#jewish love
mylight-png · 7 months
If you read nothing else on my blog at least read this:
Jewish survival is beautiful, and amazing.
I know times right now are absolutely awful, and it can feel like the world is against us. We're seeing the Nazi marches, the targeting of Jewish businesses, harassment of religious Jews, and so much more at a much more severe rate than many of us have seen within our lifetimes.
But we've survived this before.
The most dangerous thing right now is to lose hope. To lose hope of a better future, to lose hope of any future. We have survived the pogroms, the Holocaust, the Inquisition, the many Middle Eastern anti-Jewish genocides and attacks, various expulsions and so much more.
I've reblogged someone else's post saying this before but I'm going to say it here again: every single Jew alive right now is a miracle.
So here's one thing I want to ask of you: Live.
Do it out of love for your fellow Jews, do it out of spite towards our enemies, do it so that there will be more miracles in the future.
Living is the greatest form of Jewish rebellion.
Living a proud Jewish life is even more so, but at the very least, please live.
Please please please don't give up on life right now. If you feel alone, reach out. Reach out to your fellow Jews, find non-Jewish allies to stand by your side, seek out supportive communities.
As a Jew, you are never truly alone. You have people who will love you like family if you just reach out, because we are one. One family, one nation, one soul. And we all care for each other.
Am Yisrael Chai 💕
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matan4il · 2 months
I love you, Jews whose Jewishness comes from conversion.
I love you, Jews whose Jewishness comes from their dads.
I love you, Jews whose Jewishness comes from being adopted by a Jewish family.
I love you, Jews whose Jewishness comes from choosing it, from embracing it even when halacha doesn't make it easy or automatic, comes from connecting to its teachings and meaning whether religiously or culturally, from exploring it even when you were born into it through your mom so you seemingly don't have to, from holding it up as something beautiful and worthy whether as a secular or religious Jew, from being proud of your Jewish ness even when the world tries to make you feel ashamed of it, from looking at the world being hateful to Jews and deciding their hate is only going to fuel your love for your Jewishness and your fellow Jews that much more.
Despite all the persecution, hatred and violence turned against us, we've survived for thousands of years because somehow, we never let them convince us there was anything wrong with what we are, even when what we are was The Ultimate Other, and therefore had to be rejected. You all are this generation's reincarnation of this Jewish certainty, that there is nothing wrong with us, no matter what they say about us. That we are not lesser just because we're different and misunderstood. That we are worthy of the same rights, even when they vilify the term we use for that.
I love you all, I'm so glad you exist.
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pennamenotfound · 1 year
i love you jews
i love you secular jews i love you religious jews i love you observant jews I love you cultural jews i love you ethnic jews i love you converts i love you reform jews i love you reconstruction jews i love you conservative jews i love you modern orthodox jews i love you orthodox jews i love you jewish community
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lostinsidelostoutside · 5 months
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Alex dduchene on X .Exactly 💔
Sometimes I just feel so tired .
Anti semitism surrounds us
People judge you ( who absolutely no nothing about you )
All they see is Jew Hatred
Israel is the only Jewish nation in the world and they live and die too protect their land and people from all of the hatred and violence that they have encountered for centuries.
Many Arabs and other ethnicities live in Israel.
It's very diverse
Whether Jew or Arab or Christian or berber , we try to live in peace and harmony with each other .
Israel just wants to be left alone and not have terrorist organizations ( Hamas Hezbollah isis ) and the list goes on and on to stop attacking them and trying to kill them all the time .
It's exhausting and sad.
Israel is strong 💪
Israel will always stand 💪
Israel lives 💪
G-D bless the Nation of Israel and all those who live in peace with Israel.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
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faircatch · 5 months
To my Jewish friends... a reminder...
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iloveisrael · 3 months
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From sea to the river Israel is forever 🇮🇱💙
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sotosoul · 3 months
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chaionist · 4 months
The desire to only scroll through posts about Jewish love, peace, happiness, and celebration.
The relief that four of the hostages were rescued and are now home in the loving embrace of their families and their tribe is overwhelming.
Like you, I cannot wait until they all are home.
💙 Am Yisrael Chai! 💙
💛 Bring them home NOW! 💛
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did '8 year old me' anon and i have the same life?? when i was 9, my favourite book had a jewish main character, and i learned a little bit more about it and recognised something in myself in the way jewish practice and theology works, so i said i was jewish (i got many things wrong, including the conversion process). eventually i forgot about it, spent a few years as a pagan because leaving the church is just like that sometimes (lots of respect to people who stayed pagans, its just not for me), and then at 16 my patrilineal qpp started reconnecting and converting. and i was like 'wait, that's allowed? i've wanted that my whole life!' every single time she said something, so i looked further into it. and here i am 5 years later still not done yet because i can't access conversion classes due to illness.
