#jeremy would have been finn and i think we all know that
weaponizedducks · 1 month
it should be considered an actual crime that glee never did any be more chill because we were ROBBED of hearing Kurt belt out micheal in the bathroom
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fic rec friday 23
welcome to the twenty-third fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. lucky i’m in love with my best friend by @nezueye
“I really wanna kiss you right now,” Lance murmurs, staring at Keith’s lips.  
“So kiss me."
Lance scrunches up his nose. “In front of all of our friends? I thought you were allergic to PDA.”  
Keith shrugs. “You’ve been sitting in my lap for the past 20 minutes and I’ve been basically groping you the entire time.” He punctuates this statement by bringing his hands back to Lance’s ass and squeezing just a little, as a treat. “Some more PDA is okay, I think.”
yes i know i recced one of nez’s fics last week and i’m here doing it again. they’re amazing okay. every single time the devotion settles heavily in my lungs im ALLOWED to be obsessed with them. this one gets to me especially bc its established relationship, which is my favourite dynamic always, and its as funny as it is sweet!! double blamy!! also the title is from possibly the most klance song ever, and if you would like to hear jeremy shada (lance’s VA) singing a cover of the song... you’re in luck
2. the meaning of donuts by @katranga
The next few days were filled with Lance informing everyone, multiple times, of their “new” friendship. “We’re friends now, did you hear? Keith and I are friends.” Over and over, big smile, loud voice. Looking between Keith and whoever he was telling like he expected a round of applause. Or confetti. Or a parade. What he usually got was somebody making a crack about bonding moments, which prompted a tight, put-upon sigh on Keith’s end. And Lance would look at him fondly, and Keith would have to bite his cheek to distract himself from how much he wanted Lance to lean over and kiss him. -- Keith realizes he may, potentially, possibly have some feelings for a certain blue paladin and he is Not Thrilled about it.
14k words of keith being exasperated by himself by being disgustingly in love with lance and lance being increasingly more in love but lowkey being oblivious about it??? hell fucking yeah!! lance is so bright in this fic bc thats how keith (begrudgingly lol) sees him and its so true and wonderful
3. perish the rest, this thought is yours by @moonguilt
“Lance? Lance can you hear—” Keith's voice crackled unintelligibly. “—big hit. Are you—” More crackling, and—silence.
Lance frantically pressed his comm button. “Keith? Keith, hey, uh, small problem maybe—”
The control panel flickered a few times, then sputtered out, and suddenly Red was falling—eerily slow at first, then faster than a bullet. Lance bit back a scream, smashing buttons and yanking at the controls desperately, but Red just kept falling, falling, falling, and all Lance could do was watch as she turned belly-up in the air, giving him a perfect, horrible view of Black taking several heavy shots directly to the cockpit.
This time he did scream. But it did no good, and Lance was forced to watch as Black—as Keith—careened toward the moon's surface, a faint trail of purple dusting his wake like the tail of a comet.
Lance and Keith are sent on a mission to answer a distress signal from the desert moon of Xat-lor VII. They get more than they bargained for, both in enemy numbers and in feelings. They have to fight to survive long enough for the rest of their team to arrive, and in the meantime, Things Happen.
i will Never get tired of flirty keith. somehow in the first couple years of this fandom we forgot that keith is the one with game and lance is the one whos freqently getting flustered and tongue-tied, and god bless finn for reminding us. this fic has post s7 but only the good parts (and fuck s8), black paladin keith red paladin lance, bamf co leaders who are in love and also stupid, and (im mentioning it again bc Duh) flirty keith. loml.
4.  feel it in the space in between by angelbolt
“Coffee champagne, in my opinion, would be carbonated coffee with a shot of white wine. Does that sound like a good time to you?”
“It sounds like a great time.”
Adam leaned in, his nose wrinkling with a smile as he whispered, “Junkie.”
“You love it,” Takashi dismissed, kissing the wrinkles. “You think it’s endearing.”
Adam drummed his fingers over Takashi’s scalp, “I find too many of your flaws endearing, my love.”
“Even my dad jokes?” ✦ takashi and adam get engaged.
prekerb adashi does NOT get enough attention!!! at all!! i love them in love and happy with baby keith!!! this fic is sweet and sappy and gives both shiro and adam some much-needed dimension. shiro is a DOG and i love that for him. the big hero six scene made me cry. 
5. two bros, chillin’ in a space pool by angelbolt
Harrumphing, Lance paddled to the edge, heaving himself to sit on it, one foot extended to point at Keith, "Fine! Then if you believe yourself to be so much better than me—"
Keith seemed distracted, mouth slightly open, "I never said—"
"I challenge you to a duel! A swimming duel!"
He looked wholly unimpressed once again, "Wow, that's new." ✩ My take on why they were both shirtless.
i will never in my life get over angry pining. the idea of being down bad for someone and FURIOUS about it will never not be funny to me. this entire fic in general made me laugh out loud and in particular this fic used the word ‘ah-HOOGA’ unironically which is not only ballsy but also beyond my words to properly appreciate. lance is a menace. early s1 fics my love
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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beeclops · 7 months
‘Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake’ Renewed for Season 2 at Max
Max has renewed “Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake” for a second season.
A spinoff of “Adventure Time,” which ran on Cartoon Network from 2010 to 2018, the series follows Fionna (Madeleine Martin) and her sidekick, Cake (Roz Ryan), who find themselves in the crosshairs of a powerful new foe, leaving them with no choice but to seek the help of Simon Petrikov, the former Ice King (Tom Kenny). Other characters from from the original series featured in “Fionna and Cake” include Marshall Lee (Donald Glover), Marceline the Vampire Queen (Olivia Olson), Princess Bubblegum (Hynden Walch) and Finn the Human (Jeremy Shada). The cast also includes Andrew Rannells as Gary Prince, Sean Rohani as Prismo and Kayleigh McKee as the Scarab.
The news comes two months after showrunner Adam Muto told Variety he was unsure whether the show would continue, saying, “It’s in discussion. But the person who greenlit the first season is no longer at Max.”
“My hope is that this series did well enough that they feel like they can invest in future seasons,” he added. “What shape that takes, if that’s a ‘Fionna and Cake’ Season 2 or it’s more of an anthology kind of approach and we focus on another character, is still kind of up in the air … There’s a running list of what we think could work as a series, what we think could work as a miniseries or a special.”
Muto executive produces “Fionna and Cake” with Fred Seibert and Sam Register in partnership with Cartoon Network Studios.
“To know that the show will continue into a second season feels both wonderful and frankly surreal,” Muto said in a statement upon the renewal. “Thanks to ‘Adventure Time’s’ creator Pendleton Ward, the team at Max, the talented cast & crew and the passionate audience who made this possible.”
“As proud stewards of the beloved ‘Adventure Time’ brand, we have been delighted to dig deeper into the world through the ‘Fionna and Cake’ lens,” said Suzanna Makkos, executive vice president of original comedy and adult animation at Max and Adult Swim. “We look forward to following them on the next chapter of their journey!”
“‘Fionna and Cake’ gave us all the familiar joys from the land of Ooo while pushing the ‘Adventure Time’ franchise forward,” said Sam Register, president of Warner Bros. Animation, Cartoon Network Studios and Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe. “Thanks to Adam Muto and his amazing team for bringing us to all new multiverses and rich new levels of charm, fun and heart-filled stories. I can’t wait to see where they take us next."
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slymewizard · 9 months
Ok on the subject of Hynden Walch being amazing can we talk about AT’s voice cast? I feel like it doesnt get talked about nearly as much as it should.
Jeremy Shada is amazing for how he can escalate his voice for wacky moments or deescalate his voice for quieter, more thoughtful moments. Finn would not be the same character if it werent for Shada’s perfect vocal balance.
John Dimaggio, like what really needs to be said here? He’s BENDER! Of course he was amazing as Jake!
Hynden Walch was never really a voice I considered when thinking about how amazing AT’s voice cast was up until now, I really just remembered her because “hey thats Starfire!” But after hearing her performance as the Candy Queen I FEEL SO STUPID.
Olivia Olson…I wish I had something more constructive to say about Olsen’s voicework but I think everyone’s already well aware about how AMAZING she is as Marceline. Her voice is just so perfect for the character, being both good at delivering quips and devastating tearjerkers. And thats not even mentioning her having the single best singing voice to ever grace a western animated cartoon (yeah fuck you Alvin). Just like Jeremy Shada with Finn, I could not imagine Marceline without Olivia Olson.
Niki Yang, look, I know I already said that no one could play Marceline or Finn as well as Olson and Shada…BUT NO ONE, AND I MEAN, NO, ONE, COULD PLAY BMO AS WELL AS NIKI YANG. She brings a perfect tone of childlike wonder, curiosity and innocence into every word spoken by the little robot. She brings such a fun and vibrant energy to the little guy in episodes like “5 short graybles” or “BMO noire,” that just makes it hit all the harder when moments of existentialism pop up in episodes like “The More you Moe” or…well…”BMO.” BMO has one of the most interesting growing up stories in a series where every pretty much every character’s stories are about growing up, and a lot of that is owed to how perfectly delivered his lines are by Yang.
But theres one voice that gets overlooked more than most others, and who deserves way more credit than they get for how important they are to the show. Someone who’s been around since the very first episode and has been continually providing voices for the series even now in Fionna and Cake. A voice actress whos so commited to the show that its easier to count the episodes she ISNT in than the ones she is in. MARIA. BAMFORD. Margaret, Hot Dog Princess, Slime Princess, Ghost Princess, Melissa, Raggedy Princess, Manfried, Wildberry Princess, Undead Princess, The Butterfly with a Gun AND AN ABSOLUTELY GINORMOUS AMOUNT OF EXTRA VOICES. She puts so much of her signature hilarious vocal range into every one of the dozens if not HUNDREDS of characters that she plays throughout the series. Also a lot of you probably don’t know this but she does standup comedy and she’s hilarious and you should all listen to her albums because she also does funny voices in that and you can even sometimes identify a voice she used for a character in the show…but also trigger warning for mental illness and suicide she talks about those kind of a lot. But anyway my point is, Maria Bamford is a huge reason as to why Adventure Time is as wonderful as it is. Her wacky voices contribute so much to the weird and wonderful vibe of the show, and even if she doesn’t play any primary characters, she is one of the most important and under appreciated voices in the entire series.
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nova-devlin · 2 years
Nova’s Semester
I noticed none of my timing matches anything in the show because it's 2010 and Elena's 22 lol so for the sake of the timeline we'll just pretend Elena and Jeremy are adults.   Grammar mistakes were made, I'm sure.  
Warning: swearing?, Mentions of weed Eventual: Elijah Mikaelson x OC, Niklaus Mikaelson x OC, Kol Mikaelson x OC, Rebekha Mikaelson x OC, Finn Mikaelson x OC Ending: Mikaelson Family x OC Words- 2695 Summary: Nova’s first day of school
                                                              Chapter 2
                                                            2 weeks later
August, 10 Dear Diary, Today is the first day of school. I feel horrible. I've turned in my electives, a bit late, but I still got them in. I might have kicked myself in the teeth with this though, I have no clue what classes I'm going to have this year, I don't even know if the classes I picked were available. Maybe Elena was right, I should have filled it out before they were due. The only class I hope I don't get is gym. I hate sweating, it's gross, and then not being able to take a shower afterward sucks ass. I guess I'm making a big deal over nothing, I guess I'm feeling a little off today. I don't know what it is, it's like a feeling in my gut. I don't think anything bad is going to happen, but I've never felt this way before on the first day of school. What should I do?
A light tapping can be heard from Nova’s door, she reluctantly gets up from her bed, putting her diary under her bed and throwing the pen somewhere on her bed to be lost within its sheets, she gets to her door finally opening it to reveal her sister. “Oh, good, you're up, you should start getting ready if you haven't already.” Nova lets out a big yawn giving a nod to her sister before closing the door. As she turns from her door a sense of dread starts to fill her. She stands at her door for a few more seconds before she slowly walks over to her closet throwing it open to fetch her outfit for the day. She decided to go with a simple white t-shirt with a plaid cover-up and some blue shorts. She rummages through her basket of shoes not liking any of her options. She looks to her right and sees her raggedy black and white converse. ‘Guess I'm wearing these all year again’ she thought to herself. After she got dressed, she started to finish the routine she's been doing since kindergarten. She made sure her teeth and hair were brushed, throwing her hair into a messy bun as she walked out of her bathroom and back into her room.
Nova moves about her room collecting everything she would need, her backpack filled with her notebooks and other school supplies, she grabs her purse, phone, headphones, and skateboard before turning off the lights, and moving downstairs and into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. When she walks into the kitchen, she's met face to face with Damon and Elena both sitting at the dining table with mugs in their hands. She pauses in the doorway looking between the two “Uh hi?” The pair at the table pause their conversation to turn their attention to her. “Good morning, to you too sparky, I see you've woken up on the right side of the bed,” Damon smirks and drinks the coffee from the mug in his hands. Instead of answering Damon, she turns to her sister with a puzzled look “Why aren't you at work? I thought you had an early morning shift today.” Nova moves about the kitchen waiting for an answer and the one she gets is not one she wants to hear. “I called off.” Nova stops pouring her juice into her glass and looks up at her sister. She ponders for a moment and comes to the conclusion Damon did something stupid and Elena was babysitting him, again. She snorts and replies “What did Damon do this time?” The man in question throws his hand over his heart and gasps “Sparky how could you, I thought we were friends?” Elena rolled her eyes and sighed “Damon didn't do anything Nova.” She brings her plate of food and glass of juice over to the table “So, why is he here at seven-thirty in the morning?” Damon threw his hands up in defeat “Really, I'm right here, fully capable of answering your question by the way.” Nova ignores him and waits for her sister to answer. “Because I told him I called off, and he showed up ten minutes later.” she shrugs and sips on her coffee “Well why did you call off in the first place.”  
Elena looks to Damon and back to Nova, clears her throat “I’m taking you to school today, you know the first-day drive tradition.” Right. She forgot; it had completely slipped her mind. The first day drive picture tradition, something their parents had started when they were little. Elena was insistent every year to do this tradition. It was a simple tradition, let mom and dad drive them to school on the first day of every year for the first day of school picture. Nova didn't mind it even if she did hate having her picture taken because her parents always made the drive there so fun. When Elena wouldn't let it go, it made Nova hate the tradition completely. Nova lets out a noise of affirmation, to let her sister know she heard her, still in thought about all the times she and her parents carried out this silly little tradition. Today Nova decided she would have none of it. “Yeah, no thanks, you really shouldn't have called off work.” She stands from her seat taking her dishes to the sink. “What do you mean no, Nov we've always done this tradition.” Nova shrugged her shoulders moving towards the door, grabbing her board, and opening the door “Yup, but this year is different because we're not.” she steps out into the cool morning air takes a deep breath, and closed the door behind her.  At least she tried to close the door only to be intercepted by Damon's hand “Whoa sparky come on now what are doing.” Nova continues down the stairs of her front porch choosing to ignore Damon. As soon as her feet hit the pavement of the road, she slams her board to the ground taking off as fast as she can trying to get far away from the two people calling her name from behind her.
As Nova skates down the road, she looks around her to admire the beauty of the changing leaves, even if Nova hated the school year, she could at least admit fall was by far the prettiest season. Nova continued to stroll down the road towards school, contemplating how much trouble she would get if she just didn't go. She thought about just riding to her best smoking spot. It was a small little area behind the old Lockwood estate. Past all the trees and underbrush there was a small clearing big enough to fit a small group of people; the opening stretched up to the very top of the trees giving her an amazing view of the sky no matter the time of day. Her idea to cut school was severed when she heard the loud honk of a car behind her. She slows herself to a stop hopping off her board, picking it up, and moving over to the sidewalk to get out of the car's way. She places her board back down on the ground and takes off moving towards a familiar stop sign. All she needed to do was turn left and she could forget about school and everything else that goes with it. Instead, as soon as she hopped off her board to get over the crack in the sidewalk a hand reached down and grabbed her board from her “Hey, who the hell-?” her question stops abruptly when she looks up to the stranger grabbing her board only to not be met with a stranger but Damon.
Damon takes her board and holds it to his chest, swaying it side to side to taunt her. “Hey douchebag, give it back.” Damon chuckles and shakes his head “No can do sparky, not until you talk to your sister.” Damon finishes pointing to who she guessed was Elena behind her. “Come on Nov don't be this way.” Nova spins around to face her sister “Are you seriously going to make me late just because you want some stupid photo.” Elena huffs and throws her head back stomping her foot like a child “Nova common we've done this every year since kindergarten, please for me?” “Elena I'm not going to be late for school just because you want to take a fucking photo.'' She turns around with full intent to yell at Damon to give her, her board back only to be met with nothing. She hears the sound of a trunk door closing and she spins back around to see Damon walking back to the both of them with a smirk on his face. The more time ticks by the more annoyed she becomes, “Are you fucking kidding me?” Damon just slings an arm over Elena’s shoulders leaning his side into hers ``Hey I'm just following orders sparky.” Nova looks between the two of them “I don't give a shit Damon; give me my fucking board you have no right to take it even if you're just “following orders''.” She makes quotation marks with her hand to try and convey her annoyance to the two. “Nov come on please?” Elena tries to give her the same old airy smile added with her famous ‘puppy eyes’, it makes Nova sick. Nova throws her head back and lets out a groan “Fucking fine, but we're taking the picture here and you’re only getting one.”  Elena slumps her shoulders ``Nov- ``'' Come one sparky that isn't fair.” Nova just shrugs her shoulders dramatically and drops them to her side with a thud. “Fair for who, Elena or me?” Damon goes to answer but Elena beats him to it “Fine, Damon go get my phone please.” The man gives a mock salute before walking back to the car to retrieve the item.
