#john silver fanfic
daddyhausen · 2 years
Could we get sexual punishment with John Silver please???
• sexual punishments — john silver •
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{ masterlist } | { aew masterlist } | { john silver masterlist }
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact }
{ word count } — 149
{ pairing } — fem!reader x john silver
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @stxrrlightwrites13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @baybay-boom @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @eddie-kingstons-wifey @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
he doesn't seem like the type to punish someone per say
he mostly teases 
promising sex and then not following through most of the time 
the furthest he’ll go is making you watch him jerk off 
he’ll moan your name for added effect 
making your frustrations boil over
sometimes he’ll tie you up forcing you to not touch yourself if it calls for it 
other times he’ll just eat you out 
it doesn’t really seem like a punishment at first 
trust me, with the amount of orgasms he’ll give you it will definitely feel like one 
he’ll eat you out until your trembling
until you clit is swollen and overstimulated 
practically begging for it to end 
in public he’ll become really touchy 
almost clingy 
he’ll grab your ass, squeezing it 
whispering the most obscene things on your ear 
only for him to make you wait until you get home
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ethereal-night-fairy · 10 months
Silver Tongues, like Bullets
Werewolf!141 x female reader
Trusting four men in the forest when you were lost was possibly the stupidest thing you could have ever done. Now you find yourself scrambling to escape their clutches.
Warnings: MDNI, Dark themes, implied kidnapping, manipulation, hunting, mild injuries, manhandling, non-sexual touching, non-con touching.
The lovely @gogh-with-the-flow came up with the name for this. (I love you xoxo 💋)
Silver Tongues like Bullets Masterlist
Words: 3.7k
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-27/11/2023 present time
Your feet race through the jagged terrain trying to find any hint of a trail to lead you back into town. Though it was near impossible to see. Your only friend was the crescent moon creating a gentle stream of light to guide your steps as you hurried across, dodging trees and bushes. The air sliced against your skin like icicles but you know you couldn't stop. They might be hot on your trail. You could almost envision their hot breaths coming out in pants as their morphed forms chased after you. Large bodies on all fours tearing up the forest in pursuit of your scent. But they weren't behind you, they couldn't be you haven't heard them in a short while. It was a miracle you even managed to evade their claws this long. God knows how you managed to get this far.
Had someone warned you that you'd be chased by four beasts who you had sought help from at one point you'd think they've gone completely mad. Maybe you've gone completely mad. Maybe this was all a dream and your brain is just trying to wake you up. Your legs were numb from the cold but you continued running, you couldn't stop, not now. You prayed that you'd just wake up in your warm bed. To your cozy home and familiar town. You ran through a particularly thorny bush, creating small cuts all over your arms. But you still continued even though all you wanted to do was lay down and hide somewhere until morning. Until you could see clearly and find a way back. You crane your neck trying to make out sounds over your laboured breathing and pounding heart. The blood rushing into your ears was making it difficult to hear anything noteworthy. Maybe you had lost them or maybe they thought you were too much trouble and had gone back but you were thankful nonetheless.
The trees start to thin and your heart feels like it'll force its way out of your chest. Were you approaching a road? A trail? It didn't matter your force to your legs to run faster. When you finally break through the treeline and onto the dark road you look around frantically. Cars!? Were there any cars nearby? You try to listen to the best of your ability as you calm down your breathing. Hot breaths condensing into the cold night. Your legs felt like jelly and standing up straight was proving to be a problem. You crouched down slightly, giving yourself a moment when you finally hear the smooth rumble of an engine. The light blinded you for a second when you saw the vehicle turn from the bend. You cover your eyes but stand off to the side so you don't get hit, waving your other hand like a mad woman hoping to get noticed. The lights get dipped and you get a better look as the truck slows to a stop.
The familiar black truck has your mind reeling. Your blood runs cold much colder than the air that was cutting blood circulation in your toes and fingers. You recognise the truck of your kidnappers. Fate seemed to be enjoying your torment. She wouldn't be putting you in such a predicament if she didn't. The car lights shine on you comically as if you're a criminal that just escaped prison. Before anyone could hop out you turn to run into the forest. It didn't matter how much your limbs hurt, you were going to escape!
You only get two steps in before you're grabbed by the back of your shirt. But you hadn't heard the doors open. Were they out in the forest waiting for you to slip up? Another pair of hands restrains your arms behind your back. You scream and claw trying to weaken their hold. Fighting tooth and nail trying to escape but you just weren't strong enough to rival the two holding you. Your hands were numb, much like the rest of you. You couldn't really feel if your blows were creating any impact.
You only see who grabbed you when you were pushed cheek down on the hood of the car. Soap had your arms twisted behind your back sporting a very deep scratch to his left cheek and many more on his arms that you had left before escaping. Ghost held your neck fully covered in his usual getup. It was firm but alot gentler than Soap. His gloves felt warm against the back of your neck. But you didn't let it placate you. You let out a huff of curse words and try kicking your legs backwards as the truck doors slam shut.
“Aye will ye give it a rest!”, Soap hold you tighter making you wince from the pain. He was clearly angry at you but was holding back for your sake. Wouldn't want to hurt their mate too badly now. You already didn't like them.
“Hands off”, you hear the clear rumble of the Captain's rugged drawl. Suddenly all the warm from your body disappeared, the two men had stepped back giving room to their Captain. Gently a hand ran down your back and spine causing you to shiver. You whine and place your face into your hands knowing you weren't going to escape tonight. You didn't want to look at them and you didn't want them looking at you. The fear and shame of failing was eating away at your insides. Not to mention the punishment that was coming when they finally bring you back to the cabin.
“It's ok luv, we've got you now”, it's Gaz's sweet voice that breaks the tension in the air as Price continues to rub your back gently trying to ground you. You wanted to collapse in on yourself to get as far away as possible as you could from these men. Gaz being the most deceptive of the four. He lured you in with sweet words and promises only to lock you up. You had trusted him when he said he'll get you home. That promise never came to be. How many days has it been now? Maybe weeks have gone by. You couldn't tell anymore the days have started bleeding in together. You wondered if anyone was looking for you.
“Let's get you back now shall we? We can figure out an appropriate punishment when you're safe and sound”, Price's voice vibrated through the silent forest where even the owls gave him authority over the night. You don't know why he was posing it as a question, it wasn't like they were going to listen to you.
Your tears obscure your view as you're led to the back seats with Gaz and Soap. Soap stays silent tightly holding one arm while Gaz coos and shushes you. He gently wipes away your tears holding you close, warming your shivering body from being ill dressed in the elements. The truck starts, the sound of the engine being the final nail in the coffin on your attempted escape.
- 23/11/2023
The leaves under your feet give a loud *crunch* as you stomp your feet through the familiar hiking trail. You come to a halt when the road breaks up into four different directions. You pick a path and start walking without much of a care. Your latest arguments with your parents had you fleeing to the comfort of the forest. You didn't understand why they wouldn't let you leave, you wanted more from life, more to experience, just more than this tiny town could offer you. You had finally gotten your dream job in the city after working tirelessly to improve your photography portfolio. You did all you could do to make sure you were always the best behaved child. You made it a point to do well in your studies and do your best to make your parents proud. You made sure to get a job a soon as it was legally allowed. You supported yourself throughout college even going as far as giving your parents money when you could spare it. Yet they still denied you their love and support when it came to things you wanted.
Your parents wanted you to stay close for their own convenience. They wanted you to stay to help them rather than pursue your dreams. They've been guilt tripping you since you graduated from college to not to leave town. That they needed your help with your younger siblings. That it was unfair and selfish of you after all they did to raise you into adulthood. That you would never make it in the city. That you wouldn't amount to anything without their help.
