#jkr /neg
newtscamandersbf · 9 months
small rant on the scene of neville’s boggart and jkr in general lol
tbh sev and remus r my fav chars ijdk how to feel abt the whole boggart scene? like i dont think he shouldve humiliated sev that way, but we do need to remember that jkr is transphobic as shit unfortunately. i cant ever imagine remus as being bigoted or transphobic/queerphobic though? we still need to remember that this was the 90s, and reps/scenes such as these were common in 90s/2000s media and the years before that. this scene also very much feels like jkr simply projecting on her fav character because it very much goes against what we know of remus and sev; remus felt bad for sev, but couldnt bring himself to tell his friends to stop because he thought they would drop him. he tried to tell them to stop once, but they didn’t listen, and he never tried again. he never participated in the bullying, nor helped snape; just watched from the sidelines, as he didn’t want sev to think he was like his friends/found family but also didnt want them to think he was 'betraying' them or something.
i like to imagine many things in hp in my own version of canon, and that involves this scene; i prefer to have it be remus telling neville to imagine snape doing something very out-of-character for him, which would be funny. for example singing, or dancing, etc..
in my books (no pun intended), he only told neville to imagine severus wearing his grandma’s clothes as his 'riddikulus' because the way nev’s grandma dresses looks funny (at least from remus’ pov). and just imagining severus dressing in a way completely different from how he usually dresses is funny, not because he’s in drag. i wouldnt even rlly consider that drag? while it was likely jkr trying to make fun of drag queens i dont think that was remus’ intention (does that make sense?). i think he told him to imagine sev wearing his grandma’s clothes bc nev’s grandma admittedly dresses in a way that looks funny/weird on her as well, and imagining such a serious and all-black man such as severus wearing it would be funny because of how out-of-character that is. i might just be biased bc remus is one of my comfort characters, and i’m just delusional, but hey.
the whole boggart scene in general makes me uncomfortable as a trans and queer person, and because i view sev as trans-coded or at least queer-coded. but i also view remus as queer-coded (not only bc of the lycanthropy, it’s his general vibe and the fact jkr /neg wrote him in the same way that she writes the 'good' hp mothers, not to mention his interactions with sirius and the fact david thewlis and the director themselves thought he was gay, but the allegory of his lycanthropy being his queerness also makes sense in an uncomfortable way? because if you take remus being outed as a werewolf, then quitting his job as a teacher [one of the only jobs he was ever able to get because of who he is] since he knows the parents will view him as a danger to the children, it sounds like a reference to homophobia. a very bad and admittedly anti-queer accidental queer-coding, but still. anyways we’re getting side tracked), and i genuinely cannot bring myself to see him as bigoted or in any way discriminating. to me that whole scene was just jkr projecting, which i think she unfortunately does a lot.. ew..
either way. the scene made me uncomfortable because it brings me back to my middle school, but both remus and sev are my fav characters and both remus making fun of snape in that way and snape outing him as a werewolf were shitty things to do and i don’t know whose part i should take.
when in doubt lets just blame all the problems on jkr. i hate her. i hope she perishes. the rest of u have good day tho ily, let me know what u think lol
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absolutelyzoned · 3 months
shes called jk rowling because shes a huge fucking joke
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sidhewrites · 6 months
Man at this point if you aren’t aware of how shitty JKR is you’re living under a rock. Stop supporting Harry Potter, stop trying to separate the art from the artist when she’s still actively profiting off the art.
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transgendercastiel · 5 months
I’m so serious you can say as many fuck jkrs as you want but you’re still supporting a woman who is steadily endangering the lives of so many queer and trans people everywhere. You can’t death of the author someone who is gaining influence and impacting lives more every day. Even understanding the prejudices baked into her work and navigating them in a conscientious way won’t stop her from funding political parties. She’s been extremely open about how she perceives ANYONE who still engages with the HP franchise as a supporter of her views. How can you actively choose a media that you enjoy over a trans woman’s right to exist within society??
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deepcoraldragon · 11 months
From today...
