#jack hodgins angst
mystic-writings · 5 months
emergency contact | jack hodgins
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pairing — jack hodgins x fem!booth!reader
summary — hodgins hasn’t heard from you in over six months, after you broke up with him and disappeared. until he gets an alarming phone call in the middle of the night
warnings — angst, canon-typical violence, mentions of death
word count — 2,528
notes — a few things: i wrote this back in january, and it was rushed and poorly done but im being self-indulgent for this one | also im not tagging anyone bc i wanna see how far this will get on its own (except for my beloved @shmaptainwrites who indulged me ily mimi)
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Despite his many years working for the Jeffersonian, Hodgins had yet to get used to his phone ringing at odd hours. With a groan and a stretch, his palm landed where his phone lay on the nightstand table. Without checking the caller ID, he picked up the phone and slurred out a tired greeting to the caller on the other line.
“Hello, Dr. Hodgins, I’m Marie, calling from the George Washington University Hospital.” Why was a hospital calling him so late at night? “You’re listed as the emergency contact for Y/n Booth, correct?”
Your name sent a shock through Jack’s body. “I— I guess so, yeah. Why? Is she okay?”
“Your fiancée was shot on duty, sir. She’s in surgery right now. We suggest you be with her when she wakes up.”
Without a second thought, Jack hung up the phone and flung out of bed. He didn’t care how things ended between the two of you, good or bad, but he knew one thing for certain: he needed to make sure you were okay. After scrambling for a decent set of clothing and his car keys, Jack rushed out of the house and down the near-empty streets to the hospital you were taken to. 
Even though his mind was running at a mile a minute, Jack managed to recall what the nurse had told him. Shot on duty. You took a sabbatical seven months ago, were you back in town? Surely Booth must’ve known, he was your brother and co-worker, he had to have. Did he spare telling Jack to avoid the inevitable turmoil? Obviously you’d been back long enough to take a case, so it wasn’t like you had decided to come back out of the blue. 
By the time he found parking, it was half past 3 in the morning, and Jack’s heart refused to stop beating out of his chest, his palms sweating rivers as he clenched and unclenched them. Despite all of this, though, he approached the front desk with a cracking resolve, trying his best to be put together for the sake of not distressing the night staff and lingering patient family members. 
“Could you tell me where Y/n Booth is?”
The nurse behind the counter glanced up at him. “Connection to the patient?”
“I’m her-” he stumbled on the words. “Her, uh, fiancé. Emergency contact.” 
She typed a few things into the computer when a voice from behind caught Jack’s attention. 
“Hodgins.” Booth called, approaching with a weary face and a cup of likely burnt coffee.
Jack nearly sprinted over to the man, blue eyes frantically searching for answers in his features. “What’s up, man? I mean, what the hell happened?”
Booth took Hodgins by the arm and led him down a hallway, over to the elevators. “We were going after a perp. I told her not to go in first, that I’d handle the hard part. She didn’t listen, the bastard got her from behind, shot out one of her kidneys. Been in surgery for almost,” he checked his watch, “three hours now.” 
Jack deflated just as the elevator doors dinged open. The pair stepped inside, the space empty apart from themselves. “I just— I don’t get it. Yesterday, she was somewhere even I didn’t know, taking some damn sabbatical. Yesterday, I was still pissed at her. Now? She’s in surgery because she was on a case. Because some asshole shot her. I mean, what the hell am I supposed to do with that, Booth?”
Unable to provide any kind of emotional support or response, Booth remained quiet as his friend tried his best not to break down in the elevator. 
When the doors opened, Jack attempted to regain his composure as best as he could while Booth led him down the hall. There was a separate waiting room here, for family members who had someone in surgery. He sat opposite Booth, next to a sleeping little girl and her obviously exhausted mother. 
He had no bearing of the passage of time, and felt as though there was no energy left within him to check the watch on his wrist. All he did was sit with his hands on his knees, head tilted to the sky, one leg bouncing like an infinite rubber ball. At some point, a doctor came out to notify the mother of her husband’s successful surgery — his tumor was gone, he’d told her, and there was little chance of it coming back. 
It wasn’t until the sun started to peek in through the waiting room windows that a surgeon called out your name. Booth had been asleep in the chair across from Jack, but he was wide awake. The pair jumped up and approached the doctor, throwing questions at him rapidly. 
“Y/n is okay. Surgery went well, though we’ll have to keep her here for longer than expected.”
“Why? What happened?” Booth asked. 
The doctor sighed. “Due to the location of the entry wound, the bullet caused too much damage to her right kidney. For now, she’ll only be functioning with one until we can find a donor match. She’ll be on dialysis weekly and some medication to assist the working kidney, but otherwise, she’ll be just fine in a week or so. The bullet did puncture the liver and small intestine, but the speed of the bullet slowed enough to only cause minor damage, nothing we couldn’t fix up.” He told them, and a wave of relief crashed over the pair. “She’s being brought up to her room now, if you’d like to go wait with her.”
Jack only nodded, Booth trailing him as the doctor led them up one more floor, where you were being transferred to the ICU. It was painful, seeing you after so  long, only for you to be hooked up to so many machines, laying nearly helpless in a bed. He pulled a chair up to your right side, reaching for your limp hand to hold, hoping you could feel him. 
Hoping you knew he was there. That you knew he always would be.
Booth leaned against the door frame, watching everything with anguish. After you left for California, you kept in constant contact with your older brother. But even in those months, you never explained why you broke off the engagement so suddenly. Why you took a surprise sabbatical, why you went to California specifically. Why you became so closed off, so cold to everyone, even to Parker. 
After a while, Booth left Jack alone to go pick up Parker from his mother’s house. He promised to be back later, your nephew in tow, and pressed a featherlight kiss to your forehead before he left. 
Jack, swimming in an ocean’s worth of thought, barely noticed the sun coming over the horizon in the window opposite him. All he could do was process the emotions flowing through him. Anger, that you left him so suddenly and without explanation. Despair, that you’d come back so long ago and didn’t come to see him, to work things out. Worry, that despite your life-saving surgery, you wouldn’t get a new kidney, or that you’d never be the same again. Anger again, but at the bastard who shot you. Triumph, that he was rotting in a cell right now. 
 Jack’s only comfort in the sterile, whitewashed room was the steady beeping emanating from the heart monitor, a small assurance that you were okay. His hand remained clasped over yours for hours, thumb stroking the smooth skin on the back of your hand. Partly as a comfort to himself that you were still there, but mostly, he believed, a comfort to you. He hoped you could feel it; that you could feel his presence. He hoped his presence comforted you. 
By the time you woke up, all the worry had faded from Jack’s body and exhaustion had taken its place. He was asleep, head supported by his arm on the side of the chair, when he heard the sheets rustle in the bed. 
Somehow, in all your years of work, this was the first time you ended up in the hospital due to a job-related injury. It wasn’t the first time you woke up dazed after a surgery with little memory of how you got there, though. 
The sheets, despite being thin, weighed down your legs and torso, providing warmth and comfort. You could feel the leads for the heart monitor stuck to your chest, irritating your skin in the slightest bit. There was a cannula feeding oxygen into your system, though it rubbed the skin on the back of your ears uncomfortably. The main thing, though, was that your torso hurt. 