Leaves and twigs snap under your feet as you trudge through the rough terrain of the forest. Your anger and frustration carry you onwards despite your fatigue. Your camera in hand as you stop from time to time to take scenic photographs.
Time passes and the sun begins to dip in the sky, you suddenly come to a halt realizing that path you thought you were on now had turned into mud and grass. You quickly glance around trying to figure out what part of the forest you found yourself in. There was no trail in sight. Maybe you had steered off course when you were following that white rabbit. How long had you been walking for? You crane your neck to listen to try to hear some sounds of civilisation, cars, voices, dogs, anything to give you an indication that you haven't gone too far. But you were greeted with the wind rustling through the trees and some small birds chirping. You were too far in. The heavy feeling of dread settled in the pit of your stomach but you refused to let it consume you.
You glance at the sky. It was late afternoon, you knew the sun would be setting in a couple of hours. You wrack your head on what to do.
“Think! Think! What did I learn in scouts? Resources! What resources do i have?”
You pat your pockets to find anything useful. You grab your phone to turn it on again. You didn't have anything else on you except a warm jacket, your wallet and your camera. Regret was simmering in the back of your mind as to why you stormed out like you did. Your breathing becomes labored as you try to prevent a panic attack. The screen loads up to show you you've missed several calls from your parents and a few from your siblings. Your bars are low so try to get to some higher ground to get a signal to call them back. You climb a tree leaving your camera on the ground nearby to get better reception but you could only manage one bar. You try calling a couple times before the call finally connects.
“Mom? Mom!, I'm in the forest. I think I'm lost. Mom?”, you try to speak but your mother's voice comes back broken and in a static state. She couldn't hear you. You try your best to communicate with the signal you had hoping she could piece together enough broken words to send help. You strain your arm up trying to get a better signal when your foot slips on a branch and you come tumbling down. The call cuts and you groan out in pain.
Your hands scrabble for your phone looking to see if it was damaged. The phone to your utter disbelief had landed on the boulder nearby and had shattered the screen to the point of it being unusable. You curse and shout in anger and frustration at your horrible luck.
You had stayed put after letting out your anger. Hoping that maybe your mom had understood enough to send help. The sun was getting low in the sky, you didn't have anything on you to build a fire or some sort of shelter so your best option was to conserve energy and wait to be rescued or try finding a trail in the morning. Not to mention the nasty bruises you were nursing now. You had tried looking around the vicinity to try to find a trail to follow after your phone broke but it just felt like you were going deeper as the fog got thicker the more you walked. So in the end you had to turn back. Not that it made much of a difference the fog was settling where you sat on a pile of leaves to protect yourself from the cold ground. It was doing very little from starving the cold from your ass though. The warm jacket you wore wasn't feeling so warm anymore as the heat of early autumn was disappearing with the setting sun.
You prayed someone would find you soon or pray that you lived to get back home on your own tomorrow. But with the way the icy wind was chilling you to your bones, you growing weary. Sitting in one place wasn't keeping you warm, you needed to keep moving to create some friction and get blood flowing again. So that's what you did. For the next 20 to 30 mins you jogged on the spot and did some jumping jacks to starve of the cold. And it worked until you tired yourself out and sat down again.
You kept your ears open to in hopeful delusion that you'd hear footsteps or maybe a group of campers in the distance that could help you. You waited and waited craning your neck when you heard the slightest snap of a twig or a whistle that sounded human. But maybe you were going crazy. Or maybe you were actually right and someone else was in the forest. You keep hearing distant whistling but it stops just as quickly as it starts, making you second guess yourself....
You hear the whistle again! And again this time closer! You get up slowly, your legs numb from sitting. You steady your feet the best you can gathering your belongings as you follow the sound of the gentle tune. The sun was setting and you needed to hurry before it got dark.
You weren't paying attention to your surroundings even though you know you should. This was how you got lost in the first place. But in your cold and desperate mind you needed to find the source of the whistling before the night forest claimed you as its own. You stumble and trip as you make your way to the gentle humming that was resonating through the trees now. The fog got thicker and got harder to see but you continued on especially with the blanket of darkness looming closer. The trees seemed to be growing hands the longer you stayed in one spot so you had no choice but to keep moving. The whistling had stopped suddenly, making you panic as you stood still. Thinking your mind was playing tricks on you but then the humming started and you continued to follow the comforting sound. You couldn't find a direction to follow without it. It was difficult to see more than a couple feet from where you were standing with the fog so thick. You had tripped and fallen many times scraping and bruising yourself further. You probably looked a sight. At least your camera was ok. It was probably running low on charge though.
In the distance you saw the soft glow of fire? Or some sort of lamp, you didn't know and you didn't care. You continue to approach it. Light meant civilisation right? Someone lived here, you could ask them for help. With the distance you had trekked today you hadn't realised how sore you were especially now that the adrenaline had worn off and your tender muscles were screaming from the falls you endured. The ground underneath you evened out a little as you got closer and it became much easier to walk.
Finally you reached the clearing. And look up towards the large cabin in front of you. The fog surrounded it ominously but you didn't seem to care. Your mind wasn't functioning properly due to the cold. You beeline for the open fire once you see it. You glance around quickly to see if anyone was around but there wasn't. But meat was roasting on the fire as you fell to your knees trying to get blood flowing to your fingertips. You glance at the cabin when you warmed up enough, there was a single oil lantern on the entrance but the cabin itself was dark. As if no one was inside. But there was a truck parked up on the side. You've never seen this cabin before, was it always here? Or perhaps you've never come close to this section of the forest to really notice. The best option was to wait for whoever was cooking this meat you think to yourself. Guessing from the size of the freshly cut meat it might be for a small group. You hoped as much anyway; a group of friends enjoying a trip to a cabin. You sat near the fire staying warm salivating from the smell, you hadn't eaten anything since early morning today. It was beginning to take a toll on you.
The soft whistling started again from the edge of the forest where the trees dwarfed the cabin. You hastily get up to get away from the fire not wanting to come across as rude to your potential saviors. You stand there awkwardly waiting for someone to emerge from the tree line, rubbing your hands together while blowing on them.
The heat in your lungs condenses into steam as you let out huffs of air. A figure emerges from the fog, someone tall wearing a red flannel shirt carrying wood and an ax. It's only when he gets closer do you notice does he sniff the air and stop dead in his tracks to look up. His coal eyes pierce you with great intensity. You stare back not really comprehending the situation. You wanted to say something, to let him know you weren't a threat, just someone who was lost and needed a little help.
But your throat seized up and the chilly air freezing up in your lungs preventing you from speaking. The temperature took a dip despite you being near the fire. He took long measured steps towards you as you stood frozen and unable to look away or speak.
Your mouth hung open trying to get words out but it felt like your muscles had stopped working. His eyes glowed orange from the fire as he got closer, his muscular body standing taller as he approached shoulders drawn back in a defensive stance. His dark skin looked radiant under the glow of the embers, his sweat shining on his exposed chest where two buttons were undone. You look down at your feet when your eyes locked with him for the briefest second. You don't think he appreciated you ogling his toned body.
He crouches down, adding a few logs to the dwindling flames and tossed the rest and the ax to the side like it weighed nothing. He got up again and fixed you with a stare, posture still defensive. Waiting for you to say something.
“I'm lost”, the words finally left your mouth in a hurry not wanting to anger this man when you were hoping to receive his help. “I-I didn't m-mean to intrude, I-I just heard some whistling. And I t-thought maybe you c-could help me find my way back”, you stuttered a response even through your nerves as the man continued to stare for a bit, his eyes dissolving of hostility.
“What town are you from?”, he asks gently while rotating the meat.
“Milster”, you say softly hoping he'd know the way back.
“Night has fallen and the forest is covered in a thick fog. We won't be able to show you the road back until morning”, he explains while proding the meat.
