#is kinda consuming me
jelly-ship · 1 month
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Guess who finally drew something again?? Me :)
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ozzyeelz · 9 months
I love the time of year when i wake up and its hella foggy. like who tf turned down my render distance
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pimsri · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's <3
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
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separated!raph would probably have enough of an outside perspective to question splinter’s relation to them. good thing he can confide in april
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willczek-art · 5 months
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The real nightmare of Nightmare Time is that there's so little of it
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luminlunii · 5 months
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Cult of the Lamb is trying to drag me by the ankles helppadkja;sda
Have some Rocky doods tho!
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bruciemilf · 8 months
Somebody tell me if this is a bad take, or if my love for Bruce is causing my objective brain to glitch, but-- something about advertising Batman, a hero who's very popular for being good with children, for being NURTURING with children, a bad father kinda defeats the whole purpose of what he's supposed to represent.
Batman is a protector; He protects people the world (and especially law enforcement) does not care about. That's literally the point of him.
Something about marketing " you can be incredibly violent to people you care about! And Its fine, because you care about them even if you abuse them, and that's what matters!" towards people, but especially men and young boys, is REALLY fucked up to me.
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sunnnfish · 1 year
Okay OKAY I wasn’t gonna propagandize the summer hikaru died but ive been thinking a little too much about it. SORRY I’ve been basically recommending a hundred different series. If you think my posts are all over the place you should see my brain. Anyways.
The THING about the summer hikaru died. The many things about it. That are getting to me. Number one the overwhelming feeling of SUMMER. Almost every page has the sound effects of cicadas or rain and sweat on everyone’s bodies. It’s so immersive, to me at least. It’s like it never lets you forget. A constant droning it feels like everyone has to speak a little louder to be heard. Something oppressive lives here, and it’s not just the eldritch horrors.
Number TWO. Grief. But in like that horror way. Mourning somebody no one else knows is gone. I’m just gonna say it bc it’s revealed in like the first 5 pages it’s body replacement. Some.. thing replaces the main characters best friend and it’s like. The twisting feeling in your gut looking at something that you should know but knowing it’s not the same anymore. It’s someone else. Look at this page I can’t stop thinking about it
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[ID: A panel from Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu. Yoshiki sits with his head on his desk, drawn so his face and body are streaking down the page in smears of black. Around him float black text bubbles with scratchy text saying "To move on." Then he lifts his head with a gasp when someone exclaims, "Finally! There you are!" End ID]
That’s fucking GRIEF a sinking terrible grief. That nobody in their right mind could understand. But it’s also like. Christ it’s the mitsuba sousuke tbhk dilemma it’s that this new thing is it’s own person too. They aren’t the same but it’s damn near impossible to separate them because they look the same and act the same and desperately want to be the same. They want to be alive.
THREE. Cannot forget the queerness. The queer allegories and actual queerness are intense. Grotesqueness and horror at being different. Feeling like you know something is bad but you can’t help but enjoy it. Gut wrenching desire mixed in with every complicated feeling about losing your best friend while something pilots his body almost perfectly. It’s very fucked up. ALSO. Fear at being found out. Self hatred for being grotesque and different and not what everyone wants. Not what he wants.
Anyways uuuhhhh.yeah the summer hikaru died is fascinating to me. I love the feeling of it. Gives me chills. It’s cool 👍🏻 ALSO THE ART IS SO. GOOD. Haunting. I love it.
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livsmessydoodles · 8 days
plleese suurrrr... neeeeedd darilymm... i cannto surviive on teh crumbzzzz...
a little sneak peak of something im working on.... dinostar nation YOU WILL BE FED SOON!!!!
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stefisdoingthings · 20 days
what if your lover is a biblically accurate angel and you’re deadly afraid of him but also stare at him with the same awe you would stare a god at??? what then???
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beacon-lamp · 2 years
vanilla minecraft screenshots that look fake:
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oh how i’ve missed you hermitcraft
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p0th · 4 months
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thinking about, despite everything, Garmadon still truly loved his son
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autisticaradiamegido · 2 months
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day 100
genres of magical girl
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ooowyn · 1 year
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thousand-winters · 4 months
Fascinated by people just getting into WTNV and asking if there is a list of episodes to listen to, omitting the "unimportant" stuff I assume.
Chill, you all. Night Vale has been ongoing for around 11 years and it's yet to show any sign that it intends to end any time soon, so you can take your time. Even if it ended soon, there is time.
Enjoy the episodes as they are. Chew on them.