 Elena and Nova stand there in silence for a few seconds before Elena lets out a sigh “Why was it so hard for you to just let me take a picture of you?” the tone in her voice instantly set her off “Um, because as my older sister I expected you to listen to me when I tell you no, but it's all about what Elena wants right?” “Now it's not like that, you know mom and dad would want you to do this even if they aren't here.”  Novas was dumbfounded for a moment not knowing what to say her sister had never used their parents against her before, never. Nova could not convey the words; she just couldn't explain how hard that jab hit her. “Here you go, my lady.” Damon gives a dramatic bow as he places her phone into her hands, probably having heard the entire conversation. Nova doesn't have the energy to get into a catfight with her sister, so she just stands and smiles for the picture. As soon as the flash goes away Nova is storming towards the car, opening the back door and turning to look at the two. “You've already made me late, the least you can do is drive me, isn't that what you wanted?” she doesn't wait for a reply as she gets in and shuts the door behind her.
 When they finally pull up to the curb of the sidewalk that sits in front of the school, Nova immediately gets out of the car, slamming the car door shut behind her, cringing at the volume it created. Nova doesn't want to even talk to her sister or Damon so she just pounds her fist on the trunk of the car a couple of times, hoping Damon would get the hint. Fortunately for her, he did, he pops the truck to the car so she can grab her board, and as soon as she does, she's on the sidewalk taking off. “Nova!” she hears her sister exclaim from behind, she slows herself to a stop and looks back. Her sister is leaning out of the window of the car waving “Have a good day!” Nova raises her hand, acknowledging her sister's words before starting back up on her board and taking off towards the school entrance, the knot in her stomach only worsening.
The closer she got to the entrance of the building the more she was slowed down due to the crowd of people in front of her, even if she was a little late, she wasn't the only one. She hops off her board, kicking it up into her hands as she enters the familiar red building, going past the cafeteria and gym entrance, heading straight into the office doors, and up to the receptionist's desk. The little lady sitting behind the desk in front of her happened to be one of Nova’s favorite people.
 The old woman's name was Barb Booker, she had short curly gray hair with long white streaks on the sides. She always wore a hand-knit sweater no matter the temperature, and whatever color skirt she got to match. The only thing Nova liked about school was getting to say hello to Barb every morning. “Good morning, Barb, how are you this fine lovely morning?” Barb raises her head from her computer with a big smile on her face “Oh hello dear I'm doing amazing, it's so good to see you!” Nova giggles at the women's enthusiasm for the start of the new year. “How are you dearie, haven't seen you in quite some time.'' The twang of Barb's accent loosens the knot that had seemingly made a home in her stomach. “I'm doing alright Barb, just here to pick up my schedule.” at the mention of her purpose for her visit, she instantly got a playful glare from Barb ``Turning in elective three weeks late huh, what did you do fall in a rabbit hole?” Nova lets out a bark of laughter much louder than she anticipated because all heads turned to her and Barb. She sheepishly apologizes and turns back to her. “I guess, I had lots of cleaning to do this summer, got distracted, and forgot.” Barb pushes herself out of her chair to grab all the right documents for her, from the desk behind her. As she sits back down, she hands Nova the papers and a pen, “How is life going on at home?” Nova pauses for a second before continuing her signature “Uh, pretty much the same since the last time we talked.” Barb was the only one who knew how demanding and selfish Elena could be. The reason was Nova talked to and confided in her when her sister was being that way. “So, I'm assuming your elective was late because Elena made you clean?” instead of answering she just lets out a long sigh. Barb shakes her head as she hands the pen back to her. “Sweetpea you're eighteen now, have you thought about getting your own place?” she shrugs her shoulders “Sometimes, I don't have the funds to do that at the moment, and where would I go anyway Mystic Falls is a pretty small-town last time I checked” Barb was in the middle of her next sentence when the bell suddenly rang. Both of them jumped from the sudden interruption “Oh dear, I'm making you late, here.” Barb reaches over to grab an orange slip from a cubby next to her, a late slip for class she assumes. She hands the slip to Nova with a smile “You’ll come to see me later alright dear?” “Yes ma’am.” Nova smiles at her and turns to the door, opening it and moving down the hall to her first class of the senior year.    
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jjackrabbitt · 2 years
Miss Peregrines Museum of Wonders, chapters 1-3
Bet you anything that peculiars have arguments over who can call themselves by what label or who can call themselves peculiar, similar to terminally online people who think ace people ain’t queer enough
We really got Riggs (unintentionally?) writing queer theory on how labels are kinda useless
Hey how come Noor doesn’t get an invite to annotate about light shapers, she’s one. And she’s new here too, shouldn’t this book also be written for her?
Finn!! Shapeshifters!!!! >:)
“Only ymbrynnes can shapeshift” my ass. If most ymbrynnes have to go to their special school to learn how to shift properly, would that not apply to other shapeshifters? Maybe some peculiars have no peculiarity in evidence because they were never given the opportunity to learn how to shapeshift.
Well damn if making animal noises in a way animals understand makes you peculiar then I guess I better go find an Ymbrynne :/
Oop there it is, Alma doesn’t agree on who should be called what
I think it’s inhumane for the ymbrynnes to have sent Sweedlepipe somewhere he couldn’t talk to trees. That’s a kind of isolation. I can’t even talk to plants, I’m just going to school to be an enthobotanist, and I’d be pissed the fuck off if someone tried to tell me no plants. Even people who don’t talk to plants need them.
Oh okay so y’all want to hear ‘bout folk healers? So my anthropology professor (Ed, he’s great) was a nurse for a long time and he worked down near the Gullah-Geechee people. He had this one patient, an old Gullah man, who had astronomically high blood pressure. They did everything for this man; diets, physical therapy, meds. If you can think of it, they did it. His daughters were the ones sending him to the doctor on the mainland, they wanted him to get proper medical care (and this is not an anti-professional medicine story, professional medicine is absolutely necessary and useful). His sister wanted him to go down the street and see their folk healer. So they try everything for this man and nothin works, not a thing. So one week he goes down the street to see his folk healer, he knows them personally and has been seeing them for his entire life. And they have a good time catching up and his healer checks him over and at the end his healer tells him what he needs to do. He needs to boil Spanish moss in water and pour that into his shoes and leave it sitting for a while. Then wear the shoes. And he does, for a couple weeks he does this. He goes back to his doctor at the hospital and they check his numbers and he’s got absolutely beautiful blood pressure. Like there was never a damn thing wrong with him. To this day, it’s been like 20 years since this happened, Ed will tell this story to all his classes and he is always so excited about it, and I am too because that’s what ethnobotany is. They checked this man over, top to bottom, every test they could do, they checked the moss and the water and his shoes and they talked to his folk healer and they couldn’t find a thing to hint at what fixed this guy. No chemicals in the moss or water that would be affecting him. Nothin special about his feet. The folk healer wouldn’t give them a satisfactory explanation, as is their right, no one’s gotta tell you anything. So yeah. Ed’s theory is an anthropological one, that because this guy trusted his folk healer he was susceptible to treatment in a way that he wasn’t with the doctor, and that is a legit and respectable argument in the anthropological community. Hell, I believe it, that’s just a way that human brains can work. But it does tempt me to think it could be peculiars.
All plants are sentient if you look close enough
There should be more on peculiar plants
Oh no fuckin way Doyle would be able to keep his mouth shut about peculiars he would have told every person he ever met about peculiars in detail. Absolute clown of a man.
May Jeremy Bentham’s name be erased from history and I’d like very much to do irreparable damage to his mummy by pissing on it.
Oh oh the sheer bitchiness of the Jeremy Bentham section is delicious though
Okay more evidence for Myron Trans: changed his last name and for why? Because he’s trans and wanted a better surname.
Do you all know how much I hate Jeremy fucking Bentham’s shit-clogged guts? I’m going to resurrect him just to kill him again. Fuckin panopticon bullshit, “oh everyone will behave if they feel that everyone’s watching them at all times”, if there is no privacy there is not freedom and moral utilitarianism is such inconsiderate, capitalist and status quo upholding pig shit. Cop behaviour.
Ironic that he’d propose the panopticon when he had to keep being peculiar a secret though. Idiot, thought he’d be immune to observation.
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auroracalisto · 3 years
Hi! Ooo Can I please request a Kol x human!fem!Gilbert reader where she’s Jeremy & Elena’s younger sister & when the Mikaelsons come to Mystic Falls, she meets Kol & they have a flirtation with each other that grows into a relationship (bf & gf). He asks her to be his date to the ball at the Mikaelson’s mansion (Damon, Elena, Stefan, & Jeremy would be shook when she walks in with Kol as I’m sure they told her to stay home). Later on, she overhears her siblings’ plan to kill Kol & Finn, so she calls Elijah to warn him that Finn & Kol are in danger & runs out of her house to meet Kol outside (before he reaches the Gilbert’s door) to keep him from coming into her house because she knows it’s a trap. Y/n is able to convince him not walk into the trap and he vamp speeds her to the Mikaelson’s mansion where the rest of his siblings are.
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i’m sorry this took me so long, love! </3 but i hope you like it, anyway!!  here’s another tux! kol for this post, pls forgive me for taking so long
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When Kol first asked you out, you knew you should have just said no.  After about a month of straight-on flirting between the two of you, you both knew that the feelings were mutual.  However, despite what your siblings and their friends would say, your heart won.  You said yes to the vampire.  
When Kol asked you to the ball, you knew your siblings would be furious.  But you couldn’t keep yourself from saying yes.  Kol was so kind to you—not to mention the fact that you thought he was one of the best-looking people in Mystic Falls.  And despite what you knew would eventually happen that night at the ball, you told your boyfriend yes.  
As soon as the night came around, you attempted to avoid your sister.  She thought you had been acting odd and she had questioned you just hours before—but you ignored her.  You had to get ready for the ball, after all.  You couldn’t show up looking like you had just rolled out of bed.  However, one of the things that Elena had said stuck in your mind: “Don’t come to the ball.”
Your family had all left their separate ways to get ready for the ball.  So you had all the time in the world, or rather, about two hours, to really get ready without any kind of interruption and any kind of speculation on your siblings’ part.  
Arriving at the mansion was the easy part; the hard part?  Was finally coming to terms with the fact that your family would have to see you and your boyfriend for the first time.  But you no longer felt guilty about it—no, you just knew that they would give you hell once you were alone with them again.  
Spotting Kol from across the room, you could feel your heart pounding.  You smiled in his direction, sure that he could hear your heart from where he stood.  
Kol smiled in your direction and came over, gently taking your hand.  He pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles.  
“I do wish that you would have allowed me to come and pick you up,” he said.  
“It was better for me to just drive myself,” you said, grinning up at him.  “Besides, wouldn’t it have been obvious when an Original vampire showed up at my doorstep?”
Kol rolled his eyes and smiled at you.  “Come.  Rebekah has been asking to see what dress you chose.”
You laughed in response and let him lead you along.  It only took a couple steps before you saw Elena and Stefan, watching you in the corner of your eye.  Your heart pounded and Kol just squeezed your hand.  
“Are you serious, [Your name]?!” Elena shouted at you, throwing her hands up as she stared you down.  “The very people who are trying to kill all of us?!  And you’re fucking one of them?  Who the fuck do you think you are?  You’re risking everyone!”
No one stepped in to stop her.  Stefan and Damon just let it happen, and Jeremy just stood by.  There was nothing they could do to calm a raging Elena, anyway.  
“Okay, okay, fair, but why in the hell are you with Stefan?  Why are you friends with Damon?  No fucking offense, but the two of them have killed people too!  Hell, Damon killed someone just the other day!  But because I’m dating Kol, suddenly the world is going to end?  Asking who the fuck do I think I am,” you stared your sister down.  “I’ve never asked why you are friends with the people you’re friends with.  Don’t do the same to me.”
Without allowing her another chance to speak, you rushed off to your bedroom.  You locked yourself in it, not wanting to hear your sister speak anymore.  
It was only about a day later that you heard them talking.  It wasn’t like you had meant to eavesdrop—it’s kind of hard when they talk so damn loud and you’re cooking food in the kitchen. 
They had a plan.  
To kill both Finn and Kol.
Your heart dropped to your stomach when you heard your boyfriend’s name.  You turned off the stove, trying to calm yourself down.  No one came to check on you.  You haphazardly pushed the pot off of the burner and you calmly walked up the stairs, to your room.  As soon as you had shut the door, you grabbed your phone and called the first contact you saw; Elijah.  
For as long as you have dated Kol, you had been friends with his siblings.  They were each lovely to you... even if they did some questionable things.  But Stefan and Damon did, too.  What was the difference?
“Hello?” Elijah’s voice sounded in your ear. 
Your heart pounded.  “Hey, Elijah,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.  You didn’t know if anyone was listening to you.  “I...  I needed to tell you something.  My family.  And... and Stefan, and Damon.  They’re planning something.  They.. want to kill Finn and Kol.  You need to get them out of Mystic Falls.  Keep them somewhere safe—”
You could hear Kol’s muffled voice in the background.  
“What the fuck?” he stared his brother down.  “I’m going to her.”
“Kol, no—“ Elijah started, but before he could say anything else, Kol was gone.  He frowned deeply and continued to speak on the phone.  “I would imagine he’s coming to you.  Please.  Stop my brother.  We will be there momentarily—”
“—no,” you quickly said.  “I’ll get him back to your house,” you said.  You hung up the phone and rushed down the stairs.  Your siblings were still in the living room, talking to the Salvatores.  You watched them for a moment.  They were ready for anything.  Kol would be ambushed if he came into the house.  
You ran through the front door, shutting it as quickly as possible as Kol came up to the property line.  
“Kol,” you choked out, quickly rushing over to your boyfriend.  “Kol, please.  We need to get you back to your house, it isn’t safe here for you.”
Kol went to move past you, but you quickly attempted to stop him, placing your hands on his chest.  
“No,” you breathed out, tears forming in your eyes.  “If you go in there, they’re ready to kill you.  I don’t know how they have it, but I saw it.  I saw the white oak.  We need to get you out of here.  Please listen to me.  I can’t lose you.”
After just a second of debating, Kol looked down at you.  His eyes softened when he saw just how distraught you were about it.  
“Okay,” he said, kissing your forehead.  “Okay.  But I’m taking you back with me.” 
“Please,” you said, managing to grin up at him at this point.  
Kol pulled you into a tight hug, hiding from your line of vision as he glared at the Gilbert household.  He then lifted you up, bridal style.  
“Hold on tight, okay?”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his chest.  Only a moment later did you feel the wind whipping around you.  But you knew one thing was certain.  Kol and his family deserved to live just as much as Elena believed the Salvatore’s deserved to live.  You would do anything for Kol.  You knew that the pounding of your heart was no longer because you were scared for Kol or of your siblings, but that your love for him was stronger than any love you had for your sister and brother.  You would protect Kol, and Kol knew that that was exactly what you did today.  
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zodiyack · 4 years
Snapping Is Over Rated
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Salvatore!Female!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers?, swearing, angst, mention of murder, mention of the humanity switch being flipped
Words: 1,635
Summary: It’s a bad time to be dating a Mikaelson when your brothers decide they want to go on a quest to kill the Original Family, who happen to be linked to each other.
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​
Masterlist | The Vampire Diaries Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
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It wasn’t long before Y/n discovered what her brothers were hiding. In fact, it was hiding that led to her putting two and two together. A poorly hid white oak stake and two very suspicious brothers, my my, what could be the problem?
She knew that they only hid it from her due to her romance with one of the Mikaelsons.
Kol was, like his older half-brother, a little off the walls. Nevertheless, he remained loyal and loving. Their relationship had shown her a good side of vampirism, as well as convinced him that life still had meaning even if he wasn’t a witch anymore.
But, if her brothers went through with their plan, neither of them would have that anymore. So she went out to put a large red stop-sign in the middle of their little plot.
“Gah!” Damon hissed as his younger sister sped in front of him, “Where the hell did you come from?”
“Home. Where the hell are you going?” Y/n spat back. She grinned when Damon sighed after studying her for a few moments.
“Uhhh...the Grill.”
“Ah... But, dear brother, the Grill is in the other direction.” Her smile grew wider with the feeling of success. “So, tell me, where are you going? And, please- the truth this time, if you will?”
Stefan walked up behind Damon, turning himself in as he knew they’d been caught. “Damn it. Curse our sister and her inhuman intellect.”
“Don’t curse me for my brains, curse that bitch of a vampire that turned you two as well. Had you not engaged in her games, we’d all be dead and happy in our graves.”
“You could just stake yourself or walk into the sun, ya know?” Damon chuckled teasingly but stopped quickly upon his sister’s dead glare.
“Yes, of that, I am aware. However, you two are also aware of my boyfriend...” She glanced at the bag in Stefan’s hand, somehow already having a terribly accurate guess of what it’s contents were, “A little too aware.”
Stefan sighed, “I mean, yeah. He’s a Mikaelson, Y/n/n-”
“That doesn’t matter! You can’t go through with it! Please...Damon?” Her older brother raised his hands in front of his chest, telling her to leave him out of it with a simple sympathy smirk and squint of his eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Seriously? Have I ever tried to kill one of your girlfriends?”
The brothers thought for a moment before shaking their heads. Stefan looked down to the bag of stakes and back up to his sister, holding the same sympathetic expression as Damon. “I’m sorry. But, Klaus has to die. They all do.”
“No! Kol doesn’t!”
“He attacked Matt, Y/n!” Damon wasn’t one to care for most mortals, but Elena and Matt had been targets of some of the Mikaelsons for a bit of time, and he did end up growing a little closer to the group of abnormal friends, so he made an exception. Unfortunately, he was only willing to let that exception go so far.
“And? You attacked Bonnie! And Jeremy! Let’s not forget Alaric. My point is, we all make mistakes!”
“We all make mistakes, yet Kol has made over a thousand years worth of those without even apologizing. I’ve apologized...for most of them...” Stefan side-glared Damon, whom responded with a jab to Stefan’s side with his elbow. “And, well, my point is that he’s an original who’s just as bad as the other originals. We have a chance to kill the worst of them all, and you can’t stop us.”
