#j'onn jonzz
arrow-v-flash-polls · 5 months
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Which season of Supergirl had you going ‘Okay I’m done’ for one reason or another?
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dailydccomics · 8 months
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besties! Legends of the Dark Knight vol 2 #5
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kidcooperart · 5 months
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DC followers I have not abandoned you I swear...
Anyway, been watching Justice League and of course, Wally my beloved
Also here's a meme I edited
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ductile-detective · 4 months
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Sit your ass back down or mom's gonna tell dad that you're misbehaving again.
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the-swift-tricker · 1 year
scenes like this are why justice league unlimited remains one of the best cartoons of all time what other animated shows has such blatant theoretical political discourse?
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kinglindwyrm · 20 days
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wip of the sweetieeee
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I love your Kryptonian hcs! I was wondering if you have any Martian hcs? I really love j'onn and itd be cool if you had any hcs!   
Martian Headcanons
I don’t have anywhere as many headcanons for Martians as I do kryptonians but I do have a couple, so here they are :)
I believe things like gender are completely different on Mars before Martian society was wiped out. Because of their ability to shapeshift things like gender were very loose, and they probably only really had one type of pronouns that everyone used, as physical appearance was just built on what you wanted to look like.
Martians didn’t have much of a spoken language because they all possessed something like telepathy, so they communicated mostly through that than they did with speech.
Martians mate/marry for life, so if their spouse/mate dies that’s it. They, like kryptonians to some extent, are able to sense when they’ve found their perfect match, though its through their telepathy and other mind powers, where kryptonians is more through their senses and a pull they feel for their other.
Any Martian is able to carry child, or impregnate someone else if they so please, thanks to their shapeshifting. Its typically the strongest of the two that carries the child, as they are able to be pregnant without fearing for their health or the child’s.
Martians don’t purr or make any noise in that regard, but they do something you could compare to two cats wrapping their tails together. With their telepathy they’ll hold onto each other to some extent, though its mainly with their minds so there’s always a connection.
Kissing on the lips is a human concept for the most parts, so Martians tend to press their foreheads together instead. This can be a platonic, familial, or romantic move, it all depends on what they are projecting with their mind when they do.
Martians are the best partners when it comes to communication in relationships, as they can sense if you are distressed and will find time to sit down and talk about it. Two Martians will communicate with their telepathy and have the issue solved quicker than we can keep up, but if you are a human or just not a telepath, they are good at talking too.
Because they are vulnerable to fire, Martians aren’t the biggest fan when it comes to heat, so they tend to like it colder. So, with a Martian lover you can expect to have to wear warm clothes in the winter or to sleep. Though, when your partner notices they’d turn up the heat for you. They wont die from it, they are just more comfortable in the cold, but seeing you comfortable is most important to them.
If you aren’t a Martian and are dating/mated to one, they might alter their appearance when you learn what your type is, because they want to be appealing and attractive to you. Youd have to sit them down and explain that, their appearance isn’t what’s important to you, and you love them as they are.
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jesncin · 2 years
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J'onn, Ma'alefa'ak, and Double Stuff :3
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Ummmggg more doodles but they're in my outfits teehee ✨️💕
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Lazarus Planet: We Once Were Gods #1 - "Songs of Pain" (2023)
written by Dan Watters art by Max Dunbar & Romulo Fajardo, jr.
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Best Green Character Round 1-H
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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lol I love all their different reactions Aquaman & The Flash: Voidsong #3
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elms-art-gallery · 2 years
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doodles i did instead of paying attention in class. i think m’gann should be more alien just in general.
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baambastic · 1 year
More of these two, please.
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marstective · 2 years
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I have been told it is customary to post pictures of oneself on this website.
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legomocfodder · 6 months
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Galaxy of Justice part 7
J'onn J'onzz
a Shi'ido shapeshifter, J'onn was a peacekeeper on his home planet of Lao-mon, in the Unknown Regions. His curious nature eventually led to him leaving his planet to explore the rest of the galaxy, where he made contact with the Galactic Republic. He learned that he was force sensitive and, while he already had skills from his training on his home planet, he joined the Jedi Order. J'onn was extremely peaceful and would almost never draw his lightsaber, unless he had no other choice. Because of this he did not take command during the clone wars and would actively avoid battles. While he did avoid conflict, when he learned that his former friends and allies had joined the Rebel Alliance he joined them as well, out of loyalty and a drive for peace
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