neckofjewels · 8 months
no poetry on these nxt few, just real diaries ive written and lived through. i wrote the following on my diary before i preformed a eulogy once the soil ate. which reads, when you grow up like us, seeing people getting robbed, seeing kids getting stabbed, seeing people being shot on the curb inches from you, like meeting death at a young age, that starts to warp your reality, it all becomes mundane, it becomes to feel casual, murder becomes casual, violence becomes a drug and my people become the abusers, thats how your perspective gets taken in a sense, you become accustomed to these things, and anyone else sees you as part of the problem, they wish to place your neck to the gallows and burn you as a witch, you get into these situations where you feel helpless, its gonna get so much easier to resort to these things, i remember everyday i came home to see my mother beat. i mean seriously beat to the point where i would have to lock my door and pretend everything wasn't real anymore. where i would atune my headphones to anything so i didnt have to hear her plead. my sister would cry a different pitch, one out of fear i couldnt stop. thats when i started blaming myself as a boy, i think i was nine. every summer you would see a man get dragged to the block, or the corner, or wherever we all meet to shoot dice and talk about the lows in life. and just get his shit beat, that became my life. and i see people talk about the glory from everything you learn in the ghetto, growing up alone with my sister, seeing cousins with broken noses, you just become deaf to everything. to a beggar asking for change when you are scrapping coins from meth heads to buy your sister a plate. i was walking my deceased dog emmit one night, im on my phone texting a woman i would forget her name in a few weeks, and i hear gunshots once more. not the ones i saw when jaemari was killed, or the shotgun raised to my chest when i almost died, but ones from the road ahead and the screaming never stopped. i would like to think God sat beside his side as he died but knowing only i managed to hear what he spat out. i was probably the only soul who heard his struggle for life, one a gun took so quickly. and the car drove off, playing some music i couldnt hear, and im not going to lie, i just kept walking. because the cops wouldnt help, and my mom was already passed out or high, i just had to get home. i was young, i was scared. i was scared to tell anyone outside the city about this life i knew. i now hear of men getting on social media and flaunting guns or stories of this shit, but none of it really comes close to that meaning. i mean, ive shown a gun or two on my page, but thats not because im tough or cool, but im scared. i have these nightmares of death and seeing him die so vividly that i have to wake up and feel my skin still sewed onto my body. im so scared and i wish to be held.
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Your sanity and well being is more important then any relationship you could ever have. When you start giving the deepest parts of you to people who make you feel unsure of your worth, you open your heart and soul to destruction. No one is worth that. No one. #takeitfromme #heartbreak #neveranoption #kingsdontbreakdownqueens #realmendontbreakhearts #knowyourworth #love #beingsingle #isablessing #blessingindisguise #Godsavedme #Ideservebetter #herspiritspeaks #JaeMarie
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eilishhelps · 5 years
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♛ Nombres en Alto Valyrio / High Valyrian names ♛
Bajo el Seguir leyendo encontrarás una lista de nombres en Alto Valyrio, la lengua creada para la serie de HBO, Game of Thrones. Tienen en común el uso de las y’s, las ae’s, y las r’s. Se recomiendan para personajes exóticos o relacionados a un mundo fantástico. Por favor deja tu like si te ayudó o te pareció interesante. Las fuentes de información están enlistadas al final.
Under the read more you’ll find a list of names in High Valyrian, the language created for the HBO show, Game of Thrones. They have in common the use of y’s, ae’s, and r’s. They’re recommended for exotic characters or characters associated to a fantastic world. Please like this if it helped you in any way or if it was interesting for you. The consulted websites are listed at the end. 
Algunos dentro de la serie / libros:
Aegon, Aelor, Aelora, Aelyx, Aemon, Aemond, Aenar, Aenys, Aerea, Aerion, Aeryn, Aerys, Alysanne, Ayrmidon, Baela, Baelon, Baelor, Daella, Daemion, Daemon, Daena, Daenerys, Daenora, Daenys, Daeron, Elaena, Gael, Gaemon, Helaena, Jaehaera, Jaehaerys, Maegelle, Maegon, Maegor, Maekar, Maelys, Naerys, Rhae, Rhaegar, Rhaegel, Rhaella, Rhaelle, Rhaena, Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, Rhalla, Saera, Shaena, Shaera, Vaegon, Vaella, Valarr, Valerion, Visenya, Viserra, Viserys.
Nombres de dragones / dioses:
Dragones de Daenerys Targaryen:
Nombres de ciudades / colonias:
Generador de nombres en Alto Valyrio:
Maehanor Baeltalor
Rahaenyx Naelralis
Garaelarr Aglaeron
Jaemarys Vaelralis
Jacaemarys Naelyreos
Balaemarr Laenyreos
Raenor Dalinarys
Jaehaelon Caentheos
Talaelon Malnaris
Ragaegaron Gonraenos
Elaesanne Lengyreon
Jaehra Taelaelor
Haesanne Taeneris
Naerelys Taenaleos
Renaerys Raennaris
Naena Araeris
Nesaehrys Melnareon
Jaella Maenaenor
Raenerys Arlarys
Bhaessa Qohaleos
Fuentes de consulta:
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Dragons Wiki
Valyrian Name Generator
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gladevalley · 4 years
Arrest Made in Waterside Murder
Arrest Made in Waterside Murder
On the evening of Friday, September 11, 2020, Frederick County Sheriff’s Office detectives arrested Jordan Hooks, 27, of Frederick and charged him with 1st Degree Murder for the homicide of Mr. Jaemari Anderson that occurred on September 6, 2020.