Despite that, you managed to notice something weighing down your right hand. It was warm, warmer than the blankets. And heavier. Garnering the courage to open your eyes, you blinked to adjust to the sunlight and fluorescent lights, trying to shift yourself upward, wincing when it pulled on your wound. Instead, you glanced over at your hand, only to find another on top of it. Following the arm connected to it, your heart stuttered and cracked when you found a sleeping Hodgins sitting next to your bed. Emotion swelled within your chest and tear ducts just at the sight of him, sleeping so peacefully next to you, his hand over yours in a firm grasp, as if that was the only thing that assured him that you were really here. 
Slowly, quietly, you tried to pull your hand out from under Jack’s, only for the movement to wake him up. He stretched with a deep inhale, blinking rapidly as he took in his surroundings. It wasn’t until he noticed you were awake that he seemed to come to his senses. 
“Hey,” he nearly whispered. “How’re you feeling?”
You bit back a scoff. “Terrible. First job back and of course I had to get myself shot.” 
Jack fought a smile, scooting forward to raise the bed up for you to sit properly. “They said they got all the fragments of the bullet during surgery. You’re down a kidney for now, though.”
You only nodded, allowing yourself some time to gather your thoughts. “Why are you here, Hodgins?”
“Apparently, I’m still your emergency contact.” He told you, sitting back down and resting his elbows on his knees. “And apparently, I still care about you enough to show up.” 
“Don’t put that on me.” You whispered, chest restricting as tears fought their way back to your waterline. “You can’t say that to me. Not after what I did to you. You should hate me. I mean, really hate me. Like, praying for my downfall, kind of hate. You shouldn’t still care about me.”
“Well, apparently I do. I thought I hated you, for a long time. But I guess I don’t.” Jack sighed,  taking your hand. You wanted to protest, to pull away, but you let him. “I guess this was a wakeup call for me. Literally. They called me at 3 in the morning to tell me you were in surgery.”
You laughed, a wet sound underlined with sadness. “I’m sorry, Jack. Really, I am. I just…”
“What, don’t love me? It’s okay. I’ve learned to live with it.” 
Even when he should hate you, Jack still understood, and even worse, he still loved you. He was, somehow, the world’s most understanding man. God, you love him. 
“No, no I don’t hate you. Actually, it’s the opposite. I just wish things could’ve gone differently.” 
Now Jack was just confused. “What d’you mean? You broke up with me for a reason, right? You told me you didn’t love me anymore.”
“It’s too complicated, Jack. I want to explain it all to you, really, but it’s not safe. I don’t know if or when it will be, and I won’t blame you if you want to find someone else, or if you already have. You deserve to be happy, Jack. You should move on from me.” 
“I don’t want anyone else.” Jack said, emphasizing each word and squeezing your hand. “I just want you. From the moment I met you, I knew you were it for me, Y/n. Even with your brother breathing down my neck to not even think about pursuing our relationship. It was terrifying, but I ignored it. Because you were too important to have in my life. I couldn’t risk passing you up. I just don’t understand why you ended things so suddenly.”
The tears that you had been attempting to keep at bay for this entire conversation now flowed freely down your cheeks, the emotions you’d kept close to your chest for nearly a year now breaking free. Jack, like the gentleman he was, gently tilted your head toward him, reaching up and using the pads of his thumbs to brush them from your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered, daring to look him in the eye. 
“Don’t be.” He whispered. 
“I have to be. I hurt you. I ruined everything. And it wasn’t even worth it. It  didn’t change anything.”
Despite his confusion, Jack said nothing. He simply stood to his full height and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling you into his chest — minding your wounds and stroking your hair. “It’s okay. You’re home now. We can fix this.”
“No we can’t.” You shook your head, looking up at him. “Jack, there’s nothing left to fix. Because if we fix it, you’ll die.” 
After what felt like an eternity of swirling, spiraling thoughts, Jack found his voice. “What?”
“That’s why I left.” You said. “I was ordered to. I was working on a case, some underground organized crime syndicate. I found out some stuff I shouldn’t have. My hands were tied, I had no choice.” Choking back a sob, you wiped the tears from your face and took a breath. “It was either break up with you, call off the wedding, and leave, or everyone I loved would die. They were gonna kill you, kill Seeley and Parker, and drain your accounts. There was nothing I could do.” 
Jack pulled you in tighter, his whole worldview shifting and turning on an axis. He couldn’t speak — hell, he could barely even think right now. Jack had spent months grieving your relationship, questioning why you broke things off, harboring a ruthless anger at what his life had become, and all of it faded to dust in an instant. 
“I don’t know what to do,” you whispered, pulling Jack back to the present. “I work with these people, Jack. They could ruin me in an instant.” 
“We’ll fix this, I promise.” Jack declared, and despite the fear that had overridden your senses for the past few months, you couldn’t help but believe him. 
You only nodded, curling further into him as best as you could with your incisions. Fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie, you listened to the beat of his heart beneath you and took a deep breath. 
Soon enough, you were drifting off to sleep with the firm belief that soon enough, with the help of your family, somehow, everything would be okay. 
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if you want more jack fics, please feel free to comment and let me know!! writing for smaller characters is always a gamble but if people read this i’d be more than happy to do so!
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meowdy-all · 7 months
Yall im UPSET! There are nearly 3k fics for Bones (TV) on ao3, and i can't fund any on Booth! We have Sweets centric and Bones Centric, hell even ZACK centric fics, but i can't find any on our favorite badass sniper!!
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LOOK AT HIM!! There's so much to do with his character! Abused as a child? Give him angst. Ex Army Ranger? Give him Trauma. He's literally a main character, and we dont have more on him? Why dint yall LIKE HIM?? I Love Him! He's great! He's sassy!
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I just want a good LENGTHY fic centered on him.
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byersbootyshorts · 2 years
Bones Masterlist
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Requests for this fandom are currently closed
Any of my works marked * contain explicit sexual content. Minors DNI
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Zack Addy:
One shots:
The Breakfast Anomaly After a long week at work you decide to start your day off by making breakfast for Zack. But when he tries to help you it takes a disastrous turn.
