#jensen ackles x daughter!reader series
luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
In Plain Sight (Part 1)
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Summary: The reader comes home from a disappointing night out to discover her dad’s co-star sat in her dining room...
Pairing: Jensen x daughter!reader (with lots of daughter!reader x OMC)
Word Count: 3,100ish
Warnings: language, aggressive flirting
A/N: If you’re looking for a visual for Crew, you can think of Drake Rodger as he’s pretty damn close to how he’s described. Have fun with this one y’all ;)
You weren’t entirely surprised to find the house wasn’t in total darkness when you arrived home close to midnight. Your parents were night owls and ever since you were old enough to stay up late, they’d always entertain into the early morning. You smirked as you recalled the time you found them asleep on the patio furniture, only to find out their guests had left long ago because frankly, sometimes they would block out the whole world for each other.
It was kind of romantically adorable in a way.
Which was exactly why you’d moved home from Atlanta two months ago. You wanted romantically adorable. Someone you stared at like the sun shined out of their ass because they made you feel like life didn’t exist before them. You’d been young but you remembered the exact moment dad met your mom. He liked to say that no, it wasn’t love at first sight, but you remembered.
The man was in love with her in less than a week and you were incredibly grateful for it. Not that you’d ever had any problems with having a single dad but watching him fall in love? Watching mom fall in love back?
God, no wonder you had too high expectations of men.
“Honey bun, you just getting home?” you heard your dad call softly. Your sisters and brothers rooms were on the far side of the house, no chance of him waking them but he had that laziness to his voice. A little buzzed but still the ever concerned father.
“Yes. I thought when I moved back home you guys agreed you’d respect my privacy cause I’m, you know, twenty five, and-”
Hot damn.
When you turned the corner into the dining room, sat at the far end of the table near your dad was the single greatest looking male specimen in existence. The short, fluffy dark hair. The strong jawline and kind brown eyes. And his fucking shoulders. God, his biceps were testing the strength of his shirt and then some.
The too attractive for his own good man took a sip from his glass of whiskey and looked you up and down, smiling for the briefest of moments. 
“Y/N,” said your mom, hopefully mistaking your awe struckness as embarrassment. God you prayed they thought you were embarrassed. You should have been. Any longer and you were about to start drooling over this man. “Dad promises not to bring it up again. Crew, this is our eldest, Y/N. Y/N this is Crew Foxe. He’s playing dad’s son in the show they-”
“You’re Mav Axelwood? You?” Your eyes were wide as your dad chuckled, Crew sitting there, taking another sip as he kept his brown eyes locked on you, a hint of something in them that made you want to melt into a puddle. A very happy puddle.
“You can tell my kids are such big fans of mine that they haven’t even seen an episode of a show that’s in it’s second season,” said Jensen. You swallowed when Crew pulled his gaze away.
“Excuse me but I was…getting around to it,” you said. You crossed your arms, raising your chin. “I’m just surprised that you clearly have a man playing what’s supposed to be a teenager.”
“I’m twenty six playing a nineteen year old. It’s pretty common,” said Crew.
“I know that. Obviously,” you said. He cocked his head, smirking a little. 
Oh god. You felt that look in your bones, felt it go straight through your veins, to your core. He was licking his lips as he leaned forward.
“Then why would you be surprised? You know, if it’s so obvious,” he said, voice thick and heavy. Was the room always this hot? You were sweating. You were sweating so fucking much.
Why the fuck was he turning you on so much? In front of your fucking parents of all people?
“Oh well, maybe cause Mav is supposed to be a very intelligent character. I’d think they’d want someone that looks less like a jock. No offense.” 
Crew angled himself away from your parents, giving you the biggest, oh, it’s so on, look you’d ever seen in your life.
“None taken,” he said, standing with a stretch. “It’s getting late, guys. I should head out. Thank you so much for dinner, Danneel. It was amazing and Jay, you have got to send me the name of that whiskey.”
“I think your bank account will regret that,” he said with a smile, giving his co-star a quick hug good night, your mom giving him one as well. “Let me know if you need any help with unpacking or finding stuff in Austin. I know the show moving shooting location was a last minute deal.”
“Yeah but I’m excited to be here after all the cool stuff you’ve said about it. Plus now I get to hang out with Dee in person all the time,” he said, Dannel throwing her arm over his shoulders as you watched on with raised eyebrows.
“I expect to see your ass over here a lot, Foxe.”
“Of course I will. My apartment doesn’t have a pool,” he teased. Your dad rolled his eyes, slapping him on the back.
“You good to drive? We can get you a ride or you can crash in the guest room if you need to,” said your mom.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” he said. “Night Dee. Jay.”
“Night Crew,” they said, Crew slipping around the table, pausing near you.
“Y/N, would you mind walking me out?” he asked, waiting only a beat before walking ahead. You caught up with him at the front door, slipping into your sneakers, walking behind him up the driveway, into the darkness, away from the light of the porch. 
“Listen, about the jock crack-” He cocked his head again, a dangerous smile on his face. “What?”
“Oh so you weren’t eye fucking me in there? Cause it sure as hell looked like if your parents weren’t there you’d be sitting in my lap right now.”
“That’s presumptuous of you,” you said, crossing your arms.
“You do that a lot when you’re nervous I bet,” he said, nodding down at your chest. “If you want to fuck, just come out and say it like a big girl.”
“You’re the last person on earth I’d fuck.”
“That’s too bad. Cause you are the most attractive woman on the fucking planet and I want to know everything about you and then some.” Your jaw dropped slightly, Crew smirking as he stepped closer, leaning in, leaving his mouth a few inches from yours. “Tell me to fuck off and I will. But if you don’t, I’ll take that as an invitation.”
“Invitation to what?” you breathed out, Crew stepping closer, a ghost of air falling over your earlobe as he leaned in even closer.
“To chase you. Because if I do, I’m going to catch you. It’s not a matter of if, but when.” You were breathing hard, Crew using his height, over six feet, and his muscular body to back you up against the cold metal of his car. “Tell me.”
What the fuck was happening? An incredibly hot man was suddenly looking at you like you were a meal to devour and yet, despite your racing heart, he was telling you he’d back off if you told him to? The fuck?
“You know little red riding hood?” he murmured. You nodded once, Crew chuckling. “Which one of us do you think is the wolf?”
“The wolf was a bad guy.”
“Even bad wolves can be good.” He straightened himself up and kissed your temple, pleasant shivers running down your spine. “Now tell me to fuck off or tell me goodnight.”
“Goodnight…little red riding hood,” you said, slipping around him with a smirk, proud of yourself for pulling away. He chuckled, opening his car door.
“Aw. That’s adorable you think you’re the wolf,” he said, hopping into his seat. “Goodnight. Honey bun.”
“Ugh! Don’t call me that!” He laughed, reaching into his pocket, pulling out his phone. “What now?”
“Your number?” he asked, licking his lips, looking up through hooded eyelashes. You put a hand on the door, leaning in to face him. For a split second he looked nervous. 
“Crew, Crew, Crew. You’re chasing me, remember? You’re going to have to work harder than that for my number.” You swung the door shut, swallowing when his large hand stopped it in it’s tracks.
“Whatever you say. Honey bun.” He grinned as you huffed and took off back towards the house. You couldn’t even get there before your phone vibrated.
You’re adorable when you storm off. You can thank your dad for giving me your number last week. You know, for emergencies. Of which making sure you have my number clearly is one. Honey bun.
You threw up your hands and flipped him off, inside by the time you saw his headlights turn on.
“Hey, what was Crew up to?” asked your dad. You took off your shoes as you watched them bring in glasses to the kitchen. “Oh was he asking if you guys could hang out? He’s such a nice kid but he’s a bit of an introvert. I don’t think he knows anyone his age in town.”
“Y/N would love to hang out with him I’m sure,” said your mom. She gave you a side eye and you swallowed.
Oh fuck. She’d seen the look you and Crew were giving each other.
“Yeah. I’ll uh, see you guys in the morning.” You quickly jogged upstairs and over to your old room, grateful it had some privacy from your younger siblings part of the house. Not two minutes later were you exiting your bathroom in your pajamas when she knocked softly at your door before opening it. “What’s up?”
She shut the door gently behind herself, offering you a smirk.
“A word of advice,” she said, keeping her voice low. “I too once was a young woman who looked at a young actor like she wanted to devour him six ways from Sunday.”
“Mom I-”
“Crew is a very nice young man. But if you two are going to end up doing what I think you are-”
“Mom, I’m not going to have-”
“You need to tell him about Anthony.” You opened your mouth, snapping it shut a few times.
“She told you. JJ.” 
“Your fault for confiding in a ten year old. She told me and I told your father.” You crossed your arms, dragging your toes over the carpet. “We’ve known since you were driving back from Atlanta.”
“And you never brought it up? Until now for some random reason?” you said, trying to avoid this conversation at all costs. 
“We hoped you would but we’re also respecting your privacy. Getting cheated on…I know you thought he was the one but-”
“I knew he wasn’t,” you said, closing your eyes. “I thought he was a safe option. It was…conditional love. But the guy you end up with, it should be unconditional right? Like your family?” She smiled, walking over, hugging you tight. “Why should I tell Crew about Anthony? In a hypothetical situation where maybe what you’re inferring could potentially happen.”
“Because you’ve always been so careful with your heart. When your only boyfriend, when your fiance, cheats? I know he left scars, one’s we can’t fix. But a boy like Crew, hypothetically speaking of course, he might help them heal. But he can’t do that if he doesn’t know they exist,” she said.
You shook your head and leaned back. “Wait, are you telling me to hookup with Crew? Crew Foxe, your and dad’s friend?”
“I’m saying you haven’t smiled in a long time and you couldn’t wipe one off your face around that boy. I’d much rather see you with a guy like that then fucking Anthony.”
“I thought you liked Anthony,” you said. She grimaced and shook her face.
“We loathed that boy. But you don’t tell your child that. You just smile and nod and talk about him behind his back.” You laughed again, feeling her kiss your forehead. “But dad might think differently about you and Crew than I so if you two do act on whatever was going on in that dining room, make sure it’s a solid thing before you go telling him.”
You nodded, biting your bottom lip. “Mom?”
“Yeah?” she asked.
“I appreciate what you’re saying but if something does or doesn’t happen with Crew, I’m not going to tell you about it. I won’t make you keep a secret from dad. Not unless it was something…I don’t know what I felt but just don’t worry about it, okay? I’m not even sure I want to be with anyone right now, you know?”
“I respect that,” she said. “But I can read you just like your father. Fair warning.”
You groaned, getting a kiss on the temple before she left you to yourself. 
Were you and Crew that obvious? Or was it just sexual tension and that’s what she’d seen? What you’d felt? 
You sighed and lay down, trying to ignore how for the first time in months, you couldn’t give a rat’s ass that you’d been cheated on. 
All because of Crew fucking Foxe.
“Good morning, Y/N.” You jumped when you walked into the kitchen, staring with half-open eyes at were Crew was sat at your kitchen counter.
Drinking coffee from you favorite mug.
In your damn spot.
“Cute pajamas,” he said, smirking behind your dad’s back while he made himself a cup of coffee.
“Don’t you have your own home,” you grumbled, grateful your dad was handing you his cup of coffee. “I love you.”
“She’s not a morning person,” chuckled Jensen, ruffling your messy hair as you took a long sip. “Don’t take offense to anything she says before eight am, Crew. She used to growl at me when I’d get her up in high school.”
“You barely had to wake me up. You were off playing plaid man.”
“You love plaid man,” he said. You did, letting out a small smile when you took another sip. “Surprised she hasn’t bitten your head off yet for sitting in her spot.”
“I can be nice in the morning,” you mumbled, sitting up on top of the island where they had a set of scripts out. 
“And I have a chance of winning the lottery,” said your dad, taking his usual spot. He glanced your direction, shaking his head. “Why are you up so early? Wasn’t part of the owning your own business thing so you could sleep in?”
“I thought we were going fishing,” you said, jutting out your lip. His face fell and you grinned, getting whacked in the leg with his script.
“Demon child. That’s next weekend,” he said, nodding to Crew. “I told you. This one before eight in the morning? She’s like a little raptor. Tear you apart.”
“So why are you up so early then?” asked Crew.
“Why are you in my spot drinking from my mug doing work in my spot on a Sunday morning?” you asked, plastering on a cheery smile.
“You said in my spot twice.”
“Oh good, you picked up on that,” you said, narrowing your eyes. Crew only smiled, leaning forward in his seat.
“Jensen invited me over to work on this scene I’m nervous about it. I didn’t want to cut into his family time so last night I offered to come over early, before you guys were awake which, again, why is the not morning person up at seventy forty on a Sunday?”
He angled himself away from Jensen, a brilliant smile on his face that made your heart race and your legs clamp tight together.
Oh this fucker.
“Maybe it was someone’s loud ass car,” you said, turning your head to your dad who was suddenly very interested in his seat. “What did I tell you about Baby?”
“I only revved her a little! Crew wanted to see her,” he said as Crew put a hand over his heart.
“You’d throw me under the bus like that, Ackles?”
“I’ll drive right over you with the bus,” he chuckled. You rolled your eyes, your dad patting the top of your foot. “Sorry I woke you up, honey bun.”
Crew grinned wide and it took all of your willpower to not smack him upside the head. “It’s fine. I have shots I can get a headstart on editing for the week.”
“Oh that reminds me,” said Crew, a way too happy smirk on his face. “I’ve heard so much about your photography business Y/N. I’d love if you could do some new headshots for me like you did for your dad.”
You wanted to tell pretty boy to get his own damn headshots but business was business. 
“Sure. But my schedule is pretty packed so it’ll probably be a while,” you said with a casual shrug, sipping on your dad’s coffee. He raised an eyebrow out of the corner of your eye.
“Wasn’t the point of you forming your own business so you could make your own hours? You could sneak Crew in sometime this week I’m sure,” he said.
“There’d be an expediency fee,” you said, staring down Crew, a smile still on his face. “A big one.”
“She’ll be giving you the friends and family discount,” he said, giving you a look. You slid his cup back to him and lifted your chin.
“Hm. I recall when I opened my business you gave me some tips about not being a pushover.” 
“Y/N’s right, Jensen,” said Crew before your dad could his mouth again. He turned in his seat, your seat dammit, shrugging to himself. “It’s only fair I pay for the service your daughter is providing and if that means paying more to get in early, of course I will.”
You forced a smile when your dad sighed and picked up his script again. “Fine. Just don’t up charge him too much.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, dad,” you said. You hopped off the counter, picking up a muffin from nearby and taking a bite. “Mm. You got banana this time.”
“Crew offered to bring some by,” he said, nodding back towards the hallway. You got the message. He needed some quiet to work. “Don’t work too hard.”
“You either,” you said, ruffling his hair as you left the kitchen. “Thanks for the muffin, Foxe.”
“Anytime, Y/N. I’ll text you about that headshot.”
“I’m sure you will, Crew.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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sara78 · 3 months
Family don't end in blood - Chapter 11
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Summary: The summer break has officially started for Y/N and rest of the cast. What Y/N thought would be a bland summer quickly turns into fun, and some scary situations arise...
Word Count: 3489
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x daughter!reader
Warnings: A scary situation
A/N: Thanks for coming back to read more and sorry for the wait!
3rd person POV
"Honey, I've been doing some thinking," Danneel said, Jensen humming as he looked at her with a smirk, "Jensen, not that kind of thinking. Get your mind out of the gutter."
"Well, I wouldn't be opposed to that kind of thinking either," he said, Danneel smacking his chest playfully and a groan emerging from behind the couch, a disgusted look on Y/N's face,
"Just... Let me fill up my water bottle and I'll be outta here. Jared asked me to come over to help him with something so you'll have the house to yourself to do... Whatever... Ew," she made a disgusted face, Jensen laughing,
"It's normal, kiddo. Don't have to be ashamed of it."
"Yeah, I'll remind you of them last words of yours when a fourth Ackles comes into picture. Or fourth and fifth, given mom's history with twins," she said, Danneel falling into a laughing fit while Jensen rolled his eyes,
"First off, fifth Ackles," he said with a glare, making Y/N roll her eyes, "No rolling eyes and no twins. And second, there's protection, y'know?"
"Yeah, cause that always works out," she rolled her eyes, "I'll be over at the Padaleckis. Call if you need anything. Now... Just continue whatever you were doing," she made a fake gagging sound, leaving the house.
"She's got a sense of humor," Jensen said,
"Mhm. I particularly like the fact that she can roast the hell out of you," she smirked, "Now, that thinking you mentioned..."
"Oh, who's got their mind in the gutter now?"
 Y/N's POV
"Moose!" you exclaimed as you caught a glimpse of a figure in the garage, sporting its usual dumb attire, a long sleeve, and some pants. It wouldn't be dumb if it were February, but it was July and at 9am you were already sweating your ass off. That's Texas, gotta love the heat. And it seems Jared particularly loves it as he hadn't thought of changing. He turned around, waving as you approached him, finally finding some shade in the garage,
"Munchkin!" he said with a smile, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you gently, which you returned,
"What's up?" she asked as she broke off the hug, "You broke some shit or did something bad? I gotta cover your ass from Gen?"
"No. I promised her to clean the garage and... Well... I need help," he sighed, "I didn't realize this much stuff was inside. Bad move to say I could do it by myself."
"Oooh, so you're aware you're getting old," you teased, Jared sending you a glare, "Alright alright, so you need help moving all this stuff?" you asked and he nod, "Why didn't you call dad-I mean Jensen?" Jared smiled, ruffling your hair,
"I told you not to hide from me, I ain't your dad and I ain't a snitch. I won't tell. Now, I was gonna call him too, but I figured he missed Dee."
"Yeah," you said, making a disgusted face, Jared laughing,
"That's completely normal kiddo."
"Whatever," you waved your hands in the air, "Where do we start?"
"I began over there," he pointed, "Maybe you go to the opposite end? We meet halfway?"
"You mean, I'll meet you somewhere in the corner of your pile," she said with a smirk, "Alright let's get to work."
"What are you gonna do this summer?" Jared asked, making you shrug your shoulders,
"Nothing," you said, lowering a box down,
"What do you mean nothing? It's summer! You don't have work, school. What did you do back in Y/H/C over the summer?"
"Hang out with friends, watch movies and TV shows. Read, play the guitar," you said, getting a hold of another box with a grunt, "I'm no fun."
"That's okay, you don't have to be partying every day to have fun," Jared said,
"Y/N!" Shep's voice called out, making you turn around and smile as the boy approached you and almost tackled you into a hug,
"Well hello to you to Shep. Now, who gave you permission to be almost as tall as me?"
"I did," Jared said with a proud, dorky smile on his face,
"Sure thing," you giggled, "How was basketball practice?"
"Good, it was really fun. Oh, we're playing on Thursday. Can you come to watch me?" he asked excitedly and you nod,
"I'll be there in the front row. He'll be in the back, he's way too tall for the front," you said, pointing at Jared and making Shep laugh, "Well your dad and I were just talking about summer break so, any other fun things you have going this summer?"
"I have nature and basketball camp," he said, "I'm super excited about that. And that's about it."
"You should join him in the nature camp munchkin," Jared hopped in, "It's really fun."
"I'm too old for that."
"We take in people of all age. There's some really old people at the camp," Shep said,
"Yeah? How old are we talking?" you asked,
"Like, daddy old," he said, pointing at Jared who made a pouty face while you were trying not to die of laughter,
"Okay kid I owe you ice cream for that one," you said as you calmed down from your laughing fit, "I'll-I'll see about the camp," you added, taking a deep breath, "Now go take a shower. You stink like your dad after moving a grand total of..." you turned around, counting the boxes, "Five. Five boxes," you said, looking at him, "You really are an old man."
"Told ya!" Shep called from the door before closing it,
"That kid," Jared huffed, "I'm no old man!"
"Okay okay," Sara giggled, the door to the garage opening,
"Now if I recall correctly, you said you could do it alone," Gen's voice rang as she approached you, "She's a plus one. Hi honey," she smiled at you, hugging you which you reciprocated,
"She barely even counts, look at how tiny she is!" Jared tried,
"This tiny thing here moved more boxes than you did. Plus, you had a head start of two, old man," you pointed out, making Jared roll his eyes,
"Old man? Where did that come from?"
"Shep!" Gen said surprised, "Damn, that kid is becoming witty!"
"He is," you said, giggling, "Come on, someone's pride is hurt," you nod at Jared and Gen rolled her eyes as she walked over to where he was and gave him a kiss,
"I love you," she said with a smile, "Despite you being so old," she added, Jared groaning as you giggled, "Kidding."
"Where are other kids?" you asked,
"Dot is with her aunt and Tom should be back after soccer practice. JJ's waiting for him to finish up. Now, you, what are your plans for the summer?"
“Y/N!” Tom’s voice exclaimed, making you turn around and wave at the two. You hugged Tom as he came closer, rolling your eyes at the fact that he’s as tall as you are despite being way younger than you,
"Jared and I were just talking about it. Nothing, really.”
"What do you mean, nothing? Don't Jensen and Danneel have some plans?"
"If they do, I'm not invited."
“Sup guys!” you said, smiling at JJ who nod at you, “How was soccer practice?”
“Was fun,” Tom said, “I gotta do some drills to practice a bit more.”
“Could you practice with us Y/N?” JJ asked, making you smile, “You helped me with my passes a lot. Maybe you’d want to help Tom too?”
“You play soccer?” Tom asked and you nod,
“I used to play when I was around your age. A thing or two stuck around,” you said, “Of course we can practice. How about after lunch?”
“Sounds good,” Tom said, “And… What’s dad doing?”
“Dead lifting,” Gen said as she giggled while looking at Jared, “And failing.”
“He’s not deadlifting, he's dying,” you added, making everyone laugh, “You two go inside, refresh. I’m taking you to ice cream when the twins come back from soccer and dance,” you said, watching as the two walked away,
“Well JJ warmed up to you a little,” Gen noticed,
“Yeah. Nothing much, really. She actually practiced with me only because Jensen talked her into it. She does say good morning to me. It’s progress though,” you sighed, “I’ll go help your old man so he doesn’t throw his back out,” you teased, Gen giggling,
“Alright. Jensen and Danneel are coming over for barbecue tonight, just so you know.”
“Oh, food, fun!” you said with a smile, Gen rolling her eyes as she walked back into the house through garage, “Sup, old man?” you said as you approached Jared who sent you a bitch face, “Don’t frown too much. You might throw a face muscle out,” you teased, Jared stopping and pulling his sleeves up playfully as you began running away from him, laughing.
3rd person POV
While Gen and Danneel were setting the tables for dinner later that day and Jensen was helping Jared smoke the meat and not eat any raw pieces in the process, Y/N was playing soccer with Tom, JJ, and Zepp. They did some drills for soccer, and she also showed Shep a few of those for basketball as well. Arrow and Odette were sitting on the side, probably plotting an end-of-the-world situation, as they usually do.
“Man, you ever thought of sending Y/N to soccer camp?” Jared said as the two looked at the kids playing, “You see her? She’s holding her own against Tom who’s as tall as her, and is even stronger than she is.”
