#jilly rambles
When you tell people you want a queerplatonic relationship they often respond with “oh so you want friends” which is a gross misunderstanding of what queerplatonic relationships are unless of course their idea of friendship is like what those couples who realize after years of marriage that they don’t love each other romantically but still consider each other the most important person in their lives and continue to stay married and live as life partners because they can’t imagine ever living without the other person have in which case yes I want friends
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faejilly · 3 months
i find it kinda silly that warlocks have marks but nephilim don’t, considering the fact that angle blood is potent as fuck
Thus the eternal popularity of wing!fic/wing!art, yes? 💘
On the one hand, this could just be because angels and demons are opposing forces, one cancelling out the other, diametrically opposed on a metaphysical/magical level, so their powers manifest in different ways in their children.
(They're mostly all rather absurdly beautiful after all. Maybe that's their angel mark? *snickers*)
On the other hand, in a slightly more jilly likes making up magic lore point... maybe nephilim aren't half-angel in at all the same way warlocks are half-demon?
And this got long and rambly, so:
It is canon that the children of nephilim are always nephilim... which isn't how inheritance works, generally speaking.
If nephilim were half-angel/half-human in a biological sense, then shadowhunters would presumably be sterile, a combination of two barely compatible bloodlines just like warlocks.
But they can have children. Perhaps that's just something about angelic bloodlines, a power aimed more at life than the demonic bloodlines that seem more like death? (If that was it though, one wonders why would demons be able to have half-human children at all?)
If it was somehow just inheritance, even hand-wavey magical inheritance, nephilim should, one would think, be getting less and less angelic over time, no matter how carefully the Clave tries to manage their family lines.
(And losing the Mortal Cup really would be a death knell for the world, because the nephilim would in fact die out no matter how many children they tried to have, and then the demons would win. It might take awhile, depending on how frequent one thinks incursions are, and how many nephilim there were before the uprising, but still. There is no balance, just inevitable defeat.)
But modern shadowhunters are still capable of killing demons, can still use adamas and runes, can still (however reprehensible this is) overpower and subjugate the down world.
They continue to have angelic power no matter how removed they are from their founders.
They also continue to have angelic powers even when infected/attack by demonic ones. You literally can't take the angel out of a nephilim.
Otherwise Jonathan Morgenstern wouldn't have been able to bear runes, Tessa wouldn't have been able to have children in the books, Luke wouldn't have been a shadowhunter again after his lycanthropy was cured in the TV show. (Deruned shadowhunters wouldn't explicitly be so tempting to demons once they lose their protections.) Which does at first sound like they're still half-angel under the demonic corruption...
Fallen angels also still have angelic power, despite being 100% demon.
Magnus' ability to interact with adamas/shadowhunter tools makes that explicit: he's partially angelic even as a half-demon/half-human warlock.
Which is too many halves if nephilim abilities came from being half-angel!
Perhaps, angelic power literally can't be broken down, regardless of anything else happening around it or containing it... instead, angelic grace is simply eternal. Immutable, irresistible, unavoidable... once seen it is never ever forgotten.
Thus purging the angelic core works against Lilith without also making the Institute defenseless, the so-called Herondale birthmark never fades. (Does this mean Clary and her bloodline will also be marked somehow, in a way we have yet to see defined in canon, Ithuriel's grace made manifest on them forever?)
If we follow that logic through the aforementioned Tessa/Jonathan/Luke (perhaps even Max Trueblood and any other deruned shadowhunters who go on to live mundane lives) maybe nephilim are actually still just human. They have children, they live, they grow old, they die.
Perhaps nephilim are forever touched by angelic grace, but never actually part of it?
(Is this in fact part of what makes angels different than demons? They will not corrupt or twist humanity into something other, but they will grant a gift. One that is inhuman, amoral, one that burns cold and eternal and is necessary, perhaps, but not kind. Is this their true problem with Clary's use of runes in the TV show, that she is twisting humanity into something else, that she is corrupting them by combining angelic and demonic and human in a way that is anathema and dangerous to angelic grace? Angels do not interfere with humanity, except to try and prevent demons from interfering with humanity. Thus never stopping Valentine, or interfering with the Clave no matter how ruthless they became. Their sins were still human sins, not demonic ones.)
Maybe nephilim are not inherently immune to demonic influence, to possession or bearing demonic children. The gift of grace allows them to access angelic power, lets them use it to actively protect themselves, much like they're trained to fight and use runes and forge adamas etc. but they are still just human.
This makes Valentine's ability to 'create' a demon that can sneak into the Institute and possess shadowhunters (can kill Jocelyn and poison Izzy) much more palatable. He's not creating something that can bypass nephilim nature. He just found a way past the tools they use to protect themselves.
