#jake get off tumblr and go do your homework
benjamin-sisko · 2 years
Beets are a very misunderstood vegetable.
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e-r-i-15 · 1 month
𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓻 𝓚𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴
Soccer Player!AU - Non Idol!AU
Author's Note: Ah, I'm so excited, this is my first ever piece of writing that I'm publishing on Tumblr. I'm listening to Romance: Untold while writing this, so I recommend you do too. Btw, I don't know anything about soccer, so bear with me.
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If there's anything the boy's soccer team like doing, it was making up random games and code names.
Was it childish? Yes. Did they care? Absolutely not.
But perhaps their most favourite game was the corner kick game.
"It's easy, you get the girl you like to touch the ball before you kick it," Sunghoon says.
"But why? And wouldn't it be suspicious?" Riki asked while playing with the ball.
"It's good luck, Riki."
"Uh-huh, sure-"
"Riki, don't piss of Sunghoon, and Sunghoon, don't tell the kid weird things," Jay's voice rings inside the locker room.
Jake rolled his eyes, used to these small arguments, and continues to warm-up.
He runs around the field once before starting to stretch, when he notices a girl sitting next to the field with her friends, specifically next to the corner arc.
She was reading a book, her hair flying every where with the wind. She lifts her head up every now and then to look at her friends, who are running and dancing around, making silly actions.
Jake sees her laugh. Even though he can't hear it, he feels that it's a very pretty sound.
"Jake! Come on, we're starting." He hears Sunoo yell at him.
Jake runs to the centre of the field, and the game starts. The whistle blows, the guys start yelling, but all Jake can focus on is the ball and the girl.
The ball finally passes the goal line by the other team, indicating a corner kick for Jake's team.
"I got it!" Jake yells, running to get the ball. He sprints to the corner arc, specifically where the girls are at.
The girl he was watching has her head on another friend's lap, now watching the sky above her.
Jake goes up to them, his extroverted personality suddenly leaving him. He feels his heart race as he sees the girl, the sun perfectly lighting her up.
"Excuse me, could you move a little?" He says, his voice weak.
The girl raises her head, shoos all of her friends away from the spot, about to leave herself. "I'm so sorry. We'll go sit on the bleachers instead."
She turns around and proceeds to walk away, before Jake gathers his courage, "Wait! May I know your name?"
"Y/N." She answers simply and leaves, off to find her friends.
┊ ˚➶ 。˚
"You know, Y/N is so pretty." Jake suddenly says, his head laying down on the table.
"Hyung, respectfully, do you ever shut up?" Riki says, groaning.
"Look man, I love you just like everyone else, but can you please provide us some peace? If not us, than the other people in this library?" Sunghoon pleads, tired with Jake's simp behaviour.
Jake raises his hands, as if surrendering, "Sorry, not sorry!"
┊ ˚➶ 。˚
Jake gets the ball, skipping to the corner arc, where Y/N and her friends are.
"Hi, Jake! Sorry, we'll move away." Y/N says quickly, ushering the girls away, before Jake opens his mouth.
"Actually, Y/N, I was wondering if you could touch the soccer ball once."
Y/N tilts her head to a side, while her friends teased her in the background, "Yeah, Y/N, touch the ball for him."
Y/N glares at them playfully, before reaching forward and giving the ball a slight tap.
Jake hears his teammates yell and cheer. "SHE TOUCHED IT!" Heeseung yells in the distance.
Jake smiles at her, before kicking the ball to Jungwon.
Seconds later, his team makes a successful goal, winning the practice game.
┊ ˚➶ 。˚
Jake sits in the library, again, for the fifth time that week, trying to finish his biology homework that he'd been procrastinating on ever since it was given out (almost a month ago).
He was not even halfway done before his fingers started cramping up. He cracked his knuckles, when a soft voice stopped him.
"Hey, Jake, can I sit here?" Gesturing to the seat next to him, was Y/N.
He nodded, not trusting his voice.
"What are you working on?" She whispered.
"Biology, but I'm having trouble with it though." He whispered back.
"I can help you!" She said excitedly, while he stifled back a laugh.
Y/N guided him through the homework, sitting close to him, while he helped her with her physics homework.
For once, there wasn't an awkward silence between them.
"Jake." Her voice interrupted.
He looked at her, smiling, "Yeah?"
"I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to know about this, but why do you make me touch the ball whenever you do a corner kick?"
Jake tenses, he starts looking around, avoiding her curious gaze.
"Oh, it's nothing. Just a silly tradition."
┊ ˚➶ 。˚
The soccer finals.
Team Decelis made it to the finals, they were going against River Heights, and so far, it was tough.
The game was almost about to end, twenty minutes to be precise, and it was still 1-1. The boys were tired, and the applause were less enthusiastic now, the crowd slowly losing its energy.
Jake couldn't blame them, it almost seemed as though the goalies were kicking the ball to each other.
At last, River Heights' goalie kicked it past the goal, leading Decelis to get a corner kick.
Jake gets the ball and runs to do it, finally happy to break the cycle.
He sets to ball, but just before he kicks it, he takes a second to look next to the bleachers.
He sees Y/N, worried, standing so close to him.
The world seems to stop around him, and he can't really process anything that's happening. He suddenly can't seem to understand the point of this game, why was he playing?
Was it to win? No, that didn't seem right. No, he was playing for Y/N.
That's when it hit him, she was his lucky charm. This game is entirely pointless without her.
He extends his arms, gesturing to the ball, silently asking her to touch it.
"Please?" He whispers. Jake can barely hear himself, but he knows that she understood when she smiles at him, small, but ecouraging.
She races to him quickly, tapping the ball, before leaning forward to give him a kiss on his cheek.
His happiness knows no bounds as he kicks the ball to Jungwon, who is free, and then has the ball kicked back to him as he runs to the goal.
He dribbles the ball, passing an opponent, before kicking the ball into the net. The buzzer rings immediately after, signalling the end of the game.
The crowd cheers, and his teammates hug him. Jake is sweaty, tired, and just wants to go home, but instead he looks at the crowd that is now surround him, his eyes searching for the one person he want s to see now.
The one person that is now running toward him.
He hugs Y/N, almost squeezing her. He lets go of her, just for a second, before her lips crash into his.
Because, she is his home, his favourite lucky charm.
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
This is actually kind of based on true events with one of the boys in my school, but it doesn't end with us dating, we're actually, kind of, enemies? I don't know. -eri
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sadboiweebabo · 1 year
"I'll tell you where he is if you stop!"
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I'm new to writing on Tumblr and writing in general. I posted this on Wattpad and Ao3 too so if you see it there it's probably me.
Pairings- Na Baekjin(Donald Na)/Reader - Ahn Suho(Stephan Ahn)/Yeon Sieun(Gray Yeon)
A little angsty tbh (Listen to Yes to Heaven for the best experience)
You barely paid any attention to your boyfriend's work unless it was hanging out with Jake. You knew what he did and you knew that if he wanted to he could kill you. You were okay with that because of how gentle and kind he is to you. You always said “I love you” and “I need you” to him. He never said it back. You gaslit yourself in thinking that he did want and love you. In the end, he just is too scared to say it because it could be seen as a weakness. You always cry when he doesn't come back from work. You know how strong he is, but you still fear if someone were just to be a little stronger. Now that happened. He miscalculated. Your oh-so-very smart boyfriend miscalculated. Now you’re running to a random park in Yeongdeungpo. You saw on this website called “Shuttle Pass” or something along the lines of that that he got in a really really big fight. When you saw pictures of the fight you recognized 2 men. 1 being your boyfriend Na Baekjin. 2 Yeon Sieun the boyfriend of your brother. You got adopted into the Ahn family after your biological family gave you up. You knew that there was no normal reason for Sieun to be there. You decided to get a ride to Yeongdeungpo to see what the hell was going on. You finally reached the park, extremely out of breath. You’re next to Kingsley, your boyfriend’s right-hand man. You look up from your panting state. Complete dread is plastered all over your face. Sieun is beating the absolute shit out of Jin. You don’t know what to do. You’re not qualified to do anything here. The only you do is scream. You have a bunch of teenage boys staring at you. Some knew who you were some didn’t. You knew only one way to stop Sieun. “Sieun-oppa, he’s awake.” His movement falters a bit as he looks at you. “Suho?” He now has tears falling down his face. You only notice when you get closer. Everyone's eyes are on you. All you are focused on is getting Jin out of this. “You’ve really grown since the incident at school.” You smile at Sieun. You place a hand on his cheek. You really care about him. He was like a second older brother to you. He taught you how to play video games, how to put on proper eyeliner, and how he helped you with homework. Now he is beating your boyfriend's face. You caress Sieun’s beautiful skin. You say the only thing you think could make him stop. "I'll tell you where he is if you stop!" You shout out desperate for Sieun to let go. When you say that he does. You take your hand off Sieun’s face and rush over to Jin. “Jin-oppa, are you awake?” You get a small nod. Your tears start running down your face once again. Pulling Jin close you whisper how much you love him and about how much you need him to be with you. Sieun looks at you two. You don’t know what he’s thinking. You don’t need to know. All you need is Jin alive with you right now. You lift him onto your shoulder, then you look at Sieun. “We can talk over Chinese.” With that, you drag his limp body to the car that Kingsley directed you to. You bring him to his and Kingsley’s shared house. You only want him to stay alive. To be able to finally tell you how much he loves you, how much he needs you. You know you’ll have to bring him to a hospital soon and unblock Sieun from your phone or he’ll try to fight Jin again. You are finally ready for the taste of Chinese again.
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universitypenguin · 3 years
Hey!! I wna start off saying that I love your writing style. As in I don’t usually reread fics/oneshots/etc. but YOU!! LOL I love you so much that I have read Restitution multiple times. My friends and I we all read stories on tumblr and have our own Marvel men to read. We talk/share the stories that we read and I non stop talk about Restitution. 🔥 I showed them some snippets of the smutty parts and they
They actually encouraged me to ask this, and I hope it’s okay to ask. You don’t have to write if you don’t want to. I think I’m only asking bc I’ve never read a really good threesome until I came across your story.
But I was wondering if you were gna write a foursome between Y/N & the three brothers one day? 🥵
Have a good day!! Always stay safe. 💕
Thank you so much for your kind message - you really brightened up my day! Getting a sweet ask like this is super motivating. I really needed a nudge to get me back into writing. There’s no need to be nervous about stopping by my ask box with something like this. I’m thrilled to hear how much readers have been enjoying my work. Re-reading is the highest compliment a writer can get!
I’ve wanted to do a foursome story with the Restitution characters, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
My recent lack of updates isn’t due to anything negative. It’s mainly grad school stress. The program has become more intense this quarter, so I had to step up my studying game. It paid off the other week when I got an 84% on the midterm. 🥳 We just finished a module on physical chemistry, which I didn’t learn very well* in undergrad. To pass, I had to practice a lot. It fried my brain.
* “Didn’t learn very well…”
Translation: I had a professor who tested a lot on the math of physical chemistry and not the concepts. This allowed me to skate by on pure memorization. Not one word of P-Chem was retained in my tiny little brain.
I digress. The point is, trying to switch gears from my “homework” brain to my “writing” brain is sometimes difficult. Mostly, it hasn’t been happening.
The good news is that I can definitely move the foursome story to the forefront of my list. You chose a great time to ask - I’m on spring break right now!
I’ll probably be able to write a first draft over the next few days and work on editing it a bit later. I’d also love to get feedback from a beta reader (or beta readers, plural) who could help me edit out repetitive word choice, restructure unclear paragraphs, and other general things. If you or your friends feel comfortable with that, send me a private message.
Beta reader feedback would soothe my inner perfectionist’s nerves… 💕😬
Since you liked “Restitution” I’d love to share (ahem, by share I mean mindlessly ramble on) about what’s rattling around in my drafts folder! Mindless babbling about my WIP folder below…
I’ve got three WIP going at the moment!
Despite not having much time, I still manage to squeeze a little writing in. Whenever I have to wait or something, I’ll pull out my phone and write to keep myself entertained. All of these stories are on their first drafts.
First, there’s a one shot with Jake Jensen and a roommate reader, which is halfway complete.
The second WIP is about Andy Barber and a figure skating coach reader. In that story, Jacob has moved to another state to major in physics at a top tier university. He misses Andy, and is still struggling from the trial and loss of his mother. To help him, Andy moves to the area, choosing to live in a picturesque town a few miles away. The town held a Winter Olympics in the 1980’s and is famous for its skiing, snowboarding, and figure skating. Andy enjoys the change of scenery but as Jacob starts doing better he realizes how empty he feels. To compensate, Andy lets a friend set him up with a one night stand.
His date is a figure skating coach. She gives a fake name, because she’s worried he would recognize her real one. They only agreed to one night and no contact past that. Later, they end up thrown together by Jacob’s physics project at the ice center. Andy learns his one night stand is actually a former Olympic medalist who retired and moved to the United States to coach. He asks her out and she counters with a suggestion that they just keep it physical. Andy realizes dating has changed in the two decades he was married and decides to accept her proposition. He wants more than just sex, but doesn’t want to come across as too demanding.
The figure skating coach has good reason to keep Andy at arm’s length. Her life is a mess. Professionally, her coaching career is on shaky ground, and emotionally, she’s still dealing with the loss of her mother. Her time as a skater ended abruptly because of a highly publicized rift with her former coach. The woman who made her a champion is currently the focus of an international investigation. Her former coach has been accused of doping skaters, abusing her athletes, and extorting a number of skating judges. The reader is caught in the middle and fighting to avoid the spotlight. Investigators are on her case, the media keeps asking for her comments, and she’s turned into a pariah in the only community she knows.
Worse, past injuries have come back to haunt her. The dangerous jumps she used to do came at a physical cost. Doctors have a diagnosis, but she’s hesitant to accept their treatment plan. The damage can’t be easily undone and her career has to come first. With an investigation ruining her reputation, her career circling the drain, and health problems flaring up, the reader is in desperate need of a friend.
Andy is drawn into a web of lies, violence, and abuse, as the mystery surrounding his lover unravels. When he learns the truth about her past, will it ruin everything he’s hoped to build with her? The secrets she’s fought so hard to keep can’t be contained forever - but bringing them to light might kill her.
That story has kind of dried up at the moment. I know where I want it to go, but it’s not cooperating. Until that plot straightens up and does what it’s told, I think that WIP is on the back burner. Due the figure skating coach story stalling, I was bored. So this week I decided to set up a new story. My third WIP! (Someone should really be supervising me. Preferably before I start a collection of unfinished WIP’s. Usually I’m better about staying on task but grad school has ramped up my stress level recently.)
Anyways, getting back to the third WIP. In this story Ari Levinson gets assigned to a multi-agency undercover mission which takes place in a resort community on the Mediterranean Sea. He gets sent to work with a team of international spies due to his background with the hotel in Sudan. The agents are investigating… something important. (I don’t know what it is yet, we’ll find out when it hits the page🤗).
The love interest in Ari’s story is a banished mermaid princess. She has married off to a rival clan’s king because he was building a military. To create stronger ties and avoid being conquered, her father gifted his daughter to the rival king as a peace offering. This caused tension within her community because of changing ideas about arranged marriage. Part of her clan was outraged by the union and it splintered their kingdom. Marrying the rival king doesn’t calm tensions for long. He doesn’t allow her much contact with her family and is abusive. When her father suddenly dies, messengers come to inform her of his passing. The princess sees a chance to run and escapes her marriage. To keep her safe, her brother sends her to the surface world. She’s sent with three of his most trusted men, to a place beyond the reach of the rival king.
Ari’s agents are living right next to the mermaid princess’s home. He’s fascinated by his beautiful neighbor, and very interested in the living arrangements of three men and one woman. The princess’s guards are against the blossoming friendship between Ari and their royal. They can’t help their natural allure, though both have concerns about the other. Ari knows the mermaid’s unnatural beauty attracts him too much, to the point where it simultaneously rouses suspicion. He soon questions who the mysterious people next door might really be. The princess is drawn to the sapphire eyes man who exudes warmth and kindness. But she’s known enough violence in the past to distance herself from any potential entanglement. Her secret can never be shared with a human man. Ari has secrets of his own, and he’s guarding them just as tightly. But his mission and her past aren’t as far apart as one might think…
