#jake peralta fluffy
yellowjackles · 16 days
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I need Andy to have this hair again
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mishtay · 2 years
Pancakes 🥞
Jake Peralta x reader
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It was 7 in the morning when Y/n woke up, unusually early for a Saturday. She had the sudden urge to eat a pancake and her stomach considered it a great idea as well, forcing her to wake up.
Her gaze shifted to her sleeping boyfriend, smiling at the relaxed look on his face as he held her tightly.
She wiggled her way out and tip-toed out of bed to avoid waking up the brunette.
She yawned and stretched her arms over her head as she made her way to the kitchen. It was still pretty early and Y/n felt groggy but pancakes called and who was she to say no to that?
Standing on her toes her hand grazed over the pancake box but not enough for her to grab it. Making a frustrated noise she held on a table for support and tried again.
Arms wrapped around her waist making her yelp as she was gently lifted, just enough for her to reach the top shelf where the pancake mix was kept. As she was lowered to the ground she looked at the person lifting her.
"Jake," she said, "When did you wake up?"
"Just now," He said, voice little deeper than usual, "saw you reaching for the box and gave u a little lift." He ended his statement with a soft smirk.
She rolled her eyes and removed a bowl and whisk, opening the box of pancake mix.
"Whatcha doing?" He asked childishly, eyes curious.
"Making us some pancakes." She replied simply, mixing water with the mix.
"Can I help?" He asked pleadingly making her laugh.
"Of course babe, can you get some berries out of the fridge?" He rushed to do exactly as she said.
Jake observed his girlfriend carefully pouring the batter into the pan and leaned over to scoop some of the batter and apply it to her nose.
She made a surprised noise and put some batter on his nose too, laughing at the look on his face.
Very soon the two had various patches of batter on their faces and Jake was tickling Y/n with laughter of his own.
As he stopped 'assaulting' her as she said, she huffed to catch her breath. Jake doubled over with laughter at her annoyance.
"Shut up." She mumbled.
"Noooo." He whined.
She suddenly grabbed him by the front of his shirt and kissed him, cutting his laughter short. He immediately responded, hands resting on her waist comfortably.
He tasted of pancake batter and berries and she felt that tasting it on his lips was way better than eating the real thing.
As the two broke apart Jake stared at Y/n with something that could only be described as awe.
"What? You weren't shutting up." She said, suddenly feeling a bit shy.
He laughed and pulled her close, kissing her forehead.
The two jumped apart at the smoke alarm ringing, Y/n screaming, "the pancakes are on fire!"
Jake laughed as his panicking girlfriend rushed to the kitchen and desperately tried saving the burnt pancake.
Y/n had waken up for pancakes, but somehow managed to get something even better and she wasn't even a bit mad at it.
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rozthedirector · 2 years
Rosa taking care of Gina
Fluff, 1K words.
Summary: based on canon timeline (2x7 lockdown episode), Rosa keeps Gina from freaking out.
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"Gina, I know you're scared, but you got to stop freaking out the civilians." Jake said, pointing at her.
"Yes I'm very influential."
"And, Diaz, you need to stop making of fun of Gina and help her."
"Fine," Rosa said and straightened herself, turned around to walk but noticed that Gina was still sitting on the desk. "Come on," she said, leading the way.
They got into the evidence room. Rosa grabbed two boxes and put them on the floor.
"Why did we come here?" Gina asked as she sat down on the box.
"'Cause you can see the whole bullpen from the captain's office and my job is to keep you from freaking out."
"Yeah, that makes sense," Gina sighed. Her eyes were watery and her teeth were chattering. She hugged herself to soothe her trembling body.
Rosa looked at the red haired woman and felt bad for her. It was like the day she got robbed. Under her shell and bold personality, there was a person who would understandably be scared of things, such as death.
It was hard to endure seeing her like this. She sighed, still standing. "Alright," big blue eyes looked up to her. "I'll get your coat and see if there's any coffee. Don't leave this room." Gina nodded.
After a minute, Rosa came back with coffees in both hands, Gina's coat hanging from her arm. "I had to punch someone to get these coffees," Rosa jokingly said as Gina's hands rose to grab one. She left her coffee on the ground and put on her coat in one swift move. "Thank you," she said, wrapped tightly in thick fabric. "It's really cold in here."
"It is not," the brunette said as she sat down on the other box. "You feel cold because you're anxious."
Gina shrugged and took a sip from her coffee. "How are you so calm about this?"
It was Rosa's turn to shrug. "If it was anthrax they would've noticed it right away."
"But it still can be something dangerous, right?"
"I don't think so."
Gina put her head on her knees and groaned. "I'm gonna die!"
"You are not!" She was getting tired of repeating herself but she had to be patient, so, tried again. "Look, the same thing happened in three other precincts. It's fine, trust me."
Gina looked over her coffee and raised her eyebrows. "Are you giving me your word?"
"I am."
"Then I promise you this, if things don't go well, I'll be chasing you in hell."
"Sweet," her lips twitched, almost a smile appearing. She bit her cheek and held out her mug. Gina gave her a frustrated look and clincked their mugs slowly. "You're not helping me, at all!"
Rosa dropped her shoulders, she didn't know what else she could do. "Why don't you play with your phone?" she asked.
"I'm in crisis, Rosa!" She was still rubbing her arms with her hands. "What do you do when you're anxious?"
Rosa thought for a second. "Just sit silently and bounce my leg."
They shared an awkward look.
"Why don't we just... talk? Maybe it'll distract you."
Gina grinned. "But you hate small talk."
"Yes, that is why it'll be our secret." Rosa took a long sip from her coffee. "And you'll owe me one."
"Ah, I see. Okay." Gina bit her lower lip, thinking. "What are you doing tonight?"
The brunette pursed her lips. "I don't have any plans. Maybe I'll do yoga."
The redhead's mouth fell open, she shifted in her box excitedly. "You do yoga? I love yoga. How come you've never told me this before?!" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "We should start doing yoga at work!"
"I'll pass that," she took another sip, trying real hard to hide her smirk.
"Rude." Gina shook her head disapprovingly.
"What about you?"
"Ugh, the usual. Have a few drinks, then sex with an extremely hot man." Rosa raised her eyebrows. "Okay, fine, I was just going to watch Grey's Anatomy and die of boredom." She squinted her eyes, "and you'll watch it with me."
"Fine. You'll have a drink with me." She lowered her voice, "will you?"
"Alright, we now know what to do tonight."
Gina clapped her hands in amusement. "Aww, look at us, we're digging this small talk! Amy would be so proud of us."
