#jason's is accounting for that year or so he spent catatonic
brucewaynehater101 · 6 months
I've seen de-aging fics or universe hopping ones that introduce each of the Robins to each other when they are Robin. It's a beautiful trope.
I raise you:
Each of the Robins meeting after they knew they were replaced (Dick, Jason, Tim, and Steph).
Dick, an eighteen year old who's just started his career as Nightwing.
Jason, a seventeen year old being held at an LoA base.
Steph, a seventeen year old recovering from the wounds Black Mask gave her.
Tim, a seventeen year old who knows no one will support him. Tim, a sixteen year old whose father threatened him out of Robin.
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gece-misin-nesin · 8 months
I saw the previous anon's post and omg yes! I have a feeling I'm gonna be returning to your blog often to rant about Tim- tell me now if you don't want that 😭
But omg I read a fic about Alfred not letting Jason back into the manor after attacking Tim and the author replied back to someone's comment being like "Alfred loves Jason but he would never let him back in after assaulting a minor." WHAT????
The rage that overtook me was insane because Alfred literally is Enabler #1. Bro has beeeeeeennn letting 11 year old children fight violent crime on the streets of Horrid Gotham. Also Jason was like what 19 during that incident? Don't people realize they're also doing a disservice to Tim's character by making him this weak dude who could barely fight against Jason and boohoo he's soooo traumatized that he flinches around Jason :(((((((
GOD STFUUUUUU it makes me livid PLEASE
Do people think the Robins are twinks or something? They're all like canonically super tall and muscular. They fight incredibly well. Tim was fighting Jason too.
ALSO also. I see wayyyy too many fics where Tim has horrible parents and grew up poor/was never fed. Please be real. The kid grew up rich and has never experienced poverty or anything close to it. Comparing trauma is horrible, always, but God sometimes I just wanna be a horrible person and scream about how Jason has BEEN having it soooo much worse than everyone in the batfam
I am so sorry for this long rant, please tell me if you don't want anymore asks like this 😭
I always welcome Tim rants! (and asks in general)
But yeah that fic you mentioned sounds horrid and AGREE SOOO HARD ON ALFRED. No offense, but guy has practically zero spine considering he was fine with Bruce letting a NINE YEARD OLD being a vigilante and then CONTINUE doing it w other kids. Like I know it's a genre convention but NINE??? Alsoalso tim and jason are 3 years apart MAX without accounting for jason's time spent dead+ comatose+ catatonic. "jason assaulting a minor" my ASS when I guarantee you tim was probably hurt worse during patrol before. And exaggerating tim's parents is..ew. I legit read fanfic where 16 yo tim was apparently smaller than robin jason, which ,, no chance in hell. Also, I'm pretty sure they were away on work a lot, not neglect levels? but i have never read abt tim so idk.
Thanks for the ask!
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aalghul · 2 months
Do you agree with people when they say Jason is mentally younger than his physical age?
sort of. i think people forget his physical age is also 6 months behind, so he's not too far off mentally from his physical age*. it's the chronological age that he's at least a year younger than. i wouldn't include the crucial development that was screwed up for him while he was training as a teenager instead of, you know, making friends or going to school or hugging his dad. all of that does have an effect, but it's a common enough thing to happen to a hero/villain. at least he was living some sort of a life and was experiencing something. his time dead/comatose/catatonic are what really count as complete losses of time to me, the first two especially. those are just gaps of time he either wasn't alive or wasn't conscious enough to have it matter in terms of his mental development.
*i'm modifying the lost days timeline and condensing the time he spent catatonic because otherwise he does end up older than he's supposed to be according to DC #790, which takes precedence. if we were going by just lost days, then that is quite a difference even accounting for the 6 months dead.
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while were on the subject how long was jason dead for / how long before came back to gotham
Alrighty boys it's time for some MATH by a person who is very bad at math:
First things first, Jason died on April 27th at the age of fifteen. 
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Batman: A Death in the Family
He remains dead and in the coffin for six months. (There is a comic that shows Jason in heaven, but this comic came out in 2001 which is long after Jason should have been up and about if we follow the timeline, but I’m chocking this up to Jason still being dead as far as the writers knew at the time.)
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Green Arrow (2001) #7
Six months after Jason’s death, he is resurrected when Superboy-Prime punches reality in Infinite Crisis and unravels certain events in time, one of these events being Jason’s death. Instead of changing it so the death never happened, Jason’s decaying corpse is reanimated. 
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Batman Annual #25
Jason wakes up in the coffin and digs himself out with a belt buckle from his funeral suit. 
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Batman Annual #25
Jason still retains the injuries from the crowbar and explosion, so he suffers from some pretty intense brain damage which has him stumbling around Gotham for twelve and a half miles, completely catatonic. Some people find him and take him to the hospital where he falls into a coma. 
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Batman Annual #25
Jason stays in the coma for a year before he wakes up. Still relatively brain-dead, his instincts kick in and he escapes from the hospital.
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Batman Annual #25
Then Jason spends a year (or five months, if you prefer the timeline established in Red Hood: The Lost Days) on the streets, running entirely on instinct from both his Robin training and from the years he spent on the streets before being adopted by Bruce. 
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Batman Annual #25
Talia al Ghul gets word of Jason being alive and has him taken to the League of Assassins compound. He stays there for another year, still catatonic and running solely on instinct. His body is in perfect fighting shape, but his mind is mush. 
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Batman Annual #25
To restore his mind, Talia dunks Jason in the Lazarus Pit, healing all of his injuries (and erasing all of his scars, according to RHATO). 
