#jinya he
sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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The Vein. Dushanzi, Xinjiang, China
Photographer: Jinyi He
International Pano Awards
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mitoad · 1 month
oc headcanon !! (tw: brief mention of drug addiction + attempted sui in tags)
during juny's time in kortac, he was warranted to have a therapy cat for anxiety, depression and withdrawals (after his parents both died he went crazy on dat coke 🤪💥🔥❗❗❗❗❗) by the higher ups . named him doufu and handed him over to konig before he 'resigned' (hijacked a plane and rode off into the sunset) since he believed that doudou would help konig out . he still contacts him occasionally to check how the cat is going .
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alice-angel12x · 1 year
Death is always around the corner
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Riddle + Death!Reader
This Death is greatly inspired by the wolf death from Puss In Boots, and Jenny-Jinya kind death. (some headcanons for some of the characters) Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Idia, Malleus
Let's set the Scene: Masterlist
Something was off about this Mirror ceremony, Crowley could feel it. But decided to shack it off and continue with the ceremony.
"Ah, my lovely Lord, The noble and beautiful flower of evil, You are the most beautiful, number one in this world. Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror. Flames that turn even stars into ashes, Ice that imprisons even time, Great tree that swallows even the sky, Don’t be afraid of the power of darkness, Come now, show your power. Mine, theirs, and yours, There’s only a little time left for us. Do not let go of that hand, at all costs," Crowley chanted as a green flame appeared in the mirror.
As the night continued, all the new students were neatly sorted into dorms. There was just one coffin left, and just as he was about to insert the key to unlock the coffin. The coffin began to thrash and shack, as puffs of blue fire spewed out from the creaks in the coffin. The headmaster quickly stepped away from the coffin when the lid suddenly blasts off its hinges in a blaze of fire.
From the coffin, a grey cat creature with blue fire ears skitted across the ground. The crowd of students stared in confusion till something caught their attention. An eerie whistle could be heard from the smoking coffin. Out from the smoke steeped a mysterious figure. A figure dressed in the school's ceremonial robes stepped out into the chamber. They stood unnaturally still as the hood of their robe completely obscured their face as they continued to eerily whistle.
"U-Um, excuse me young...Um... You could have waited a few seconds longer till I opened the gate. Anyways please present yourself to the dark mirror," Crowley stuttered as he hurried the stranger.
The mirror awakened to look at the figure, and only stared in... fear?
"Ugh, I can smell... a disgusting amount of blot," The figure spat.
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💗Riddle Roseheart💗
Riddle didn't really know what to think of this strange student. He never got a good look at them at the ceremony. The only thing they could tell was that they were a wolf beastman of sorts.
And his only other source of info was word of mouth around the school. And hearing that they were a part of the chandelier incident. Riddle already doesn't like them.
luckily he had the fortune to see this mysterious. Upon seeing this student, they looked strange, but he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was cause of how they just stared unblinkingly at him. With an ominous smile on their face.
When Riddle tried to scold the first-year group for all the trouble they have caused. Yet the student who went by Y/n, simply smiled, unfazed by his words.
This greatly annoyed him and he pulled out his magic pen, but in a blink of an eye, Y/n swiped it out of his grasp. He stood in shock as Y/n chuckled and took a sip of their drink.
Freaked out, Riddle decided to just leave. Yet for a week he felt watched, and whistling followed him no matter where he went. And Y/n's silhouette is always just on the edge of his sight.
One late night, Riddle had to drop off small books at the library, when the whistle filled his ears.
"Are you stalking me?" Riddle glared, as he turned to see Y/n resting against a pillar.
"Just observing. It's been a long while since I got a good look at the Roseheart family. And it's a shame to see how far they have fallen," They growled.
"How Dare You! Off with-'' before riddle could even finish his spell. Y/n swiped the pen from the boy's hand. And then quickly pinned him to the wall.
Riddles's heart started to beat insanely fast as he stared into Y/n's blood-red irises.
"Listen very closely, your life is crashing toward a terrible end if you don't change your tune," Y/n growled softly into Riddle's ear.
Riddle shut his eyes tight waiting for the next attack, but nothing came. As he slowly opened his eyes, he gasped when he found himself in his room.
When morning came, riddle ran to the library to apologize for losing the books. To only learn that Y/n had returned them for him.