Rosa smiled. "I am, too."
Their conversation shifted to ,as Gina called it, "gossip time". She started telling her everything she heard about the people in the precinct. Then about the spoiled girls in her dance group. Then about her mother, then about her favorite shows... Rosa was just listening to her, humming and nodding time to time, playing with her empty mug. Judging by her sitting, Gina was more comfortable and probably stopped caring about the thing that brought them to the evidence room in the first place. Which meant that the detective successfully completed the job. Though there was a little hangup: Rosa didn't want this moment to end.
Around an hour later, Captain Holt and Sergeant Jeffords came back, just like the test results. The suspicious powder wasn't anything serious and they were all free to go home.
Gina was packing up her purse when Rosa came to her desk. "Hey," she said. "None of us have eaten anything, would you like to--"
"We'll celebrate Thanksgiving together. Cute." Her eyes were shining, she couldn't stop smiling since they received the good news.
Rosa simply nodded. "Seems like that."
"Proposing a first date on Thanksgiving to show your gratefulness to God for sending me to you. That's very romantic, actually." Her big famous grin appeared. She walked around her desk and faced Rosa. "Let's go, my lady," she took her arm.
Rosa rolled her eyes, pretending to be annoyed.
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toniwritesthings · 1 year
You Better Peralta
Jake Peralta x G/N Reader  - Jake catches up with you before he goes undercover.  - Words: 1,012.  - Warnings: None.
You stand outside the precinct, breathing in the cool Brooklyn air. Jake had just got fired and signed up for an undercover mission with the FBI less than two hours ago and it had just dawned on you what that meant. You sigh, shutting your eyes. The idea of Jake going undercover made you nervous. You knew, realistically, that he would be fine. He’s an amazing detective. But there was something nagging at you, something that felt like unfinished business. You open your eyes again, walking towards your car.
“(Y/N)?” You turn around, seeing Jake coming up to you holding a box of his belongings. “Hey, thought I missed you.” He looks at you and smiles, causing your heart to beat slightly faster.
“Hey Jake. Amazing assignment” You say, trying to not let the worry you feel ruin his big moment. “I have to admit though, I’m a little jealous.”
Jake laughs. You laugh too, trying to ignore the butterflies you feel. “Really? Well, if you want I could help you get fired. I’m really good at it.”
You look at the man in front of you, trying to take in the small details to remember him while he is gone. You look at his goofy smile, his fluffy hair, the way his jacket sits on his shoulders. You take a deep breath in, trying to distinguish his cologne from the smell of the street. Finally, you look into his eyes. The soft brown showing so much warmth, the wrinkles around showing life and laughter. You send him a sad smile.
“Yeah. So, this is real. This is happening” you point to the box in his hand and he lets out a soft laugh. He looks at you, opening his mouth a few times before settling on the words he wants to say.
“Look, I don’t wanna be a jerk. I know I’m leaving and we won’t see each other for a while. It’s just…” Jake stopped. You looked up to the man with your eyebrows furrowed. He looked back, having an internal debate about if he should continue. You take a step closer to Jake, reaching out to take the box from his hands. You put the box on the trunk of your car and looked back at him once more.
“What’s going on?”
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen on this assignment. And if something bad goes down, I think I’d be pissed at myself if I didn’t say this” He stops again, gauging your reaction. You smiled, urging him to go on. “I kinda wish something could happen between us, romantic-stylez.”
The butterflies you felt are now roaring, your heart rate increasing. You looked at Jake, with your mouth slightly open, aiming to say anything. But no words were coming out. Jake rolled his lips between his teeth and took a deep breath. 
“I know we’re coworkers, and I’m going undercover and that’s just how it is. But…” he stopped his sentence and looked down to the ground with a small smile. “Anyway, we’re not supposed to have any contact, so I should go. America needs me!” He says with a soft laugh, looking back at you. He smiled, turning to grab the box from your car. You reach out, stopping his hands mid action. Jake freezes, looking back at you. He watches the emotions you express through your facial expressions. 
You hold his hands, opening your mouth to talk again. But words still wouldn’t come. You move your hands to his arms, then his shoulders. You hold them there for a moment, feeling the soft leather of his jacket between your fingers. You move your arms up further, up to his neck before settling on his cheeks. You take another step forward, slowly closing the gap between the two of you. Slowly closing the gap between coworkers and friends to something more. After Jake's confession, something clicked in your brain. Something you realise you have been putting off acknowledging for months. 
“(Y/N)? Hey. Are you okay?” Jake asked, worry seeping into his tone.
“No, not really” you whisper, pulling Jake closer again. You were inches apart now, your hands still resting on his cheeks. Jake’s breath quickened slightly, and you let out a small huff. “I think I’m going to regret not doing this before you go.”
Your heart is thumping now as you pull Jake’s face closer to your own. As you close your eyes, you connect your lips together softly. Jake returns the kiss immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist, holding you tight. You felt the butterflies be released, a sense of calm washing over you. It felt natural. It felt right. You pull back after a few seconds, resting your forehead against his. You feel a single tear sliding down your cheek. You keep your eyes closed, scared of what you might see when you open them. You rub your left thumb over his cheekbone and he lets out a soft chuckle.
“If I knew you were going to kiss me, I would have told you all this months ago” you huff at his words, the corners of your mouth lifting slightly into a small smile. Jake pulls you in again, kissing you with more determination, with more passion. You could feel your heart opening, welcoming the idea of something more. You finally allowed yourself to feel these emotions you have been ignoring. You pull back, opening your eyes to the man in front of you. He looked at you with such adoration, it broke your heart to take a step back from him.
“If we keep going I won’t let you go” you whisper, giving Jake a sad smile. You could feel more tears falling from your eyes now. You move your hands, one going to wipe the tears from your face. Looking back at Jake’s eyes, you could see they looked wet too.
“I’ll be back for you, promise” Jake says, reaching for your hand. You laugh, taking his hardened hand and giving it a squeeze. 
“You better Peralta.”
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photoboothphotos · 2 years
The One
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Jake Peralta x Reader - A whole year with Jake Peralta, from start to finish [1.9K Words]
Summer had made its way to New York City. The Saturday morning brought a certain busyness into the city. With the warming weather, Brooklyn is filled with friends meeting each other for brunch and tourists enjoying their vacation time at the park. You should be among them, your stomach yearning for a croissant from your favourite bakery and a cup of something other than stale coffee. But alas when your friend Terry Jeffords calls in for a favour, you answer.
