#jkr SUCKS
wafflinglumos · 9 months
Fanon Sirius being utterly distraught and being isolated by the people around him because of the prank:
Canon Sirius after the prank: Whoopsies!
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sofargoneao3 · 9 months
Can someone correct me if I'm wrong re: timeline
Autumn 1979: Lily gets pregnant & Trelawney tells Dumbledore the prophecy which Snape overhears & relays to Voldemort
Autumn/Winter 1979: Snape asks Dumbledore to hide Potters & Potters go into hiding
July 1980: Harry is born
Autumn 1980: Peter flips sides
Summer 1981: Peter attends Harry's birthday, seems down/sad
October 1981: Fidelius charm is done, Peter tells Voldemort of Potters location, Lily and James die
November 1981: Sirius goes to Azkaban
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newtscamandersbf · 9 months
small rant on the scene of neville’s boggart and jkr in general lol
tbh sev and remus r my fav chars ijdk how to feel abt the whole boggart scene? like i dont think he shouldve humiliated sev that way, but we do need to remember that jkr is transphobic as shit unfortunately. i cant ever imagine remus as being bigoted or transphobic/queerphobic though? we still need to remember that this was the 90s, and reps/scenes such as these were common in 90s/2000s media and the years before that. this scene also very much feels like jkr simply projecting on her fav character because it very much goes against what we know of remus and sev; remus felt bad for sev, but couldnt bring himself to tell his friends to stop because he thought they would drop him. he tried to tell them to stop once, but they didn’t listen, and he never tried again. he never participated in the bullying, nor helped snape; just watched from the sidelines, as he didn’t want sev to think he was like his friends/found family but also didnt want them to think he was 'betraying' them or something.
i like to imagine many things in hp in my own version of canon, and that involves this scene; i prefer to have it be remus telling neville to imagine snape doing something very out-of-character for him, which would be funny. for example singing, or dancing, etc..
in my books (no pun intended), he only told neville to imagine severus wearing his grandma’s clothes as his 'riddikulus' because the way nev’s grandma dresses looks funny (at least from remus’ pov). and just imagining severus dressing in a way completely different from how he usually dresses is funny, not because he’s in drag. i wouldnt even rlly consider that drag? while it was likely jkr trying to make fun of drag queens i dont think that was remus’ intention (does that make sense?). i think he told him to imagine sev wearing his grandma’s clothes bc nev’s grandma admittedly dresses in a way that looks funny/weird on her as well, and imagining such a serious and all-black man such as severus wearing it would be funny because of how out-of-character that is. i might just be biased bc remus is one of my comfort characters, and i’m just delusional, but hey.
the whole boggart scene in general makes me uncomfortable as a trans and queer person, and because i view sev as trans-coded or at least queer-coded. but i also view remus as queer-coded (not only bc of the lycanthropy, it’s his general vibe and the fact jkr /neg wrote him in the same way that she writes the 'good' hp mothers, not to mention his interactions with sirius and the fact david thewlis and the director themselves thought he was gay, but the allegory of his lycanthropy being his queerness also makes sense in an uncomfortable way? because if you take remus being outed as a werewolf, then quitting his job as a teacher [one of the only jobs he was ever able to get because of who he is] since he knows the parents will view him as a danger to the children, it sounds like a reference to homophobia. a very bad and admittedly anti-queer accidental queer-coding, but still. anyways we’re getting side tracked), and i genuinely cannot bring myself to see him as bigoted or in any way discriminating. to me that whole scene was just jkr projecting, which i think she unfortunately does a lot.. ew..
either way. the scene made me uncomfortable because it brings me back to my middle school, but both remus and sev are my fav characters and both remus making fun of snape in that way and snape outing him as a werewolf were shitty things to do and i don’t know whose part i should take.
when in doubt lets just blame all the problems on jkr. i hate her. i hope she perishes. the rest of u have good day tho ily, let me know what u think lol
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emistheantlerqueen · 1 year
If I show you the whole JK Rowling essay and all her tweets and you say, "She is not transphobic bc Dumbledore is gay", I think you have failed to understand a few too many things about the world.
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gigsandshiggles · 6 months
i would love it if harry potter would of been written with the same intentions and nuance as the hunger games as the hp series reallt could of been something but every comment and little thing just missed the mark and fell flat purely due to the authors own bigotry and bad writing
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nswitch-png · 4 months
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royaltrashkin · 2 years
My favourite post-finale world building fact that is Word of God canonized in the Harry Potter series is that magical people vanished their piss and shit as they went. This is unironically my favourite canon fact.
It raises so many questions. Now we know the magical world went with toilets and indoor plumbing like muggles do. Even pureblood wizards use toilets and indoor plumbing. So that means that Vanishing their piss and shit sucked so much that even purebloods were like you know what the muggles might be onto something. Hogwarts was built before indoor plumbing and toilets and this miggle invention was so great they built it into the magic school in such a way that the Chamber of Secrets magically worked with the new feature without giving itself away. That's how amazing toilets are compared to Vanishing. Thr secret Chamber built by a famous pureblood supremacist just accepted it as superior enough to allow a bathroom to become the secret entrance.