I’m 4,500 words into that at the moment.
If you’re still with me after all that rambling, would you let me know what story you’d like to read the most? The ask box is always open. I could definitely use some input and motivation.
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In conclusion, yes. I’d love to write a foursome about the Restitution characters. Thank you for motivating me with your ask! 🥰
I’ll start writing this weekend and edit over the next few days. If you or any of your friends would like a sneak preview, I’d appreciate a beta read! Also, please drop a comment (below or in the ask box) if you liked any of my WIPs.
Thank you!
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mynameseri · 4 years
Thanks! I’ll pace myself so I do better cos I want an A on it. Ikr family drama is so stressful and exhausting! All my f/os are platonic and their friendship is so sweet! The ones from hxh are Melody and Kurapika! Most of them are from Pandora Hearts! I love the series so much! The manga is a work of art and Jun Mochizuki is so talented! I highly recommend it. The anime adaptation isn’t great and doesn’t do the show justice but the voice actors are good. Her work is so amazing! Aw how cute!1/5🌹
He loves Jake too just not the fur! He gets kinda surprised when Jake starts purring and asks you what it means the first time. He doesn’t like the fur at all. He wants to get a cat preferably black or hairless. Aww he lives for your comfort cos he knows you’ve got home and you’re just so grounding for him. He will probably end up killing or destroying whatever made him mad but he likes your hugs and kisses. He gets frustrated when he first is learning. He can’t admit defeat so he blames 2/5🌹
The pencil. His super focused kinda pouty face is so cute! He looks like a little kid trying to do homework! The first time he thinks he’s successful he gets so happy and shows you immediately. He tried to stay cool but was so proud. He kinda froze for a few minutes once he found out you were keeping his art pieces! Wait ok so it might be five total I got confused for a split second lol. Anyways the next ask should make the thing complete! After he processed it he got all soft inside and 3/5 🌹
Hugged you cos like he feels so special! Seriously was blasting and hiding it behind his coat all day long. Gin thought it was so cute! She gently teases him for it and he got all defensive like ‘so my girlfriend likes my art? What’s wrong with being happy about that?’ If anyone else tries that he will fight them. Only you and Gin and tease him. He loves learning from you and takes everything to heart. If he does something wrong he wants to know how to fix it. He’s buying you the best stuff 4/5🌹
Aku loves that you read them quickly and even made a special ringtone for you! He has a recording of you saying his name for text alerts and his ring tone is your favorite song so he never misses anything! You're so amazing! I hope tumblr hasn't eaten any more of them! 5/5 🌹
Responding under the cut since I am about to go OFF with this EriGawa FEEDING TIME!! 💞🥰
Awe Melody and Kurapika are the BEST friends to you! They take such good care of you and they’re always there for you whenever you need them! They love to volunteer with you and tend to the horses. They think the horses are so cute and they love to see you so happy doing something you love!! They also love when you bake, they’re always so excited to see the cookies you decorate (and eat them too if you let them!) I remember you telling me about Pandora Hearts so I will need to check it out! When I do I’ll make sure to read the manga as well. I know how it is for a show to be adapted not as well as you’d hope (**cough cough Tokyo Ghoul after season one**)
Akutagawa starts to love Jake so much when he realizes how much Jake loves him! But you’re right he would want a black cat or a hairless one, most likely a hairless one! I think those kinds are SO cute so it works out perfectly! Yesss he feels so comfortable and safe with me it’s seriously so cute. It took forever to get Akutagawa to open up to me like that since he’s very reluctant and reserved towards most people. I am so lucky that he cares for me so deeply and feels so at ease with me! 
I adore Aku’s focused face when he's trying his best to draw, so pouty and intense it’s the cutest thing. I bet he would be amazing at drawing things like flowers or sceneries, rather than people. He does his best and it just makes my heart flutter to get to see him all in the zone You’re so right he would try to play it cool when he finally makes something he's really proud of, but I can see his happiness and excitement shining through. That memory lives rent free in my brain afterwards cause it’s just so pure and wholesome. He’s so dang CUTE. I can’t help but admire his art and keep them all, his effort will never be in vain if I have a say in it! 
Gin loves to tease him about how soft he’s gotten over me, she’s never seen him this way before! She is happy to see him so well taken care of and in love even though she teases him on occasion. She is always telling me about how much Aku gushes over me and all the sweet little things he says about me. She’s in awe of how different he is when it comes to me and she tells me how she can really see just how much I mean to him. She’s so kind and thoughtful, I became really good friends with her! Whenever Aku is on a long mission, she comes and stays at our house to keep me company and protected while he’s gone. She’s just so lovely! 
Aweee Aku would definitely work on his communication skills in our relationship, he wants to learn from his mistakes and he gets so mad at himself if he ever does anything that accidentally hurts me. He tries to find things to improve on and be better at because he wants to be the perfect boyfriend to me. I tell him he is already so perfect to me, but he just sighs because he doesn’t believe it. I swear I am always drowning him in the praise he deserves, but he has to be so stubborn sometimes!! He’s always trying so hard to be perfect, he hates making mistakes and I have to remind him it’s okay as long as they’re on accident.
Ahhhh he has all these cute recordings on his phone of me and he listens to them on repeat!! He gets a little upset if I don’t reply quickly, even though he knows it’s because I’m working! He can’t help but miss me, and I miss him too!! I make sure to smother him in kisses as soon as I get home! I just love HIM SO MUCH!! HE HAS MY ENTIRE HEART!! He loves me too, we are just meant to be together! 
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Heartbreaker - Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own Greta Van Fleet, nor their songs. This series (as well as everything else I write and is a fanfiction) is pure fiction. I have not been alive in the 1960s, and most of the details have been researched beforehand. Also, the GIFs and photos I use throughout this series are NOT mine, they are just images I have downloaded from Tumblr. If you are the owner, please DM me, I would be more than happy to give credit. Warnings: language, smoking Word count: 1.4K + A/N: Finally part 1 yay!!! I honestly can’t wait to just upload the rest of the story, I get urges like this from time to time lol. Feedback is welcomed, as well as critiques and opinions!! Enjoy! To be added to the taglist, DM me or send an ask.
Jake Kiszka x (female) Reader
Heartbreaker Masterpost // Fanfiction Masterpost
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“Take notes on every single thing they say or do, insist on your unanswered questions. No losing control, and no unprofessional behavior. After all, you go there under our magazine’s name. Do you understand?” your boss spoke to you, just moments before stepping backstage.
“Yes, I do. Thank you again for the opportunity, sir!” you spoke back as you took one last drag out of your cigarette and put it out. You could feel the slight tingle down your throat caused by the smoke. You actually quitted smoking one year ago, but you couldn’t stop from smoking a cigarette every once and again when you were nervous.
“Friendly advice, don’t fucking ruin our name by doing something stupid,” he spoke one last time before he disappeared in the dark.
You looked as his shadow became invisible and took in a deep breath. You could hear the sound of a drum solo onstage, that announced that the show was nearly over, so you had to get backstage as soon as possible.
You opened the door only to be greeted by a guard, so you showed him your permit and continued your way. You were so nervous, you didn’t know what to expect, how to introduce yourself, you didn’t even know if someone has told them beforehand that you were going to come. What if they didn’t want to tell you anything?
You could feel your heart pumping and blood flowing in the veins on your neck as your ears started hearing louder and louder screams from the fans in the public, as the band said their goodbyes. You finally arrived to the room the band was expected to come right after the show was over. You had absolutely no idea how these people were going to be and this- being on unknown territory- made you nervous.
You were snapped out of your thoughts and worries by the loud sound of a door hitting the wall, and men’s voices talking and laughing. Your eyes moved almost instantly to the group of four men that just walked in. Their eyes stopped on you as well. You felt like you were caught in a staring contest, and decided to break the awkward silence you were in.
“Hello, I am Y/F/N, a reporter for-“
“You’re from the new music magazine, aren’t you?” one of the guys in the front spoke. He had long brown hair, a few strands stuck on his face from all the sweat. He was wearing a black jacket with gold detailing, leaving his chest bare underneath.
“Yes, that’s me,” you forced an awkward smile.
“Cool, but as for me, I am tired and I want to take the party elsewhere,” another one spoke. He was about the same height of the first one, but this one gave off a Bob Dylan vibe with his haircut.
You had to admit, they were a pretty interesting-looking group and you were sure they had quite some stories to tell you.
“Definitely. I don’t want to stay around here for too long,” the first one, in the jacket, answered. “I’m Jake Kiszka, guitarist,” he introduced himself.
“I am Josh Kiszka, I play the vocals,” the Dylan-ish one spoke. You nodded, and tried to match the face to the name.
You turned to the other two, who were silently waiting for their moment.
A tall man stepped forward, he had kind of frizzy hair, and his arms’ muscles gave away the fact that he was a drummer. Probably he has been drumming since a really young age, but you didn’t know yet if that was true or not. “I am Daniel, Wagner.”
“Are you the drummer?” you asked the tall, dark-haired man that introduced himself as Daniel Wagner.
“Oh! The girl has done her homework!” spoke the fourth man, the one still left to introduce himself. “In fact, he really is. But more importantly, I am Sam Kiszka, and I am the bassist.”
You all shook hands. “So, if not here, where do you want to go and talk?” you asked as you saw them on the couch. You were feeling slightly intimidated, but you were sent with a job.
“Today we’re kicking off the tour, so I say we find a nice local or something nearby. I am starving. You’re free to join us if you’d like,” Josh, the shortest Kiszka, with the fluffy hair, spoke. You agreed almost instantly.
You took one last look at the group of four men. Their outfits were fitting them like a glove and you had to admit to yourself that they were really good looking. The details in their stage outfits was otherworldly. There hasn’t been anyone quite like that before. You could tell they had a bright road ahead of themselves.
The singer, Josh, was wearing a black vest as well, with the similar gold details as the guitarist. Josh also wore a lot of necklaces, that tangled together on his bare chest, while he had a couple of feathers hanging from his hair and down his shoulders.
While the vocalist and the guitarist matched their outfits, the bassist was wearing red bell bottoms and a halfway-unbuttoned shirt with oriental design. Now, the interesting thing about the bassist, was that he was barefoot. He noticed that you were intrigued by this unusual lack of shoes, but didn’t say anything.
The drummer also had an unique outfit- he was wearing a vest with floral motifs and black leather pants.
Even though their stage looks were quite unusual, you had a feeling that they were going to start a music revolution that would lead the way into the 70s.
You noted down all the details you remembered about their outfits, as they left one by one and got changed into a fresh set of clothes. They weren’t as extra as before, but they were still giving off the same vibe as before.
“Let me guess, why am I not wearing shoes, right?” Sam asked as he sat down next to you and extended his arm on the upper part of the couch, behind you. You just nodded, a little bit taken aback by his forwardness. “Because I like to feel connected to the Earth,” he said as you watched him closely, almost caught in a trance, studying the fine detailing of his face. “Come on, note it down.”
You did as you were told and followed Josh, since he was already leaving the room. The four men lead the way down the dark streets of the city, looking for a welcoming local on that chilly night. You were walking behind them, thinking of the way you should behave around them.
They finally stopped in front of a local that gave away light out of its windows. It seemed cozy inside, so the boys walked in and asked for a table for five.
“So, how will you travel on this tour?” asked Sam once you all sat down.
“My boss said that with you, with your bus, right?” you answered his question with another question, unsure. You thought all of it has been planned in advance and that the band has been informed.
“That’s going to be fun,” Sam spoke again as he fixed you with his eyes. Your cheeks heated up, not being exactly sure of what was going on.
“If the lady’s going with us, you behave,” Josh spoke as if he was their dad. Maybe he was the oldest, who knows.
“Do you smoke?” Jake asked as he put a cigar between his lips and light it up. He puffed the smoke and handed you his packet as you nodded. His arm extended and flicked open the metal lighter in his hand and lit up the cigar in your mouth.
You took a deep drag out of it and felt the tingle down your throat and let the smoke out.
“The lady’s smoking!” Daniel looked at you, as if he’s never seen a woman smoking.
“So, shall we get started?” you asked as you put your clipboard on the table, after the waiter took your orders. An affirmative murmur was heard so you continued. “How was the band formed?”
“We’re blood brothers,” Jake pointed at himself, Josh and Sam, “and he is our brother from other mother,” he continued, pointing at the dark haired drummer, who smiled at his words. You smiled as well, noticing the love that was at the roots of this band.
“Can’t we do this tomorrow? I am tired,” Jake asked as he looked at you and slid a hand underneath the table that rested on your knee. You and Jake had a short exchange of looks that went by unnoticed by the other boys.
The three of them agreed. “How about we get to know each other better?”  suggested Josh as you put the clipboard away.
Tags: @myownparadise96, @jeordinevankiszka, @littlegeekwonder, @gretavanyeeeeet, @umbriellethenightfall, @songbirdkisses, @freeeshavacadoo, @sweet-dreams-on-butterfly-wings, @stevie-baby, @satans-helper, @bigthighsandstupidguys, @leterscam, @valleyd0ll, @mountainofthesunn, @retrodrummers
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sunrisespidey · 6 years
in a heartbeat | ii
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moodboard by the lovely and amazing @stuckonspidey
pairing: fratboy!tom holland x reader
summary: An alternate universe where your soulmate’s heartbeat is found on your wrist, synced with your own, along with their initials. Sounds exciting — until you realize your soulmate is the one and only Tom Holland. A fratboy through and through, partying and sleeping around seemed to be his favourite past time. Fate dealt you a tricky hand, and loving him wouldn’t be an easy task, but you were always up for the challenge.
word count: 1.2k
a/n: well this was actually supposed to be rlly fluffy but tumblr deleted it and i decided to take it in an entirely different direction. oops?
warnings: swearing, it’s gross and unedited
masterlist ♡
part one | part two 
You turned around with the intention to end the conversation, but he called out at you again. “Can I at least get your name?”
“My name?” You asked, scrubbing at a counter mindlessly, “y/f/n y/l/n.”
A dull crash was heard from behind you, and you peered over your shoulder to observe the commotion. Tom was pulling napkins out of the dispenser and loudly cursing as he dropped the napkins on the growing spill that had spread across the ground in a futile attempt to soak up the liquid. His friends had stopped their obnoxious chatter to stare at him, and the blue-eyed boy from before chuckled.
“Ay, mate, having some trouble?” He shouted from where he sat, practically doubled over in a fit of laughter.
“Fuck off,” Tom muttered, “it was an accident.” He groaned at the mess he created before seemingly giving up on attempting to clean it up. He stepped around the puddle to the counter, where you watched the scene with amusement, a scowl on his face.
“Tell me you’re fucking joking,” he demanded, pointing an accusing finger at your chest, “there’s no way you’re my soulmate.”
Your smile slid off your face, your features hardening. “No, Holland,” you snapped, knitting your brows, “I’m not joking, do you have a problem with that?”
A groan followed your words, and Tom’s hands came up to tug at his fluffy curls. “For fuck’s sake,” he fumed, “just what I needed — a fuckin’ soulmate.”
Your jaw dropped, and you crossed your arms. “Oh that’s rich, Holland,” you chuckled mirthlessly, throwing the rag you held down harshly on the counter, “just ‘cause you’re such a golden boy, suddenly you’re just too good for fate? God, you’re insufferable, can’t believe I got stuck with an absolute douchebag as a soulmate!” You threw your hands up, glaring at your supposed soulmate. Your chest heaved, and you didn’t need to throw a glance at your wrist to know that his heart was pounding as fast as yours.
But if he was as flustered as you were, he didn’t show it. Instead, Tom scoffed, yawning scornfully. “You done, princess? Because no, I don’t need you. I have enough girls back at the frat waiting for me.”
“You, Tom Holland,” you snarled, gritting your teeth, “you’re nothing but a fucking dickhead.”
“That obvious?” He smirked, before beckoning his friends to leave. When the bell chimed, indicating his leave, you took a breath, rubbing your face wearily with your hands.
A cough alerted you to the waiting customer, an older lady carrying an expensive handbag. “Boys, hm?” She chuckled stiffly, eyeing you up and down.
