#jared kleinman x reader
snarkii-hedgehog · 1 year
Introduction and Blog Rules
Hello! My name is Obsidian Asmodeus, though I will respond to any variation of nicknames based on that, and my pronouns are He/Him.
General Rules:
Homophobia, bullying, and/or discrimination of any type is unacceptable and will result in being blocked!
Hating on other people's ships and/or preferences is not tolerated.
Request Things:
Fandoms I write for:
The Arcana
The true Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (Comics and Album)
(If yall take an interest I can do my ocs x reader too)
Bonus Characters:
Connor Murphy
Jared Klienman
Eddie Munson
Larry Johnson
Travis Phelps
Andrew (Dodge) Mason
Things I Will Not Write:
Writing Styles:
One Shots
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emrickzhomepalace · 1 year
“little lightning stars” - j.k
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jared kleinman x reader
fem non-binary reader
plus-size reader
angsty at first but quickly goes to fluff
warnings: self-deprecation, anxiety/panic attack, also as a btw i am not a plus-size person writing this so if i write smth rude or out of line here lmk asap!
words: 302
this was all stupid. they had no reason to be crying on one of the happiest days of the year - well, for most, anyhow.
valentines day could be a happy day for couples and a sad day for singles. but here’s the thing, y/n was neither, they weren’t single but they weren’t happy, what gives right?
y/n’s boyfriend, jared, should be here with them spending the day cuddling and watching rom-coms, as they did the year before
but jared was no where to be seen, and at the worst of moments.
y/n is considered by most ‘overweight’, and although jared disagrees, they can’t help but feel sickened in their own skin.
the very moment y/n slipped into their clothes for today they immediately broke down, feeling awfully in their own body.
and not having jared there to console them, only worsened matters.
“honeyyy! i’m home!!” jared cooed, he turned to see his lover, y/n, barely able to breathe and in such a state of panic.
“hey, hey, hey.. sweat pea? what’s wrong?” jared asked, cupping his beautiful lovers face.
“i-i’m sorry!” y/n cried, hugging jared tightly.
“no, no it’s okay, it’s okay. what happened?” jared asked, still so confused
“i-i just feel so ugly in my body! i hate it! w-with how fat i am, a-and my stretch marks! i-i just..” the one sobbed into the dark haired boys chest.
he patted their hair softly, and pulled their chin upward to look at him.
“look, sweetie, i bought you some flowers and sweets for valentine’s day. we can put the flowers in a vase, and just, eat snacks and cuddle up and watch movies? let’s take your thoughts on vacation, okay?” jared explained, looking at his dearest lovers face for approval.
y/n looked up at jared, smiling. “yeah, let’s do it.”
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sadboi-writer · 2 years
Hello there :)
I just want to say that I am very new to tumblr and i dont know how this works haha
Can I request a connor murphy x reader where the reader stands up for him in the cafeteria at the first day of school? And that the reader kinda struggles with their mental health and they just comfort each other and stuff? I hope that's okay :)
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An Angel In Disguise
Connor Murphy x Reader
Warnings: Cussing, mention of suicide
Summary: When Derek Fulton takes it upon himself to call out the "freak" of the school it's not Evan Hansen or Jared Kleinman who sticks up for Connor. No, it's the newest student at the school Y/N L/N who wrecks Derek's pride and defends the broody boy. Maybe it's because they can clock Connor's problems from a mile away.
A/N: Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for not writing in so long! I got really caught up in the first musical of my senior year. But, I'm on thanksgiving break now so I'll try to get out as many requests as I can!
A sigh fell from their lips.
Too loud. Y/N thought as they pushed through the crowd of students fighting to get to their first hours.
Looking down at their schedule Y/N saw the locker number and combination written on it by the counselor. They found it, but there were already four guys in front of it.
One was blond, he was wearing a blue shirt, and he looked nervous. Another had brown curly hair and boxy glasses, he wore a Galaga t-shirt under a black starry button down. Another looked like a stereotypical jock, letterman jacket, red close cropped hair, and a fuck-boy face. The fourth guy had longer brown hair, it was down to his shoulders, and he was wearing layers of grey and black.
It looked like the jock was giving them some trouble. Y/N rolled their eyes, So fucking cliche, they thought.
Y/N approached their locker, and the jock eyed them warily.
"Just kill yourself, Murphy." He said, seemingly to the longer haired one
Y/N straightened their shoulders, turning to the small group. Before the jock could continue Y/N placed a hand on his chest, pushing him away from the boys.
"Ew. No, sir." Y/N snapped, "Who the fuck do you think you are to say that to someone? How about you do everyone a favor, apologize to him, and then go learn how to be a decent person."
"And who are you?" The guy growled
Y/N smiled, "Y/N L/N. And your worst nightmare if you don't turn around and apologize to the tree that gave you the air to say that."
The jock huffed and walked away. Y/N turned back to the other boys. The proclaimed “Murphy” was staring at the ground. 
“So, he’s a complete asshole, huh?” Y/N commented
The boy in blue nodded, “Y-Yeah. Uh, thank you.”
Y/N softened at the nervousness of the boys. The one in the starry button down was looking anywhere but at Y/N. They stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Are you guys okay?” Y/N asked softly
“Uhm, yeah.” said button down boy
“Murphy?” Y/N cooed
He looked up, he was fighting back tears. Y/N could tell, they’d done that so many times. He was trying to not cry in front of his friends. 
“I’m fine.” He mumbled
Y/N nodded, “I’ll walk with you to class.”
The other two boys waved and walked away. Y/N took “Murphy”’s hand and walked him out to the front steps. A look of confusion donning his face. Y/N sat and patted the spot next to them.