She paused, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she thought. Usually, family went first, but they were ever so willing to destroy her happiness- to destroy her first ever romance- that she didn’t really care for the usual anymore.
“You’re right. I can’t stop you. But, if that’s how you guys wanna play,” the veins under her eyes began to darken and her e/c orbs turned red, “then lets play.”
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“Wherever is your little play-thing, brother?” Klaus’ voice rang through the phone. Kol only chuckled in response, continuing to watch as Jeremy failed painfully at baseball. “I take it she has yet to arrive?”
“Well, for one, brother, she’s not my play-thing. She’s my girlfriend.” A sincere look of love washed over Kol’s features; his undead heart skipped a beat just thinking about her. “And secondly, I suppose she is rather late.”
“Would you like me to resort to plan two? I can always threaten the witch’s little boyfriend some more. Perhaps get her to do a tracking spell?”
He thought for a moment, debating his options and the situation before licking his lips and nodding. “Plan two it is. See you later, Nik.”
“Until next time, Kol.”
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“Shit!” Damon yelped as he dodged a plate that flew over his head. The house had been turned upside down and wrecked in a fit of rage. Just as her brother once had, Y/n had flipped the switch.
Although flipping the switch sounds like something you’d do in a state of pain, Y/n did it in, like mentioned, a fit of rage. In result, it was more like she’d snapped than flipped a switch.
Stefan, hiding with his back against a flipped over couch, attempted to make hand motions to Damon; a wordless code. Sadly, Damon was not in the best state of mind to register the meaning of Stefan’s odd finger movements.
“What?” He whisper-yelled as his brows furrowed in confusion. “Okay, okay, can we continue this later? We kinda have a very deadly and very very angry sister trying to kill-” Damon rolled over, dodging a knife that had come out of the other side of the table due to it being thrown so harshly, “...us.”
“Damn it Damon- I was trying to get us to go,” He pointed towards the door, “in that direction!”
“I can hear you, you know!” Plate after plate hit the wall in front of them.
“On three?” Damon nodded. They began counting quietly in unison until they got to three. From there, they made a break for the front door and to Elena’s house, where they picked the doppelganger up and headed for Matt’s house. Luckily, Matt had never brought anyone from the group to his house aside from Elena and Caroline. He answered the door and let the three in quickly, looking around before shutting and locking it.
“No- you idiot- she can’t get in. There’s no point in locking it.” Damon groaned from the couch.
“Be nice.”
He bitterly responded to Elena’s demand with a fake smile and an obviously sarcastic tone. “Yes, milady.”
“So uh...” Of course Matt hadn’t been informed as to why the three were hiding in his home. “What happened?”
“Oh, ya know, the usual.” The sarcasm in Damon’s voice held thick as ever, “Pissed off my sister by telling her we’re going to kill the originals, as in all of them- including her boy-toy.”
“You did what-”
“Oops. Sorry Elena. I might’ve forgotten to add the part about pissing her off...which reminds me of the most important detail...” He smiled toothily with faux remorse.
The two humans blinked at the dark haired vampire, staring blankly as they waited for the detail he’d spoken of. When it became clear that he wasn’t going to tell them, Stefan cleared his throat and redirected their attention to him. “She flipped her switch.”
“Flipped her switch? Nah, screw the switch. It’s more like she ignored the switch and just plain old snapped.” Damon crossed his arms behind his head and kicked his feet up onto Matt’s coffee table.
He acted as if his sister was not going off the walls in anger. Or rather, he acted as if it was just a casual every day thing for the soft-spoken and caring sister of the Salvatore boys to go on a potential murder spree.
Elena rolled her eyes and scoffed before shoving his feet off the surface. She ignored the glare that burned into her skin and slapped Damon. The sound of her skin hitting his made the other two in the room flinch; it was clear that she did not approve of his choices in the slightest.
“You’re fixing your sister. S-”
“What!? That’s not f-”
“Stefan, and I will go stake the originals. Understood?” Damon huffed and ignored Elena. “Understood?” She repeated herself with a harsher tone before Damon sighed and nodded.
“Yeah yeah, understood.”
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Finn was dead. And the other four still breathed the air of the living world. The link had been broken, and they’d failed.
Damon had been kidnapped by Rebekah, therefore failing to stall, as well as fix, his little sister. What he didn’t know, was that Rebekah had contacted Y/n as soon as possible, informing her on the details of her brother’s murder and the older Salvatore’s location.
She sent Stefan to pick up Damon with a disguised note, preventing him from knowing that it had been her to hint to him his brother’s location. After saying goodbye wordlessly from the shadows, she smiled to herself and ran as fast as possible to Kol.
The youngest Mikaelson chuckled as the female Salvatore knocked him off his feet and buried her face into the crook of his neck. “I see you’ve recovered from your snap? Nik told me how you flipped your switch.” His arms held her tightly against his own form. They relished in the feeling of one another, the knowledge that both were safe and together again.
“Snapping is over rated.” She smiled wider against his skin, causing a matching smirk to grace his face.
“You were faking?”
“Yep. Anything to be with you again... But, just to be safe, don’t tell my brothers.”
His chest heaved with hearty laughter, “Whatever you want, love.”
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malethirsty · 4 years
Loyalty - Alaric Saltzman
Summary: In a time of despair for the former Hybrid host, Klaus decides to have some fun with him, which leads a darker Alaric to ravage you, one beyond control. 
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Bareback (Wrap Before You Tap!), Daddy Kink, 
Inspired by: https://twitter.com/MaleThirst/status/1202936339643023360
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Whilst you had been living it up between Klaus, Tyler, Stefan & Marcel, things had fallen apart back in Mystic Falls. Damon in his alcoholic mess of a state, had sipped on the wine at the Mikaelson Ball and after Esther followed through with staking Finn, he of them bit the dust. Elena & Jeremy were furious and had used Bonnie’s magic to track you to New Orleans, if only they’d known what happened to witches there. Having informed Marcel of Elena’s judgemental behaviour, he had his armed progeny lock her up in the quarter’s dungeons, from the front row seat with Klaus, you saw Jeremy, heartbroken and crying at the sight of Marcel & his allies celebrating his half sister’s fate. You’d feel bad if it wasn’t for how she had you isolated and you were initially relieved that the Gilbert had been dragged away by an eager Kol, catching a few words of what he said as he dragged Jeremy away “Darling stop struggling, you’re gonna love the life I have planned for you.” The relief however was cut short as Kol’s idea of Jeremy’s new life was turning him into a vampire and capitalising on his newfound thirst for blood & sex to start a relationship with his new protege. With newly turned vampires, their need for both was incredibly persistent, and this raised the problem, how were you supposed to do your business with Klaus, Tyler, Stefan & Marcel, when Kol & Jeremy were seemingly attached at the ass every waking moment of the day?
“KEEP IT DOWN!” You yelled down the hall after another fuck with your harem was ruined by persistent loud noise from Kol & Jeremy “Not my fault we’re hot and heavy darling.” Kol sniped back “For Fucks Sake!” You groaned, turning to Klaus, Tyler, Stefan & Marcel, another romantic night ruined. “This is a fucking disaster.” Stefan put simply, “Can’t we do something?” “We can’t exactly ask him to leave.” Tyler pointed out “He’s still Klaus’s brother.” “Well Klaus’s brother is stopping our sex, and I need to fuck Y/N.” “You all do!” You state, trying desperately to stop an argument blowing up “Klaus, do you have any ideas? WITHOUT a White Oak Stake!” You specified, knowing more staking would result in Elijah and Rebekah mutinying. “I do have an idea, but you may not like it.” “At this point, I’m willing to do whatever.” Klaus smirked at your desperation “Y/N, I think it’s time we paid your old crush a visit.” You gulped as Marcel raised his eyebrows to you, intrigued by Klaus’s statement “You sure?” Klaus nodded at your question “It’s time you taught your teacher crush how to worship you like you adored him.” 
Due to Damon death and the sudden disappearance of Elena & Jeremy, Alaric had withdrawn from Mystic Falls & now the lounge of the Gilbert was his domain, sleeping on it almost every night and even for long hours into the day, however today was going to be different for the hunter. Whilst he was in his dreamscape, he heard a voice calling him, “Alaric” it decadently said. “Who’s there?” He responded “Do not be afraid, I have come to offer you what you need: The Gilbert siblings Elena & Jeremy” Alaric looked startled “Where are they, how do you know I need them?” “They’re in New Orleans, kept under lock and key by the Mikaelson empire.” Alaric looked shocked as a “Fuck!” Fell from his mouth “It’s horrible, the sounds that come from the dungeon, lest of all when Kol arrives to see Jeremy! loud cries, lord knows what The Mikaelsons are doing to him!” “You need to take me to him!” Alaric cried out, now starting to panic as the disembodied voice told him of Jeremy’s suffering. Suddenly hands encased him “Calm yourself.” The voice said, moving out of the darkness of Alaric’s head to reveal the speaker: a young woman with chocolate brown hair. “Who are you?” Alaric asked “My name is Davina Claire. I’ve sensed your anguish and have come to save you.” “Like some kind of Fairy Godmother or something?” Alaric questioned, Davina tilting her head “Something like that yes.” At this the hunter began to get nervous “What’s the catch? With your kind there almost always is.” Divina’s head tilted “What’s the matter? Do you always have to think someone has got it out for you? I am merely trying to help, that’s all, nothing else.” Alaric gazed into Davina’s eyes, and finding no trace of malice, let his defences down. “Good, now grip my hands. I will take you safely to New Orleans to free him.” Alaric grabbed onto Davina’s outstretched hands very tightly whilst repeating a vivid incantation. Images began to flash in Alaric’s mind, initially of him and Jeremy, but after a while the images no longer included who he wanted to see. Instead images of beatings, murder, prejudice, expulsion, loneliness, were shown to Alaric, him seeing the events like it was a faded out postcard, Klaus & Y/N eventually melting into these moments, these were their memories. “Let me go!” He growled at Davina attempting to pry his hands away, but they were stuck like glue as Davina repeated her incantation again and again even louder this time. Alaric began to sense what Klaus & Y/N had felt since they had contacted Mikael, Esther, Elena, Damon, Bonnie, Caroline, the angst, the neediness, the anguish, the pain all collided together in one massive hit to the hunter and it filled him with rage, especially knowing he had influenced it “Make it stop! I’ll do anything!” cried Alaric, tears beginning to form, “Anything?” Inquired a familiar voice “Klaus!” Alaric gasped as he turned around to see the grinning hybrid appearing with Y/N, your voice now becoming part of the fray “It’s about time we got on the same level, don’t you think Ric?” 
In Davina’s room, you sat back, watching Davina chant her spell, gripping onto Klaus as he connected outward with Davina, your memories and pain being cast onto Alaric in some type of emotion sharing spell that she had located in her books, whilst you were quiet down in New Orleans, you and Klaus were verbally speaking to Alaric due to the spell, hopefully changing his thoughts on Klaus as a whole. Marcel stood behind Davina, making sure she was safe, as these types of spells take a lot of magic out of a witch, Stefan & Tyler shifted behind Klaus & Y/N, wondering how the spell was going, and if all was working out on getting Alaric to turn sides. They didn’t have long to wait however, soon a swirl of magical energy began in the centre of the room, wind whipping as a miniature looking tornado span out of thin air, yet everyone remained stock still, looking forwards to see Alaric slowly appear in the room. As soon as he became more pronounced, the wind stopped howling, and he appeared in full before everyone. “Y/N?” Alaric searched, and you got up and crossed to him “I’m here Alaric, I’m right here.” Alaric threw his arms around you, hugging you deep, as if to make up for pushing him away after you turned to Klaus. Behind you both, motions continued, Marcel taking Davina back up to her room to properly rest, Stefan & Tyler leaving upon Klaus’s orders to stave off Kol & Jeremy. Soon after everyone had broken away, Alaric let go of you “Y/N is easily happy with a hug but I think I should tell you what I, or rather we” he gestured to you & him “Need from you Alaric. As King of New Orleans, my respect must be earned” Klaus informed him, wanting to test the hunter on his loyalty. Alaric nodded towards the hybrid “What do I have to do?” He asked, to Klaus’s dimply grin “You know what you must do Alaric, I’ve been inside you, I know how much you craved Y/N before I came into the picture, was so hard to control myself and not seduce him for you, have you watch trapped as I exercised the thoughts you stroked yourself to every night, lusting after Y/N like some horny desperate man determined to empty his balls cause his wife left him all alone.” Klaus was standing right in front of Alaric, grin prominent as he controlled the situation, Alaric’s look becoming darker with lust as he took in what Klaus was saying “Follow me Ric” You said, breaking the tension, “We have a lot of catching up to do.” 
Having led him to Klaus’s bedroom and told him to follow where his desires took him, Alaric imparted in you his ideal sexual roleplay, and told you what you needed to do, with Klaus keeping position in a corner, listening out for Kol & Jeremy’s return. Alaric sat down at a desk dragged into the room for him, and wrapped twice on it. Knowing that was your cue to begin, you raised your hand and knocked on the bedroom door “Come in” came Alaric’s voice, and you crossed the threshold with papers “Y/N, what do I owe this visit to?” “Hi Mr. Saltzman, I’m here to drop off my grading papers.” You said, holding up the assorted items in hand, Alaric nodding his head up at you “Ah, set them down on my desk Y/N.” You did so and looked up to catch Alaric’s tired expression, complete with overdramatic huffing “Is something wrong sir?” You asked, him looking back at you “Nothing to be concerned with Y/N, you can go.” But knowing from his briefing that he didn’t want you to leave, you sat down before him “Alaric, you’ve listened to all of my problems and helped me out, the least I can do is the same for you.” Alaric sighed and then said “I’ve been looking for my wife, she ran off a long time ago with some asshole, never told me why, I’ve been trying to track her down and have her at least explain why she left.” You looked sympathetically at him and shortly responded with “Fuck her, any reason she left is shitty, you’re an amazing man Alaric, she was too bound up in her lust for other men to see it.” Alaric looked surprised at you “Why would you say that? You’ve barely known me.” “I know enough of you to know that you are one of the kindest, selfless and hottest men around, anyone would be lucky to have you Alaric, don’t forget that.” Surprised but satisfied at your outburst, Alaric opened his mouth, and then shut it again, processing what he was going to say, eventually settling on “Thank you Y/N, thanks.” You held out your hands to the distressed man and he eventually folded himself into you, hugging tightly, head resting on your neck, you took in the moment, tension simmering but waiting for the right moment to make a move.
As Alaric moved his head to match your eye line so you could gaze clearly into his, aged yet longing in them, and somehow reached the same moment together. You both surged forwards, kissing deeply, you wrapping your hands around Alaric’s neck, soaking in the boldness and warmth of the history buff, him no doubt indulging in the same energy as yourself. Eventually the two of you broke apart, and Alaric looked stated but soon was replaced by a look of shock “I can’t Y/N, you should go.” “Alaric please.” “Y/N go. We can’t work, not like this.” He said in pain, like it was hurting him to release you, the same pain echoing on your face as you slowly turned away, wanting one more glance of the man of your dreams. Eventually you turned around but only made a few steps before you suddenly got turned around, and were met with Alaric again enfolding himself into you, this time leading the kiss. You wrapped your legs around Alaric’s waist this time, as he led you to his desk, depositing you on it as he mapped out your mouth with his tongue, wanting all of you. He soon pulled away with one clear instruction “Take off your clothes.” You rapidly pulled garments off and threw them every which way, your adrenaline peaking once you heard Alaric’s belt clutter as it was disposed of, as you turned back, you saw him removing pants and underwear, his cock springing out, very hard in front of you. You looked up Alaric’s hairy body, falling more in love as you saw your strong man in front of you, all daddyish and seductively horny, a glint of lust in his eyes “Fuck Y/N, on your knees, suck my dick.” The command was short simple and to the point, and as you disappeared from view behind the desk, you took Alaric’s massive cock into your mouth, swallowing him deep. “Oh fuck” He growlishly moaned out “Suck it, like that Y/N, so fucking good for me.” After a while you moved off him, noticing movement behind Alaric and caught a full sight of Klaus across from you both, stroking his cock to the show you & Alaric were putting on. With your confidence growing, you decided to be bolder and so eventually you missed his cock, instead sucking his balls deep, Alaric letting out a lustful cry of “OH” right above you “God Y/N, you’re a fucking master at this, you know every part that aches for you. You’ve been waiting for this haven’t you? wanted me to give into your slutty ways and have you so wantonly and passionately, God damn it Y/N, keep fucking going!” 
You did as he instructed, gripping onto Alaric’s ass for leverage, running your hands down it, also appreciating the hair there as well, Alaric was the daddy type and you were going to relish in the man presented to you. Alaric was right, you’d waited so long, let your thoughts take you to the most horniness of scenarios, and now here was Alaric Saltzman, all for the taking. So indulged were you that you didn’t notice Klaus gripping you and pulling you away from Alaric and straightening you up “I can hear Kol & Jeremy, you better get ready to fuck now.” Taking Klaus’s warning, you knocked the items off the desk as you sprayed across it, Alaric longingly taking in the sight “I guess this is what it all led to, all those long gazes you gave me, the smiles we sent each others way, you improved under my guidance as I cared more and more, and now here we are, about to fuck. Ready for me?” Alaric asked, and you nodded. Lining up his cock with your ass, Alaric thrusted forwards, burying deep as you both let out loud cries of pleasurableness, though in your case pain as you were being stretched out as Alaric became intoxicated by your walls clenching around his cock. “Fuck Y/N, you’re so tight for me, God I’m gonna fucking love this!” He began a smooth pace, getting you used to his length, you looking up at Alaric’s face, utter bliss upon it as he fucked into you. “That’s right Alaric” came Klaus voice “Fuck our Y/N, look at how he’s falling apart for your dick, and this is what you were missing out on whilst you ran off with Elena & her possey.” Alaric growled angrily “Never again, I want you and Y/N right by me.” Klaus appeared behind Alaric, a look of utter lust in his eyes “They’re here, from what I can tell, making out in the hall, now is when we strike.” He gripped both of you and sped you into the wall “Fuck, as loud as you can, let go.” 