“Tell me about it,” you muttered to yourself. “What can I get for you today?”
When you returned from your shift, you dropped your bag sluggishly on your sofa. The sofa dipped as you let yourself sink into the plush material, and you pulled your knees up to your chest. Pulling out your phone, you scrolled lazily through Instagram, liking pictures from peers you figured you would never talk to. One image caught your attention as you scrolled, a photo with Tom tagged. You scoffed and ignored it, but you still couldn’t get him out of your head.
“y/n? That you?” Your flatmate called out, poking her head out of her room. You hummed in response, sending her a thumbs up from where you lay.
“What d’you want for dinner?” You asked, sitting up. “Takeout?”
“Sorry, lovey, I made plans with Jake tonight,” she said, a smile filling her face at the mention of her soulmate.
“It’s alright, I’ll just go to some cafe and finish some homework or whatever,” you shrugged, waving her off, as you began to shove your books into your bag, “have fun with Jake.”
You stood up and made your way to the door, shouting goodbye to your flatmate. Gently shutting your flat’s door, you pressed for the lift, shouldering your bag and you left the building.
The cold air enveloped your shivering figure as you swerved your way by passing students who remained loitering on the campus grounds. You kept your eyes trained on the ground, your hood covering your head, and hastily adjusted the bag strap that rested on your shoulder as you made your way to your favorite cafe on campus. Rubbing your hands furiously to generate heat, you dodged students, and your mind wandered elsewhere, but you were snapped out of your thoughts as you walked roughly into a passerby, knocking you down.
You scrambled to pick up your belongings that had scattered themselves across the ground, chasing the spare coins that had tumbled out of your bag. You were in the middle of reaching for your phone when a hand picked it up and handed it to you.  “I’m so sorry,” you sputtered, eyes flickering up to meet the victim of your mindless walking, “I wasn’t looking where I was going and—”
You fell silent when the eyes you met were unfortunately familiar. The chocolate brown eyes that you had stared at earlier in the day stared back at you, and your breath caught. Tom Holland, your soulmate, was crouched next to you, a smirk plastered on his face, and his hand outstretched with your phone firmly in his grasp.
“You didn’t have to literally fall for me to get the point, you know,” he chuckled, and you frowned, harshly snatching your phone from his hand. “Woah, darling, no need to be so harsh.” Your jaw dropped, laughing coldly.
“Harsh? Please,” you retorted, brushing the dirt off of your pants, “you would know all about harsh, wouldn’t you, Holland?” 
An expression that you couldn’t decipher passed through Tom’s face, but it was gone as quick as it came. “C’mon darling, you couldn’t seriously be still upset about what I said today? I didn’t mean what I said; you know that.” He murmured, reaching out to cup your cheek.
You ducked from underneath his hand, shoving it away. “Don’t call me ‘darling,’ Tom,” you snapped. “You came into the coffee shop that I work at, spilled your drinks in the floor that I had to clean up and then insulted me to my face. What did you expect me to do? Forgive you and immediately fall for you? In your goddamn dreams, asshole.”
Tom blinked, lips parting to release a small huff of breath. The moment passed quickly though, and the stupid smirk returned to his face. “You’re right, love,” he winked, smile wavering in the slightest, “you are in my dreams.”
“Of course that’s the only thing you hear,” you scoffed, tightening your grip on your bag strap before shoving past the curly-haired boy. You paused, turning back to Tom, and a flash of hope flitted across his face, so quick you figured you imagined it. “Don’t try to talk to me again, Tom.” And with that, you were stalking away, getting lost in the groups of students, unknowingly leaving Tom crestfallen behind you.
want to be added to my taglist?
everything tags:
@timelock97​ @gendryia
in a heartbeat tags:
@everything12beautiful​ @reblogsfics​ @mutuallynotmutual @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @furiouspaperfarmegg @its-a-mess-here @stuckonspidey @hholyholland @standingunderthisrain @what-inspirational-name @marinaabernardii @gioandreolli @overexcitedfangirl @saltysindyyy @hollandhearts @spideysimpossiblegirl
tom tags:
if your user is crossed out, that means i couldn’t tag you!
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lovebunnie · 6 years
Do them all nerd
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1. meaning behind my url?
- i like venom and symbrock (veddie) is good
2. a pisture of me
- people get creepy with pics of me (plus u know what i look like already) so have uh this?
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i look like this
3. how many tattoos do i have and what do they look like?
- i dont have any (yet) but i really love tattoo culture
4. last time i cried and why
- i was looking at cats that needed to be adopted online and they all are….. so cuuute
5. piercings i have
- i dont have any :p
6. favorite band?
- gorillaz 
7. buggest turn offs
- if you make rude jokes ill immediately be annoyed with you (twitch humor)
8. top 5 (insert item)
- well since u didnt do it ill do top 5.. numbers..
420, 69, 666, 0, 👌
9. tattoos i want
- i want some roses, maybe some song lyrics and some special pieces drawn by the artist because i love artists expressing themselves
10. biggest turn ons
- im babby but also hand holding
11. age?
- im 18
12. ideas of a perfect date
- ive said before that i want my first date to be to a build a bear because thats CUTE we make bears for each other
13. life goal?
- i want to one day give a ted talk
14. piercings i want
- not really what i want but i actually really love gauges and septums because im gay and goth
15. relationship status?
- absolutely not dating anyone and pining over like 5 people
16. favorite movie?
- dead poets society
17. a fact about my life
- i had a half brother i didnt know was a half brother until i was 15 years old lmao
18. phobia?
- throwing up
19. middle name?
- it starts with an ‘m’ but thats all ill say
20. height?
- i havent gotten measured since like 8th grade so last time i checked i was 5 2 but honestly i dont know
21. are u a virgin?
- have u seen me and my content? of course i am
22. whats your shoe size?
- 7.5 or 8 depending on the brand
23. whats your sexual orientation?
- im bisexual :3
24. do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
- no because im not cool enough to get them and also my family is full of addicts so if i start itll most likely kill me
25. someone you miss?
- every single person i met at camp (ian and rivers and connor and jared but theyre the ones i have tumblrs from) i love them dearly and i cant wait until the summer to see them again
26. whats one thing you regret?
- i wish i did more theater because i honestly really enjoy it
27. first celebrity you think of when someone says attractive?
- jake gyllenhaal (followed closely by hugh dancy and megan fox)
28. favorite ice cream?
- turkey hill mint chocolate chip
29. one insecurity?
- my face looks like a pizza i have such nasty skin
30. what my last text message says
- fun fact but if u know me youll know im the absolute worst at responding to messages, i didnt text my grandma back so much my dad threatened to throw my phone in a ‘fucking lake’ (his words) but anyway it was to my friend seb and it said “yeah just me being a pretentious fool as usual” talking about my twitter
31. have you ever taken a picture naked?
- absolutely NOT lmao who would i send it to my english class gc?
32. have you ever painted your room?
- my old room in maryland yeah, we painted it light blue
33. have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
- i havent had my first kiss yet whoops
34. have you ever slept naked?
- HELL NO my cat steps on me in my sleep
35. have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
- literally everyday it makes me really happy and its fun and im not apologizing
36. have you ever had a crush?
- i dont think ive ever not had a crush like deadass
37. have you ever been dumped?
- no ive only really dated one person
38. have you ever stole money from a friend?
- no all my friends are broke like me we suffer together like champs
39. have you ever gotten into a car with people you just met?
- god fucking NEVER all my closest friends live away from me and are gay so none of us can drive (yet. connor is getting there) but yeah no i dont even trust my brother to drive me
40. have you ever been in a fist fight?
- no but id win because my muscles are so huge
41. have you ever snuck out of your house?
- no i live in the middle of no where. i could walk to food loin or burger king if i wanted to but i dont. so no. im asleep at 8:30
42. have you ever had feelings for someone who didnt feel them back?
- literally all the time, i like people who will never like me back
43. have you ever been arrested?
- no im a rule follower
44. have you ever made out with a stranger?
- see question #33
45. have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
- like in secret? no. but as friends? yes.
46. have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
- accidentally yes and when they tell me they were worried i cry in shame
47. have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
- i think back in elementary school i had a crush on a neighbor boy. he was a lax bro and i think liked me back even if i was 2 years older than him
48. have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
- no and actually, last year i had gone the whole time without missing a single day so my mom and i went into the city and i asked to go home to finish homework and my mom called me a nerd :(
49. have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
- that has never come out, no
50. have you ever seen someone die?
- ive been watching our country die for years
okay im only doing half because im literally falling asleep i might finish the other half if u want me to
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xkurzel · 6 years
Off-Limits (2/3)
Word Count: 3,706
Characters: Jake Puckerman, Brittany S. Pierce
Summary: Despite three separate instances of three different glee club members telling him not to go there, Jake Puckerman ends up going there and somehow finds himself crushing on the totally off-limits Brittany S. Pierce.
Notes: You can absolutely thank @brittanacedes​ for sending me this picture and making this extend into now three parts because I absolutely had to write it in.
Read on Ao3: [2] [1] | Read on FF.Net: [2] [1] | Read on Tumblr: [2] [1]
“As promised.”
Jake shuts his locker and standing there is Brittany, her hand outstretched and holding his leather jacket out to him.
“Thanks.” Jake lets out a sigh of relief and reaches for it but Brittany tugs it out of his reach. He glances back to Brittany and she’s got an eyebrow arched.
“On one condition.”
Jake cocks his head. “But... it’s my jacket.”
“You have to promise,” Brittany continues, ignoring him, “that you’ll stop skipping class.”
“Why do you care?” Jake blurts out almost out of instinct, wincing internally at the bite that comes across.
“Teachers really care about that stuff,” Brittany explains patiently, looking none too fussed at Jake’s tone, “Trust me, I know. You don’t want to inconveniently find out just days away from graduation that attendance actually matters in order to pass.”
Jake’s knee-jerk reaction to any type of authority or demand is usually to bristle at the suggestion and maybe knock over a few things. And he feels his shoulders start to straighten and he’s about to do just that when he makes the mistake of looking right into Brittany’s eyes.
Brittany has a smile on her face with an eyebrow raised expectantly, but she’s looking at him earnestly, sincerity clear in those blue eyes, and Jake’s stopped in his tracks because she’s looking at him like... she actually does care.
It’s a weird, unfamiliar feeling that catches him off guard which is why he instead says—
“Sure. I promise.”
Brittany brightens, her smile widening. “Awesome! Good deed of the day done. Here you go, younger Puckerman.” She extends the jacket back towards him.
Jake shakes his head a little to clear his thoughts and takes his jacket from her with a grateful smile. “You know, I have a name. A full one. Jake Puckerman. In case you didn’t know.”
Brittany taps a finger to her chin in deliberation. “Well, Jake Puckerman is shorter to say than younger Puckerman.”
Jake shrugs on his jacket with a chuckle. “How about just Jake?”
Brittany squints at him playfully, pretending to consider it with an exaggerated hum that makes Jake laugh, before nodding and grinning back at him. “Alright, Just Jake it is.”
Jake thinks to correct her but, at this point, he’s learned that it’s just better to roll with it when it comes to Brittany. “That works.”
The bell rings overhead and Brittany jumps. “Shoot, my class is all the way on the other side of the building.” Brittany steps close to Jake, reaching out and tugging at the apparently unkempt collar of his jacket, smoothing it over. “See you around, Just Jake. Stay in class!”
Jake watches her jog down the long hallway, her blonde ponytail swishing with each step, and he doesn’t move until she reaches the end of it, looking back to Jake with a smile and a wave, before disappearing around the corner completely.
He rubs at the collar of his jacket absentmindedly and makes his way to his next class.
And every class after that.
Jake’s lounging around in his room, attempting but failing to get through his homework, when his phone buzzes next to him.
(Half Bro): ABORT
“The hell is he talking about?” Jake mutters underneath his breath. On cue, his phone starts buzzing and a picture of him and Puck, the older Puckerman putting Jake into a headlock, lights up his screen. Jake rolls his eyes and picks up the call, shoving his phone between his shoulder and his ear, as he picks up his pencil.
“What’s with the cryptic texts, dude?” Jake says in greeting, erasing his previous answer on his notebook and scribbling down another half-heartedly.
“As your wise older brother—”
“Half brother. And dunno about the whole wise thing.”
“—it’s my duty to tell you to abort mission, bro.”
Jake scratches down another answer on his notebook. “Yeah, I still don’t know what you’re talking bout.”
“Brittany, dude! That is a total no-go!”
The phone slips from Jake’s shoulder as he sits up suddenly. Jake scrambles for the phone, picking it back up. “What? What about her?”
Puck barks out a laugh. “Don’t play the player, my man! I saw the latest episode and I could spot that classic Puckerman leather from a mile away.”
“The latest episode?” Jake blanks before it clicks. “Wait, of Fondue for Two? You watch that?”
“Hell yeah, dude. I’m subscribed and everything. Everyone watches it. Anyway, I totally respect your game, don’t get me wrong, do your thing. But take it from me, you do not want to go there.”
Heat creeps up Jake’s neck. “It’s not like that. We’re… friends.”
And it’s true. They are kind of friends now, ever since Brittany borrowed Jake’s jacket. When Brittany passes him in the halls, she gives him a wave and a, “Hi, Just Jake,” and she’s even started sitting next to him in glee club. They also have a weird, ongoing text thread about—out of all things—motorcycle riding that Jake catches himself rereading throughout the day, chuckling at the various emojis that’s peppered all throughout the thread.
So yeah. They’re friends.
But just friends.
“Right,” Puck draws out.
Jake clears his throat. “Uh, just between bros though, why not?” Jake tries to ask nonchalantly.
“Dude, two words: Santana Lopez. You do not want to get in between those two. Not even in the fun way, either, because that shit will get you nowhere and I’m pretty sure they stopped doing that like three years ago.”
Now, Jake’s really lost. “Wait, what? Who’s Santana Lopez?”
“You serious? You really don’t know?”
Jake scoffs, picking his pencil back up and doodling on the corner of the page. “I literally just got to this school, like, a few months ago.”
“Man, you’ve got a lot to learn. Let’s just say, I’ve seen many dudes try and fail—including yours truly, if you can believe it—to try and get with Brittany or Santana and it’s just a lost cause. Those two kind of just… belong to each other.”
“Wow. That is really cheesy,” Jake chuckles.
“Shut the fuck up, dude. I’m trying to do you a solid here.”
“Relax, alright?” Jake rolls his eyes, throwing his head back to look at the ceiling while still doodling aimlessly. “I get it. I didn’t know Brittany had a girlfriend, anyways.”
“Well, ex-girlfriend. I think. I dunno. Santana graduated last year, moved away, and then dumped her a little while ago is what I heard from Tina.”
“Wait a minute, so Brittany’s single? What the hell are you telling me all this for then?”
“I thought you guys were just friends?” Puck’s smug tone comes across the line.
Jake flushes, heat creeping higher up his neck. “We are! I’m just saying.”
Puck laughs. “Alright, dude, your funeral. But consider my brotherly duties fulfilled.”
Jake rolls his eyes again. “Well, thanks for your concern, bro.”
“Anytime, man!”
Jake ends the call with a click and a sigh, chucking his phone onto his bed. Phone calls with his dumbass half-brother are always a treat, but this one in particular just really grates at him.
First Kitty, and now Puck, too? Jake doesn’t know where everyone’s getting the idea that he’s into Brittany. He’s not into her. Especially knowing there’s some history with a Santana Lopez in the mix. No, definitely not. That would make things way complicated and Jake’s not into all that drama and luggage when he’s got enough of that to go around.
“We’re friends, that’s all,” Jake mutters to himself, shaking his head. “Just friends.”
Jake nods, resolved, and turns back to his homework.
At the corner of the page, where Jake was doodling, is Brittany’s name.
He quickly scratches it out and falls onto his bed with a groan.
“Hey, whatever happened with your experiment?” Jake asks Brittany, shifting Brittany’s books under his arm as they walk to Brittany’s class. “You know, the food one in the hallway?”
It’s the fourth day in a row where Jake’s walked Brittany to her fifth period class that just happens to be four classes down from where Jake’s fifth period is. Not that he checked or anything. Jake just noticed Brittany walking in the same direction for fifth a couple times so now, they walk together.
He’s kinda glad he promised to stop skipping this class.
“Oh, the results were inconclusive. But totally not going to test it again. You know how it is,” Brittany says dismissively, waving a hand in the air. “What song are you going to do in glee club?”
Jake sometimes gets a little whiplash from how quickly Brittany jumps from topic to topic, but he’s getting used to it. “Uh, not sure yet. What’s the assignment again?”
