#january prompt challenge
nosebleedclub · 9 months
January Prompts
1. Everything begins
2. Domain
3. Creak
4. Thin light
5. Sheriff
6. The good twin
7. Highway 59
8. Wife
9. Iron bridges
10. Fingers
11. “Say what you mean”
12. The destroyer’s hour
13. To the marsh
14. Blue Jay
15. Bed of the past
16. The grey coat with the red lining
17. Strangling plant
18. The body
19. Black oak
20. A punishment
21. Gentleman
22. Mahler’s fifth
23. Dogtooth
24. Run the other way
25. Syrupy
26. Dark denim
27. What you really believe
28. Unexpected prophet
29. Secret project
30. Beheaded
31. And the rot sets in
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I loved you a decade. I’d love you ten more
If Time had been softer and kind in her ways.
A decade I’ve mourned you, but who’s keeping score?
(Three thousand six hundred and fifty-two days.)
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thepromptfoundry · 9 months
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The prompt theme for January 2024 is a January of Firsts!
If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I’d love to see your writing and art!
Feel free to combine different days' prompts with each other, or combine them with other seasonal events! Use your OCs, your favorite characters from media, whatever tickles your fancy.
Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don’t worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
Plain text list below the cut:
1) First impression 2) First step in a journey 3) First snow 4) First blood 5) First fitting 6) First gift 7) First take 8) First touch 9) First day at work or school 10) First chair 11) First love 12) First loss 13) First meeting 14) First star 15) First cut 16) First look into the unknown 17) First kiss 18) First point 19) First class 20) First time on their own 21) First choice 22) First in line 23) First word 24) First draft 25) First spark 26) First runner up 27) First base 28) First aid 29) First born 30) First taste 31) First night
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merlinmicrofic · 8 months
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January '24 Prompts
Hello lovely people, it's time for the first round of prompts! From today until February 14th, you have time to write for one (or several!) of the following prompts:
Awake | "Your turn." | Masquerade
For info on how this works, please check this post.
When posting to tumblr, please name ship/characters/gen relationship, the prompt(s) you're filling, and, if needed, rating + warnings (so, for example: "Fill for @merlinmicrofic prompt 'Masquerade', Morgana/Gwen, Explicit, MCD") at the top of your post!
Prompts can be interpreted loosely, although if you pick the dialogue prompt, the line should make an appearance!
Remember, your fic has to be 500 words or shorter! For an additional challenge, make it an exact drabble (100 words to the point!) When you post to tumblr, we'll check wordcounts with wordcount.com
Places/ways you can post: only to tumblr, to our AO3 collection, or to both. Whichever way you choose, do make sure to make a tumblr post of some kind and tag this blog directly, so that we can reblog it, and log it for the masterlist!
If you have any more questions that aren't answered by the posts linked in our pinned post, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Most importantly, have fun! We can't see what everyone comes up with <3
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cherryliqueurkinks · 9 months
femslash february: valentine's edition
An assortment of bite-sized smut in a heart-shaped box for you to indulge in each day until Valentine's Day! Each day will relate to at least one of three prompts below - feel free to play along or share ideas and requests per day.
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overstimulation | mind control | shower/bath sex
edging | double penetration | age gap
pool/hot tub sex | teasing | orgasm control
thigh riding | office sex | breast play
degradation | student/teacher dynamic | have to be quiet
filming/photography | mirror sex | car sex
public sex | cunnilingus | clothing kink
leather/latex | stripping | face fucking/sitting
anonymous sex | floor sex | prostitution
corruption | manipulation | captivity
hair pulling | blackmail | intoxication
outdoor sex | piercings | camming
rough sex | uniform kink | praise kink
temperature play | bondage | anal
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artchallengegame · 9 months
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Draw every day for the month of January and see how much you improve. There are game boards to keep you motivated and themes to keep you inspired!