“I mean, I’d love for her to do some sports,” Jensen said, “We do train together, but I can tell she loves soccer. Seems to enjoy it at least,” he said, “I can always offer it to her. It’s up to her if she’s gonna take it or not though,” he added,
“True. She’s also good with basketball, but I see she finds more joy in soccer,” Jared analyzed, “Now, you better tell me you have something planned for the summer that includes Y/N.”
“Everything that we planned for the summer includes Y/N, what are you on about?” Jensen asked confusedly,
“Well she mentioned today she’s probably not invited to whatever plans you might have, so I’m just making sure you haven’t lost your mind,” Jared said, “What is it?”
“Disney World,” Jensen smirked, “Dee planned the whole thing out. Too bad I said yes, she was gonna bring you if I didn’t want to go.”
“Take it back!” Jared exclaimed, pouting, “I wanna go too!”
“You got your own family doofus. Go figure it out,” Jensen teased, watching as Y/N approached them, talking to the kids as she was walking backwards towards them, “Stuff your face with that raw meat or I swear to God-“
“I hath been sent by the hungry tribe to ask when’s dinner gonna be done?” Y/N asked,
“Well if your uncle Jared doesn’t eat any of the remaining raw meat, it shall be done in about half an hour,” Jensen said with a smile, “Having fun?”
“Yep. Tom is really strong,” you said, “Barely keeping up with him. I think next time we come to Texas he might be taller than me.”
“That’s perks of being a Padalecki,” Jared smirked, “You like soccer, munchkin?”
“Yeah,” she said, “It’s fun. Lets me blow off some steam. Why?”
“You played when you were younger too, right?” Jensen said and she nod, “How does soccer camp sound to you?”
“I mean… I dunno,” she said, scratching her head, “I’m, like, too old. Too small. You should also be in a team to join, right?”
“Actually, no,” Jared said, “You gotta play a test match to determine your skills, but you don’t have to be in a club or to actively train in order to join. Everyone’s accepted. Now you might be placed with younger kids, but only because you’re smaller built than the kids your age.”
“I think I might be the first person they’ll turn down,” she giggled, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let the kids have fun.”
“But you’re a kid too,” Jensen frowned, “And you should have fun too. And this is obviously fun for you. Try it out.”
“You really think I could do well?” she asked, Jared rolling his eyes,
“Tom!” he exclaimed, Tom whipping around and running up to the three, “What do you think of Y/N as a soccer player?”
“She’s amazing!” he exclaimed happily, “My coach said I’m becoming real strong compared to my teammates, and I shouldn’t push with all I have all the time, but she’s holding up so well!”
“Do you think she’d make it to the camp?” Jensen asked and Tom’s face lit up as he looked at Y/N,
“You wanna join?”
“Your dad and uncle think I should,” she said, shrugging her shoulders, “I’m not so sure though.”
“You’d do amazing!” he exclaimed, “Come on over tomorrow morning, when Zeppelin has practice. We do rounds for the camp then.”
“I’ll think about it,” she said, nodding,
“Y/N! Tom!” Zeppelin exclaimed from behind, “Come on, I wanna practice shooting!”
“That’s our cue,” Y/N said, “Tag, you’re it,” she slapped Tom, running away as Tom began chasing her,
“Look at how fast she is!” Jared exclaimed, Jensen giggling,
“She overtook me a few times when we went running together back in Vancouver,” he said, “Embarassing to admit, but it is what it is,” he added, “I hope she tries out tomorrow morning. I’d love to see her have fun for once. She’s too wound up.”
“She’s scared, it’s normal,” Jared assured him, “Let’s just hope she tries out. Incoming, ten o’clock.”
“Have you eaten any more raw ribs, Jared?” Danneel asked as she approached, Jensen giggling as Jared rolled his eyes,
“Y’know that’s becoming old, right?”
“What? The fact that you ate raw ribs a couple months ago, again? Nope, not getting old, like, at all,” Jensen teased, “Honey, I got a question,” he said as Danneel sat in his lap,
“Yeah, what is it?”
“What do you think about Y/N joining the soccer camp with Zepp, J bird and Tom?”
“Oh, I’d love that!” she exclaimed happily, “I noticed she’s having fun. And when y’all finish filming, she can join their soccer team too. I think she’d blossom, to have some sports that isn’t overtaking her old dad when they go running,” she teased, Jensen rolling his eyes,
“Yeah yeah, you didn’t think I was old this morning,” he smirked, Jared making a fake gagging sound,
“That’s disgusting,” he said, handing Danneel the plate with meat, “Here ya go. We got just this to finish up and we’re done. Salads done?”
“Yes sir,” Danneel said, “Bring it over and then we need to wrestle kids into coming to eat.”
“I think they’ll be wrestling us for big pieces of meat when we call them,” Jensen pointed out, “They’ve been running all day straight. They’ll eat like Jared, just not raw meat.”
8 days later...
“Okay, you three sure you’ll be okay?” Danneel asked, making you roll your eyes,
“We’re gonna be fine mom, we got this,” you said,
“We’re gonna kick some ass!” Zeppelin exclaimed as he ran up to you, making Danneel gasp and Jensen snort,
“Zeppelin Bram Ackles, language!” Danneel said, making you giggle,
“English,” JJ added, everyone turning confused looks towards her, “Language. It’s English.”
“She’s got her humor down,” you said with a laugh,
“Just like her mom,” Danneel added, Jensen sending a bitch-face towards her,
“Okay guys, you have fun. Call if you need anything and we’ll see you in fifteen days on the games,” Jensen said, hugging JJ tightly, “Love you birdie,” he whispered while Zeppelin hugged Danneel and you stood back, watching them with a smile. As JJ ran off to find her friends, Jensen walked up to you and gave you a hug too, “My big girl,” he murmured, making you roll your eyes,
“Shut up I ain’t going to military,” you responded, Danneel laughing as he let you go, “Thanks for letting me go.”
“Thanks for trying something out of your comfort zone,” Danneel said, hugging you as Zeppelin jumped into Jensen’s arms, “Have fun out here. Don’t be a big sister all the time.”
“I’ll try,” you smiled, watching as they turned back around and walked to their car, driving off. Zeppelin tugged at your hand, grabbing your attention,
“Let’s go unpack and then we can eat!”
“You got an appetite of your dad, silly,” you giggled, grabbing your duffel, “Come on. Let’s figure this out.”
Six days later...
Okay, Jensen was totally right.
This camp was so much fun.
You haven’t made much friends, as a combination of you being an introvert and younger kids you were playing with who have other fun things to do, but you’ll lie if you said you didn’t enjoy all the games, drills, matches you played. And, of course, all the food.
JJ and Tom had made it into the mixed squad alongside you, so you had some extra work on top of regular stuff, but you didn’t mind. JJ wasn’t exactly ignoring you, but she wasn’t exactly happy to see you there either. You knew she was upset that you joined on the same boat as she did, and you knew she probably felt a little jealous because soccer in this league used to be just her thing. Maybe if they let you play with kids your age, she wouldn’t be as upset as she is. But you couldn’t go against the rules of the camp, and you certainly knew you couldn’t go against the kids that are as tall as Jensen, regardless of their gender.
The downtime you had usually consisted of reading and listening to music, occasionally taking a walk through the wooded area not far from the living area.
On the other hand, you were really happy to see Zeppelin make some friends and have a lot of fun, he settled very well, finding kids that loved legos and dinosaurs and all the little random things he did, and you couldn’t be happier about it.
Of course, Jensen and Danneel texted daily, making sure everyone had everything they needed.
You were sitting on the window frame, the bedtime for little ones, including Zeppelin, had long passed. You were taking in some of the evening breeze when you saw a kid, no older than Zeppelin, approach you with another kid behind,
“Hey, are you Y/N, Zeppelin’s... sister?” he whispered, making you widen your eyes as you looked at the two boys,
“Yes, I am. What are you two doing outside? You’re crossing over the curfew.”
“Uh…” the kid scratched his head as he looked down,
“What happened? Is Zepp in trouble?” you asked as your heart picked up faster pace,
“We were playing truth or dare,” the other boy began, “And he got dared to go into the woods alone-“
“What?!” you whisper-yelled, turning around to look at all the other kids asleep, “Wait here,” you added, walking over to put your shoes on, grabbing your flashlight and your phone, and you walked back, jumping out the window, landing easily, “What direction did he go to?”
“Behind the dorms, there,” the other boy showed you,
“Okay, you two get back into your rooms and keep your butts still. If I don’t show up within an hour, go wake an adult up and tell them everything you told me. Tell them I have the phone on me and they can locate it. You understand me?”
“No buts,” you said sternly, sneaking to their living area, “You already messed up enough by doing this stupid dare in the first place,” you said, “I can go wake someone up right now, but I’m willing to let y’all slide if I find my brother. Go. Inside.”
The two quietly jumped back up to their room through the window and you took off to the woods, swearing internally.
You had totally forgotten about her.
What if she’s here, what if she found you?
What if she took him?
He must be scared out of his mind to be with someone like her.
Of course you were gonna get happiness swept right beneath your feet.
You shouldn't have relaxed this easy, you shouldn't have let your guard down like this.
Even if he wasn’t taken, he’s still alone, in the dark woods.
There shouldn’t be any animals around, but you were scared for the kid nonetheless.
“Zeppelin?” you called out for what seemed to be the hundredth time since you stepped into the woods, you definitely lost track of time and you knew your legs are running on pure adrenaline as you knew how petrified you were. You could see her, clear as day, kicking the small boy you loved as if he's your blood. The sights in front of your eyes were at times so real and vivid that you had to slap your face to bring yourself back to reality.
Time was ticking and you couldn't find him. With every moment that passed, you were more and more assured that your mother took him. He's a smart kid and he's got hearing of a hawk. He'd have heard you calling him by now. You didn't know what to do first, you were calling out for him, praying to whatever there is to keep him safe, battling ugly scenarios in your head, until you snapped,
"Listen to me, you bitch," you called out into the open as you came to a stop, "I know you're here and I know you can hear me. Come out of your hidey hole, let him go and I'll come with you. It's time we put an end to this."
You were about to move further down the path but you heard something snap to your left.
A/N: A little cliffhanger never hurt nobody, right? ;D Now don't kill me @crasmuna, and everyone else, there's more to come ;D
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A Cry for Help
Summary: Jensen see something one night that makes him think his daughter is in trouble. He confronts her, only to find out its deeper than he thought…
Pairing: Jensen x daughter!reader
Warnings: language, angst, drug addiction, sexual assault (non-graphic)
A/N #1: The reader is 16-17 years old for this series. Danneel and Jensen are married, Danneel is not reader’s mother, JJ and the twins are included, and the reader has dyslexia.
Part 1 (Coming Soon)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
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ninii-winchester · 3 months
Main Masterlist
Angst- 🌧️
Fluff- 🫶🏻
Implied smut- 🥵
Smut- 💦
Dean Winchester :
The heart wants what it wants : Dean falls for a simple girl, would he lose her over his life as a hunter. 🌧️🫶🏻
Deepest Desire : What happens when Dean reveals his deepest desire and it’s not what Y/n expected. 🌧️
Chosen Affection : Part 2 to Deepest desire. Dean tells Y/n the truth. 🌧️🫶🏻🥵
One of your girls : Y/n attempts to seduce Dean in a bar. 🥵
Only girl : Part 2 to One of your girls 💦🫶🏻
R and R : Just some Rest and Relaxation. 🥵
Shut up, Winchester : Dean does the one eight reverse thing on Baby. 🫶🏻🥵
I don’t wanna live forever : Dean’s a demon and doesn’t want to go back, will y/n be able to convince him? 🌧️
Dusk till Dawn : Part 2 to I don’t wanna live forever, what happens when Sam brings Dean back. 🌧️🫶🏻🥵
But Daddy, I love him : Dean fell in love with a demon, Crowley’s daughter specifically. 🫶🏻
Baby : Who is Dean’s baby? 🫶🏻
Tender Care : Y/n takes care of Dean when he’s sick.🫶🏻
Lie to me : Y/n asks Dean do her a favour and lie to her. 🌧️
Fleeting love : Dean’s high school love story.🫶🏻🌧️
Timeless love : Part 2 to fleeting love, Dean and Y/n meet again. 🌧️🫶🏻
The Witch and the Hunter : Dean doesn’t like cats or witches, ironically he falls for both. 🫶🏻
Revived: A witch hunt goes wrong and Dean dies. 🌧️🫶🏻
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (Completed)
You’d never know : Dean bears the consequences of saying something he shouldn’t have said. 🌧️🫶🏻
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Completed)
Crossed Allegiances : What happens when Y/n has to choose her life over love. 🌧️🫶🏻💦
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (Completed)
Unveiled Sorrows : Dean and Y/n’s complicated journey through the Apocalypse. 🌧️🫶🏻🥵
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue (Completed)
Behind Closed Doors : Boss Dean AU. 🌧️🫶🏻
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Jensen Ackles:
Reverie : A heartfelt banter between Mr and Mrs Ackles 🫶🏻
Sam Winchester :
Uncertainty : A case leads Y/n to some revelations. 🌧️🫶🏻
What’s a girl gotta do : Find out what’s a girl gotta do to be loved. 🫶🏻
Slumber Party: Sam’s girl braids his hair. 🫶🏻
Blue eyed stud : Damon X Reader. (TVD)
316 notes · View notes
winchesterwild78 · 16 days
The Tutor
Tumblr media
Master List
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: Nothing too bad yet, just a chapter to establish the story. Some language and some physical grabbing.
**Trigger Warning: Some of this chapter could be considered Domestic Violence. It’s grabbing an arm, and being controlling.**
A/N: Just a quick idea that popped in my head. A short series, maybe 2 or 3 chapters. I don’t know yet. No disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction. Jensen has children in this, but I do not use their real names. 
Reader is a teacher and is asked to tutor Jensen’s child. Things develop between Jensen and the reader. I do not condone cheating, again, this is a work of fiction.
This chapter got a little long. Sorry not sorry. 😀
Minors DNI 18+
It was about 5 am when your alarm went off. You rolled over, grumbled and turned it off. Your husband was still sleeping next to you. Crawling out of bed you went to your bathroom and jumped in the shower. 
About 15 minutes later you were dressed and ready for work. You’d been a teacher for about 10 years, and you loved every second of it. Your husband encouraged you to expand your talent and offer tutoring in the afternoons as a way to help save money for the summer months when you didn’t get paid. 
You talked to the principal of your school and she told you she’d put out feelers to see if anyone had a lead on a possible need for a tutor. 
Grabbing your coffee, lunch and bag you headed for your car. It was a chilly morning, but you welcomed the change in temperature. As you pulled in the parking lot to the school, you noticed you were one of the first ones there. 
You sighed, gathered your things and got out of your car. As you walked in the building you saw the principal was in her office already. “Hey, Y/N, hold on a second.” You walked to her office door and waited for her to get off the phone.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m glad I caught you. So I talked to a friend of mine and she said she knows a couple who is looking for a tutor for their children. They have 3 kids, an older daughter, and a set of twins, a boy and a girl. The mother is out of town, but the father wanted to come in and see you in action and then sit down with you. Is that okay with you?”
“Oh, yeah that’s fine. Is he coming in today?” “Yes, if you were okay with it he wanted to come in today. If they decided to go with you, they’d want you to start ASAP.”
“Um, okay. Yeah. That’s fine. Hopefully it doesn’t distract my kiddos, but sure. Tell him to come by whenever.” “Great! I’ll give him a call.” You nodded and walked to your classroom.
Before the kids arrived, you sent your husband a text.
You: Hey, I might have a potential tutoring gig. Ms Smith is having a dad come in today. He and his wife wanted to see me in action. I’d be tutoring their three kids. I’ll let you know how it goes. I love you, babe.
Hubby: That’s great, you sure three kids won’t be too much? I love you too.
You: 3 kids? I teach 22 kids all day. I think I can handle 3.
Hubby: Yeah, you’re right. 
You finished getting things ready for the day as the kids started to arrive. “Good morning Ms Y/L/N!” The kids greeted you as they came into the room. “Good morning everyone.” 
Once the students got settled you called them to sit on the carpet to talk about today and how there might be a visitor. They were excited. You taught 5 & 6 year olds, so anytime there was a visitor it was always a big deal. 
“Now I want you all to be on your best behavior, and if we have a visitor I want you to do your best to ignore them, okay?” The kids nodded in agreement. 
A few hours later you were reading a book to your students when you heard your classroom door open. Glancing over you saw the principal and a man walk in. You kept teaching, not paying attention to the people in the room. 
When you read books, you are very animated. The kids would giggle and were completely engaged. At the end of your story you asked questions and called on some students to answer. A few minutes later you had them go back to their desks to complete the writing assignment you had given them. 
As you walked around checking their writing the principal approached you. “Ms Y/L/N, this is Mr Ackles. Mr Ackles, this is Ms. Y/L/N, our favorite Kindergarten teacher.” Your eyes went wide. Standing in your classroom was Jensen Ackles. His green eyes sparkling like emeralds under the fluorescent lights, his sandy brown hair perfectly styled, and he smelled like heaven. 
He extended his hand to shake yours. “Hello Ms Y/L/N, I’ve heard so much about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.” You took his hand in yours and your breath hitched. You knew who he was, you’d been a fan for years. “Nice to meet you too, Mr Ackles. I look forward to speaking with you more about the tutoring needs of your children.” 
He smiled and nodded. The two of you couldn’t tear your eyes away from each other. You unconsciously bit your lip. The sound of a little voice pulled you two out of your trance. “Ms Y/L/N, is this right?” One of your students came up with her paper for you to check. “So what should this sentence start with?” Her bright eyes looking at you and then down at her paper, “Um, oh a capital.” You smiled and nodded.
She went back to her seat and fixed her paper. “Okay guys, remember to capitalize, and illustrate your writing. Don’t forget your setting and color.”
Your principal came up to you, “We are going to head out, I’ll give Mr. Ackles your number so you two can set up a meeting.” You nodded and thanked them, then they left.
Your heart was still pounding in your chest and you felt a warmth fill your body. Girl, get it together. He’s way out of your league, both of you are married, and you might be tutoring his children. This is just a celebrity crush. Keep it professional. 
The end of the day came quickly. You were cleaning up your classroom when you heard a knock on your classroom door. Looking up you saw Jensen. Your breath caught in your throat. “Excuse me Ms Y/L/N, I hope I’m not disturbing you.” “Oh no, I’m just cleaning up before heading home. How can I help you Mr Ackles?” 
“Well I really liked what I saw today. You were engaging and gentle but you can see your students know your expectations. I’d like to offer you the tutoring job if you’d like it.” “Oh, of course. May I meet your children before I officially start? This won’t work if the kids don’t like me.” 
Jensen smiled and nodded. “I’ll text you my address and you’re welcome to come by this afternoon.” “Sure, that would be great. I can’t wait to meet them and your wife.” You smiled. “Well, she’s out of town right now, so that will have to wait.” “Okay. If you need to wait for her, that's fine. I want her to be fine with me tutoring the kids too.” “Nope, this was something we’d talked about before she left, and she knew I was going to hire someone as soon as I could.”
“Okay, great. I’ll come by this afternoon then. I’ll see you later Mr Ackles.” “Jensen, please call me Jensen.” “Jensen, then. Feel free to call me Y/N.” He smiled and so did you. When he left you pulled out your phone to text your husband.
You: Hey, heading to meet the kids I might be tutoring. The dad asked me to come by this afternoon.
Hubby: Okay, I’ll see you at home later then. Love you
You: I love you too. 
You set your phone down and finished cleaning. A few minutes later your phone went off.
Unknown: Hey, Y/N. This is Jensen. My address is 123 E Main Street. Can’t wait for the kids to meet you.
You: Hey, Jensen. I can’t wait to meet them either. I’ll be there in about 20 minutes. Just finishing up here. 
Jensen: Great! See you then.
You finished what you were doing and grabbed your stuff heading out of the school. Driving to Jensen’s house you were nervous but excited. You’d tutored before, but never for a celebrity and definitely not for someone you had been crushing on for decades. 
Pulling down the long driveway you were in awe at the spacious home that stood before you. Putting your car in park, you grabbed your bag and got out. 
Before you could knock on the door it opened and Jensen greeted you with a smile. “Hey, Y/N, glad you could make it.” “Hello, Mr. Ackles, thank you for having me.” “Please, call me Jensen.” You nodded and smiled, “Okay, Jensen.” 
He welcomed you into his spacious home and led you to the living room. “Please have a seat, and I’ll get the kids down here. Would you like anything to drink? Tea, water?” “Um, sure, I’ll have water if you don’t mind.” “Sure thing. I’ll grab it and the kids.”
You sat on the couch as Jensen left the room. You heard him calling the kids and the sound of feet on the stairs. 
Jensen and the kids came back to the room. He handed you the water. “Thank you.” He nodded and smiled. “Kids, this is Ms Y/L/N, she’s going to be your tutor. Ms Y/L/N, this is my oldest, Annie, and the twins, Jessica and Jensen Jr., we call him Jr.” “Hi guys, it’s nice to finally meet you three.” “Hello Ms Y/L/N, it’s nice to meet you too.” Jensen’s son walked over and sat next to you, “Are you married? Do you have any kids?” “Yes I am married, and no I don’t have any children yet. I’m a teacher so my students are like my kids right now.” 
The five of you sat in the living room talking and getting to know each other. After the kids got tired of talking and asking you questions, they left the room. Leaving you and Jensen alone. “So, Y/N, what do you think? Think you can handle them?” You smiled and nodded, “Yes. They seem really sweet, I’d be just fine with them.” 
“Well, all that’s left is to talk about schedule, pay, and the NDA. The NDA is to protect everyone involved. You’re more than welcome to contact an attorney to look it over.” You smiled and nodded. About 45 minutes later you and Jensen had talked about your schedule, the pay and he’d given you the NDA.
“So, Y/N, do you have any additional questions for me?” “Yes, when will your wife be back, I’d love to meet her too.” “She won’t be back for a few weeks, but you’ll get to meet her when she returns.” You nodded and stood, “Well, Jensen I better leave you to it. I need to get home anyway. I have some things to do for work.” “Of course, well thank you again for coming by this evening. Let me walk you out.” 
The two of you walked towards the door. “Thank you again, Y/N for agreeing to take this job. We’ve interviewed so many people and they couldn’t get past my status to focus on the kids.” “If I’m being honest Jensen, I’ve been a fan of yours for years, but I promise that will not interfere with my job.” Jensen stepped a little closer to you, and your heart beat faster, “I’m glad. I think this is going to work out for everyone.” A blush filled your cheeks and you bit your lip. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.” “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jensen. Please tell the kids goodbye.” He nodded as you stepped out of the house.
Getting into your car, you let out the breath you’d been holding. Driving home you couldn’t focus on anything but how gorgeous Jensen looked. Stop it girl! You work for him now. If you can’t stop these thoughts there is no way you’re going to be able to work for him. Your focus should be on his children. Both of you are married, and his wife is absolutely gorgeous. 
About a half hour later you were pulling in your driveway. Your husband was already home. Walking in the house you announced you were home, “Honey I’m home.” Your husband, Jeff, came around the corner and pulled you into a hug and a kiss. 