Assuming it must have just been a dream, he didn't take Y/n's warning seriously. As blot continued to accumulate. Unaware of Y/n watching from a window across the courtyard, as they polish their sythe, with sad eyes.
They watched as Ace fail to properly apologize to Riddle's liking, and quickly banished the 1st years from the dorm. Which lead to this conflict.
As Y/n stood before Riddle and his overblot as he rampaged across the garden. Reading their weapons, preparing to claim Riddle's life before the blot does.
Suddenly, Aduece, Grim, Cater, and Trey stepped forward wanting to save Riddle. Y/n smiled softly as they dashed toward the blot creature to Find Riddle's soul.
As Riddle slowly came to his dream of memories, he found himself sitting at a party table floating in the darkness. In front of him was a book with his name as the title, and the silhouette of his profile was on the cover.
"Not a good start to life huh," said a voice, causing Riddle to gasp and look up at the source. at the other end of the table was Y/n, dressed in black silk robes. "Strict mother molding you, all the while claiming it is for your own good."
"S-she didn't want me to be a failure like father. He was lazy and couldn't handle the work of a doctor," Riddle said.
"Did your mother tell you that?" Y/n asked as Riddle nodded. '' Then you might want to read this.''
Y/n slid a tray over to Riddle, on it was a book that read Mira Rosehearts, his Mothers name. Riddle looked back to Y/n for an explanation. "Everything your mother had said, done, thought, felt, and heard is documented in this. I recommend reading pages 9131 to 9134."
Riddle quickly read through said pages but slammed it down in anger and disbelief. It read how Riddle's father began to outshine Mira, and when people started to praise him more than her. She divorced and made sure she had full custody of Her son. She vowed to mold him and make him the perfect Roseheart, to outshine everyone else, no matter the cost.
"That is not my mother! You're trying to trick me! Who do you think you are?!" Riddle growled as he stood up from his chair.
"I Have a Beginning, But No End, and I End All Things That Begin. Who Am I?” Y/n asked simply.
"What is this rubbish, the answer is... The answer is," Riddle said slowly as his eyes widened in horror.
"I am Death, straight up," Y/n said as their eyes glowed, causing the boy to fall back into his seat.
"S-so I'm dead?" Riddle asked slowly.
"No, you escape me this time. You are very lucky that some people came to your rescue. Or else you would have died here today," Y/n said as they flipped riddle's book all the way to the back. On the inside of the back cover was a "wanted" Poster.
In bold words on top was Wanted, with Riddle's face printed in the middle. And Dead or Alive is printed at the bottom.
" I would have had you sign, right here,” Y/n said as they tapped over the word Dead. Causing Riddle to gulp nervesly.
"But You attend our school, have I truly escaped you?"Riddle asked nervously.
"Just because I am Death, doesn't mean I enjoy everything it entails. I do not enjoy having to separate families and loved ones. It's just a job that needs to be done," Y/n explained. " And I came here to collect an arrogant little boy, who thinks himself as law and order incarnate. But I can't seem to find him anymore.
Riddle watched as Y/n collected the books and turned to leave, as a door of light appeared.
"You were given a second chance Riddle. Live your life your way for yourself, not how your mother wants you to," Death Y/n said as they stepped through the door.
Riddle finally came too, much to everyone's relief. When everything was set and done. Riddle apologized to everyone and promised to improve on his behavior.
Yet as the days went by, Riddle noticed that Y/n for the most part vanished. He would see them around every once and a while, even Ace, Deuce, and Grim don't seem to hang out with them much.
Grim already spilled the beans on Y/n's identity, and of course, most kept their distance. For who would want death hanging around them.
One day at the reunbirthday party. As All of Riddle's new and old friends gather around his table. Enjoying tea and baked goods, the young dorm leader noticed a lone figure at a table.
Y/n sat alone at one table at the very back of the party, even the tables next to them were empty. As everyone wasn't really comfortable being near them.
Riddle watched sadly as Y/n sat with no snacks, tea, or even company to enjoy. So with a wave of his pen, Riddle levitated a fresh teapot with cups and a large tray of baked goods. As he proceeded to pull out a chair himself at Y/n's table.
Much to everyone's surprise and slight fear. Even Y/n was surprised by Riddle, but they smiled softly as the two began to chat and enjoy the unbirthday party.