You stepped into the unfamiliar precinct; the upper floor filled with detectives despite the sunny weekend. You were immediately greeted by Jeffords who was already making his way towards you with a latte and pastry baggy. You sighed in contentment graciously taking the treats in your hands and a bite of the fluffy bread.
“Thank you for coming in on your weekend off, our precinct sketch artist is out sick and one of my detectives really needs help.” The sergeant explained, quickly bringing you towards a detective desk. “This is Detective Jake Peralta; he has a witness coming in an hour for the 17th Street bank robbery. I offered my talents but, the last time that happened, it didn’t turn out so well.” There was a knowing look exchanged between the detective and sergeant.
Terry stepped away leaving you and Jake alone. You greeted him with a small Hi before making yourself comfortable in the detective’s extra chair. The detective gave you a small nod in response as you took notice of the sprawled half-completed Rubik’s cube and rubber band ball that cluttered his desk. A quiet filled the distance between you, bubbling you together.
“Let me guess,” You start, catching Jake’s attention. “Terry took too long sketching the perp and so one of your detectives asked how long it’ll take. Causing him to get annoyed and leading to…” You scanned the room, your eyes looking for any remains from the incident, “That broken coffee pot.” You concluded with a smug smile on your face while pointing at the evidence.
Jake tried to hide his smirk, bobbing his head in confirmation, “That’s impressive. That coffee pot is new though, how did you figure that out?”
“There was a sale at Goodwin's last week, and I have the same machine at home.” You smiled cheekily before turning your attention back to the buzzing of the office.
Although those sixteen words meant nothing to you, it was the beginning of everything for Jake.
From that moment on, Jake had made it his mission to get closer to you. After your encounter at the precinct, he took every opportunity to have you help out on his case files. After a series of extra-worked weekends and nights going over perp descriptions while picking at microwave nachos, he finally asked you on a real date. One date quickly turned into fifteen more before the two of became an official item in the fall.
The autumn season brought a much-needed routine into Jake’s life. His nights, previously plotless, were now filled with you. He waited patiently outside the 14th precinct for the end of your shift, his hands fidgeting with the drive-in movie tickets in his back pocket. Peralta’s face filled with excitement as he saw your figure rush towards him. His stance slightly wavered as you slammed into him with a hug, a light oof escaping his lips. He pressed a kiss on your forehead before placing another on your cheek, and then a final one on your lips – his touch saying I missed you and It’s been too long.
He tasted like coffee and a hint of peppermint, his calloused hands feeling rough on your cheek. As the two of you parted, your boyfriend wasted no time in revealing the movie he chose for your date. “Thir13en Ghosts?” You exclaimed in horror, eyes widening. “Jake, I thought we were going to watch a romantic movie.” You whined, your stomach already squirming at the thought of the potential gore and jump scares.
“Sweetheart I tried, but it’s October in New York and these were the only tickets available.” Jake's eyes pleaded, bringing your closer to his chest. “It’ll be fine. I’ll protect you; I promise.”
And Jake did.
Although you had spent most of the time watching the vivid horror scenes behind the windows of your fingers or behind the comfort of your shared blanket, Jake spent the entire hour and twelve minutes watching you. He couldn’t help but marvel at the way you instinctively turned into the comfort of his chest when a creepy figure appeared, or how you shut your eyes tight into his shoulder when you heard a scream. He kept his arm wrapped around you the entire time, even during the ride home and when the inevitable nightmares visited while the two of you slept in a shared bed that night.
If Jake had to choose his favourite sound in the world, it would be a tie between the beat of your heart and the whisper of your steady breath. He could feel both as you cuddled each other in sleep. With his insomnia getting the best of him, Peralta spent the night brushing the scrunch of your brows with his thumb, soothing your wild mind. He did feel slightly guilty for putting you through that scary movie, but he knew he’d make it up in other ways later on.
Winter arrived soon and as Jake predicted, he has thoroughly made up for your Halloween scare in a number of ways. One of which included bundling you in his scarf as the snow had blanked your figures on New Year's Eve. You walked into Shaw’s Bar; Jake following closely behind with a palm firmly placed on the small of your back. Though you abandoned your jacket on a bar stool, you kept Jake’s wool scarf tightly wrapped around your shoulders as if it would ward off any dangers. The clock stroke eleven signalling only an hour left until New Year’s.
“You guys sure took your time getting here,” Charles quipped handing each of you a beer, “Too busy smashing booties?” The detective teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Both you and Jake groaned at the innuendo, washing down the awkwardness with liquid courage. Boyle shrugged his shoulders unbothered by the situation, “Think whatever you want, we all know you were doing it.” The squad assembled together quickly at Boyles claim, adding their own remarks before the conversation changed to a discussion of resolutions and a sharing of drinks.
As the crowd buzzed with bets on who was going to get the most wasted and tipsy declarations of NO, I HAVE THE BEST BUTT OF THE NINE-NINE from the boys, Jake took the opportunity to pull you away from your hushed conversations with the girls. The room rang with a loud shout from the oasis of officers who began the countdown to the next year.
“Ten, nine, eight,…” The entire bar screamed as Jake pulled you in close, a drunken murmur of how good you looked in your dress escaping from his tongue.
“Seven, six, five…” You heard Diaz howl as she pounded back another drink, but you could only focus your attention on the look that Jake was giving you. His brown eyes were glassy dripping in colours of molasses, shining despite the darkness of the bar.
“Four, three…” Your lips couldn’t wait, your hands found the collar of the boy’s jacket before the clock had the chance to chime at midnight. Your mouths connected as the countdown finished, cheers ringing in the New Year. You smiled into Jake’s lips as you felt him kiss you back.
Jake’s hands melted into your body just like the snow did for the city’s eventual Spring. The roads were wet with dew and the season brought you much heartache. You’ve never responded to change well. So when you were transferred to another precinct across town, you found yourself overwhelmed. The wind picked up and guided you towards the subway where you’d had the worst morning of your life.
“Two men?” Rosa clarified, anger dripping through her tone. “What kind of cowards robs a woman at an underground subway stop?” She continued, venom dripping in her words. “If they were real men, they would come to fight us on the surface.”
You shook your head, shying away from the cleaning swab Amy was trying to place on your forehead, “I know it hurts, but try to stay still for a little longer.” Santiago advised as she continued to clean your wounds, carefully bandaging your scrapes.  
“Gina texted; Jake is on his way back to the office,” Rosa informed. The fact made you grimace even more.  
