#ive watched several a video essay
aceaceace144616 · 5 months
How am I supposed to be bisexual AND trans?
Someone please give me instructions
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protect your family from lead in your home (2020) - united states environmental protection agency
"im so full of lead paint yum"
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hiemaldesirae · 2 years
something so special to me about anime boyifiying common white woman straight ya romfan characters. get babygirlified you fucking loser
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seased · 7 months
alright there are gonna be slashes in this post because i shant want it found by those who dont already know my madness…
while i am now an aroace ded truther (i think it pairs with thier character in an interesting way; singularly focused eccentric genius, trouble w expressing their feelings, isolationist, etc), if we suppose a world where we have to ship d/edf1sh, i dont think id pick c/allie
the more we get to know d/edf1sh’s personality AND the further away we get from splat2 sadstuck c/allie, the less sense c/alf1sh makes to me… if i had to guess, a lot of newer fans just consider it a fandom default now, they dont really get that the original appeal was the pair being post-mind control angst/recovery fic about it. usually ppl cast agent 3 on this shit now. (tangent but that really dates c/alf1sh as something we invented like between ded’s announcement and OE actually coming out lmao). we’ve got a whole games worth of content of c/allie between then and now and girls just not troubled like that anymore because nintendo hates status quo change. beyond that, we have a ded that is dry and sarcastic, or criminally subdued. more of a hater than previously reckoned.
my thesis statement is thus: perhaps it should be m/arie. marf1sh. depending on the translation she is also dryly sarcastic or criminally subdued. if we’re just sticking c/allie and ded together bc theyre both “single” isn’t m/arie single too? her most popular ship is m/4rie which is considered taboo by like half the fandom, so shes obviously not doing too hot lmao. plus, green and green. and, goths.
my own counter thesis is: harmony. because ded and harmony are the same character. girl dj weird personality hat oversized t shirt. they could sit in the same room and have incredibly loud color palettes together… in fact i bet you could lean harmony to CMY to match ded’s RGB and it would be horrible. plus, i think there’s some qpp-type specific potential here
ya know and a tangential primary thesis: if we have marf1sh, what about calmony? harmony’s brand new personality is very similar to fandom ded; empty headed music freak, with a manic pixie dream girl and/or tsundere bend. and theyre both pink. if the person callie dates is only to be used as a sponge for her emotions, i think the truly empty head is a better fit now that ded has shit in there.
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subsequentibis · 1 year
inb4 i buy metal gear rising revengeance solely to play the dlc and run around getting khamsin reference screenshots
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skylordhorus · 2 years
ugh i think i remember watching this thing that talked about the rms carpathia and how they prepped hot drinks and linens and diverted the heat to the rooms they were planning on housing the survivors, and how they raced to the titanic pushing well over the expected speed to the point where someone placed their hat over the gauge so they couldnt see it in the red
ANYWAY it was just.. so compassionate, so.... reverent almost but i cant for the life of me think what it was from and its bugging me
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simptasia · 9 months
an unexpected closing to the year was a boy meets world special interest hitting me with a steel chair
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thatscarletflycatcher · 9 months
I am extremely interested in your draft/post about Downton Abbey and the timeline 👀
Important disclaimer: I was never in the fandom of the series, so I'm completely ignorant as to word of god and fanon, and might have forgotten some details of the plot as the years have passed since I watched.
*video essay voice* (bear with me) in 1980, British playwright Peter Flannery, while watching rehearsals for Henry IV, felt inspired to write his own historical epic, a Shakespearean sort of short History of his native Newcastle from the 60s to the present, interweaving the personal History of 4 "friends" with the big historical events of Britain through those years, to create a strong political narrative through them, but that was life-like enough in its everyday life details and turns as to feel real. The characters deal with their desire to change the world, achieve success, recognition, or even just survive, and experience hope and hopelessness by turns*
This theater play, called Our Friends in the North, caught the eye of the BBC, and after several back-and-forths it was adapted into 9 episodes in 1996. It was a big bet (it cost 8 million pounds to produce) and a big hit, and I do get the gut feeling that in some corner, the first season of Downton is inspired in OFITN as a concept, a sort of Our Freenemies in Yorkshire, but that its own success derailed it into a different direction, and made it Edwardian-Roaring 20s Aristofairytaleland, the same way Regency Romance tends to take place on a Regency Fairytale land full of dukes and none of the social, economical and political problems of the time.