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Batman Annual #25
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #50
Jason spends further time with Talia, studying from a multitude of trainers Talia hires to prep Jason for when he confronts Bruce. We can assume this takes a year or so? It’s said that Jason spends more or less a month with each trainer, so I’m going with a year. Over this time, Jason hones his skills and stokes the fire of his resentment for Bruce not avenging him by killing Joker/replacing him with a new Robin. 
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #2
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #4
Then there’s that weird thing where Jason and Talia sleep together, but we’re ignoring that. Jason takes off for Gotham to go beat up his dad. He meets up with Hush and teams up with him in exchange for telling him Batman’s identity. This is a moment fans tend to get confused about: Jason was there for the 2003 Hush storyline. Yes, Clayface was pretending to be Jason, but only for the end of the fight with Bruce. Everything before that was all Jason. He kidnapped Tim, confronted and fought Bruce, and then fled, leaving Bruce to assume that the whole thing was a ruse and Jason was still dead. However, Bruce knew from this point on that Jason’s grave was empty and his body was missing. 
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Batman #618
Jason lies low in Gotham for a bit before the Under the Hood storyline starts in 2004, which I assume is anywhere from six months to a year in canon? It’s unclear exactly how long the gap is, but Hush happened a year prior in real time, so I’m working around that. It’s finally revealed to everyone that Jason is back from the dead, he confronts Bruce, tries to kill the Joker, etc. And the rest is history. 
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Batman #648
Taking all of this into account, we can determine that Jason regains consciousness roughly 3.5 years (or just 3 years if you go by the RH:LD timeline) after his death, he returns to Gotham 4.5 years after (or just 4 years), and Jason being alive is revealed to everyone around 5-5.5 years after his death, which would make him roughly 19-20 years old. 
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Make Right (BruDick RP)
In Response to “It’s Killing Him” 
If Bruce had to choose a moment when things really started to fall apart, he’d say was the day he pulled Jason’s still, broken body from the rubble of that abandoned warehouse. That surreal, numbness lifting as Bruce peeled away Jason’s mask to see his face for the last time.
That’s when the pain really hit him.
It was just like watching his mother and father bleed out in an alley - except it hurt so much worse. Maybe it was because parents aren’t supposed to outlive their children… And blood or no blood, Jason was his first child.
Watching strangers lower his boy – his son – into the ground that day is what finally broke him. By the end of the funeral service, it was just him and Alfred. Like it’s always been. And perhaps that has been Bruce’s mistake – maybe this is the way things were supposed to be. Maybe this cruel act was the universe’s way of reminding him of his place. It didn’t matter how long he trained, how much he learned or how many resources he devoted to his mission, he had to walk this path in solitude. ‘… or else…’
That night, Bruce stopped fighting the darkness - the Batman consumed him.
The carnage that followed Jason’s death couldn’t be called justice. Just needless bloodshed that falling short of killing. Violence that knew no shame. Batman wanted the Joker and he didn’t care what he had to do to get him. Batman had to make him hurt the way Bruce hurt. Torture him the way he tortured Jason. And the darkness only crept in further the longer Joker hid. There was nothing left to separate Bruce from the Bat anymore, no anchor. Just all-encompassing rage and an empty pain he prayed never went away. He needed that ache more than he needed food or air; it was the only thing getting him out of bed anymore.
Bruce couldn’t blame Dick for staying away. He deserved better than an emotionally crippled, hypocrite. How could he dare hold Dick accountable for his actions towards Zucco? Bruce knew full well what would happen when he finally found Joker. Arkham wasn’t enough. Blackgate wasn’t enough. Bruce knew that, and still couldn’t stop himself. That was until a young Timothy Jackson Drake appeared at his door, venti Americano in one hand and a tablet with a litany of evidence of Bruce’s double life in the other. More than that, the kid deduced Dick and Jason’s identities as Robins.
It was strange. All the information the young man had amassed over what had to be years – the eerily familiar singlemindedness Tim displayed in his pursuit. And all he wanted to do with it was convince Dick to become Robin again. “Because Gotham needs Batman. And Batman needs Robin.” The words rolled off the boys’ lips like an obvious truth he repeated one to many times. Like all whole world’s issues were nothing more than an uncomplicated problem to be solved over a cup of coffee and a few strokes of the keys.
A petty part of Bruce expected Tim to fall apart after failing to reunite the ‘Dynamic Duo’, Nightwing making it clear that he could never take the Robin mantle again. Imagine the Wayne’s rare look of shock when Tim came down the stairs of the cave, fully fitted in an altered Robin’s uniform. And when Bruce tried to protest, Tim simply shrugged it off and told him it was Nightwing who suggested he take the uniform. Tim would just have to do until Bruce found an adequate replacement… And if he resisted Tim’s help, he’d blow Bruce’s cover right out of the water.
It’s been years since that fateful day. Bruce would have loved to say that in that, he’s gotten better over time. That he had found a way to overcome the wounded savagery that overwhelmed him. That he didn’t slip back into those dark moods and was learning to be whole after having his heart picked apart, racked with guilt, shame and fear he concealed in anger. But that would be a blatant lie and nights like this he just didn’t care enough to keep up the front.
Tonight’s patrol had been taxing for the Bats.
The night ended early with the successful sabotage of Black Mask’s weapon shipment, but the win didn’t come without a fight. Batman had no idea where Sionis found the revenue to hire the mercs he had, but there was no way the people he and Robin encountered on that freight were anything ex-military. If it weren’t for his own decades of experience and Red Robin’s help tonight, the mission would have failed.