“How was the meeting with the family?” He asked as he pulled back. “It was great. The kids are so sweet. The wife is out of town and the dad is super nice too. There is a little problem. Well, not really a problem, but something I need to tell you.” “Okay, babe, is everything okay?” “Yeah, so the dad asked me to sign an NDA.” Your husband laughed, “Why is he a secret service agent or a celebrity?” You got a serious look on your face and your husband’s laughter died down. “What? Is he really?” “He and his wife are celebrities. It’s Jensen Ackles.”
Your husband pulled away and looked at you in surprise. He knew how much you liked Jensen and how much of a fan you’d been. “Yeah, I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with you working for him.” You looked at him confused, “What? Why not?” “Oh I don’t know, maybe because you’ve had the hots for him for years.” 
“Jeff, come on, really? I have no interest in him. I love you and I’m married to you. This is a job to help bring in more income for us. Besides, the pay is incredible. I tried to negotiate because I felt it was too much, but he insisted. We’d make enough in two months to pay off our credit cards.” 
Your husband’s jaw tightened, “I don’t care. I forbid you to take this job!” “I’m sorry, what? You forbid me?!? What the hell is wrong with you?” He stepped closer to you, “You heard me. You can’t take the job.” You scoffed and walked away. Jeff grabbed your arm, “Don’t fucking walk away from me!” “Let me go Jeff!” You pulled your arm away and walked to your shared room, locking the door behind you.
You sat on your bed and cried. How could he act like this? You two had been married for years and never had you given him a reason to doubt your loyalty. He’d never grabbed you before and you would never let him do it again. 
You pulled out your phone and sent a text to your best friend.
You: Hey, can I come crash at your place for a bit. Jeff and I had a bad fight. I don’t want to be here right now.
Y/B/F: Absolutely. Are you okay? Do you need me and hubby to come over?
You: Yeah, I’m okay. No, I’ll be okay. I’ll call if I need you.
Y/B/F: Okay babes, see you soon.
You grabbed your suitcase and put some work clothes and casual clothes in it. You grabbed your toiletries and other things you needed. As you walked out into the living room Jeff was sitting on the couch. You could see he was still pissed. “Have you come to your senses, Y/N?” “Yes I have, I’m going to Y/B/F’s house until I figure things out. You will NEVER put your hands on me again!” 
He stood and your heart beat fast. As he walked closer to you, you could see the rage in his face. You had been with him for years and you had never seen him like this, you were scared. 
Jeff stepped closer to you, mere inches from your face, “That’s right, go run to her house and go be his whore.” You didn’t say anything. You grabbed your bags and left. 
Driving down the road the tears started to fall. How could he act like this over a simple job? Why was he so jealous over Jensen? Sure you liked him, but you would never act on those feelings.
Pulling into your friend’s driveway you saw her open the door before you got out of the car. She ran up to you and threw her arms around you. “Oh sweetie, what happened?” She saw your tear stained face. “I told him about the tutoring job I took and he lost it. Told me I couldn’t take it and then he grabbed my arm. When I told him I was leaving he told me to go be the dad’s whore. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.” 
“Let’s get you inside, eat and I’ll open a bottle of wine. Then we can talk.” You nodded and grabbed your things. Her husband walked over and gave you a big hug, “I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m gonna head out so you girls can chat. Enjoy dinner.” He placed a kiss on your head before heading out the door. 
Y/F/N and you grabbed the food, and wine and sat down in the living room. “So why would he get so pissed about a tutoring job?” “Well the dad asked me to sign an NDA, he’s a celebrity. I guess Jeff thought I’d sleep with the dad or something. I just don’t understand.” “Oooh who is it?” “I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. Maybe I can ask if I can tell you, but I want to respect his privacy.” “I get it, but Jeff still shouldn’t have gotten pissed about it. Sounds like he’s got something to hide honestly.”
You hadn’t thought about that before, but now you couldn’t get it out of your head. Maybe he was the one cheating on you and was projecting. “Well even if he is, I don’t think I can go back to him. After he put his hands on me and the way he tried to intimidate me before I left. I can’t live with that fear.” “You are welcome to stay here as long as you want. We’ve got you girl, and don’t worry he won’t get near you here.”
*Time Jump 3 months*
“Okay guys, let’s get up and stretch for a bit. We’ve been working hard. Who wants to go outside and play for a bit?” You asked the kids after spending about an hour working with them at the kitchen table. The kids jumped up and ran outside, laughing and racing each other. You smiled as you started to clean up the table. 
Jensen walked into the kitchen and smiled, “Break time, I see.” “Yeah, they needed a break and so did I. Can I get you a coffee, Jensen?” Jensen walked over to the coffee pot, “No, let me get one for you. You’ve been busy educating my children. It’s the least I can do.” 
Jensen grabbed a coffee cup and filled it up, sliding it to you at the kitchen bar. You nodded and told him thank you. He filled one up and leaned against the counter. “So, how are they doing? Are you still okay with working with all three of them?” “Oh they are amazing children. You and your wife should be very proud of them. I adore them.” 
“Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate that.” “So if you don’t mind me asking, when is Mrs. Ackles coming home? I know she’s been out of town on a trip for about a week.” “Oh, yeah she’s on a girls trip. I believe she will come back next week. Maybe she’ll be around more after she gets back.” You could see the pain in his eyes and it broke your heart. “Well I can’t wait to sit and chat with her. I enjoy talking to you, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy sitting and talking to her too.” 
There was a pregnant silence that fell between you two, you looked up and met his eyes. They had a softness to them and were full of kindness. You blushed and smiled. The silence was broken by the sounds of crying. Jensen and you jumped up and ran outside. His daughter, Jessica was sitting on the ground crying. You and Jensen ran over to her and saw her knee was bleeding. 
Jensen scooped her up and carried her in the house. He sat her on the counter and you stood next to her. “Shh, it’s okay baby girl. Your daddy is going to get the first aid kit.” You rubbed her back and wiped her tears. 
Jensen came back carrying the first aid box. You held Jessica’s hand as he cleaned up the wound. “So Jess, what do you want for dinner? I bet you can get your daddy to get you whatever you want.” “I want cheeseburgers and ice cream, she sniffled.” “Ooh that sounds yummy. Does your daddy make good burgers?” She smiled and nodded. 
“Okay baby girl, all done.” Jessica looked at Jensen, “It didn’t even hurt.” Her eyes were wide. You smiled and Jensen looked over at you and smiled. “Well I think Ms Y/N has the magic touch then.” “Yes she does. Ms Y/N, can you stay for dinner?” Jensen was shocked, “Oh honey, Ms. Y/N has to get home to her husband. She can’t stay for dinner.” 
“Well, Jessica, if it’s okay with your dad I’d love to stay for dinner.” “Yay! I’m gonna go tell Jr and Annie.” You helped her down and she took off. As you were helping Jensen clean up, he looked at you, “Thank you for keeping her calm, but you really don’t have to stay. I’m sure your husband is waiting for you.” 
You put your head down, trying to hold back the tears. Taking a deep breath, “No, he’s not. I really would like to stay if you’re okay with it.” “Yes, that would be great. Jess really wants you to stay.” “Okay, let me help you cook then.” “Oh no ma’am, you are our guest.” 
You smiled “Please, it’s the least I can do.” “I’m not going to win this argument, am I?” “Nope, you’re not.” You laughed. “Okay, fine.” He chuckled.
Thirty minutes later you and Jensen were calling the kids in to wash up for dinner. Dinner was delicious and after dinner Jensen pulled out the ice cream. Jessica was excited, because they didn’t get ice cream often. “My wife would kill me if she knew I was giving them ice cream. They tend to get a little wild.” You both laughed. 
After ice cream, the kids went to the living room to watch tv while you helped Jensen clean up the kitchen. His phone rang as you two were cleaning. He sighed before he answered and walked out of the room. 
You kept cleaning and a few minutes later he came back in. “Sorry about that. It was my wife. She wanted to talk to the kids.” “Oh it’s not a problem. That’s sweet she calls when she’s away.” “Yeah, it is.” His jaw tightened a bit. 
The two of you reached for a bowl at the same time and your hands brushed against each other. A chill went through your body. You two looked at each other and you bit your lip, he swallowed hard. 
“Sorry,” you said as you pulled your hand back. “It’s okay.” Jensen cleared his throat, “Well it’s getting late. I’m sure your husband is worried about you.” You took a deep breath, “No, we um, actually split up a little over 3 months ago.” Jensen placed his hand on yours, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. That has to be hard.” “Yeah, it has been. Things just got really bad, so I left. I’ve been living with my best friend and her husband since.” 
“Well, if it gets too crazy there we have a guesthouse you’re welcome to stay in. I know the kids would love to have you around more.” You smiled, “That’s a generous offer, but I think I’m okay where I am right now. Besides, that’s a decision I think your wife should be included in.” “I understand, the offer stands though. She’d be fine with it. She’s always willing to help people.” “Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ll keep it in mind.” 
About an hour later the kids were in bed and you were getting ready to head home. “Well, thank you for dinner and a wonderful evening. I will see you on Monday.” Jensen stood to walk you to the door. His hand brushed lightly on the small of your back and a shiver went through you. “Good night, Jensen. Thank you again for dinner and the conversation.” “Good night, Y/N, and you’re welcome.” Jensen reached out and pulled you into a hug. You took a deep breath and breathed him in. God he smelt amazing, and he was so warm. 
When you two pulled away he lightly ran his thumb over your cheek. You instinctively leaned into his touch. Your breath hitched, “I should go.” You whispered. “Yeah, you probably should.” 
Jensen stepped closer, you bit your lip. His thumb ran over your chin, pulling your lip out of your teeth. Your breathing grew more rapid and your heart beat wildly. His lips were inches from yours, your breath mingling with his. He licked his lips and leaned even closer. You felt his lips ghosting over yours. “Jensen..” “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop.” You looked at him, your voice caught in your throat. “Y/N, do you want me to stop?” “No,” was all you said. 
Jensen’s lips crashed into yours. Soft but forceful and full of passion and need. Your mind swirling, your heart pounding as his tongue licked your lips asking for entrance. You parted your swollen lips and his tongue took dominance in your mouth. Jensen’s hands went into your hair and pulled you closer to him. Your hands wrapped around his neck. 
The kiss seemed to last for hours, the need for air causing your lungs to scream for oxygen, but in that moment Jensen was the only thing you needed to live. When the need for air became too much, you both pulled away, panting with swollen lips. 
You were blushing and Jensen was smiling. “I’ve been dying to do that for a really long time.” You smiled and bit your lip. His hand brushing against your cheek, “So beautiful”. You took a deep breath, “Good night Jensen.” He placed a soft peck on your lips before you walked out of the house. 
Driving home all you could think of was the kiss. You’d dreamed of kissing him for years, but he’s married. What did the kiss mean to him, to your job? Would he want to do it again, would you? Your mind was racing with thoughts of the kiss and how you could still feel his lips on yours. The sound of your phone pulling you out of your head.
Jensen: So I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I swear I didn’t plan that. 
You: You didn’t make me uncomfortable. I liked it. Honestly, a little too much. 
Jensen: I liked it too. I’d like to do it again if you want.
You: I like that more than you know, but you’re married and my boss. I’m not sure it’s a great idea.
What the hell are you doing!? Jensen Ackles is telling you he wants to kiss you again and you’re shooting him down. Ugh!
Jensen: I understand. Please don’t think this changes anything or affects your job. It doesn’t. You’re amazing with my kids and I wouldn’t want to mess that up.
You: Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. Good night, and I’ll see you Monday.
Jensen: Good night, Y/N. Sweet dreams and see you Monday.
As you crawled into bed that night all you could think about was the kiss and how wonderful his hands felt on you. A small pang of guilt crept into your head when you thought about his wife. You still couldn’t believe you told him you didn’t think kissing him again would be a good idea. His lips were so soft and damn was he a good kisser. 
Could you really still work for him after this, or would the pull to kiss him become too much?
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deans-queen · 5 days
Repairing Hearts 👷🏻‍♂️❤️‍🩹
New Mini Series
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader (Y/N)
Summary: Reader (Y/N) is a single mom, struggling to fix her leaky roof. She posts an ad on social media desperate for help. When local repairman, Jensen Ackles offers to help, the two grow an unexpected connection that grows.
Warnings: SMUT (p in v, wrap it up kids), other mature themes, mild language, emotional topics. (If there is any that I missed please let me know) I will label the warnings in each part!
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Part 3: Jensen’s POV
Warnings: SMUTTTTTT 😜 and language
I could hear the gentle hum of the drill as I finished screwing in the last piece of flashing. The roof was finally done, every leak sealed up tight. I stood back and admired my work, wiping the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. This job had taken longer than expected, but I wasn’t in any rush. Not when every day meant spending more time with Y/N and her daughter.
Aria was special, no doubt about that, but Y/N… she was something else entirely. Strong, independent, but I could see the weight she carried. Every time I came over to fix something, there was this tension in the air, like she was holding everything together with sheer willpower. And maybe, just maybe, I liked being around because I wanted to take some of that weight off her shoulders. Maybe I liked her way more than I should.
Hell, who was I kidding? I was head over heels for her, and that terrified the shit out of me. But it was getting harder to keep my distance, especially when she smiled at me like she did that night in the kitchen.
“Looks like you’re all set,” I called out as I climbed down the ladder. Y/N was waiting for me on the back porch, her eyes lighting up when she saw me.
“Seriously? You’re done?” she asked, a hint of disbelief in her voice.
I grinned, wiping my hands on my jeans. “Yep. No more leaks. You’ll be dry as a bone in here, even when the next storm hits.”
She walked over, her eyes scanning the roof. “I don’t even know how to thank you. I couldn’t have afforded to fix this on my own.”
I shrugged, trying to play it off, even though every part of me wanted to pull her close and tell her I’d do anything for her. “Don’t mention it. You and Aria deserve a safe place.”
She was quiet for a moment, her gaze lingering on me. There was something different in her eyes tonight—something I couldn’t quite place. “Well, since the roof’s done, how about you stay for dinner? I mean, Aria’s at her best friend Hanna’s for a sleepover, so it’s just me here.”
That took me by surprise, but I wasn’t about to say no. I’d been trying to find an excuse to spend more time with her anyway. “Dinner sounds great.”
Inside, the place was quiet without Aria’s usual chatter filling the air. Y/N moved around the kitchen with ease, tossing together a simple meal while I leaned against the counter, watching her. It felt domestic in a way I hadn’t experienced before. Usually, I’d be out the door as soon as the job was done, but this? This felt… right.
We sat down at the small dining table, the soft glow of the kitchen light casting warm shadows across her face. We made small talk at first, about the usual stuff—work, Aria, the condo—but there was this underlying tension, a pull between us that had been growing stronger over the past few days.
After dinner, we moved to the couch, both of us lingering in the comfortable silence. I could feel my heart racing, knowing that I needed to say something. But how the hell was I supposed to tell her how I felt without sounding like an idiot?
Before I could figure out the right words, she spoke.
“Jensen,” she said, her voice soft. She turned to face me, her eyes searching mine. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately… about us. I don’t know if it’s just in my head, but I feel like there’s something between us. And I don’t want to ignore it anymore.”
Her words hit me like a freight train. She felt it too. Relief washed over me, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I could breathe.
“I’ve been feeling the same way,” I admitted, my voice low. “Since the first day I walked in here, Y/N, I knew there was something special about you. And every time I come back, it’s harder to keep pretending that I’m just here to fix the roof.”
I reached for her hand, my thumb brushing over her knuckles. Her skin was soft, warm, and the way her breath hitched told me she felt that spark too.
“I’m not good at this,” I continued, my eyes locked on hers. “But I can’t stop thinking about you. About how strong you are, how hard you work for Aria… and how damn beautiful you are. Every time I see you, it’s like you’re under my skin, and I don’t want to fight it anymore.”
Her lips parted, and in that moment, I didn’t wait for her to respond. I leaned in, cupping her face in my hands as my lips found hers. The kiss was soft at first, tentative, but the second her hands gripped the front of my shirt, it was like a floodgate opened.
She kissed me back with a fire I hadn’t expected, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I deepened the kiss, tasting her, letting all the tension from the past week spill out in every press of my lips.
“God, sweetheart,” I breathed against her mouth, my hands sliding down to her waist, pulling her closer. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this. How long I’ve wanted you.”
She gasped softly as I kissed her neck, her fingers threading through my hair. “Jensen…”
Hearing her say my name like that—so breathless, so full of need—it drove me wild. I didn’t think I could want her more than I already did, but the way she responded to me, the way her body arched into mine, it was like everything I’d been holding back came crashing down all at once.
“Tell me you want this,” I growled, my voice rough as my lips grazed her ear. “Tell me you want me.”
She let out a soft moan, her hands tugging at my shirt. “I want you, Jensen. I’ve wanted you for so long.”
That was all I needed to hear. My hands moved down her body, feeling the curve of her hips, the softness of her skin. I kissed her harder, my tongue teasing hers, and she responded with the same hunger.
“I’ve been holding back,” I murmured against her lips, my hands sliding under her shirt, feeling the heat of her skin. “But not anymore. I want all of you, Y/N.”
Her breath hitched as I kissed a trail down her neck, my fingers teasing the edge of her waistband. “Jensen…”
I paused, looking up at her. Her lips were swollen from our kisses, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath. She was looking at me with that same desire I felt burning inside me.
“I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered, pressing my forehead to hers. “You and Aria… you’re it for me. I don’t want anyone else.”
Her eyes filled with something soft, something real, and she pulled me closer, her hands fisting in my shirt. “I don’t want anyone else either.”
Her eyes were locked on mine, filled with a hunger I’d been craving for days. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest, every part of me needing her more than I thought was possible. The soft glow of the kitchen light cast a warm hue over her skin, and as I sat there with Tianna in my arms, everything else in the world faded away. It was just her—soft, warm, beautiful.
“Y/N,” I whispered, my lips brushing her ear. “You drive me crazy, you know that?”
She let out a soft laugh, her fingers gripping my shirt tighter. “You’re the one who’s been driving me crazy.”
I couldn’t help the grin that tugged at my lips. “Sweetheart, you have no idea what you’ve been doing to me. Every damn day I come here, trying to keep it professional, but all I can think about is you. How good you look, how much I want to kiss you.”
Her breath hitched as I tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet my gaze. Her lips parted, her cheeks flushed, and I knew I was done for. There was no more holding back.
“Come here, babygirl,” I murmured, my voice low and rough as I pulled her closer, capturing her lips in a slow, heated kiss. This time, I didn’t hold back. My hands roamed her body, tracing every curve, feeling her soft skin under my fingertips. I could feel her melt into me, her body pressing against mine as she kissed me back with just as much need.
“Jensen,” she moaned softly as my lips traveled down her neck, finding that sweet spot that made her shiver. I loved the way she responded to me, the way her body trembled when I touched her.
“You like that, don’t you, darlin’?” I whispered against her skin, my lips brushing the hollow of her throat.
Her fingers tangled in my hair, tugging just hard enough to make me groan. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” she whispered, her voice breathless, her eyes half-lidded with desire.
I pulled back just enough to look at her, my hand cupping her cheek as I pressed my forehead to hers. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N. I can’t get enough of you.”
She smiled, her fingers tracing the line of my jaw. “You make me feel beautiful.”
I kissed her again, deeper this time, my tongue sliding against hers in a way that made her gasp. “That’s because you are, baby. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Her hands roamed down my chest, tugging at the hem of my shirt, and I couldn’t resist the growl that escaped my lips as I helped her pull it over my head. Her hands were on me in an instant, tracing the lines of my muscles, making me want her more with every touch.
“You feel so good,” she whispered, her voice full of awe as her fingers explored my chest, my stomach. I could see the desire burning in her eyes, and it took every ounce of control I had not to lose it right then and there.
“Y/N,” I rasped, my hands finding her waist, lifting her onto my lap so she was straddling me. She fit so perfectly, her body pressed against mine in all the right ways, her warmth sending a shiver down my spine.
Her hips rocked against me, and I couldn’t stop the groan that escaped my lips as I held her tight. “God, sweetheart, you feel amazing.”
She smiled, her lips brushing against mine as she moved again, teasing me. “You like that?”
“Hell yes, I do,” I growled, gripping her hips tighter as I leaned in to kiss her neck. “I want you so bad. Can’t stop thinking about how good you’d feel.”
Her breath came faster, her hands sliding up to my shoulders as I kissed my way down to her collarbone. “Then take me,” she whispered, her voice trembling with need. “I want you, Jensen. All of you.”
Those words were all it took to break the last of my restraint. I kissed her hard, my hands sliding under her shirt, feeling the soft skin of her stomach as I lifted the fabric over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and the sight of her bare skin had me groaning in pure need.
“Goddamn…” I breathed, my eyes drinking her in. “You’re so perfect.”
Her cheeks flushed, but she didn’t shy away. Instead, she smiled that soft, teasing smile that drove me wild. “Kiss me,” she whispered, and I didn’t need to be told twice.
I kissed her deeply, my hands roaming her body, feeling every inch of her. Her skin was soft, warm, and she responded to every touch with little gasps and moans that made me want her even more. My hands cupping her breasts, teasing her nipples until she was arching into me, her breath coming in shallow gasps.
“Jensen,” she moaned, her hands gripping my shoulders as she rocked against me again. “Please…”
I could feel the heat between us building, the tension coiling tighter and tighter until I thought I might snap. I wanted her so bad it hurt, but I didn’t want to rush it. I wanted to savor every second, every touch, every sound she made.
“You’re mine tonight, Y/N,” I growled, my voice rough as I kissed her hard, my hands gripping her hips, pulling her even closer. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby. I promise.”
She nodded, her eyes dark with desire as she leaned in to kiss me again, her lips soft and warm against mine. “I trust you,” she whispered, her voice full of so much need it made my heart race.
I kissed her again, slower this time, savoring the feel of her lips against mine. My hands roamed her body, teasing her, making her moan softly into my mouth. I wanted to hear more, wanted to feel her fall apart in my arms.
“Jensen, please,” she whimpered, her hips rocking against me again, her body trembling with need.
I kissed her neck, my hands sliding down to the waistband of her jeans, teasing her just enough to make her squirm. “Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” I murmured, my lips brushing her ear. “I want to hear you say it.”
She let out a shaky breath, her hands gripping my shoulders tighter. “I want you, Jensen,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “I need you.”
“Good girl,” I growled, pulling her jeans down just enough to give me room to slide my hand between her legs. She gasped, her hips bucking against my hand as I teased her, my fingers brushing lightly against her.
“You’re so wet for me, baby,” I whispered, my lips brushing her ear as I slid my fingers against her again, making her moan. “You’ve been thinking about this, haven’t you?”
“Yes,” she gasped, her breath coming in shallow pants as I teased her, my fingers moving slowly, drawing out every sound she made. “I’ve wanted this for so long…”
I kissed her neck, my fingers moving faster, making her tremble in my arms. “That’s it, sweetheart,” I murmured, my voice rough with need. “Come for me.”
And when she did, her body shaking, her moans filling the quiet condo, it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.
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Authors Note:
YALL!!! When I tell ya I was feeling some type of way after I wrote this part…omg 🥵🥵🥵 ANYWAYS!!! I hope you enjoyed this part, I may write a couple more parts of this series. But please feel free to let me know what you think! I always love reading feedback!
