#jim Kirk / reader
imagines--galore · 1 year
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(Always Uploading new Fics)
Avatar The Last Airbender
Pairing: Zuko x Orora
The Thread of Fate - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen, Part Nineteen, Part Twenty, Part Twenty-One, Part Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
It Was Nothing
I’m Here Beside You
Big Hero 6
Pairing: Tadashi Hamada x Sakura Kamiya
Light 'em Up -  Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, 
Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Evelyn Richardson
Mind Over Matter - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen,
(Companion piece to Mind Over Matter)
A Slight Frustration
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Hold Me Closer
First Kiss
Don’t Go!
Crossover - Frozen x Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Jack Frost x Elsa (Jelsa)
One Step Closer - Part One, Part Two (InProgress)
Pairing: Taichi Yagami x Hidemi Senshi
The Next Adventure
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Pairing: Alphonse Elric x Willow Hawkeye(OC)
The Ties That Bind - Prologue, Part One,
Pairing: Edward Elric x Reader
The Language of Flowers
Pairing: Roy Mustang x Reader
I Will Always Choose You
Harry Potter
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Reluctant Friendship
Justice League DC Universe
Pairing: Superman x Lucky Penny aka Clark Kent x Penelope Pennyworth
Lucky Break
Pairing: Superman aka Clark Kent x Reader
Part One - Convince Me, Part Two - I’m Convinced
Wedding Drama
Pairing: (Platonic) Superman aka Clark Kent x 12-year-old reader
A New Life
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Rachel
Kiss It Away
Stolen Kisses, Stolen Moments - Part One, Part Two
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Last Night
Pairing: Dr. Stephen Strange x Clea
Love, A Kind of Magic - Part One, Part Two
Pairing: Dr. Stephen Strange x Reader
Bleeding Love - Part One & Part Two
A Surprising Twist
Sleep Deprived
What the Wife Says Goes
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Nothing But a Burden
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
A Pact Renewed
Because You’re Mine
Not a Waste of Space
Just Hold Me
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Never Leave Me
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Will Turner x Reader
My Heart Calls Your Name
Tavern Brawls
Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Jack Frost x Evening Star aka The Blue Fairy
Two Spirits Meet - Wishing on a Snowflake I,
Sherlock (BBC)
Pairing: Sherlock x Reader
The Consulting Detective and the Serial Killer
His Love for Her
Your Hand in Mine
Drunken Comfort
Its All Been Arranged
An Unconventional Love Story (Victorian Era AU)
Star Trek(2009)
Pairing: Spock x Kealoha
The Roommate Experiment - Prologue, Part One
Pairing: Spock x Reader
The Little Green Monster
Chasing Away The Darkness
Here For You (InProgress)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Pairing: Leonardo x Amal
Heaven’s Light
A Comforting Embrace
The Amazing Spiderman
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
A Nonverbal Confession
Falling For Him
Heal Together
Drunk on Pheromones
Take All The Time You Need
Falling for the Enemy
The Chronicles of Narnia
Pairing: Peter Pevensie x Reader
An Unexpected Turn
We Face It Together
Pairing: Edmund Pevensie x Reader
The King and the Commoner
The Hobbit
Creepy Crawlies (No Pairing)
Pairing: Kili x Reader
You Are Safe
The Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Legolas x Annúneth
Love Happens(Coming Soon)
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
We Meet Again A Confession Years In The Making
My Prayer, My Light, My Fëa
A Little Introduction to Rock Music
A Promise
Written In The Stars
Treasure Planet
Pairing: Jim Hawkins x Reader
A Little Competition Goes a Long Way
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captainsophiestark · 3 months
Not A Doctor
Bones McCoy x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Star Trek
Summary: Bones' SO hurts themselves on an away mission and has to stitch themselves up as well as they can to buy time for a med evac to the Enterprise
Word Count: 1,533
Category: Fluff, Humor, a little bit of Angst
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Shit," I hissed, pressing a hand to my side as I slid down the wall. When I finally got up the courage to pull my hand back and look, it came away with a lot more blood than I'd hoped to find. I'd fallen pretty far and managed to avoid any broken bones based on my pain levels, but the wound in my side was gaping and looked concerningly serious.
I could practically hear the extended bridge crew chorusing "I told you so" from here.
As if on cue, my communicator beeped. I grimaced, but managed to take it out of my bag and open it to respond.
"What's up?" I groaned.
"Y/N, where are you?" came the voice of Jim Kirk, one of my best friends and the captain of the Enterprise. "Scotty's reporting he can only find two targets to beam up."
Dammit. That figured.
"I'm... not totally sure. I was trying to follow the signature on my tricorder to that plant I've been looking for when the ground just gave way under me. I'm not sure how far I fell, but I hit something pretty hard on the way down and I've got... quite the gash in my side."
Silence on the other end for a few moments, then:
"Hang tight. We're coming to find you."
The communicator hung up with a click, and I sighed, ignoring the flare of pain in my side. I had faith in Jim's determination and ability to find me, especially with Spock here helping him, but I still needed to do something if I wanted to be alive when they found me.
Thankfully, I'd watched my boyfriend, Doctor Leonard McCoy, stich people up often enough that I felt fairly confident I could do a passable job on myself. I dug some sewing supplies out of my bag that I hadn't removed from my last away mission misadventure, and pulled the hem of my shirt up to get a better look at the wound.
I grimaced, gritting my teeth and trying to prepare for this. I'd been so excited to join Kirk and Spock on this away mission. This planet was supposed to have one of the rarest plants in the galaxy, and I'd been looking forward to finding it since I'd first heard we'd be coming here. And now, I was at the bottom of this pit or cave or whatever, slowly bleeding out, without even a picture of the plant to show for it.
I tried to focus on my breathing as I threaded a needle and put it to my skin. I knew the wound needed to be disinfected before I totally closed it, but I didn't have anything on me to do that with, and I knew Bones would be able to take care of it for me if I could manage to get back to him.
I took a few deep breaths to steel myself, then stuck the needle through. I swore loudly and kept up a steady stream of expletives as I sewed up the wound. I pulled it closed as tightly as I dared, then held my jacket to my waist to try to staunch the remainder of the bleeding.
I sighed, long and hard, then leaned my head back against the wall of whatever hole I'd fallen into. I had no idea how long those stitches had taken me, but it certainly hadn't been quick. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too much longer before I heard Jim and Spock stumbling down some passage towards me.
I focused on deep breaths as the pain continued to throb in my side, completely zoning out to the time and environment around me. Finally, I heard some shuffling movement from a slightly more gradual incline up ahead of me. The voices of my friends echoed out, curious and searching.
"I'm here!" I called back, my voice a little weaker than normal. I cleared my throat, then tried again. "Here!"
A moment later, my friends came into view. Jim grinned at me as Spock started scanning the space, probably trying to decide on the best way to get me out of here.
"How're you holding up?" asked Jim. I forced a smile.
"Living the dream."
He scoffed, then moved to crouch beside me and put one of my arms over his shoulder.
"Spock! Come help me."
"We'll need to get around the corner and most of the way back up the incline we came down to reach a spot where Mr. Scott can register us," said Spock as he joined us. "There seems to be some property of this rock that's prohibiting the transporter signal from reaching us."
"Great," I huffed, grimacing as my friends pulled me to my feet. Even resting most of my weight on them, I was still seeing spots. "This is gonna be great."
Between the three of us, somehow, we managed to get back into transporter range. I almost lost consciousness at one point, but we'd paused, and I'd managed to pull myself back from the brink. When the Enterprise's transporter room finally materialized before me, the relief was palpable, not least of all because Bones was waiting for me.
"Y/N," he said, jumping to attention and rushing onto the pad to replace Jim at my side. With Spock's help, we started moving immediately for the Med Bay. "What happened?"
"I was following the signature of the plant I was looking for on my tricorder. Then all of a sudden, the ground gave way underneath me. It wasn't a straight drop, I don't think, but I fell a pretty long way, bouncing off the rock slide and the walls of the cave I fell into on the way down. I'm bruised, but I don't think it's anything bad besides the cut on my stomach."
Bones nodded. "We'll get you to Med Bay and make sure."
Luckily, my boyfriend was very good at staying calm and focused in a crisis for his patients. He was completely in the zone as he and Spock helped me into a bed once we reached Med Bay, and then Bones started checking my vitals and assessing my injuries. I watched him carefully for any break in his usual bedside manner to tell me if I needed to be worried about something, but none came.
Hopefully that was a good sign, and not just because he was an incredible doctor.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity to me, Bones returned from his testing and reappeared by  my bedside. His hands were on his hips, but he seemed calmer, and definitely out of intense doctor mode.
"Alright, the good news is you'll be just fine. But I'm still gonna need to disinfect the wound and stitch you up," he said. I gave him the best smile I could muster.
"Sounds like a plan."
He sighed, then gently lifted my shirt high enough to give him access to the gash in my side. The light touch of his fingertips sent goosebumps along my skin, but I did my best to ignore them, especially as Bones frowned.
"What the hell did you do to yourself?" he asked, not looking away from his work on my side.
"Uh... I slammed into a rock. We covered this already, remember?"
"No, I didn't mean your injury." Bones paused and looked up at me, the smallest smile tugging at his lips. "I meant these stitches. Yikes."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, making Bones chuckle as he got back to work.
"Okay, whatever. I'm a biologist, not a doctor, dammit. I think I did a pretty good job, considering the circumstances."
"Mm, I guess so. Barely."
"Hey!" I laughed, hitting him lightly in the shoulder. "You better knock it off or I'm gonna start practicing my stitches on you."
Bones snorted, but I could see the smile on his face as he continued working. Thanks to the medical facilities of the Enterprise, it barely hurt as he undid my messy job and redid it with a much better one of his own.
"So... what are you doing after this?" I asked after a few long moments of letting him work in peace. He paused to look up at me again, one eyebrow raised.
"Don't tell me you're hitting on your own boyfriend after only the low-level painkillers I gave you?"
"I can and will hit on my own boyfriend whenever I want, no painkillers required. But I was mostly asking if you had other patients to deal with after me, or if you'd be free to come cuddle on the couch and eat junk food with me. I think it'd really help speed up my recovery process."
Bones' mouth quirked into a smile again as he put the finishing touches on my stitches.
"Well if it's for the wellness of a patient... I think Nurse Chapel might be willing to take over from me for the rest of the day."
"Thank goodness for Christine."
Bones and I shared a smile, then he returned to his work and I watched him contentedly. Obviously, life and death situations on away missions were never ideal—but I couldn't really bring myself to be upset about how this one had played out, even if I hadn't managed to get my plant in the end.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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multi-fandomedfreak · 7 months
Star Trek TOS // Dating Headcanons
Authors note: I just loveee Jim and Spock in TOS they’re just so baby girl
(also guess who’s back 😏)
Pairings: Spock x reader, Jim x reader
⚠️Warnings⚠️: None
🖖Spock 🖖
-Love languages are touch and words of affirmation [CHANGE MY MIND]
-He would looove to hear you compliment him any time of the day
-Most definitely melts at your touch and it's obvious
-bro legit sucks at hiding it, tbh it’s kind of adorable lol
-Oh especially when you oh so barely touch his hands or his ears, like your ghosting over them, and he's putty in your hands lol
-He can’t handle anyone else touching him tho
-Will. Not. Leave you alone
-I’m being dead serious
-Like sure he may look like he enjoys his solitude more than the average person
-But he loves to be around the people he loves most
-Even if he’s not directly interacting with them, he just likes being in the same room
-If you’re just reading together on the couch in silence together?? Bros enjoying every bit of it
-His face is probably a bright green shade the whole time
-I will die on the hill that Spock loves being touchy with people he deeply trusts and loves
💖 Jim 💖
-Will kiss you no matter where you are (that’s a threat)
-Well unless you don’t like excess pda ofc, he respects your boundaries
-Pretty sure he’ll fight whoever doesn’t
-Walking together? He’s holding your hand
-Sitting next to each other? Either an arm wrapped around your shoulders or a hand on your thigh/knee
-He’s guiding you somewhere? A hand on your lower back
-Hotel? Trivago.