But sadly their job here at NRC isn't over yet.
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strwbrrybxn · 1 year
cw & tw: pet loss under the cut bc i've been reading loving reaper by jenny jinya on webtoons and it has inspired this.
neighbor!nanami who's concerned when you disappear for two weeks after your little date.
neighbor!nanami who thought maybe the kiss goodnight had scared you away.
neighbor!nanami thinks you might be ghosting him, but why would you when you live next door?
neighbor!nanami doesn't see you on the balcony, nor do you come to answer the door when he knocks.
neighbor!nanami notices the lack of bark from the other side of the wall; the laughter and the "stop it, kai" no more faintly filling his living room.
neighbor!nanami who hasn't seen you leave your apartment, or even hear you through the paper thin walls.
neighbor!nanami who, after two weeks, hears the quiet click of the door as he steps out into the hall.
you're standing there, gripping a small urn in your hands and a collar between your fingers. your eyes are vacant, staring off at the blank space on the door.
neighbor!nanami decides not to bother you, watching you open the door and step inside. he'll let you come to him when you're ready.
neighbor!nanami is startled awake at 2am by his phone ringing and answers without looking.
"I was asleep, Goj—"
"sorry. I-I'll call you ba—"
he doesn't give you a moment to hang up, speaking your name quietly. he hears the rustling of leaves in the background, the trees dancing with the wind outside. he takes it you're on your balcony.
neighbor!nanami doesn't waste time climbing out of bed and onto the balcony.
neighbor!nanami sees you sitting under the moonlight, holding the same urn from earlier and the collar sitting on the outdoor glass table.
neighbor!nanami climbs over the little wall that split your balconies, taking a seat in the chair beside you.
"he was pretty old, you know," you whisper, eyes on the trees above you. "but he was a great dog, a great friend." you sigh, the tears in your eyes and a soft smile on your face as you tilt your head back down to look at neighbor!nanami, who doesn't speak.
he met kai a few times; when he would wag his tail and bark as nanami would take back the emptied bentos. the gray hairs around his eyes always made the shepherd look elderly, but he was much more lively in his old age.
"kai always loved this one path we would take, near a lake," you say after a moment, taking the time to wipe those tears away. "would you like to come with me to spread some of his ashes?"
nanami nods after a moment because he realizes...
he isn't just your neighbor anymore. he had slowly become your person.
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i-am-minty-fresh · 7 months
God (?) Headcanons for One Piece:
Luffy is the god of the hearth. Looks like gear five.
Zoro is the demon king of the wrath ring. His real form looks like his Asura form.
Sanji is the fallen angel of creation. His true form looks like the bliblically accurate eye of rings kinda.
Nami is the demon queen of the greed ring. A imagining a naga kinda deal (totally blinged out with gold and shit tho).
Usopp is a fae nymph. He looks the same but he’s got sharp canines and gold spiraling eyes (and also somehow always has got leaves in his hair).
Chopper is an earth deity for good health that takes the form of a small boy with deer-like features (who’s true form kinda looks like the Jötunn from the movie The Ritual).
Robin is an ancient god of knowledge. In my mind she kinda looks like Life from The Loving Reaper Comics by Jenny Jinya with long hair that shows the stars and long black gowns that look like molten rock.
Franky is a sentinel who’s real form is his post-timeskip form. His kinda like Zog from the 2009 Astroboy movie, but instead of hard metal he’s rock like the Terra-cotta sculptures in China (the Terra-cotta Army in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, I mean).
Brook is the king of death. His normal form has him looking like he did when he was alive with plaster white tattoos of his skeleton all over his body. He’s got like a hades thing going on.
Jimbei is the god of the sea. It’s got a human form that looks incredibly similar to his god form (never changing the dad build). When he’s in his real form he glows like a lava lamp to show the sea (it changes with his mood).
I like to imagine that none of the strawhats know that Luffy is also a god so they all have to hide their mystical forms when he’s around (they’ve all got jewelry to keep their human forms: Zoro’s earrings, Sanji’s tongue piercing, Usopp’s got a lip ring, Nami’s got her bracelets, Chopper’s got his hat to hide his horns, Robin uses an old spell, Franky can just change on command, Brook’s got a shell necklace, and Jimbei’s got rings. (Luffy has a helix piercing that he only half understands what it does)).