Comforting Zack when he’s upset
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Lance Sweets:
One shots:
Missed Reservation You and Lance get a little distracted before your Valentine’s Day dinner reservation, meaning you end up having to order takeout.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
My MasterList of Stories
Master List part 2
~request are CLOSED
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Smut=❤️‍🔥 Fluff=💕 Angst=💔 Funny=💖 Horror=🫀
Dr. Lance Sweets:
Smut Alphabet❤️‍🔥
Caught in the act ❤️‍🔥
Dating Lance Sweets HC💕❤️‍🔥
Adventures in babysitting💕
You belong with me💕
Lance Sweets as a Dad headcanons💕
Dream Warriors💔🫀
Bones Halloween Special🫀💖
Code baby Part 1 💕
Let me take your pain away💕💔
Dr. Jack Hodgins:
Can't buy me love💔💕
Jack Hodgins Having a little sister💕
What's it gonna take to get you out of his lab?❤️‍🔥
Agent Seeley Booth:
Dating Seeley Booth Headcanons💕❤️‍🔥
Being Seeley Booth's Best friend HCs💕
Friends to Lovers Headcanons💕
The day we met💕
In the name of love💕
Agent James Aubrey:
Falling in love with James Aubrey after losing Lance 💔💕
Falling in love with James Aubrey after losing Lance Sweets part 2💕❤️‍🔥
Smut Alphabet❤️‍🔥
Unspoken desire❤️‍🔥
Dr. Wendell Bray:
Witchy Squintern HCs💕
Dr. Camille Saroyan:
who broke the coffee pot?💖
The Squinterns:
Adventures in babysitting💕
Being Hodgins sister and being a goth Squintern💕
Dr. Zack Addy:
I've got your back💕
Who's got him smiling like that?💕
❤️‍🩹Grey's Anatomy🩺
Dr. Derek Shephard:
Halloween special💖🫀
The Ballad of Jayne💔
Stuck in the middle💔💕
This is Why I Don't Go To The Gym💕
Baby on the brain💕
Dating Derek after he broke up with Meredith💕
Love at first sight💕
Dr. Mark Sloan:
November Rain💔
We are family💕
Christmas Special💖
Dr. Owen Hunt:
Trauma 101💖
Dr. Jackson Avery:
Love Story💔💕
Dr. Alex Karev:
Dr. Miranda Bailey:
Your my favorite💕
Dr. Nick Marsh:
Secrets out💕
🗡️Once upon a time🍎
August W. Booth:
Hidden secrets❤️‍🔥💕💔
Killian Jones:
Smut fic with Killan Jones❤️‍🔥
Prince James:
Cullen family:
Fire safty💖
Going to the zoo💖
Cats in the cradle💕
Being Carlisle and Esme's daughter and having the Volturi wrap around your finger. 💖💕
Emmett McCarthy Cullen:
Next to me series💖💔💕❤️‍🔥
Forever now💕
Being Emmett and Rose's daughter HCs💕
Carlisle Cullen:
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HC💕
Carlisle as your husband HCs💕
Jasper Whitlock Hale:
Jasper dating Bella's sister HCs💕
Edward Anthony Mason Cullen:
Dating Edward Cullen HCs💕
Crushing on Edward Cullen HCs💕
Rosalie Lillian Hale:
Being Emmett and Rose's daughter HCs💕
Eleazar Denali:
Glory of love series ❤️‍🔥💕💔💖
Dating Eleazar HCs❤️‍🔥💕
Voice of an Angel💔💕
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and dating Garrett HCs💕
Wolf pack:
Seth Clearwater:
Perfect 💕
The Volturi:
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and having the Volturi wrap around your finger💕
Peter Venkman:
When unspoken rules are broken💔💕
Dr. Egon Spengler:
Hold on, I love you💔
Two Nerds falling in love headcanons💕
Ray stantz:
Dr. Jelousey❤️‍🔥
Something strange💕💔
🦁🐍Harry Potter🐦‍⬛🦡
Draco Malfoy:
Say Something💔
Dance the night away💕
Just keeping an eye out💕
The truth doesn't always hurt💔💕
George Weasley:
Welocm to Gryffindor💔💕
You belong with me - part 1💔💕
Fred Weasley:
Being a Potter twin and falling for Fred💕
Neville Longbottom:
Your Breaking My Heart💔
Weasley family:
Being adopted by the Weasleys💕
Gabriel "the Trickster":
Gardian Angel💕
Hyper girl💕
The Winchester and the Trickster💕
Love of a lifetime💔
Dean winchester:
Dating Dean Winchester Headcanons💕❤️‍🔥
Being in a love triangle with Dean and Cas💕💔
🎶Elvis Presley🎸
Austin!Elvis Presley:
Love me tender💔💕
Scott "Cyclops" Summers:
Dating Scott Summers💕❤️‍🔥
A not so White Wedding💕
Clint "Hawkeye" Barton:
Secrets out💖
Whatever it takes💔💕
Tony "Iron man" Stark:
All of me💔💕
Bucky "winter soldier" Barnes:
Treat you better💔💕
Howard Stark:
Time In A Bottle💕
Dr. Stephen Strange:
I won't say I'm in love💔💕
Ohana means family💕
Six avengers and a baby💔💕
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blankspacefanfics · 1 year
Okay to ask for: age regression, adhd, autism, ocd, anxiety, depression, self harm, smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, canonxcanon, canonxreader
Do not ask: dubcon, rape, animal abuse and other forms of abuse
BONES - Temperance Brennan, Seeley Booth, Zack Addy, Jack Hodgins, Camille Saroyan, James Aurbey, Lance Sweets, Wendell Bray, Finn Abernathy
CRIMINAL MINDS - Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Jason Gideon, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, Elle Greenaway
NCIS - Anthony DiNozzo, Ziva David, Abigail Sciuto, Donald Mallard, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, James Palmer, Timothy McGee, Jennifer Shepard, Tobias Fornell, Mike Franks
SUPERNATURAL - Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Crowley, Castiel, Bobby Singer
TEEN WOLF - Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Malia Tate, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Jackson Whittmore, Kira Yukimura, Isaac Lahey, Melissa McCall, Noah Stilinski, Chris Argent, Jordan Parrish. Bobby Finstock, Alan Deaton, Erica Reyes
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY - Five, Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Viktor Hargreeves
Z NATION - Addison Carver, Steven Beck ‘Doc’, Thomas ‘10k, Roberta Warren, Alvin Murphy, Cassandra, Kaya, Simon Cruller
FAST AND FURIOUS - Han Lue, Dominic Toretto, Leticia Ortiz, Deckard Shaw, Roman Pearce, Tej Parker, Giselle Yashar, Suki, Hattie Shaw, Dante Reyes, Mia Toretto, Jakob Toretto, Lucas Hobbs, Megan Ramsey
HARRY POTTER - Harry Potter, Ronald Weasely, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, James Potter, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Rubeus Hagrid, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Ginerva Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Molly Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Lily Evans, Tom Riddle
MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE - Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Steve Rogers, James Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Steven Strange, Carol Danvers, Vision, Gamora, Sam Wilson, Jessica Jones
TOKYO GHOUL - Kaneki Ken, Rize Kamishiro, Koutarou Amon, Juuzou Suzuya, Nishio Nishiki, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Seidou Takizawa, Touka Kirishima, Ayato Kirishima, Yoshimura, Haise Sasaki
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Bones Masterlist
🥰= fluff
I’ll literally write for any male character in the show!
Jack Hodgins x reader
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Small moments 🥰
Hodgins as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs 🥰
Seeley Booth x reader
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Booth as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Lance Sweets x reader
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Sweets as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Wendell Bray x reader
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Wendell as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Colin Fisher x reader
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Colin as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Vincent Nigel Murray x reader
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Vincent as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Zack Addey x reader
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Zack as a dad HCs🥰
Finn Abernathy x reader
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Finn as a dad HCs🥰
Arastoo Vaziri x reader
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Arastoo as a dad HCs 🥰
James Aubrey x Reader
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Aubrey as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Clark Edison x reader
Clark as a dad HCs🥰
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k1ss-m3-b3tt3r · 2 years
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★ Wake Up ★ - Jack Hodgins x gn! reader
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tw: gore, angst, weapons, just do not read if easily disturbed
a/n: heyy, i wrote this for a friend of mine, so sorry if anybody reads this besides them :,)
Waking up you could feeling a burning sensation on half of your body. The sun has aimed it's rays at you for hours, even if you didn't wake up on time. The sun waits for no one. Your hair was a mess from moving around so much in your sleep. Everything felt sweaty and humid. You still haven't fixed that damn A/C.