Back to my meta on your actual original comment.
Perhaps nephilim do not have marks in the way that warlocks do because they're not half angel.
They're infected like werewolves or vampires, just with a more difficult transmission, only possible through children rather than blood or violence. (And isn't that actually the first thing that does make sense as an angelic trait? Family and bonds and love and life, not death, as the only way to succeed, as the only way to continue.)
They have symptoms of angelic grace, a magical counter to demonic corruption: fortitude and beauty and the ability to use angelic tools. They're the opposing force to vampire speed and seduction and fangs, to werewolf strength and pack and transformation.
This is why they can't do magic like warlocks and seelies, even if they are supernatural. This is why they're still mortal. They're still just human however hard they try to pretend otherwise.
At some level, this is probably part of why the Clave despises werewolves and vampires even more than fae and warlocks. They're all too similar, too clearly an illustration of there but for the grace of angels...
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redr0sewrites · 23 days
evan rosier....... barty crouch jr...... i love you.... you both deserved so much more......
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bubbles-txt · 1 year
So I decided to record the amount of times each character appears/is mentioned in Physik
I suggest you click on the image if you want to see what's going on down there...
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And I also made a pie chart (appearances only)
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There are 143 characters in Physik if you count Etheldredda's servants and the fishermen as one character
Also, this was heavily inspired by this post ⬇️ in which something similar is done with the characters of magyk
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foodsies4me · 7 months
Imagine Madzie got Alec he’s own Bubbles for his bday so he always has someone to cuddle with when Magnus is away (or when he’s upset about some Clave bs) 🥹
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I mean, something along those lines does happen in AWG2. 😂 😀 As well as some other plushy shenanigans, some coat shenanigans, and, of course, backpack shenanigans. So yes, while I normally would write you a scene of this - I'm going to have to keep this scene for when I start posting the second installment.
Also, that is exactly the kind of shark plushy that I imagine Bubbles to look like!
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mrsriddlenott · 10 months
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The First Day Of SmutMas
[smutmas masterlist] [main masterlist]
~ First Christmas ~
bf!James Potter x fem!Reader
Summary: You and James have your first Christmas in your new flat together. You two have fun buying new decorations and deciding where they’ll go while getting distracted in every room you put them in.
- no voldy, no war, no Jilly(i love them tho), mention of reader having a mother, this one’s probably gonna be longer than the others since it’s the first, & ik they can just magic all this up but🤷‍♀️-
Warnings: 18+ Content!!!! Sickly sweet fluff, language, nicknames(Baby, Princess, Good Girl, etc), reader is shorter than James, alludes to Smut, degrading(kinda?), aggressive make out, f!receiving fingering, m!receiving oral. Me being obsessed with James being a dominant softie.
You and James had been together since your 5th year of Hogwarts and by the time your 7th came to an end you knew you were meant to be together forever. Once you had successfully started University and James solidified his Pro-Quidditch career close to a year later, he was desperately begging you to join him in the two bedroom flat he leased for you both, and how could you say no?
You moved in during the Spring and by the time July rolled around you were able to hold a housewarming party with all your friends, and by the start of your next school semester in September, you could really call it home. Which brings you to now, where you sit in your cozy living room under a large blanket texting your Mother as James heats up dinner for you both.
“Jamie!! Oh my Gods!!!” You shouted, jolting up in your love seat and tossing your blanket off as you held your phone in both hands looking at it. James came running into the living room from the connected kitchen as soon as he heard your distress, skidding around the breakfast island as though he was on the Quidditch pitch.
“What?! What’s wrong are you okay??” His eyes darted around your face and body before scanning the room as though looking for danger. “No!! We don’t have Christmas decorations Jamie, my parents have our tree up already look!” You got up, shoving your phone in your boyfriends face as you pouted up to him, showing the sparkling Christmas tree in the photo your Mother sent you.
“I completely forgot I didn’t have my own,” you sighed, looking back to the photo of your decorated childhood living room, “Christmas felt so far away when I moved in so I figured we’d just buy one before we needed one and now it’s gonna be Christmas soon-” your rambling dies down when James’ warm hands cup your face as he shushes your worries, pulling your chin up so you have to look him in the eyes.
“Don’t worry Love, we have close to a month to get this place all festive, we can go to the store first thing in the morning okay?” You shake his hands from your face with scrunched brows before pushing past him entirely, “No, let’s go now, we can set this place up tonight it’s too far into December to wait any longer.”
James stands still in the middle of your shared living room as you rush around, grabbing your coat and keys and straightening your hair in the mirror by your front door, “Love?” James spoke in an overly cautious voice, “It’s only December 5th, we have plenty of time,” His little giggle that usually would have you basically kicking your feet and blushing makes you glare at him through the mirror.
