#jkr bashing
newtscamandersbf · 9 months
small rant on the scene of neville’s boggart and jkr in general lol
tbh sev and remus r my fav chars ijdk how to feel abt the whole boggart scene? like i dont think he shouldve humiliated sev that way, but we do need to remember that jkr is transphobic as shit unfortunately. i cant ever imagine remus as being bigoted or transphobic/queerphobic though? we still need to remember that this was the 90s, and reps/scenes such as these were common in 90s/2000s media and the years before that. this scene also very much feels like jkr simply projecting on her fav character because it very much goes against what we know of remus and sev; remus felt bad for sev, but couldnt bring himself to tell his friends to stop because he thought they would drop him. he tried to tell them to stop once, but they didn’t listen, and he never tried again. he never participated in the bullying, nor helped snape; just watched from the sidelines, as he didn’t want sev to think he was like his friends/found family but also didnt want them to think he was 'betraying' them or something.
i like to imagine many things in hp in my own version of canon, and that involves this scene; i prefer to have it be remus telling neville to imagine snape doing something very out-of-character for him, which would be funny. for example singing, or dancing, etc..
in my books (no pun intended), he only told neville to imagine severus wearing his grandma’s clothes as his 'riddikulus' because the way nev’s grandma dresses looks funny (at least from remus’ pov). and just imagining severus dressing in a way completely different from how he usually dresses is funny, not because he’s in drag. i wouldnt even rlly consider that drag? while it was likely jkr trying to make fun of drag queens i dont think that was remus’ intention (does that make sense?). i think he told him to imagine sev wearing his grandma’s clothes bc nev’s grandma admittedly dresses in a way that looks funny/weird on her as well, and imagining such a serious and all-black man such as severus wearing it would be funny because of how out-of-character that is. i might just be biased bc remus is one of my comfort characters, and i’m just delusional, but hey.
the whole boggart scene in general makes me uncomfortable as a trans and queer person, and because i view sev as trans-coded or at least queer-coded. but i also view remus as queer-coded (not only bc of the lycanthropy, it’s his general vibe and the fact jkr /neg wrote him in the same way that she writes the 'good' hp mothers, not to mention his interactions with sirius and the fact david thewlis and the director themselves thought he was gay, but the allegory of his lycanthropy being his queerness also makes sense in an uncomfortable way? because if you take remus being outed as a werewolf, then quitting his job as a teacher [one of the only jobs he was ever able to get because of who he is] since he knows the parents will view him as a danger to the children, it sounds like a reference to homophobia. a very bad and admittedly anti-queer accidental queer-coding, but still. anyways we’re getting side tracked), and i genuinely cannot bring myself to see him as bigoted or in any way discriminating. to me that whole scene was just jkr projecting, which i think she unfortunately does a lot.. ew..
either way. the scene made me uncomfortable because it brings me back to my middle school, but both remus and sev are my fav characters and both remus making fun of snape in that way and snape outing him as a werewolf were shitty things to do and i don’t know whose part i should take.
when in doubt lets just blame all the problems on jkr. i hate her. i hope she perishes. the rest of u have good day tho ily, let me know what u think lol
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 3 months
i love seeing fic writers put "i dont support jkr!!!!" in their summaries-
like, yeah, i appreciate the sentiment but sweetheart, you're writing wolfstar a/b/o with the tags "background starchaser" and "trans regulus." i wouldn't have assumed you supported a terf sweetie.
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my-castles-crumbling · 10 months
Most people, when meeting someone new and trying to figure out their morals:
What's your political party?
How do you feel about gay marriage?
Are you religious?
Are you an animal person?
Me, when meeting someone new and trying to figure out their morals:
How do you feel about Dumbledore?
Do you think JRK is a terf?
Have you read all the Harry Potter books?
What is your favorite Taylor Swift song?
Explain your feelings about Taylor Swift.
As a follow-up, explain why we hate Kanye.