Your eyes burned from trying to hold back your tears, the last thing you wanted at this moment was to seem weak in a room of seasoned detectives. You cursed to yourself silently, frustrated by your own stupidity and obliviousness. Why couldn’t you just catch a break?
“Hey, we’re going to catch these guys. You don’t have anything to worry about.” Diaz comforted, taking notice of your trembling pout and the frustration radiating from your legs.
The two of you locked eyes, and a mutual understanding was reached as you continued to sit in silence. You turned your focus towards your fingers as you continued to play with the ends of a sweater Gina had lent you, your original top soaked and damaged from the run-in. “Yeah, I know.” You finally breathed in an almost whisper.
The sudden bang of an opening door caught your attention, your eyes meeting with the human embodiment of comfort and sunshine. “Hi,” You greeted weakly with a small wave, “How was the stake out?” You questioned with your humour providing a temporary ice pack for the twisting in your heart.
Once the other officers excused themselves, stepping out of the room, Jake bent down immediately and found your embrace. His knees supported you as you broke down, chest heaving heavily. Small kisses of I got you and Everything is going to be okay were planted on your tear-stained cheeks, his hands rubbing comforting circles on your back. The two of you sat there for what seemed like hours, Jake continuing to whisper comforting words in your ear.
The same guilt from Halloween surfaced in Peralta’s lungs. He should’ve pushed further in his offer to drive you to work, or he could’ve asked Captain Holt to transfer you to his precinct the moment he realized you were overwhelmed. Even with his spiralling, Jake knew that he would make things right again, that he was going to help catch the bad guys like he always did. But for now, his only vow was to be there for you.
Perfect, innocent, ever so lovely you.
You moved in with Jake later that spring, with a transfer to the nine-nine placed simultaneously. Though you were still shaken up, you were thankful that the worst morning of your existence bought you the best mornings for the rest of your life.
Jake caught your line of attention as you chanced a look up from your sketchbook, a blurry scene of charcoal pastels depicting your boyfriend’s frame in the Saturday morning light of your shared living room. You admired the way he held his coffee mug in one hand, with a morning comic in the other. “Hi.” You greeted quietly with sweetness lacing your voice. There was a different softness to your voice this time, one filled with domestic bliss and love.
The boy smiled back at you, eyes trying to capture your sun-kissed freckles, “Hi.”
You knew then that Jacob Jeffery Peralta was the one.
The quiet after his reply filled the air with an electric hum. And as the two of returned your attention back to your books, the same feeling from when you guys had met for the first time swelled again – a bubble encapsulating your journey together into the next season.
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My favorite posts
Rosa Diaz (Brooklin 99)
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fimproda · 11 months
Nessian = Peraltiago
Day Four: Lover ⚔︎ Cassian has had many opportunities for love across Prythian — who do you ship him with? Nesta? Azriel? Eris? Lucien? Any and all ships are welcome!
I mean.... y'all should know this by now. I'm a Nessian girlie. I wrote my first fic in a fandom that's not Shadowhunters just because I needed more of them and my re-reading of Silver Flames wasn't enough.
To be honest, I definitely think Cass and Az, and maybe even Rhys, fooled around between them in their youth (see also: Constellations, chapter five), but in the present day, c'mon, Nessian is the only ship in my book.
And I do mean the only ship: those two have rocked my world in such a way that I can't help but see them everywhere—which takes us back to the title of this post: Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago from Brooklyn 99 are Cassian and Nesta.
First of all, a while ago, the B99 official YouTube account posted a video titled Jake & Amy but they get more and more kinky, and... do I really have to say it?
You just watch it and tell me they're not Cassian and Nesta. Change my mind.
Secondly, the chemistry between Peraltiago? The natural way they got together? The way they joke with each other but aren't afraid to call the other out on their bullshit? Their respect for the other's ethics and professionalism and character in general? The way they literally work together and train together and do everything together? The way they both grew up throughout the series and learned to love and respect each other even (and maybe especially) when they have different opinions? The way they learned how to communicate and work out the problems in their relationship?
That shit's Nessian 101, I tell you.
This post be kinda weird in the context of Cassian Appreciation Week, I'm perfectly aware of that, but I needed y'all to know what has been brewing in my mind for the past month, and if I can get even just one person to start B99, I'll be happy.
Nessian is OTP. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, and if you fancy yourselves some fluffy, smutty Nessian, in addition to Madja slander and some sprinkled plot points for future installments in my fanon Maasverse, do check out Constellations on AO3. I'm planning a Nessian mating ceremony one-shot, too!
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ondeath · 1 year
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𝙵𝚄𝙻𝙻   𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴   :    cassius   lee   .          𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙺𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴   :    cass   .          𝙰𝙶𝙴   :    twenty7   .          𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁   :          cis-man   .          𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙽𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚂   :    he   /   him   .          𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽   :    bisexual   /   biromantic   .          𝙳𝙰𝚃𝙴  𝙾𝙵  𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷   :    april   13th   ,   1995   .          𝚉𝙾𝙳𝙸𝙰𝙲   :    aries   sun   ,   scorpio   moon   ,   gemini   rising   .       𝙳𝙸𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙲𝚃   :    six   (   transportation   )   .          𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽   :    victor   /   spectator   /   practicing   medicine   .
𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴   𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙸𝚃𝚂   :    amiable   ,   quick-witted   ,   resourceful   ,   observant   .          𝙽𝙴𝙶𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴  𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙸𝚃𝚂   :    suspicious   ,   psychotic   ,   reckless   ,   dauntless   .          𝙷𝙾𝙱𝙱𝙸𝙴𝚂   :     gardening   ,   baking   ,   playing   crossword   puzzles   ,   knitting   .          𝙷𝙰𝙱𝙸𝚃𝚂   :    peeling   off   the   dryness   formed   on   his   lips   (   making   him   bruised   and   bleed—   and   no   ,   he   didn't   get   into   a   fight   )   ,   tilting   head   and   making   a   ‘  tsk  ’   sound   ,   spinning   a   pen   in   between   fingers   .          𝚂𝙸𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙰𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙴𝚂   𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷   :    joo   yeo-jeong   (   the   glory   )   ,   jake   peralta   (   b99   )   ,   park   hoon   (   doctor   stranger   )   ,   dr.   neil   melendez   (   the   good   doctor   )   ,   love   quinn   (   you   )   ,   more   tba   .