As if on cue you see two more well built men appear from the three lines just like the man in front had a few minutes ago. They were all 6 feet or taller by reference to your own height. The blond one, a head taller than his friend.
It felt kinda intimidating that all of them were so fit. One had a knit mask over his face while the other was rocking a very questionable mohawk. Another man appears behind them with a very old fashioned beard but it suited him. He had a rugged charm about him and a friendly face to compliment it. They were all conversing while bringing in their hunt, not particularly paying attention to what was in front of them. The man roasting the meat goes over to where they were.
They came to a halt a few meters away from you. They all turn their head to bore their eyes into yours. You swear they glowed an amber hue for a second. You awkwardly shift your feet from side to side not knowing what to do. After they shared a couple hushed words they all came over towards the fire. The one with the mohawk came towards you while the others stayed on the other side of the burning wood, analyzing you but not in a hostile way. Almost as if they were viewing a small animal in the wild. Except for the mohawk, his eyes told another story.
He circled you like he was sizing up prey. A cold shiver made its way down your spine despite the heat from the rekindled fire. Your nerve endings were screaming at you to run or hide, muscles twitching in your legs trying to get you to move. He finally came in front of you again making direct eye contact. His ocean eyes transfixing you in your place. His boyish smirk exposed his overly sharp canines. It unnerves you completely.
You shouldn't be here! You shouldn't have asked for help! But before you can backtrack and leave the area his deep Scottish accent rings out.
“Aw ah poor little bunny, lost are ye? Dinnae worry we'll help ye find yer way home."
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2023. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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asaethiel · 6 months
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two of many attempts to figure out his Shapes
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major-mads · 8 months
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Chapter 1: Welcome to Thorpe Abbotts
John "Bucky" Egan x Ruth Morgan (OFC)
Series Masterlist
A/N: Ruth has been living in my head for months now, and I'm so so so excited to share her with y'all! This series is Jess (footprintsinthesxnd) and I's brainchild. Our ideas just seamlessly fit tegether, and here we are! We actually wrote this first chapter a week before the 26th, so if anything happens to almost exactly match the show, we came up with it before we saw it on there! (we're just good like that 😎)
Collab: On a Wing and a Prayer by @footprintsinthesxnd
Word Count: 5.3k
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The hum of the engine was the only sound in the C-47 as it soared over the English countryside. The patients had finally settled, and the morphine finally took effect and brought them some sense of relief. Hope slumped back into her seat with a sigh, smiling over at Ruth who looked as exhausted as she was. 
“You looked tired,” Hope smiled at her friend who just sighed.
“It’s been a long day. I can’t wait to get back to base,” Ruth pushed her short blonde hair out of her eyes, sighing again. 
“Hey Frank, how much longer have we got,” Hope called to one of the pilots.
“We’ve had to make a detour, doll. We’re heading to Thorpe Abbotts airfield and will evacuate the wounded to Thorpe St. Andrews Hospital. It’s not far now.” 
Hope felt her heart flutter, her throat drying as she slouched back against her seat. 
“Hey Hope, what’s wrong?” Ruth leaned forward, gripping Hope’s hand and squeezing it, her large blue eyes filled with worry. 
“It’s Hugh,” Hope muttered, her eyes a little teary but a smile on her lips nonetheless. “My brother is stationed at Thorpe Abbotts with the 100th Bomb Group. I haven’t seen him in so long.” 
Ruth’s concerned frown turned to a smile, “So I’m finally going to meet this Hugh I’ve heard so much about.” 
Hope laughed, patting her friend on the back gently, “You will, but don’t get any ideas.” 
The aircraft soared towards its destination, and the occasional jolting and shaking on the metal bird brought no fear to the flight nurses anymore. Once, the ratting metal coffin struck the fear of God into them but now this was a peaceful ride.
Hope watched out the window as the lush, green countryside grew closer and closer. 
“Hey, Frank! Stop hugging the hedgerows for crying out loud. Don’t let the girl down before we’ve reached the field,” Hope called, grimacing as the trees seemed to grow ever closer.
“Who’s flying this bird, Armstrong? You or me?” Frank retorted, not looking away from the cockpit.
“Well, maybe you could use some lessons in keeping the old girl airborne then. We’ll beat up the airfield at this rate.” 
Ruth laughed, watching Hope argue with the pilot once more, “You know Hope, maybe you should have gotten your wings. Then you could be flying us instead of Frank.” 
“You’ve got a good point there, Ruth. Ya hear that Frank, Ruth wants me flying instead of you.” 
Frank’s reply was a muffled curse, and both girls found themselves giggling in response. The plane tooled along for a while longer until it finally began to descend, rattling as it lost altitude and shaking its victims vigorously. The wheels touching down on the tarmac filled everyone with great relief. 
“Well that was one ropey landing, Frank. Maybe I could give ya a few lessons?” Hope asked politely, batting her eyelashes at the pilot who just huffed.
“Shove off, Hope. Now get to it, your blood wagons are waiting.” 
Hope cringed at the nickname the ambulances had been given, they were lifesaving vehicles transporting sick men, why make it sound so ominous? 
Hope hopped down from the plane, instructing the stretcher-bearers on which soldiers were in the worst condition. Between them, Hope and Ruth helped carry three wounded men to the ambulances when an obnoxiously loud voice called, “Well, I’ll be damned!” 
Hope spun round, her boots scuffing at the earth. 
“HUGH!” Her brother laughed jovially, jogging over to them. 
“Gosh, I’ve missed you, Little Bird,” Hugh threw his arms around Hope’s shoulders, nestling his head into her neck as he always did. Hope couldn’t comprehend what was happening. She was finally in her brother's arms, finally reunited with him after so long. She gripped tightly onto the back of his uniform, burying her face in his chest. He smelt of smoke and engine oil just like he did back home. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” she murmured, just loud enough for Hugh to hear as he tightened his grip on her further. She could feel Ruth hovering awkwardly behind her and she turned to greet her friend, pulling out of her brother's arms.
“Ruth, this is my brother, Hugh. Hugh, this is my friend, Ruth.” 
Ruth smiled sweetly, sticking out her hand to shake Hugh’s but instead, he pulled her into a bear hug.
“Any friend of Hope’s is a friend of mine,” he assured Ruth and she smiled, her cheeks turning a deep red at the embarrassment of the situation.
“Hugh, put her down. Look, you're making the poor girl blush,” Hope laughed, which only caused Ruth to blush harder. 
“My apologies Ruthie, where are my manners,” he bowed, taking her hand and placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. 
“Oh, uh- nice to meet you.” Ruth stumbled over her words, quickly using the excuse that she needed her flight jacket as an excuse to return to the plane.
“You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?” Hope groaned, shoving her brother playfully in the ribs. 
“I don’t know, I’ve always considered myself rather charming,” Hugh protested, puffing out his chest in pride. 
Hope nodded, spinning around to call Ruth to join them. The blonde soon was walking back toward the group, now wearing her fleece aviation jacket, and to her relief, without a rosy dusting on her cheeks. 
“I still can’t believe out of all the airfields in England, you managed to land at this one,” Hugh laughed, throwing an arm around both girls' shoulders. “You two are in for a real treat.” 
As they walked through the base, Hugh pointed out the various hard stands. 
“See, right there,” he pointed at a few heavies. “That’s “Just-a-Snappin’, Our Baby, and the M’lle Zig Zig.”
“Where do you guys get these names, Hugh?” Hope laughed, her eyes trailing over each one’s elaborate nose art, along with some very proud-looking engineers and artists who had clearly put so much love into the bombers.
Shrugging his shoulders, Hugh sighed, shaking his head. “I couldn’t tell ya. What’s your plane named?”
“Just the Angel of Death,” Hope chirped.