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
I can't decide between 4, 6 or 7 which is the worse ron. Honestly can't. 6th year ron strings Hermione along knowing they like each other, but purposely goes for Lavender. Than gets annoyed with Lavender by the end, and instead of dumping her he says Hermione's name. All while getting annoyed with Hermione for going out with that Cormac guy. 4th year he gets jealous that Harry is in a life or death situation and abandons him, ruins Hermione's first dance and date. Used Hermione as a last resort for a date to the yule ball, and got annoyed with her when she already had a date and assumed no one asked her. Or 7th year, made promise to stick with Harry during Horcrux hunting but fucked off when it got too hard. Got jealous of Hermione and Harry, only liked Hermione as a sorta prize to be won to prove he was better than Harry, than came back like everything is ok with a bullshit apology.
Ron gets progressively worse the older he gets
He treats Hermione like shit from the beginning, when they become “friends” he always treats her as if her time and attention is owed to him, like she’s supposed to always be there. It starts small with “Hermione will always give me homework to copy” and progresses to “She’ll be available for the Ball when every other girl will reject me” and “She’ll wait for me to want her in a relationships” as he ages.
Also, Ron is the epitome of “weaponized incompetence” and it’s infuriating to me how many times he uses it to get Hermione to do smth for him/instead of him.
Ron is extremely jealous of EVERYONE around him. And this trait gets progressively worse with his age too. In book 1 he is envious of Harry’s new broom, but he’s still capable to be happy for him as well. By book 4 he looses all traces of empathy and compassion and is envious of smth Harry 1) clearly had nothing to do with and everyone with brain would be able to tell, 2) could literally result in his death and it was stated EXPLICITLY many times. But all he sees is “Harry is the center of attention again” and treats him like shit for it. Not once was Harry ever happy or seeking for any sort of fame or recognition, especially considering WHAT he’s famous for.
Also in Book 4 he’s angry and feeling betrayed by Hermione HAVING A GOOD TIME. He’s threatened by someone else being in her life at all, someone she clearly likes and interested in. Because how could it be, that she dares to spend time with anyone else! The traitor! Honestly, I would’ve punched him square in the face for the shit he poured on her at the Yule Ball.
I consider him “sticking with Harry” in book 5 to be 1) I just screwed up, I can’t again or this time it’ll be for good and I can’t manage on my own bcs I’m that useless, plus 2) it’s us against the world! Harry is finally on the other side of famous and it’s so cool. Maybe not entirely conscious on his part, but I do believe these were the reasons for him, similar as they were in Book 2
In book 6 he’s truly shown to grow into a misogynistic asshole. He slut shames his sister for kissing a boy (if I recall he started doing it in Book 5, bit in 6 he’s off the rails with it), he once again shames and guilts Hermione for being asked out by someone else, he uses Lavender to get back at her (Lavander deserved so much better from the narrative overall, but we already established that JKR hated women). And he treats Lavander like shit through all of it! Ronald Weasley is the asshole of a first boyfriend that you drag through mud with your girlfriends for years to come because he was THAT HORRIBLE
And then the ultimate abandonment in book 7… if the writer would be even slightly better, he wouldn’t have returned and these would be a good arc of “not all friendship survives the hardships, or even just time. Not all friends will be with you forever”. Which is an important message for young people, because everyone always believe that they’ll be best friends forever for the entire life but it so rarely works. And it’s normal, that it doesn’t. There doesn’t have to be a grand betrayal or falling out, sometimes your paths just lead you to very different places. Ron didn’t betray them in the sense that Peter betrayed the Marauders (which we still don’t have any real reason for by the way. She just wrote that it happened with NOTHING supporting it backing up that plot), he didn’t switch sides. He just left. Because while Harry and Hermione understood the reality and graveness of war and their situation, Ron still treated it as “an adventure”, he “played in war” if you will. Many like to claim that “it was all the horcrux that he was wearing! It made him feel this and say this!” - both Hermione and Harry wore it too. Even longer than Ron, who didn’t wear it while his wounds healed. The horcrux didn’t put these thoughts in his head, it played off of what was already there. Did it exhilarate and magnified it? Yes, of course. But it was all already in his mind before he ever put the locket on. All of these thoughts and tendencies could’ve been found throughout all other books. And that’s why I never bought into his return, it didn’t feel organic with the rest of the story. It made no sense. She put it there simply bcs she decided that “trio must remain” and that Hermione will end up with him, for some reason that is beyond my understanding
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rtlstuff · 2 years
JKR Writing Fleur Delacour: So this french bird is super sexy but she's also incredibly shallow and vain and snooty, y'know how the French are. She's high fem which is a bad thing, tomboys are the best. She's also just incredibly annoying and full of herself. Constantly making herself the centre of attention even though nobody likes her and they call her phlegm behind her back. Hilarious, right?
