#jack hodgins x y/n
mystic-writings · 5 months
emergency contact | jack hodgins
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pairing — jack hodgins x fem!booth!reader
summary — hodgins hasn’t heard from you in over six months, after you broke up with him and disappeared. until he gets an alarming phone call in the middle of the night
warnings — angst, canon-typical violence, mentions of death
word count — 2,528
notes — a few things: i wrote this back in january, and it was rushed and poorly done but im being self-indulgent for this one | also im not tagging anyone bc i wanna see how far this will get on its own (except for my beloved @shmaptainwrites who indulged me ily mimi)
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Despite his many years working for the Jeffersonian, Hodgins had yet to get used to his phone ringing at odd hours. With a groan and a stretch, his palm landed where his phone lay on the nightstand table. Without checking the caller ID, he picked up the phone and slurred out a tired greeting to the caller on the other line.
“Hello, Dr. Hodgins, I’m Marie, calling from the George Washington University Hospital.” Why was a hospital calling him so late at night? “You’re listed as the emergency contact for Y/n Booth, correct?”
Your name sent a shock through Jack’s body. “I— I guess so, yeah. Why? Is she okay?”
“Your fiancée was shot on duty, sir. She’s in surgery right now. We suggest you be with her when she wakes up.”
Without a second thought, Jack hung up the phone and flung out of bed. He didn’t care how things ended between the two of you, good or bad, but he knew one thing for certain: he needed to make sure you were okay. After scrambling for a decent set of clothing and his car keys, Jack rushed out of the house and down the near-empty streets to the hospital you were taken to. 
Even though his mind was running at a mile a minute, Jack managed to recall what the nurse had told him. Shot on duty. You took a sabbatical seven months ago, were you back in town? Surely Booth must’ve known, he was your brother and co-worker, he had to have. Did he spare telling Jack to avoid the inevitable turmoil? Obviously you’d been back long enough to take a case, so it wasn’t like you had decided to come back out of the blue. 
By the time he found parking, it was half past 3 in the morning, and Jack’s heart refused to stop beating out of his chest, his palms sweating rivers as he clenched and unclenched them. Despite all of this, though, he approached the front desk with a cracking resolve, trying his best to be put together for the sake of not distressing the night staff and lingering patient family members. 
“Could you tell me where Y/n Booth is?”
The nurse behind the counter glanced up at him. “Connection to the patient?”
“I’m her-” he stumbled on the words. “Her, uh, fiancé. Emergency contact.” 
She typed a few things into the computer when a voice from behind caught Jack’s attention. 
“Hodgins.” Booth called, approaching with a weary face and a cup of likely burnt coffee.
Jack nearly sprinted over to the man, blue eyes frantically searching for answers in his features. “What’s up, man? I mean, what the hell happened?”
Booth took Hodgins by the arm and led him down a hallway, over to the elevators. “We were going after a perp. I told her not to go in first, that I’d handle the hard part. She didn’t listen, the bastard got her from behind, shot out one of her kidneys. Been in surgery for almost,” he checked his watch, “three hours now.” 
Jack deflated just as the elevator doors dinged open. The pair stepped inside, the space empty apart from themselves. “I just— I don’t get it. Yesterday, she was somewhere even I didn’t know, taking some damn sabbatical. Yesterday, I was still pissed at her. Now? She’s in surgery because she was on a case. Because some asshole shot her. I mean, what the hell am I supposed to do with that, Booth?”
Unable to provide any kind of emotional support or response, Booth remained quiet as his friend tried his best not to break down in the elevator. 
When the doors opened, Jack attempted to regain his composure as best as he could while Booth led him down the hall. There was a separate waiting room here, for family members who had someone in surgery. He sat opposite Booth, next to a sleeping little girl and her obviously exhausted mother. 
He had no bearing of the passage of time, and felt as though there was no energy left within him to check the watch on his wrist. All he did was sit with his hands on his knees, head tilted to the sky, one leg bouncing like an infinite rubber ball. At some point, a doctor came out to notify the mother of her husband’s successful surgery — his tumor was gone, he’d told her, and there was little chance of it coming back. 
It wasn’t until the sun started to peek in through the waiting room windows that a surgeon called out your name. Booth had been asleep in the chair across from Jack, but he was wide awake. The pair jumped up and approached the doctor, throwing questions at him rapidly. 
“Y/n is okay. Surgery went well, though we’ll have to keep her here for longer than expected.”
“Why? What happened?” Booth asked. 
The doctor sighed. “Due to the location of the entry wound, the bullet caused too much damage to her right kidney. For now, she’ll only be functioning with one until we can find a donor match. She’ll be on dialysis weekly and some medication to assist the working kidney, but otherwise, she’ll be just fine in a week or so. The bullet did puncture the liver and small intestine, but the speed of the bullet slowed enough to only cause minor damage, nothing we couldn’t fix up.” He told them, and a wave of relief crashed over the pair. “She’s being brought up to her room now, if you’d like to go wait with her.”
Jack only nodded, Booth trailing him as the doctor led them up one more floor, where you were being transferred to the ICU. It was painful, seeing you after so  long, only for you to be hooked up to so many machines, laying nearly helpless in a bed. He pulled a chair up to your right side, reaching for your limp hand to hold, hoping you could feel him. 
Hoping you knew he was there. That you knew he always would be.
Booth leaned against the door frame, watching everything with anguish. After you left for California, you kept in constant contact with your older brother. But even in those months, you never explained why you broke off the engagement so suddenly. Why you took a surprise sabbatical, why you went to California specifically. Why you became so closed off, so cold to everyone, even to Parker. 
After a while, Booth left Jack alone to go pick up Parker from his mother’s house. He promised to be back later, your nephew in tow, and pressed a featherlight kiss to your forehead before he left. 
Jack, swimming in an ocean’s worth of thought, barely noticed the sun coming over the horizon in the window opposite him. All he could do was process the emotions flowing through him. Anger, that you left him so suddenly and without explanation. Despair, that you’d come back so long ago and didn’t come to see him, to work things out. Worry, that despite your life-saving surgery, you wouldn’t get a new kidney, or that you’d never be the same again. Anger again, but at the bastard who shot you. Triumph, that he was rotting in a cell right now. 
 Jack’s only comfort in the sterile, whitewashed room was the steady beeping emanating from the heart monitor, a small assurance that you were okay. His hand remained clasped over yours for hours, thumb stroking the smooth skin on the back of your hand. Partly as a comfort to himself that you were still there, but mostly, he believed, a comfort to you. He hoped you could feel it; that you could feel his presence. He hoped his presence comforted you. 
By the time you woke up, all the worry had faded from Jack’s body and exhaustion had taken its place. He was asleep, head supported by his arm on the side of the chair, when he heard the sheets rustle in the bed. 
Somehow, in all your years of work, this was the first time you ended up in the hospital due to a job-related injury. It wasn’t the first time you woke up dazed after a surgery with little memory of how you got there, though. 
The sheets, despite being thin, weighed down your legs and torso, providing warmth and comfort. You could feel the leads for the heart monitor stuck to your chest, irritating your skin in the slightest bit. There was a cannula feeding oxygen into your system, though it rubbed the skin on the back of your ears uncomfortably. The main thing, though, was that your torso hurt. 
Despite that, you managed to notice something weighing down your right hand. It was warm, warmer than the blankets. And heavier. Garnering the courage to open your eyes, you blinked to adjust to the sunlight and fluorescent lights, trying to shift yourself upward, wincing when it pulled on your wound. Instead, you glanced over at your hand, only to find another on top of it. Following the arm connected to it, your heart stuttered and cracked when you found a sleeping Hodgins sitting next to your bed. Emotion swelled within your chest and tear ducts just at the sight of him, sleeping so peacefully next to you, his hand over yours in a firm grasp, as if that was the only thing that assured him that you were really here. 
Slowly, quietly, you tried to pull your hand out from under Jack’s, only for the movement to wake him up. He stretched with a deep inhale, blinking rapidly as he took in his surroundings. It wasn’t until he noticed you were awake that he seemed to come to his senses. 
“Hey,” he nearly whispered. “How’re you feeling?”
You bit back a scoff. “Terrible. First job back and of course I had to get myself shot.” 
Jack fought a smile, scooting forward to raise the bed up for you to sit properly. “They said they got all the fragments of the bullet during surgery. You’re down a kidney for now, though.”
You only nodded, allowing yourself some time to gather your thoughts. “Why are you here, Hodgins?”
“Apparently, I’m still your emergency contact.” He told you, sitting back down and resting his elbows on his knees. “And apparently, I still care about you enough to show up.” 
“Don’t put that on me.” You whispered, chest restricting as tears fought their way back to your waterline. “You can’t say that to me. Not after what I did to you. You should hate me. I mean, really hate me. Like, praying for my downfall, kind of hate. You shouldn’t still care about me.”
“Well, apparently I do. I thought I hated you, for a long time. But I guess I don’t.” Jack sighed,  taking your hand. You wanted to protest, to pull away, but you let him. “I guess this was a wakeup call for me. Literally. They called me at 3 in the morning to tell me you were in surgery.”
You laughed, a wet sound underlined with sadness. “I’m sorry, Jack. Really, I am. I just…”
“What, don’t love me? It’s okay. I’ve learned to live with it.” 
Even when he should hate you, Jack still understood, and even worse, he still loved you. He was, somehow, the world’s most understanding man. God, you love him. 
“No, no I don’t hate you. Actually, it’s the opposite. I just wish things could’ve gone differently.” 
Now Jack was just confused. “What d’you mean? You broke up with me for a reason, right? You told me you didn’t love me anymore.”
“It’s too complicated, Jack. I want to explain it all to you, really, but it’s not safe. I don’t know if or when it will be, and I won’t blame you if you want to find someone else, or if you already have. You deserve to be happy, Jack. You should move on from me.” 
“I don’t want anyone else.” Jack said, emphasizing each word and squeezing your hand. “I just want you. From the moment I met you, I knew you were it for me, Y/n. Even with your brother breathing down my neck to not even think about pursuing our relationship. It was terrifying, but I ignored it. Because you were too important to have in my life. I couldn’t risk passing you up. I just don’t understand why you ended things so suddenly.”
The tears that you had been attempting to keep at bay for this entire conversation now flowed freely down your cheeks, the emotions you’d kept close to your chest for nearly a year now breaking free. Jack, like the gentleman he was, gently tilted your head toward him, reaching up and using the pads of his thumbs to brush them from your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered, daring to look him in the eye. 
“Don’t be.” He whispered. 
“I have to be. I hurt you. I ruined everything. And it wasn’t even worth it. It  didn’t change anything.”
Despite his confusion, Jack said nothing. He simply stood to his full height and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling you into his chest — minding your wounds and stroking your hair. “It’s okay. You’re home now. We can fix this.”
“No we can’t.” You shook your head, looking up at him. “Jack, there’s nothing left to fix. Because if we fix it, you’ll die.” 
After what felt like an eternity of swirling, spiraling thoughts, Jack found his voice. “What?”
“That’s why I left.” You said. “I was ordered to. I was working on a case, some underground organized crime syndicate. I found out some stuff I shouldn’t have. My hands were tied, I had no choice.” Choking back a sob, you wiped the tears from your face and took a breath. “It was either break up with you, call off the wedding, and leave, or everyone I loved would die. They were gonna kill you, kill Seeley and Parker, and drain your accounts. There was nothing I could do.” 
Jack pulled you in tighter, his whole worldview shifting and turning on an axis. He couldn’t speak — hell, he could barely even think right now. Jack had spent months grieving your relationship, questioning why you broke things off, harboring a ruthless anger at what his life had become, and all of it faded to dust in an instant. 
“I don’t know what to do,” you whispered, pulling Jack back to the present. “I work with these people, Jack. They could ruin me in an instant.” 
“We’ll fix this, I promise.” Jack declared, and despite the fear that had overridden your senses for the past few months, you couldn’t help but believe him. 
You only nodded, curling further into him as best as you could with your incisions. Fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie, you listened to the beat of his heart beneath you and took a deep breath. 
Soon enough, you were drifting off to sleep with the firm belief that soon enough, with the help of your family, somehow, everything would be okay. 
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if you want more jack fics, please feel free to comment and let me know!! writing for smaller characters is always a gamble but if people read this i’d be more than happy to do so!
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vino---delectable · 6 months
Our unintelligent squint (e1 part 2/?)
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Summary: It's y/n's first day at the Jeffersonian. You are being swiftly introduced to everyone!
Character pairings: Zack Addy x reader, Angela x Hodgins, Booth x Brennan
Word Count: 10.8k
Warnings: none
A/n: Hey... Finally got to p2... I hope you can tell me what you think!!!! Again, non of the words belonging to the case, or anything having nothing to do with y/n belongs to me! Enjoy! (If you haven't read the whole story click here. For my masterlist!)
(Y/n's pov)
I woke up a half hour before my alarm rang again… This is going to be a long day. Ick! I know it's not healthy for me to be so anxious. But what reputation will I have if I lose this job? I certainly don't want to wind up serving French fries and mini burgers again. Not if I can help it. Plus, what would my father think? No, I'll have to try my hardest to stick to this job.
I did my hair up with my two front pieces of hair, and pulled the back with a polka dot tie. I decided I'd wear a modest skirt and shirt. I at least thought I looked lovely and sophisticated. I didn't bother to eat breakfast at home. I could easily go to the cafeteria, and besides, it was only 5:30. My breakfast isn't until an hour later.
I took the bus because I didn't want to bother or wake up anyone this early in the morning. After all I'm still working on my driver's license. The ride was bumpy, but I was ok once I put in my music… The byrds, Celine Dion, green day, lynyrd skynyrd, def leopard… (I like everything ok!)
And finally… After me lip syncing the duet of phantom of the opera, I was at the Jeffersonian. I seriously wanted to cry. There's no way I'm ready! I thought as I jumped out of the bus. I started turning around to try to jump back into the bus, but I noticed it was already half way down the road. No, the only option was to go in. So I did!
I walked in with the self consciousness of my shoes squeaking. Everyone smiled at me. Most likely because they have seen me once or twice before with my dad. So I took it as no sign of approval. I walk into a beautiful woman with what I would imagine to be the warmest face I have seen in forever. And since I had no idea where to go, I thought it right that I should talk to her.
"Hello," I started awkwardly, sounding like I originated from Germany, "I'm new here. And I was wondering if you could give me directions. Like how to get a name tag, like the ones I see you and- well, everyone wearing.. And a tour of how the work, y'know, works…" I smile.
