#jake is so adhd
binarysunset17 · 4 months
I got a Jake hot take im here to defend ma boi:
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Lil fun fact about adhd is a thing call echolalia. Youll find yourself mimicking sounds or words youve heard as a way to stim.
We know our lovely jacob has adhd
Now ive seen a lotta peeps makin fun of jakes come and go accent. Hear me out
Ive noticed he does it most when hes nervous. A lot of his friends are British and a lot of his favorite movies have British characters (lord of the rings) for example.
Josh has his jumpsuits as his stage presence. He can put it on and become performer Josh. And wear them hours before a show to help with nerves.
I think jakes accent is a mix of echolalia he's picked up from his peers, which helps become his stage presence (his jumpsuit so to speak) and comforts him when hes nervous.
Much like Hannah Montana lol
Plus its fun
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Hurt/Comfort + Injury Headcanons
Okay, so I have officially decided to try something different! All of these are x Reader based and honestly, I may open up Reader Requests and how the canons would react to different situations!
These may also include hurt/comfort + injury headcanons between canons in general! Not just with Readers!
Danny Phantom
👻 If Reader was hurt- Danny would honestly fret so much; he would be the type to immediately hover around his S/O and just go into full protective mode
👻 He wouldn’t pry if you didn’t feel like talking about what happened, but if it turned out someone else caused it- Danny might attempt to go after them. He just seems the type
👻 The irony comes in the following: if Danny was hurt, he’s going to try and suck it up. He doesn’t really want to be seen as weak because he’s Phantom and he can handle himself
👻 He might not even realize what’s happening unless you happened to point it out-
👻 Danny’s honestly the type to chuckle and attempt to carry on with whatever he was doing regardless. The only people he listens to are you or Sam Manson-
👻 Now say that you were dealing with a mental health issue over something physical? Good luck getting Danny to leave- he’s just going to stay close and endlessly offer you something that might help
👻 Danny is never going to admit when he’s going through something. Sure, he complains about things every now and again but when things begin hitting the fan- he will retreat entirely
👻 He’s very patient with people he cares about, but honestly Danny is still a young teenager and has a habit of getting overwhelmed and snappy if things become too much
American Dragon: Jake Long
🐉 Our dragon boy, Jake Long, is a stubborn little shit. If he was the one being hurt- he’s going to laugh, struggle back up on his feet, and keep fighting. Jake has zero chill. He’s the hit first, ask questions later type
🐉 Now if it was you being hurt, Jake would go ballistic. If it was done with the intention of hurting you, well, there’s nothing that will stop him from attempting to hunt someone down-
🐉 Jake’s got a slightly better handle at dealing with his problems than Danny, but even then- he’s a spitfire; once something frustrates him, he’s going to vent. He doesn’t know what to do with the frustration other than letting it out
🐉 As he gets older however, this changes- but he continues to consider his close friends and you as his hoard. This proves a challenge, because dragons do not know when to quit
🐉 If you were going through something, Jake does his best to comfort but he also doesn’t think before he speaks sometimes. It can cause a bit of tension; at the same time, he’s still caring. He’s trying
🐉 Jake would likely be the type to be extremely cuddly when he’s tired and if he knows you’re hurt- he’s not going to let you go
🐉 He worries so much over the people he cares about. It’s implied in the series he doesn’t to let the ones he cares about go- Jake would go the mile for his family and friends, but he also has a habit of blindly rushing into the fray for them
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
🥷 Oh this kid- if you were to be hurt, Randy’s going to lose it; it’s not really shown in the canon when someone gets hurt- other than the Ninja, of course- and i know Randy won’t handle well when someone he cares about is hurt
🥷 Randy would attempt to go after whoever hurt you. Well- until he’s snapped out of it by someone, and he immediately rushes to your side. If he’s a bit older, he will go to you
🥷 He’s going to internally panic the entire time if you end up having to go to the hospital
🥷 In that same breath however, Randy will not admit when he’s hurt. Almost like Jake- he’s going to keep fighting; if anything, he probably wouldn’t even notice he was hurt until after the battle was over
🥷 He’s going to laugh it off- or he’ll end up in mute shock as the adrenaline fades and he stumbles backward, staring at the injury with confusion
🥷 i do use the headcanon that the ninja suit will take care of injuries using some form of an ancient magic, but it doesn’t make the Ninja completely invulnerable and causes side effects
🥷 Randy’s a good friend. If the two of you aren’t in a relationship, he’s going to let you vent to him and he’ll patiently sit there and listen without hesitation
🥷 On the chance you’re his partner, Randy would dote on you and if there’s something troubling you- this boy is clingy as all hell. He will hold you while you cry, but he’s also kind of struggling with the words and then finally settles on simple reassurance
🥷 Randy doesn’t always think before he acts. If the two of you got in a fight, he doesn’t immediately apologize- he’s the type to storm out and then has to force himself to calm down, only after that has happened will he consider he did something wrong. He quietly goes to say he’s sorry, honestly he looks like a kicked puppy but he’s trying