Damien left the fight with a concussion, Bruce ordering the boy go upstairs and rest. Tim, per usual, proved more resistant to his first dismissal, but his cracked ribs and broken arm and leg won out in the end. Between that and the three days Tim spent without sleep, operating the Bat near impossible. Not at Bruce was fairing much better. By the time they returned to the cave, the man sported several burns, bruises, and gashes from the explosion. The only way Alfred could get Bruce that stay still long enough to clean and dress the wounds when Bruce was sitting at the computer, typing up the reports for tonight. That was when Bruce saw the comm flash on his screen. The call came from Dick’s encrypted number.
… But he could feel ice in his veins when he heard the voice on the call.
“It’s me.”
And Bruce knew that voice anywhere.
It was a sad fact, but because couldn’t bring himself to open-up to Tim or Damien the way he had with Jason. Bruce had let his guard down with the young man and let himself be a father to him – something he could never bare to be to Dick. He could never presume to fill the void John Grayson left in Dick’s heart when he passed. Seeing Jason grow as an individual and Robin, principled and proud in the face of adversity. It always filled Bruce with pride… Perhaps that’s why seeing Red Hood stand over a fresh corpse, baring the face long dead son left him numb. Seeing that viciousness in Jason, felt like a cruel sick joke. Bruce’s only solace in Jason death was knowing the boy he cared for so much left this world with cleaner hands then him. But seeing Jason returned from the dead to become what felt like a reflection of Bruce’s darkest hours.
I was like he failed to save him all over again.
“Where is he?” Bruce demanded, his voice low and fierce. The logical part of his brain knew better than to think Jason would hurt Dick. In fact, the only person Red Hood hadn’t reconciled with was Batman. But Bruce didn’t always think rationally when it can to his first ward. Jason knew that better than anyone….
“With me and doesn’t wanna talk.” He clarified, adjust his hold Dick’s shaking form. “I’m calling a truce, old man. Let us in.” There was the briefest pause before Bruce overrode the security protocols and allow Jason to enter the cave. Bruce didn’t know could have happen to have Jason, of all people, to knock on his door and call for a truce, but he would be prepared it all the same. In the five minutes in took Jason to traverse the tunnels to central area, Bruce had covered his injuries and erased at trace of weakness. Not that it mattered once Jason ascended the steps to his platform.
Bruce’s stoic façade fell apart the minute his eyes came upon a harrowed Dick, bundled up in Jason’s arms. It’d been months since the he last saw his former ward – the two of them not necessarily on speaking terms. In fact, he and Dick had been on the outs ever since Bruce budded in a case in in Blüdhaven, stating under no uncertain terms what he thought of his ‘partner’, Catalina Flores. The actively avoided one another ever since.
Before Bruce could demand an explanation, Jason locked his green-blue eyes with his silently warning. It was always amazing how the two of them could communicate with out uttering a single word. It was part of the reason they worked so well together. So, when Jason eyes narrowed and gestured past Bruce, the man stepped aside and waited for him on the other side of the room. Once Jason was finished propping Dick in the same chair Bruce had occupied before their arrival. Despite Jason’s best effort, Dick still slumped over the edge like a ragdoll. And he was coming apart at the seams. It’s all Bruce can do, his brain running through every possible scenario, trying to deduce a reason for Dick’s state. Jason could come to him soon enough.
“He a panic attack.” Jason finally explained, his pulling a cigarette out of his pocket, but not reaching for his zippo yet. A nervous tick, just wanting something to chew on while he organized his thoughts.
“…What triggered it?” His mentor asked cautiously, trying to understand. His former ward had attack in the past. Bruce would care for Dick through the worse of them in the beginning, whenever the boy would have a nightmare or close call. But this was the first he’s ever seen the Dick since he became an adult. He was practically catatonic.
“You.” Jason spat out, as if to apply it was obvious. “Like it or not, all of this,” Jason gestured toward Dick. “Is on you.”
Without give Bruce an inch, Jason unloaded, recounting all that Dick confided in him. The young man’s mental health was in shambles and Bruce, whether he realized it or not, had only made it worse pushing Dick away. Especially when Bruce fired Dick. The older man had to admit, he was blinded with anger the night he fired Dick and all but kicked him out of the manor. Anger, and if he were being totally honest, fear. Fear of the unknown as Dick grew into the man, he was becoming, fear for the way he was started to see Dick. Because in all the years he raised Dick, he couldn’t see him as a son. And that terrified him to the core. Bruce had only realized the terrible mistake he made when the heard the Dick pulling out of the driveway for the last time.
And then Jason and the bomb happened…
“Pull your head out of your ass, old man. Your hot-and-cold attitude might work for the ladies, but that man behind me, feels fucked up enough about wanting you without your mile-thick wall of bullshit. And I know you heard me. Now, something has to change because I am not kidding around when I say that this situation, this denial, whatever ego or pride is in the way of you two... its killing him”.
Bruce was at a loss. Looking at Dick again, he felt a surge guilt run through him. Was it his fault that Dick developed this infatuation with him? Did he somehow poison the younger man’s mind and manipulated him -
“Stop, I know what you’re thinking old man. Stop making this about you and just make this right. If either of you were as sick as you think, you won’t be so scared of this.” Jason hissed, making his way to the stairs from where he came. “He’s in your care. Make it right, Bruce.” Jason repeated, warning the older man.