On January 1st, everybody creates their board they will fill out as the month goes on. The board can be as simple or as fancy as you’d like. Alternatively, feel free to use one of the ones provided – you can print it out or add to it digitally. Or feel free to skip the board, idgaf.
The challenge starts for real at 12:01am EST January 2nd, when I’ll post a list of 6 different themes. Create something inspired by one (or more) of those themes! Alternatively, if you don’t find any of that day’s themes inspiring, every person starts the game with 3 each of 3 different passes:
3 freebie passes (black), where you skip the day completely with no consequences
3 finish/improve passes (green), where you revisit an earlier piece from this challenge in order to finish or improve it
3 tutorial passes (blue), where you find a tutorial of your choice and follow it to learn something new
After you create your piece for the day (or use your pass), mark the day complete in your board – write in the theme you did, post a thumbnail of the art, etc. The goal is to have a full board at the end of the challenge! 30 days of improvement in your art.
The themes are more geared toward visual artists, but I try to make them accessible to artists of all different media, including written word, music, etc. Feel free to use any media, in any combination, that you’d like! Artists of all skill levels are invited to participate, from complete beginners to professionals. There is no judgement or even critique.
The day’s work doesn’t have to be a finished piece, but try to produce at least a sketch study (or equivalent) every day. You can take this as seriously or as casually as you’d like, I want to inspire you to improve!
You don’t need a Tumblr to participate, but if you have one please @ this account or tag the post #artchallengegame to get your art reblogged! There is also a Discord, I will post the invite soon.
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Hey all! If you have prompts in mind or tropes you'd like to see, please get them in sooner rather than later! I'd like to get the list done within the next couple of weeks so I can be sure to get the event all put together by the end of the year.
Types of prompts needed | Categories that need the most prompts | All themes
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frogfrogfrogfrogoose · 9 months
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Into The Electric Castle-uary Day 1-3: The New Dimension/The Futureman
me? forget about my own art challenge? whaaaat……..?
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anyway this was really rushed and i’m currently at my grandparents’ house for the holidays so i didn’t have all my supplies so it’s a little messy and there’s not a lot of detail but i like it, i also gave up on actually drawing the Futureman which is why he’s a silhouette
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mirrortouchedsea · 9 months
Day 1
Niki opened the door and announced his presence to his roommate, sliding his shoes off and walking over to the kitchen to put the groceries away. There wasn’t an immediate response but Niki wasn’t too phased as he thought about what he wanted to make them for dinner. Rinne was probably out doing his own errands or playing pachinko again and he’d be home for dinner like he always was. Rinne would never pass up a free meal. 
So when Niki was finishing up dinner and getting ready to plate everything, he found it strange that Rinne hadn’t shown up. Niki pulled out his phone. No new messages. His face scrunched up as he tapped out a message to Rinne asking where he was and how he better not be in trouble. Niki sighed and made his plate anyway, stomach rumbling and begging for nutrients. 
He ate his fill and wrapped up a plate of leftovers for Rinne before checking his phone again. Still nothing. He sighed and put the dishes in the sink before wandering into their shared bedroom to see if there would be any sort of hints as to where Rinne went. 
The closet and dresser were missing a set of winter clothes and Rinne’s winter boots, something he only wore when he went out foraging for food in the mountains. Then he noticed the note laying on the bed. The message was written in a hurry and read “I’ll be back tomorrow, don’t worry about me.” 
Niki crumpled the note in his hand. The nerve of that guy! Niki put on his own boots and grabbed a winter jacket before stalking out into the street, catching a taxi to the mountains. He had a vague idea of where he’d find Rinne and he was going to give him a piece of his mind, making him worry like that!
He eventually told the taxi to stop and paid the driver for their service before hopping out, seeing a set of footprints he’d know anywhere in the snow leading away from the road. Thank god it wasn’t snowing that day or Niki might never have found Rinne otherwise. He grabbed a snack from his pocket, took a bite, and started the trek to find Rinne. 