WTNV does this very special thing of making the town feel alive, not every citizen gets an arc or even a spotlight, but they're constant, they're there, living their lives. Those little details, little mentions of everyone growing and continuing living as time pass make it feel so nice.
And then, one day, Night Vale surprises you, and, oh, hey, remember that one intern whose death wasn't confirmed? Well, he has come back, and if you remember him and remember what happened to him at the time, you'll be able to connect the dots of the current arc faster.
The MOST unexpected things come back. The town is alive.
Just enjoy the ride! Enjoy Cecil's voice. Enjoy listening about this friendly desert community where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep.
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paperultra · 8 months
Pairing: OPLA!Nami x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2,717 words Warnings: Swearing, alcohol use
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mesmeric (adjective): appealing; drawing attention limerence (noun): the state of being infatuated with another person
The first time you see her, you think that perhaps you’ve had way too much to drink.
The tavern is crowded, loud, filthy, the countertops tacky with spilled booze, the music too sharp and the air too humid. Sweat covers your forehead the way condensation coats the outside of your glass; the drink inside sloshes over the top as your crewmates push and shove you around in your seat, their clamoring for more beer drowning out any semblance of a thought in your head.
Noise. Drunkenness. Celebration. It's everything a pirate could want after a successful raid.
You just want to go to sleep.
“Mind if I sit here?” The voice of your ship’s first mate cuts through the fog.
“Sure,” you mumble. Truth be told, you wouldn’t mind if a rabid grizzly took the neighboring stool right now. “You can have the rest of my drink, too.”
She laughs. You’ve never known the first mate to laugh, so you use what little of your strength is left to turn your head and look over at her.
Everything else in the crowded, loud, filthy tavern ceases to exist.
Sitting in the seat right next to you is the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen. She smiles at you, and it’s the kind of smile that follows hearty laughter, the kind that makes a person’s face glow and crinkles the corners of their eyes. Roughly chopped hair frames her face like untamed fire and her gaze feels like the ocean on a sunny day. She has freckles.
Your grip tightens on your glass. Mouth dry, you open it to speak, to apologize and ask if you could buy her a drink or several, but nothing comes out.
“Are you guys celebrating something?” the girl asks. “You sure filled up the place pretty quick.”
When she speaks, the chaos around the two of you rushes back into your ears. Blinking, you look around and pause at the sight of your captain and the shipwright sparring on top of one of the tables. Embarrassment flashes hotly through you as you glance back at the girl. (She’s still there.)
“Yeah,” you answer. “Treasure.”
Her eyebrows raise. “Oh? That’s definitely worth celebrating.” She slides her bottle over to clink it against your glass, then brings it to her lips; your heart thuds as she meets your eye from the corner of hers. “Tell me about it.”
You finish the rest of your cocktail and tell her.
When dawn broke this morning, the first mate had recognized another pirate ship sailing in the same direction as your own. She alerted the captain, who, itching to settle a personal score of which you had no details, ordered the crew to tail it. The rest of the morning and the entire afternoon was spent in a bloody chase-and-attack. Ultimately, your crew prevailed, and upon pillaging the other ship laid claim to a large pile of gold and silver.
You, being only one position removed from a lowly cabin girl, spent most of the time serving as cannon fodder. You don’t tell her that. The details are a bit foggy, anyway.
“That’s amazing. I’ve heard of you guys before, but I never thought I’d ever run into the whole crew,” the girl exclaims once you’re done recalling. “What’s your Jolly Roger look like again?”
“It’s …” All of a sudden, you draw a blank. Shit. “Um … oh, it has violet crossbones and a crack straight down the skull. I … I think …” You frown. “I should check.”
The girl grabs your shoulder and chuckles as you attempt to teeter off the stool, keeping you in place. Her firm grasp burns against your skin.
“I think you’re a little too drunk to wander off right now,” she chides while you steady yourself against the counter, your head going fuzzy for more than one reason. “You’re definitely right, anyway. I remember what it looks like now.”
“Okay.” The next thing you know, she’s standing up, letting go of your shoulder. You frown. “Where … where’re you going?”
“Just going to the bathroom. Watch my drink for me?”
She winks. You assure her that you will, but you break your promise the moment you make it, eyes fixed instead on the back of the girl’s head until the bright fire of her hair is finally lost in the crowd.
She never comes back.
(It’s almost dawn when your crew stumbles back to the ship, loose-limbed and completely exhausted. And as you drag yourself into your hammock, only partially sobered up, you think you hear somebody shriek that half the raid’s treasure is gone.)
(You just turn over and go to sleep.)
The second time you see her, it’s by accident.