Like & follow for more !! Xoxo
Want to read more? Check out my other stories! (If you want to read the previous parts of this series it is located in my Master list )
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
The Celebrity Next Door: Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Neighborhood
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader (Written in first person, but with Y/N)
Series Summary: Y/N's life takes an unexpected turn when she moves next door to Jensen Ackles, a famous actor navigating life post-divorce. Their initial awkward encounter over a broken window leads to a budding friendship, navigating the challenges of celebrity life and forging meaningful connections in their neighborhood.
Chapter Summary: Y/N, a New Yorker adjusting to life in Los Angeles, finds herself entangled with her neighbor Jensen Ackles and his daughter Katie after a baseball mishap leads to unexpected connections and new beginnings in their shared neighborhood.
A/N: Okay, so it may be weird but I'm writing this in first person POV, but the name will be changed to Y/N. Might be annoying, but it's easier for the story. Thank you!
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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The sun beamed through the bay window of my living room, filling the air with the chirping of birds and scurrying of squirrels. It was a surprisingly joyful sound that welcomed me on my first real day in Los Angeles—a city I had dreaded joining.
Maybe my initial judgments were coloured by my New York roots; after all, I was unquestionably a city girl. I've always found comfort in the sounds of the city; cars honking, people scattered everywhere living their lives-that was the life I was used to. As much as I was excited about the new chapter of my life, there were qualities of LA that would take some getting used to, things that puzzled me.
Like why was it always so damn bright here? The sky, the buildings, the houses-all of it seemed to glow with an intensity that demanded sunglasses just to step outside. And why were the houses so enormous? It seemed ridiculous. I only need a bed, a bathroom and a kitchen yet here I was in what they called a condo, but felt more like a mansion with its space.
But despite my initial objection to LA’s charms, I couldn’t deny the peacefulness of the palm-tree-lined streets and the birdsong that greeted me each morning in a way New York never could.
I rolled onto my side, glanced at my phone, and sighed. 10:00 am already. There was still so much unpacking to do, and no one to help.
These first days were going to be busy. Pushing myself off the less-than-comfortable bed, I shuffled to the kitchen where the only thing I had set up so far was my Keurig machine. Leaning on the counter, I patiently awaited that first magical cup of morning coffee. Glancing outside, I squinted at the brilliant sunlight that threatened to overwhelm me. Seriously, why was it so damn bright here?
The coffee machine groaned, signaling it was ready. I turned to grab my mug when a sudden crash shattered the quiet. Instinctively, I dropped to the ground.
Peeking slowly over the counter, I discovered the cause—a baseball sitting right there on my kitchen floor, glass scattered everywhere around it.
I chuckled softly and shook my head. One thing I wouldn’t miss about New York: the reflex to duck for cover at every unexpected noise.
Moments later, the doorbell rang, nearly sending me into cardiac arrest. I approached guardedly, peeking through the side windows. A little girl stood on my porch, her expression guilt-ridden.
I opened the door, looked around for a parent nearby before crouching down to her eye level. “Hi there. Can I help you?”
Her small hands fidgeted with her zipper nervously. “I… I accidentally hit your window with my baseball. It’s inside your house.”
I smiled warmly. “It’s okay. What’s your name sweetie?”
Her eyes glanced up slightly, a light sniffle coming from her nose. “Katie."
“Well, Katie, I’m Y/N. Let’s go get your ball, alright? Are your parents around?”
She looked around and shook her head. “My daddy’s inside. Mommy’s not here.”
I nodded, retrieving the ball and returning to find Katie waiting patiently on the porch. I couldn’t help but giggle at her adorableness. Despite the broken window, I looked forward to having children around, filling the street with laughter and play.
Carefully navigating the scattered glass, I handed Katie her ball. She beamed up at me as I closed and locked the door behind us. “Where’s your house? I’ll take you back to your dad.”
Katie pointed to a massive white house next to mine, surrounded by a high fence and perfectly kept lawn which only peaked my curiosity.
Following Katie to her gate, I watched her disappear inside the house quickly, calling for her dad to come to the door. I waited patiently and suddenly anxiety filled my chest at the concept of meeting my new neighbour in this way.
It took a few minutes, but finally the little girl returned with a larger figure I could barely see from where I was standing. He approached the door and with every step he took towards the light, the more my breath got caught in my throat.
I knew him—or at least recognized him from somewhere. His piercing green eyes met mine, and suddenly it clicked: Jensen Ackles. I struggled to maintain composure, reminding myself he was just a person like me, despite my heart threatening to burst from my chest.
“Can I help you?” His voice was direct, cutting through my nerves.
I managed a polite smile, trying to gather my thoughts. “Hi... I just moved in next door. Your daughter accidentally threw a baseball into my kitchen window, and she came over to...”
“Katie!” His sharp voice interrupted, causing me to jump. He turned to his daughter, arms crossed. “What did I tell you about throwing the baseball around? This is the third time this month!”
Katie’s eyes dropped, on the verge of tears. I wanted to comfort her or maybe scold Jensen, but I knew nothing about parenting. Still, seeing him yell at her harshly made my anxiety rise.
The worst part of this whole situation though, was the way he was glaring into my soul, arms still crossed, a deep frown on his face. It felt like the very essence of my being was completely ruining his day.
He sighed, leaning against the doorway with a hint of apology in his eyes. “Is that all, or is there something else?”
I faltered, sensing his impatience. “Uh, no, that’s it, I guess.”
“Okay. Thanks, bye.” With that, the door closed, leaving me staring at the wooden texture of my first celebrity encounter.
As I walked back to my house, I couldn't stop the sadness that crept in. It was my first day, and it had already started roughly. I wondered if I would ever warm up to this place.
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An hour later, most of my boxes were unpacked, clothes neatly put away away, and a single family photo hung in the hallway that was taken at a family reunion over a year ago. Our family wasn't the photo taking type, and that's one thing I vowed to change, because as I stared at the empty wall with the lone photograph, I felt sad.
But when I looked around my spacious new home, I felt a sense of relief. The morning’s drama and anxiety had faded away.
I grabbed my coffee and stepped onto the front porch, sinking into the swing that came with the house. Examining the neighborhood, I noticed kids playing—biking, rollerblading, and drawing with chalk.
My gaze landed on Jensen’s front yard. Katie was there, playing with a little boy who looked just like him. Jensen was noticeably absent, which didn’t surprise me.
I headed out to collect my mail, when I heard a familiar voice calling my name. My heart warmed as Katie waved at me from her yard. Returning her wave with a smile, I realized maybe I wouldn’t hate this place after all.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 2 coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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So the 20 Qs for Fic Writers had me thinking that I should update y’all on my WIPs. So, I wrote down the file titles and typed the list up for you, my lovely followers.
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Want to know what I’ve been working on? See below the cut. ❤️💙💚💛
If you want to know about one or more of the WIPs fics below, please comment or reblog telling me the name(s)/title(s). I’m happy to answer. 😄 Excited to hear from you.
“ORIGINAL” means it isn’t a fandom fic. It’s my original piece of work.
“ ** ” means it’s published on ao3 and if you want more, you need to let me know in comments here or on ao3 and which one.
✍️ means it is an ask or equest so those are actively being worked on
Fic Titles:
(C) Don’t provoke Dean… (Pack Alpha!Hunter!Dean x Packless Omega!Hunter!Reader)
(C) Fledgling Cas**
#99 prompt (“You’re such a needy, good girl, aren’t you?” Female Sub Reader)
#99 v.2 prompt (“You’re such a needy, good pet, aren’t you?” Gender neutral Sub Reader)
09x03 I’m no angel Alt (just one scene)
09x03 I’m no angel Alt 2.0 (Episode rewrite)
2024-28-Feb Ask Beau x Reader ✍️
Alec M x Reader Crush (Alec McDowell x OFC Reader; Roommates to Lovers)
Alec x Reader 2
Alpha Dr Castiel Alpha Dean sinus
An Angel’s Unexpected Companion
Artsy summer exchange 2024 (Exchange SFW fic)
AU - BDSM Dom Cas switch/Dom Dean
Baby dragon vs the followers of the Thanatos Stone
Being a sex good isn’t all is cracked up to be (God!Dean x Angel!Castiel)
Bingo prompt Soldier Boy camboy
Blind Castiel A/B/O
By the flowers in his eyes (blind Gabriel)
Castiel’s Wings 2.0** (Angel Castiel x Hunter!F!Reader)
Dadstiel Plot 2.0 (Destiel+Kid)
Destiel date night
Domestic Destiel #? Glowy Angel seduction
Domestic Destiel #? Zorro meets Cowboy
Dragon Cas x Dean plot (Giant and Pet…)
Falling in love With an Angel ORIGINAL
Fell in love with a demon (Hell Knight Dean x Witch Reader; MoC Dean x Witch Reader)
Grindr meets long-term PLOT OUTLINE (Paramedic Dean x Doctor Castiel)
Guardian of Humanity A/B/O Plot
Guardian of Humanity A/B/O World and…
Guardian of Humanity Scene Drabble
Heat (Hunters!Destiel x Complex!Reader)
Imagine Dean comes home after having a bad day. (Hunter!Dean x Hunter!Reader)
Janus Coin - Winchester Brotherly Love (Body Swaping)
Post 15x19 DestielxOFC!Alex
Prize - Ketch/Gadreel/Dean+Kid✍️
Regarding Dean Rewrite 12 x 11 (Episode rewrite)
Romancing the Hunter** (Destiel x Reader)
Rough times with your mental illness…
Rough times with your mental illness…2.0
RPF First (Not) Date (Actor!Jensen Ackles x Actress!Female!Reader)
Sam x Psychic Reader (Reader thinks Sam has the most beautiful soul)
Sick Stubborn Reader x Angel Cas
Sinclair’s Daughter
Sleepy Angel Kisses (Destiel)
Soldier Boy x Reader (Solider Boy x Supe!F!Reader)
Spn 2.0 (Series rewrite)
Spn meets Fifth Element
Spn/Lilo & Stitch Fusion
Stereo love (Rock Star!Dean x Music Professor!Castiel)
Stone of Thanatos (death)
Surprise me contd** (Angel!Castiel x Hunter!F!Reader)
The Daughter of Death and Justice concept (Revenge fic, sort of; Destiel x Death Knight!OFC)
The monster under my bed (TFW Case Fic)
The Nephilim’s daughter (Revenge fic; Destiel x Death Knight!OFC)
The Omega (Alphas Destiel x Rescued Omega!Alex)
The Virus ORIGINAL (Origin story of A/B/O)
Two Men and the Virgin (AU - Modern; Husbands!Destiel x Single F!Henri (Neighbors to Lovers))
Vampire Dean (Currently, just smut)
Winchester A Life in the Hunter House (Tiny!Angel!Castiel x Tiny!Dean)
You want two Deans, Cas? (Angel Castiel x Current Dean x Season XX Dean; Slow burn; includes TFW 2.0)
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negans-lucille-tblr · 2 years
Take it Back - Beau x Daughter!Reader Oneshot
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Summary: When an unusual case lands on Beau’s desk, it leads to suspects and outcomes he couldn’t predict. 
Rating: 18+ // Pairing: Beau Arlen x daughter!Reader
Tags: nude photos, leaked nudes, anger, frustration, bratty!reader, major daddy issues, objectification, absent father, Beau being a terrible father, spanking, p in v, father/daughter incest, orgasms, hair pulling, cum in mouth, shame, guilt
WC: ± 4K
A/Ns: I wrote this before seeing any of season 3. I don’t know what it is, but once I finished writing this I actually felt really gross. I cannot believe my first Beau fic is father/daughter. What the hell is wrong with me? Anyway, enjoy if you’re just as fucked up as I am!!! A/Ns 2: I’m thinking of returning to posting to tumblr with a dark, gritty and smutty Soldier Boy series, so this oneshot is a bit of a trial to see if my audience is still out there 😅 So do let me know if you're reading and would like me to return! ❤️
Beau Arlen Masterlist // Jensen Ackles Master-Masterlist
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“Mornin’, Sir.” 
“It’s Beau,” he replies without looking up from his cell. 
“Well, Beau, you’ve got a case.” 
He finally looks up at his company, smiling softly at her as she places the brown paper folder down on his desk. 
“Great, ‘bout time something happened around here, been getting bored,” he grins. “What is it? Kidnapping? Homicide? Drugs?” 
“Leaked amateur pornography,” she replies flatly, clasping her hands together in front of her. 
“What? Why have I got that? You know I’m the sheriff right?” 
“Victim kicked up enough of a fuss, asked for you to deal with it personally. You pass it on to whoever you want, I don’t give a shit.” 
“Alright,” Beau sighs, reaching for the folder. “Thanks, darlin’.” 
He waits until she’s left to look down at the file, reaching for his coffee to take a large slug. He licks his lips as he considers who would want him to deal with this personally, when it’s not really his kind of thing in the first place, but he guesses all he has to do is open the report to find out. He looks up to check his door is closed given the nature of the case, and clears his throat, opening the file to the first page. 
“Fuck,” Beau mutters to himself, his forehead pulling into a frown. 
He instantly reaches for his bottom drawer, grabbing the whiskey bottle inside and unscrewing the cap, pouring a healthy measure into his coffee mug, following it with a quick slug straight from the bottle for good measure. Right now, all it is is words, but he knows beyond the first page will be the photographs that have leaked, screenshots from websites where they’re currently on public display. He purses his lips slightly as his eyes reread the name. He knew she’d changed her name to her mother’s maiden name, but seeing it there still hurts a little. But the main question still on Beau’s mind is the same one that had been there before he learned the victims name; why him? Why specifically ask for him? If anything, the motive is even more unclear now. 
Beau stares at the front page for a long moment, worrying his bottom lip as he weighs up his options. He’s a sheriff – an officer of the law – he should treat this case like any other, he should look at it factually and do his job. Though technically, maybe he should take a step back, hand this over to someone else who doesn’t have any kind of personal interest. But now Beau knows about this, he won’t be able to let it lie until whoever leaked those photos and plastered Y/N all over the internet for just anyone to find and jerk off to is caught and held accountable. 
He turns over the first page before he can change his mind. The copy of the photo has been censored, blurred out squares covering her most private parts, which Beau decides is definitely a good thing, he doesn’t need to see those parts of her. She’s standing in front of a full length mirror, one hip pushed out to the side, her legs slightly wider than a natural stance, her upper half twisted and curved to show off her chest. She’s done up for the photos, a lot of make up and her hair styled. Beau moves onto the next one. This one is a little less innocently posed than the first. She’s sitting on the floor this time, her legs spread and bent at the knee, her face a little clearer. She’s grown up a little more since Beau last saw her not long after she turned eighteen just over a couple of years ago. 
Much like the last, this photo is censored too, but it’s enough that Beau gets the gist of the photo, and moves on to the final one. This one has been taken with the front camera of her cell phone. Her back is to the mirror and she’s on her hands and knees, Her face in full view, but the view from the mirror is definitely where his focus goes. Once again, it’s been censored, but Beau still knows exactly what her intentions were when she took this photo. 
He huffs a breath as he skips ahead, now finding the screenshots of the various internet sites that the photos have appeared on, including one called “Revenge Porn”. Beau can’t exactly be mad with Y/N for taking the photos, she is a full grown adult who can do what she wants now, but he thought he’d done a good job reminding her of being safe on the internet, and this is certainly not safe. 
He closes the file and takes a much needed mouthful of his coffee, wishing it was just straight whiskey and it wasn’t nine A.M. This is not how he thought his day would go. But after only a few more moments of quiet contemplation, with several mouthfuls of coffee to accompany them, Beau finds himself reopening the file, flicking through the photos again. There are no answers there, of course, and they’re definitely not going to help him to close this case in any way, but he stares at them anyway and thinks about how long it’s been since he last saw her, how much she’s changed.
Beau finds himself reaching for the whiskey bottle once again, taking another swig straight from it, and licks his lips, sighing heavily as he once again closes the file and grabs it, getting up from his desk to take it to someone else. He shouldn’t be the one working on this case, even if she wants him to be. 
“Alright, listen up,” he announces, heading over to the whiteboard at the edge of the office. “We’ve got some kind of revenge porn. Should be an open and closed case, trace the IP address from the poster, lock ‘em up, job done. Who wants it?” he asks, holding up the file. 
The file is snatched out of his hands by Mannings, who is quick to open it straight onto the photos. 
“Damn,” he chuckles, “I’d be pretty pissed off if a girl like that broke up with me too.” 
“Victim claims she doesn’t have an ex-boyfriend,” Beau explains, digging his hands into his pockets so he can’t clench them into fists. 
He watches the file get passed onto Roberts next, who also ogles at the photos with a smirk on his face. He wolf whistles, which prompts it to get snatched yet again by another guy. 
“Damn,” he chuckles, and Beau just gets increasingly frustrated as he watches every member of the team enjoying the evidence, not a single one of them seeming to remember exactly where they are or what they should be doing. 
“Jesus, what I wouldn’t do to her. I’ll take the case, boss, I can go talk to her right now,” Collins calls out, his partner elbowing him in the ribs as they laugh amongst themselves. 
“That’s someone’s daughter, show some respect,” Beau glares at him. 
“Might be someone else’s daughter, but I can have her calling me daddy,” Collins counters, and the room erupts in laughter. “Clearly she’s got daddy issues.” 
“Alright,” Beau grunts, heading straight over to Collins and snatching the file out of his hands. “Seeing as none of you can think without your dicks, I’ll take it myself.” 
He grips the file in his hand for dear life as he storms back to his office, slamming the door closed behind him. He probably wouldn’t rest if someone else was on the case, anyway. It’s not like he didn’t try to get someone else for the case, but he’s the best man for the job. 
He heads back over to his desk and sits down, rubbing his fingers over his mouth as he stares at the front page once again, seeing the long paragraphs of her statement but not taking in any of the words. A knock at his door prompts him to look away, and when he looks up he sees Jenny leaning in the doorway. 
“Need help with that?” she asks, pointing to the file. “Could be good to have a woman’s touch.” 
“Nah, I’m golden thanks, sweetheart,” Beau forces a smile. “It’s easy enough, should have it wrapped up by the end of the day.” 
“Alright,” Jenny agrees, walking away and closing the door behind her. 
Alone again, Beau sighs, spurring his computer to life as he figures he should probably stop dragging this out and close the case as soon as possible. 
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“Are you sure this is the right address?” Beau checks, looking down at the paper he’s just been handed by the cyber security team. 
“Yes sir, nearly every upload came from that same address. Some of the others have come from Canada, India, other countries, but usually in these cases, people save and reupload once they’ve found them.”
“Okay, thanks,” Beau sighs, prompting the guy to leave. 
He waits until he’s alone to wake his computer back up, clicking on one of the open tabs. It brings up one of the websites the photos first appeared on, and Beau tells himself that it’s just research, that it’s justified because any good officer of the law would look at all the evidence, but Beau’s got all the answers right there in front of him on that slip of paper that has the address on it, and he knows it. 
He takes one last look at the uncensored photos, chewing on his bottom lip as he tries to take his eyes off of the screen, but it’s like he can’t stop looking. 
His phone buzzes on his desktop, forcing his eyes away, and he takes the opportunity to close down the tab completely so he doesn’t have to get caught up in it again. He takes one last look at the slip of paper with the address on and grabs his car keys, ready to close this case once and for all. 
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Beau takes a deep breath as he knocks on the door and looks up and down the street as he waits. Not much has really changed, not that he’d expect it to, everyone on this street has always been such a creature of habit. He stares at the American flag waving on the porch for a moment and then hears the front door opening. 
“Dad,” Y/N answers, her eyes a little wide. “What are you doing here?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know, Y/N,” he tells her with a sigh. 
“And here I was thinking you’d just come to see your little girl, considering it’s been… what? Three years?” 
“It’s not been that long,” Beau insists. “Is your mom home?”  
“No, she never is,” Y/N tells him, stepping to one side. 
Beau takes a moment to look at her. He’s not as shocked at the difference in her after staring at the photos of her all morning, but the change is a little more obvious in person. Eventually, he steps inside what used to be his house, and Y/N closes the door behind him. 
“So I’m assuming this is about what’s happened?” she asks. “Did you catch them?” 
Beau stares her down, but she’s as stubborn as ever apparently, because she just stares back with complete resolute. 
“So your statement says that you didn’t send these photos to anyone, they just happened to end up online somehow,” Beau reminds her. 
“Yeah, guessing someone hacked my phone or something,” she shrugs. 
“Why did you take the photos in the first place if you weren’t going to send them to anyone?” he asks. 
Y/N just shrugs again, crossing her arms over her chest. “For a confidence boost? To feel hot? I know you don’t like thinking about it, Dad, but I have a sex drive, y’know. I’m not a little girl anymore.” 
“Yeah, well the morning I’ve had has proved that,” he agrees, exasperatedly. Beau takes a deep breath and decides to put them both out of their misery. “I know you leaked your own photos, sweetheart.” 
Y/N’s eyes widen, but she quickly purses her lips and shakes her head. “What? Why would I do that?” 
“You tell me, darlin’,” he prompts, cocking an eyebrow. “You can’t lie to me, Y/N. I’ve got the evidence, and if anyone else on the force had taken this case, you could’ve been done for wasting our time.” 
“That’s why I specifically asked for you,” she smirks slightly. 
“Why did you do it?” he presses once more. 
Y/N clenches her jaw and then sighs, looking down at her feet. “I had to get your attention somehow.” 
“By posting photos of yourself naked online? You know I had to see them, right?” 
“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” she shrugs, her arms still crossed. 
“You could’ve just called,” Beau counters, glaring. 
“For you to tell me you’re busy with work and then promise to see me this weekend and then call and cancel at the last minute?” she argues. 
Beau takes a deep breath and realises she’s right. “Alright. I know, I’ve been a shitty father,” he agrees. “But this wasn’t the answer. Baby girl, those photos are online forever, we can try to remove them, but people can have copies, and they’ll always crop up again.” 
“Oh well,” she shrugs, like it’s no big deal. 
“You don’t care, do you? You have no idea what you’ve done. Do you know how many men are going to see you like this now, and you’ll never be able to take it back.” 
“What do you care?” she scoffs, moving past him to head into the kitchen. 
“Excuse me? Of course I care. You’re my daughter.”
“The only reason you’re here, Daddy,” she counters, stepping closer to him, her face right up in his, “is because it’s your job. You don’t give a shit about me and never have. You barely even know me, you’ve always put work first. You have no right to be this pissed with me.” 
Beau clenches his jaw, not wanting to argue with her any more on that. They’re already going around in circles. She just stares him down for a moment or two before a small smirk plays on her lips. 
“Unless…” she counters, her smirk only growing deeper. “You’re pissed because you’re jealous.”
“Jealous of what? Hm? Don’t be ridiculous,” Beau scoffs, shaking his head at even the implication. 
“Did you like what you saw, Daddy?” she purrs, biting down on her bottom lip. 
“You’re crossing a line, sweetheart,” he warns her quietly. “All this for my attention, hm?” 
“Well, if I wasn’t getting yours I knew I’d get some guy’s attention,” she giggles. “Only difference is, if another guy from the force showed up I was gonna fuck him.” 