It was as if you’d hit a green light and floored the gas, Alaric started to ram in and out as a fast rate, which would alarm any woman he’d fucked before, but you welcomed it with the loudest of moans “Fuck daddy, use me, fuck me hard!” Alaric grinned and grunted as he continued to piston his hips forwards “Fucking tight slut, you wanted this dick, now fucking take it!” All of a sudden, you heard a commotion from the room across from yours, you kept going of course but knew that Kol & Jeremy had heard you both. Having known this could happen, Klaus sped to the door and held it down as it began to buckle forwards from sharp punches on the other side “Niklaus, open this damn door now!” Came Kol’s voice, dripping with anger. “No!” Cried Klaus “You have deprived me of Y/N for far too long Kol, now we’re in control. Y/N is fucking Alaric, and God is it the most erotic thing you’ve ever seen.” Deciding to bury the dagger in deeper you cried out to Kol “Not my fault we’re hot and heavy, darling.” You heard screaming from the other side of the compound which soon vanished, Klaus relaxing from the door “Love, he’s gone, I’m assuming Jeremy ran off, so Kol’s gone to look for him.” You somewhat relaxed, it was understandable, his parental figure was fucking in the room right next to him, of course it would be awkward, but you snapped out of your thoughts as Alaric went deeper, hitting your prostate and making you scream out yourself, only in pleasure instead of pain. “Thank fuck, cause I can’t last much longer” Alaric cried out, “Oh fuck babe, you’re doing so good, daddy’s gonna come soon, so clench around my cock tight!” You did as the older man instructed “How good is it, to take this big dick as a fucking reward for being so good to me?” Alaric questioned “So fucking good Daddy, keep doing it!” Alaric grinned “Of course I will baby, this isn’t going to be a one time fuck, not with this tight fucking hole. Oh fuck, I’m gonna come!” Alaric cried out his blissful release as he shot deep, but somehow kept going, before you realised you had been close but not enough to come at that same moment or before Alaric. No sooner had you thought that, but Alaric fucked in so deep that your tipping orgasm dropped over the edge, you yelling out as you came for Alaric.
You collapsed against each other, sweaty and winded. “Fuck” you got out “I know” grinned Alaric, “Damn Y/N, that was by far the best fuck I’ve ever had.” Knowing you had done better than Isobel, the woman he wifed up built your confidence more, Klaus detecting it, grinned. “You can all come out now.” He said, seemingly to thin air, although you were stunned when Tyler, Stefan & Marcel all popped up out from various spots, Tyler through the door leading to the hallway, Stefan from the wardrobe and Marcel from the landing “That was quite a show” Stefan complimented, “Y/N, you are a fucking hot whore, I’ve missed this side of you” Marcel grinned over at you, “Master, can we?” Tyler said longingly, looking at Klaus for approval. Like a flash, Klaus sped towards you, depriving you of Alaric and flinging you towards the bed, you landing flat. “What the hell?” You shouted, clearly in shock, but your questions were answered before you could ask as a bunch of speedy whirs appeared before you, soon dispelling Klaus, Tyler, Stefan & Marcel as naked as Alaric. “We’ve waited so damn long for this, we’re gonna fuck you so good tonight, so hold on tight love.”
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 34
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Pairing: past: DamonxOc, TylerxOc, ElijahxOc. Future: KlausxOc. Warnings: Smut-ish and a gif containing nudity towards the end.
Katie managed to mind her own business for a month. Her only friends at school were Rebekah, who talked her out of quitting cheer considering that during their routines was the only time Katie ever smiled anymore, and Caroline who had stopped ignoring her and talked to her like they used to despite keeping certain things to themselves. Klaus had been busy dodging attempts against his and Rebekah’s lives. Like Damon and Stefan killing Finn in an attempt to kill all the originals, but Klaus had made Bonnie un-link the siblings, so it didn’t work. It did, however, reveal that when an original is killed, every vampire they’ve turned along with anyone those vampires turned, died.
Even with everything going on, Klaus managed to find time to shoot her a random text here and there to check up on her. She always replied with, I’m fine, but he knew she wasn’t. Rebekah had also tried to talk Katie into going to the 20’s decade dance tonight, but Katie just didn’t think she could sit through a stupid dance without being completely miserable.
She was sitting at her kitchen table doing homework when she heard someone knock on the door. She didn’t answer, assuming it was Rebekah coming to try one more time to get her to go to the dance, whoever it was let themselves inside. “Rebekah I told you I’m not going to that stupid dance.” She sighed only to see Klaus when she looked up. He wore an off white tux, a blue and white tie and a yellow hankie in the pocket of his jacket. His hair was slightly gelled and parted on the side. If she was being completely honest she didn’t think it was his best look.
“Well she may have failed at getting you to go but she successfully talked me into it.” He informed her as her eyes took in the green dress with black sparkling beads all over it and tassels hanging off the short zig-zag hem line, knotted white beads, a green headband with peacock feathers on it and a pair of black satin gloves were looped over the hook of the hanger that hung off his long nimble index finger.
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“And she asked you to ask me to be your date?” Katie asked tiredly.
“Actually it was my idea.” He told her with a closed lipped smile. “You’ve been locking yourself in this house every day after school. You need to get out and have some fun.”
“I can assure you that a high school dance will not be fun.” She told him flatly. “Besides there’s like a seventy five percent chance that something is going to go incredibly wrong at that dance given the fact that since Damon and Stefan came to town our dances have been a hot spot for vampire, witch, werewolf activity.”
“If I’m going so are you.” he walked over, gently grabbed her arm and pulled her up from the chair with ease.
“I’ve told you once and I tell you again, I don’t take orders from you.” she told him as she took her arm out of his hand.
“Such defiant words from a woman with not even the slightest spark of fire in her eyes.” he told her as he cupped her chin in his big hand. “My brother extinguished you. I have every intention of setting you ablaze once again.” The look in his eyes sent a shiver through her spine that made her swallow hard and drop her eyes. When she looked back up at him he gave her a smirk and slipped his thumb over her cheek bone. “Now, go get dressed.” He lifted the dress up, but instead of taking it from him she cocked a brow at him and a smirk of her own tugged at the corner of her lips. He rolled his eyes. “Please.” She took the dress and went up stairs.
An hour later she came down stairs wearing the dress. Her hair was simply twisted and tucked at the back of her head to make her blond and red tresses appear short and the headband went across her forehead, the bundle of peacock feathers sat above her right ear. Simple eyeshadow let her red lips be the focal point of her face. “The shoes don’t really match, but they are the only black ones I own.” She motioned to the black heals she wore to homecoming.
“Trust me, Love, no one will be looking at your feet.” He told her, drinking her in as she walked over to him, the tassels brushing against her upper thighs as she did.
“Then tell me, what will they be looking at?” she asked, not breaking eye contact with him as she grabbed her keys and debit card off the table behind the couch that they were standing next to then put them in the black clutch in her hand along with her lipstick and makeup wipes.
His eyes moved down to her red lips then a little further taking in how the lines of black beads on the bust of the dress accented her curves before he looked back up at her eyes. “Lucky for you the women of the 1920’s were fairly modest when it came to the necklines of their dresses.”
“Yeah…lucky me.” She sighed then snapped the clutch shut. “Can we just get this over with?”
“If you do not at least attempt to have fun then going to this dance is pointless.” He told her and she just looked at him. “Smile.” The smallest smile pulled at the corner of her lips for a fleeting second. “You can do better than that.” She pulled her lips back showing off her teeth. “Are you silently growling at me, Love? Come on! Smile.” He told her in an up beat voice attempting to fire her up. She pursed her lips and pulled them to the side as she raised her brows at him. “Smile or I’ll find that ass hole classmate that hit on you at homecoming and break his spine like I originally wanted to.” Thinking about Klaus scaring the shit out of that sleazy guy brought a small smile to her face. “Not nearly good enough, but I’ll take it.”
“Can we go now?” she asked with a small genuine laugh and a motion to the door. He walked over to it and pulled it open for her.
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When they walked into the gym Caro Emerald’s “That Man” filled their ears while everyone danced to the upbeat song. “You would have liked the twenties.” Klaus told her as they walked into the crowd to find a place to dance. As they found a spot the song cut off and a slow song started. Klaus grabbed her hand and pulled her into him with his arm looped around her waist. “The girls were reckless, sexy…fun.” He pulled her closer and spun her around. “They literally used to dance until they dropped.”
“From exhaustion or blood loss?” Katie asked with a look up at him through her lashes.
“Answer me this.” He slid his hand down to the small of her back. “If you lived somewhere where vampires and their natural habits and impulses were not frowned upon and judged as harshly as the people in this town do. Would you not give in and indulge in all the things being a vampire could offer you? Would you not murder just for the fun of it?”
Katie thought back to her time in Nashville. Being away from Mystic Falls, where no one knew her or what she was…She had done some things that made her feel good in a bad way. She lured men into her hotel room, got them drunk, compelled them, fed on them, and while she didn’t sleep with anyone she did make out with one guy she was pretty sure was a model. When he grew inpatient and dipped his head into her line of view she looked at him. “Indulge? Most definitely, but there’s a line I don’t cross and I draw it long before murder comes into the picture.”
“You say that like you’ve had to draw that line before.” He observed.
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“Because I have.” She answered as she let go of his hand and placed both of hers on his neck as they danced. He slid his hands up her back holding her closer. “And it was fun.” He smiled before he realized they had been dancing for a while and Rebekah hadn’t made an appearance. “What?” she asked, watching him look around.
“Have you seen Rebekah?” he asked.
“No.” Katie answered looking around spotting Caroline and Tyler, Elena and Stefan, Bonnie and some guy she guess was her mother’s adopted son Jamie, who according to Caroline Bonnie liked. She didn’t see Rebekah anywhere. “She’s made it her goal to hijack this dance from Caroline. I’m sure she’ll be here soon.” Caroline noticed Katie and gave her a small smile then realized who Katie was dancing intimately with and gave her a questioning look. Katie realized then how close Klaus was holding her and the fact that she didn’t hate it. “I need some air.” She pushed him back and went outside intending on going to her car, but she slammed into an invisible wall a few feet outside the gym. “What the hell?” she asked looking down to see a line of salt. Her eyes followed it to see that it encircled the entire school.
“Esther’s back. We’re all trapped in here.” Stefan told her.
“Why won’t that bitch just stay dead?” She sighed.
“Rebekah, call me back immediately.” They heard Klaus say as he walked out of the gym. “I only came to this ridiculous dance because you begged me to and now you’re nowhere to be found.” He looked up to see her and Stefan. “Call me back.” he hung up and looked back and forth between Katie, Stefan and the salt line. “What is this?”
“Esther is back, again.” Katie answered. “We’re stuck in here.”
The dance was called off and the human students were free to walk out of the salt ring. Bonnie tried to do a locator spell on Elena, but Esther fought her on it. Because she was channeling a hot spot, Klaus knew Esther was at the old cemetery where Klaus first killed her. Since none of them could leave, Matt and Jeremy went after Esther and Elena.
Katie sat in the cafeteria waiting for Esther to die again so she could leave when Klaus found her. “I should not have dragged you here tonight. You were right about this school's history of dances and trouble.” He told her as he sat down across from her.
“It’s fine. It might not have shown, but I was actually having fun.” He gave her a smile and she changed the subject. “I just hope Matt and Jeremy can stop your mother from doing whatever it is she’s trying to do.” She told him as she put her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand. “We all know she wants you dead and if you die...Tyler along with whoever else is part of your sire line dies too.”
“I turned the vampire that turned the vampire who turned Katerina.” He told her as he stood up. “You are part of my sire line and I will not let you die.” he walked out.
Katie was still sitting there when Bonnie came in and told her that Esther wasn’t fighting her anymore and the barrier was down. “There’s something else you should know.” Bonnie told Katie as she walked past her ready to go home. “It’s about Alaric.” Katie stopped and turned back to her. “Ester turned him into an original vampire and he’s not going to complete the transition.” Katie felt tears pool in her eyes. “We’re all going to the cemetery to tell him goodbye, you should come with us.” Katie swiped her hand over her cheek, wiping away a tear that slipped, and nodded.
When she got to the cemetery she saw that practically everyone was there. Elena, Jeremy, Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Tyler, Matt, and some woman that Katie had never met before were all standing around outside the tomb Alaric was in. Alaric walked out of the tomb and took them all in with tears in his eyes. As his eyes landed on Katie, leaning on a statue beside Matt she couldn’t help walking over to him. He opened his arms for her and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “You’ll always be my favorite teacher.” She told him through her tears.
He laughed and pushed her back a little. “And you’ll always be my favorite and best student.” He told her as he wiped her tears with the back of one of his fingers.
“Good bye, Alaric.” She told him as she turned and walked away from everyone.
She didn’t know where she was going when she got into her car; she just knew she couldn’t go home yet. After thirty minutes of aimless driving she ended up at the Mikaelson mansion. Deciding that she ended up there for a reason she got out and let herself inside. “My survival will haunt you through Eternity.” She followed Klaus’ voice to find him looking down on his mother lying in a coffin. “You will never destroy me!” feeling her there he asked. “What do you want?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, I just…I was driving and I ended up here.” He turned and looked at her with angry eyes. "I’ll go.”
He noticed her reddened eyes and tear streaked cheeks. “Stay.” he told her quietly. So she walked into the room and around all the open empty coffins to the one Rebekah was in. A dagger was lying on the table at the head of her coffin. “So what exactly happened to her tonight?”
“My guess is my mother fooled all of us into thinking she was dead by taking over Rebekah’s body. When she no longer had a use for it she had someone dagger her so she could jump back into her original body.” He told her then walked out of the room full of coffins.
“I think I hate witches just as much as I hate this town.” Katie sighed as she followed him to the kitchen where he grabbed a bottle of alcohol and poured her a drink and one for himself.
“You forget, you wouldn’t be alive right now if your witch friend hadn’t linked you to Elijah.” He pointed at her with his hand that held his glass as she sat down in the barstool across from him and picked up the glass that he slid to her.
“Yeah, and look where that got me.” She commented with a motion around her.
“Sharing a drink with a friend?” he asked playing stupid.
“Stuck in a world of pain and misery. Of one disappointment after another…of lies and hollow words and meaningless promises. I don’t even know why I’m still in this town.” She told him then threw back the drink and pushed the glass across the bar to him.
“You’re still here because you’ve never lost sight of your true goal.” He told her as he poured her more and slid the glass back to her. “Graduation then med. school.”
“That’s the funny thing.” Katie pointed at him then dropped her hand to the bar and picked up her glass. “Elijah left me because he didn’t want me to die before I accomplished my dreams. Now I don’t see the point of it all. My dreams mean nothing if I have no one to share the victory of accomplishing them with.”
“I would argue that they mean more because you accomplished them all by yourself.” He told her then took a drink.
“How can you encourage me to be alone when you yourself can’t even stand the thought of it?” she asked then through back her drink and pushed it across the bar to him. “I mean, isn’t that why you want Elena alive? So you can use her blood to sire a back up family when your blood family fails you?” he set his drink on the bar and blinked at her. “I’m not judging, just sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong. I apologize.”
“Maybe you should slow down.” He pointed out not giving her a refill.
“I don’t want to slow down. I want to get so drunk that I can no longer feel my face much less the weight that is constantly sitting on my chest.” She told him as she hopped down off the stool, walked around the bar, grabbed the bottle and looked him in the eyes as she pressed the rim to her lips and took a large drink.
“You really think that’s a good idea?” he asked as he watched her move the bottle away from her wet lips then wipe her hand over them.
“Probably not.” She told him then turned her back on him and walked off, taking another drink as she did. He followed her to his studio where she started looking at the paintings on the wall. “I don’t know anything about art. So I’m just going to ask, how many of these did you do and how many are by famous artists?”
She took a drink as he walked over to stand next to her, “They are all mine.” He answered then took the bottle from her and took a drink. “The famous ones are scattered throughout the house.”
“Huh.” Was all she said as she turned around and walked over to the couch that sat in the middle of the room and sat down. "So why do you like to art?"
He walked over and sat down beside her, propping the bottle up on the arm of the couch. "Art, painting in particular, is a metaphor for control." He answered and she gave him a look that said, 'I'm interested, please keep talking'. He tried to pass her the bottle, but she surprised him when she waved him off. "Every choice is mine. The canvas...the color… As a child I had neither a sense of the world nor my place in it, but art taught me that one's vision can be achieved with sheer force of will. The same is true of life."
She felt the same way about her poetry, every word choice was up to her, a puzzle of her own creation. But she wasn't ready to tell him about that part of herself. So she kept the topic on art. "I had to take a couple of art classes in school, but our art teacher was a major pot head so we didn’t actually learn anything other than the ninja turtles are all named after famous artists. As long as we were quiet and did something even close to art we passed.”
“Please tell me you did not glue macaroni to a piece of paper and call it art.”
She laughed. “I’m not a three year old. I colored in an adult coloring book.” She told him with her chin held high and he smiled then closed his mouth deciding to keep his comments to himself. She laughed a little at his reaction. “I passed that’s all I cared about at the time.” She held her hand out for the bottle. He gave it to her and she took a drink then handed it back to him.
She pulled out her phone and unlocked it to see what time it was only for her eyes to land on the picture of her and Elijah after the ball. She couldn’t bring herself to change it yet. Her hand went to the infinity sign that still hung around her neck.
Knowing she was thinking about Elijah, Klaus plucked the unlocked phone out of her hand, took a picture of one of his more abstract paintings and made it her background. Now she didn’t see Elijah’s face every time she used her phone. He had sat back down on the couch and was handing it back to her when Rebekah came into the room. “What happened?” she asked with a tired look at the two of them.