“Right, okay fair enough I’ll get my coat,” He states with a nod of his head and snap of his fingers as he spins on his feet, leaving you to put on your shoes with a triumphant smile. You rushed him out the door as soon as his feet were in his boots before you were speeding out of your car garage as fast as you could, blasting your Christmas playlist louder than needed the entire ride to the store.
James smiled to himself as he watched you sing over every lyric of Feliz Navidad while you wiggled in the drivers seat dancing in what space you had, “Jesus Baby, I knew you loved Christmas but I didn’t know it was this much,” He chuckled to himself with his chin in his hand leant over the middle console. You reached to turn down your music so you could speak properly, keeping your fingers on the nob and making it clear it wouldn’t be for long, “It’s our first Christmas living together James,” you shrugged, flashing him a quick smile before continuing, “I don’t know this one’s just different”
James swore he’d never spent longer shopping, even when you moved in together, but he didn’t complain. The shimmer in your eyes every time you saw something Christmas related had him holding out longer every time he thought to ask when you two would be done. James gladly showed off his strength picking up the box for the 6 foot Christmas tree you said was “just perfect for the flat” and picked out a few boxes of variously shaped lights, but mainly let you run the show as he pushed the items around on the comically too small cart. Until he saw something you must have missed, laughing to himself behind you and quickly grabbing the plastic mistletoe with a bright red ribbon around it, slipping it under the stockings you picked out so it could be a surprise.
Almost as soon as you were back home and parked, you were jumping out to start gathering bags from your trunk, “Baby let me, there‘s like twenty bags in there,” James laughed out while joining you at the back of the car, however you were desperate to get to decorating, insisting it would get done faster if you helped, as well as keep him from needing to do multiple trips up the stairs. Which he couldn’t argue with, so after a few minutes he caved and let you take significantly less bags than you planned, before making your way upstairs.
It didn’t take long to get into the groove of decorating as you turned on your music and began imagining the perfect places for all your decorations. Starting in the living room, you began handing James tinsel to hang off various surfaces as you started unboxing the lights and thinking of where they’re needed most. Tugging at the opening of the box, you watched as James reluctantly taped over the ends of the fake greenery attempting, and failing, to get it to hang evenly over the entrance to your hallway. The obvious pieces of tape and ripped bits hanging uneven and way too low made you cringe as you stepped forward, “er….Jamie Sweetie, do you wanna open these instead and I can take over that”
Staying in your groove however, proved difficult. Since James thought he didn’t seem to have the artistic vision you were looking for in your decoration process, he opted for “patiently”waiting for you to tell him what to do as you worked throughout the flat with James following behind your heels like a lost puppy. In reality though, there was nothing patient about James Potter and at this point he had honestly grown rather bored of decorating, becoming desperate for your attention. He couldn’t stop himself from grabbing your hand every 10 to 20 minutes just to twirl you around to Christmas music, as you both laughed and enjoyed the other’s company he watched your eyes shine up at him like he wanted to all evening. When you inevitably caught on to his attempts to distract you however, you began turning down his dances leading him to pout behind your busy figure when you asked him if he could set up the tree for you to decorate instead.
After eyeing the blank canvas of the new tree and the various boxes of different shaped ornaments, you quickly grew entranced by the millions of ways you could think to arrange the shining pieces of glass and plastic, leaving James to grumble to himself while rummaging through the remaining bags to see if you missed any of the fragile orbs. Once he got to a bag holding only two stockings he smirked to himself, grabbing it quickly and yanking out the artificial mistletoe before facing your back as you gently set the hook of a red ornament on the wire branch of the tree. James approached you quickly, standing directly behind you and holding the little decoration above both your heads in one of his large hands.
“Look up,” he chuckled and took your hip in his free hand, spinning you around as you observed the adorable little thing above you with a smile. In less than a second he had tossed the green plastic aside and was gripping the back of your head in his now freed hand, tugging your lips into his as soon as your eyes met. He sighed into you, licking along your bottom lip and begging for entrance as you whined below him, the kiss was passionate and full of unspoken desires as your hands found their designated spot in his messy curls.
James groaned as you tugged on his locks, gripping you tightly before slamming you into the closest wall with a protective hand on your head. Your gasp forced your lips to separate, James staring down at the swollen, red flesh before trailing his lips down your neck to mark there as well, “You drive me crazy you know? You look absolutely breath taking doing the simplest of things,” His voice was low and drenched in arousal as his hands began trailing up and down your body possessively.
The combination of his hot breath and his delicate lips slowly turning aggressive had you shivering and clenching your legs together, your lips unable to keep in your song of pleasure. James’ cocky smile grew in the crook of your neck at the sound, urging him to slip his hand under your shirt to tease the top of your pants and tug you closer by the free belt loop. James brought his lips to the shell of your ear where he softly whispered sounding almost like pleading, “Lemme make you feel good Baby, then we can get back to work.”