"Oh, hi!!! Quick question first. Are you a-," she reads from a card she took from her jacket, "Ms. Y/n y/l/n?" She smiles back.
"yes… Yeah, I was the one hired… Yesterday, actually."
"Well, Dr. Brennan asked me to give this to you if I ran into you, " she handed me my ID card, I took it and she nodded, "I'm Angela, Montenegro… Angela Montenegro."
"It's very nice to meet you!" I perked up.
"And yes, I can give you a quick look at the work place," she gestured with her hands for me to follow her.
She showed me my main working space first. A platform where the remains or artifacts are originally delivered. A room Angela says she mostly works in, where she designs holograms for the Jeffersonian. She showed me a room where all the skeletons are kept. She kept mentioning the numbers of the rooms, but I remembered none of them. "Now, you can call this one Hodgins sanctuary," She showed me a room full of a variety of insects and chemicals. "
"I swear I've seen this exact setting on Harry Potter," I teased.
"yeah, well, we have to be careful when this wizard waves his wand," she jokingly warned.
This guy with bright curly hair and a tolerable, well maintained beard emerges from the room of doom. "Hey Angie, check out what I discov-" he noticed me standing next to her, "you're new… And fresh out of diapers. Ange, we've got to by her some formula!"
I got defensive "I'm fifteen!" I say.
"It's alright, sweetie. He's just like that," Hodgins raises his eyebrows, approving what she said, "you said you discovered something?"
"I- it can wait!" He said , "you should show the kiddo more things… Or something," he turns and goes back into his "lair".
I turn to her in curiosity, " is this hairstyle fine to wear here?"
"Yes. So long as it's up, and won't get mixed into any of the particulates, or remains we find."
"Uhuh, gotcha. And my clothes?" I bit my lip anxiously.
"you can wear most things; jeans, top, skirt, blouse… For you to get approval, you should wear something modest."
"Good," I say, "because that's all I have."
We walk near the bones room where I see the one face I recognized when i first wanted to work here a year ago. The one who initiated the interview with me. Now he was walking fast over to us. And given how tall he was, he could walk faster than most people I've known.
"Ms. y/l/n. I was wondering if I could speak to you right now?" He said when he reached us.
"Uhrm, yes, Mr. Addy? Um, yeah… I seriously have nothing going on right now so…" I look around awkwardly.
He takes me by the arm, and drags me to the other side of the lab. Angela was so curious as to why he was being so secretive, based on her staring in our direction. I think I was more so curious than she was.
"Look. You have got to follow my lead, words and every move," He definitely could tell that my eyes were screaming the word "what", at him. He tried to elaborate.
" You know nothing about the names of bones, " he said.
"Yes that's true. But I know what they are and where they go when I look at-" I started.
"But the names are important to know in this line of work," Mr. Addy interrupted, "What's going to happen when Dr. Brennan asks you to hand her a tray with a femur on it?"
"A whater?" I raised an eyebrow.
He sighs, "This is going to be a long day," He looks me in the eyes in silence, I just twittle my thumbs as he does so, "Just do what I tell you to. Because if you get fired, I will most likely lose certain privileges, and eventually get fired. So, won't you, since you're already working just under me, do all I ask of you… Pay attention!" I just nod. Not really knowing how else to respond.
Dr. Brennan walks through the door. I recognized her because she always works with my father, occasionally visiting my house. Me and Zack's conversation ends. He hands me a dark blue lab coat with a rough texture, and smoothly gestures with his hands for me to attach my ID to it. We join Dr. Brennan along with everyone else. She always appeared so grumpy to me, like, to the point where she says jump and I ask how high. So, I assumed it was best l should follow with them.
We all walk in a group. While I was still pinning my ID to my coat while simultaneously walking up the stairs, I hear Hodgins saying, "The pond is not only warm and teeming with microbes, which accelerated decomposition, but it houses black carp and coy which fed on the body." We all walk up to this grossly muddied skeleton. It was interesting to me, because I had never, in person , seen a skeleton like this before. Thank goodness I'm only assisting for now!
"Can I, as the only normal person in the room," Angela said, "Say EW?" I looked to her wondering why she didn't see me as normal. I thought I was normal.
"I got three larval stages," Hodgins continued, "Of trichoptera, chironimidae…" I've heard of these flying insects before, I thought, I must've read them in a book.
"As we cut to the chase," She clearly didn't want to be explained anything today.
"The body was in the pond one winter and two summers," he said quickly.
"Spring before last," Dr. Brennan said.
Hodgins smirked, quickly changing topic, "You really think I'm Lesty?"
Temperance looked to Angela with furrowed brows and gaping mouth, in confusion of his sentence.
"The book," Angela explained.
"No, no, no," Dr. Brennan says shaking her head, "you're not in the book."
"Sure he is! we all are," Zack said, amused.
"No none of you are in the book. Those are fictitious characters based on…" As she tries to defend herself Hodgins almost rudely interrupts her to show her bone scans on a computer. I believe it to be the ribcage, maybe.
"I found some small bone fragments in the silt," He said.
"We're out of the book now, we're back in real life," Angela said to Dr. Brennan.
"I guess rana temporaria," Hodgins said.
"frog bones…" How does this woman get frog bones from what he just said? I wondered.
"Also some tiny gold links," Hodgins monitor points where, "Those from a fine chain."
"Point of clarification," began Zack, talking about the book again, "I'm not a virgin. Nowhere near in fact," I looked beside me at his smirking face in awe. How could you be so confident in that? Again, I'm wondering too much.
"Who you captured perfectly was booth," Angela started, touching Dr. Brennan's hand slightly in excitement, "Buttoned down but buckets of sexual confidence which, uahh, I for one would love to tap," She says with a slightly mischievous smile.
"It's not right to discuss tapping asses in front of a soaker," Zack said, looked toward the body.
"You could also say it's not right to discuss your virginity level here as well," I smiled at him, "It also might make those who have never … Oh, what's the term, "" done it"" feel a little bit pressured. "
"You mean- you're saying you've never?" He looks me straight into my eyes. I simply look everywhere but his eyes, "I seem to be forgetting that, some girls at 15 prefer not to."
"Or," I continued , "Some girls, regardless of age, have a few morals." I was low-key angry now.
"Ms. y/l/n," Hearing Dr. Brennan mentioning my name made me turn my head quickly to her, "I am very glad you were available to work with us, but arguing in such a manner should be permitted while you are working," I quickly shut my mouth and meekly nodded, "Anyways, I can't bounce back and forth between my book and real life. Since we're stuck in real life, let's just forget the book." She directed.
"I haven't analyzed whatever it was the victim was holding in her hand," Hodgins looks to the bone scans on the computer, "But it looks like cellulose."
"Paper?" Angela inquired.
"mm, possibly," said Hodgins.
"I found microscopic grit embedded in the skull fragments. I need you to identify those too," Dr. Brennan says to Hodgins, To Zack, She orders, "Remove the remaining tissue, I'll debreed the skull fragments myself, reassemble it so Angela can put a face on our victim."
"Good," Angela is relieved, "I prefer holograms, they don't stink."
Hodgins and Angela begin to walk away. All that's left is me. Yay. "And you, Ms. y/l/n. I will have you thoroughly look around the dirt before it gets removed. Most importantly , I would prefer you to specifically focus on the areas surrounding the phalanges, to see if anything is missed. But be careful of whatever it is the victim is holding in her hands. Understood?"
She looks at me with eyebrows raised. I just smile like an idiot and look to Zack, who is just as freaked out as I am. It takes him a second to contemplate, but he then lifts his hand and wriggle all his fingers. Ahh, now I understand, I thought, I got this!
"Of course, Dr. Brennan, I will get right on that." In a hurry I run to the bodies side, trying my hardest to examine the fi- phalanges! Barely hearing what is being said behind me…
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cupidmydarling · 1 year
Summer is for jumping fandoms like a rabbit on crack.
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andforthecoating · 2 years
►Picnic Date
also on ao3
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Summary: You and your boyfriend Jack go on an impromptu picnic date. You probably shouldn’t be surprised that he worries about the ants on your blanket.
Inspired by this post
Word count: 853 :)
The past few weeks had been stressful for both you and your boyfriend Jack
First there had been the amount of essays from your second year psychology students you’d had to grade, then you’d gotten the flu and the amount of work you had to do had just piled on. Sure, Jack had made you tea and tried his best to cheer you up, but it was hard when he barely had time to be at home and you had to spend the dreary November days largely by yourself. His work had been hectic as of late and Brennan didn’t hesitate to ask him to work over most days.
Therefore, when you’d gotten on top of your work again, you’d decided an impromptu afternoon trip to Park Washington was the best course of action. The day was beautiful, the crisp autumn air refreshing.
When you’d met up with Jack at the Jeffersonian and hastily greeted his team you’d dragged him to the car park, eager to surprise him and spend the day away together.
You’d had the directions on your phone, careful not to disclose too much as you guided the way to the park. Of course, the ride was only 10 minutes but you wanted to keep the air of suspense.
As soon as the road started to be surrounded with trees he turned towards you for a moment, a tentative smile on his lips.
“We’re going hiking?”
You shook your head.
“Maybe another day! I was thinking we could do a picnic if you want?” You said, suddenly worried that it might’ve been an idea that only pleased you. “I made sandwiches before work today and I have coffee and cookies as well.”
“That sounds perfect, baby.” He pulled up to a parking spot and put the car in park as you reached your destination. “Do you want me to carry anything?”
“Yeah! If you take the blanket I’ll take the basket,” you said and opened the car door to take the basket that was in the backseat. “Do you remember the nice place we were last time?” He nodded. “I think that’s just a few minutes away.”
The two of you started following the gravel path toward the place you were talking about and soon enough the trees started scattering. The opening in the forest was pretty, the afternoon sun streaming in through the trees surrounding it.
There were a few other people there already, mostly families with kids. You looked around until Jack tugged a little on your hand.
“There?” He said, gesturing toward a spot on a small hill to the left.
“Yes, that’s perfect.”
You’d just finished your sandwich and Jack was on his second when you felt something tickling your foot. Anxiously, you looked down and saw two or three ants running around up towards your ankle. You swatted them away and cuddled closer to Jack, trying to get some of his body heat.
You closed your eyes, breathing in his scent as he laid is arm around you, pulling you even closer.
Soon enough, though, it became impossible to ignore the continued tickling on your leg.
“I’m pretty sure there’s ants running all over this, Jack,” you mumbled against his shoulder, a little worriedly. You weren’t afraid of insects, per say, but you were also not the biggest fan. “Could we just shake them off really quickly?”
“Of course,” he comforted you, carefully disentangling himself from you as he stood up and moved the basket from the blanket.
You followed his lead, grabbing one corner of the blanket as he grabbed the other,
“If you’re a bug just be careful, okay?” Jack said, looking at the picnic blanket. He looked so cute like this, curls all tousled and a flush on his cheeks. The worried look in his eyes as he warned the eventual bugs didn’t hurt either.
“I didn’t know you were such an advocate for ants, baby,” you said with a smile.
“Maybe I can make an exception for these ones.” He grinned and shook the blanket once. You almost lost your balance with the force of it and his grin grew larger.
When the two of you had rustled it enough times that you were positive any possible insects had fallen off you laid down on your back.
Jack laid down next to you, your shoulders brushing, and you took the hand closest to yours in yours.
“Let’s hope the ants don’t carry a grudge for this.” You said, still looking up at the sky.
He chuckled and you turned your head towards him. He looked so happy and careless like this. You’d known he’d been stressed lately but you nothing could’ve prepared you for the difference his laugh made. You wished you could bottle it up, somehow, and save it for all those days when everything felt just a little hopeless.
“They’ll have a vendetta for three days for sure. Maybe they’ll have time to build a machine to conquer us with,” he joked.
“Oh my god, imagine!”
“That’d be pretty crazy.”
“Yeah it would,” you agreed, nuzzling into his side.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Comedy short: who broke the coffee pot?(Bones)
Paring: reader x jeffersonian staff
Summary: cam wants to know who broke the coffee pot.
A/n: bones requests are open!
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Cam called a staff meeting today... No one would have ever predicted that it would be about a broken coffee pot. Not a corpse, not a piece of broken bone, but a broken pot.
They all stood around the broken coffee pot confused, in the coffee maker it's self was large beaker from the lab in place of the pot. All of us minus Bones, she was aggravated she was taken away from her work for this.
“So...” Cam said crossing her arms “Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.” she said softly looking at everyone.
Everyone stayed silent as Seeley and Lance walked in confused. Lance walked up next to y/n looking at the broken glass. Before he could ask what happened y/n sighed when she saw everyone's silent panic and spoke up.
“...I did. I broke it.” y/n said trying to save who's ever ass broke it.
Cam shook her head and sighed “No. No you didn't, you don't even drink coffee. Dr. Hodgins?”
Jack looked insulted that she would even mention him, did he not relize how many beakers he's broken in the Lab? “Don't look at me. Look at Wendell”
The blond look bewildered and gave Jack a dirty look before turning to Cam. “What?! I didn't break it.”
Jack hummed and looked at Cam like he cracked the case “Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?”
Wendell started to get annoyed, he rubbed his fave then pointed to the broken glass “Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.”
Jack shrugged “Suspicious.”
“No, it's not!” Wendell said shaking his head. Cam, who just wanted an answer sighed right back and looked towards Seeley who interjected.
“If it matters, probably not, but Lance was the last one to use it.” y/n and Lance both looked at him shocked.
“Liar! I don't even work here!” Lance said stepping away from the group.
“Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart last night?” Seeley asked in joking matter, he wasn't really trying to blame him.
“Because Brennan asked me to get her a cup of coffee while I got y/n her tea. They were both working late last Everyone knows that, Booth” Lance quickly said and his story check out.
Angela sighed and put her hands up “Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Cam”
Cam stoped her and held up the lose handle “No! Who broke it!?”
Everyone stayed quiet, they all shared glances just waiting for someone to crack. Jack's eyes fell on Bones who was now checking her watch.
Jack glanced at Cam “Cam Brennan's been awfully quiet.”
Bones gasped, shocked anyone would accuse her of such accusations “really Dr. Hodgins?!”
Everyone starts arguing after that, the squints and the scientists that is. Lance and Seeley stared, still confused on what just happened. Cam just snickered and walked over to the boys. “I broke it by accident. It burned my hand so I punched it.”
Seeley and Lance started chuckling when they saw y/n throw a hand full of coffee stirrers at Wendell and Jack.
