#i stand with jkr
davaikissotsuda · 11 months
Иногда патриархат большой и страшный. Этакий монстр из сказки. Он убивает 14 тысяч человек и конвоем стоит у дверей университетов и больниц. Взрослым дядям не хочется на него смотреть, они только пожмут плечами, скажут: особенности чужой культуры. 
Иногда патриархат - рыцарь в блестящих доспехах. Герой-победитель. Он пишет твою историю за тебя, умалчивая некоторые детали. Галантно предложит подержать твою премию, что слишком тяжела (весома) для женщины. Умрёт за тебя на поле боя, но перед этим, оказавшись в деревне, где живет семья врага, достанет самое страшное своё оружие и будет мстить, пока корни его не разрастутся и здесь. Придёт день, и солнце в мирном небе над головой осветит лучами правду: в военных фильмах, когда мужчины говорят, что захватчики среди прочего похитили женщин, и клянутся вернуть своё, плевать они хотели на тебя и меня. Мы - собственность. Для обеих сторон, без плохих и хороших. 
Бывает и такое, что патриархат - раскаявшийся злодей. Может быть, целый легион злодеев: они смотрят на героев жалобно-жалобно и хором говорят «Мы больше так не будем!» Победила дружба, титры. А потом - мемы про Эмбер Херд и угрозы смерти в сторону Джоан Роулинг. А потом - девушка заранее подробно описывает, во что она была одета, почему была одна, и почему не смогла отреагировать сразу, прежде чем рассказать, что сделал мужчина. А потом, под шумок - новый президент в Туркменистане и один очень умный бизнесмен в Алматы. А потом, в этой жалкой пьесе, между Вторым и Третьим Мировым Актом, человеческая жизнь вдруг покажется им чрезвычайно важной. Особенно неначавшаяся. Особенно по сравнению с твоей.
А чего это вы такие серьёзные? Представляю вам гвоздь нашей комедийной программы: в роли королевского шута - патриархат! В роли самовлюблённого короля - тоже патриархат! В роли королевского советника, который точно попытается в баре подсыпать в бокал короля яд… он самый. Спорить с ними бесполезно, шут на то и гороховый, что любая умная/человечная мысль отлетает от него, как от бронежилета. В черепную коробку шута вмещается примерно пятьдесят четыре шутки про женскую логику, семнадцатилетний запас - про женские понты, триста шестьдесят пять - про изнасилование, двенадцать - о том, как бы разозлить тупых фемок, и в особых случаях, по праздникам - парочка о машинах и коробках для пиццы. И пока он шутит, а вокруг него одобрительно хрюкают, где-то рядом самовлюбленный король думает, на что бы ему обидеться. Ищет повод - не дай бог женщина ошибется, и еще хуже, если окажется права - в новостях, сериалах и на работе, в клубе и на улице, где ему непременно в чем-нибудь откажут, и где он обязательно найдет, что искал. И шутов, и королей хватает - это твои бывшие, их друзья, бывшие твоих подруг, твои начальник и коллеги, прохожие на улице, бывшие одноклассники, нынешние одногруппники, дальние родственники, близкие родственники, водители в такси и пассажиры в метро, и каждому хочется врезать. Пусть так. Хуже то, что каждый может оказаться советником. 
Разноплановый актёр наш мальчик Патя. И, кажется, бессмертный. 
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olivescardigans · 1 year
one thing I do not understand is why people on twitter insist on talking about how bad they think the Harry Potter series is now that they all hate JKR. the one I see the most often is “I can't believe she sad XYZ about the other wizard school she’s suuuucchhh a bad writer” its like they can't wrap their heads around the fact that a book series written over the course of over two decades by one person is gonna have some inconsistencies about minor storytelling details. why does it matter! just admit you can’t let it go!! stop talking about it!! go outside!!!