Beau bites his tongue, wanting to verbally ask the question of where he went wrong, but he knows they’ve already established that; he has never done this father thing right. Him being so absent is everything to blame for this situation. 
“That’s all you want? Some guy to give you five minutes of his attention?” Beau asks through a clenched jaw. 
“If he’s doing it right it’ll be longer than five minutes,” she winks, giggling at the way Beau only gets noticeably more irritated by her blasé nature. 
“Oh sweetheart, you were never spanked as a child and it fucking shows,” Beau grunts, his anger only building more and more, especially when Y/N only smirks harder and bites down on her bottom lip, still completely unphased. 
She steps back, hitching the skirt of her dress higher up her thighs as she begins to bend over the table in front of her, giving Beau a full view of the white lace panties she’s wearing underneath. He clenches his jaw and averts his eyes at first, but he finds his gaze wandering back to the one place it shouldn’t go, as he thinks about the photos that she leaked, and how one of them saw her in a similar position but with far less clothing on. 
“What are you doing?” he huffs, only getting even more frustrated. Only this time, it’s with himself. He shouldn’t be fighting with the thoughts that want to enter his brain. He shouldn’t be pushing away all the feelings that want to bubble to the surface. Beau’s not sure he can even acknowledge them right now. 
“It’s never too late to start,” she tells him, looking back over her shoulder, her eyes almost sparkling. “Daddy.” 
“Get up,” Beau demands, his tone a lot more firm than it’s been since he got here, but Y/N does no such thing, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth and wiggling her ass slightly. Beau can no longer deny how tempting it is, and clearly his words aren’t getting through to her, so maybe some good old-fashioned corporal punishment is just what his bratty daughter needs. “Fine.” 
Beau steps up behind her, his jaw clenched, and he has to physically unclench his fist and make sure he keeps his hand flat as he delivers the first spank upon her ass. Y/N flinches and whimpers, but then a short giggle bleeds through her lips, so he delivers a second, just has hard as the first, leaving behind a dark handprint on her skin. Y/N whimpers again, gasping for air, and before he knows it, Beau has delivered a third. His palm is stinging so he can only imagine how Y/N’s ass feels, but there’s something about it that he’s getting some kind of sick, twisted pleasure from, and it’s like he can’t stop. 
He delivers spank after spank, losing himself in the anger of the moment, and he thinks maybe he’ll finally get through to her, until the sound of Y/N moaning cuts through his foggy brain, and as he halts the next strike, he realises his chest is heaving and his jeans are painfully tight around the crotch. 
“You’re enjoying this?” he asks in disbelief, ignoring the fact that the ludicrous question should be aimed at him not her. 
“Did I forget to mention it’s one of my favourite things?” she asks innocently, blinking at him over her shoulder. “It just gets me so wet, daddy.” 
Beau can’t think straight through the fog of his arousal, mixed toxically with his anger. He begins to laugh, even though there’s nothing funny, and a small frown twitches over her forehead at the sound. 
“You want attention, sweetheart? All this is for my attention, hm?” he asks, reaching for his belt. She barely nods her confirmation, and Beau almost relishes in the slight fear that begins to flood into her eyes. “Alright, then you’ve fucking got it. Exactly what you’re craving.” 
“Daddy? What are you doing?” she asks, her voice a lot less smug than it has been. 
Beau ignores her, undoing his pants the rest of the way and stepping up behind Y/N as he reaches for her panties and tears them down over her ass, revealing that pussy he’s already seen plastered over the interest. It’s glistening more now, though, and something about that makes Beau’s cock twitch. 
“Don’t play fuckin’ dumb, baby girl, you knew what you were doing posting those slutty little photos. You were fuckin’ asking for it, so I’m gonna fuckin’ give it to you.” 
She whimpers as he grabs her hips and pulls her closer to him, her upper half falling a little more flat to the table top. 
“I know exactly what a girl with daddy issues needs.” 
Beau doesn’t overthink grabbing his cock and lining it up with her opening, and he doesn’t think twice about thrusting forward and shoving his cock straight inside his little girl, not until he’s as deep as he can get, and he stops for a second, feeling her warm, wet cunt suck him in, clenching hard around him like a vice. Slowly, she relaxes, giving him the room he needs to start thrusting, and he can’t help but moan at the sensation, closing his eyes and tipping his head back. 
“Fuck, Daddy,” she gasps out breathlessly. “You're so big. Fuck, I can’t believe you’re inside me.”
“Don’t play dumb baby girl, this is what you were hoping for, wasn’t it?” he grunts, reaching forward to grab a fistful of her hair. 
“Y-yes,” she stammers out, arching her back into the table, her eyes fluttering closed. 
“Did you want it to be me? Or were you desperate for just any man’s cock in there?” She doesn’t answer at first, but Beau wants one, so he tugs harder on her hair. “Hm? Did you want your Daddy or are you just a slut that needs anyone’s cock?” 
“Yours Daddy, I wanted it to be yours, that’s why I sent the photos,” she admits on an outbreath. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist your baby girl.” 
“Jesus,” Beau grunts, hating that he’s fallen straight into her trap, but he can’t deny he’s never felt this good before. His cock fits her perfectly, like she was made for him. 
“If I’d have known you had a pussy this good, I’d have stuck around,” he tells her, clenching his jaw harder, fucking her deeper and faster. He doesn’t really mean it, but his brain is so foggy with all these good sensations, and every time he says something dirty, or treats her like a whore, she clenches around him in a way that Beau can’t even describe. 
“Fuck Daddy, keep doing that, it’ll make me cum,” she gasps, reaching back and grabbing his hip, pulling him closer to her and sending his cock deeper. “Right there, right there,” she chants, and then he feels her grip onto him like a vice, her walls beginning to spasm around him as she screams out. 
The sound of his little girl screaming like that, the sight of her with her mouth wide open and her eyes rolled back in ecstasy, the sensation of her practically milking his cock is having the desired effect on him, and Beau can feel his thighs begin to tense, his balls begin to tighten as he pulls out quickly and tugs on Y/N’s hair, manipulating her to land on her knees at his feet. She instantly opens her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out, the corners of her mouth pulled up in a smirk as she waits patiently for his orgasm. It comes in hot, thick ropes of cum painting her tongue and mouth as he groans and pants over her, quick to let her go and step back as soon as he’s finished. 
Beau turns around, unable to look at her as he puts himself away and attempts to redress as quickly as he can. 
“Can you get the photos down?” she finally asks. 
“I’ll try,” he tells her, not looking back at her. 
“Are you going to visit again, or do I need to post more of them?” she challenges. 
Beau takes a deep breath, unable to stop the shame crawling over his skin. Not only for what he just did, but for what he drove her to do in the first place. 
“I’ll visit,” he tells her, nodding his head. 
“Then I’ll be here, Daddy,” she purrs. 
But Beau doesn’t reply, he just leaves the room in pursuit of his truck, hoping there really is a way he can remove those photos from existence before they send him back to her doorstep again. 
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jamielea81 · 1 year
Anyone know of any good Jensen Ackles x Reader series?
I don’t like age gap or daughter reader fics, but besides that I’m open to whatever.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
In Plain Sight Masterlist
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Summary: She’s moved back in with her parents, ended things with her fiance, and has to start her photography business over from scratch in a new city. The reader’s life has seen better days to say the least. But coming home one night to find her parents hosting the increasingly popular Crew Foxe to dinner was not in her plans. He’s drop-dead gorgeous, as cocky as they come and has her sights set on her. Crew’s much more than the frat boy persona he puts up around her though and she might not be as love scorned as she thought. But you don’t get to choose who you fall for. Because dating your dad’s co-star behind his back is one thing. Dating one of his best friend’s is something else entirely...
Pairing: Jensen x daughter!reader (with lots of daughter!reader x OMC)
Word Count: 38K
Warnings: language, family angst, past trauma, smut
A/N: This series is complete!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Fresh Starts Timestamp
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sara78 · 10 months
Family Don't End In Blood - Part 10
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Summary: Following the events of the previous nights, everyone is keeping themselves on their toes. The Ackles family, plus Y/N and Jared, discuss their further moves. Disagreements arise, but a kind soul breaks out the fight easily and allows things to settle down before talking real game.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x foster!daughter reader
Word count:3,299 (wow, really?)
Transcription - Y/M/N: Your mother's name ; Y/H/C: Your home country
Warnings: Mentions of abuse (nothing graphic but SKIP IF THIS TRIGGERS YOU), kids are the kindest souls in the universe and you can't prove me otherwise, angst
A/N: Here's a little reward for powering through the week :D
Your nights have been pretty restless through the last few years of your life. The way you would flinch from the slightest sound your ears picked up, the way you curled underneath the blanket and squeezed a pillow to your chest, often burying your face in it as well, trying to quiet down the cries and allow the soft fabric to pick up all of your tears without any judgment, the way you would jump awake from a nightmare, just to get hit and yelled at for waking up others and the way you overall didn't feel safe, did a thing or two to you through the course of years.
Something happened with all of that when you started working on Supernatural. Something changed in the way your body worked. You slept pretty well. Yes, nightmares were still there, but there was no yelling and punching after you woke up from one. Your body felt safe, surrounded by kind people and kids. You slowly but surely started to feel like the old self - able to asleep in any spot at any time. You're pretty sure Jensen, Jared and Misha have a whole album on their phones just with your weird sleeping spots just to tease you, which you didn't mind, as you had just as much material to tease them back.
But this night was restless. For both you and Jensen. Maybe it was the fear of what tomorrow would bring. Maybe it was fear of how are things going to go down. Or it was fear of losing people close to you. No matter the reason, fear was evidently present. You could feel it in the air.
You just laid down next to Jensen and stared at the ceiling with him after you finished getting ready for bed.
He'd strike up a question. You'd do the same. But all the conversations died rather quickly and you'd both return to silence, staring at the ceiling and trying to calm down your racing minds.
Soon enough the night turned into early morning, and everything that was going through your head was pushed aside as you heard a knock on the door,
"Hey," Jared's raspy morning voice spoke up, "Danneel and the kids should be here soon. Wanna come with us to pick 'em up?" you nod, sitting up and yawning, Jensen still laying down, "Did you two sleep any?"
"No," Jensen said as he sat up while you stood up, rubbing sleep out of your eyes, "I'll be ready in a few."
"No hurries," Jared said, "Y/N, wanna come with me to grab breakfast after we pick everyone up from the airport? We're not on set today."
"What?" you asked, visibly confused, "It was supposed to be Mish, you and me on set today. What happened to that?"
"Rich sent me a text and told me we're off the schedule for today and tomorrow. We had the weekend off anyways, so it's just extended now," Misha spoke up from behind, making you sigh,
"I don't want others working overtime because of me. I can work."
"Rich is behind the steering wheel and that's what he decided. Making this show isn't just acting as well," Jared pointed out,
"Besides, you can go ahead and call him, wake him up and make him all grumpy. I'd enjoy that, he loves his beauty sleep," Misha added, making everyone smile.
Crowded places weren't your jam. Maybe because you always had a feeling you weren't safe. You didn't know how many different personalities walked past you and that scared you a bit. Especially because coming from a third-world country, you'd never seen so many people packed somewhere and it was a weird experience, but you'd learned fast enough.
But this time, as you walked through the airport, you kept scanning every single face that had even the slightest of resemblance to her.
You were afraid she was following you. You weren't sure how much does she know and what weapons is she willing to use to get to you and people you love. She's got her way around here and it scares you to hell and back.
And to think that she could pop out from anywhere and hurt anyone who's walking with you and hurt the four people who are about to land sent chills down your spine and kept you on edge with every step you took.
You were at the gate just in time, as Danneel walked up with the kids. While the girls ran to Jensen, Zeppelin had no problem running to you, even though he was on a long flight and you could see how tired he was just by the way he looked at you. But the way he lit up and smiled when his eyes caught glimpse of you made you smile just as wide, seeing how much joy and love can a child's heart hold. He was in your arms within seconds and you felt so relieved to be able to hug him tightly and protect him from whatever might happen.
He's just a little kid.
How can she threaten a child?
You kissed his temple as he curled into your hold and clung to you, not letting go,
"I missed ya, Y/N," he murmured, making you smile and rock him gently,
"I missed you too, big guy," you responded, allowing Jensen to give his buddy a kiss as you waved at the girls. Arrow came up and gave your leg a small hug, while JJ walked past you and went straight to Jared. You sighed, Danneel showing up and giving you a big hug,
"I'm sorry," you whispered and she shook her head, still hugging you,
"There's nothing to be sorry for. We're safe and that's all that matters."
"Let's get going," Misha said, "You must be tired and hungry."
"Y/N and I will go order and bring breakfast home," Jared said, letting JJ down into the backseat and making you sigh as you put Zeppelin in his car seat to which he protested,
"Hey, what's my little guy want for breakfast?" you tried and he pouted, "Buddy, I know you wanna stay with me, but uncle Jared has no kid seats in his car because he's a dummy," Zeppelin giggled, making you smile too, "How about I get y'all a shake?" Arrow squealed in joy in response, Zeppelin nod and JJ kept quiet,
"Birdie, say thank you to Y/N," Jensen said, looking at her as he sat in the drivers seat. She pouted and looked away in the other direction, "Come on birdie."
"Thanks," she murmured, not looking at you. You sighed, looking down for a second and catching a deep breath to stop the tears from spilling.
JJ didn't like you. At all. And that was okay. You didn't expect her to like you. Especially because she's way older than the twins and understands more than they can right now. But you were trying to do as much as you could without overstepping her boundaries and now, when you are this vulnerable, the slightest thing that usually doesn't bother you now seems like the end of the world. And it hurt, plain and simple.
"What's the plan?" you asked, working on strapping the twins safely into their seats as you sniffled,
"We're gonna discuss that on our way back," Jensen sighed, sipping on his coffee, "You don't separate from Jared."
"I won't," you sighed, kissing Zeppelin and Arrow's foreheads before closing the door to the backseat, "Please, talk about every possible option. Even the ones that have me going away," you said and Danneel shook her head as you looked at her,
"You going away is never going to be an option," she said with a smile and you sighed, walking away to Jared's car.
Three hours later
"You guys good?" Jensen asked as you and Jared walked into the apartment an hour and a half later,
"Yeah," you smiled, "Kids asleep?"
"Out like a light," Danneel smiled, "Zeppelin was the last one to fall asleep. He was waiting for you."
"That kid will be the death of me," you smiled, "Breakfast good?"
"Yeah. Yours got cold though," Jensen pointed out, "Everything okay for sure?"
"Yeah," you smiled, "We just needed to clear our heads and get some fresh air."
"I had a moment and she made me stop and do as she said," Jared popped in, "Sorry for not checking in."
"She sent me a text. Knows us all too well," Jensen smiled, ruffling your hair, "Now you two get your asses at the table and eat."
Heavy silence filled the room while you and Jared ate. Jensen was sipping on his fourth coffee of the day and Danneel was sitting right next to him, cuddled up to his side and playing with the fingers of his hand.
Jared was obviously the first one to finish the meal, as he was the human food vacuum. You took a few more minutes before placing your plate and utensils into the dishwasher and turning it on. You returned to the living room, where Jensen and Danneel were on the couch and Jared was on the other couch, facing the two. You took a seat next to Jared and sighed,
"This can't go on anymore," you said, bringing Jensen back from his over thinking and Danneel from her half-asleep daze, "We can't make this work out. We tried, and I love you all for trying, but it's not working. We gotta do something because I don't want either of you being in danger anymore."
"We don't want you being in danger too," Jensen added, making you sigh, "We're gonna make it work."
"How?" you asked, "By keeping Dee and the kids here, imprisoned?"
"No," Jensen shook his head, "It was a bone-headed move to make them come here. I acted out of fear. They're way safer in Texas."
"What makes you think that?" you asked,
"She's wanted for not showing up for trial with Chaos Machine when she attacked you," Danneel explained, "She can't cross the border nor use any of her documents. Unless she makes a new identity, she can't cross the border. She's also here on a travel visa, which expired long time ago."
"She makes connections so deep in the rotten pores of the law it makes me sick. I wouldn't be surprised if she found someone to work with who could get her over the border," you explained,
"Even if she does, it'll take a long time. Kids and I will be safe in Austin. Now, Jensen, honey, you making us come here wasn't a bone-headed move. We need to be together, at least for a few days. Kids and I will stay for a bit and then go back. They still have around a month of school left and you have a lot of filming to do."
"I mean, it's only five weeks. But that might be extended, given all the circumstances," you pointed out and Jensen shook his head,
"We're skyrocketing on the streaming charts. We're doing another season in the fall and two extra episodes this summer. Meaning we don't get off work till mid June."
"When were you gonna tell us that?" Jared spoke up from where he was leaned against the couch, "We doing that good?"
"We still got it, old man," Jensen teased, making everyone giggle,
"He's not old. He just has gray hair that Sarah has to dye over and over again," you pointed out, Jared sitting up and tickling your sides as Jensen and Danneel giggled, "I'm glad we brought the show back."
"We all are," Danneel smiled,
"Nonetheless, my point stil stands. The filming is going to take a while. She has all the time in the world to figure shit out. She's going to find a way to fuck us over, one way or another. I know you don't like this idea at all, but I think that me moving out is the most rational option at the moment."
"No," Jensen shook his head, eyes staring at some point on the carpet, "Not happening."
"Jense, it's for the best. I'm the target and she's using you to get to me. She knows me all too well. If I remove myself from your place, she won't chase after you anymore. We're gonna see each other on set. We have phones too. We can keep in touch, and of course we will. I don't want to cut any contact off. I just want to remove myself physically from you and your families until it's safe for you."
"It's supposed to be about your safety too, not just ours," Jensen said,
"Well my safety had been compromised for a very long time. I can live a bit longer in the danger zone. You, however, don't deserve to suffer because of what's going on between me and her."
"But kid, there's a plot hole," Jared spoke up, "Say you move out. We stay in contact, all cool. But what if she comes to us and asks for your whereabouts?"
"Simple, I won't give you my address. You won't know."
"And you think that us telling her we don't know will be the answer she wants to hear? You think she'd believe us?"
"I… Fuck," you breathed, running a hand over your face,
"I'd tell her to piss off, whether I knew the address or not," Jensen growled,
"None of us would give it up," Jared added, "I see where you're coming from, munchkin. But unfortunately, plot holes exist and she might want to hurt us even if we're don't know anything about your whereabouts. I'm siding with Jensen on this one. It's better to be around familiar people. It helps with your head, right? That's what you told me like an hour ago. There's no reason to sit and suffer in silence."
"I wish I was normal," you whispered, looking down to the floor, "I wish we weren't having this conversation right now. I wish I wasn't the problem."
"You are normal and you aren't the problem," Danneel said, "Sweetie, you're so far from the problem. We all know who the real problem is and we know that in this moment we can't remove it. But what we can do is stay together and keep fighting."
"What if I just met up with her?" you said, Jensen's eyes widening as he looked you in the eye, "I mean, just end it, once and for all?"
"What makes you think she'll listen?" Jensen said, making you roll your eyes,
"You can't just contradict everything I say, Jensen. Especially not when some of the solutions are actually pretty solid."
"I'm not contradicting you because I like to. I'm doing it because I don't want you to be in her vicinity. Ever again. After everything she's done to you, she doesn't get to keep having her way with you."
"Due all respect, you don't even know half of what happened-"
"And that's what scares me!" Jensen exclaimed, "It scares me to hell and back because I don't want you to live like that anymore. I don't want you to jump at every sound your ears pick up, I don't want you waking up from nightmares, drenched in sweat and crying, I don't want you to be afraid of loving and being loved. I want you to be a kid too! And by putting yourself out there, you're doing her a favor. You can't compromise your safety like that. "
"If you wish for a normal kid, why did you want to adopt me in the first place?" you asked,
"I never said I wanted a normal kid. Just a kid that isn't in fight or flight mode all the fucking time."
"Well that's what you get," you said, "You knew what you got yourself into. I've warned you multiple times that I can't be a regular kid. I'm fucked up, very fucked up on many, many levels and I'm sorry I don't meet your expectations."
Jensen abruptly stood up and walked away into his bedroom, Danneel sighing and going after him, which left you with Jared. You buried your face in your palms, trying so hard not to cry.
You got attached.
And you shouldn't have.
"There's no expectations to meet," Jared's voice spoke up as you felt the couch dip down on your right, "We just want to give you a space where you can feel safe and sound. Where you don't have to be afraid. Where you can relax and be yourself without any hesitation. We love you for who you are. We loved you on day one, when we didn't know nothing about you besides how big your appetite is and how much of a joker you are. And we didn't stop loving you when your background unraveled and came into the picture. And we won't stop loving you, no matter what tomorrow brings. You're our kid and nothing can change that. Fuck me, we all have loads of crap on our shoulders and you love us the same way we love you."
"That's different."
"How can that be different?" Jared asked, "There's no difference. There's no measuring whose pile of crap is heavier. There's none of that. We all have our own struggles and we all have an equal right to feel how we feel about them. There's nothing wrong in being scared and nobody here wants you to be someone you're not. You're scared and you're terrified. You can be scared and terrified. Nobody would point any fingers at you because we know what's the reason for it and whilst maybe we don't know the whole story, we know enough to piece it together and understand."
"You are NOT moving out," Jensen growled as he stormed out of his bedroom, Danneel on his tail. His tone took you by surprise and his stance gave you some not so nice flashbacks, resulting in your body flinching in a try to shy away from him,
"Jensen, relax. Nobody's moving out," Jared said, "Let's all take a deep breath and-"
"You don't get to walk out on your family," Jensen kept talking to you, "Not on us. Not on that little kid who loves you more than anything in this world," he began, pointing to Zeppelin's room, "Not on this woman who took you in like you're her own child. Not on Jared who cares for you so deeply. And not on me. You don't get to walk out on me because I want to protect you and keep you safe."
"I'm not asking for protection," you said, standing up, "And I'm not walking out on anyone. I just want to do this right."
"And you think that handing yourself to her is the way to go?!" Jensen asked, making you gulp,
"I don't know!" you exclaimed, "I don't know what's the right thing to do. I want to do something, anything, just to feel like I at least tried."
"Well, we can do something else. Together. But you're not moving out. You're not leaving your family."
"No!" he exclaimed, "You are family. To me, to Danneel, to the kids. To the Padalecki, to Misha. So, I'm sorry, but you're not gonna be by yourself as you wallow in self-hate, painful memories and fear. You've had enough crap for the next 10 lifetimes and it scares the shit out of me that you were on your own all this time and it freaks me out that I don't know half of the stuff she fed you with and I don't know if I can help you, but I'm going to be here and you're going to be here and you're staying. You don't get to say you involved us too much already. Because the moment she step foot onto the set, that's when your problem became our problem. She won't hurt you ever again! I'm not gonna let her hurt you again! And I'm not gonna let you destroy yourself and put yourself in danger because-"
"Daddy, stop yelling at Y/N!" Zeppelin's small voice echoed, making everyone go dead silent as they all looked at him in his dinosaur pajamas, holding his blankie in his tiny hands. He walked up to Jensen who had his eyes glued to him, "You tell us we shouldn't yell. Apologize to Y/N."