“Don’t listen to that guy.” Y/N said, “He’s an asshole who wants to make you miserable because he doesn’t want anyone to be happy.”
He shook his head, “I wasn’t gonna-”
“Yes you were,” Y/N gave him a look, “I’ve been there, dude. It gets to be too much, doesn’t it?”
He was silent for a moment.
His response was quiet, almost inaudible. Y/N looked over and saw the tears had finally been released. 
“It just feels like it would be so much easier. That so many people would be so much happier without me.” 
Y/N nodded, they had been there. Had felt that exact thing.
“But they wouldn’t. Your friends? Those boys from the hall? Would be absolutely devastated.” Y/N replied, “Your parents would be crushed. All of your teachers would ask how they could’ve helped you more. Peers? They would think back on every single thing they said to you and regret not talking to you more. It seems easier, but it isn’t.”
He was silent, tears flowing. And Y/N wrapped their arm around his shoulder.
“It’ll pass. You wanna know how I know? Because I’ve been there.” Y/N continued, “There will be highs and lows. Times where all you want to do is go to sleep and not wake up. But, every day that you wake up and cope with all of those emotions. You’re winning a battle. A battle for your future. A future that is so, so bright.”
He sniffled, “Thank you.”
Y/N pulled him against them and let him cry into their shirt. And there they stayed for the rest of first hour. A new friendship blossoming.
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thesillychro · 2 months
Dating Jared Kleinman headcanons!
Jared Kleinman x Fem!Reader
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• He leaves you for a man
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sxtvrns · 2 years
to reunite and resolve
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🎶 now playing: don’t grow up too fast - grentperez
P: Connor Murphy x Fem!Reader
S: You were the one of the only people he called a friend. He wanted to call you more than that.
W: mentions of drug use, smoking, anxiety, cursing, sexual content, spoilers, short
N: Basing this off of Mike Faist’s Connor Murphy, because his version of Connor the one I envisioned while writing this. Some information is taken from the book adaptation of the musical. In the book, Connor explains that he is some form of LGBTQ+, yet it is never specified; hints of this are being used in this fic. this is super short and kinda shit LMAO
please interact if you enjoy!
When he first threw that printer in second grade, you were the first thing he saw out of the corner of his eye. Everyone… well, almost everyone, looked at him in horror, screams so loud they could be heard from down the hall, besides Jared Kleinman, who said that the whole facade was so cool.
Some kids ran, some kids took cover, but you stood there with your mouth hanging open, gaze switching between Mrs. G and Connor. And to think the only reason for this was because he didn’t get to be line leader that day.
He couldn’t tell what you thought of him after that. There wasn’t a single thought behind your face that could determine whether you thought he was cool or you thought he was insane. But he resorted to the worst— you thinking he was a crazy maniac who had a breakdown only because he didn’t get what he wanted that day.
But no, that wasn’t the case. He sat down under a tree during recess one day, and you just so happened to be lurking on the other side of it. You peeked out, looking at the book he was reading. “Is that The Little Prince?” You ask, startling him. “Yeah. Why?”
“It was a bit sad, but I liked it. Which part are you on?”
“The part where he dies.”
“I’ve read this book 5 times.”
“So it’s your favourite?” He shrugs. “One of them.” You sit down next to him, eyes skimming over the words on the page. “I don’t like Mrs. G very much. She always finds something wrong in my work and points it out to the class,” you start, staring at Mrs. G who’s talking to a teacher far across the playground. “I don’t think you should do it again, but I thought that was cool.”
“What was cool?”
“When you threw that printer. Was it heavy?” He shakes his head. “You’re strong! That’s even cooler!”
He shuts his book with a quiet thump. “Shouldn’t you be talking to Lily over there? Or… Jane?” You shrug. “I don’t really have a group of friends. I talk to them and we’re friendly with each other, but… they don’t like the things I like. I don’t know– it seems like on some days they don’t like me and then other days they do. Maybe I’m just scared of that.”
“You’re lucky the printer didn’t hit Mrs. G. You’re even luckier you didn’t get in big trouble. I think that you were angry and you didn’t mean to hurt anyone.” He’s surprised by how well you manage to read him. He didn’t even know how he felt himself. It was an overwhelming feeling of rage that any six year old would have when things didn’t go their way, just that he approached it in a way that no one would believe a six year old would be able to do.
“Do you wanna see the books I’m reading later? You can borrow them if you’d like.” Connor looks at you and that stupid hopeful expression on your face, reluctantly nodding. He wasn’t one to turn down a read. He’d gotten sick of the rose hunting prince anyways.
Most kids in your class would rather go for the toys and playmat while the library picked up dust. Connor watched you every time you went to the little library in your room to pick up a book, always leaning over to see what you were reading. You seemed like one of the only avid readers in your class, not dozing off or merely flipping pages for convenience during silent reading. You really took your time in absorbing what was on the pages; sometimes he witnessed you even shed a tear.
From there, the two of you became good friends. Every partner project, you two would pair up. Every gym class, you’d be on the same team. If anything involved pairs, it would always be the two of you together, to the point where people started joking that you two were dating. Of course, you always brushed it off, but Connor seemed to think otherwise.
At the time, he couldn’t put his finger on what exactly he felt about you. He felt safe, happy, content. He also felt compassionate, open, and endearing. But years later, only when he went to Hanover and was in his first relationship, dealing with a multitude of emotional troubles, was when he realized what those feelings were.
Connor’s head rested on Miguel’s chest as he exhaled a puff of smoke. “She read a lot, sometimes I went over to her place, she always stayed by my side even thought she was made fun of, we’d trade lunches–“ He’s cut off by the sound of his friend chuckling. “Wow, you must’ve really liked her.”