Bruce waited until he couldn’t hear Jason’s footsteps, steeling himself before approaching Dick for the first time in so long. He looked so out of it. Depressed and tired and just… gone. Bruce would have given anything wrap his arm around him like he had back when his thoughts towards Dick were innocent. But right now, it wasn’t about what Bruce wanted. It was about what Dick needed.  So he knelt down on the ground before Dick so they were at eye level. Dicks eyes were downcast, but Bruce didn’t make a thing of it. Just spoke in the clearest voice he could manage, hoping that Dick would respond to him.
“Dick. Can you hear me? Do you know where you are?”
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
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Fox news Power Rankings: Raiders continue to climb - NFL.com
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Fox news
Some weeks are extra chaotic than others in the NFL. The equal goes for the Energy Rankings.
After a weekend of games that -- for the most segment -- ended with expected outcomes, now we contain a high 10 that system simplest small ride and a high three that continues to be static. Because the author of this column, I can admit to you that this brings me an odd measure of peace. Nonetheless it indubitably also feels tackle the silent sooner than the storm.
Demand Week 12 to replace every thing in the NFL. Unless it would no longer. Nonetheless if it does ... keep in mind, you heard it right here first.
Onto the impress ...
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NOTE: The earlier rankings referenced in the lineup beneath are from the Week 11 Energy Rankings.
Old disagreeable: No. 1
Name it a gut-take a look at capture for a banged-up 49ers crew that refused to fold in opposition to the mercurial-bettering Cardinals. The Niners confronted a 16-0 deficit midway during the 2nd quarter and a three-point deficit in the final minutes of the game. In every cases, the NFC West leaders answered. This game will contain been remembered for a fourth-quarter Jimmy Garoppolo interception that build the Cardinals in substantial put of living for the upset, but instead, coordinator Robert Saleh's defense compelled a short three-and-out, and Garoppolo redeemed himself with a scoring march capped by a blitz-beating landing ride to Jeff Wilson Jr. to exercise the lead for fair appropriate. Garoppolo wasn't ideal, but he tied a occupation high with four TDs and again looked tackle a quarterback who also can no longer blink in the big moment. That trait must be severely priceless map January. Subsequent week's Sunday evening showdown with the Packers has Game of the Year doable.
Old disagreeable: No. 2
The Ravens in their high tools usually is a panoramic gaze. Although if you're a crew with the distress of getting Baltimore in your time table these earlier few weeks, the gaze is nearer to a dismay film in which you're the doomed teenager trapped throughout the shuttered amusement park. Correct inquire of the Texans, a completely fair appropriate -- and intermittently very fair appropriate -- crew that had completely no probability on Sunday. Lamar Jackson did his "I am clearly the MVP, guys" ingredient, whereas Baltimore's defense -- an Achilles' heel earlier this season -- battered Deshaun Watson into submission. The Ravens accomplished with seven sacks and came within one Carlos Hyde garbage-time burst of a shutout. The Ravens proceed to tear the Pats for the No. 1 seed in the AFC, but it indubitably's Baltimore with the title of Team You Don't Need To Play. All all over again, staunch inquire of the Texans ... at any time when they map out of their catatonic shock.
Old disagreeable: No. 3
Credit rating the defense for powering the Patriots to another capture. Steve Belichick's unit held a tedious Eagles assault to 255 yards, giving quilt to a New England offense that struggled to string together quality drives. On a windy slack afternoon in Philadelphia, Tom Brady became once held to 4.6 yards per try. The Pats' running game became once unable to capture up the slack, managing staunch 74 yards on 22 carries. The Patriots' simplest throw of the game? That would be the 15-yard landing strike from Julian Edelman to Phillip Dorsett on a trick play to position New England forward for fair appropriate in the third quarter. The Pats proceed to capture because all non-Lamar Jackson-essentially based opponents has no answers for New England's blitz-heavy assault and smartly-known individual-encumbered secondary. Will that proceed because the stage of opponents rises? The Pats safe the Cowboys, Texans and Chiefs over the following three weeks.
Old disagreeable: No. 4
With Seattle having staunch spent Week 11 on a bye, let's exercise a more in-depth gaze at Russell Wilson's MVP prospects. The Seahawks quarterback has been a monster this season, coming into Week 12 because the NFL's leader in passing touchdowns (23) and passer rating (114.9). Throw in three dashing scores, and he's accountable for a league-simplest 26 TDs this season, one better than Lamar Jackson. Wilson is on dart to set occupation highs in passing yards per game (273.7), completion share (68.5) and passer rating. Ingredient in Seattle's endured standing as an NFC superpower -- a put of living reinforced by Week 10's Monday evening capture over the previously undefeated Niners -- and the undeniable truth that Wilson does his injury and not using a celeb accompaniment ( Tyler Lockett is his No. 1 receiver), and "DangeRuss" has made his simplest case ever for the game's most coveted individual award.
Old disagreeable: No. 6
As you might per chance express from his 23 touches and 122 scrimmage yards in Sunday's capture over the Buccaneers, Alvin Kamara is lend a hand to being a highlight. That is essential for the Saints, who contain plenty of stars on offense but need their dynamic running lend a hand at plump energy to achieve their plump doable. Kamara had extra touches by the midway point of the 2nd quarter than he had throughout the entirety of Week 10's loss to Atlanta, and whereas his production would no longer jump off the page, he became once nice looking tackle he did sooner than a high ankle sprain brought his season to a cease final month. Kamara became once staunch one shining space in a pleasing safe-lawful game for the Saints, who washed out the scandalous fashion of that Falcons loss by making lifestyles depressing for Jameis Winston. While Winston piled up interceptions, Drew Brees moved the offense with his customary effectivity in a routine capture. Yes, lifestyles is lend a hand to traditional in New Orleans.
