#izu the spider
toucheholland23 · 1 year
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Hanging out 🙌💕
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in another life
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49691104 by izu (xarlutye) "You said you saw 14,000,605 timelines- was this one of them?" Strange sips his coffee and bats Cloakie away. "No,” he answers.   or: peter travels back in time. and forward. and sideways. (he doesn't really know what happening either) Words: 4201, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, May Parker (Spider-Man), Tony Stark Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harry Osborn & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Everyone Additional Tags: Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Alternate Universe - Marvel Cinematic Universe Fusion, Tone Whiplash, Platonic Relationships, Light Angst, Fluff, Friendship, Multiverse, basically the entire cast + others show up, but their roles are minor and im not asshole enough to clog up tags read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49691104
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tact-and-impulse · 1 year
At Arm's Length Chapter 23
Blood, sweat, and tears - it's all down to this. On FF.net and AO3!
Chapter 23: Answer
Three days had passed since then. Koshijiro had overexerted himself and was confined to the clinic with Yahiko and Himura. Takani delivered thorough admonishment.
“Ken-san, you’re incredibly malnourished; you need to eat or I’ll start with a funnel! As for you, Yahiko, those dagger injuries are still at risk of infection and you have to let them fully heal. And I can’t believe I have to say this, but Kamiya-san! You nearly opened your shoulder wound. I swear, the rest of these idiots are rubbing off on you…”
“I regret nothing.” He resolutely answered and he meant it. “I would do it all over again, to protect Tokyo.”
Makimachi jumped in. “Megumi, everything’s fine now! Even better, we know where we’re going!” The island was to the south, roughly twenty kilometers east of the Izu archipelago. It was reportedly uninhabited, given its high cliffs, but it was on the supply route they previously discovered and a direct path to Shanghai could easily be mapped out.
Upon hearing this information, Koshijiro attempted to leave the bed. “We need to prepare for the trip. We have to set sail at any moment.” He felt a sharp pinch in his arm and looked downwards to find a needle in Takani’s hand.
“Not you. You have to rest.”
A numbness radiated from the injection site, spreading in a wave to his chest and head. “You gave me a sedative.” He said in disbelief, and he couldn’t prevent his eyelids from falling.
“Sorry, Kamiya-san, but we’ll take care of everything.” Those were the last words he heard, before he plunged into sleep.
And so, he was trapped in that little room. He was allowed visitors, and the young officers were among the first, relaying the news that the chief inspector would return to duty soon. The station was being urgently rebuilt…also, there were rumors of a medal, which Koshijiro winced at.
“It’s unnecessary. Please tell the chief I said that.” However, from their proud expressions, he doubted they’d try to dissuade any of the higher-ups. They left with such good cheer and he had to suppress a sigh. Well, the morale boost was promising.
Then, Tae and Tsubame arrived. They stopped by Koshijiro first, and he thanked the girl. “Tsubame, you did an excellent job of finding Himura-san.”
“I-it was nothing! I’m glad he heard me. Megumi-san said he’s asleep though.”
“He has to recover as much as he can. However, Yahiko should be awake in his room.”
She smiled, ducked her head, and headed next door. However, Tae lingered. “Thank you, Kamiya-san, for what you did. But are you alright? This week, so much has happened.”
“Yes, I’m fine.” He hesitated before adding. “We’re going to depart very soon. It has to do with our attacker and I’m sorry, but I can’t say more. Not until we’re all home again.” He hoped she caught his choice in words, the use of ‘attacker’ instead of ‘murderer’, and his particular emphasis.
A long pause followed. Tae’s eyes flickered to the window and back to him. Slowly, she said. “I think I understand. You know, someone left red spider lilies on Kaoru’s gravesite. She might not like those, so I’ll clean them up.” She said this casually, but even he knew that the flowers represented the afterlife.
“Thank you. That would be appropriate.”
She gave a tight smile, and abruptly, tears sprung from her gaze. “If…if anyone is hurt when you return, let me know. I’ll do whatever I can. Please.”
It was an odd reaction from her, something he’d never seen before, but he readily agreed. “Of course, Sekihara-san.”
Hastily, she wiped her eyes and exhaled. “Well, I’ll check on Yahiko and Tsubame, though they’re probably behaving.” Her smile was a little wobbly but she was otherwise calm.
He didn’t have time to consider her behavior because Takani entered to examine him. She was acting as sole provider, having negotiated with Dr. Gensai to cover the clinic alone until they inevitably left Tokyo.
“How are the others?” He asked.
“Ken-san had soup for lunch but he can try solid food tonight. He’s sleeping restfully for once, so I’ve placed a sign on his door not to disturb him. Yahiko looks like he wants to practice kenjutsu, I’m keeping a close eye in case he sneaks out.” She proceeded with a rudimentary exam. “And there’s something else. I’ve made up my mind. After everyone recovers from this upcoming fight, I’m going to Aizu.”
“The Aizu police haven’t replied yet, but perhaps, they need another reminder.”
“It isn’t just that. I know I want to return there, to find my mother and brothers. You never gave up on Kaoru, and my family has no one else but me. I have lived long enough in self-pity; I’m ready to look for them.” She sounded certain of herself. “Besides, I can always return to visit, right?”
“Absolutely. You’re welcome at the dojo any time.”
“Thank you. Still, I think I will miss everyone.” A familiar sadness flickered across her face, and with that, she briskly walked away.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t the last of her because not two hours later, her voice echoed from the front. Koshijiro strained to listen, and he got up, peering into the hall. Hurried footsteps paced closer, two sets and one was certainly heavier.
“At this point, I can’t even be surprised. Sit down in that room, and I’ll bring my supplies.”
“Fine, fine.” But the low voice was laidback, and Koshijiro stared at Sagara, standing near an adjacent door and cradling his bandaged right hand. The young man broke into a wide grin. “Hey, old man! I made it in time.”
“Welcome back. You do seem a little worse for the wear.” Koshijiro wryly said, nodding at the injury.
“Got a story behind this, once we’re all together. I have you to thank for that, for pushing me in the right direction.” Then, Takani approached, a box of dressings tucked under her arm.
“You’re lucky you weren’t delayed; otherwise, we would’ve left you behind. Now, Ken-san is the only one who needs to be ready.”
“How is he?” His tone was guarded.
“Much better, because of Kamiya-san.”
“Gotta thank you twice then.” He gave a two-fingered salute. “And? What’s the plan?”
It was obvious that he wasn’t going to be a docile patient, so Koshijiro joined them. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Yahiko barged in.
“I knew it! I knew I heard you, Sanosuke! Where the heck have you been?!”
“To my parents’ house in Nagano.” Ah, he did reunite with his family. “I left last night.”
“That’s far!” Takani exclaimed.
“Yeah, and I’m starving.”
With such prompting, they had a late lunch after Sagara’s superficial wounds were treated. The boys eschewed their table manners again, eating as if their bowls would be swiped underneath them. But the sight was reassuring, and at least, they refrained from belching, though it could’ve been due to the arrival of Shinomori. His posture was brimming with intent, in contrast to the slouching Makimachi who heaved a sigh as she propped her feet up. Then, she nearly jumped out of her skin, noticing Sagara.
“Wait, you’re here! That’s great, because everything’s all set! We’re going to leave tonight, after sunset.” It was much faster than anticipated, but a welcome update.
Shinomori supplied. “Yes, and our first stop is at Port Yokosuka, to convene with the Navy ships. After that, we will head on a direct path for the island while they flank and guarantee no one escapes. In the event that the main ship is slowed down, our group will take a rowboat and land as the initial offensive. Saito’s squad is currently loading the ship, so we should gather our things.” Meaningfully, his hands fell to his kodachi.
“I got my kunai!” Makimachi happily announced, followed by Takani’s nod.
“I’ll pack my medicine chest.”
Koshijiro then said. “Yahiko, we’ll have to return to the dojo and retrieve new shinai.”
“Sure! Two, right?”
“Three.” He clarified. “One for me, one for you, and one for Kaoru.” Yahiko broke into a knowing grin.
“Of course, she does need a weapon.”
“And all I need are my hands, so we gotta hurry!” Sagara bellowed. He pushed his chair back, stomping out of the little room. “Come on, Kenshin!” Before they could tell him to stop, he was already heaving the door aside. “Ken…shin?”