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straightasaaro · 1 month
canvas webtoons to check out (1/8): Loving Reaper
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Snapshots of Death’s daily work, reaping the souls of all living things. It’s a struggle for all involved but he shoulders on with an earnest, thanks to a good friend of his. You should read this if you love animals, heartfelt stories and losing and regaining your hope in humanity in about ninety seconds. Drawn and written by the lovely, compassionate Jenny Jinya.
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uncxntrxllable · 5 months
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Dreamer is the Grim Reaper's little helper!
The story of a black cat who meets an unfortunate and cruel ending in life. Dreamer is gifted with the power of a reaper after he meets the Grim Reaper itself, and has since roamed the earth in search of people and animals who need help from the other side. Despite what many may believe, while the reaper can be frightening and a force not to be reckoned with, it is not just some evil being out to steal the souls of the living, but instead a guide for the afterlife, and Dreamer is there to guide, just like it.
The entire inspiration for this muse comes from Jenny Jinya’s comic “Black Cats.”
You can read all about Dreamer HERE
he currently does not have a verses page, as if I'm being honest, I have no idea how I'd even come up with anything remotely decent to write down, that said, he can be yeeted into anything. but that's right now, maybe I'll get one up at a later time.
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saizov · 5 months
pansy :   does your muse often reflect on their own actions ?   do they ever think a lot about the past ,   and what they could have done differently ?
⊱⊳『 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆. 』
( Read the following with the fact in mind that he's been pulled from the REVELATIONS route of FE: Fates. )
When you first "meet" Saizo in-game on the Revelations playthrough, you meet him before the paths diverge ( when Corrin is still, at the moment, sided with Nohr -- making Saizo a foe. ) He's been sent in by his liege ( alongside Kagero ) to dent the path of Nohrians and allow Hoshido to continue its trek. At this point, all you learn of him is his primary obligation to Hoshido as a retainer, and that he's a ninja.
The next time you meet him, he's at Fort Jinya alongside Yukimura, Orochi, & co to bolster its defenses in preparation for a Nohr-Hoshido war. You learn nothing new aside from the fact that he wouldn't trust anyone as far as he could throw them, and you leave feeling like you've made more of an enemy of him than an ally. Regardless, you still only know him as Ryoma's retainer and a hardass.
But the next time you see him? Third time's a charm : you learn something about him. That gnarly scar over his right eye that's rendered him half-blind? It didn't just appear one day ; he snuck into enemy ninja territory to avenge his father's murder ( by said ninja clan ), suffered a nasty wound, and didn't succeed in obtaining said vengeance in his childhood. The third time you meet him, he's rescuing Kagero and just about ready to pulverize Kotaro -- the man who killed Saizo IV. If he's the unit you use to kill Kotaro, he claims his vengeance is sated, and he "moves on."
You don't learn anything personal about Saizo until the third time you encounter him, and when you do learn about this impactful event, you then can pick up on just how much this failure has stuck with Saizo. Because you don't learn this until your third encounter with him, that delay in time would suggest that Saizo's PRIMARY obligation is to his liege ; his vengeance can wait. BUT, that want for vengeance is still VERY present and somewhat overlaps with his primary obligation. It has stuck with him for years.
And when something sticks with you for years -- especially something so violent and wrathful? It pervades your thoughts like pestilence and shapes itself in your bones. OF COURSE he's always looking back on that failure -- is he worthy of his titular name, passed down from the man he couldn't avenge? The father he couldn't save? Is the next Saizo really that pathetic that he can't avenge and bring honor to the man who should be alive to bestow the name upon him himself? And how does Kaze see it -- that his brother can't even save their father, only to become the next Saizo in his place like some replacement?
Maybe he should have stayed in Mokushu and fulfilled his vengeance or die having tried. One-eye-blind wasn't an excuse, the agony wasn't an excuse to flee like he had ; pure and white-hot rage should have kept him there and claimed vengeance or die trying. What Saizo can't even do that? How many generations of Saizos did he shame in that moment, returning wounded like some mangled pansy?
In his support chain with Azura, he offers her a salve to heal a nasty scar she's carried ; when she asks him why he hasn't used it on his eye, he simply claims some scars have to stay as reminders. At this point, he's taken a more reverent, less wrathful approach to his father's murder ( especially after achieving vengeance the third time you encounter him ), but the memories are there. So is the shame and the other horrible, gut-wrenching feelings that he suffered when he was younger. But his father's avenged now, and that has put aside a debt long-overdue so that he can focus on his retainer duties and his liege.