-Shoulder Grip™️ almost every day
-Mostly cuz that’s how’s he likes to pull you in for a kiss
-Loves and I mean LOVES leaving small love bites on you, especially on places only he can see. It makes it feel more intimate to him
-If you ever bandage him up after he’s hurt, he insists that you kiss where it hurts (according to him it instantly heals it)
-Also asks Bones to back him up on that
(Spoiler: he doesn’t)
-This man gives the best hugs, they’re literally so warm and cozy and I will die on that hill
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v-o-i-d-e-d · 10 months
May we have a oneshot based on this scene (https://youtube.com/watch?v=BgVJDd5vHfw&feature=share) for Spockxreader?
Omg, I love this scene! Of, course I will do it! I altered some parts just a little bit but the gist is the same. I hope you like it!
Title: Hello Sweetie
Pairing: Spock x fem!reader, implied platonic Jim Kirk x reader, and platonic Bones x reader
Warnings: canon violence, it's implied that Jim meddled for matchmaking purposes, nothing else I think
Word Count: 2924
She really shouldn’t have been here. Pure lunacy had gotten her here in the first place. Doctor (Y/N) (L/N) was never meant for this type of fieldwork and she was willing to bet that her own lack of skill was a huge reason why she was in this particularly dangerous situation. She was stood in the middle of a very ornate room – a sort of banquet hall she surmised – with her hands cuffed in front of her. Her elegant dress was singed at the hem and her hair had fallen out of its elegant updo. She looked around and noticed there were a total of three other people in the room all of whom wore heavy robes with hoods to obscure most of their faces: the alien guard beside her the one behind her and the one standing by the door they just came in through.
            “You know when I get invited to parties, normally there’s food,” She said to the guard who stood closely to her right. He did not acknowledge her at all and his large, bug-like eyes stayed focused on the door at the other end of the room. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, “So much for small talk.”
            As she shifted her weight from foot to foot with impatience she couldn’t help but place partial blame on the genius who thought this plan up in the first place. Captain James T. Kirk. Just a day earlier he had cornered (Y/N) in her office and asked her to take part in a simple recognizance mission.
“I’m telling you this is an easy mission and it will go off without a hitch! You’re in, you’re out, you’re done,” Kirk pleaded as he followed her out into the main area of the medbay. He had just explained how it would be perfect for her because she was sociable and friendly. Of course, he couldn’t help but add in the added benefit of her good looks. “People will be spilling their guts to you! All you gotta do is bat those eyelashes.”
“Captain, this is harassment. I told you: missions like that are not in my job training.” (Y/N) turned to face Kirk and used her hand to apply emphasis to her statement. “I. Am. Not. Going. End of story.”
The door opened after what felt like hours but what was only a few minutes. (Y/N) watched as an alien that looked similar to the guard but larger walked confidently into the room accompanied by a few other guards. The big alien was dressed in fine clothes and had an elaborate and heavy-looking headdress on, signaling to (Y/N) that it would be good for her health to not piss him off. She stayed silent until the alien stood so close to her that she could smell him. He smelled of rotten meat and expensive oils.
“You are Doctor (Y/N) (L/N) of the starship Enterprise.” He said. “I have reason to believe you are a cohort of Commander Spock.”
This took (Y/N) by surprise. Her brows furrowed and her lips tugged into a frown. Sure she had worked with Spock plenty of times but surely not enough to be considered a cohort, or associated with him by name.
“I think there’s been some sort of mistake here. I don’t even know Commander Spock that well!”
“Spock suggested you specifically for the mission.”
(Y/N) paused and dropped her hand down to her side. Kirk could very well be lying just to get her to agree but then why else would he want a surgeon doing a spy’s job.
“No, he didn’t. You just want me to give in,” She huffed and gathered some old patient files that needed to be sorted and brushed passed Kirk and into her office. She couldn’t deny the rush of warmth spreading across her face but she could do her best at hiding it.
“I’m serious! He said you were beautiful and that you would be disarming enough to get people to talk to you about anything,” Kirk once again followed (Y/N) into her office but this time stopped to lean on the door frame. He crossed his arms and smirked as he watched the doctor deadpan at him.
“Commander Spock said that? Those exact words?” She didn’t believe Spock even knew how to actually compliment people, even behind their backs.
The alien huffed and one of his henchmen stepped forward. He was very scrawny and his large eyes darted wildly around the room.
“We have reliable intel that you are close to the Enterprise’s second-in-command and we would like you to divulge his whereabouts. We know that he has been trying to infiltrate our databases and that is a crime that can not go unpunished,” his voice was harsh, like a steaming tea kettle and (Y/N) winced.
“Well, I’m sorry but your intel is wrong. I wouldn’t even classify us as friends. Well, I mean it’s not that I don’t want to be his friend. I actually like him a lot but he spends just about every moment with me in silence or critiquing me so-“
“Enough! Quit your useless rambling and tell us where he is!” The boss alien thundered out so loud that the floor seemed to shake. (Y/N) was officially freaked out.
“Look, I’m telling you, I have no idea where he is! I don’t even know if he’s on this planet!” She pleaded with the aliens and hoped they believed her because it was the truth. She hadn’t seen Spock for a while, even before Kirk made her go on this mission.
“Yeah, he didn’t say those exact words but that’s definitely what he meant to say. I could tell.”
“Kirk, get out of my office.”
Kirk sighed and walked up to the desk, “Just please do this mission. We are so close to our goal we just need a little push. (Y/N)-
            “Doctor (L/N).”
            “(Y/N). Please.”
If there’s one thing that (Y/N) can’t resist, it’s James being sincere. It just happens so rarely that she caves right away. After a moment of glaring into Kirk’s pleading eyes, she rubbed her eyes and sighed, “Fine!”
            “Yes!” Kirk pumped his fist in victory.
            “But I want to talk to Spock first.”
Kirk paused and side-glanced before looking back at (Y/N), “You can’t.”
            “Why not?”
            “Cause he’s on the mission.”
            “I thought you said he asked for me. How could he have told you that if he’s on mission already?” (Y/N) raised an accusatory eyebrow, she was sure she caught Kirk in his lie but he was quick.
            “Because he just left this morning. Now find your hottest dress and meet me in the transport room for your briefing,” Kirk tapped the desk before quickly exiting the room.
            “Wait, Now?!”
(Y/N) could honestly say she had not thought of how to get out of a situation like this. All attention was on her – something that she would normally thrive with – but she was at a loss for words for the first time in her life. The big alien grumbled and leaned forward to look closer at her face. She didn’t hide her fear.
            “Look, I swear on my life I don’t know what Spock is doing or where he is,” She couldn’t hide the tremble in her voice but she tried to be as firm as possible.
            “Humans,” the alien spat, “They lie so blithely.”
            “I’m not lying!”
            “How can you claim to like someone but know nothing about them? You are lying!”
(Y/N) huffed and rolled her eyes, “Just because I like him does not mean he likes me! The guy does not even think that way! He doesn’t talk to me unless it has something to do with my job!” She had stepped forward during her rant but was immediately seized by the guards that were closest to her. They gripped tightly on her upper arms but the guard on her left quickly loosened his grip and she couldn’t help but think that the sensation was familiar. It reminded her of her first meeting with Commander Spock.
            She was in a hurry to get to the medbay as she had been sent a 9-1-1 message by Bones. In her hurry she had been completely disregarding the safety of other people in the halls, bumping into several people while shouting an apology over her shoulder. It was while she was giving one of these hurried apologies that she managed to bump into a solid form that barely stumbled while she went tripping toward the ground. With a yelp, she braced for the ground but was stopped by a strong hand taking hold of her upper arm.
            “Doctor (L/N), it’s not safe to be running through the halls. The hazard is amplified when one is not paying attention.”
The monotone voice of Commander Spock caused (Y/N) to snap her eyes open and scramble to stand on her own two feet rather than being suspended by her arm.
            “Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry, Commander! You’re totally right, I wasn’t paying attention-“
            “Apology accepted, Doctor,” Spock interrupted her rambling and then walked passed her without waiting for a response. (Y/N) huffed and frowned as she too walked away from the scene of the social crime.
            “Well, isn’t he a sweetie,” She grumbled before picking up her pace through the halls, this time paying attention to where she was going.
            From then on, “sweetie” was (Y/N)’s nickname for Spock. She was careful to never say it to his face since she had worked with him a lot more since the “incident” but in private and amongst friends, the sarcastic endearment rolled easily off the tongue. It got to the point where she even used it with the Captain.
            “Why do you call him that, it’s weird,” Kirk questioned one day over drinks in the lounge.
            “Because every time I talk to him, he’s an asshole. I think it’s funny.”
Kirk laughed and sipped his whiskey. “Well, I think you might have a crush on our favorite Vulcan.”
            “Oh, I definitely do,” (Y/N) was very direct. Kirk choked on his drink in surprise and coughed as (Y/N) continued, “But that’s out of the equation because I don’t even think Spock thinks about anyone unless they’re useful for something he needs doing.”
            (Y/N) downed the last of her drink and shook her head to try to rid herself of the floaty state the alcohol put her in. In the morning, she would regret letting James Kirk in on her best-kept secret but she was not worried about that or anything else except for going to bed.
            “Well, speak of the devil,” Kirk said with a smirk. Spock walked in with his hands clasped behind his back and his usual blank expression. Upon noticing the state of his friend and his colleague he resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
            “Oh, hello, sweetie!” (Y/N) laughed at her own words and Kirk couldn’t help but laugh as well. Spock was stunned into silence. He let his hands drop to his sides and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He didn’t know exactly how to respond, she had never called him anything other than his name and rank before. He decided to ignore the sudden endearment.
            “Captain, you’re needed on the bridge,” He managed to finally say what he needed to say before quickly turning and leaving the room.
            When Kirk took the liberty of retelling the story to (Y/N) the next morning, she was mortified.
            The large alien hisses to one of his henchmen in a language (Y/N) doesn’t understand and then another one of them steps forward. In a tone that seemed to be unsure of the words he was saying, he started,
            “Our studies show that typically when one human likes another, the feeling is reciprocated,”
            “Spock is not human,” (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh before correcting herself, “Well, not all human.”
            “Then you have no reason to protect him.”
            “That’s not how feelings even work! Not human ones! I admire him and I will protect him but I do not expect any such action from him. Just as I don't expect a sunset to admire me back or for the stars to gaze back at me! Feelings are not about reciprocity!”
            “This does not align with our intel,” The big alien was clearly angry, and (Y/N) had a strong feeling that things would not go well from here but as she said she would do her best to protect Spock.
            “Regardless of your intel,” (Y/N) scoffed, “Commander Spock has much more important things to do than worry about me or what I’m doing so. I’m of no use to you. Let me go.”
            Why did she never know when to shut up?
The large alien’s face stretched into what (Y/N) had to assume was his version of a grin but looked more like he was preparing to eat her. She wouldn’t doubt it if she was being honest.
            “If you are of no use for giving information, you can be put to other uses, Doctor.”
            “What? Wait!”
The guard to her right started to lead her back toward the door they came through and (Y/N) began to struggle.
            “Take her to the nursery, the larvae must be fed,” The big alien ordered with a loud cracking laugh. Just as (Y/N) yanked harshly away from the guard pulling her, the guard to her left took firm hold of her arm once more but instead of leading her forward, he tugged her back into him. Suddenly, he pulled a phaser and shot the other guard. Crying out in fear, (Y/N) struggled once more to get away from this rogue guard as the henchmen began to make their way over to stop him. The guard removed his hood and revealed his face.
            “Commander!” (Y/N) gasped and her cheeks reddened. Everyone paused for a brief moment of shock before the big alien roared for his henchmen and guards to seize the two star fleet officers. Spock shot a few more before looking down at (Y/N) with an almost unnoticeable smirk.
            “Hello, Sweetie,” He said before moving his grip from (Y/N)’s arm to her hand and pulling her to a run. (Y/N)’s face was warm and it was not because of the running. She couldn’t help but laugh as they ran through the corridors, dodging phasers and guards. “We have to get to the front entrance. That’s the only place Scotty can beam us up!” Spock shouted over his shoulder.