90% of Fanfics when Writing Fleur Delacour: At first she comes off as entitled & full of herself, but as time goes on it's clear she's actually incredibly kind, compassionate and loyal. She also has a keen sense of matters of the heart. For the younger characters she takes on the role of a wise older sister. She's loyal and nurturing and and will always be there if you need someone to talk to. She is from a noble matriarchal race of fierce warriors and will fight tooth and nail to defend what is hers.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 6 months
Personal Appeal of Dramione
Since reading comprehension among some HP fans is lacking, let me reiterate with some disclaimers:
I do not ship Dramione.
I do not like Dramione, especially as it is portrayed in fanworks.
I do not think Hermione should be with Draco because I dislike Romione. Unfortunately, Romione is the best ship for Hermione...Ron could have done better though.
If anyone makes any comments about the previous points, it is proof they did not read my post properly. Sick and tired of pro Romione people asking how I can ship Hermione with her bully when I merely bring up anti-Dramione arguments I observed.
Anyway, I keep seeing some common arguments for people's disdain for Dramione. I agree wholeheartedly with most of them. The Ron bashing in Dramione fics is 100% out of control and I find it laughable that someone will say Ron is toxic but then say Draco is better. I love Draco but I live in reality (plus I would never pair my baby with a girl like Hermione). Maybe Draco has the POTENTIAL to be better in a well-crafted AU but the canon as it stands does not support this. I have commented that even the enemy part of the enemies-to-lovers ship for Dramione is boring and lacklustre compared to Drarry. Despite all of this, a part of me does find Dramione as an appealing concept and I think some Dramione antis are deliberately being obtuse when wondering why Dramione is popular. I want to write my own response to some sentiments I have seen:
If you want an enemies-to-lovers ship, Romione is right there.
I hardly consider Romione an enemies to lovers ship. Can you even consider them enemies at the start? Ron didn't like Hermione because her personality rubbed him the wrong way. He made a few deriding comments about her that led to her crying. Hermione acted naggy and intellectually superior and maybe she saw Ron as a bit of a delinquent? YAWN! What enemies! Technically they fit the definition of the ship trope but in the tamest way possible. As far as I am concerned, the emphasis was more on their friendship (they are friends for basically most of the series) and their initial dislike was a minor hiccup. They were 'enemies' for like 5 chapters in one book and the switch from enemies to friends was lightning quick - like one sentence quick.
But from that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend.
I think Romione is better suited as friends to lovers but that's just my take. Just look at Sukka from ATLA. Sokka and Suki started off on a rough note but you would not call them enemies to lovers. Most of Romione's 'enemy' moments boil down to Ron and Hermione being teenagers and going through normal, hormonal teenage drama.
Compare this to Dramione. Draco scorns Hermione's very being and Hermione dislikes him before even having dialogue with him. They are on opposing sides from the beginning: opposing houses, opposing sides of the war, opposing values and ideologies etc. And it would have been interesting to see how that disgust and conflicting worldviews could have morphed into respect and love.
Draco already has a redeeming love interest. You don't need Dramione when you have Drastoria.
Drastoria is a decent ship but I don't like it for a few reasons. First of all, Astoria is a character I know almost nothing about. If I want to know about her, I have to search Google. She and Draco have hardly any interesting history shown. She's basically a NPC - a blank slate. Maybe Cursed Child fans would like Drastoria more.
Secondly, while it is admirable that Draco married a sickly, blood-traitor girl who might not have been able to give him heirs, at the end of the day she is still a pureblood. She's still a relatively safe option. Marrying a muggleborne person like Hermione would make a way more concrete redemption/atonement story. Hermione challenges Draco's worldview more than Astoria ever could.
