#trans severus snape
sleepybradipo · 2 months
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!Trans Severus Snape
so, this drawing is inspired by my experience with the trans-tape in the last few days… and it went pretty bad…
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nekokvmaa · 14 days
Trans Snape is so real for me cuz even if we ignore the fact that I’m just projecting cuz I project a bunch of shit onto him, there is no way anyone could convince me that fucking Tobias and Eileen could come up with a name like Severus to call their child
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sctumsempra · 2 months
trying to figure out when and how to tell my snily post rebloggers and commenters that i genuinely forgot that not everyone views severus snape as undeniably very trans so in my mind. the “lesbian” snily was built in. it’s not “imagine if he had been a girl” and it’s not “sapphic snily au” or whatever. it was real 2me. and i could write a meta on the double outcast of not being a Girl while being a girl and being autistic in a neurotypical world and how that is so much of what snape’s trauma is coded as but i do not have the mental energy for that. just know it bounces around in my brain 24/7
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reine-de-la-lune · 1 year
Sirius: you like serafina right?
James: actually he is Severus now
Sirius: yeah the potions boy
James: my potions boy <3
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petrerpkr · 10 months
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wlw Snarcissa
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skeletonoli · 15 days
platonic snily but in a mtf ftm solidarity way
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findyourtruth · 9 months
Alessandra Di Sanzo, my next face cast for Severus.
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Long black hair - checked.
Very pale skin - checked.
Slender, petite, medium tall silhouette - checked.
Sharp facial features - checked.
Penetrating, (almost) black eyes - checked.
This time Severus in a trans version. I love him this way, and I believe he could have been like this in the book. (No manly Snapes for me, thank you very much! I just hate him being very masculine, the less testosterone, the better, so I only like the book Severus, who was the opposite of a typical man).
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I've been a fan of Alessandra since the 80s; she is incredibly beautiful both on the outside and inside (she's an animal activist and a vegetarian), and when I write trans!Severus, it's with her face in my mind. She is one of my idols who helped open my eyes to the fact that the world is not binary and black and white, and that I can be who I feel I am, no matter what body I was born into.
I can easily picture her in a long robe on her body, only with underwear underneath that, as Severus doesn't wear trousers, (if he does, he's not the Severus from the book, he's the Severus from the film, so for me he doesn't exist.)
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I dont ship snily in the nerdy unpopular boy + pretty popular girl- way
I ship it in childhood friends, sev being a closeted trans girl, lily is the only one who understands, they tried dating for a while but it didnt work out so they decided to continue being platonic besties who unconditionally love and support each other- way.
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sleepybradipo · 1 year
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I will make a small set of pride flags with the marauders character.
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them-bo-dacious · 3 months
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doechaser · 1 year
Jeverus is so t4t
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martyr0l0gy · 5 months
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picklesonjupiter · 1 year
Snily, sapphic relationship. Sev is on a journey to discover she is a trans woman and Lily is her supportive girlfriend.
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
Teenager FTM!Severus having his period and bleed ok good through the sheets when you spent the night together. He would be so embarrassed and it would trigger his dysphoria but you are here for him, showing him that it’s ok and that you love him 🥺
I just love this so much so I did a little drabble for this below!
Warnings: Gender Dysphoria
"Sev, why are you up? Come back to bed," you mumble, rubbing your eyes as the sudden bright light from the lamp on your bedside table radiates through your room.
"I - I'm so sorry. I - I got blood on your sheets," Severus whispers, his voice barely loud enough to be heard from across the room. His hand rubs the back of his neck and he backs away to the bathroom to clean himself up, shaking slightly.
Pushing the covers off yourself and ignoring the cold of your room as opposed to the warmth of your covers, you follow him into the bathroom and begin running him a nice hot bath.
"Here, take a bath and get cleaned up. Don't worry about the mess, I'll get the sheets changed and I'll be right back, okay?" You press a gentle kiss to his forehead and help him undress and climb into the tub, taking his soiled clothing with you.
You strip the sheets off the bed and replace them with a new set before throwing them and Severus's clothing into the washer. You thank the gods that Severus has a drawer of clothing in your room as you riffle through it, grabbing him a fresh set of boxers and a shirt to sleep in.
"Here, I brought you some new pjs." You place them beside the tub and begin digging through the cabinet. "Do you want a pad or a tampon?" you call over your shoulder as you hear the water draining out of the tub and the water sloshing as Severus pulls himself out.