“I mean, I don’t think I’ve heard any guy in our entire school talk about a girl… not sexually.”
“That’s because we were in elementary. I wasn’t perverted.”
“Still, you blabber about her with such purity. Like a girl you really did love, even if you only were in the seventh grade. She seems nice. If you ever find her again, you should introduce her to me.” In the words that Miguel put it in, he was finally able to understand why he got so much more nervous around you. Why he’d scold himself for doing something moronic in front of you, unless that something made you laugh; he’d let out an internal sigh of relief.
Why he tended to defend you if someone teased you. Why he’d freeze up when your arm would brush against his. Why he’d always overthink about what you thought of him, knowing that you’d never leave his side. Instead, he left yours. He could see the hurt in your eyes after he told you he was moving schools and it almost made him want to stay just for you.
But knowing his parents, they wouldn’t understand why he’d change his mind so last minute.
Sometimes he didn’t understand why you stayed by his side. He knew you were somewhat of a fragile person, but watched you desensitize to those comments over the years.
Connor feels guilty talking about an old undetermined crush with a boy he was on indefinite terms with, but Miguel didn’t seem to mind. “I guess I did like her.” He squeezes Miguel’s hand, suddenly overwhelmed with disappointment. “And now I’ll never be able to see her again.”
“Didn’t you say you went to her place for projects and stuff? Couldn’t you pay her a visit?”
“What if she moved?”
Miguel scoffs. “Highly doubt it. What comes here, stays here.”
The suggestion played on loop in Connor’s head every day, even contemplating actually paying a visit. Yet he never owned up to it, until he was expelled and moved to a new school. Again.
You rest your head on the desk, ignoring the homework reminders being given to the class. You stare blankly at the teacher through your hair, another boy coming into view that you hadn’t seen before.
His hair was brown, curly, and nearly reached his shoulders. He had defining cheekbones and painted nails, dark clothes and a messenger bag. A new student. A new student that you couldn’t help but think looked familiar to you, until you heard his name.
Connor Murphy.
He sat down in front of you, putting his bag to the side and kicking it under his desk. You wanted to talk to him, but it seemed like he didn’t recognize you either. Was it really him? The Connor Murphy who you sat under trees with, reading books and arguing about your favourite characters? The Connor Murphy who barely passed 4th grade?
“Connor…” You mutter a bit too loud, his head turned to side eye you. “What?” He replies, almost aggressively, his stare dark and hardening. You couldn’t believe it was him. But really, how many other Connor Murphy’s could there be in suburban New York?
He begins to turn away until you begin speaking. “Do you still read The Little Prince?” This time, he fully turns to you, eyes wide and no longer dull. “How many times have you read it since I’ve talked to you under that tree?” You smile, and Connor swears his heart stops. Out of pure shock, not attraction.
“Y/N?” He asks, and you nod, his face lighting up with a small smile. “Holy shit…” He sighs, his reaction making you giggle.
You’ve changed. You stopped tying your hair up, you gained a pair of dark circles, and he could just feel maturity radiating from you somehow. At least, you were more mature than he was.
“Um, I don’t really have anyone to hang out with during lunch. Do you wanna catch up then?” You offer, his head tilting. “Why not now? Instead of working on that project of yours.” Your face drops. “There’s a project?” What project was he talking about? Was it– oh, it was the role model one. You finished it already.
“Lucky you don’t have to do it. If we present, we get extra credit. I’m not up for humiliation though.” He turns around fully, and your eyes are drawn to his hands, slim and a bit veiny. He adorned a bracelet and his nail polish was black. He played with his fingers almost nervously, his hands on your desk. “What have you been up to?”
“I picked up guitar. Um, I do some vocal stuff outside of school.”
“Like performances?”
You nod. “Different genres. Jazz, pop, R&B… I’m in a few groups.” He nods. “I didn’t know you could sing.”
“I never showed off when we were younger. I’ve been taking lessons for a while.”
“Maybe you could show me later. Y’know, outside of school.” He quips with a hoping smile. “Are you flirting with me, Murphy?” You ask, leaning forward slightly, his eyes moving from your chest back to your eyes. “Maybe.” You scoff, shoving away his face. “You’re a pervert now?” You laugh, but his smile slowly begins to disappear.
“Oh, I was joking, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that– I mean, no one’s perverted to their childhood best friend right?” You awkwardly laugh while he sighs. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to look at you like that.”
“Like what?”
“Y/N, I was staring at your boobs.”
“Like a pervert?”
“For fuck’s sake, L/N, I am not a pervert.”
“Never said you were.”
You were provoking him. If it was another person doing the same thing, he’d have their head. Thrown something at them or given them a black eye. With you, it was all natural humour and jokes. He could brush it off without the need for bruising. The worst part was that you didn’t know you were aggravating him, with your cheeky smile and mischievous gaze.
Later that day, during lunch, you catch Connor off guard, leaning against a tree in the back of the school grounds where no one was, blowing out smoke. He tended to find solace in places where it was quiet and mostly alone. In high school, it was hard to find that kind of privacy, so you thought he’d be away and in the back where no one hung out, besides the drug dealers and porn magazine sellers.
“You smoke now?” You ask, him inhaling and letting out another puff. “I started a while ago. Keeps me sane.” He pulls it away from his mouth, contemplating. “I was gonna offer you some but, you sing now. I guess that comes in conflict.” How sweet of him to be so considerate. “Yeah. Wouldn’t wanna try it either way.”