His lips immediately returned to their assault of your neck as you tried to will your brain into forming a sentence, “We- hmph….we need to get it done Jamie- fuck.” His teeth dug into the flesh of the side of your neck with a groan and his fingers struggled their way past the waistband of your jeans to drag his fingertips over the hem of your underwear before his mouth was returning to your ear. “I won’t take long then…..I know you want to. I can feel your heat already, you know all you have to do is ask and it’s yours.”
You could hear his smirk in his voice as you whimpered, whining a feeble please that allowed him to rush his hand away only for a second as he unbuttoned your jeans, before quickly snaking his way down the front of your pants and underwear. You both sighed out a moan as the pad of his rough finger slid it’s way through your slick folds, locating your clit immediately and adding a finger as he drew quick circles that took your breath away. “Y’like that Princess?” James chuckled as he spoke, “I know you do, you’re fucking dripping in my hand,”
James’ voice was dark as his deep, blown out eyes met yours, his wide smile only grew as he quickly shoved both his fingers forward and inside of your desperate cunt, forcing your eyes to shut and your mouth to fall open in a moan. “Oh fuck. Fucking hell Jamie,” James wasted no time in picking up the most brutal pace your tight jeans would allow, the feel of the seam scratching against the back of his hand only increasing his need for you. Each time his fingers hit the deepest parts of you he’d swirl his fingertips against the warm, spongey spot and each time your moans would fall into whimpers as you clenched around his digits. Your mind was going hazy as the tension in your lower stomach grew, your moans turning into pants and whines of pleasure as you cling to James’s arms, nails digging into him and surely marking his flesh.
His teeth nip at the bruising skin of your neck pushing you closer to your breaking point, your legs shook under you and his free arm moved to support your back. His fingers worked faster as you tried to support yourself on his chest that vibrated with laughter, his mocking tone surrounding you, “Gods Princess, can’t even fucking stay standing,” his teeth harshly pulled at the abused flesh of your neck just to hear your whines before continuing, “Pathetic really, bet you won’t even wanna finish the tree once I’m finished….isn’t that right?”
“Fu-fuck James….don’t b-be mean,” James snickered into your neck, feeling the clench of your walls and knowing full well you were enjoying every word, “Oh shut the fuck up and be grateful.” He punctuated his words with a harsh move of his fingers against your g-spot, snapping the tension that he’d built up and pushing you over the edge. Your head fell backward into the wall loudly, eyes screwed shut and your mouth open in a silent moan as your whole body shook around James’ fingers that slowly calmed and retreated to his mouth to be sucked clean. He pecked your sweaty cheek and helped to steady you against the wall, laughing at his handy work as you huffed, attempting to catch your breath. “Okay, now back to work Love.”
Your eyes lazily opened to meet his gaze, his authoritative voice making you question what he was planning. “I thought you sai-“ James laughed aloud, kissing your forehead and buttoning your pants as your brows scrunched together, watching him retreat to grab a random ornament before making a show of finding the best spot for it to take.
Over an hour later you found yourself leant below the tree adding the last few ornaments where they looked best. “Hey! Would ya look at that!!” James suddenly stated dramatically as he stood behind you, watching intently as you bent forward on your knees toward the tree. You turned to find him much closer than you expected with a hand above his head, once again dangling the mistletoe above you both. “Gotta give me another kiss now Love,” James almost whispered with a bright smile, “How bout you be all festive and follow the rules yeah?”
When you went to stand James’ rough hand met your shoulder, lightly shoving you back onto your knees and tsking down at you softly. He pocketed his mistletoe, caressing your cheek with his knuckle sending a shiver directly down your spine, “You kissed me on the lips last time Princess, shouldn’t I get a different kiss this time?” His voice was laced in a condescending tone as his bottom lip stuck out in a mocking pout, watching your eyes dart between his darkening gaze and his growing bulge that was almost level with your eyes.
You smiled up at him, maintaining eye contact as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his clothed crotch and immediately letting your tongue slip past your lips to leave a trail of spit up the outline of his shaft to his tip, eliciting a groan from the back of James’ throat. “Fucking ‘ell, take them off first” he growled above you, making you giggle as you tugged his pants and boxers halfway down his muscular thighs, letting his fully hard dick bounce up against his abdomen. Your eyes and lips gravitated to it as though they were magnets, mouth watering as you planted soft kisses on the base of his shaft before trailing higher while James’ breath picked up. His strong fingers weaved into your hair, a telltale sign he was getting impatient, just how you liked him.