On Hermione's end, maybe being with Draco could challenge some misconceptions she has about pureblood culture or something. Maybe being with Draco could even challenge how she views her femininity when we consider how pureblood women don't tend to be career-driven in canon, except fanatics like Bellatrix who are childless and have unhappy marriages. Also, I think Hermione's flaw of being vindictive and aggressive could have been challenged more in Dramione. I despise how JKR lets Hermione get away with murder in Romione. Even when Hermione is wrong, it ends up being Ron's fault. Disgusting!
Draco and Hermione would never touch each other in canon.
That's so true...that's why fanfiction and fanon exist. To explore creative possibilities. It's always a bit amusing when I see canon shippers of ships like Kataang, Hinny and Romione complain about the lack of fan content. Like dude, you have canon as your content. Of course, fanon couples will have a tendency to have more fan works due to the lack of canon material.
While many Dramione fics are annoying and totally OOC, there are some concepts that can honor canon that I find intriguing:
Draco and Hermione are forced to be together. This way they have to find a way to reconcile whatever bad feelings they have so they are not miserable for eternity.
Draco and Hermione meet as kids. This allows their personality and impressions of each other to slightly change before canon starts.
Draco and Hermione meet again as grown adults. Maybe Romione and Drastoria did not work out for non bashing reasons and they form a tentative acquaintance as mature adults which blooms into something more.
Draco begins his redemption/awakening arc prior to starting Hogwarts. I like fics where Draco begins questioning his parents' beliefs due to some external factor (like his Aunt Andromeda). That way Draco starts Hogwarts with a lot of his awful bigotry gone. Not all of it but even a small portion of it, making Dramione more feasible.
Draco was Hermione's bully.
It's called enemies to lovers for a reason...you know because the people were enemies. Duh. I will argue that Draco's actions towards Hermione are not as devastating as most people think and are totally redeemable. I will die on that hill (not really lol). All of Draco's biggest offences against her are verbal in nature and he arguably harrassed her the least in the trio. If JKR showed Hermione being impacted by Draco's slurs, I would 100% feel differently. However, Hermione treats Draco like an annoying fly - Draco does not hurt her in any meaningful way to totally dismiss Dramione as a ship in my view.
Draco and Hermione are happy in their canon ships
I love when my fav character ends up in a happy, loving relationship. I hate that Draco lost his wife which is one minor reason I dislike Drastoria. But that's besides the point.
Part of the reason why I dislike the teen ships Romione and Hinny is that they don't really matter much in the narrative. If you take them out, nothing changes, especially Hinny.
For example, there's nothing profound or grand about Ron marrying Hermione. The Weasleys are pro-muggle (...at least in spirit...) so who cares about Romione getting together? I sure don't. The most profound thing about Romione is that Harmione did not happen with Harry and Hermione being the male and female leads. However, Romione still occurs within the friend circle. Same with Hinny. They are safe pairings that don't challenge the status quo. Safe pairings are cozy but most tend to be uninteresting.
On the other hand, Dramione offers the potential for a richer narrative. It could symbolize the potential for change in traditional pureblood families - the start of an era of unity. Between Slytherin and Gryffindor, purebloods and mugglebornes. Because JKR ended HP with the chasm still wide open. Nothing changed except who was on top. Draco is the face of the younger Slytherin generation and is the scion of two prestigious pureblood houses. His ending the story being romantically involved with Hermione would have been amazing to see. Instead of seeing everyone still stuck in their own corners in the epilogue. How disappointing. JKR even ruined Harry's moving speech to Albus with that line about choosing Gryffindor if being in Slytherin bothered him so much. But JKR seems to love the status quo, so what else is to be expected?
Characters being happy in their relationships is great but I also like seeing how a relationship contributes to the themes of a story. Dramione could have offered more to the HP narrative than Romione, and maybe Drastoria, in my view.
These are my opinions. I truly don't care about Hermione so that's a big reason why I can't stand Dramione. But I do see the potential of the ship if written well.