You turn towards the bed-side table, watching your phone, waiting. You were waiting to see if time would just go past and leave you alone. Closing your eyes, you realize the world doesn't follow your logic, every day is the same.
It's always the same. Same day. Same time. Same rising and lowering of the sun. It's all the same.
Your hand reaches for your phone, after opening your eyes. Just moving your arm and checking the time felt like a chore. "..I wish something interesting would happen today, instead of just sitting around, like everyday off.." you sighed and got up, slapping your face awake. The time was about 11 am. You didn't bother to check for the exact time on the dot.
A ringing noise resonated in your head. "What the fuck.." You turn your hand, seeing your phone vibrate and ring. It must be Hodgins. I mean, he calls you every day, unless you guys see each other.
"(Y/n), hey! I just want you to know about this new case we're solving. The killer seems to be targeting certain members on the team, so I'll be checking in on you more often," he said, in a not-so-reassuring voice.
"What?" You sighed, "Alright, should I stay at your place tonight? It's my day off, so I can pack up and leave right after this call."
"I would say just lock all doors and windows. Booth will send out agents to watch your house. Then, later, we can head over to mine-" You hear a voice on the other line, someone yelling "King of the Lab"?
Hodgins gets back on the phone, apologizing but, quickly, followed up by, "Just be safe, ok?"
"Are they targeting you?"
"We don't believe so. It should be aimed towards Brennan, since her being the best we have, technically."
"Alright, alright. I've got to go. Just, again, be safe, ok?"
"Of course."
He hangs up and you just stand there, not so worried. This type of thing happens every so often and you were there for the last one. Nothing too special about the occasion, plus it, apparently, didn't have any focus on you. You were relieved before hearing a knock at your door, anxiety already peaked.
You look through the peephole of your apartment door, not living the lavish lifestyle. It was your friend you've known for a few months. His name was Mason, generic but cute. You crack the door open with the lock still in it's place.
"Hey, Mason.. What are you doing here, dude."
"I wanted to drop off these. You left them in my bag when we last hung out." He places a few bracelets in your hand, some holding many memories, including the one engraved J.S.H., Hodgins full name, as ridiculous as it sounds to you.
"Hey, thanks. I was wondering where those went.." You inched the door close, "Is that all then?" You gave him a smile, tilting your head.
"Yeah, just don't turn around."
Defying his actions, you go to turn around but everything went black.
You wake up sweaty, not morning sweat, soaking wet sweat. Your head feels heavy and you struggle to shake your head, trying to regain consciousness. Everything's so blurry and your eyes can't focus on far away objects.
Suddenly a face pops into view, your eyes being able to focus on every detail as clear as day with how close the man's face is. "Hey, hey! Look who it is. It's that doctor's doll."
Another voice resonates, "Yeah, and they're gonna fight real hard to get her back.." The voice sounds too familiar to you.
You noticed your arms hanging above your head by something cold, almost like metal. You look up and there's chains gripping your arms together, above your head, your feet barely touching the floor. It was a method for torture, and you were well aware of that.
Remembering the last events leading up to the point, as much as you can, you whisper, "Mason?"
"You got that right. Didn't think it'd take this long for you or your little boyfriend to find out. This here, my brother, is Richard. Seems you've already met him."
The guy that was once all up in your face takes a step back, grabbing your chin so you could look at him. "Hey, sweets. Look at you.. Once this is all over, maybe I can take your corpse to my place and get you dressed all pretty to meet my parents." He pulls your face in more, coming into a kiss, but you bite the fuck out of his nose, blowing the chunk out of your mouth onto his clothes.
"Oh! You little slut!" Richard holds his nose and lifts his legs, successfully kicking you in the stomach. Your brain fogs over for a second, feeling the pounding of your heart all over your body. He goes in for another blow straight into your face, making the chains rattle. "You like that slut! HUH? I SAID DO YOU-"
"ENOUGH!" Mason yells to silence the room. "Beat her when I'm not in the room. Go wild, if you please. I just can't stand the helplessness. It makes me sick..."
The other dude laughs and goes on to saying how he's a baby and really should get used to the sight of blood. Mason just huffs and leaves.
"Now it's just, officially, me and you babe.." You looked at him in anger and rattle the chains, "Come at me, bitch!" You spit on him, making him look at you like an idiot. "Sure thing, toots."
"Alright, thanks.." Booth replies to the phone. "Look, they've checked Angela's and Hodgins' but they're just not there."
"Oh, come on!" Hodgins kicks his chair and looks at the dead body in front of him. "We have to think people!"
"We will find them Hodgins." Dr. Brennan says, looking at him apologetically, before looking at Booth, indirectly telling him to keep searching and checking everything.
"Wait, wait, wait. Have a look at the clothes," Hodgins says standing up immediately.
"What is that?" Angela starts inquiring.
"That is residue of a hydrothermal volcano.."
"Um, normal person here!" Booth says with a "what the fuck" face.
Hodgins rolls his eyes, "It's a miniature volcano. It's type is small, but still, an explosive eruption can occur from shallow reservoirs of steam or hot water, rather than just molten rock."
"Those can only be found in the Blue Ridge part of Virginia.. and what is that right there.." Bones follows up, attentively looking at a singular, small rock in a tube.
"It's some type of cobalt-enriched rock fused with some nickel.. How is that relevant?" As soon as Hodgins turned to look and said it to Dr. Brennan, his mouth fell open a bit.
"Booth, we've identified the killer and we know where he is!" Dr. Brennan shouts and Booth comes running over. "It's Mason Miller and Richard Wilson."
"Are you sure, Bones?"
"Positive, Booth. They're in Floyd County Virginia! Now, let's go!"
"I'm coming with you! This has something to do about my life this time. I need to go." Hodgins looks at Dr. Brennan straight in the eye.
"Come on! We need to go now!" Booth says, as Dr. Bennan and Hodgins follow along, speeding up drastically.
"Have you had enough, doll?" Richard looks into your eyes, one with a chisel stuck in your eye and another with a popped blood vessel. Even with your eyes having strain on them, you were still able to stare him, as hard as possible, into his eyes. He seemed to be uneasy for a second. Having someone so determined, even after being tortured, is still menacing.
Richard backs up and grabs the pliers next to him, dripping with blood seeing how he's already pulled out two of your teeth. The teeth were dried out and had a yellow coating on it with dried pink stains. It's not everyday you get to see your own teeth in front of you.
"Don't make me pull out more, you slut!" You spit blood at him, straight into his eye. You laughed while a mixture or blood and saliva poured out the right side of your mouth. You made sure to give him a little grin afterwards, satisfied with how angry you make him. You made sure to make none of this enjoyable for him.
Richard threw the pliers on the floor, making a loud bang. He came up to you saying, "You think this is a game? You're about to be dead and you think this is a joke!" Your smile faltered.
In this empty, dark room, there was only one thing bright: it was the pit of fire. He grabbed something you couldn't identify and shoved the end in a fire, making it burn a bright red with a little flame leeching off it. "You think is a game?" He said it again but with a smile. As he raised it up, you could see it was a fireplace poker. He came towards you, with a dead serious look on his face.
