pretentious terminology? I want to take photos that are meaningful but even your grandmother could enjoy.”
Steve laughed.
“Okay, maybe not yours, specifically,” You chucked, “But you know what I mean. Photography is ubiquitous, I just so happen to have had also an education and know the theory and mechanics. And I’m lucky enough to work with you guys. But I’m not them. I don’t want to sell a picture for thirty-thousand dollars and have it put up in some guy’s house and never shown again.”
“Give ‘em hell!” Bucky’s voice rang in the background. You were surprised he was still there, listening. It made you happy that he was.
Steve paused, “I think you can do both.”
You sighed. He didn’t understand.
“No, no, listen to me. You can fight it, but you’ll need to be a part of it. You can’t change anything about the system if you’re running from the system. As much as you hate elitist jargon, you know it, and you can participate in it.”
Your brow furrowed, but Steve went on, “Get the faculty position, exhibit in galleries, gain that platform and then you make changes on that platform. Even if you just teach- imagine having 100 students a year that you can pass this to. What were the students like in your college classes?”
“Uppity.” You admitted. “We took such dumb photos and then would critique them in such meaningless ways. Sometimes a sink is just a sink. Sometimes it’s not, but when it is, it really is."
Steve laughed again; the example was lost on him. “Okay. Now what if your professors felt the same way you did?”
“We’d probably hate each other less and experiment more without second guessing ourselves.”
“Don’t you think you want to do that for other students, sweetheart? Even if it means that you’re in the thick of it yourself?” A smile was slowly forming on your face. It only made sense that Steve Rogers was such a revolutionary. It really was such good advice.
“Buck’s right, sweetheart. Go give ‘em hell.” In the background was a satisfied huff and a “Damn right!” for good measure.
“Anything else on your mind?” Steve quietly asked after a moment had passed between you, as if he’d forgotten his friend in the room, highly alert and intently listening, “Anything ‘bout us?”
You breathed a deep sigh, careful not to blow into the phone as you thought about your next words carefully. The anxieties for the show colluded with your anxieties for your future here. Steve knew that; he was only asking to be polite. “Mmm… It’ll keep me close,” You murmured, “That’s good, right?”
“I can’t decide that for you, sweetheart. That’s up to you.” There was a pause, the sound of something hitting the wall softly like a pillow, some fuzzy scratches telling you the phone was moving around, and Bucky with an irritated reprimand: “Wrong answer, punk!”
You laughed mirthfully, feeling your worries rolling off your body as you listened to Steve and Bucky quarrelling on the other end. It felt so natural that you couldn’t help but think maybe this was another good step in the right direction.
More and more each day you could imagine yourself having morning coffee with Steve, watching a movie with Bucky, cooking together, eating dinner, working side by side at the compound. Maybe you didn’t have to settle for brief fifteen-minute walks in the park, and maybe one day Bucky could talk to you about his demons. The three of you could exist together, as you were intended to.
At 23, you made up your mind to stay in New York with Steve and Bucky.
Next Chapter
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nintxndos · 5 years
an nsfw ask meme (hide ur eyes kiddos)
I was looking through my blog and saw I answered this ask meme back in 2016 and the answers are preeetttyyyy different so I thought i would give it a go again
1. Are you a virgin? nope havent been for a hot minute now
2. Does anyone besides you know your bra/penis size? Yes ive mentioned it to my bff a few times lmfao
3. Do you know anyone who has any STDs? Yeah my fucking dad (actually it may have been an sti but still)
4. Were you married when you first lost your virginity? nope lmfao
5. Do you swear under celibacy? nah man
6. When did you first lose your virginity? If you haven't, when would you like to? ugh back in 2016 not a good time tbh
7. Have you ever gotten tricked into aphrodisiacs or alcohol for sex? nope
8. Have you walked in on someone masturbating/having sex? Yeah my parents when I was 5 amd I still remember it vividly
9. Have you ever seen someone masturbate or have sex with their permission? yes I quite enjoy it tbh
10. Where is the weirdest place you have had sex? the couch in my boyfriends parents house when everyone was home
11. If you had to chose one, would you have outdoor sex or car sex? car sex bc I dont want grass in my asshole
12. When was the age you first masturbated? Whether you knew it or not? probably 14 or 15
13. Have you ever helped someone "finish"? yes I really love it too
14. Have you ever had an erection in the past month? (clitorial counts, too) I dont know?
15. When was the last time you have had an erection? (clitorial counts, too) didnt know this was a thing tbh lmfao
16. Have you ever had an erection and someone noticed? gonna take a guess and say no
17. What is your method of masturbation? (ie. toys, clitorial, prostate) clitoral
18. What is your bra/penis size? 38DD
19. Has anyone seen your private parts other than yourself or a family member? yes
20. What is the strangest thing you have ever put up your vagina/anus? a boys dick ayyy
21. Do you like rough sex or intimate sex better? rough sex gets me fucked UP (though intimate is nice too)
22. When was the last time you masturbated? uhhh 2 days ago maybe?
23. When was the last time you had sex? god two weeks ago and im dying i swear
24. When was the last time you watched porn? a few days ago maybe
25. Have you ever bought a sex toy? If so, which one did you buy last? First sex toy? If not, which one do you plan on buying when you do? yes i have y first was a little blue bullet and the most recent is a vibrating dildo
26. Guys: Circumsized? not male
27. Which not-genital part of your body do you like being touched? thighs and neck fuckkk
28. Which genital part of your body do you like being touched? the clit baby!!
29. Girls: Are you able to achieve orgasm just through breast stimulation? nope though wow good for the ladies who can
30. What color/type of underwear are you wearing? blue panties and a floral bra
31. Have you ever sent someone a picture or video of you in the nude? Did it include sexual actions? absolutely
32. Have you ever posted a picture of image of you in the nude on a website? Did it include sexual actions? nope
33. Have you ever anonymously sent/posted a picture or video of yourself in the nude? Did it include sexual actions? nope
34. Have you anonymously sent a sexual ask to someone on tumblr? nope
35. When was the last time you have had a wet dream? maybe a week or so ago?
36. Which wet dream was your favorite? not sharing lmfao
37. Is there a friend you would willingly have sex with? well im currently dating my best friend of 7/8 years
38. Is there a celebrity/character you would willingly have sex with? yes
39. Have you ever masturbated with someone? yeah
40. Have you ever took a shower with someone that is not a family member? no :'----( I dont even wanna fuck in the shower I just want my back washed
41. Favorite sexual position? If you are a virgin, which position interests you? honestly i love missionary
42. Do you like being called a slut or whore in bed? Fuck yes
43. Are you into any BDSM? god yeah
44. Have you ever wanted to have sex with someone but knew you couldnt for any reason? Why? yes because we live 3 hours away 😪😪
45. Turn on's? choking, spanking, being called names, ropes
46. Turn off's? age play is a no go
47. Have you ever had a sexual fantasy about someone? Was it about anyone other than your lover? yes i have and since we started dating absolutely not
48. Have you ever had phone sex? Video sex? Chat box sex? yes like all the time the (since he lives 3 hours away)
49. What was the weirdest thing that has ever turned you on? uhhh I cant think of anything right now tbh
50. Do you like dirty talk? oh fuck yeah
51. Are you loud or quiet during sex? Masturbation? usually quiet bc i have to but I love being loud for my boyfriend
52. Have you ever been inturrepted during sex or masturbation? Who/what? yeah someone came downstairs and started yelling abt something, also my bf and I were fucking on the couch and the remote fell over
53. Most embarressing sex/masturbation story? god my exs mom walked in right after I gave him a blow job and she was like "what are you kids doing?"
54. Most hilarious sex/masturbation story? bruh my bf and i were trying to fuck and we had to watch his sisters dog (like in the room) and she started trying to sniff his ass it was so fucking funny he jumped off me
55. What kind of porn do you like to watch? I dont really watch porn anymore tbh
56. First type of porn you have ever watched? (ie. lesbian, hentai, threesome) leabian for sure
57. What was the most recent type of porn you have ever watched? What category was it under? uhhh threesome I think
58. Most hilarious/stupidest porn you have ever watched? dude this man had a pizza around his dick and the chicks grandpa deadass had a heartattack and she still rode him
59. Have you ever fantasized over someone older than you? How much older? Younger? How much younger? chris evans tbh (older by a hot second)
60. Favorite sex toy (if any)? I quite like my purple dildo
61. Have you ever had to break up with/divorce someone because you weren't satisfied with their sex? nah
62. Have you ever used anything/gotten any surgeries to improve sexual performance/feel? nope and probably never will
63. If someone you knew asked for a nude image, would you do it? What about a tumblr follower? yes for my boyfriend anytime but not for any of yall sorry