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mr-moonbeanies · 2 years
i find it hilarious that fucking jkr made dumbledore the gay “representation” in the harry potter fandom but the majority of the community hates his guts.
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regulus-lantsov · 6 months
Chapter 1 is out !
Comments are always liked and encourage me to continue
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22degreehalo · 28 days
Pulling my hair out........
Whyyyyyyy are people SO DESPERATE to find ways to justify harry potter being an awful book that nobody ever liked. Why is is SO GODDAMN HARD for people to just admit that a bad person could make a good thing!!!! Even a pretty decent thing!!!!! As if millions of people around the world didn't sit down to read over a MILLION WORDS for fucking nothing!!!!!!!!!!
Because I work in a library!!!!!! Harry potter is still so goddamn relevant guys!!!!!!!! We still have harry potter signs up!!!!!! There are still so many kids reading them for the first time!!!!!! Still soooooooooOOOOO many spin-offs and 'wizarding world crochet' and 'the science of Harry Potter' and 'essays on Hogwarts' and literally anything you can think of!!!!!!!! I wore a cheap-ass witch hat and two separate people asked me if it was a 'Hermione hat!'!!!!!!!! And my coworker dressed up as Professor McGonagall!!!!!!! Another coworker has an 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good' lanyard!!!!!! Hell, my aunt in goddamn America moved in to a new apartment and do you know what event they put on to bring the tenants together? A Harry Potter crafts day!!!!!!!!!!!
Christ all fucking mighty, regardless of how you personally feel about it now (or back then, if you were ~oh so smart~ enough to uhm Acktchually have hated it from day 1), it was a global phenomenon that got millions of kids into reading. Was it in the right place at the right time? Yeah!!!!!! Just like literally anything that becomes a phenomenon!!!!!!! But IT HAPPENED, and *to this day* Harry Potter is a global symbol of reading and wonder and childhood and it's been fucking decades and you simply cannot change that now!!!!!!! You know what people still to this day recommend to people learning new languages? Reading Harry Potter, because it's immediately assumed of everyone that you'll not just be familiar with the story but know all the beats well enough to follow along with the story even when you can't fully understand what you're reading!!!!!!!!!!
Just oh my fucking GOD, I know this is an unhinged rant but I still keep *hoping* that *this time* if I take a peek behind those filtered tags, I might see a post with some vague tangential reference to reality as it pertains to the most popular modern book series of all time, but as always: nope!!!!! God for fucking bid we acknowledge even for a microsecond that Goodness and Beauty are not inextricably intertwined!!! Absolutely anything to justify ourselves as True Of Heart because we, The Good Ones, would never commit such thought crimery as having positive emotions about a work of art whose author later became a transphobe!!! And of course we can't possibly ever praise the work's anticlassism messages oe statements of tolerance or diversity, because that means Saying She's Right About Everything Ever, so we have no choice but to continue this vicious cycle wherein people only ever hear bad things in this goddamn stupid echo chamber and that just becomes the 'objective truth'!!!!!!
God I'm just fucking waiting for when somebody posts some old letters of Tolkein's and suddenly everyone remembers that he was an old white Catholic man who started a lot of the goddamn racial charicatures HP is blamed for and wrote a whole goddamn race of Always Chaotic Evil sentient beings. Where's all that ~hopepunk~ ~ohhh it's about community gathering together (unlike Harry Potter which idk I guess the MC just did everything huh)~~ bullshit going to go then? Not that I think LotR is actually objectively bad, even though I tried to read it and didn't like it and never cared for the movies at all (they're just action movies. They're literally just action movies in a fantasy setting yall I'm glad you guys enjoy them but to me they're pretty goddamn boring 90% of their runtime) because I am a person capable of nuanced thought and acknowledgement of the concept that sometimes other people can find meaning and enjoyment in things that I myself do not without being objectively wrong!!!!!!!!
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munsons-mutiny · 2 years
Okay hear me out, we know the blood protection on Harry was real because Quirrel burned in Sorcerer’s Stone right? But we also know this was overcome in Goblet of Fire when he took Harry’s blood to resurrect himself. From that moment on did the blood protection even have an effect? Like Voldemort could’ve and almost did kill him in the graveyard that night. So what protection was it really offering??