🥷 Mentally, Randy will attempt to shove down any of his troubles. He’s fine. There’s absolutely nothing wrong, but on worse days- he finds himself crying alone, or he seeks out specific people who can help him
Additional Injury Headcanons
(Scars + Battle Injury)
Danny Phantom
👻 With Danny, he has a significant amount of scars- between his accident to being thrown around so many times by his enemies, well, they’re everywhere. There’s something ever slightly off about them, but because he’s still half human - it can’t always be avoided
👻 As mentioned before, he hates being seen as weak and will attempt to pull through- Danny’s going to keep fighting, but at the same time, he does have his limits
👻 During battle, he won’t notice he’s hurt- if he’s in ghost form. The moment it all comes crashing, he’s kind of going to grin and bear it - thinking his advanced healing will eventually take care of it
👻 When it comes to the people he cares about, he doesn’t seem to be bothered if he gets hurt. He’s going to push through no matter what
👻 He doesn’t argue when he’s being taken care of while injured. Danny acts more like a needy, give-me-attention cat than anything else
American Dragon: Jake Long
🐉 Jake is protective of the people he cares about. If he’s injured trying to keep them safe, he still keeps going- well, until he has no choice but to stop
🐉 If it comes down to choosing between himself and his family, he’ll choose himself last. Jake will go down on fighting if he can help it
🐉 With Jake being a dragon, normally the worst of his injuries are dealt with but at the same time- he can still get hurt. Weapons like a knife can’t do much damage unless they hit a weakness point, but something like the Huntsclan’s weapons? That could hurt him-
🐉 When Jake’s sick or needs to be taken care of because he’s injured- he is whiny; if anything, he would rather just be left to deal with it in peace especially during the time when his father doesn’t know about him being the American dragon
🐉 When he’s sick, be prepared for him to suddenly pull you close and snuggle you if he’s too out of it. If he’s more aware, he sort of slips into more draconic traits- it’s kind of adorable to watch honestly
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
🥷 Much like Jake, though with the suit instead of being a dragon- Randy’s injuries are usually taken care of and will heal at a faster rate. Unfortunately this isn’t always the case- and he does have scars from old battles, including bruising and the occasional broken bone depending on severity
🥷 Due to Randy’s impulsivity- not to mention, taking on literal robots at times, he does get battered around a lot; he’s knocked into walls, the floor. You name it, so he does have bruises that are brushed off as clumsiness
🥷 Randy is never going to admit when he’s hurt. He does try to lick his wounds in peace- not wanting to be disturbed, but at the same time- only Howard has been given the okay to tend to his injuries (the first time it happened, Howard was startled; not having expected this- he was angry- but concerned, quickly getting to work on bandaging Randy)
🥷 Despite Randy being a bit of a lone wolf- he absolutely would risk his own life for people he cares about, for Norrisville. He doesn’t always think before he makes a move and well, it’s not always a pretty sight after
🥷 When he has to be taken care of, Randy would protest the entire time. He’s rather deal with it himself- if he’s more conscious, well, he tends to try and suck it up but he’s also ridiculously unwilling to cooperate. If he's not as conscious, this boy is going to be either extremely clingy (i feel he just sort of sleeps a lot of the time), or groggily attempt to deal with his sickness on his own
🥷 Randy absolutely would try and continue going to school even if he's hurt or sick- (sure he did try to fake being sick that one time, but honestly- he would just keep coming to school regardless)
🥷 Honestly, this boy needs a break-
Okay, so this is all I have for now! Also- since apparently I want to continue doing these sort of headcanons, please feel free to send me asks!
I’ll make a separate post for my ask guidelines and which muses I’m willing to do and whatnot! I have zero impulse control-
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baddingtonbitch · 4 months
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Cater 2 U - Destiny's Child (2005) Red Blooded Woman - Kylie Minogue (2004) Get Your Number - Mariah Carey (2005) Holler - Spice Girls (2000) She Wolf - Shakira (2009) Naughty Girl - Beyoncé (2004) Shades of Cool - Lana Del Rey (2014) My Prerogative - Britney Spears (2004)
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
I have this HC for spider that I need to get out of my skull.
he was a cuddly baby. like, you could hold him, snuggle, even nap with him all day without a single complaint. he soaked up any and all physical affection he could.
now this isn't to mistake him with a sleepy baby, no no, he was something much more dangerous; he was the type of baby that would trick you into holding him all day, basically hiding his energy,, until you go to put him to bed, and he's up and running loops around you for hours.
basically, he was the perfect cuddle buddy, but he was also a ticking time bomb, because its so hard to tell when he needed to be held and given down time/a nap (cause he was god awful if he was over tired), when he just going with being held, and when he just wanted to be held (against the better judgment of his sleep schedule).
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bl4th3rs · 3 months
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Adventure Time stimboard! (req’d by anon)
Okay so uhm funny story,,I’ve never seen Adventure Time 🥲 but I made my best guess from what I have seen and I hope you enjoy!!!
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akingandawarrior · 10 days
it’s been a summer
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fictionalwench · 7 months
Hello my lovelys!!