You’re in town to buy candles and rope with the cabin girl, having been relegated to babysitting duty once again, but she somehow managed to slip away while you were walking through the market. You’ve been going in circles for the past half-hour trying to locate the damn kid.
“Genie!” You narrowly avoid a stack of cages with chickens in them – the cook will probably get some, you figure – and cup your hands around your mouth, pushing against the flow of foot traffic. “Genie, you little brat –”
Someone bumps your shoulder as they pass by. You feel a weight leave the belt loop of your pants.
The money.
Whipping around, you spot a flash of navy-blue polka dots just as they disappear into the throng of people. Genie gets shoved to the back of your mind as you immediately set off in pursuit.
“Hey! Get back here!”
Nobody else seems to care as you squeeze in between bodies and boxes, jumping over stray dogs and shouting after the thief. It’s your fault, after all. You were thoughtless with how you carried the money.
(Or maybe they can tell you’re a small-time pirate, greedy and violent, and have concluded that you got what you deserved. You are not a person to be feared and certainly not one to step aside for.)
After what seems to be an eternity, you manage to break out of the crowd, promptly stumbling over a broken brick in the road. Sweat drips down your back and sticks to your blouse as you catch a glimpse of polka dots vanishing into a nearby alleyway.
You’re screwed if the captain finds out you got robbed.
Sprinting into the alley, you leap at the thief, grabbing them by the collar of their shirt just as they begin to scale the wall.
“Oi,” you snarl, spinning them around, “who the hell do you think you –"
A face that you thought you’d never see again stares back at you, and the rest of your sentence breaks off in your throat.
The girl from the tavern takes the opportunity to knee you in the stomach and twist away. But you’re stronger, and you’ve felt worse; instinctively, you move behind her and wrap an arm around her neck, holding tight while your other hand slips behind to prevent her from headbutting you. Her hands shoot up and her nails dig painfully into your skin.
“Let go of me!” she orders through gritted teeth, kicking at you.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” you say, thoughts running a thousand miles a minute. “Just give me back my money.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t even know you.”
You grit your teeth. There’s no doubt in your mind, and you know that there’s no doubt in hers. “You ran away after taking my bag.”
“I didn’t take anything. You started yelling and chasing after me out of nowhere.”
“Why would you run if you didn’t take it?”
“You’re a pirate,” she hisses. “Of course I would run.”
“How do you know I’m a pirate?” you ask.
The girl stills for a mere second. It’s enough to feel her inhale against your chest, your nose nearly pressed against the cap that she’d tucked her orange hair underneath.
“I can just tell,” she mutters. Her tone is so bitter, so hateful that you can taste it. “All pirates are the same.”
Your arms begin to bleed.
You open your mouth to protest. You want to argue that she’s wrong – you aren’t the same, you’re not bloodthirsty or greedy like your captain, your first instinct isn’t to hurt people to get what you want.
But to say that now, with your arm around her throat, unwilling to let go under the pretense of demanding money that isn’t even yours to begin with? Even you recognize the hypocrisy. That bitterness and hatred is directed at you too.
You let go of her, jaw clenched.
“Sorry,” you mutter. You release her and step away. She steps back as well, eyeing you warily, and the muffled sound of coins clinking together reaches your ears. You don’t so much as direct your gaze towards the source. “I must’ve mixed you up with the thief somehow.”
She scoffs. “Yeah.”
(So she’s committing to the bit until the very end.)
You take one last look at her. Her stony expression, so different from the smiling, pleasant one you can only recall through a haze from three months ago, sinks into your memory and settles there with purpose.
“Have a nice day,” you say.
You turn on your heel, fingers brushing over the trail of bloody crescents she had left on your arm, and leave the alleyway for good.
The third time you see her, you know it’s fate.
You’re at a different tavern, on a different island, for a different reason. The patrons are elderly and sparse in number, and they like to brag about how they can still drink you under the table. There’s no music and the countertops are kept clean.
When they walk in, it’s almost the end of your shift – you’re sweeping underneath the corner table for the second time and hear them before you turn around.
“Ah, great! I’m starving.”
“You ate just before we disembarked.”
“And I’ll eat afterwards too!”
You suppress a snort, dragging your broom around the table’s base. Grey will be happy with these customers, for sure. More dishes bring more work, but they also bring more beri.
A girl speaks next. “If you have the money for twenty servings of meat, go right ahead, Luffy.”
Your grip tightens around the broom handle until your knuckles crack.
The crumbs on the floor completely forgotten, you turn around, slowly, carefully, and fire fills your vision once again.
It stares back at you, eyes wide, lips parted. Her fingers twitch at her sides.