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redberryterf · 2 months
did you know that the creator of the trans flag is an old pervert who used to steal his mom's underwear and write erotic stories about kids who never age? I think it's also interesting that the symbols what p*dophiles use online have the exact same colors and meaning as the trans flag does - blue, pink and white. blue for boys and pink for girls.
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deodatasslawson · 23 days
JK Rowling literally has been going full blown mask off Zionist, and not enough people have been calling her out for how little she cares about Palestinians facing genocide all the while she is going full blown TERF and occaisionally responding to in support of and liking tweets from Zionists who actuvely support Israel's genocide of Palestinians.
These are her most recent tweets where she is showing how much of a vile Zionist and denier of Israel's genocide of Palestinians that she is.
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Never forget that JK Rowling spread these debunked lies that the Israeli government used to justify escalating their genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank and has never shown remorse for spreading such lies back in October, even after said lies were debunked.
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So the Holocaust denier JK Rowling also denies Israel's genocide of Palestine and actively supports the genocidal apartheid regime known "Israel".
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traditionaldream · 3 months
The woman who is never afraid to talk the truth, even if it brings her terrible repercussions, that was literally at the bottom when se wrote the books that changed generations and made them fall in love with reading, me included, that fights for women's rights, real women's rights, that would rather go to prison than to bend to this modern awful narratives and that inspires millions of women everyday. 💙
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mieczyhale · 1 year
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sandwichsugarbong · 1 month
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Joanne casually engaging in holocaust denial because she doesn't like acknowledging the fact that trans people have always existed and been oppressed.
It's honestly a matter of time before she outs herself as a nazi.
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
In case anyone thought I was kidding about printing out AO3 comments and sticking them on my fridge, I WAS NOT.
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i97l0-1 · 1 month
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Jungkook & Bam ❤️‍🩹❤️
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regulusrules · 8 months
Man, every time this thing opens her mouth to spew something, I am more assured that I'm on the right side of humanity.
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People supporting Palestine are not "rape and murder apologists". People supporting Palestine have taken just a few minutes of their time to actually research what has been going on for the past 70+ years and realised that Palestinians have been under settler colonialism, military occupation, ethnic cleansing, and are the ones being raped and murdered.
People supporting Palestine are not justifying deaths on either sides, but are able to see the sick manipulation of media that Israel is committing in order to enforce the western narrative of how Palestinians are the terrorists here. You can literally see it in the video when the reporter responds to the number of casualties by: "That is what one of the commanders told me". Jesus. No proof whatsoever of their statements. Nothing but heresay. A sympathy play to get us to believe in the innocence of Israel when all they're showing us is upturned sidewalks and rubble. And guess what? It was indeed confirmed to be a lie.
But on the other side, is anyone showing the footage of Palestinians being massacred, of how Israel bombed Gaza with legally banned white phosphorus, of how Israel is targeting hospitals and schools and releasing statements promising the destruction of Gaza and threatening neighbouring countries from stepping in to help the injured Palestinian civilians?
Well, no one probably can, because Palestinian reporters are being killed on sight, not protected with helmets and clean air like Israeli ones.
There is no equal fight here. It is, as it always has been, occupier vs occupied. One with power vs one with nothing but a will to be free. This is literally a full scale genocide of Palestinians, and the media is manipulating us to believe that Israel is the victim here, and that we can justify Palestinians being murdered and exiled from their lands because "they started it". No. No they didn't. Research what has been going on from non-western sources, and you will know that we are being conditioned to accept the mass-killing of Palestinians, and that this might end up in the annihilation of their entire race.
And with that, I leave you with this little illustration of what is actually going on.
Sources cited: Anadolu Agency, ABC News, Palestine MFA, The New York Times, Independent UK, The New Arab.
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indianchindian · 1 month
JKR stooped to a new low by literally denying that the holocaust had a detrimental effect on trans people and saying that she won't consider Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe's apologies as if they even apologized to her lol (and why should they?)