( HOWEVER, as for if he thinks about his actions before they happen? Sometimes. If there's a solid time period where he can plan his traps and attacks, sure. But, even then, he's not known for sticking to a plan unless Lord Ryoma himself gave him the plan. He's more impulsive than levelheaded, but that doesn't mean he's less observant/less reliable. He's going to get the job done, it just won't be in a predictable way -- and it'll often be rash if his temper's flared up. )
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dirtyoldmanhole · 9 months
so while it is true that you cannot "technically" support gunter in revelation ...
you can, however, wander over thisaway ~
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oho, what's this?
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anyway, let's talk gunter's C support, shall we ~
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(under a cut for length of the post/images. mostly meta!)
fun fact: did you know if you're looking at past support logs in a different route, your avatar name will update to whatever is your current name? (Corrin is so much her own person / personality it didn't make sense to do "krad" there, tbh.)
anyway, in the slowburn fic, this hits right before Fort Jinya.
(it should be said i'm not writing 1:1 supports or scenes, that'd be boring as hell. but sharp eyes are going to grin and know exactly what scenes I'm riffing off of, vibe-wise.)
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there's a shippy headcanon for reasons(tm) I have of him avoiding Corrin after they come back from the bottomless canyon the first time. (tl;dr chemistry and denial lul~~~)
but even disregarding that, it's kind of cute that corrin goes to check on him, and evidentially keeps an eye on him. ;_____;
they keep talking about memories; ime it's also really well done/relevant that so many of their scenes are about that reoccuring theme, when you consider what a big deal "memory" is to Corrin, and what she's been robbed of.
Gunter: It's seen better days, but it's still in pretty good condition, don't you think? Corrin: It really is; I'm impressed. I didn't realize that you'd kept it after all this time.
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Gunter: We played so many games of catch with it. Corrin: It really does stir up all those old memories. Gunter: How does a round of catch sound to you? For old times' sake. Corrin: I'd love to! Gunter: Excellent. I have a few tasks to deal with today, but we'll play sometime soon? Corrin: I look forward to it.
(god, gunter, you are so sentimental and it's feelsy as hell ;___; how the hell did he manage to keep that ball with him all the while falling down the literal bottomless canyon? )
it wasn't until i started writing Corrin's horrific mind wipe ordeal(s) that i started realizing Gunter was kind of a fucking genius for starting their whole game of catch. I'll go into this more in the B-A support, but in addition to the game being a gentle "carrot" method of getting young!Corrin to cooperate that set him apart from Garon's punshiments (eg, not stepping on her triggers), it's kind of like physical/trauma therapy for a kid that doesn't feel like therapy.
idunno about y'all but i've spent Way Too Much time in a similar situation in a similar time span. it ain't fun! at all! you got these scary adults in a scary new situation and everything hurts from poking and prodding and you just want to go home and they keep wanting you to do weird random shit like walking in loops or parallel bars or other shit.
(obviously in hindsight it makes sense, but you get a scrambled kid in a new scary situation, and they usually end up having meltdowns, for good reason.)
something familiar, that feels concretely like play, and is very clearly a routine for both of them with a set goal/reward, is something almost literally out of a textbook to help her recovery. caretaker daddy here has a galaxy brain considering he hasn't been trained for this shit at all, kudos to him ~
(... of course, a lovely piece of fridge horror is that it gets way sadder when you realize he's probably cobbled together most of this knowledge from raising his own kids. who are. you know. now dead.)
(y e a h)
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fatesdeepdive · 2 years
Entry 97: Easily Explaining A Better Plan
Revelation Chapter 8: Traitor's Brand
The gang arrives at Fort Jinya. Yukimura comes out and calls Corrin and Azura traitors. Side note, Yukimura is one of only two units not recruitable in Revelation. Corrin begs Yukimura to listen to their claims that Nohr isn’t the bad guy and he tells them to fuck off. Yukimura reveals that Takumio has been captured and Ryoma is missing.