Fate, surely.
“Hello!” says the boy on her right, the one in an odd straw hat. “We’re here to eat.”
You take in a breath.
“Hi,” you rasp, heart squeezing in your chest, making itself known for the first time in a year. “You can take a seat anywhere.”
The girl nods, the movement deliberate and cautious. Three of the people with her furrow their brows at you, but the straw hat simply jaunts to a table in the center and sits down, prompting them to break their gazes and follow behind him.
You finish sweeping to collect yourself, then head over with a notepad and a pen.
“What can I get for you guys?”
They each give you their drink of choice. The straw hat then rattles off a number of dishes, seeming to have completely forgotten the girl’s earlier warning, and you note them down the best you can.
“Okay.” You repeat the order, receiving satisfied grunts upon reciting it correctly. “Anything else?”
The blond-haired man shoots you a crooked smirk. “Just your wonderful presence, miss,” he tells you with a wink.
You stand awkwardly.
“… Thank you,” you reply after some time, not sure how else to respond. “My shift ends soon, though.”
The green-haired man and the guy in the bandana do little to hide their snorts. The blond-haired man clears his throat, murmuring a soft ‘oh, how unfortunate’ with a disappointed smile, and says that they’ll make do with the wonderful drinks and meals that are sure to come.
Well, that’s that.
You begin to head to the kitchen when the girl’s voice rings out behind you, halting you in your steps.
“When’s the end of your shift?”
You don’t dare to look over your shoulder. “In thirty minutes.”
“Do you mind waiting around for a little while afterward?” she asks, and it’s a question, not an order.
“I don’t mind,” you say. It’s the answer you would’ve given either way.
The girl’s name is Nami. Wave. You wonder if she knows the violence with which she’d crashed into the tiny island of your life.
She sits across from you at the table in the corner, just far enough away from her comrades to not be eavesdropped on, though you suspect they’ll try their best. She cocks her head to the side and her eyes narrow at you.
“The eyepatch is new,” she finally says.
“It came with my resignation.”
“You left your crew?”
You avert your gaze. A frown graces Nami’s face.
“What brought you here?” The suspicion in her tone is almost imperceptible, but it’s there.
“This is my hometown. I came back about two months ago to save up for the time being.”
“Save up for what?”
“I don’t know. Another adventure, I guess.” You chew the inside of your cheek. “Can I ask you a question now?”
“Depends on what it is.”
“Why did you talk to me at the bar?”
“Because you seemed like a soft touch,” Nami replies.
Ouch. That stings your pride a bit. The fact that she had known that from the very beginning makes you wonder what else she knows.
“Why did you steal from me in Wolftown?”
“Because I knew you were a pirate.” She leans forward in her chair, arms crossed over the table. “Why did you let me go?”
You swallow.
“I … wanted to prove you wrong,” you tell her. Tracing a long scratch on the table, you don’t tell her that you’ve thought about her words every morning while at sea, the disgust that fell so easily from her tongue, or that they fell from your own as you clutched your eye socket and spat at your captain’s feet. “But you ended up being right in the end.”
“… Oh,” Nami says.
She shifts in her seat. Her attention turns briefly to the group of men still sitting at their table – they are watching, not even trying to be subtle – and she worries her lower lip, contemplative, before turning back to you.
“Not all pirates … are the same,” she admits softly. “I was wrong.”
Your eyebrows pinch together. You sit quietly while she speaks with a strange conviction.
“There are good ones. Not a lot, but some. Maybe you were one of them.”
You glance at her friends. Understanding dawns upon you, and it’s envy and gladness all at the same time.
“I don’t think I was,” you finally say. “But I’m happy you found some.”
She huffs out a laugh. It’s clear and present and genuine. “They found me. I didn’t have a choice.”
You grin, cheeks warming under the sun of her smile and hands folded on the edge of the table as the two of you chuckle together.
“Nami.” Her name burns your lips and washes over them once the amusement dies down. “Can I buy you a drink?”
Surprise flickers across Nami’s face.
She blinks once, not speaking for a moment, and you realize that you’ve made a mistake for the umpteenth time. However, just when you’re about to backtrack and leave the tavern never to return, the girl reaches out across the table towards you.
(Three years from now, you will stand on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, and Nami will tell you that she thought about you everyday after the incident in the alleyway. And you will laugh, and kiss her, and say that you’ve thought about her every day since the night she robbed your old pirate ship. The pains of the past will only be a faint scar.)
(But for now, you sit across from each other and smile.)
“Sure,” she murmurs. “I’d like that.”
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