Everyone was in awe of Zeppelin's words. Such a young child yet so emotionally mature. He turned around and walked up to you and you smiled as you picked him up and sat him on your hip,
"I'm sorry Y/N," Jensen whispered, sitting down,
"It's okay," you said, "If I recall, you have some dinosaurs to be fed?" Zeppelin nod with a smile, "Then we can't keep them waiting any longer or they'll eat us," you smiled, walking away from the living room.
3rd person POV
"That kid is something else," Jared breathed, Danneel grabbing Jensen's hand and bringing him back to sit down at the couch,
"He's right," Jensen whispered, "We teach them not to do that, yet I did the exact same thing I tell them not to do. I didn't want to yell at her."
"People can push our buttons and she's been pushing yours for a long time," Danneel said, "She knows you didn't mean for it to come out that harsh."
"She probably thinks I hate her," he responded,
"Then you talk to her and make sure she understands that you are allowed to have bad days," Jared joined in, "You're human, brother. You can make mistakes. As long as you owe up to them and try better next time, you'll be forgiven. And Y/N is one of the kindest souls I've ever met. She'll have no problem forgiving you. If someone knows what it's like to keep all those feelings bottled up, it's gonna be her. I bet she ain't even mad."
"Jared's right, honey," Danneel cooed, kissing his temple, "He's very right. Just talk to her about it later. Let some time pass. And everything you said is true and we stand by what your point is. She has a good intention, just bad execution."
"I just want everything to be over so that we can adopt her and be a family and just live life without being in fear all the fucking time," Jensen breathed, running his hands through his hair,
"She's got a long road ahead of her, but we're gonna be there to support her no matter what," Danneel smiled softly, squeezing Jensen to her side, "You're so noble, to love her the way you love all three of the other kids. Your heart is so big and so loving. Don't ever forget that."
"I hope I can do enough to make her stay."
"She's not going to leave us," Jared pointed out, "She just has to learn that sometimes she can't do anything about something. And no matter what happens, she's still gonna be the one getting pranked alongside Misha. She's still gonna be our kid, no matter what. You gotta trust her on that."
"I do trust her, of course I do," Jensen breathed, "I just… I'm just scared of the endless possibilities. What if she kidnaps her and brings her back to Y/H/C? She said it herself, Y/M/N is playing this game very dirty. Who knows what she can do to her."
"Some things can't be stopped," Danneel said, "Of course we want to protect her and keep her safe. But some things can't be stopped and we cannot foresee what's gonna happen. She won't be stopped from doing whatever she wants to do to Y/N. I wish we knew and I wish we could act on it but maybe we won't be able to and that's okay too. She's not gonna blame you or anyone else for what her mother does. And we'll be here for her when it's over, to help her heal and give her a place to call home."
"Yeah," Jensen whispered, wrapping his arms around Danneel and hugging her back, "You should get some sleep, honey."
"You should too," she countered,
"I just downed another coffee. It might take a while before I start getting sleepy again."
"It doesn't matter," Danneel pointed out, "Just come lay with me when you calm down your jitters."
"I'll go out, get some food, make some lunch and dinner. Invite Misha over," Jared said, "When I come back everyone in this house better be sleeping," he said, standing up from his seat, walking over to Zeppelin's room, knocking on it softly before getting in and closing the door behind him,
"Sorry to interrupt," he spoke up with a smile, seeing how happy Zeppelin was as he played with Y/N, "I was wondering if you guys have any ideas for lunch and dinner tonight?"
"I'm fine with whatever," Y/N said, shrugging her shoulders,
"I wants pizza!" Zeppelin exclaimed, Y/N and Jared giggling,
"Yeah? How about everyone makes their own pizza tonight? Everyone gets to choose what to put on 'em?"
"Yeah!" Zeppelin exclaimed happily, "Thanks uncle Jare!"
"You're welcome," he smiled, ruffling his hair, "Are you happy because you get to play with Y/N?"
"Yea!" he said with a wide smile, "I love Y/N!"
"I love you too, big guy," Y/N smiled, Jared smiling as well,
"I'll leave you guys to it. You better get some sleep before lunch too. That's an order."
"That's a boring order," Zeppelin said, making you and Jared giggle,
"What do you say, is uncle Jare scary?" Y/N asked and Zeppelin shook his head,
"No. He funny and clumsy and old."
"Well thank you very much," Jared grumbled, "This old man will be going to the grocery store now and leave y'all to feeding the Jurassic Park over there."
"You okay?" Jared asked as he left Zeppelin's room, leaving the door slightly ajar. Jensen was leaning against one of many windows in his apartment, just looking out to the streets,
"Yeah," Jensen breathed, "Sorry for freaking you out earlier."
"Don't apologize," he shook his head, "I was kinda surprised by your abrupt leave though."
"I just..." Jensen shook his head, "I was so pissed at Y/M/N. Still fucking am. I would love to punch something. Preferably her face."
"We would be taking turns for that," Jared sighed, patting Jensen's back, "It's okay. Y/N is playing with Zeppelin, seems to calm her down a little. Give her a little bit of time."
"Yeah, will do," he whispered, "Thanks for being here man."
"It's what brothers do," he smiled, "I'll be heading out. Pineapple pizza for dinner?"
"You want to get your face punched instead?" Jensen asked, making Jared giggle and jokingly run away, "Shoo, old man."
"Your face is old!" Jared exclaimed from the doorway, closing the door behind him.
Jensen took one final glance from the window, scanning the blurry faces on the street. He sighed, walking away and into the room JJ and Arrow shared. He made sure they were nicely tucked in and leaned to give them both a kiss to their cheek before going to the bathroom.
He walked into the bathroom and washed his face. Seeing himself in the mirror scared him a little. The bags under his eyes definitely have their five minutes of glory. He grabbed his toothbrush and brushed his teeth before changing into a pair of shorts and a shirt and walking up to Zeppelin's room.
The door was slightly open and he saw Y/N and Zeppelin sitting on the floor, both of them playing with dinosaurs toys,
"Y/N," Zeppelin spoke up as he kept playing, "Why's daddy scared?"
"Uh, you remember that monster you dreamt of a while back?" Y/N asked and he nod, "Yeah, remember how I said I have dreams with monsters too?" Zeppelin nod again, "Dad is scared of some monsters of his own."
"He had a bad dream?" Zeppelin asked, looking at Y/N and stopping with playing, "But you told me daddy will protect us."
"He will, of course he will," Y/N smiled, "But daddy can be scared too. And he will still protect us, no matter what."
"He yelled at you," Zeppelin looked down, poking at one of his dinosaurs toys, "Is he mad at you?"
"Probably," Y/N sighed,
"Why?" he asked,
"I make mistakes. I've been making a lot of those recently."
"Like JJ?" he asked and she smiled,
"But JJ doesn't talk to mommy and daddy when they're mad at her, or when she's mad at 'em. You talk to daddy. Why's he still mad at you then?"
"Just because we talk doesn't mean he's not mad at me. He's scared too. You remember how you reacted when you saw the monster in your dream?" Zeppelin nod, looking down in shame, "Hey, bubba, lookie at me," she tried, crawling over to him and picking him up and sitting him in her lap, "I'm not saying this to tease you. I'm trying to tell you that everyone reacts some way when they're scared."
"So, daddy yelled because he's scared?" Zeppelin asked and Y/N nod,
"Partly, yes. That's right bubba."
"Can we help him not to be scared anymore?" he asked and she smiled,
"I think this is just one of his bad days."
"So what do we do?"
"We remind him of how much we love him and give him an extra tight hug," Y/N said, Zeppelin nodding,
"Okay. Can I do it now?"
"I think dad's asleep. But you can totally do it when he wakes up. Now, I've got a little something for you..." Y/N said, reaching under the bed and grabbing a new Lego set of a monster truck and showing it to Zepp, which resulted in a squirm and a jump right on her,
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he exclaimed, clinging to her. She smiled, hugging him and kissing his temple,
"You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome!" she responded, allowing Zeppelin to settle into her lap with a yawn, "You tired, big guy?" he nod, looking up to her, "I think it's time for a little nap. I'll wake you up for lunch and then we can start building this together. Maybe dad or uncle Jared would join us too."
"But I wanna play with you now," he said with a sad face,
"I know you want to but if we start making this truck now, I'm afraid we might get some sort of an animal instead of a truck since we haven't rested well. And also, mom said you can stay for a few days so we have plenty of time to play. And we don't want to be cranky like old man uncle Jared," she teased, making Zeppelin giggle, "Come on now, you can go ahead and pick a book you want me to read you as a nap-time story."
"I haven't heard of nap-time stories," he said,
"That's probably cuz I just made it up," you giggled, kissing the top of his head, "Go on sweetheart, pick a book. Then we can transfer the Jurassic park over on the shelf and read. Sounds good?"
"Yea!" Zeppelin exclaimed, standing up and going for the book shelf.
As Y/N stood up she saw Jensen on the doorway. He just smiled at her and nod, and she did the same. He leaned against the doorframe and watched as Zeppelin helped her bring the toys on the shelf and then watched him lie down and drift off quickly, as Y/N read him the book he picked.
As she finished, she tucked Zeppelin in and stood up quietly, picking up her bedding and walking up to the doorway where Jensen stood,
"Everything okay?" she asked,
"Yeah," Jensen nod with a smile, "Thanks for taking care of him."
"No problem," she smiled,
"You should sleep some, kiddo," he then said, making her roll her eyes, "Come on. You haven't slept any. You gotta rest some."
"I have to catch up with math that I missed last night. I don't have time for sleep right now."
"Do I need to read you a nap-time story to make you go to bed?" Jensen inclined, making Y/N smile,
"How much did you eavesdrop, old man?" she teased, making Jensen smile
"Enough to know of nap-time stories. And that Jared's the old man and not me," he smirked, "Come on sweetheart. Lunch won't be for another two hours minimum. You have a bunch of time after kids go to sleep to catch up with your math. Please?"
"Are you gonna get some sleep too?" she asked and he sighed, nodding,
"Promised Dee."
"I don't feel tired at all but okay, I'll try to," she sighed, "I'll sleep on the couch. That okay?"
"Yeah," Jensen nod, "One last question," he said as Y/N opened the door to Zeppelin's room, "You okay?" she smiled, nodding,
"Yeah. Go get some rest Jens. You need it," she said, closing the door to Zeppelin's room, going for the couch. Jensen waited for her to get comfy before approaching to tuck her in, making her giggle, "Dude, I'm not five."
"You're my kiddo, whether you're five, seventeen or seventy seven. Sleep tight," he smiled, kissing the top of her head before walking away to his room. He quietly walked over to his bed, laying down and facing Danneel's asleep form,
"Glad you came," she whispered, not opening her eyes but instead opening her arms for him, "Y/N and Zepp asleep?"
"Yup. Figured I'd come nap with my super hot wife," Jensen teased, seeing Danneel's eyes roll under the eyelids,
"You ain't getting anywhere with that. C'mere," she said, opening her arms for him, ". "You are long overdue for a cuddle. I missed you."
"I missed you too," he whispered as he cuddled up to her chest, "I love you."
"Love you too."
Your POV
"That is physics," Jensen spoke up and you giggled, shaking your head,
"Whats arrows over letters doing in math?!" he exclaimed,
"Vectors," you smiled, "Everyone asleep?"
"Yep. I'd be surprised if they weren't," Jensen said as he sat down on the bar stool next to you, "Done with school for the day?"
"Yeah. You headed to bed too?"
"I wanted to talk about today with you before I go hear Danneel snoring in my ear."
"You're the one snoring, idiot," Danneel called out as she walked out of the bathroom, "How was school today?" she asked as she came up to you,
"Good. I have a physics test next week."
"Oh, that doesn't sound very pleasing," she said, making everyone giggle, "Okay. Both of you, don't stay up too late. Night Y/N," she smiled as she hugged you softly and you returned it,
"Night mom."
Jensen kept quiet at the way you called Danneel, but you swore something shined in his eyes, but something shattered as well. Maybe you shouldn't have said it.
"So, what did you wanna talk about?"
"I'm sorry for losing my temper earlier today. Zeppelin is right. I teach them not to yell yet I do exactly that."
"Jense, I know you didn't mean for it to come out that loud. I'm not mad at you. I was pissing you off for as long as we know each other. It was bound to happen and I know that."
"But you flinched," he said and you sighed, looking down, "I saw it."
"I just sometimes get scared. That's all."
"I should have watched my tone. I'm sorry."
"And I shouldn't have pushed your buttons. I'm the one who's supposed to apologize. I've been treating you like shit and you don't deserve it at all."
"It's okay. Have you thought a bit into the whole situation? Or do you need some time?" he asked and you sighed, nodding,
Uncle Jared's right. I just… don't know what to do anymore. I'm scared of her, I'm scared for your safety, for everyone's safety, yet I don't want anyone to suffer because of me. It's so complicated."
"Yet very simple," Jensen said, "You stay with us. We finish filming, go to Texas, stay the summer there. I was thinking we could go for a little vacation somewhere. We come back to Vancouver and keep filming in November. You'll be in your third year of high-school and you'll do great."
"And what if something comes up? What if she does something?"
"Then we deal with it when it comes. We can't live in fear, kiddo. We can't live like this, afraid of taking a step. We're gonna be extra cautious, of course, but we can't lock ourselves in and do nothing. We gotta keep living as normal as we can, given the circumstances."
"You think she's not gonna do anything?" you asked, biting on your lip,
"I don't know what she thinks and what she plans to do. What I know is that we're all gonna try to protect each other. And that's all that matters. Besides, she can't keep this up for that long. She's gonna fuck up and set herself to be caught. It's just a matter of time."
"I have such a bad feeling about this all," you said, "I don't want her to be here anymore. How come she isn't arrested?"
"She's definitely hiding well. And with her connections with CPS, she's gotta have some in the federal department too. You said it yourself."
"She's gonna do something big. It's only a matter of time," you said, "She always does something big when shit doesn't go her way. She always makes some big problems."
"And we can't stop her from that. But we can make sure to act properly when it happens and stay close. It's the one thing we gotta do. We gotta stay together. She can't get through any of us when we're together. It's what she doesn't understand and doesn't know. She's powerless when we're together."
"She's never had anyone to have her back," you said, "She thinks her mom has her back but she's just using her. She always told me that I don't need any friends, that I'm better off on my own. That nobody needs friends. She thinks she's doing just fine without any friends and she tried to make me have no friends either."
"I see how well the no friends situation is coming down for her," Jensen sassed, making you giggle, "It doesn't matter. It's her life, she can screw it however she wants to. Only thing we won't let her do is screw you again."
"Yeah. But just because she doesn't understand how strong we are doesn't mean she won't try to do anything and everything to break me apart. And now you too. You understand what you're getting yourself into, right? I don't want you to get hurt, Jensen. Not you, not anyone. This is on me. If something happens to you-"
"What I've gotten myself into is a relationship with this wonderful kiddo who's got heart bigger than the sun. This kiddo who loves without limits, who cares and feels deeply, the kid who can smile, sing and joke around. You're a wonderful person and just because you have shitty baggage doesn't mean you're a bad person. Especially because you can't do anything to ship off the shitty baggage."
"Sorry for all of this," you whispered, looking down, "Sorry for being an ass to you. You didn't deserve any of it."
"It's true. I didn't deserve any of it," Jensen agreed, "But I understand that you're having a hard time with coming to grounds about things such as having a supportive family. You're still in that flight or fight mode you've been in for years and I also know you're stubborn as hell. I'm not mad at you and you're not making any mistakes or doing anything that would make me mad. You're just living the way you lived back in Y/H/C. And yes, you don't have to live like that anymore, but it's gonna take time for you to let go of old habits."
"I... I always got beaten up after an argument," you said with a sad smile as you looked at Jensen, "When something like this today came down, she'd beat me while I was sleeping. Wake me up in the process. Leave me crying quietly, sometimes beat me up again because I was crying, even though I was quiet. That's why I flinched today."
"I might lose my temper and raise my voice but I'm never, ever going to hit you. We're gonna talk it out. Whatever it is, no matter how difficult it is or how stressful it is, we're gonna talk it out. Just like we're doing now."
"Thanks for treating me like a human," you then said, smiling, "Even though you don't agree with my opinions, you still listened."
"You're always gonna be my kiddo but that doesn't mean that you're gonna be treated as a five year old when something important is being discussed. You are entitled to your own opinion and that's completely normal."
"Thanks. And sorry for being an ass. I'll try to do better in the future."
"And that's all I'm asking," he smiled at you, standing up from his stool and walking up to you to hug you, "To try."
"You're a sap," you teased, hugging him back,
"I know, Dean doesn't approve. Now, where are you sleeping?"
"I thought to sleep here, on the couch. I've stayed up for my classes anyway so-"
"Daddy," a small voice called, making Jensen turn around as you both looked in the direction where the sound came from, "I-I had a nightmare," Arrow hiccuped, approaching you two. Jensen frowned, meeting her halfway and picking her up,
"Yeah baby girl? You wanna stay with me and Y/N for a while?" she nod, leaning her head against Jensen's shoulder as he began swaying her,
"What was it about Ro?" you asked, "If you're comfortable with talking about it," she shook her head and you frowned, "That's okay. What can we do to help you feel better?"
"Sing," she whispered, ever so gently, "Y/N, sing."
"Me?" you said, surprised at the request. She just nod, Jensen nodding you to sit on the sofa with them. You followed his cue, sitting on the sofa with Jensen, Arrow still in his arms.
You began softly singing, getting Arrows full attention as she looked at you, her head leaned against Jensen's shoulder. You kept singing songs that came to your mind, basically anything on your first language that had a soft tune to it.
It didn't take her long to fall asleep, soundly held in her dad's embrace. You smiled, leaning to kiss the top of her head, Jensen' halfway asleep as well,
"I would never figure out why you hid that angelic voice from us," he said, ruffling your hair. You rolled your eyes, grabbing the blanket and throwing it over him and Arrow,
"Sleep here with her," you said, "I'll go finish something for school and then-"
"No," Jensen shook his head, grabbing your hand gently, "You lay down with us too. Cuddle puddle."
"No arguments," he breathed, "We're too tired. Let's just sleep. Come on," you sighed, knowing you're not gonna win this argument. You laid down, Jensen throwing another blanket over you and giving you your pillows, "Expect the other two to be all over us in the morning. I am not responsible if any of your kidneys decide to go on a walk when they jump on us," he said, making you giggle,
"Don't worry. My little cousin back in Y/H/C did that all the time to me. I'm trained well."
"Yeah, I can tell," he smiled, "Night, Y/N."
"Night Jens."
A/N 2: Thanks for reading! And, @crasmuna, you are so fucking far away so I can't hug you, so this will have to do <3
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Sounds Of Someday - Little Movie Star Chapter One (Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader)
[Actors-Masterlist], [Little Movie Star-Masterlist]
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Summary: Growing up in a children’s home sucked. Big time. Multiple families had taken you in over the years but it always ended the same. You were done with trusting others. So when you found out that there was another family out there who had taken an interest in you, you prepared for the worst. You never thought you would find yourself in Austin, with the Ackles. 
Words: 2,328
Warnings: language, mentions of shitty childhood, angst (?), trust issues, story starts in 2016 (changes in future chapters, you’ll see), for the sake of this story, the twins weren’t born in December but earlier in 2016 (August), (Y/A) = your age IN 2016!!!
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Another boring day in your children’s home. You had been a constant part of it ever since you were born. Throughout the years, you were lucky enough to be sent to multiple foster families. In the end, you always ended back here & quite honestly, you were sick of it. By now, there were no other kids in your room anymore. Every now & then, there had been times where you got a roommate but it always seemed like they stayed for an extremely short time. Like, families wanted them & they had never given them back. You, on the other hand, did not have it that easy. Your file was filled with multiple homes & that usually was an indicator for misbehavior. Yet, you had never, not even once, done anything wrong. Just, your luck with families was not necessarily given. And that was one of the worst things a child could endure. Nobody wanted you. You were never good enough & you promised yourself that, no matter what the future might hold for you, you would never ever trust another family again. The outcome was always the same, why bothering?
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“(Y/N)?” the door squeaked slightly & a man took a look inside. Bill. He was the only real friend you had ever had. Even though you were not quite sure if friend was the right word. He worked at the children’s home, after all. It was his job to take care of the kids here. Still, you liked him & you had a gut feeling that he was fond of you, too.
“Hey there, Billy Boy. What’s up?” you looked up from the book you were currently reading & raised your eyebrows in question when you saw him hesitating. Usually, he only ever came in when something had happened or when you had to be somewhere. Honestly, you did not care about the schedules you were given. Bill made sure you got everywhere on time & you did the chores you were assigned to do.
“Time to pack your bag. Your new family is waiting.” he tried everything to make his voice sound exciting but deep down he knew you despised the idea of having to go somewhere new. The past had not been particularly kind to you but he had a good feeling about these new people.
“Pleeeease tell me you’re kidding…” your head was thrown back out of frustration. Here we go again, you thought.
“Be outside in 10 minutes, we have a long drive ahead.” Bill shot you a sympathetic smile & you let out a groan. As much as you hated the thought of a new family, you knew better than to mess with the employees here. Getting up, you walked over to your closet & pulled your clothes out, throwing them into your suitcase without much care. There were not many things you owned to begin with so you were done in about five minutes. For the remainder of the time, you sat down on your bed & began overthinking. This situation was nothing new to you, yet you found yourself growing anxious. Why did you still care? They would give you back in no time so why worrying about stuff you could not change? Sighing, you got up, took your suitcase & walked outside to Bill’s car. He had already been waiting for you, leaning against one of the doors. No words were exchanged. His tight lipped smile showed you enough. Pity. You shot him a sarcastic smile back.
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You were mad at everyone. Mad at Bill. Mad at your new family. Mad at your parents, who gave you up right after you were born. Mad at yourself. Bill had tried to start a conversation every now & then but you simply told him that you were tired & turned up the volume of the radio to distract your racing thoughts. Time went by slowly, you had no idea how long you had been in this car. All you knew was that your legs were getting tired. Wanting to ask Bill to stop for a while so you could walk around a bit, you were cut off by the car coming to a halt. Huh. Looked like Bill could read your thoughts. The area you guys stopped at was very wealthy, you could tell. The houses were massive & you definitely did not mind walking around the neighborhood for a couple of minutes.
“Where are we?” you could not help but ask. Maybe, if you ever had enough money, you would move to a neighborhood that looked similar to this one.
“Austin, Texas. Welcome home, (Y/N)?” his body turned towards you to wait for your reaction.
“Welcome home?” your eyes widened. “Don’t tell me I’ll live in one of those houses.” there was no way a family this rich would ever want you. Sure Bill had made a mistake & mixed up the addresses.
“I’m afraid you will. This one, to be exact.” he pointed to the one you were parked in front. “Come on, we’re late. They’re waiting for you.” Bill got out of the car & grabbed your suitcase out of the trunk. Right now, you were not sure what to think or what to feel. Surely, this was the biggest house you had ever been to & the fact that you were supposed to live in there? It kind of scared you. Because you were sure that these people expected certain manners from you. And you did not think you could live up to their expectations.