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If anyone tries to claim that JK Rowling isn't aggressively transphobic then they're lying to themselves
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dropoutconfessions · 23 days
i feel like i'm the only person who did not like misfits and magic :/
i love aabria and the players sm but when i was watching it all i could think about was harry potter/jkr and that was what i didn't like. i get that it parodies a lot of aspects from harry potter but for me personally anything that even remotely has to do with harry potter is just not enjoyable bc of jkr
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saipng · 2 years
the fact that h*gw*rts l*g*cy is trending on this website rn because everyone and their mother is screaming at the top of their lungs not to play it…. like babes…. negative exposure is still exposure you realize that right……….. … .
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kimbureh · 2 years
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it's very revealing about TERF rhetoric that jkr takes these two pictures as equal attacks.
on the left: backlash against Suffragettes who campaign for the rights of a marginalized group
on the right: backlash against terfs who campaign for the right to *oppress* a marginalized group
but all jkr can see is an attack, because terf rhetoric doesn't distinguish between oppression and the defense against oppression.
This is because the TERF dogma is designed to be a (self-)dehumanizing identity cult which defines cis women through victimhood, their inherent purity as women, and the martyrdom of their suffering.
What does that mean?
Terfism is dehumanizing to women, because it doesn't grant them the full human range of moral decisions: in terfism, a woman can only ever be a victim, a target of oppression and harm, but she can never be the *source* of oppression and harm by virtue of her being a woman. Women are seen as pure. And those who do *bad* things? They're are outliers, poor lost sheep who are corrupted by trans people etc.
This belief attracts a lot of women who have been hurt by patriarchy, who are searching for a meaning in their pain. Terfism not only recognizes their pain as valid, it *elevates* it as something moral, as proof that women are pure because of their victimhood.
So, with that idea in mind, the two images above *of course* have to be exactly the same to jkr: since women inherently possess victimhood & purity, the backlash against the oppression *committed by them* has to be the true oppression, otherwise terfs would have to admit that they are indeed capable of doing "bad things", and are not sacred martyrs who find salvation in their suffering.
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look at this. This is a tragedy. This is a woman who feels so deeply, so painfully that the backlash against her own campaign of taking away trans people's rights was the same as the backlash against Suffragettes fighting for women's rights.
jkr here campaigns for her freedom to take away the rights of an oppressed group-- and feels herself to be on the right side of history because she feels the pain inflicted by patriarchy just so vividly. Her pain is valid, no question, but as I've explained above, the conflation of pain with victimhood and martyrdom in terfism prevents jkr from noticing the harm *she* commits.
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olivescardigans · 2 years
one thing I do not understand is why people on twitter insist on talking about how bad they think the Harry Potter series is now that they all hate JKR. the one I see the most often is “I can't believe she sad XYZ about the other wizard school she’s suuuucchhh a bad writer” its like they can't wrap their heads around the fact that a book series written over the course of over two decades by one person is gonna have some inconsistencies about minor storytelling details. why does it matter! just admit you can’t let it go!! stop talking about it!! go outside!!!
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ct-hardcase · 4 months
I'm generally anti-censoring words online in my own posts with two exceptions: keeping posts out of character tags/searches if I know I'm going to be rude/having An Opinion when people will jump on me for it, and then also not using commonly-flagged porn words on twitter. there was nothing quite like doing a meta about terec and ceret and getting confused about why it was getting flooded with bots until I figured out the word twin was the trigger. yeesh.