That sounds so serendipitous! I really wish you the best of luck in your journey!!
I'm gonna share a really sweet kind of similar story I know from friends of my family. They're a younger couple with two adorable kids, and their love story is honestly adorable.
Basically, they went to high school together, and then reconnected in college and started dating. One half was Jewish, and the other wasn't. The Jewish guy wasn't really religious, but in college he started reconnecting with his heritage. This inspired his girlfriend, who wasn't Jewish, to reconnect with Christianity for a bit. Then, she realized that Christianity wasn't for her, and was drawn to Judaism. But she wanted to make sure that she was converting for herself, and so she broke up with her boyfriend because she wanted to make sure she wasn't letting her feelings for him cloud her judgement. About five years passed, and she ended up completing her conversion, and they reconnected by chance online. They fell in love again, got married, and now have a beautiful family. It's honestly such a sweet story and they are a really sweet couple (also the only other vegetarians in the community, so they and I bond over that).
Sometimes, you get inspiration from very surprising and unlikely places, I guess.
I know this is a wish usually reserved for saying to pregnant people, but I think the message works well in this situation, "B'Sha'ah Tova"- "May it be in a good time."
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mintytrifecta · 1 year
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[image description: the bugs bunny in a tuxedo "I wish all (blank) a very pleasant (blank)" meme edited to say "I wish all of my Jewish followers a very pleasant rosh hashanah". In front of Bugs there is a jar of honey, a stack of apples and pomegranates. In front of bug's mouth there is a shofar.]
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adriles · 11 months
when we’re done with our overwhelming grief we’ll eat i guess
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matan4il · 5 months
Chag sameach you wonder person!!
I know this year's Passover is... Meaningful in a more deep, visceral way than usual but I hope you have a good Seder and a wonderful 8 days
Thank you so much, my darling friend! Chag sameach to you, too! I hope you (and every other Jew coming across this) have a great Pesach as well, and that the deeper layers that the circumstances threw at us, add to the celebrations rather than take something away from them. We are here, and we are strong, and nothing the antisemites do can take away from our inner freedom. External freedom can be taken away from us, as we were tragically reminded, but internal freedom depends on us, it's ours to craft and cultivate even at the worst of times. So happy Passover, hon! I hope we all find our internal freedom. *loves ever so much* xoxox
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hey um, this might be an unpopular opinion rn, but you need to examine antisemitism in your thoughts and actions and communities even when it isn't politically convenient or socially acceptable to.
i would argue that it's actually even more important and necessary to examine and challenge antisemitism when it isn't politically convenient, cus that's when antisemitism is most likely to be rearing its ugly head again.
that's how fascism gets you - by making you believe that bigotry in your community is actually the "right thing to do".
don't fall into the trap.
love and support Jewish people now more than ever.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months
Spiritual seekers need one another as mirrors. A member of the Hopi nation once asked me about our holy days. I was telling him about Passover, our celebration of freedom, and Sukkot, our Feast of Tabernacles, and how they fit in with the cycles of the year. "I think I get it," he said finally. "You people don't want to be in slavery. And you want to pass this on to your children. But when you tell your kids on Passover, 'We have to go away from here; we can't stay here because it will cost us our freedom,' your kids will say, 'Yeah, but what are we going to eat?' So you teach them how to bake bread on stones, how to roast a lamb if you are hungry, how to find dandelion greens, and so on. When the kids ask, 'But where will we stay?' you show them how to build a lean-to, so they will have somewhere to live." An Indian perspective on the mitzvot to eat the Passover lamb with matzot and bitter herbs and to build a sukkah on Sukkot gave me a completely different insight into my own traditions.
-Jewish with Feeling, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. 2005, p. 198-199
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autismdeathglare · 6 months
Ya know what shout out to butches who wrestle with our butchness because we don’t fit the mold in some way. Butches who aren’t physically strong or naturally caretaking because of physical disability, who need to be cared for, who can’t hold open the door for a femme. Butches with long hair, butches with big hair, butches who express their culture via their hair. Butches who’s masculinity is shaped by their culture, who’s masculinity doesn’t fit the white eurocentric mold. Fat butches, butches with curves viewed as feminine, butches who don’t have skinny, boyish builds. Butches who don’t want to be sexualized, butches on the ace spectrum. Butches who don’t have traditionally masculine interests or mannerisms or whatever. Effeminate butches. Butches who take inspo from gay men. Butches who like the occasional dress or skirt. TRANSFEM BUTCHES!!!!! And any other butches who don’t fit a certain mold!! All butches are good butches and we are all valid.
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