You pause for a moment, watching him discard the joint. “How was Hanover?” You ask, a rush of memories overwhelming him all at once. “It was a fresh start. I liked it. I, um, made out with a dude? I don’t know, it was complicated.” You certainly didn’t expect that. “You had a boyfriend, then?”
“I dunno, we never specified on it. Complicated relationship.”
“How about girlfriends?” You hear him scoff. “You really think a guy that went to an all boys school would find a girlfriend?” You shrug, standing beside him. “I thought it was common for all boys and all girls schools to collaborate or host events together.”
“I don’t know if there were any collaborating events. I always skipped. Speaking of skipping, would you like to join me on a trip to Burger King instead of going to fifth and sixth?” You shouldn’t be surprised he’s skipping classes. He always joked about doing so in elementary, yet it never crossed your mind to contemplate if he was actually going to do so. “Unlike you, I actually care about my grades. You can come over if you’d like.”
“After years you still expect me to know the address?” He jokes. “I haven’t moved. I’ll text you.” You pull out your phone, opening your contacts app and letting him type in his number. He set his contact name as ‘C’, with a cigarette emoji next to it. “If you ever call me and that name pops up on my phone while I’m with my dad, he is going to kill me. Thinking I have a dealer or something.”
“Well, if you need anything, you know where to find me.”
You text him the address, not seeing him for the rest of the school day. He frequently skipped classes, except for the classes you two had together. He came over many times, your dad eventually meeting him when he wasn’t rushing out the door for work.
Only… one particular visit caused something to happen with reasons unknown.
You open the window, lighting some scented candles you found in the closet. Connor looked at his joint, inspecting it carefully, instead tossing it somewhere in his bag rather than lighting it, laying face up on your bed with a sigh.
The first time he was in your room, the first thing he asked was:
“Why the fuck is there sheet music everywhere?”
Which surprised you at first, mostly because you didn’t think he’d know what it was in the first place. He’d always smoke, mostly out the window, and you’d drench your room in air freshener afterwards so your dad wouldn’t know.
Connor was a very touchy person, especially when he was high. Sometimes he’d rest his head on your shoulder, his breath smelling of weed. Or on your lap, where his hair sometimes got trapped between your thighs. A hand on your leg, or on your thigh. You didn’t think of it at first, because it was Connor.
Though he took touchy to an extreme one day.
“Have you kissed anyone yet? Y’know, while I haven’t seen you.” You look up at him from your paper, amused. “Why are you asking?” He shakes his head, turning over and looking at you. “Oh, no, just wondering. So is that a no?” You sigh with a silent laugh. “No, I haven’t kissed anyone, Connor.”
“So you’re a virgin, then?”
“Connor, where is this coming from?”
“Do you know about the jocks constantly rambling about all the girls they have sex with?” He ignores your question with another question. “Yeah. It’s fucking annoying.” You scoff with a breathy laugh, taking a sip from your bottle. “You know they talk about you, right?”
You nearly spit out your water, saving the drops that fall from your mouth from falling onto your shorts. “Excuse me?” You say after swallowing. “Yeah. It’s all, ‘Bet 10 bucks I can bang her’ while they point at you. Or they go, ‘Jesus, wonder how much she can take’.”
“So I’m being objectified?” He nods slowly, looking up at you through his messy hair. “Unfortunately, yes. Want me to do something?”
“If it results in you getting suspended, no.”
“You sure? Those guys are dicks.”
“They’ll never believe us without any proof. And your reputation is bad enough already. I don’t want you to fall any more because of me.”
“Y/N, I’ll do anything for you.”
Those words make you pause and reflect. Was he high? No, because he tossed his joint in his bag anywhere. Even then, Connor would never say that for anyone. It seemed so out of character for him that you almost laughed.
“Are you high?”
“I know damn well you wouldn’t do anything for anyone.”
“Y/N, I’m serious.” His gaze is stern, dark, and hard but also eager, glossy and hopeful. “I don’t know, maybe it is the weed I smoked twelve hours ago, but you’re really pretty. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to become friends with someone like you.”
“Someone like me?”
“Someone so pretty that doesn’t give a fuck about the fact I do drugs or the shit I’m dealing with. I really like you, Y/N. Always have. You didn’t single me out, you never left my side— you’re the one person in my fucked up life that makes me feel like I belong. That I matter.” Your childhood best friend, who’s now sitting up with a hand on your thigh, just confessed his undying love to you.
And you had to admit, the more you two started to hang out and reconnect, the more you started to develop something of an attraction to him. He never smiled at anyone but you, he didn’t push you away or glare at you; it was like he had a soft spot just for you, and it made you like him even more.
“I hope you aren’t gonna fuck me over. Y’know, if you don’t like me back.” His finger traces patterns on your thigh, the way his hand unknowingly rides up making your brain go haywire. “I’m… I, uh– I’m not.” He looks at you, for some reason, disappointed. “Should’ve known you didn’t. Forget this ever happened, then.”
“No, no! I like you! I really do like you, Connor. You’re charming and handsome and…” You hear him huff out a laugh, his face closing in on yours. “I know no one else thinks of me like that but you. You’re obsessed with me.”
“Could say the same for you, Murphy.”
His head tilts, his nose touching yours. “Wanna kiss you.” He mutters. You simply nod, inviting. “Okay.” You reply. He presses his lips to yours, feeling full and complete the moment you two meet. He can sense your confusion at first, but you managed to learn how to move with him quickly. Perks of being a fast learner.
He hovers on top of you on your bed, admiring you when he pulls away. His eyes shamelessly trail down from your face, to your chest, your stomach, your legs, his face cupped in your hands and pulling him towards you to kiss him again.