Bill led you to the front door, he was carrying your suitcase for you even though you had told him that you could handle your stuff just fine. He noticed your trembling hands so he simply wanted to help you out a little. Bill nudged your shoulder, signaling that you should be the one knocking. Taking a deep breath, you raised your hand & gently knocked. It was almost inaudible. Literally nobody in a house this big could have heard it. So to say you were surprised when the door opened almost immediately after, was an understatement. One shocking factor followed the other & you gasped when you saw THE Jensen & Danneel Ackles in front of you. Both of them smiled warmly at you & you wished you could have copied their actions but you were too stunned to move. Great, your first impression was awful. It could only get better, right? Bill talked to Jensen & Danneel briefly & before you had time to process what was happening, he hugged you goodbye. Leaving your suitcase standing right next to you & you alone with your new…family? As if the Ackles wanted you? This had to be a mistake. Maybe it was some sort of publicity stunt? It sure left a good impression to take in a foster kid. But if you were not mistaken completely, they had twins not too long ago? A few weeks, you believed.
“Hi, (Y/N), right?” the woman in front of you asked. She was absolutely gorgeous. A nod made her continue. “I’m Danneel & this is my husband Jensen. Wanna come in? It’s better we talk inside.” your eyes switched between her & Jensen & while Jensen had been quiet so far, his smile was convincing enough. Making a move to grab your suitcase, Jensen beat you to it & told you that he got it. You thanked him with a genuine smile. Stop it! Just because you had been a fan of theirs did not change your situation. Soon, they would realize that you were not worth their time & then Bill would come & get you again. Same old, same old.
They walked you to a beautiful couch & told you to have a seat, which you did. Immediately, your hands started rubbing over your thighs, something you did to calm your nerves. Did not seem to work today, though. Both, Jensen & Danneel, placed themselves at either side of you. Their smiles relaxed you a bit & you could feel your breath even out. There was something about their aura that had a calming effect on you.
“It’s a lot right now, I know.” Jensen started, your eyes met his & he continued. “But we’re glad you’re finally here. We’ve been waiting so long for you & the fact that you are now with us makes us incredibly happy.”
“You’ve been waiting for…me?” you were surprised that your voice was so steady.
“Well, you see, there is a lot of paperwork going on before you can actually take in a kid from a children’s home but that doesn’t matter now, you’re here.” Jensen patted your shoulder & you knew he only meant well but you could not help but flinch at his touch. Immediately, he retreated his hand & coughed to brush off the awkwardness. You felt sorry for him but you had never been a fan of physical touch. Simply because you had never really experienced it.
“I think we should show you your room & let you get settled in. What do you say, angel?” Danneel rescued Jensen & you were not quite sure if she was talking to you at first. Did she just call you angel? No one had ever given you a nickname. Smiling slightly, you nodded at her & followed both of them through their house. You wondered if you were staying here long enough to find your way in this labyrinth or if you were sent back before you had the chance to navigate through it yourself.
The three of you arrived in a hallway, a lot of doors on each side & you assumed that was where their kids had their rooms. They still had no idea that you actually knew a lot more about them that you first had shown. For example, that Supernatural had been your favorite show for the longest time. Your plan was to let them in on your little secret as soon as you were in your new room. At the very end of the hallway, & you had to admit, you had never seen such a pretty hallway in your life, Danneel opened the door & ushered you in. Looking around, you were mesmerized. The room was huge, you could not believe that it would all be yours to live in.
“You like it?” Jensen, who was standing in the doorway, asked you. Turning around, you nodded & smiled a little. A rush of overwhelming thoughts came crushing over you & you had to gulp for a second. Deep breaths, you got this. This was too much to ask for. All of a sudden, you felt like you did not deserve any of this. Certainly, you did not deserve to live with a family like the Ackles.
“I assume the kids are in the rooms next to mine?” asking before really thinking what you were about to say. When neither of them answered, you looked up & saw their expressions. Shit, this was not your plan. Knowing the questions were about to start, you quickly continued & explained yourself before things got even weirder.
“I mean, I know you guys have three other kids. A three-year-old & twins, only a couple of weeks old, right?” followed by a quiet chuckle, you hoped they were not regretting their decision of taking you in already.
“You know us?” Jensen came a little closer & took a seat on the comfortable looking bed that was perfectly placed in your room. Already, you could imagine yourself putting effort into decorations to make it look more like yourself, more homely. No, wait. No need to worry about that, you would be gone & then all of your effort would be for nothing.
“Supernatural is my favorite show.” slowly, you took a seat next to Jensen, not too close, there was still a good distance between you two.
“Perfect, now you finally have someone to talk about the show who isn’t Jared.” Danneel joked & crossed her arms over her chest. They seemed…fine with you being a fan? Huh, definitely unexpected. You thought they would throw you out right away.
“Great, so you already know a little bit about us. JJ will love you. She’s been dying to meet her big sis for weeks now.” he sounded genuine. Big sis. You had never been a big sister. Were you ready to take that role? Why did you feel so much pressure all of a sudden? Jensen stood up & walked over to Danneel who handed him a little wrapped box.
“Bill told us you don’t have a phone so this is a welcome gift from us.” gently, you took the box from him & gave him an uncertain look. Yet, your hands moved on their own & you were shocked when you saw what phone they had given you. The newest iPhone? What the fuck? You could not take it, it was too much.
“That’s…nice & all, thank you. But it’s really too much, I can’t-“ you got interrupted by Danneel.
“Sure, you can. We want you to be able to contact us at any time. We’ll leave you to it for now. Get settled in, dinner is at 6 pm. Remember the way to the kitchen?” you only nodded, at a loss for words. The door shutting was the last thing you heard before being left alone in complete silence. The voices in your head the only noise you could make out. Why could you not make them stop? Why could you not just enjoy this? They seemed nice. Like they were actually trying for you. Why did you have to let your past consume you? Silent tears flowed down your face. For a while, you just let yourself feel. Feel whatever emotion your body was experiencing right now. You were alone right now, might as well take advantage of it.
~to be continued~
Next Chapter 
Published (03/20/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @vicmc624, @imaginationisgrowth, @stoneyggirl, @alyispunk, @thevelvetseries, @multifandomlover121, @samsgirl93,, @supernatural3002, @diabetes-03, @prettybubblesintheair (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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waywardnewcomer · 4 years
Built-In Best Friends Part Nine
A/N: Goodbye Hiatus, Hello writing season! Hope you’re all well. This is the penultimate chapter so enjoy!
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Summary: A panic attack, a tree house, a confession and a kiss. What could go wrong?
Warnings: descriptive anxiety, descriptive panic attack, lots of sadness
Pairings: Reader x Tom Padalecki, Tom x OC, Reader x OC, Jensen x Daughter!Reader, Danneel x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Previous Part Series Masterpost Masterlist
You were 12 when you had your first panic attack. You didn’t know what was happening. One minute you were presenting with Tom in class and the next you couldn’t breathe and almost passed out. You felt like you were in a bubble and you didn’t even register Tom sat in front of you and speaking to you throughout. You didn’t even realise the room had been emptied until you had calmed down enough for your vision to unblur. It was then you saw Tom’s reassuring smile paired with a concerned tug on his eyebrows as he held your hands tightly. It was then you realised Tom could help you through your dark times.  It was then you realised Tom was someone you were in love with. 
As your current panic attack swarmed your mind, you blindly ran from the school hall and through to the gravel outside, sliding down against the brick wall trying to focus on the way they scraped against your skin to bring you back to reality. You tried to remember some of the techniques you had been taught by your therapist and tried to verbalise things you could feel, hear, see, smell and taste. As you got down to your last sense you had started to calm down and saw Penny patiently sat beside you with your hand firmly gripped into hers. You didn’t know where she sprang from but you were glad she waited for you to go through your technique before talking to you. 
“Oh Y/N, that one was for you wasn’t it?” She asked sympathetically, making you nod, still slightly dissociated. 
She waited for you to slowly come back to reality and organise your thoughts, rubbing the back of your hand as you did. She quietly sat beside you until you were ready to speak but occasionally giving your hand a squeeze to remind you she was there. You were extremely thankful for that. 
“I love him.” You whispered, mainly to yourself.
“I know.” She smiled at your confused face as you whipped your head towards her.
“How?” You asked in utter shock. 
“Y/N it’s obvious. Look I know you liked Josh but everyone would be dumb to not notice how in love you and Tom are with eachother.” 
“He doesn’t like me like that,” You muttered looking at the gravel beneath your feet.
“Y/N he just sang a song for you in front of the entire school, don’t pull that shit with me.” She laughed slightly making you smile.
“But he’s with Sasha. Why would he even look at me?”
“I think Sasha was his distraction. Y/N you deserve someone who loves you and you love them back. You’re worthy of love. You need to remind yourself of that. You’re a beautiful person inside and out, you need to remember that.” 
“You mean that?” You whispered slightly in shock someone could say such nice things about you.
“Every. Single. Word.” She reiterated, looking into your eyes and ensuring you understood.  “It’s time to tell him Y/N, no matter the consequences. You can’t live your life without confessing your love anymore. No more regrets.”
“I know.” You sighed harshly and pulled on your hair. “Just… Fuck. How the hell am I meant to spring that on him?” You asked, wiping the discarded tears off your cheeks.
“Be honest. Let it come from the heart. You can do this Y/N, you’re strong.” She smiled giving you a little hug before jumping up and reaching out a hand for you to do the same. “Now come on, that gravel is awful on your ass and you need to get home.”
You laughed and grabbed her hand, getting up slowly. You wrapped your arms around her whispering your gratitude into her ear. That day she gave you a lift home and you planned out how to tell Tom. She asked you to text her after, good or bad and she’d be there in a flash. 
When you got home you bypassed the front door and went round the back and up the steps to your old treehouse that sat between your and Tom’s gardens. You sat on the balcony, dangling your legs off the edge and asked Tom to meet you up there. You spent the next five minutes playing with your hands and gathering your thoughts. You were so distracted by your thoughts you barely noticed him sitting down next to you. You snapped out of your trance and looked over at the beautiful boy and giving him a small smile.
“Look Y/N I’m really sorry if I upset you with the so-”
“I’m in love with you Tom,” You cut him off, trying to ignore his shocked face. “I know you're with Sasha and I shouldn’t say this but I can’t hold it in any longer. I’ve loved you for a long time and I’ve tried to move on and forget you but I can’t. I always come back to you. I think of you when I wake up and you're the last thing on my mind before I fall asleep. Whenever I have a panic attack I want you by my side to calm me down. I want you to be there for the big moments, I don’t want to watch you spend your life with someone else. I want to be by your side. I want you to spend it with me. I’ve tried so hard not to be but I’m completely, utterly and intensely in love with you.”
You breathed as you let out your emotions and looked up at Tom finally. You searched his eyes for any reciprocation and watched as he leaned in towards you slightly. You took the hint and moved in towards him to allow your lips to mould to each other. The kiss was intense, it was everything you had been hoping for. The butterflies erupted in your stomach and an intense fire was burning. You were completely in love with this boy and you didn’t regret a thing. You finally pulled away and looked into his eyes, smiling brightly.
“Y/N…” You smiled at him waiting for him to reciprocate the feelings. “I can’t.”
“What?” You asked, tears prickling your eyes and a lump forming in your throat. 
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, trying to hold your hand which you immediately shook off and shuffled away. 
“Oh.” You mumbled and quickly got up, racing down the steps and ran towards your house ignoring his pleas for you to stop. 
“Woah, what’s wrong?” Your Mom asked as you rushed into the kitchen through the backdoor, face flooded with tears and shaking violently. 
“I told Tom I loved him and he didn’t say it back.” You uttered out in shock, fresh tears falling down your face.
“Oh Honey. I’m so sorry,” She mumbled and moved towards you to wrap you in a hug.
You let your tears fall and your hurt show as you cried into your Mom’s chest finally feeling protected and safe from the outside world. You briefly heard pottering into the room but didn’t want to lift your head from the warm embrace.
“What happened?” You heard the worried voice of your father and his feet shuffling towards you. It wasn’t long before you felt his arms wrapping around the other side of you, completely encasing you in your parents embrace.
“Tom didn’t reciprocate her feelings.” Your Mom whispered to him and gave him a sharp look as if to say ‘don’t react’.
“Well I never liked that boy anyway.” Your Dad said, rubbing your arm. 
“Dad he’s your nephew.” You laughed lightly through your tears, slightly lifting your head.
“Well I don’t like him in this moment, okay?” He laughed slightly making you smile. Even if you had lost Tom, you were thankful for your parents. 
Tom on the other hand sulked slowly back to his house, not wanting that encounter to be real. He hadn’t explained. He hadn’t said it back. Why didn’t he say it back?
He finally slipped in through the back door to see his Dad sat at the counter with a coffee and a script. His Dad looked up and smiled at his son which Tom couldn’t bring himself to return.
“What’s up bud?” He asked, putting down his coffee and clearing the chair next to him for Tom to take a seat.
“I fucked up Dad. Well and truly.” He mumbled, a tear falling from his eye as he sat next to his father.
“Y/N told me she loved me and I didn’t say it back. She kissed me and I said that I couldn’t do it.”
“And why did you do that? It’s plainly obvious that you love her!”
“Because I have to break up with Sasha first. I love her so so much Dad but I don’t want to be labelled a cheater.”
“So why didn’t you say that?”
“I don’t know. I was taken aback? She put so much passion into it I was shocked.”
“And now you’ve broken her heart. You need to fix this.” 
“I know Dad, but what am I supposed to do?” He asked, lifting his teary eyes to look into his father's brown puppy eyes.
“The watering hole.” Jared smiled at his son, a plan already developing in his mind.
“The watering hole.” Tom repeated, a smile on his face. He was going to win Y/N back one way or another, even if it killed him.
Tags: @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou​​ @colie87​​ @atlas-of-the-world​​ @duckieburns @biawol​​ @maralisa124​​ @gabriels-trix​​ @the-winchesters-impala-blog​​ @letmebeyoursforever @rosie-winchester​​ @bellero​​ @dreaminemz​​ @aomi-nabi​​  @sebstanismyman​​ @captured-memory​​ @thatbandchick39​​@thevelvetseries
Forever Tags (people who have asked, let me know if you want adding) @creativedogs  @a-magey @platonic-plots  @captainsherlockwinchester110283 @sleepylunarwolf @claitynroberts @theshortegg @casiskween @robfangirl @fanficwithasideofcanon @jaremish @mlovesstories @lauren-novak @hi-my-name-is-riley @spn-tw-37 @spnrelatedurl @phonegalhelp @springholland @the-hufflepuff-hunter @chonisberonica @coralphantomninja @therealmrshale@babypink224221 @unicornblood4ever @supernatural3002​ 
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winchesterwild78 · 13 days
The Tutor part 3
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Master List
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: mention of cheating, language, angst, panic attack, mention of phone sex, fluff
A/N: Just a quick idea that popped in my head. A short series, maybe 2 or 3 chapters. I don’t know yet. No disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction. Jensen has children in this, but I do not use their real names. 
Reader is a teacher and is asked to tutor Jensen’s child. Things develop between Jensen and the reader. I do not condone cheating, again, this is a work of fiction.
This chapter got a little long. Sorry not sorry. 😀 Please overlook any errors. I wrote this fast and edited it fast. 
Minors DNI 18+
The next morning you woke up early. You stretched and reached for Jensen. His side of the bed was empty and your heart sank. Surely he wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye. 
You climbed out of bed, threw your clothes on and left the room. The house was still dark and very quiet. As you got to the bottom step you saw Jensen sitting on the deck, coffee in hand, and hair still a mess from sleep. You bit your lip looking at him. You could definitely get used to this view first thing in the morning. 
You walked to the door and opened it. Jensen looked up and smiled at you. “Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?” You bent down and kissed his lips, “Good morning baby, I slept amazing. How did you sleep?” “Better than I have in years. Come here darlin’,” he pulled you into his lap. You giggled as you fell. “God I’m going to miss you so much.” Jensen said as he tilted your chin up. “I’m going to miss you too, Jensen.” 
“Promise me you’ll call as much as you can. I know filming is crazy, but when you’re able to.” “I can guarantee I will, every chance I can.” He pulled you into a deep kiss. 
His phone went off, it was time for him to get ready. Your lips lingered a few minutes longer before you pulled away. You both stood. His eyes were filled with love and sadness. You moved out of his way so he could walk inside. 
Your heart was heavy with sadness. You knew he was going to call, but you’d miss his touch. Being here with him and the kids has felt like home. How could you leave? You wanted to stay in this moment with him forever. 
“Jensen, wait.” Jensen stopped before he went inside. He turned, facing you. “Yes baby?” “I’ll move into the guest house. I want to be here. Safe and near you. I lo …” You stopped yourself. Jensen looked at you, lifted your chin and placed a searing kiss on your lips. “I’m glad you’re moving in. I’d do anything to keep you safe, and I know baby. I feel it too.” 
You took a shaky breath in. You almost said it. Those three little words. You knew you were falling for him. Everything with him was easy and felt incredible. 
His thumb rubbed across your cheek before he let you go. “Leaving you will be one of the hardest things I have to do.” You smiled, “I know Jensen, I know.” 
Jensen walked in the house and went upstairs to shower and get ready. Walking into the kitchen you started cooking breakfast and making coffee. The kids woke up and came downstairs to eat and see Jensen off. There was a heaviness in the air. 
You and the kids had sad faces and Jensen chuckled. “Aww guys, it’s only for a few days. I’ll be back before you know it. I’ll call every night and when I get back I don’t have to go anywhere for a while. We will all be together for the holidays. 
Jensen’s daughter, Annie looked at him, “Is mommy coming home soon? For Christmas?” “I’m not sure, baby. I hope so.” Your heart broke for the kids. You knew the marriage was over, but the kids didn’t. They missed their mother. 
After breakfast was finished, you made Jensen a cup of coffee to go. He hugged and kissed the kids goodbye. You craved his lips. Biting your lip you looked at him. He pulled you into a hug. It took you by surprise. “Thank you again for keeping them. I owe you.” As he pulled away he placed a kiss on your cheek. “You’re welcome Jensen. I hope you have a great flight and we can’t wait to see you when you come back.” 
“Hey guys, can you help dad out for a second. I can’t find my fancy comb. Can y’all please go look for it?” The kids took off. Jensen grabbed you, “that should keep them busy for a few minutes.” He pulled you into a passionate kiss. You moaned into his mouth. As the sound of little feet on the stairs filled the room he pulled away. “Thank you baby” you whispered. 
Jensen smiled at you and squeezed your hand. You knew the two of you had to steal a kiss when the kids weren’t around. It would confuse them and cause unneeded problems. You were thankful Jensen made an effort to steal those moments. 
The kids ran in the room with a comb in hand. “Oh thank you guys so much!” He pulled all three of them in for a hug. There were tears and his youngest daughter wouldn’t let go of his neck. “Baby, daddy will be home before you know it. You’re going to have such a great time with Ms. Y/N while I’m gone. I heard she’s got cookie dough ready for you guys to make cookies.” She turned and looked at you, you smiled and nodded your head. 
She wiggled out of his arms and told him goodbye. “I love you guys so much. I’ll miss you every second I’m gone.” The kids said their goodbyes and I love yous as Jensen grabbed his bag. “You three be good for Ms Y/N.” “We will daddy.” 
You walked with Jensen to his car. He grabbed your hand, “I’m going to miss you every second I’m gone too. I love you, Y/N. Hell I know it’s too soon, but I can’t help it. I’m in love with you.” Tears pricked your eyes, “I’m in love with you too, Jensen. I’m going to miss you every second too. I love you baby.” He placed a soft kiss on your lips. “Bye sweetheart. I’ll text you when I land.”
Jensen climbed in his car and as he drove away your heart ached but was so full. Walking back into the house you saw Annie standing near the front door. Your heart beat wildly in your chest. Did she see her dad kiss me? Did she hear us? Oh god, please don’t tell me she saw us.
“Ms. Y/N, is daddy really going to call us every day?” “Yes, sweetie. Daddy just told me he’s going to text when he lands too. He told me earlier he was going to video chat with you guys every night.” “Okay. I miss daddy when he’s gone.” “I know you do sweetie, but he’s going to be home really soon.” “I know. I miss mommy too. She’s never at home anymore.” Your heart clenched at her words. “Well, I don’t know your mommy as well as I know your daddy, but I do know she loves you three very much.”
She gave you a hug and walked away. You walked in the kitchen to start cleaning up. The house phone rang so you answered, “Ackles residence.” “Who is this?” A woman’s voice asked. “This is Y/N. I’m helping Mr. and Mrs. Ackles with the children, may I ask who this is?” “Oh, hey, Y/N. It’s Mrs. Ackles. Has Jensen left for work yet?” “Oh hi Mrs. Ackles, yes he left about 10 minutes ago.” “Okay, great. I’ll be home in about 30 minutes.” “Oh that’s great. The kids have missed you.” “Well I’ll see you guys soon.” 
You hung up and was slightly confused. She told Jensen she wouldn’t be back for a week and that’s why you were watching the kids. You didn’t mind watching them, but it still confused you. 
Then it hit you. You and Jensen had sex in their bed, and the used condom was in the trash in their bathroom. You ran up the stairs to the bedroom, made the bed and emptied the trash. You threw the bathroom trash into the trash in the kitchen, then took it outside to the trash can. 
As you came back inside your phone went off. 
Jensen: Hey darlin’. I’m about to board the flight. I just wanted to tell you last night was incredible and I can’t wait to have you in my arms again. I love you.
You: Hey babe. Have a safe flight. I can’t wait either. I love you too. Your wife called and she said she’d be home soon. I made the bed and took out the bathroom trash. 😉
Jensen: When is she coming home?
You: She said in about half an hour.
Jensen: Of course she is. I doubt she’s going to stay long. 
You: I hope she does, the kids miss her. I’ll let you know when you call tonight if she’s here. I doubt we can have that phone sex you promised if she’s here.
Jensen: Of course we can. Go to your bedroom. I left you a present on the dresser.
You: What?! Jensen you didn’t have to get me anything.
Jensen: Yes I did. Trust me, it will make phone sex so much easier, especially if she’s at home.
You: Walking in my room now.
You: Jensen! I can’t believe you bought me earbuds.
Jensen: I told you it would make it easier. Now you can hear me and nobody else can. 
You: You’re a genius. 😘
Jensen: I do have an occasional good idea every now and then. I love you, boarding now.
You: I love you too, safe flight my love.
You walked out of your room smiling. The front door opened and Mrs. Ackles walked in. “Hey, Y/N! It’s good to see you.” “Hey, it’s good to see you too. Welcome home.” “Oh it’s good to be home.” Just then a man walked in behind her. You looked at the man and realized it was the man from the article. “Y/N, this is Josh, Josh, this is Y/N. She’s the tutor we hired for the kids. She was so sweet and offered to keep the kids too while Jensen went to work.” 
You extended your hand, “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” “Yeah, you too.” There was a bit of an awkward silence between the three of you. “Well, I’m going to unpack, I’ll be back shortly. Um, Josh, can you carry my suitcase upstairs please?” Inside you rolled your eyes. You’re not being slick, you know that. I know what you’re doing. 
“Oh yeah, sure.” He grabbed her bag and walked upstairs with it. You went back into your room, grabbed your book and took it out on the balcony. You settled in the chair and started to read. 