64. Have you ever told someone any wet dreams/fantasies you've had about them? yes my bf is a fan of them
65. Do you like to have sex like they do in pornos? no bc I have real orgasms (finally!!!)
66. Have you ever confessed to someone that you got an erection over them? What about masturbated to them? yes I tell my bf and we have phone sex at least once a week
67. Are you able to be secretive when you masturbate? (like able to be quiet so no one can hear?) yeah I kinda have to
68. When was the first time you achieved orgasm? when i was 15 I was literally sitting on a closed toilet in my house bc I shared a room at the time w my sister so i had no choice
69. Is there only one way so far that you have been able to achieve orgasm? (ie. only by using toys, only from 1 positon,only from masturbating a certain way) nah I can do clitoral, clitoral/penatrative, and just penetration
70. Favorite type of oral? the kind w his tongue on my pussy?
71. Strangest sexual positon you've tried? havent really done any strange positions
72. Have you ever made up a sexual postion? not that I'm aware of
73. Girls: During sex, vaginal or anal? vaginal i fucking hate anal
74. Girls: During masturbation, clitorial, vaginal, or anal? clitoral
75. Do you like to be dominant or submissive? I love being a whiny sub
76. Have you ever masturbated to someone? yes
77. Have you ever masturbated because your sexual partner wasn't there when you needed them? god yes that is why I usually masturbate
78. Have you ever had a one night stand? Do you still keep in contact with them? yes and absolutely not
79. Have you ever had a friends with benefits? Are they still beneficial? yes and no
80. Have you ever had sex with someone who wasnt your partner? not while we were dating no, but ive had sex w people who arent him
81. Has any of your partners had sex with someone else? yes
82. Have you ever gotten pregnant? Were they your lover's or someone else's? nope though ive had a scare or two
83. Birth control or condoms? birth control
84. Do you ever masturbate to porn? not really anymore
85. Does anyone know you masturbate? Did you have to tell them? yes and not really?
86. Did your parents ever find out you were sexually active? yup
87. Do you have any STDs? nope
88. Have you ever masturbated to a fictonal character or celebrity? yeah when i was like 15/16
89. Have you ever had sex during "7 minutes in heaven"? nope never even played bc its lame
90. Spit or swallow? Or do you not like oral? I swallow if he cums in my mouth but i love getting it on my faceeee
91. Have you ever been rejected for sex? Have you ever rejected someone else? nope and yes
92. Do you have someone who said they are willing to take away your virginity if you havent lost it by a set age or if you just want to have a good time? no
93. Have you ever experimented with the opposite sex? yes
94. When you first lost your virginity, was it intended or spontanious? intended bc thats the only way we ever had sex unfortunately
95. Has anyone ever walked in when you were taking a shower with someone? nah
96. Did you ever tell someone once you lost your virginity? yeah I literally called my best friend (current boyfriend)
97. Does your lover know if you have masturbated? yes
98. Does your lover know that you want to have sex with them but cant? yes!! we dont live together and we are constantly horny it sucks!!!!
99. Do you like masturbation? eh
100. (Asker's ask) If i were to ask you if we could have sex, would you say yes? nope sorry
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renee-writer · 6 years
A New Normal Chapter 22 Sickness
She wakes feeling weird. Dizzy and just off. She frowns and pulls herself up to a sitting position. Bad mistake. She shivers and gasps, fighting her suddenly rolling stomach. And today of all days, she is alone. William is out of town on business.
She has gotten used to be independent but William's presence had negated that independence a bit. And his missing presence today is truly felt. Especially..
She tries to get into her wheelchair but her weak arms don't give her the support she needs. "Crap! Now what?" She is due at school in an hour and a half and can't get out of bed. "Okay. Well I won't be making it to class today. So.." She finds her phone and manages to call in.
William is in the middle of a seminar on the best way to do inventory when he gets the strongest feeling that Eve needs him. He tries to ignore it. To walk out would be rude. And she is in class anyway, he tries telling himself. But, he finally gets up and slips out.
Eve thinks about calling her parents but just can't. She was the oldest. Miss Independent. And her mom would baby her and her dad panic. Her friends are in class and she doesn't want to call 911 because she can't get out of bed. If only William were in town.
He pulls out his phone and calls her.
Her phone rings and she sighs with relief when she sees William's face. "William."
"What is wrong? What do you need?"
"How did you know?"
"I just did."
"Wow. I woke up feeling strange."
"Strange how?"
"Ahh dizzy, wak, and as soon as I sat up, nauseous. I don't have the strength to get out of bed."
"Call 911. I am on may way."
"I hardly think either are necessary."
"Eve please. I need you to trust my intuition here."
"Okay. Thank you William. I do need you."
EMS enters with the key under the planter that Eve had told dispatch was there. They find Eve, very pale and sweaty, sitting up against her headboard. They get a history of her current symptoms and past injury and then take vitals.
"Your blood pressure usually run low?"
"No. Why is it low right now?"
"Yes ma'am. Quite low. 70/45. And your pulse is low too. We need to take you in."
"William was right."
"William ma'am?"
"My boyfriend. He told me to call you guys. Knew something was wrong."
"Where is William now?" As he asks, he lifts her off the bed and on to her stretcher.
"He is out of town on business but on his way back."
The load her into the ambulance and start an IV. Despite this, she loses consciousness before they get her to the hospital.
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gamearamamegathons · 6 years
Dragon Quest V: Baby Dungeons
Circe here! I've only just started Dragon Quest V, but I've been thinking, given the sheer size of my last post on Dragon Warrior IV, maybe I should be writing shorter, more frequent posts rather than letting a huge amount of plot build up before posting, especially now that the games...actually...have plot. Besides, there's a lot to talk about right off the bat. First thing I should cover is that the SNES version of Dragon Quest V has never been localized to English. Dragon Quests IV through VI eventually got DS remakes that were released in the US, but I'm sticking with the original version of every game, so that means either rolling with a Japanese version or finding a fan translation. I know I talked a big game about playing untranslated games earlier, but these games have gotten a lot more text-heavy in the interrim, so that would probably slow things down a lot. I'm still not ruling out the possibility for future games, but for now, I think this works fine. This does mean that there may be localization choices that aren't consistent with any official localization, so this may be quite interesting, we'll see.
As for the game itself, as you might expect from an early SNES RPG, it's a weird mix of graphical and mechanical improvements paired with weird holdovers from the NES era. I was really hoping that the DOOR/TALK/SEARCH menu items would finally go away, but no, it's still here, and it looks even weirder next to the considerably better SNES graphics. However, with the extra buttons, they've added another button that appears to be a context-sensitive shortcut, so I may be leaning on that a lot instead. Menu navigation on the whole is pretty similar, although our characters have a bigger inventory, and equipment purchasing is even further improved by showing how each item in the shop will change each character's stats. I can't say it's not improved, but we're not really at the point of 'hey, this is a modern RPG now' quite yet. And that's...very weird, actually, because Final Fantasy IV was released the year before this game, and despite also having some weird NES holdovers, the UI is better in almost every way (except purchasing equipment, actually, I have to give DQ5 credit there). In fact, I don't know if Final Fantasy has *ever* had anything like Dragon Quest's clunky menu-driven interaction system, so it's very weird that it's lasted, in some form, for five games. But it's not like I haven't acclimated to it by now, so it's not a big deal.
So what is Dragon Quest V about? Well, it opens with our hero's birth. We see our papa...named Papas...and our mother, whose name I forget, celebrating the baby's birth and fretting over a name. As you might guess, they just happen to settle on a name I picked (Papas initially complains that it sounds 'too feminine', which is weirdly on the nose) and then the mother dies. So, uh...well that's kind of a downer to open on. In any case, our gender is fixed in this game (male, as you might guess) but I can't complain too much, since this one is probably going to be even plot-heavier than in the past. I think our character even talks. But it's a good thing, then, that SEN is a gender-ambiguous name. And no, I'm never going to stop using allcaps.
So, skip ahead to when SEN is a young adult...haha, just kidding, you're six. Apparently, Papas is a bit of a wanderer, but we're on a boat just about to make port in his hometown of Santa Rosa. Here on the ship we're going to get acquainted with one of the big changes in Dragon Quest V. At least here in the early game, you're pretty hemmed in, and the game expects you to talk to NPCs in the area in order to advance the plot. A far cry from the wide-open world of Dragon Warrior, but it's little surprise, since each game up to this point has taken little steps in this direction. And our character is, after all, six. Once we reach the dock, Papas immediately busies himself talking to some guy, so of course we wander off and immediately get into an encounter with some slimes. After a couple turns of feeble swings at the monsters, Papas steps in to protect us, taking out the slimes easily with blows upwards of 70 damage. So okay, he's pretty tough. He heals us, and we walk the short distance from the dock to Santa Rosa. This is a scripted sequence where Papas leads the way, but there are still random encounters like normal (okay, they're probably scripted, but it gives the appearance of random encounters). Papas handles the monsters with ease, and we head into town.
Here Papas bumps into the wife of his friend who runs an inn in the nearby town of Alcapa. Apparently, he has fallen ill, and his wife came here to get medicine. And we meet her daughter Bianca, who quickly gets bored of listening to the adults talk, and goes upstairs with us to pass the time. Being two years older, she's able to read, a little, so she takes out a book to read to us. It doesn't take her long to give up, though, complaining that the words are too difficult. It's not long before Bianca's mother comes to pick her up, and then it's just us and Papas again.