"A pad, I guess," he grumbles, quickly drying off as he heads to the toilet to sit down.
You hand him a pad, nondescript and in white packaging, the ones that you specifically keep for him for such an occasion as this. A small smile finds the corner of his lips for just a moment at the care you've taken in having period care items for him that won't make his dysphoria worse. He slaps it into his underwear and quickly gets dressed; the less time he looks at it, the better.
"I love you," you say kissing him deeply, before grabbing his hand and leading him back to bed.
You spend the next hour playing with his hair, snuggling close, and whispering sweet nothings into his ear to calm him down and relax him before you both drift off to sleep in each other's arms.
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zephahhhh · 2 years
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@guljerry ! Transmasc crop top Snape! He's so damn proud and confident about himself and no one can take that from him🏳️‍⚧️💙
Top surgery scar ver & binder ver with two different backgrounds! Can't do detailed backgrounds also having a hard time deciding the colour of the background 💀 (I know there's a transmasc flag but still I think demiboy works better) (of course I know I'm one myself)
I was so confused at one point about exactly what nipples look like because I've never paid any attention to mine (I hate it ew) and had to google for nipples reference
I added a mole on his neck because that's hot and honestly I was just trying but ended up screaming over it lmao
Pose reference: x
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newtscamandersbf · 6 months
small rant on the scene of neville’s boggart and jkr in general lol
tbh sev and remus r my fav chars ijdk how to feel abt the whole boggart scene? like i dont think he shouldve humiliated sev that way, but we do need to remember that jkr is transphobic as shit unfortunately. i cant ever imagine remus as being bigoted or transphobic/queerphobic though? we still need to remember that this was the 90s, and reps/scenes such as these were common in 90s/2000s media and the years before that. this scene also very much feels like jkr simply projecting on her fav character because it very much goes against what we know of remus and sev; remus felt bad for sev, but couldnt bring himself to tell his friends to stop because he thought they would drop him. he tried to tell them to stop once, but they didn’t listen, and he never tried again. he never participated in the bullying, nor helped snape; just watched from the sidelines, as he didn’t want sev to think he was like his friends/found family but also didnt want them to think he was 'betraying' them or something.
i like to imagine many things in hp in my own version of canon, and that involves this scene; i prefer to have it be remus telling neville to imagine snape doing something very out-of-character for him, which would be funny. for example singing, or dancing, etc..
in my books (no pun intended), he only told neville to imagine severus wearing his grandma’s clothes as his 'riddikulus' because the way nev’s grandma dresses looks funny (at least from remus’ pov). and just imagining severus dressing in a way completely different from how he usually dresses is funny, not because he’s in drag. i wouldnt even rlly consider that drag? while it was likely jkr trying to make fun of drag queens i dont think that was remus’ intention (does that make sense?). i think he told him to imagine sev wearing his grandma’s clothes bc nev’s grandma admittedly dresses in a way that looks funny/weird on her as well, and imagining such a serious and all-black man such as severus wearing it would be funny because of how out-of-character that is. i might just be biased bc remus is one of my comfort characters, and i’m just delusional, but hey.
the whole boggart scene in general makes me uncomfortable as a trans and queer person, and because i view sev as trans-coded or at least queer-coded. but i also view remus as queer-coded (not only bc of the lycanthropy, it’s his general vibe and the fact jkr /neg wrote him in the same way that she writes the 'good' hp mothers, not to mention his interactions with sirius and the fact david thewlis and the director themselves thought he was gay, but the allegory of his lycanthropy being his queerness also makes sense in an uncomfortable way? because if you take remus being outed as a werewolf, then quitting his job as a teacher [one of the only jobs he was ever able to get because of who he is] since he knows the parents will view him as a danger to the children, it sounds like a reference to homophobia. a very bad and admittedly anti-queer accidental queer-coding, but still. anyways we’re getting side tracked), and i genuinely cannot bring myself to see him as bigoted or in any way discriminating. to me that whole scene was just jkr projecting, which i think she unfortunately does a lot.. ew..
either way. the scene made me uncomfortable because it brings me back to my middle school, but both remus and sev are my fav characters and both remus making fun of snape in that way and snape outing him as a werewolf were shitty things to do and i don’t know whose part i should take.
when in doubt lets just blame all the problems on jkr. i hate her. i hope she perishes. the rest of u have good day tho ily, let me know what u think lol
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