Almost as soon as your delicate lips met his leaking red tip you were opening them to trace up and down his slit with the tip of your tongue, before padding your teeth with your lips and hollowing your cheeks to abruptly and without warning slip his throbbing dick down your throat in one go. The obscene, shaky moan James released was like music to your ears as his fingers aggressively clenched in your hair. “Fuck y/n, bloody amazing you are!” You bobbed your head up and down, immediately setting a quick pace you knew he thoroughly enjoyed.
His hips lightly thrusted forward to meet your tongue each time you backed away, forcing you to gag around him as his tip hit the back of your throat repeatedly. The weight of his heavy dick and the taste of his precum sending a wave of pleasure to your core, drenching your already damp underwear once again. You balanced yourself with a hand on his large thigh, moaning as you dug your nails into the flesh, pulling a strangled moan from James and making him jolt harder into your mouth accidentally.
“Fuck Princess I’m sorry, just feels so- oh fuck,” you didn’t let up at his words, even as his hips mindlessly pushed him further and harder into you. Your eyes watered as your throat started to hurt, his grip in your hair moving to grip onto the back of your neck hard. “I’m gonna cum and you’re gonna fucking swallow it okay?” Your teary eyes met his as you nodded the best you could around him, “Good girl, always so good for me.” You moan around him at his praises, hearing him hiss above you as you absentmindedly buck your hips against nothing but the seam of your jeans. His dick twitched against your tongue when James pulled back before he was shoving back in harder, using your neck to push you further onto him as he spilled his cum into the back of your throat, forcing a gag from your desperate attempts to swallow every last drop he gifted you.
James gently removed himself from your mouth, trailing his hand to your cheek in a comforting manner as he tugged his pants up over himself. He trailed his thumb over your swollen lip, smiling down to you with a hazed look on his face, “My little gift under the tree.” His voice was soft and inviting as you giggled up to him before standing to turn and observe your beautiful Christmas tree.
“Baby, you missed an ornament,” James stated as he pointed out a snowflake remaining in the box now filled mostly with empty protective wrapping, “I was wondering, why didn’t you want to get a real Christmas tree? Y’know, be all traditional for the first Christmas in the flat?” James asked as he grabbed the forgotten ornament gently and handed it to you.
“Because this way it‘ll last a while, as long as we keep it safe anyway. We can take it with us when we move into a house together and one day it’ll be our kids’ first Christmas tree. Maybe even some of our grandkids’ if it lasts that long.” You spoke so nonchalantly as though you knew for a fact you wanted to spend every Christmas as a family and James swore his chest shrunk, his heart suddenly feeling the need to break out of his body as his eyes scrunched with the smile on his face. His slightly teary eyes scanned the room that only seconds ago he saw as a bit gaudy, now seeing the bows, the flashing lights of different colors, and that green plastic mocking vegetation on any flat edge it would fit on….as absolutely beautiful, each one a new memory to be shared.
When you turned to look to him you saw he was already watching you hang the glittering snowflake with tears in his eyes. Wasting no time in throwing himself forward, gripping your cheeks in his warm hands and melding his lips into yours, only barely separating to breath with his forehead against yours. “If you keep talking like that then this tree will only be a few months older than James Jr” You burst out laughing together as you fall into his arms in a warm hug.
“I am most definitely not naming our son James Jr,” you laughed, stepping around him with a pat on his shoulder, “James can be his middle name though Sweetie, we can think of a first name when we actually start trying.” You giggled, rearranging a piece of tinsel that was out of place, not seeing the look of pure love and adoration James was giving you.
“Well then what the bloody ‘ell are we waitin’ for” James loudly stated, pulling your attention to him before he was hauling you up by your thighs, tossing you over his shoulder, and smacking your ass with a laugh while walking toward your shared bedroom.
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@timmytime17 @talia-scar123 @spencer-reids-wife @ttsbaby01 @animorose @whydoireadanymore @thievin-stealing @spiderman-stilinski @evycloudberry @shady-the-simp @ashisabitgay @porterport @callsignwidow @cicicicicisstuff @mattheoriddleswifee @junebugin-july @moonlightreader649 @devotedlyshadowytheorist @rubyliquor @perverteddsdreams @mildly-delulu @fairydimples07 @shadowmoonlight0604 @80scinemvasworld @nevillescomslut @annaisabookworm @abaker74 @athenalikethegoddess @limeren @h-------n @kezibear @mattheoriddlemarcuslopez @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @curiousshifter101 @tobyr68 @spididerman @hedwigprewett12 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @kiwi475
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vintage-tech · 13 days
Just when you thought this guy could not be any more brain-damaged or his devout followers anymore gullible, then he says this amazingly crazy thing at a couple events.