“Excuse me for a minute, love.” Klaus told her then walked out of the room with Rebekah.
Katie wandered over to the table that had drawings scattered across it. Eventually she came across the one Klaus had drawn of her in her ball gown. She was looking at it when Klaus came back. “Why did you draw this?” she asked, holding up the picture as she turned to him.
“Because I find inspiration in beauty and it is no secret that I think you are beautiful.” He answered as he took the paper from her and set it back down on the table behind her. “And smart, relatable, strong, brave, honest, loyal, understanding, non-judgmental-”
“Stop.” She told him as she looked down at the floor. “Just…stop trying to make me feel better about myself when I know there has to be something fundamentally wrong with me.”
“Katie,” he stepped into her and hooked his finger under her chin, pushing her head up but she didn’t look at him. “Look at me, Sweetheart.” She lifted her eyes to his. “You…are a uniquely incredible woman.”
“If I’m so incredible why do I always end up alone?” she asked.
In that moment all he wanted to do was kiss her, take her to his room and show her just how perfect he thought she was, but he also knew that after everything she had been through in the past few months, despite the fact that she had flirted back with him tonight, her heart was hard as stone and it wouldn’t change anytime soon.
He sighed as he moved his hands to her hips and leaned down, his face just a few inches from hers. “I wish I could assure you that you are not alone and you never will be, but you do not need to be force fed any more lies.” She bit her lip to keep from crying and nodded. When he tilted his head slightly she thought he was going to kiss her, but instead, he pressed his lips to her cheek. “Goodnight, Katie.” He let her go and left her alone.
Not feeling like going home she grabbed the bottle of half drank alcohol and headed to the kitchen. Rebekah came in and found her eating a pint of strawberry ice cream she’d found in the freezer amongst other flavors she couldn’t stomach. “Sorry, I raided your stash.”
“It’s fine. I have plenty.” Rebekah told her as she grabbed a pint of buttered pecan then shut the fridge and grabbed a spoon. “I’m sure we could both use it after tonight.” she popped off the lid and threw it in the trash. “I’m sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a good guy.”
“He was. I’m sorry about your mom.” Katie answered as she played with the pink, slightly melted ice cream with her spoon.
“Are you staying here tonight?” Rebekah asked with a look at the clock.
Katie shrugged. “I don’t really feel like being alone in my house right now.”
“Well, you know where your room is at and I’m sure Nic won’t care if you stay.” Rebekah told her then started walking away, taking her ice cream up to her room. “Goodnight.”
“Night.” Katie called back. She grabbed the bottle of rum and took a drink then headed upstairs, grabbed a tank top and shorts and headed to the bathroom. After showering she laid down in bed and tried to go to sleep, but the way Klaus looked at her when he told her he intended on setting her ablaze, the feel of his hands on her while they danced, when he kissed her cheek after he killed Mikael, when he'd kissed her in this house before it had been renovated and when he kissed her cheek tonight filled her mind. The memories played in her head over and over until finally she sat up and brushed her fingers through her damp hair with an aggravated sigh.
She slipped out of bed and put on a satin robe then left the room and went out back to the garden that now had bright flowers where dead rose bushes had once been, taking a walk in the night air to clear her head. It worked for the most part, but on her way back to her room she noticed the light on in the parlor and her feet took on a mind of their own. They brought her to Klaus sitting on the couch, a sketch pad in his hand.
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“You couldn’t sleep either?” she asked getting his attention and he snapped the book closed before she could see what he was drawing. With suspicious eyes she leaned on the back of the couch, putting her head next to his, looking at the book in his hand over his shoulder. “What were you working on?” she asked as she reached for the book, but he tucked it under his leg where she couldn’t get it. She gasped exaggeratedly, "Was it something dirty?”
“A little.” He answered, peaking her interest given her recent thoughts about him.
“Show me?” she asked.
He looked at her over his shoulder “No.”
“Is it Caroline?” she asked.
He scoffed. “No.”
“Please show me?” she asked with her best puppy dog eyes and a quiet laugh left his lips as pulled the book out from under his leg and opened it. She wrapped her arms around him and held the book in front of him. He looked at the book as she took in the drawing of one of the photos he’d seen of her on her phone. She realized that this was finished and not what he had been working on. So she flipped to the front of the book and found a sketch of her in the dress she wore to the homecoming dance. On the next page was just a picture of her face and shoulders, every detail was spot on. As she continued to flip through the book the pictures, that started off innocent, became more and more revealing until she came to the unfinished one at the end, a sketch of her and Klaus in her bed. He was nude sitting up on his knees with her in his lap, her long legs wrapped around him. His arms wrapped around her hid her breasts from view. Klaus noticed that her breathing changed and he couldn’t tell if she was pissed off or turned on. She closed the book and tossed it onto the coffee table then leaned further over the couch and slid one hand to hold the side of his neck and the other over his cheek, turning his head toward her. His eyes met hers a split second before she pressed her lips to his.
He instantly kissed her back, catching her bottom lip between his. Wanting a better angle he turned putting his back against the arm of the couch with his legs stretched across it then wrapped his arm around Katie’s waist, easily lifted her over the low back of the couch, never breaking the kiss, as he laid her on top of him. She braced herself with her hands on the leather arm of the couch behind him, lost in his kiss and the feel of his hands untying her robe. She pulled back and watched his face as he pushed it down her shoulders revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra under her spaghetti strap tank top. He couldn’t resist slipping his hands up her shoulders then over her chest and cupping her breasts in his hands. A hum left her lips and pleasure shot through her when he pinched her nipples over the fabric making him chuckle as he let go of one of her breasts and pulled her back down to kiss him.
“Oh bloody hell!” Rebekah’s voice pulled them back down to reality and Katie tucked her face into Klaus’ neck, too embarrassed to look at Rebekah. Klaus on the other hand glared daggers at her. “How many rooms are there in this house?”
“Go away, Rebekah.” He told her aggravated.
“Gladly, get a room next time so I don’t feel like stabbing my eyes out. Yeah?” She told him then turned and walked away.
When Katie heard Rebekah’s stomping footsteps disappear upstairs she pulled her face out of Klaus’ neck and looked him in the eyes. Deciding that she wasn’t going to let Rebekah’s interruption ruin her night she stood up and held her hand out to him. He took it and let her lead him to her room. “Are you sure about this?” he asked as he watched her shut the door.
“All I’m sure about anymore is that I have been nothing but miserable since Elijah left. And tonight, when I was feeling lost and aimlessly driving around because I didn’t want to go home to a house that is filled with a thousand haunting memories, I ended up here.” She slipped her hands up his chest and held the sides of his neck. “I no longer believe in love nor do I want it. I do however,” she grabbed one of his hands in both of hers and started kissing his fingertips, “want your sexy hands to touch every inch of my body…” She brushed her lips over his fingertips then kissed his pointer finger, slipped it into her mouth and looked him in the eyes as she slipped it out, “and for you to let me feel every inch of yours.”
A heavy sigh left his parted lips as he smashed them into hers. A moan bubbled up from her throat when his tongue found hers. He grabbed her sides, picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him. As his lips attacked hers she wrapped her arms around his neck and he whooshed her back, pressing her against the wall. A growl left his lips as he attacked her neck with kisses and nibbles, pulling another moan from her lips.
When she pushed at the hem of his shirt he pulled away and looked into her eyes as he pulled it over his head and she did the same with her tank top. Desperate to have his lips back on her she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him to her catching his bottom lip between hers.
When she lightly bit his lip he moaned and whooshed them over to the bed, grabbed her hands from around his neck and pinned them down next to her head. A mixture of kisses and rough nibbles were trailed all over her neck and chest before he finally let go of one of her hands to cup her breast. She rolled them over and started undoing his belt, button and zipper.
As soon as she was done he rolled them back over losing his pants in the process then tugged her shorts and panties down her hips, tossing them haphazardly to the side. Wanting to see what he had envisioned in the drawing he sat up on his knees, running his hands down her thin sides over her curvy hips to grip her legs and wrap them back around him, admiring the sight before his eyes. Knowing what he wanted, she sat up. As she did he slid his big hands up her back until his palms were pressed to her shoulder blades.
She wrapped her arms around his torso and lightly ran her fingertips over his back making him sigh as he looked into her eyes and rested his forehead on hers. After a few seconds she noticed his gaze fall down to her chest and a smile spread over her lips. He looked back up at her with a smile of his own as he slid one of his hands around to her stomach then up, pausing when his thumb and pointer finger outlined the underside of her breast. He tilted his head, brushing her nose with his before he pressed his lips to hers.
A satisfied sigh slipped from his lips when she kissed along his jaw to his neck where she bit him without breaking the skin. His hand moved up, cupping her breast as he lightly pinched her nipple pulling a little whimper of pleasure from her as her head fell back and eyes slipped closed.
He watched her bite her bottom lip as she picked her head up and opened her eyes, looking into his as she grabbed the sides of his neck. Needing to taste her again he kissed her, his lips massaging hers before his tongue found its way into her mouth pulling a moan from her. Their hands explored each other as they made out.
Eventually when they both needed more Klaus slid his hands down her back, grabbed her butt and picked her up. Knowing what he was about to do she pulled back and looked into his eyes as he slowly lowered her down on him.
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They both sighed in satisfaction then pressed their foreheads back together not breaking eye contact as he started moving her up and down. Eventually he laid her back and kissed her chest while one of her hands gripped his hair and the other gripped his back. “Klaus.”
His name rolling off her lips in a breathy moan nearly pushed him over the edge and he pulled away from her breast and looked her in the eye. Seeing the lust and pleasure in them let him know she was just as close as he was. “Let go for me, Sweetheart.” His whispered words were all it took to send both of them spiraling off into an intense state of pure pleasure.
As they came down from their high, both still breathing hard, she tucked her face into his neck and kissed it. After a minute he rolled onto his side, sat up, grabbed the sheet from the foot of the bed and pulled it up over them. When he looped his arm around her and pulled her into his chest she laid her head on his bicep and pressed her palms to his chest, content to cuddle in silence. But after ten minutes of he began to worry. “If you do not say something soon I’m going to assume you regret what just happened.”
She pulled back and looked him in the eyes. “I definitely don't regret what just happened.” she told him quietly with content smile and a shake of her head. “I’m just…still enjoying it.” He gave her a curious look. “At any given moment of any day my mind is racing ninety to nothing and here recently my mind has been a very dark, self loathing place.” He brushed the backs of his fingers over her cheek, knowing what she was talking about all too well. “But in moments like this…my mind is tranquil. It may be weird, but I enjoy the calm of after just as much as the storm of during.”
“You…are a very interesting woman.” He told her as his eyes traveled her face. He called her interesting, but her mind suddenly went into overdrive and replaced the word with a thousand different ones all muttered in her grandfather’s hateful voice. She couldn’t tell the voice that he was wrong this time. Damon, Tyler, Elijah now Klaus all within a year's time? She was throwing herself around like a common whore. She frowned and dropped her eyes to his chest.
To silence the voice and get her head elsewhere she started kissing his chest, pulling a sigh from him when she kissed his nipple then a chuckle from him when she playfully bit it. She decided then that she liked the sound of his deep relaxed laugh and pulled away to look into his eyes. He hooked his fingers under her chin and ran his thumb over the corner of her mouth then looked at her eyes.
She grabbed his hand and pressed their palms together taking in the size difference. Thinking about his slightly obsessive drawings she propped her head up with her hand and elbow and asked, “So, how long have you been working on that sketch book?”
“Pretty much since you walked into that gym on senior prank night with a fire in your eyes and an I-don’t-give-a-damn attitude.” He answered. “Then seeing those pictures on your phone didn’t help nor did the noises that floated down the hall to my room when you were with Elijah. I’ve got to admit, I’m a little jealous I didn’t get those same wall shaking moans from you.”
“I doubt you ever will.” She answered, remembering blood sharing with Elijah.
“I’m not sure if I should take offense or accept the challenge.” He told her with a slight glare.
A cheeky grin brightened her face, her fingertips slipping up his arm and over his collarbone as she looked him in the eyes and whispered, "I think we would both enjoy it more if you accept the challenge." Her pointer finger slipped under his chin as she caught his lips with hers. His hand gripped the curve of her waist as the kiss deepened then slowed. When it broke he gripped her hip, slid his hand down to her thigh and pulled it over his hips, letting her feel and see by the look on his face what would happen if she kept teasing him. She laughed. "Seriously though, that wasn't meant to be a blow to your ego. My link to Elijah tends to enhance certain things.”
“Then maybe I should find a witch and have them link us.” he told her with a devious smile.
“Please, for the love of god, don’t.” she told him with an eye roll as she pushed his shoulder for him to lay on his back so that she was sitting on his lower stomach. “Because of that stupid link there have been times when I didn’t know what was organic and what was magic and I told myself it was all real because I desperately wanted it to be. But I no longer want head over heels, whirlwind, short lived, magically enhanced love that consumes me.”
“Then what do you want?” he asked, looking her up and down, admiring her naked body.
“This.” She fell forward bracing herself on her hands on each side of his head. “You. Real.” she kissed his cheek, “Raw.” the side of his neck, “No promises.” his collarbone, “No lies.” the hollow of his neck, “No expectations.” the center of his chest, “Just two people,” she bit his pec next to his nipple, "who fancy each other," then pecked him on the lips and looked into his blue eyes, "having fun." As she sat up, she slipped her hands down his chest settling them on his sides then looked at his face. “If that’s okay with you and you can handle the three no's of course.”
“That is more than okay with me, Sweetheart.” She gave him a look that told him to say out loud that he agreed to her terms. "You have been burned by promises and lies in the past and I do not wish to cram you into a mold of who I think you should be." He told her with a pointed look. "So no promises, no lies, no expectations. Only fun." He told her as he hooked his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her down to him, kissing her deeply and passionately. When the kiss broke he rolled over onto his side and propped his head up on his hand, looking at her. “I find you…" He started ghosting his fingers up her arm in thought.
"Weird?" She asked because that's what everyone always said about her.
"Intriguing." He finished as his fingertips moved lightly across her chest. "You were willing to die in the place of Elena's aunt even though you had everything to live for…you weren’t scared to die.” He told her with a confused shake of his head “You've also never been scared of me.” He grabbed her thigh and pulled her leg back up over his hips.
She slid her hand over his shoulder. “You’ve completely and utterly terrified me.” she absentmindedly drew invisible swirls over his arm with her fingertips.
“I stabbed you in the back and broke your neck that night. How can you even stand to be in the same room with me?” he asked. He wasn't complaining by any means, but he couldn't help being curious.
“I have an uncanny and very stupid, ability to over look the bad in people and only focus on the good.” She answered with a shrug. “I’ve learned over the past year or so that it’s a little too easy for me to turn a blind eye to the horrible things people do.” She looked at her fingertips slipping lightly over his arm. “And if I’ve learned anything since senior prank night, it’s that I am drawn to you.”
“And what good do you see in me that draws you in.” He asked as he slipped his hand over her hip, to her fleshy rear.
She looked up at him with a frown. “I don’t know what draws me to you…I don’t think it’s necessarily anything good or bad…” She paused, thinking about what she wanted to say. “But I know why I can’t hate you like my ex friends do.” He gave her a look that asked her to keep talking. “When I look at you…I see an innocent version of you. He has been rejected, abused, hurt and thrown away far too many times and it’s caused him to be wrapped in a thick cocoon of anger, distrust, paranoia and hatred.” She told him and he blinked rapidly as if to hold back tears. “I see you…as mirror image of myself, but your side of the reflection has far more cracks, chips and complexities that I know I can not even begin to understand.” She looked down at her hands on his chest for a moment, feeling like she wasn't making any sense, then back into his blue eyes. “So if I hate you…it feels like I hate myself and who I could very easily become.” He just stared at her with wide eyes and when several long seconds passed she was sure she had gone too far…said too much and pissed him off. But he surprised her and pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that quickly deepened and turned passionate before he gripped her leg that was still over his hip and turned onto his back, taking her with him and letting her take the reins this time...
A/N: This is my favorite chapter to date and there are 50+ chapters to this story so far...Please tell me what you think. I love feedback. And I appreciate those who've recently expressed how much they like this story. :-)
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crowdvscritic · 3 years
round up // JULY 21
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‘Tis the season to beat the heat at the always-cold theatres and next to fans set at turbo speed. While my movie watching slowed a bit with the launch of the Summer Olympics on July 23rd, I’ve still got plenty of popcorn-ready and artsy recommendations for you. A few themes in the new-to-me pop culture I’m recommending this month:
Casts oozing with embarrassing levels of talent (sometimes overqualified for the movies they’re in)
Pop culture that is responding or reinterpreting past pop culture
Stories that get weEeEeird
Keep on-a-scrollin’ to see which is which!
July Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Double Feature – ‘90s Rom-Coms feat. Lots of Lies: Mystery Date (1991) + The Pallbearer (1996)
In Mystery Date (Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 6/10), Ethan Hawke and Teri Polo get set up on a blind date that gets so bizarre and crime-y I’m not sure how this didn’t come out in the ‘80s. In The Pallbearer (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10), David Schwimmer and Gwyneth Paltrow try to combine The Graduate with Four Weddings and a Funeral in a story about lost twentysomethings. If you don’t like rom-coms in which circumstances depend on lots of lies and misunderstandings, these won’t be your jam, but if you’re like me and don’t mind these somewhat-cliché devices, you’ll be hooked by likeable casts and plenty of rom and com.