More importantly all the times we did see it work, were while Harry was at school far away from Petunia and any other possible blood relative. So what the hell was the point of Harry returning to the Dursleys every summer and being treated like trash??? I’m not convinced the blood protection offered anything substantial past Goblet of Fire, or that Petunia being close to him was ever a prerequisite for it. Especially since the whole the protection breaks when he comes of age thing is weak at best, and logically unsound at worst.
So what if it the protection really was useless past Goblet of Fire and Dumbledore sent Harry back to the Dursleys as a control move. Harry had to be malleable and thankful towards Dumbledore, reminding him what Dumbledore and Hogwarts saved him from is a sure fire way to accomplish that. In fact Dumbledore is the only one who seemed to benefit from the Dursley’s and Harry’s continued association. It certainly wasn’t beneficial for the Dursley’s who ended up in witness protection (should’ve been prison but here we are) and had their son attacked by dementors. But Dumbledore begged.
Heck I think we all know in Prisoner of Azkaban that Dumbledore could’ve saved Sirius if he wanted to, could’ve used penisieve, or versuitium, with his numerous ministry contacts to fix the situation.
Yet he didn’t. He let Sirus be a fugitive, and then even kept him under house arrest and isolated him from Harry. All while using how thankful they were towards him to keep them following his orders.
This all applies to Lupin as well, who should’ve been next in line to take Harry once Sirus was in prison. But after running missions for the order that fractured his relationship with his best friends because he couldn’t tell them anything. After sacrificing everything he had to do what Dumbledore asked of him. He was sent on his way to figure it out for himself. He was poor and unable to find employment, and Dumbledore didn’t care until he needed him to teach at Hogwarts. And really only needed him to do so as another pawn against Sirus due to their past friendship (relationship fight me). Even when he ends up quitting he tells Harry it’s because Dumbledore has done enough for him. Like he’s still indebted to him for even allowing him to go to Hogwarts in the first place.
This got off topic and turned into generic Dumbledore bashing, but the point is Dumbledore is not above manipulating people with underhanded tactics, and people feeling they owe him is his favorite. He absolutely would’ve kept sending Harry back to the Dursleys despite the abuse simply because it kept Harry indebted to him. He would’ve minimized Sirus’ relationship with Harry and made sure that Harry couldn’t leave the Dursley’s for one reason or another. I think it may just all be another way Dumbledore moved everyone around like chess pieces, and is another way he could’ve been a giant piece of shit.
In summary fuck Dumbledore all my homies hate Dumbledore.
And JK too, that TERF would write a story glorifying Dumbledore and Sn*pe like they were anything other that flaming hot piles or garbage.
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nightingale2004 · 9 months
Things I would change in the world of Harry potter.
(I have a whole list, so buckle up)
First off, I would give more information about the wizarding world itself. We barely see the fashion, traditions, customs, and such (other than the malfoys being fashion icons) I want to see more of it. Know more about it
I feel like the ministry of magic will think they are in charge, but the real ones behind it would be whoever the original pureblood families either appoint or whoever steps up to the title of running things with the ministry. Like whoever the head(s) of whatever pureblood house that was put in charge says goes, and the ministry has to obey.
Definitely try to fit some information on the pureblood families, including the original pureblood families (I know there's only so much information to fit on the books, but the fans can't come up with everything J.k Rowling. WE CAN ONLY CREATE SO MUCH!!!!)
A magical wizard mailman/woman. If the Wizarding world is so worried about their world getting discovered by muggles, then maybe, just maybe....DON'T SEND A BUNCH OF FREAKING OWLS TO MUGGLE OR HALF BLOOD KIDS HOUSES WHERE EVERYONE WHO ISNT A WIZARD CAN SEE THEM!!
Having this mailman/woman explain what's happening to those who have no idea WHAT THE FRICK IS HAPPENING. AND WHY THERE CHILD IS LIKE THIS.
Glamour being created or some kind of mist similar to Percy jackson so that way whenever magic is being used in public. Normal muggles would see something different instead of magic being used or blasted out in the open
More history on magic and wizards and how they made their world.