The article leaves out one important detail: Nevermind that no one does forced gender reassignment surgery on school children, nevermind that schools would love to stay the hell out of such personal decisions, and nevermind the absolute absurdity of making such a statement in the first place; Gender reassignment surgery isn't done like it was your adnoids being removed. There is no leaving home at 7:30am as Billy and getting home from a hard day of transitioning as Jilly at 3:00pm. Only those who are truly stupid would buy such a timeline. But as has become obvious, there are some gullible ignorant folks out there...
BTW, out of due dilligence since "don't believe the MSM, he didn't do that" is a popular response to factual criticisms of the man... Here's an article that contains Newsmax's video of the speech. Surely the doubters and defenders would believe it happened if they saw him say it on Newsmax, right?
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Sneak peek #2 of DDB
Tagging: @disneymbti @that90sshowgoldencouple and @tht70sblog
Jilly (appalled): You’re pregnant with Ryland’s baby?
Kelly (crossing her arms): Yeah. Why?
Jilly (to Ryland): I’m pregnant with Ryland’s baby.
Jolene: No, I’m pregnant with Ryland’s baby.
*Several other women began to crowd around, rambling. Betsy and Serena scoffed in disgust.*
Betsy (to Ryland): You disgusting piece of shit.
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justaswampdemon · 2 years
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Today in: Me and @marjansmarwani finally figured out why attachments lead to the dark side…
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numbaoneflaya · 2 years
are you implying jilly is an alpha?
Oh no absolutely not. God forbid. But shed use abo slurs on the daily against other beastkin/werewolves and nobody has any idea what the fuck shes talking abt
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The fact that Chappell Roan’s fans genuinely believe that being her fan means she owes them her time and attention 24/7 is ridiculous to me
“But she wouldn’t be famous without our support” yeah because you’re listening to her music as a personal favour to her and not for your own enjoyment
“But she’s a millionaire while most of us can barely afford to eat” the existence of people without a privilege doesn’t justify the harassment of those with that privilege. Everyone should have a right to privacy not just the people who are suffering the most
“If she didn’t want this to happen she shouldn’t have became famous” holy victim blaming Batman just because something is common consequence of an action doesn’t make it ok, doesn’t mean the person who did the action deserves it, and doesn’t mean that person has given up their right to complain about it just because they did the action. How many times do we have to go over this
“She should quit being a singer if she wants privacy” if you don’t learn about boundaries I promise you she’ll do just that
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faejilly · 3 months
Lisle Route Overview in Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem
Per a request on the discord, because my brain is only 7kpp now 😍
Character Creator/Personality Notes
You cannot be a Tomboy Countess
Personality MUST be noble as opposed to selfish.
(You can get away with starting out indifferent & immoral if you're manipulative enough to hide it.)
Generally speaking, choose eloquent options. Make jokes! He does have a good sense of humor, since that's pretty much the only break from duty that he allows himself.
Acknowledge and respect the responsibilities of rank.
Welcome Feast
First impression is likeability (beauty, charm, charisma, etiquette). I'm not sure if it's been re-balanced for Early Access, but for the demo the guide broke it down that you got +5 friendship at 60 likeability, +10 @ 100, and +15 @ 120, so as long as you don't tank all four stats, you should be fine.
+5 friendship for "friendly" greeting. (A polite greeting won't bring anything down if you want the etiquette boost.)
Insight check & +5 friendship choice is "compliment his sister"
The best 'tell him about yourself' option is "engaging" which requires 30 eloquence. (Possible with the "introduce yourself politely" option at the end of the CC, if you didn't take a full eloquence boost to get you to 50.) Either the charming or becoming (charisma) options will also get you friendship, but only +5 instead of +10.
You must also successfully greet and get along with Penelope!
Her first impression is also likeability.
Her ideal first dialogue choice is "make her laugh" which requires 30 charm; next is "reassure her" which requires the same 30 eloquence as Lisle's best answer. I think 'inspire' requires leadership.
The default "smile" for the greeting choice is still fine though, just not as many friendship points.
Be "glad she's there" for the insight check.
Rescuing her from Jarrod maybe helps? But I may be making that up because it feels like it should narratively but it's not in any of my guides.
Lisle will attend all three of the potential hosted events for week one (tea / musicale / history) if you make a decent impression at the welcome feast. I think you can still unlock his route if you just invite Penelope however, and she will attend both the tea and the musicale but not the lecture. You do get a higher +Wellin Approval boost for the musicale as long as you invite either of them, so that's usually the one I do when I'm planning on playing Lisle's route.
For week 3, Lisle can't attend the ladies' night, while Penelope won't attend the Onvu Tournament, but you can get both of them to the midnight picnic. I think they both give better boosts for the picnic too, but I didn't write it down, so I'm not sure.