Brittany stops right outside of her classroom, leaning against the doorway. Jake stops and leans against the other side of the doorway as other students mill about the hall. “I think it has something to do with pirates. I was gonna do one, but it was really hard to dance with an eyepatch on.”
Jake tries not to smile. “Britt, I think the assignment was Hidden Treasures. Like you have to pick an underrated song by a really popular artist.”
“Oh. That makes sense. What are you doing then?”
Jake shrugs, checking the clock on the wall and noticing there’s about a few minutes until class starts. “I was thinking of doing a Bruno Mars song, just not sure which one.”
The warning bell rings and students around them shuffle faster to their classes. Jake steps back a bit to let other students filter into Brittany’s classroom, then steps towards her to hand over her books.
Brittany smiles at him gratefully, swooping up her books from his outstretched arms. “Thanks.” She suddenly perks up with a gasp, grasping at his forearm. “Wait, I got it! You should totally do Talking to the Moon. It’s about werewolves, which is as underrated as it gets.”
Jake’s mouth pinches, his lips tugging up on one side. “Is it really?”
The final bell rings above them and Brittany pushes him gently backwards. “You’ll kill it, Just Jake. See you in glee!”
Jake chuckles and waves to her in goodbye, before jogging over to his classroom.
“Alright! Who’s up next?”
Jake clears his throat and raises up his hand. “I have one.”
He jogs down the risers and goes to stand in the center of the room, in front of the mic. He glances around at everyone, ducking his chin to his chest as he leans into the mic. “Okay, this one’s Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars.” Jake glances over to Brittany, who’s sitting in the front next to Artie, and she gives him a thumbs up.
Jake nods to the band, cueing the music, and he goes through the first verse. But as soon he’s singing, “At night, when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself…”, what Brittany said about what the song’s really about pops into his head and he can’t help but chuckle lightly, as he continues into the chorus.
“Talking to the moon,” Jake croons, shaking his head with a grin, and he makes eye contact with Brittany, who has a matching grin on her face and a knowing twinkle in her eyes. He keeps his eyes on her as he sings, “Trying to get to you,” watching her nod along to the beat, before looking away to the rest of the glee club, continuing through the rest of the song.
When he finishes, the room bursts into cheers and applause.
“Dude, that was awesome!”  
“Great job, Jake!”
“Whoo! Go, double J!” Brittany hollers, hands cupped around her mouth, giving a fist pump for good measure.
He grins bashfully, bowing slightly, before jogging back up the risers to his seat.
“Okay, who else has something they want to sing?”
“Dude, you know what we should team up on?” Jake points towards Artie, swallowing the bite of his sandwich he just took. “Some Frank Ocean.”
“My man!” Artie exclaims, holding his hand up. “Now, you’re speaking my language!”
Jake grins and returns his high five. The rest of the glee club is seated around the lunch table and engaged in their own side conversations.
Artie starts listing off some classic Ocean tunes, Jake nodding and shaking his head at each of the suggestions, before Tina plops down across Jake, setting down her lunch tray.
“Artie, how’d you do the homework for Mrs. Peters’ class?” Tina asks Artie, and he shoots Jake an apologetic smile before answering Tina, the two of them going on to discuss the homework in detail.
Jake feels something nudging his shoulder and he looks up to find Brittany standing there, her lunch tray in her hands. “Scoot over,” Brittany says, nodding to the side.
Jake shifts over to make some room and Brittany squeezes in next to him, her elbow softly knocking into his.
“Hey,” Jake says in greeting, a smile growing on his face.
“Hey,” Brittany greets back, her mouth quirking up slightly, before she looks up. “What’s with the beanie?”
“Oh,” Jake reaches up to touch the beanie in question, perched around his head, “The hair was getting a little wild. I need to get a haircut.”
Brittany chuckles, looking back down from the beanie into his eyes. “Cute,” Brittany says with a wink. Jake looks down, scratching the back of his neck, and clears his throat, his cheeks warming.
Brittany’s hand pops into his view and he looks back up to watch Brittany pop a fry into her mouth.
“Those are mine,” Jake notes, watching Brittany chew.
“You know, sharing is caring, Just Jake,” Brittany grabs another fry, pointing at him with it. She grins as he shakes his head and she eats the fry she just picked up before wiping the grease on her fingers on Jake’s shirt.
“Gross,” Jake wrinkles his nose as Brittany sticks her tongue out at him, crossing her eyes.
Suddenly, Brittany plucks the beanie off of his head before Jake can even scramble to keep it on. “I think you need a lesson in sharing.”
“Britt, come on,” Jake laughs and lunges for the beanie but Brittany pushes a hand flat against his chest as her other hand holds his beanie out of his reach.
“Nope,” Brittany lets the word come off her tongue with a pop, before tugging the beanie onto her head. “It’s cuter on me anyways.”
Jake groans in protest, shooting her a harmless glare as he smooths down his hair. “Only cause it’s kinda true, but I’m getting it back after glee,” Jake responds casually, picking his sandwich back up, and Brittany giggles next to him.
“Deal,” She agrees, and he glances over to her from the corner of his eye, shooting her a smile.
Jake’s putting away his books between classes when Artie wheels up to his locker.
“Hey, man, sorry we didn’t get to finish our talk at lunch earlier,” Jake gives him a nod in greeting, but Artie just waves him off.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it. I’m actually here for something else. Roll with me, Puckerman,” Artie says, and Jake arches an eyebrow. He shuts his locker closed and grabs Artie’s wheelchair handles.
“Alright, where to?” Jake pushes Artie along the hallway.
“Let’s go into this classroom. I don’t think there’s a class,” Artie suggests, and Jake nods, pushing Artie into the room.
Just as Artie noted, the classroom is empty, and Jake shrugs off his backpack, tossing it onto the desk as he takes a seat on top of it.
“What’s up, dude? Kinda secretive,” Jake gestures around the empty room.
Artie smiles gently at him before wheeling a little bit closer. “Look, Jake, I just wanted to give you a heads-up. Maybe a little advice, too.”
“Uh,” Jake lets out a laugh. “About what?”
Artie levels a look at him. “I think you know.”
Jake squints back, cocking his head. “No, I really don’t. You’re gonna have to fill in the blanks here.”
Artie wheels even closer and straightens up in his seat, looking Jake directly in the eyes. “Brittany.”
Jake freezes, his eyes widening. “What?”
Artie sighs and sends him a patient smile, folding his hands in his lap. “I couldn’t help but notice you two lately and, from someone who’s been there, it’s kinda obvious you’re into her.”
Jake shakes his head fervently. “I’m not… into her.”
Artie nods, as if he was expecting that response. “Sure, if that’s what you want to tell yourself. Don’t worry, plenty of guys and girls have been in your boat. Once you get sucked into Brittany’s orbit, it’s pretty much inevitable.”
“What? I don’t…” Jake laughs breathlessly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, man.”
Artie tugs his glasses down to give Jake a dubious look. “Be straight with me, Jake. I won’t tell anyone.”
Jake glances away, feeling warm like a spotlight’s on him, and he glances back to Artie. “Okay, so… I guess, yeah.” Jake blows out a breath. “I might… be into Brittany. But it’s only just a little.”
Artie levels him another look.
“I mean, she’s hot and a little weird but it’s cute and she’s funny, so yeah, I guess. A little. But it’s not a big deal.” Jake pauses. “Like, really.”
Artie smiles kindly, throwing his hands up in a nonchalant shrug. “Totally not a big deal,” Artie echoes.
Jake passes a hand over his face, his shoulders slumping. “Dude, I swear, I’m not usually like this. No offense, but I’m pretty sure I have way more game than someone like you, for example.”
Artie looks slightly offended but then makes a noise of agreement.
Jake continues, “And with anyone else, I probably would’ve already made a move but…”
Artie nods. “It’s Brittany,” he finishes for Jake and Jake nods slowly. “Yeah, things are definitely different when it comes to her. Like I said, it’s kinda inevitable. But, here’s something else that’s also inevitable.”
Jake picks his head up, listening intently.
“It’s never going to work.”
Jake reels back a bit, raising his eyebrows. “Harsh.”
Artie shrugs. “Harsh, but true. I was actually dating Brittany at one point and I should’ve seen it coming, but I didn’t.”
“See what coming?”
Artie leans forward. “She’s completely unavailable. Like one hundred percent off-limits.”
Jake blinks for a few seconds, eyeing Artie curiously. “Don’t tell me it’s about that ex of hers.”
Artie looks surprised. “So you’ve already been warned then.”
Jake scratches at the back of his head. “Yeah, Puck told me about a Santana in the picture. But I mean,” he shrugs, “she’s not even here and they’ve been broken up for awhile now, right? So how hung up can she be?”
Artie waves a hand around. “Doesn’t matter what they are to each other. Trust me when I say that those two are the definition of inevitable, and getting in between them just sets you up for heartbreak.”
Jake arches an eyebrow. “Experience talking?”
Artie chuckles. “The worst kind. But I learned my lesson. And now, I’m sharing it with you.” Artie wheels his chair back around, making his way to the exit. “Be a smart man. Take my advice, Jake. See you in glee!”
Jake watches him wheel away, running back through the conversation in his head and exhaling a heavy sigh.
Jake leans against the wall right outside the choir room, nodding in goodbye to the glee club members filtering out of the room, before he hears Brittany’s voice coming nearer.
Jake straightens up, and Artie wheels out of the choir room, shooting him a pointed look that he acknowledges with a tight-lipped smile, before Jake looks up to see Brittany chatting with Blaine as they exit the room.
Brittany catches Jake’s eyes and shoots him a quick smile before turning back to Blaine, giving him a single-armed hug and says, “See you tomorrow, Blaine Warbler!”
Blaine just shakes his head at the nickname, smiling at Jake in passing as he goes his separate way, and Brittany turns to Jake, blue eyes bright and a wide grin on her face, his beanie perched on her head.
Jake extends his hand out, eyes darting upwards with a slight smirk. “Didn’t think I’d forget about my beanie, did you?” Jake asks.
“You know, you’ve got the be the worst hostage negotiator ever,” Brittany deadpans as she tugs the beanie off of her head.
Jake just furrows his brow, giving her a questioning look with a smile on his face.
Brittany knocks his outstretched hand out of the way and steps a little closer and Jake steps back, the back of Jake’s shoes knocking against the wall behind him.
Jake holds his breath as he watches Brittany raise the beanie above his head, her blue eyes concentrating on tugging the fabric neatly onto his head and he lets her, keeping his arms to his sides. Brittany elaborates, “Because I keep kidnapping your clothes…”
Jake glances down to Brittany’s lips where she has her tongue peeking out in concentration as he lets her fiddle with placing the beanie on his head.
He watches her face, standing in place between her arms, as she gently arranges the beanie on top of his head, her hands smoothing the fabric over once it’s in place. “...and you keep letting me,” Brittany finishes and glances down to his eyes with an easy grin.
She takes a step back to evaluate her handiwork, making a face as if to say not too bad. “Still cuter on me, though,” Brittany flutters her eyelashes dramatically, and Jake breathes out a laugh.
“Want to grab a milkshake?” Jake blurts out. Brittany tilts her head at him. “You said you were craving one at lunch when you were eating my fries, because you like to dip them in a milkshake.”
Brittany blinks at him slowly, eyeing him, before she chuckles, shaking her head. “You’re being weird, Just Jake. But sure. Let’s go. I’ll drive.”
She spins on her heel, slightly skipping towards the exit, and Jake watches her take a few skips before he follows.
Fuck. He’s so screwed.
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hdawg1995 · 7 years
yes hello i only ever done fanfiction ONCE on tumblr so forgive me.
The Cognitive net; a Persona 4 and Persona 5 cross over fanfic with OCs. Summary:
When a string of missing persons cases all seem to be linked by a far too familiar rumor, detective shirogane tries to enlist the help of her old investigation team. Unfortunately, not all of the original members are able to make it to shibuya-the sight of the latest case- but she finds help from an unexpected hacker and her friends. Elsewhere, a small team of brand new persona users have already figured out the “cognitive web” and it’s strange search engine. Will detective Shirogane and the hacker Alibaba discover the new group of heroes in time to realize this case is not city wide, but WORLD wide?
Chapter 1: intro/Logging in
“This is a bad idea.” yuki thought as he gripped his phone a bit tighter.
Sitting in the café he knew his friends used to hang out in all the time was calming him like he had hopped it would be, but the very idea of what he was doing was making the task near impossible.
“I heard if you go to this website, Cogntive.net, a search engine will come up and it will give you anything you want!”
The voice of the gossiping girl rang in the former high schooler’s head as he took a sip of coffee.
“No way, that’s ridiculous! I heard it can give you what you want with just a one word search too. I call bull shit.”
Yuki carefully typed the URL on Le Blanc’s Wi-Fi. Something spurred him on as he hit enter.
“This feels familiar…” he thought as the black screen with the bold white letters came up. “…I have to stop. This isn’t going to end well…” he set the cup down and stared at the screen a moment longer.
It had been two years since the blood rain and the bone like structures. He wasn’t sure why he was able to remember it all- when he had asked others he knew were there and he knew who saw it they acted like it didn’t happen.
The white letters burned into his eyes. “What are you looking for?” it asked. The chatter of the TV and other café goers drowned out the dark blue haired boy’s voice of reason. As memories of his second year of high school and events that surrounded it flooded his mind he found his fingers hovering over the key board his phone provided. He didn’t even remember tapping the text box under the words.
The world around him grew silent the instant he hit enter, as if the café had to pause to acknowledge him and the horrible mistake he made. When yuki looked up from his phone he saw it was just him and his booth- the coffee cup and people all gone. All around him the world was dark with hints of red fog far too thin to see properly. He gasped and tried to stand up when a hand reached out from the screen of his phone.
“Answers? haha! Heres a few…” the hand grasped at Yuki’s Neck and made contact with his shirt collar. The boy reflexively braced himself against the booth table as the hand pulled down back towards the phone. “Yes. This was a bad idea.” The voice stated as it tugged with more force, but yuki pushed back with just as much strength. “yes. You should have stopped while you had the chance, Yuki.” The boy gasped again and shot up with enough force to drag more of the arm out of the phone. The voice was distorted and slightly staticy, but it was his without a doubt. “And the reason WHY it feels so familiar, Yuki Mishima…” the voice trailed off as the arm released him, sending him falling backward into what should have been the booth’s cushioned seat. Instead he was on the floor looking up in horror as the arm pushed against the table, from what he could see of his phone the screen and casing stretched like rubber and a second arm broke free.
“…is because it IS like two years ago! HAHA! That feeling of reality morphing around you? You’re experiencing it all over again!” the second arm gripped the phone case as yuki back pedaled away. “And the reason why YOU remember, why YOU are the ONLY one out side of the phantom thieves to remember it all-“ a head broke though the screen, the sound of something shattering and the feeling of shards breaking apart in mishima’s heart and mind caused the boy to freeze in his tracks “-is because we have unfinished business, Me!” the yellow eyes of yuki’s shadow stared at him with a mix of excitement…and anger.
else where, a group of friends chatted away at both some ungodly hour of the night and a reasonable time of day.
“Ugh I just want to reach this level! Why do I have to wait 3 hours to gain EXP in this stupid game?” the young man ruffled his hair, causing his head set to shift and the mic to brush his cheek a few times.
“Dude calm down.” a younger voice laughed over the headphone speakers.
“hes just frustrated he can’t push forward. It’s a magician thing, we wouldn’t understand.”
“wait hold on, does that mean I’m The Magician?” the boy leaned forward and gripped his computer chair as the various voices in his headset laughed. “Alpha don’t mess with me!”
A girl laughs a little harder at the comment. She leans back in her chair and reaches for a small toy rabbit and fiddles with it. Chelsea smiles as her friends continue to tease the second oldest of their group over his obsession with the various arcana she revealed they all represent.
“Jake, if anyone’s the Magician its me!” a clearly snarky voice purred into her mic.
Janae turned in her computer chair, propping her legs up over one arm and dangling the rest of her upper body over the other arm.
“Oh really? What makes you so sure?” Jake closes out his computer game and clicks around his screen, checking tabs to see if there is anything interesting on them. The answer is no.
“cause I’M the sexy one and everyone knows Magicians are sexy as fuck!”
“uh-huh. Sure.”
The voice chat grows a little quit at the soft voice. Isaiah taps his pencil on his note book as he struggles to understand his maths homework.
“so how are those numbers treating you, Click?”
“About the same as your boyfriend treats you, Skitty.”
“sick burn!”
“its funny cause I don’t have one lol!”
The chat erupts with laughter as the youngest of the group goes back to his work. To be honest it was a funny joke and as long as he kept comments like that heterosexual then he wouldn’t be crossing any lines. It wasn’t something he thought much of, but the brit took pride in the fact that he knew Skitty’s secret of being bi- he was honored that she trusted him with that knowledge and wouldn’t do anything to betray her.
“haha, guess that means you’re stuck again Click?” jake decided to close out his 5 tabs and just keep the voice chat open as he pulled out his phone. He glanced at an orange and green icon on his desktop before unlocking the hand held device.