Seeley chuckled. “I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a skull on a stick.”
*Later at the Bureau*
“crap!” James sighed as the sound of glass shattering filled his ears, he quickly looked around for witness hoping no one saw him break the coffee pot in the break room.
Caroline sighed and pulled out her phone from a distance, James didn't see her dialing Cam's number. “Cam, tell me how you handled the coffee pot situation at the jeffersonian”
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chiefdirector · 2 months
Blackbird | Jack Hodgins | Bones
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Jack Hodgins x Fem!Reader
Everyone is born alone, and then they die alone.
It was a fact of life that was repeated throughout the generations, from mother to child, from teacher to student. Dr. Jack Hodgins had come to believe that this saying was a load of bullshit.
He was born into a family where wealth and prestige were held over familial bonds. He studied in schools were intellect was worth more than people with pure hearts and intentions. Even when he found himself a second-home within his role and colleagues at the Jeffersonian Institute, there was the creeping feeling that he would end up alone once more.
Despite the lifelong bond forged between his colleagues and friends, Jack never lost the notion of eternal loneliness until he met her. Dr. (Y/N) (L/N), the Jeffersonians newest weaponry expert. he could identify weapons from across most periods of time, and match them to their inflictions on the human body quicker than anyone he had ever met.
Her job was morbid, figuring out what weapon delivered the final blow, but she wad anything but. (Y/N) was warm like the sun, pretty like a daisy, and as comforting as a blackbird's morning song. When Jack was beside her, he never felt alone.
Eventually the dangers of their jobs caught up to them both, and all that Jack would ever have left of her was the life she had left behind. Her cardigans remained on hook by the door, her shoes would forever be under the stairs. Her wedding bands would never move from her bedside table, and the memories she and Jack shared would remain in their home.
Everything about (Y/N) was fleeting but as Jack listened to the morning blackbirds sing, he knew that he would never be alone.
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Hodgins x reader - you fascinate me
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Part two:
You slept through most of the day, every hour or so he would check on your wound which seemed to be doing better but he couldn’t tell.
When you woke up, you slowly sat up, looking around the room you looked behind you to see Hodgins fast asleep on the other side of the sleep.
Standing up, you groaned a little and lifted your shirt to see a bandage covering your wound which made you laugh a little.
Walking into the bathroom, you locked the door, lifting your shirt so you could slowly peel it off, seeing the wound nearly scared over.
You pulled your shirt down and left the bathroom, heading to the door to look outside at the snow that was heavily falling.
“Come on man… it’s cold…”
You turned around, closing the door.
Hodgins sat up, stretching and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.
“Were you going to run away?”
Walking over to a chair, you slowly sat down, kicking your feet up on the table.
“I was going to find something to eat.”
“Well, I assume you do still eat normal people food right? That wasn’t a lie?”
You chuckled, shaking your head.
“Yes, I eat normal people food. There should be a place open somewhere here.”
Hodgins got up and walked to the fridge, pulling out a takeout container.
“There was a break in the snow, I got some food and some snacks and drinks. Can you eat chocolate because I’ve never seen you eat chocolate.”
“No, we can’t eat chocolate.”
“Oh my god you idiot, no! Of course we can eat chocolate!”
“Well I don’t know I’ve never met a werewolf!” He laughed.
You smiled, taking the food from him and he moved your legs, sitting in the table and placing them in his lap.
You ate the rice, glancing at the Tv which was playing some crappy DVD.
It was quiet for a few moments.
“So, can you turn into a dog at anytime or..?”
You glanced at him.
“You really want to piss off a werewolf? And no, I don’t turn into a dog, it’s called werewolf for a reason dumbass.”
He grinned a little.
“By choice? Or does the moon force you?”
“You’ve been reading too many myths, by choice.”
“Does silver hurt you?”
“Does your blood get all confusing.”
“No, human form human blood, wolf form wolf blood.”
“I didn’t find wolf blood at the site you were injured.”
You reached over, handing him the takeout container and he took it, eating the half you had left for him.
He narrowed his eyes a little.
“I turned back quickly, therefor human.”
He hummed a little, nodding his head.
“Why was your wound all weird?”
“Poison, I think it’s out but we’ll find out soon enough.”
“Oh god you’re not going to turn and like maul me to death are you?”
“No, I’ll be really weak. When the snow lets up I need to go.”
“Oh great, where we going?”
You turned back to the TV, trying to ignore the man sitting in front of you and he slowly set the container down.
“Not us, just me Hodgins I need to go alone. They don’t accept humans.”
“I’m not letting you go alone, I just found you half dead!”
“Jack if you go they will kill you, these people don’t accept too kindly to outsiders, especially not humans, but they specialise in a medicine that’ll help.”
Hodgins shrugging, sitting forward a little and he rested a hand on your leg.
You knew he had a thing for you, but because of your differences you always turned him down.
“So what, you’ll just go there? You won’t return you’ll just run away there right?”
You sighed, sitting up, putting your feet on the floor, flinching a little as a jolt of pain went through you.
“I can stay until the snow lets up tomorrow afternoon, but then I need to go. I’m sorry, but I will come back.”
“You won’t, Booth talked to your friends, they said if you think there’s a danger to them, or anyone you’ll leave and never go back.”
“Yes, but I swear to you I’ll come back, please, you just need to trust me.”
He held out his hands and you took them.
Hodgins smiled a little bit, bringing your hand up to kiss your knuckles, and he looked at you.
“You’re going to go either way, right?”
“Okay, but you have to come back. You need to.”
“I’ll come back as soon as I can.”
“You better.”
You laughed a little and stood up.
Hodgins looked at you with bright eyes and a wide smile, and you saw your vision flicker a little from normal and colourful to black and white.
“Woah, what was that?”
Hodgins stood up and you took a step back, removing your hands from his.
“That was the poison making its way through my system, I have to go now.”
“You can’t! You’ll freeze!”
You grabbed your hoodie, tossing it on and he stood in front of the door.
Walking over, you stood in front of him.
“I’m not moving.”
“I’ll come back, you have my word.”
“Don’t go..”
Walking over, you leant in, gently pressing your lips to his and you used his shock to move him aside so you could quickly get out the door.
You stood in the snow and gave him an apologetic look.
Hodgins watched was jumped down the icy steps, a cloud of black surrounding your and you stood in your wolf form, the blood still staining fur.
You turned your head back, flattening your ears and let out a whine.
“Go, I can’t stop you. Just come back..”
He watched as you turned around, running out into the snow to be lost from his sight.
It was like you told him, you were going to go either way, he just wasn’t sure how he was supposed to stop a determined werewolf from running off.
He had a hard time explaining to everyone, but they trusted his judgment, and he spent everyday waiting for you to come back to the lab.
It went from days, to weeks to months and he still waited.
“Maybe you should accept (Y/N) isn’t coming back.” Cam said quietly.
“That’s not true, (Y/N) promised.”
“It’s been months Hodgins, if she were coming back she would’ve already.” Booth said.
Hodgins glared at them all.
“She’s coming back!” He snapped.
He stormed to his office, and sat in front of the computer and stared at the screen, looking at the photo of you.
“Some people would call that creepy.”
“Holy crap!”
He quickly closed the photo and spun around to see you standing there with a soft smile.
You had clearly gone home to shower and change, but you seemed a lot healthier.
“You came back…”
You smiled a little, walking into the room.
“Of course I did, I promised right?”
He quickly stood up, rushing his way over and he crushed you in a hug which made you laugh, wrapping your arms around him.
“Woah, you’re muscled.”
You laughed again, pulling away from the hug.
“I’ve been in the wild for months Hodgins, I’ve been getting a lot of exercise.”
“So can I run tests on you now? I want to try so many things.”
“Blood test, that’s it.”
You walked over to the chair and sat down, smiling as he began to get everything ready with the upmost joy.
You hadn’t seen him in months, so you just kept watching.
He walked to his microscope and looked at it.
“Woah that is funky.”
“We have a faster healing rate, our blood clots faster. Any normal poison wouldn’t affect me.”
Hodgins looked at you with a grin.
“Can I try?”
“No you can’t poison me!”
“No! Not you!”
You both grinned a little and he walked over, looking at you with a soft look in his eyes.
“I’m so glad you came back…”
“So am I. Now, any other questions? I gotta head back and talk to my people.”
“Actually just one.”
You nodded your head, going to pick up your jacket.
“Why did you kiss me? Was it so you could just runaway?”
You slowly turned around and you gave him a little smile.
“No, it wasn’t so I could runaway.”
“Then why?”
“Because I wanted to, you needed to know I was coming back.”
Hodgins took a small step closer towards you.
“So… you could do it again…?”
You walked over, taking his face between your hands you leant down and kissed him for a second before pulling away.
“No! No come on that’s not fair!” He whined.
Hodgins quickly took your hand and spun you around.
“Kiss me like you mean it.” He grinned.
You laughed, leaning down to meet him halfway, kissing him again.
Hodgins placed his hands on your hips and you wrapped them around his shoulders, pulling away only to kiss him again.
Every time you leant back he leant forward to kiss you and finally you managed to break free from it.
You smiled softly at him and he grinned from ear to ear.
“So, does this mean we can do on a date?”
“Oh I don’t know about that.”
“Seriously? You’re really gonna do a guy like that?”
You laughed, kissing him briefly before you pulled away.
“I’ll come back later, I’ve got to go reassure my family I’m safe, but text me what you’re thinking.”
“Oh you got it baby, I’ve got the perfect date in mind!”
“I swear to god if it involves anything to do with werewolves or myths I’ll punch you.”
“It doesn’t! Don’t worry!”
You narrowed your eyes a little and left the room, and when he was sure you were gone he sat back down in his chair.
“Damnit I’ve got to change the whole date…”
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k1ss-m3-b3tt3r · 2 years
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★ Wake Up ★ - Jack Hodgins x gn! reader
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tw: gore, angst, weapons, just do not read if easily disturbed
a/n: heyy, i wrote this for a friend of mine, so sorry if anybody reads this besides them :,)
Waking up you could feeling a burning sensation on half of your body. The sun has aimed it's rays at you for hours, even if you didn't wake up on time. The sun waits for no one. Your hair was a mess from moving around so much in your sleep. Everything felt sweaty and humid. You still haven't fixed that damn A/C.
You turn towards the bed-side table, watching your phone, waiting. You were waiting to see if time would just go past and leave you alone. Closing your eyes, you realize the world doesn't follow your logic, every day is the same.
It's always the same. Same day. Same time. Same rising and lowering of the sun. It's all the same.
Your hand reaches for your phone, after opening your eyes. Just moving your arm and checking the time felt like a chore. "..I wish something interesting would happen today, instead of just sitting around, like everyday off.." you sighed and got up, slapping your face awake. The time was about 11 am. You didn't bother to check for the exact time on the dot.
A ringing noise resonated in your head. "What the fuck.." You turn your hand, seeing your phone vibrate and ring. It must be Hodgins. I mean, he calls you every day, unless you guys see each other.
"(Y/n), hey! I just want you to know about this new case we're solving. The killer seems to be targeting certain members on the team, so I'll be checking in on you more often," he said, in a not-so-reassuring voice.
"What?" You sighed, "Alright, should I stay at your place tonight? It's my day off, so I can pack up and leave right after this call."
"I would say just lock all doors and windows. Booth will send out agents to watch your house. Then, later, we can head over to mine-" You hear a voice on the other line, someone yelling "King of the Lab"?
Hodgins gets back on the phone, apologizing but, quickly, followed up by, "Just be safe, ok?"
"Are they targeting you?"
"We don't believe so. It should be aimed towards Brennan, since her being the best we have, technically."
"Alright, alright. I've got to go. Just, again, be safe, ok?"
"Of course."
He hangs up and you just stand there, not so worried. This type of thing happens every so often and you were there for the last one. Nothing too special about the occasion, plus it, apparently, didn't have any focus on you. You were relieved before hearing a knock at your door, anxiety already peaked.
You look through the peephole of your apartment door, not living the lavish lifestyle. It was your friend you've known for a few months. His name was Mason, generic but cute. You crack the door open with the lock still in it's place.
"Hey, Mason.. What are you doing here, dude."
"I wanted to drop off these. You left them in my bag when we last hung out." He places a few bracelets in your hand, some holding many memories, including the one engraved J.S.H., Hodgins full name, as ridiculous as it sounds to you.
"Hey, thanks. I was wondering where those went.." You inched the door close, "Is that all then?" You gave him a smile, tilting your head.
"Yeah, just don't turn around."
Defying his actions, you go to turn around but everything went black.
You wake up sweaty, not morning sweat, soaking wet sweat. Your head feels heavy and you struggle to shake your head, trying to regain consciousness. Everything's so blurry and your eyes can't focus on far away objects.
Suddenly a face pops into view, your eyes being able to focus on every detail as clear as day with how close the man's face is. "Hey, hey! Look who it is. It's that doctor's doll."
Another voice resonates, "Yeah, and they're gonna fight real hard to get her back.." The voice sounds too familiar to you.
You noticed your arms hanging above your head by something cold, almost like metal. You look up and there's chains gripping your arms together, above your head, your feet barely touching the floor. It was a method for torture, and you were well aware of that.
Remembering the last events leading up to the point, as much as you can, you whisper, "Mason?"
"You got that right. Didn't think it'd take this long for you or your little boyfriend to find out. This here, my brother, is Richard. Seems you've already met him."
The guy that was once all up in your face takes a step back, grabbing your chin so you could look at him. "Hey, sweets. Look at you.. Once this is all over, maybe I can take your corpse to my place and get you dressed all pretty to meet my parents." He pulls your face in more, coming into a kiss, but you bite the fuck out of his nose, blowing the chunk out of your mouth onto his clothes.
"Oh! You little slut!" Richard holds his nose and lifts his legs, successfully kicking you in the stomach. Your brain fogs over for a second, feeling the pounding of your heart all over your body. He goes in for another blow straight into your face, making the chains rattle. "You like that slut! HUH? I SAID DO YOU-"
"ENOUGH!" Mason yells to silence the room. "Beat her when I'm not in the room. Go wild, if you please. I just can't stand the helplessness. It makes me sick..."
The other dude laughs and goes on to saying how he's a baby and really should get used to the sight of blood. Mason just huffs and leaves.
"Now it's just, officially, me and you babe.." You looked at him in anger and rattle the chains, "Come at me, bitch!" You spit on him, making him look at you like an idiot. "Sure thing, toots."