More magical sports. We can't have just quidditch canwe?
Wands as just a way to control untrained children magic because, according to sources. Wizard and witch Magic as children is unpredictable and dangerous, so I'm thinking that wands would just be a way for children to focus and train their magic until they are ready to use wandless magic.
More information on the countless wizard schools around the world (why couldn't j.k Rowling pull a Rick Riordan and have people from different countries and states write their Wizarding schools so that way no one would be offended and they would be represented correctly)
Wizarding schools teaching children wandless magic. This class would be a must because as soon as these wizards lose their wand. It's games over if they don't get it back quickly, so yeah, this class IS a MUST!!!
Magic defense classes. And I'm not talking about defense against dark arts and spells and such. No, I'm talking about actual fighting hand to hand magic classes. Kind of like Dr. Strange. Cause these kids can not rely on their wands and a bunch of non magic punches in the face to save them. Teach them some basic hand to hand combat with and without magic, especially if their thinking about taking on an adventurous line of work with dangers on the way.
A fair Wizarding government that selects fair headmasters (Dumbledore should've never been headmaster given his track record, let's be honest)
A minor wizarding jail for small crimes like jaywalking and such and Azkaban being a last resort for the absolute worst crimes that anyone can commit.
Dementors are a bit on the extreme side, and they betrayed the wizarding world and killed (I think) a bunch of people who were ACTUALLY INNOCENT AND WENT TO THE DARK SIDE.
Different types of magic. And no, I'm not talking about potions, herbology, and defense against the dark arts. No, I'm talking about during the course of your education at whatever Wizarding school you go to, you find out what magic you have. Like mystic arts, rune magic, weapon magic, dark magic, chain magic, elemental magic, etc. That type of magic, and when you find out what magic you have, then you get to unlock a multitude of classes to help you master this type of magic and sharpen and strengthen your skills. (I'm feeling this, along with wandless classes, are a 3rd or 4th year thing)
Wizard money. Make it make sense.
Dark forbidden magic consequences. (Allow me to elaborate). So we saw what happened to Voldemort when one goes to the extreme for power and resorts to dark forbidden magic. But what about his followers? I think there should be a mark for those who start using forbidden magic that even glamor can't hide
I would legit want to see how people with disabilities would take on this world like blind or deaf, etc.
Technology. Get with the Times wizard world. Get with the times.
The Wizarding world needs to know more about the no-maj world. They are accepting half-bloods and muggles into their world. They have to know what's going on instead of hiding from them 24/7
More career paths that are similar to what we muggles have in the real world
Secret ministry of magic combat groups. The normal government has them. Why can't they? (they take care of dark forces outside the laws of the minstry)
Should witch hunters be a thing? Idk, just a thought
The tr-wizard tournament not being so extreme. These are children in school, not adults people.
I want to know if there's a school that only accepted muggles and half-bloods. It's a must and I know there's one out there.
The Wizarding world using muggle things to make their life easier instead of using magic all the time.
Magic aura and energy acting as a shield.
More sources of transportation around the wizarding society.
Vampires. I want to know how they would be depicted (my best guess is that they would be aristocrats, but their magic is less powerful than wizards and witches)
I think that's everything. I will make a pt.2 if I have more.
Hope you enjoy
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Growing up is realizing that Albus Dumbledore was just as bad as all the other villains in Harry Potter, and the way he was written proves that JKR has always sucked.
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
I think what pisses me off the most about Ron is the abandoning thing. More so than all the other asshole things he's done. Especially during Deathly Hallows. I have a thing for abandonment, so when I read Ron doing that the first time I was so pissed off and sad. Cause like this is what Harry was afriad of and it happened. Harry warned Ron that this would be hard. And don't give me any bullshits about lockets cause the locket just makes worse what's already there. So Ron was already having doubts and thinking about leaving. And his jealousy was always like that, so Ron fans don't even try me. The locket just added to what Ron was already thinking and that pisses me off so much for Harry. This guy is suppose to be your best friend and he just up and leaves you when things are hard and difficult. Harry will never be able to fully trust Ron again. Not fully the only people Harry has been shown he can fully trust are Hermione, Neville and Luna.
