#jack merridew headcanons
rrcenic · 11 months
some of my modern jack headcanons
-ftm, very openly gay and trans. he’s the “you didnt give me what i want? that’s homophobic” kid
-fascinated by psychology
-likes watching horror movies but is still easily terrified by them
-had so much romantic tension with ralph for years!! everyone would jokingly be like “ugh when are you two gonna kiss already” and then eventually did begin dating and just. didnt tell anyone?? they just assumed everyone knew
-theatre kid through and through. his friends mom could die and he’d be like “damn that’s such a lydia from beetlejuice thing to happen.”
-wears the same black denim jacket every fucking day?? has tons of pins and jewelry
-has a decent relationship with both of his parents, older sibling with one little sister
-opinionated dog person
-likes to write music, lead singer of his band “the hunt” (roger is on drums, simon on guitar, maurice on bass)
-is super sweet and lovey-dovey with ralph and yet often also bickers with him and makes fun of him. (“i hate that stupid son of a bitch. he’s so pathetic. i love him so much i want to just stare into his beautiful eyes forever. he’s got the intelligence of a brick”)
-his best friends are roger and simon. inseparable trio of insane (jack), insane but quiet (roger), and barely sane (simon)
-suuuuuper adhd
-very empathetic person and always feels bad for being an asshole but also never changes his behavior
-started transition as a tween. passes decently but is very open about transness
-really popular in certain circles (he’s popular to the queers and the artsy kids the way ralph is popular with the straight girls and the football jocks)
-piggy didn’t know jack was trans and gay and heard him say “fag” and got so mad- he went up to jack and accused him of being a homophobic little shit and jack was like “…im literally queer”
-little shit. got lots of attention for mental health shit and just overall needs but didn’t get enough attention for his singing or music or art and now has self worth issues
-so afraid to loose those that he cares about that he drives them away
-hates swifties (his boyfriend is a swiftie)
-like,,,if leo valdez and draco malfoy had a ginger son??
-curses so much
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maurice-memes · 1 month
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Jack attack🔥
I haven’t attempted a less cartoonish style since like— 2020 ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ it’s kinda ugly, don’t look too close at it lol
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thatcreepydoll · 6 days
lord of the flies headcanons because i’m mega bored
• maurice is a theatre kid and likes to attended plays/musicals with simon
• everyone joked about having to put a ban on weapons so jack doesn’t attack anyone but in reality jack is terrified of weapons because he doesn’t know if he would go savage again and keep murdering
• ralph has a lisp that he grew out of but sometimes it comes out when he’s upset
• sometimes sam will age regress from trauma and eric has to comfort him. eric often keeps comfort items and other things to help support his twin
• roger and simon were secretly dating during all the events of the island. it wrecked roger when he died but no one noticed because he hid his emotions. roger would leave in the middle of the night to cry in the woods and mourn simon
• piggy wrote a book about his experience on the island as a way to cope and actually got it published
• ralph started drinking as a way to cope with the trauma of the island. tequila is his favorite
• the choir will decorate simon’s wheelchair and crutches with stickers and have even started a sticker economy where they trade stickers and buy stickers of higher and lower values. simon is the sticker master
• ralph convinced his local church to make memorials for simon and piggy. he visits them every day without fail
• roger left the choir immediately after getting home. he won’t admit it, but he links the choir to the post island trauma
• maurice became EXTREMELY religious as a way to cope
• sam and eric collect funko pops
• jack got rebaptized as a way of coping. he wanted to feel “clean” again, despite his violent tendencies staying
• ralph suffers from depersonalization/derealization disorder
• roger’s mum tried to disown him after finding out he killed a boy on the island
• maurice is really good with kids and has “maternal” instincts. it’s a trauma response from wanting to protect the innocent littluns
• piggy caught feelings for ralph while on the island but never said anything because he thought people would hate him for it
• sam likes comic books
• jack would have night terrors and would constantly wake others up. everyone dreaded when they had to share a hut with him
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yuttikkele · 9 days
I spent a couple hours coming up with middle and last names for lotf characters, and I wanted to share them :D !!
I had to give them names because I’m writing a lil fanfiction (I’m not used to writing it’s just taking some time 😭😭), and I just decided to go all out.
so here are my lotf character name headcanons and their explanations :))))) (sorry it looks off, I pasted this from my Google docs)
Ralph Mael Allebach
Mael - means “chief” so why not
Allebach - I saw other people using it.
Peterkin William “Piggy” Cunningham
Peterkin - continuing the pattern of taking names from The Coral Island. If people do not call him Piggy, they will call him either Peter or Ken because Peterkin is a stupid name.