𝙵𝙰𝙲𝙴𝙲𝙻𝙰𝙸𝙼   :    lee   do-hyun   .          𝙷𝙰𝙸𝚁   𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚁   :    natural   black   .          𝙷𝙰𝙸𝚁   𝚂𝚃𝚈𝙻𝙴   :    fluffy   and   messy   .    his   hair   is   always   down   .          𝙴𝚈𝙴   𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚁   :    dark   brown   .          𝙱𝚄𝙸𝙻𝙳   :    lean   ,   muscular   .          𝙷𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃   :    6’0’’   .          𝚆𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃   :    154   lbs   .          𝚃𝙰𝚃𝚃𝙾𝙾𝚂   :    none   .       𝙿𝙸𝙴𝚁𝙲𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂   :    none   .          𝙲𝙻𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶   𝚂𝚃𝚈𝙻𝙴   :    oversized   sweaters   and   shirts   and   mostly   uses   neutral   color   tones   such   as   black   ,   white   ,   &   grey   .    sometimes   wears   sage   &   warm   and   darker   tone   of   orange   .    slacks   ,   jogger   pants   .          𝚄𝚂𝚄𝙰𝙻   𝙴𝚇𝙿𝚁𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙾𝙽   :    a   smile   on   his   lips   is   always   on   full   display   .          𝙳𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚄𝙸𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶   𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙲𝚂   :    fox   like   eyes   .
𝙿𝙷𝚈𝚂𝙸𝙲𝙰𝙻   𝙰𝙸𝙻𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃𝚂   :    none   .          𝙽𝙴𝚄𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙾𝙶𝙸𝙲𝙰𝙻   𝙲𝙾𝙽𝙳𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂   :     migraine   ,   undiagnosed   ptsd   .       𝙰𝙻𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙶𝙸𝙴𝚂   :    mangoes   &   chocolates   .          𝚂𝙻𝙴𝙴𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙶   𝙷𝙰𝙱𝙸𝚃𝚂   :    only   sleeps   3   -   4   hours   a   day   due   to   his   insomnia   .          𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶   𝙷𝙰𝙱𝙸𝚃𝚂   :    eats   two   times   a   day   .    eats   heavy   breakfast   and   then   eats   just   right   during   dinner   .    sometimes   he   skips   lunch   ,   sometimes   not   .    when   he   does   eat   lunch   ,   it's   not   a   lot   .          𝙴𝚇𝙴𝚁𝙲𝙸𝚂𝙴   𝙷𝙰𝙱𝙸𝚃𝚂   :    wakes   up   at   5am   to   go   jogging   and   do   his   usual   morning   excercise   routine   .    sometimes   when   he   has   time   ,   he'll   go   for   another   run   in   the   evening   .          𝙴𝙼𝙾𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝙰𝙻   𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈   :    low   to   neutral   .    barely   shows   what   he   feels   ,   conceals   it   with   his   smile   .    no   one   can   really   read   him   .          𝚂𝙾𝙲𝙸𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈   :    very   sociable   ,   tends   to   talk   to   everyone   even   though   he   doesn't   know   them   .    which   is   one   of   the   reasons   why   he's   liked   by   most   of   the   citizens   in   the   capitol   .          𝙰𝙳𝙳𝙸𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂   :    was   once   addicted   to   morphling   .          𝙳𝚁𝚄𝙶   𝚄𝚂𝙴   :    used   to   intake   morphling   but   then   stopped   .    he   now   uses   drugs   for   medical   purposes   .          𝙰𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙷𝙾𝙻   𝚄𝚂𝙴   :    is   a   heavy   drinker   but   always   appears   sober   .
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buckys-little-hoe · 3 years
The Bet | Jake Peralta x Reader
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Pairing: Jake Peralta x Reader
Summary: You and Jake make a bet. Who can last longer without Sex.
Warnings: Implied Smut, my non existent knowledge of police work, sexyness lmao, mentions of drugs and murder
A/N: There is not much to say. I just wanted to try writing about someone else. The next thing that i have planned is something for our fav fast guy Pietro (who owns my heart btw)
It all started about a year ago. You were new to the station and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Not only were you beautiful, no, you were a real badass too. You solve one case after the other without any complications. And while you sometimes had to be physical, you looked hot too. Amy had asked several times if you could teach her how to look good while you had blood on your uniform, but you just shrugged your shoulders. In all honesty, you just did it without even thinking about it. Holt was incredibly proud to have hired someone so talented. You lived for your work, but your private life suffered as a result. 
You spent your nights researching and in the morning you just came out of bed. And so after about a week you were at your desk. Rosa came in with her blank expression and sat across from you. You gave her a smile, which she didn't return, but she gave you coffee. You accepted it gratefully and immediately felt better. "Hey, Y/N! Could you bring me the new file? It's on Peralta's desk.” Terry asked you as you sat closer and you nodded. With your coffee cup in hand, you got up and went to his desk. What a mess. Sighing, you rummaged around with one hand. Was that a crushed granola bar? Disgusted, you took your hand out of the mess and took a sip. At about the same time, Jake strutted in and was immediately involved in a conversation with Charles. So he ran backwards towards his desk. You didn't even notice your surrounding anymore, you were too focused on finding the files without your hand touching anything rotten. And so Jake ran against you. Startled, you tightened your grip on the cup, which caused the lid to fly up from the pressure and some coffee spilled onto your blouse. You whimpered softly because the shit was really hot. "Fuck ..." Carefully you lifted the blouse a little so that it doesn't stick to your skin. Jake immediately walked away from you and spoke to you. "Shit, I'm so sorry! Are you okay, Y/L/N?” He asked with a guilty conscience and you turned around. With gritted teeth you nodded and walked slowly towards the washroom. "If you want, I'll help you take it off!" He called after you and you had to pull yourself together not to beat him up. This was his first attempt at flirting, and it wasn't his last. About a month later, you were sitting across from Rosa again, but your eyes were on Holt. He was talking to Jake again, but you couldn't see what kind of conversation. Was it praise? Or maybe scolding? You were bored with no case to resolve. Besides, you were kind on a sex withdrawal. After all, you were new to this neighborhood and didn't really know anyone. You hadn't even gotten to masturbation in the past few weeks. Annoyed, you let your head drop on your crossed arms. It could be that the withdrawal made you a little pissed. "What's going on?" Rosa asked and Amy perked up her ears. And since Charles didn't really have anything to do either and was a self-proclaimed consolation giver, he came straight to it. A kind of meeting came into being. "I'm just not in a good mood," you said and looked up. "Why?" Amy asked immediately. Even Gina was now at your table. "Is it because we don't have any cases right now?" Charles asked, but you denied it. A bit of free time was actually good, but you were in the wrong place to satisfy yourself. "Stress with the partner?", Amy guessed. "I don't have anyone.", You grumbled. "Aha!" Gina shouted. "You haven't had sex in a long time!" With red cheeks you buried your head in your arms again. Satisfied, she nodded as she hit the nail right on the head. Terry came along now. "I know some nice men," he said and you rolled your eyes. Great, now everyone knew. "I know some great girls too," Rosa suggested. “That's enough, guys. If I want then I'll surely find someone. ", You grumbled and looked up again. By now everyone had a sympathetic smile on their faces. You groaned annoyed. Gina pushed Charles aside and showed you a couple of Instagram accounts with some guys. Somehow you wanted meaningless sex, but not with someone strange. Jake stepped out of the office again and noticed everyone standing at your table. "What's going on here?" He asked aloud and walked to your desk. "We're looking for someone to lay Y/N.", Gina answered without looking up. Embarrassed you avoided his gaze. Did everyone finally know? "I'll volunteer.", He grinned and everyone started laughing, including you. "Why are you laughing?" Confused, he looked at his colleagues. Charles put a hand on his shoulder. "Not bad for Jake, but Y/N is way out of your league.", He replied with pity in his voice. Jake looked at him indignantly. “Thanks, Boyle! It doesn't matter now. Y/N, take your bag or whatever, we have a little drug case in a gelateria.”Peralta said, avoiding Boyle's hurt expression. A gelateria and he didn't take his best friend with him? Excitedly, you grabbed your service weapon and your jacket. “I’m ready!"