The crowding didn’t help Koshijiro’s perspective, and for a moment, an uneasy dread chilled his fingertips. But then, he caught sight of Himura. He was out of bed, standing by the open window, the white curtains fluttering. The sakabato was in his hands, and he was in the midst of sliding it back into its sheath. His expression was considering and purposeful, just as he turned, blinking at all of them. “This one is sorry to have kept you waiting.”
The others seemed stunned; he looked well-rested and fully recovered. Koshijiro stepped forward. “It’s alright. Do you believe in your new vow?”
“Yes.” Himura lifted the sakabato before him, in a show of resolve. “This one does.”
“Very good.” He smiled before pausing. “When you face Yukishiro again, there will be no room for doubt. Not again.”
“Understood.” Fire burned in his gaze. “Let’s go! To where Kaoru-dono is!”
And in a single voice, they assented. “Yes!”
The moon was rising over the dark undulating ocean, directly shining upon the smooth hull of their nondescript sailing vessel. Waves lapped against the dock, the repetitive sound echoing around them as they walked. Koshijiro maintained a guarded eye. The dojo had been left in Tokio’s capable hands, the boys napping while she resolutely locked the gate. Now, up ahead, he trusted that Saito’s squad and the crew were handling the matters of setting off. The cool salty air was tinged with tobacco, Saito stamping out a cigarette. At his side, there was a familiar figure who lifted a bandaged hand in greeting.
“Long time no see.” Sawagejo grinned. “So, this is it, huh?”
“You were discharged from the hospital?” Koshijiro asked. The man was further wrapped under his collar, hinting at healing burns, but he was standing on his own.
“Not that I wanted to stick around either, I was itching to get out.” He lowered his voice to a hiss. “One of you better land a good hit on Yukishiro for me! It’s the least he deserves for trying to kill me.”
Saito interjected, lip curling. “And as I told you, he’ll get what he deserves, one way or another.” He was still angry about the transfer to the Chinese government, stalking towards the boarding plank. The group followed suit, Sagara checking shoulders with Sawagejo.
The hammocks below deck were offered to them, but they all chose to stay above, watching in tense silence. But there were no interruptions. The boat began to drift, the lights of Tokyo bobbing and gradually shrinking into pinpricks, before the city disappeared entirely. They were safe for the time being, seemingly undetected. Nevertheless, any conversation was idle and short-lived.
It was a smooth trip to Port Yokosuka, and the trio of Naval ships were marked by their raised flags. The anchor had been dropped for mere minutes, when Hayashi came to greet them. He was accompanied by a taller young man with a serious clean-shaven face, and he headed straight for Koshijiro, firmly shaking hands.
“There’s that expression, the one you always had before a tournament. I have fifty men for this voyage, plenty of ammunition for our cannons, and Lieutenant Ehara is our best navigator.” He jabbed a thumb to the man, who immediately saluted. “Come aboard, I hear we have a tiger to hunt.”
Leaving the first boat in the harbor with the doubly paid crew, they were ushered onto the largest Navy ship, designed for traversing open sea. Hayashi issued orders, Ehara taking point at the helm and focusing on an array of maps. The stars shifted, the land retreated, and soon, they were surrounded by water at all sides. It was close to midnight and Yahiko tried in vain to hide his yawns.
“Just…a little longer…”
“I don’t think so. Off to bed with you.” Takani retorted, prodding his lower back. “And that goes for all of us.”
“In a minute.” Makimachi said, peering into the depths. Her new kunai flashed between her fingers, both wrists flexing in purposeful motion. Shinomori wordlessly loomed over her, though he dipped his head in acknowledgement.
Koshijiro’s vision was then abruptly blocked by Hayashi, who coaxed him to sit on a nearby crate. “I’m afraid I don’t have sake this time, but I feel you wouldn’t partake anyway.”
“No. I don’t think I can sleep well, but I’ll try to close my eyes.” He stared into the dark distance. Kaoru was waiting out there.
“If it was my child, I’d probably act the same as you. Perhaps even worse.” Hayashi’s expression was foreboding.
“How are they, and your wife?”
“She’s well, and I hate to leave her alone with the children, but she told me to go.” He smiled. “By the way, the twins are here and thank any god who listened, because they’re girls. Sanako and Sawako. Mirror images of each other. The boys love them to bits and they rarely cry.”
“Ah, you have your calm ones.” Koshijiro said.
“For now, at least.” He nodded across the deck, where Himura was standing in perfect silence. “Who’s the redhead?”
“Himura-san. He is…someone special to Kaoru.”
“Oh? And what do you think of him?”
“He’s a good man. I trust him.”
Those fox eyes narrowed in scrutiny, followed by a grin. “I see, he has your approval. Well then, I’ll leave you to rest until we get closer to the island. Good night!”
And now that his friend called it to attention, that was an unresolved point. Koshijiro laid in one of the bunk beds, sleeping in dreamless fits. Sagara snored above, masked by the rolling waves. The darkness was receding, and grabbing the two shinai he had taken on, Koshijiro decided it was finally time to wait on the deck.
But he wasn’t the only one. Himura was sitting in a secluded corner, almost hidden except for the breeze ruffling his hair. His gaze turned from the indigo sky to Koshijiro. “Kamiya-dono.”
“Himura-san.” He inclined his head. “I hope I wasn’t disturbing you.”
“Not at all, this one was thinking it was time to stop resting.” He rose to his feet and joined Koshijiro. For a minute, they watched the sea, becoming blue-green with the impending dawn.
“There is something I wanted to discuss with you.” His pulse was kicking up, and he continued, trying to quell his nerves. “Sagara-san said something interesting when we were in Kyoto, that you thought you heard Kaoru’s voice while you were on your way to fight.”
“That did happen.” Himura acknowledged.
“At the time, I asked Kaoru how she felt about you and I was unsure of where you stood. I meant to ask you after you recovered, but it’s been tumultuous since then and I thought it was best to wait. Until now. Now, I believe it’s the right time.” He regarded Himura seriously. “Could you tell me, what are your feelings for my daughter?”
For a moment, he was quiet. “As you said, Kamiya-dono, it is best to start at the beginning. This one had been wandering for ten years before coming to Tokyo. On that evening, there was a young woman, calling out to Hitokiri Battousai and accusing him of dishonoring the name of Kamiya Kasshin. She attacked this one with her shinai.”
“Did she?”
“Yes.” He smiled at the memory. “She was bold and bright. She believed in her own conviction so strongly, in using the sword to protect people. This one was…intrigued. So, this one felt like staying, to see if that world she spoke of would become reality. Perhaps, since then, this one has watched her. Her lively spirit, her growing confidence, her infinite kindness. When she was captured by Jin-e and she broke free from his hold, the first thing she said was that she was alright. And at that time, this one thought he never wanted to look away from her.”
Oh. So, it was since then. “…Kaoru’s only had eyes for you as well, even after you had to leave.”
Himura cleared his throat. “To say goodbye to her was difficult enough; embracing her was only selfishness on this one’s part.” Wait, he had embraced her? But he was still talking before Koshijiro could request a pause. “And when she came to Kyoto, this one was angry and relieved, but now, this one realizes those weren’t half feelings. At the root, they were the same emotion. And along with it, there was fear. Of unworthiness for her, of rejection by her, but most of all, for her safety. This one swears it will not happen again. Never.”
“I believe you.” Koshijiro murmured.
Himura’s eyes lit, accepting, and he continued. “Until now, this one didn’t realize how starved he was, until meeting Kaoru-dono. Every day was full of warmth and kindness. Within this one’s heart,” His hand lifted to clasp his chest. “Kaoru-dono has ignited a flame, and that flame has only grown, with every person who has crossed our path. Kamiya-dono, this one would like to walk together with her, to return home, and to see her smile, always. This one loves Kaoru-dono.” He said it easily, with only the slightest hint of color on his face.
It definitely was infectious, because Koshijiro felt warm as he held up his hand to stop Himura from divulging further. “I appreciate your forthrightness. Kaoru will too, when she’s here and safe with us.”
“Yes.” He softly agreed.
Then, the ship abruptly quieted, no longer speeding towards the island but progressing with caution. Hayashi was directing the men with a hushed voice, and he headed for Koshijiro.