Richard shoved it in your side that was currently busted open, blood pooling out of what little you had left. The gash on your side exposed certain organs that you knew were there but had no knowledge about. God, you wish Hodgins was here. Just to be in his arms again would keep you alive for all eternity.
The poker went in again, this time deeper. You yelled hoping someone would hear you, even if it was just an animal. You want the world to know how cruel it was. To hear it is to experience just a bit of it with you to make the pain more bearable. Richard pulled it out after letting you scream a good minute.
With a finishing touch, he stuck the metal rod straight through your right leg. Having both of your legs broke in multiple places still doesn't mean you can hear the sizzling of your flesh or the pure agony your body is going into.
You started dry-heaving, not being able to get through this pain without so. You, eventually, threw up on yourself, no traces of food found, just pure stomach acid. Once the poking stick came out again, your head tilted to the side, it trying to rest on something but finding nothing.
"Had enough, babe?" Richard looked at you with longing eyes, almost as if you enjoyed the faces you made, full of pain. With a swift motion, Mason comes through the door and eventually stops to gag.
"Why haven't you killed them already!?" Mason couldn't stand to look at your already rotting corpse.
"I just wanted to have some fun with the doll! Look at their beautiful face!" Richard tilts your head to face Mason and you let him, not wanted to go through the pain again.
From what you gathered, Mason was the one who stalks the victims and Richard is the one who kills them. Mason would always do anything for his brother, even if that means harm towards the person he needs to stalk. They had such a weird, twisted loving relationship for each other.
You were too tired to do anything. That life of yours was slipping away while the brothers bickered back and forth. You would've almost gave them the satisfaction of dying if it wasn't for the tires screeching outside. You turned your head toward the noise and then at them, with a sly smile. You laughed and coughed at the same time, "You-u guys are.." You kept laughing like a manic, "You guys are-e FUCKED!"
The brothers started running, but, as soon as they did, the FBI came running after him. Through the crowd of men you could see Booth. When you tried to call out his name, nothing came out. Fortunately, Booth saw you followed by Dr. Brennan. They quickly got you down and Dr. Brennan started her whole analyzing a person thing she does with dead people. You aren't dead yet, well, you don't think so anyways.
Nothing could prepare you for what came through the door next: Hodgins. He looked so worried it started make you worried. You couldn't even fully remember everything that's gone down in the last hours of the torture. When he saw you, his worried look didn't change.
"(Y/n)!" He runs full speed at you, dropping everything he has on the floor. He lifts your head up, "It's ok.. It's going to be alright.." Well, you have, officially, seen everything. Your Hodgins never cries. It was so bizarre to see him do so. "MEDIC! PLEASE!" He faces you and kisses you like it's going to instantly revive you. Hodgins places his forehead against yours and rocks your body. "Shhhhh... you're ok. You're fine..."
You feel your body go at ease, almost like it's trying to take the easy way out no matter how much you fought it. Your eye kept rolling to the back of your head, seeming as your other one, practically, isn't even there. Your eyes got the moisture it was looking for. It was tears. Tears you couldn't hold anymore. You wished you hadn't opened that door. That was the last thing you could remember before you blacked out.
"Hey, (Y/n)... You feeling any better, love?" Angela rubs at your arm. She's been trying to make you feel better, but to honest, you've been feeling better every since you got out of that place. You retained some horrifying memories causing PTSD, but you've decided that not to define you. Plus, Sweets will always be there to give you his stupid theories on what's up with you.
Things haven't been exactly the same after the incident. Hodgins takes more attentive care for you. Angela and you have become closer. Everyone always visits you in the hospital, giving flowers, gifts, good news, or anything that'll take your mind off of everything, but today was the day you could finally go home. Well, Hodgins' home is best to put it. He wanted you closer to him, safer, and more accessible for your needs now.
All on your mind was going home today and nothing will stop you from the freedom. You friends from the lab were all there to help you and that's all you could ask for. Once in your wheelchair, you cracked jokes about it and everyone was afraid to laugh, making these jokes so much better for you. Oh, and don't forget about the pirate jokes. Hodgins joins on those every-so-often ever since you lost your eye. It was just something to keep the air light.
All in all, when you're with your friends, you are with you're family, and you'll always find your home within them.
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hyperionheights · 10 months
the sweetest thing on this side of hell
new fanfic just dropped because i put on lacy on a loop at 2AM this morning and i had a vision
the sweetest thing on this side of hell - AO3 link (One-shot, 3.1k words)
Characters: Camille Saroyan, Temperance Brennan, Seeley Booth, Angela Montenegro, Jack Hodgins
Pairings: Camille Saroyan/Temperance Brennan (sort of one sided), Seeley Booth/Camille Saroyan (Past), Seeley Booth & Camille Saroyan, Temperance Brennan/Seeley Booth
Summary: Camille Saroyan despises her jealous eyes (and how hard they fell for Temperance Brennan).
Tags: Pining, Angst, Epiphanies, (... sort of), Season/Series 02, Song: Lacy (Olivia Rodrigo), Slash, Squintsquad
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episodeoftv · 1 year
Round 1 of 8, Group 7 of 8
Tumblr media Tumblr media
propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
Bones: 2.09 Aliens in a Spaceship / 2.10 The Headless Witch in the Woods
tw Dead bodies (two kids), someone gets hit by a car, emergency first aid, blood and gore.
When Hodgins and Brennan are buried alive, it's a race against time and a kidnapper who doesn't negotiate.
Bones and Hodgins have to use their knowledge to help save themselves before they run out of air, while the rest of the crew frantically try to find them in time. Angst, science, and murders. What more could you ask for?
Ressha Sentai Toqger: 1.20 Smiling is Dangerous
tw comedic nudity, Akira gets deadnamed which is :\, Akira-typical suicidal tendencies
Jack-in-the-Box Shadow's ability to send people flying away from him if they laugh affects all the ToQgers except Akira, leading the others to help Akira find his sense of humor or else he may be killed.
wellfor starters, this time Kagura trips during the opening theme song (it changes from episode to episode). We get to see Toqgers 1-5 try to get to know their very depressed, very stoic 6th ranger. there's a bit of intrigue from Glitter (who's in love with Schwartz) and Schwartz (who just wants to focus on being a general), along with Glitter's mom Madam Noire (who's scheming for power by marrying her daughter off to the Emperor) and Baron noticing that at the end. In the meantime, the train kids try to be funny, with disastrous results. The translators did their best, ok? In the end, the Toqgers get some insight into Akira's mindset, although they can't do much about his depression at this point. At this point he doesn't feel worthy of being called their friend. But they all appreciate him, even thought Right totally got upstaged on his plan.
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ironstrangeao3 · 1 year
Fandom Smut Oneshots
by Braveclementine
Basically exactly as it sounds. A boot of smut oneshots that come from fandoms. These could be continuations from my Kinktober chapters. These could be extra chapters from any of my books. These could also be requests from all of you! I'll also do chapters for certain characters birthdays and what not. There might be some fluff mixed in here for when I'm just feeling particularly fluffy. Maybe one or two angst shots, but there won't be a lot.