"Alright, thanks.." Booth replies to the phone. "Look, they've checked Angela's and Hodgins' but they're just not there."
"Oh, come on!" Hodgins kicks his chair and looks at the dead body in front of him. "We have to think people!"
"We will find them Hodgins." Dr. Brennan says, looking at him apologetically, before looking at Booth, indirectly telling him to keep searching and checking everything.
"Wait, wait, wait. Have a look at the clothes," Hodgins says standing up immediately.
"What is that?" Angela starts inquiring.
"That is residue of a hydrothermal volcano.."
"Um, normal person here!" Booth says with a "what the fuck" face.
Hodgins rolls his eyes, "It's a miniature volcano. It's type is small, but still, an explosive eruption can occur from shallow reservoirs of steam or hot water, rather than just molten rock."
"Those can only be found in the Blue Ridge part of Virginia.. and what is that right there.." Bones follows up, attentively looking at a singular, small rock in a tube.
"It's some type of cobalt-enriched rock fused with some nickel.. How is that relevant?" As soon as Hodgins turned to look and said it to Dr. Brennan, his mouth fell open a bit.
"Booth, we've identified the killer and we know where he is!" Dr. Brennan shouts and Booth comes running over. "It's Mason Miller and Richard Wilson."
"Are you sure, Bones?"
"Positive, Booth. They're in Floyd County Virginia! Now, let's go!"
"I'm coming with you! This has something to do about my life this time. I need to go." Hodgins looks at Dr. Brennan straight in the eye.
"Come on! We need to go now!" Booth says, as Dr. Bennan and Hodgins follow along, speeding up drastically.
"Have you had enough, doll?" Richard looks into your eyes, one with a chisel stuck in your eye and another with a popped blood vessel. Even with your eyes having strain on them, you were still able to stare him, as hard as possible, into his eyes. He seemed to be uneasy for a second. Having someone so determined, even after being tortured, is still menacing.
Richard backs up and grabs the pliers next to him, dripping with blood seeing how he's already pulled out two of your teeth. The teeth were dried out and had a yellow coating on it with dried pink stains. It's not everyday you get to see your own teeth in front of you.
"Don't make me pull out more, you slut!" You spit blood at him, straight into his eye. You laughed while a mixture or blood and saliva poured out the right side of your mouth. You made sure to give him a little grin afterwards, satisfied with how angry you make him. You made sure to make none of this enjoyable for him.
Richard threw the pliers on the floor, making a loud bang. He came up to you saying, "You think this is a game? You're about to be dead and you think this is a joke!" Your smile faltered.
In this empty, dark room, there was only one thing bright: it was the pit of fire. He grabbed something you couldn't identify and shoved the end in a fire, making it burn a bright red with a little flame leeching off it. "You think is a game?" He said it again but with a smile. As he raised it up, you could see it was a fireplace poker. He came towards you, with a dead serious look on his face.
Richard shoved it in your side that was currently busted open, blood pooling out of what little you had left. The gash on your side exposed certain organs that you knew were there but had no knowledge about. God, you wish Hodgins was here. Just to be in his arms again would keep you alive for all eternity.
The poker went in again, this time deeper. You yelled hoping someone would hear you, even if it was just an animal. You want the world to know how cruel it was. To hear it is to experience just a bit of it with you to make the pain more bearable. Richard pulled it out after letting you scream a good minute.
With a finishing touch, he stuck the metal rod straight through your right leg. Having both of your legs broke in multiple places still doesn't mean you can hear the sizzling of your flesh or the pure agony your body is going into.
You started dry-heaving, not being able to get through this pain without so. You, eventually, threw up on yourself, no traces of food found, just pure stomach acid. Once the poking stick came out again, your head tilted to the side, it trying to rest on something but finding nothing.
"Had enough, babe?" Richard looked at you with longing eyes, almost as if you enjoyed the faces you made, full of pain. With a swift motion, Mason comes through the door and eventually stops to gag.
"Why haven't you killed them already!?" Mason couldn't stand to look at your already rotting corpse.
"I just wanted to have some fun with the doll! Look at their beautiful face!" Richard tilts your head to face Mason and you let him, not wanted to go through the pain again.
From what you gathered, Mason was the one who stalks the victims and Richard is the one who kills them. Mason would always do anything for his brother, even if that means harm towards the person he needs to stalk. They had such a weird, twisted loving relationship for each other.
You were too tired to do anything. That life of yours was slipping away while the brothers bickered back and forth. You would've almost gave them the satisfaction of dying if it wasn't for the tires screeching outside. You turned your head toward the noise and then at them, with a sly smile. You laughed and coughed at the same time, "You-u guys are.." You kept laughing like a manic, "You guys are-e FUCKED!"
The brothers started running, but, as soon as they did, the FBI came running after him. Through the crowd of men you could see Booth. When you tried to call out his name, nothing came out. Fortunately, Booth saw you followed by Dr. Brennan. They quickly got you down and Dr. Brennan started her whole analyzing a person thing she does with dead people. You aren't dead yet, well, you don't think so anyways.
Nothing could prepare you for what came through the door next: Hodgins. He looked so worried it started make you worried. You couldn't even fully remember everything that's gone down in the last hours of the torture. When he saw you, his worried look didn't change.
"(Y/n)!" He runs full speed at you, dropping everything he has on the floor. He lifts your head up, "It's ok.. It's going to be alright.." Well, you have, officially, seen everything. Your Hodgins never cries. It was so bizarre to see him do so. "MEDIC! PLEASE!" He faces you and kisses you like it's going to instantly revive you. Hodgins places his forehead against yours and rocks your body. "Shhhhh... you're ok. You're fine..."
You feel your body go at ease, almost like it's trying to take the easy way out no matter how much you fought it. Your eye kept rolling to the back of your head, seeming as your other one, practically, isn't even there. Your eyes got the moisture it was looking for. It was tears. Tears you couldn't hold anymore. You wished you hadn't opened that door. That was the last thing you could remember before you blacked out.
"Hey, (Y/n)... You feeling any better, love?" Angela rubs at your arm. She's been trying to make you feel better, but to honest, you've been feeling better every since you got out of that place. You retained some horrifying memories causing PTSD, but you've decided that not to define you. Plus, Sweets will always be there to give you his stupid theories on what's up with you.
Things haven't been exactly the same after the incident. Hodgins takes more attentive care for you. Angela and you have become closer. Everyone always visits you in the hospital, giving flowers, gifts, good news, or anything that'll take your mind off of everything, but today was the day you could finally go home. Well, Hodgins' home is best to put it. He wanted you closer to him, safer, and more accessible for your needs now.
All on your mind was going home today and nothing will stop you from the freedom. You friends from the lab were all there to help you and that's all you could ask for. Once in your wheelchair, you cracked jokes about it and everyone was afraid to laugh, making these jokes so much better for you. Oh, and don't forget about the pirate jokes. Hodgins joins on those every-so-often ever since you lost your eye. It was just something to keep the air light.
All in all, when you're with your friends, you are with you're family, and you'll always find your home within them.
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bi-bard · 3 years
and he feels like home - Jack Hodgins Imagine (Bones)
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Title: and he feels like home
Pairing: Jack Hodgins X Reader
Song Drawn: long story short
Word Count: 570
Warning(s): none
Summary: The aftermath of an important meeting for both (Y/n) and Hodgins.
Author's Note: Sorry that I disappeared for a moment. I'm working on a personal project and potentially getting a Patreon set up!! If anyone wants to see that, let me know.
I was in my office, just kind of twiddling my thumbs.
I had no work to do right now.
I would usually go visit Jack and ask if he needed any help, but I couldn't now.
Cam had told us off for too much PDA at work. She assumed that it was interrupting our work. It wasn't... but she still wanted us to be separate more.
Now, I was just sitting and trying to waste time. Trying to not feel guilty. I don't even think I deserve to feel guilty. I just didn't know what to feel about the whole thing.
"Hey," I looked up from my desk to see Jack in the doorway.
"Hi," I let out a small sigh as I smiled.
"I expected to get a visit from you after the case was over," he explained as he circled my desk and leaned against the edge. "What happened?"
I shrugged. I was hoping to play off the entire incident with Cam. However, Jack knew me too well.
"It's about our meeting with Cam, huh," he asked. I reluctantly nodded. "She only meant when we had a case."
"I know, but I'd rather just avoid making people uncomfortable," I replied.
"That's not all that's there, is it," he tilted his head a little bit.
I rolled my eyes and looked down.
"Nope," he grabbed my hand and gently pulled me out of my chair. He wrapped his arms around my waist so he could pull me closer. "What's going on?"
I couldn't find the words.
"Come on," he leaned his forehead against mine. "I don't want you to be upset with me. What is it?"
"You just seemed to agree with Cam really fast," I mumbled. "And I felt stupid for focusing on it, but I wanted to make sure that you were comfortable."
Jack seemed to be thinking about what he had said during that meeting. I felt like I should've just dropped it. I should've kept it to myself and stopped making a big deal out of nothing.
"You know, I'm sorry-"
"No," he shook his head. "I didn't know that upset you. I'm sorry. I was trying to smooth things over with Cam because you seemed stressed about it."
"Oh," I muttered.
"I should've talked about it with you, I'm sorry," he pulled me into a hug. I hid my face into his shoulder.
I let out a small sigh of relief, "It's okay."
His hand gently rubbed my back. I tightened my hold on him. We stood there in silence for a few moments longer before he broke the silence.
"What's going on in your head," he asked quietly.
"That this feels like home," I replied. I chuckled at how sappy I sounded. "Sorry. I just... I messed up a lot along the way. Some not-so-great guys. Finding you was the best thing to happen to me. I love you."
"I love you too," he mumbled, kissing the side of my head. "Wanna head home?"
I stepped back just enough that I could look at his face.
He nodded, "The case is over. We don't have any work to do. Why not?"
I smiled and nodded back at him. He leaned over and kissed my forehead.
"Get your coat," he said, almost running from my desk to go and grab his things.
I laughed and shook my head.
I had gotten truly lucky.
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When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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The Reaper and the Death Angel Part 13
I have rewrote this chapter so many times, I'm not really happy with it but I can't do any better. I really really hope you guys enjoy it. I can't even begin to express how much I appreciate and value every note and bit of feedback I get, this series has been about 1/4 as popular as my Vikings one but everytime I see a new note it gives me the motivation to keep going. Thank you, truly thank you.
Part 12
Series Masterlist
Contains: Serious angst and injury, follows the plot of the Bones episode Aliens in a Spaceship S2 E9, being buried alive, angst with a happy ending, fluff, protective Jax, if I forget any please don't hesitate to comment.
3.4K Words
Comment if you want to be tagged
Buried alive
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You were swamped, having to give Skeeter his private tour had taken up most of your yesterday and you were pretty sure the current remains you were looking were that of the mob boss Anthony 'Slick Tony' Barbrow.
"The beetle found in the skull is the standard carrion beetle, it gives us nothing. I'm going to try and look at the sediment again." You shook your head.
"Thanks Jack, I think I'm going to head home after I finish cataloguing these X-rays, I'm beat." He tapped the wall in sympathy and walked back to his office."
Ring ring ring
"Hello Sammy, is there a reason you're calling me in the middle of the worst work week in the year?"
You heard him take a deep breath over the line, "Are you alone?" You shook your head even though he couldn't see.
"Yes I'm alone. What's going on?" Sam didn't sound happy.
"I heard the Slick Tony might be on your slab." That was a bit of a shock.
"Yeah, what the fuck is going on Sam?" He was talking to someone else in the room with him.
"He owes the Italians a lot of money, if it's him they have a real problem." You rubbed your face with your hand.
"I'm certain it's him, we're just waiting in the DNA. Is this Cacuzza's crew or someone else?" Sam sounded exasperated.
"Another crew. Be careful y/n, these guys aren't playing and they want their money one way or another." You took a deep breath.
"Thank Sam. I'll be home soon." You packed your bag and put some files into it before walking down to the parking lot. You felt someone behind you but it was too late, there was a sharp pain on your neck and then everything faded. You never saw the two men load you into the car, nor did you see them run over Jack and take him too.
Sam was worried sick, you were late and you were never late without letting him know first. Deep down, he knew something was very wrong.
He had called you hundreds of time now with no answer, there's no way you let him worry like he was worried now, so he did the only thing he could think of and called your best friend.
"Billy, have you heard for y/n?"
There was silence across the line, "No, call the other members and tell them you think something's wrong, I'm telling my guy to ready the jet now."
He was going to run off when he got a knock on the door, it was Deputy Hale.
"Hello Sam, can I come in?" Sam's first urge was to tell him to come back with a warrant but he knew something was wrong. He settled for stepping outside and taking to Hale on the front steps.
"Three hours ago, security cameras picked up your sister being taken by two men. A few moments later Dr. Jonathan Hodgins was injured and then taken as well . "Would you know anything about this?" Sam was in shock, his world started spinning and he reached out to grab the doorframe.
"No, I knew something was wrong when she didn't return my calls. She been busy all week with a Mob case, that's all I know." Hale nodded.
"Thank you Sam, stay in reach and we'll call you when we know more. Hale left and Sam went inside, he picked up his phone and called Clay.
"Y/n and one of her colleagues have been kidnapped. Get Cacuzza on the line now, I think it's got to do with the case they've been working."
The whole of Samcrow showed up ten minutes later, Jax looked like his whole world was ending.
"What do we know?" Clay's tone was firm.
"Nothing, Russo will be here soon, he's more able to help." Jax bristled.
"We shouldn't be bringing outsiders in..."
Sam cut him off, "I don't want to hear it, if you have the best intelligence at your fingertips I'd love to see it." The message was heard loud and clear "shut up, civilian."
"We need to get Cacuzza up to speed, we should do the rest of this at the Clubhouse, the cops are going to be hanging around us like flys. Y/n wouldn't appreciate anyone she doesn't know in her house." They left the moment Sam was done speaking.
He was right, the cops were hanging around like flys, Unser had given them 6 hours before he called the feds. This was one problem Clay couldn't manipulate him into leaving be.
Sam had managed to keep them away from your house, and Uncer had conceived Hale to wait for the kidnappers to make contact before setting anything else up. But it was only a matter of time before the cops took over and he lost you forever.
You woke up to a pounding in your head and the sound of someone groaning. It was pitch black, feeling around you realised you were in a car. You reached your hand out to find the light and turned it on. The radio worked but barely, another groan pulled you away and you looked behind you.
"Oh my God, Jack." His legs were a mangled mess, he was still barely conscious. "Go slow man, your legs are pretty bad." He looked down at them, then over at you.