A few minutes later you heard Jessica crying. You put your book down and ran into the house. “Jessica, what’s wrong?” Before she could answer you saw Jensen’s wife in a robe, hair a mess and trying to get to her daughter. The two of you made eye contact and a flash of embarrassment filled her eyes. Jessica clung to you and wouldn’t look at her mother. 
“Jessica Marie, look at me!” Her big green eyes, full of tears, looked at her mother. “Why did you walk in mommy’s room like that? You know you’re not supposed to when the door is shut.” Oh great parenting. Blame the child for you fucking your boyfriend in your bed, during the day with your children at home. Real fucking smart.
“I heard something. I didn’t know you were home. Why was Uncle Josh laying on you like that?” You looked at her and she looked terrified. “Y/N, would you please excuse me and Jessica. I’d like to speak to my daughter privately.” “Oh, of course.” Jessica clung to you and wouldn’t let you go. “Sweetie. I’ll be in my room. Talk to your mommy.” 
You walked into your room and closed the door. Your heart ached for Jessica and wished Jensen was at home. You quickly realized she walked in on her mom and Josh. She was too young to understand what was going on, but not too young to know that Uncle Josh was in mommy’s bed.
A few minutes later there was a knock on your door. “Come in.” Mrs Ackles opened the door and stepped in. “Y/N, can we talk woman to woman?” “Sure.” She sat down at the foot of the bed. “So obviously you know what Jess walked into. I’m not going to lie and say it’s not what you think. It’s exactly what you think. Josh and I were having sex. We’re together. Jensen is aware of it. We haven’t been happy in a really long time. You understand, as women we have needs. Needs my husband can’t satisfy anymore. I’m in love with Josh and he’s in love with me. Jensen and I are only married for PR purposes.” You sat listening to her in complete disbelief. “I get it. Marriage is hard. My husband and I have split up because he started to get abusive. I moved in with my best friend a few months ago, however my ex came to my school and beat me up in the parking lot. Since he knows where she lives, Jensen offered me the guest house. He said you wouldn’t mind. Since there is security here and my ex doesn’t know where you live, Jensen figured it would be safer.” 
“Oh my goodness honey, I’m so sorry you’re going through that. I can honestly say no matter what’s happened between me and Jensen, he’s never once put his hands on me. He really is a nice guy, but I just don’t love him. All I ask is you don’t tell Jensen about this fiasco today. Let me tell him, so we can figure out how to address it with the children.” “Of course, it’s not my place to tell him.” 
A few minutes later you were left alone in the room. You were torn, could you really judge her after you had sex with her husband in that same bed last night? The kids were home then too, the difference, they were asleep, and he locked the door. 
Trying your best not to judge her, you busied yourself with packing. Since she was home you figured you weren’t needed. 
You had planned to go back to Y/F/N’s house and pack. Coming out of the room you saw her and Josh standing in the kitchen. “Mrs Ackles, I’m going to head out since you’re home. I’ll be back later today. 
“Oh okay, well we aren’t staying long. I just came home to do laundry and grab some things.” 
You stood stunned. She’d just come home. Her children desperately missed her. “Okay. Well I won’t be gone long then. I’ll see y’all later.” 
Walking to your car your heart was heavy. Her children missed her, but she was more concerned with spending time with her boyfriend. Your heart broke for the kids. Driving to Y/F/N’s house you hoped Jeff wasn’t around so you could get your stuff and leave. You still had a ton of stuff at the house you shared with Jeff, but you were too afraid to go over there without someone with you. 
Pulling up to the house you noticed Y/F/N was home. Walking in the house she was so excited to see you. You filled her in on what was going on and told her you were moving into the guest house of the family you tutor for. “Come on, Y/N, you have to tell me who it is.” “Sorry, I can’t. Not only for their protection, but for yours. If Jeff came over you could truly tell him you didn’t know where I am.” “Fine, I just think you’re not telling me because the dad is super hot and you’re secretly having an affair with him.” She started laughing and so did you. You desperately wanted to tell her about you and Jensen, but you needed to protect him. 
You packed up your stuff and loaded up your car. You hugged her goodbye and told her you’d be in touch. Once the dad returned you’d be free to hang out again. Driving back to Jensen’s house your phone went off.
Jensen: Hey sweetheart. I’ve landed, gonna grab my bags and head to the hotel. I’ll call you when I get there. How are the kids? Did she ever come home?
You: Hey baby. Glad you arrived safely. The kids are okay. I ran to Y/F/N’s house to pack so I could move in. She did, but she’s leaving again. 
Jensen: Of course she is. I can’t wait for you to move in. 😘 Okay. I’ll call you later. I love you.
You: I can’t either. Maybe you can sneak out and come see me. 😉 I love you too.
Jensen: That’s the idea. 
You smiled and bit your lip. God this was going to be hard. Pretending he means nothing to you around his wife and kids when he means everything to you. 
You arrived back at Jensen’s house late afternoon. Mrs. Ackles, Josh and the kids were in the living room when you arrived. “Hey, Y/N. Did you get your stuff?” “Yeah, most of it. It’s in the car right now.” “Well let me get you the key to the guest house. Josh can help you bring in the boxes.” “Oh, sure, thanks.” 
She stood and made her way to the kitchen to get the keys. You walked outside to the back and unlocked the door to the guest house. It was spacious and beautiful. There was a small kitchen and living room, a bedroom in the back and a bathroom between the bedroom and the living area. It was fully furnished too, which was a great help. 
The bedroom had a queen sized bed, which you thought was the perfect size for you and Jensen. 
Josh carried some boxes in for you. When he put them down he looked at you, “So um, you’re not going to say anything to Jensen are you?” “No, I’m not. It’s not my place.” “Okay, thanks.” You nodded and he walked out. 
A few hours later she was telling the kids goodbye, again. The kids were in tears. She told them she would be back in about a week, that she just came home to get some more clothes. Annie was angry, “Why don’t you love us anymore? You’re always gone.” “Oh Annie, I do love you guys. I just have some grown up things to take care of. I promise I will be back soon.” 
Annie walked away and didn’t say goodbye to her mother. The other two cried and hugged her. When she pulled them off of her they clung to you. “Y/N, thank you again for taking care of them.” You nodded, trying to hide your anger. Her and Josh walked out the door. 
A little while later your phone rang with a video call. Jensen’s name flashed on the screen. “Guys, guess who’s calling me?!” You called the kids. The three of them ran in excited. You answered the phone and saw Jensen sitting shirtless on a bed. You bit your lip. “Daddy!” Annie yelled. Jess and Jensen Jr came running to the phone, “Daddy!” You smiled as Jensen talked to his children and they told him about their day. Jensen noticed Jessica was unusually quiet when he asked about her day. She looked at you and then at Jensen. “Daddy, Mommy was mad at me.” “What? Why baby girl?” You knew she was about to tell him, but you didn’t know how to stop her. “I went in your room.” Jensen looked confused, “What happened in my room, baby girl?” “Mommy was in there with Uncle Josh, and he was on top of her. They were making funny sounds.” 
You saw Jensen’s jaw tighten and a flash of anger in his eyes. “It’s okay baby girl. You didn’t do anything wrong.” The kids and Jensen talked for a little while longer before they said their goodbyes, “Hey guys, let me talk to Ms Y/N before I hang up. I love you three so much.”
Annie handed you back your phone and Jensen waited, “They’re outside now.” “What the fuck happened?” Jensen asked with venom in his voice. “Honestly I’m not sure. I was in my room, reading and I heard Jess crying. So I came out, when I saw her your wife was coming down the steps in a robe. Apparently her and Josh were having sex and Jess walked in on it.” 
Jensen ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “She was screwing him in my bed?! What the hell was she thinking doing that with the kids there.” “Jensen, honey, we did the exact same thing last night too.” “Right, but we locked the door and the kids were asleep for fucks sake. I knew she was screwing him, but to bring him in the house and do that with our children at home in the middle of the day is just insane.” 
“I know, baby. I’m sorry. I wish I could have protected her from that.” “It’s not your fault darlin’. Is she still there?” “No, they left again. She said she’d be back in about a week.” “Okay, well I have a night shoot today, then I’m shooting tomorrow. If all goes well I should be back by Wednesday.” “I can’t wait until you’re home. I already miss you.” “I miss you too, sweetheart. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again.” You smiled.
“Well baby, text me when the kids go to sleep, I shouldn’t be shooting yet, so if you’re up for some fun, I’ll video call you.” He winked at you and you giggled. “I will, Jensen. I’m looking forward to it.” “Good, well I need to head out. I’m going to the studio to sign some things and get stuff ready. I love you, Y//N.” “I love you too, Jensen.” 
Hours later when the kids were finally in bed you sent Jensen a text.
You: Hey baby, the kids are in bed and so am I. Waiting for you with my earbuds. 😉
You noticed Jensen’s typing bubbles kept appearing and disappearing. You waited for either a text or the video chat to come up, but nothing. As the minutes turned into hours, your heart sank. Maybe he got called to set early. He’s busy, but then why are the bubbles appearing? So many thoughts running through your head. 
You laid down, placing your head on your pillow and your phone next to you. Before too long you were falling asleep. You woke up a few hours later and looked at the clock, 3:45am. You checked your phone and still nothing from him. You sighed heavily, got up, changed your clothes into more appropriate sleepwear, put your phone on silent, and crawled back in bed with a heavy heart.
You missed Jensen, and you were sad he didn’t call you or even text you back. Before going to sleep you sent Jensen a final text.
You: I’m going to bed, you must be busy. Good night, Jensen.
You put your phone down, rolled over and fell asleep. 
The sound of your alarm blaring pulled you from your slumber. You were exhausted. Falling asleep was easy, but you kept waking up. You knew Jensen had an evening shoot, but you couldn’t understand why he didn’t text. 
You grabbed your phone and checked it. Your heart sank, no messages or missed calls. He was probably busy. He’ll call today.
You opened Instagram and started scrolling. Your fingers stopped when you saw a picture of Jensen. He was sitting at a table in a restaurant with the woman who posted the photo. You saw other people there too, but her and Jensen looked really cozy. Your heart clenched in your chest. 
She was gorgeous, a guest star on the show he was on. She was tall, dark hair, thin, and very busty. She’s leaning on Jensen in the photo and he had his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. She’s placing a kiss on his cheek. The caption is what made the tears fall.
“Always a fun time with this cutie, Jensen Ackles. Thanks for such a fun night out. Can’t wait to do it again. 😘” The comments were horrible. Some of the other people in the photo commented that Jensen was hilarious being so drunk last night. Other comments said his wife was going to have to share him. Then Jensen commented, “Yeah, last night was fun. Glad I decided to go out, not glad I drank so much. Bring me some water and a greasy breakfast when you come in today. 😉” 
You sat on your bed and cried. Feeling foolish that Jensen could actually love someone like you. Just an average woman, not beautiful by Hollywood standards, and definitely not a model. You had extra weight, and you worked a Mon-Fri job, hell you were tutoring his kids, and right now you were pretty much their nanny. Maybe you were just a means to an end until he went back to work, or you were just a quick fuck because he wasn’t getting any from his wife. 
Now with him back at work, he wouldn’t need you anymore. Your anxiety started to spiral and within minutes you were in the middle of a full panic attack. Tears streaming down your face. Your heart broke. You allowed yourself to fall in love with him, and you thought he was being genuine when he said he loved you, now you weren’t so sure. You wanted to, no, you needed to talk to him.
You: Jensen, we need to talk. Please call me as soon as you can.
Jensen: Can’t talk right now. Chat later.
You: Okay, I love you.
Jensen: K, chat later.
The sadness overwhelmed you. You curled into a ball on your bed and cried. A few hours later, you cried all you could. Your eyes were swollen and red. Slowly pulling yourself out of bed, you jumped in the shower. 
You tried to wash away all the sadness and humility. Standing under the hot water, it covers you like a warm blanket. The water eventually turned cold, pulling you from your thoughts. You got out, dried off and got dressed. 
You walked into the kitchen and made coffee. The shrill sound of your phone ringing pulled you from your thoughts. Looking at your screen you saw it was a video call from Jensen. You walked back into your room for privacy. Your finger hovering over the answer button. 
You took a steading breath and answered. 
“Hey sweetheart, how are you?” Jensen saw you and his eyes filled with concern, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
You looked at your phone as tears slipped out. “Baby, talk to me, please you’re scaring me. What’s wrong? Are you okay, the kids?”
You softly answered, “The kids are fine, Mr Ackles.” “Are you okay, sweetheart? What’s wrong, and why are you calling me Mr. Ackles?”
You shook your head no. “I’m not okay, but I will be. I can’t do this anymore. When you or Mrs. Ackles gets back. I'll be leaving. I won’t be tutoring the kids anymore. I’m sorry.” “Baby, what happened? Please talk to me.” 
“I can’t compete with the women you work with. You chose to go out last night, drink and hang on that gorgeous woman. Not that I blame you, she’s perfect and I’m not. I waited for you, a text, a call, but I got nothing.” Tears were still falling down your face.
“Y/N, you’re perfect, gorgeous and I’m so in love with you, please baby, please believe me. I’m sorry I didn’t call or text. If I didn’t go out people would have questioned why. By the time I got back to the hotel it was really late and I figured you were asleep.” 
“I…just..” Whole body sobs filled you. Jensen’s heart broke. He had no intention of hurting you. “Sweetheart, please. I don’t want anyone but you. I’m completely in love with you, only you. Please look at me.” 
You lifted your eyes and met his eyes on the screen, and saw pain and love. “That’s my girl, even now you’re beautiful to me. Please baby believe me when I tell you I love you and I never meant to hurt you.”
“Then why when I texted earlier and said I love you, you replied back with ‘k, chat later’? “Oh darlin’ I was just really busy. There isn’t an excuse for that. I promise you I will never miss the opportunity to tell you I love you again.” 
Tears streamed down your face again, you felt ashamed and guilty for feeling like you did. “I’m sorry Jensen, I just can’t believe someone like you would really want someone like me. I know you love me. Guess I have a lot to work on.” 
“God I wish I was there with you right now. I’d wrap my arms around you and never let you go. Kiss those soft lips of yours, down your neck, leaving love bites to your beautiful breasts.” 
You smirked and bit your lip, then giggled when you saw him adjust his pants. “Jens, are you trying to have phone sex with me?” 
“Maybe, is it working?” He winked at the camera. 
You let your shirt fall forward a bit, exposing the upper part of your breast and a little of your nipple, “Maybe”.
About 20 minutes later the two of you were panting and coming down from your release. 
“Jens, that was hot.” “Yeah it was, baby. Now I’m really sorry I missed this last night.” Your flushed cheeks getting darker as you giggled. 
“I wish I was there with you, Y/N. You’re so beautiful, especially with those flushed cheeks.”
There was a knock on his door that pulled his attention for a second, “Mr. Ackles, you’re needed on set in 5.” “Okay, thanks Joe.” He turned his attention back towards you, “Duty calls, darlin’, but I’m not done with you yet. I’ll call you as soon as I’m free and we’re going to do this again. I love you, baby.” 
You smiled, “I can’t wait, babe, and Jensen, I’m sorry.” “Shh, baby, it’s okay this is all new territory for the both of us. We will get through it. I love you so much, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“I love you too, Jensen. Have a great time on set and I’ll talk to you later.” “Bye darlin’, have a great day.” He blew a kiss before he hung up. 
You sat on the bed smiling, knowing there were things you two needed to work out, but you also knew Jensen really did love you, wanted you, and wanted to be with only you.
As you got up your phone went off with an Instagram notification. It was a post from Jensen.
There was a picture of a silhouette of a man and a woman, holding onto each other. He captioned it with, “The feeling of being completely in love with another person is one of the best feelings in the world. When you find your person you know. Everything feels right, easy. No matter what you two face, you can always find a common ground. I love you, darlin’. Now and forever more.” 
Your heart fluttered in your chest. You sent him a text.
You: I love you too, now and forever more.
Jensen: 🥰 😘 I’m glad you saw that.
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
The Celebrity Next Door: Chapter 5 - Crossroads of Feelings
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Chapter Summary: A little drinking and bonding has never hurt anyone right... Right?
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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It's been two weeks since I went to Jensen's for coffee, and since then, we've been growing closer. We meet up every few days for coffee and casual conversations about anything and everything, and the chemistry was defiantly building, with long gazes and subtle touches every so often, it felt like a slow burn.
I often spot Jensen walking down the street with his kids, and when he sees me, he waves, and I wave back. It was nice seeing him out and about, looking lighter and happier than when I first met him. It's all very neighbourly. Katie, his daughter, sometimes stops by when I'm checking the mail just to say hello. These small interactions have become a regular part of my routine.
But over the past few days, I've noticed less of Jensen. He'd wave when he saw me outside, but once he was back indoors, it felt like he vanished.
Well, not from my mind. Thoughts of him seemed to occupy my every moment, replaying his words and the way he said my name. It was frustrating because I found myself missing him. I didn't like being home without his presence nearby.
I started lingering longer at the office, arriving at 7:00 am and leaving at 6:00 pm. Even at home, I fought to keep myself busy with calls and contracts, trying to distract myself, to not depend on him, but nothing seemed enough.
I hated the affect he had on me already.
Today flew by faster than I wanted, and before I knew it, I was driving back to my quiet house as I did every evening. As much as I was starting to love my new life in LA, I missed having friends. I missed having people to talk to, to laugh with. Making friends here felt near impossible to me, and I didn't know where to begin.
Pulling into the driveway, I froze when I saw Jensen sitting on my porch, a bottle of wine in hand. What a nice surprise.
I smiled and stepped out of my car, making my way towards him. When he saw me, he stood up and greeted me warmly. "Y/N.. Any chance you'd like to have a drink?"
I laughed and nodded, moving to unlock my door and invite him inside. He looked around the house with genuine interest, as if he's never seen a house before, which warmed my heart.
"Wow, this place is beautiful." he commented.
I chuckled and shook my head at his compliment. "Jensen, you don't have to be polite. Compared to your house, this is just an apartment."
He shrugged with a smile. "Maybe, but mine doesn't feel like home. It's just walls and windows. Yours, though, it has this Y/N vibe all around."
"A Y/N vibe?" I repeated, amused. "I like that."
Grabbing the wine glasses, I returned to Jensen, noticing him studying a photograph on my wall. "This is cute. Who are all these people?"
I moved closer, the way his breathing hitched making me smile, "That's my dad, my mom, my sister Christina, and my other sister Stephanie, and of course me in the middle."
He smiled widely and nodded, "What a beautiful family."
Though it was a simple compliment, it meant the world to me. The word beautiful has never really been used to describe me, or my life.
"Thank you, Jensen. I haven't talked to them much since moving here, so it's been tough. But this picture always brings a smile to my face."
He frowned slightly, sipping his wine as he took another glance at the photo. "Why don't you visit them? Or have a housewarming party and invite them here?"
I laughed sadly as we moved to the couch, Jensen sitting beside me. "My parents aren't in the best financial situation so taking a flight would be hard on them, plus driving is like 41 hours so that's out."
His expression softened, eyes fixed on mine with an intensity that surprised me.
"My dad does odd jobs like painting and electric work," I explained, "My mom works at a local diner. They manage, but money's always tight. Even though their divorced, they still live together because neither one of them can move out. That's partly why I moved here, hoping to send them money to help out each month."
His expression was different than I've seen before, his eyes filled with admiration and tenderness, his usual charm replaced by a heartfelt sincerity that caught me off guard.
He was silent, and I started to feel like I said something wrong. I quickly gulped the rest of my drink and stood up from my spot, "I'm sorry, that was probably too much information. I didn't mean to turn this into a pity party."
His hand gently gripped mine, shaking himself out of his trance. "No, not at all. It's just... surprising to hear is all."
"Why?" I questioned, sitting back down beside him.
His hand remained on my arm, gaze locked on mine. "You're different from people around here. Kind, generous. I feel like people here are constantly expecting things; but you give. Like when you came to my place about Katie and the broken window, I half expected you to dance home thinking about a huge payday. That's how people usually are."
I scoffed, shaking my head. "I hate that. My parents never asked for money, and neither have I. When my window broke, I went straight to my boss to make sure you wouldn't have to pay."
He smirked, squeezing my hand. "Was it covered, though? You said it was."
I bit my lip nervously as my gaze dropped, "Doesn't really matter, right? It's fixed."
"Please tell me?" He asked softly.
I sighed and brought my gaze to his, smiling nervously. "It wasn't fully covered, actually. To file a claim, I needed your information. But I didn't know if many people knew you lived here, and I didn't want to expose you over a broken window."
Confusion flickered across Jensen's face as he looked down, his hand still holding mine. "But you didn't even know me. Why protect me, put me ahead of yourself?"
"It didn't matter who you were." I replied softly. "I wouldn't have asked for money. I only came to your house to make sure Katie got home safely; everything else was a surprise."
He froze, his eyes meeting mine with a mixture of passion and affection, his gaze drifting to my lips. His hand slowly moved to my cheek, causing my breath to hitch. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine, hands tangled in my hair.
I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer as we lost ourselves in each other. His knee moved between my legs and I shivered. He groaned against my lips when I scratched his back.
It felt like we were falling apart together, all our defences crumbling around us. We breathed each other in, falling into each other.
But then everything changed.
He pulled away from me unexpectedly, his expression filled with shock and fear as he looked down at me. "Shit, I... I'm sorry." he whispered.
Confusion and hurt blended in my chest. "You don't need to apologize."
He stood quickly, helping me to my feet and moving towards the door with regret in his eyes. "That wasn't supposed to happen. I didn't want that to happen."
His words hit me like a slap in the face, my heart sinking into my stomach, breath catching in my throat. "Oh... right. It was a mistake."
He halted, guilt engraved on his face. "Oh... no, Y/N, that's not—"
Forcing a smile, I opened the door for him, holding back tears threatening to spill over. "It's okay, Jensen. I should go to bed anyway. Have a good night, okay?"
He froze, shame evident on his face, trying to meet my eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him.
I felt embarrassed for assuming we were on the same page, that there was something between us. Now, I was left with a broken heart and a bruised ego, wondering how I could ever face him after this.
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Jensen walked away from Y/N's house with a knot of anxiety in his stomach. Guilt weighed heavily on him as he replayed the evening in his mind. He cared about her deeply, but it wasn't supposed to happen like that. He wanted to kick himself for not handing the situation better, for hurting someone who had been nothing but kind to him.
Back home, he paced the living room, unable to shake the feeling of regret. He knew he had hurt her, and the thought pained him. Y/N was special to him, different from anyone he had met since his divorce. She was genuine, caring and he felt a connection he hadn't felt in a very long time. Yet, that very connection scared him.
He ran his hand through his hair, and sighed. He couldn't stop thinking about her, her warmth, her smile, and the way she had opened up with him in a way that nobody had since his life became a whirlwind of schedules and public apperances.
He grabbed his phone several times, fingers hovering over her contacting, wanting desperately to reach out and apologize, but each time, he hesitated, unsure of what to say or if she even wanted to hear from him.
As he got into bed, he made the decision to give her some time and than make things right. He wanted to explain everything, apologize for how he handled the situation and for hurting her, hoping that when he did, she would understand but the fear of losing her was anxiety inducing, he didn't want to lose the one person who made him feel alive again.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 6 coming soon stay tuned!
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