Week 1 Invite
Don't be insulted that you're kept waiting for the ride with Lisle.
Either greeting is fine once he gets there, (if you have enough etiquette to see the "polite" one), but he laughs if you rant about last night's sleep which is great.
"Adore" that he brought Penelope
As long as you don't complain about the horse your relationship won't go down, but animal knowledge or persuasive will get you a higher respect bonus than either defensive or quick thinking.
IF you have at least 20 politics, 50 insight, and are ethical, you can ask Lisle about his goals for the summit.
Otherwise, as long as you're not all greedy/overt and asking about getting to be queen, the other two options (holding up/something about yourself) are both fine.
Formal Introductions
Don't have your ambition be "my best future"
Between nations/best serve my nation won't *hurt* but only give bonuses to your BG nation's approval
"Katyia" gives approval & respect bonuses
Don't lie about your ambition unless you're at least at 300 persuasion/50 manip.
Weeks 2 & 3
Request Penelope join your team for the ship race. (She's ideal for the morale check so it's a good pick regardless.)
For Penelope's breakfast, I don't think it matters? (I mean, don't be mean to her, obviously, but I don't think it effects any Lisle stats there.)
The best gift for him is the Pirate book.
For the MM date, start with either "Penelope" or "spent some time"
"Of course" is the best answer to 'bother you?' but 'rather be here' will also work.
Pick trust or communication for the 'most important' question
"Far worse fates" is the best answer to his confession, but "thank you" will also work.
Talk to the matchmaker about him and make it clear you know what you're doing
TL;DR Be a responsible adult, be nice to his sister, have a sense of humor, and you should be fine!
I don't have as much of a breakdown for how to *continue* his route (and also I don't remember where the demo cuts off vs the Early Access which isn't quite public yet) but basically you can get more respect & friendship by being eloquent and dutiful and encouraging Penelope when you get the chance.
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zephsomething · 4 years
I love when Sydney McElroy says something on Sawbones that is so outrageous that I can hear Justin have to like get up or move away from the mic.
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quinnlocke · 6 years
Jilly Bean has claimed her first kill.
Our rogue Killua (yes he built a character based on the anime character), got the doors open and released all traps.
Jilly cast dancing lights into the room and distracted the guards, allowing the rogue. barbarian and druid to enter and attack.
Also got to cast vicious mockery, made a man cry before impaling him Vlad style on my rapier.
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gothiccharmschool · 7 years
divonneretribution said: it might be most effective to just split them up by skirt/pants/dress/shirt etc rather than apply a broad gender label
That is a good point! But I kinda want to keep the plus size section its own thing, so plus size folks don’t have to check every section. Hmmm. I will think about this.
spookyloop said: This reminded me of something that I was thinking of earlier. Someone asked me about transwomen in the goth community and I made a point about the androgyny and that the freedom of unconventional gender expression is something goth took with it from punk. But then I realised that they are actually the opposites. Punk women were very much about dressing and acting like stereotypical punk men, swearing, being loud and opinionated, open about sex, wearing shirts & trousers. Then you have the goths, where men are wearing corsets, skirts and make-up and everything frilly that was masculine a few centuries ago but not so much anymore. It was such an obvious thing to realise but I had never thought about it before. I thought it was kind of an interesting thing: such a similarity between the two subcultures but at the different ends of the gender spectrum.
It’s not something I’d really pondered before, but you’re absolutely right, the subcultures are at completely different ends of the gender spectrum!
And now I have some very vague thoughts about how much misogyny - overt and unspoken - there was (and still is, dammit) in both subcultures, and no matter how the women dressed or acted, they were (are, dammit) still perceived as objects. Sex objects, objects there to prop up the feelings and egos of the men in the subcultures, and so on.
That’s not to say that every guy in either of the subcultures is like that, and from my sometimes cranky eldergoth view, things have gotten better. Not perfect, and sometimes not even great, but slightly better than things were. Which sometimes gives me hope, but just as frequently makes me angry.
(Auntie Jilli’s thoughts about gender roles in subcultures, brought to you by sleep deprivation and too much caffeine for the day.)
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singingwordwright · 6 years
Tumblr once again fails at providing useful tools for ongoing conversations. Replying to @faejilly’s reply to my reply to her post last night, but I don’t want to deal with the clunky and limited reply interface for a post that has ended up veering wildly from the initial topic.
Also this gets pretty deep and may delve into some some TMI about sexuality and/or disturbing discussion, so I need to put it under a cut.
@maleccrazedauthor replied to your post “You know It is entirely possible trouble with the fic I cannot finish…”
Well, I am pretty sure the reason I can’t smut anymore is because I’ve been feeling ExtraAce�� for the past few years, so this seems perfectly fair to me.
