#jailed to the bedroom for all eternity
Lucius: Harry Potter’s crimes against our lord are innumerable; he must be stopped.
Tom: Yes, Lucius. The extent of his transgressions knows no end. His sarcastic commentary in the face of death? Criminal. His ability to evade encounters against me or escape with little to no harm? Criminal. His eyes? Criminal. His face? Criminal. His way around a wand? Criminal.
Lucius: …
Tom: …
Tom: His ass? Criminal.
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 10 months
Fuck it Friday
Tagged by @honestlydarkprincess @spotsandsocks @rewritetheending @lover-of-mine @diazblunt @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela
Thank you my dears! Muah! 💖
Here's some more of paint sex fic which is turning out to be quite ridiculous and i don't even know what is happening anymore but there WILL be paint sex... eventually
“Just hear me out,” Buck says with a little shake of his hands, which means he is about to launch into a passionate info dump and Eddie–
Well, Eddie is in love, and Buck’s passion and knowledge about anything and everything and the sound of his voice are all on Eddie’s things I love list, so he smiles through a sigh, leans his hip against the shopping cart that is filled with dozens of other supplies for their home improvement projects, and listens intently, fondly, eagerly, as Buck details the psychological benefits of painting their bedroom dark purple.
“Studies show that this color helps slow down respiration and heart rate which makes it one of the most suitable colors for a bedroom, because it soothes you and calms you down and it is actually the most restful color for your eyes so it contributes greatly to feelings of comfort and well-restedness. And it’s such a rich and sophisticated color, often associated with luxury and royalty. But we could go with a lighter color if you want. Pale shades of purple are said to be flexible and really good for both early and late risers since those hues have both soothing and revitalizing qualities.”
As Buck talks, Eddie employs one of the skills that he is grateful he possesses: multitasking.
He watches and catalogues the way Buck moves as he talks. The way his hands flutter in between them, waving this way and that as if he is trying to illustrate each word he says, attempting to paint a picture for Eddie to see. The way his eyes go so big and round as he gets himself excited, full of an uncontainable wonder that Eddie has occasionally found himself jealous of but has always appreciated, especially when he sees the exact same shade of that wonder glowing in Chris’ eyes too. The way Buck shifts from foot to foot, going up on his toes every now and then, doing the tiniest of jumps to release the energy that is almost always filtering through his body.
It’s such a sight, one that Eddie could never tire of, more beautiful and captivating than any work of art or miracle, something like sparkling divinity embedded in every single movement, wrapping around Buck’s form in a sacred shroud that makes him glow like an eternal star whose light could never burn out.
Eddie leans his body further against the cart, appreciating the physicality of Buck and happily soaking up his incandescent aura.
No, Eddie doesn’t really believe in things like auras but Buck has always been good at making Eddie believe in things he never could have imagined and he’s in a place where he can fully embrace that and not fight against it. Something like the faith that so many churches and priests tried to instill in him finally coming alive within his soul now that he has a real and miraculous man in front of him that he can worship.
Tagging: @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl @jeeyuns @paranoidbean @bigfootsmom @jesuisici33 @devirnis @giddyupbuck @rogerzsteven @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @buddierights @heartshapedvows @bvckandeddie @cowboy-buck @cowboy-buddie @transbuck @transboybuckley @folk-fae @fleurdebeton @butchdiaz @shitouttabuck @bucks118 @forthewolves @911onabc @diazass @roy-kents @anxieteandbiscuits (i know you are in writing jail but ily and am an attention whore soooo) and anyone else who wants to share!
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jjledragon · 2 years
Can the Empires SMP members throw it back?
Season 1: 
Pixl: You wouldn’t expect it, but actually knows what it is! Not the best, but certainly not the worst
Gem: Too dignified to do it in public, but secretly learned the prefect technique for personal bragging rights
Lizzie: Unaware of what throwing it back is, saw Joel do it and thought it was just a him thing
Sausage: Can’t. He thinks he can, but he’s just so bad at it and no one has the heart to tell him otherwise
Katherine: Absolutely refuses to
Jimmy: Cannot throw it back. Unlike Sausage, everyone loves to bully him for it
Pearl: Threw it back once, and it may have killed a man
Scott: Pretty damn good at it, but only his allies know
fWhip: Thinks “throwing it back” is another word for twerking
Shrub: Unaware of it at first, but Scott told her about it and thinks it’s weird
Joel: The best. Cannot be beat
Joey: Also really good, but jealous of Joel bc he’s better
Season 2: 
Pixl: Knows what it is, tried it once in his bedroom, and swore off of it for eternity
Gem: Decent
Lizzie: Claims to be good at it, but doesn’t even know what it is
Sausage: Yes. Does it all the time to the detriment of everyone else
Katherine: Can, but is very awkward about it
Sheriff: Surprisingly good at it, but doesn’t throw it back in front of anyone
False: No clue what it is
Scott: Does it more than Sausage, he and Scott throw it back to each other as a greeting
fWhip: Prefers to watch others in his secret tunnels
Shelby: Can throw it back, but is self conscious when doing so in front of others
Joel: Threw it back once and it caused a tsunami
Pirate Joe: Only does so when drunk
Oli: Tried to throw it back, but got sent to jail before he could even finish
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
Fair City Vs The Facility RP
(here is my rp promise Melody 😈)
Dr. Two Brains blinked his bloodshot eyes as the alarm clock blared on his nightstand. It was another night of lack of sleep. Groaning, the mad scientist lazily reached his hand over and bonked the snooze button on the alarm. Two Brains slowly got up and out of bed. All the while clutching a pink unicorn plush toy tightly to his chest. He walked to his bathroom and rubbed his face with one glove, feeling the stubble and whiskers that had not been shaven as often as he did before. He placed the unicorn toy down in a safe spot before approaching the bathroom sink as he began to wash his face and brush his teeth. One of the small amount of hygiene practices he still has the energy and motivation to keep up with now a days. After cleaning his face and teeth, Dr. Two Brains just stared at the mirror for a bit, seeing a reflection that had seen brighter days. With a deep sigh, Dr. Two Brains left the bathroom and began to head out of his bedroom and into the living room of his evil lair. He paused mid step and stared back at the pink unicorn plush. With tender care, the villain picked up the toy and cradled it in his arms. He stared at the toy with affection, yet bitter pain in his red/pink eyes. Time seemed to stop for the mad scientist for an eternity, but only about 8 minutes had passed before the scientist placed the toy gently back on his bed. As he opened the door to his bedroom to leave, he turned back again to face the unicorn toy lying still on the bed, something he did many times before ever since that horrible moment in his life. "Don't worry Pawni." Dr. Two Brains spoke softly, again holding back sobs coming from his mouth, "I'll try to find her again today." He then closed the door behind him, leaving the toy and all the memories it held, in total darkness.
Joey and Charlie frowned with concern towards their boss as the mad scientist slowly ate his cheesy breakfast. The henchmen had to force their boss to not forgo his eating habits and to keep up his strength in spite of everything. They both sadly knew the source of their boss's new forlorn, depraved. and sorrowful state. It was about four months to this date that Becky and her pet monkey Bob had vanished from Fair City without a trace. At first, Dr. Two Brains didn't suspect anything was amiss when his daughter and her monkey had not come home one Friday evening for dinner. The mad scientist assumed that they were at a friend's house and he had forgotten or not heard Becky tell him of her plans which was typical for him especially since his brain had become scrambled due to his fusion with Squeaky. Even when The Butcher had successfully committed a crime the next day and Wordgirl nor Huggy had shown up to stop him was not too much cause for alarm. There were rare moments when Becky would be too busy in her civilian life to show up to a crime but she would always make it up later. What caused Dr. Two Brains to truly start to panic was later that same day when Chuck committed a crime but this time the new hero Kid Math showed up to stop him. When Chuck asked where Wordgirl and Captain Huggy Face were, to the villain's total surprise, Kid Math had no idea either. The boy said he tried visiting them at the spaceship hideout but they were not there. He was just about done searching the city for the duo when he saw Chuck committing a crime. Of course, distraught with the news Wordgirl and Huggy were missing, Chuck passed the news in the villain's chat room on his phone while in jail. The news soon reached Dr. Two Brains who was now becoming increasingly worried to his not knowing of his pinky's whereabout's, started calling the Ming's and the Heaslip's. He wanted to believe his earlier assumptions that his daughter was just being busy with her friends and taking a break from her hero duties. His heart only sank further and further when each parent proved him wrong. Dr. Two Brains then called Mrs. Botsford, one part for a last check to see if she was with the family and when again he was proven wrong, to asks the District Attorney's help to find his child and her monkey. Weeks passed, missing posters were put up, Becky and Bob's case ran on the news a few times. Violet and Scoops rounded up all the kids and teachers from Becky's school to help look. It was all for naught. When he was able to contact him, Two Brains and Kid Math worked out a facade to convince the citizens that Wordgirl and Huggy were just visiting Lexicon and Kid Math would take over until they came back. Only Scoops, Kid Math, Dr. Two Brains, and the rest of the EVA knew the truth from that lie. Dr. Two Brains began committing less and less crimes, his reputation as the #1 villain falling. But he didn't care. He would give anything to get his daughter back, anything to see her and Bob alive and well again. To the mad scientist's amazement in all this, Squeaky wasn't pushing Dr. Two Brains to steal cheese to satisfy their obsession. It seemed the mouse brain was also truly saddened by Becky's disappearance. It had been 4 months since Becky and Bob's disappearance, but Dr. Two Brains was not giving up until he found them. He just wanted his daughter back. The mad scientist finished his meal and slowly got up and headed towards the entrance of his lair. "I'm going to take the van and search again boys. Call me and let me know if you receive any phone calls concerning Becky and/or Bob." Dr. Two Brains commanded his men in a slightly emotionless voice. The henchmen just nodded solemnly. "You got it boss." Joey responded. "Take care out there." A small, grateful smile crept upon Two Brains' lips. He knew the henchmen were worried about Becky and Bob as well as his own health. Dr. Two Brains gave a slight nod and headed out the door to the van. He drove away into the city, continuing his search for his child and monkey. The only thing he left behind was his lab coat.