His tongue slipped into your mouth, the mood instantly erotic.
His hands are all over you. The back of your head, your shoulders, your waist, your hips, your thighs; he placed them wherever he could push you closer to him. When his mouth follows his hands to descend to your neck, you let out a soft whimper, panicking when you barely catch sight of the door.
“W-Wait.” You pant, nudging Connor for him to move to the side. You scramble off your bed, closing the window and the curtain and turning off the lights, going for the doorknob. “Thought you said your dad wasn’t home.” Connor says as you lock the door. “Never know when he will be.”
When you join him on the bed, his hands at the hem of your shirt, you stop him with a touch on his wrist. “Um, I don’t…”
“Oh, shit, did I go too far? I’m sorry–“
“No, no! I want it, I really do, but… you know...” He realized how nervous you were, remembering you haven’t done anything like this before. He gives you a gentle kiss on your forehead, tucking your hair behind your ear. “You know I have. You trust me?” He asks, giving you doe eyes you’ve never seen before. You nod, emitting a chuckle from him. “Let me take care of you then.”
Sex was one thing. Having sex with your best friend is another.
It’s either your dad stayed at work all night or he’s in grave danger, given you haven’t heard him scream out of pure horror, then yell at you first thing in the morning. You woke up unbothered, naked, and held by your best friend. Unless this whole thing changed your relationship.
Were you even friends anymore? Was this a friends with benefits thing now? But he practically confessed to you yesterday, unless he was high. But he didn’t smoke anything, and the room doesn’t smell that bad…
One thing is for sure: Connor Murphy knows how to fuck.
Maybe it was the fact that you were a complete virgin or that you did whatever he asked you to, but you swear you could still feel how you felt last night when he was in you.
Your head rests on his arm, wrapping around you and holding you close to him. The ends of his hair touch your own head, and you blow them out of the way. You can feel him move, and he groans, meaning you woke him up. You lean into him more, feeling his fingers lightly brush your side. You feel his head turn, his hair moving from your head.
“Hi.” He says, peering down at you. You look up at him, noticing his gaze. “Hi.”
He plants a kiss on your forehead, his fingers moving to brush through your hair. “I think I passed out after.” You say, hearing him chuckle. “You did. When I came back to clean up, you were nearly snoring.”
“Oh god, I snore?”
He notices you going silent, immediately worried. “I was just joking! Well, kind of, you snore, but not loudly. Not like a dad snore.” You giggle into the side of his arm, followed by a brief moment of silence. “What are we now?”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t think friends confess their undying love for each other and tie it off with sex.”
He pauses, hearing quiet hums come from his mouth. “Can I be your boyfriend, then?” He feels you nod against his arm while you hum in response. “Yeah.” You get out from under the covers, going to stand up until a brief pain shoots up your legs.
Memories of the night before suddenly come rushing in. “Fuck those jocks, I’m the only one who can see you like this.” He said, after making a mess of you with only his fingers.
He really fucked you good last night.
You curse under your breath, legs weak as you stare at the scattered clothes on the ground, tossing your own into the laundry basket by your door. You grab a new change, turning around and noticing Connor staring at you the whole time, an expression you can’t make out.
“I was that good? Your legs are shaking.” You roll your eyes and throw his shirt at him after putting on a pair of shorts. “Shut up. A real boyfriend would help me and not make fun of me.” He fake pouts, getting out of bed and putting on his own clothes.
You turn on the TV downstairs, the morning news playing and showing the date as Friday.
You’re beyond late.
“Turns out there was a gas leak so there’s no school. That works out great for us.” Connor says as if he could read your mind. You hear the garage door open, meaning your dad had just come home from work. He enters the room, seeing both of you standing by the kitchen counter.
“Shouldn’t you two be at school?” Is the first thing your dad says, eyeing both of you. “Cancelled. Gas leak.” You feel Connor’s hand rest at your hip, wanting to swat it away but knowing your dad already saw it just by the look on his face. “Did he use protection? I know you’re on those pills, but–“
“Oh my god, yes, he did, look– can we talk about this later?” Your dad shrugs and nods before heading for the stairs, hearing Connor laugh beside you. “How did he know?” You panic, placing toast on both your plates. “Maybe he saw your legs shaking from there.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
You glare at him, giving him a brief kiss before bringing both your plates to the table. He quite literally does as you say, keeping quiet the entire time he eats his breakfast.
You should do that more often.
You knew that Connor was a very mischievous person. He always has been.
He’d skip classes, casually threaten people as if it were nothing, smoke weed; he nearly flushed firecrackers down a toilet once. He didn’t go through with it because you told him not to.
He was also mischievous in terms of your relationship.
He let you leave hickeys wherever you saw fit, in places visible and invisible. You were more wary of it. He showed them off proudly; well, not really proudly, he just didn’t mind if people saw or stared at him with hanging jaws. He couldn’t be bothered to cover them— the only time he did care was when his family would point them out.
He’d sneak out and go to your place frequently; he always preferred your house over his, mostly because he felt like he had a parent he could actually tolerate (and love). If your dad were to ever barge in, he’d stare at Connor, then at you, then at Connor’s bag, and ask if he had protection before leaving and closing the door. Connor always said yes.
It was also a convenient reminder for you to lock your door anytime Connor was in your room, since most of the time nights would always end in sex.
You fumbled for your keys to unlock the front door, Connor’s lips on yours when you stumbled inside. You didn’t notice a bunch of men in the living room, including your dad, holding beer bottles and staring at you until you saw them out of the corner of your eye. “Welcome back. How was the party?” Your dad asks, as if he didn’t see the escapade between you and your boyfriend.