You had to get out of here.
You went to open the door but it was blocked shut, when you rolled down the window, dirt poured into the car. You and Jack looked at each other.
"We're buried alive. We've been buried alive." He looked at you wide-eyed and terrified.
Cacuzza was waiting for them at the Clubhouse when they arrived, he was with two of his men. He looked unimpressed and irritated.
Hale showed up at the Clubhouse just after they did, he had an evidence bag in his hand.
"We found this on the side of the road, it's y/n weapons and her IDs same for Hodgins. We don't know if they have their phones, we're waiting on the trace." This didn't make Sam feel any better.
"Forget it, y/n friend is on his way. He'd already have the trace, we'll give it to you when we get it from him." Hale was going to keep going but the look on Sam's face would have killed a thousand men, so he left it.
A little while later, Cacuzza received a call; it was an automated voice.
"You have two hours to get up the four million dollars that Barbrow stole from us or we let Samcro's shot doc and her friend suffocate, being buried alive is not a fun way to go. If you contact the police or get anyone else involved, you will never know their location."
Billy arrived on foot, making sure to be as inconspicuous as possible. He walked into the Clubhouse like a dark cloud, he only acknowledged Sam, it was like the rest of them didn't exist.
"The trace cut off on the main highway out of Charming, just inside the woods. I've got two guys out there looking for the phone."
He looked around then outside to the cops, "can the lab help?"
Sam shook his head, "they've all been escorted home, the lab was pretty clear about the conflict of interet, we're lucky were not in the same position.
Cacuzza piped up "They said not to........." An icy chill came over the room and then Billy was walking up to Cacuzza. Billy towered over him, leaning over just so to make the power difference clear.
"If I hear from you for the rest of the day I will slit your throat, as far as I'm concerned this is your fault." Even after Billy walked away from him, the mood didn't change.
"The car radio still has a signal so we can't be buried that far down, we need to find a way to contact the outside." Jack was still groggy.
"I'll check the trunk." He moved slowly, pulling down the back seat to reach in. He pulled out a heap of things, one of your books, a first aid kit, and a small CB radio.
"Thank god we got taken in your car." He nodded and looked down at his legs again.
"Jack, you're going to get compartment syndrome if we don't do something with them." You and went rooting around in the first aid kit, after a while, you had a handful of tools and a small pocket knife laid out in front of both of you.
"Fasciotomies aren't fun but I've done them before. It's just two long quick cuts, one down each leg. All you need to do is take some deep breath, in and out, in and out. I'm not going to give you any warning, try not to go into shock." he nodded and you put knife to skin, there was the rush of blood and fluid and the sound of pained groans.
Jack was pale but still cognizant, "You good?" He gave you another nod.
"Much better."
Are we closer to getting that money?" Jax had been seconds away from putting his fist through the wall since Billy arrived. Cacuzza glanced at Billy then over to Jax. Billy turned his head just enough to acknowledge that the man was still there, "Well, speak?"
"I can't get that much money that fast, it's going to be a while." Sam strode over to him and picked him up by the collar.
"We don't have the fucking long, if it's not here within the hour, I'm going to start cutting hunks of flesh off your body, do you understand me?"
The remaining Sons looked at each other, they weren't in Kansas anymore.
"How are your legs?"
Jack took a deep breath. "Much better, the blood loss isn't as bad as I thought it would be." You leaned over to get a closer look.
"The cuts aren't that deep and the adrenaline is keeping blood away from the surface, if you had a deeper injury you'd have bled out by now." He deflated a bit, "sorry, I realise that probably didn't help." He waved his hand.
"Nah, I find your honesty reassuring." He took another deep breath, and reached for the radio. "We need to try and reach out." You nodded.
"It can't be to just anyone, we have no idea who's monitoring the lines and we are in no shape to fend anyone off." You paused in thought.
"I can try Anvil, they usally have a radio running all the time. While I do that, try and see if you can pull oxygen out of thin air."
"Morticia calling home base, Mortica calling home base, do you read me?"
Jack laughed, "Morticia?" You shook your head.
"A term of endearment, I got it a lot at school as an insult but one of the guys used it once when we were in the middle of an op out in the desert and it stuck."
"Mor....calling........base.......do..re....me." The man at the radio sat up, "tica.......home....ba......read....me." He didn't stop to listen any longer, he called Billy.
Billy's phone rang twice, and something in him told him to answer it.
"LT, I think I've got a CB transmission from Dr l/n, frequency 27.395." Juice ran off to the garage to find a CB radio and returned a few minutes later.
"Will this work?" Billy nodded and yanked it from his hands, he suppressed to urge to start shaking as he tuned it.
"Morticia, this is Blackbird come in. Blackbird calling Morticia."
You and Hodgins looked at each other "There's practically no signal." your rubbed your face, "It's close enough, keep working on that O2 scrubber, I'll see if I can get something across.
"Blackbird, Blackbird so you read me?" There was a sputter and a hint of a yes.
"This is ready to go" Jack was getting ready to pour something in a container, you nodded and there was a sizzling burst and it became much easier to breathe. "That bought us an hour or two."
You were looking around the car, trying to see if anything gave away your location.
"Can you smell that?"
Jack lifted his head and took a deep breath, "It smells like trees and sawdust."
You picked up some of the dirt in the car and rubbed your fingers in it. "Where do you think we are?" Jack picked up some dirt, sniffed it then licked his finger, he looked to the side in thought.
"We're near a forest, maybe a lumber yard?" You nodded aggressively.
"That makes sense, the soil is soft and there's easy access. The only thing is there are at least ten in the area." You looked at each other, this would not be easy.
"Lum.....rd........lumb....y...d" The radio chirped again, more nonsense.
Sam picked it up this time, "say again" there was a pause and then the voice was a little louder.
Sam shot up and looked over at Cacuzza "The guy who's taken them, does he own any lumber yards?"
Cacuzza shook his head, "I don't know." Sam was going to start hitting the man when Jax cut in.
"Find out shithead."
"We're running out of air again"
Jack closed his eyes slowly, before opening them and looking around, "the spare tire in the trunk."
He took the knife off the seat and reached into the back to puncture it, there was a rush of air and a stale smell filled the car, you shrugged, "at least it's something."
"They're not going to make it in time, are they?"
You shook your head and reached for your book, "we should write some things down, just in case." Hodgins reached over a took the bit of paper out of your hands.
"I'm sorry we're in this mess Jack."
You put pen to paper, unsure of where to start.
Dearest Jackson, if you are reading this.....
They had managed to keep the cops at bay until they found Billy's men and your phones on the side of the road, after that, Hale wouldn't leave the Clubhouse.
"If you know where they are we can help." Unser was doing his best to keep Samcrow in the driver's seat, but the feds would soon be getting involved if they didn't find you both by the end of the day.
Cacuzza had been busy with a phone call, hopefully trying to find out where you both were.
"Gallo owns two lumber yards close by, only one is off the highway where the phone was found." Billy was up and moving before anyone else even registered what was going on. Sam picked up the radio to let you know that was going on, not that he knew you'd be able to understand.
You picked up the radio, "please repeat." There was a beat of silence, then another stutter, "On....y....now." You looked over at jack, so relieved you could cry, it was short-lived.
"We have to let them know we're here, how do we do that? There's got to be miles of cleared land." You looked down, maybe you were going to die here after all.
"Pull in here and go down that path." It didn't take them long to get to the lumber yard, when they got off their bikes and walked to the actual grounds it was clear they wouldn't be able to just find you, Sam tried the radio one last time.
"We're here, where are you?"
It was clear as day, you look over at Jack, who looked like he was about to cry, "We can hear you loud and clear."
You pressed the horn, "Can you hear that outside?"
There was silence and then a reply, "No."
"What if we use the explosive charge from the air bag, we're not that far down, it should displace some dirt."
You clapped your hands together, "brilliant Jack, just brilliant."
You scrambled to give him some room, you felt like your head was underwater; you were running out of air again.
"If it doesn't work the force wave is going to kill us."
Jack looked at you then at the steering wheel, "at least it will be faster than running out of air."
"Look for changes in the dirt, overturned soil and depressions" Everyone scrambled to their own area of the space, the cops had shown up soon after everyone else had. Billy walked over to Unser and spoke in his ear, no one could hear them but Unser seemed to understand what he was saying.
It was useless, there was no indication that anything had been buried anywhere.
"We have an infrared camera on it's way, they'll have to hold out until then."
Jax rushed up to Hale, "they don't have that long asshole, don't you see how much ground we have to cover? You'd need a helicopter."
You had climbed into the back seat with Hodgins, you knew the blast would either get you out of kill you but you knew there was no way the people at the surface would find you without it.
"You ready?" You wrapped you in a hug and then nodded, "whatever happens here today, I want you to know that it's been an honour working with you Dr l/n."
You hugged his back, "the honour was all mine."
Jax saw it out of the corner of his eye, a puff of dirt, "THERE!!!" He ran over before anyone had to chance to register what he had said. Digging as fast as possible, he could feel splinters bare into his skin and then felt his fingers brush something soft. It was your hand, he didn't know where he conjured the strength from, but he managed to pull you out just by your wrist, he could vaguely sense other people around him pulling the dirt aside but all he could focus on was you.
"Jack...you need to get Jack." When he looked over, he could already see the top of the car, so he disobeyed your wishes and pulled you into an embrace.
"I knew you'd find me." He laughed, he couldn't tell whether you were being honest or just relieved you were alive.
"Of course I was going to find you, there's no way I was going to let anything happen to my favourite nerd."
You giggled and lifted a hand to stroke his face, "we really need to get Hodgins to the hospital."
Much to Sam's chagrin, you checked out of the hospital against medical advice. You had just gotten out of the shower when Jax arrived, "how you doing Darlin?"
You waved him in and poured yourself more tea, "would you like some?" He nodded and you got him a cup.
"I'm ok, it's not the first time I've looked at death in the face and laughed. Hodgins will make a full recovery, I'm just pissed at myself that I didn't see it coming." he put a firm hand on your shoulder.
"You're not Wonder Woman y/n. You can't be ready for everything." Your shoulders slumped.
"It's a mob case, I should have seen this coming, I......I almost got one of my best friends and valued teammates killed. This is why I didn't want to work on active cases, it always ends like this." Jax frowned in sympathy.
"Russo said he said was going to talk to the museum about expanding the Anvil's contract, after this, he's pretty sure they'll have to say yes."
This was different from your typical dynamic, you were the one normally doing the soothing.
"Can I come and see Abel tomorrow?" Jax's heart broke at your tone, he didn't want to know what you were thinking about trapped in that car.
"Of course you can." Your resolve was crumping, there was no adrenaline left to keep you standing and you fell against Jackson's chest.
"I thought I was going to die Jax, I thought 'That's it. I've survived wars zone and mass graves only to die in some shit car in the middle of the California woods'."
You let out a pained laugh, Jax pressed you into him, "but you didn't die, you and Hodgins got yourself out and now you're home safe." He felt you nod.
"I think I better head off the bed, I'm going to need to sleep for the next week to recover." Jax huffed at you.
"Good idea, can I come by in the afternoon to check on you?" You nodded and pulled away
"Sure, I'd like that."
Jax fought the urge to fall over on your front steps, there was no doubt in his mind about his feelings for you after today. He loved you, with all his heart. He just didn't know how to tell you.
Part 14
Feedback is always welcome
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meganwritesfanfics · 3 years
Star Wars
No One Is Ever Really Gone (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo X Reader) Masterlist 
Snoke rules the galaxy along side the First Order, and in his pocket he has Kylo Ren, a deadly Sith master. General Leia is searching for the location of her brother Luke, so that he can help the Resistance defeat the First Order. Poe Dameron is her best pilot. One woman thought to be lost by all may turn out to be the key to bringing down the First Order, and saving Ben Solo.
Dark Side of Me (Request) 
Delirium (Request) 
Reality Check (Bucky Barnes x Reader) 
Part 1 
West Wing
Josh Lyman x Reader 
Baby Bottle
Y/N has a secret that she needs to tell Josh, but finding time to do so is turning out to be a challenge 
Born in the U.S.A. 
Josh and Y/N are ready to be parents, but when Y/N goes into labor in the White House, the whole West Wing is turned upside down. 
Fresh Bruises 
The return of the Readers abusive ex, causes major problems for the reader and Josh.
Criminal Minds 
Spencer Reid x Reader
Unspoken Engagement 
While Spencer is away on a case, his brand new fiance is kidnapped and held captive. It is a race against the clock, for the team to hunt down the unsub, and save the Reader before it is too late.
Comfort in the Night 
Months after being kidnapped by Cassandra, the reader is struggling with nightmares. She is hesitant to tell Spencer about them, for fear of becoming a burden. Spencer insists he is there to comfort her.
Don’t Take the Girl 
While undercover with the infamous, Raymond Reddington, the reader and Red run into trouble. A mobster who has it out for Red. And when he finds the soft spot Red holds for the reader, the simple uncover operation turns deadly, and the reader is about to find out how much she truly means to Red, and the lengths he is willing to go to protect her
A Little Fall of Rain (One Shot)
Buried Nightmares 
Ever since he and Dr. Brennen had been kidnapped by the Gravedigger, Jack Hodgins had nightmares, nightmares about being buried alive again, nightmares about suffocating, nightmares about being utterly alone. Never in those nightmares did he imagine the love of his life being in danger. The Gravedigger is about to change that. When the reader is kidnapped, the team at the Jeffersonian must race against the clock to save her, before she become another one of the Gravedigger’s victims.
Breaking Point (One Shot) 
The reader and John Winchester had never really gotten along. She hated the way he treated the boys, especially Dean. And after years of dating the eldest Winchester boy, Y/N has learned all about John’s abuse, so when the word “proud” comes out of his mouth, she knows something isn’t right. 
With Arms Wide Open 
The reader makes a deal with Azazel to save Dean’s life, only its not her own life that she trades, but that of her unborn baby. After Azazel decides to wait until the baby is born to cash in on the deal. The Winchester’s and the reader find out however, Azazel isn’t the only one who is after the child. 