They ran until they reached the front room. Standing in the middle of the room was not the best option but they were only there for a moment before they both felt the familiar feeling of being beamed up to the transport room. Upon their arrival, Spock immediately ushered (Y/N) toward the awaiting Doctor Bones.
            “I’m fine! Just a few cuts and bruises. Nothing I haven’t had before,” (Y/N) tried to wave the grouchy Doctor away but he swatted her hands away and then removed the cuffs.
            “I’ll be the judge of that, cupcake. You look like you caught on fire.” He was gesturing to the hem of her dress.
            “I think for a moment I did,” (Y/N) laughed while Bones shook his head.
            “All right, you’re free to go. You too, Spock.”
Bones finally released the two, though he had told Spock that he could leave about twenty minutes ago. The Vulcan had refused. Spock and (Y/N) walked side by side in silence for a while before Spock broke it.
            “You have misread me.”
(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at her Commander who was still looking straight ahead. “What do you mean, Commander?”
            “My feelings about you. You have misread them.”
Her eyes widened. In the chaos of escape, she had forgotten that Spock was standing right next to her when she basically saying she loved him. Okay, slight exaggeration but she still felt embarrassed.
            “Oh.” That was all she said. All she could say. Another time of silence passed.
            “I apologize if my actions suggested that I do not enjoy your company,” Spock was deliberate with his words as if he didn’t know if what he was saying was the right thing. The tips of his ears were tinged a faint green when he finally paused in his step to look at (Y/N). She noticed the blush on his ears and couldn’t help the small smile that snuck onto her face.
            “So, you like to hang out with me?”
            “Well, I’ve never accompanied you in a social setting so it would be illogical for me to say that I like something that I have not tried.”
            (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
            “However, I do enjoy working with you. You are very good at your job, Doctor (L/N),” Spock clasped his hands behind his back so that (Y/N) would not see him picking at his cuticles. He was nervous.
            “Call me (Y/N). Outside of work obviously,” (Y/N) shrugged and looked away from Spock’s intense gaze.
            “(Y/N).” She could’ve melted at the way her name sounded coming from his lips. It was experimental and a bit rigid sounding but it was a start. She finally looked back into Spock’s eyes and smiled brightly.
            “Do you want to go get dinner with me, Spock? I’m starving,” (Y/N) resumed her walk, this time in the direction of the cafeteria. She heard Spock’s steps fall in line with hers.
            “I highly doubt that you are starving. You always attend normal meal times which means you must have eaten this morning,” Spock said in a matter-of-fact tone. (Y/N) laughed and shook her head.
            “It’s an expression, Spock.”
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satrryeys4eva · 2 years
Fem Y/n that is the same height or almost as tall as Damon
Fem Y/n that knows that Michael is the Antichrist and acts like it's a super normal thing
Fem Y/n with hair that is barely an inch longer than Bruce's
Fem Y/n that tries to make Norman have normal teenage experiences without making him uncomfortable, and helping him stand up to his mother
Fem Y/n that fits perfectly into Jason Carver's varsity jacket
Fem Y/n that makes sarcastic comments about Joffrey to his face and he doesn't even get angry at her because they really are funny
Fem Y/n that sits with Tony when he's working and give him stupid ideas to make, which he does make
Fem Y/n that is just as sassy as Edmund
Fem Y/n that helps Vance calm down
Fem Y/n that can make Tommy laugh
Fem Y/n that only calls Jim Kirk by nicknames when they are off duty
Fem Y/n that always listens to all of Thor's ridiculous stories
Fem Y/n that is on the same level as Chishiya but way more friendly and easy going
Fem Beta!Y/n that is Bakugou' sister ,can't understand why all the Alphas and Omegas in class one A pack are always scenting her and are super overprotective of her
(they've all gotten extremely attached to her because of how calming her non-scent is and how normal she acts with them, also it helps the pack leader! Alpha! Deku thinks that she's his truemate)
(Baku has to fight them off, reminding that she's his sister not theirs)
Fem Y/n that walks in on Five killing some and like it's a daily thing and that it's no big deal
Fem Y/n with a calm, chill but chaotic personality
And for the love of god
Fem Y/n who is not a Targaryen and in a relationship with Aegon ii
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mlm-writer · 1 year
The Sorcerer Supreme, the Devil and Six Men (M!Reader x Multi)
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Pairing: Cis!M!Bottom!Reader x Ray Palmer (LoT), Dick Grayson (my version), Peter Parker (TASM), Skurge (MCU), James T. Kirk (AOS), Lucifer (Lucifer) & Chris Smith (Peacemaker) Rating: Explicit Words: 2066 POV: Second Summary: Uhhh gangbang to save the multiverse and reader is Sorcerer Supreme of his universe. Note: Something I kept from last kinktober to really sit down for it. Tags: Multiverse gangbang, creampie, cum swallowing, light cumplay, blowjobs, double penetration, spitroasting, anal fingering, handjobs and some grinding.
Even if you would explain how you got yourself into this situation, you doubted anyone would believe you. You clenched your hands in the silken sheets below you, when Lucifer added a third finger to your hole. He stilled them inside you and ran a hand down your bare back. “Relax, my darling, I need to have you properly prepared for when our guests arrive.” You huffed and folded your arms in front of you so you could rest your forehead on them. 
“If you ask me, it’s pretty pathetic that the devil himself cannot give me enough sexual energy to save the multiverse,” you quipped, before shifting a little. Your cock was leaking all over the pillow Lucifer put under your hips. Lucifer chuckled and curled his fingers inside you. “Hey! No cheating!” You cried out as he rubbed that spot he had gotten to know all too well. You never should’ve started a situationship with the devil, but frankly being the sorcerer supreme from a universe where jackshit happened could be very boring. 
Just as Lucifer was about to make another smartass comment, a portal opened in front of you. You wanted to cover yourself, but Lucifer was ahead of you, draping a thin blanket over you below the waist, before sitting up on the bed. First to come through was Skurge, donned in his full armour. “Behold! The Sausage Party!” He announced, before extending his arm. Coming through were four familiar faces and one boy-scout looking man. His whole body language screamed ‘I am highly uncomfortable.’ 
“So which one of you do we need to stuff full of cum?” You lifted your head and snickered at the blunt question. Even though this Chris Smith was not from your universe, he had the exact same mannerisms and almost the same funny outfit as the one you knew in high school. Here was to hoping he could fuck like the Chris you knew as well. 
The other guys looked embarrassed at the question, with one of them even slapping Chris' arm. Even with his mask on, you recognised the face of the one who got away anywhere. You had always wished Dick Grayson and you had lasted, but the situation back then did not allow for it. Lucifer probably knew that, hence why his alter was standing before you now, clad in a tight suit that left little to the imagination, as he reprimanded Chris for his bluntness. If he was anything like your Chris, that slap did nothing to correct his behaviour. 
“As far as the gentleman explained, you should know everyone but me,” the boy-scout looking man said as he walked closer. His face was flushed, eyes avoiding yours. You took the hand he offered and shook it. “Ray Palmer,” he introduced himself. You studied his face, noting the pale skin that turned red so easily, the dreamy brown eyes and pullable-looking chestnut hair. 
He tried to take his hand back, but you held onto it. “And why are you here mister Palmer?” You questioned, fingers rubbing over his skin. From this close you could see his cute features in more detail. He looked around nervously and then muttered something under his breath. “When you’re in the presence of the Sorcerer Supreme, you should really speak up,” you teased him. 
“Yessir, I’m sorry uh…” You took mercy on him and let go of his hand. He straightened his back and looked around the room again. The portal he had come through was no more; he had nowhere to go. “You see it started with…” 
“He is the cause of all this, now let’s move on, before the multiverse is literally torn apart, shall we?” Lucifer interrupted. 
“Let’s commence!” Skurge shouted. Somehow he managed to get all his armour off without you noticing him undressing, his heavy cock hanging between his legs and swinging with each step he took towards you. Ray took a step aside, face red like a tomato. You reached out for Skurge’s thick cock and guided it towards your mouth. You looked over at Ray as you sloppily started licking and sucking on Skurge’s tip. When your eyes met, you gave the pale man a flirty wink.
Skurge was very vocal, praising you for your skill with comical lines that made sucking him off harder. You then felt warm hands at the edge of the blanket that was pooling at your waist. You looked over your shoulder right into bright blue eyes and a dashing smile. Oh you and James T. Kirk had your adventures in college. “May I?” He whispered, leaning close to tease your lips with his. The brief brush was enough to make you want him all over again.  
You let out a soft sigh before turning your head back around to suck Skurge off. “Do whatever you want to me, Jimmy boy,” you spoke breathlessly, before trying to take more than just the tip in your mouth. You heard Lucifer offer Jim some lube, after he had slowly dragged the fabric off your body. Jim put his cock between your cheeks, rubbing his slick cock between them and over your hole. 
You lifted your head off Skurge’s cock. You kept jerking him off as you turned your head to the side. You saw Dick Grayson on his knees, suit open a little so he could stroke his thick cock, while sucking off Peter Parker. “Hey Grayson! If you want to save the multiverse, his cum should be mine,” you scolded him. 
Dick chuckled, even when Chris shoved his cock in his face to get a turn too. “Just warming them up for you, sweetheart, don’t fret,” the man replied, before trying to deepthroat Chris’ huge meat. You rolled your eyes and went back to trying to do the same to Skurge. He stretched your throat, while Jim teased your hole. You heard Lucifer giving that Ray Palmer a warm-up, but Skurge was grabbing your head and using it like a fleshlight, so you could not watch. He held you down, cumming deep down your throat. You swallowed it all. 
You gasped when Skurge pulled out. You only got two breaths in, before Jim pushed deep inside you. You moaned, the sound growing louder when Chris grabbed your hair and tilted your head back. You stuck your tongue out as Chris stroked his cock right above you. Dick must have warmed him up good, because Jim did not even get to speed up, before Chris was spilling his load directly onto your waiting tongue. “Don’t swallow yet,” Dick told you as he shoved Chris to the side. A few seconds later, Dick’s load joined Chris’ in your mouth. Before you could swallow it, Peter was stroking himself in front of your face too. His hair was dishevelled and he looked down at you with reverence.  
You struggled with breathing as your mouth was full of cum and your ass full of Jim’s dick. You almost choked on the cum, when you felt a finger join Jim’s cock in your ass. “Lucifer, please, it’s tight enough,” Jim groaned as he continued fucking you at a leisurely pace. He was no longer being slow for your comfort, but he also wasn’t pounding you yet. 
“Get used to it, captain. Doctor Palmer would love to join you,” Lucifer mused. You whined, not sure if you dreaded having two cock in your ass or if you needed it on a spiritual level. Dick put his hand over your mouth, before telling you to swallow. It was hard with the way your body rocked and how aware you were of the cocks that just shot their load in your mouth but were still rock hard. 
Once your mouth was empty, Dick bent down and kissed you. You moaned into his mouth as Jim's cock and Lucifer's fingers were stretching out your ass. When Dick pulled away, you protested, but then a hand rested on your throat. "Just say stop if you want me to," Dick whispered in that soft, husky tone that made your cock weep. His fingers found their place and he pressed down, limiting the blood your brain was getting. 
Things got a little blurry from there. You tumbled into subspace, everything hazy and pleasurable and amazing. As if you were under a spell, your body relaxed and before you knew it, you were on your back, lying on top of Jim, while Ray's cute face hovered above you, both their cock stretching your ass open. Dick was beside you, hand on your throat and stroking Skurge with his free hand. Hands were all over you, one of them belonging to the devil scooping your cum off your stomach and massaging it into the flushed skin of your cock. 
Ray did not last long. Your hole was too tight for two cocks and when Lucifer used your cum to stick a finger inside him, it was over for the boy-scout. Through the haze of pleasure, you heard him shout. You mewled as Chris was being especially rough with your nipples, pulling and pinching. After Ray pulled out - spent - Lucifer joined Jim inside you. 
You gasped at the stretch, not knowing whose cock entered your mouth as soon as it was wide open. It didn’t matter. Your ass was stretched to the limit. Your throat was full of cock as well and you still felt the gentle pressure right below your jaw. You didn’t stand a chance against another orgasm coming over you like a wave crashing on the shore. To make matters worse, a pair of lips wrapped themselves around the tip of your cock, sucking the cum out of you and not letting go until you were crying from overstimulation. 