Through a series of interviews, invaluable assistance from the Frederick City Police, and a search warrant obtained and served at Hooks’ residence on…
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Week 1: They've opened their eyes and they're active for attention now 😻😻 #straycat #pregnantcat #pregnantstraycat #pregocat #cat #catsofinstagram #catsofinsta #catsofig #kittens #kittensofinstagram #kittensofig #animallover #catlover #catrescue #helptheanimals #newborns #cutenessoverload #week1 #stages #JaeMarie
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She learned to love the comfort of her own embrace As she dove into the depths of her soul to escape A world gray, cold, and blinded Weaving sheets of lies, because the truth, they can’t find it JaeMarie*
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Please excuse my language and sounding so harsh, but the world would really be a better place if everyone just minded their own business. I truly will never understand why so many people in this world believe that "rights" were only given to them and those who think like them. People like this will forever be the problem. #payitforward #mindyourbusiness #stayinyourlane #rights #itgoesbothways #youaretheproblem #entitlement #believes #opinions #opinionsarelikeassholes #everyonesgotone #JaeMarie
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The sad truth. We live in a world of ENVY and HATE. No one seems to want to see you doing better, especially if they're not doing good themselves. They always have a theory on why you can't/shouldn't do it or how you will fail. THESE ARE NOT TRUE FRIENDS and trust me that the saying "I rather be alone than with bad company" doesn't only apply to relationships. Not all people who come with a smile come with good intentions, so dont be afraid to weed them out and tend to your garden. If God says yes, forget the rest. 💞 #Friends #friendzone #friendshipgoals #weedthemout #nottruefriends #choosethemwisely #innercircle #prosper #motivation #motivationnation #WhenGodIsWithYou #WhoCanBeAgainstYou #TrustGod #Heknowsbest #advice #becareful #followyourdreams #purpose #Godisgood #Godislove #JaeMarie
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📖 A PSALM A DAY CAN KEEP DEPRESSION AWAY📿 PSALMS 19: "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. Who can discern his errors? Declare me innocent from hidden faults. Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord , my rock and my redeemer." -Psalms 19:1‭-‬14 ESV📖🙏@youversion @life.church #Depression #Healing #HealingthroughGod #Psalms #Bible #Biblestudy #MentalHealth #Antidepressant #Antidepressants #Godislove #Godisgood #Godshealing #HealingthroughChrist #Anxiety #Loses #RoughTimes #Faith #Prayer #Lordandsavior #dailybread #lifegroup #JaeMarie #MHAW #Blessed #TurntoGod #JesusChrist #womanafterGodsownheart
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A mental illness is not a choice nor is it just some made up fantasy in ones head. MENTAL HEALTH IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS PHYSICAL HEALTH AND JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SEE IT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S NOT THERE! I think I speak for everyone in the MH community when I say we are tired of not being taken seriously! 😓 #depression #anxiety #mentalillness #recovery #depressed #bipolar #health #bpd #mentalhealthawareness #suicide #motivation #inspiration #ptsd #eatingdisorder #anorexia #life #bulimia #happy #quote #wellness #itsnotyourfault #notachoice #staystrong #therapy #healthy #1in4 #nami #help #MentalHealth #JaeMarie
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Just because he gors to church doesn't mean he won't do you wrong 🤷‍♀️#GodHealMe #GodHelpMe #Brokenheart #brokenhearted #Love #TrueLove #IGiveMyHeartToYouMyLord #HealMyBrokenHeart #knowyourworth #youareworthit #Godlovesyou #JesusLovesYou #GodOrdainedLove #GodlyLove #Patience #HisTiming #GodsTiming #TheOne #DivineCouples #GodsWill #Relationships #LetGo #Courage #IKnowThePain #TimeWillHeal #GiveItToGod #PrayAboutIt #NotAlwaysMeantToBe #JaeMarie
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gladevalley · 4 years
Waterside Shooting Tragic Update
Waterside Shooting Tragic Update
The Frederick County Sheriff’s Office is identifying the victim in this case as Jaemari Anderson, 19, of Frederick. Mr. Anderson succumbed to his injuries earlier today at Shock Trauma and this incident is now being handled as a homicide investigation.
Detectives are awaiting the results of the autopsy to be performed by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and are asking anyone with…
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“All my life I have felt out of place, unworthy, and like a burden. For years I have loathed my life but bore the pain in silence. I felt broken and forsaken. It wasn’t until I almost lost my life that I finally found the courage to seek help and open up about my afflictions. I remember how alone I felt and I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone. I hope that my experiences can truly help others who may be going through a rough time, so that they may not find themselves in the same darkness and know that they are not alone.” -JaeMarie*
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