@melodythebunny (1st)
@drtwobrainsstuff (2nd)
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dangara2610 · 9 months
⭐ 1rst Bonus ⭐
One for- Blind Hugo AU - Final final
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I forgot to write other ideas I had for this
The live in this place is not that bad, Hugo is afraid that if people know about his criminal past he would end up in a worse situation, due to the church-kind of christian thematic of this orphanage, most people are very moralist and had bad experiences with thiefs.
Donella missions usually involved robbing to mob's houses or rich places but that didn't meant he stopped robbing from middle class merchants time to time, if a guard from this town recognize him , would he be jailed? Or pitied and leaved alone?
Meanwhile , all the people on this is very kind to him, and pity him , a lot, not holding their tongues to make comentaries about how unfortunate is he, and , he knows everyone loves his looks, his blonde hair and green eyes, yet they hated his pearcings, so he has none now.
He was welcome by the staff to any place to do chores, always getting assisted and asked to do safe works, his confidence and sarcastic lenguage would surface soon due to the friendship they were building.
Once the director called Hugo with a partner, in order to make sure Hugo would have help at reading some braille books he bought for him, surprise, those where the ones Varian bought , Donella didn't sold them far away then, he was very happy and asked them to tell him if the papers inserted on the almost back of the 3rd book were addresses written, and they were.
Now he could write to the team (happy happy happy) , well, to their parents, and the letters would be read until they finished the 7 trials and came back to their home, there was still hope to be found.
The director lended him paper and a pen, he made 3 copies of the same letter, greeting them and their parents, telling them how come Lidia wasn't his mother in reality, but still she was kind , sadly both endup separated and robbed from their belongings, now he is living with these guys, he adds the address and some names, saying he hopes they can visit sometime, he misses them and loves them.
And they continue their new status quo, dayly prays, Hugo plays along and rarely cuestion things to not make the people around him lose sympathy for him, but there is something he speaks with the director, about the biblic miracles of blind people getting their sight back , if they could get the miracle because there was no sin behind, what if he sinned before and that's why he is sick? , Can't he get the miracle? Also there is people out there who never recover but we're very committed to the church, how can they keep believing?
The answer is that God works in different ways for different people, there is no tell, but after all, getting the miracle or not , the soul is more important, and that's the one that matters, even so, it's better to don't stop believing on the miracle,that may happen on earth on in heaven, there is no tell.
Then , one night, he dreams of Varian opening a portal and visiting him on his orphanage bedroom, Varian was happy, and was wearing a new outfit, Hugo could see him, and Varian started to ask how was he doing, Hugo guessed it was no hard to tell again the content of his letter to this dream Varian , but this Varian saddened and looked disappointed at hearing this.
But Varian cheered himself up , telling he found awesome things in the eternal library, even the cure for Hugo, how?, combining techniques of lucid dream travel, teletransportacion , and getting him to the medical area of the library, they could make a quick diagnosis, and then surgery, Hugo gets sacred of the word "surgery" and the environment of the dream changes to a chaotic one.
Varian notices and tries to calm him, saying that in the library, they also found ways to make any surgery painless, and he would be okey , please trust, Varian takes his hand, and then they hug, Hugo welcomes the hug and the environment changes again for a more pleasant one.
Dream Varian then ask permission to carry the sleeping body of Hugo to dream Hugo, he agrees , Varian tells him to come, both cross the portal , reaching the Library and the enter to another one, with the look of a modern hospital, Varian asks him softly to sit down and relax, then the body is played on a bed that gets inside a big cilíndric machine, to get some images on a box, Varian explains the problem was not in the eyes, but between the eyes and the brain.
Then the body is carried to another portal with a surgery table on it , Nuru and Yong are at there, they greet dream Hugo and chat with him while Varian works, they explain the marvels of the library, Hugo while chatting takes a look at Varian's working form but he gets stopped by Nuru, telling him there's no need to look right now, Nuru asks Yong to put a cover for Varian and he does , Varian thanks and says he forgot.
Hugo asks why she is impeding him to see, and she says that's the surgery books advice, there is no need to scare the patient unless the patient has previous experience looking at goreish surgery, and do they had? Yes, they had spend great time at the library with this topic.
Varian finished, and now carries the body back , all the team go from portal to portal until reaching Hugo's bedroom, they place the body back to bed , they do a grupal hug , say encouraging words, and promise to retrieve Hugo from this place after getting out of the library, they say their goodbyes, dream Hugo lays on his own body happy for this experience.
He sleeps more , and when he wakes up late, he can see again, he is cured, was his encounter with his friends real? was the surgery real? he goes to the next person he finds asking if this is a dream, he can see again, and the friend is awe, confirms that is not a dream, is a miracle, he hugs and congrats him, and shouts at every body in the building to come and see, Hugo recovered his sight.
All stop what they were doing and run to see, everyone is happy and thanking God , Hugo is happy as well, and he starts to recognize the names of his friends according to their voices, asking for confirmation to each one, and they follow and keep being happy.
The director comes after to see what the fuss is about, finally Hugo meets the face of the person who had the power to took him in and decided to make his staying comfy, and they hug too , too much hugs for Hugo.
Later he explained vaguely his dream, omiting the "Eternal Library" concept, and some others agree that God helps the sciences to get developed, so, is thanks to him those friends, maybe angels, got him a free surgery.
Time after , Varian, Nuru and Yong visited, there was a welcome humble reunion with all the staff getting to meet them, they keep quiet about lot of things, but enjoy the hospitality.
Nuru and Varian give great donations, says their goodbyes and go back to their respective homes
⭐2nd Bonus ⭐
For any final for this Vat7k AU
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Well, I imagined it happening just right after the Bonus 1
Yong is being the first one to get carried home, have another welcome party with the family, looks like any old Sunday or birthday party with family visiting and getting lots of dishes on the table.
Next Nuru, having a pretty much bigger welcome party , starting by the entrance of the kingdom, like a whole parade, people reunited and thanking her for getting ride of the Meteor Shower Curse , she is in tears of joy and she thank them back, they arrive the castle and get presented, her parents and sisters get down from their thrones to reach her and hug her, that's a moment no one interrupts getting near to them at hall, the crowds behind the safety lines erupts in applauses and cheering sounds, they should had let Yong to come here first, haha.
Nuru after the grupal hug, turns to the people and gives a thank you speech, and explains the full context of her research and how she stopped the curse, how she was helped by Yong, Hugo and Varian, hoping for a new era of peace and growth for the kingdom.
The welcome party lasted three days, due to being also a victory party and being declared a national day for the rest of Koto history, Hugo and Varian were given presents, Varian was given a field to own on the kingdom, next to one for Yong, but he and his family would be notified by letter about it, besides getting some presents deliveried as well.
They says their goodbyes next day, looks like Hugo is meant to stay in Corona with Varian from now on, and Varian gets also his welcome party by Rapunzel, his dad and friends, he pressented Hugo and tell them he will stay, everyone is happy, and they will adapt to their new live after all these happening.
Varian would explain how the library works to everyone.
Well, that's for another post called (3/10) Eternal Library dynamic XD
Thanks for reading ♥️💐🌤️🪻🌤️🏵️❤️🩵🌤️🩵🩷🚌🩷♠️🌺🩷🩷🌤️🩵❤️🌤️🏵️♥️🌼🏖️⭐⭐🌻♥️🏖️💛♥️♦️💜🌻🌻☀️💜🌤️❤️
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lilaceas · 1 year
sky is dark & leopard coat fur in the hills are white sleepy little girl drown betwen fire & an illusion marry me & torture me & fold your wings in a carousel of real horses wild & i pretty if dare to disturb a king of thunderstorm grow up & lie & to nit collapse with open eyes see & what have we done when everyone is full of shit clowns & peaches through millions of buckets a daughter tattoed perfection in her forehead plays as a dead women smashing her own car with one husbands skull—babyblue with velvet eyes; to the singing of mother-bird protection are jesus locked in a jail & not, blaming sweet red tones of her lips & flowery skin on skin make & kill my hit on down & lullaby a magical morning & a terrible night when nightmare woke me two shoots & throat i lied but some secret empty cloud blooms— nest where whore's name same as mine her little one lies. yonder he asked for my number but losing games to watch ginger breads over the casket see a star,—with a twisted gloss rock & roll & robbots song; the soft dew under lingerie a owned hear it calling— & twinkling the night eyelid along. cities full of nails polishes strap your face & door open but nobody came through the window a lover & lancôme gift comes,—gold moon misty wings; all silently kept you out & get down the floor you'd cut this pussy no one will care why the green excepts flies away, it asks, is he sleeping is he moaning why i keep buying lies i'm so blind on the hotel with religion behind my ballerina feet hurting aching & addicted to a metaphor that said snowflakes are the worst & you didn't knew how nice trying is the best when you commit murder for— dreaming awake monsters in my head treasures treating while mother sings? from the north sea glass of floats the sobbing of the waves & valley of shadows the scariest story happens all the time with clocks off that are breaking upon the store & though flowers crown of pain defformity & doctors finally went hospital to come back as dirt & say forgive me they were groaning in anguish they are washing her clothes to see him again for an instant & moaning my name make me feel unreal & sad a tear never left a mark buy me candy & prostitutes i give you eternity & a kiss out your mouth you can tell who am i & why you'd smell so bad from laying with women that looks like me but talk so indifferent you say true she's mine & not you ugly as hell brunette not long hair not my type say no clues i wanted to be around— bemoaning death sentence trying to initiate her lufe you promised me it was destroyed that there's nothing of us in your idiot brain my name are in trash & romance didn't exists. that shall come no more. sleepy & fold your wings,— babyblue will never be babyblue you crazy bitch boy with mournful eyes cutten open & not moaning?—see, i love another man, swinging in nothing & calling me every time you enter in the room where i'm at—where my darling lies. the storm-king speeds up at são paulo from the north europe to-night, & leaves me lonely & not breathing nicotine exhaling money smell & my poetry is for him, god & jesus sing up & down but not sad or blaming some & head on & tornadoes a break is all mother wants in silently bedrooms we lived as we were one & two souls are too less for me pushing me & using me & try me & look me in the face close your eyes when your birthday cames wish my love & its so clear wishes are made to not be realised, i wonder why because you don't touch your cellphone therefore four months ago when i came from ontario eating cookies & drinking chocolate milk missing your warmness & tenderness please don't say you're sorry commiting suicide is a temple not one stays where am i going now i saw you in your car singing & may i just don't need you any more then its fear that make two of us apart this king wild went flight the crown my breasts in snowflakes a drink & i go & i sing too within you & i'm on platforms as ever & find me & cannot remind where am i at am i by your side in the bed sucking your cock with you anesthesy & incounscious better sex.