The Last of Us 
Don’t Know Much Masterlist 
Clandestine Meeting 
Ted Lasso 
Diamond Dogs to the Rescue 
Sweetest Moments 
What If He Hates Me
One in the Same (Request) 
Jamie Tartt x Reader 
Hell I’m Just a Kid Myself 
Be the Man I Have to Be
What a Lovely Way of Saying How Much You Love Me
You Are My Sunshine 
No Son of Mine 
Take the Heart from my Chest 
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Logo - Vincent Nigel-Murray
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Pairing: Vincent Nigel-Murray x Reader
Characters: Vincent Nigel-Murray, Camille Saroyan, Temperance Brennan, Jack Hodgins
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 620
Author: Hannah
Everyone had always told you how difficult long-distance relationships were; the fact that they never worked, someone would always cheat and many more things.
It was never nice to hear those things or to have such doubt put onto you, but you tried to make an active effort to never listen to such things.
When Vincent told you that he had accepted an internship in D.C. who were you to tell him not to go; you loved him, you were in love with him and had been for the past three years.
And so, he went, the two of you kept in touch all the time as best you could – you called whenever you could, texted when you couldn’t and visited each other at every available opportunity.
An opportunity had come up for you to be able to travel D.C. and so you had taken it upon yourself to surprise Vincent as the Jeffersonian.
It was easier to get to the lab in the Jeffersonian than you thought it was going to be, once you explained to security that you were there to see Vincent, they just let you in.
So, there you were walking into the lab with your suitcase behind you, dressed in one of Vincent’s university hoodies.
You spotted the platform and saw Vincent’s colleagues up there as you recognised them from photos you had been sent.
“Excuse me?” you called out as you reached the steps of the platform.
Camille turned around and looked at you in confusion. “How can I help you?”
You smiled slightly nervously. “I’m looking for Vincent.”
“Nigel-Murray?” Jack questioned, coming to stand by Camille.
Nodding, you smiled at them both. “Yes, I assumed he was here.”
Camille nodded as she walked off of the platform. “He is, I’ll go and get him, but I just ask that you wait here please?”
Again, you nodded, letting go of your suitcase as you put your hands into the pocket of your hoodie.
“Hey, I recognise that logo,” Jack pointed at your hoodie as he spoke. “Vincent has a computer case with the same one.”
Before you had a chance to respond you heard your name being called out.
“Y/N?” you turned to see Vincent walking towards you, confused but rather ecstatic.
You smiled at him as you ran to meet him and he caught you, enveloping you in his arms.
“What are you doing here?” he questioned, his hand splaying out on your back.
“Work gave me an at home assignment for a couple months,” you explained. “So, I thought, if you’ll have me, I’ll spend it out here with you.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Of course, I’ll have you my love.”
You smiled again as he leant down to kiss you but at the sound of a throat cleaning you pulled away.
It was then that you realised essentially al of Vincent’s colleagues had crowded you both in confusion. “Who are you?” Dr Brennan quizzed, crossing her arms.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, my name is Y/N Y/L/N.”
“And why are you here Miss Y/L/N?” Dr Brennan asked again.
Vincent cleared his throat and came to stand by your side properly, his arm going around your waist.
“This is my girlfriend; she’s come to stay with me for a couple of months.”
Jack’s mouth dropped open as he stared at you.
“Wait, you had a girlfriend back home this whole time?” he questioned, looking utterly shocked.
You giggled but nodded. “I’ve visited here a few times, but this is my first time in the Jeffersonian.”
Camille smiled at you before she gestured to Vincent. “I believe you should show her around Mr Nigel-Murray, make the most of your lunch hour, yes?”
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vino---delectable · 6 months
Our unintelligent squint (Ep 1, part 1/?)
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Summary: the beginning of the pilot case, Zack chickens out speaking about the new intern.
Character pairings: Zack x reader, Booth x Brennan, Angela x Hodgins
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: none
A/N: yay!! I told you I'd get to it! Btw, none of the sayings that don't have anything to do with y/n, or anything that goes to the case obviously don't belong to me.... I just find them necessary for my fic! If you haven't read my prologue, there is going to be a link at the bottom of the chapter. Enjoy!
[No one's pov]
It was late in the night. Zack and Dr. Brennan were still outside at the crime scene, Brennan looking over the remains, and Zack was shooting pictures. They felt in their hair a warm moist breeze blowing from the pond.
Dr. Brennan started speaking in her usual direct tone, "Remains are wrapped in four milled, flat poly-construction sheeting."
"PVC coated chicken wire," Zack added.
Brennan lifts the tarp, "weighted," She looks over the muddy remains, "That's why the body didn't surface during decomposition. The skeleton is complete but the skull is in fragments."
Booth rushes in to ask, "what can you tell me?"
"Not much," Brennan says, a little disappointed, "She was a young woman, probably between-," she takes a small breath, thinking over her best factual guess,"18 and 22, approximately 5'3, race unknown, delicate features."
"That's all?" Booth said, being sarcastic.
Brennan did a shrugging gesture with her hand. "Tennis player," she said.
"How do you get a pretty tennis player out of that yuck?" Booth sounded a little irritated.
"Epiphyses fusion gives age, pelvic bone shape gives sex…" Zack stated factually.
Brennan took over and said, looking over the spot on the body's shoulder, "Bursitis in the shoulder… Somebody this young, must be an athletic injury."
"when did she die?" Booth said wanting more facts. Also wanting to skip past her reasoning.
"Eeehhh," was the quick response.
"Eeehhh," was the even quicker, mocking response, "what does that even mean," he says in a frustrated manner.
Zack responds defensively toward Booth while simultaneously snapping another photo, "it means wait until our bug and slime guy takes a look," the light shines everywhere for a brief second, secretly flashing Booth in the eye.
"No clothing." Dr. Brennan notices.
"well you know, in my line of work, No clothes usually means a sex crime." Says Booth, acting like he knows the situation
And Dr. Brennan gives more insight, "In my line of work, it could also mean the victim favored natural fibers."
Zack speaks to Booth to demonstrate, making it an unknowing comeback, and walking around trying to get more angles, "your suit, for example, will outlast your bones by decades." Booth clearly couldn't tell, because he doesn't know this "squint," that Zack secretly had something on his mind. Brennan noticed, she's noticed it all that day… She just didn't know how to respond to it, so she focused on her work more intently, pretending not to notice.
"collect silt," Brennan orders to Zack, pushing herself up to her feet, "Three meters radius, to a depth of ten cm."
This time, right after taking another shot of the body, he looks at her anxiously and quickly. Before she gives Booth permission for the forensics team, she has to pause herself mid way, as he approaches closely to her.
"Mr. Addy, is there something that you need to say, because there's work to be done?" Brennan was startlingly frustrated, she clearly wanted things done quick and a hurry.
Zack gets in a whispering position, "you know about the new intern you wanted working beside me?"
"Yes, and I hired one. Miss y/n y/l/n. She starts tomorrow morning. I only did it because she was the only one you full heartedly recommended last year."
"Mm." Zack tried to hold in being squeamish, "I did. But are you completely sure of her qualifications for thi-"
"Are you saying you made a mistake in saying that she was the best interview you had? Because I gave you the assignment of hiring another intern with hopes that you would be the one to find one that matches all the qualifications yourself, it was also to test your true reasoning, and good decision making, for those are the type of people fit to work at the Jeffersonian. If you were being lazy, or unsure, means I was wrong, and you weren't really ready. Is this what you're trying to tell me?" Well, she's not one to beat around the bush.
Zack thought, swallowed the lump in his throat, and replied rather standoffishly, "No, Dr. Brennan. I have no doubt in Ms. y/l/n's intelligence, expertise, capabilities and ambitions. I just hope I was right , and didn't look over her resume or personal background too soon."
"Well, that's rather unlike you Mr. Addy. You need to adjust your self confidence to match your work." She turns and informs Booth that the forensic team can take the Plastic and chicken wire.
"Yes Dr. Brennan." Zack sighs, mainly to himself. Now that he pushed himself into it. He had to fix this. This means he must do his best to see y/n first thing , before anyone else gets the chance to. He has to, before it is made known what he hired into the Jeffersonian…
(Click for prologue)
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voidedtrisha · 4 years
Requests are open!
Hiya everybody! My Imagine/oneshot/preference requests are open!
I am literally down for every type of request - except smut and adult x child pairings - so feel free to request!^^ Also don’t be afraid to ask me to do an imagine/preference/oneshot with a character or fandom I didn’t list!^^
Fandoms that I will write imagines about:
―The Lost Boys (1987):
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson
Edgar Frog 
Alan Frog 
―Stand By Me (1986):
Chris Chambers
Gordie Lachance
Vern Tessio
Teddy Duchamp
John ‘Ace’ Merrill
Richard ‘Eyeball’ Chambers
Billy Tessio
Charlie Hogan
―Young Guns I-II (1988/1990):
Billy the Kid
Chavez y Chavez
Joshia Gordon ‘Doc’ Scurlock
Dick Brewer
Stave Stephers
Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh
―Footloose (1984):
Ren McCormack
Willard Hewitt
―Gravity Falls (2012-2016):
Mason ‘Dipper’ Pines
Mabel Pines
Wendy Corduroy
Robbie Valentino
Stanford Pines
Stanley Pines
―Class of 1999 (1990):
Cody Culp
Sonny Culp
―Stranger Things (2016- ):
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Robin Buckley
―Grease (1978):
Danny Zuko
Sandy Olsson
―IT (1990/2017/2019):
Bill Denbrough
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier
Mike Hanlon
Stanley Uris
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor Criss
Reginald ‘Belch’ Hugins
―Changeling (2008):
Sanford Clark
Gordon Northcott
―Bones (2005-2017):
Zack Addy
Lance Sweets
Seeley Booth
James Aubrey
Temperence Brennan
Jack Hodgins
Arastoo Vaziri
Wendell Bray
Finn Abernathy
Jared Booth
Vincent Nigel-Murray
―Z-O-M-B-I-E-S I-II (2018/2020):
Zed Necrodopolis
Eliza Zambini
Wyatt Lykensen
Wynter Barkowitz
Willa Lykensen
Bucky Buchanan
Addison Wells
―Jeepers Creepers I-II (2001/2003):
Darry Jenner
Izzy Bohen
Scott Braddock
Andy Bucky
The Creeper
Billy Taggart
―Descendants I-II-III(2015/2017/2019):
Carlos De Vil
Harry Hook
Ben Beast
―Teen Wolf (2011-2017):
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Theo Reaken
Kira Yukimura
Allison Argent
―Ed Edd n Eddy (1999-2008):
Double D
The Kanker sisters
―Five Nights at Freddy’s (2014- ):
Freddy Fazbear
Toy Bonnie
Toy Freddy
Toy Chica
Funtime Freddy
Funtime Foxy
Circus Baby
―Big Mouth (2017- ):
Nick Birch
Andrew Glouberman
Jay Bilzerian
Jessi Glaser
Val Bilzerian
Kurt Bilzerian
Leah Birch
Judd Birch
―Harry Potter:
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Oliver Wood
Hermione Grager
Fred & George Weasley
Marcus Flint
Adrian Pucey
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Seamus Finnigan
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Hello!! We have not interacted in while!! But I love you and I check your blog religiously!!<3 can I request some more lance sweets fluff? Or angst/fluff? Honestly whatever you’re willing to write I’ll be giddy to read. Ty! I love you so much!! I hope you’re doing well!!<3<3
Hi!!! Just let me say I absolutely adore you and it makes me so happy to know someone likes my writing this much! I will totally try and write anything you request! I’ve got a few stories in the works for Sweets now, but here is a little late Christmas story for you! 
Christmas Greetings
Lance Sweets X Reader
Summary: After a year of being in a relationship with Sweets, you’re finally getting the chance to meet his family, or the people at the Jeffersonian in other words. Oh, and it’s at a Christmas party, for some holiday cheer this season.
Words: 2573
“Are you sure they’ll like me?” You ask nervously, fingers shifting against the porcelain crockpot in your hands.
Sweets slips an arm around your waist and gives your side a gentle squeeze, “Trust me, they’ll love you.”
You take a deep breath and nod. It doesn’t really ease the nerves buzzing in your chest, but at least he is right there beside you. You and Lance had been in a relationship for a full year now, and you had yet to meet his colleagues somehow. It already feels like you know them though, from all the stories he’s told you, especially his partner Booth, and his wife Doctor Brennan. You’ve wanted to meet them for so long (which lead to quite consistent pestering on your part) but now that you’re finally standing here, your stomach is tying itself in a knot.
Christmas dinner is a huge deal, after all, and so are first impressions. What if they don’t like you? You weren’t in the science profession, so what will you even talk about? Sometimes you struggle to even understand some of the things Lance talks about, so how are you going to talk to the country’s foremost anthropologist?!
“Stop worrying, everything will be okay.”
You jump when you feel Sweets press a soft kiss to your forehead. His touch lingers, sending a soothing warmth flooding through you, finally easing the tension in your shoulders. Your eyes flutter closed as you lean into him, head resting against his shoulder for just a moment. When the two of you draw away, you tilt your chin up and let a smile capture your lips.
“Okay, I’m ready!”
Sweets chuckles and raps his knuckles against the door. Moments later, it swings wide open, letting the glow from inside cascade over you.
“Sweets!” You’re greeted by a man that towers over you, making you slightly shy away, but Lance keeps a steady hand pressed against the small of your back. The man gives your partner a side hug, clapping him on the back before turning to you with a wide smile, “And you must be (Y/n)! We’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Oh really?” You glance over at Lance, who’s looking down with a bashful smile. His cheeks are glowing the softest rose color, which sends your heart thrumming. How can he be so cute?
“Is that Sweets and (Y/n)?” A woman comes rushing up behind the man. She offers you a sweet smile, just as vibrant as his.
Their excitement is so infectious, it fills you to the brim with a fresh energy, and now your own smile is wholly genuine. You weren’t expecting such a warm welcome! Why were you so worried about all of it, these people seem so wonderful.
“(Y/n), this is Booth, my partner at the FBI, and Doctor Brennan, the lead anthropologist at the Jeffersonian,” Sweets introduces you.
The woman, Doctor Brennan, is quick to shake your hand and say, “Please, call me Temperance, and come in. We are almost ready to eat, we have ham, and I also made a tofurkey.”
“Really?!” You gasp excitedly, darting in to follow her to the kitchen and leaving Sweets at the door, “I’ve been looking for a good seasonal tofu recipe for years! Could I possibly, maybe get it from you after dinner?”
You plop down your contribution to the meal and fall into an excited conversation with the scientist. You had no clue she was a vegetarian like you, and it’s not every day you get to talk to another! Sweets and Booth watch the two of you from the entrance, both sporting fond glints in their eyes.
“Thanks for inviting us, Booth,” Sweets hums as he shucks off his winter jacket, “(Y/n)’s been eager to meet the team, especially you and Doctor Brennan.”