William - just sounds British
Cunningham - like how Peterkin from The Coral Island is happy, and his last name is Gay, I decided to make Piggy’s surname reflect himself. I chose Cunningham 1. because it has the word “cunning” in it (Piggy is intelligent) 2. because it has the word “ham” in it (…Piggy) and 3. because I think it sounds good.
Jack Leopold Alaric Merridew
I think if Jack is conditioned to have others call him by his last name, his parents are probably high class and extra and decided to give him four names. I chose these because they sounded pretentious. These names are also probably taken from somewhere in his family, so I guess he’s a little German or something.
Leopold - means “brave people”
Alaric - means “all-powerful ruler”
Simon Mircea Cambourne
Mircea - means “peace”
Cambourne - apparently this is his name in one of the play adaptations? Also I saw other people using it.
Sam Andrew Voros and Eric Dashiell Voros
Andrew - just picked a name that sounds right
Dashiell - just picked a name that sounds right. also this names sounds cool
Voros - I just feel like they would be the DaVinki twins in modern times…
Roger Benjamin Elwin
Benjamin - just picked a name that sounds right
Elwin - Roger’s actor in the 1963 movie was named Roger Elwin. Apparently, he also had some similarities to Roger personality-wise.
Maurice Luca Bellomo
Luca - just picked a name that sounds right. also it means “bringer of light”
Bellomo - I saw some people, specifically mccall-me-maurice, use it.
Aaaaand that is all I have! Feel free to share your lotf name HCs with me I’d love to see them!!!
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multishipperbish · 15 days
if I was better at art I would add colors to these comics. alas the black n white effect is something I cherish deeply
tw for blood once again. and daddy issues
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Father - The Front Bottoms
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accuratelotfquotes · 2 months
I just know Jack would be staring directly at the solar eclipse just to spite Piggy. Piggy would be throwing those safety glasses at everyone. Simon would be helping the littluns keep their glasses on :)
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c-sharpp · 3 months
Family headcanons for the boys!
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No dad, mom is dead. He lives with his auntie, whom he's very close with. He has no siblings or cousins.
Lives with parents, good relationship with them. He has an older and younger sister. Plenty of cousins
Lives with parents, terrible relationship. They have extremely high expectations for him. Only child, no cousins.
Lives with parents, very good relationship with them. No siblings, but he does have a younger cousin that lives with them. Hes very close with her. (They have cute little tea parties!!)
Parents are divorced, he lives with his dad. He has an okay relationship with him (even though he's a dog shit person). He doesn't talk to his mom. He has a little sister but she lives with his mom. (His dad may or may not have been abusive to his mother, but you didn't hear that from me... 😬)
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mccall-me-maurice · 5 months
mayhaps you bless us with post island jack headcannanons? (this is @poormisguideddemiboy btw)
jack gets glasses after the island because as it turns out, his eyes are pretty fucked up
he integrates back into society pretty well! he turns back to christianity due to his guilt
speaking of guilt, it eats him alive. he doesn’t eat or sleep or anything for like the first few weeks of being home
he actively goes out of his way to be at church as often as possible. he also avoids roger
he has medical procedures done on him in order to “normalise” him such as shock therapy
he cuts his hair all the time. it never reaches longer than the nape of his neck
he also hears voices a lot of the time! he has pretty awful auditory hallucinations
jack develops insomnia after the island. he never sleeps because of lucid dreams
his father is probably the worst perpetrator on him. he attends reform school and is hardly allowed to be seen outside anymore
he loses the last name merridew! he legally changes his name to “john” as well, because it was his name by birth. he changes his surname to martin to distance himself from merridew
he’s locked in his room exclusively. he leaves for school and church
and he’s studying to be a pastor!
he sustains a few scars from the island, especially across his knuckles, and will hide them with gloves or scarves or makeup if necessary
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vessel214 · 3 months
I like to imagine that jack sometimes paints his face to look like extra eyes
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simorys · 8 months
*inhale* GIVE ME YOUR JACK Hc’s
Jackass 😒👨🏻‍🦰
Bisexual, preference towards boys (he goes to an all boys school imo so there's not really much of a choice anyways 💀) 
Aries, March 23,1932
13 yrs. Oldest kid on the island
Mom is half Irish, dad is British and Welsh.
Got his red hair from maternal grandparents. Both his parents are blonde
Christian, but has questioned his faith a lot
he's got a lot of the "homosexuality" bible passages memorised
Wealthy family
Alcoholic (after the island) probably smokes too (everyone did in the 40s tho 😒) 
His dad is also an alcoholic (that's where he gets it from 💔) 
Dad is physically abusive and mom is emotionally abusive (and a little physically too) 
has ADHD, post island ended up having hallucinations
Physically abusive dad, emotionally abusive mom
Straight A kid (or whatever the equivalent to that is in England idk tbh 💀 Straight 5s??) 