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verysickwormz · 2 years
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thing I drew after explaining the culture of 2014 dabnny phaghntom fandom in which half of it were people who were very horny for the evil adult danny and while everyone else was making serious and moody human forms for him I said “what if he was big, deranged and a slut...”
From like november 2021
Expand to read a deeply unnecessary explanation of my Danffdfny Phantdfom AU within my Ddfdanny Phandffdtom AU
My sorta serious Main DP AU I cooked up just for fun when I was like 22:
 At the end of Ultimate Enemy evil adult Danny (Dan, because he is 30 lol) is slorped into the thermos. In the show every ghost pulled into the thermos is released back into the ghost zone with the exception of Dan who’s entirely too powerful and evil to be allowed out. My lil AU takes advantage of that unique experience and runs with it. Dan spends a good, long time in this wretched thermos and undergoes an energetic and psychic decay. Time chews through all things and the seal on the thermos eventually gives out, whatever ghostly leak proofing that existed is compromised and  Dan blows that thing. Entering reality the effects of prolonged containment leave him in immediate need of another entity to stabilize what’s left of himself. He manages to ambush and forcibly merge with clocdfdfkwork. Clockwdfdfork is kind of a squirrely fuck (he’s kinda all about “what if THIS happened” and THIS is always the most ass thing) and is like “hmm au in which i allow everyone’s eternal shit to be rocked” and Dan is like “i have ghost TBI so...yeah lets do it”. They are 1, they are unstable, they do various evils. This story is meant to be like an adult take on a DP story line, high stakes, death, no u can’t undo it and go back, it’s all kinda spooky and stressful and it plays with time the same way Interstellar does. Not too intense but just enough to stress you out and be fun. Basically DP but an adultswim adaptation lol.
The AU within the Serious AU which is just an excuse to be silly: 
As for the human form, everyone was doin it and I wanted to play too. it was meant to be a 1 off concept but as i interacted with others I saw the chance to do my favorite thing which is “make a joke out of any and all serious concepts”. So this version of him is like: AU in which a very fucked up and unstable version of Dan who has ghostly TBI from too much time in gay serial killer jail goes to get revenge on himself in the past for fuckin his shit up so hard, but screws up the trajectory of his time jump, meets himself as a 17 year old who’s pretty burnt out from world saving and winds up being vengefully annoying instead.
 Anyway, Dannys older, he’s learning about how the world works, he’s fukin up the ghost shit, the girl shit and the life shit overall. So naturally it’s a great time to have a strange version of urself show up in your bedroom at 3 AM while ur high as fuck and threaten to pull you inside out. It’s all pretty spooky but endless time in a thermos really does a number on a guy. Dan’s clearly unright and not as strong as he used to be. Dan gets his ass woop’d and considering 400 years in a thermos didn’t do more than make him mad and screwy Danny feels bad for the guy, the guy being the wackest version of himself, and suggests reform over revenge. Dan being goo for brains and not in any state to really fight it out takes him up on the offer. Trying to recapture a humanity he ripped out of himself sounds a lot better than soup round 2.
 Everything after is just an excuse for a prolonged joke where Dan menaces Danny’s every waking moment in disguise as “my older brother we dont talk about”. (Dan’s cover story is conversion therapy camp to which everyone cringes and goes DAN NO but he dont care, he’s trans, its funny, dont yall fuck with dark humor? snowflakes...) Dan proceeds to fuck up both ghost wrangling and human behavioring. If he’s not killing the dead even deader he’s out and about learning that meth works even if u don't have real lungs to smoke it with. 
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A jail inside a jail and other crappy metaphors
A/N: I've been isolating since Tuesday. I'm sad and it was raining yesterday. I'm also bored to death and fed up with my parents wanting to make me think that I am in a hotel with room service. have some words
How pathetic it is that I need to get it out of my system just like this. That I’m typing it in english and not spanish because thinking about it in my mother tongue makes it much more real, more personal, more raw. That I’m mistyping words, a lot of words, because i refuse to leave the safety of this laptop, of this bed to go turn on the only light in the room.
I’ve refused to leave the bed I’ve been sleeping in for the past three days for everything that’s not eating. And, for the sake of not making this an eternal allegory to whatever else toxicity I have inside me and that is in some way corrupting my insides and turning to black whatever I have inside, giving me a figurative stomach ache; I won’t dwell on describing or even thinking of whose bed I’m sleeping on, on whose room I’ve been staying for the past three days, on whose wedding picture would be starting right back at me if I lifted up my head from the laptop and looked to the front.
The bed covers up almost all the area of the room, so it isn’t like I’m willingly staying on it permanently, it is not a symbol of whatever I’m feeling and I’m not representing a state of exhaustion, or the deep desire of going to sleep as a way of saying a momentarily goodbye to all my burdens and problems for a couple of hours. I’m staying in this bed, simply, because it’s almost all I can do, aside, that is, from choosing to sit down in one of the chairs that face the window. Not that the chair gives me a lot of good memories either, but watching tv from there is rather uncomfortable than the bed. I guess it makes sense, for a bedroom to be a place where the bed is the star of the furniture, you know? And, still, the island of dotted sheets and flowered pillows only serves as a jail inside of a jail that is the room I’m isolating myself in.
A jail with all the comfort, yes, because I’m not locked inside my mom’s house sleeping on the floor with only water and bread as meals and little to no hygiene. But I guess that a golden cage is still a cage. And how overdramatic of me to compare my isolation to being in prison (and how typical of me to roll my eyes when rereading the paragraph too. The meanest critic is oneself, at the end), but Francis Forever has been on repeat since I started typing this up and the furthest I’ve gone since Tuesday morning has been to the bathroom, which is five steps down the hall, not really that much of an adventure; so I guess I can excuse myself by saying that dramatism and flourishing really comes out of me whenever I’m bored to death.
And also, this whole discourse that I’m typing up to a) do something with my time aside from scrolling down my phone and watching sitcoms and b) preventing myself from crying more (key word, that last one, everyone always fails to mention just how fast your afternoon can go if you spend half of it crying while being silent so that no one from your family can hear you and think that you are mid crisis), started with the words “how poetic”, so whose fault is it really if you didn’t consider the depths and lengths of my girl melodrama?
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kraekat29 · 3 months
Paper Rings- Chapter Thirty Nine
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Ruby stood on the front porch of Tannyhill, going over what she wanted to say in her mind, anxiously biting the inside of her cheek.
She never thought she’d be back here ever again, not after everything she’d gone through to get out, to not be trapped.
But this was for JJ.. she couldn’t let him be sent away for however long just because he’d protected her.
Ruby knocked on the front door, adjusting her ponytail as Rafe opened the door, her lips twitched as she fought back a smile at seeing at the cuts and bruises on his face from JJ.
“What do you want?” Rafe asked, “I wanna make a deal.” Ruby said simply and he laughed.
“Oh a deal?” He questioned, “I know your father is back in town. And well, if you want that to remain a secret I suggest you listen to me” Ruby said, smirking as Rafe’s face paled.
“Fine. What?” Rafe asked, “I need your private jet and JJ out of jail” Ruby said and he scoffed, “we’re going to Orinoco, I promise once you get us there? Me and JJ won’t come back. Ever.” Ruby said.
“Alright. Alright okay? You got 48 hours or I’m pressing the charges. I’ll call you tonight to meet me” Rafe said and she nodded, turning on her heel and leaving. 
Ruby must’ve sat on that bench outside of the jail all day, anxiously watching the doors and waiting, hoping Rafe had been truthful on his end of the deal.
Finally after what felt like an eternity, JJ came outside and Ruby stood up, making her way over to him.
“How- what?” He breathed out and she shrugged, “c’mon. Everyone’s waiting at the chateau.” She said casually and began walking.
Ruby glanced behind her, seeing JJ standing there for a moment and laughing to herself as he ran to catch up with her, wrapping his arm around her waist as her body leaned into his.
Once at the chateau, Ruby explained the plan to everyone, assuring Sarah it would be alright, but she still planned to talk to Ward on her own, not trusting her brother.
After that everyone split up inside, Ruby taking JJ to her room and closing the door.
The two of them talked for a while, then one kiss turned into two, and two turned into dry humping on her bed, ignoring the sound of her phone ringing as they got lost in each other.
Which is why when JJ pulled away from the kiss he froze, seeing flames surrounding her bedroom window.
“Fire- fuck there’s a fire!” JJ said, Ruby scrambling off his lap and to put her shirt back on.
He ran out but she stayed, frozen in her spot- this was her and JJ’s sanctuary, the place where so many of their memories were made. She couldn’t just leave.
She grabbed her bag and threw all her favorite pictures into it, running out of her room just as the first beam fell.
She was trapped..
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bells-of-black-sunday · 7 months
📖💋🐶❤️🔮🚀💍💭🤗😡🛏 - Tarhos
Muse In Relationships | Accepting
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📖What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner?
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I feel like him and Haru probably go for a lot of walks, they camp, they talk about everything and nothing, sometimes Tar just lays against his chest and naps while Haru sketches. They're very domestic and normal by a lot of my muses standards.
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💋Are they more sensual or sexual?
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Sensual definitely, while he does enjoy sex a lot, he likes other forms of intimacy more especially once he learns there's more to it than just the sexual part of it. It's something he learns mostly in base verse rather than modern, mostly because he has friends that will touch him non-sexually in modern. In base verse it's very different. The only times he's ever really touched are for demeaning and dehumanizing reasons, to hurt him, or for intercourse. Then of course... he melts under normal touch once he's used to it. It takes him a while though.