The cock in your throat spilled more cum inside you, before pulling out. You then saw it was Peter all along. You wouldn’t have guessed by how innocent he looked right after violating your oesophagus. You could not dwell on that thought. Dick came into your line of vision and his hand moved from your throat to your cheeks, forcing your mouth open. He spit your cum onto your tongue, then commanded you to swallow it. 
You were no longer capable of thought, swallowing any cum that landed in your mouth, even Jim’s, who bred your hole and right after put you in Lucifer’s lap so he could fuck your throat, giving you a good taste of your own ass and the mixture of cum that was in there right now. You lost track of who was releasing their load when and how often in which hole; it didn’t matter. 
By the time the men were spent, your cock was limp and incapable of getting hard again for a long time. The haze of pleasure slowly cleared from your brain as Skurge forcibly removed Chris from the premises and back into his own universe. You scrunched your face, then looked up at who was holding you like a baby. Bright blue eyes and a gentle smile looked down at you. You smiled back and leaned your head against Jim’s shoulder. “How do you feel?” Jim almost whispered. You looked around, noticing how almost everyone looked like they ran a marathon naked. Dick gave you a dopey smile from where he sat on the floor sipping on a bottle of water. Ray was the only one wearing underwear, which you noticed when he came up to you to offer you a bottle as well. You thanked him and took it. You moved off Jim and sat up, so you would not spill it everywhere. 
When the exhaustion settled, Lucifer approached you in full suit with an outstretched hand. “Shall we?” He offered with his signature smile. You handed Jim the bottle and gave a nod. You stood up, feeling cum dripping down your legs, but also the energy you have been given coursing through your chakras. 
“Let’s end this,” you spoke with determination, before you took the devil’s hand. A portal opened in front of you. A skimpy outfit that barely covered you up and definitely did not hide the cum stains drying on your body materialised on you. One last deep breath and Lucifer led you through the portal to your destiny. Let’s see what the sexual energy of the sorcerer supreme, the devil and six men could do.
IF YOU ENJOY MY WORK AND WANT TO TRICK ME INTO WRITING MORE, REBLOG. THAT IS HOW YOU KEEP BLOGS LIKE MINE ALIVE. (and you get a mental kiss on the mouth if you leave a comment too, even if it is just WDNIEFBEILFWEIDJ)
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whovianwriter · 4 months
leonard mccoy x reader
AN: Thank you so much for requesting, sorry it took me so long I restarted like three times cause I kept changing my mind on different things. Feel free to request anything!
Warnings: Blood, injury to the reader, hurt/comfort, thoughts about death, sad but then happy at the end
“Damn it, the engine was hard to fix but I finally got it.”
Y/N said as she was walking to her desk, then she felt the ship shake due to the engine going back on line but the shake would get worse before it got better. So she tried to stabilize herself with her desk as she waited for it to finish. But Then she saw one of the interns carrying nails and pieces of junk before she knew what happened. He fell on top of her and she felt the pain a couple minutes later as she felt something wet and warm get soaked through her uniform. There was yell and her vision began to fade when she saw Scotty picking her up. 
“Come on Lass, keep your eyes open. You can’t fall asleep.” 
It was getting hard to focus but she knew that this might not be ending on a happy note, she saw memories rush to her. Her childhood, a million smiles, some tears then she saw Leonard when they first met at the Academy. They started dating and fell in love, their wedding, they both just swayed to the music for so long they didn’t want the day to end. They both knew that they had finally found the right person for their other half. “Tell .. Lee.. I.. Love .. him.”
“You can tell him that yourself, Once you get fixed up.”
They soon got to the medbay and he laid her down at one of the tables, when Leonard came out to see what the noise was when he saw her. His wife bleeding out as he ran, a nurse stopped him as three doctors got to her. They knew he couldn’t work on her, they were too close. He felt the anger as her eyes closed and then he was upset then the anger came through. Scotty pulled him outside so the medical team had as much space they needed. “How the hell did that happen?!?”
As Scotty told him what information he had, Leonard was a mess as he kinda went into shock as he kept looking into the window to see anything but couldn’t he then saw the red on Scotty’s shirt and it made him want to hurl. That’s Y/N’s blood, he sat on the floor looking down trying to see if this was some horrible dream. He then saw another pair of feet run up to them and saw Scotty walking away and the new person kneeled in front of him lifting his head. It was Jim. “She’s going to be okay.”
Leonard looked back to this morning when they were snuggled together in their room, she had her head on his chest, his arm wrapped around her. Holding her like she was his life line. Their legs tangled together as she played with his free hand, ‘We should just call off, stay in bed. Snuggle, watch old shows and eat the leftovers. I’m too comfortable to move.’
‘Darlin’ as much as I want to do that, we only have a half day today and then we are off for a week for shore leave. I promise we can do all that tomorrow.’
‘Fine, but I hope you know I will expect cheesy rom coms as well.’
He laughed and kissed the top of her head before starting to untangle himself from her to get ready for the day, but once he stood she still didn’t stand up but was stretching out on the bed, he bent down and kissed her before saying, ‘I wouldn’t expect anything else, sweetheart.’
The sound of the hiss of the door opening brought Leonard back to the present, he slowly got up and relied on Jim a little so he wouldn’t lose his balance. It was one of the afternoon doctors coming to talk to them. He couldn’t remember his name right at the moment. “Y/N is going to be ok, we gave her a sleep hypo, so her body can heal a bit before we wake her up tomorrow morning. We made sure to get everything out but she will be sore for the next couple days at the very least. The damage wasn’t too bad, it hit bigger veins so that was why there was so much blood. You can come in and sit with her, Doctor McCoy.”
“Len, I swear I will hit you with a pillow if you do not stop following me. I’m only going to the bathroom, I’ll be back in like 4 minutes.”
They got back to their room the next day in the late afternoon, since then which had only been a day he followed her everywhere just to make sure that she didn’t need his help. She had woken up with ease and even cracked a joke. She then wanted to make sure the intern was alright, he was wearing a welding apron, the most he got was a bruise. 
Leonard felt like if he left her alone for too long he would see that he was still in the medbay waiting to see if she would wake up. He was thinking about that when she came out of the bathroom and came over and crawled into his lap looking at him while she had one hand on his cheek. “I’m ok Len.”
“I thought I was gonna lose you.”
“But you didn’t, I’m right here we both are. I admit I thought that that might have been the end for a second and all I could think of is you.”
“Yeah, when we met, all the jokes you tell, our wedding where we stayed the whole night on the dance floor. I told Scotty to tell you that I love you. He responded with ‘You can tell him yourself.’” 
“Ok I’m cutting off the rom coms, that was so cheesy.”
Y/N laughed then turned her attention onto her husband, “I love you Leonard McCoy, you are my everything.”
“I Love you, you are my everything.”
She bent down and kissed him, till they both couldn’t breath.
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Kinktober Day 13
Day Twelve | 🌹Kinktober Masterlist🌹 | Day Fourteen
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Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only. Any minors interacting with ANY of these Kinktober prompts will be blocked
Warnings: Anonymous sex; public sex; oral sex; spit as lube; safe sex
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You hadn't even asked the guy for his name. It occurred to you as he pressed his face into your neck, pressing a tender kiss at the hinge of your jaw. It was too sweet a feeling for a hookup in a dirty bar bathroom.
You grasped his cheek, drawing him up for a rough kiss as he steered you back against the bathroom wall. Your heart was pounding roughly in your chest, practically in time with the pulsing bass being pumped through the bar outside. He caged you in against the wall plastered with torn stickers and graffiti, moaning against your lips as his hand slid down, groping your breast through your shirt. 
You’d never done anything like this before. Why were you doing it now? Why this man? Why this filthy bathroom? 
One last hurrah, you supposed. Starting tomorrow, you were taking over a command post for a mission on one of the most prestigious ships in Starfleet. You understood the significance of your position, knew that you would have to be an upstanding crew member. You were nervous. You needed to blow off some steam. 
You bit your lip to quiet a moan as the man slotted his thigh between your legs, drawing you close to grind down against him. You shivered at the feeling, raising your hand to comb through his hair as you thrusted and shifted together. It felt good, but it just wasn’t enough. You gave his chest a shove, sending him back against the wall on the other side of the small bathroom. His brilliant blue eyes lit up, lips splitting into a grin as you gripped the sleeves of his leather jacket, tugging it off of his shoulders as your lips crashed into his. He groaned, shaking the jacket off and letting it crumple to the ground before he raised his hands to cup your face. 
You smoothed your hand down over his chest, palming his muscles beneath his threadbare t-shirt before massaging the growing bulge in his pants. He tipped his head back against the wall, pressing his hips up into your hand. You kissed his neck, nipping just beneath his ear and giggling as he rested his hand on the crown of your neck, drawing you closer to mark the skin there. 
You undid his pants, slipping your hand inside and feeling his stiff, heated flesh in your hand. You bit your lip, smoothing your thumb over the head of his dick, swiping and spreading a bead of precum. You tipped your chin up, nipping his earlobe.
“I want you to fuck me,” You murmured. 
“Fuck—Turn around.” 
You pulled away from him, letting him steer you toward the toilet. You shoved your pants down, bending over the toilet tank and bracing your hands on it. You felt him step up behind you, glancing back just in time to see him crouching behind you. He steadied a hand on your thigh as he leaned in, swiping his tongue across your pussy. You cursed, pressing your hips back against his face as he lapped at you hungrily. You felt the hot slide of his spit slipping over your opening before you felt the press of his fingers. He pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh as he straightened, curling and spearing his fingers in twice more before drawing away. You stomach flipped as you heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper and turned your head, watching him slide it on before he stepped closer again. 
He rested his hand on your hip, steadying you as he drew his cockhead along your slit. He eased into you slowly, the two of you groaning harshly as he pressed in. 
“Fuck,” You breathed, letting your head hang heavy as he pressed closer. He grasped your shoulder, drawing you back onto his cock as he began to thrust into you. You braced your hands more firmly on the tank, pressing back thrust for thrust. He curled over you, sliding his hand up beneath your shirt and tugging down one of your bra cups. He thumbed your nipple, swiping at the same pace as his thrusts, sending trickles of pleasure through you. You honed in on his steady thrusts, the brush of his breath against your neck, the soft grunts and moans falling from his lips. 
You both ignored the knocking on the door, the question of whether or not anyone was in there, chased by the jiggle of the handle. You reached back, gripping hm by the shirt and urging him on, tugging him closer as his steady thrust turned to a sharp pounding, his groans swelling as his pace turned frantic, nearly obscuring the music—
You were still thinking about it the next morning as you prepared to beam aboard. You were a little sore, but you didn’t mind it. Now and again, you found yourself squeezing your thighs together for that little throbbing sensation. You could practically still hear the man’s stuttering grunt as he came, see the curious way he watched at you as the two of you straightened yourselves out. You couldn’t help but smile as you remember the wink he gave you, opening the door and offering, “Ladies first,” As you left. 
You never had gotten his name. 
You shook your head, trying to shift your train of thought. Now was not the time. You had to focus. You were beaming abroad, meeting the Captain and his first mate. Work now, fond memories later. 
The golden beam engulfed you as you drew in a deep breath, then pushed it out slowly as the Transporter Bay came into view. You stood at attention, hands tucked behind your back as…Incredibly familiar blue eyes came into view. The all-too-familiar man’s grin faltered, and shock swept through you as you took in the sight of your one-time bathroom buddy in command gold. 
You blinked dazedly at him, your own smile dropping away. Oh, crap. Oh—fuck, fuck, fuck, the one time you go a little crazy—
“Welcome aboard the Enterprise, Commander.” The no-nonsense tone of the first officer beside the Captain snapped you back onto focus, and you forced your face into a neutral mask as you nodded, stepping down from the transporter pads. 
“Glad to be aboard,” You insisted, meeting both their gazes. You felt a little guilty for hardly focusing as Spock introduced himself, but you could feel the way that the Captain was watching you. When you turned to greet him, you found that his smile had softened to a flirty curl, his brows raised slightly as he held his hand out.