The older man shrugs, though he has a pleased smile on his face, “Anytime Sweets! Bones will take any chance to make her ‘meat substitutes’. Remember how excited she got when you told her about it?”
Sweets nods, it is always memorable when Doctor Brennan shows such strong emotions, which wasn’t always often around him. He had even gotten the chance to help her plan the dinner, not that you knew about that. It filled him with warmth to watch you excitedly flutter around the kitchen, and to see how your eyes practically sparkled as you helped the anthropologist set up the dishes.
“You really love her, huh?”
A sigh escapes Sweets as he nods again, “I do. She’s amazing…”
Booth can’t help but feel a small swell of pride in his chest. He’d never admit it, but Sweets was like a little brother to him, and seeing the young psychologist so happy just put a cherry on top of the night he was having.
“Lance!” Sweets looks up at you, a wide grin spreading across his face when he sees you aggressively gesturing him over, all the while bouncing on the balls of your feet, “Come here! You have to check this out!!”
You know it must seem childish to some, but you can’t help but get thrilled over a good meal, especially when it’s vegetarian. You can’t wait for the day that you can make Christmas dinner for your family, spending the whole day cooking and then just being able to enjoy a nice night and some Christmas carols. Sweets would be right there beside you, and maybe a kid or two across the table. A boy and a girl…
“What is it?”
You jump, a fierce blush splashing across your cheeks when you whip around and come face to face with Lance. He’s standing so close, your noses are practically brushing. Your breath catches in your chest, and you spin back around, hoping he doesn’t notice just how red you’ve gotten. Stupid daydreaming, you totally forgot you called him over.
“Mrs. Temperance has this amazing recipe fo-” Your voice breaks when Sweets presses in close behind you, arms snaking around your waist. You clear your throat nervously, “-for um, for vegetarian casserole. She says it’s really good, so I was thinking I could, I could try making it sometimes!”
“That sounds wonderful,” Sweets hums, the words vibrating through his chest and against your back.
It feels like your entire face is on fire now, to the point where you feel like you need to call the fire department. There was more you were going to say, but it’s like all your thoughts have been put in a mixer and are now scattered throughout your mind.
“Stop torturing the poor girl, Sweets,” a smooth voice scolds from a few feet away.
You glance up to see a beautiful brunette with tanned skin, and right beside her stands a slightly shorter man with some of the curliest hair you’ve ever seen. You swat at Lance’s hands and twist away from his grip, embarrassment flaring deep in your chest. Nothing you could say would help the situation, so you just wave at them weakly.
“Angela, Hodgins, this is (Y/n),” Sweets says as he pulls you back to his side with a cheeky grin, “(Y/n), this is Angela Montenegro, our forensic artist. And this is Jack Hodgins, our entomologist.”
“And botanist, mineralogist, palynologist, chemist, among other things,” Hodgins continues with a casual shrug.
Angela elbows him in the ribs sharply, not letting her glittering expression fall for even a second. “Excuse my husband, he’s just really passionate about his work,” she chirps, “It’s really a pleasure to meet you. We’ve heard a lot about you from our dear Sweets here.”
“So I’ve heard,” you muse softly with a giggle, “It's nice to meet you too, by the way! Lance tells me you're also a traditional artist?”
You spend the night making conversation with all of Lance’s friends. You meet Cam and her partner, Arastoo, who are so lovely and gentle to you. You ask Arastoo all about his beliefs and how he came to work in forensics, and you even talk to Cam about her daughter. You also get to talk to some of the interns at the Jeffersonian. Each conversation just pulls you in, even if you don’t understand everything they’re saying. You’re literally talking to the leaders of forensic sciences, who wouldn’t take the chance to ask them all the questions and praise them for their work! Even through dinner, you share a quiet conversation with one intern, Finn, about his time before coming to Washington DC. Afterwards, you all take to lounging in the living room to enjoy some eggnog and story telling.
“So how did you and Sweets meet, huh?” Angela asks as she plops down next to you and Sweets on the couch.
The entire team falls quiet, all eyes immediately set intently on you. You shy back into Lance's embrace, which makes him chuckle and hold you tighter. Was your story really that interesting to all these people? Really?
“Do you want me to tell them?” Sweets asks you quietly, fingers brushing against the skin of your shoulder.
“Yeah, your memory’s better anyways.”
“He has to learn all that psychobabble somehow,” Booth jests from across the room, earning a disapproving look from his wife but some amused chuckles from the rest of the guests.
Sweets just rolls his eyes, easily brushing the jab off as he starts your story, “So, we actually met at a christmas party, just like this one. A mutual friend invited us and we started talking, and things just kind of...took off from there.”
You can’t help the snort of laughter that breaks from your lips when Lance trails off. He perks an eyebrow up, peering down at you in confusion, which only serves to send you into a bigger fit of giggles.
“What?” He asks, voice pitching up.
“Nothing, nothing,” you chortle, pressing a hand to your mouth to muffle your laughter, “You just left out a small tidbit. A pretty important tidbit.”
“Oh, did he?”
The room waits for you to calm down, but when you do, you just stare intently at Sweets with a raised eyebrow. Did he actually forget the beginning of the story? And right after you praised him for his memory! You wait for just a moment longer, the words perched on your tongue, waiting to see if he gets there on his own. It’s only when you see his eyes blow wide and his entire face flush red that you let the words tumble from your lips.
“What he failed to mention, is that we didn’t just meet and start talking. No, no.” Now it’s your turn to grin cheekily, “We met under the mistletoe, by chance, and you all know how the tradition goes. We started talking after that and found that we actually had a bit in common. It was about a month later that our mutual friend decided to share with me what actually happened that night.”
It begins to dawn on some people what you’re alluding to. You can hear some giggles ring out behind you from who you’re sure is Angela and the other women. Sweets is getting darker by the second, even his ears are tinged with that appealing rosy glow. This is totally payback for his teasing earlier.
“So, this is how the story actually goes, according to our friend,” you finally continue, “Apparently, I caught Lance’s eye when I got to the party. Back then though, he was a bit shier, and didn’t want to talk to me without a reason, sooo….he and our friend came up with a plan to have us meet under the mistletoe ‘accidentally’.” You break out some air quotes for the last word to stress just how silly the story is.
“Sweets, you dog,” Hodgins laughs.
“I never thought Sweets would come up with such a devious plan,” Temperance states amusedly.
“Alright, alright,” Sweets waves his hands in the air, looking thoroughly flustered much to your pleasure, “In my defense, she looked absolutely beautiful that night. Anyone would have been intimidated.”
Something warm and fuzzy fills your chest as you tuck yourself back into Lance’s side. To think, you almost didn’t go to that party last year. If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have met the most amazing person in your life.
“I can’t say I mind too much,” you chirp, eyes closing as you rest your head on his chest like a content cat, “I think I’m pretty lucky to be the one who caught his eye.”
“You guys are disgustingly adorable,” Angela giggles next to you.
Maybe you are. You had never felt such a deep sense of affection for anyone, that is, until you met Lance. Now that you know what it feels like, you can’t help but return it full force, with every ounce of your being. He’s just been so good to you and has lifted you up in dark times over the past year. You couldn’t ask for anyone better, because you’re absolutely sure such a person doesn’t exist.
The rest of the night is spent telling stories and sharing sentiments. You stay tucked in Lance’s side the entire time, just enjoying the jovial tone and the sound of his laughter. When midnight rolls around, the party begins to wind down, filled with yawns and mumbled goodbyes as people take their leave. You and Sweets are some of the last to go, with Seeley and Temperance trailing you to the door.
“Thank you so much, again, for inviting us,” you murmur as you give the older woman a tight hug.
“Of course! You are welcome here anytime, and if you ever need anything, do not be afraid to call.”
“Yah, we’re always here to help. Though I’m sure Sweets here would do about anything for you,” Booth chuckles as he pulls away from giving Lance a hug.
Sweets gives his head a little shake and takes up his place next to you, “Thanks you guys, we really appreciate it.”
“Don’t mention it.” Booth gives a little wave, “You two have a good night. Oh, and you might want to take a look up,” he chimes right before closing the door.
Your eyes dart straight up at that, landing on a small plant hanging from the doorway. Breathless laughter shakes your chest, pale clouds lifting from your lips in the cold night air. It’s mistletoe.
“Did you do this?” You look at Lance, who has one of the smuggest smiles that you’ve ever seen on him.
He gives you a shrug and draws you closer by a hand on your hip, “Maybe…”
You shake your head at his antics, but you can’t ignore the butterflies that swirl around in your chest. Even after a year, he still makes your heart race.
“Well then, don’t leave me hanging.”
Lance doesn’t hesitate to cup your face, tilting your chin up so he can capture your lips in a sweet kiss. For just a moment, you forget the cold, you forget how late it is and how tired you are. All you can feel is the warmth of his body next to yours, the thrumming of his heart under your palm. Even when the kiss comes to an end, the two of you stay close, foreheads barely touching.
“I love you, (Y/n),” he murmurs oh so softly, for only you to hear.
“I love you too, Lance. Merry Christmas.”
Again, I love you all so much, and I hope your Christmas was absolutely amazing! Send in a request and I’ll be sure to try and write it!
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shelbgrey · 1 year
I was hoping you could write a Jack Hodgins x reader fic if it's not an inconvenience. :)
Can't buy me love(Jack Hodgins)
-Based on season 8 episode 23 later on. This isn't the exact episode just a similar dialog and plot.
Paring: Jack Hodgins x Booth!Reader
Summary: after Wendell cheats on the reader with Angela, she thinks she's pregnant As Wendell trys to makes his relationship work with Angie, y/n finds comfort In Jack Hodgins. To get back at Wendell and Angela, Hodgins suggest fake dating so Wendell can see what he lost.
A/n: I plan on doing some headcanons for the king soon :) sorry this is so long and it's definitely not edited so sorry for that too.
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Everyone at the Jeffersonian knew that Jack Hodgins and y/n Booth had a different type of relationship, they were both Entomologist and boned it over it. They also seemed to always compete against each other (to Cam's demise), to a blind eye people might think they hate each other, with the insults they throw at each other. people besides them didn't know they were jokes are not, but then no one can insult her beside him.
When Wendell cheated on her, a riff was formed in the Jeffersonian. Y/n not only lost a boyfriend but her trust in Angela Montenegro, she loved Angela like a sister but after that event she could hardly look at her.
Hodgins was beyond pissed, it had nothing to do with Angela though. The two had been broken up for over two years and were good friends, there was no Jealousy. He was pissed that two people made the sweetest and kindest person cry. To Hodgins, y/n was pure and innocent... She wouldn't to crap to anybody.
A week went on and Angela didn't know if she was pregnant or not, y/n felt sick to her stomach when she heard. She played it off, pretending she was fine but the people closest to her saw right through her. They knew not to push y/n into talking, but Hodgins was the only one who had the guts to keep offering help.
~~~~~~~~(1st pov)~~~~~~~~
“enough Jack” I said swiping my card to get in the Lab platform, Hodgins quickly followed before it could close and I sighed refusing to look at him.
“well, I know what he did to you... And it's obvious your not okay” Hodgins stated seriously.
“I don't know what your talking about” I said gulping. I tried not to think about Angela and Wendell. Lately everytime I did I would just get angry and if I get angry I cry.
“what if there was a way to show him what he lost? Beacuse it looks like he lost somthing special. He's either too stupid to see that or too chicken to admit he's wrong”
“maybe both” I mumbled under my breath.
“how about we fake date” Hodgins said nonchalantly. My head shot towrds him bewildered he'd even suggest.
“excuse me? After all that's happening you want to get in bed with me?” I said jumping to conclusions.
Hodgins quickly shook his head. “don't flater yourself, I just want to help a buddy out” Hodgins said so plainly I almost believed him.
Hodgins sighed. “he's never looked at Angela the way he looks at you and I don't want him to screw up something great... If he sees what he lost maybe he'll snapped out of this little world where he thinks him and Angela will be okay”
Hodgins swiped his card and left as Wendell and Angela both walked in, he bumped Wendell's shoulder as he left. “think about it Little Booth” he said loud enough that Wendell and Angela looked up and watched us part ways as the elevator closed.
Later that night I went to the founding fathers with Temperance and Seeley. After awhile the two went off to do their own thing leaving me alone at the bar. I refuse to drink so I just sat there like an idiot. The bartender would often pass by and hand me different flavors of Pop and have small talk.
“Wisky, please” a voice said suddenly. I looked up and it was Jack Hodgins. I rolled my eyes as he took a seat two stools down from mine.
After a moment of silence I sighed and looked at him. He raised an eyebrow and smirked.
“fine I'll play your stupid game” I said rolling my eyes.
Hodgins smirked and scooted to the stool next to mine. He was about to get closer but I pointed at him. “but! If we're doing this there's gonna be some ground rules”
“your joking?” Hodgins said suprised.
I looked at him like I was dead serious. He nodded as I grabed a napkin from the bar. “using this” I said snatching the pen that was in his flannel pocket, he probably forgot to leave at the Jeffersonian.
“Rule number one, absolutely NO sex” I said giving him a stern look after writing it down. He rolled his eyes nodding.
“Rule number Two, never break rule number one” he gave me a weird look.
“I get it, you don't need to have the same rule twice” Hodgins said snatching the napkin and pen. I crossed my arms. “just making sure we're clear”
“Rule number three, you gotta help with experience when I need you” he said with a shit eating grin. I shook my head.
“Rule number four, ignor rule number three because You get me in trouble with Cam when I help.” I mocked.
“how else are we gonna figure out how a victim died?” Hodgins said scribbling over rule #4.
I nodded knowing he was right. I took the pen from him. “Rule five, no kissing or touching” I said, writing it down.
Hodgins looked confused and held his hands out on the table. “people are gonna find it strange I don't get to touch you when we're dating”
He took the pen before I could snatch it again. “Fine we can hold hands and you can't touch anything below the waist. If you have to kiss me it's gonna be on the cheek... And definitely don't touch my boobs” I wrote down the expectations and gave Hodgins the pen so he can decide the next rule.
“what about the forehead, your pretty short” he joked. I kicked him in the shin. He chucked flashing a smile that made me blush. I was thankful he missed it due to the dark room.
“no forehead” I said getting serious. “why? It's not your lips or neck” he asked.
“because I said” no one could kiss me like that except Wendell. It was one of those things that was so loving and pure that we had between us.