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🐶Are they a cuddler?
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Oh absolutely. He loves being close to Haru and feeling his skin on his especially after what I mentioned above. Good luck getting him off of him, because he will not. (Unless Haru asks of course) Big or little spoon he does not care at all.
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❤️ Do they fall in love easily?
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Not in the slightest mostly because he doesn't think he deserves that kind of intimacy. It takes him a while for him to admit that he is and then once he does he's head over heels, he puts his entire heart and soul into it for better or for worse.
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🔮Do they believe in soul mates?
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Base verse and monster? Absolutely. Modern? Not really and he absolutely rolls his eyes every time Vittorio talks about it when they go to the museum to look at that painting of the maiden and the knight.
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🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love?
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He'd die for him. No, ifs ands or buts, he'd die for him if it meant keeping him safe. Anything he can realistically do, he will do for Haru. Whether that be in modern remembering things he said off handedly that he wanted and buying it for him or in medieval where he tries to buy him the nicest clothes he can afford.
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💍Would they ever get married?
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In every verse he would. They're married without the paper or ring in base verse anyway, now all someone has to do is keep poking Tarhos until he asks in modern. Then they'll finally get their ring.
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💭 Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?
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Tar suffers from really bad night terrors a lot of nights, it's really a gamble if he can sleep and not be interrupted by feeling the eternal dread he always feels when thinking about the past. With Haru it's less than when he's alone, mostly because at least at those points in his life he's on more solid ground than grasping at sand like he's used to. That and just being able to hold him and hear his breathing or his heart beat helps.
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🤗Are they physically affectionate? 
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Base verse Tarhos when he knows they won't get jailed for public indecency absolutely loves holding and kissing Haru, he can't keep his hands off of him, because the maiden is such a divine being to him. Modern not as much mostly, because again- he doesn't think he deserves to be loved and in modern especially he's had a lot of points that are very toxic hammered into him that he almost feels ashamed for being too affectionate. He feels like the only place he can be like that is in bed, but once he actually goes to therapy and starts healing it's all over. Haru will never know a day of peace.
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😡What are their deal breakers?
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Base verse Tarhos fucking hates the rich and people with more authority than him. He despises them, but other than that the usual things that would be a deal breaker for most people. Modern Tar is blind to a lot of issues, but yeah pretty much the usual that would be a deal breaker for most people that and he doesn't want kids like ever. Not even adopting them.
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🛏What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner?
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He loves doting on Haru and constantly checking up on him to make sure he's still enjoying himself with tiny questions like if he's enjoying himself or asking him to tell him how good it feels. It's something so small and yet I know for Haru it means the world, because no ones ever done that for him before.
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arthurjohn123 · 1 year
Aphrodite's Testament
A fairytale
Once upon a time  a Prince was born in a faraway kingdom, whose beauty surpassed Aphrodite’s. This moment was nothing short of a miracle to Queen Marie and King Henry, as the two have prayed every night for this to happen. A priest told them to do this as their bloodline has been cursed with such hideousness people would faint from just getting a glimpse of them. This curse was implemented a decade ago by an envious witch who wished to look as beautiful as them. Distraught with such a predicament, they committed their everything to ensure their firstborn does not suffer such a fate. After many years of praying, wishing and longing for this very moment to happen, the gods decided to finally bestow them an offspring whose appearance was so unmatched even Narcissus would fall in love with him, and not his reflection. The moment he was born, the priest suggested the family follow his guidance as he will ensure the baby will stay beautiful forever, if not become even more handsome. Greedily and without thinking, they listened to his words no matter what, the world could burn for all they care, and they would still take the priest’s advice.
The Prince’s name is Ray, a boy whose presence reminded the kingdom of nothing but sunrays, bright and eye-catching. His gorgeous dark hair and jade green eyes have always been revered and recognised by the public wherever he went. Throughout his life, the royal family struggled to take him anywhere without people getting in the way of their carriage. They would scream and shout praises till their voices got hoarse, it was as if he was a spectacle of some kind. He didn’t do anything worthy of attention, nor could he really as he was just a toddler by then. Perhaps his appearance reminded many people of the paintings of his great grandparents, whose beauty was just as astonishing as his. However, the difference is that they won the genetic lottery, meanwhile Aphrodite graced Ray with such beauty that outshine her own. Hence everyone knew he was special, as they felt simply blessed just by looking at him unlike his parents, whose ugliness was always hidden behind curtains, fans and masks. His appearance was regarded as something holy to look at, and touch which has happened frequently. Peasants, merchants and nobles alike always wanted to take a closer look at him, claiming that their souls will be cleansed, and the amount of times these instances occurred only increased the older he got. They would mutter how soft his skin is, how unblemished it was and how he was a masterpiece of some kind. These words would echo in his mind from sunset till sunrise, leaving him exhausted. Thinking about anything but their slimy hands nauseated him so much that he would vomit and fall ill for days. 
The royal family did not enjoy others touching him but the moment they saw the consequences of that happening, they decided to immediately forbid anyone from touching him again lest they wanted to be impaled or put in jail for eternity. Little did they know, the crimes committed against him would only become worse and worse… People coming from all kinds of backgrounds would break into their castle and try to kidnap him. It did not matter how many guards they had outside of his bedroom and outside his window, these desperate and filthy people would always find a way to get their hands on little Ray. 
The amount of these occurrences would increase as he got older, and one of the worst ones happened when he was nine years old. While he can remember many of these instances like yesterday, where each one of them left him in cold sweat, there was one incident that stood out the most, it is the one that leaves his unblemished face pale as a ghost. It was the night of the King’s birthday, and he had invited all of his relatives and the elites, making the entire castle very crowded. So, to avoid all this the young Prince decided to excuse himself and go to bed early that evening which saddened many guests but they let him go anyway because they understood the importance of beauty sleep. Ray thought this night was gonna be mundane as many other previous nights excluding those times he almost got kidnapped. But little did the boy know, one of the male guests got a tad bit too attached to him and followed him all the way to his bedroom silently. This old man probably hid himself somewhere in his room unbeknownst to the boy’s knowledge, and watched the maid help him get undressed and then put his night clothes on. The stalker got to see everything he hid underneath those expensive garments he wore almost everyday, and they got a closer look at him the moment the maid left him unattended for the night. He moved closer to him, and simply admired him while he was asleep. Driven by a complete want for him, he laid beside him under the covers, stroked his hair and quietly muttered praises as if he was his mother. Slowly but surely, impure thoughts began to cloud his obsessive mind, and he removed his covers and started to touch him. This woke the boy up and before he could do or say anything he covered his mouth with his hand and continued to explore his undeveloped body. He wanted to kick and scream but he couldn’t, he was too weak and he felt like he had no control of his body, hence he remained completely paralysed below him. What shocked him the most was when he tore his nightgown off and spread his thin legs apart. It was very dark so he couldn’t see what the man was doing, but he recalls the sound of him undoing his belt and pulling his pants down. Suddenly, the old man stopped the moment his maid burst into the room, with a candle in her hand she yelled at the man to get off of the Prince. Everything happened so quickly, because the next second he saw the man being dragged out by the guards, half naked, kicking and screaming as if he threw a tantrum. After one of the guards slammed the door closed, the maid made her way over to him, and the moment she witnessed his torn up nightgown she told Ray he needed to see the priest immediately.
The journey to the priest was very short, and the Prince travelled to him in a carriage with his parents. Once they got there, it was as if the priest could read through Ray and could retell the parents all the details of what had happened to their beautiful son. The priest claimed the boy’s jade green eyes had gotten dull from trauma and facing something extremely sinful.
‘We must cleanse the Prince from the horror that he has witnessed. With Aphrodie’s help, maybe she will help him go back to the state of salvation and purity once more. He has become impure… And he has fallen victim to its consequences. If he does not become pure once more, his boyhood will be likened to a withered rose, impure, filthy, and worthless. We will have failed what Aphrodite has asked us to do, which is to protect him and his purity.’  The priest explained, agitated, and upset over the incident.
‘Then… Wh-what shall we do? You are our only hope because you’re the only one who can speak to the gods... Especially Aphrodite. She listens to no one but you, Sir.’ The king exclaimed, whilst holding his wife who became dizzy and almost delirious over the horrific situation their son has been through. Her husband used his free hand to dab a cloth on her damp forehead gently, to keep her cool as he was worried this might happen, and he was nothing short of correct.
‘Build Ray a tower, so high that it touches the clouds, it is only then Aphrodite might forgive us for our shameful mistakes. His beauty needs to remain untouched, even by the Prince himself as he cannot be allowed to get dirty ever again. Lust is the most dangerous sin and we cannot have him fall in love with his own reflection, like Narcissus did. Therefore, your highness, we must ban mirrors and anything too shiny from coming into the tower.’
From then onwards, the boy lived above the clouds for many years, alone and protected from anything that could further sully his purity. Everyone but Ray knew how defiled he had become after that night both physically and mentally. Hence, they believed Aphrodite’s idea of retribution was to keep him as sinless and pure as a newborn, if not more, especially for his potential wives. Letter after letter, was sent from every corner of the world, where beggars, commoners, and royalties alike have asked his parents to wed off their daughters to him. By the end of the year, the amount of letters would brim the royal family’s ballroom, which was one of the grandest rooms to be in. 
It seems that the older he got, the higher the number of proposals would be sent every year. Even so, nobody dared to pay him a visit ever since the incident, and thus the Prince came to live in isolation for many years to come. This left the world a big mystery, as almost nobody but his closest knew how beautiful he had become over time. 
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trish93marie · 1 year
Endless Suffering for Eternal Bliss
It’s such a scam. We’re born into a heteronormative society where we’re expected to be world renown doctors, nurses, husbands and wives. Disney teaches us that men save women and there’s always a happy ending. This sets us, as humans, up for untimely failure as life truly brings us reality and bombs our lives with things we never prepared for while growing into children, then teens and adults.