Papas seems to be a bit of an inattentive father, to be honest. He's busy with grown-up stuff, and we're left to our own devices. You can wander around town and talk to people, and find out that a man who went to find the medicine has gone into the nearby cave and hasn't come out, or you can, like me, just find the cave and decide this is an excellent idea without finding out why you should go there. There's a guard keeping six year old children from wandering out of town, but the cave is unguarded -- well, no, that's not true, there is a guard by the cave entrance, but he merely warns you that going into the cave is a bad idea and it's not his fault if you get lost. I know we're an RPG hero, but I want you to consider for a moment that by all reasonable standards, this adult human just stands there and watches as a literal six year old wanders to his likely death. Oh well. It would've been inconvenient if he'd stopped us. Don't let the fact that we're six years old give you the idea that we won't be fighting slimes, bats, and moles, or buying weapons and armor at the local shops. It's much funnier to instead picture our hero beating monsters to death with a stick using his tiny baby arms.
At the bottom of the dungeon we find the man trapped under the rock, and give him a hand. So, uh, probably good that someone came down here eventually. That done, Bianca and her mother are ready to return to Alcapa. Papas doesn't like the idea of them traveling on their own, though, so the four of us set out together. Once the medicine is delivered, Papas seems anxious to leave, but it seems that Papas's friends wants him to stay awhile and he, relucantly, agreed. I get the impression that Papas is concerned with...something. Something that's keeping him from his family and friends. But it's too early to say what it is, really. I'll admit, it reminds me of my time playing Taloon in Dragon Warrior IV, getting up in the morning and leaving his family every day to go stab monsters, except this time I'm the child instead. Did Taloon's kid understand why he left for so long, or why they eventually uprooted their lives to move to the much bigger and busier city of Endor? There's no telling, I suppose.
Alcapa is pretty similar to Santa Rosa, although it has a nicer shop and no dangerous open cave for children to wander into. Here, we spend more time with Bianca, and if we chat around a bit, we find a couple more kids tormenting a cat, presumably for no other reason than that they're assholes with nothing better to do. We try to intervene, and they tell us they'll let the cat go if we go fight ghosts in the haunted castle to the north. Okay. This seems a little artificial, especially since, if we're strong enough to do that, we're strong enough to deal with these little shits, but the quest is clear, so that's what we gotta do. We can only leave town at night when the guard is asleep, but that's no big deal, since the shops and everything are still open.
Bianca starts out at level 1 with pretty pitiful equipment, so the first thing I do is grind -- mostly for gold, but I get some decent levels in the process. This game introduces an interesting new feature -- weapons that can hit multiple enemies. I get a boomerang for myself, which can hit every enemy, and a thorn whip for Bianca, which can hit a single enemy group. The downside is that they do less damage to each consecutive enemy, but it's still a huge benefit, reducing large enemy groups to nothing in one or two strikes.
With that done, we head north to Lenoire Castle. I think one purpose of this dungeon is to show off a lot of the new event scripting stuff, kinda like Taloon's chapter in Dragon Warrior IV. This place is pretty damn haunted, with object moving around, doors opening on their own, and, uh, also there's ghosts everywhere trying to kill us. That's, I guess, the biggest hint probably. But it's also clear that they wanted to show off what this new engine can do. Along the way, we meet the ghosts of the former king and queen of the castle, who are apparently being hassled by bad ghosts. Eventually we meet the boss of the bad ghosts, called...Boss Ghost...and he's pretty tough. Bianca drops in this fight, which kinda sucks, but I get through it. Oh, and offensive spells and attacks are finally animated, which is a touch that has been sorely missing until now (our characters don't appear on-screen, so naturally, anything that targets them is not animated). With that done, the good ghosts are at peace, and we get...oh no. A Gold Orb. I mean, okay, we don't know what it's for yet, but I'm wary of generic macguffins at this point.
We hang onto the orb and head back to Alcapa. The shitty kids let us have the cat, and it joins our party...uh, apparently it's a baby panther, which raises a lot of questions about why it's tame and in town. But whatever. Bianca names it Borongo. I think we can rename it if we want, but I decide not to. Papas leads us back home, and we leave Bianca behind, but Borongo sticks with us. Back in Santa Rosa, there doesn't seem to be much going on at first. A lot of townsfolk are complaining about random little objects going missing, which sounds significant. Eventually, if we poke around, we see what appears to be a ghost. The ghost is surprised we can see her, and she says she's been messing with people in order to try and get their attention. Apparently she's really an elf, visiting the human world through some kind of, spirit projection I guess? She leads us to the basement of our home where nobody else is around, and says that the world of elves needs help, and we need to go there right away. Um...so everything I know about fantasy tells me that when an elf tells a very small child to go to their world with them, it's a pretty bad idea. But this isn't really that sort of story, and we don't really have a choice, so off we go.
In the world of elves, we're told that a magical flute has been stolen, and we need to get it back, because they need it to change the seasons, so the human world will fall into eternal winter without it. That sounds pretty bad. The elves have a lot of confidence that a six year old child and his cat can fix this problem, but to be fair, we've got a surprisingly good track record up to this point.
Well, that's all for now. I guess I was right to start writing a new post now, because this turned out to be pretty long anyway. I guess these posts might end up getting a lot more frequent to keep up with the plot, so stay tuned!
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hypoetics · 3 years
Hmmm, ive been feeling downtrodden this past year and some change now
Infamous for my short comings it feels
Its never really been positive per say...
My mother had an unconventional upbringing being the child of a 16 year old in the late 70s of new orleans of louisiana
So she was rasied by her great grandma and her daughter
And those guys made it through THE great depression
So...it different
Never the less not very supportive
...she never learned to love in those ways
She probably took a lot of her anger she had about men on me when i was younger
Cant blame her i guess(literally...its to late)
She never wanted me to be anything other than a military man(i was born on a military base in watertien, ny)
And kind if put herself in denial about my sister being who they were
Amd i can literally count on my hand and the amount if times ive seen my dad since 2008
I never had a support structure
I was always the kne spuring other on
I live that shit
Taught my best friend to dance
Me and my highschool gf devolved into an old married couple before i knew it
Extended family has stolen from me, thrown me away, or never knew i existed
I like to think i was losing my mind when i ran away...
I couldnt even bring myself to ask anyone for help i felt so worthless
I could have pleaded...
But i didnt
Became a second class citizen when i went back to pick some stuff up from a friend and found out he tossed my social and birth cert into the trash, along with whatever else...his mom didnt think i was very thank for that one night of kindness they gave me
I spent a while after that sleeping where i felt safe, the back of empty dumpster, playgrounds, running tracks, unfinished houses
Before i met a friend outside of a smoke shop
It was great, i was working at freebirds at the time and i ended up staying with them for a while
I fell head over heels for someone so hard one night on acid
She was reciting the chocolate bit from spongebob
and it sent me to thr moon lmao
I was playing fez on the laptop underneath the playground we were hanging at
And everything felt right for a while
Before i realized im living in a drug den, looked like trash, and it was my first time doing drugs like these
Its what tributed to my last relationship going belly up to
We had a few moments
Lol there was this one time i was playing music before she got off and this one song by coiyuki that chanted "i love you" for kike 30secs started playing
And i reacted lol
Nothing was even happening and i just felt embarrased
There was another time i called her to let me into the store so we could talk before she got off...she couldnt so we sat on the floor on either side of the door for a little bit
She was definitely the one that got away
We both played uke, had great assests...idk we just fit together
She's the only person ive ever drawn something for with my emotions and given it too
I can only hope its still on her wall
We ended up going our separate ways after i had gotten further into drugs
She had some success on stage with her instrument
And honestly the most beautiful soul ive ever had the pleasure of meeting
Last time i checked she's deeply in lesbians with someone
And thats cool, as long as shes happy ya know
I dont talk about things i was doing while i was an addict though
Although for the most part i was still just as rad i usually...just fucking warped
But its nothing i want to brag...let alone talk about
But it wasnt pretty
A bunch of boys addicted to drugs is not a healthy situation at all
I dont even remember eating...
After that went belly up i had a friend take me in
And basicly allowed him to treat me however
Not that he was a terrible person or anything
I just let him be dominant over me for the sske of a place to stay
Which now that im coming back into my stride
Gave me some submissive habits that are gonna be tough to break healthily with the way my presence makes others feel
We had a common trauma that we bonded over
Which one one hand is the reason i think of that one chick from high school they i do still...
Basicly his live went unrequited
And mine well...idk
I just wanted to try and fix it for him
But long story short he wasnt capable
Same with me
I mean wheat done is done and everything is in the place it settled in
But watching someone go from the happy go lucky young adult
To regressing to the mind set he was in when he was happy with this person thinking she stilled liked him
Its either he realized she never did or he doesnt want to go back.
But it fucked me up
Which left me to want her more over the years
Because she's the only one i was aware of then that could without a doubt make me happy
Going against me cultivating a sense if self worth after the way that relationship ended, being disowned by my granddad iver some mail order whore, and being labeled as an undesirable in the community i was living in after some drug shenanigans everyone around me was involved in
I chalk it up to something to fixate on these days
But idk i hope im able to keep that person in my life forever
Even if our paths are diverging
I dont think i would have made it without him
After all that bs the house i was living in after moving out of there for a while
Although i did cuck my landlord on the couch after a party once
I wasnt even fucking the same
It was my first time with someone that moaned
And it was so hot at first, but she was so loud, the first time she would have woken up my land lord, the second time the door was broken to the garage and therr was a room full of people just on the other side, and the third time a house of people called me a rapist.