“Jim Kirk.”
Jim. It was sort of nice to put a name to the face. You shook his hand, nodding.
"It's nice to meet you."
"It certainly is."
Your stomach flipped at the steady gaze that he fixed you with. You could feel the scrutiny of the Vulcan beside you, and you widened your eyes slightly at the Captain when he didn't let go of your hand. He cleared his throat as he finally let go, stepping aside and gesturing out of the Transporter Bay.
"Ladies first."
You bit the inside of your cheek as you stepped past him, fighting back a groan. This was going to be a long mission.
Tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight ; @recklessworry ; @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage ; @lorecraft ; @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ; @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce ; @phoenixhalliwell ; @wild-rose-35 ; @daisyslibrary ; @informally-liz ; @andrastesflamingtitties ; @muchacha-encabronada ; @nerdygirl0414 ; @elen-aranel ; @ohbee-whatcanyoube ; @kmc1989 ; @quietpainter ; @thedreadandthefugitivemind ; @kaletastrophes ; @nyx2021
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etherealspacejelly · 4 months
Get Some Rest
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Multi
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
Spock (Star Trek)/Reader, James T. Kirk/Spock/Reader, James T. Kirk & Reader, Spock (Star Trek) & Reader, James T. Kirk & Spock, James T. Kirk/Reader, Spock (Star Trek)/You, James T. Kirk/You
James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Reader, You
Additional Tags:
Reader-Insert, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Caring Spock (Star Trek), Sleep Deprivation
When you get back from an unexpectedly long and taxing away mission, uninjured but completely exhausted, Jim and Spock put you to bed.
There is no use of Y/N. Gender-neutral pronouns are used, and there is no physical description of you. There are some romantic undertones, but it can easily be read as platonic, too. This is very fluffy and self-indulgent lol.
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Last Updated: 2024-02-02
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite James T. Kirk stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✵ 7 Minutes in Turbolift Heaven by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "You are a translator for the Enterprise and you love your job, you really do. But there is one downside, one big pain in your ass - Captain Kirk. Jim and you are constantly straddling the lines of love and hate - sometimes blurring the whole mess. The two of you are always bickering, always mocking each other, always getting under each other’s skins - everyone has noticed. In fact, you two tend to draw a curious audience. It’s a final blow up over Jim sending another translator down to a mission that erupts all the emotions - good and bad, that you have for the man free. Spock calls it intervention, Bones calls it 7 minutes in turbolift Heaven."
✵ Blankets of Fortitude by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "…[Jim's] been working very hard for the last few weeks, so you decide to surprise him with a gift (may or may not be a blanket fort)."
✵ Bridge, the by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: You and Jim celebrate your anniversary on the bridge of the enterprise.
✵ First Sign of Trouble by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You both are badasses, and you save lives, though you need a little help to save your own."
✵ Girl Friend, the by thatfanficstuff • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "You [and Jim] did everything together from nearly getting yourselves killed joyriding in a certain car to Starfleet to the Enterprise. You were also there for every girlfriend, every broken heart and every one-night stand. Well, not actually there, that would be awkward. But you did learn from an early age not to befriend any of Jim's women. They either came crying to you when the relationship reached its inevitable end or blamed you for the break up."
✵ I'm Here by writingwithadinosaur • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You are captured with the others [by] Krall and his men. You are injured badly, but your knight in shining armor comes riding in on a… motorcycle?"
✵ Jukebox Love by ladyideal • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You finished the last of the negotiations on a foreign planet. Ending the night, Jim promised you a day out to explore the city... Finding an antique store, you found a still working mini jukebox on sale. It didn't take long for Jim to buy it for you, and he realized that all he needed was you by his side."
✵ Like Air by annathewitch • 16+ • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You're trying to forget about your relationship problems by drowning your sorrows, when a Starfleet Captain appears."
✵ Lonely by grandtheftstarship • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "Jim's constant playing starts to get the best of you."
✵ Losing Sleep Over You by octopodeez • 〔F〕 •
Summary: {…}
✵ Of the Expanse of Outer Space by pendragonfics • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Laying in bed, [you think] over the times [you] spent with Jim in Starfleet."
✵ Spock's Little Sister | Prt. II by rreader • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "What were the odds of [you,] the one girl on campus [Jim] was genuinely interested in, being the sister of the [person] he despised…?"
✵ Studying by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Jim helps you study for an upcoming for an upcoming exam.
✵ Trouble by thatfanficstuff • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: {…}
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✵ A Date by starfleetimagine • 〔F〕 •
✵ Best Places in the Galaxy, the
✵ Break In by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F〕 •
✵ Congestion by space-helen • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Child in the Preschool, the by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✵ Dreaming on the Bridge by dreaming-about-fanfictions • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Enough by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Fallin' by thatfanficstuff •
✵ Family by starfleetimagine • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✵ Flirting by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Like Father, Like Son by thranduilsperkybutt • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✵ Love Confession in the Fight, the by kaitymccoy123 • 〔F᜶M〕 •
✵ Mid-Day Nap by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Not Getting Away Again by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F〕 •
Pent Up Frustration
✵ Pillow Fight by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F᜶M〕 •
✵ Practice by space-helen • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Reckless by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F᜶M〕 •
✵ Rough Day by shenanigans-and-imagines • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Secret's Out by writingwithadinosaur • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Study Buddy by starfleetimagine • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Three Things by imamotherfuckingstar-lord • 〔F〕 •
✵ Three Things (Spin-Off) by grandtheftstarship • 〔F〕 •
✵ Umbrella Kiss by marvelouslytrekking • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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✵ Dating James T. Kirk... by octopodeez • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ Falling in Love w/ James T. Kirk... by space-helen • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✵ S*x w/ Jim… by imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || James T. Kirk Master Index
Authors: @annathewitch || @dreaming-about-fanfictions || @grandtheftstarship || @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul || @imamotherfuckingstar-lord || @kaitymccoy123 || @ladyideal || @marvelouslytrekking || @octopodeez || @pendragonfics || @rreader || @shenanigans-and-imagines || @space-helen || @starfleetimagines | @thatfanficstuff || @thranduilsperkybutt || @writingwithadinosaur ||
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sassypossumm · 3 months
Even If He Doesn't Love It
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Literally no one asked for domestic James T. Kirk x Wife!Reader, but I would let this man respectfully break my bed so indulge me...
“Really, Jim.” Folding another shirt, you shook your head and rolled your eyes.
“What?” Sitting on the edge of the bed, Jim began peeling his socks off. “All I said was that no son of mine was going to be a Yankee’s fan.”
“I hardly see where there’s a need to make a fuss over what baseball team our son likes, Jim.” Reaching into the hamper you pulled out another shirt and shook several wrinkles loose before folding it.
“It’s the principle of the thing, Y/N!” Jim stood and walked over to you. Pausing, you put the shirt down and looked up at your husband.
“James Tiberius Kirk, I don’t even care if the child doesn’t like your archaic earth sports at all.” Jim narrowed his eyes at you and jerked his head back.
“Heresy.” Again, you rolled your eyes and resumed your folding.
“The kid hasn’t even been born yet, Jim.”
“I’ll convert you yet.” He grumbled, planting a kiss on your cheek before shuffling to the bathroom.
“I’d like to see you try!” You shouted, making sure that he could hear you over the running water. If the hearty chuckle was any indication, he did.
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make-me-imagine · 8 months
Time to Kill
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Request: Jim Kirk + “Cozy Autumn day watching Halloween films”
Requested By: Anonymous
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Gn!Reader (established relationship)
Warnings: None, just some cute autumn fluff.
Words: 632
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You smiled with contentment as you finished laying the soft blankets on the bed. Lying down, you checked that the projection screen was set up just right before you dimmed the lights and turned on the fake fire nearby. The windows showed beautiful fall trees swaying in a light rainy breeze, and for a moment, you really did forget you were on Starship deep in space.
Halloween was approaching on Earth, and the whole ship buzzed with ideas of Halloween parties and costume contests. As you traveled to a distant area of space, you had time to kill, so the crew was allowed to do as they pleased.
Time to kill, also meant, the two of you could relax and have a cozy evening all to yourself. Something Jim was more than happy about.
Hearing a buzz at the door, you looked over to see it slide open, revealing Jim, clad in a cozy outfit, holding a tray brimmed with various foods and snacks.
You grinned as you locked eyes and you felt a warmth fill your chest as he walked over to the bed.
"Wow" He smiled as he looked around, noting all of the various changes you had made to give his suite the perfect autumn vibe.
"You like it?" You asked a bit uncertainly.
He smiled at you as he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "I love it, its perfect."
You smiled in relief, before your eyes widened a bit, seeing all of the food he had brought. You recognized old Earth Halloween candy, as well as some of your favorite sweets. There were small cakes, chips and dip, and hot chocolate complete with mini marshmallows.
"And how did I do?" He asked with a smile.
You grinned up at him, "Perfect."
He clapped his hands, "So we ready then?"
You nodded happily as you gingerly moved the tray to the middle of the bed, allowing Jim to climb in next to you. He let out a relaxed sigh as he leaned back.
Looking over his shoulder he quirked his brow. "Where did you get all of these pillows?"
You grinned, "I'm a comfort hoarder, you know this."
He chuckled, "Right."
He reached out his arm as you settled in to lean against him, hot chocolate in hand.
Grabbing a PAD he started to flick through the various movies you had downloaded for the evening.
"Ooh, we have to watch this later." He smiled as he pointed at Beetlejuice.
You nodded, "Of course."
"Hmm, but first." He stopped on a movie in the list and your eyes widened. You had not downloaded that one.
Immediately you shook your head, "Absolutely not."
He scoffed, "Why not? IT's a classic!"
"I don't care if it's a classic, I hate it!"
"Oh come on, it's not that bad!"
"IT is that bad" you chuckled "I watched it as a kid and it gave me nightmares, and it made me hate clowns."
"If we aren't watching IT then we aren't watching Hocus Pocus."
You gasped as you sat up, setting down your hot chocolate before you spilled it. "Those movies are not comparable! And Hocus Pocus is so much better!"
He shook his head stubbornly and you pouted at him, your eyes glaring playfully. He glared back, but you saw his resolve failing as his eyes drifted to the pout on your lips.
He finally let out a sigh and rested his head back. "Fine, we can watch Hocus Pocus, BUT, we have to watch a different horror movie if we can't watch IT."
You thought for a moment before nodding "Okay, fine, but nothing with clowns!"
He chuckled, grabbing you and pulling you back into his chest. He pressed a kiss to your temple "Okay, nothing with clowns."
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek + SNW Taglist:  @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please, @gatefleet, @tinymushrooms
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lavender-romancer · 10 months
He's So Pretty 
Jim Kirk x Reader  CW: distress, angst, romance 
Kirk had no idea you felt the same way for him as he did for you, as you plan to leave Starfleet. Is it all too little too late for the two of you? 
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
He felt dead inside, Kirk wouldn't show it but he couldn't stand the fact you were leaving and it hurt even more that he'd never gained the courage to be honest with you. His plan was to have a meeting with you as a farewell in his Captain's quarters before you left the enterprise when they docked in Yorktown to refuel in a few weeks. But he didn't know if he could wait that long, he'd been holding this in for so long it felt like it was begging to be let out. You were too good for him and he knew that his feelings were real because he hardly ever bit his tongue but he was terrified you wouldn't feel the same as him. The only person to ever get his tongue tied, the only person who he would always be looking for in a crowd, it was unexplainable how much he cared about you. But now... now you were leaving and fuck, he wished you knew everything going on in his head. 
"You're gonna kill yourself with guilt if you don't say something," Bones said in a matter of a fact way.
"I am aware, Bones." Jim grinned because he knew how dumb and high school it all was.
"Just tell the damn girl!" Bones exclaimed.
"Oooo. What girl is this!" Both the men jumped at the sound of your voice walking into the bar, they both went silent "Awh come on, is this a boys club conversation?" You put your hands on your hips and Kirk laughed. 
"Something like that, dumbass," Kirk looked up at you and you rolled your eyes before punching his arm.
"You love me really, no matter how many times you insult me. You're gonna miss me!" You reached over the bar and grabbed some vodka making yourself a quick mixed drink. 