S1 of DA hinges around the "Death of the old world" theme: it opens with its first marker (the sinking of the Titanic) and closes with the last marker (the beginning of the Great War). The central plot is that of the survival of Downton as a place and an institution -the kickstart is the death of James and Patrick aboard the Titanic, and the next heir presumptive being a middle class lawyer, an outsider to the aristocracy. The old, dying aristocracy, managed to patch up their situation by marrying rich American heiresses, like Cora, but it doesn't have any vitality for the future: the heir (Robert and Cora's son) is born dead. The question then is "can the aristocracy make a bridge with the raising professional middle class, merge with it in order to gain new life?" that's what Matthew's plotline this season is all about, specially in his growing and changing relationship with Robert and Mary (who are the epitome representatives of the aristocracy, with lady Violet): there is a small seed of aspiration that grows through the season, but gets quashed once he realizes that as much as he has grown to care for the Crowleys, they haven't really grown to care for him as anything but an uncomfortable necessity. And so he leaves. And the Great War begins. No compromise can be reached, the old world is dead.
I don't think I say anything controversial when I say that Fellowes and Downton as a series loves Mary with undying devotion; she gets a second chance at Matthew in s2 that she wouldn't have gotten IRL, and she would have kept Matthew forever if the actor didn't want out. And I think Dan Stevens wanting out (and Jessica Brown's to a certain extent), and as much as he can say within the bounds of politeness, has a lot to do with a sense that the series he signed up for was not the series he ended up being in on the follow up seasons. Matthew, who was a central character to the main plot of the series in s1, now gravitates Mary's storylines, because that pressing conflict of the inheritance is solved, and he can be disposed of as soon as he produces a male heir without causing any plot-ripples. A story about Downton the house as anchoring to class conflicts and point of connection with big events becomes a story of Mary and her relatives with Downton as a mainly aesthetic backdrop as s2 progresses (yes, yes, every once in a while some lip service is given to "money troubles" and having to downsize, but it's just... that).
As seasons progress, as well, the historical markers to open and close a season disappear, and so do... general historical events at all. The story gets atomized and more and more separated from History, and "the old world is dying" theme vanishes.
So, now, on this premise (that Downton S1 and Downton s2-6 are different animals, with different core themes and structures) where do I think a true continuation of S1 would have gone?
Mind you, I haven't plotted five series to detail, because I'm not that invested. But also it feels like DA the series itself started running out of plot after s4 anyways, so, in general lines:
The same way OFITN did (episodes were each set on a different year: 64, 66, 67, 70, 74, 79, 84, 87, 95) every series would have a time skip that would tie in with bigger scale events in Britain and the world (the end of the Great War, the Spanish Flu, the crack of 29', etc), and in my mind I would have it cover until the late 1940s: the series begins with a middle aged Robert and Cora, and ends with a middle-aged next generation.
Matthew does actually marry Lavinia, and takes William with him as they bonded in the war, and goes back to his job. They try to keep their distance from Downton, but, of course they keep getting drawn in because of the inheritance.
Matthew's marriage to Lavinia means a vital wake-up call for Mary: she -and by extension the aristocracy- cannot always get what she wants, even though her name and status carry a lot of importance. But she also experiences new freedom because her choice of husband has now no influence on the fate of the estate. I think she'd choose to travel a lot, in ways that would widen her mental horizons and change her feelings and perspective about her family. I even feel like her marrying Henry Talbot in the end makes sense; she remains ever the aristocrat (although I'd think she'd marry later, probably past her mid-30s, a spirit of the new times).
Sybil's storyline remains the same, minus death (in this scheme, the core characters that thread the timeline are the Crawley sisters AND Matthew), but she never returns to Downton to stay, and it is through her and her visits that we do get the perspectives and storylines of the process of independence for Ireland, and her complicated position as wife of an Irish man but daughter of a British earl. You can even get stories in the later years storylines like Marygold trying to run to Ireland and her aunt after WWII breaks.