Hugh stared at her for a moment before shaking his head. “Always with the dark humor, aren’t you, Hope.”
After hearing so much about the man from Hope, Ruth felt as if she’d known Hugh for years when in reality she’d only known him for a few minutes. She knew the stories of how the siblings played in the woods of Columbia, Missouri, exploring the famous rock bridge that brought hikers and tourists into the town. She knew of his love for the St. Louis Cardinals, and how he wore his battered and dirty Dizzy Dean jersey for a week straight after they won the World Series in ‘31 and ‘34. Maybe he’d heard so much about Ruth from Hope that he felt the same way. 
‘It would make sense based on his initial reaction.’ she thought, absentmindedly reaching up and grabbing the small pendant hanging from her neck, running her fingers over its smooth edges.
Before they knew it, the trio reached their destination: his officer nissen hut. They were long semi-circular metal huts, not known for their warmth or comfortability, but they were a soft place to land at the end of the day…which is a lot more than most young men of the time could say. 
“Welcome to my humble abode, ladies,” he announced as they neared the building, holding out his arms in a ‘ta-da’ motion. “She’s not much, but she’s home.”
He began to open the door for them, but a voice in the distance stopped him.
“Charlie! No girls in the huts,” the voice called. “I told you that a few weeks ago.”
Turning toward the voice, Hope did a double take when she saw who its owner. Approaching them was a tall, tan, brunette, who wore a bomber jacket with his hair messily combed to the side. He walked with a swagger that instantly put a bad taste in Hope’s mouth.
She sighed to herself, thinking, ‘Why do all the cute ones have to be cocky?’ 
Hugh groaned, pointing at Hope. “Buck, come on, this is my-” 
The man finally reached them, and Hope stopped herself from being captivated by his blue-green eyes.
“I don’t care who she is. You know the rules,” he interrupted, turning to the girls. “Sorry girls, but I think it’s time for you to go.”
Ruth cringed and side-eyed Hope, already expecting a snarky response to his comment. 
“Well,” she paused, checking her watch for effect. “Seeing as we have patients in the infirmary, it actually isn’t time for us to go.”
It was then that he looked down at her upper arm, taking in the bright red and white medic band that adorned her uniform. Ruth could see the slightest show of remorse in his expression as his eyes rose back up to Hope’s. 
“My apologies, ma’am. I didn’t know-”
Hope didn’t let him finish, cutting him off. “Maybe you should know all the facts before you make an assumption, Buck.”
“Hope!” Ruth hissed, trying to placate her friend, but the woman ignored her.
“See, other than my brother, this is why I can’t stand airmen. They’re cocky-”
Realizing the flaw in Hope’s argument, Ruth ran a hand down her face, secondhand embarrassment filling her. Just when she was about to interject, Buck beat her to it.
“Now hold on. Maybe you should know all the facts before you make an assumption, sweetheart.”
Hope’s mind ran rampant with frustration, and she stared up at him with contempt as he smiled cheekily at her. His eyes were locked on hers as they had a stare-down, neither wanting to be the first to give in. 
“So,” Hugh cleared his throat in an attempt to break their silent battle. “Let me introduce you guys. Ladies, this is my squadron commander, Major Buck Cleven.”
Buck tilted his head slightly, not breaking eye contact with Hope. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” she replied dryly.
Ruth shook her head and sighed, amazed at her fellow nurse’s childlike stubbornness.
“And Buck, this is my sister, Hope, and her friend Ruth. They’re flight nurses with the 806th MAETS.”
Ruth raised a hand and waved with a quiet, “Hello,” and Hope felt a little satisfaction when the man’s eyes widened at the word sister. 
Buck’s eys left Hope for a moment to acknowledge Ruth, who stood beside her, with a nod and a smile. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”
“You, too, Major,” she responded with a small grin. He then turned back to Hope.
“So, you’re the infamous little sister we’ve all heard about?” Buck chuckled, placing his hands on his hips.
The woman glanced over at Hugh, who wore a guilty expression. “All good things, I hope.”
“For the most part,” Buck chimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I know about your little escapade to Kansas City, and how–” 
Hope’s eyes widened in disbelief that her brother had divulged her most embarrassing moment. “Hugh!!” she cried, smacking his chest. “You lying piece of crap! You promised!”
“It’s not like I thought you’d ever meet anyone here, Hope!”
Composing herself, she took a deep breath and sent Buck a tight-lipped smile. “It looks like you know a lot more about me than I do about you, Major.”
“It would seem so, Nurse Armstrong.”
As Ruth amusedly listened to Gale and Hope’s banter, she felt like she was being watched. Glancing around the group, her heart skipped a beat as her eyes met another set of icy blues, ones that were new to the group. 
‘How did I miss him walking up?’ she wondered.
Their gazes locked for a few seconds that seemed to last minutes, and a shudder ran through her. Breaking from his stupor, he quickly looked away with a light pink dusting on his cheeks. Ruth felt her own blush creeping up her neck and wrapped her flight jacket closer to her body, the English chill suddenly getting to her. 
Her eyes seemed to have a mind of their own as they fought to return to the handsome stranger. It took all her willpower to keep them on Hugh, who was talking to the group.
“I can’t imagine going up without weapons on board. We’ve got 12 50-cal brownings and sometimes I feel that’s not enough.”
The battle within herself became too much, and Ruth finally gave in to her temptation. Her eyes flitted over to the man, and she silently sighed in relief when she found his gaze elsewhere. It was then that she discovered her first assumption of the man being ‘handsome’ was an understatement. He had a strong and well-defined jawline, expressive and striking blue-grey eyes, a straight nose, and a slightly curved lip, which held a pencil-thin mustache.
She liked the mustache.
He wore a crooked crusher cap and a white fleece-lined flying jacket that looked somewhat dirty, accompanied by his brown service top poking out at the jacket collar.
Ruth was mesmerized by the man, and she didn’t even know his name. A wide grin broke out on his face as he engaged in the group’s conversation, his upper lip curling up, allowing a few teeth to peek out the top, and Ruth felt her stomach lurch for the second time in a short few minutes. 
Focus, Ruth. Focus.
An elbow to her side broke her stare, and the group’s eyes were suddenly on her as Hope looked at her expectantly. 
“What?” Ruth asked, looking like a deer in headlights.
“I said that we would go insane without each other up there.”
“Oh,” she sighed with a small smile. “You would probably kill Frank if I weren’t there.”
The group broke out in laughter, and Ruth found her eyes absentmindedly moving to the mystery man. As he chuckled, his eyes wrinkled at the edges, and his full smile revealed a dazzlingly straight set of pearly whites. His loud laughter was infectious, and a few giggles escaped her mouth. 
As the group’s chuckles started to die down, Hope looked over at Ruth. She took in her friend’s shy smile and blush, then followed her gaze to the airman across the circle. Realizing what was happening, she nudged Ruth lightly, a teasing eyebrow raised.
“What?” Ruth grumbled under her breath, leaning closer to her friend’s ear as the guys carried on the group’s conversation. 
“You like him.”
The blonde’s smile fell and heat rushed up her neck. “Who?”
Hope tilted her head incredulously, rolling her eyes. “You know who.”
“No, I don’t,” she defended, 
“He’s staring,” Hope grinned, nodding his direction subtly. 
Ruth’s eyes rose to his, and sure enough, his striking eyes were gazing into hers yet again. This time, however, he didn’t look away. The corner of his lips quirked up into a barely noticeable grin, and she felt as if she was shrinking under the intensity of his gaze.
“Uh, I need to go check on the patients,” she sputtered, pointing her fingers in the direction of the infirmary. With a curt nod to Hope, she quickly turned and started toward the infirmary, her blonde curls bouncing with each step. A few seconds later, she spun to face the group and called, “But it was…uh…nice to meet y’all.”