Ten minutes later, Niki was shivering and wondering just how far from the road Rinne had gone before he reached the end of the footprints at the base of a tree. He looked up to find Rinne leaning against the trunk from one of the lower branches, a can of something nursed in his bare hand red from the cold. Niki called out to Rinne and asked what was wrong, trying to get him to come down and go home. Niki even tried to promise he wouldn’t threaten to kick him out ever again if he’d just come home. 
Rinne didn’t so much as look down, giving only a grunt and an “I said I’d be home tomorrow.” Niki, out of frustration toward the man above him, kicked the tree and reached up to try and forcibly pull Rinne down. At least talk to me, what’s going on Rinne-kun, he begged. Rinne finally looked down and Niki finally saw how red and puffy his eyes were. Please, just leave me alone. I can’t do that, I promised to take care of you. 
The silence could be cut with a knife as Niki stared down Rinne until Rinne relented and climbed down from the tree. He hit the ground with a thud and pulled Niki into a hug, burying his face in Niki’s neck, mumbling something Niki couldn’t hear. Niki wrapped his arms around the other man, taking in the scent of his cologne, something he never expected to have missed as much as he did. 
Eventually, Rinne pulled away and took a final swig from his can which Niki could more clearly see as being beer now. Rinne was drunk and crying in the mountains and Niki had no idea why. Do you want to talk about it, he asked, taking Rinne’s hand in his own. Maybe when we get home. That sounds good to me, I saved you some dinner too. Rinne chuckled and his voice cracked. Niki decided not to mention it. 
They began to walk back to the road in relative silence, the only words coming from Niki on the phone calling another taxi to pick them up. Rinne remained uncharacteristically silent the whole ride home. 
By the time they got back, Rinne’s mood had thawed a little, whether that was from the warmth of the car or the alcohol in his system Niki didn’t care in that moment, just that Rinne was going back to normal. Rinne had let go of Niki’s hand when they entered the apartment as he made a beeline for their bedroom. Niki could hear him digging around for something before he came back out with a shoebox missing the lid. He set it on the coffee table and asked Niki to sit down with him. 
Niki obliged and sat next to Rinne as he began pulling objects Niki had never seen out of it, a photo with four people with striking red hair, a small locket, a clipping of hair, a brooch. Niki picked up the photo. Is this your family, he asked, voice small. Yeah, back when my mom was still alive. You said she passed when your brother was young. She did, this was taken just a few months before… 
Niki set the photo back on the table and turned to the locket, a smaller picture of the woman tucked inside, along with a photo of his brother in the other half. The hair and brooch must have been hers as well. The only things from his hometown Rinne had brought with him, things to remember his family by. 
Today’s the anniversary of her death, Rinne finally spoke again. Finally, everything clicked. He turned to face Rinne, hand on his shoulder. I’m sure she’d be proud of you, Rinne-kun. Tears began falling from Rinne’s eyes again as he turned to embrace Niki in a bear hug, so tight that Niki almost couldn’t breathe until he lightened up again. Thanks for…listening, Niki, I really appreciate it. 
Niki couldn’t tell if he simply imagined it, but as the two of them sat embraced on the couch in his apartment, he felt a third presence settle in with them, pulling them both in for a comforting embrace. 
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Creatuanary Art & Writing Challenge
A daily challenge for art or writing themed around different creatures, each with a different prompt for each day. Though do not fret if you end up missing a day or five lol
Day 1: Selkie
Day 2: Nothic
Day 3: Bat
Day 4: Phantom
Day 5: Spider
Day 6: Fenrir
Day 7: Satyr
Day 8: Elemental
Day 9: Fruit
Day 10: Ghoul
Day 11: Frost
Day 12: Druid
Day 13: Baku
Day 14: Strigoi
Day 15: Rokugyo
Day 16: Free Day
Day 17: Chimera
Day 18: Fae
Day 19: Kaiju
Day 20: Moss
Day 21: Dullahan
Day 22: Gargoyle
Day 23: Raven
Day 24: Slime
Day 25: Siren
Day 26: Alien
Day 27: Peryton
Day 28: Bee
Day 29: Nightmare
Day 30: Scales
Day 31: God
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deity-prompts · 2 years
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January Writing Challenge 2023 Theme: childhood.