A similar thing goes for Edith; if Mary is and makes the choice of aristocracy, and Sybil makes the choice of a working class life, then Edith embodies a commercial-professional upper middle class aspiration (in fact, I do think that her punching-bag status in the series has a lot to do with Fellowes derision of that class), so it makes sense for her to do most of the things she does towards her place in life; just cut some of the drama and no sudden marquess nonsense in the end. Edith and Bertie marry and remain successful editors/printers/periodical owners.
As for the house itself, of course Matthew inherits (you could set Robert's death for 1929, and then have a Lavinia inheritance save the estate after Robert's failed investments like it goes in s1). I do think this lends itself to interesting dynamics, specially with the servants, considering the aristocratic head is gone and the Great War significantly changed the self-image of the serving class, plus the return of William now in a much more privileged place; but also with Cora as the new Dowager and Lavinia as the new Lady Grantham. How do the children adapt to their new home and status? How did their parents conduct their upbringing? I think you can do a lot there (I'd assume just two children, a boy and a girl).
I do also think it'd be interesting to contrast the rising tensions in the 30s as Mary perceives them through her continental travels -I can imagine Henry Talbot joining the foreign service and getting at least obliquely involved in spy shenanigans- and Edith through her very localized work.
The Kingsmen movies play with this idea of WWI creating a generation of fathers who buried their sons and had to take their places. The Crawleys escape this by having only daughters, so I think it is fitting for Matthew and Lavinia's son to die in WWII, and for the daughter to become a war bride and move to the US, as the centre of power moves from the UK to the US.
Downton, more and more difficult to maintain as the years pass, cannot survive the economic blow of WWII, and Mathew and Lavinia, now middle aged, don't have the energy and vitality to begin again; and so they make an arrangement with the just-founded National Trust after the war ends: the main part of the house becomes a museum, but they still get a part of it to live in. I think, after a family reunion tea/party to wrap things up, you can have as a symbolic last shot, a close up of Matthew's hand as he turns over the keys to the Downton gates to the National Trust agent, CUT TO BLACK AND THE DOWNTON ABBEY THEME.
So, hm, that's pretty much it. Please do not maul me to death XD
*While I think the series was very well written, I'd hesitate to recommend it here as there was too much explicit nudity and sexual content for my taste and that of many people here. The 2022 radio adaptation seems to be faithful to the original tv series and avoid that problem, but of course you lose on the other visuals that are quite impressive (and believe me, besides some awkward wigs and make up, they really did blow up that 8 million pound budget in many ways).
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cheap-jumpscare · 2 months
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ranting abt being kanade yoisaki.... if ur uncomfy with doubles, scroll away !!!!!!!1
raghhhhh i need white hair and my hair needs 2 be straight n long...... sighs. i already have blue eyes n im already extremely pale so thumbs up but ugh. i shld be skinnier too and that is related :|
i cant tell if im fickin or not but i rlly do wish i looked like. me? ive even always ACTED like me. im just. Kanade Yoisaki. this is the one "just like me fr.." character that's been CONSISTENT.
i was watching a video essay my meowtual Vriska made and SIGHS yeah. its >here< btw pls watch it. very good art and a very cool survey !!
^ but in relation to that I had a mini realization sorta. if i am a kanade fictionkin then i AM just Kanade. there would be no seperation between me and Kanade Yoisaki. if i AM fictionkind then I wouldn't be a "kanade kinnie" id BE kanade. just like how Vriska's whole video is about how fickind tend to suppress their identity to be more palatable. its just so hard to figure out if i AM fickindddd :|
and even then i dont feel like id be exactly like 'canon' me. id be different. id have several traits and such that i always have said I 'headcanon' Kanade with. maybe thats just me bein a bit Sillymode but urghfghg.
im just like i am in the game. i dont go outside regularly because the sun hurts my eyes, bright lights in general suck (though this may just be because my eyes are a lighter color- qwant it its weird), im very serious about music and i do believe it CAN save people, im not very good at personal hygiene and yet inexplicably im considered ~generally~ attractive by, at the very least, my parents. I've mentioned all that before, though. Plus preferring online school.
another thing i want to say bc i feel like it. everytime i see anyone else who's also a character i Am (ex, someone else who's Kanade) i dont ever get bothered. bc my brain rationalizes it through 'multiverse theory.' TL;DR 'doubles' dont bother me because i believe in infinite alternate realities and that if someone else is also kanade then they're just a kanade from an alternate reality. does that make sense?