Hugh didn’t miss a beat and hollered back his reply. “You, too, Ruthie!” He then paused until she was out of earshot. “She alright?” 
“She’s fine,” Hope sighed, used to her friend’s more timid personality. She had hoped that over time, her extroversion would rub off on the nurse, but so far, she had no such luck. Ruth was more of a one-on-one person, not one for groups of people unless she knew them pretty well. It seemed the smaller the group got, the more Ruth seemed to come alive. It was like pulling teeth to get Ruth to agree to go out with the other girls of the unit, but when she finally stepped out of her comfort zone, she usually had a good time filled with friends, fellas, and amazing big band music.
Ruth’s admirer joined the conversation, and Hope smirked, watching his eyes follow her friend. “How far away is your base?” 
“We’re in Berkshire, so by car, it’s about three hours, but by plane, probably 45 minutes.”
“So not far,” he chimed, raising his eyebrows and nodding to himself. Before anyone else could comment, he spoke again. 
“See you boys later,” he said absentmindedly as he watched Ruth’s figure go around a corner. Clapping Buck’s shoulder, he set off and followed the nurse’s path around the corner, missing the raised eyebrows and confused expressions sent his way. All eyes followed him as he, too, disappeared around the corner.
Hope pursed her lips at the new development, unsure of the man following Ruth. “Should I be worried?”
“Yep,” Hugh confirmed with a curt nod.
Buck hit him on the chest, chuckling under his breath. “Johnny’s a good man, darlin’.”
Hugh suppressed a snort thinking of the commander’s wild habits and how Buck didn't exactly answer her question.
“Anyways, back wh-”
And just like that, the conversation continued, and Hope had a strange feeling of contentment being on base. Finally being with family again.
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As Ruth briskly made her way around the nissen huts to the infirmary, her heart continued to beat rapidly in her chest, and her mind replayed his smile non-stop. 
Get it together, Ruth!
When she finally reached the infirmary, she stopped at the door, taking a deep breath to gain some composure. Within seconds of opening the heavy door, the base’s head surgeon approached her, wiping his hands with a rag.
“Hello,” he greeted. “I’m Captain Emory Kinder, and I’m assuming you’re one of the flight nurses who landed earlier?”
Ruth wore her signature toothy grin and nodded. “Yes, sir. Ruth Morgan. My other half is visiting with her brother as we speak.”
“Yep, Hugh Armstrong,” she replied, her smile widening as his face lit up.
“Charlie! Oh yeah, I know him. He’s been in here for a few hangovers after a rowdy night in Dickleburgh.”
“Really?” Ruth chuckled, picturing the confident young man drunk as a skunk.
“Oh yeah. We love him though. He’s a good one for sure.”
A patient called out to him, and with a nod, he was off, helping the man. Ruth busied herself however she could, bringing airmen water, re-wrapping their bandages, and pretty much anything that would get her mind off the man from earlier. She was inspecting a man’s arm wound when the creaking of the door opening filled the building. Paying it no mind, she kept working, noting how the tissue was already healing. 
“It looks good, Sergeant. You should be back in the air soon,” she said quietly.
His wide-eyed morphine-induced expression looked pitiful, but he managed to mumble out a, “Thank you, ma’am.”
Ruth gathered her supplies and stood to her feet, throwing away the bloody bandages when Emory's voice rang through the air.
“Speaking of rowdy nights in Dickleburgh...Major, what can I do for ya? Is that shoulder giving you problems again?”
“No, Doc,” the newcomer began, his deep voice breaking the relative quiet. “The shoulder’s fine. I just wanted to, you know, come see the boy-men.”
When she turned toward them and saw the white jacket, the roll of bandages fell from her grasp and hit the floor with a thud, rolling a few feet away to the man’s feet. The heat returned to her cheeks in a rush, and her eyes froze on the bandages for a moment, silently cursing the little white bundle. She watched in horror as the man slowly bent down and picked it up, walking toward her as he threw it up in the air and caught it.
“I think this yours,” he said, one side of his lips quirking up into a smirk as he held it out to her.
Raising her eyes from the bandage to his eyes, she prayed her voice would stay steady. “Thank you, sir.”
She took the bandage and tried to remain calm, her free hand raising to run her fingers over the cool metal of her locket.
“John. Major John Egan,” he introduced himself, extending his hand to her. “But you can call me Bucky.”
Ruth’s brows furrowed in confusion as she took his much larger hand and shook it gently. It was surprisingly soft compared to the men she’d treated from the lines.  “Bucky? It’s there another-”
“Yeah,” John chuckled and slowly released her hand, shoving his in his pockets, rocking back on his heels. “We call Cleven Buck, too. He hates it, but he deals with it.”
Grimacing playfully, she decided to go out on a limb despite her pounding heart. “Well, I, um, don’t know if I’ll be able to remember who’s who.”
“Oh no,” John tutted, his eyebrows raised and a wide-mouthed smile painting his lips. “We can’t have that. You can call me John, Johnny, whatever you want, doll, but I don’t think you’re going to have a hard time remembering my name.”
“And why would that be, Johnny?”
“Because you’ll see it at the bottom of each letter you’ll get from me.”
The blonde froze, dropping her necklace in disbelief as she swallowed thickly.
‘There is no way he just said that,’ her mind repeated. ‘There is no way he just said that.”
Pushing through her reserved personality and the tingling sensation swirling in her stomach, she decided to take a page from Hope’s book.
“What makes you think I’d let you write me, hotshot?”
Her mind went haywire. ‘‘Why did I just say that? I’m never taking Hope’s advice again. This is too stressful.’
For the first time in their interaction, his confident bravado seemed to fade and he didn’t quite know what to say. Perhaps he was always used to women giving in to his advances easily, but Ruth was not just another woman begging to be wooed. Johnny stood before her with furrowed brows, his upper lip sticking out slightly. He pushed back his jacket and placed his hands on his hips, his head ducking to the floor.
“Because I’d like to get to know you,” he replied earnestly, taking off his cap. “You’re gorgeous, and I would like to write you, Ruth.“
That was the last thing she expected.
In that moment, Ruth Morgan had a decision to make. Was she going to reject the airman or give him a chance? She knew she was attracted to him and there was chemistry there, but was she willing to put herself out there? The timid parts of her personality screamed at her to tell him no, but the parts that Hope had influenced were urging her to accept his offer. In the end, Ruth already liked Johnny, and she saw the sincerity in his statement as a deciding factor in the matter.
“Alright, you can write to me,” she answered quietly, pushing her hair behind her ear.
John watched as she walked to the infirmary desk and got a sheet of paper, scribbling down what he expected to be her address. He took in her features, just like he had earlier. Starting at her light blonde hair, his gaze traveled down her face to her familiar blue eyes, down her adorable nose, to her lips, which were pursed slightly as she concentrated on writing down her information. She was stunning, and Johnny knew that he wanted to see her again just from their short conversation.
Approaching him again, she held up a slip of paper, a toothy grin on her lips. “This is sensitive information, Major. It better not end up in enemy hands, and that includes your fellow airmen.”
“Yes ma’am,” he nodded once before fake saluting her, unable to keep his excitement inside. “Mission understood.”
“But just to be safe, I’m going to hold onto it for a little bit.” she leaned a little closer to him, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Just in case I, you know, change my mind.”
John grinned down at her and yet again raised his eyebrows as he nodded. Ruth noticed he did that a lot. “I’ll be on my best behavior, scout’s honor.”
Sliding the slip into her pocket, she started her nursing tasks once again, looking at him over her shoulder. “So, you were in the Boy Scouts?”
“No,” he chuckled, putting back on his cap as he moved next to Ruth to help. “I wasn’t, but Buck was. He ended up being an Eagle Scout before he aged out. One of the best in Wyoming, he says, but I don't buy it.”