When I was just seven years old, I witnessed my father drunkenly (and nude) beat my mother because she wouldn’t have sex with him. It was the first time I stayed in a women’s shelter.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
My sister and I used to go on long country rides with our parents. They were drinking all the while. My father would frequently try to sexually assault my mom in the front seat.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
On one of those rides, with both parents drunk, we spun out into a cornfield during a snowstorm. We thought it was the ride of our lives.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
We dumpster dove frequently as children. We thought we were bonding with our father.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
Eventually, my parents, sister and grandparents moved into a house together. I felt safe. Our grandparents protected us. The drinking and drugs continued with my parents. One day my dad came home bleeding all over. He tried robbing two crack dealers with a screwdriver.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
Unfortunately, my grandpa (papa) passed in 2008. I had trouble dealing. We all did. My parents unraveled. My grandma (granny) was ridden with cancer while grieving the death of her soulmate. My uncle decided to move my grandma from the toxic environment into her own home where she could heal. I went to visit my grandma one day and came back to a nightmare. My mom was sitting on the neighbors porch with bruises and blood everywhere. My father completely lost it and dragged her by her hair upstairs and began beating her in the bedroom he barricaded her in. She screamed for help and that’s how the neighbors knew something went array. When my mom was able to get free and the police arrived, my father locked himself in the bedroom and SWAT opened with five guns pointed at him. He laughs about it now, but it wasn’t very comical then. My mom wouldn’t stop drinking. One sip was all it took. I couldn’t take it anymore. She begged me to stay, but I left. I moved in with my grandma.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
Fast forward a few years, my father is out of jail and living in a halfway house. My mother and sister are living in the slums of southwest Canton. Fast forward a few more years, my grandma’s house is full with everyone there. Both parents are still drinking. One morning, just a few days after Christmas, my sister was irate. She had a gymnastics meet and both parents were drunk in morning. I went downstairs and confronted both of them. It got heated and he shut the door on me, so I snapped. I picked up a shelf and threw it at the door and it shattered. Little did I know the events that would quickly come after. I began walking away and my father came out of his room full of rage. He attacked me from behind and my eyebrow and teeth were the first to hit the cold, concrete floor. He turned me over and was on top of me. My sister ran downstairs and I yelled for help and to call the police, but she just stared and ran upstairs. Nobody helped me. My parents ran to some motel. When winter break ended, the family begged me not to say anything. I was in British Literature class and, naively, participated. The teacher noticed immediately. It’s hard to hide a bloody scrape above your eyebrow and a black eye. Next thing I knew, I was in the office with the principal, counselor and police officer. My dad was arrested soon after. I was alone. Everyone in the family was upset with me. I was just a kid. My great aunt even pleaded to write a letter to the judge. I was just a kid! My father was sentenced to four years for domestic violence.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
I continued to live with my grandma. One afternoon, my sister called me upset because my mom was extremely drunk. I lost my temper. I drove there. I put a cigarette out on my mom’s arm. I physically fought and kicked her while she was down. It took three guys to pull me out of the house.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
My mom and sister were evicted and my grandma was paying for their cheap downtown motel. My grandma gave an ultimatum to my mother. If she didn’t stop drinking, she’d be on the streets. She stopped! Eventually I moved to Columbus for college.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
It took some time for my father and I to forgive each other. For awhile he didn’t want to speak to me or wish him a happy birthday. We reconciled, but just three years later all hell broke loose. My mother was sober, but father was intoxicated and said something so nasty to my mother that I had to intervene. He stood up and began walking upstairs with a can of beer in his hand. I walked behind him, snatched it, tossed it down the sink and prepared for the mayhem that was about to ensue. He walked back towards me and I knew then that I had to fight, whether I was ready or not, I had to fight my father. My grandma tried getting between us, but we kept throwing punches. We broke chairs, vases, etc. he was underneath me squeezing the life from my ribs when I reached up and grabbed a massive wrench. Everybody screamed NO when that happened, including him. I could have killed him with the force I was holding the wrench with.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
In 2016 I became addicted to adderall, so much so that I binged and decided to drop out of college, break my lease and join the military. The same day we cleaned out my apartment and I moved back to my hometown before enlisting, we got a call that my grandma was taken by siren ambulance to hospital. We raced to my hometown and I went straight to the hospital. There she was. My grandma. The woman that raised me. Laying there afraid and alone. The very next day, I was sitting by her side and she finally had a bowel movement, but it wasn’t bowel. It was blood. I can still remember the smell. I ran out to the nurses and asked if that was bad. They told me I needed to start calling family. I was only twenty two years old. I tried to stay calm as I called family members. They tried an operation. It failed. My cousins and I stayed with her overnight. My grandma needed pain relief, but anymore would cease any opportunity for future operations. The three of us had to make the decision. We just wanted her comfortable. The next several days were the worst of my life. I will never forget my uncle waking me up from a nap to tell me that it’s time. We all sat on the bed with her as she took her last breath.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
I couldn’t stop drinking when she passed. I drank in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. My sister and I ended up fighting. She told me if I laid a hand on her that she’d call the cops, so I basically let her kick the hell out of me and give me a bloody nose. My dad came downstairs and slapped her into the wall. I had scratches on my neck and drove to my uncles for the night. I hate that I did, but I drank before the funeral. I had to speak. My excuse was liquid courage. Directly after the funeral, I drove back to Columbus. When I arrived, I met a friend and found a serving job on Craigslist. Just two months later, two weeks prior to enlisting, I got my second OVI. My grandma told me to stop drinking before she passed. I was a fool.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
I went to jail. I moved back to Canton not long after. Military dreams were gone. I began drinking more and doing heavier drugs. I don’t think there’s a drug I didn’t try when I was in my hometown. Later that same year, a doctor prescribed me with a medication. I couldn’t take the emotional pain anymore, so I took nine of the pills. When I couldn’t get them back up, I called my best friend in the city. She saved my life. My heart rate dropped to 30 and I spent three days in ICU. Catheters aren’t fun. I kept doing drugs. I once justified smoking crack cocaine over drinking alcohol. I dropped to 107lbs.
I didn’t know then that it would affect me years later.
I moved back to Columbus in April 2017, approximately seven months after being in hometown. I lived with a friend for awhile. Since then, I’ve become sober. By no means was it easy. I’m a bartender and server. I made the conscious decision to break those generational curses to have a better quality of life. I’ve found EMDR, which has been a godsend, but sobriety has only given me the strength to begin that healing. I’ve been in EMDR for three years and going on five years sober.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, you can’t make it through life unscathed. If you do, you’re not doing it right. We continue to face these trials and tribulations in order to evolve as humans. Comfortability embeds stagnancy. I believe we’re meant to experience pain so that we know what true beauty and love is. Without the bad, how would we know what the good is?
I didn’t know.
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vullcanica · 2 years
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Constance and The Tower are based on one of my favourite horror tropes. Architecture. Strange, terrible architecture
A building that's fundamentally built wrong; tilted, looping, with dimensions that make no sense both outside and in. A living, breathing space with a mind of its own - that's what The Tower of Equilibrium is. Fundamentally, it's a liminal space and those tend to be neutral, which it is, geared towards accomodating itself first and foremost. Yes, it moves around, adds and substracts things as it sees fit, makes extra floors and rooms on a whim, then takes them away, it can inconvenience you greatly for its own gain, it holds a whole endless realm within its walls. But all of this isn't necessarily horror. An impossible feat of abstraction may give you pause of disbelief or unnerve you, but the place's shallows limit themselves to fathomable shapes and proportions for the sake of camouflage. An optical illusion isn't inherently scary, it's just confusing. But since it is a creature, a deity with its own sentience, The Tower can form opinions on its inhabitants, can judge them and, as follows, its treatment of them varies. And it takes shape accordingly.
One trope that's fun to explore is the Tower as 'the perfect home'. What would you do if you entered a place that liked you? It's overjoyed you're here, it warms and brightens at your presence, and will do anything to make sure you're comfortable. What does your favourite room look like, where do you sleep best, what do you like to eat or listen to. which view would please you more: ocean or mountaintop? Endless sky perhaps? You ask how can a room hug you with its walls and floor, how can it express its affection to you? Imagine you walk into a house and it shapes itself like home around you.
And then there's the polar opposite. The place that hates you. The house that wants you dead. A great big god made up of concrete and anti-matter, whose foyer you've dared tread upon. The door as a mouth. The room as a stomach. The Tower can love, and it can hate. And it can chew. So what is the shape of hunger? Is it an endless hallway whose walls narrow as you walk? Is it a door that opens to brick? A window with nothing but the darkest black beyond it? A looping corner? A flooding bathroom? A holed floor? A crumpling ceiling? The unlit maze of The Catacombs or the bottomless pit of the Tower itself? It all bears little importance. If a maw you've willingly walked into wants you dead, you die. It tips its room-head and slides you into its wall-mouth, yawns the mattress open and gnashes its spring-teeth, pinches you with a groan between cracking plaster, metal and wood, pops you like a grape and wipes away the remnants.
The Tower is a dimension unto itself. One whose borders are unknowable. End is beginning in here, time means nothing, the hallways loop and loop and loop. The place exists to store everything from the very dawn of this world to the very end of it, an infinite archive not just for files but for living things, equipped to imprison atrocities that should not die but should not be allowed to live either. Its very architecture allows for exile. There is always a jail cell in the form eternity available, should one trangsress within the Tower's borders. And just as it bends around those it likes, it does the same with those it hates. For some, hell is shaped like a bedroom, for others a kitchen, a living room, a porch. Mostly, the jail cells rarely ask for personal preferences, nor bother with proper geometry. They have no one to impress or fool, unless you've earned some intimate torture. The walls and floors are softer down here, less trustworthy, the slopes steeper, stairs less linear. The rooms collapse on themselves if they are even whole to begin with. From whence you've come, you often return. There is nothing but darkness and solitude. You are all alone. This house hates you.
Constance is not the god of equilibrium. He's a small, replaceable piece of human geometry who can walk, talk and blend in, allowed a measly chunk of the vast consciousness of a deity, meant to serve as its surrogate. And as its diversion. Because humans are vain things who always look for gods in human faces, who will walk in and look at the bellboy, unaware they stand atop the tongue of a behemoth. Within the cavity of a mouth that can chew. Still, Equilibrium is not a body. It is a Tower. It is an angler. It is a house.