"More than you know," Bones muttered so only Jim heard and gave him a look. 
"Right, drink up Cap!" You cheers' with Jim and then both downed what was in your glasses. 
"No cheers for the doctor I see," Bones rolled his eyes and you shook your head 
"Absolutely not letting you run free! I'm just pouring another drink my dear doctor." You poured a vodka shot and looked at Bones who was regretting speaking up. 
"Cheers to that I s'pose!" You and Bones clinked glasses before knocking your heads back. Kirk just looked at you in awe, his eyes looking up in adoration. Bones noticed it first and smiled to himself. 
"What's with the puppy eyes, Kirk?" You teased and Jim very slightly blushed. He thought he hid it well but you couldn't help but think about how pretty he looked. 
The following week, Kirk was mentally planning when to have that meeting with you, he had two weeks left till they docked. That wasn't that much pressure but he'd been holding in these feelings for nearly 6 years and didn't really know what to do if you didn't see him the same way. Kirk had absolutely no idea how you thought of him, he knew you were friends and maybe a bit flirty from time to time but nothing that couldn't be explained by being close friends. I mean Jim flirted with everyone, he was an Aries through and through so it didn't surprise him that regardless of gender he was going to be a bit playful. But with you, he had actual physical reactions and it was like being a teenager with a pathetic crush. You gave him butterflies, you made him nervous blush and hide his face and pretend he hadn't noticed your hand on his arm. 
Kirk couldn't help but believe you knew what you were doing but it seemed so unlikely because you were so confident, you were afraid to tell someone how you felt. Why would you keep your feelings towards him hidden if they were there? 
"Y/n, you've been asked to the Captain's quarters," Nyota told you with a friendly smile. 
"Oh lordy, what kind of going away malarkey has been prepared, I wonder." You grinned at your friend and she raised her eyebrow.
"Oi you, get that mind out of the gutter," you rolled your eyes. "I'm sure it's sweet , he's always been very thoughtful when someone leaves the ship." 
"Oh I'm sure it's very personal…" she winked and you covered your mouth so you didn't laugh. 
"What merriment have you two clowns got into then?" Bones asked as he walked past with some new equipment he'd been testing. 
"You have to be nice to me, Bones. Leaving orders say so," you narrowed your eyes at him, he stopped 
"Oh is that so, Sunshine?" He raised an eyebrow "And on whose authority is that?" 
"The Captains of course, I've been summoned to his quarters for what I can only hope is an attempt to celebrate my leaving without sounding too excited," you laughed and Bones said nothing. 
"Cat got your tongue?" Nyota asked Bones, folding her arms with a smile. 
"Oh not at all, I'm just holding it so I don't gossip like some old woman." Bones raised an eyebrow and you looked at him, puzzled. 
"Well what does that mean then?" You paused and he said nothing "Bones? What are you talking about?" 
"I mean if I can get in on some gossip where Bones is involved then I'm all ears." Nyota let one side of her mouth turn up. 
"You two are out for trouble, look it's not my secret to tell so you'll just have to find out eventually yourselves." Bones gave Nyota a knowing look and you looked between the two of them till Bones looked away. 
"Well what the hell was that?" You exclaimed looking at Nyota. 
"Well now I know you have to go and see Kirk right this second," Nyota leant against the corridor wall and had to put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. 
"You," you pointed at Nyota, "you are a troublemaker." You laughed and headed off in the direction of Kirk's quarters. 
You had no idea what Bones was on about but deep down you hoped. You'd been pining after Jim for so long it felt like an age, you had known each other for so long that you really didn't think there was any way Jim could've gone this long without revealing his feelings. You got drunk together so often and had never even kissed, he'd never revealed any secrets about his feelings whilst inebriated. Being realistic if Kirk hadn't revealed his feelings whilst being drunk it was unlikely he had those thoughts in his head, he was so easy to get secrets out of when drunk. But you couldn't help thinking about the weird interaction between the three of you a minute ago, what did they know that you didn't? 
You knocked three times of Jims door and held the sides of your skirt with your thumbs pressing against your fingers through the fabric. It was so damn frustrating how nervous you were when you could just be walking into a normal and civil meeting. Getting your hopes up was a dangerous activity especially when it came to heartbreakers like Jim Kirk. 
"Y/n!" Jim exclaimed, opening the door with a big smile, he stood back and let you step in. 
 "To what do I owe the pleasure." You looked around the room you'd been in often and considered that you might never see it again. 
"Come sit," he gestured to the sofa with a bottle of wine on the table and two glasses. "Your departure has made me think about a lot of things." As you sat down Jim began pouring. 
"What kind of things Kirk?" You narrowed your eyes. 
"It's hard to determine, I mean definitely thinking of the past" Kirk carried on for a while, talking in what you would call filler but you weren't listening. He looked so fucking pretty, his eyebrows moving every now and then, his hair a bit ruffled after he had got changed. Jim was so so pretty and you didn't know how to focus on anything else, watching his lips move you just wanted to shut him up and kiss him. 
"Y/n?" You snapped out of it "Do you know what I mean?" Kirk asked and you had to think for a moment about what would be a neutral reply so a question you hadn't heard any of. 
"....yes?" You said in a curious tone and Jim laughed. 
"You weren't listening were you," he smiled and you giggled. 
"Not my fault you look so pretty," you mumbled into your glass as you took a drink, you thought it was quiet enough but Jim had heard and he almost choked on the wine in his own mouth. 
"Was that a compliment I just heard?" Jim tried to play it cool but his voice cracked on the last word and you burst out laughing. 
"Okay well now you deserve no explanation if you can't even get through puberty properly." You smiled at him and he raised an eyebrow.
"Well I'm not the one who thinks I'm pretty, am I. Hmm?" Jim teased. 
"Well, I'M not the one who can't speak without sounding like a pre-teen." You shot back, jokingly narrowing your eyes at him. 
"You're a little shit, you know that?" Jim asked, placing his glass down. 
"Well you won't have to put up with it for too much longer will you," you joked and a silence fell between the both of you, joking like this had made Kirk forget about that fact "Are you okay, Kirk?" 
You looked deep into his eyes and it took all his willpower not to take your face in his hands and kiss you. Instead he stood up and walked around the room, hands on his hips he sighed. 
"Well now I know you're not alright," you paused and stood up, there was a distance between you both and you were slowly closing it down "What's wrong?" You asked at almost a whisper.
Kirk turned around and you were only a few steps away from him, his eyes were unreadable but looked deep into yours. He closed off the gap between the two of you and took you into a deep hug, you were caught off guard but didn't stop him. Instead you wrapped your arms around him just as tightly and leant your head on his shoulder. Closing your eyes the moment felt like forever and you didn't want to let go because it would mean you leaving him was something real. Kirk's hand went up to the back of your neck and slowly stroked your hair. The affectionate action could have made you cry if you weren't so determined to not reveal to him how you felt. 
"There's something I need to tell you, Y/n." Kirk said near your ear and you drew apart, still holding onto his arms
"What is it?" You looked into his eyes and tried to read them, glancing down at his lips you bit the inside of his cheek. 
"I've loved you ever since I've known you, Y/n. I can't help it and- and I've tried to show it but fuck, you won't let me. I can't think straight when you're around me and I've been pining after you for so long it doesn't even feel real that you're leaving now," Kirk's eyes held so much emotion you feared you might fall into them. How…how was this real? 
The silence had been considerable now and you didn't know what to do, your mouth slightly open and staring into his eyes. You couldn't find the words so you just hugged him again, closer than before. Jim held the back of your head, scared you'd slip away forever. You mumbled something against his shoulder and he perked up. 
"What was that?" He whispered and you turned your head to lay your cheek on his shoulder. 
"I can't believe this has happened, I- fuck. I wasn't expecting it," You whispered and it made Kirk so anxious that he just held you until you'd eventually slip away. 
"You can leave whenever you want," Kirk told you and you really did feel like you could but you didn't want to. Kirk may have been holding you but only because you allowed it to be so. 
"What if I don't want to?" You asked, slightly pulling away from his shoulder and looking into his eyes with a smile. 
"What?" Jim whispered, not believing what you were saying.
"What if I don't think what you're saying is crazy," you let your hands run down his arms till you were holding his hands "I don't know what you know about how I feel o-or how I…" you trailed off trying to find your words "But my feelings aren't so far from yours."
"You're making me fucking hope for something now," Kirk grinned. 
"Oh shut up, talk like the normal Jim, please. I'm not used to you being all soppy." You teased, leaning forward to kiss him on the cheek. 
"You mean say something like how fucking highschool this all is?" Jim gripped your hands before looking down at your lips and back to your eyes. 
"I mean I'm not surprised you come neatly packaged up with some drama." You raised an eyebrow and he just rolled his eyes. 
"Oh do shut up," he let go of your hands and put them on either side of your face before leaning forward and kissing you. 
You rested your hands on his forearms, leaning into the kiss as a warmth spread into your stomach. It was almost unbelievable that this morning neither of you knew how the other really felt and honestly you found it extremely endearing how honest Jim was. 
"All the planets, places and people to see but all I wanted was you," Jim whispered when you drew apart and leant your foreheads together. You smiled and looked at him, he looked so lovely, all happy and pink cheeked. 
"You're so pretty," you paused and he laughed "No I mean it, just so pretty." You trailed off and looked into his eyes, you could only imagine what they would look like in between your thighs…
"Someone's getting distracted by a thought, you've got that glazed over look." Jim narrowed his eyes. 
"Ohhhh, nothing…" you turned around and pulled his hand with you "Just how much prettier you'd look going down on me. You know, nothing that exciting." You sat down on the sofa and held your wine in your hand as you crossed your legs. Bringing the glass to your mouth you raised an eyebrow and Kirk ran his tongue along his top set of teeth, thinking. 
"I mean I can't say what it would look like from your point of view, but seeing you like that would be angelic," he walked towards you and knelt down Infront of you.
"Guess you'll just have to prove it won't you," You were teasing him now but Jim didn't seem to mind. 
Jim was running his hands up your thighs until he met the hem of your dress, moving his hands inwards till they met the crossover of your legs. 
"We could test your theory, you know, for research." He gave you a shit eating grin and you uncrossed your legs, leaning down to be face to face with him. 
"Come on then pretty boy, prove your worth to me." You whispered and he looked so damn excited he could burst, you always suspected Kirk had a submissive streak. 
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v-o-i-d-e-d · 7 months
I've been binging romcoms with my younger sister and we just finished "To all the boys I have loved before" and now I can't get the idea out of my head: reader writing letters for different starfleet members without intending to send them and suddenly the letters are gone and being sent to their unintended targets (lol, probably Jim did it not knowing that they were not supposed to be read or something). Problem is: our favorite vulcan will too be receiving quite a love letter. Idk, I just thought it was cute, you can ignore if it's too silly ^\\\^
This was such a cute request and I love rom-com-type situations so I ran wild. Also, I'm sorry that this took so long for me to get out I have been busy with school and other annoying responsibilities! I hope you enjoy it!
Title: Message in a Bottle
Pairing: Spock x Kirk!reader
Warnings- none!
Word Count: 4047 my hand slipped
            Lieutenant (Y/N) Kirk had been having a totally normal day. She completed her duties on the bridge as normal and had just finished eating dinner with her brother Jim. Now as she headed back to her room, she could not wait to shower, crawl into bed, and enjoy the next few hours of sleep before she had to get up and do everything again. When she entered her room the automated door hissed closed and she was finally completely alone. She took a deep breath and turned the lights in the room on. She almost immediately noticed something that completely ruined her peace.
 Earlier that morning, (Y/N) was clearing out her storage closet and had sat a white box full of envelopes on her dining room table so that she would remember to find a new place for them. That box was no longer on the table. Now, one might think why is a missing box of envelopes a big deal? Well, they aren’t. It’s the fact that the envelopes were all properly addressed and full of letters to people she knew that she never intended to send. A few sappy ‘thank you’s to old teachers, a couple to her higher-ups including Captain Christopher Pike – the man who told the Kirk siblings to enroll in Star Fleet Academy. These letters would be slightly embarrassing if they got out but nothing (Y/N) couldn’t handle. After all, everything she wrote in them was true and she appreciates everything those people have done for her. There was only one letter in that whole box that worried (Y/N)—her love letter – a detailed love letter – to one Commander Spock. She cursed herself for writing and keeping a love letter in the first place though she didn’t anticipate the whole box would disappear. She tried to think back to earlier to see if she could remember if she moved it, but when she left her room after lunch it was still on the table and she hadn’t returned since.