“We’ll reach the island in ninety minutes, so we’re changing pace. The winds are favorable, but this fog won’t last, so we’ll be visible sooner than we’d like.”
“Understood. Where do you want us to be?”
Following orders, the eight of them gathered at the bow. The two other ships drifted apart, preparing to flank. Then, on the horizon, a spot gradually grew larger, and dark green treetops encircled a portion that appeared to be a cove. Along the sheer cliffsides, the white shapes of seagulls rode the air currents. This was the island.
“The ship’s turning.” Saito noted, gaze narrowing. A second later, the motion became discernible; the vessel was pulling ninety degrees. “Why?”
The answer came from the young Lieutenant Ehara, putting away a telescope. “There are underwater mines ahead. It’s too dangerous for us to advance, so we’ll anchor and deploy the rowboats.”
“We’ll take the first one. Let’s go.”
Fortunately, they all fit, the oars seized by Sagara and Saito. As they were lowered into the ocean, Yahiko asked. “How are we going to get through?”
“Leave it to me!” Makimachi planted one knee down, unsheathing her daggers. “Like a kingfisher’s beak, I’ll pierce the mines and clear a path.”
“Thank you, Misao-dono.” Himura smiled. He was tucked into the rear of the boat, the sakabato’s hilt resting on his shoulder. Collectively, they had agreed to take care of every obstacle and opponent, so he would reserve his energy for fighting Yukishiro.
“You got it!” She began to mutter to herself. “Sixty-one and a half meters, thirty degrees to the right…thirty-two?”
“It is as we practiced.” Shinomori stood behind her. “Misao, your gaze should be on the changes in the waves.”
“R-right! So, it should be…twenty-nine point seven degrees!”
And with that approval, her dagger flew, disappearing into a foaming crest. A second later, a muffled blast followed, the explosion contained to a high spray of water. She tossed a pleased grin to them. “See that? Now, full speed ahead!”
Koshijiro’s heart jumped to his throat, with the rise and fall of the little boat. Salty droplets misted across his face, but his attention didn’t waver from the island. Successive splashes kicked up as Makimachi forged a straight line to the cove; if Yukishiro was maintaining any surveillance, they had to be visible. But there were no additional gunfire or cannon shots from the approaching trees, and the broad expanse of golden sand was empty. In the shallow water, the oars were no longer needed, and they trudged into the low surf.
They had landed.
The sunlight was warm, but it would soon become oppressive, and the dense foliage was even less promising. The twisting branches and evergreen needles were foreboding, though Shinomori shook his head. “No hidden men in the shadows. Still, they could be deeper within.”
“Should we charge in, or do we think more traps are waiting for us?” Sagara cast a glance to Himura.
“No, we will wait here. Enishi could have made our journey much more difficult; just like this one, he wants to settle this once and for all. It is likely he sees us now. However, if he has not come down in fifteen minutes, we will enter by force.”
Takani had brought her Western timepiece and she angled the glass surface to the rest of them. Still, ten minutes had never passed so slowly. The naval ships had anchored, following Makimachi’s tactic of disarming the mines, albeit with their own marksmen. The distant detonations faded in the background, as Saito snapped his head up.
“Get ready.”
Emerging from the trees, a small group stepped into the daylight. Four bulky men, with near identical features, surrounded a thin man, whose half-lidded eyes swept over them in cruel anticipation. They were all dressed in Chinese clothes, and they halted simultaneously.
“Ah, those are the people who attacked us! They chased us as soon as we were out of Kyoto!” Makimachi hissed.
“The man in the middle wasn’t one of them.” Shinomori clarified. “And he doesn’t seem to be Yukishiro.”
Saito ventured. “It’s likely this is Yukishiro’s second, Woo Heishin. From our sources, he’s less of a fighter, more of a manager. If he’s here, either he was abandoned by Yukishiro or sensed defeat and came out to surrender.”
The speculation wasn’t delivered subtly, and Woo obviously heard, grinding his teeth. His Japanese carried a slight accent. “How rude, as well as incorrect. The leader has thrown our organization to the sharks, so you can consider me as his replacement. As such, I’ve come to clean up loose ends.”
“So, it’s out of spite. You may think you’re clever, but you’re acting like a child, begging for attention.” Saito goaded.
“I don’t have the time to waste on you! Battousai, stop hiding behind your lackeys!”
“They are not; they are my friends.” Himura evenly replied. “And this one can say the same to you. This one only intends to fight Enishi.”
“And if you wish to replace Yukishiro as leader, you’ll have to accurately assess your opponents’ strength.” Shinomori intoned. “Otherwise, there is no hope for the organization.”
“Fine. If you want to die here, so be it!” He shouted, and the other men sprung into action. Koshijiro placed himself in front of Himura, but there was no need. The quartet spun in a tight circle, backs to each other, and gave ugly grins to their opponents. Saito, Sagara, Shinomori, and Yahiko. Woo taunted. “My bodyguards have mastered weapons to rival the gods. One kill for each of them! Battousai, you can watch the slaughter, while you cower behind the women and cripple.”
Takani pressed her lips together. “And you cower behind your guards. It’s no wonder then, that you’re number two.”
“I think we can take him down, right, Megumi?” Makimachi slammed her knuckles into her palm. “To the Oniwabanshuu commander and a trained female doctor, he’d be like a paper doll. And for insulting you, Kamiya-san, a nice dummy for your one-handed moves.”
However, Koshijiro was only partly listening. His priority lay beyond this beach, and with the enemy’s arrival, he noticed the path they used. It was barely visible amidst the sand and gnarled roots, but small pebbles were carefully spaced, delineating the borders. Around that tree, up the slope. He took three steps left, to gain better perspective. And there, hidden by the climbing branches, was a pointed roof of stone tiles. He frowned.
If that’s their base, they didn’t take the shortest distance. However, if Yukishiro has been here for some time, he had to create a faster route, in case of an urgent matter. Then, the exit point would have to be…
An opening, wide enough for a single person, stood out. Once Koshijiro noticed, he could not unsee it. But what if it was a trick or there was more danger awaiting? He vaguely registered the others discussing the weapons, how the four men had realized the capabilities of their allies. At Yahiko’s name, he turned his head. “Yahiko may not have fought against a staff user, but he’s proven that he can hold his own.” And if something happened, he would join.
As for the other three, he had faith in them, though they certainly didn’t need it. Saito’s opponent seemed to rely more on his own perception than the longsword in his grasp, and while he was able to inflict a gash upon the assistant chief, the latter’s ferocity assured victory. Truly, his belief in his own way of justice was his strength. Shinomori’s was an interesting challenge, copying the dual sword attacks. Nevertheless, imitations could never withstand centuries of Oniwaban tradition, and Shinomori’s unexpected use of close combat maneuvers sealed the mimic’s loss. Meanwhile, punches were dealt back and forth between Sagara and the third guard, blood splattering onto the sand. But the final blow was Sagara’s, with both hands, left over right. A new modification, which worked perfectly. And Woo was nervously fidgeting.
Yahiko was the last one remaining, although it was apparent why. The staff wasn’t its true form, as it separated into six links. It whipped towards Yahiko, striking him in the stomach and forcing him to stagger back. He was trying Hadome but it would not work…in its usual approach.
“Yahiko, remember: the intention of the succession technique!” Koshijiro exclaimed.
“…yeah! And don’t worry, that was my last mistake. For Kamiya Kasshin, and Kaoru, I’ll win!” He straightened and adjusted his stance. Neutral, just as Kaoru had in the Maekawa dojo in what felt like a lifetime ago. And he waited for the right moment. The hilt rose to meet the end joint, locking the weapon in place as a staff. It took immense effort, his arms trembling, but Yahiko was hanging on. He had caught the mace.
“That hint was excellent, Kamiya-dono.” Himura remarked. “Yahiko realized that he had to hold the mace’s tip in place. Now, his enemy can neither attack nor withdraw, without becoming vulnerable. Understanding the purpose of the succession technique was key…and he learned from you, who demonstrated Hizadome to us.”
“Yes. I’m glad.” He exhaled. He watched with pride as the boy advanced, snapping the wooden links with force.
With the four guards incapacitated, Woo spun around, attempting to run for the safety of the trees. However, he was stopped by a fist emerging from the shade. Yukishiro Enishi had reappeared, a displeased look on his face. But…there was another silhouette, at the point of the hidden route.