He stood a good 5 or so inches above her, so his chin was at her eye level. In the small area at the nursing station, his shoulder was just barely pressed against hers as they both worked to roll bandages, and Ruth could feel the warmth radiating from his touch.
“It seems like you know each other pretty well,” she stated, looking up at him briefly.
His concentration remained on the bandage in his hands as he spoke. “Yeah. He’s my best friend.”
“How long have you known each other?” She asked, reaching up to mess with her necklace.
“We both joined up in ‘40 and were roommates in basic. Been together ever since.”
“That reminds me of Hope and I, although we haven’t known each other for nearly that long.”
John placed the finished bandage in the basket and turned to face her, leaning a hip against the counter as his earnest expression returned. “War makes people closer. Makes ‘em realize who’s important. What’s important.”
The blonde mirrored his stance, taking in his words. He was right. War did have a way of bringing people together. She gazed up at him with a shared understanding of how something as terrible as the war had brought out the best and worst in people, as well as brought people into their lives for the better. The pair’s eyes remained locked for a few moments, both realizing that perhaps there was something deeper than the flirting between them. His warm eyes seemed to search hers, and to her surprise, she didn’t feel nervous in that moment. Johnny’s gaze was like a warm blanket enveloping all of her senses to the point that all she could see was him.
“I feel the same way,” Ruth finally answered, fixing a stray curl that had fallen into her eyes.
Half of his lips curled up in a grin and he took a step toward her. “Ruth, I-”
The loud opening of the door jolted them from the moment, sending both their heads in the direction of the entrance. There stood an out-of-breath Frank, whose face was bright red and shimmering with sweat.
“Ruth! Do you know how long I’ve been looking for ya?” He cried, approaching them quickly.
Unsure of the man’s intentions, Johnny straightened and moved just barely in front of her, holding out a hand towards Frank. “Woah, buddy.”
Although it was an endearing effort, she couldn’t hold in a loud giggle at Frank’s offended expression that followed. “No, Johnny,” she laughed, gently lowering his hand.  “This is our pilot, Frank. Frank, this is Major John Egan. What is it?”
The pilot’s eyes flicked between Ruth and Johnny for a few seconds before he sighed. “I’ve filled the Angel up and it’s time to go. Find Hope and meet me back at the plane.”
Just like that, he was out the door again, probably to get ready for takeoff. Ruth’s heart sank at the realization that she was having to leave. It seemed he also came to the same conclusion as he turned toward her and sighed. 
“Looks like you’ve gotta go,” he said softly, slightly tilting his head to the side as he peered down at her. 
The nurse looked at the door, then lowered her gaze to her feet. “It sure does.”
She almost gasped in surprise when something warm grasped her hand gently. Her eyes shot up to John’s hand that held delicately held hers. The contact sent a tingle up her arm and seemingly straight to her mind, muddying her thoughts. 
“I'd like to see you again,” he murmured where only she could hear.
This quieter, softer version of him was unknown to Ruth, but she knew instantly that she liked the duality of Johnny. 
The blush she’d resisted finally won and dusted her cheeks as she looked up at him. “I’d like that, too.”
John softly tugged her hand closer and bridged the distance between them slowly, his entrancing eyes flicking between her eyes and lips. Ruth could hear her heartbeat in her ears as she stood on her toes to meet him. She felt his warm breath on her face, and her eyes fluttered closed, anticipating the kiss. But before their lips could meet, the door opened again, and Frank called out to her.
“Ruth, come on! You can neck the Major later!”
The door quickly creaked closed.
Heat rushed to Ruth’s face, and she reluctantly pulled back from Johnny, setting her heels back on the ground. Johnny awkwardly stood to his full height, glaring at the door where Frank stood moments before.
“I’ll see you next time, Johnny,” Ruth smiled bashfully, gently squeezing his hand once before dropping it. She walked backward to the door, praying she wouldn’t trip. 
Johnny let out a huff of air as the biggest smile grew on his face. “So there will be a next time?” 
She simply grinned at him, shrugging her shoulders when she turned to open the door. With one last look over her shoulder, she closed the door behind her. 
The infirmary was silent for a few seconds, and then the patients erupted in hollers, cheers, and whistles. 
“Way to go, Bucky!”
“Leave some for the rest of us, Major!”
Amid their uproar, John remembered a crucial detail: She hadn’t given him her address! He took off toward the door, reaching for the handle when it creaked open, revealing a laughing Ruth on the other side. She held out the slip to him.
“I think you behaved well enough, Major.”
“Told you,” he chimed, his eyebrows raising. “Scout’s honor.”
John took the paper from her outstretched hand and watched as she left once again. When the door had slammed shut behind her, he read the note to himself with a wide smile.
You can write me at the Grove, Berkshire, Hut 4. I like you, so try not to get shot down before I can return your letter, and I’ll do the same.
Safe Flying,
Ruth Morgan
Johnny shot his hand with the paper into the air, and the men cheered once again. Ruth, on the other hand, was in disbelief of what had just transpired. She had almost kissed him! She wanted to kiss him! Running her hands through her hair, she tried to focus on the task at hand: finding Hope.
Ruth ran around the base like a chicken with her head cut off looking for the woman, and was about to give up when she saw her sitting in a jeep with Buck in the distance.
“HOPE! There you are, I've been looking everywhere. Frank fueled up the plane. We have to go,” Ruth huffed, clearly out of breath from running, but her flushed cheeks, Hope thought, told a different story. 
“Okay, I'll be over in five minutes,” Hope promised, but Ruth didn't look convinced.
“Your five minutes or an actual five minutes?” She asked, and the glare Hope sent her way had Ruth turning around and heading back in the direction she’d come. 
“Okay, but I'll be timing you,” she yelled over her shoulder.
When Ruth looked back to see Hope kissing Buck on the cheek, it occurred to her that maybe there were more trips to Thorpe Abbotts in the cards for both of them.
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Tag List: @xxluckystrike @precious-little-scoundrel @bcofl0ve @violetdaze25 @docroesmorphine
message or comment if you want to be added to the tag list!! <3
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tobys-walrus-crew · 8 months
Mates! Pirates! Fellow Fans!
The day has come! Have a great 10th Anniversary of Black Sails Premiere! We have promised you a fanbook, and we deliver! A big thanks and a mug of rum to everyone who participated! We have no words to express our love and gratitude!
Everyone can look through and download it, just go here > [google disk link]
Remember to celebrate today! Tag your celebratory posts with #10YearsBlackSails and #BlackSails Let's show our love to the world!
PS. We will reblog everything that goes into the tag, as quickly as we can! If we miss something, let us know! For more celebratory craze, go to our twitter > [twitter link]
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etoilesombre · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Black Sails Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Captain Flint | James McGraw/John Silver Characters: John Silver, James Flint Additional Tags: Angst, internalized ableism, Sexual Tension, background Silver/Madi, The Very Messy Inside of John Silver's Head, Aftermath of trauma, Caretaking, Bodily Functions in the Context of Caretaking, (look its not watersports but if that's your bag its not NOT), Weird Flirting and Excuses for Being Close, Hand Jobs, Frottage, Blow Jobs, these idiots are so in love it makes them look stupid, and they cannot communicate to save their lives Summary:
What if, after the failed attack on Nassau when Silver fell into the sea and was captured, Flint had showed up to rescue him a day earlier, when Hands still had him chained up? What if Silver was hurt, and they were forced to spend the night together after Flint tends to his injuries?
Or, the cathartic murder of Israel Hands we all deserve, and then a sexual tension filled camping trip.