            “This can’t be happening. It didn’t just sprout legs and walk away!” She said to herself. (Y/N) ran a hand down her face and thought hard. She paused, “No fucking way.” She exited her room at a jog and progressively got faster as she headed toward her brother’s room. She slid to a stop in front of the white door of the captain's quarters and rapidly slammed her fist against it.
            “James, open the door right now!”
The door slid open revealing a perplexed – and slightly afraid – Jim Kirk. He knew he had done something wrong for her to be angry enough to come to his room calling him by his full name. Of course, he had no idea what he had done but he decided it was best to try to start off ahead.
            “Look, I know you’re upset about-“
            “Did you move the white box on my dining room table when you were in my room earlier?”
            “Wait, what? That’s what you’re mad about?” Jim scrunched his face up and scratched the top of his head. (Y/N)’s eyes widened and she briefly looked around the corridor before shoving Jim back into his room and following him in. The door shut with a hiss and (Y/N) closed her eyes and took a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth. When she opened her eyes Jim was staring at her with a confused expression and his hands crossed over his chest.
            “Please, for the love of god, tell me you didn’t mail those letters,” (Y/N) said as calmly as she possibly could. Silence followed her question and she already knew the answer.
            “Well –“
            “Oh. My. God.”
            “There was a box of addressed envelopes on the table so I thought you needed them mailed!”
            “Jim! Why would you mail someone else's letters? Isn’t that, like, illegal or something?” (Y/N) was absolutely freaking out and, for the life of him, Jim couldn’t understand why.
            “I was trying to be nice! I knew you had a long day today and I wanted to take something off your plate! Excuse me for being a good brother,” Jim rolled his eyes at his sister and threw his hands in the air in exasperation.
            “Well, jackass, a good brother would have asked before just taking a box from his sister’s room and now there is a love letter headed to your second in command!”
A long pause followed her statement. Jim blinked once. Twice. Then a prolonged third blink.
            “What?” Jim had no idea what to say. (Y/N) groaned and ran her hands through her hair in frustration. She began to pace in the entryway and ramble about how dumb she was to write it in the first place and how she should have burned the letters when she had the chance. Jim finally shook his head to rouse himself out of his stunned silence.
            “Why the hell would you write a love letter…to Spock? Or to anyone for that matter what is this 1812?” Jim chuckled at his own joke but covered it with a cough when (Y/N) glared at him.
            “I don’t know! I like writing letters and I just started writing one day and it turned into a full blown sappy confession that I had planned to keep hidden till the day I died! Now it’s headed off to the last person in the universe who I wanted to see it.”
            “Well, maybe this isn’t so bad.”
            “I want you to stop talking.”
            “No, I’m serious maybe this is what you two need to stop dancing around the obvious!” Jim gestured vaguely with his hands as (Y/N) ceased her pacing. She sighed and shook her head.
            “Jim, we’ve been over this: Spock does not feel that way about me. And that’s fine!” (Y/N) and her brother had had many conversations about this subject. Always with Jim insisting that the feelings were mutual and (Y/N) denying that Spock would ever even look at her in that way. I’m his best friend’s little sister and his subordinate, she thought, He’s way too professional for that.
            Before Jim could respond, both of their communicators chimed. They were being called back to the bridge for an emergency. They briefly held eye contact before rushing toward the door. As they jogged toward the bridge, (Y/N) continued the conversation.
            “Okay did you just mail them today?”
            “Why are we still talking about this?”
            “Because I want to know how long I have to transfer to another part of the fucking galaxy to avoid embarrassment,” They turned a corner and the lights flickered before flashing red. The ship shuttered and Jim and (Y/N) struggled to regain footing.
            “Is it bad that I’m hoping whatever just happened happened to happen to the mail room?”
            “Yes. And that was way too many uses of the word ‘happened’.”
Six hours and several shots fired later, the trouble was averted. A rogue Klingon battalion had decided to attack the Enterprise while it was stationary and almost destroyed the engines but quick thinking from Jim, (Y/N), Spock, and Sulu had saved the day. (Y/N) was officially beyond exhausted. She was so tired, in fact, that she forgot about the whole letter situation and went straight to bed after the whole debacle was over.
Day 1 of waiting:
She slept blissfully and woke up rested and ready for the day. She had gotten dressed and ready and made her way back to the bridge. Unfortunately, her blissful restfulness was cut short when she laid eyes on a certain Commander and remembered the imminent embarrassment that was bound to ruin her life at some point this week.
            “Good morning, Lieutenant Kirk. You look rested.” Spock greeted her with a nod as he fell in step with her toward the bridge elevator.
            “Uh, yeah, good morning,” (Y/N) managed to only stutter once and she quickly cleared her throat. She shouldn’t be freaking out. They walked together to the bridge all the time. Of course, normally Jim is with them but still, casual meetings with Spock were not entirely out of the ordinary. As they walked, silence filled the space between the two and, to (Y/N), it was suffocating. Something on her face must have given away the fact that something was wrong.
            “Are you feeling alright, Lieutenant?” Spock asked. His face was neutral but he side eyed (Y/N) intensely. Briefly, (Y/N) met his heavy gaze before looking straight ahead.
            “Yup, feeling absolutely terrific!” She couldn’t even believe herself. Spock raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak again but, luckily for (Y/N), he was interrupted.
            “Lieutenant Kirk.” It was Scotty. God bless him! (Y/N) thought.
            “What’s up, Scotty?” Was that the formal way to address him? No. But (Y/N) just wanted to get out of speaking with Spock one-on-one.
            “I need to speak to you. There are some issues with a few of the privates stationed in the engine room and I could use your help to resolve the issue before I throw some people out of the airlock!” His accent was strong with annoyance and (Y/N) couldn’t help but chuckle.
            “Sure thing,” She turned to Spock who had paused beside her, “You go on to the bridge, I’ll be in the engine room if you need me in the meantime.” Without waiting for an answer, (Y/N) hurried toward the engine room leaving Scotty to trail behind.
Day 2 of waiting:
            It was only the second day, and Spock had already caught on to the fact that (Y/N) was avoiding him. (Y/N) knew it was not going to be easy to allude him while also keeping it a secret that she was doing it on purpose, after all – Spock isn’t an idiot and (Y/N) is anything but subtle. Spock and (Y/N) had a routine and of course in an effort to not speak to him (Y/N) had changed it so that she was usually off the bridge when Spock was there and vice versa.
            “Lieutenant Kirk you are needed on the bridge,” Chekov’s thick accent crackled through (Y/N)’s communicator and she sighed. She knew Spock would be there which is why she was currently in the engine room recalibrating the warp drive. It was busy work that she normally wouldn’t do but anything to avoid the impending embarrassment.
            “On my way.”
            When she arrived, Spock immediately shifted his gaze from his work to her. (Y/N) briefly met his gaze before walking toward her brother who was seated in his chair with his legs thrown over the armrest. She rolled her eyes.
            “What do you want, Jim?”
            “That’s no way to address your captain, Lieutenant,” Jim had a smug smile on his face – as usual – and it took everything in (Y/N) not to smack him on the back of his head.
            “Tell me what you want or I’m leaving. I was working, unlike some people,” She scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned into her hip.
            “Okay, I am sending you and Spock on a mission,” Jim’s smirk got wider as he noticed his sister’s eye twitch in annoyance. “The planet we’re coming up on is supposed to be abandoned but there should be evidence of a previous civilization. I figured with your archeological knowledge and Spock’s general smart-assery you two would fit the job perfectly.”
(Y/N) took a deep breath in through her nose as she glared at Jim. She sneaked a glance at Spock.
He was listening in on the conversation – an action he deemed logical since it also pertained to him. His eyes were focused on the screen in front of him but he could see (Y/N) from the corner of his eye. He noticed her normally relaxed state was exchanged for tensed shoulders and a glowering expression. Whatever had been going on yesterday had most certainly carried into today. He thought. (Y/N) Kirk was one of his closest friends just as James Kirk was. Though many things that the younger Kirk did were illogical and not well thought out, she knew how to get the results she wanted and always figured out a way for everyone to be happy or at least safe. Spock enjoyed her company even more than he enjoyed her brother’s. She was smart, kind, and usually quiet if it was just the two of them. She was a challenging chess opponent and someone dear to his heart. Not that he would say that to her.
(Y/N) sighed, “Okay. When do we leave?”
“Tomorrow afternoon. We’ll be in the atmosphere at around 12 o’clock Earth time so you’ve got plenty of time to research and prepare. Why don’t you and Spock take the rest of the day for whatever nerd stuff you need to do,” Jim waved his sister off before getting up and leaving the bridge. (Y/N) glared at his back as he left before begrudgingly walking over to Spock.
“Hey, Spock,” she said. Her eyes were focused on the ground rather than up at the Vulcan who was looking at her intently. (Y/N) took a breath in through her nose before finally lifting her gaze to meet Spock’s, “Let’s go get some lunch and we can talk about the mission.”
Before the Vulcan had the chance to respond, (Y/N) quickly turned on her hell and started walking toward the elevator. Spock easily caught up to her before the doors closed and as the elevator began to descend, Spock spoke up.
“(Y/N), are you feeling ill?” Spock dropped the formalities and asked straight out. (Y/N) lifted an eyebrow and looked at her Commander with a curious gaze.
“No, I’m fine. Why do you ask?” This was a stupid question, (Y/N) realized. Her behavior was at best erratic and clearly intentional so it was only logical for Spock to know something was wrong. She did breathe an internal sigh of relief knowing that Spock hadn’t received the letter, otherwise, she was sure he would have confronted her by now – mutual feelings or not.
“You’ve been acting strange for the last couple of days. I want to be sure that your behavior will not negatively affect your performance on this mission.”
(Y/N) fought the urge to roll her eyes as the elevator doors hissed open. Of course. She thought. He’s only worried about this dumb mission my dumb brother is sending us on to torture me.
“I am also worried about your well-being, Lieutenant.” Spock’s surprising sentiment almost made (Y/N) trip on her own foot. She cleared her throat and shrugged her shoulders as they turned the corner of the hallway.
“I promise, I’m okay. Just have a lot on my mind right now.”
“Ah, yes, the letter.”
(Y/N) swore her heart stopped right there in the hallway. She hesitantly looked at Spock, trying her best to keep her expression as neutral as his. She didn't know how to respond I could play dumb, she mused, but he’s too smart for that to work. The man knows my handwriting so it would be impossible for me to deny that I wrote it. She took a deep breath through her nose, Fuck it.
“Yeah, actually that is what’s on my mind. And honestly, I had hoped I could just ignore the problem but I should have known that wouldn’t work with you.” (Y/N) rambled.
“Why would this be a problem?” Spock tilted his head slightly and furrowed his eyebrows, something that (Y/N) found impossible endearing.
“It could ruin things! In so many ways!” By now, (Y/N) was pacing the hallway and Spock was more confused than ever. “You’re my superior officer and I just sent a love letter to you! Of course, I wouldn’t be dumb enough to send it that would be my genius brother. But I was dumb enough to leave the box out and allow him into my room! But I mean, who mails other people’s letters without asking? What was he even thinking?”
“(Y/N) –“
“I’m so sorry! I seriously didn’t mean to tell you like this and if I’m honest, I didn’t intend on telling you at all! My feelings were supposed to be kept to myself! Well, to myself and Jim but he’s a nosey bastard who obviously can’t mind his business! I don't know why I tell him anything and honestly, I wish he’d just – “
“(Y/N).” Spock, tired of listening to her pointlessly rambling on about how annoying her brother is – a fact he knew to be true – grabbed her gently by the shoulder to get her to stop pacing. Now that she wasn’t speaking and instead was staring up at him like a kicked puppy waiting to be scolded his mind went blank. Spock was officially at a loss for words. “I was talking about the letter of promotion Admiral Pike sent you. About the head of engineering position.”