Words: 25371, Chapters: 10/200, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, Twilight (Movies), Fruits Basket, The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), VALORANT (Video Game), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Bones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Howard Stark, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Pietro Maximoff, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Heimdall, Hogun the Grim, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Bill Weasley, Chamber, Omen, Sova, Cypher, Claude Faustus, Sebastian Michaelis, Carlisle Cullen, Jasper Hale, elijah mikelson, Niklaus Mikelson, Damon Salvatore, Enzo St. John, Legolas, Hatori Sohma, Shigure Sohma, Ayame Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Seeley Booth, Jack Hodgins, Chris Evans, Benedict Cumberbatch, Roberty Downey Jr
Relationships: Stucky, IronStrange - Relationship, Chamber / reader, Severus Snape/ Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape/ Lucius Malfoy/ Remus Lupin, Chamber/ Omen/ Sova/ Cypher, Claude Faustus / Sebastian Michaelis, Elijah Mikelson/ Niklaus Mikelson/ Damon Salvatore, Legolas/ reader, Carlisle Cullen/ Reader, Hatori Sohma/ reader, Seeley Booth / Reader, Jack Hodgins/ reader
Additional Tags: Braveclementineworks, Smut, 18+, Requests, Fluff, Angst
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48394234
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Fandom Smut Oneshots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dKVmnaw
by Braveclementine
Basically exactly as it sounds. A boot of smut oneshots that come from fandoms. These could be continuations from my Kinktober chapters. These could be extra chapters from any of my books. These could also be requests from all of you! I'll also do chapters for certain characters birthdays and what not. There might be some fluff mixed in here for when I'm just feeling particularly fluffy. Maybe one or two angst shots, but there won't be a lot.
Words: 25371, Chapters: 10/200, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, Twilight (Movies), Fruits Basket, The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), VALORANT (Video Game), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Bones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Howard Stark, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Pietro Maximoff, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Heimdall, Hogun the Grim, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Bill Weasley, Chamber, Omen, Sova, Cypher, Claude Faustus, Sebastian Michaelis, Carlisle Cullen, Jasper Hale, elijah mikelson, Niklaus Mikelson, Damon Salvatore, Enzo St. John, Legolas, Hatori Sohma, Shigure Sohma, Ayame Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Seeley Booth, Jack Hodgins, Chris Evans, Benedict Cumberbatch, Roberty Downey Jr
Relationships: Stucky, IronStrange - Relationship, Chamber / reader, Severus Snape/ Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape/ Lucius Malfoy/ Remus Lupin, Chamber/ Omen/ Sova/ Cypher, Claude Faustus / Sebastian Michaelis, Elijah Mikelson/ Niklaus Mikelson/ Damon Salvatore, Legolas/ reader, Carlisle Cullen/ Reader, Hatori Sohma/ reader, Seeley Booth / Reader, Jack Hodgins/ reader
Additional Tags: Braveclementineworks, Smut, 18+, Requests, Fluff, Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dKVmnaw
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olindabell · 2 years
The Knight and the Necromancer ch. 2
chapter 2/?: The Start of the Adventure – read on ao3 or below
fandoms: bones x dungeons and dragons
pairings: seeley booth x temperance brennan, jack hodgins x angela montenegro, lance sweets x james aubrey
summary: when a cannibalised skull is thrown from a bridge in waterdeep, necromancer temperance brennan and paladin seelie booth are tasked with assembling their adventuring party and hunting down the prime suspect, the lich gormogon.
warnings: general fantasy violence, angst, slow burn, description of dead bodies.
‘Do you make a habit of waking people up at the crack of dawn?’ ‘I don’t have to answer that.’ Jameson Aubrezar yawned, a long, loud yawn, his orcish tusks on full display. Booth turned away, stifling his own. ‘Was that a yawn I just saw?’ ‘No.’ Booth’s jaw clenched. ‘Alright, yes, but I was working all night. You know, work? The thing we get paid to do?’
Aubrey chuckled. They were crammed into two little chairs in the foyer of Castle Waterdeep, chairs which were definitely made for rich pansies and skinny servants, not for a human and a half-orc, both in full plate and armed to the teeth, or the tusks. Booth tried to shuffle closer to the gnome sitting beside him and away from Aubrey’s strangely pointy pauldrons. Aubrey yawned, again, and this time, Booth couldn’t hold his in. Aubrey sniggered. ‘Shut up,’ Booth said, through the yawn. ‘I didn’t say anything!’ ‘Seelie Booth?’ A nasally halfling with skin like an old lemon called from across the foyer. ‘The Open Lord of Waterdeep will see you now.’ Booth sprang to his feet, Aubrey glumly trailing behind. Booth turned and said, ‘Stand up straight.’ ‘I’m tired,’ Aubrey moaned. Booth sighed. ‘Can you at least try and look like you enjoy your job?’ ‘I didn’t know when I signed up that I’d have you dragging me out of bed before dawn.’ The halfling cleared his throat pointedly, then knocked on the huge wooden doors leading to the Lord’s office. Booth made a motion like be quiet, then turned, plastered on his serious talking-to-my-boss face, and followed the halfling inside. Piergeiron Paladinson sat behind a ridiculously huge desk in a room made entirely of dark wood and glass. Behind the desk, windows overlooked the city outside, framed in thick, dark purple curtains held aside with gold cord. The left side of the room was crammed with thick historical tomes, while the right side sported two paintings, one of Piergeiron and another of a bloody battlefield, an alter to Piergeiron’s god Tyr between them. The room smelt faintly of pipe smoke and incense. The Open Lord of Waterdeep watched them enter with his sharp black eyes, his fingers steepled and elbows on the desk before him. He was draped in diplomatic clothes instead of armour, dark purple and white robes with gold trim and a red collar. Booth strode to the desk and held out his hand, and Piergeiron grasped it and shook it firmly. ‘Please, sit,’ the Lord said, gesturing to the chairs before the desk. Booth and Aubrey sat, armour squeaking. Piergeiron said, ‘So, this skull.’ ‘Bones completed a preliminary examination during the night,’ Booth said. ‘She found evidence of cannibalism, sir.’ Aubrey paled. The Lord said, ‘Is she certain of this?’ ‘I’m afraid so. Her assistant, Mage Zackryn Addlepatch, agreed with her findings.’ ‘I see.’ Piergeiron pressed his steepled fingers to his chin, his eyes fading into the distance, and fell silent. Aubrey raised his eyebrows. Booth gestured be quiet again. Aubrey rolled his eyes. Booth kicked him. It was a good kick, right under the greave, to the soft part of Aubrey’s ankle. The half-orc screwed up his nose but said nothing. ‘Well,’ Piergeiron said, ‘I was going to ask you to go to Asbravn, to help the Red Cloaks with that snake monster.’ ‘Send Flynn, he’s more than capable.’ ‘I want my best man on this, Booth.’ ‘Respectfully, sir, I believe whoever did this is a greater threat to Waterdeep than a monster miles away from here.’ Piergeiron narrowed his eyes. ‘You’ve heard the reports from Fort Morninglord.’ ‘I have, sir.’ ‘I haven’t,’ said Aubrey. Piergeiron studied Booth for a moment, then said, ‘Fine. I’ll ensure the Lords don’t get in your way, but you won’t have any official backup on this one, unless you can prove there’s a legitimate threat to Waterdeep. I take it you have a party in mind?’ ‘Yes, sir, I do.’ ‘Good luck to you then.’ Booth stood, shook Piergeiron’s hand and left the room, Aubrey scrambling behind him. ‘Now what?’ ‘Now,’ Booth said, ‘we get our people.’