Blood pulsed in Koshijiro’s ears. His daughter was frowning, slipping off her geta. Had she snuck away from Yukishiro? He hadn’t noticed, focused on beating his former partner into submission. Koshijiro seized his opportunity. He tossed one shinai into the woods, the thud timed with Woo’s body crumpling. He didn’t dare look to confirm, he could only desperately hope she retrieved her weapon. Most of the others were turned away, demanding Kaoru’s return. Himura was unaffected by his brother-in-law’s irate mood, and his gaze fixed upon Koshijiro. He stared a moment too long, through Koshijiro and swiftly aside. He dipped his head, the corner of his mouth twitching. Then, he walked forward.
“Enishi. Let this be over. If you still wish to fight this one, we may continue.”
But he didn’t touch the bait. “Not yet. First, someone has to witness your final breath.” And he whipped around.
Kaoru was closer, acting as if she was lagging behind and became tangled in the underbrush. Neither the shinai nor her shoeless feet were visible. “It’s because you walk too fast! And now, I’m stuck-”
“Forget it. Stay there; if you take one step past the treeline, I’ll kill you.” Yukishiro threatened.
Her eyes flashed dangerously, and she bent at the waist. However, she relaxed when Himura spoke up.
“It’s alright, Kaoru-dono.” He smiled reassuringly. “Please, wait for this one. It is this one’s battle to finish, and it will be over soon.”
“…okay. I believe in you.” A breeze caressed her hair, and her lips trembled. Her hands wrapped around herself, as if to hold back from running over. “Everyone…don’t worry about me!”
Koshijiro definitely couldn’t promise that much. It was agony, burning under the hot sun with her presence only a few strides away. Instead, he had to watch Himura silently draw the sakabato. Yukishiro unsheathed his tachi, the golden tassels falling. And the memory of that hellish night surfaced in his mind. After he headbutted Yukishiro, the man never attacked him again; his injuries had only been from Gein’s shadow weapons. Why? Yukishiro was physically robust, and a young man like him could have recovered easily…
While the four guards stumbled to the unconscious Woo and Takani summoned their friends for triage, Koshijiro turned to Himura. “Yukishiro’s senses.” He voiced the thought aloud. “Somehow, when I struck his head with mine in the dojo, it was a serious blow. Perhaps, he didn’t attack afterwards because he wasn’t confident in his perception. That is all I have to offer, unfortunately.”
“It is more than enough, Kamiya-dono. Thank you.” Himura regarded Yukishiro, silently assessing. Then, with a steady breath, he continued on.
The rhythmic crash of waves was uncomfortably loud, as the men faced each other. Then, Yukishiro dove into a crouch, launching into a recognizable attack. Himura dodged, the tachi slicing into the tree behind, and he leapt, firing off the rapid nine strikes. Metal collided against metal; they both flew back, the sand whirling. Both had used their signature moves at the start, and yet, it was another draw.
“Doesn’t Enishi look faster than before?” Takani whispered.
“He really wants to kill Kenshin now. That has to be the difference.” Sagara replied in kind. “But Kenshin’s willpower is stronger too.”
At this, Koshijiro glanced at his daughter. She was worriedly staring at Himura, obviously wondering if he had found his answer. Yes, he wanted to tell her, but he couldn’t. Yukishiro had already risen to his feet, as had Himura.
The white-haired man sneered. “Your speed is slightly greater than mine, and my strength is slightly greater than yours. Our skills are equal, but let’s see how you do with height.”
And then, they were airborne. Himura was markedly higher, yet Yukishiro made a surprising double jump. The tachi cut Himura’s shoulder, blood scattering as he landed first. That placed him in perfect position for an upward attack, which struck true to Yukishiro’s midsection. However, he wasn’t fazed, and in the next instant, they were rushing each other on the sand. The sakabato thrust forward, but Yukishiro’s arm flew, and Himura was knocked against a tree.
“Are you giving up already? Get up!” Yukishiro roared.
“…This one does not need you to say that. This one understands the answer to atone for everything, so there will be no surrender.”
“No, accept your punishment!” His sword swung heavily, and Himura avoided a critical blow, rolling out of the way. “Murder can only be repaid with death! You know deep down, that there are two options. Be slowly killed by me, or as a good samurai does immediately, kill yourself.”
The words were brimming with malice, the darkest desire of Yukishiro’s warped soul. And yet, Himura staggered to his feet.
“Still, you’re not giving up. Are you that afraid of dying?!”
“No, death does not frighten this one. But you are wrong, Enishi.” Himura’s expression was somber. “From the pit of despair, this one had to think about many things. Life, death, crime, punishment…and as this one was guided through reflection, there is a single truth that has been demonstrated, again and again. To protect everyone in this one’s path, to help those who are suffering…to see smiling faces. Yes, it is why this one became a hitokiri, and the weight of the victims’ deaths is this one’s sin to bear. But this one will never cease to bring happiness, to absolutely fight for a better world.” He lifted his sakabato, and despite his injuries, he possessed the aura of a dragon. “With ‘sword’ and ‘heart’, this one will persevere! That is this one’s reason, the vow to live on!”
A genuine and valiant answer, that could only have been stated by Himura. Koshijiro couldn’t suppress a smile. Nearby, Takani wiped her eyes, and Saito gave a grunt of approval.
“Just like Kenshin.” Sagara drawled, while Shinomori muttered.
“In some ways, it may be harsher than death.” That earned a good-natured protest from Makimachi.
“But he can do it!”
“Definitely!” Yahiko agreed, jumping from one foot to the other.
And Kaoru was gazing at Himura with the same light in her eyes, as she did at his bedside in Kyoto. Deep, unwavering love.
The moment was shattered by Yukishiro. “Do you think that will make my sister forgive you?”
“This one is not sure, but while thinking of the words, she finally smiled in return. Enishi…is she smiling for you now?”
He was taken aback at the question. It was fleeting, almost obscured by the glasses, but for a fraction, the man was gone and an apprehensive boy lurched. Then, Yukishiro snapped. His teeth ground together, his voice building to a scream. “Die, die, die! I’ll slam you down into hell!” The cords of his body drew taut, the veins bulging…but they didn’t appear normal, strangely colorless. And he seemed to be much faster, as he veered around Himura, blade aimed for the throat. Himura was forced to parry with the hilt, sweat beading on his scarred cheek.
“Those have to be nerves.” Takani slowly said, eyes wide. “I can’t think of another explanation.”
“But how can they be so huge?” Sagara was in disbelief.
Yahiko wondered. “Was he training to the limit, to increase his reaction time?”
Saito spoke around his cigarette, the smoke enveloping his features. “That wouldn’t be an easy task, and not to the extent they could become that prominent.”
“A biological abnormality, perhaps.” Shinomori suggested. “Something he was born with.”
The discussion didn’t escape Yukishiro. “Not at all. This was given to me by my beloved sister. Every day without her, my mind remained active, fueling my nerves. My frenzied nerves! After fifteen years-ugh!” He was abruptly cut off…by Himura lightly bumping his head against Yukishiro’s chin.
He fell for the same move twice! Koshijiro tried very hard not to laugh. And…good for Himura-san.
Himura was able to break free, disengaging, and Yukishiro was angrier than ever. He took off into a high jump, intent on forcing Himura in another midair battle. However, he didn’t, instead sprinting and drawing the sakabato in an unusually narrow arc. His forearm was lightly grazed, as Yukishiro was inevitably pulled by gravity, and he sheathed the reverse blade forcefully.
“Ouch!” Makimachi winced. “Sorry, that was a super high-pitched noise.” Shinomori also frowned, tilting his head.
And it affected Yukishiro, who remained curled on the crimson-tinted beach. Blood trickled out of his ear, and he was struggling to regain his bearings. “What…what did you do?”
“When the hilt contacts the sheath, it produces a sonic howl to stun the eardrum.” Himura replied. “In your case, it affected you much more, traveling through your sensitive nerves.”
Koshijiro quickly understood. “The sheathing was to target Yukishiro’s equilibrium.”
“Exactly!” Takani murmured. “That sound would have reached his inner ear, and he’s highly vulnerable to any kind of stimulus.” It was why a mild tap was an excellent distraction and a headbutt was incapacitating.