i still feel a disconnect between the kanade in prosekai and myself- the kanade i am. enough to where i can refer to her in the 3rd person comfortably. im not the same as her. there's differences, I can feel them. ill just refer to Kanade in the game as 'canon!kana'/'canon!me' because that's easiest;
the biggest difference between us is that, well, canon!me is human. she also isn't explicitly trans in any direction, and is also a hard worker. all of that is stuff that doesnt apply. im trans- im queer in every sense of the word. every inch of my identity is a little weird, a little 'out of the norm.' No part of me can be easily described to a lot of people. I do know, thankfully, that people in the real world can be accepting. My Nana supports xenogenders and she's in her early 70s. Granted, I am her main source of information on neurodivergency and queer identity, but I'm able to unbiasedly explain terms and gently guide her in the right direction. I would feel safe in admitting I am not human, and do not like physically being so. I'm lazy- admittedly due to depressive symptoms, but I do not like work. I generally just hate having to do physical activity- even just in-general work. The reason I'm almost-failing all of my classes in highschool is because I hate working for more than a few minutes at a time, especially consecutively.
Of course, I will say I am not a person who really experiences delusions. That isn't to say those who do are lesser or that I'm better- it's just a simple fact. I specify that because this is the 'piss on the poor' website. I can seperate my physical body right now as I physically am from my possible fictionkinnity- at this current moment I am (at the very least biologically) not a shapeshifter like I often call myself. I am human, I am biologically a perisex female, etc. I don't like to see myself like that. I am Uta, yes. But Uta isn't a human. Uta is Kanade Yoisaki. Uta is a shapeshifter. In some way or another, I am nonhuman- or otherwise 'different.' I always have been.
idk. im just kanade. i dont properly know what i mean by it, other than. well. I Am Kanade. and that's really all there is to it.lon
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notahorseindisguise · 2 months
Tbh I got similar vibes when I watched the first video (although to a lesser extent). There were several moments where I thought "why did you need to say that?".
He definitely brought up really important points but it felt like the video could've been significantly shorter and have the exact same information
see thats what im getting. is like i feel like a lot of this shit is real, and i don't think theres actually been any like . lies. in either video. but theres definitely been a lot of moments where ive seen it and ive been like. i can tell you used to work for mr beast because even your video essays expose type shit seems like a mr beast video
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discluded · 2 years
some people think the new mileapo movie would not be a love story 💀💀💀💀 have they confirmed that it's a love story tho?
*MUFFLES SCREAMS* I wrote the entire reply and it got swallowed by Tumblr. This is the 5th time I've made this mistake because I am a FOOLE (though more likely it's because tumblr's editor sucks). Anyway, here we go again.
Formally, the film's genre is historical. And its working title is #ThaiPeriodMovie while they tease us about the movie title.
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However, several things stood out to me in the way this film has been discussed (potential spoilers, but mostly fan theory!)
Here's Apo speaking about how the film came about at Kis x Farger and how Pond contextualized Mile's role in the film. Please note the conjecture is one of the translator's theories, not what was explicitly said. But the part about Mile was what was said 🤗
Pond then came up with the idea that it would be so gorgeous if Apo could perform a Thai dance. Pond also said that Mile has a personality that goes well with Apo* so together they should make a movie that celebrates Thai culture.
[*they may be a couple lead in their movie]
Also, this LGBTQ Thai youtuber was able to identify cultural details in just the short trailer. He starts talking about some of the important details around 6:27 (which I am not retyping again)
Basically, he was able to identify that Apo was performing a Lakhon Nai, which is performed in the royal court and traditionally only had female dancers even for male roles.
However, he noted that because Apo was a male dancer in the royal court, the movie likely takes place in the period of King Rama IV-V, which was most likely validated by BOC's production staff recently!
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He also theorized that Apo and Bas were were performing Inao (Punji), which is a Lakhon Nai epic that had queer elements. I can't find a good English source about this epic, so watch the video to learn what he has to say about the story.