“….Erica lives in London and wants to hold a video chat with her business partner, Richard in Michigan. Erica is available from 0600 to 2000 and Richard is available from 11am to 8pm. Knowing the difference in time zones, what would be a good time for the two to have a 3 hour video call?...”
The voices was silent, listening intently to the problem. The barrier of math between the different countries rarely got in the way when it came to explaining the word problems. Although most of the time no one knew the answer, reading the question out load and hearing his friends discus it cleared his head and helped him figure out the problem.
“Dude why the H did your teacher put military time in that question?” Skitty moaned as she pulled out her phone and tapped the calculator app.
“probably to make him think more. I bet the answer is really simple once you calculate the time.” Jake was already translating the time on his phone, eyes flicking to the desktop icon again- he had a strange impulse to look at it, even though if anything would happen it would send an alert that’ll take up most if not all of his computer screen.
“wait. Isn’t alpha from Michigan?” Skitty flips herself back into a proper position in the chair.
“no shes from Japan.” Jake mutters as he pulls up the voice chat’s text box and types the numbers his calculator gives him. it was simple math he could easily do in his head but some things are just that trivial.
“nooo,” Isaiah moved his pencil to wag it at the computer screen “shes FROM Michigan, but shes STAYING in Japan with a family friend.”
“[that’s right]” Alpha tested the very little Japanese she knew. The chat gasped and giggled. Placing the rabbit toy back on her desk she paused as the very sudden swear from the other American.
“Shit! The site got a hit!”
All at once the sound of keys typing and well warn and used mouse clicking filled the voice chat. Jake stared intently at his computer screen while Click and Skitty readied themselves. Alpha pinged them with a string of numbers.
“I traced the IP address. Good Job Jake, this thing is actually really easy to use!”
“No problem!... so it looks like they haven’t entered anything into the search bar yet…”
Janae licked her lips nervously; she hoped against the enviable- that this person was using the rumored “miracle search engine” to find something only their shadow could give them. She didn’t understand much about it, being the latest member and all, but what she did understand was if people go to the cognitive net search engine and enter something vague like a one or two word search the site would bring them to their shadow- an exaggeration of their inner thoughts and heart. Hers was a doppelganger of herself with cute kitty ears and yellow eyes. In the end the Admins (that’s what they called themselves) arrived and talked down her shadow. It wasn’t something she wanted other people to see but talking to complete strangers made accepting the hyper dumb scatter brained cat as a part of her. She insisted on joining them after that, I mean what else would she do? She ended up getting a persona after all. Gatta use it for something…
“Hey cool! The IP is a café! They’re on public wifi! If they have a shadow this will make it much easier to find their dungeon!” Isiah bounced in his seat at this realization. “…huh. Le blanc. That’s such a French sounding name for a place in Japan!”
“Japan?” Chelsea relaxed a bit, her white knuckled grip on the computer mouse loosening. “that’s… that’s like the 4th one.” She pondered this a moment before Jake’s voice boomed in her ears.
“They’re typing in the search bar! Get ready to jump guys!” Jake was the computer wizard of the group. It was terrifying the things he could do with whatever he did with his computer. Alpha and Click always asked to try and understand but never could. He swallowed the frog in his throat as he watched the victim’s screen. “They’re accessing from a cell phone…” he muttered into his mic. He had everything he needed when it came to this kind of stuff and was prepared for the worse but that never made it easier.
“Shit.” Was the collective reaction at the one word search quarry. Double clicking the orange and green icon on their desk tops, the four friends were warped into the cognitive web- the inner workings of the internet and cyber space made physical.
The trip to the cognitive web felt like having a heavy blanket wrapped around you before being pushed off your bed- you’re half aware of your surroundings, half dreaming, but 100% confused. For AlphaDawg and her right hand man ClickClickBoom the confusion was no longer a thing. This would be rescue number 10 and the pair landed with ease, their respective ‘Avatars’ shaping with quick blinks of binary. For J4K3-06 and xXSkittyXx, the trip was much rougher. J4k3 tumbled into existence, his avatar appearing more like a glitch. As for Skitty, this was her first ever mission, her first ever trip into the web. With a shout of panic she fell from the digital sky, her body flickering into what she’ll look like on the internet.
“Hang on Skitty! I got ya gurl!” Click leaped forward, the fire design on his sneakers flickering like actual flames as he sped up to catch her in time.
The pair ended up crashing into the ground anyway, but Skitty had a much softer landing than Click. The sound of static filled the area as Skitty sat up, her avatar struggling to form.
“Did I break it? I just got here! Ugh this blows…” the girl grumbled as the boy under her groaned.
“No, just… focus on something. You’re thinking too much.”
Staring at her hands the second youngest of the Admins focused on nothing in particular. She mostly cleared her head and thought about what she really wanted to be in this world. A hero came to mind, but the image of an Idol came next. Cute outfits, boys going goo goo crazy, bright lights and being the center of attention? Hell yeah! She would make a great idol!
Instantly the binary pixilated and formed before a proper avatar replaced the girl. She sprung to her feet and let out a victorious yowl.
“nayn!~ I’m adorable!” she spun in a circle, taking in her very cat like idol outfit.
“oh good! Now you’re even MORE in that weird ‘I didn’t know Skitty was a pokemon’ hole you keep finding yourself in.” a robotic boy laughed as he helped haul the bomb themed boy to his feet.
“what do you mean? Ugh! Don’t tell me Skitty is some sort of pink cat!”
“it is. It also evolves into-“ Alpha was cut off at the pink of Skitty’s outfit shifted a shade.
“-a purple cat.”
The Admins laughed with their friend before addressing their leader. With a swift nod the wolf themed girl turned to reveal a pink rabbit that stood at her knee cap. The creature had a similar wolf/punk theme going for it, but in a much cuter way than the human.
“Alright Side Kick, what are we dealing with?”
“Actually, open the chat room first! I have a feeling our mysterious assistant is watching.” The toy motioned with their eyes to a random structure. When the group looked towards it they all stared with shock and awe. Stood on the comically thin antenna of a building was an equally comical stereotypically posed ninja. The group couldn’t make out any sort of details outside of the silhouette- it was like he knew what distance to be at to be in their render view but still be out of range.
Alpha regarded the ninja for a moment before nodding. The plan was to use the chat room to give Mr. Mysterious a chance to convene with them. She knew deep down he wouldn’t respond to anything they said, but essentially leaving the door open and hope he comes in from the cold wouldn’t hurt.
“Alright. Let the 10th rescue meeting begin, Cognitive Web Admins!”
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
names [jeremy h. x reader]
uh. jeremy x reader because... i love him???? also i love soulmate aus like honestly if you send me anything soulmate au anything i’ll write it probs. also theres a jeremy x michael x reader thats im working on but im gonna go ahead and post this!
warnings: like... nothing really?? there’s like, a lil bit of swearing and that’s rly it.
            Jeremy Heere was a complete dork. Cute, sure, but a complete dork. He always sat across the cafeteria with this little group of friends, ever since the incident at the play occurred - which was something you hadn’t been there for in person, but you heard plenty from your classmates about whatever weird shit went down. But he was happy, so a small part of you was happy.
            You glanced down to to your untouched lunch before you, frowning and pushing it slightly forward as you went searching through your bag to find the math homework you hadn’t finished. You kept sneaking a glance back to Jeremy - who was laughing with Michael over something. Probably some stupid joke, judging by the look Christine shot them from across the table, before returning back to whatever conversation she was having with Jake and Rich. Then there was a soft chuckle from beside you.
            “Why don’t you just talk to him?” You glanced back to Dustin, your best friend who’d been quietly sitting, attention previously caught by whatever tumblr post he had just reblogged.
            You shrugged. “I dunno. He just... he always has Michael around him.”
            “Bullshit. C’mon, [y/n], he’s a Jeremy. There’s always a chance.”
            You absentmindedly touched the inside of your wrist. So maybe there was another reason Jeremy Heere distracted you, aside from the fact he was adorable. At a certain age, a name or multiple names will appear on a person’s body as a sort of... hint to who their soulmates are. When you turned twelve, the name JEREMY appeared on your left wrist in small lettering. By the time you were fifteen, you’d “dated” about two or three different “Jeremy”s in an attempt to find your soulmate - in the end, one was a creep, and the other two were generally pretty nice and didn’t really consider whatever you two did as a “date” almost immediately after learning your name, which was fine. Then your family moved, and you ended up here. Dustin had been your first friend who sat back and explained all the crazy shit that had happened over the year - Jake Dillinger’s house burning down, some weird shit at the play that was pretty fucked up, from what Dustin had told you.
            “You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?” You looked back to Dustin. “I have a couple sources telling me that Jeremy hasn’t gotten a name yet. If you wanna see, then maybe you could ask him out. Maybe it just needs to be... I dunno, set off or something.”
            “Dustin,” you groaned, “what if he does have a name, though?”
            “Only one way to find out.”
            “If he doesn’t, then maybe you should take the chance? If he’s not your soulmate, then it’s cool - that doesn’t mean you two couldn’t date, y’know? Like, yeah, you’re not soulmates, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. Hell, maybe you two would end up as pretty cute friends.”
            You let out a heavy breath, turning to him with a quiet voice, “you said you’d distract Michael?”
            Dustin let out a chuckle. “After seventh period. Don’t be late.”
           So maybe you asked Jeremy to the movies, and by some stroke of luck, he said yes after stammering and glancing back to where Michael would normally be standing before realizing his best friend wasn’t there to nudge him in the right direction. You gave him your number so you two could work out any details later before immediately escaping to your car in an attempt to find a place to even out your rapid heartbeat.
            Eventually, Saturday came and you picked him up at his house, greeting his father politely before Jeremy came barrelling out, speaking in a flurry of words about how he’ll be back later, don’t wait up for him, and then swiftly apologizing to you about the fact that oh my god you talked to his dad who probably said a couple weird things about him, well, at least he was wearing pants before immediately shutting up as he finally focused you.
          “You, uh... you look nice,” he said.
          You smiled, “thanks. You do too. I like your shirt.”
          He swiftly stole a glance at the shirt he was wearing, “APOCALYPSE OF THE DAMNED” written across it in bold lettering with some art from the game, “oh, uh, thanks! Michael got it for me back when the game came out,” he began, before climbing into your car and launching into a story about him and Michael staying up late playing the game.
          You had to admit, it was pretty adorable. He and Michael truly were best friends.
          You weren’t sure what you two ended up buying tickets for, only knowing it was some romcom that Jeremy joked about seeing up until you bought the tickets.
          He stood at the concessions stand next to you as a guy got your popcorn, and he happened to slightly sway into you, bumping his arm against your own, before finally speaking in a quiet voice, “y’know,” he began, “I... actually really want to see this movie.”
          “You like romcoms?”
          His face began to flush as he looked away, “yeah. Kinda”
          “That’s... really adorable.” His face grew redder at your words.
          Over an hour and a half later and you have Jeremy bawling softly next to you - even more-so than you were, honestly. But again, it was adorable because how many guys would actually cry at a movie instead of just playing it off? None that you’ve dated, that’s for sure. He grew quiet minutes after the credits ended, the lights coming up. You stood first, stretching and popping your joints. You two chatted about the movie for a few moments as you started to leave the theater, before Jeremy suddenly grew quieter.
          “That’s a cute watch,” he said as you two began to leave the lobby, “a couple of my friends say they’ve never seen you without it.”
          ... Has he been talking about you? “Yeah.” You toyed with the strap, “it, uh,” you trailed off. Finally, you inhaled deeply, “a friend of mine says you don’t have a name.”
          “... A name?”
          “Like... your soulmate.”
          He slowed beside you, “oh. That. Yeah, I... it... kinda appeared. Recently.”
          Oh shit. “Look, Jeremy, I’m sorry if I kind of forced you to come with me-”
          “No! No, it’s fine, I just- here, wait,” he said, shuffling the nearly empty popcorn bucket and his drink into one arm awkwardly, before pulling at his collar to reveal your name along his collarbone, “I just thought that maybe it was you?” The small smile he had began to falter before he let go of his collar, “just, forget it, sorry, I just thought that maybe it would be you and that maybe I’d meet my soulmate or something.”
          “Fuck, Jeremy-”
          “No, shit, I’m sorry, I kinda threw that on you-”
          “Just... shut up for a moment,” you said as you undid your watch, shoving it into your pocket before holding up your wrist. He studied it for mere moments before his eyes flickered back to your face, brows furrowed as he kept going from your face to your wrist in disbelief that his name is on your wrist like how your name is on his collarbone.
          “Wait-” He stuttered, “you’re my...?”
          “Maybe? I... think? I’m... not really sure.” Oh god it’s awkward.
          “Then... how about we get lunch one day?” He forced a small smile, “I mean, if you want to-”
          You only smiled. Maybe this wouldn’t be awkward. “I’d love to.”
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livebiganddie · 8 years
How are you doing today? Who is your best friend? What makes you happy? What are your top 5 favorite bands? What are your top 5 favorite songs? What are your top 5 favorite movies? Favorite blog? Favorite food? Biggest pet peeve? Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? What are you bad habits? Do you have trust issues? Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? What pisses you off?
How are you doing today? in general, i guess im okay. im super stressed and overwhelmed about school so thats kinda making me more anxious, sad, and self-hating lol
Who is your best friend? i dont have a singular best friend, but i really love @mxr-mueller @numbweekend @seaspacesolace @aethernalstars
What makes you happy?dogs, cats, animals in general i guess, my squad, food, when good things happen to people who deserve it, shitty people getting shut the fuck down. stuff like that
What are your top 5 favorite bands?they change kinda frequently, but right now (in no particular order) I Prevail, Annisokay, Beartooth, Modern Baseball, and New Found GloryWhat are your top 5 favorite songs?again, they change frequently but currently are (in no particular order again) Lights And Sounds by Yellowcard, History Of A Boring Town by Less Than Jake, Next Stop…Everywhere by Veara, Enemy by New Found Glory, and Life Less Frightening by Rise Against
What are your top 5 favorite movies?Moonlight, The Fox and the Hound, A Bug’s Life, Lady and the Tramp, and Space Jam
Favorite blog?according to tumblr, its @mxr-mueller (mxr-mueller is getting 12% of my love) but i really love the dog blogs i follow, even if i dont reblog from them as much as i reblog from that “spicy babe”
Favorite food?pizza or chicken
Biggest pet peeve?when i have things in a specific order (usually in a disorderly fashion) or location and theyre not in place or even just a little bit off 
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?dont remember for sure but probably @numbweekend or @mxr-mueller
What are you bad habits?picking at the skin on my fingers, letting laundry build up, letting homework build up, i dont know if disorders count as bad habits? but i have a couple disorders that im not a huge fan of
Do you have trust issues?yeah. ive been fucked over and used so many times.
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?yes, but im trying to become better with it
What pisses you off? oppression, when shitty things happen to good people, when im interrupted a lot, hypocrisy, when i cut my nails too short, when i forget something important
Thank you and hope your day is going well :)
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Okay, so I’ve been tagged in a bunch of things that I haven’t got round to doing so they are all compiled here under the cut :)
Tagged by @shiftyspirits <3
Tag 9 people you wanna know better
Relationship status: Single
Lipstick or chapstick: Both, but I use chapstick more frequently
Last song I listened to: The Schuyler Sisters - Hamilton
Top 3 shows: Band Of Brothers, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Friends
Top 3 characters: George Luz, Don Malarkey, Mark Watney
Top ships: luztoye, speirton, winnix, johnlock, hamburr
Tagged by @3brosangel <3
RULES: Using only songs from one artist answer these questions and tag ten people.
Artist: Panic! At the Disco
What’s your gender? Miss Jackson
Describe yourself: Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time
How do you feel? Victorious
If you could go anywhere? House of Memories
Favorite mode of transportation?
Your best friend: The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty
Favorite time of day: Nine In The Afternoon
If your life was like a tv show? Golden Days
Relationship status: Girls/Girls/Boys
Your fear: This Is Gospel
Tagged by @shiftyspirits <3
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
A - Age: 16
B - Biggest fear: falling to me death