This battle reuses the map from Chapter 7 of Birthright, except with our units approaching from the south instead of defending from within. Corrin fights against Yukimura, Saizo, and Orochi, sparing each of them. Corrin asks for help in ending the violence, but no one listens. Saizo tries to suicide bomb, which is a bit of an overreaction. Kaze and Sakura show up and tell him to knock it off.
Corrin finally gets a chance to talk and says that the murder of Mikoto and the invasion of Hoshido weren’t caused by Garon. Except, they were. He was working for Anankos, but he absolutely was responsible. Corrin sucks at explaining things. Saizo says Corrin has an overactive imagination, which isn’t helped by Corrin being unable to explain anything.
Corrin is not some manipulative, intelligent Game of Thrones character. If they were, they would have went to Hoshido, told them that Azura remembers another man manipulating Garon from the shadows, and asked for help in ending the Nohrian invasion by taking out the true leader of Nohr. Then, they could have taken their new troops to Valla via the lake portal. Next, they could have invited Xander to a peace talk and shown him the truth with the crystal ball. Xander would have no problem grabbing a few squads of Nohrian troops for the invasion, allowing for the gang to invade Valla and kill Anankos. But no we have to watch Corrin be an idiot and characters randomly trust them for half of the game.
Sakura and Kaze decide to join. Corrin tells Sakura that it sucks they can’t explain things to her, in front of the lake which is a portal to Valla. Fucking ridiculous. Also Subaki and Hana show up. And I grabbed Mozu between chapters.
Support: Beruka/Xander
C: Beruka warns Xander that he is in danger.
B: Xander realizes that Beruka has been hired to kill him. He tells her to try it, knowing that he has weapon triangle advantage.
A: Beruka kills her employer out of loyalty to Camilla. Beruka resigns from the army, but Xander demands she stay, saying that he shouldn't banish people for thinking about dishonorable actions. And I mean, compassion is great, but Beruka is still an assassin. She has done dishonorable things.
S: Beruka avoids Xander out of guilt. This upsets him, because he's in love with her. Beruka says she isn't fit to be queen but Xander says Nohr needs a queen familiar with the dark. Beruka asks if Xander would kill her if he had to to save Nohr. Xander says yes, but it would haunt him til his dying day. Beruka accepts, not wanting to come between Xander and his kingdom.
Review: An excellent Support, with Xander being a badass and a good leader.
Support: Leo/Peri
C: Peri invites Leo to go kill some random person with her. Leo is horrified and stops her.
B: Leo explains that killing is wrong. Peri is confused by this, because they kill enemy soldiers constantly. Leo struggles to argue what the difference is.
A: Leo explains that killing is always wrong, but there are circumstances where you must kill in battle to serve a higher purpose and make sure good prevails. And honestly, he'd have a point if he A: didn't constantly kill unarmed enemies so Corrin doesn't have to, and B: wasn't part of a brutal invading army driven by no motive besides conquest.
S: Leo realizes that people will try to hold Peri accountable for all the evil stuff and marries her to protect her.
Review: This is a really interesting Support, but not quite for the intended reasons. Peri, and I can't believe I'm saying this, is right in this Support. She's right that there is little difference between her killing for fun and the actions of the Nohrian army, especially those of men like Hans and Iago. This Support fails by not having Leo acknowledge his own shortcomings. In many ways, Leo is just as cruel and evil as Peri. They both kill constantly. The only difference is that Peri likes it. But, at the end of the day, what solace does Leo's guilt give to his victims?
Support: Charlotte/Odin
C: Odin immediately sees through Charlotte's bullshit and assumes she's evil, stating "your villainous 'tees' and nefarious 'hees' have no effect on me!"
B: Charlotte explains she lies to make men like her. Odin relates to this desire and tells Charlotte she's doing it wrong. Odin gives Charlotte advice on how to act like Odin.
A: Charlotte acts like Odin. Other people think she's weird. Odin is amazed.
S: Odin falls in love with Charlotte because she acts like him. Charlotte punches him to make sure he'll still love her.
Review: A pretty good Support. Seeing Charlotte do Odin's weirdness is fun, as is Odin being completely oblivious to the fact that people don't like his act.
Support: Effie/Keaton
C: Effie works out by carrying around a tree trunk. She assumes Keaton can carry it and tosses it at him to catch. He almost dies.
B: Keaton and Effie go hunting. After a rabbit runs under a tree, Effie offers to rip the tree out of the ground. Keaton instead suggests they lie in wait.