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tbmaybank · 3 years
Hello, I was wondering if you could write a Rafe Cameron imagine where the reader had there baby quite premature due to the stress they were going through with Rafes and his family. Thank you so much !! Your writing is so good !!!
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Warnings: near death experience, premature baby, angst.
A/N: I hope you like it! I added a little bit of extra drama for some ✨s p i c e✨
Requests Are Open
You sat there, listening to your boyfriend rant about the latest thing the Pogues have done to inconvenience him and his family, as he paced back and forward in the living room of his bedroom.
“Rafe, love, please calm down.” You say as your hand rests on your growing belly. You were finally getting close to the end of your pregnancy, only 10 weeks left. Granted right now, 10 weeks felt like an eternity.
Rafe doesn’t even hear your words as he just works himself up more and more. You understood, the whole situation was extremely stressful on both of you. You did try to hide how much it stresses you out, but knowing there’s a group of people trying to get your boyfriend and the father of your child put in jail was taking a toll on you, and him shouting about it wasn’t helping anything. The more he went on about it, the more you could feel your blood pressure rising. The cramps you’ve been having all day weren’t making anything easier either.
Finally you pull yourself to standing, officially mad at the fact Rafe won’t stop.
“Rafe I need you to stop!” You yell, causing him to immediately shut up and turn to you, eyes wide. You never yelled at him, even through all the pregnancy hormones and everything else. “You have to stop,” you continue, “I can’t take it anymore! Yes, what they are doing is terrible, I hate that all of this is happening. But ranting and raving isn’t helping anything!”
“Okay, okay. You’re right, I’m sorry.” He says pulling you into a firm but gentle hug. “I love you so much.” He says while running his fingers through my hair.
“I know. I love you too, I just-“ suddenly you feel a small pop, and a gush. You’re eyes get wide as you look up at Rafe. “I think my water just broke.”
“What?!” He yells, panic filling his voice. Before you can respond hes already grabbing his car keys and rushing you to the truck. As soon as you start driving, the cramps you were feeling get more severe, almost like knives being twisted in your abdomen. Tears start falling heavily.
“It’s too soon for this, Rafe. It’s too soon.” Sobbing into your hands. He just reaches over and lightly rubs circles on your back as he focuses on driving to the hospital as quickly as he can. Thankfully the ride only takes a few minutes, but by time you get there the pain is making you scream with each contraction, squeezing his hand. He throws the truck in park outside the emergency room doors, and runs in asking for help before he returns to help you out. A few nurses ran out to get you in a wheelchair as he explains what’s happening.
“She’s only 30 weeks. Her water broke and her contractions are 3 minutes apart.” You hadn’t realized he was timing them. If you weren’t scared and in so much pain, you would be impressed by how he remained collected enough to think of timing them right now.
20 minutes later, you gave birth to your little boy. He was immediately rushed into the NICU, so you just got to see a glimpse of him. Nurses and doctors were surrounding you too, but you didn’t know why. You didn’t care why, all you could think about was your son, and how much you ached to hold him, and how you needed him to be okay.
“What’s happening?” You hear Rafe ask, sounding like he was holding back tears.
“She’s losing to much blood. We’re going to have to take her into surgery right now if we want a chance at saving her.” The doctor explains to Rafe.
I’m bleeding? You think to yourself. You hadn’t even noticed. You try to sit up to see, but as soon as you do, you feel yourself fall back into the bed, everything going black.
When you finally wake up, the first thing you notice is that you’re in a different room. Still in the hospital, just a different room. The next thing you notice is Rafe. He has a chair pulled up to the bed, holding your hand while he rests his forehead on your hand as well.
“Please wake up. Please be okay, y/n.��� You hear him mumbling.
“Rafe?” You say quietly, not sure why it hurts to talk so much. His head shoots up shoots up to look at you.
“Don’t talk, y/n. They had you intubated for surgery. Here,” he says turning around to grab something, “drink this.” He holds a cup of water with a straw towards you, and you drink it the best you can while laying down. “You lost a lot of blood after he was born, they had to take you to surgery to stop it, but they did it and you’re okay.” You’re thankful that he starts explaining everything without you having to ask. “And he’s gonna be okay too. He’ll have to stay in the nicu for awhile, but the doctor said the survival rate for a baby born at 30 weeks is very high, and that he seems very strong.”
You close your eyes when you hear this, giving a small sigh of relief. It was far from over, but it was looking positive, and that’s what you had to cling too right now.
“I got to go see him.” Rafe keeps going, filling you in on everything. “Obviously I didn’t get to hold him yet. But he’s perfect, y/n. Tiny, but perfect.” He kisses your hand as he says this. “They said they’ll be able to wheel you in there later to see him, as long as your vitals stay good.”
“Thank you.” You whisper, the water you drank making it hurt slightly less when you talked.
“For what?” He says, raising his eyebrows in confusion.
“For being so great during all of this. You held it together so well for us.”
He chuckles slightly. “Not really. The second you passed out in that bed, I became a blubbering mess, and stayed one until you said my name.”
“Still. The ride here when I was having a panic attack, you were so great. I’m sure you were just as scared as I was, but you didn’t let it get the best of you. I mean, you remembered to time my contractions in the chaos of it all.” Both of you have tears rolling down your face, when you hear a knock before a nurse enters.
“Oh good! You’re awake!” She says, checking all the machines. “How about we go see your son?” She asks.
So now here you were, sitting in a wheelchair, next your your boyfriend. Staring at your son through glass. And yeah, Rafe was completely right. He is perfect. A total of 3 pounds, 2 ounces. Both of you are completely entranced by him.
“Y/n?” He asks, you humming in response. “We still haven’t picked a name.”
You look at the tiny baby, thinking for a moment.
“I like Elliot.” You say, smiling.
“Elliot it is then.” Rafe says, returning your smile, before turning his attention back to your son. “Hi Elliot, I’m your daddy.”
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diamond-coral · 3 years
The Heist- Part One
dark!Steve Rogers x Reader
You were just supposed to rob a government official’s apartment. Not Captain America’s. Right?
Series Warnings: Dark, Rape/Non-Con, kidnapping, strip club stuff, swearing
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of a strip club, swearing, committing crime ig, nothing much really.
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You sure as hell weren’t a criminal. Well- your record would say otherwise, but it’s not like this was your dream profession. You wouldn’t call yourself a criminal. More of a Walmart Robin Hood; stealing from the rich and giving too...well...yourself. Fine. You were a criminal. But a girl had to pay the bills. At least you got to stick it to the man, right?
You let out a sigh while evaluating your life choices. It wasn’t every little girl’s dream to be breaking into houses and apartments for some cash or valuable possessions. Technically, you were an artist by day, going to art school in New York, living the aesthetically pleasing dream of student loans and a sky-high rent that your shifts at the strip club were hardly making a dent in. But hey, at least one time you got to dance for Captain America, even if he was reluctant and a bit shy. You were certain very few women could say the same.
And that’s how you found yourself in the elevator of a cozy apartment complex, traveling upward toward your new objective. Bella, your roommate, literal partner in crime, and the only good thing that came out of socializing with your coworkers at the club, had given you a new lead of a man who was supposedly loaded and yet lived in an accessible and modest living space. He was single, and worked some sort of political job that left his apartment constantly vacant, specifically on the day you planned for your heist. A perfect target. Some corrupt government worker who wanted to live a ‘low profile life’ yet was dumb enough to settle down in a complex who’s only security was a couple cameras and guards. Bella would easily be able to freeze the frames on the cameras for an hour, giving security the false pretense that the hallways were empty and giving you the perfect window to snatch some fancy watches and some cash.
The elevator doors opened right as you received a text message from Bella.
Cameras taken care of. Now go pay our rent ;)
You exited the elevator only to collide with a blonde woman carrying a laundry basket.
“Oh god, I’m so clumsy I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed while bending down to pick up the clothes that had fallen out of the basket.
You bent down to help her collect her clothing. “No, I’m so sorry! That was completely my fault!” You offered a smile as you stood back up, but was met with a calculating gaze as she studied you.
“I’m sorry, are you new around here?” She seemed to catch herself and her demeanor changed. “It’s just, I’ve never seen you around here before.” She gave  a small smile.
“Oh ,I’m just a girlfriend!” you replied. “Just stopping by.”
“Are you Steve’s girlfriend?” she asked while gesturing to the door at the end of the hallway with her head. It was your target’s door. So the political scumbag’s name was Steve. Lovely. “I don’t think he’s home right now.”
Your brain churned out a fast response. “Yeah, I know. Unfortunately for me, he’s always working. I just left my purse, and he gave me his keys to stop by and pick it up.”
“Well I’m just glad he’s found someone with all his work. I know it’s been hard for him.”
The two of you exchanged one last goodbye smile before she stepped into the elevator.
“I’m Sharon by the way. And you are...?”
“Olivia,” you replied, the fake name came out as a second nature as the elevator doors closed.
You let out the breath you’d been holding. 
“Well that could’ve gone worse,” you mutter to yourself as you approach the door at the end of the hallway.
You slipped the lock picker out of your sleeve before checking your surroundings cautiously. A minute after proceeding to insert the pick into the lock, a soft click resounded from the wooden door, and it easily swung open with a turn of the knob.
As you entered through the doorway, you took into account the little bits of vintage decoration that was dispersed amongst more modern furniture. A small Uncle Sam poster, a couple of war antiques, and some old photos with figures that remained unrecognizable in the distance. This government official seemed to have fought either in World War II or Vietnam, probably making him old. You shuddered at the fact you’d called yourself his girlfriend, but Sharon hadn’t seemed to bat an eye. Either way, you didn’t care for antiques, as much as they would have sold for a hefty price. They were probably personal to him and as you walked around, you realized there were quite a few personal items that were no use for you. As you walked into the bedroom a glint from the dresser caught your eyes, and your chest filled with giddiness and excitement as you neared. Three beautiful watches were on display under the mirror that sat atop the dresser. A Cartier that would probably sell for 8,000, a Rolex that would go for 10,000 easily, and then a beautiful older Rolex. With careful hands you snatched up the two newer watches and placed them into the small knapsack you’d been carrying. After consideration, you decided to leave the older one as it probably held a sentimental value and wouldn’t give you as much money as the other two.