“It was shhh– It sucked. Yeah. It sucked. Hi.” You mutter the last part, eyes quickly dashing over everyone who’s attention is taken away from the game on the TV. “Um, we’re just gonna… yeah.” You drag Connor with you out of their sight and upstairs.
“Does he have–“
You slam your door shut, locking it, seeing Connor visibly nervous. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Was the party too much?”
“A little bit. And then… your dad’s friends just staring at us. I don’t know– anxiety? This is a stupid thing to be worried about.” You sit down next to him, hugging him while rubbing his back. “Don’t worry about them, okay? They’ve probably done the same when they were younger.”
You feel him sigh into your shoulder, his voice muffled.
“Thank you.”
don’t grow up too fast. don’t leave me in the past. as long as you never change who you are, i know in your heart i’m never far. 🎧
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aceditwrites · 1 year
The Master List (hi)
Master List:
Hi, i’m ace. I got really bored and i need an excuse to procrastinate on my personal writing projects so i decided to start an account dedicated to just writing. So like, you can request almost anything (limits below) like if you want like a platonic fic just ask! If you want the reader to be the kid or sibling of the character, i’ll do it! You can be as specific or as vague as you want, eventually i’ll get some prompts for help but for now, you gotta wing it. Also I’ll write for like any fandom even if i dont know it, i’ll try my hardest but i’d prefer if you stuck to the list below. Anyways yeah.  (also pfp is nyurei on picrew)
So basic rules, 
If youre an nsfw account dni, also i will not write smut regardless of age given i’m a minor
No incest 
I’m currently only doing x readers, that might change in the future but for now no ocs or ships
I’d prefer if you didn’t request x reader with an actual person, (ex. Instead of asking for a Maya Hawke x reader, ask for a Robin Buckley x reader)
If you know a character’s sexuality and you dont fit, dont ask (ex. Nico is gay, I will not write Nico x fem! reader)
Please specify pronouns when requesting 
Please keep in mind i’m not a professional writer 
Please use common sense and dont do something that makes me have to update the rules
Anyways, so fandoms i’ll write for
It 2017/2019: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon (specify if you want 2017 or 2019)
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Nico Di Angelo, Will Solace
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Kevin Tran, Crowley, Charlie Bradbury, Rowena (does girly have a last name 💀), Jack Kline (platonic only)
South park (platonic only for everyone, they’re children): Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman, Kenny McCormick, Butters Scotch, Tolkien Black (or is it Token? I swear its always spelled different), Timmy, Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Jimmy Valmer, Wendy Testaburger 
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory: Darius Bowman (i’d prefer if we kept it platonic with him but romance is ok i guess), Kenji Kon, Brooklyn, Yasmina Fadoula, Sammy Guiterrez, Ben Pincus, 
Marvel: Tony Stark (platonic only, so sorry) Steve Rodger, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Peter, Ned Leeds, M.J, Harley Keener, Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, Shuri, T'Challa, Okoye
The Owl House: Luz Noceda, Willow Park, Amity Blight, Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Gus Porter, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorn, Hooty (platonic preferred, but if you freaky like that go ahead and ask for romance, see what happens), Raine Whispers
The Umbrella Academy: Luther, Diego, Alison, Klaus, Five (would he date a kid or an adult cause-), Ben (he can be alive or yall could be ghosts), Vanya 
Dear Evan Hansen: Connor Murphy (my beloved), Evan Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Zoe Murphy, Alana Beck
Heather: Heather Chandler, Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, Veronica Sawyer, Jason Dean, Martha Dunnstock
Invincible: Mark Grayson, Debbie Grayson, Eve Wilkins, Rex Splode, Amber Bennet, William Clockwell
Idk how any of this works but uh have fun
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ratatoast · 2 years
I think I've read (almost) every jared kleinman x reader fanfic on this site AND ao3 lol like it's not even funny anymore
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astrochemstry · 3 years
Jared Kleinman HC: having a crush on him, you don't wanna admit it but everyone knows
I was lying in bed and then i got this idea and it sounded really cute so i made it a reality asjdfbasjh im having a brainrot
Reader is gender neutral and its romance
OK lets go to the start so
SO you met there
And as in met
He accidentally uh
Well yk those log things you gotta walk on??
He slipped and accidentally bumped into you
And you fell on the mud lmao
Bro was trying vv hard not to laugh actually
“Kleinman, apologize to (Name).”
Ok so like youre still mad but
Throughout your time there he makes it up with
sO some hcs here are from @/bemorecronch pls check them out vv good at writing jared and hilarious as hell
So one of their hcs is that if he likes u he randomly gives u food
oH diD I NOT MENTioN??
So like one time you dropped your snack and like vv frustrated bcs you fell in mud and now your snack fell in mud
So he goes up to you and shoves his spare sandwich onto you
Youre like ???? but then he jsut raises and eyebrow
“Don’t you know how to eat or did that dirt change everything in you??”
You choose whether you smacked him or not
But like after that and everything, he sat with you and just ate with ya
Then the crushing started
“Arent you that mud person from camp??” “Arent you that asshole who shoved me??”
Sassy conversations
Murphy siblings live for it tbh
They love you
And then heres the thiNG
You guys just sat together and ate bcs i mean thats what you did at camp too
You guys we’re vv close and be reminded you have a crush on him
So liKE your body started to heat up and ik for some skin colors it wont be visible youre blushiNG BUT SINCE YOURE SO CLOSE HE CAN FEEL THE HEAT
Hes concerned bro “are you okay??”