Old disagreeable: No. 5
What a incompatibility a twelve months makes for the Packers, who exit their Week 11 bye atop the NFC North at 8-2. This time final twelve months, in the final, demise gasps of the Mike McCarthy generation, Green Bay became once in a fog at 4-5-1. A healthy Aaron Rodgers has been a large segment of the rebound. New coach Matt LaFleur's arrival has indubitably performed a segment. Nonetheless produce no longer miss out on the upward thrust of running lend a hand Aaron Jones as a force. Final season, Jones struggled to safe on the self-discipline at instances and became once dogged by reviews of subpar conditioning. A twelve months later, Jones is a weekly contributor who's shed the belly, as Rodgers referred to as it. Jones' 14 touchdowns from scrimmage are tied with Christian McCaffrey for the most in football. He's producing tackle a smartly-known individual.
Old disagreeable: No. 7
Kirk Cousins is having a pleasing small stretch for himself. He confirmed doubters he might per chance per chance roam on the facet road and beat a quality opponent in top time in the Vikings' Week 10 capture over the Cowboys. And on Sunday, the quarterback proved he can led a crew lend a hand from the abyss -- in this case, a 20-0 halftime deficit in opposition to the Broncos. Cousins became once immaculate in the 2nd half, piling up 261 passing yards and three TDs over four consecutive landing drives. The quarterback didn't perform it himself, but he proved he can step to the front of the pack and lead this Minnesota crew when it would no longer contain the lush of leaning on Dalvin Cook and the running game. One final takeaway: The Vikings are so laborious to beat in their building; in the occasion that they'll exercise the NFC North and host a game or two in January ... gaze out.
Old disagreeable: No. 8
Preserve in mind manner lend a hand in September, when Dak Prescott became once the in fashion MVP capture? That focus on died off fleet as Lamar Jackson and Russell Wilson raced up the board, but Sunday became once a pleasing reminder of what a entire smartly-known individual Dak has change into below center. The Cowboys quarterback became once in entire retain watch over in opposition to the Lions, throwing for 444 yards and three touchdowns in a 35-27 capture. He did his injury with the abet of awesome work from the Dallas offensive line, but without the customary contributions from Amari Cooper and Ezekiel Elliott (despite the undeniable truth that the latter did contain a pleasing landing reception). As an replace, it became once Michael Gallup (an rising playmaker) and Randall Cobb who did the bulk of the injury, staunch another reminder of how deep and harmful this Dallas assault in actuality is. Ingredient in another Eagles loss, and the Cowboys are the present to repeat as NFC East champions. Do your Jason Garrett melodrama for an additional week.
Old disagreeable: No. 9
Yep, it became once your traditional Bury The Ball Game in Baltimore, the put the Texans were humbled and embarrassed and liquified into paste by the Ravens in a 41-7 rout. This became once supposed to be a shootout that comprises two of the substantial young quarterbacks in the game, but whereas Lamar Jackson endured his season-lengthy stoop, Deshaun Watson came across himself repeatedly below siege and with small replace to trudge his recognize signature tag of magic. The offensive line, so improved in the season's first 10 games, allowed seven sacks in a miserable efficiency. The defense, which dominated the Jags earlier than the bye, looked tackle a vulnerable unit that can per chance regress to common without J.J. Watt, lost for the twelve months in Week 8, wreaking havoc in the trenches. The Texans are indubitably anxious by how poorly things went on Sunday, but there isn't any longer any time to sulk. The AFC South will most likely be on the line in opposition to the Colts on Thursday Night time Soccer.
Old disagreeable: No. 13
The Rams bought a capture they wanted Sunday evening. Aaron Donald accomplished with two sacks, and the Los Angeles defense held the Bears to below 300 yards of offense in a 17-7 victory on the Coliseum. Essentially the most promising moment for the offense came midway during the fourth quarter, after a 51-yard landing ride from Jared Goff to Jeff Reynolds became once wiped away by an unlawful-formation penalty on Andrew Whitworth. In put of living of going into a shell, the Rams marched 56 yards over the following six performs for the game-clinching uncover. There became once also optimism to be came across in the running game, the put Todd Gurley matched a season high with 97 yards and a uncover on 25 carries. The offense is a lot from the juggernaut it became once this time a twelve months in the past, but the Rams will exercise positives the put they'll accumulate them. At 6-4, Los Angeles remains very mighty in the NFC hunt.
Old disagreeable: No. 14
One other capture and another enormous efficiency from the Runt one Raiders. Maxx Crosby, a fourth-spherical capture who performed a key role in Week 10's capture over the Chargers, had four sacks in Sunday's 17-10 capture over the Bengals. Crosby, who we bought to know on the inspiration as a first payment-natured kid struggling with through a meddlesome hand anguish this summer season on Laborious Knocks, becomes staunch the 2nd NFL rookie since 1988 to contain four sacks in a game. One play after Crosby took down Ryan Finley for the final time, 2nd-spherical cornerback Trayvon Mullen effectively ended the game with an interception, the major of his occupation. This feels tackle an appropriate home to impress that first-spherical running lend a hand Josh Jacobs went over 100 yards dashing for the fourth time this season. Mike Mayock's debut draft class might per chance per chance change into the stuff of story in Raiders lore. At 6-4, a direction to the playoffs is in look for.