Chalk drawings
Grazed knees
Birthday invitations
Training wheels
Small spoon
Plastic tiara
Night light
Hide and seek
Movie rental
Comfort food
Blanket forts
Home alone
Dress up
Secret hideout
Band aid
Packed lunch
Also see:
January Writing Challenge 2021
January Writing Challenge 2022
Writing Challenge Masterlist
Prompts Masterlist
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nosebleedclub · 2 years
January Prompts
1. decade 2. remember me 3. the harm 4. black jeans 5. kindling 6. wolf moon 7. grandparent 8. deadly bacteria 9. pyromania 10. smell of snow 11. bravery 12. faint galaxy 13. cut your hair 14. undress 15. hand glass 16. tea leaves 17. deerskin 18. problem child 19. Texan 20. young hearts 21. drawbridge 22. bunny 23. sands of time 24. third floor 25. cottonwood 26. spirit host 27. trap 28. the trade 29. dreaded funeral 30. out for blood 31. the thing you carry everywhere
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crazys-art · 9 months
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art summary of the year!! feel like i really made some progress this year
^ a link to the template i used!!
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chocolatechipkraken · 9 months
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Everybody get ready for the second year of Gemuary! Here's this year's prompt list, but you can also use the old one.
Make anything you want! Monsters, humanoids, fakemon, fan characters, just have fun!
Here are all the creatures I made last year!
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madgurl97 · 9 months
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A January of Firsts Day 6: First Gift
The origin of Rani's hat
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banannabethchase · 10 months
Christmas Gift
December Prompt Challenge day 5: Christmas books
I bit off more than I can chew with this challenge and now I'm going to be publishing like 7-10 fic(let)s a week HELP
“Open it.”
Eddie blinks as he takes the gift from Danny’s hands. “You got me a Christmas gift?”
Danny shrugs and resists the urge to take the gift back and run out of there. “Yeah? And?”
Eddie’s smile is unfairly gentle. “I just think it’s sweet.” He catches Danny by the jaw. “Look at me, baby. Thank you.”
Danny presses his lips together. “You can open it.” He watches silently as Eddie peels open the wrapping paper, more delicately than he’d expected.
“It’s a book,” Eddie says. He’s not frowning, exactly, but he looks confused.
“Olive the Other Reindeer,” Danny explains. “It was my favorite as a kid. I couldn’t think of what would be a good Christmas gift for you, so I figured…” He trails off.
“This is adorable,” Eddie says. “Fuck. I forget just how sweet you can be.” He glances up and down the hallway then hauls Danny in by the waist to kiss him. It’s head spinning and spine tingling, reaching all the way down to Danny’s toes.
“I was gonna put a bow on my ass and call it a day, but I figured the book was better,” Danny says when they finally pull apart. He smiles.
“Yeah? I’ll take that too.” Eddie lets him go enough to slap him on the ass. “Come to my hotel tonight, after the show. I’ll give you your gift then.”
Danny raises an eyebrow. “Is the gift your dick with a bow on it?”
Eddie throws his head back and laughs. It’s so goddamned pretty Danny forgets for a minute that he’s not allowed to fall in love with Eddie. “Nah, baby. I got something better.”
Danny scoffs before he can stop himself. “Doubt it.”
“Now you’re just being cute.” Eddie leans in and kisses Danny again, quick and sweet this time, and pulls back. “I’ll see you later.”
Danny watches him walk away, and begins to wonder if he could wear mistletoe as a belt.
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