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ssreeder · 2 months
every time I picture chang in LIAB I just think of those little Italian chef statues people put in their kitchens.
just thought to let you know.
well just so you know when I picture Chang this is all I can think about:
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I have a type <3
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lpmurphy · 4 months
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Of the Care and Keeping of Spartans Master List
Spring in Tchakova Park Full work on AO3 Spotify Playlist
Pairings: John-117/OC Status: Completed Summary:
Green was the color of the grass where he used to walk in Tchakova Park.
In which John meets a stranger in the park, Violet learns of the care and keeping of Spartans, and Cortana offers dating advice.
Chapter One: Lights on the Water
Chapter Two: The Jungle
Chapter Three: Goose
Chapter Four: The Rock
Chapter Five: Picture Frames
Chapter Six: Gold Visor, Hazel Eyes
Chapter Seven: First Aid
Chapter Eight: Headboards (NSFW)
Chapter Nine: Family Dynamics
Chapter Ten: Anthuriums
Chapter Eleven: Conversations
Chapter Twelve: Pillow Talk (NSFW)
Chapter Thirteen: Meet the Parents
Chapter Fourteen: Eavesdropping
Chapter Fifteen: Confessions
Chapter Sixteen: Arrivals
Chapter Seventeen: Downtown
Chapter Eighteen: Flashes and Blinks
Chapter Nineteen: Bathroom Conversations
Chapter Twenty: All Too Well
Chapter Twenty-One: Headboards Volume 2 (NSFW)
Chapter Twenty-Two: Girlhood
Chapter Twenty-Three: Fishies
Chapter Twenty-Four: Night Swim
Chapter Twenty-Five: Gúta (NSFW)
Chapter Twenty-Six: Carvings
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Persephone
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sunshine
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Scarf
Chapter Thirty: Cultivation
Chapter Thirty-One: Incursion
Chapter Thirty-Two: Ignorant Innocence
Chapter Thirty-Three: Home
Chapter Thirty-Four: Epilogue- Spring in the Highland Mountains
Something Borrowed: A Sequel AO3 Spotify Playlist
Pairings: John-117/OC, Background Riz/Vannak Status: Completed 9/6/24 Summary
Springtime on Reach had always been Violet's favorite season. She had always adored the mild temperatures, the flowers and greenery in constant bloom and the beauty it brought to Tchakova Park. Meeting John beside the pond the year before had only given her another reason to love the spring. But, on a May evening beside a lake in the Highland Mountains, Violet found yet another reason to love springtime.
In which the 117s tie the knot, Cortana becomes an unlicensed therapist, Kai and Vannak organize a bachelorette party, and Riz plans a wedding.
Chapter One: The Desert
Chapter Two: Sisters
Chapter Three: The View From Tchakova Park
Chapter Four: Cinnamon Whiskey (NSFW)
Chapter Five: Housekeeping
Chapter Six: Tests
Chapter Seven: Cleansing
Chapter Eight: Discoveries
Chapter Nine: Orange Juice
Chapter Ten: Mer
Chapter Eleven: Something in the Orange
Chapter Twelve: Best Friends
Chapter Thirteen: Fog
Chapter Fourteen: Q&A
Chapter Fifteen: Group Message
Chapter Sixteen: Nightmares
Chapter Seventeen: Last Minute (NSFW)
Chapter Eighteen: Threads
Chapter Nineteen: Lamby
Chapter Twenty: Balloons and Streamers
Chapter Twenty One: Marco Polo
Chapter Twenty Two: Bachelorette Part 1
Chapter Twenty Three: Bachelorette Part 2
Chapter Twenty Four: The Morning After
Chapter Twenty Five: Bubbe Fran
Chapter Twenty Six: Becoming
Chapter Twenty Seven: Promises
Chapter Twenty Eight: Empty Chair
Chapter Twenty Nine: 117
Chapter Thirty: Epilogue- Someday Came Two Years Later
The View Between Villages Read on AO3
Status: In Progress (1/3)
'This wasn’t home. It felt like someone else belonged here, and perhaps someone else did. He stopped being the boy who did the moment he called on that coin. Childhood came spinning to an end as soon as it came up heads.'
In which Violet receives orders to Eridanus II, and John brings his wife home.
Part One: Cold
Of Mothers and Bedtime Stories Read on AO3
Status: Complete Summary:
“Daddy?” Hailey called. “Yeah, babygirl?” “What’s your mommy’s name?” “Catherine.”
A series of questioning from a very curious five year old forces Violet to consider her feelings towards the woman that created her husband, and what she means to him.
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tiofrean · 6 months
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For @b1uetrees with many thanks <3 (You know what for! :3) It helped. Thank you <3
Silverflint modern!AU where Silver has a mean parrot named Pirate (don't be fooled, they both love him). Can be read here [link] for anyone interested.
The last piece is Pirate stuck in Flint's shirt. There was reckoning [evil laughter]
Markers on sketchbook paper.
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corvuserpens · 1 month
Theory for what happened between the conclusion of Black Sails and the beginning of Treasure Island: part 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
At Flint's death bed, Silver and Madi get to finally have a conversation with him. It hurts Madi to see him like this: the once great instigator, the most infamous pirate captain that ever sailed the seas, brought down low by age and illness. It hurts Silver, too. Regardless of all that happened, he still sees Flint as his friend; the friend he was forced to betray to save his life, and Madi's, and his own.
Still, he's glad to have had the opportunity to be with him one last time before his passing. Flint tells him he had found peace in that plantation because of him. He understood Silver, now. Having Thomas back changed everything. What sense was there in waging a war in his honor when he was no longer dead?
(He looks to Madi then, and there is regret in his tired eyes. After meeting her and her maroons, it was no longer about just Thomas. It had grown so much larger than that, and he's sorry that she didn't get to have the revolt he had promised. Maybe now he could offer her a new chance for it, if he played his cards right and luck was on a dying man's side).
It is so hard to hide his consuming rage from Silver. All that hate, old and familiar, roiling inside him. He tells Silver that he has moved on from all that happened on Skeleton Island, and that he forgives him. It sounds convincing. Perhaps to a man who knew him a little less than Silver does, it would have worked.
But Silver knows Something is not quite right. He can see the sparks of anger in Flint's eyes, that mad look on his face when he would go on a long monologue about how they were going to fight against the British empire and win. He doesn't trust Flint's words of reconciliation and forgiveness. For appearances sake, he pretends to be relieved by this last absolution, but he knows there's more to it. He is who he is, and Flint is who he is. Some things never change.
For example, Silver isn't there just to see his friend one last time before he dies. He sees an opportunity to repair his relationship with Madi, and right his biggest wrong. Obviously, he's going to ask about the cache and where Flint buried it, only to receive an infuriating answer: he doesn't remember anymore. It was so long ago and age has robbed him of so many details from memory. It's truly and well lost, now.
Silver and Madi depart from Savannah empty handed. Silver knows it's only a matter of time until she can't ignore how he hurt her anymore, and leave him as well. He hadn't felt this terrified in a long fucking time.
Enter Billy Bones, days after Silver and Madi are gone. Oh, the wicked pleasure he feels in seeing Flint lying on that bed, the clutches of death already firm on him. He should have been taken decades ago, but that devil was never easy to claim. Not even for Death itself. Even now, he fought with what little strength he had left. The desire to speed things along burns bright in Billy's corrupted heart, yet he convinces himself that this is better. Let it be a slow, agonizing death, dragged out so he can suffer. Flint deserves no less than that.
And then. AND THEN. Flint does something Billy was never expecting: he shows true, genuine remorse for everything he put Billy through. Taking Gates away from him, ignoring him, manipulating him, using him, undermining him, for being the chief architect of his corruption, for taking that sweet, caring man Billy used to be and twisting him and breaking him beyond recognition, until the result was this - a mirror of what Flint himself was when all of it began.