Just wanted to let ya'll know that I haven't completely given up writing, lol. I've been working on a Jake Webber smut request for the past few weeks, and I have a Hopper request lined up when it's finished. I just really like to take my time to make sure all stories are up-to-code. You'll hear from me very soon, and I hope you enjoy what I have in the works :)
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hey Jake what was high school like for u ?
"Not horrible. Though it wasn't the best. To be fair, I had struggles to deal with. However, I was able to get some help. Who knew that having trouble focusing actually had a name? Anyways. Sure, I had struggles, but with the right motivation and shit? It became a little easier. For example, I put like some kinda system, or well STARTED a system. Anyway, it was basic things. Especially for homework. Something about after a few pages of work, you can take an hour break so you don't overwork your brain. Yknow?"
“Doubt that makes sense, but. Yknow.”
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sea-jello · 2 years
so did christine ever actually tell jeremy her name or did she assume she forgot she told him and rolled with it
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soft-girl-musings · 9 months
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1/3 of this is still in outline mode, i think this needs to be 2 chapters
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jakeyp · 2 years
I just think that adhd jake peralta and autistic amy santiago
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dearreader · 2 years
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i-may-be-an-emu · 1 year
Hi people so I have an ao3 account and write oneshots and short fanfics n stuff if you wanna check my stuff out, my account is just Imaybeanemu and I've written JATP and B99 fics if people are interested 👉👈
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medicaltechnician · 9 months
I MISS SOCIALIZING. I MISS PEOPLE. I WANT TO BE OUT IN THE WORLD AND WORKING ON STUFF WITH FRIENDS. I always get like this at 2-4am cause everyones asleep and then I sleep when everyones awake. Natways NO SLEEPING. I’m setting this rule for myself. No sleeping till tonigjt. At like 11pm. Like a normal human except the fact I’m gonna be playing Halo with Heavy so. Whatever I’ll be up till 2-3am again. But maybe, I can wake up at 12 not 2. Actually no one talks to me anywyas so who cares. I judt really really miss my bestie if I’m being terrible honest cause some people do talk to me (1 maybe 2 if u count heavy once in a while) But I also, idk I don’t want to talk but I do. It’s crazy?? I want to create I want to sink my teeth into a project
I really do miss the days at uni with my bestie, first year, late night class, we’d wait in a common area with whiteboards planning this video game. I miss that alot. i don’t know what happened
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I feel like sitcoms from the Golden Age (2000s and early 2010s) would often make too much fun of autistic people. Even the sitcoms that are my favourites, such as Brooklyn Nine Nine and Modern Family are quite harsh (don't get me wrong, they're still some of the greatest ones) and would only have main characters with traits of ADHD (such as Luke and Phil from Modern Family and Jake from B99), which is great, but never autistic ones. Characters with autistic traits would often get made fun for their traits.
What I think Community did waaaay better than any of them is that they have a canonically autistic main character and his autistic traits are embraced. Literally no one makes fun of Abed (the autistic character) except for that 1 time Jeff says he has "Asperger's" as an insult. Other than that none of the main characters ridicule Abed for his autism and treat him with respect and as a regular human being.
What I also like is that they're not acting like Abed hasn't struggled at all. They don't act like autistic people never suffer. Abed still has been bullied. Some people still call him weird and so on. However Abed has found his people. He has his found family that love him and I think it's pretty big and amazing that a show made in 2009 went this far.
Other than that Community also has a character with ADHD traits (Troy, maybe someone else too) and has PLENTY of LGBT+ content. I would definitely recommend it.
(i love community)
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luxu1230 · 2 months
Top Gun Head cannon.
Jake has Dyslexia and is high functioning autistic or has adhd. When he was younger he'd stim by biting himself as his teeth would hurt so as a way to chew something he uses toothpicks which is why he likes carrying them around. They're also great for stabbing himself when he feels overwhelmed to get him to focus and it's not like it leaves a wound. His hyperfixation has changed over the years but being an aviator has never changed.
So then comes his dyslexia.....
Many people think Jake got his call sign due to leaving people behind and Rooster calling him that after a flight at Top gun before the mission. While that is the place the others found out his new call sign it was actually his co who would call him that rooster overheard it one day and completely came to the wrong conclusion. While Jake was good at planes his spelling sucked no matter how much he tried to practice his brain wouldn't work. So when his co read his report once he said it was like a game of hangman trying to find the correct words and told Jake that if he came to him he'd write his reports if the hangman told him what to write......
It wasn't until two months later that his co died and the call sign Hangman became nothing more than a bitter reminder of someone he lost. His call sign story completely wrong..... Fuck you Rooster.
Fast forward a few years and the story comes out and Rooster now feels like an utter dick he turned a joke into a complete landslide of which put a rift between Hangman and anyone he worked with practically leaving him friendless bar Javy.
So he tries to fix it and eventually he does, he even gets a husband out of it.
I also feel like Maverick would have noticed signs of Deslexya since he once had to help Goose with his reports as his spelling was terrible due to it. So when he figured it out he unknowingly offers the same offer the co did before... You speak I write.
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