Totally not an excuse to touch you
So like you just froze?? Bcs oH SHIT ohIUSHAHH????
Alana was there and you were like oh thank god
But alana
But dw she doesnt like say it out and tease you
Takes you away and stuff “Oh god! (Name) are you okay? Lets go to the nurse.”
She doesnt take you to the nurse lmao
“So, you like someone?”
React how you want she aint gonna fall for you denying it
But like its you who, well, makes it less of a secret lmao
Like youre very expressive abt it
Everyone knows
The school knows
And you guessed it!
Bro is happy as hell you like him back but don't forget hes a little shit
Teases you tbh
Like if youre sitting down and reading or smth hes just like “oh whats that??” and gets vERY CLOSE
From acts of service to physical toUCH
If you like passed a test or something he just awkwardly goes up to you and pats your back
“Good job” “uh thanks”
Hes silently crying inside bcs of that
Ok but like one day lets say Alana encourages you to confess
So you do and like when you see Jared youre just
Oh shit oh fuck oh no nope nO
But like he sees you and he just goes to you like “whats up??”
Its just casual
Too casual
So you didnt wanna confess in like a crowded hall lol so you tell him to meet you at some place like uh idk you choose
So Jared
Aint dumb ok
An asshole but this shit is fucking smart
And first thing he thinks is ‘theyre gonna confess. Definitely.’
No doubts bcs he knows u like him lmao
So you meet
And bro got a huge smirk on his face
“Soo- what did you want to talk about?”
Hes just so calm?? And casual? That youre freaked out and suspicious bcs you expect him to spit out some mean things and stuff
“Uh- this is- wait uh” “go on.” “weLL- uH”
Then he laughs
You guys know what im talking about
“You sound like Evan” hes wHEEZing
“LOOK i LIKE you okay???”
“Everyone does” “No i mean- the- the like like”
Bro acts like he doesnt understand
So uh yeaH you kiss hiM
Look he knows u like him but hes still shocked bcs daMN
In the end, he just goes “oh i know you do. Everyone does.” with a smiLE
Smack him smACK hiM
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readbyred · 3 years
Things Jared Kleinman definitely does
Pairing: Jared Kleinman x Gn!Reader
Fandom: Dear Evan Hansen
Warnings: none
A/n: I love him so much
When you’re on the phone he moans obnoxiously
Steals your food
Sets random alarms on your phone at like, 4am
Talks you into pranking Evan with him
Leaves out condoms around you (you know well that they are all expired and no more than a prop-)
Puts on movies like “Human Centipede” at sleepovers
Plays All-Star and Airplanes obnoxiously loud when he gives you a ride
Plays Happy Birthday on a kazoo for you
Drives with you to get food at 3am
Definitely showed you two girls one cup with no warning, especially if you’re more of an innocent person
Like I know this is not okay in the least, but Jared isn't perfect, he's not always the best person
Fake-spoils movies you want to watch
Plays with settings on your phone to make your life harder
If you’re a fanfiction writer - as soon as he gets ahold of your works he can and will pretend to read them out loud in public, just to give you a heart attack
Gives you those obnoxious Facebook t-shirts every chance he gets
And most importantly
Loves you and cares about you😌
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aures-nook · 4 years
im writing jared kleinman spicy hcs cause someone mentioned him and i think this is what they wanted but im not sure and they havent said yes to it so anyways im doing it
first of all-
teasing bastard
will go down on you for hours
and i mean hours
you tell this man to shut up once during the day you best bet he’s making a dumb remark
“oh honey, trust me, i’d rather be doing something very different with this tongue of mine”
he honestly enjoys soft slow sex
like- idk
also dont mind me but i see him as a stoner-
especially in college and shit
so uh-
high sex high sex high sex\
im not sorry
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dehobsessed · 4 years
Partners pt 2 | College!Connor Murphy x Reader
a/n: so I had originally planned to make this a series but after the first part I kinda went MIA and never posted again but I finally have some inspiration so here is part two
Exchanging numbers with Connor had been the best decision you could have possibly made. Sure, the conversation started out focused on the final project, but eventually it shifted into something different, something more personal. You both sent each other quotes and lyrics that you loved, you sent him a few clips of your favorite pieces of writing. He vented to you about his family and parents, you talked about how lonely you felt sometimes. Eventually, you didn’t have to walk to class anymore. Connor picked you up every morning, your favorite coffee already waiting for you. 
You enjoyed Connor’s company a lot, but you knew that the two of you would soon be parting ways. The end of the semester was coming up, which meant that the project that brought the two of you together was almost completed. You really didn’t want this semester to be over, you’d enjoyed all of your classes so much, and you’d actually made some friends, mostly because of Connor’s pushing. 
It was the second to last day of class and, as usual, Connor picked you up in front of your dorm. It wasn’t far from your classes, definitely not too far of a walk, but it was getting warmer out and it was much more uncomfortable walking in the heat than the cold. The drive to campus was much quieter than usual, and Connor seemed to pick up on this pretty quickly, as he tried to fill the space with jokes and music, anything to get you to smile up at him. 
Connor’s a little shocked when you, without saying a thing to him, get out and bolt for the classroom, leaving your still warm coffee behind. He grabs it for you and makes his way after you, long legs allowing him to quickly catch up to you.
“Hey, what’s going on with you?” He asks, stepping in front of you, forcing you to stop. 
“It’s nothing, Connor, don’t worry about it.” You say, pushing your glasses higher up on your nose as you avoid his gaze.
“It doesn’t seem like nothing. Seriously, what’s going on?” He asks, eyes focused on you.