“He sacrificed defensive protection.” Sagara folded his arms. “So, Kenshin has a strong chance of defeating him with Hiten Mitsurugi.”
The balance was now in Himura’s favor, and he gently said. “You can barely stand, Enishi.”
“Don’t underestimate me!” Suddenly, his fist smashed his ear. He writhed in severe pain, his entire body convulsing as he brought the tachi down. In a miss. He was losing control. “So what? I don’t need balance or hearing to kill you! I don’t need anything, other than the power to kill you! You already took the only thing I ever wanted to protect!” It happened again, except the boy wasn’t apprehensive. He was lost, and completely alone. The wailing of the seagulls eerily drifted overhead, as the group collectively stared at him.
Himura closed his eyes in acknowledgement, then opened them again. “Yes, that is true. It cannot be undone. So, this one will face you head on.” He didn’t touch Yukishiro, patiently waiting for him to get up.
This time, the atmosphere was of finality. Half of Yukishiro’s face was smeared with blood, which he ignored as he asked. “You said my sister smiled at you. What about now?”
“No, that was the last time. This one no longer sees her.” He relayed this without sadness or frustration, despite Yukishiro’s blatant surprise. “Not even her shadow or her voice remain, but that is alright. For this one’s friends, and the most important person, this one can take a firm step forward.”
Yukishiro’s grip tightened on his weapon. “You’re lying. She’ll smile when you’re dead. Let’s go!”
And Himura stepped with his left foot. He soared, accelerating at a speed they’d never witnessed before. Koshijiro caught his expression, free of doubt and singularly focused on what was ahead. A flawless execution of Hiten Mitsurugi’s succession technique. In Himura’s proximity, Yukishiro was unable to resist the amount of force left in his wake, and his center was shifted. His eyes were bulging in anguish. Then, the blow was delivered. The tachi snapped, golden tassels flying, and Yukishiro’s arm crunched, bending at an unnatural angle. Slivered cracks crept into the lenses of his glasses.
Himura landed, standing upright with the remaining energy he had. He managed to speak between heavy breaths. “Not…yet…”
Indeed, Yukishiro hadn’t fallen yet. The loss of his weapon didn’t dissuade him. He clutched his broken arm, seething. “Battousai!”
And then, a shot fired. Immediately, they all ducked. Woo was awake, and twin pistols were in his quivering hands. Himura stumbled, his sleeve darkening. It didn’t appear he was hit in a vital spot, but there was no cover on the open beach. Woo aimed squarely at him, finger on the trigger.
“No!” Kaoru’s voice rang out, as she darted to the man. Then, her arms lifted-
Woo stumbled backwards, stunned. Kaoru struck again, her shinai colliding with his head. Neither of them was at full strength, but she had the advantage of surprise. Her next attack was to disarm him, and his pistol fell out of his grip. Her third attack, a thrust to his solar plexus, caused him to crumple onto the sand. A warm wind blew through as she retreated towards Himura, glancing back at the rest of them.
“Is everyone okay?”
Someone shouted, perhaps multiple voices. Woo was scrambling up again, but Kaoru only took a few steps towards him, before he was bowled over. White hair glinted in the sunlight, as Yukishiro thrashed his own second in command. Woo’s features became a gory mess, and a sickly feeling rose in Koshijiro, mixed with the memories of dead men.
A hand blocked Yukishiro’s fist, his jaw slackening. Himura gasped for air, though he would not budge. “You will kill this man, Enishi. No more. Whoever it may be, as long as they are within this one’s sight, no one will die! And if you continue, you will lose Tomoe’s smile forever.” His words finally reached Yukishiro, and the man relented, expression blank. Himura walked past him, a sentence that was nearly lost in the sound of the tide. “Thank you for protecting Kaoru-dono.”
Then, Yukishiro dropped to his knees. “No…! The one I wanted to protect was…the one I really wanted…” The boy was weeping, fifteen years’ worth of sorrow. “Curse you. Curse you!”
By now, Hayashi and his sailors had arrived in their rowboats. The lackeys were rounded up, hands and legs manacled. As for Yukishiro himself, he was surrounded by a cluster of uniforms, doubly secured. A sad and pitiful man, but a criminal who needed to pay for what he’d done.
And Koshijiro breathed. He turned to see Himura smiling, tripping on his own toes. Kaoru was there to catch him, and for a few seconds, they held each other. It was very low, but Himura was saying something? Kaoru drew back a little, startled yet not upset. His hands remained on her waist.
…That amount of time was acceptable. Koshijiro had to clear his throat. “Kaoru.”
“…Otou-san!” She cried and threw her arms around him. He held on tight, throat burning as his chin rested on the top of her head. Her scent was unfamiliar and she felt thinner, but she was alive.
“Are you alright, Kaoru?”
“I’m fine.” Her reply was choked. “A little hungry, but I’m so happy to see you. Otou-san?” She looked at him and tears rolled down her cheeks as she laughed. “You’re crying?”
He had been maintaining a steady veneer of composure, ever since they discovered the body was a fake. Now, that mask had crumbled and he couldn’t suppress himself any longer. His blurry vision obscured everything, and he covered his face with his hand. A deep sob escaped through his clenched teeth.
Kaoru rubbed his shoulder. “It’s okay. Otou-san, it’s okay.”
“Kaooruuu!” Yahiko’s voice grew louder in intensity as he approached and he tackled them, wailing. “We’re here! We made it!” And then, he dissolved into crying too.
Himura returned, clasping the back of Yahiko’s head as the boy drew him in. “Thank you.”
Then, Makimachi wriggled her way through, declaring. “See? We won! Oh, I’m so happy…” Shinomori was right behind her, with a flicker of a smile.
“We’re such wrecks.” Takani hiccupped, as she entered the hug too.
A heavy palm patted between Koshijiro’s shoulder blades. “Come on, old man. We gotta be tough.” But Sagara was sniffling, and the aroma of tobacco smoke wasn’t far.
Finally, Koshijiro mustered the energy to regain his voice. Blinking the blurriness away, he said to his daughter. “Let’s get you home.”
It was a daze, transporting off the island. Kaoru was tucked between Koshijiro and Himura, and remained so, all the way to the main ship. A resounding cheer went up as she boarded, the mission accomplished. Takani was adamant on using a room below deck, to assess their injuries.
“Really, I’m okay.” Kaoru insisted once they filed into the cramped room. “I cooked for myself using their limited supplies, and that’s nothing new.”
Takani scrutinized her. “What are those marks on your neck?” Small, red-violet bruises encircled her throat. They were about the same size as a person’s fingertips.
Her hand reached up to them, her face suddenly stricken. “Oh. Um, while I was in the mansion, I thought I could take Enishi hostage and try to escape. But he grabbed me and tried to strangle me. He didn’t though, he can’t kill any woman around my age because of Tomoe-san’s memory. Other than that, he didn’t touch me.” She hastily added.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive! I was mostly confined to a little room, I had to figure out the different paths to the beach. I still think I could’ve taken the weekly supply ship if I made it out, but you all beat its arrival. Enishi claimed there wasn’t a ransom; still, I don’t know why else he would’ve kidnapped me.”
Yahiko blurted the truth. “We thought you were dead.”
“Dead?” Kaoru repeated, and her confusion was apparent as she looked at their faces. “But…why would you think that? I’m here.”
“There was a body.” Takani answered. “A girl, similar in age, who was made to resemble you. With a…” Her voice broke as she recovered. “With a katana through the heart and a bloody cross on one cheek.”
Kaoru recoiled. “You…you all saw? You must have…oh. And then…” She trailed off, at a loss for words. Long minutes passed. “Did she die because of me?”
“We don’t know that.” Koshijiro interjected. “And it’s not your fault. None of it is. The only ones to blame are those vile men.”
“They made you think I was dead.” Fresh tears welled in her eyes. She turned to Himura, taking his hand. “Kenshin, you thought…”
“Yes. This one was unable to protect you and despaired. Kamiya-dono guided this one, through the memories we’ve made in Tokyo and Kyoto and back.” He smiled at Koshijiro.
Awkwardly, he said. “It felt like a purifying rite, but I’m glad it led you to your reasoning and to your victory.” Then, he knelt and pressed his forehead to the creaking boards. “Thank you, Himura-san. I can’t thank you enough for saving my daughter.”