C - Current time: 19:27 PM

D - Drink you last had: tea <3

E - Every day starts with: Refusing to get out of bed

F - Favorite song: Satisfied - Hamilton
G - Ghosts, are they real: I mean probably, but also idk

H - Hometown: Manchester

I - In love with: The entirety of the BoB cast, most Marvel characters, Sam Riley, Lily James, Melanie Laurent….

J - Jealous of: People with big houses and lots of money so they can have loads if dogs and go see musicals

K - Killed someone: I indirectly killed the school hamster once, if that counts? (I was five and left my bedroom door open when I went downstairs, the ball thing it was in then fell down those stairs)

L - Last time you cried: Within the last week, I don’t quite remember

M - Middle name: Louise

N - Number of siblings: 0

O - One wish: To pass all my exams and not stress about what I’m doing with my life

P - Person you last called/texted: My mum
Q - Questions you’re always asked: What are you doing with your life? Have you done your homework? What’s for dinner?

R - Reasons to smile: Dogs, amiright?

S - Song last sang: They Live In You - The Lion King, Broadway/West End

T - Time you woke up: 11/12ish?? Idk, it was early for me anyway

U - Underwear color: Blue and White

V - Vacation destination: Belgium and the USA

W - Worst habit: I chew my lips a lot bc they get chapped but it makes them more chapped, a never ending cycle

X - X-rays you’ve had: I fractured my finger in mid 2016 so that had to get checked out

Y - Your favorite food: Chicken Satay with Egg Fried rice (complete with prawn crackers and some seaweed on the side)

Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Tagged by @katejeevas <3
1. Ed Sheeran - The A Team
2. Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
3. Pitch Perfect - Since You Been Gone
4. You Me At Six - Liquid Confidence
5. The Radio Dept. - Strange Things Will Happen
6. Louden Swain - Help You
7. Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son
8. David Bowie - Moonage Daydream
9. Bastille - Laura Palmer
10. Dodie Clark - Would You Be So Kind
Tagged by @roedoe-boe <3
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Relationship status: Single
Favorite colors: Like an aqua blue-green colour and lilac-y purple colours (or any space aesthetic)
Pets: Two dogs, a cat and a frog
Last song I listened to: The Schuyler Sisters - Hamilton
Favorite tv show: Band of Brothers, even when I stray to different fandoms this is the one true tv show I love and always will. That being said I also love b99, the man in the high castle, sherlock (discounting s4) and friends
First fandom: Doctor Who, since it first came back when I was like 5
Hobbies: I’ve taught myself how to play guitar and ukulele, I’m learning violin and hopefully soon the piano so lots of musical stuff. Also writing and reading (both fanfic and published novels)
Tagged by @3brosangel <3
Rules: Tag 20 amazing followers you want to get to know better. (I know, I know I’m a little behind on this one, but I finally got a free moment to answer these properly.)
Name: Gemma
Nicknames: I don't really have any, Gem? I guess?? But not so much. My mum calls me Jemima and Minnie a lot
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite color: Aqua and lilac
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Average hours of sleep: School night? - Less than 6 Every other night? - at least 10 if I’m left to sleep
Cat or dog person: Both, but mainly dogs
Favorite Fictional Characters: George Luz, Bucky Barnes, Jake Peralta
Number of blankets I sleep with: Always a duvet and sometimes an extra blanket if it’s cold
Favorite Singer/Band: Renee Elise Goldsberry and Phillipa So are basically my idols, talking about things off broadway would be Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Taylor Swift, P!ATD, All Time Low
Dream Trip: Me and my best friend are planning a roadtrip across america for when we’re both older, so far though I greatly enjoyed my three day trip to Ypres, Belgium where we went to loads of world war memorial sites and graveyards
Dream job: Becoming a successful author (mildly realistic) or an actor (not so realistic considering I hate auditioning for things)
When was this blog created?:January 2015, I think
Current number of followers: 1,173 right now, though my other blog which I’ve had since 2012 only has 270
When did your blog reach its peak?: Thus far it would probably have been around July-September I think, basically just after Sol 6 and around the time Science Fair first started being written
What made you decide to make a Tumblr: My mess of a fandom tumblr was purely bc everyone else at school had one and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about, this one was made bc my mum was constantly bugging me about doing more writing if I wanted to be an author and this blog was made to encourage me to actually do so rather than constantly put it off
Okay so I’m not going to tag anyone bc there’s so many different tag things here and I got tagged in them ages ago so anyone who I could think of to tag has probably already done it. So if you decided to read through all this and you though one of them was cool and you wanna do it, then you can do it and say I tagged you! Thank you to all these lovely people who tagged me <3 <3 <3
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thedeliverygod · 8 years
so I’m gonna do something I haven’t done in a looong time! I’m gonna go back and take this survey (now called a meme I guess lol) that I did back in 2008 and compare answers for funsies
here we go~ bold answers are current answers. 
Do you think that you are a good singer? sometimes/yeah sometimes lol. sometimes not. Are you sure of your sexuality? sure./ yup, I’m asexual. At the time I took this before I thought I was just heterosexual and weird lol. Do you love your parents? yeah/ mhmm.  Do you think that you are smart? not really, more like average./ uhh. For some things yes, other things no. I seem to have a little bit of knowledge on a wide variety of things. Are you pretending to be someone that you're not? no./ nopeee.  Do you like to read? yeah/ I do but it’s hard to find things to read.
How often do you talk on the phone? like once everyday for a tops of like 5 mins./ uhh not very often at all. probably once every few days at most. Are you a local celebrity? definately not./ lol yeah no. Also I’m glad I finally learned how to spell definitely after so many years of struggling with it.  Is your mom awesome? yeah/ she has her moments that are good but she also has her bad moments Are you a pottymouth? no./ not really but I curse now, unlike when I took this survey in 2008 lol. Do you think that you are a good writer? I am! ^_^/ eh I’m alright. There’s plenty of people who are more talented than me and I wish I could have their talent brush off on me lol but I enjoy writing a lot so I won’t quit. What was the last compliment that you got? I dunno./ hmmm I dunno. I get ‘cute’ a decent amount I suppose.  What does your home phone look like? we don't have one./ idk just a standard home phone lol silver and black. What was the last hoodie that you wore? don't know./ idk but probably my black hoodie from American Eagle that says “NYC” on it.  What grade are you in right now if you are in school? eleventh./ I graduated college in December 2014 so it’s been 2 years since I got my bachelor’s degree (and I still have no full time job yay lol) Do you eat candy daily? haha no./ ummm almost? lmao. I kinda constantly keep chocolate around. Name a song from this artist/band: 
Paramore: decode/ misguided ghosts Cartel: if I were to write the song/ save us My Chemical Romance: ghost of you/ Black parade I guess haha Teddy Geiger: night air/ same song lol Three Days Grace: over and over/ Animals? haha The Rocket Summer: Aerosmith: dream on. Mika: popular with Ariana Grande (wow he was around back then? I had no idea) Cute Is What We Aim For:   Avenged Sevenfold: darkness surrounding/ I don’t even know anything by this band anymore lol  Fall Out Boy: thnks fr th mmrs./ hum hallelujah  Have you ever moved to a different home? yeaaaah/ yeah a decent amount Have you ever switched schools? just graduating from them./ same’s true now. Started at UNCG and graduated from UNCG.  Do you like to go swimming? when it's warm outside./ yeah but I hardly get the opportunity to go anymore. Have you ever been to camp? no, not really./ not an organized summer camp, no. I’ve been traditional camping (in a tent and an RV) though, yes. Do you have a pet, if so, what? yes. 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 finches./ aw the finches I miss them. Um I’ve just got Kairi, really, and then my dad has 3 cats. My mom also has 2 cats and a dog that I used to live with so I kinda consider mine still too. Do you have trouble spelling certain words? haha yeah. Disappear is one I spell wrong often./ plenty but I can’t think of any on the spot.  Do you get nervous with public speaking? yes./ hells yeah Do you know the words to your myspace song? yep./ lol myspace is long gone.  What is your favorite TV show? don't watch TV./ Prison Break & Scrubs for traditional TV (live action). Noragami for anime.  Do you know anyone with a really weird name? not really./ nah What are you going to name your kids? Cameron or Landon [I remembered that name today and I love it] annnnd Kayla or October. I don't care if the name October Melody sounds emo/goth, it's beautiful./ I don’t plan on having biological kids and therefore don’t really plan on naming any kids. I do really love Yukine’s name though.  Are you taken? no./ nope, single once again Do you fight with your parents all the time? no./ no, I’ve fought with my mom a few times now that I’m older but it just ends in me getting into panic attacks so I’m good. Is your tongue pierced? no./ nooo. I don’t have any piercings and don’t ever plan to. Are you in pain right now? no./ no but I wish this cold would go away What are you doing tomorrow? homework./ dunno but I should really do laundry.  Where does the last person you kissed go to school? n/a/ he graduated in 2014 as well. Who do you blame for your bad mood today? no one/ myself if I had one but I think today has been relatively neutral.  What was the first thing you did this morning? watched the ending of A Walk to Remember cuz my mom was watching it in the living room. haha./ the same thing I do every morning. Check all my emails, facebook, tumblr & LINE all on my phone XD Do you care of what people think of you? to a certain degree./ hell yeah. I’m surprised I said ‘to a certain degree’ back in high school. I’ve always wanted to please everyone. Who was the last person you took a picture with? *shrug* / oh I had a picture taken of me at work recently, I think it was was Jake.  Last person you went to the movies with? Holt/ a whole group of my friends went to see Finding Dory in IMAX. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week? forward./ definitely forward.  What are you looking forward to right now? christmas break./ Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue on Tuesday~ Do you miss someone? no./ I always miss someone these days but oh well.  Where was your default pic taken? here./ in my work parking lot  Your current relationship status? single/ single Does your crush like you back? n/a/ same thing, n/a What is your current mood? eh, neutral./ yeah pretty much the same lol If you could go back in time and change something, would you? no./ I wanna say no because it could change some of the good things that happened to me but at the same I wish I could do a few things differently in terms of school. Have a crazy side? haha not really./ it’s more like I have a weeb side.  Ever had a near death experience? not really./ yeah kinda.. Something you do a lot? sing./ write and live on the internet lol Angry at anyone? nah./ our “president” and his chosen administration How many people have you liked in the past 8 months? I haven't! blahhh./ my ex boyfriend before and shortly after we broke up, that’s it. I mean if I think about it too much today I’m sure I can still get really sad but overall I’m okay. What did you do today? nothing much yet./ not much tbh lol  Where will you be 12 hours from now? dunno./ probably right here on this couch Have you ever been to a tanning bed? nah. /nope not interested. Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward? not really. / what the hell??? was I really more self confident in high school or was I just extremely unaware? Yes. It is extremely easy for others to make me feel awkward lol. Where do you wish you were right now? *shrug*/ in my own apartment. Does anyone hate you for no reason? not that I know of./ not for no reason. but nah I don’t think anyone truly hates me. we’ve just had some disagreements about things like homosexuality.  Have you ever kissed someone who's name starts with the letter B? no./ still on. have only kissed one person. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it back? hah yeah. / yeaaaaah but for most things it’s been so long I don’t even care anymore. My creative writing teacher didn’t give me my favorite book back lol but I bought a new copy and I hope he continues to use it in his classes.  Today did you hug a person you have feelings for? n/a / there’s no person I have feelings for but I also I haven’t hugged anyone lol What was the first thing you thought this morning? I dunno. what time is it? / “I feel like I can probably go back to sleep but maybe I should get up.” *looks at clock* “holy... how is it 11:47???” Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them and meant it? yes/ yeah How is your day so far? alright./ it’s fine. Do you want to go to college? yeah./ been there, done that. Kinda would like to go back but pretty sure I can’t.  What's your favorite season? summer. / still true.  When was the last time you cried and the reasons? I found a letter my Dad wrote me a while ago when he didn't leave here. / because of all of my self-doubt from not having a full time job yet along with negativity stemming from all the terrible things that can happen with Trump now in office including losing my healthcare.   Have you ever talked to someone when they were high? yeah./ yeah I guess so What was your favorite grade? 7th grade. haha. or last year, I guess./ probably 12th grade. But college was the best.  Have you ever, in any way, been betrayed by someone you trusted? yeaaaaaah / yeah. It took me a minute to remember what I was talking about when I answered this the first time but yeah.  Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? sure yeah./ a lot of my friends probably would but idk if I would want them to 1.Do you like to brag? sometimes but not usually. / I guess if I can do it without coming off like a jerk? lol I like to feel proud of myself.  2.What do you do when you are alone? think. haha. / write, edit videos, play video games, watch movies. idk I do a lot of things alone.  3.Would you go out wearing sweats? I don't like sweatpants much, but I would if I had some I guess./ definitely. 4.What color is your coat? blue. / I have a black one and a green one.  5.Does it bother you when people don't call you back? sometimes. / depends. Most of the time it’s a relief I guess haha 6.Is their ever a legit reason to smoke? no, there's not. / no not really. smoke in any form is bad for your lungs.  7.What was the last movie you watched? the end of A Walk to Remember. / ummmm. War Horse.  8.Where is the last place you went to? Fayeteville, my grandma's house. / my work.  9.What made you laugh last? Taylor and her texts I guess lol. / I had Noragami paused and it was just the baby from the 1st episode of Aragoto just floating in the air this big burst of light underneath him and idk it was hilarious 10.Have you ever done drugs? no. / still no, not interested in the least.  11.What show do you watch the most? none. / noragami.  12.How are you feeling right now? content. / okay, but my eyes and my stomach kinda hurt a little bit.  13.What season is your birthday in? spring. 14.What color eyes does the person you like have? n/a 15.Do you wear polos? no. / I do for work but that’s it lol 16.What color are your socks? no socks. / black 17.Do you like going to the dentist? lol noo. / hells no. I haven’t been in quite a few years now cuz I know they’ll just yell at me about my wisdom teeth which have already grown in.  18. What is the best thing about hugs? *shrug*/ they’re warm and comforting? lol idk 19.Who’s birthday is coming up next? my Dad's. / Mine I guess 20.Do you like kids? yeah / I like kids but I’m super awkward with babies.  21.Do you wear glasses or contacts? neither. 22.Are you listening to music? goin' back to cali--Sevendust. /nope, have Law & Order SVU on the TV.  23.What do you think of sex before marriage? sure. just make your old enough to handle the consequences and I obviously believe that you should be in love. / have at it. Just be prepared with birth control, condoms, etc. I retract the statement about love since even though I don’t really understand the want for casual sex, I realize it’s something a lot of people do want.  24.Do you and your dad have a good relationship? ehhh. mostly./ yeah it’s better now.  25.What color is your toothbrush? blue. / still blue haha 26.Do you believe in god? yeah / I believe in a god but probably not the one this survey is asking about. I don’t believe in a god that has any sort of interaction with humans/impacts their lives. I basically believe god is a culmination of all the energy in the universe.  27.Do you wear chapstick? nope./ yes, I need it especially in winter. 28.What is the last thing you bought? I dunno. oh wait I bought sodas for me and my mom. haha./ cat litter, cupcake hersey’s kisses, and cold medicine.  29.Is there anything/anyone that you hate? sure I hate things like racism and etc. oh and OCD Christians. I hate how Religion causes so many issues as well. /I mean yeah I hate people who are judgmental and hateful towards people and treat them as less than equal for any reason. Also I apologize for my past use of OCD.  30.Are you currently craving anything? nah. /nope I’m good.  31.What color is your clock? don't have one. / silver.  32.What time do you usually go to bed? 10: 30 on weeknights, whenever I feel like it on the weekends. / it used to be 1:30 AM but it’s been more like 2:30 AM lately.  33.What do you eat for breakfast? nothing or blueberry poptarts./ nothing.  34.Dog person or cat person? probably cat person but I like both. / both. 35.Something you can't wait to do? road trip. haha. / go to Animazement this year, go to the KH Orchestra World Tour in June~  36.Last thing you put into your mouth? coke./ mountain dew probably 37.What band did you like as a kid? Backstreet Boys and Nsync, duhhh. 38.Do you have a piggy bank? I have a like 3 gallon water tank thing that we store change in haha. / same thing lol also I have a box full of coins too.  39.What time is it? 4: 04 pm / 7:44 PM 40.Do you forgive and forget? forgive, I don't really forget. / I try to forget if I can but it depends on the issue I suppose.
wow this was way longer than I thought RIP. but that was interesting to say the least. 
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Life & house insurance on rented?
If you are moving into a rented property how does life insurance work as it usually goes against the cost of the home as it is paid off? Also, what about house insurance, would you just need contents insurance and take off building insurance as that is covered by the landlord isn't it?""
Why is car insurance mandatory but not health insurance?
Say you have mandatory car insurance but not health insurance and you get in a car accident and get injured; your mandatory car insurance covers your car but what about you?
Insurance same day proof?
i was pulled over on he 1-9-2008 the same day i received the insurance went to court thought it was done i recevied a paper from the bmv in ohio asked for my insurance sent it to them 2 weeks later was sent another letter insurance same day proof for my insurance company faxed that to them they faxed it back should i had insurance 1-9-2008-6-9-2008(changed insurance companies)my insurance company signed it i sent it to the bmv that apparently was not good now they on the paper which never asked for the time exactly and make and model of car shouldn't they just except what the insurance company sighned and gave them
Where I get reference with Children insurance?
I've family and he have children, and now want join insurance for their children. Can you give me a reference?""
""Will my insurance rates go up if I got a ticket for driving in the HOV lane on I-95 in Broward County, FL?""
I was just pulled over for driving in the HOV lane on I-95 and got a ticket for $165 (kinda steep in my opinion, but the cop said he wasn't giving me a ticket for speeding). The cop said that I won't get points on my record and I verified that with the Florida Department of Motor Vehicle's web-site. I know I'm guilty so I'll just pay the ticket. Will my insurance rates go up if I do that? Should I plead no contest and go to traffic school? I'd still have to pay for my traffic ticket if I did that, but if going that route would stop my insurance rates from going up then it will financially worth it in the long run.""
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Mice build nest in my engine. Eat lining out of hood heat shield. What can expect from insurance co?
I have $100 deductible for vandalism, and other stuff. $500 deductible for collision. Of course, I will take car to insurance and show them the damage. But what should I expect? This is nice car, and shield needs to be replaced. '04 Corvette Convertible. If you know, will my insurance rate go up if I file this claim to replace this heat shield?""
What company would provide shipping insurance?
I want to sell some jewellery on Ebay and I will end up shipping it to Canada or US. Canada post offers a maximum insurance of $500. Which (if any) company would provide insurance at replacement value? Or at least a $1,000?""
What records are checked when deciding car insurance rates besides DMV/Previous insurance????...?
I know that there are many factors when car insurance is decided.. I understand the thing with age, sex, previous evidence that you are risk factor more accidents... however I was wondering because I have gotten into accidents when I had no insurance/the other person only had my name.. since this was all they had, was it till recorded somewhere, will this affect my future rates????...""
What is the average cost of hormone replacement therapy with and without insurance?
I've fianally decided to begin my transition (male-to-female) and i wanted to know what it would cost to begin HRT. I ask for both with and without insurance because i have a college based insurance plan (SHIP) and i am not sure if it will cover HRT (it covers gender identity counseling so IDK) Thank you all in advance ~<3 P.S. i live in Moscow, Idaho.""
Is it okay not to have insurance as the driver since the car has insurance?
If your not added to your parents insurance as a new driver but the car your driving has insurance is that legal or illegal for that driver to drive?
Can I change my health insurance?
I want to change my health insurance? I have Minnesotacare and I want to change it to Medical Assistance? My daughter needs braces for her teeth and Minnesotacare won't cover for it! And apparently we owe Delta Dental and our dental provider 5000 bucks?! Is that possible? We are certainly not paying 5000 for an X-rays for braces and my daughter didn't even get braces on?!
How does car insurance work?
So I am planning on asking my friend to borrow his car to drive when he's going to travel, but I do not have any insurance. Is it okay for me to drive? His car has insurance, but I do not have insurance under my name. Does that mean if I bump into something, I will get into trouble, even though the car has insurance?""
Will car insurance cost more if i fail my road test?
I just failed my G1 exit test, and I am wondering if this will affect my insurance once I do pass""
How much would it cost a year to own a car like a Ferrari in INDIA? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... answer?
a car like a porsche 911 or ferrari f430. how much would it cost a year to own. dont include the buying cost. include everything else. like insurance, tax, fuel cost, everything, etc.""
How do you buy insurances?
I don't care which insurance it is, you look up complaints there is a looooong list about all of them.""
Why is insurance so high on the scion tc?
what is the best/cheapest insurance out their for the scion tc and why is it so high?
Car insurance help about fully comprehensive ?
Ok so next month I have to renew my car insurance as it will be my 2nd year driving, I'm third party fire and theft at the minute and I'm planning on going fully comp. Now if I go fully comp and it includes windscreen cover and I use it (as I have a chip and a crack in my windscreen) will that mean I'm claiming on my insurance and will I loose my no claims bonus? If that makes sense.. The plan is to renew my insurance and if I can get my windscreen fixed on the insurance then hopefully it will be ok in the mot which is straight after""
Car Insurance too high.. HELP?
My Boyfriend (21) has very high car insurance (ONTARIO) due to speeding tickets and failure to stop at stop sign and one for being over the limit with a g2. I called my insurance to add him onto my car and they refuse to. We've found 1 company that would insure him for almost $1000/Month, We do not have that kind of money, One of the ways to have your insurance lowered is to have insurance and not get anymore tickets, BUT are they're any other ways?""
Insurance on a 1999 saab 9-5?
My dad says if I bought one the insurance rates would be extremely high even if we put him as the primary driver??? I'm 18 and irs either this or a 92 camaro will it be that expensive??
About a car and insurance?
ok so im 17 goin to turn 18 this decmber and i want to get a this nice car a 1987 Pontiac Fiero and i want to know what would the insurance on it would be
If someone hits my car does my insurance go up?
So basically I was stopped at a stop sign and someone came from behind my car and hit me. afterwards I looked at my rear bumper where I was hit and there was no major damage that I can see. Just paint from her car and a some scratches but no dents. Do I even report something like this? if I do does my insurance go up, because it seems like it is 100% their fault since I was going 0 mph at a stop sign.""
Is there an insurance company that will insure you after you've not had any for almost a year?
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Holcomb Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63852
Does your Drivers Ed grade effect insurance?
I know that taking Drivers Education can give you a discount on insurance. However, in the class, we take tests and are assigned homework. We need a 65 to pass. If I get a 70 does this effect the discount I could recieve on insurance compared to say a 90 average? State: New York""
Insurance Question/Quote?
My name is Jake and my grandpa wants to sell me is 2004 V6 nissan 350z for like next to nothing but i am curious as to how much my insurance payment would be?
For a BMW Mini Cooper Would car insurance be cheap for me?
My dad has an old mini cooper, it must be around 20/25 years old.""
What sports cars have low insurances?