Which scared the shit out of me
Thinking back i should have just covered he mouth or told her to stfu you or something...would have been hot...so hot
But thay really messed with thr way i deal with women now....
Led me to not trust a lot of situations
And im hoooot so i should...:(
Idk :/
Basicly disappeared for s while after that
Had a couple good semesters at college
Which left me feeling on top of the world with an art bubble ready to pop
And then the world went to shit and i decided to do some cocky shit i regretted for a little bit but like...time and shit ya know
Oh yeah and obligatorily being ostracized from my community because i have different tastes in life style...that never gets old
Idk...i feel like the worst is finally over with
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noidsome · 7 years
The big issue with the digimon tri movies, and why you should be pissed too.
I just finished watching the 5th digimon movie, and to put it short, i excpected nothing and im still let down. This is a big negative critique on what ive seen so far from the tri movies, but its also more of a vent for me, because theres something about these movies that really fucking grinds my gears and i feel i finally need to let that out somewhere. Look at this as a sort of....badly written analyctic rant. So far this movie, in short, was as i dreaded, 70% meiko bullshit and 20% kari...which is so fucking insulting i dont even know...but thats why im here.
Now before you assblast me with your stupid crap, please try to understand that as harsh as im writing this, im trying to look at this movie from a critical standpoint, and no im not going to put in the effort to be “nice” about it because if digimon tri can get away with half assing everything about itself, then wont bother. If you cant handle that, move on. If your interested, click the read more and we can begin this shit fest, because i think its about god damn time someone put these mediocre movies in their place.
The pacing.
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I dont know about you guys, but to me it feels like these movies, or episodes, are either dragging on forever, or they rush really fast. This movie especially took its sweet ass time to give us 2 whole half an hour scenes of meiko being depressed about her shitty OC digimon, to leave the actual interesting fights and plot to 1 and a half episode, out of 4. Im sorry but i feel like ive been following this fucking story for 6 years, its so fucking slow and it drags on for fucking ever sometimes.
I do understand that its important to establish character interactions, and god damn does this fucking series need some, but sometimes it really stops the action dead in its tracks, and as much as i appriciate the movies giving each character some focus, it goes on for too long. the ending to movie 5 was....well rushed as shit. 
But despite all this, its just really frustrating that half the entire series is just them standing around and TALKING...talking talking talking, exposition exposition exposition. It also feels really slow and stagnated sometimes, and the cheesy music in the background of the sad scenes dont really help much. And other times things are glossed over so fast that im standing there wondering if i missed out on something because i accedently blinked. Like how they entered the digital world, only to just suddently fall out of it immediatly after from a big digital gate just like that. Or how meiko just...SUDDENTLY appeared in the digital world with no warning or real reason. huh?? shes here now?? what?? meicoomon is still infected? what?? gennai is back with the dark masters? what where did they come from? why are they following him!? WHAT?? HUH??? HELLO???
im just….frustrated. im frustrated that i have to wait for 6+ months every a new movie comes out, only for the movie to stall for fucking ever and leave the actual OH SHIT moments to the last part, AND END ON A CLIFFHANGER. Its such fucking god damn bait to get us to watch the other movies, its almost INSULTING how incredibly obvious it is. Last movie ended with gennai fucking around and choking meiko. Then, as i saw my fat ass down in the chair, waiting for the big battle, no meicoo just...opened portals and then left with her copy paste army. Oh well so much for that. 
Then the digidestined actually FALL OUT OF THE DIGITAL WORLD, and they are right back to standing around and getting chased by the cops...and then they spend THE REST OF THE EPISODES on meikos useless crying and baiting for meichi shipping material. im sorry but was that neccecary? was it neccecary to stop the entire god damn movie just so we could have tai standing there with spaghetti falling out of his pockets? and the mega evolutions for the other digimons felt really rushed too, i had hoped for more build up...but guess i get fuck alll.
The filler.
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Now i do enjoy myself a little “filler” once in a while, i wont lie. and i will also not lie when i say that i really enjoyed seeing my boi tais hot nipple-less body. But, again…. DID WE NEED THE FIRST HALF BEING JUST THAT?! i swear to fucking god if you cut out all the filler content from these movies your going to get the entire series down to 5 episodes. Movie 2 was just...filler. fucking filler. i didnt have much issue with movie 3 but they just NEEDED to shove more meiko in..
movie 4 was kind of a bitch to sit trough because the whole damn “plot” made no sense. why was soras digimon the only one who was mad and while the others were just like before? why JUST her? why couldnt the others be like that too? Its just plot convenience at this point. and then it was pretty much just watching tai and matt spew spaghetti out of their pockets and be awkward because sora cant communicate with her friends like a normal person. Honestly it was a little charming at first but it got old pretty quickly…and then dark masters out of nowhere that died as fast as they came on. what a rushed little cameo for that extra nostalgia bait.
Honestly i found myself first liking the character interactions a little once the movies took a break from the action and fighting...but i much more often found myself angrily tapping my foot and going “REEEE MOVE ON.”
The god damn meiko.
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Alright you all saw this one coming probably. Now let me just start by saying, i originally didnt mind meiko, or the idea of a new digitestined in the first place. Its welcoming to try and add something new to your otherwise soulless nostalgia cash grab. However we need to look at her from a critical stand point. im not trying to start a hate train, im just going to analyze her for how shes written as a character.
Im sorry to say this guys, but no matter how you look at her, shes a mary sue. Im sorry but all the tropes are there!! but why do i feel this way? heres why:
Her digimon is the sole reason for everything going to shit.
her digimon is in adult stage like gatomon just because.
essentially her digimon is “special”
all the other kids befriended her really fast just because.
everyone likes meiko and nobody seems to have a problem with her
shes the typical “uguu” shy type of girl.
her digimon OF COURSE won the costume contest in movie 2 or 3
leomon finds HER DIGIMON adorable enough to make the others run off... of course….
she cries constantly and does nothing but wine as the others hold her.
She takes up MAJORITY of the screentime for almost all movies. Almost.
POSSIBLY a relationship with the main character, if they actually are baiting us with those scenes in movie 5.
acts and feels like a self-insert OC in a canon universe.
The reason i dont like her is just because im SICK OF HER!! im sick of seeing her fucking face every god damn movie. im sick of the others shoving a friendship speech or talking about her belonging to them for the 700th GOD DAMN TIME, im sick of constantly hearing ME-MEI and MEIKOOOOOO, and im so fucking sick of seeing her sit down and cry or act sad and do NOTHING! shes just THERE TO BE THERE! her “cute little sneezing quirk” wasnt even something they bothered keeping any more. Shes so god damn obnoxious and shallow, and the ENTIRE HALF OF THE 5TH MOVIE WAS SPENT SHOVING MORE FRIENDSHIP SPEECHES IN HER FUCKING HEAD UNTIL SHE NUTTED UP AND STRAIGHT UP TOLD THE OTHERS TO AXE OFF MEICOOMON, while kari got 5 fucking minutes and got posessed or some shit i dont fucking know, does anyone care at this point?! 
shes such a god damn self insert its PAINFUL! and ive read plenty of crappy OC digimon fanfiction in my days to be able to tell when someone props their crappy OC in a canon story. IVE DONE IT MYSELF!! its INSULTING that im watching a canon produced digimon FANFICTION more then an actual OVA. If you like her, FINE, but you CANT ignore how incredibly shallow and flawed shes written. This isnt someone “hating female characters” this is someone whos frustrated a shittly written character who is just causing repetitive sob scenes over and over and over. im sorry but have we not gotten enough flashbacks from meiko and her digimon? do we need 4 more in the fifth movie??? WE GET IT! ITS SAD! SHES SAD!! THEY ARE FRIENDS! MOVE ON ALREADY!!
i dont feel bad for her anymore, its just getting repetitive now. She ate up the entire 5th movie and left nothing to kari but the sloppy leftovers at the end, and because she ran off like an idiot to meicoomon she got tai axed off too……………...but i will get to that.
The lack of animation.
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The biggest insult, and this is….dare i say…….something coming from an animation student, is the insufferable animation. The first movie is fine, but from thereon, i feel like the quality dropped significantly. and oh boy, dont get me started on the amount of time they just pan a fucking picture instead of animating them doing shit.
im sorry but did i wait 4-6 months for a fucking clipshow? I know that animating is hard, and the animation industry in japan is absolute fucking shit, but come the fuck on guys. i think movie 5 had so many times where they just panned pictures of the digimon fighting, and the kids running. I guess when you put all your budget into overanimating the short action scenes you got, you dont have much left for them to trow a punch outside of that. and i wouldnt mind if they had just bothered not doing it so much. they do it WAY TOO OFTEN!
in the 4th move they didnt even fucking bother drawing the kids wet while they were in the water. no wet droopy hair, no indication the clothing was soaked, nothing. not a god damn fucking detail or anything.