He mentioned the possibility that in the movie, there might the duality with a reflection of Apo's character having a stage life in an epic with a queer story while the character's real life is embroiled in a love affair with the handsome Taphon player 😝
Actually, I was rewatching the Leslie Cheung and Hong Kong LGBT Cinema video essay a couple of weeks back and this part really stood out to me as what they might be trying to do with this film.
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The film cleverly ties homosexuality to traditional Chinese art, making an, at the time, unfamiliar topic much more approachable to a Chinese audience, allowing the audience to feel the loss, pain, and persecution LGBT people had been feeling.
But its contribution to inclusivity is, perhaps, even more direct than that. The casting of Leslie Cheung in the role creates this feeling that we aren't looking at a fictional character, we are facing the real struggle of Leslie Cheung. Leslie was sympathetic, so his characters, and by extention LGBT people, were sympathetic.
Anyway, this is all speculation! I want to point out again that historical LGBTQ films don't need to have a romantic plot, AND even if a romance between characters occur it's often interwoven with the characters' other struggles and drama/tragedy of the period. Don't expect KPTS episode 8 😭
I'm less bothered by whether or not Mile and Apo's characters will be queer than the fact that so many people are openly dismissing that they can't be queer in the film because it's a historical film (what). As @cookiedoughfiesta mentioned to me, some idiots have said that they can't be gay because it's a historical film and gay people didn't exist then (THE IRONY OF SUFFERING HOMOPHOBES EVERY DAY IN THIS FANDOM 💀💀💀)
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actualbird · 1 year
a little no-spoilers rec list of other medias ive been enjoying very much recently
Countdown to Countdown by Velinxi - webcomic, updates every thursday. magical/sci-fi dystopia with rich worldbuilding to die for, a fantastically gripping plot, incredible character dynamics, and the most gorgeous art style in every page. when i first found this, i had bingeread everything thus far in one night up til 2am on a work day because 1) the story is Amazing i literally could not put it down until i had no more pages to read and 2) it took me longer than usual to read through because every single page looks breathtaking, i had to stop and fully savor each one.
Uncanny Charm by COM - manhwa, im not linking anything because i dont wanna get sniped for where i read it from, research and find a link urself HAHA but my god, go read this. supernatural drama with horror, character pair chemistry off the CHARTS, and also you will cry. i have cried at so many portions of this manhwa. i have also laughed my ass off at many parts, but whenever i reread old chapters (which ive done several times) i always still end up crying at the bits. whenever this updates i rejoice and then feel immense fear for the state of my feels. so VERY well done.
BobbyBroccoli's video documentaries on scientific fraud - swerve, ive also been watching a lot of video essays these days and my gripe with a lot of the video essay genre is "why does it have to be a video?" as in, what does the visual and audio form of this piece in particular add to the work that wouldnt have been possible as a written essay? and BobbyBroccoli's vids not only justified the form but knocked it outta the ballpark. very well written and visualized so amazingly that it's an artform to me, there's Visual Metaphor going on in there. my personal fave of his right now is his most recent 2-part series The man who faked human cloning and its sequel How to catch a criminal cloner
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entryn17 · 1 year
ive tried to watch that "line goes up" video several times now but my eyes just start glazing over halfway 😭 i usually really like crypto/nft breakdown stuff but i just need to sit down and read the transcript for this one like an essay
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
Man, I feel like YouTube is becoming so tiring. I feel like just like with Twitter - you can end up so easily spiralling down a rabbit hole of negatvity filled content. It's not even entertaining, like what worth is watching this stuff ACTUALLY bringing to me? "[insert youtuber] Did A HORRIBLE thing" (ok? have i even watched that person before? do i need to watch an hour long essay on this? no, not really.) "Karen Moments Caught On Camera Compilation" (i deal with them at work enough, thanks) "[this person] Made A TERRIBE Product" (good thing i had no plans of buying it then) "This BAD thing happened" "It Only Gets WORSE" (i could get the same dosage of negatvity from watching the news) "[insert streamer] REACTS to [blank]" (is the commentary they add interesting? or even funny? no? okay.) "COMPETING For $100,000!" (hey, maybe all these content creators shouldn't be glorifying money to their child audiences) "Giving Away £10,000 to the HOMELESS! (heartfelt)" (oh, hi mr beast clone #235 - that was sweet of you. if only it wasn't obvious you're just doing it for clout. if only you could treat people and their situations