To me Ron is the kind of a “friend” who will abandon you as soon as they feel you outshine them in any way. And with Ron… it’s really not that hard to outshine him. He abandoned and berated Harry in Book 4, even though he should’ve been the first person to know, that Harry wouldn’t “seek fame” as he puts it. He abandoned both Harry and Hermione during a fucking war because… Harry’s more important in it then him? Because Hermione is gentle with her best friend? And you’re right, that the locket didn’t put thoughts in his head, it enhanced what already was there to the max. Ron is extremely selfish overall in the story. And then suddenly he returns and is absolutely OOC to the way he was before. If I recall, when I was first reading Book 7, I threw it into the wall when he returned. It made no sense story wise, it took away any semblance of reality from it and JKR only did it because “the trio must remain”. Hated that plot. It was like… she needed him to become relevant, so she made him be the one to pull Harry out. It was so badly written, I can’t…
Ron had his moments in the first 3 books. I didn’t care for his character, but he was okay and had some good things going for him. But starting from book 4… hate him, he’s the worst character in the series. And I despise how he’s treated as a fucking saint by the narrative. Nothing has any consequences with him
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newtscamandersbf · 9 months
'oh my favorite death eater is greyback' STAY AWAY??? BACK TF UP??
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mcgonagalls-hat · 1 year
I'm sorry but the HP discourse is so funny to me because you can really tell who functions in the real world and who doesn't. Like...if you don't like something, you don't have to look at it! It's ok sweetie! The worst is those who are like "Wahh I really miss liking Harry Potter!" Girl. If you're going to let one shit scum ruin an ENTIRE thing for you THAT EASILY, you need to just lock your doors and windows and never leave. Like idk what to tell you. Also where was this energy towards South Park? BNHA? One Piece? Pretty much every chain restaurant? Disney? PETA? Motherfucking Walmart? All those shitty YouTubers and celebrities? Apple? Amazon?
If you do enough digging I promise you you're going to find something to hate about everything. If you let that ruin everything for you, you're never going to be happy in life. You cannot force yourself into a box and convince people that you're happy.
If you see issues with something you like, (which believe me, you will. You always will.) Aknowledge the issues and move on. Obviously if it's something outright problematic like a real historical event or a real issue, go ahead and call it out. But if it's one bad thing amongst so much good, you need to take a step back and reflect on whether it's really worth it.
And stop with the "HP is literally a reflection of JK's views!!" Just stop. If you actually knew anything about the media then you would know that the main storyline is literally about the fight FOR acceptance.
If you let one little thing ruin an entire experience for you so much so that you have to ruin it for everyone else, you are a privileged, closed minded child who has absolutely no concept of what the real world is. There will be people who hate you. There will be people you don't like. Get over it. JK Rowling's shitty opinions don't directly affect you. The real genocidal laws being passed in multiple countries do. You can either hide behind your keyboard in your bomb shelter, focusing on your pretend problems, or you can go out and take real action against real issues.
Now can we focus on REAL problems now PLEASE
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curlycorrin18 · 2 years
How I think Peter’s “betrayal” happened
Peter was a spy for Dumblewhore just like Snape (nobody knew), but Voldy needed to be sure Peter was on his side so he sent him on the mission to find and kill the McKinnon family. Peter went to Dumbles to figure out what to do. Peter was begging for a solution that didn’t involve their deaths but Dumblebitch gave Peter the location and told Peter to complete the mission to gain Moldymarts trust. Peter did it but god did it break him. But when Voldewart asked for the potters location he once again went to Dumbles to ask what to do. Which of course he told Peter to give up the location “for the greater good” (i.e Dumbledore is trying to make sure the prophecy happens) Peter thinks it’s gonna be some sort of trap for voldy but quickly realize it’s not when he kills James. So Peter runs and Sirius finds him and nearly kills him but gets away. While living as a rat he realizes that good old dumble ain’t so good so he decides that he needs to be taken down. But the only way he can think of for that to happen is for Voldy to be revived so that’s what he does.
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