"I think the owner is the dealer," you said quietly to yourself. Jake nodded in agreement. "Now we just have to catch him red-handed," he added. He turned to you and put both of his hands on your shoulders. You looked at him with a raised brow. "Flirt with him," he ordered and shook you. "What! Why? ”You hissed softly and glanced over at the guy. "You distract him and I'll go back through the door," he explained and you sighed. "Okay." So you stepped inside slowly, purposefully towards the counter and looked at the many different types of ice cream. "Hi!", You smiled shyly, and he took the bite immediately. "Hello beautiful woman, what can I do for you?" He asked charmingly with his heavy Italian accent. Your heart went soft with all the ice cream. "What can you recommend?" "It depends on what you like," grinned the man. "I like it extraordinary, maybe something Mediterranean.", You said and suppressed your gag reflex. "I should have- Hey!", He interrupted himself and looked past you. Inwardly, you just gave yourself a facepalm. He couldn’t be serious. "What are you doing back there, huh?" Slowly you turned around and saw Peralta with a mustache stuck on. You sighed softly to yourself and just mimicked your fate. "Well, searching the drugs.", He replied as if it were the most normal thing in the world. You took your badge in your hand ready to turn around when the swanky Italian slapped it out of your hand, jumped over the counter and hit you on the floor. With a thud, you landed on the floor. Jake was about to walk towards you, but you waved in the direction of the door. He bit his lip and hesitantly ran after him. Slowly you got up and cracked your fingers. Why did he have to bite his lip so badly? Now you ran after them too, it didn't take long for the Italian to land in a dead end. Jake seemed to have everything under control, so you stood to one side to take a deep breath. But when he handcuffed him, you couldn't prevent your dirty thoughts. How would the handcuffs feel on your hands? You rubbed your thighs together to release some friction. You realized one thing. Jake was the one who had to fuck you. You just had to make him do it.
A few days later, you were leaning your arms on Gina's desk, your bum up. In the reflection you could see his eyes on it while he was talking to Amy. Even your blouse had one button open today. At least time was running and you were getting more and more impatient. Gina told you something about a dance group and normally you'd like to listen, but this time it was more difficult. When you turned around he was no longer there. Instead, Amy gave you a friendly wave. You returned her gestures with a smile. Suddenly you smelled his perfume in your nose. He was right next to you. Your breathing became a little more irregular, as did your heartbeats. Oh God. His sleeves were rolled up and he was smiling slyly. “We're going to Shaw’s after work today. Would you like to come with us?” He wanted to know and you didn't miss how his eyes briefly wandered to your breasts. “Oh yes, Y/N! You absolutely have to go.", Gina agreed, so you nodded."I'll be happy to come, Peralta. "
That evening, you sat in a corner with your drink in hand. If he stopped giving you any more signs, you would look for someone else, which you would find a shame. Time passed and slowly the troop broke up. Until there was only Jake left, who sat down next to you with a new drink. "Here." Smiling, he pushed the glass towards you. You took the straw slowly in your mouth and didn't break eye contact. If he didn't get that hint now, you'd probably freak out. Instead, the detective put his hand dangerously close to your clothed core. You gasped loudly. "Could it be that you want me to fuck you?" He asks quietly and your heart almost popped out of your chest. You opened your mouth, but not a word came out. So you just nodded. “Unfortunately that's not enough, babygirl. Use words. ”Jake said. Slowly he tilted your head to one side and kissed the back of your neck. "Please, fuck me," you breathed. He removed his head and grinned. "I will, but just because you asked so nicely." Shortly afterwards you landed in his apartment. And at three in the morning you woke up and left like nothing happened. And it went on and on. Some days he would hold you against the shelves in the evidence room. On others it was in his car. And you liked the dominance he exuded. You liked how he took what he wanted from you, while still not forgetting your satisfaction. But after the sex you were always the first to go.
After a year it was still just sex and nothing more. So you were all the more surprised when he suddenly showed up on a date. You apologized to the nice man and pulled Jake on his ear out. He followed you gasping. When you finally stood in the parking lot, you crossed your arms. “What's this crap, Peralta?” You wanted to know, annoyed. "I ... I just wanted to make sure the guy was decent," he lied, which you could clearly see. “Bullshit. You are jealous. ", You replied." No, I am not. " "Yes you are." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes." “Okay! Our sex is fantastic okay? But what am I talking about here anyway? You wouldn't even go a day without it.” The cop defended himself. "Oh yes? I think you're confused, darling. You can't last a day without it.” You replied angrily. “Then let's bet. Whoever gives up first loses,” he suggested. “What do I get if I win?” You asked suspiciously. Betting with Jake always goes wrong and ends in chaos, you've been aware of that since Halloween. "I'll give you the murder case." "Okay, and you?" "I want one waking up." Confused you pulled your eyebrows together. "What do you mean?", You said. "I want you to wake up with me once. No escaping," he explained with ruddy cheeks. You examined him briefly and finally nodded. "Deal."