im 19 so insurances are an absolute drag and im looking to buy a sports looking car but the insurances for everything are so high. so is there any good sports looking cars with a relatively low insurance group preferably below 15. my previous cars have been a ford focus 1.6 titanium 09reg , Puegeot 206 1.1 T reg, ford fiesta zetec s 1.6 59reg and im driving a puegeot 207 1.6 59reg at the moment and i want to get out this style of car. and i have a budget of around 14,000 - 15,000""
How much would the insurance be on this car?
A ford ka 2001 around 56,000 miles and I am a new driver 17""
Most afordable car insurance for infiniti g35coupe 06 in new york?
Just wanted the know what is the most affordable car insurance for a g35 coupe. The insurance is going to be under my dads name who's over 25. I was looking at tri-state but is there something better?
Car insurance for a young person?
I've calculated my monthly payment from being a young internet marketer, Which is $3000 a month. How much will money would I Really get if I have car insurance? Is there any other thing I need to know as well?""
How does and underage affect insurance?
A friend of mine was just charged with an underage but was accepted into the ARD program. We are wondering how this is going to affect her auto insurance policy.
How much insurance would a 1977 Camaro be for a 16 year old?
My dream car has always been a Camaro. Recently me and my dad have been looking for project cars to fix up and stuff. We found a 1977 Camaro that only needs cosmetic work, so I've been asking him about it. He says the insurance would be around $5000 a year. We could get the at around $2500 dollars. The Camaro has a 350 V8 engine and a T350 transmission. I'm 16 right now but I turn 17 in 2 months. I've had my license for 10 months with no tickets or accidents. I've had 2 cars already, a 1997 Nissan Altima and a 1998 Chrysler Sebring (Which I pay about $90 a month for.) I am on my parents' insurance, but I still pay for the car I drive. I know I won't get a perfectly accurate amount without asking our Insurance providers, but is my dad right when he says it would be $5000 a year?""
""I'm looking for orthodontic insurance in california?? Can't find any, any suggestions??""
ok, i want to get invisalign, but can't find any insurance in california for it, can you please help me find one??""
Question About Car Insurance
I know that if you cancel your Car Insurance, or it lapses, the NC DMV will take your tag. BUT, Here is my situation. In order to get your license you have to have proof of insurance, And being i would be covered under my moms insurance, and Her car, What would happen if MY insurance lapsed... Basically, I cannot afford insurance, But i have to get some before i can drive, and i do not know how long i will be able to keep it, Would i loose my license if my insurance was canceled? or what would happen? What are the Penalties to driving Without Insurance?""
Is it possible to get a loan and homeowner's insurance for a post & pier foundation house?
It's a small home and it's not located in an earquake area. Would having this kind of foundation reduced the value of the house?
Cant get contents home insurance because of council windows?
We live in a council flat and because we have metal framed windows without the key locking system like the new ones, insurance companies wont insure us for our contents. I complained to this to the council also but they are not going to replace windows either, even though one is stuck, yet they put all new windows in around the corner to us and gave them new doors, and left our block out. Suggestions?""
What insurances do I need?
Setting up a dating agency on line
How much does car insurance usually cost for a regular car?
don't give me a stupid link or tell me to check out a website just give me your estimate. How much do you pay?
What's the best liability insurance for yoga instructors?
I will begin teaching yoga, and need to get liability insurance- what's a good inexpensive insurance""
Health insurance for dependent parent?
Am I correct that I cannot add my dependent parent to my health insurance plan at work And my dependent parent who lives in my household and has no income of their own cannot qualify for medicaid because of my income level?When applying for medicaid they ask for the household income not just the applicants income.If this is the case it is a very unfair situation for adult children who support their dependent parent.Whats even stranger is I was told that if I had a gay live in partner they could be added to my health ins policy? BUT not a parent? Is this really true?
Help plz car insurance in MD?
well i am 20 years old. i have been driving a car under my mother's insurance name for a while, the insurance told her that if i got an acident while driving that car the insurance will never cover any damage and they consider that as a crime so Is that a crime to drive a car which ur name is not in the insurance list? also ifu know which insurance company is the best for me to get my own insurance""
Car insurance is it legal?
would I be able to drive my wifes car that she owns but has no insurance on the car. I have my own car and are fully comprehensive so would I be breaking the law.
Steps to getting your life insurance license in CA?
I have no previous experience with Life Insurance and am considering getting my life insurance license. What are the steps involved, how long does it take, how much does it cost, and how difficult is the test? Anyone help?""
Which cheap car insurance companies send the documantetion by Email only?
NOT by post, by EMAIL only""
California insurance testing help!!! Please! ?
I've been studying for the California life health and accident license and I haven't been able to pass. I'm rescheduling and I wanted to know where I could find more information or ways to study. Where can I find tests similar to the actual one and so forth. Please this means alot and hopefully I can finally pass.
Does anyone besides myself think that hair transplant surgery should be covered by health insurance?
I am a 24 year old male suffering from rapid male-pattern hair loss. My hair started falling out somewhere between ages 18-20, and despite always having a lot of heart, will-power, ...show more""
Motorcycle insurance in Guam?
Individual has military orders to Guam and is ONLY shipping a motorcycle (no POV). Most company's I've called will only cover auto insurance and let you add a motorcycle policy to make a combo. Does anyone know of independent motorcyce insurance policies covering overseas (particularly Guam) without having to insure a vehicle along with it? (I've tried most big named companies and even the independent companies on the island, and so far no luck!)""
Teens: Do you pay for your own car insurance?
If so, how do you pay for it? How long do you work for and how much do you have to pay for your insurance? Just wondering :) and if you want what type of car do you have?""
Holcomb Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63852
Holcomb Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63852
How soon does actors get their health insurance?
How soon does production company offer health insurance for their workers? And, what other insurance does the production company offer their workers; and, how soon?""
Where can I find cheap dental insurance for braces?
I'm 20 years old and I work at Wal-Mart...I'm not sure if I'm considered to be full or part-time.....some weeks I work 40 hours and some weeks I work 32 hours....I REALLY need braces and I have no insurance and I'm clueless to all of this....if I can't get insurance through Wal-Mart...where else could I get it? Help!
What company has the very cheapest car insurance for Tennessee?
I just need the bare minimum insurance. Which is the cheapest?
Will women protest being forced to pay LESS for life and auto insurance than men?
No? I didn't think so.
Advice on a supermoto/motard as a first bike for a 17 year old in the UK please?
I know bikes are cheaper in terms of insurance than a car, as my FIAT X1/9 I was planning on getting as a first car, as my dad already owned it, is north of 2500 to insure alone. Basically, please can someone advise me on a supermoto for a first time rider with relatively low insurance that cost about 2000 to buy, 2500 maximum. I really like the supermoto style, and its fairly cheap for my friend, I have a 19 year old friend with a modified supermoto YZF250 and pays only 400 per year. I think he has been riding since he was 17. I am clued of on cars and fairly knowledgeable of engines, but I lack the knowledge of the names of different bike, so finding it tricky, I have decided to post this. Preferably I like the idea of a small (cheap 125cc), but a single cylinder 4 stroke purely because of the noise, but if it has to be two stroke, I don't mind greatly. As long as I can do a little over 60mph to keep up with traffic on the faster roads roads, but not the motorways, it will cost less than 2000, but maybe a little over, and will not be overly expensive for a 17 year old, that will be ideal. I don't care of anything to rapid, as long as it is fast enough for the roads unlike a little 30mph moped, I just want a fun, cheap, roadworthy supermoto.""
What is the cheapest life insurance a 66 year old man from california can get?
My dad is currently with AAA, signed up for life insurance for the first time, this month... he is paying 350 a month which is making it hard for him to have money for food. I'm looking for a cheaper plan for him. No health problems.""
How much should we ask the insurance company for when settling a car accident claim?
My boyfriend was recently in an accident. His chiropractor told him that when settling his claim, he should ask for three times the amount of all his total expenses. My aunt was also told the same thing by her doctor. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was a law or something?""
Non car owner insurance?
Can I get insurance to drive cars if I don't own one? I have friends who will let me drive their cars but I want to get my own insurance. I don't want to risk their no claims in case of an accident and if I don't have an accident I want to build up my own no claims but I can't find anywhere that does this....
Cheapest auto insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance?
Buying a used car insurance question?
i'm buying my first car soon and i have a question. I dont have my license yet so obviously i wont be able to drive it home, my parents will. do they need insurance on it to drive it home or is there an acceptance on that?""
Cheapest car to insure?
Hi Everyone, im 21 male from ontario canada and im looking at getting my frist car, I've been driving my parents mini van for the last few years as I am a college student and live with then when him home, which isnt very often because im in school all year round. So im wondering, what are some cheaper cars to insure, both new and used? Thanks""
How much does a chest X-Ray cost with no health insurance?
i've been experiencing pain in my chest, and i think i need a chest X-Ray. the only problem is, my insurance papers haven't gone through yet, and they won't for about a ...show more""
Does engine size make your car insurance go up?
I have a 1.4L engine at the moment and thinking of getting a car that has a 1.6 engine. There are not a lot of differences between the two cars, apart from the engine size. (they are both very small cars, made in the same year etc) Will this make my insurance go up?""
Will my sisters auto insurance go up?
i live with my sister and her husband. i do not have any auto insurance. i was a pedestrian that got backed into by a car. i now will have to go and have surgery on my knee. to make a long story short, will my sisters auto insurance cover me because i am a resident relative? will their auto insurance go up if they cover me (they will get reimbursed though by the party who hit me)""
How much should i settle my auto injury claim for? please someone help me out!?
Question Details: i had an acccident about a year and half ago and i was a passenger. i have no health insurance and have been footing all medical bills thus far. i am writing a demand letter right now but am wondering how much should be my compensation request. here's a brief summary. the other driver is at complete fault. i have all soap notes from doctors,bills and reports. we were hit head on while on our way to my root canal surgery, i was having my permanent put in. i had to go in 2 weeks later wearing a cervical collar. i have choronditis, back sprains and horrible knee contusions still left on my foot. my doctor has recommended physical therapy for up to 3 months but i can't afford to go anymore thus why i am trying to settle. total medical bills is about 12,000 not including other misc like pills. i just don't want to ask too high or be taken for a fool,so please help. thanks. also the insurance company has never made an offer they said it was a hard hit. both cars in""
Do insurance companies insure a boat for its value or insure it for what you paid for it?
Do insurance companies insure a boat for its value or insure it for what you paid for it?
My car was registered to an insurance company?
I bought a car about 2 years ago from a private owner. I just stumbled onto a free VIN report and it says the car was leased then titled to insurance co. No accidents though. Does this merely mean repossession or possible accident?
How much does car insurance and public liability insurance normally cost?
How much does car insurance (a mini van, like the type that window cleaning company uses) and public liability insurance normally cost? Can anyone just provide a rough figure? Just a rough figure is okay, coz it just used for my assignment about starting a business of domestic services. The lowest price is also okay! Thanks so much!!!""
Auto insurance : which company do you recommend?
We want to switch car insurance...our current one is so expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank you so much.
Insurance for Yamaha enticed 125?
I'm Looking at buying a Yamaha enticer but insurance is very dear as I haven't been riding a year yet but I'm Moving up from a 50cc Moped. If anyone had been in this situation and found cheap insurance deals for 125's please let me know.
Are SUVs more expensive to insure?
I know you can't tell me for sure whether or not one will be more expensive. But, generally speaking is a small SUV such as a Ford Escape more expensive to insure than say a midsized car like a Honda Accord.""
Car Insurance questions for quotes?
on insurance websites where they do lots of quotes from different insurers, the question they ask bout your licence is what type is it, ie full or provisional or full or automatic etc and how long have you had your licence. On the norwich union website, it specifies that it wants you to say how long you have held a licence from the time you got your provisional licence. The others dont say whether this is what they are asking or not. Ive had a provisional licence for 18 years, but when I pass my test (hopefully this month) I will then have had a full licences for less than a year. What answer should I give for the question, how long have you held a licence? Its not clear on the websites....""
Help!!! I need cheap auto insurance!!!!!?
I am a 28 yr old woman that lives in Delaware. I need to know where I can find cheap full coverage. I have 1 speeding ticket on my driving record and I had a lapse in insurance. Any suggestions?
Car insurance problems?!?! Need help!!?
Basically my hubby took out insurance about 10 months ago with a new insurance company. He had 4 years no claims with his old company so informed the new company of this. The new insurance company have been taking out the payments every month from our bank however we have never had his insurance documents off them. When he contacted them the other day to query this they informed him that because the old insurance company will not supply them with no claims info they can not cover him. However all this time and even today they have taken their monthly payment. Surely they should not be taking payments for something they are saying they can not cover?? They have sent him a 30 day temp cover note for now while we try to sort it but it isnt looking good at the mo. My question is should they have cancelled the agreement before now then and ceased taking money from our account?
Questions about insurance?
1. What are some of the important questions to ask before deciding on the amount of life insurance to buy? 2. How can you determine if you are under-insured or over-insured? 3. Is there any benefit to a single student without children, who is living with his or her parent(s), who is still going to college, having life insurance? Why or why not?""
Holcomb Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63852
Holcomb Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63852
Car insurance for someone who only drives 1000 miles a year.?
I drive 800 to 1000 miles a year ( just groceries shopping mostly) and have to pay the same insurance premium as someone who drives 10,000 miles a year. Allstate doesn't care if I drive anything less. I spend more on car insurance than I do on gas. Does any car insurance company give a break to people who barely do any driving?""
Where is the best place to purchase product liability insurance?
Need product liability insurance for imported hardwood flooring.
""Are deductibles such as auto insurance or extended warranty deductions, taxable?
I had to pay a $100 deductible (plus $13 tax) when a repair was made under my extended warranty on my car. Was this a taxable item?
Should i tell my parents about the car accident i got into?car insurance question?
I got into a small car accident. I bumped into the car(98 avenger) in front me on the way heading to school. It was a acquaintance that i knew in high school.well we didn't get the insurance involved,we exchanged information. there's a small dent on his bumper i thought i could pay him off out of pocket with out my parents knowing since they've been trying to find a new car for a while now we even went to a dealership the day of the accident,i dont want to look irresponsible. but the trunk of his wont open. He went to a place to get an estimate they would charge him about 1,700$ which is wayyy more than i expected. I called other places around my area to see if they can fix the trunk and they basically said they to see the condition its not bad it just can't open.being a unemployed college student its hard to find money to pay of the pocket,so i was thinking of just asking my parents what happened,only if the body shops around my area are to expensive to pay. I know im under my parents insurance name but i wasn't sure at the time would the insurance company pay for all of it or would i need to pay out of pocket?would it go up?. need advice or suggestions this situation had been bothering a lot. dont know much about car insurance any additional information would be appreciated!""
Age for car insurance?
I have heard that you cannot get your own car insurance policy untill you are 18. Is this true for new york state?
Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?
Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?
Do I have to pay 30 in advance on my car insurance?
I live in Florida and my car insurance says I have to pay 30 days in advance. Is this true? Does anyone know the statute?
Proof of Insurance (and deferral)?
Hello, I live in washington state, and have a mitigation hearing tomorrow for a speeding ticket. It's my first, so I have a few questions. In my ticket im charged with no proof of insurance, BUT I was wrong, I had my insurance I was just confused, I did not realize our AAA was our insurance as well as the aid that they're known for. Anyways, since then I have lost my wallet. So I have a temporary lisence but still no insurance card. So how do I get proof that I had insurance on that day? I have an insurance policy card I've been keeping in the dash. Will that work? Then how do I get this deferred? Do I ask the judge, or do I need to go to the courthouse today to get a form, etc. Thanks for any help.""
What and who has the Cheapest car insurance for a 2005 Mustang?
i am getting a 2005 Ford mustang, and i wan to know who has the cheapest insurance for a mustang. thx""
Cheap Car Insurance For 17 yr old?
I am considering purchasing a fiesta st 2005 model and would like to know where is the cheapest place to insure it. I understand that being 17 it will be rather expensive but i hope you can help me find some cheap insurance i want fully comp with as little excess as possible :) thanks
Average cost of insurance?
what would be the average cost of insurance for a 16 year old male in georgia with an 09 mustang? with a honda accord? with a dodge ram? i guess really with a safe new sports car (cause the new mustangs are 5 star in all but one thing where they hav a 4 star in safety), with a new sedan, and with a new truck? thanks. and also how much might taking extra classes help lower the insurance? i mean defensive driving classes. and would being an eagle scout help any? i really don't know so im just thinking of things that might help. thanks""
How much would insurance be on an eclipse for a 17 yr old guy?
im a 17 year old male, in search for a good first car from 3k to about 5k in price. i love eclipse models from 96-99 (gsx, rs or gs). does anyone know how much insurance is for these cars at my age?""
Car Insurance?
I am in the process of my my own car. I have been sharing my dads old car with my sister. I am 21, I got my licesnce when I was 18, and I have not yet had it three years. My dad called the insurance company and they told him it would be over 2600 paid in full because I have not had my liscence for 3 years, and in January it will drop. is this true, or does he just not want me to get a car?""
Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance?
Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance?
""Whats a good, less expensive, insurance for a younger driver?""
i'm 19 and have had my liscence since i turned 16, i have a clean driving record and even got a perfect score on my driving test 3 years back. My car's been under my dad's name for the last three years but i plan to move out soon and want to switch the car into my name. does anyone know of a good, less expensive car insurance that would be affordable, and not have high rates just because i'm a younger driver.""
How much would car insurance cost me?
IM 17, have a 3.67 gpa, the car will be a 98 van, and w/ that driver education training thing how much would it be.""
How much would my insurance be is I have 4 points against my license?
I gotten 2 speeding tickets within 6 months (4 points in south carolina...I have a good reason to be speeding!)...I am currently uninsured but my vehicle (2000 Honda CR-V) is insured under my mom's insurance with Geico... I'm 19 years old and soon I will have to register my own vehicle and get insured...my mom doesn't know that I have tickets. I go to college and I'm a pretty good student (4.0) would I get a discount with that? Also, what is the cheapest insurance? Thanks!""
Can I have an estimate on my car insurance?
I am an 18 year old male, in the state of Pennsylvania who is gonna buy his own car. I have never been in a car accident or gotten a ticket in the past 2 years I've been behind the wheel (with my moms car). I also have State Farm insurance. Can someone let me know how much It would cost if I got a car insured under my moms insurance? Or maybe if it could be cheaper for me to get my own plan? Thank you!""
Is insurance higher on red cars?
There are many myths regarding insurance and one i heard is Insurance is higher on red cars , Does the color of our car really affect insurance rates?Thanks :)""
What size alloy wheels will change the insurance of a car? (read details)?
right i've been looking at cars to buy for ages now and as I'm a seventeen year old boy insurance is ridiculous as it is. Finding cars that i can afford to buy and insure is hard. I have found a few 'perfect' cars, however a couple of them have alloy wheels instead of the standard manufacture ones. I will quote my insurance website so you can help me out: Replacement of factory fitted wheels with Alloys of the same size this doesn't alter my insurance quote one bit. Replacement of factory fitted wheels with wheels / tyres of a non standard size or specification This means i cannot get insured at all; they won't have me with them. So my question is, if a 1998 Peugeot 306 has 16 inch white wolfrace alloys, does this mean i can't get insured or not? This might be a stupid question, just want to get it right, thanks for you time, means a lot Alex.""
""What's the average cost of motorcycle insurance say, if you are 20 years old and live in Los Angeles?""
What's the average cost of motorcycle insurance say, if you are 20 years old and live in Los Angeles?""
Conservatives! What do you fear will be the impact of more people having QUALITY health insurance?
under so-called Obama care?
Mustang GT Insurance Prices?
Does anyone know how much it would cost on insurance for a brand new Ford Mustang GT?
How come I went on geico for an insurance quote and it said 2000 and people say their's is 75 bucks per year?
Im 18, NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken riders safety course, any way to lower my insurance?""
How much will my insurance go up after a fender bender?
Im 16 years old and i have progressive, this morning i hit a car, there was only a couple scratches on the other car as i didn't hit it hard, and no damage to my car. The police werent called we just exchanged info, so how much will my insurance go up for this accident. if you can even call it that.""
Holcomb Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63852
Holcomb Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63852
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