“I’m just not ready for this semester to end because that means this ends.” Your voice is soft, eyes glued to the ground in front of you. You can hear him sigh and shuffle closer to you, and then you feel his hand take yours. 
“This doesn’t have to end just because the semester is ending. We can still be friends, Y/n.” He tilts his head, encouraging you to look up at him. You make eye contact with him and fight the urge to burst into tears. 
“I’m going back home for the summer, though. We won’t be able to see each other until the fall.” You say and he just shrugs.
“That’s what they make phones for, dork.” Connor says with a soft chuckle, rolling his eyes.
“So you didn’t do all of this just to pass the class?” You ask, slightly teasingly. 
“What? No, of course not.” Connor says, laughing as he runs a hand through his hair.  “I did this because this really cute girl let me borrow a pen when I didn’t have one.” Your eyes widen at his comment, which Connor notices. He starts to walk away, still carrying your coffee.
“Well, I guess that’s good.” You say, hurrying to catch up with him. you grab your coffee from him, smiling. “Thanks for the coffee, dork.” 
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kittypeb · 5 years
me in the shower: have you seen this? someone put a video of your speech online. my speech? people started sharing it, i guess, and now connor is- your speech is everywhere. this morning, the connor project page, it only had FIFTY six people following it. how many does it have now? fou- 16,239! i don’t understand, w-what happened? AHG! you did! there’s a PLACE where we don’t have to feel unKNOOWNNNNN
my mom: what the fuck
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sadboi-writer · 2 years
I just asked the question abt what musicals you write for bc I wanted confirmation on who I could request for I literally haven’t had any musical fanfic that came out recently 😭 screaming
Anyway 😍
Can I request a Jared Kleinman x fem!reader please :)
Like a plot of reader is quite shy and closed off, complete opposite to Jared, but she really likes him and when he confesses to her she gets super upset thinking it’s just a joke and storms off
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Don't Say That
Jared Kleinman x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing
She looked up from her lunch tray. A small smile on her face as Jared sat down in front of her. Evan glanced at the two but continued reading his book. 
“Hey, Jared,” Y/N greeted
“Hey, lovebug, I’ve got a question for you?” Jared replied
“If you need help with your math homework again you can forget it.”
Jared shook his head, “No, no! Well, maybe later. But, that’s not what I’m talking about!”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “What do you need?”
“Well, it’s more of a want than a need.”
He shook his head, “Sorry, sorry. You know that dance that Alana Beck is planning?”
Y/N glanced at Evan who was now listening to his friends more than reading. 
“Yeah? The winter formal.” Y/N replied, “She can’t stop talking about it.”
“Right! Well, I’m in need of a date!” Jared continued, “ And I was wondering if you would be so gracious as to go with me.”
Y/N’s entire world stopped. No way was Jared Kleinman asking her out, and the more she thought about it she realized there was no way Jared was asking her out seriously. She swallowed the hope that built in her stomach.
“Who’s idea was this?” Y/N asked softly, earning both Evan and Jared’s confusion
“Uh, mine?” Jared replied
“Drop the shit, how much were you paid? Was it Connor?” Y/N demanded, tears welling in their eyes, “Of course it fucking was, there’s no way it wasn’t.”
Y/N slammed her hands on the table and stood. She rushed off, stealing the looks of everyone in the cafeteria. Jared looked at Evan, sadness and confusion lacing his face.
“What did I do?” Jared asked
Evan looked where Y/N had run and sighed, “She’s had like a massive crush on you for years. I think she thought someone paid you to ask her as a joke.”
Alana came over and sat next to the boys, “Is Y/N okay? She looked like she was crying.”
Jared sighed, “She thinks I asked her to the winter formal as a joke.”
Alana smacked his head, “Go get her then! I have not sat through 40 minutes a day of her fawning over you for this to not work out!”
Jared got up and started to walk away before turning to Alana to ask where Y/N would be.
“Library, back corner, huge beanbag chair.” Alana cut him off
He took off in a sprint, ignoring his teacher’s protests. When he got to the library he was given a harsh shush from the librarian. He wandered through the aisles of books, looking for the girl he adored. When he finally did find her, his heart cracked just a little bit. She was curled up with her head to her knees, sniffling softly. 
He sat down on the beanbag, causing her to look up. 
“Hey,” He greeted gently
“Hi,” She whimpered
They sat in a tense silence for a moment. Until Jared broke it. 
“It wasn’t a joke, you know?” He started, “I adore you Y/N I just never really had the guts to say it.”
“You really want to go to the dance with me?” Y/N sniffled
Jared nodded, he took her hand and kissed her knuckles, “I would love nothing more.”
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thesillychro · 2 months
Dating Jared Kleinman Headcanons!
Jared Kleinman x Fem!Reader
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• He leaves you for a man
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what would ya honeymoon with jared or jeremy (you can choose!) be like?
let’s go with jared, i love that dude
You guys went to the city for your honeymoon actually, New York City to be exact
The original plan was Hawaii, but you guys decided last minute to change your plans
There’s nothing better than an over expensive NYC hotel that’s not that good
But you didn’t spend much time in your hotel room anyways
A lot of your time was spent in Times Square
It was cold when you went because you had your wedding in November
but it was worth it
You went to Gregory’s Coffee, which was really good
Jared was really excited when you guys went to M&M’s World because he loves candy
You guys saw Waitress and on the way back to the hotel you made him listen to the cast recording because you thought it was really good
He secretly really liked it
Jared almost started crying because it was really cold
So you guys had to stop at a McDonalds so you could warm up
And then he made you take him back to M&M’s World so he could buy more candy
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coltonthelizard · 6 years
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the most jared kleinman tweet i’ve seen
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