“Please, Kamiya-dono, you don’t have to perform that bow!”
“Thank you, Yahiko, Sagara-san, and Takani-san. Thank you, Makimachi-san, Shinomori-san, and Assistant Chief Inspector.”
Kaoru spoke up, her voice suddenly close. “Everyone, thank you for rescuing me. I’ll never forget how hard you worked.” And she expressed the same depth of gratitude, joining Koshijiro.
Immediately, he lifted his head. “No, Kaoru, get off the floor.”
“You did first, so I will once you’re done!”
“…You’re being stubborn.”
“Geez, I wonder where I get it from!” And then, the whole room was laughing. Their wounds were tended to, covered in salve and bandages; rations and canteens were passed around. The three Naval ships cut across the blue ocean, sparkling under billowing white clouds. They were headed home. At long last, the nightmare had ended.
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silentmagi · 11 months
Spider-Deku AU: Momo & Shoto in "Citation Needed"
Momo begins to challenge the assumptions that Shoto had to be making about her and Izu- Midoriya-kun. So she wanted to check his facts. For purely scientific validity.
Only that.
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syscultureis · 11 months
Saw everyone was doing weird/odd/random introjects/alters so here's ours i guess???
Izukus Middle school self. We already have Izuku but for some reason we have his middle school self who only really speaks Japanese and little english. Im teaching him sign language though ^^ JSL and ASL
A source memory alter of my main OC Knoxx, who is VERY much traumatized. Literally me but with more PTSD then me and a few others combined have. Poor thing had gotten front stuck at some point when they first appeared and had to see the park near my house, and in their story, their neighborhood they grew up in was destroyed during a war. Were helping them out though ^^
Wally Darling. He comes and goes as he pleases and we have no idea where-
Hobbie Brown (Not really weird just an interesting one ^^ ) from across the spider verse. He doesn't like fronting or co fronting because we have a light skinned body, and its weird to him, we told him he didn't have to front if he didn't want to so he left and now he lives out in the small headspace city. Izu and Moon visit him now and then 👍
we also get these phantom like alters who appear and disappear at some buisnesses in the city. Aren't exactly alters per say but more like what we all tend to fill whats not there when we go out i guess. Someone pls have an explanation for it ty-
-the void lag daycare 💫🌃
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ao3feed-todoroki · 2 years
The Third Problem Child
The Third Problem Child by geniemadeofclouds
Todoroki Shoto liked the Aizawas. He especially liked joining them. Along with his addition to the family, came his siblings. Both of them.
All it took was a new UA catastrophe,
But yet another person is added to the mix.
A very special someone, with a very special story.
[[Part Three to the Problem Children series! Cannot be read as a standalone!]]
Words: 20136, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Fuyumi
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kayama Nemuri | Midnight & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Todoroki Shouto, Trans Todoroki Shouto, Trans Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Nonbinary Midoriya Izuku, Hes having a touch of a crisis, Minor Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is So Done, Tired Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Oooo did i never notice that dadzawa was an addition to that tag?, very niceeee, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Bashing, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Faces Consequences, Transphobia, Not Spider-Man: Homecoming Compliant, This has nothing to do with this fandom but it is true, so it stays, Chaotic Midoriya Izuku, So so chaotic, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Thats the name of the series, We love problem child izu, He slays, Todoroki Shouto Has a Crush, There's A Tag For That, Fun, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Attempt at Humor, yay, Put "transphobia sucks" in the comments if u read these, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Autistic Hatsume Mei, I Made Myself Cry, Writing Mei, In that scene, ha, love that for me, Dabi is a Todoroki, Dabi is sassy and gay because i like making characters relate to me, Gay Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Gay Disaster Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Sassy Midoriya Izuku, Sassy Dabi | Todoroki Touya, sassy everyone, EVERYONE, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Tags Contain Spoilers
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44516023
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
HSA Oc - Joren Tsuchigumo
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HSA- @fumikomiyasaki
Deedee mention- @hey-its-cweepy Name: Joren Tsuchigumo
Based on: Arachnus
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿:  Male
Species: Spider Fae/Tsuchigumo(Mix)
𝗔𝗴𝗲: 19 ( physical) / 200 year old 
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆: January 5
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻: Capricorn 
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁:  170 cm/5’6 … 8 feet tall ( True form )
𝗘𝘆𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Red
𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: black with Blonde or Purple Streaks 
𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗺: Kowainyan @silent-dragon
𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿: 2nd
𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀: 2-D
𝗢𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Student
𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯: Cooking 
𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁: Botany and Herbals
Worst Subject :Flight (He can but like you know A spider)
Homeland: Onigashima 
Sexuality:  Bisexual ( Frog Avoidant)
𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱: Right 
𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱:  Custard Donuts,  Frogs, Bugs 
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱:  “ I don’t care What The Toad say  I AM NOT EATING CREAM FILLED DONUTS” 
Likes:  “ Dee Dee A Suitable Rival “ , sewing , gothic Aesthetics, Sweets ,”Kabuki
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: “WHY IS THAT MUCUS RIDDEN TOAD HERE !!” , Cream Donuts ,  he hates everything Frog Related and Frog People, Pants, Spicy food( Will beat you), Laidback attitudes ,his abdomen being called a Butt
𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆:  Programming, Sewing , Debating Hiroyuki  on Pointless stuff , Sweet Connoisseur, Poems
𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: Spider Puns , Producing Silk,Accidentally Splitting the Dorm during Pointless Debates ,sewing , Baking Sweets, If only he knew sign Language
Unlike Hiroyuki ,  Joren is more Down to Earth and Serious which basically makes him Seem like a Stickler often, Jorenis actually a nice guy who is Relatively calm As long a Hiroyuki isn’t Involved .
Joren has a  huge Grudge on Hiroyuki , according to him , While Hiroyuki was still Pretty much Giant Toad in mind and Body but rather Close to When he became an Ogama,He Attacked the Tsuchigumo Clan and a Ate nearly half the Clan this included two of Joren’s older Siblings Who died trying to Protect him,His  Sister who had Just laid a clutch of eggs and His Older Brother whose Partner became a “Widow”  and Exiled herself , This not  counting the loses of  other people he knew. 
But Remember Hiro dosen’t  Remember anything about what He Did as a Toad, Hiro dosent Remember Killing and Destroying a clan. So Joren Aggroing him and Insulting him Constantly doesn’t  make any sense to him . 
Even when Hiroyuki was Told he Said that he was 
“ a Giant Toad with Toad Intelligence and Toad instincts , It’s not like I had a  Moral compass. Now that I know that Bug Fae are Actually Sentient being. I’m not gonna eat them ,chill out.”
Joren Still dosent Believe that Hiroyuki or any other frog person wouldn’t fall back into his. primal Instincts so he looks Down on  them as “ Slimy , Lazy, Wart ridden and Slow “and unlike Hiroyuki who would Drop his Dislike for Spider as soon one treated him Kindly. 
Joren is Stubborn and will not waver to the nice Frog boy(Kareu)  who helped  him carry flour . Okay maybe alittle  . Most his Dislike targets Hiroyuki specifically  due his Laidback and Somewhat  nonchalant Nature .
But he is a Huge Stickler for Sweets and cant stand them being done Wrong. 
Unique Magic :
Doton no Jutsu
Allows Joren to mold the Earth below how ever he  pleases. As long as he does the Proper Naruto hands sign.
It was Jiro but then I remembered Jibanyan is Jiro and Joro sounds to close
Joren  comes from ,The Jōren Falls of Izu a place were  a Jorogumo mistress is same to reside.
Many people Say he looks like his Mother… whom is a Giant Spider that can take human form   his Humaniod Appearance came from  his father. 
He Can’t wear Pants or Shorts the Chitin on his legs  prevents them for Fitting. Correctly  , he usally wears Kimonos and Hakama  so it wasn’t a problem until HSA.
It’s Suggested that Hiroyuki wasn’t Actually Blowing off The Attack of Joren’s Clan  but was Visibly shaken or Deeply hurt by the sudden Revelation.
Joren has a Bad Sweet Tooth so much That he Put on Weight . 
Joren Tends to call Hiroyuki a Glutton but He’s Equal just as Bad .