Booth shouldered his way through the thick Waterdhavian crowds, past street vendors and loud merchants and nobles with their servants trailing behind. ‘Fort Morninglord have had undead wandering out of the Wood of Sharp Teeth for months now.’ He had to shout to be heard over the endless conversations, gull screeches and ship bells.
‘You think it’s related?’
‘Some of them had been chewed on.’
‘Oh, gross.’
‘And, two weeks ago, they sent some scouts in to have a look around. Only half came out, and they said they saw a man, seven and a half feet tall, thin as a skeleton, with grey skin, red eyes and teeth like a shark.’
‘Great.’ Aubrey closed a fist around the pommel of his sword
Booth stopped at the edge of a small circle of people watching a bard who sat on the edge of a fountain, plucking a quiet tune on his lute and reciting poetry in Elvish.
‘Sweets,’ Booth called. ‘You got a minute?’
The bard glanced at Booth but continued the poem.
‘You know what he’s saying?’ Booth asked.
‘You don’t speak Elvish?’
‘No, I speak practical languages, Common and Dwarvish. Not that flowery stuff.’
‘It’s the second-most spoken language in Faerûn.’
‘Do you speak it or not?’
Aubrey listened.
‘Mortals still worship his beauty as they watch his golden climb into the sky. But when he staggers away, old and feeble, from his highest point with weary horses, the eyes that were dutiful before, now turn away from him and look elsewhere. So, you, yourself, declining from your noonday glory, will die disregarded.’
The bard finished, bowed his head to the quiet applause, and thanked the few watchers who tossed coins into the hat by his feet. Aubrey turned his face away from Booth, hiding the rush of emotion there.
‘What was it?’ Booth asked.
Aubrey shrugged, then cleared his throat.
The bard came over, emptying the coins into his purse. He was a half-elf, his ears slightly pointed under a nest of dark curls. His face was boyish, and he carried himself with a spring in his step, an excitement contained beneath the surface.
‘Sweets, this is Aubrey, one of my men. Aubrey, Sweets is an … associate of mine.’
Sweets pointed to the medallion strung around Aubrey’s neck, a gold circle pressed with the image of a road leading into sunrise. ‘Lathander,’ he said. ‘You’re a paladin too?’
‘Cleric,’ Aubrey said.
‘It’s not important,’ Booth interrupted. ‘We’ve got a job, and I’m putting the party together. You up for an adventure?’
‘Depends how long it’ll take. There’s a flute player who keeps trying to steal my fountain.’
‘Not long,’ Booth said. ‘We’re hunting a cannibal.’
Sweets’ face fell. ‘Seriously?’
‘Are you in or not?’
To Aubrey’s surprise, Sweets looked over at him, then said, ‘Who can say no to adventure?’
‘Good man.’ Booth clapped him on the shoulder, causing his knees to buckle slightly. ‘Let’s go meet the others.’
‘Others?’ Aubrey asked.
But Booth was already striding away. Sweets patted Aubrey’s lower back and followed, leaving him to trail behind in blushing confusion.
‘And then, watch closely…’
Angelica leant over Jack’s shoulder, her tall tiefling frame towering over the dwarf. Jack pushed some of her long black hair out of the way, then gently opened his hand and blew across his fingertips. Tiny spores, glowing with faint blue light, rose from his skin and settled on the dead rat’s body. He muttered something in Dwarvish and made a shape resembling a triangle with his fingers, and, with a sound like pudding hitting the floor, the rat’s body bloated, collapsed, and began to disintegrate. Blue lacelike mushrooms sprouted from beneath its skin, unfurling into a network of soft, delicate fronds. ‘Cool, huh?’ Jack said.
They were in Jack’s lab, a long thin room crowded with glass cases containing glowing flowers, brightly coloured funguses, chittering insects and flowers that waved in non-existent winds. The room was bathed in the blue light of the enchanted candles dotted around the room.
Angelica nodded, masking her disgust behind a big smile. ‘Yeah, so cool. Shouldn’t we get going though?’
‘Get going where?’
Angelica sighed. ‘Lunch, Jack. You promised.’
His face moved through several emotions – confusion, scepticism, realisation, then fear. ‘Oh, shit.’
‘You forgot?’
‘The skull, and then the teeth marks.’
Angelica raised her eyebrows.
‘And Zack needed my help with–with his notes!’
‘And Cam’s going to be here soon–’
‘You got distracted by a dead rat!’
‘It’s a new spell!’ Jack waved his hands at the mushrooms. ‘I just learnt it.’
Angelica rolled her eyes. ‘Let’s just go. Maybe we’ll have time to drink half a cup of tea.’
She turned to leave, but the lab door was blocked by a beautiful half-elf, her dark hair cut in a sharp bob, wearing a tight yellow and black dress.
‘Oh no,’ said Angelica.
‘Oh, yes,’ said Camille. ‘Duty calls.’
The sun was high in the clear spring sky; light poured through the glass ceiling into the lab. Temperance stood on the platform, the skull mounted on a stand, frowning at a set of white glyphs hovering in the air before her. Zack perched on his stool by her side. She ran her fingers softly over the surface of the skull, feeling the barely perceptible grooves left by the cannibal’s teeth. She knew what the results meant – the glyphs were incapable of lying – but they yielded no motives, no suspects, no leads, only pure facts. She closed her eyes, searching for something, anything, that would tell her more about this man and how he died.
‘Mage Brenwynn?’ Zack said.
Temperance said nothing.
‘Mage Brenwynn, they’re here.’
‘Who’s here?’ she muttered.
‘Bones!’ Booth yelled from across the lab. ‘Found anything?’
She jumped out of her reverie and turned to see a crowd of people hovering at the edge of the platform steps. Grimjack Hodgemoss, the dwarf druid, bearded and stocky and surrounded by a cloud of mushroom spores, and Angelica, the tiefling bard and resident artist, her skin the colour of bronze and her horns as jet black as her hair. Camille Saeroyan, the half-elf sorcerer who ran the Waterdhavian Mage’s Institute, stood to the side in one of her smart dresses, her posture perfect as always. Another half-elf with a lute strapped to his back – Lancelot Sweetwater, a bard and one of Booth’s crime-solving consultants – lounged with his hands in his pockets next to a tall but thin half-orc wearing the blue cloak of a City Watchman – Jameson Aubrezar, only recently recruited to Booth’s team of associates. And Booth, at the front of them all, grinning and puffing out his polished gold chest plate.
Camille stepped over the wards and muttered the enchantment that permitted access to outsiders. ‘Don’t touch the remains,’ Bones said to Booth.
‘Why’re you singling me out?’
‘You’re impulsive.’ She pulled off her gloves and waved at the glyphs in the air, which drifted to the side of the platform.
‘So,’ Booth said, ‘did you find anything?’
‘Yes, actually.’ She pointed to the glyphs.
‘Come on,’ Booth sighed. ‘We both know I can’t read that.’