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2. The Tomorrow War (2021)
I thought of no fewer movies than this list while watching: Alien, Aliens, Angel Has Fallen, Cloverfield, Interstellar, Kong: Skull Island, Prometheus, A Quiet Place: Part II, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith, The Silence of the Lambs, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and World War Z. And you know what? I like all those movies! (Okay, maybe I just have a healthy respect/fear of The Silence of the Lambs.) The Tomorrow War may not be original, but it borrows some of the best tropes and beats from the sci-fi and action genres, so much so I wish I could’ve seen Chris Pratt and Co. fight those gross monsters on a big screen. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 6/10
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3. Dream a Little Dream (1989)
My July pick for the Dumb Rom-Com I Nevertheless Enjoyed! I CANNOT explain the mechanics of this body switch comedy to you—nor can the back of the DVD case above—but, boy, what an ‘80s MOOD. I did not know I needed to see a choreographed dance routine starring Jason Robards and Corey Feldman, but I DID. All I know is some movies are made for me and that I’m now a card-carrying member of the Two Coreys fan club. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 6.5/10
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4. Black Widow (2021)
The braids! The Pugh! Black Widow worked for me both as an exciting action adventure and as a respite from the Marvel adventures dependent on a long memory of the franchise. (Well, mostly—keep reading for a second MCU rec much more dependent on the gobs of previous releases.) Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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5. Liar Liar (1997)
Guys, Jim Carrey is hilarious. That’s it—that’s the review. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10
6. Sob Rock by John Mayer (2021)
It’s very possible I’ve already listened to this record more than all other John Mayer records. It doesn’t surpass the capital-G Greatness of Continuum, but it’s a little bit of old school Mayer, a little bit ‘80s soft rock/pop, and I’ve had it on repeat most of the two weeks since it’s been out. Featuring the boppiest bop that ever bopped, at least one lyrical gem in every track, and an ad campaign focused on Walkmans, this record skirts the line between Crowd faves and Critic-worthy musicianship.
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7. Double Feature – ‘00s Ben Affleck Political Thrillers: The Sum of All Fears (2002) + State of Play (2009)
In The Sum of All Fears (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), Ben Affleck is Jack Ryan caught up in yet another international incident. In State of Play (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10), he’s a hotshot Congressman caught up in a scandal. Both are full of plot twists and unexpected turns, and in both, Affleck is accompanied by actors you’re always happy to see, like Jason Bateman, James Cromwell, Russell Crowe, Jeff Daniels, Viola Davis, Morgan Freeman, Philip Baker Hall, David Harbour, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Liev Schreiber, and Robin Wright—yes, I swear all of those people are in just those two movies.
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8. Loki (2021-)
Unlike Black Widow, you can’t go into Loki with no MCU experience. The show finds clever ways to nudge us with reminders (and did better at it than Falcon and the Winter Soldier), but be forewarned that at some point, you’re just going to have to let go and accept wherever this timeline-hopper is taking you. An ever-charismatic cast keeps us grounded (Owen Wilson, Jonathan Majors, and an alligator almost steal the show from Tom Hiddleston in some eps), but while Falcon lasted an episode or two too long, Loki could’ve used a few more to flesh out its complicated plot and develop its characters. Thankfully, the jokes matter almost as much as the sci-fi, so you can still have fun even if you have no idea what’s going on.
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9. Double Feature – Bruce Willis: Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995) + The Whole Nine Yards (2000)
Before Bruce Willis began starring in many random direct-to-DVD movies I only ever hear about in my Redbox emails, he was a Movie Star smirking his way up the box office charts. In the third Die Hard (Crowd: 10/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), he teams up with Samuel L. Jackson to decipher the riddles of a terrorist madman (Jeremy Irons), and it’s a thrill ride. In The Whole Nine Yards (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8/10), he’s hitman that screws up dentist Matthew Perry’s boring life in Canada, and—aside from one frustrating scene of let’s-objectify-women-style nudity—it’s hilarious.
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10. This Is the End (2013)
On paper, this is not a movie for me. An irreverent stoner comedy about a bunch of bros partying it up before the end of the world? None of things are for Taylors. But with a little help of a TV edit to pare down the raunchy and crude bits, I laughed my way through and spent the next several days thinking through its exploration of what makes a good person. While little of the plot is accurate to Christian Gospel and theology, some of its big ideas are consistent enough with the themes of the book of Revelation I found myself thinking about it again in church this morning. (Would love to know if Seth Rogen ever expected that.) Plus, I love a good self-aware celebrity spoof—can’t tell you how many times I’ve just laughed remembering the line, “It’s me, Jonah Hill, from Moneyball”—and an homage to horror classics. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10
July Critic Picks
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1. Summer of Soul (…or, When the Television Could Not Be Televised) (2021)
Even director Questlove didn’t know about the Harlem Cultural Festival, but now he’s compiled the footage so we can all enjoy one of the coolest music fest lineups ever, including The 5th Dimension, B.B. King, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Nina Simone, Sly and the Family Stone, and Stevie Wonder, who made my friend’s baby dance more than once in the womb. See it on the big screen for top-notch audio. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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2. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Robin Williams takes on the bureaucracy, disillusionment, and malaise of the Vietnam War with comedy. Williams was a one-of-a-kind talent, and here it’s on display at a level on par with Aladdin. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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3. Against the Rules Season 2 (2020-21)
Michael Lewis (author of Moneyball, adapted into a film starring Jonah Hill), is interested in how we talk about fairness. This season he looks at how coaches impact fairness in areas like college admissions, credit cards, and youth sports. 
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4. Bugsy Malone (1976)
A gangster musical starring only children? It’s a little like someone just picked ideas out of a hat, but somehow it works. You can hear why in the Bugsy Malone episode Kyla and I released this month on SO IT’S A SHOW?, plus how this weird artifact of a film connects with Gilmore Girls.
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5. The Queen (2006)
Before The Crown, Peter Morgan wrote The Queen, focusing on Queen Elizabeth II (Helen Mirren) in the days following the death of Princess Diana. It’s a complex and compassionate drama, both for the Queen and for Prime Minister Tony Blair (Michael Sheen, who has snuck up on me to become a favorite character actor). Maybe I’ve got a problem, but I’ll never tire of the analysis of this famous family. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9.5/10
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6. The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)
This month at ZekeFilm, we took a closer look at Revisionist Westerns we’ve missed. I fell hard for Roy Bean, and I think you will, too, if for no other reason than you might like a story starring Jacqueline Bisset, Ava Gardner, John Huston, Paul Newman, and Anthony Perkins. Oh, and a bear! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
7. New Trailer Round Up
Naked Singularity (Aug. 6) – John Boyega in a crime thriller!
Queenpins (Aug. 10) – A crime comedy about extreme coupon-ing!
Dune (Oct. 1) – I’ve been cooler on the anticipation for this film, but this new look has me cautiously intrigued thanks to the Bardem + Bautista + Brolin + Chalamet + Ferguson + Isaac + Momoa + Zendaya of it all.
The Last Duel (Oct. 15) – Affleck! Damon! Driver!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (Nov. 11) - I’m not sure why we need this, but I’m down for the Paul Rudd + Finn Wolfhard combo
King Richard (Nov. 19) - Will Smith as Venus and Serena’s father!
Encanto (Nov. 24) – Disney and Lin-Manuel Miranda making more magic together!
House of Gucci (Nov. 24) - Gaga! Pacino! Driver! 
Also in July…
Kyla and I took a look at the classic supernatural soap Dark Shadows and why Sookie might be obsessed with it on Gilmore Girls.
I revisited a so-bad-it’s-good masterpiece that’s a surrealist dream even Fellini couldn’t have cooked up. Yes, for ZekeFilm I wrote about the Vanilla Ice movie, Cool as Ice, which is now a part of my Blu-ray collection.
Photo credits: Against the Rules. All others IMDb.com.
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Hello Darling pt5
Summary: (y/n) is the Salvatore younger sister, and she is low-key in love with one of the originals. You know which one. The only problem is he is a low-key psychopath and neither of them remember that this isn’t their first meeting.
Warnings: I might be heading in a dark path with this one.
A/N: So like I wrote the first four chapters a month ago and now I gotta get back into writing more often. Though I have been waiting to write this chapter for a while. I’m pretty excited about it. Though I do have to admit I’m not as into our beloved kol as I was when I started this. But don’t worry I will keep writing for our dear boy.
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You were woken up by the bright sun shining in your eyes. You rolled over to see your room a complete mess. There were clothes everywhere, things knocked over onto the floor. It was a shock to you. You couldn’t quite remember why your room was such a wreck. It wasn’t until you took a closer look at who’s clothes were on the floor that you realized what had happened.
It all slowly came back to you, the bar, the drinking, the stumbling through your apartment running into things. You couldn’t help but smile at the memory of it all. You and Kol drunkenly making out and laughing as you ran down the halls before stumbling to get your keys.
Kol, It wasn’t until you realized his absence that you heard the shower running in your bathroom. You smiled at the realization of Kol still being in your house. You hated to admit it but you liked him more than you should. Maybe he felt the same. Neither of you we’re the dating types but maybe things could work out for you both. Maybe if you...
A loud knock took you out of your thoughts. It was your older brother Stefan calling for you to answer the door. You quickly grabbed the closest clothes to you and threw them on. You ran to open the door but not before shutting the door to your bedroom in hopes of hiding the events of last night.
You opened the door and blocked your brother from seeing or entering the rest of your home. He looked you up and down taking in your appearance. He stopped, “nice shirt, is it new?”
You hadn’t even noticed that you had grabbed Kols shirt and not one of your own to throw on. You tried to drop it and hoped he would move on. “Hey Stefan, what are you doing here?”
“Oh I'm just on my morning rounds apologizing to people for whatever Damon did yesterday to upset them and of course I also just wanted to talk to my favorite sister.” He tried to peek over your shoulder into your apartment but you moved to block his view.
You rolled your eyes “I’m you only sister Stefan. Anyways it’s great you stopped by, but seriously though it wasn’t needed.” You tried to shut the door but before you could stop him he pushed past you and into your house.
“I see you’ve had some company.” He smiled and pointed at Kols jacket you had tossed onto the couch. “Hope I don’t know the poor bastard.” He smiled and set down. Making himself comfortable by placing his feet on the coffee table.
You pushed his feet down, grabbed the jacket and laid it on one of your dining room chairs. “It was just some guy I met at the bar last night you don’t know him.” Now you could have told Stefan about Kol. You had thought about it. It’s just ever since he’s last blood binge your brother has been different. He was cockier, if anything he was acting more like Damon. You couldn’t blame him. The past few months hadn’t been all that great for him. But things were better now he stopped drinking blood and now he had his humanity back on. Which was great and all but he was only doing good by pushing all his feelings down and redirecting them as hatred for the Mikaelsons specifically Klaus. Either way you knew he would just go back and tell Damon what he saw and you really didn’t want to deal with that.
You turned to ask your brother to leave when you heard the loud screech of the shower being turned off. Stefan turned and laughed at you. “Ohh your boyfriends still here isn’t he?”
You gave him a cold stare for his comment and he took the hint that you wanted him to leave. He got up from the couch and headed to the door. “Guess that’s my cue to go then. If you need anything sis you know where to find me.” With that he walked out of your apartment.
Once he was gone kol stepped out of your bedroom. He’s hair was still wet and he already had on his pants from last night. He smiled when he saw you standing in the living room. “Well I guess I’ve found my shirt then.”
You let out a sigh of relief and laughed. “So I’m just some guy you met at a bar now?” He took a few steps towards you.
“Oh you heard all that. I'm sorry I just didn’t want to tell my brother because in this town everyone will know and then I’ll have to deal with the judgmental police. Elena, Damon, and Caroline will all show up at my door with an intervention sign to tell me that sleeping with you was a mistake and then make a list of why the whole town should be against you and your family.” You couldn't help yourself from rambling on. This town was frustrating. No one in this town makes their own decisions without someone showing up to tell you off.
You were so lost in your own ramblings you didn’t notice how close kol has gotten to you. “ I hope you don’t actually think sleeping together was a mistake” He moves to rest his hands on your hips.
You smiled and looked up at him, trying to enjoy his hand on you. “I don't, I just know how this town works. Everyone’s decisions are taken very personally by everyone else. I can’t pick a brand of milk without Elena Gilbert getting on my ass about it. She’s the worst of the town. Just before you showed up I only had two friends in this town, Matt, whom we both know you have already met and Jeremy Elena’s brother. Three weeks ago Elena had Damon compel Jeremy to leave town and go to Denver to stay with family. I’ve been fighting with the two ever since.”
“I’m guessing my brother had something to do with that then?”
“Oh yes.” You put your arms around his shoulders. “I had fun last night.”
“Me too” he smiled and looked over your figure. “And I must say I love looking at you in my t-shirt, but I am going to need it back.”
You laughed and moved away from him and walked back to your room to get a clean shirt. You took off Kols and put on your new shirt. Kol watched you from your doorway. “I usually would stay longer but my brother needs me for some scheme of his so I have to get back to the mansion.” He quickly put his own tshirt back on and headed to grab his jacket from the chair you had laid it on. “I’ll call you whenever klaus is done using me as his errand boy. Hopefully we can do this again” he’s usually cocky demeanor back in full swing again.
You smiled to yourself thinking about seeing kol again. “I’m free again tonight if you want to meet at the grill again.”
“I guess I’ll see you then.” He smiled before leaving and closing the door behind him. Guess now all that was left was to wait for tonight.
Kols perspective
I left (y/n) apartment and headed back to the house. I couldn’t help but dread it. Thought of having to go back to my insane family and fix what was left after what our mother did last night. It wouldn’t be pretty that’s for sure.
I pushed open the front door of the mansion and walked into the drawing room where Klaus was waiting for me. “Hello Nicklaus”
“Hello Kol, you must have had a busy night. You never came home last night.” He had venom in his voice. I recognized his tone. It's his I know what you did and I’m angry about it voice. “My sources say you went home with the salvatore girl last night.”
“By sources you mean the abominations you call your pack.” I could see the anger bubbling inside him. It was good to know I did that. It’s none of his business what I’ve been up to.
Klaus took a deep breath “Kol I don’t think you should be seeing the Salvatore girl. Her brothers have been trying to kill our family for weeks now and I don’t know if you noticed they actually succeeded last night at killing one of us.”
Of course I knew this Finn was my brother too even if he was a boring suck up. “Really Klaus you're going to shame me using Finn's death to guilt me into something. Come on you can do better than that.” I turned to walk away hoping the conversation would be over now.
“Either way it doesn’t matter now I have something I need your help with Kol.” I stopped in my tracks and turned back around to listen to him. I hated helping Klaus but if I didn’t I knew he would just dagger me again. If Rebecca or Elijah had refused to help he would let it go or at least not stab them in the back, but them three were always together so you couldn’t expect less.
“We need to get the white oak stakes from the Salvatores. They have enough to kill all of us. I have my hybrids ready to kidnap their Bennett witch. I just need something as leverage to get her to cooperate. And I have someone in mind, Elena Gilbert’s brother Jeremy would definitely get the witch to work. I just need to find him. The Salvatores packed him up a few weeks ago so he could be safe. Since you're so close with one of the salvatores, maybe you might know where he is.”
I don’t know how he knew but he must have known about what (y/n) said to me. I’m sure if she knew klaus was looking for the other Gilbert she wouldn’t have told me where he was. It doesn't matter, it was her mistake not mine. If finding Jeremy Gilbert keeps Klaus happy and stops those brothers from killing my family then there’s no reason to keep this information from him, not even for some girl I’ve only met a few days ago. “Yeah I know where the Gilbert kid is. They shipped him off to Denver to stay with relatives.”
Klaus smiled and tossed me a set of keys I hadn’t seen before. “Great then you can go to Colorado and keep an eye on him. He doesn’t know who you are yet so you can report back to me on what he’s doing.” With that Klaus left.
I couldn’t believe he wanted me to go to Denver for his stupid plan. I was furious but I packed my bags anyway and took them out to the car. I didn’t really have much of a choice but to go along with his plan. It would keep me and my siblings alive. It was a smart plan, but why do I feel so guilty? I've done worse before and I’ve never felt guilty about those things. I mean (y/n) is just a girlI met a few days ago and it’s not like I haven’t already betrayed her in those few days. She shouldn’t mean anything to me anyways. But I feel as though I owe her at least an explanation before I go. I can’t explain it,but I feel like I can let my walls down around her as if I’ve known her for years. I have to put that aside. She can’t get in the way from now on I can’t let her distract me from anything.
Readers perspective
You sat at the bar like you usually did every night. You ordered your usual drink and waited for kol to show up like you had planned for. Only he didn’t show. Hours passed before it was starting to get late. 10:00 rolled around and fair enough a mikaelson did walk in the door just not the one you wanted to see.
Surprisingly Elijah took a seat on the bar stool beside you. “Do you mind if I sit here?” He asked ever so the polite one of the family. “I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but my brother kol has left town. Klaus has him doing some errand for him upstate. Before kol left he told me to come here and tell you he was gone and wouldn’t be back for a while.” Elijah turned to face you and he softened for a moment. “I hope you take my advice and stay away from my brother. Our family brings nothing but trouble to the people around us. He’s done this before to you I’m afraid but trust me you don’t want to get involved with any of us more than your brothers already have.”
With that Elijah got up and left you sitting alone. What did he mean by having done this to you before? He must have meant the ball where he attacked Matt but that doesn’t seem right. It didn’t really matter any ways you wanted an explanation from kol.
You grabbed your things and walked outside into the cold air. You pulled out your phone and called up kols number.
“Really kol you skip town and you send your big brother to tell me you left. Could have just said you didn’t want to see each other again.” You laughed trying to sound like you weren’t upset that he left.
“(Y/n) I would have told you in person but this is something I have to do for klaus. I did want to see you again but it’s just gonna have to wait. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone but something tells me I’ll see you again. So how about I call you next time I’m in town?” He laughed and it all seemed so airy and fake. Not at all like the Kol you had been talking to before. “I have to go now. I’ve got a lot of driving to do. See you soon (y/n)”
Before you could say anything he hung up on you. Something felt off about him and the call. You just didn’t know what. It doesn’t matter anyway now he was just some guy. You had slept with guys and moved on like it was nothing before. You didn’t need some guy distracting you anyways. You would just have to go back to being left in this stupid town all alone again.