Joren and Hiroyuki once Split the Whole School  on one of thier many stupid Arguments,and by Whole School I mean some teachers were Split up and taking Sides. 
Apparently the Argument was about what Kind of Pizza they Should get for the Dorm and Joren suggested they put Pineapple one it.
Apparently he knows Kenmuri as thier clans are Rivals 
Joren is the only Person who calls Hiro a Toad instead of a Frog
Joren is also The only one who calls him Ogama
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 2 years
The Third Problem Child
The Third Problem Child by geniemadeofclouds
Todoroki Shoto liked the Aizawas. He especially liked joining them. Along with his addition to the family, came his siblings. Both of them.
All it took was a new UA catastrophe,
But yet another person is added to the mix.
A very special someone, with a very special story.
[[Part Three to the Problem Children series! Cannot be read as a standalone!]]
Words: 20136, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Fuyumi
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kayama Nemuri | Midnight & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Todoroki Shouto, Trans Todoroki Shouto, Trans Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Nonbinary Midoriya Izuku, Hes having a touch of a crisis, Minor Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is So Done, Tired Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Oooo did i never notice that dadzawa was an addition to that tag?, very niceeee, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Bashing, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Faces Consequences, Transphobia, Not Spider-Man: Homecoming Compliant, This has nothing to do with this fandom but it is true, so it stays, Chaotic Midoriya Izuku, So so chaotic, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Thats the name of the series, We love problem child izu, He slays, Todoroki Shouto Has a Crush, There's A Tag For That, Fun, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Attempt at Humor, yay, Put "transphobia sucks" in the comments if u read these, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Autistic Hatsume Mei, I Made Myself Cry, Writing Mei, In that scene, ha, love that for me, Dabi is a Todoroki, Dabi is sassy and gay because i like making characters relate to me, Gay Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Gay Disaster Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Sassy Midoriya Izuku, Sassy Dabi | Todoroki Touya, sassy everyone, EVERYONE, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Tags Contain Spoilers
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44516023
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savagesneversleepnyc · 2 months
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The membrane of eyelet slid so slow next to
Skeletons of HUMPBACK’s and STURGEON
Corroded ship guts rust and melt to dust
That EELS and BARREL EYE trout sneeze
PUFFER FISH wish for rays of light to
Puncture the infinite mass that drips and
SLIPS sips of life and moon beams
That ORCA chase to the limit of their own
Boundless hunger to fill a void or
Speak in clicks that murmur motors back to
Sleeps as oars crack from cast offs hands
Miles over sandbars where container ships
Loaded to the gills with RORO CAR LISTS
Upon the chin of the ABYSS
A STAROS slipped below deck and plummeted to bonk the KRAAKEN
Brought to knees in soiled knickers as
Filthy sweat and tears of fear glisten
Into the hail of GATTLING and COLT’s breathe spit over a thunderous cackle in unison.
The KRAAKEN would shrug of the ping of the bumper and profane incursion to a perfectly sublime many decades slumber
The EYELET now exposed to a full round
Sphere bigger than boulder as a SPERM WHALE belch squelched from it’s core
Pulling the tippy top of the sea to dip ever so slightly in displacement adjacent from the endless stasis of silence that grows slower
Heavier then a billion suns magma and gases and perpetual inferno of the
A rouge wave exploded 10 stories in an instant pushing east of TONGA and the
Jagged maze of the GREAT BARRIER REEF
TEEF and CLOVEN HOOF upon decks spying the maelstrom of the tide pool
As the KRAAKEN recoils to launch from
Deepest dark to brazen illumination
THE SAFE would hold all the keys and all
The cyphers needed to understand the
Coded epiphanies that great SQUID hungers most like a MEGLDON for its flesh too
The one seeks the two and two seeks the boundless prophets that are kept SAFE from GREEDY FINGERS and HARPOONS chucked
From STARBOARD in desperation to puncture the EYELET yet only falls miles short as the IRIS of the KRAAKEN spies
The puny eyes of the world cowing back
STOUT they spider web the hull of the vessel and pitch it skyward to bake in a flash of chaos and collision internally only
To touch unceremoniously crack in half
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toucheholland23 · 1 year
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Imani and Gwen (🩷💜💙? 👀)
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Kiss kiss fall in love 🫶💕
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acid-attacc · 2 years
Mina’s names for Class A + Shinsou Hitoshi: (Platonic Ediion)
Aoyama Yuuga - Yuu-chan
Asui Tsuyu - Tsu-chan
Iida Tenya - Ten-chan/Ya-chan
Uraraka Ochako - Ochi
Kaminari Denki - scatter bug
Kirishima Eijirou  - Eiji
Ojirou Mashirao - Tigger
Sato Rikido - Ri-chan
Shoji Mezo - Mez-chan
Jirou Kyoka - Kyo-chan
Sero Hanta - Hani-chan/Spider-man
Tokoyami Fumikage - Fumi/Birb/Poe-chan
Todoroki Shouto - Shou-chan/Katy Perri (@tempered-in-flames)
Hagakuri Tooru - Ru-chan
Bakugou Katsuki - Kats/Kitkat (@futurexheroes)
Midoriya Izuku - Izu-chan/Hops (@mightiboy)
Mineta Minoru - Grapes
Yaoyurozu Momo - Goddess/Mom
Shinsou Hitoshi - Hi-chan/nyan-cat
//If any of you know of anyone that uses one of these characters as a muse please tag them. if your a multimuse blog lmk which ones. if you dont wish to be tagged in this please lmk so i can remove you and know it wasnt my intention to offend you\\
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surge-the-tenrec · 3 years
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welcome to my saw trap where i ramble at you abt my silver hcsanyways, meet his family! theyre all kids (except for mama izu) born with special chaos powers, all from different ruined/deleted timelines.
many years ago a teenage izu, who has the power to weave "fate webs", originally used pieces of a shattered master emerald to build her own safe haven semi outside of the main timeline stream with her plan being to use her powers to travel to different ruined or doomed futures and prevent them. a few years later, she found two echidna children and a dying master emerald that were in a timeline beyond repair and took them back with her. over time she just kept... collecting kids, to the point she just has a lil family now. the healed master emerald just adds a new room onto their haven whenever she finds a new child. after a while, the kids start growing up and they wanna help her out in saving the future - which is how silver keeps coming back, and also where he goes once he saves the world
izu the spider is based on a juro spider. theyre a real cool lookin spider and ive wanted to make an oc of one for a while! in terms of personality izu is quite,,, spacey. she's spent a lot of time alone and a lot more in desolute timelines and its left her a lil traumatized - but she loves her kids so much, and would do anything for them. shes very fun and playful and has an odd habit of thinking out loud.
reutov the raccoon dog (ignore how i mispelt raccoon it is so late). the youngest member of the family at 8, and an absolute little shit. they have "kid on fortnite" energy. literally the cringest little baby i love them so much. reutov's chaos power is they can sorta teleport by breaking themself down on a molecular level and reassemble somewhere else. they also got lightning powers that they get by vibrating their atoms really quick. since they were a baby when their future was destroyed they dont really remember it or where they came from.
mirador the echidna is the older of the echinda sibs, and i designed her before but heres a quick redesign. same personality: deadpan, duty driven, big ole strong girl. she can control shadows. both mirador and her brother lucea were raised by a spirit inside the emerald (tikal) who kept them safe as she could and taught them what they needed to know before izu found them. being the first to be adopted by izu and coming as a pair, mira originally clung to her brother and didn't want them forming bonds with the other kids. this softened over time, but still she tries to keep the others a little at arms length - lucea may have forgotten how the world fell to ruin, but mirador didn't.
lucea the echidna is the younger echidna sib. he hates everything about being stuck at home guarding the master emerald for a lotta reasons, the big one being she cant use her chaos power - the ability to manipulate solar energy into a physical shape - since their home is outside of time and thus no sun. he's pretty mean, but in a sibling sorta way and usually doesnt go too far. lucea is massively insecure and covers it up by pretending shes the coolest kid in the world. gets on great with reutov
venice the hedgehog. yeah, turns out silver is a nickname! most of his family call him silver, the exception being izu or if hes in trouble or about to get pranked. almost got wiped outta existence due to the stable timeloop in 06, but blaze managed to get him sent as a baby to izu.
florence the tenrec is gold the tenrec from archie. she probably started the same as archie gold, kinda meek and shy but her time with her family made her a lot bolder - she and lucea can be nightmarish together. originally i had her telepathy active and she was encouraging silver to fight lucea but since this is a ref photo i decided against it. also a slightly different outfit - she probably still has her canon outfit, this is just,, easier for me to draw tbh
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izupie · 2 years
Pumpkin just leapt off my lap and chased after the literal biggest spider I've ever seen, like this thing was basically a rat with eight legs running across the room
And now I can't sleep
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sems-diarie · 3 years
random thought but can we take a minute to think about…Spider-Man izuku :,( sobbing y’all know that one scene with gwen and her little “you’re Spider-Man and i love that but I love Peter Parker more” </33 broken!
no don’t do this to me because peter and gwen are the superior spider couple.
that one scene where peter’s hurt so he comes hurdling through gwen’s window 🥺 i’m emotional. so emotional.