It started very easily. Here and there he brushed your hips, of course quite unobtrusively. Sometimes your file fell down, so you had to bend down very low. But he didn't jump on it. So you had to get more extreme. Bananas were eaten and he was flirting with Amy. And somehow your heart got heavier. So you had to act differently. Shortly before the end of the day you accidentally spilled your water on your white blouse. While your red lace bra became visible, you apologized with red cheeks and promised to come back. You didn't miss Jake's eyes, but you had other plans. From your closet you pulled a top with a deep neckline and tight jeans that made your bum stick out. You pulled the hair elastic out of your hair and freed your voluminous mane. You even forced yourself into high shoes and for once you leave your underwear off. "Show Time.", You mumbled and drove to the bar. And as soon as you stepped in, everyone's eyes were on you. Rosa whistled loudly and grinned honestly. Flattered you gave her a hug. "I thought I could dress up a bit." You explained your outfit to her. "Good girl," she winked. She’s the only one who knew about you and Jake since she caught you in the evidence room. With a swing of your hips that could only drive someone crazy, you strutted towards the bar. The bartender leaned down to you. "What will it be, my lady?" He grinned charmingly and you laughed out loud. still focused on getting what you wanted. “A shot would be a start,” you answered. He pushed one over to you pretty quickly. "It’s on the house.", He smiled. You nodded as a thank you and drank it. The warmth spread through your body and you let your shoulders circle. And so you flirted with the bartender for an estimated two minutes, when a well-known body was already pressing against yours. And with it his erection too. Your grin grew bigger. "What do you think you're doing?" He whispered in your ear. Goosebumps graced your body. He let his hand slide gently under your top. "You don't even wear a bra," Jake said, breathing irregularly. Inconspicuously, you rubbed your bum against his reaction. "That's enough," he whispered through clenched teeth. And so he pulled your wrist towards his apartment. And for the first time you didn't care what your colleagues thought about you.
Tired you opened your eyes and looked directly at the alarm clock next to you. Three o'clock at night. But this time you didn't get up. Instead, you turned around, put your arms around his body, and closed your eyes again. And Jake's smile grew bigger.
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jinanya · 3 years
I've had this meme for a while and I thought i'd share it
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
amy having a nightmare about jake going back to prison
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"Jake Peralta?"
"Something wrong, officer?"
Amy hears the trepidation in Jake's voice all the way through the hallway, after he'd already given her a confused look when the doorbell rang this late in the evening - Mac had been asleep for a good hour already, and no one had told them they'd drop by for a visit, or anything.
For a second, she wonders if it's something concerning her that has brought the police to their door - but all of her new subordinates know better than to contact her after hours, especially in such a sudden way.
And then she hears the three worst words in the English language.
"You're under arrest."
She doesn’t remember much else aside from basically vaulting off of the couch, sprinting to the door, and seeing Jake already struggling against the handcuffs the unknown officer is putting on him.
She remembers pleading, interrupting the second officer reading Jake's Miranda rights with demands to know what the hell is going on. She remembers Jake asking them to be quiet, instead, as to not wake his son-
She remembers Mac crying, and running into his nursery as quick as she can to calm him.
She remembers coming back with Mac in her arms to an empty, open door.
Jake is gone again.
"I cannot divulge any information about Peralta's trial, as much as I would like to." Holt's face seems to be made of stone as the squad stands before him. There's distress in her mentor's eyes, and for a split second Amy thinks he might actually cry, but the commotion around her takes her attention away from him.
Rosa almost jumps over his desk with her screams, held at bay only by Terry lifting her up, and Amy is glad she's unable to reach one of the various knives she knows are always hidden on her body. She can only agree with the swears and curses her friend is letting out, though, hearing them echo in her mind a hundred decibel louder.
Charles is already outside, crying in the waiting area, before anyone else leaves Holt's office. She wants to sit down next to him and cry, too, cry and never stop, never think about anything else.
The only information they get is the starting date of Jake's trial.
She doesn't remember much of the trial itself. It stretched far longer than the first one, with more witnesses, more damning evidence. More days spent at the courthouse, praying for a miracle. Barely a few minutes to talk to him, rarely ever a chance to actually touch him.
She remembers the judge informing them that Jake isn't allowed to go home during his trial, not like he was before. Amy brings a travel bag of essentials to the Holding Centre, and even her rank as a chief won't enable her to actually bring it to him directly. The sneering officer at the entrance assures her he'll 'get what he needs'.
She remembers debating whether she should bring Mac to the courthouse with her, or not. Charles tells her to do it, Rosa warns her not to do it.
She remembers Jake asking how Mac is doing, the first thing out of his mouth whenever she's allowed to see him, sometimes the only thing he's allowed to say.
She remembers lying to him, saying Mac is fine, waiting and playing at his grandma's right now. She remembers soothing him every night, instead, while he cries for 'dad-ey', and she wants to cry with him, but she has to be strong for all three of them.
Jake is sentenced to life.
"They remember me." Jake says with the most desolate smile on his face. Every muscle in Amy's body seems to be clenching and tensing at his words.
He's sitting across from her, his hands chained to the table, cold steel under both their arms as they lean as close to each other as possible. The guard across the room clears his throat, and Jake flinches back at the sound. Amy wants nothing more than the gun she had to leave behind for her visit.
There's no beard covering his face yet, so she can see all the nicks and bruises. She can see the black eye starting to grow, the bandage hiding under the sleeves of his baggy orange jumpsuit. She can see the fear in his eyes, even as he tries not to look at her.
"Holt won't let me- I can't get any information- the detectives working your case are-" She tries to speak, but there's only cut-off sentences in her throat. That, and screams. A lot of screams that are fighting their way out.
Jake leans forward some more, and she follows his movement. His voice is low, and there's a timbre in it she's never heard before.
"My mom has a- a bank account, thing, something, for Mac." He almost whispers, and Amy tries to understand. "It's- not much, but if you invest it right, it'll help with- college, I don't know-"
"There's a box-" He won't let her get a word inbetween "-a box at the back of my closet, with, with letters for him. And you. They're titled. You'll understand."
She nods, and feels tears well up in her eyes. She understands. She doesn't want to, but she does.
"Next time you visit- if- if you can-" Jake swallows hard. "Maybe I can see him?"
She nods with so much fervour she can feel her hairbun loosening, before the guard makes his way across to their table and Jake reluctantly rises.
"I love you, Amy." rings in her ears over the sound of handcuffs clicking around him yet again. "I love you."
She opens her mouth to say it back, to say so much more, but she can't speak.
Jake is gone again.
She won’t be allowed to bring Mac to her next visit, the officer behind the desk tells her as she leaves.