Hodgins was about to write something down but stoped and looked at me. His bright blue eyes studied me a bit as he suffered writers block for the next rule. He softly smiled. “your Beautiful, you know? I don't know why Wendell would be so stupid to give up someone like you”
I raised an eyebrow as I tried to cover the fact his words sunk deep. I chuckled and looked down. It was the first serious thing he's ever said to me. Our eyes met for a moment and in that time the bar went silent and there was nothing but us, God I loved how blue his eyes were.
I cleared my throat and Hodgins quickly looked down handing me the pen and napkin. “so what rule?”
“Rule Six... Yeah six I think” he said.
“you can't tell my brother because he'll probably kill you, he can't know it's an act” I said. Hodgins nodded, he knew how protective Seeley was. “as much as I hate to admit it, but your right”
“Rule number seven, I'm always right” I joked. Hodgins laughed not expecting me to actually write it down. He quickly grabed my arm. “hey, hey, your wasting room that can't be an actual rule”
I laughed and pushed him slightly. “too late” I joked. Hodgins snatched the pen. “Rule number eight, I can ignore rule number seven”
“okay seriously... Rule number eight, you have to go on dates with me” Hodgins said writing it down. I took the pen. “Rule nine, I get to pick the music and you shut your cakewhole about it”
He didn't write it down but I crossed my arms. “Rule number nine, skip rule eight and always listen to rule number seven” I said making Hodgins laughed.
“and rule number ten, you drive me to work every morning because I'm tired of being stuck in a car with Bones and my brother's love sick eyes every morning”
“fair enough” Hodgins said as I hand him the napkin. “last rule, you want to do the honers?” he took it, feeling of it vulnerable.
He didn't want this to end and this encounter was the most he's laughed with someone on a long time. Dispite all the rules and dangerous game he roped me into he did care about her and Wendell. He didn't want Wendell to have his girl back, he screwed up.
“Rule eleven, we can't fall in love with each other... Or hurt each other” Hodgins said writing it down.
Taking it as a joke(clearly it wasn't) I said. “that won't be a problem” I quickly singed it and so did he.
Hodgins' demeanor changed in seconds once again. “kiss to seal the deal?” he leaned in but I scoffed and got up.
“can't hate a guy for trying” he called out. “see you bright and early tomorrow sweetheart” he called out as I left the bar with the napkin of rules in my pocket.
The morning before work me and Hodgins went to the Diner for breakfast. We didn't say much just talked about the case and tarantula we got as a new lab pet, his name was Gus if you want to know. It's almost been a week since we started this whole charade and it was slowly getting out of control but at the sametime so comfortable.
What I mean by that is, Jack was the most easiest person to be around. He knew how to make me laugh and he was such gentman, with his child like manner you wouldn't really expect it.
With Wendell he was very stand off-ish and would be too nervous to do anything with me. But with Jack he took the part of being a fake boyfriend a little too serious, he would hold doors for me, make sure I ate something, and was always checking on me during work. Wendell wouldn't do that, I was pretty much on my own in the relationship.
The down fall was my best friend Arastoo Vaziri wasn't buying it, me and him had been best friends for as long as I could remember. The down fall is he could read me like a book.
“Hey Arastoo” I smiled when he came over and sat with us. Arastoo smiled at me then shot Hodgins a questionable look. I kicked him under the table, telling him to knock it off.
The three of us continued small, as Hodgins was gulping down his coffee Arastoo looked at me and cleared his throat. “y/n, I need to ask you something”
I was about to ask what was up, but all of our phones when off. “the remains are at the lab” I said.
“Brennan Said we had to be careful going in and to make sure the vires don't get spread, we taking major precautions” Hodgins added grabbing his jacket. He was the first to head for the exit of the diner, as I left Arastoo cought up to me so we were walking shoulder to shoulder.
“can we talk later?” he asked sweetly, I nodded and walked to the door Hodgins held open for us.
Jack and I walked into the lab holding hands, at this point I didn't care that he always made a point of doing it...it was nice really.
Anyway, when we walked in people were sealing up the lap platform with plastic that said biohazard in big red letters. “I feel like I'm stuck in the same hospital ET was in” I said as we walked around people who were runing around frantically.
“I want all the venting double checked for leaks” Temperance said as we walked up to her.
“are we gonna have enough hazman suits for everyone?” I asked, Arastoo came back to me as he pushed a cart full of tool.
“we'll have just enough I think” he said, “the last three are for us” he told me and jack.
“the CDC is downstairs in holding, waiting intill we get all set up” Temperance explained.
The four of us followed Temperance into Cam's office, all the space suit that we had to wear was in there. Wendell and Angela were already in there suiting up. Temperance told us to get ready, so we quickly got the suits on while Cam fed us information about the case.
“the CDC sent over preliminary photos from the body find, they were inspecting a facility in Maryland that disposed of biohazard waste” she explained.
“and the remains were found with veterinary water?” I asked. “yeah” Cam nodded.
“do they have any idea what the infection is?” Jack asked as he helped me zip up the suit.
“they initially suspected necrotizing fasciities” Temperance said, turing awake from the computer.
“flash-eating disease?” me and Aristoo said in sync.
“Yes, but the decomposition was too rapid.” Temperance said. “and it wouldn't have damaged the bone so severely”
Wendell sat there silently as he watched me ramble about the case. “damage that advanced from fasciities would normally take at least 3-4 days”
“well, so far we don't know if it's viral or bacterial” Temperance said. “so we could be looking at some outbreak disease situation?” Angela asked.
“basically” I said putting on the 'astronaut helmet' on and walked towards the lab.
“we have a mass spec up there?” Jack asked as we entered the biohazarded platform, Cam quickly answered 'yes' before Jack continued to ramble.
“and a centerifuge?”
“Yes, Hodgins it's all up there” Cam said intruping. After that the team surrounded the remains with precaution.
Usually remains and skeletons don't bother me, but this was sick. It was the this big box full of what looked like jell-o that hadn't fully formed, and the Skelton was stained red and covered in a slimy substance.
“looks like the nervous system was hit, were they tortured or something?” I asked.
“looks like the victim was a 25 - 35 year old female” Arastoo added.
“We're dealing with a singal strands rna virus” the CDC guy explained. “a mutation that doesn't depend on the cell cycls do replicate”
“that explains the bone damge” Wendell said, finally speaking up.
“here's some larvy, Jack” I said grabbing the creature with some tweezers. “that could help us find out where she was dumped and how long” Jack added.
“we need to ID the victim as soon as possible” CDC spoke up.”
We continued to work, studying the remains and cleaning the Bones. There wasn't enough to find out who she was, what we did find out thst this virus was intentional and we could be looking at bioterism.
We worked into the day and even found a possible suspect after Angela and Temperance photo-ID the victim. After awhile I got the word Seeley and Lance was questioning the possible killer, we still didn't know enough so we got the okay to go home after we got cleaned up and sanitized properly.
The Cdc dude suggested the team stayed close to together and not go to public places incase of an outbreak, or at least that's what Jack said. I was too tired to argue so we went to my Seeley and Temperance's place to watch a movie.
“here” I said handing him a bowl of popcorn then turning to the dvd player Seeley brought when I moved in. “so what a we watching?”
“We're watching Harry Potter” I clicked the on button and turned to him. “new rule, you have to watch this franchise with me and no complaints” I joked.
Hodgins chuckled as I unintentionally put my hand on his knee as I sat down. “which one are we watching? Isn't there like a dozen now?”
“there's 8 movies and we're watching the third one... It's the best one” I said shoving some popcorn in my mouth.
After about thirty minutes in Hodgins started to get bored, he set the empty bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and looked at me. “What did Vaziri want? I knew he wanted to talk to you today”
Not looking away from the the TV and spoke. “He's was just worried about me and wanted to talk”
Hodginssighed and I think there was a hint of worry. “oh yeah... You okay?”
I sighed and looked down. “I don't know... Arastoo is my best friend and I can't lie to him” I looked down.
“you told him” Hodgins said sighing, he looked at me again. “it's okay”
“he said he won't say anything, but maybe we shouldn't be doing this... We're hurting Wendell and Angela... that's not okay”
“but him hurting you is okay?” Hodgins asked serious. I looked at him with sad eyes.
“Angela hurt you too” Hodgins sighed and looked into my eyes. “that was a long time ago...I don't care about that anymore”
He looked down the back up, his blue eyes locking with mine. “if you were mine I'd never do that to you”
His words ran through my head like a tornado. I didn't know what I was doing anymore, Angela was one of my best friends and I'm here playing a practical joke with her ex. I didn't want to fall in love again, but with Jack everything was so brighter and genuine.
I don't know what possessed me but I turned to him and planted a quick kiss on his lips. Hodgins' eyes widened and slightly pulled back. I gulped feeling I made a big mistake.
“I'm sor-” I was cut off as his hand cupped the back of my neck pulling me closer. Our lips coiled in feverish kiss.
I swang my leg over him and stratled his lap as our lips locked. His hands fell and grip my waist, our eyes locked as I grind against his hard erection which strains against his jeans, I move my hands to the back of his neck, running my fingers though his hair. His hands moved the the back of my neck pushing his lips harder to mine. His toung gently touched my bottom lip asking for entrance. I granted him entrance as my hands fell to his belt.
“Wait” he sighs lowly, grabbing a hold of my hands before they are able to unbuckle his belt.
I pulled away and pressed my forehead to his catching my breath. “are you sure you want to do this? This breaks every single rule”
I shook my head pressing my lips back to his. “screw it” I said against his lips.
Throwing out all logic we both had out the window, I slowly melted into him as he leaned down to my neck, kissing down it as the scruff of his beared tickled me softly. My soft giggle was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing, he groaned and picked It up
“yeah?” he stoped for a second and nodded along. “we'll be there”
I sighed knowing we had to make a late night trip to the Jeffersonian.
Once we got back to work I had to get to the lab and help with the body. Me and Aristoo had to help Temperance bag the remains.
It all happened so fast, as Arastoo lifted our side of the Skelton he winced in pain and jerked back. When caught the Skelton I felt something shank the palm of my hand.
“ow” I hissed and Temperance raced to the two of us with the CDC guy behind.
“we need get the both of you sterilized and fast” he said as he pushed the two of us to the sink. Arastoo winched in pain as the water and alcohol poured into his cut. Temperance was doing the same with me but I refused to look at the cut on my palm.
“what happened?” Cam asked, coming in with Jack. that's when I made the mistake of looking, my eyes widened and I felt a shiver roll down my spine when I saw my blood run down the drain.
Iifted up my drinched hand as is shook. “oh shit”
My eyes rolled back and fell to the cold floor. “y/n!” I hear Jack shout.
Yeah, I don't like the sight of my own blood...
I don't remember much after that, I felt Jack lift me up and shake me while Arastoo shouted at me to wake up as Cam ordered for a bunch of medical Mama jumbo. I swear I heard me and Arastoo were under quarantine though...
I woke up feeling a sickening pain in my stomach and head, I gulped and quickly set up as I felt my face dripping with sweat, when I sat up the pain shot through my legs but I wasn't bad. I sat Inian style on the medical bed as I looked around.
“Arastoo” I gasped as he looked just as bad, he winced and looked over to me, he tied to smile but failed. It hurt to do much of anything. wined and doubled over, feeling my whole insides getting boiled alive.
“I'm right here, your okay... W-we'll fix this” Jack rambled as he raced to my side and started rubbing my back. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, but felt so relived to see his ocean blue eyes.
“you shouldn't be here, you could catch this crap” I wined as Jack helped me lay back down. “I don't care” he whispered.
“none of us do, we just want to make sure your both safe” Cam said, I looked over and saw her holding Arastoo hand. I smiled at her softly, she had always had our backs especially mine. She was the closet female friend I had during my break up, Temperance ment well, but Cam really just let me feel the heart break and was my shoulder to cry on.
As the hours went on it felt like we were just getting worse and worse. Arastoo's heart rate was decreasing while I felt like my appendix was exploding every ten seconds.
I was in and out most of those hours, I heared shouting and tears... Lots of tears. I would feel Jack holding my hand everynow and then, but the bright lights of the room made my head pound every time I would open my eyes to look.
“Arastoo...” mumbled once the pain became almost too much to handle. I turned my head and saw him painting as sweat beaded his forehead.
He slowly turned is head and looked at me, he smiled softly as I spoke. “We're gonna get through this, promos me you won't die”
“you promise first” he said horsely as he held his hand out to me. It shook as he stretched it out. Before it could fall I linked my hand with his.
It went dark again and couldn't feel his touch anymore as my arm went limp. “y/n? Y/n!”
--(3rd pov)--
Jack and Temperance came runing into the room where Arastoo and y/n where. Jack's eyes widened as he saw the state of the woman he loved. The tray he held shook as tried to keep it together.
There was so much arguing and fighting, when Seeley found out about who let the vires out he was beyond pissed, especially when he found out his little sister fell victim. The criminal fought tooth and nail and even tried to stop Jack and Temperance from using what could possibly be a cure.
Jack sent over to y/n's bed side, the guy tried to stop him but Seeley slammed him against the wall.
“if you try to stop me from saving the woman I love, I will kill you” Jack said through his teeth.
“that won't be nessasary, do it Dr. Hodgins” Temperance said as Seeley tackled him to the ground and cuffed him, this was very much personal for him but he couldn't lose his cool.
Seeley dragged the guy out while Arastoo and Y/n both got the cure, Arastoo's heart rate regulated and he could finally take a breath without hurting. He looked over at his best friend and waited impatiently for her too wake up, it was taking longer to take effect.
“come on n/n...” he sighed.
Jack held her hand and tried to keep his cool, tears pricked the corners of his eyes as her heart rate stablized. She let out a cough with made the room sigh with realife.
Jack let out a happy cry and held her in his arms. “thank God”
~~~~~~~~(1st pov)~~~~~~~~
The Paramedics had to come by to make sure me and Arastoo were healthy, Jack never left my side which I was greatful for.
During the events where I was passed out cold I heard everything, call it an out of body experience that Temperance wouldn't believe. But I never relized my feelings for Jack until he said he loved me. I relized it's always been him from the very beginning.
“you ment it right? That you loved me” I asked as I was being wheel to the exit of the Jeffersonian, the medic left to get Arastoo leaving us alone.
“of course... I love you” he said looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes.
“I would kiss you but I might still be contagious” I said with a smile, Jack chuckled and kissed my forehead softly.
That night never left my side and for the first time I felt completely content, he made me feel things I never felt beofere and it was no longer some kinda joke, it was true.
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