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eunchancorner · 3 years
Heya! I have a request for you, a kiribakudeku fic with like hide and seek/anticipation for a prompt (lee!deku or kiri if you can). Your fics are so cute!
Thanks for the request! I’m glad you like my fics! Also, lee!Deku or Kiri? Why not both! ALSO also, for a little context, Bakugou stole some beer from Aizawa one night, got drunk and bought a maid dress online, and since then it’s been sitting unused under his bed, even though he kinda wants to see how his boyfriends would look in a maid dress.
Ler Bakugou, Lee Kirishima and Izuku
Warning: this is bakugou. Take a guess.
Word count: 1316
Shit shit shit
Oh god oh god oh god
Kirishima and Izuku were hiding in the latter’s closet, both having their own silent panics. They had decided to pull a prank that they thought would be funny on their blonde boyfriend, Bakugou, swapping the salt with the sugar when Bakugou went to make breakfast, a classic.
And they had forgotten that Bakugou doesn’t like anyone messing with his food.
So they had to spend the better part of 20 minutes running and hiding from the angry blonde, which is how they found themselves in their position.
Truthfully, they knew Bakugou would never actually hurt them. Well, not severely. Anymore.
It was the fear of the unknown that had them so scared as they heard Bakugou stomping into the greenette’s room, the two in the closet now holding their breath.
“I know you idiots are in here…” he growled out. “Come out!”
Izuku had to bite back a gasp as Bakugou got dangerously close to the hiding spot, warranting a hand over his mouth from Kiri. The greenette pressed closer to the redhead as he heard a hand land on his closet door knob… and then he was gone. No noise, no shadow, not even the sound of his breathing.
Izuku looked up at Kiri with a questioning gaze, who stood and peeked out, turning back and nodding to the standing One-For-All user, before slowly exiting, followed by Deku.
Thinking Bakugou would have left the room after only a minute of searching was probably their second mistake.
The blonde (who had been hiding under Izuku’s bed) leapt out and pinned them both under his weight, moving to pin one of each of their legs beneath him. Both boys were still catching their breath from the initial mini heart attack their blonde boyfriend had given them, before looking up at him.
“Uh, g-good job, Kacchan..” Izuku praised shakily.
“Heh, y-yeah, y-you caught us… m-maybe let us go now…?” Kirishima tried.
Bakugou pretended to consider it for a moment, before smirking and leaning over his opposite-haired boyfriends.
“Better idea. How about I give you two a proper punishment for fucking with my food?” he growled, the smirk never leaving his face, even growing wider as Izuku stammered out, “P-p-punishment?!”
“You didn’t think I was just going to scare you and let you go, did you, Deku? Oh no, you two are going to fucking pay… but you’re lucky you’re my boyfriends, otherwise I would have already beat your asses into the ground. Instead…” he placed one hand on each tummy, “I have a much better way of punishing you two.”
Both Kirishima and Izuku felt small, wobbly smiles form on their faces, Izuku’s admittedly much more suppressed.
“W-wait, B-Bakubabe, w-we can talk about this, r-right?” Kiri pleaded, earning only a shake of the head from Bakugou.
“M-m-maybe I could c-clean your r-room for a week?” Izu tried. Another head shake. “I-in a m-maid dress…?” he tried, embarrassing himself at the thought.
That had Bakugou thinking for a moment, but he just smirked again at the pair, flexing his fingers slightly and earning a yelp from the two. “I might make you do that anyway, nerd~”
Oh god what did I get myself into?
He flexed his fingers again, twice, earning a barely kept back giggle from Izu and a “Nohoho-” from Kirishima.
“Look at you two. Can’t even stop smiling, and I haven’t even started yet. Hm… but where should I start? I could spider allll over your sides, maybe check to make sure you two didn’t lose a rib or two… Maybe, I could start at the hips, I know you’d just love that, Deku.. or maybe, these poor, bouncy bellies need some love?”
The teasing had both Kiri and Deku as red as the former’s hair, both were struggling to suppress anticipating giggles, and both were sure Bakugou was pure evil.
“Juhust do it alreadyyyy!” Kiri whined, causing Bakugou’s smirk to only widen.
“Someone’s eager to get the shit tickled out of them… but that’s fine. I am too,” that was all he said before attacking, one hand a vibrating claw directly over Kiri’s navel, the other drilling into Deku’s hips.
Both boyfriends screamed in laughter, their own worst spots being attacked by the blonde, who resisted the urge to cover his ears at the loud sounds below him.
“Goddammit, you two! You’re worse than Present Mic!” he tried to sound mad, but he was honestly amused he’d gotten to them both so easily. “You’d better hope Aizawa doesn’t think I’m murdering your asses.”
Said two were trying to escape in their own ways; Izuku was curling in on himself, kicking and stamping his free leg, while Kirishima was pushing and smacking Bakugou’s hand, trying, fruitlessly, to push him away from his belly. Both were nearly screaming with how loud they were laughing, both couldn’t even think straight from how much it tickled, and, after a few more minutes, both were given a moment of relief as Bakugou retracted his hands, placing them on his own legs.
Both panted, giggling, going limp beneath the blonde. Kirishima dared to point up at him and giggle out, “Youhuhu… youhu suhuhuck…”
“Oh? Maybe another minute will change your mind?~” Bakugou held up his clawed hand teasingly over Kiri’s belly.
Kiri’s eyes widened and he turned to bury his face in the carpet below him, letting out higher giggles… but no sounds of protest.
“Huh. Figures. How about you, Deku? Up for another round of this?” he asked, raising his other hand in a claw. Izuku covered his blushing face with his arms, nodding ever so slightly.
“Of course you nerds are…” he muttered fondly at the two, his hands finding a place on one side of each. His fingers just barely tapped, already earning nervous giggles from both.
“Wow, you both must be very ticklish. I’m not even tickling you yet, and you’re already giggling like a couple of little kids. I bet you really want me to tickle you…” he pointed out, earning a small embarrassed squeal from Izuku and a deeper blush from Kirishima.
“Of course you do. Don’t worry, you two can have exactly what you want…” he said, before digging into their sides, earning a small shriek from both boys.
It went on like this for a while. Bakugou would stop for a minute or so after every spot to give the two a breather, and he’d tease them at the next spot before tickling them. He wanted to get the most out of their stupidly cute blushing faces, until, finally, their laughter went silent and he stopped for real, laying between them on the carpet and pulling them close.
He smiled softly at them as they both snuggled up to him, Izuku letting out a little yawn.
“Tired, Deku?” he stated the obvious, the greenette nodding a little.
“Same here… but that was fun,” Kirishima said, “even the ‘revenge’ part.”
“I guessed that. And, Deku,” the greenette looked up at him, “I expect you to be in my room tomorrow in that maid dress.”
Izuku blushed just as red as earlier and buried his face in Bakugou’s neck, earning a chuckle from the blonde.
“I’m kidding, nerd… we’ll save that for something else~” he heard a squeak as All Might’s successor tried to hide deeper in his boyfriend’s neck.
“Stop teasing the poor guy, he’s had enough,” Kiri said, before letting out a yawn of his own. “Let’s take a nap…”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and stood up, lifting up Deku bridal style as Kiri stood on his own. They went over to Midoriya's bed and laid down, the redhead and greenette falling asleep almost immediately. Bakugou just snuggled up between them, slowly letting himself drift off with them.
And, yes, they made sure to get him back for the extra tickles when they all woke up.
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