You walked around some more, occasionally picking up valuables like solid gold tie clips and little pieces of Stark technology, which you were surprised he had. You had to be filthy rich to support, much less afford, anything made by that war profiteer. You picked up stashes of cash lying around, which seemed to be a lot. This man definitely seemed to use cash more than credit card which wasn’t as common around people your age. As you were rummaging around his study for any pieces of fine art (which you had already gotten two of) or government documents you could sell on the black market, you knocked over a picture frame which had landed on a file that read CLASSIFIED in red letters...right under the six letters that spelled S.H.I.E.L.D. This fucker was a S.H.I.E.L.D official. You were gonna kill Bella for the vague intel.
“Shit I need to get out of here,” you mumbled. Senators and representatives were fine targets, all usually too old and skeevy for you to care about, but a S.H.I.E.L.D. official was dangerous and could get you somewhere worse than jail. Hell, you could’ve accidentally broken into Nick Fury’s place. You were screwed. So screwed. And you needed to get the hell out of this apartment. As you went to put the picture back, you glanced at it, before doing a double take and squinting at it in the dark room. Oh. This was much worse than accidentally breaking into Nick Fury’s place.
The two men laughing with an arm around each other in war uniforms with an arm around one another was innocent enough until you could finally make out their faces. Steve Rogers an easy enough one to make out, especially considering you were on his lap a couple weeks ago, and James Buchanan Barnes looked practically unrecognizable without a murderous glare on his face.
“No,” you muttered before quickly placing the picture back down. 
You once again assessed your surroundings. It all made sense. The subtle 1940’s vibe, the war antiques. Bella had said he did work for the government and that wasn’t a lie. In the corner of the room you spotted a large circular leather case that was partially unzipped. Through the slight opening of the brown leather, the red, blue, and glinting bright silver was unmistakable.
“No, no, no, fuck,” you muttered frantically as you checked your watch. You still had 38 minutes before the security cameras in the hall unfroze. That was enough time to put everything you stole back. You’d much rather work open to close shifts at the club every day for three months straight than get fucked over by Captain Fucking America. 
You scrambled out of the study, moving to the living room first to put back the authentic paintings. You grabbed a stool from the high bar counter in the kitchen so you could rehang the medium sized work of art. Your mind was racing. This had to be karma for all the horrible shit you’d done in the past. God decided he had enough of your delinquent shenanigans and set you marching straight into the arms of America’s righteous hero. As you finished hanging the painting you spun around on your heel, completely forgetting you were on a wobbly wooden stool. Your heart stopped for a moment before you regained your footing. Carefully climbing down the stool, you almost missed the subtle turn of a lock coming from the door.
Oh you were so done for. Your limbs flew everywhere as you scrambled to the bedroom, sliding under the bed right as you heard the door open. The rumble of Steve Roger’s voice was clear as he talked on the phone and it cut through the walls from the living room.
“Well yea Buck, obviously Tony’s gonna be a little cold toward you. Not that I blame him. I’m just thankful he didn’t start an entire civil war over it. I guess it’s just a good thing we’re not war criminals.” He let out a chuckle before pausing. “Hey Buck? Yeah. I’m gonna have to call you back.” Another pause and you heard some rummaging around. “Why? I think my apartment was just broken into. I gotta go down to security. Yeah, thanks bud.” 
Steve hung up and you heard some angry muttering as he walked into his room. From under the bed you saw his tennis shoes and dark jeans as he paced at the foot of the bed. You covered your mouth to stop your anxious breathing, afraid he’d hear you from your hiding spot. 
The few minutes he spent in his room felt like eternity before he stomped out and you heard the opening and closing of another door as he exited the apartment. You crawl out from under the bed, your head spinning as you attempted to think of a way out of your predicament.
The window.
Quickly and quietly, you stood up and made your way to his bedroom window, looking out for a fire escape and letting out an annoyed huff when you saw none.
‘Maybe there’s one for the living room window,’ your brain chimed.
You rushed to the living room, scooping up the two watches and your empty knapsack on your way, and almost screamed with joy at the sight of the fire escape next to the window. Your fingers curled around the bottom of it and give it a sharp tug up, opening it just enough for you to squeeze through. 
Just as you were about to lift your leg over the ledge and climb down the stairs to sweet sweet freedom, being able to forget about everything that ever happened tonight, a large hand wrapped around the back of your neck and wrenched you back with such force that you tumbled backwards and landed on your butt.
He was massive. Six feet of pure muscle towered over you as you trembled from your position on the floor. He squatted down, resting his elbows on his knees as he took you in, blue eyes practically cutting through the darkness, and you let out a small whimper.
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you stealing is wrong?”
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franklyshipping · 2 years
The Best Fantasies Are With The Ones You Love ~ A Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @marvin-lee-magician-blog @marvinleemagician-blog @anti-switch-glitch and @dr-schneeple-switch 
Jackie-Boy Man was whining into his hands in the bedroom he shared with his boyfriend Marvin. God, sometimes he really hated his brain. Just when he was trying to focus and hype himself up for an evening of hero work, his brain suddenly decided to fill his head with tickly thoughts! Namely, with his ultimate lee fantasy. Jackie had this ultimate scenario. One night, under cover of darkness as he sleeps soundly, a gang of villains sneak into his room. Somehow without waking him they restrain him, and when he wakes, they proceed to wreck him with the evillest tickle torture imaginable! They do it as vengeance for him besting them and putting them in jail, and proclaim that from that moment onwards he would be their tickle toy for all eternity. It was simultaneously the best and worst thing EVER!
Jackie whined again as he rubbed his flushed cheeks, before scrambling to find his journal and write down everything swirling in his brain. He had to get it out somehow, and when he couldn’t be tickled right there and then, he’d go and write about it in his journal. It wasn’t as cathartic, but it helped to a small degree. Once Jackie had finished writing the scenario in detail he closed the book, set it aside, slipped on his mask, and went out to deliver justice with a semi-clear head. A few hours later, when the magician came to bed… he noticed the journal. Not knowing what it was, he opened it and started reading. Marvin was amazed! Normally of course he would never poke into anyone’s private things, especially his boyfriend’s, but after reading how much Jackie wanted to experience this sweet scenario… Marvin figured that this one time it was okay. Especially since it meant he would be able to give Jackie exactly what he wanted.
Marvin smirked… and went to recruit some assistance. Assistance that came in the form of Anti and Dr Schneeplestein, who were both delighted to hear about Jackie’s dream scenario… as well as feeling very eager to assist Marvin in making it a reality for the hero. So while Jackie was out they planned, plotted, and let their collective mischief grow and grow, figuring out their villain-sonas, putting as much detail into their design as they possibly could. They wanted the scenario to be perfect for Jackie, because he absolutely deserved it with how hard he worked day in and day out, and at night too. Soon though… the plan was ready, and all they had to do was wait.
It was about 4am when Jackie returned, exhausted from the night’s efforts. He showered and passed out in bed for some well-deserved sleep. Now, the first part of the plan involved turning Jackie’s alarm off so he could get all the sleep he needed – this turned out to be around 10 hours, which is when Marvin’s magic detected the hero starting to stir. Then, with Marvin using his magic to gently keep Jackie asleep, the three “villains” entered the room. They tied Jackie up so he was spread-eagle on the bed, looking incredibly cute and vulnerable, before Marvin retracted his magic so Jackie could wake up naturally. And so he did. Jackie yawned widely as he woke up, smiling to himself as he went to rub his eyes… but then his face scrunched in confusion when he found he couldn’t brings his arms down.
‘Aww, having trouble there hero?’
Jackie blinked repeatedly, and when his vision finally focused, his eyes widened. Anti had been the one who’d spoken, and he was the first person Jackie saw, since the glitch was leaning over him. Anti cackled at Jackie’s expression as the hero stammered.
‘Anti? Wha-… what the heck?! Why am I-?
‘Hehe, oh he looks so cute when he’s all befuddled!’
Jackie was interrupted, and as Anti leant back it allowed Jackie to see who else was in the room. Schneeple had been the one to interrupt him, the doctor smirking sinisterly at him. Next to him however, was someone that made Jackie blush just to see him. Marvin, his boyfriend. Jackie gaped at the sight of him. Marvin was dressed in a sleek, tight black suit with red and emerald accents, with a porcelain version of his mask resting on his face… he looked so hot, but the sneer he wore gave Jackie chills.
‘Oh I quite agree.’
Marvin then purred, chuckling gently as he watched Jackie try to process everything that was going on. Jackie was still utterly confused! He’d woken up restrained before, since he lived in a household of pranksters and mischief-makers, but he couldn’t fathom why he was being ganged up on like this!
‘What-… I-I don’t…?’
Jackie stuttered, looking between his three captors, who giggled. Marvin let out a fond, exaggerated sigh as he cooed.
‘Oh you sweet thing. So confused and so adorable. I don’t think he realises the vengeance we’re about to bring down upon him.’
Marvin grinned at his co-conspirators, and Jackie gulped. Vengeance?! He didn’t know what on earth he’d done to deserve any kind of vengeance!
Marvin, Schneeple and Anti snickered. Though Jackie’s confusion was endearing, they wanted him to realise what was going on. Marvin’s eyes glittered as he paced around to the side of the bed, leaning over Jackie as he raised an eyebrow down at him.
‘You don’t recall your silly little heroics landing us all in prison?’
Jackie’s eyes widened. No… no way, there’s no way they could be… could they? Jackie watched as Marvin’s eyes flicked over to Jackie’s desk, and the hero’s face went beet red when he saw his journal lying open on top of it. Open on his most recent entry… where he’d talked about this exact fantasy! Jackie was silent in shock, which made Marvin really want to laugh, but he managed to maintain his villainous personal as he stood up straight and sighed.
‘And here I thought I’d made an impression.’