There is a little bit of that too. Girls are Pretty & Sexual Attraction is Weird and I think I just want to write cuddles?
but AT THE SAME TIME I am still really into the ways you can look at character relationships and character development  via the sex they are having and The Feelings Involved (and malec has lots of feelings)
also I am interested in the longing/build-up part before the sex and am not sure at which point I could switch from “I am aware of every single twitch of your fingers” to “but we’re totes gonna skim this bit of actual intercourse”
AND I keep having these really good ideas that I only know how to execute via sex so I try to write them and then I get to the sex part and stop and go hmmm. Like. I don’t really care about their dicks. And people who have dicks and are into sex, which are both assumptions I am making in my characterizations of Magnus & Alec, care about their dicks. In my experience.
I totally get so much of this. I think for me, the fact that I can’t smut (and particularly can’t smut about Malec) anymore is the fact that I’ve come to a place where I’ve already done the character/feelings-exploration-via-sex thing and now I’m just really all about the character/feelings outside of sex.
Like, back around 2010-2012 when I was writing at lot of Dragon Age fic and first exploring writing fic with queer characters, I was writing ALL THE SMUT. But a lot of that fic was really actually character exploration fic, rather than smut for the sake of titillation. It’s hard to tell the difference because it looks the same on the surface, but what really drove my storytelling up until about 2015 was this approach of putting the characters in a sexual situation that would challenge who they were or what they thought about themselves, and then just...see what happened.
What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was really exploring my own relationship with my sexual and romantic orientation, particularly that I was asexual and that I could and did have romantic and aesthetic attraction to women/trans feminine people as well as men.
And a lot of what drove the darker material I wrote during that time was processing the sometimes traumatic experiences that happened along that journey to reach that understanding.
For instance, in recent weeks, I’ve ended my relationship with my publisher due to the scandals they’ve been plagued with, and I’m faced with the prospect of re-launching my books as self-pubs. Part of the relaunch process is probably going to be doing some PR and discussing those book, so I’ve sort of had to look at my books and where they came from at the time I wrote them and what I was saying with them. And since my book that has sold the best (the one it makes sense to re-release first) is also the most controversial, I have particularly had to think about that one.
I wrote Strain in 2012, and I wrote the Dragon Age fanfic whose premise inspired the premise of Strain earlier that same year, so really I wrote those stories when I was just starting to understand that asexuality was a thing and yeah, it really could apply to me.
Which was, frankly, a horrifying realization because of all I had done in the 15 years prior to that to “fix” myself of my “low libido.”
(potential trigger warnings apply from this point forward, proceed with caution)
Back between, oh, 1998 and 2001, before any understanding of asexuality as a concept had reached my personal neck of the internet woods, I was actually in therapy for this issue. Part of that therapy included certain “homework” assignments. Even though I really wanted nothing to do with sex, I was supposed to “explore” what felt good, by myself or with my partner, to basically find what would jumpstart my arousal even when I wasn’t in the mood. Under the logic, I guess, that if repeated experience showed that sex felt good, eventually I would start to want it.
(insert clumsy “have you ever tried...not being asexual?” joke here.)
It was awful. To make it very clear to the person who is supposed to help you that “no, masturbation really does nothing for me; it bores me and literally I’d rather do anything else”, and “no, my skin crawls when I’m touched in a way that suggests sex may be on the menu, even when that sex eventually turns out to feel good” and then to have them basically advise you to...suck it up and do it anyway, even if you hate it, even if you don’t feel like it?
With today’s sensibilities, it’s easy to see how harmful this sort of “advice” is. Back then, though? That thinking was pretty much just considered common sense.
Fast forward another decade, around the time that I’m starting to understand why that never worked, and suddenly I’m writing stories where the protagonist is compelled into sexual situations that make them exceptionally uncomfortable “for their own good” and in the end don’t really fix anything, anyway.
Gee, I wonder where those stories came from?
But I’ve gotten far afield here. Back to Malec. And their dicks.
Being involved in Malec fandom has been interesting on that front because yes, they’re a sexually involved couple and I love them desperately even though, as you say, I have no interest in writing (and very little interest in reading, though the right author can hook me in enough to go with it) about their dicks.
And I worry about whether I’m doing an adequate job of conveying who they are as a pair if I’m constantly fading to black on their sex. Because sometimes who a person is in bed, what they want, how they react, it is a reflection of who they are outside of bed. And sometimes who a person is in bed is a person who is never seen outside of bed, because they’re laying it all bare, metaphorically as well as physically. The masks are off in a way they they might not be outside of that situation.
So it’s an important and valid arena for character exploration. It’s just apparently not one I can enter right now.
TL;DR I feel your pain, because I’m sort of dealing with the same issues in my handling of them.
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