The nostalgia bait
Hey kids, remember the bus in the digital world??? remember the gear desert? remember the house mimi was a princess in?? remember the pink forest? remember seadramon? remember the dark masters???? remember any of that shit!? remember primary village?! YEAH??? REMEMBER ALL THOSE COOL 01 THINGS??? ok cool, anyway moving on.
The lack of personality/soul
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one thing im really passionate about is expressions. expressive characters and facial expressions i something i enjoy drawing a lot. in the original digimon, every character was spesifically designed to be its own thing. sure they stank of the 90s, but they wer UNIQUE. Digimon tri has trown all that shit out the window. Now they all look boring as hell. the only unique thing about them now is their hair. take that away, and you get a bunch of similar looking, boring samefaced characters.
the digimon movies are just so fucking SOULLESS! everyone looks so god damn watered down and tame compared to their former selves. everyone wears a school uniform even when they got summer vacation. they even wear school uniforms as they get to the digital world, and they have NO facial expressions. NONE! the way they talk and show emotions is almost nonexistant. even once they are seriously screaming at someone or focusing on something serious, they still have that stale, boring as shit facial expression. stone faced and COLD! its like you dont even care!! seriously its so frustrating to watch sometimes because they are so god damn bland and barely deviate at all from their typical “idle” face.
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^count how many fucking times tai makes this face troughout the entire series. 
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^am i the only one who thinks they looks very..bland and dull here? and this happens way too often.
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seriously, watch the movies again and notice just how little the animators bothered giving them any fucking emotions. the screenshots here are just from a few minutes in the new movie.
And dont get me started on how everyone seemed so.........accepting of tais “death” i mean sure they might still be in shock,.....but......why did none of pic under appear???? 
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WHy was everyone so.....noble??? except kari...who got....fucking owned.
and the digimon....most of them are just....comic relief now. i feel like most of them have little personality, but fucking agumon. what the FUCK have they done to agumon!? hes just a walking talking “i like to eat” joke. hes fucking nothinng. an empty boring sack of shit who just talks about food and NOTHING ELSE!! oh and maybe fights sometimes...but seriously.
The trailers for these movies have made me fall into the bait they put out. But its getting infuriating now. All the trailer bait for movie 5 was just taken form the last 5 minutes of the film. that little teaser we all thought were going to show the dark ocean? yeah that was what….5 seconds at the very last minute of the movie? Hime was the one who went there, and they even rushed that part. 
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remember when we all tought that tai was the kaiser because the animators thought they copy the excact same hairstyle? remember how they all baited us with the kaiser thinking we were gonna get some 02 action? i sure as FUCK do.
i LOVED the last minutes of the movies. i loved the last half of episode 3 and the entire episode 4… but im so fucking angry that i have to wait 4-6 months for the conclusion to when the movie was JUST GETTING INTERESTING! i fucking hate it!!
The 02 kids, or lack thereof.
Ok honestly ive completely forgotten about them, and i dont understand why they bothered putting them in this movie. and they give us absolutly nothing to go on for ALL of the movies! WHY? WHATS THE POINT?! with this series endless stalling, how can they possibly explain their absence or death or whatever in what little time we have left?! how will they half ass this?! i seriously dont get how they can begin with something so intense, only to give us absolutly nothing till the last movie, IF AT ALL!
Taichis “””””””””””””””””death.”””””””””””””””””
So the fuckers had the BALLS to kill off my boi tai. They actually went there. they fucking killed him off. AND LEFT IT ON A CLIFFHANGER! wow fucking good job guys, you sure got me there. i cant believe tai is fucking dead.
except wait a second here…..tai isnt dead. of course he fucking isnt. i mean come the fuck on, are you really expecting them to kill off their marketig king? the face of all their merc? PLEASE! we all fucking know that hes going to come back. THEY BASICALLY SPOILED THE MOVIES FOR US ALREADY, didnt they say in an interview far back that these movies were whats going to lead everyone up to their careers? so why the fuck would tai die when we know hes going to be an ambassador? 
i dont fucking understand why they even bothered with this fake ass death. WE KNOW HES GOING TO COME BACK! im not mad that tai “died,” im mad that they actually bothered making it a cliffhanger, as if we arent going to fucking figure out hes coming back in the next movie. WHATS THE POINT?! Are they going to just shove him off till the last 5 minutes of the last movie? is that it? are they going to do what they did to kari? or are we FINALLY going to see tai resolving his persional issues that have been shoved away to make room for everything else? who knows, who cares at this point?!
The conclusion
Digimon tri was something enjoyable for me to look forward to..but now, its just a bunch of frustrating, medicore, nostalgia cash-grabbing shitfests of movies, and i need to get it out of my system. 
Im angry because i have to wait 4-6 months between each movie only to get nothing. im angry that i have to wait 4-6 months for an hour long movie that has actual content thats 20 minutes long. im sick of having my excpectations set to low, only for them to be lowered even more. im sick of seeing meiko basically becoming the main characters as the others are somewhat side characters at this point. im sick of the shit-tier animation quality and the stone-bored dull surprise faces. im sick of wanting this to be good, only to see that the fucking directors and animators arent even fucking trying anymore. Im sad, that the sequel was put in the hands of incompetent fucks who only know digimon trough their most basic character traits, and nothing more.
i do like tri...and im sad to see it go so soon….but part of me wants to get this over with, because if you like it or not, tri isnt a passionate fan sequel. tri is a boring, mediocre cash grab, and im sad it cantt be more then that, and im sad its over soon...
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gansbeee-archive · 7 years
I was tagged by @medjedofficial !! Rules: Answer these statements and tag 20 people
i tag: @the-dreamers-boy @for-the-life-ofme @colorcodedplant @deathdippedinroses (none of you have to do this if you don’t want to! Any of my mutuals are free to do this, just put me as the person who tagged you! <3)
1. Drink: water probably
2. Phone call: My mom
3. Text message: ‘HOLY SHIT’ to adam about some hamilton meta
4. Song you listened to: Probably no one else performed by philippa soo from the great comet
5. Time you cried: listening to the aforementioned song
6. Dated someone twice: never dated.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone.
8. Been cheated on: N/A
9. Lost someone special: hahaha i dont think theyre special anymore :^)
10. Been depressed: Ive been depressed for at least the past 6 years.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never.
12. Green
13. Turquoise
14. Indigo
15. Made new friends: a few!
16. Fallen out of love: i have never been in love. At least, not in the traditional sense.
17. Laughed until you cried: just the other day. I was in a voice chat w some of my pals and my friend tobi laughed for about 5 minutes at a picture of a melted rubber ducky. Obviously i had to join.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: lmao more than once!!!
19. Met someone who changed you: i’ve changed a lot over the years, and i find it difficult to attribute that change to a single person or even a group of people.
20. Found out who your friends are: Yes. I think i finally have.
21. Kissed a mutual? Nope.
22. How many mutuals do you know in real life: @for-the-life-ofme (my best friend!) @the-dreamers-boy (my qpp!) @morriha (a good old pal) @medjedofficial (a new pal!) @colorcodedplant (another new pal!!!)
23. Do you have any pets: yep! Two cats: luke, a fat tabby, and ruby, a beautiful and sweet tortoiseshell calico
24. Do you want to change your name: I haven’t really thought about it yet.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i think i had a party at a pizza place and then had a sleepover after? It was kinda small
26. What time did you wake up: this morning i woke up at 8:30 b/c of aikido practice
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i was sleepy peepy
28. Name something you can’t wait to get: i’m not really looking forward to anything short term. But long term- an apartment w my qpp @the-dreamers-boy , a drawing tablet, and top surgery/testosterone
29. When was the last time you saw your Mom: sometime last night
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: besides the obvious (gender and money), i want a drive. I want something to look forward to, something to research, something to fall in love with.
31. What are you listening to right now: as i type this, i’m in the car and giving up the gun by vampire weekend is playing. If i could pick, i would probably be listening to the great comet rn
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: um? That is likely, yes.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: not feelin this whole societal concept of gender
34. Most visited website: youtube and tungle.hell
35. Mole/s: they are. Everwhere. Most noticeably my face, arms, back, and legs- however they are on p much all my body parts.
36. Mark/s: faint thin scars on my hip, old scabs on my knees and elbows, a small crescent shaped scar on my knee. Also a surgery scar on my right wrist.
37. Childhood dream: I think i wanted to be a vet or a nurse. Jokes on you, past self, i can barely take care of my own health let alone other people’s
38. Hair color: light brown. Lowkey copper highlights? Blonde parts from previous dyeing
39. Long or short hair: reeeally long. Like, to my mid-back.
40. Do you have a crush on someone?: besides celebrities and unattainable characters? No one.
41. What do you like about yourself: ???
42. Piercings: I have pierced ears that have long since closed and that’s it
43. Blood type: i have no clue
44. Nicknames: gansey or kat
45. Relationship status: no romantic partner. I dunno if my qpp @the-dreamers-boy counts?
46. Zodiac: virgo sun and scorpio moon
47. Pronouns: they/them.
48. Favorite TV show(s): fma, pmmm, vld, probably other various anime i cant think of rn
49. Tattoos: none right now
50. Right or left hand: i’m right handed
51. Surgery: i had a gross abscess on my right wrist (probably from writing too much). In the future i’ll want top surgery and i might need hip surgery
52. Hair dyed a different color: as an experiment i dyed some strands magenta. They washed out to pink, and i kind of hated it, so i let it fade out.