Old disagreeable: No. 16
That became once a game the Payments wanted. Crawl on the facet road, in opposition to an AFC East foe, and rip them up. Buffalo rolled up season highs in total yards (424) and system in a 37-20 capture over the Dolphins. Josh Allen led the Payments to system in six of their first eight possessions, fleet taking the drama out of the court cases -- a welcome switch of dart for a crew that has too usually been asking the defense to shut out tight games slack in the fourth quarter. It's a first payment gaze for Payments head coach Sean McDermott, who let or no longer it is known in the week leading as a lot as the game that he became once hunting for extra from the Payments' offense, which entered Week 11 ranked 23rd in the league. The search data from now becomes whether or no longer the Payments can preserve this offensive enhance. Their playoff hopes might per chance bound on it.
Old disagreeable: No. 17
The Colts contain been hooked on playing games which might per chance per chance be made up our minds on the final possession this season. They ditched the drama on Sunday with a blowout capture over the Jaguars that pumps masses of optimism lend a hand into Indy. Jacoby Brissett returned from a knee anguish but principally took a lend a hand seat to a dashing assault and defense that blended to throttle Jacksonville. Jonathan Williams and Marlon Mack (who exited in the third quarter with a hand anguish) every went over 100 yards, segment of a 264-yard ground day that became once the Colts' simplest single-game output since 2004. The defense held Reduce Foles and the Jaguars to staunch 308 total yards with two sacks and an interception. Even the struggling Adam Vinatieri became once at his simplest, ending 5-of-5 on kicks -- four extra system and a self-discipline neutral. The upcoming Thursday Night time Soccer matchup in opposition to the Texans has substantial ramifications in the AFC South.
Old disagreeable: No. 12
It's a evening that can live in infamy for Steelers followers ... and that became once sooner than Myles Garrett lost his rattling mind. The Steelers went to Cleveland as even handed one of the most freshest teams in the AFC, and they also left with a sobering reminder of how miniature their offense appears to be. Mason Rudolph looked fully lost, making a host of alarm throws in a four-interception evening that puts Devlin Hodges squarely on the radar as an option for Mike Tomlin. In Rudolph's defense, the 2nd-twelve months pro became once compelled to play plenty of the game without James Conner (shoulder), JuJu Smith-Schuster (concussion) and Diontae Johnson (concussion), Pittsburgh's high three playmakers. Exiting the lineup this week will most likely be center Maurkice Pouncey, who became once hit with a three-game suspension (which he's titillating) for his role in the fourth-quarter brawl that can lend a hand because the most productive lasting reminiscence of this game. Perchance that is no longer this kind of scandalous ingredient for the Steelers.
Old disagreeable: No. 15
The Panthers might per chance are looking out to remark twice in the occasion that they in actuality thought on nice looking on from Cam Newton in the offseason. Kyle Allen struggled mightily on Sunday in opposition to the Falcons, throwing four interceptions and taking 5 sacks in an gruesome 29-3 loss in Charlotte. Head coach Ron Rivera current after the game that Allen "moved us down to the purple zone three instances" and stated the quarterback tried to preserve up out too mighty at instances. With increased reps, it is shining to surprise if Allen is fair a miniature passer. The defeat drops Carolina to 5-5 and the total manner down to ninth put of living in the NFC standings. The Panthers are indubitably in effort, but the time table gives them a gamble to accumulate their manner lend a hand into the mix, with three games in opposition to NFC South opponents. They need a winning roam, starting Sunday in New Orleans.
Old disagreeable: No. 19
When is Derrick Henry going to initiate up getting identified as even handed one of the most essential productive running backs in the NFL? The 25-twelve months-aged Titans smartly-known individual flies below the radar in Nashville, but his production has been easy over the past calendar twelve months. Since final December, Henry leads the NFL in dashing yards (1,417) and dashing scores (15). Even though quarterback uncertainty has served because the dominant space line surrounding the Titans for but another season, Henry continues to invent in reliable and continuously spectacular fashion. His 68-yard landing lunge in Week 10's substantial capture over the Chiefs became once a reminder of what a assorted ability he's: a 6-foot-4, 247-pound rhino who can escape tackle a gazelle. Here's a contract twelve months for Henry, and the Titans would perform themselves an improbable disservice to let the big man perform his injury in other locations in 2020.
Old disagreeable: No. 18
Philip Rivers has enjoyed many improbable games in his Hall of Standing-grand occupation. Monday evening became once no longer even handed one of them. The broken-down quarterback threw four interceptions, including the game-deciding quit zone capture in the final minute of a 24-17 loss to Chiefs that every individual but extinguishes the Bolts' playoff hopes a week sooner than Thanksgiving. At 4-7 with all seven losses by seven system or fewer, Los Angeles' simplest practical direction to postseason football involves winning out and getting masses of abet. In other phrases, prospects are bleak. Mighty will most likely be made of Rivers' meltdown; his seven interceptions in the past two weeks and 14 total this season, a total that trails simplest Jameis Winston for the NFL "lead." Is the 37-twelve months-aged no longer without prolong showing his age? Are we staring on the final games of Rivers' Chargers occupation? Unsure instances for the Bolts.
Old disagreeable: No. 20
So mighty for Reduce Foles' return environment up a spark. Foles threw a landing ride to D.J. Chark on the Jaguars' first pressure of the game, but the offense dried up after that in a 33-13 loss to the Colts. Foles wasn't substantial, but build this loss on Jacksonville's escape defense. The Colts had their simplest dashing day in 15 years, going off for 264 yards on 7.3 yards per carry with three touchdowns. This meltdown comes six weeks after the Panthers piled up 285 ground yards in opposition to Doug Marrone's crew. In Leonard Fournette, the Jags contain a player who can counter on the bottom, but the league's sixth-leading rusher coming into Sunday acquired staunch 5 carries in the major half. When The Colts began to pull away, Jacksonville needed to desert its running assault -- the most fundamental to the offense -- nearly fully. The Jags will most likely be playing for their season this Sunday in Nashville.