I hoped you guys liked this one I’m really glad the stories been doing this well. I’m sorry for the delay in writing. I had to get back in touch with my story and I was busy with Halloween so I was a little behind schedule but I hope that you liked this chapter.
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yahnnieee · 3 years
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Part 2
I woke up the next day, the sun beaming out, the curtains are slightly open making the room lit up with sun. I sat down in the edge of the bed and drank some water from my tumbler. After I went to the bathroom to get ready. It was 7 am and I'll be meeting the cast on 8, after taking a bath. I took my luggage and took some Clothes. Black dress that is above my knee, black knee high boots, beige coat and black Gucci shoulder bag . I don't put makeup, just tint. I looked in the full body mirror. I took my phone and wallet and walked out of my room, I knocked in the next door waiting for Aidan to open it. After a few seconds the door opened and a head peeked out I tilted my head I opened the door and sat down on his bed.
"Are you gonna take like a whole Century to get ready?" I asked raising a brow, he looked at me his face scrunched up while taking a light washed polo.
"Shut up!" He whined and put on the polo, after a few minutes he was done he put on his shoes and we both head out. Walking out of the building we tried not to put all attention on us we saw Leo and Carson waiting for us they walked closer to us and escorted us to a car waiting, after a few we were on our way to the place where were going to meet up.
It was the day I'm going to be meeting the rest of the cast for 'Princess's secret Side' I knew Millie was going to be there along with Finn and some other friends, but we don't know who is going to be the Main starring cast along side me. I got ready wearing a black polo with black ripped jeans and hoodie over it. I went out while looking at Rianne's insta account. It's weird since she normally post new things everyday but she hasn't since yesterday. My sister greeted me before I completely got put of the house and hoped in the car. After a few we arrived in the place. I got out and walked inside and to the place where everyone was in. I entered the room and got greeted with chattering.
"Hey" I greeted and everyone looked at me. Millie smiled and got up wrapping her arms around me pulling me in a hug, Millie has always been this sister figure of mine, after a while the director of the film went inside and we all sat down in silence.
"So, you are all going to be part of our core cast alongside 2 of this actor and actress. So let me introduce you who is going to be the Brianna Wang" Our director greeted us and explained he looked at the man in black beside the door and said.
"They may come in" the guy opened the door and 2 figures came inside. My heart then started beating rapidly seeing the girl, it was Rianne... And her brother Aidan.
"The Gallagher siblings will be Brianna and Ace Wang" The director explained, everyone was silent for a sec but then Finn stood up, walk up to them and spoke.
"Hi! I'm Finn, it's nice to meet you" Finn introduce himself to the siblings stretching his arm out for a hand shake. Aidan took it and smiled, Sadie who was sitting next to me stood up and run towards Rianne smiling in the process. She stood infront of her and stretched it put for a handshake. Rianne took it and smiled.
"I'm Sadie... I know you.. I follow you in Insta" Sadie said and looked down.
"Nice to meet you Sadie.. I know you too, I watched Stranger Things and fell inlove with your character" Rianne replied, her voice calm and soft. Millie stood up and walked over to her too,
"Millie Bobby Brown, nice to meet you Rianne" Millie said smiling.
"Omg!! Hi Millie! I'm a fan by the way" Rianne said excitedly.
"Aww!! So sweet of you, I luv u too" Millie said pulling Rianne in a hug.
"Come on sit here" Millie said and walked over to me, Rianne then sat down in Sadie's previous seat her brother also sat down next to Jaeden. After settling everyone looked at our director as he speak.
"So since filming starts in a few weeks you'll be hanging out more so that you'll be closer and you know don't get akward, and also Louis and Rianne, try not to get akward. If you can" The director said pointing at me and Rianne. She nodded and looked towards her brother who was sitting across her. After a few more discussion our director said his goodbye and left us here. Silence creep out in the room making a thick air of akwardness.
"Wanna go get Starbucks?" Sadie asked braking the silence. Rianne nodded and they both stood making everyone look at them.
"What?" They both said in Unison making everyone grab there things and stand up. I stood next to Rianne, she was about until my shoulders since she was pretty tall, she looked up at me and blushed? Maybe I'm just seeing things.
"Let's go?" She asked Sadie
"Yeah Les go!" Sadie said and went out of the room followed by us, Rianne and my hands would brush from time to time making my blush really lightly. After a walking for a few minutes we were out of the building, we went inside a Limo that was waiting and hopped inside.
-20 minutes later
We got out of the limo and to the mall.
"So let's go in pairs?" Millie asked glancing at everyone, we nodded and started pairing.
Louis x Rianne
Millie x Sophia
Caleb x Sadie x Gaten
Jaeden x Wyatt
Jeremy x Chosen
Noah x Asher
Aidan x Avi
We then went our own ways, Millie and Sophia going in Louis Vuitton, Caleb, Sadie and Gatten went to get Starbucks for us, and the rest I don't know where they went. Rianne and I didn't really know where to go so we're just walking somewhere we don't even know.
"So?" I asked breaking the silence. She didn't answer
"Where'd you wanna go?" I continued asking.
I was lost in thought, till I heard Louis' voice I snapped out and looked at him.
"Yea? Sorry I was lost in thought, mind asking what it is again?" I asked.
"I said where do you wanna go?" He asked.
"Sketchers, I wanna look at some rubber shoes" I replied. He nodded and we both walked towards Sketchers.
"so you like rubber shoes too?" Louis asked out of nowhere.
"I mean yeah there comfy" I said smiling a little. After talking we continued walking and reached the store, I went inside and looked at the displays, I felt someone's eyes on me so I looked back and saw Louis staring at me. I walked closer to him and poked him.
"Hey, you good?" I asked poking him. He snapped out of his trance and looked at me.
"oh yeah sorry.. you done picking?" He asked, I shook my head and replied:
"Nah, half of the displays, I already have it... I guess we should find the others" I replied and started walking towards the exit, Louis catched up and started making jokes making me giggle and laugh. My phone then dinged making me pick it an spooked who texted me. It was Aidan, I opened the message and saw
'Girl,Where you at? Millie said we should meet up in Starbucks'
'K sure'
I put my phone back in my bag and looked at Louis.
"Who is it?" He asked.
"Brother, he said ' Millie told us to meet in Starbucks' and so we'll be able to order." I replied and started walking towards Starbucks. After a few while we reached the store and saw the others sitting in the couches. They waved at us and we started walking towards them.
"You guys ordered already?" Louis asked.
"No, you didn't give us what we should order" Sadie said making us thinks again... She was right we didn't tell them what to buy..
"what's yours, Girl?" Sadie asked looking at me.
"Oreo Frappe" I replied, Sadie looked at me and said:
"Is that Frappe with Oreos?" I nodded and she started asking the others. After she walked away with Caleb. I lay my head down in the table since I was tired, it was now 6:43 pm and I'll be going back to the hotel after 3 hours. after a few Caleb and Sadie came back with our drinks. We chatted and talked while drinking, after finishing our drinks we all went out and I thought no fans saw us... I was wrong. Teens started running towards us asking to take pics and autographs. I let them do there thing and after what seemed to be hours they were done. we all continued our way around the mall strolling and just talking about things and stuffs.
-After 2 hours
After 2 hours of walking and talking we were now finally going back to our hotels.
"Guys we'll get going now" Aidan said and stood next to me, since he was 2½ inches smaller than me I put my forearm in his shoulder. He looked at me and glared.
"You really are embarrassing me!" Aidan said and took my arm off his shoulder, we then heard giggling from the casts. I looked at them and smiled shyly then look away. After saying our goodbyes both Me and Aidan got picked up by Leo and Carson.
-After getting home
I got out and walked towards my room and plopped myself down the bed. I went to the bathroom to shower and do my skincare routine. Minutes after I was done, I walked out of my bathroom to my bed and got ready to sleep it was now 10 pm and I do normally sleep at this time and I was pretty tired. I lay down and play some water sounds and stared in the ceiling.
'Filming starts next week... Better not start falling more inlove with Louis' I said in mind and started slowly falling asleep.
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salvatoreschool · 4 years
Vampire Diaries Universe: The 25 Best Characters, Ranked
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For the first time since 2009, we’re entering a fall season devoid of any new offerings from the Vampire Diaries universe. And like Stefan Salvatore without his daily diet of forest friends, we’re insatiable.
Like so many longtime TVD enthusiasts (those of us to whom the word “thesmatos” really means something!), we’ve spent much of quarantine revisiting the weird, wonderful universe — from Mystic Falls to New Orleans and back again. We’re suddenly spending a lot of time with characters we haven’t seen in years. And we’re having a lot of feelings about them.
In celebration of the franchise’s 11th anniversary, TVLine has assembled another totally non-controversial ranking, this time of the 25 best characters from the Vampire Diaries universe — a category that also includes familiar faces from The Originals and Legacies. (In Legacies‘ defense, the franchise’s latest offshoot hasn’t been around as long to endear itself to us, but that didn’t stop four Salvatore School students from making their way onto our list.)
In lieu of new content from the TVD universe this fall, TVLine is looking back at our 25 favorite characters from the entire franchise, including stand-out favorites from its two spinoffs.
SPOILER ALERT: This ranking discusses major plot points from all three shows. If you haven’t finished The Vampire Diaries (Season 1-8), The Originals (Season 1-5) or Legacies (Season 1-2), proceed at your own risk. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
Thanks to the magic of body swapping, the Mikaelson siblings have inhabited multiple physical vessels throughout the years, but none have remained in the family’s orbit quite like this Southern gentleman. Powerful, thoughtful and downright Shakespearean in his delivery (Yusuf Gatewood, ladies and gentlemen!), Vincent always has the greater good in mind. And as we learned in The Originals’ series finale, he helped Freya and Keelan pass that good along to the next generation.
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Even though we’re still getting to know him, there’s already so much to like about this pure-hearted Mystic Falls townie. Not only is he the franchise’s first-ever phoenix, but he also looks like he could pass for Damon and Elena’s offspring — and that’s never a bad thing. We could tell he had a long future in this universe the moment he danced with Hope in The Originals’ final season. (So far, so good!)
Like so many paved paradises, we didn’t fully appreciate what we had with Jenna until she was gone. Her death marked the end of Elena’s innocence — which is saying a lot, considering she was still mourning her own parents when The Vampire Diaries began. And if we’re being honest, Jenna was the ghost we were most excited to see again in the series finale. (For the record, Joseph Morgan has apologized on Klaus’ behalf for killing Jenna several times.)
The First Son of Mystic Falls was kind of a jerk when we met him in The Vampire Diaries‘ first season. He was arrogant, aggressive and reckless — so it actually made perfect sense when he was revealed to be a werewolf. Fortunately, Michael Trevino’s character developed a little more nuance from that point on, especially via his Romeo and Juliet romance with Caroline. (After everything that’s happened since 2013, can you believe that they were once in a love triangle with Klaus?)
Elena’s little brother (er, cousin?) went through a number of different, wonderful phases during his tenure in Mystic Falls. We loved him in The Vampire Diaries’ earlier seasons as the human embodiment of all things emo (he literally dated a ghost!), and we… um… appreciated his unexpected evolution into a shirt-ripping, wood-chopping vampire hunter.
The Clarice Starling to Klaus’ Hannibal Lecter, this brave bartender was able to tap into the show’s darkest, most complicated character’s psyche in ways that no one named Mikaelson (or even Forbes) ever could. She helped him conquer a number of his demons in the few short years they spent together on The Originals, and like most people who play a significant role in Klaus’ life, she suffered the consequences. (Side note: Are we the only ones who really dug Cami as a vampire? Justice for that short-lived story arc.)
Of The Vampire Diaries’ many maternal figures, none put us through the emotional ringer quite like Caroline’s mother. We weren’t her biggest fans in the show’s early seasons, given her penchant for hunting the undead (including her own daughter), but hey, what was this show if not an endless series of redemption arcs? Also, if you don’t get a little choked up when Caroline felt her mom’s presence in the series finale, you don’t have a soul.
The long-lost fifth Mikaelson sibling was a little rough around the edges when we first encountered her on The Originals, but the poor woman was in the midst of escaping a centuries-long imprisonment, so we cut her a little slack. And we’re glad we did, because Freya has since become one of the strongest, most inspiring and all-around likable characters in the Vampire Diaries canon. #FreelinForever
While it’s easy to get swept up in Marcel’s charm and swagger (we were robbed of a second karaoke number, by the way!), it’s important to remember just how far back his time with the Mikaelson family goes. When you consider that Klaus literally freed Marcel from slavery and raised him to lead New Orleans as his right-hand vampire, it adds a whole other layer of tension to their passionate power struggle on The Originals. Though he’s treated like an unofficial Mikaelson sibling, Marcel often feels like more of a Mikaelson than Kol — and definitely more than Finn.
Arguably the funniest (and most glamorous) member of the Mikaelson family, the woman Damon once referred to as “Barbie Klaus” never fai to tell it exactly like it was, beginning with her thoughts on then-lovebirds Stefan and Elena. (“Honestly, I don’t get you two as a couple.”) And Bex only became more complex as the years went on, from her desperate desire for humanity to her undeniable love for Marcel. Just don’t call her insane — she prefers “spontaneous.”
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In hindsight, Alaric’s journey from hot history teacher to hot headmaster of a supernatural school makes perfect sense. Still, it was impossible to predict back in The Vampire Diaries’ first season just how much of an impact the man formerly known as Warner Huntington III would have on this franchise. A drinking buddy to some, a father figure to others and a literal father to a lucky pair, Alaric has truly woven himself into the fabric of this universe like few others. (That said, we still wouldn’t recommend dating him if you value your life.)
Only one full-blooded human survived all eight seasons of The Vampire Diaries, and you’re looking at him. The pinnacle of mortal goodness, this blue-eyed patriot hasn’t always been on the same page as his vampire brethren, but that’s only because he didn’t want to see any more his friends and family get eaten. And we can sympathize with that!
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Asking us to choose between Jo (by way of Caroline) and Alaric’s daughters is an impossible task, which is ironic, considering the Gemini twins are literally destined for a fight to the death on their 22nd birthday. Besides, these sisters have always felt like a package deal, from the moment we witnessed their birth on The Vampire Diaries to the day we reunited with them as teenagers on Legacies. (They also popped up in The Originals’ penultimate episode, putting them in the prestigious category of characters who have appeared in all three series.) Despite their inherent connection, Lizzie and Josie really have grown into two very different people, a journey we hope will continue for years (and shows) to come.
The fact that this remorseless, pork rind-loving psychopath ranks so high on our list speaks volumes about actor Chris Wood, who brought a refreshingly sassy vibe to The Vampire Diaries’ sixth season. The guy was so likable, fans were even ‘shipping him with Bonnie… as if that poor girl hadn’t been through enough already! You also have to give Kai points for longevity — even after his head got knocked off, he managed to make two encore appearances on TVD (Season 8) and Legacies (Season 2).
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As we mentioned with Lizzie and Josie earlier, we feel like we’ve watched Hope grow up before our eyes… because we have. Given the epic circumstances surrounding her conception, birth and upbringing, an adult version of this character had a lot of hype to live up to, and Danielle Rose Russell has proven herself more than up to the challenge. Imbued with her parents’ best qualities, Hope’s power and passion make her both a formidable foe and an invaluable ally. Besides, Legacies showed us what the world would be like without Hope, and it was not a good place.
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We can’t even think about this fierce, fearless mama wolf without shedding a single tear. Hayley’s story was basically one long tragedy, from her complicated marriage with Jackson to her tumultuous relationship with Elijah. And then there was her untimely demise in The Originals’ final season, which… actually, let’s not talk about that. From the moment she gave birth, Hayley’s heart belonged to Hope, and it was in her most extreme maternal moments that Hayley’s true strength was on display. That’s how we’ll remember her.
Suits? Pressed. Hair? Immaculate. Vocabulary? Thicc. With his smooth moves and cunning intellect, Klaus’ extremely respectful brother could do it all — well, except keep the people he loved from meeting horrific ends. (Seriously, this guy’s track record for dead lovers is right up there with Alaric’s.)
Simply put, this is the witch you want in your corner when things go south. Endlessly powerful and selfless to a fault, Kat Graham’s character spent eight agonizing seasons sacrificing herself — often literally, hence her multiple deaths — in order to keep her friends and family safe. No amount of bloody noses or dead boyfriends could stop this badass from crushing her enemies.
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Getting smothered to death was honestly the best thing that could have happened to Caroline, who evolved from a basic, boy-crazy cheerleader into a bad-ass vampire overnight. And that was just the first phase of her franchise-long evolution into the empowered, globe-trotting mother of two she is today. She’s also responsible for all of The Vampire Diaries’ memorable musical moments, from her sweet song for Matt to her devastating performance at Sheriff Forbes’ funeral. (Now if only she’d pay her old pals at Legacies a visit…)
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She may not have Katherine’s chaotic flare, but Elena deserves credit for carrying much of The Vampire Diaries’ dramatic and romantic weight for six years. And for that pink hair she experimented with in Season 4. On top of that, Elena also rolled with the punches better than almost anyone. (You’re vampires? I’m a doppelgänger? Now I’m a vampire? Now I’m human again? Now I’m in a coma? Sure, let’s do this.)
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Two sides of the same brooding coin, these brothers were as proficient at breaking hearts as they were at breaking necks. And while their love triangle with Elena will remain the stuff of TV legend, their relationship as brothers was revealed to be the real heart of The Vampire Diaries in its final two seasons. Honestly, it’s too hard to choose between them, so we’re not going to.
Come on, when were you not excited to see this leather-clad lunatic on your screen? Deliciously twisted and infinitely more interesting than her human doppelgänger, Katherine was behind many of The Vampire Diaries’ most jaw-dropping twists, from her iconic encounter with John(’s bloody fingers) to her long-awaited return in the series finale. Honestly, putting Katherine on hell’s throne in Season 8 was merely a formality — she was always a queen.