53. Sports: I don’t play any.
54. Vacation: i’ve gone to niagara falls, canada, and various places out west in the states. I’d really like to go to spain, japan, and Mexico someday.
55. Shoes: for depression and summer’s sake, I’m often wearing either slippers, just socks, or flip-flops. When i have to go outside, i have a few pairs of converse, sneakers, and boots that get me by
56. Eating: i’m going to get food after i finish this, but the last thing i ate was ice cream last night (FUTURE ME REGRETS THIS BC IVE HAD TO FORMAT THIS THREE DAMN TIMES)
57. Drinking: i may end up drinking because it’s really big in my family, but i refuse to do it often.
58. I’m about to: get some fuckin food after 50 minutes of editing this format!!! Tumblr mobile doesn’t have an html editor :^)
59. Waiting for: marching band camp
60. Want: perhaps a love interest at some point? I mean i already mentioned other stuff (apartment, tablet, top surgery)
61. Get married: not sure. I think if i loved someone enough, i’d consider it.
62. Career: i don’t know. I want to do so many things. I think i will become either an architect or computer programmer, with my art on the side. Ideally, i’d want to be an editor, museum curator, physicist, or even an animator.
63. Hugs or kisses: hugs for me
64. Lips or eyes: Both are good
65. Shorter or taller: i’m in the middle (5'6"), but my qpp still loves to tease me abt it
66. Older or younger: um? Dating wise, in high school my partner shouldn’t be more than about a year older or younger b/c puberty is different every year. When i’m older i may have different standards. Friend wise? Ironically, i’m the youngest most of the time, yet i’m the wisest.
67. Nice arms or nice stomach: i’m kinda a tummy person, but both are good
68. Sensitive or loud: im more sensitive. I can be loud when i’m comfortable around people, yet often I’m embarrassed after my outbursts.
69. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
70. Troublemaker or hesitant: I’m usually the voice of reason here.
71. Kissed a stranger: never.
72. Drank hard liquor: No.
73. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I haven’t lost my glasses yet, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if i did. I’m a mess.
74. Turned someone down: i was asked out by two different straight dudes in middle school. I turned them both down
75. Sex on first date: i’m ace, so?
76. Broken someone’s heart: i’m unsure if i have or not
77. Had your heart broken: yes.
78. Been arrested: No
79. Cried when someone died: yes
80. Fallen for a friend: years ago, i thought i did.
81. Yourself: depends
82. Miracles: I believe they can happen but are very rare
83. Love at first sight: I don’t think love works that way, but who am i to tell others they’re wrong?
84. Santa claus: unfortunately no
85. Kiss on the first date: i’m not ready for that
86. Current best friend: jane!! (Her name’s actually sophia) @for-the-life-ofme
87. Eye color: light blue
88. Favorite movie: howl’s moving castle, coraline, kubo and the two strings
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aph-australia · 7 years
tag game
tagged by @aph-danemark thank you!! <3
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: to my psychiatrist’s office
3. Text message: “it’s much easier to travel that way”
4. Song you listened to: Love Me by the 1975
5. Time you cried: idk sometime in the last week
6. Dated someone twice: boi i havent even dated someone once
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: that would require 1: kissing a person
8. Been cheated on: once my dog ignored me to cuddle my friend
9. Lost someone special: we’ve gone through a ridiculous number of dogs, it used to be heartbreaking
10. Been depressed: dude ive been depressed for 9 years straight this is my way of life
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never thrown up, shots put me right to sleep
12-14: blue, crimson, forest green
15. Made new friends: @nyoromanoh <3
16. Fallen out of love: does having a crush on someone for a week then realizing i didnt give a shit count
17. Laughed until you cried: yes!!
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah but in a work way not a mean way
19. Met someone who changed you: i guess? i dont even know me
20. Found out who your friends are:i have exactly 4 friends and 2 are >3 hours away i know them
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: im nearly 19 and never been kissed or bothered to make a fb
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i’m an instagram bitch
23. Do you have any pets: a chihuahua, 2 indoor cats, a mangy barn cat, but we’re getting more barn cats this week. i’m going to get a tortoise or a snake soon
24. Do you want to change your name: yeah, i’d like something more gender neutral, i feel like my name is just a sound that people make to get my attention
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: went to school then went to bed for 14 hours
26. What time did you wake up: at 10 AM 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: driving home from work
28. Name something you can’t wait for: i haven’t felt excited in years tbh. at least im going to canada tomorrow and iceland in a few months
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a day or 2 ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: goddam i want good mental health
31. What are you listening to right now: Problema de 2 by Ana Tijoux
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: that’s the name of my old manager
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: i haven’t packed and i was supposed to leave an hour ago
34. Most visited website: tumblr and parabopress tbh
35. Mole/s: lots of tiny ones on my arms, got my back ones removed
36. Mark/s: scar right between my eyes from surgery, permanent gash in my cheek from my cat, a bright red spot below my nose where i was stabbed with a pen in 1st grade,a white gash on my left calf where i was bitten by one of my german shepherds 5 years ago
37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a paleontologist so badly
38. Hair color: chestnut
39. Long or short hair: chin length
40. Do you have a crush on someone: i have impossible standards
41. What do you like about yourself: i’m really good at taking tests
42. Piercings: only on my ears
43. Blood type: A+
44. Nickname: bucky
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: virgo
47. Pronouns: tbh i dont give much of a shit, mostly they/them but it’s not important to me
48. Favorite TV Show: Fringe
49. Tattoos: not yet, wanna cover my back
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: different potential skin cancers removed, had my eyelid muscle repaired, got my chin repaired after splitting it open, all 4 wisdom teeth removed
52. Hair dyed in different color: it’s supposed to be a dark purple right now but looks brown, i’ll dye it a brighter purple soon enough
53. Sport: motocross
55. Vacation: ? this is so vague, is it about the past year? in the past year I’ve been to Ecuador, Montreal, multiple US states including Hawaii, Paris, and Australia, and i go back to Canada tomorrow
56. Pair of trainers: tennis shoes?? I have I have 8 pairs (i’m a shoe hoarder, i have about 60 pairs of shoes)
57. Eating: like right now? im so confused. i havent eaten anything in 7 hours
58. Drinking: nothing
59. I’m about to: finally pack my shit and leave lol
61. Waiting for: me to get my shit together
62. Want: to be able to feel excited
63. Get married: i really really want to tbh, but not for a few more years
64. Career: i’m currently a pharmacy technician but im in nursing school, i wanna be a travel nurse
WHICH IS BETTER (as in what i look for in a SO???)
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: idgaf as long as they’re within 3 years of my age
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice stomach
71. Sensitive or loud: loud
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
74. Kissed a Stranger: nope (unless this include greeting kisses)
75. Drank hard liquor: yeah i’ve had vodka, tequila, and whisky
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: 20/20 vision babes
77. Turned someone down: a few, im a bitch tbh
78. Sex on the first date: hell no
79. Broken someone’s heart: ive never been that close to someone
80. Had your heart broken: nah
81. Been arrested: no but ive been handcuffed lol
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: i temporarily fall in love with anyone who shows me the slightest bit of kindness
84. Yourself: i’m lowkey convinced that i dont exist tbh
85. Miracles: in biblical times definitely, not now
86. Love at first sight: infatuation at first sight definitely, not love
87. Santa Claus: one of the perks of not celebrating christmas
88. Kiss on the first date: sure
90. Current best friend name: Hannah and Elise
91. Eye colour: blue
92. Favorite movie: Interstellar, Wonder Woman
I’ll tag: @nyoromanoh @missbelgium @aph-snowball @gerame @aph-belarusia im so tired i cant think of anyone else off the top of my head sorry 
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skiasurveys · 7 years
old myspace surveyyy
1. Last beverage: Iced tea
2. Last phone call: My mom i believe
3. Last song you listened to: Closer- the chainsmokers ft halsey
4. Last time you cried: today 
5. Have you dated someone twice: kind of.  my current boyfriend and i dated before but it was only like  2 weeks and then we didnt date again til 5 months later, and now were still together which has been 15 months. i dont really consider he first time an actual relationship lmao
6. Have you ever been cheated on: Not that I am aware of.
7. Kissed someone & regretted it: eh, my first kiss was awful
8. Have you lost someone special: yeah my dad died.
9. What are your three favorite colors: lilac, cyan, pink
10. Met someone who changed you in the past month: not in the past month
11. Kissed anyone on your friends list: yeah
12. How many kids do you want: none.
13. Do you want any pets: i have two cats
14. Do you want to change your name: yeah i do
15. What did you do for your last birthday: Had dinner with my boyfriends parents, then had a small party with a few friends and my boyfriend, but that was it. Wasnt so lit.