Old disagreeable: No. 23
We now contain heard the time duration "crushing loss" aged to describe advanced setbacks, but the Browns managed to pull off the ultra-rare "crushing capture" on Thursday Night time Soccer in opposition to the Steelers. Such became once the fallout of Myles Garrett's occupation-altering decision to bash Pittsburgh quarterback Mason Rudolph on the head with Rudolph's recognize helmet in the game's final seconds, a ridiculous act that prompted instantaneous action from the league in the produce of an indefinite suspension for the defensive quit. Garrett's foolishness effectively wiped away what must restful contain been a substantial evening for the Browns, who bullied Rudolph in a miles extra acceptable manner for the major 59 minutes of a 21-7 capture. At 4-6, Cleveland is lend a hand in the wild-card hunt, but you surprise if the actions of Garrett -- who, it must be current, will most likely be the Browns' simplest player -- will roam this crew off the cliff. What a fiasco.
Old disagreeable: No. 25
Who are these guys? Over the major two months of the season, the Falcons had arguably the worst defense in football. Nonetheless since Week 10, Atlanta has allowed staunch four self-discipline objectives and zero touchdowns in lend a hand-to-lend a hand wins in opposition to the Saints and Panthers. The D sacked Kyle Allen 5 instances and compelled him into four interceptions, whereas Matt Ryan led the offense with his customary ability, throwing for 311 yards and a uncover. Even the special teams chipped in: Kenjon Barner build the Panthers on the ropes early with a 78-yard punt return for a uncover. The shapely turnaround has created the risk that Dan Quinn might per chance per chance live to teach the tale this season with his job. Whether you focus on that to be no longer without prolong a first payment ingredient for the Falcons is a dialogue for all over again.
Old disagreeable: No. 21
Mitchell Trubisky exited Sunday evening's loss to the Rams with a hip anguish, but you might per chance per chance per chance also forgive most other folks for wondering if Bears coach Matt Nagy became once buying for how out. Trubisky has been a huge disappointment in his third season, and with the Bears all but eliminated from the NFC playoff image, the big legend in Chicago will center on when the crew begins the reputedly inevitable separation course of from the No. 2 total capture of the 2017 NFL Draft. Spin Daniel is rarely any enhance, so it is shimmering that Trubisky would be allowed to provide off the season because the starter. Nonetheless is there the rest he can perform that can per chance per chance motive the Bears to follow him in 2020? One would keep in mind Trubisky would desire a hell of a produce in the final six weeks for that to happen. What contain we considered since Week 1 to indicate a rebirth is in the offing?
Old disagreeable: No. 22
On the equal day a document surfaced detailing discord in the lend a hand of the scenes, the Broncos went to Minneapolis and blew a 20-point halftime lead in a 27-23 loss to the Vikings. Ouch. The offense mustered staunch three system in the 2nd half and might per chance per chance no longer crack the tip zone on three ride makes an try from shut fluctuate in the final seconds, but this loss has to be hung on Vic Fangio's defense. In Denver's improbable first half, the Vikings were miniature to staunch a single completion of better than 10 yards, but then Kirk Cousins picked the Broncos apart with four consecutive landing drives in the game's final 30 minutes. Denver became once severely bedeviled by the play-action ride, aged to expert quit on Cousins' final two landing passes. Here's the put we remind you that Mr. Play-Action, Gary Kubiak, is now on Mike Zimmer's workers in Minnesota. The Broncos knew it became once coming ... and they also were powerless to cease it.
Old disagreeable: No. 24
Same aged legend for the Lions, who can uncover system (with or without Matthew Stafford) but contain a defense that is a total criminal responsibility. The unit became once unable to safe any stress on Dak Prescott, who roasted the Lions for 444 yards and three touchdowns in Dallas' 35-27 capture over Detroit. The Lions' points are manifold: They'll no longer escape the quarterback, they'll't quilt in the secondary and they also produce no longer force turnovers. They're on dart for their worst defensive season, from a total yardage allowed standpoint, worse even than the winless 2008 crew. It's a shame, too, because Jeff Driskel confirmed us once extra that he has some ability. The backup quarterback -- starting in put of living of the injured Stafford for the 2nd straight week -- made performs with his arm and legs, and he even had Detroit on Dallas' facet of the self-discipline in the final minutes with a gamble to tie. The kid gives them a shot ... the defense would no longer.
Old disagreeable: No. 27
The Cardinals were aggressive. We'll give them that. Leading San Francisco 26-23 with 37 seconds to play, defensive coordinator Vance Joseph referred to as for an all-out blitz to capture the game. Unfortunately for Arizona, 49ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo identified the stress and noticed running lend a hand Jeff Wilson Jr., who shook free from Chandler Jones, caught Garoppolo's ride and coasted to the tip zone for the game-deciding uncover. A tricky manner to lose, indubitably, compounded by the truth the Playing cards had a 16-0 revenue in the 2nd quarter over the NFC West leaders. This might contain been a huge building-block victory for Kliff Kingsbury. As an replace, it is another slender defeat. "I am aged to winning," a dejected Kyler Murray stated after the game. "I've consistently obtained, and to be in instances if you roam up 16 or are in put of living to capture and also it is necessary to restful capture, it is disappointing." Better days will map, young buck.