The weakest of the Bigguns. Bro has noodle ass arms 💀
one of the small reasons Jack despised Ralph was bc he had a lil crush on him and he hated that Ralph made him feel that way. 
A bigger (most of it) reason he hates Ralph tho was bc he was pretty much everything he wanted to be. Ralph was handsome and charismatic, people liked him, he was very kind and smart, he was great at dealing with problems. Ralph was a representation of everything Jack's parents wanted Jack to be. And he did not like seeing that. 
Picks his nose (they all probably too tbh, since they're like 5-13) 
Has some crooked teeth
His nose is also slightly crooked
Lost the ability to sing C# during puberty and he cried about it. 
He has a secret compartment in his closet that he puts things in so his parents won't find. Some of this includes alcohol, a diary, pictures of his friends (not in a weird way 💀), make up (to cover things), ect.. 
I think him and Travis Phelps would get along (or they'd hate each other, no in between) 💀
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jelly-ship · 2 months
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Guess who finally drew something again?? Me :)
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rrcenic · 3 months
me whenever i relate to a character: yeahh sorry this ones trans. yeah i dont make the rules. sorry.
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maurice-memes · 5 months
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Weird birthmarks run in the family I guess
I’ve had this idea running around in my head for a couple years now, but this is the first time I published something about it I believe.
I got out of classes today because of the snow!
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thatcreepydoll · 7 months
random LotF headcanons i have
piggy has two aunties (aunt clarissa and aunt donna. aunt clarissa was his dad’s sister)
maurice spontaneously twerks and no one knows why or how it started. it’s honestly frightening
ralph is an avid coca cola hater. no one knows why.
piggy is aroace thank you
simon has a rubber duck collection/hyperfixates on ducks. one time some ducks came to the island and he FREAKED
jack has a tooth gap
roger has a ton of cringy anime fanart that he made during his anime phase
sam is the english kid and eric is the math kid and they have totally swapped roles to do better on their tests/assignments
roger used to religiously listen to my chemical romance. he still listens to them sometimes, but not as much. he’s honestly very embarrassed by it because he thought he was sooo cool for it
simon uses forearm crutches/wheelchair and the choir writes little notes and puts stickers on them
jack wears a little bit of brown eyeliner under his eyes to make his eyes stand out
ralph is CPR certified and can do basic first aid *cough cough until it comes to hurting his arm cough cough*
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yuttikkele · 2 months
Here’s some lotf swearing HCs (that i thought of because of the profuse amount of profanity in the 90s movie):
I think Jack does not cuss, but he does say a lot of slurs, and I KNOW it’s like the 40s, so realistically, most of them would be saying words that would be slurs now (or even slurs then honestly). But like, Jack is specifically a slur slinger. Very specifically the homophobic ones. Other than that he does not cuss at all, or only very rarely/on accident. And every time he does, he does the sign of the cross.
Ralph only cusses when he’s really upset, and it’s always in rapid succession.
Simon does not cuss.
Everyone else is a mix.
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Jiggy HCs!!!💗💗
I’ve been wanting to do this for so long!! :3 and everyone has been making ship HCs I felt like it’s my time to throw one in! <3
Also I made this at 12:43 at night 😭 we’ll see if I have morning regrets but doubt it
Jack sneaks into where Piggy sleeps to they can snuggle together because they can’t sleep without each other
Jack loves taking Piggy to a coral patch on the island so he will rant to Jack about coral
Piggy loves telling Jack about his special interests!
Piggy is autistic and loves to stim with Jack because he doesn’t make fun of him for it
Jack feels so bad every time he’s mean to Piggy and is very affectionate to him in private to make up for it <3
Piggy and Jack love cuddling with each other and they do it all the time
Jack has done the yawn and then wrap the arm around thing to Piggy a ton of times
Sometimes Jack makes Piggy blush so bad that his glasses fog up and Jack thinks it’s adorable
Jack picks up Piggy bridal style every time he gets the chance
Jack lets Piggy draw on him with war paint
Some after the island HCs!
Jack sneaks out the house to invite Piggy and he lectures him every time Jack does so but still loves him for it
Jack brought a motorcycle and rode it around the town with Piggy holding on to him for dear life
Once Jack’s parents caught Piggy and Jack together and thought Piggy was his tutor
Jack and Piggy fall asleep cuddling but then Jack ends up spread across the entire bed and Piggy is in the exact same spot
Jack acts like a greaser when he’s older so no one thinks that he would ever been dating Piggy even though he’s super open about it
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