She doesn’t remember visiting Jake again.
Amy jolts up in bed with a scream in her throat she can’t let out. Her entire body is tense, shaking, and she can feel her heart race while a shiver runs across her skin. She’s freezing, and it’s nothing to do with the cold from outside this time.
A nightmare, she thinks, and it doesn’t feel relieving at all.
Her breathing is uneven, and she squints her eyes and tries to even it out as her racing heart slows down just barely, her limbs allow themselves to move again muscle by muscle. She shuffles to sit up halfway, blinking into the dark, looking over to her left.
The bed is empty, and the sheets on Jake’s side are cold.
It was a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a dream- her logical mind repeats, but everything else has her jumping out of bed and racing down the hallway instead.
The soft nightlight her mom got them shines through the half-open door of Mac’s nursery, and she can hear Jake’s low whispers of good night before she can see him lay a sleeping Mac back down into his crib. He turns as she reaches the door fully, and just one look up and down her still panting, still shivering form throws worries into his eyes.
“Ames? What’s wrong?”
She wants to answer him, but all that’s coming out of her mouth as she opens it is a low whine before she breaks down, tears streaming down her face.
“Amy-!” He’s at her side as she falls against the door frame, heaving with quiet sobs while he pulls her up and into his arms, warm and soft and comforting and there. Here. With her. With Mac.
“Nightmare-” She gasps into his chest, trying to explain with as little words as her cries will allow. “You- prison-”
“Oh babe.” He squeezes her tight into a hug, and she buries her face into his neck to steady herself, when she realises he’s swaying her back and forth, a soft little shushing sound in her ears, the same way he soothes Mac whenever he’s having another crying fit at night. The tender touch of it, the immediate instinct that seems to take over him, makes her heart ache in a much more comforting way than anything before tonight.
“I love you.” She whispers, finally able to answer him the way she couldn’t in her dream.
“I love you too.” Jake whispers back, and she feels his arms loosen around her shoulders and his hands travelling down. “Let’s go back to bed before we wake Mac again.” And with that he lifts her up onto his hips, her legs circling around him instantly as she holds on and relishes his warmth, the feeling of his shoulders under her arms, the press of his chest as he breathes against her on his way back to their bedroom.
She doesn’t really want to let go as he leans over their bed to let her down again. She knows it’s irrational - that letting go just means he’ll get to slip back into bed on his side, too - but there’s something that has her clinging to him as long as possible, making sure he’s still there and staying, the feeling of him against as much of her as possible.
She slides over to his side as soon as he’s under the covers, too, her arm around his chest and her nose against his neck, breathing in that well-known scent of sleepy Jake.
“I’m here.” He still whispers, a soft kiss to her scalp. “It’s all ok. I’m not going anywhere. Definitely not back to prison.”
“It felt so real.” She mumbles against his skin, and his hand starts sweeping over her back in broad strokes.
“I’m not doing anything illegal, and I’m not on the force anymore, so there’s really no reason for anyone to frame me.” He continues to explain, and it really does help - he knows how to poke her logical brain even when she’s stuck in something over-emotional. She only nods and sighs as she shuffles a little closer, and his hand slips under her shirt to scratch her back in that way he knows will always relax her.
As the quiet night settles around them again, interrupted only by the sound of their breathing almost synchronising, and the thrum of his heartbeat under her hand, Amy can’t help but focus on one aspect of the dream she’s otherwise trying very hard to erase from her memory.
“You said- in my dream-” She starts, and Jake shifts under her just slightly to look at her. “You said you had a box of letters for Mac. It’s- I thought that was a sweet thing. Even in a nightmare.”
“That’s creepy.” Jake says, and she sits up enough to look back at him with a quizzical look. “No, I mean, that your dream knew that.”
“I do have a box of letters.” His smile is a little forlorn, but so much softer than anything she saw in her nightmare. “For Mac. I think it’s in my closet, somewhere.”
He nods as she stares at him, while his eyes pin to the ceiling.
“I wrote them after I had that two week case that took me out of state. I dunno, just something about being away so long when Mac was, like, barely a few months old. Made me think about being gone for even longer if something went wrong. Or maybe forever.”
He sighs just a little, and Amy can’t resist from cradling his face in her hand even as he smiles again.
“I suppose we won’t really need them anymore. Not much risk of disappearing suddenly as a stay at home dad, luckily.”
“We can still read them. Or have him read them when he’s older. And be happy together that you could read them out loud, too, and be here with him.”
Jake still smiles as he looks back at her again, and his eyes are shining even in the darkness of their bedroom. She echoes his smile before leaning down for a soft little kiss, their lips staying together a bit longer as his hand drifts into her hair.
“Not to sound too egocentric-” Amy whispers against his lips, and feels them already starting to grin under her “-but is there a letter in there for me as well?”
“Mhh, just the one.” Jake grins fully now as he winks. “Single-spaced, double-sided.”
She huffs a short laugh against his cheek before nuzzling into him.
“Can I read it?”
“Sure. You know pretty much everything in there already.”
“How many times do you mention my butt?”
Now it’s his turn to laugh, shaking her with him as she scratches through her hair.
“You know what, I genuinely don’t know. But it’s definitely in there.”
“I’mma count them.” She bites the soft skin on his jaw just for the little yelp she always gets. “If the butt-mentions outnumber the love declarations, you might be in trouble.”
Jake laughs again, and Amy feels nothing but calm in her heart as he pulls her up for another kiss, the terror and pain of her nightmare all but forgotten in their soft, loving midnight cuddles.
“I should be pretty damn safe then.” Jake whispers as he turns to lie next to her, settling down for sleep even as he continues to hold her. Amy only smiles as she slides her cold feet between his calves to keep warm, and blinks her eyes closed in complete bliss.
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I just finished the last episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine & I am emotional.
Was I crying?
Yes, yes I was.
I love this show. OMG do I love this show. Even though things kinda dragged during the 6th & 7th seasons, OMG THIS SHOW.
Also - Andy Samberg is fucking HOT okay. Like, I wanna do dirty things to him & then have him make me a grilled cheese.
This show is just... absolutely wonderful. Even at it's worst, it never failed to make me smile. I'm gonna miss this show.
Nine Nine!
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psycho-mocha · 4 years
One of my favourite things about Brooklyn nine nine is how Andy sometimes looks right into the camera for a millisecond and then you see him fighting an internal battle to not do it again 
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this scene killed me
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selfcareonly · 4 years
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you took the wrong fluffy boy!!!
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