A: Effie bench presses two trees at once. Keaton gives Effie homemade jerky.\
S: Keaton proposes. Effie says yes and promises to protect him, because she is clearly far stronger.
Review: Why is Effie being stronk so amusing? Maybe it's because the rest of the cast are mostly human in capabilities. Whatever. This one was good.
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ao3feed-zukka · 1 year
A Forgotten Flame
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/RfHwpxc
by Mothmann789
Many people know Zuko's story. Some know what happened to his mother, Ursa, after she disappeared. But no one knows about me. So here's my story. Follow the story of Jinya, Ursa's eldest son as he lives his life fully aware of his royal siblings but unable to reach them. He must keep his identity and bending a secret from the world. No one can know. No one besides you.
Words: 1480, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of A Forgotten Flame
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: The Gaang (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Aang/Katara (Avatar), Mai/Suki/Ty Lee (Avatar), Ikem | Noren/Ursa
Additional Tags: Inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/RfHwpxc
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((Are there any other immortal beings in this universe's canon? I want to do some Coffin writing, but I need a not-tony person to bounce off of. Maybe one of the minor characters, like the tissue box or yellow's brain friends from 4?))
[[ there aren't any other ones that i'd planned (even mortimer was a split-second decision 😩)
However i'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move anD IMPROV AGAIN 😎👍
so, for another immortal being, tissue box sounds like a good idea! i'm thinking she could be like the grim reaper (the one from those comics where he comforts the dead before they pass on EDIT: it’s the loving reaper comics by jenny jinya)
i'm super interested to see what you'd write!!! ]]
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mitoad · 3 months
little blurb about my oc and simon ‘ghost’ riley
jinya 金雅 is 16 years old, please do not ship him with any characters out of age .
notes : trauma , character death (not ghost or jinya [or soap dw he’s alive in this au]) ghost can see the same hate he carries in jinya’s eyes, and he hates it.
simon ‘ghost’ riley knows the weight of carrying the remnants of loved ones , dead teammates , old adversaries . his spine aches from it , hands worn and calloused from unwillingly lugging the carcass of his memories. the mask he wears is far less terrifying than the lethargy behind it .
and he can see the same thing in the kid he had stumbled across , the tiny ‘n/a’ scrawled across his next-in-line and the extra dog tags that choke his neck . simon wasn’t sure if jinya hid their last name out of contempt or if it was a taboo to his lips , the cavities in his teeth. he’d been beaten down by the world so much that his neck was snapped in one position- looking forward futureless, with relentless determination and fury of no contains.
and admittedly, simon’s scared. he’s scared because he’s seen the tale, read the stories. he’s lived the legend, and it’s not as pretty as it seems.
but the worst part is that he doesn’t know how to stop the kid from growing up and molding into his shadow. that kid’s casket is already carved for him , and there’s no axe in sight.
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mikem-dawnm-japan · 19 days
Tuesday 14th May - Day 8
A late start today as we wait for those who stayed in the local inn last night to be returned to the group. After a day on the coach yesterday we were to spend today on our feet! A trail of 33 people following our one guide through the streets of Takayama. We are heading for the Miyagawa morning market where we are given time to roam and check out the stalls selling locally made wooden objects, local produce, food items etc. The group is so large that we are struggling to keep together with peoples different walking abilities and we have no guide at the back to ensure that those tail Enders don’t get lost! We continue on to the Takayama-Jinya, which served as government headquarters under the Tokugawa shogunate of 1692-1871. We had a guided tour through this warren of rooms seeing where the work of the court took place in later years. It was surrounded by tranquil gardens, as always with a number of water features.
The afternoon was free for us to explore. We took in the central streets which are still made up of the traditional wooden houses and shops. Rickshaws passed by and there were several Saki shops with Sugidama hanging outside! In the olden days these balls of soft green cedar were hung above the shop doorways when new Sake was arriving at the shop, by the time they turn brown the sake was ready to drink.
The Float Museum had been recommended so we followed the river, away from the centre of the town and found this fascinating museum with beautiful gardens. The Takayama Matsuri comprises of two festivals: one in the spring and another in the autumn, the festivals have been taking place for over 350 years. The Yatai (floats), many of which date from the 17th century, are decorated with complicated carvings. The parades take place after the floats have been removed from the Yatai-guru, thick walled storehouses with very tall doors which are located throughout the town.which are dotted around the city. The festivals take place at twilight , glowing lanterns highlight the parade as the floats are pulled across the bridges accompanied by music.