She wanted to disappear. Perhaps if she willed it hard enough, she could fade from existence on the spot. For once, it was running her own mouth that got her in trouble instead of her brother’s. (Y/N) tried to read Spock’s expression but couldn’t and that sent even more anxiety straight to her gut.
“Oh.” That was all she managed to say. She quickly regained her wits, “Then just forget everything I said and we can just go back to normal!” She let out a nervous laugh that sounded more like a cry and started to walk in the direction of the cafeteria. However, Spock hadn’t let go of her shoulder and as she walked away his grip slipped from her shoulder down to her hand, stopping her in her tracks.
“Wait.” That was all he managed to say. His mind was still reeling trying to decipher her quick words. A love letter. He thought. She loves me? He couldn’t believe it. “You love me?”
Despite her distraught state, she had to admit she had never seen Spock looking so dumbfounded, as if what she said was something he had never thought of in any scenario. His hand still held hers firmly and he gently pulled her back towards him. “You love me.” He said again, though this time it seemed as though he was finally understanding the situation.
“Okay, Spock, you’re starting to sound like a broken record, and the record is titled Hurting (Y/N)’s Feelings.” She chuckled only to keep herself from bursting into tears out of sheer embarrassment. This was the moment she was dreading. The absolute end of a friendship and a lifetime of shame. I’ll have to go into exile. Maybe I’ll ask Scotty to throw me out of the airlock. She thought. Just as she was about to speak again, Spock dropped her hand turned on his heel, and headed back in the direction they came from. That was when the damn broke and (Y/N)’s eyes welled up with hot tears. Blinking rapidly, she haphazardly looked around the hallway to make sure no one saw her before jetting away in the direction of her room.
“You left her in the hallway?” Jim was on the verge of shouting. He was absolutely flabbergasted at Spock’s behavior. Spock rolled his eyes.
“I was unsure of what I was supposed to do.”
“So you decided to leave my baby sister in the hallway, by herself, after basically confessing her undying love for you.”
“You’re being dramatic.”
“Trust me, I am not.” Jim ran a hand through his hair and huffed out an annoyed sigh. He paced back and forth, a habit that Spock noticed the siblings share, before looking back at his second in command. “Okay, you have to go after her.”
Spock knew this. It was obviously the most logical course of action. There was only one problem: “What am I supposed to say to her?”
“Apologize for rudely walking away, first off. Then – and this is just a spitball idea – tell her you feel the same!”
Jim was actually convinced that Spock’s brain had short-circuited. Spock wasn’t firing on all cylinders because if he was, he would understand the logical thing to do. Secretly, Jim was happy this situation happened. He had been trying to the Spock and his sister together for months now but he found the process to be similar to cutting a tree down with a blunt axe.
“Beginning a relationship with Lieutenant Kirk would violate –“
“Not if she accepts the promotion.”
“She’d still be my subordinate!”
“Only in the same way Scotty is our subordinate! He only has to listen to us sometimes.”
“That is not how the ranking system works.”
“Who cares?” Jim was tired of arguing with Spock over something that seemed so obvious. Spock felt the same way. “Listen, if you don’t want to tell her you have feelings for her I can’t make you. What I can tell you is that no matter what you do the sentence needs to start with I’m sorry and end with something nice. Turn off the Vulcan side for a change, not everything you do has to be completely logical. Sometimes we just need to do things that we want.”
It must have been a strange sight. The commanding officer of the USS Enterprise stood stiffly in front of (Y/N)’s quarters. He was still trying to figure out what exact words he needed to say and he had taken to scratching at his cuticles out of nervousness. I should not just be standing here. He thought. Shaking his head and finally lifting his clenched fist, he knocked twice. Panic briefly set into his veins as he realized he was actually going to have to talk to (Y/N). A cold shiver ran up his spine as the door’s airlock hissed open and revealed (Y/N) on the other side. He could tell she had been crying, though the tears seemed to be mostly dry by now. Her red-rimmed eyes lightly glared up at him and she crossed her arms tightly over her body.
“Can I help you?” Her voice was scratchy and her words were punctuated by a sniffle. Spock felt an ache deep in his gut from knowing he had made her feel this way.
“I-“ He paused. Once again he was speechless but he was determined to make this right. “I apologized for the way I behaved. Leaving you there after such an important moment was not the right thing to do and I am sorry for hurting you.” Even as he did his best to keep his tone even he couldn’t help the slight waver in his voice.
“It’s alright, Spock. Honest. I’ll be okay and ready for the mission tomorrow. Like I said we can just go back to normal and forget about it.” She was offering him an out. He knew he could easily just take it and go but part of him, a large part of him refused to give up that easily.
“I do not wish to return to normal.”
“Oh.” (Y/N) believed this to be the final moment of friendship. He wanted nothing to do with her anymore. “Um, okay. I guess you can just do the mission alone or ask my brother to –“
“You misunderstand. I do not want to return to normal because I reciprocate your feelings of affection.”
Oh. (Y/N) thought. A moment of silence passed between them. Spock watched (Y/N)’s face for any sign of emotion but she seemed frozen. He wouldn’t lie, she thought. Vulcans don’t lie. “You do?” her voice was quieter than she intended, almost a whisper.
Spock took her hand in his larger one. “Of course I do. I believe an adequate way to put it would be you have bewitched me, body and soul.”
(Y/N) couldn’t help the giggle, “So you do listen when I talk about Jane Austin. I thought you found romance novels illogical.”
“Everything about you is illogical, but that is one of the many things I find alluring about you.” They both smiled. (Y/N) had only seen Spock actually smile a few times and each time it was like new life had filled her lungs but this time it was even better knowing that the smile was put there solely for her. And this time, she couldn’t stop herself from kissing that smile even if she tried.
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triptuckers · 1 year
first name basis - jim kirk
Request: nope Pairing: jim kirk (snw) x reader Summary:  jim insists you call him by his first name, but you're not sure about it Warnings:  bit of language but thats it Word count:  539 A/N: saw that episode with la'an and jim and got this idea :) enjoy reading!
you hear kirk let out another sigh across from you. for the past hour you've tried to ignore him. you know it's late, and you're both tired. but this report couldn't wait and it had an annoyingly long list of demands.
captain pike had apologised to you both when he assigned you the task, and he had asked the two of you to get it done as quickly as possible. so here you are, on the third night in a row, working on a report on the latest away mission and your findings.
because captain pike was needed aboard during the away mission, he had assigned spock to lead the mission. spock had beamed down to the surface of the planet along with la'an, kirk and yourself.
and because both spock and la'an were busy with their other duties, you and kirk had been assigned the boring - and time consuming - task of putting together the detailed report.
you hadn't really worked with kirk often. your paths didn't cross that much aboard enterprise. the only times you'd see him would be in the cafeteria, sometimes on the bridge or on an away mission.
a part of you actually thinks the most time you've spent with him is in your lab, working on the report.
at the end of the day, or rather, somewhere in the night, kirk would start sighing a lot to signal he was about down with it for the day. as he was doing now.
'you alright there, lieutenant?' you say.
he sighs again.
'we've been working on this report for the past three nights and you still call me lieutenant.' he says.
you don't look up from your work, even though you can feel his eyes on you.
'so? you are a lieutenant. as am I.'
'don't you think we're past ranks at this point? I've seen you trip over a fallen log and nearly break your nose during the away mission. also, the other day I saw you chug three coffees in a row.'
'fine.' you say, still looking at your work. 'but I'm not calling you james.'
'why not?' says kirk.
'it sounds too formal and I don't feel like it suits you. plus there was a james at the academy same time I was there and he was a real asshole. fucked me over a couple of times.'
'yeah. got a middle name?'
you're silent as you finally lift your gaze to look him in the eye. he's got bags under his eyes, and his hair is slightly disheveled but he's still got a twinkle in his eyes. you're sure you look as tired as he does. except maybe without the twinkle in your eyes.
'you're serious? your middle name is tiberius?'
'yes, it was my grandfather's.'
'I am not calling you tiberius.'
you see how he frowns slightly.
'then what?' he says.
'you got any nicknames?' you ask.
'not really.'
'how about jim? short for james.'
'jim...' he says, contemplating it. 'yeah, sure. I actually like that.'
you smile at him. 'alright, jim.' you say. 'I want to finish this section of the report tonight, so I'm getting another coffee, want one as well?'
'yes, please. thanks, y/n.'
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Max/Marit
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space-helen · 2 months
Tumblr media
Words: 706
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader
A/N:  I’ve kinda gone a different way but I hope this is ok! Sorry for taking a second to post!
Request: Hey!! I was coming by to do some boops and I saw your post saying requests are open! No stress if you've since closed them, but if you're still taking some, then how about some fluffy AoS Kirk? Maybe when they're all still at Starfleet Academy, like studying or getting up to trouble or something in that realm? No pressure if you're not vibing with it for whatever reason! Thanks for the boops 😄💗💗 - @captainsophiestark
You flopped onto your bed as Jim followed you into your room. “I can’t actually believe that they’ve set us another exam.” you brought your hands up to your eyes and covered them “I don’t think I can physically take anymore.”
The man looked at you sympathetically and sat on the bed beside you “It’s getting intense.”
You groaned “I just wish they’d back off slightly. I knew it’d be hard work but this is ridiculous.”
The man nodded “You do take more extra classes than the average person though Y/N. You might want to consider-”
“But I’m interested in all areas.” you removed your hands and sat up to look at the man.
“I get that. I really do. I even admire it. I don’t think they expect people to take as many extra classes as you do. Even though I’m feeling the pressure, you have double, if not triple, the work because of the extra classes you take.” he said matter of factly whilst keeping his sympathetic expression. 
You mulled it over and could feel a heaviness hit you. “I’m just so used to doing everything. I don’t know what to stop.”
“They expect you to be specializing by now. Here, let's forget about it for now and make the decision another time.”
You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes from nowhere and quickly tried to wipe them away without him noticing.
“Y/N don’t cry.” he said softly and reached his arm around you to pull you into his side. He gave you a comforting hug and rubbed your arm up and down “It’ll be ok. It’s ok to feel overwhelmed sometimes.” 
You nodded and he released you slightly. “Let's get some food and then we’ll work together to make a plan and start the work alright?”
You agreed to the man and watched as he stood up “You wait here and make a list of everything we need to do. I’ll grab us food and snacks.”
You did as you were told. Quickly changing into comfier clothes you began to make a list of all of the upcoming tests and assignments you had due in. Once Jim arrived back the two of you ate before settling back onto your bed ready to work. The man grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped you in it playfully. “Since you’re always cold and will just complain in ten minutes time.” he joked.
Grabbing you work the two of you were quickly able to come up with a plan on when to train, practice and study the material you had to go through. As you spoke it quickly became evident on what classes you preferred over others and started to make a positives and negatives list of each class. Jim advising you on future opportunities as you did so.
“I really hope we get a job on the same ship.” Jim spoke up as he squeezed squeezed you to his side. You weren’t sure when you’d sat side by side against your headboard with his arm around you but you weren’t going to complain, it felt natural.
“I hope so too.” you agreed as you leaned into him more, tiredness taking over.
The man continued to sort through lists and content as you watched, leaning your head on him fully you could feel your eyes getting heavier before they fell closed entirely.
The man hadn’t realised you’d fallen asleep until he’d asked you a question and had no reply. Looking down he could see how content you were. Tucking the blanket around you more he quickly tidied everything away on the beside table the best he could without waking you or moving drastically from his position. 
Once done he gently brushed the hair out of your face and smiled, his eyes exploring your face before relaxing into a comfortable position. For a moment he let his mind flicker to the future. You were his best friend and if that was all it was going to be he was ok with that, but if it was something more he’d be happy with that too. All he knew is that he wanted you in his life and couldn’t imagine a world without knowing you.
Tag List: (open) All: @perasperaadastrawriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @trippol-threat @captainsophiestark 
Star Trek: @heyitsaloy  @angel-with-wings-castiel @starfleet-imagines @captainsophiestark @perasperaadastrawriting @butchers-girl
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