Jackie blinked, biting his lip to try and hold back his smile as butterflies swarmed in his belly. This was actually happening! His boyfriend and two of his best friends had tied him down and were pretending to be villains, doing all this for him… the hero just felt so damn loved. One thing he was also certain of, was that he was going to go all-in with it! He took a deep breath, and mustered up his most determined expression as he exclaimed.
‘Y-You should untie me right now, if you know what’s good for you!’
His captors laughed at him, giving him the best goose-bumps; the three of them felt so giddy at Jackie being so eager! Anti skipped over to Jackie’s side, cocking his head down at him, tongue poking out through his teeth as he giggled.
‘Oh but that would be no fun! How are we meant to torture you if you’re not tied up? Silly Jackie-Boy!’
Anti then reached down and skittered his fingers up one of Jackie’s exposed sides, ending with fluttering his fingers in the hero’s vulnerable hollow. The sudden tickle made Jackie squeak and splutter, his heart starting to pound as the situation now REALLY sunk in.
‘H-Hehey, get ohoff!’
Jackie said… but that was never going to stop Anti. The glitch smirked brightly, pinned Jackie’s bicep down, and with his free hand scratched as deep as he could into the hero’s bare underarm.
‘Awww Jackie Jackie Jackie, so bossy! I know, let’s tickle the bossiness outta you! Gitchy gitchy gooo!’
‘AHH! N-Nononohoho! Stahahap thahahat s-stahahahappit!’
Jackie yelled, spluttering and giggling frantically; if he was being honest, he’d actually forgotten just how damn ticklish his armpits were! He was tugging desperately at his arm, but there was no shifting it. Marvin chuckled warmly, folding his arms across his chest as he continued to watch. Meanwhile, Schneeple came around to stand at Jackie’s other side, a delighted grin of fascination having spread across his face.
‘Such a response! He must have a fascinating nervous system!’
The doctor then took it upon himself to pin Jackie’s other bicep and give that armpit the same tickle treatment that Anti was doling out. Jackie giggled madly as he shook his head, arching his back and wailing as the tickling sent bolts and sparks through his entire, vulnerable body.
‘Gehehehet ohohohoff mehehehe! Stahahahap!’
Jackie tried to demand, but it did him no good. Anti snickered, looking to Schneeple giddily.
‘Oooh, you gonna do some fun experiments doc?’
‘Oh for sure! I have some lovely new compounds that require a sensitive little test subject.’
Schneeple replied with an eager smile, making it seem like he had countless evil plans at the ready to torment the imprisoned hero with in the coming days of his captivity. Jackie honestly thought he’d never been so flustered in his whole damn life!
‘Nahahaha y-yohohou’ll nehehever gehet ahaway wihihith thihihihis!’
He exclaimed, making one last ditch effort to act tough… but it was no use. Jackie gulped when Marvin let out a loud, amused laugh. The malevolent magician clapped his hands together, before gripping the railings at the foot of the bed, leaning over Jackie’s legs as he sneered amidst his taunting reply.
‘Oh but we already have, my dear. No-one will ever find you. Now we have you, you will have the delight of living your life as our tickle toy… for the rest of eternity.
If Jackie’s face wasn’t completely red before, then it certainly was now. Hearing those words was evil enough, but hearing them from Marvin made them all the more effective on the poor hero. Marvin was clearly the head “villain” in this scenario, which Jackie loved. Furthermore, another thing that Jackie loved was being a cheeky brat when he was being tickled; a demeanour which in this situation, fit his heroic persona perfectly.
‘Ihihihi’m nahahat aha dahamn tohoy y-yohou ahasshole!’
Jackie’s exclamation made Marvin’s eyebrows shoot up as Schneeple and Anti gasped. The two of them looked at Marvin as he locked eyes with Jackie, glaring at him as a sneer grew on his face. Then he glanced at Schneeple and Anti and commanded.
‘Tickle him harder.’
They beamed and immediately obliged, making Jackie squeal through his mirth. Then he let out a series of flustered gasps as Marvin came around… and crawled on top of him. Before Jackie knew it, Marvin was straddling his hips and leaning over him, eyes bright with his malevolence and passion as he purred down at him.
‘You have such a strong will, and I admire that. But by the time this day has ended, you will already be broken.’
Marvin then slid his hands down Jackie’s torso, before delivering the most ruthless, tickly squeezes to his hips that Jackie had ever felt! Jackie howled with laughter as he bucked, eyes wide as he internally crowed at the delightful tickle torture – though on the outside he of course protested.
Jackie’s hips were a real bad spot on him, which Marvin of course knew all too well. He remembered the first time he’d discovered they were ticklish; he and Jackie had been tussling and he’d gripped the hero’s hips to try and pin him, and instead had been rewarded with sweet laughter. Meanwhile Anti and Schneeple were using all ten fingers in each of Jackie’s armpits, both of them filled with evil glee.
‘Ooohh look at him bucking, it’s like his hips are asking for more!’
Anti teased, making the doctor laugh and gasp dramatically; the two of them were having A LOT of fun being all villainous.
‘Why Anti I think you’re right!’
Jackie was just a mess of mirth at this point. His hair was sticking to his forehead as he thrashed in the restraints, truly feeling like he had no escape from the tickling. A teasy grin would fill his gaze whichever way he looked, and their taunting words echoed in his mind long after they said them. It was incredible.
Jackie begged adorably, making his tormentors chuckle, Marvin especially.
‘No more? Oh but darling we’ve barely begun! We’re only two tickle spots in, and you’re already begging for mercy? I knew this would be fun, but sweetheart this is just hilarious.’
Marvin taunted, vibrating his thumbs deep into the bowels of Jackie’s hips now, making the hero shriek and throw his head back with his vibrant laughter.
‘Thank you.’
Marvin replied, chuckling warmly as he stayed nice and close to the hero; his sweet scent and warm breath constantly cascaded over Jackie’s face, keeping him in a beautifully flustered haze amidst the tickles. The magician sneered as he drank in Jackie’s mirth… before he glanced over to Schneeple and Anti
‘Say boys, his feet seem to be kicking up quite a fuss behind me, how about you go give them your attention?’
Anti and Schneeple giggle evilly, not hesitating to oblige. The pair of them had mercy on Jackie’s armpits before they darted to the foot of the bed, sitting down and each taking a bare foot into their lap. Jackie’s eyes widened and he whimpered, panting amidst the little respite as he gazed up at Marvin pleadingly.
‘P-Plehease! Please not there, M-Marvin… please y-you don’t have to be evil, n-none of you do! I can help you! Y-You don’t n-need to torture me like this!’
Jackie stammered desperately; though his hips were diabolical, his feet were so ticklish that he always thought his sensitivity there would drive him to insanity. Again, something Marvin knew all too well. Marvin was in love with how invested in the scenario Jackie was, and he could tell how happy he was. It made him impossibly happy, because he and the others were adoring it too. Marvin grinned a a feral grin, and stroked Jackie’s cheek affectionately as he purred.
‘Oh my sweet Jackie, I’m sorry but… you are just too beautiful not to torture.’
Jackie’s beet red flush spread down his neck as his flusteredness reached its peak… and then he screamed. His laughter was high-pitched and filled with squeals as Anti and Schneeple raked their blunt nails up and down his soles, entirely without mercy.
‘Dawww, looks like someone has tickly wittle footsies!’
‘And toes too, ohh I have so many tools I can use on these wiggly little piggies!’
Anti and Schneeple teased effortlessly, sharing evil looks between them and sending winks in Jackie’s direction. All Jackie could think was yup… this is it, I’m actually going to lose my sanity! He tried to scrunch and pull at his feet, but Anti and Schneeple were too clever to give him any lee-way. They held each foot securely, holding his toes back so there was nothing he could do except take the tickles and grow more and more hysterical.
He shrieked. Amidst all this, Marvin was gazing down at him lovingly, still stroking his cheek as he purred, whispering only for the hero’s ears.
‘You must feel so weak, finally being at our mercy. The great Jackie-Boy Man, so-called superhero, reduced to a mess of mirth and begging… all from a little tickling. You have no idea how much this pleases me.’
Marvin’s hypnotic teasing swirled inside Jackie’s head. It was he could hear, all he could comprehend. He loved every tingle-inducing syllable of it.
‘This is your life now… your every waking moment will be a torment. All the nerves your body holds will be found and tickled in every way you can possibly imagine, over and over again until we find out just what ruins you the most. Doesn’t that sound fun?’
Marvin queried, adoring how tears started building in Jackie’s eyes. Marvin would never usually wreck Jackie this severely, but he could tell his darling needed this. He’d been working so hard, training so much… he just needed the chance to let his mind and body go for a little while, and he was more than happy to do that for him. Marvin would do anything for him, plus Anti and Schneeple would always drop everything to help their hero… and Jackie was forever grateful for the love he was surrounded by every single day.
Now though, Jackie let out a few coughs amidst his laughter. This was the sign to his tormentors that this particular game was at an end. The three of them had mercy on him, with Marvin glancing at Schneeple and Anti, signalling for them to gently untie Jackie’s ankles; meanwhile, Marvin snapped his fingers to get rid of the wrist restraints. He shifted off Jackie gently and laid down next to him, stroking his hair as he whispered warmly.
‘It’s all done my love, you’re okay. You did so good, you’re so incredible my darling, you’re so amazing.’
Jackie panted and giggled residually, instinctively curling into Marvin’s chest as he melted at the delightful praise. Soon enough Anti and Schneeple got on the bed too and snuggled around him, making him smile as he looked up at Marvin, his expression oh so sweet and bashful.
‘Yohou… r-rehead my journal…’
Jackie said quietly, making Marvin nod down at him with a grin. Marvin teasingly nuzzled his cheek as he replied.
‘Well you did leave it lying around. You don’t mind, do you honey?’
Jackie giggled, before shaking his head. He didn’t mind one little bit. Then though, he exhibited a particularly cute yawn, making the three “villains” around him giggle fondly.
‘I think it’s naptime.’
Schneeple said, and so it was. They all snuggled in close together, and fell into a serene, warm, collective sleep. They all had individual dreams, each person’s little fantasies dancing about in their minds… but after today, all of them would certainly agree that fantasies were always better, when shared with the ones you love.
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