‘I used an enchantment that highlights markings, one that Angelica invented to restore degraded artworks,’ Bones said. ‘I took a magical mould of the teeth marks.’
She took a sprig of sage from her component pouch, scrunched it in her fist, and drew a square in the air with her thumb. A white screen appeared and hovered over the obsidian slab. Bones waved the glyphs over to the screen, where they dissolved into two images, side-by-side comparisons of enlarged teeth marks.
‘Oh, that is not good,’ said Camille.
‘Someone explain, in Common, if you don’t mind,’ Booth said.
‘This skull was gnawed on by two different people,’ Bones said. ‘This cannibal,’ she pointed to the teeth on the left, ‘has some kind of implant in one of his canines. The other has … unique dentition.’
She hesitated. ‘It seems that the second cannibal has a full set of canines.’
‘Teeth like a shark,’ Booth murmured.
‘You have a lead?’ Camille asked.
Booth sighed. ‘More of a hunch that Bones just confirmed.’ He turned to face the party. ‘I know everyone has work to do here, but I’m taking this case, and I’m not getting any help from the Lords or the City Watch because some lizard monster is more important. I get to choose my people, and I choose everyone here.’
‘Are we going on an adventure?’ Jack asked, nearly bouncing on the soles of his feet. Angelica rolled her eyes.
‘It shouldn’t take longer than two months,’ Booth said.
‘Two months?’ Sweets cried. ‘But my fountain!’
‘I’m in,’ said Aubrey.
‘Me too,’ said Jack.
‘If he’s going, then I’m going too,’ said Angelica.
‘Same here,’ sighed Sweets.
‘I would like to go on an adventure,’ said Zack. ‘Even though my strengths are not physical.’
‘If all my best mages are going, then I guess I’m coming with,’ said Camille.
Everyone turned to stare at Bones.
‘What about the lab?’ she said.
‘The lab will still be here when you get back, sweetie,’ said Angelica.
‘And we’ve all got enough adventure leave,’ said Camille.
‘And we can’t do this without you,’ said Booth.
Bones took a deep breath. ‘No, you most certainly cannot.’
Booth knocked on the door to Bones’ office, his gauntlet harsh against the wood. ‘Come in,’ she called, in her lilting elven voice. Booth ignored the familiar skip of his heart at the sound.
She was crouched in front of a bookcase, pulling out stacks of leather-bound tomes stamped with runes and held shut by buckles stained with verdigris and rust. ‘I have a question,’ she said.
‘No, I don’t want to shoot you.’
‘It means ask, Bones, just ask me the question.’
‘Oh.’ She stood and faced him. A white lace-up shirt was just visible under the black leather coat worn by all necromancers at the Institute, the collar sticking up lopsided. Booth had a sudden urge to reach under her coat and pull the shirt down–
‘The other cannibal, the one with the tooth implant.’
‘What?’ Booth flushed, then said, ‘Oh, that guy. What about him?’
‘He’s here in Waterdeep, isn’t he?’
‘He’s probably long gone by now. Why?’
Bones picked a sheet of parchment off her desk. ‘While you were preparing to leave, Jack swabbed the groove made by the implant and ran it through a series of ritual spells. The implant is a diamond. Were there any witnesses at the bridge?’
‘Two. They both described a half-elf with brown hair, maybe in his twenties.’
‘Combined with the diamond implant, that might be enough for Angelica to cast locate creature on him.’
‘As long as he’s close by.’
‘Yes. But you think he’s left the city.’
‘Anything’s worth a try.’ Booth nudged the stack of tomes with his boot. ‘What’re these for?’
‘I’m bringing them.’
Booth gaped. ‘All of them?’
‘Of course. You said we could be gone for two months, I need reading material.’
‘Surely you can find books on the road, in libraries or something.’
‘These books are the most detailed accounts of spellcraft in all of Faerûn, there are no books like them.’
‘But you’ve read them before!’
‘Books are very important to me, Booth. I’m bringing them.’
‘You can bring two.’
She shot him a glare. ‘Five.’
‘Three, and that’s all we’ve got room for. You’ll tire the horses out within the first mile.’
She continued to glare, then relented. ‘Fine, but only because you asked.’
Booth blinked. ‘What does that mean?’
She simply dropped three massive tomes into his arms. ‘Those can go out to the wagon. I have to finish packing. I’ll see you in the morning.’
As he staggered out of the lab and round the back to the stables, weighed down by the books, Booth’s mind ran circles around what Bones had said. Where was the emphasis, on the ‘you’ or the ‘asked’? I didn’t even ask, I negotiated. Does she think of me … like that? Does she think of me at all?
But when he reached the horses, he banished those thoughts from his mind. ‘Adventures are dangerous,’ he said to himself. ‘There’s no room for distractions.’
One of the horses whinnied.
‘Exactly, Muffins.’ He let the books thud into the wagon, then left Bones to her packing.
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 1 year
Fandom Smut Oneshots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/lokpEHB
by Braveclementine
Basically exactly as it sounds. A boot of smut oneshots that come from fandoms. These could be continuations from my Kinktober chapters. These could be extra chapters from any of my books. These could also be requests from all of you! I'll also do chapters for certain characters birthdays and what not. There might be some fluff mixed in here for when I'm just feeling particularly fluffy. Maybe one or two angst shots, but there won't be a lot.
Words: 9181, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, Twilight (Movies), Fruits Basket, The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), VALORANT (Video Game), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Bones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Howard Stark, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Pietro Maximoff, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Heimdall, Hogun the Grim, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Bill Weasley, Chamber, Omen, Sova, Cypher, Claude Faustus, Sebastian Michaelis, Carlisle Cullen, Jasper Hale, elijah mikelson, Niklaus Mikelson, Damon Salvatore, Enzo St. John, Legolas, Hatori Sohma, Shigure Sohma, Ayame Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Seeley Booth, Jack Hodgins, Chris Evans, Benedict Cumberbatch, Roberty Downey Jr
Relationships: Stucky, IronStrange - Relationship, Chamber / reader, Severus Snape/ Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape/ Lucius Malfoy/ Remus Lupin, Chamber/ Omen/ Sova/ Cypher, Claude Faustus / Sebastian Michaelis, Elijah Mikelson/ Niklaus Mikelson/ Damon Salvatore, Legolas/ reader, Carlisle Cullen/ Reader, Hatori Sohma/ reader, Seeley Booth / Reader, Jack Hodgins/ reader
Additional Tags: Braveclementineworks, Smut, 18+, Requests, Fluff, Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/lokpEHB
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peridaniel · 3 years
angela: hodgins is so distant now that he's paralyzed and it's making me sad
brennan: he can still fuck tho
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stonedscully · 4 years
Would anyone be interested if I make/post a Bones fanmix or is it just me
I’ve been debating making a Bones fanmix just because I already have too many playlists to be reasonable, and but I’ve been hyperfixating had a lot of ideas  and was wondering if anyone else would enjoy it if I did either a couple character playlists or a V-Day ship mix set. If Bones is not your thing and you have any requests let me know!
EDIT: thanks for your interest guys, you can find the mix here, enjoy!!
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thatbonesblog · 3 years
Y'all want some horribly gut wrenching Zack/Jack hanahaki fic??
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