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The man, the myth, the legend. To think that the monster who slaughtered poor, defenseless Aunt Jenna on The Vampire Diaries is the same person who gave it all up to save his daughter on The Originals… well, there isn’t a clap slow enough to commend that kind of growth. (Again, Joseph Morgan is very sorry about the whole Jenna thing!) By the time Klaus evaporated on the streets of New Orleans, it felt like we had explored every conceivable nook and cranny of his existence, from his traumatic childhood to his fatal romances — and we relished every second of it.
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livlepretre · 3 years
6 TVD Prompt Ficlets
Filling a bunch of prompts sent in by @finnismyoriginalsin last August– I didn’t take all of them, so seriously, if any of these tickle anyone, GO WRITE because they are all fantastic!
(Jeremy x Katherine; Tatia, Katherine, Elena x Klaus; Tyler!Klaus x Elena; Klaus x Elena; Alaric!Klaus x Elena; Elijah x Elena) 
Not 12am here yet so lol..I have a few more if you wanna do. 
Prompt: Stefan is Jack the Ripper with the help of Klaus and Rebekah, obv it’s how he earned the nickname.
Prompt: Jeremy finds the old timey photo of Katherine, meets Katherine who he mistakes for his sister at first (may or may not be shippy).
It’s entirely fucked. He knows that. 
The thing is it had all started innocently enough– no one had ever thought to fill him in on the whole evil twin thing, noooo, better to leave him in the dark and let him bleed his broken heart onto his not-sister’s shoulder and start this thing– this thing he thought was Elena letting him in, finally being present, where just about every week she would take him out to this bar outside of town that never cards and buy him drinks and listen. And they would talk. 
They never discussed it, it just seemed to spontaneously happen. Between Jenna always listening in on his conversations and her stalker boyfriends that made sense to Jeremy. 
So by the time he figured out it wasn’t Elena he’d been spending all this time with, his head had got twisted around. He’d been angry and hurt and somehow those nights out with his sister that he adored turned into even longer nights where he would stare into the sultry, sharp features of the vampire like he was looking into a funhouse mirror. That was how he first noticed the shape of her mouth, the sharpness of her pearly white teeth. How he first imagined that mouth on him, those teeth in him. 
The leap from imagination to reality is devastatingly short. 
She likes to ask him questions while she nurses his dick, nurses the bloody bites in his thighs. He tells her everything she asks for. More. He’s always liked talking to her. Likes being inside of her even more, even though it means he has to blush and look away whenever his sister walks into a room. 
Until one day she stops coming by. He waits for her, and waits. 
It takes forever to realize that whatever she had wanted from him, she must have gotten.
It’s soon after that that Damon approaches him with a plan to take the bitch down at the masquerade, and he’s all too eager to participate. 
Prompt: Tatia, Katherine, Elena, Amara x Klaus, he can’t escape her, he’s the one running now.
She’s everywhere. He turns the corner: there she is. Looks in the mirror, and there, standing just behind him again, her, her, her. 
A thousand years have passed, and while the memory of Tatia Petrova has surely haunted him, it had not been until after the sacrifice, when he’d revenged himself on Katerina and drained that last girl wearing a damned face had the haunting become quite so literal. 
Now Tatia follows him for true, her eyes an accusation as she looks and looks and looks at him and refuses to ever look away, her gaze still and fixed as only the dead’s can be. 
Katerina plucks at his sleeves, her hands thin and gray as they never were in all the years he had known her. Where once she had caressed him with those hands, had loved him with those hands, now all she can do is demand from him that he acknowledge her. That he look at her, and see what he has done to her. He never looks, because then he would have to see the gaping wound in her chest where once her heart had been. She had given him her heart once, and he had taken exquisite pleasure in holding that still beating heart in his hand and ripping it from her chest, in watching the gray crawl of extinguishment creep over her skin. He had been a fool. 
The worst is the last one. Elena, he reminds himself. 
Her skin painted with blood from head to toe, flames eternally licking at her hands and her feet. He always knows she’s found him again from the scent of charnel that follows her on a windless breeze. Of all of them, she holds herself farthest back. Never looks at him, never even seems to notice him. It’s unbearable, when he can feel around his wrists and around his ankles and threading through his ribs heavy chains, forging his fate with hers. Her last words had been Go to hell. He had not realized at the time that she intended to drag him there herself. He feels the weight of them, pulling ever tighter. Her silhouette is thinner every time he spies her. He doesn’t want to think what will happen to him when she disappears entirely. 
And so he runs. Leaves America, and then the Western Hemisphere altogether. Abandons civilization and society to plunge into the deepest forests, the darkest seas, daring to outrun the inevitable. 
Everywhere she finds him. She, she, and she. 
His three-faced goddess. His death where he had only ever thought to look for triumph. 
He had thought the chase was over that day he plunged his fangs into Elena Gilbert’s neck, but now he knows: that was the day the true hunt began. 
Prompt: Davina brings back both Kol and Finn accidentally, their ashes were mixed in the urn. And/or Davina brings back Finn who masquerades as Kol for a bit.
Prompt: Klaus x Davina, he also has a thing for witches like Kol. Gold dagger threats.
Prompt: Rebekah x Kol, secret liaisons
Prompt: Tyler!Klaus x Elena, awkward morning after, angst. And/or Tyler!Klaus x Caroline bc that would be super awkward and angsty.
It’s obvious as soon as she wakes up with her head clearer than it’s been since she turned that this is a huge irrevocable mistake. The mistake to end all mistakes. 
Elena creeps out from Tyler’s bed, cringing at the dried blood plastered all over both of their bodies, mapping the wild caresses that had led to the frenzied fucking last night. She trips almost right away– she lands hard on the floor, where she is forced to look into the glassed over eyes of the girl she and Tyler had picked up at the Founder’s party last night and, in a whiskey-drenched, blood-starved haze, seduced and then devoured. 
She groans, hanging her head in her hands, as viscous guilt surges up in her throat like bitter bile. 
Worse. Her gums ache. Even now she’s wondering when her next opportunity to do it again will be. 
“Lovely. You’re awake.” Tyler sits up and stretches. 
Elena narrows her eyes at him. Something about his word choice seems off. She’s known Tyler since they were in diapers, and never once has she heard him use the word lovely. In fact, there’s been something odd about Tyler ever since he mysteriously, miraculously didn’t die when Klaus burned– 
The blanket falls off of him and she is faced with the evidence of everywhere she had touched him with her hands and her mouth last night, all mapped out in vivid crimson like the cheat, the slut, the failure she is.  
“What are we going to do? What are we going to tell Care?” Elena moans, huddling in on herself. She draws her knees to her chest and rests her forehead against them. There’s a dab of blood on her left thigh and she can’t help sticking her tongue out to taste it, to comfort herself with it, even in the pit of all of her anguish. 
She’s gone and slept with her best friend’s boyfriend. Completely lost control of herself and abandoned everything that made her decent and worth loving. And she’s a murderer too, now. A really, really hungry one. 
“We should come clean with her,” Tyler says. “Straight away.” He eyes her naked body. “Well, perhaps after another bout. What do you say?” He crawls onto the floor with her and pins her beneath him. 
Lightning flashes through her brain. She kicks herself for not realizing sooner– but how could she? She’s been a wrecked, starving mess ever since she woke up on that coroner’s table coughing her lungs out. 
“Tell me again what you said after you saved me from Klaus,” she whispers. “In the kitchen.” 
The hybrid on top of her pauses. “I wanted you to drink some orange juice.” 
She shoves him off of her and darts to the other side, looking for her clothes. “First off, as though Tyler Lockwood would ever offer me anything other than a shot,” she says, thrusting her legs into her jeans. “Second off, what the hell, Klaus?” She stares down at her arms. She’s covered in Klaus-marks. Her skin crawls. “What was this? Why are you in Tyler’s body?” 
He stretches and prowls towards her. “I’m on holiday here until your little witch friend can find a way to jump me back into my own without that stake destroying me as soon as she does.” 
“And so you thought you’d just have a go at me?” 
“You handed me the perfect opportunity to separate Miss Forbes from her boyfriend.” He leers at her. “I must say, though, the after dinner show was far beyond my expectations. I do hope I can persuade you for an encore.” 
She slaps him. “You’re vile. I’d rather–”
“You’re already dead, and next to that, whatever else you might say is going to pale in comparison.” He leans in, brushes his mouth against her ear. 
Elena represses the shiver of delight and disgust that rolls through her. 
“And before you go casting stones: you still slept with me when you thought I was your dear friend’s boyfriend. What does that say about you?” 
Prompt: Finn x Rebekah or Freya, first meetings again.
Prompt: Klaus x Elena, hybrid baby somehow, oops can’t kill her now. Or, something pre season 1.
“You’re cheating on me?” he asks, bewildered. 
Elena– sweet, sexy, sixteen year old Elena– swats him, dashing tears away from her eyes in the next motion. “Of course not! God, how can you even think– Of course it’s yours.” 
“I highly doubt that.” Never sleep with a Petrova woman. That has been the rule he has been muttering to himself for 500 years. Why couldn’t he ever listen to himself? No, he just had to seduce the girl while he hunted for the moonstone, he couldn’t just leave her alone once he’d seen her– 
“Well, I regret sleeping with you too,” she sniffles. “But since you’re the only one I’ve ever been with–”
In an instant he’s caught her in his gaze. “Tell me who the true father of your child is,” he compels her. Once he has a name, he can vent his frustration and jealousy out on him. Snapping necks always makes him feel better. 
“You are,” she informs him, bringing the sky to come crashing down on his head without so much as batting a pretty black eyelash. 
He sputters, pushing her away from him. His thoughts spark and short– how– perhaps– 
He studies her wildly. Could her doppelganger nature be responsible? 
He curses, all at once becoming aware of the weight of the moonstone in his pocket. 
How can he sacrifice her now? He’ll have to wait– he pauses, tries to recall how long human pregnancies last– Well. Never mind. He’ll have to wait, at any rate. First for the child to be born, then for it to be weaned. And then? He can already foresee a limitless expanses of reasons to wait longer as this Elena Gilbert raises his child piling up in front of him. 
And as he waits, Elena will only grow ever more beautiful and deadly. And he will have no choice but to fall in love with her. 
Prompt: Alaric!Klaus x Caroline or Elena, meeting after class, creep.
“Elena, stay a minute after class.” 
The girl pauses in the middle of packing up her bag, her large doe eyes curious but trusting. So trusting. Had Katerina ever looked at him like that? Tatia certainly never had. 
As the class shuffles out, he takes the liberty of closing and locking the door, noting how still the girl doesn’t question him. 
Isobel had chosen well when she’d selected the history teacher. 
“What’s this about, Ric? Is it about–” she ducks her chin, very seriously, how sweet– “Klaus?” she half-whispers, half-mouths. 
An absolute thrill rolls up his spine at the shape of his name in her mouth. 
“Is there something you know that I don’t?” he asks carefully, fighting a smirk.
The girl’s face goes smooth as glass. He suddenly has a desire to tear her scalp free, the better for him to look inside her brain at all of those thoughts he can fair see swirling mercilessly behind her dark eyes. 
He hovers over her desk. Cannot resist tucking a long tendril of her silky brown hair behind her ear, to sink into those abyssal eyes like an animal trapped in tar. Those eyes could smother a man. A vampire. 
“Keep your guard up,” he murmurs, chucking her under the chin. “You never know who could lying in wait.” 
Prompt: Elijah x Elena, him and his ties, during first seeing her after smelling her (you know the gif)
The shock of her existence is immense. In a moment, his entire world realigns. Shifts back into an alignment so seamless and perfect he cannot believe that he had gone on for centuries thinking this possibility were gone forever. This girl– this as yet unnamed, unknown, human girl– is a miracle. An opportunity for vengeance and maybe– just maybe– a chance for redemption. 
He straightens his tie. Cannot fight the smile on his face as he greets  her. “Hello.” 
Sorry lol, damn I ship too many things.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
Adventure Time Reviewed: Season 1 part 1
As promised, I’m going through the Adventure Time series. I’m going to write brief reviews for each of the eps as I watch them, in groups. 
Slumber Party Panic to Prisoners of Love
S1E01: Slumber Party Panic
This made an outstanding choice for a first episode, even if it wasn’t the intended premiere, because SPP shows you a brief package of what themes the show would keep through its run, rather than just a brief adventure.  It’s really funny that the first appearance of Princess Bubblegum in the series is her raising the dead, it being a big mistake, and her lying to the candy people to protect them and describing them as ignorant, then making a 12 year old keep a royal promise.  This ep shows Finn’s early season character - an amped up, anxious kid who wants to keep everyone happy but sometimes can’t. And it has Jake trying to pry the information from him, because from Jake’s perspective it is out of character for Finn to keep secrets, and he is also messed up after finding Dead Mr Creampuff’s sock with Finn. (Mr Creampuff and Manfried are both in this ep, and they will continue to be the funniest retcons of all time to me)    What was absolutely retconned after this ep was the brokenness of the Gumball Guardians. It’s hilarious that Bubblegum programmed them to go apeshit if someone breaks a promise to her. If only they could have frozen time during the final battle against GOLB. I liked the part in ETDBIDK where you have to answer a maths question while dodging their attacks, even if it went on a bit too long.   The ep also subverts its message. Bubblegum asks Finn if he learned about the consequences of breaking promises, but Finn says that if he breaks promises he can go on AWESOME ADVENTURES and REVERSE DEATH ITSELF, and PB goes whatever, youre too cute to yell at.  
The music in SPP is surreal. Seriously, listen to this ep. The tension it creates when Finn is told to make a royal promise because the zombies will explode, and how the music so naturally swings with the mood of the ep. Excellent score!
As Jake said,“This is messed up, but cute!”  
S1E02: Trouble in Lumpy Space
This is the introduction to LSP and to Lumpy Space. Lumpy space is a beautiful if rather barren environment. I do think more could have been done with it in AT, because there are not many episodes that take place in space.  One design choice I found SUPER COOL in this ep is the sun has a green halo around it. I can’t actually find the sun again, I even looked on the wiki but there are no images, so it must have appeared for a brief instance. But it looked great!  
LSP as a character was always incredibly selfish, but she also has this vibe of being a teenager who dwells far too much on teenager feelings. She NEVER takes anything seriously, unless it’s teen drama. And you can see that in full effect here.  I love LSP. I love how much of an asshole she is, yet she has this sort of charm, because she’s so spiteful but in the teenage idiot kind of way rather than in a genuinely malicious way. It’s like she doesn’t understand right and wrong and is driven by pure instinct. And she’s voiced by Pen Ward! His LSP voice is the best. 
I love Finn and Jake getting lumpified. There is some great voice acting on behalf of Jeremy Shada to pull this off. 
Favourite joke: When Jake talks about how he might get lumpified, and if it happens Finn says he’ll bury him next to the treehouse, but Jake is alarmed and says he just wanted to be accepted, what did Finn think he was going to say? LMAO  
Other good one: “We were drawn back by your directionless fury. Here! PCHOO! Get your girl back!” “Yeah there’s no girl.”  
Finn in this ep is having some issues communicating. He ends up having an outburst at LSP, even though it wasn’t entirely her fault that the smooth posers took away the orb, it was theirs too. Finn was having a bad day. 
I wish Jellybeans Have Power started with PB and SP bouncing on marshmallows like in this episode rather than having tea in her room. That would’ve been a nice callback. 
Anyway, Trouble in Lumpy Space is great. These two eps are really good introductions to the series. 
S1E03: Prisoners of Love
I love the joke with the snow golem’s cat head. There is an immediate callback to the Pilot, with Finn and Jake having fun in the snow. I always liked how fun these scenes looked, they are very very rare later in the series.  There’s even a homage to penguin surfing, but the penguins are surfing on Jake this time.  Finn and Jake act like jerks to the Ice King for like no reason. “Do you know what Ice King means?” “A big nerd!” “Oh, holy cow!”  *fistbump*  
“There’s a big sleepy lava man in our front yard, and he is SO hot.” “Mmmhmm....” “Nonono I take it - I mean, not like SEXY hot--” “No, no you DO mean sexy hot!”  “NO! I mean---”  Oh Adventure Time. Gay jokes on episode 3, and these would continue throughout the show. But as soon as you imply two of your main girl characters are or were in love, suddenly the network hounds onto you like dogs :/ Rebecca Sugar herself said that it’s much more likely you’ll get gay content in if it’s presented as a joke, or Wrong somehow, like Jake and Ice King getting married later in the season. 
“Now now, I brought you a baby! And a PUPPY!” In his twisted way, Ice King thought the princesses would want to have Finn and Jake there. It’s also a good thing Finn and Jake got kidnapped because otherwise they wouldn’t have discovered Ice King locked up a bunch of princesses. 
Ice King himself is a fun character already. He’s not shown as doing outright evil stuff to Finn and Jake for the sake of it. He seems heavily misguided, and idiotic, trying in his weird way to make friends. Then again.... “IceKing - let the girls go! They don’t want to be here.” “Of course they do! I’d have killed them already if they didn’t want to be here! Right ladies?” Ice King I’m increasingly certain the only reason you haven’t been dissected on Bubblegum’s lab table is because of your connection to Marceline, but that is some late series lore. As for the early seasons, wtf dude!  
The flute song Finn plays in this ep is very similar to the one he plays in Lemonhope part 2. The Lemonhope version is more complete. “You broke it when we tried picking the lock to that sad ogre’s heart!” Oh my god that is such an AT line, you can imagine an entire emotional adventure based on that. 
Ice King has a drawing of Bubblegum on his keyboard... 
I love how the princesses are clearly quite traumatized by this affair, having been held for weeks, but the most Ice King did was ask them about their favourite sports, while threatening to kill them if they didnt play the keyboard..... it’s like a parody of a twisted serial killer. AT’s dark humor is my favourite.  
Finn is a hot headed kid. He knows that the Ice King needs some kind of help but doesn’t know where to start. He knows he’s probably too young to understand. But Jake hasn’t got the patience to help. 
Cosmic Owl’s first appearance!!!!!
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