with the proper respect they deserve and spread actual, valuable arareness. wait, why are you handing them a large stack of cash? don't you think that puts their safety severely at risk-? no? okay then..." "[insert piece of media] Is The Worst Thing Ever, And Here's Why" (ok? do i really need to watch 3 hours of you justifying your personal opinion? was it worth spending all that time making a video about a media you hate?) "A Day In Our Lives As A Rich, White Family!" (hey, can you stop exploiting your children for five fucking minutes?) "Why This Person Is WRONG About [blank]" (this is the worst, childish debating ive ever seen in my life) "5 Signs You May Have [blank]!" (damn, you really watered down neurodivergence to make it sound relatable to everyone, huh?) "5 Signs This Person With A Disorder Is Abusing You!" (oooooh, so you're ableist. got it.) anyways, why am i talking about this? it's because i believe that curating your internet experience is an important part of self care. Sometimes, the advice of "touch grass" is legitimately so valuable lmao. Cut down your consumption of negative media, and find the stuff that makes you laugh, entertains, educates, or interests you - everything else can go fuck itself, resist the urge to mindlessly consume. Sometimes, just shut off the YouTube app, ya know?
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queen-of-regrets · 1 year
hiihhihi waves my hands hi ive gotten like really into dog sees god recently (im currently working on a video essay about it. the consequences) and i read ur fic and UAUAGAHHAHGHHH its so good its sososooososososo good i love it a lot. i literally never say anything to fic authors outside of ao3 comments but i really really wanted to just let u know that i really like never felt so alive a lot it makes me very happy im very excited 4 the next update :-]
Hello there!! *waves back enthusiastically* It took me a couple days to figure out how to respond because AHHHHHHH
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Thank you so much!! I’m honored that you liked my writing enough that it compelled you to reach out directly. Your message actually kicked me out of my writing slump lol. And this next chapter is turning into quite a monstrosity (i think it’s gonna be even longer than the last one). So expect an update very soon! :D
Also!!! I would absolutely LOVE to watch your video essay when you’re done with it!! Please send it to me, I beg ;-; I am severely deprived of dog sees god content
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hopeheartfilia · 2 years
i believe libraries are important and good. i do not emotionally care for them
Ive been having trouble thinking today, or rather expressing sentiments in accordance with an essay structure
At some point i gave up and watched a sj the x video. that helped imensly s in i can now make logical atatements again. however i am not really thinking and making connections im just sitting here like hello yes i have thoughts
And like i can see how i could write an essay on themes of estetics and the subjective and objective merits of art in relation to my theme, Should we close public libraries, but it wont change the fact that my answer is no deeper then a simple "no, are you an idiot"
and i have reasons ans back up but its just a liat of articles i could point someone towards, like hello this is research i found on the positive impacts of libraries on communities. please think of how someone would apply to a job in the current landscape of online applications if they dont have acess to a home or the internet. the answer may be libraries.
also librarians exist and libraries have other communal funtions. like reading to children. supporting local charities in various ways. serving as a social environment.
I have all the building blogs of yes one could make an essay out of theese parts
but i do t have the connective tissue. im missing the fucks given to explain. it probably wouldve helped if ive ever argued with someone over this but frankly im having a hard time actually making genuine contraaruments about Yes we should close public libraries, without making a pseudo strawman, like hello if you genuenly think we should close public libraries you eirher have no clue what youre talking about or your intentions are like. evil. whcih isnt. its not accurate. it doesnt make for a good essay
Id rather write several essays about me trying to write this essay then the actual essay
the theme decided i dont wanna fuck with it and now im here. wishing i spent the last 5 hours doing a little gouache painting instead of trying to turn my beain on and off aga-
maybe sleep would help. didnt help the last 2 times i tried to fic this "i dont wanna start this essay" problem, but at this point ive done that and moved to I dont actually wanna write it
.. i should probably talk this out with someone. as in ask them what reasons do you think someone could have for closing a library?
Also look up essay structures again. i hate doing that i prefer just reading and listening to essays and seeing where what i consider a logical train of thought goes, but im very stuck and if you cant make something you like, make something very technical
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