Literally Daniel, Emma and the rest of the Harry Potter cast don't owe her anything. She made the books but Tom Felton said that she was very less involved in the making of the films if I remember correctly. How is she standing up for women if she spends five years belittling transwomen and transmen?! She has a huge platform and she's putting it to good use by making a marginalized community feel even more unsafe. Please don't prove me that she isn't a transphobe because there is ample amount of evidence that she is a huge one and she's not even a feminist lol.
Literally feminism started with gender being performative by Simone de Beauvoir saying that no one is born a woman, but they become women. Yet JKR and other trans exclusionist claiming to be feminists stress on "biological sex" as a way to exclude transgender people! Why?? Thank God I don't use X anymore, or stopped following JKR after her "people who menstruate" tweet, or have never been a crazy Potterhead and only was interested in Harry Potter through the movies. But I really admired her when I was younger! Why JKR WHY??!!
In all honesty I can't stand terfs! I don't want them or even hear of them because they're so dumb and unbearable! Do they even know that transgender people KNOW about their biological sex and they don't transition out of a whim! Transitioning is a very lengthy and difficult process for fuck's sake! And there are even many transgender people who don't transition medically, maybe because they don't have the money or their bodies aren't suited for it. Still terfs love to misgender them and put on their dumb logic of "biological sex" on them. There was one proud terf who called a content creator who was a transwoman a "man" and constantly misgendered her on her YT channel! I'm not gonna name that terf or that transwoman because I don't want to promote that terf's content and her comment-section seems culty because there are hardly any people (or no people) disagreeing with her or even calling her out! Maybe because she deletes comments? It's fucking scary! And she basically boot-licks JKR and Posie Parker (urgh this woman!)
Plus there WERE fans who were transgender that connected to the Harry Potter books on such a personal level and admired JKR so much, only to find out that she's such a big transphobe and would stick to it! Can't imagine what they went through or are going through!
Anyways, thanks for reading through my rant if you did. If a transphobe is reading it, please back off.
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sailor-rowling · 11 months
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hc that out of the Marauders, people asked Peter out the most.
Remus had a reputation for turning everyone away regardless of gender or attraction because of his time of the month.
Sirius sobered up after getting out of his house and though he didn't stop being a merciless flirt, he has eyes only for Remus in that sense.
You can decide for yourself if you want version one or two of James-
(1) James publicly only had eyes for lily and no one else thought they stood a chance, when they did ask though he let them down very easily.
(2) James abruptly stopped any and all pursuits he had for any girls one September after properly seeing Regulus. and so everyone got the idea he has a sweetheart who wasn't at Hogwarts. (maybe that rumour was spread by Sirius. who knows?)
Peter was sweet, smart and had a frame like a small teddy bear. more importantly- he was available and openly so
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ivyblossom · 1 month
Hi Ivy! Had a silly question, and don't feel obligated to answer ... !!! But I was curious if anyone has ever a printed up a copy of The Quiet Man or made like a bound copy i could talk to? I was hoping to get one as this story means more to me than any other in the fandom and I truly do not want to lose it to the world of digital deletion.
Much love, 💋 liri
Hi there! Not a silly question at all! I don't 100% remember in fairness, but I don't believe that anyone's bound The Quiet Man. If someone knows that I'm wrong about that, please correct me!
Sorry I don't have a lead for you. I'm thrilled to hear that my story is important to you, that's a lovely thing to hear, thank you!
For what it's worth, I have no intention of deleting my fics. There's no reason I'd ever need to, they are in no danger. As long as AO3 exists, all my fics will exist on it.
I decided a while back to divest myself from my connection to the Harry Potter franchise. I didn't like seeing JK Rowling's name on my profile, it gave me the icks. So I orphaned them. I believe the URL for them remains the same. If ever I felt a need to distance myself from Sherlock, I'd probably just do the same. I'm not feeling inclined to orphan my Sherlock fics, though.
If you or anyone else wanted to bind The Quiet Man, you're more than welcome to do so as far as I'm concerned.
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thevoyagein · 1 year
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barbara-on-myspace · 1 month
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