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spacecasehobbit · 4 months
#not the most important of rants#but as a nonbinary trans person#i kind of hate how much JKR and Harry Potter have become the face of “transphobia”#honestly so much of the hp hate feels so performative#without actually doing anything meaningful to fight everyday transphobia anywhere#and i extra hate how it lumps together every trans person under this banner of#'you are hurting *me* personally if you still like jkr or hp'#even though i as a trans person would much rather focus on how the main themes of hp#are all in direct contradiction to jkr's modern stance on trans rights#since they are messages all about inclusion and acceptance and not judging people just because they were born different than you#and came late to 'your' culture#or the fact that when jkr first wrote hp#she herself was a struggling single mother living on welfare#and how maaaybe there could be a conversation in there#about how wealth and power can corrupt people#and how fundamentally decent people can grow in negative ways#not just in positive ways#if you let yourself forget how it feels to be 'the little guy'#(or if you get too focused on *staying* 'the little guy' when you maybe are not anymore)#(or not the littest guy in a given conversation)#instead of the performative#'you cannot like hp or interact with it at all in any public way OR ELSE'#that has actually happened#i am trans#i hate who jkr has become#but i still love harry potter and what it meant to me in my childhood#and i refuse to let other people take that away for objectively nonsensical reasons#that are never applied consistently across the board to other authors
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tarragonthedragon · 1 year
people approaching their trans friends demanding validation for harry potter content crimes are so pathetic though.
like you're not asking for permission to play the game or watch the show or whatever because you're going to do that no matter what impact it has on us or what we say. youre asking for someone to put aside all their feelings about their own safety and the people who want them dead in order to reassure you that you're still a good friend and a great person and a wonderful ally even though you won't change literally nothing about your life to justify that belief.
you literally can't handle the possibility of maybe having to feel guilty about your own choices.
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you are absolutely right about what you said re: censoring jkr's name though. it's the same mindset that encourages those people who are like 'i don't care about hp i just care about the marauders' which i completely get in terms of like, caring about the mwpp era vs golden trio era but i feel like sometimes people lean so much into that mindset that they sort of... forget that the marauders are a part of the hp universe?
another one i can't stand is 'jkr didn't write hp! (insert) did!' because, to me, saying stuff like this doesn't really do anything in terms of disavowing jkr and her beliefs. no matter how much you clog your ears and pretend otherwise, jkr did write hp and it's very much her work.
maybe it's the fact that i believe that the 'ownwership' of published literature (and other media as well i guess, but i care more about literature than anything else so i'll only speak for that) is sort of... a balancing act between the writer and the reader. it can be jkr's thing just as much as it's mine, you know? and my interpretation of things/the parts of it that resonated with me is just as important as jkr's involvement. so the very act of liking hp doesn't make me or anyone else an awful person because hp is also mine.
that's a more impactful mindset to me than erasing jkr entirely from the work because that's just... blatantly not true and never will be lmao
you are absolutely right about everything you said.
i think this is a general issue of people seeking control that they'll never have. nobody can guarantee you that the person whose music/art/writing you like will never do anything problematic. you need to learn to be okay with that.
you see that beyond fandom, with the rejection of the "culturally christian" label (which has always been baffling to me bc in islam/judaism we only have "practicing" and "non-practicing" but you cant just remove that entirely when youre born into a culture, yknow?)
or with countries. like. you need to be okay with your country having a shitty president that makes shitty decisions and still feel okay about identifying as american/german/iranian/etc and be proud of that bc it's still your heritage and your culture and you're allowed to take that flag and make it into whatever it is to you regardless of what it means to other people, because you can't control that.
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your decision of handing me a gun while I live on the same planet as jkr will have consequences (/pos towards u and /neg towards her ^^)
okay. im cool with that. ill look away so i can have deniability. (sry im quoting the ten duel commandments from Hamilton)
to u: /pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos/pos
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dropoutconfessions · 13 days
The responses criticism of MisMag get and the widespread contradictory take of "it's not even about Harry Potter but also the whole thing is a take down of Harry Potter" are a great example of how a space being broadly queer inclusive or trans friendly does not mean it is free of transmisogyny
note: idk about contradictory takes as i have yet to see an example of someone saying it is both not about harry potter and also a fuck you to harry potter without having a good reason for why it counts as both, but ofc, i have not seen every post ever, so there's probably more than a few people who fit the bill
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days358 · 1 year
I wish people who see a person make a mistake (a mistake that was bad! Shit was poorly worded and hurt people! But they apologized and want to do better) and jump to assume the worst faith and do shit like *looks at writing on hand* compare them to fucking JKR a very shut the fuck up
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