16. What time did you wake up today:  i woke up at 10 am i think
17. Name something you CANNOT wait for: to finally move out
18. Last time you saw your mother: um. like 10 minutes ago lol
19. Most visited webpage: youtube
20. Nicknames: Jen, Babygirl, i dont really have nicknames that much
21. Relationship status: Taken
22. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius 
23. Male or female: female
24. Height: 5′1 
25. Do you have a crush on someone: my boyfriend 
26. Piercings: I got my ears pierced when i was 18 but i took it out apparently too soon and they shut.  I am going to get them redone but im just lazy
27. Tattoos: none as of now
28. Strong or Weak:  physically or emotionally..haha..
29. First surgery: wisdom teeth
30. First best friend:  Eric or Reis 
31. First sport you joined: softball when i was 7/8
32. First vacation: British columbia when  i was 4/5
33. First school: Joseph welsh 
34. First pair of trainers: If trainers you mean shoes but in a british lingo..uhh i dont know. DC shoes? those ugly fat skater shoes.
35. Lips or eyes: eyes
36. Hugs or kisses: honestly both, but idk it depends. sometimes i love hugs because i like feeling him hold me and against me , but kisses are so sweet
37. Shorter or taller: taller
38. Older or younger: older
39. Romantic or spontaneous: both
40. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
41. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
42. Shy or outgoing: a bit of both. im really outgoing so in a relationship it doesnt matter for me. but i dont really like people who cant make conversations at all..
43. Kissed a stranger: I dont think so.
44. Gotten a speeding ticket: No
45. Lost glasses/contacts: i dont wear glasses or contacts
46. Sex on first date: nope. but oral sex yeah.
47. Broken someone’s heart:  i have but whatever.
48. Been arrested: No
49. Have you turned someone down:  yeah but thats cause this dude wouldnt stop trying to date me and the funny part is he didnt even live in the same fucking city as me so idk why he kept trying so hard. I also had a dude back in highschool who i still chat with try to date me but ive turned him down couple of times but he knows now.
50. Fallen for a friend: not really.
51. Moved out of town: no
52. Miracles: ehhh
53. Love at first sight: no. but i mean i know when i first met my boyfriend i was like oh hell yeah. but its not love.
54. Heaven: yeah
55. Santa Claus:  no and never have.
56. Kiss on the first date:  sure. ive done it. idk how you cant believe in a kiss?? lmao
57. Angels:  yeah
58. Yourself: no
59. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no.
60. Been in love with someone you couldn’t be with?: yeah but not “in love”.
61. Ever cheated on somebody: No i am not a cunt.
62. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: i would love to relive my first date with Connor, i dont know why. i wouldnt change anything but that day was really awesome.
63. Are you afraid of falling in love: No. 
64. Was your last relationship a mistake?  well i guess, since i am in a different one right? it wasnt a mistake per-say but he was a waste of time. 
65. Do you miss your last relationship? god no.
66. Who did you last say “i love you” to?
connor, the other day <3
67. Have you ever been depressed?  yeah i have depression.
68. Are you insecure? yeah but im getting better.
69. How do you want to die? in my bed, while asleep.
70. Do you bite your nails?  lol i am currently.
71. When was your last physical fight? Ive never really had one.
72. Do you have an attitude? yeah. i can have one.
73. Twirl or cut your spaghetti? twirl if i ever eat it. i hate spaghetti. Connor loves it though..
74. Do you tan a lot? eh no
75. Ever eaten food in a car while someone or you are driving? yeah usually while on a trip
76. Ever made out in a bathroom? yeah.
77. Would you take any of your exes back? Not at all! Barf.
78. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? depends on the time.
79. What are your plans for this weekend? it is the weekend currently, nothing is planned.
80. Do you type fast? yeah
81. Can you spell well?  i think i do.
82: What are you craving right now? nothing actually.
83. Have you ever been on a horse? yeah a few times.
84. Would you live with someone without marrying them?  yeah my boyfriend lmao
85. What’s irritating you right now? my dry skin atm.
86. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? yeah.
87. Does somebody love you? yeah my man does. lmao
88. Have you ever changed clothes in a car? a few times
89. Milk chocolate or white chocolate?  milk. white chocolate is nasty
90. Do you have trust issues?  i kind of do.
91. Longest relationship? my one i am in currently which so far is a one year and 3 months
92: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? i am sure he thinks about me every so often, i mean i sometimes think about them for no reason and not the “i miss you” thinking just like something reminds me of them or whatver. Im sure they think of me sometime. i dont really care lol
93. Have you ever walked outside in your PJs? yah lol
94. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? no
95. Did you have dream last night?  yeah i dont remember it anymore
96. Have you ever been out of state? yeah
97. Do you play the Wii? eh not anymore. i dont like the wii or the wii u, i tried to like the nintendo products but i am more into Playstation ;)
98. Do you like Chinese food?  i do
99. Are you afraid of the dark?  sometimes
100. Is cheating ever okay? No.
101. What year has been your best? 2015 so far and 2016 wasnt really so bad.
102. Do you believe in true love? yeah i guess
103. Favorite weather? fall weather. where its warm but kind of cloudy, where you can wear whatever you want and you wont be too cold or too warm. 
104. Do you like the snow? NO
105. Do you like the outside? yeah i do.
106. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? yeah i like when connor does
107. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? yes
108. What makes you happy? cats
109. Ever been to Alaska? no
110. Ever been to Hawaii? no 
111. Do you watch the news? usually like to keep an eye on whats happening with the world. like now.
112. Do you love MTV? no
113. Do you like subway? yeah but its not my fav anymore. but i do crave it randomly
114 Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? no lol were dating.
115. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? well my best friend of the opposite sex is my boyfriend..so...
116. Why did you decide to do this quiz? im bored
117. Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? yeah actually one time my mom and i were shopping and we saw this crazy lady that we know. and so we kept avoiding here while we were grocery shopping and we actually got away lol thank god. she is so annoying. When my dad died she told my mom she had to get rid of his pictures. like mcfuck off.
118. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yeah a few 
119. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? connor
120. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Jennifer
121. Ever bought condoms? no. we dont use condoms 
122. Ever gotten pregnant? No. thank god
123. Have you ever slipped on ice? im sure
124 Have you ever missed the bus? yeah
125. Have you left the house without money? i have once. i was working too and on my break i was heading to get food and then i realized i forgot my wallet. -___-
126. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? no. just weed.
127. Have you ever smoked a cigar? no 
128. Did you ever drink alcohol? yeah of course.
129. Did you ever watch “The Breakfast Club”?  yes. one of my favs
130. Have you ever been overweight? last year i went on medication that made me gain 20 pounds, but i lost all that weight now thank god. I wasnt over weight but i was kind of chubby. Im back to my skinny-self thank god! 
131. Ever been to a wedding? yeah
132. Ever been in a wedding? yeah my cousin got married in 2013 and asked my sister and i to be apart of it. worst idea ever. We werent really apart of it. she had her friends in it and my sister and i were just kind of the side bridemaids..yah weird.
133. Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? yeah back when i didnt have an ipad or iphone.
134. Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?  i sometimes binge netflix when im with my boyfriend
135. Ever kissed in the rain? no
136. Did you ever shower with someone else? yeah i have with my boyfriend. it was really intimate lol
137. Did you ever fail a driver’s test?  i have only ever failed the written exam where they ask you all that stupid shit and you have to remember speed and signs. but my actualy drivig test, i passed first try!
138. Ever been outside your home country? yeah to canada
139. Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? yeah we used to drive to vancouver or south BC which would take 13 hours.
140. Ever been to a professional sports game? NO
141. Have you ever broken a bone? no surprisingly i havent. even though i got hit by a car..
142. Did you ever win a trophy in your life? no :(
143. Ever get engaged? no
144. Have you ever been on a diet? kind of.
145. Have you ever been on TV? kind of. not really.
146. Ever ridden in a taxi? yeah. with my boyfriend, its really awkward and weird...
147. Ever been to prom? we dont have prom here in canada but we do get dressed up in nice dresses and have dinner and a dance, but not prom. But yeah i did go.
148. Ever stayed up for 24 hours or more? yeah i think 2 days 
149 Have you ever been to a concert? yeah. my first was...Jonas brothers...BARFFF. thanks 12 year old me -.-
150. Have you ever had a crush on someone at work? i did have a little crush on the security guard. but not a big crush.
151. Have you ever been in a car accident?  i got hit by a car
152. Ever had braces? yeah from 12-14. (gr.6-8)
153. Did you ever learn another language? i tried french. but i cant speak it. i gave up. I wish i could learn something different.
154. Do you wear make-up? yeah. 
155. Did you ever have your wisdom teeth taken out? yeah when i was 18 i got put completely out and had surgery to get them out.
156. Did you ever kiss someone a different race than yourself? yeah. 
157. Ever dyed your hair? yeah ive dyed it reddish, darker brown, fire ombre (look it up it was awesome), blonde, ash blonde, blonde with purple tips and then now i just dyed it back to brown which is its natural colour. i like it blonde but im starting to like it back at its natural state.