Old disagreeable: No. 29
That is lend a hand-to-lend a hand wins for the Jets, who confirmed there could be a significant gap between them and the worst teams in football, a crew that very mighty comprises the Redskins. Sam Darnold threw for 293 yards and a occupation-high four touchdowns in his 2nd consecutive solid initiate up, and Jamal Adams endured his post-alternate-nick-off date stoop with three sacks. The timing of Sunday's rout is terribly welcome for Jets owner Christopher Johnson, who drew criticism from the fan sinful this week after he launched Adam Gase will return as head coach for a 2nd season in 2020. Gase will most likely be measured less on wins and losses this season and extra on whether he can build Darnold on the path to changing into a shining franchise quarterback. We didn't watch mighty progress from the 2nd-twelve months signal-caller in the season's first half, but the final two weeks contain been promising. If Darnold closes out 2019 solid, the franchise outlook will in actuality feel mighty assorted map January.
Old disagreeable: No. 26
We're coming up on a stressful century milestone for Jameis Winston. With four interceptions in Sunday's loss to the Saints, Winston now has 98 turnovers in fewer than 5 seasons. Winston is as a lot as 18 picks this twelve months, which puts him in a tie with Jay Cutler (2009) for 2nd-most by any player through 10 crew games in the final 25 seasons, in accordance to ESPN. The immense takeaway is obvious ample: Ball security has been a depressing sore space for Winston, and this also can potentially bring his escape in Tampa Bay to a untimely shut. Bruce Arians is 67 years aged. Is he going to dedicate the 2020 season, a season that might be his final on the sidelines, to taking another crack at "fixing" Winston? We contain our doubts, and the glut of broken-down QBs about to hit the market ability the Bucs will contain plenty of alternate choices.
Old disagreeable: No. 28
After lend a hand-to-lend a hand wins that made them a phenomenal in actuality feel-fair appropriate legend in the NFL, the Dolphins came lend a hand to Earth with a thud in an gruesome efficiency in opposition to the Payments at home. The defense became once severely miserable on Sunday, allowing Josh Allen to throw for 256 yards and three touchdowns, escape for 56 yards and another uncover, and produce with a occupation-simplest 117.7 quarterback rating. The Payments' assault hadn't even managed 300 yards of total offense in two of its earlier three games. In other locations, the Dolphins' running game is still caught in the mud. Kalen Ballage accomplished with 9 yards on 9 carries and hasn't performed mighty to endear himself since Kenyan Drake became once traded and Designate Walton became once hit with a suspension (and then released on Tuesday). All americans in Miami is on a tryout, and Ballage's is rarely always in actuality going very properly lawful now.
Old disagreeable: No. 30
Saquon Barkley is rarely always in actuality lawful. Gaze no additional than the Giants' most most up-to-date game, in which the dynamic running lend a hand became once held to 1 pitiful yard on 13 carries and struggled mightily in ride protection in a humbling loss to the Jets. The adaptation between pre-anguish Barkley and post-anguish Barkley has been stark: Barkley averaged 6.4 yards per carry in the season's first three games earlier than struggling a high ankle sprain, and he's averaged 2.6 yards per carry since returning to the lineup in Week 7. The bye week became once filled with columns and talking-head segments questioning whether Barkley must be shut down for the rest of the season, with the Giants out of opponents in the NFC. Both Barkley and Giants coach Pat Shurmur brushed apart that risk, but we are going to watch if player and/or crew undergoes a switch of heart if the struggles proceed into the season's punishing final weeks.
Old disagreeable: No. 31
Let's initiate up with the obvious. The Redskins scored two touchdowns in the fourth quarter in opposition to the Jets, ending a roam of 16 quarters without reaching the tip zone. That is fair appropriate! Unfortunately, Washington became once trailing 34-3 sooner than those touchdowns, your traditional lipstick-on-a-pig topic. That is scandalous! It became once another day of rising wretchedness for rookie quarterback Dwayne Haskins, who usually looked perplexed by what broken-down Jets defensive coordinator Gregg Williams became once throwing his manner. Haskins became once sacked six instances, three of them by Jets substantial security Jamal Adams, and he didn't contain mighty abet from a ground game that averaged staunch 2.7 yards per carry. Invoice Callahan has been extraordinarily committed to the escape since taking on as period in-between head coach, but the Redskins' assault is struggling to accumulate a balance that retains the opponent off-kilter. Haskins gets another crack at his first occupation capture this week in opposition to the Lions.
Old disagreeable: No. 32
The Bengals will need a capture to flee the bottom of the Energy Rankings. After Sunday's 17-10 loss to the Raiders, Cincinnati has staunch six probabilities left to manual particular of becoming the third crew in NFL history to head 0-16. The setback in Oakland is terribly frustrating since the defense -- ranked useless final in the NFL coming into Week 11 -- delivered its simplest efficiency of the twelve months. The 17 system were the fewest scored by a Bengals opponent this season, but it indubitably became once restful too high a bunch for an offense that has no longer improved a lick since Ryan Finley replaced Andy Dalton two weeks in the past. The endured absence of A.J. Green (it already feels tackle we contain now considered the final of Green in a Bengals uniform, as he's in the final twelve months of his most up-to-date contract) is a significant detriment, but the total unit needs an overhaul in the offseason. The Bengals' to-perform checklist will most likely be mighty map Jan. 1.
Note Dan Hanzus on Twitter @DanHanzus.
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