When did wizards teach their children to Vanish? When were they old enough and considered magical enough to do this without fear of accidentally Vanishing half their body? Did parents just *sniff* hmm you stink like shit time to Vanish the piss and shit slipping down your legs until they were taught Vanishing in school? Or did people just become Vanish Professionals by the age of three? Squibs obviously had to have their oarents do itnfor them. Or did they have to do it the miggle way? When muggleborns and half bloods attended Hogwarts did they ask where the buckets were and get laughed at and just hate having to Do This the Magical Way?
It's just so damn funny to me because you know when they asked JKR the question she could've just been like "the same way muggles went before toilets" like she absolutely HAD to make something Magical on the spot and she said it without contemplating the consequences. How many people ended up in the Hospital Wing for accidentally Vanishing their genitals? And if it was so awesome why have toilets at all? It must have been terrible. Otherwise they would not have copied muggles. She was so incapable of just Letting Things Be and absolutely NEEDED to have some unique JKR twist to every aspect to every single question ever she had to invent something wildly.
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me every time i say im going offline
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childeapologist · 2 years
I've been avoiding this topic on my blog bc I know I have some followers and mutuals that still reblog HP or support the series via buying secondhand and so on.
But like I'm personally on the page of "jkr's takes as well as my own re-evaluation of the series as an adult has ruined my perspective on it and everything HP feels icky to me now"
I'm absolutely pro "destroy the Harry Potter brand with fire" at this point.
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in-flvx · 2 years
Just how stupid jkr is gets apparent in the first chapter of philosophers stone: dumbledore sends off hagrid to get little toddler Harry from the potters home. First: Minnie mcg hangs around all day outside the dursleys house, already awaiting dumbledore and Harry. Who, she doesn't know yet, but, gets brought by hagrid.
Second: hagrid apparently only appears on time, bc Sirius gave him his motorbike.
Now: apparently it's already 1. November, bc she, and the entire Wizarding world, knew that the potters are dead, and that voldemort is gone. So Harry just sat around all of Halloween night, frightened and traumatized, waiting for anyone to get him?
Also, why didn't dumbledore just get Harry himself???
No, instead he sends hagrid, who isn't allowed any magic at all, to retrieve tiny Harry. If Sirius wasn't around to give hagrid his bike, how did dumbledore expect hagrid to get Harry there on time?????
Hagrid had to travel from somewhere in Scotland (aka hogwarts) to somewhere around bath (aka godric's hollow) to surrey. All in the time of just about 24 hours. While dumbledore already knew when to expect hagrid there???? Wtf it makes 0 sense
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cheesedoggo · 1 year
"You're a unit of electrical measurement harry!"
"im a watt?!"
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realcbstrike-blog · 10 months
So, TB and further series of STRIKE will NOT be released on DVD [REAL SPEAK?... there's not enough millions of $ profit in it for the "wonderful" jkr]. Apparently, there's not enough demand" 😳 She signs up with streaming platforms [money hungry 💩s MHTs], no doubt promising her "legions of fans" will follow her... ANYWHERE. NEWS FLASH... 🖕🖕🖕 off. It's a 2-way street, you greedy cow: you produce the entertainment, but we buy it in our PREFERRED format. I have MANY reasons for NOT using MHTs, preferring an ad-free DVD that I own, which is EXACTLY as it was produced [not edited to suit some programming schedule]. Preferably on a platform that ACTUALLY WORKS. AND the reduced cost of NO ONGOING fees. Your decision to NOT produce DVDs shows you are truly more interested in YOUR pocket than fans, no matter what you pretend. If you can't be 🖕ed looking after fans, I can't be 🖕ed putting more money into your pockets.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Crazy thing is, every cell in my body knows Metropolis is such a boring ass city where Superman's the best hero because no major shit takes place, BUT.
Metropolis, to me, is very interesting due to it's portrayal of politics, and the impartial stance the citizens take regarding Superman.
As long as he provides them with service and protection, they see him as valuable and worthwhile or deserving of rights. Granted maybe not all, but too many!!
While in Gotham?? Bruce straight up sends Nazis to the hospital nightly. Gives the mfs the meatball treatment.
He has more beef with the underfunded art programs than any rogue. Wears ACAB pins while working with the GCPD.
Like, -- Clark can't freely express his favor to a specific party cause That'd be a shit show,
but Bruce? He's out here like, " I don't believe in murder. I do believe in self-inflicted murder. That being said, if you're a nazi, kill yourself any day. It's okay."
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amongthezinnias · 1 year
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🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride to the OG pairing since 2009. 🏳️‍🌈
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(part 2 here)
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nswitch-png · 4 months
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royaltrashkin · 2 years
Barty Crouch Jr emerges from the rubble. "Morsmordre!" he shouts, pointing his wand towards the sky. A trans flag appears.
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