158. Did you ever wear someone else’s clothes? yeah ive worn my sisters clothes
159. Ever ridden in an ambulance? no
160. Ever ridden in a helicopter? no
161. Ever caught the stove on fire? no
162. Ever meet someone famous? no
163. Ever been on an airplane? yeah i was only on a plane from here (canada) to california and back. but thats it. my first time it was really nerve-racking, but on the way back it was chill. i dont like being that high up lol
164. Ever been on a boat? yeah a few times. its kay
165. Ever broken something expensive? no
166. Did you ever kiss someone before you were 14? no. my first actual kiss wasnt til i was 18..lol
167. Did you ever find something valuable on the ground? yeah my fucking life.
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id-omega-blog · 7 years
My first jrpg: Phantasy Star IV
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This is the amazingly spectacular cover the amazing megadrive/genesis rpg, Phantasy Star IV. I believe it retailed new in the neighborhood of 100$, maybe a bit less. I think Chrono Trigger was 70$, maybe more.  I never got to buy Phantasy Star IV so it had to be rented from our old Blockbuster. Of course if I hadn’t seen the sprawing, multi-page long review/mini walkthrough of the first part of the game in an issue of Gamefan that I got for Christmas I never would have bothered with this game. I was young, obviously, and mostly played stuff like Sonic, Ristar, Mortal Kombat 2 and Street Fighter Super/Turbo..whatever. I really digged the genesis Aladdin game too and actually owned it. I was starting to get into anime because Sailormoon would air at 2:30 EST on Fox Kids so i would get to sneak a watch if I was sick from school, it was a holiday or we’d gotten out early. I LOVED the show even though I had no idea what was going on. I wanted more things that looked like that. So, I see PS4 in Gamefan along with all the screenshots and ingame cutscenes of characters like Zio, who reminded me of one of Queen Beryl’s lackies but also was super evil and scary looking to me. The monsters looked awesome and way more detailed than the typical badnik mooks I spent my weekends bopping to release cute little flickies. So, its friday during June, I think I’d just gotten out of school and mom took me to Blockbuster. I searched the shelves for Phantasy Star IV and couldn’t find it so I asked mom for help. When I was really little and wanted to find a game I would sometimes get her to help me search the massive shelves. Mom quickly found it and asked “Is this the game?
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Yeah...I believe the Shining Force games got a similar treatment at least on the sega genesis. For the record I don’t hate western style fantasy art and love collecting musty old AD&D books for the art and like Warhammer but yea..as a kid that cover art made nauseous. Its not quite Megaman 2 nes bad but its just so....WRONG. At least they still kept Chaz’s original color scheme and design I guess..but what they did to Rune was unforgivable. I won’t comment on Rika. My biggest problem with this style of art is that it makes you think Phantasy Star IV is some kind of medieval D&D inspired game. The core Phantasy Star games are best described as fantasy sci-fi, sort of like Star Wars. You have interplanetary travel, cyborgs,ecosystems controlled by AI sometimes prone to turning evil but but people fight with swords,axes and use magic. It really is a lot like Star Wars setting wise since the first planet you start on, Motavia, looks and feels a whole like Tatooine.  It was a very fun but confusing game to me. I loved the music and anime stills used for cutscenes but I would explore certain locations and BOOM the music abruptly switches to fast paced battle music and I’m now on a different screen with more detailed versions of my party facing detailed sprites of bad guys. I eventually figured out what I was suppose to do by selecting attack with everybody, but I’d see certain people would do a lot more damage when I did this. After several more battles I discovered techs/magic but the only ones I understood were those that did direct damage and made cool explosions. If I selected a spell that did something besides direct damage I just assumed it was completely worthless. Its been so long but I think the farthest I got was to Zio’s castle but I never got past the first boss and had to return the game. I rented it again a few weeks to discover my file had been written over(I think) or there was someone else’s file. I clicked that one and was confused even more because I was on this snowy planet with melancholy music and my party had different members and some were missing. I left the town and saw I had a swanky spaceship so I went back to Motavia, the first planet. I wandered around and for the life of me I could not figure out where Alys was. What happened to Zio? I played a bit more and some snooping around one town made me realize what had happened to Alys and then I just got into more random battles for fun because I had Wren the cyborg now and I thought all his moves were badass. I played a bit more but then got tired of all the aimless wandering and went outside to play. Really dating myself there... So that’s the story of my first rpg. I never did buy the game but i later discovered the wonderful world of emulation in the 7th grade and was finally able to play stuff like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 4,5,6. Yes, I am one of those many Final Fantasy posers who’s first game was 7. I could exaggerate and say it was FF1 because my sister had an nes and played it but she rarely let me touch her console ever. I just knew her frustration about where to go after she got some flute. But back to the topic, I also downloaded Gens (obviously a genesis/megadrive emulator) and the first game I downloaded was....Sonic 3! THEN I downloaded Phantasy Star IV, got super far and was able to truly appreciate this wonderful and mostly forgotten jrpg. But..I didn't beat it. I got to sky castle, to the ::SPOILERS:: fight against a certain someone from PS1 and my game would always freeze when I was about to defeat him. I fruitlessly searched for a solution to my problem but alas I could never find a method to bypass the bug.  We have way better emulators now and PS4 has been ported to steam and other consoles, always bundled together with other classic genesis games such as Shining Force 1 and 2, Landstalker, Streets of Rage etc. I’m going to beat PS4 one day, probably very soon. I have played and beaten so many rpgs, both western and Japanese(mostly Japanese) and they are my favorite genre of video game by far.  So, thanks Phantasy Star IV, for introducing me to rpgs and making me into the lifelong weeb scum I am today.
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imchangki · 7 years
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people 
i was tagged by @moonbebe thank you so much!! <3
1. Drink: water lmao
2. Phone call: a phone company 
3. Text message: “calla call no quiero spoilers”
4. Song you listened to: shine forever by monsta x
5. Time you cried: a couple days ago bc my parents threatened to make me leave choir dsjfjds
6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yes kfjdskfj
8. Been cheated on: no that i know of?
9. Lost someone special: yeah
10. Been depressed: yep
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope djfhdjsf ive gotten drunk lots but never threw up -but the last time i threw up i was 12 (aka almost 10 years ago) so i guess it’s not usual for me to do so sdjhfjd)
12-14: black, purple, maroon
15. Made new friends: yes!!
16. Fallen out of love: nope
17. Laughed until you cried: yes i think so
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah lmao
19. Met someone who changed you: yess
20. Found out who your friends are: who even knows
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them except 2 lmao
23. Do you have any pets: nope
24. Do you want to change your name: nope i like it
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: nothing special because all my friends cancelled on me except one so i just went with that friend to the cinema the day before
26. What time did you wake up: half past eleven
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: introduce wanna one to a friend
28. Name something you can’t wait for: wanna one’s debut omg
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: an hour ago when we both were on the sofa chilling
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my fear of rejection dfjhdkhjf
31. What are you listening right now: good bye bye by nu’est
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah but well the spanish equivalent of that name
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people not letting other people enjoy wanna on’es final members bc their faves didn’t make it i’ve honestly been feeling guilty for some days now sdfhjdshgf
34. Most visited Website: tumblr, youtube, twitter, peach
35. Mole/s: i have lots i guess??? but i really like one that it’s just about my chest nad another one on my neck
36. Mark/s: i used to have one on the back of my thigh
37. Childhood dream: to be a singer
38. Hair color:  brown
39. Long or short hair: just past my shoulders!
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yeah i guess jdskfhjdf
41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes and lip shape and that im fairly decent at drawing and singing
42. Piercings: nope
43. Bloodtype: 0+
44. Nickname: i don’t like nicknames gdfgf
45. Relationship status: alone lmao
46. Zodiac: pisces sun / scorpio moon / ascendant leo
47. Pronouns: she / her
48. Favorite TV Show: oh i dont know sdjhfdjf
49. Tattoos: none
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: i’ve had my wisdom teeth out
52. Piercing: nopee what i love them on other people ajfhdsjf they are a turn on for me
53. Sport: no bc my mum didn’t let me join any soccer or volleyball team when i was younger
55. Vacation: to the beach always sjhdfsj
56. Pair of trainers: my complete black ones
57. Eating: not rn
58. Drinking: nothing
59. I’m about to: go grab something to eat
61. Waiting for: monsta x and nu’est to get their first win
62. Want: my depression to die
63. Get married: yes!!!
64. Career: english/spanish teacher
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs!!
66. Lips or eyes: eyes 
67. Shorter or taller: i don’t mind
68. Older or younger: my age lmao
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idc
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: idc
74. Kissed a stranger: yes
75. Drank hard liquor: yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nopeee
77. Turned someone down: yeah sdjfhdshfkjdh
78. Sex in the first date: nopeee
79. Broken someones heart: yeah i still feel bad about it dfjghjf
80. Had your heart broken: lmao yes
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: yes
84. Yourself: depends
85. Miracles: yeah
86. Love at first sight: kinda???
87. Santa Claus: no
88. Kiss in the first date: yeah if you both like each other why not i mean i kissed people before we went in our first date so
89. Angels: ye
90. Current best friends name: rose
91. Eyecolor: chocolate brown
92. Favorite movie: les choristes!
I’ll tag people later if i remember djfhdjshf
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