The gardens had a small pond with some large koi, which nearly became lunch for a large heron. However, the staff at the museum rushed over to frighten away the heron before he could enjoy his feast! The temperature had now risen to the high 20’s and we took a slow walk back along the river towards out hotel .. it’s been the hottest day and the most active so we rested up ahead of tonight’s dinner. I tried to get to the garden to sit & read my book but you can only look at the garden from inside! The culture differences are a challenge!
Tonight is Hida Beef night, 20 of us had been tempted to take part in this optional extra, where we were to cook our own meat and enjoy the evening experience. Sadly the experience was lacking, the meat was already cooking upon arrival and we were rushed through the experience which was billed to last 3 hours and barely lasted 1 hour! It was interesting and tasty though! Back at our hotel and not yet 7.30pm we looked to go to the bar with a few of our group. But, no bar open, nowhere to sit and chat .. we Brits are finding this lack of evening social time difficult to deal with as this is the 2nd hotel where everything closes in the evening!
So the evening consisted of packing and composing an email to Distant Travel regarding the guide and a couple of observations from our trip so far!
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ao3feedzukka-blog · 1 year
A Forgotten Flame
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47113150 by Mothmann789 Many people know Zuko's story. Some know what happened to his mother, Ursa, after she disappeared. But no one knows about me. So here's my story. Follow the story of Jinya, Ursa's eldest son as he lives his life fully aware of his royal siblings but unable to reach them. He must keep his identity and bending a secret from the world. No one can know. No one besides you. Words: 1480, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of A Forgotten Flame Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Other Characters: The Gaang (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Aang/Katara (Avatar), Mai/Suki/Ty Lee (Avatar), Ikem | Noren/Ursa Additional Tags: Inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender May 11, 2023 at 05:52PM
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uncxntrxllable · 5 months
Anonymous sent:
Dreamer sounds interesting and amazing. Would love to read solos about them and more of their backstory. Do they have a human verse/form. What is their personality like. All your characters are wicked creatures and amazing at how you write each one! Keep up the great work!
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THANK YOU for sending love to the new guy!! Dreamer is super brand new so I'm still getting a feel for him as a character BUT... I have, so many feelings about him, especially because he's entirely inspired by in my opinion one of the BEST comics to exist written by Jenny Jinya.
I can only really take some credit for him because the idea, the concept, etc come from Jenny's comics. Specifically, her comic titled "Black Cats," which you can both find on his link here along with it's sequel, but if you google it, you can find it easily that way, too!
So in Dreamer's "world," the Grim Reaper is the personification of death itself, but he is not an evil creature that is often represented in shows, books or movies. The Grim Reaper is a kind-hearted guide for the afterlife. This is how Jenny Jinya's "Death" is portrayed in her comics, and I love the idea of a Grim Reaper that is actually kind and compassionate. He is not evil just because he deals in death. He is simply there to provide guidance to the souls of those who have passed from their physical bodies.
All of Dreamer's powers were gifted to him by this Grim Reaper, and as such, all of it can be taken away by the Reaper as well. But of course... That won't happen because Dreamer is a good kitty who does his little helper job well!
Dreamer in life was always a good cat, he was cuddly, he was joyful, playful, peaceful, calm and relatively quiet. In death, he is all of that and so much more... He really just wants to help others and be there to guide and support them the way that the Grim Reaper showed guidance to him.
He is much more involved with life than the Reaper, he doesn't just strictly deal in death and the after life. He wants to help the living too, he wants to help others from meeting a fate like his. He wants to take away their pain. Even after he was killed so cruelly, he will never stoop to that level. He wants to be compassionate.
He does not have a human form, but he can communicate like one, he can speak all languages (except sign language unfortunately as he has no fingers to actually do that signs). He doesn't have a human verse either, the black cat is important to his entire character make-up, but that said, I also just, don't write human-form male characters. I prefer female when it comes to characters that have a human form.
BUT THANK YOU yes, majority of my muses are some sorta monster like creature thing... It's my jam. I'll never not write some kind of creature-like muse.
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