The best (or perhaps the worst) part of it all is that, unlike with Silver, Flint isn't pretending. Billy desperately searches for any sign of falsehood or a lie, he had become good at detecting them after putting up with Flint's shit for so long, right?
Yet he finds none. Flint apologizes for the way Billy's story turned out because the man he was before this did not deserve it, and, as a proof that he is being truthful, he produces a piece of parchment from beneath the sheets covering his soon-to-be cadaver and hands it to Billy. With shaking hands, he unfolds it.
It's a map. A map of Skeleton Island. A map leading to the exact location of the remaining treasure cache of a certain Spanish vessel that was called the L'Urca de Lima.
Flint's time is ending, it will be very soon, now. The old pirate tells his former boatswain that there is nothing he can do to make things right, except this. To give him the only thing he has left to give: his legacy.
With his dying breath, Flint tells Billy to do what he wills with that map - except let Long John Silver have it. Then, with a final shudder and eyes closed, Captain James Flint passes into legend.
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major-mads · 6 months
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Chapter 7: Lucky 25
John "Bucky" Egan x Ruth Morgan (OFC)
Series Masterlist
A/N: please comment or reblog and tell us what you think!! thanks for reading!! <3
Collab: On a Wing and a Prayer by @footprintsinthesxnd
Word Count: 11k
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Thursday, September 16th: Thorpe Abbotts AAF Base, Norwich: 1300 HRS: 1 PM
Hope’s back ached as she bent over her old Singer sewing machine, silk fabric sliding effortlessly as the needle punched thread through it. Silk was hard to come by with rationing, and there was no way, even with Hugh’s help, that she could afford a new wedding dress. Luckily for her, Frank had a knack for making things disappear from the storeroom on base and later making them reappear in the girls' hut. 
Ruth hummed Artie Shaw out of tune from behind her as the blonde cut out more fabric from the pattern, laying the pieces of cloth over the tissue paper cutouts. Tatty and Helen hand-sewed small pieces of lace together, just some odd cuts they’d gotten from the local fabric shop.
The girls worked hard all afternoon, measuring, cutting, and sewing. The dress was coming along nicely, and with only three weeks to go until the big day, Hope was anxious to get it finished in time. 
The Singer buzzed along nicely as three familiar heads poked around the nissen hut door.
“Knock, knock,” Hugh called out, stepping inside, his hands on his hips as he assessed the girl's work. Gale and John followed him closely. 
“You guys can’t be in here,” Helen scolded.
“It’s bad luck to see the dress before the wedding, Cleven,” Tatty hissed, marching over to the men. “You better get going before…”
“My dear Tatty, don’t be so defensive, I merely come to offer my services,” Hugh bowed dramatically. 
Hope snickered, all too aware of Hugh’s sewing skills, “I don’t think your skills are required here, Hugh. You’re not really one for a needle and thread.” 
Hugh scrunched his face up at her just like he’d done since they were children, and before he could throw out any more ridiculous ideas, Gale stepped forward.
“I don’t want to cause trouble, I merely want to spend some time with my girl,” Gale smiled charmingly at Tatty who moved aside.
“No wonder Hope can never say no to you, Major. That damn smile.” 
Gale made his way across the room just as Hope finished covering the dress with a sheet. “Hello darling,” he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers, “I’ve missed you.” 
“I’ve missed you too,” Hope stood up, pressing her lips against his again, smiling into his touch. 
“Tatty, come on,” John all but whined, pointing into the hut while Tatty stood firm on the doorstep. “It’s me.”
“And that is exactly why I’m not letting you in. You’d get your grubby mitts all over the dress.”
“I wouldn’t dare! Please,” John clasped his hands together, looking rather sad and pathetic until Tatty sighed. 
“Fine, but one step out of line, Major, and you’re out.” 
John moved past Tatty towards Ruth who was still sitting on the floor, surrounded by a collection of differently shaped pieces of silk. 
“Never knew you were such a seamstress,” he grinned, kissing her gently and enjoying the familiar blush that crept across her pale cheeks.
“Well, I’m a woman of many talents,” Ruth retorted, grinning up at the Major.
“That you are.”
“Hugh, put that fabric down now,” Hope hissed, moving away from Gale’s arms to scold her brother, smacking his arm until he released the precious fabric. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to get a hold of this?” 
“It’s just some silk, I’m sure any white fabric would do,” Hugh replied nonchalantly, pushing the reeling of cotton across Helen’s desk and glancing awkwardly around the room as it fell to the floor.
Hope sighed, “Hugh, for once in your life, please just be serious and stop acting like a child. It’s for my wedding day. Please don’t mess this up for me.” 
Hope loved her brother dearly, but sometimes it felt like she had to do all the work in their relationship.
Hugh nodded apologetically, “I will. I wouldn’t dream of ruining your big day, Little Bird.” Hope smiled at her childhood nickname, it had been a long time since he’d called her that. “But is there anything I can help with?” 
“Yes, there is,” Helen grabbed ahold of Gale and John’s sleeves, marching them towards Hugh, “You can take these two and keep them out of trouble until this evening.”
“Oh, come on, we just got here,” John groaned, glancing at Ruth in the hope of some sympathy, but she just waved at him. Gale glanced around Helen, blowing a kiss in Hope’s direction before the three men descended from the hut.
“You ladies have fun now, we’ll see you later,” Hugh called out, slamming the door dramatically. 
Helen turned back to the group, hurrying back to her spot beside Tatty, “I honestly don’t know how you’ve put up with Hugh for so long.” 
“I didn’t have much choice,” Hope laughed, turning back to the sewing machine, “He’s my brother after all.” 
A few moments passed until another knock sounded at the door, and Helen marched back over with a groan, slinging it open to reveal John leaning on the doorframe. 
“What is it?”
He peered around the woman, his eyes falling on Ruth. “Can I get a kiss?”
“You just got one!” she giggled, rising to her feet and approaching the door. “You’re so needy.”
Helen moved out of the doorway, chuckling as Ruth rose on her tiptoes and quickly kissed John before pushing him out the door with a wink. “See you later, hotshot!”
As the door closed in his face, John couldn’t help but shake his head at Ruth, his heart racing at the mere sight of her. Buck clapped his shoulder and turned him toward the nearby mess hall where Hugh walked a few feet ahead of them. “You gonna tell her tonight?”
“If Dye gets back in one piece, I will,” Johnny nodded, scratching his mustache. 
“He will.”
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One Week Earlier: September 10: Thorpe Abbotts AAF Base
The mess hall was unusually quiet as John and Gale sat eating their breakfast, having missed the morning rush by sleeping in an extra hour. They both laid awake the night before, their minds unable to shut off after the events of John’s party. Since they’d arrived, Bucky was silent, only speaking to thank the mess hall worker for his coffee.
Buck stared at him skeptically, taking in his slightly pursed lips and distant gaze that focused on the plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of him. “I can hear the gears turning from here, John. What is it?”
A few beats passed until he spoke up, his eyes remaining on his food. “Ruth.”
“Hmm,” Gale nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. “What about her?”
“Everything…I can’t get her off my mind, Buck. I don’t know what’s going on.”
‘I do,’ the younger man thought.
John shook his head with a sigh, his brow creasing as his conflicted gaze lifted from the table. “I can’t explain it.”
Gale put down his coffee cup and smiled softly at his friend. “I can…you love her.”
“I don’t know, Buck.”
“What don’t you know?” he asked as his brows furrowed. Gale saw the deep thought behind the Major’s eyes and realized the confident and boisterous John Egan was nowhere in sight. This Bucky was unsure of himself, facing emotions he’d never felt before. Buck’s voice softened as he continued. “What do you know?”
John raised a questioning brow and Gale leaned his elbows onto the table. “How do you feel around her?”
“I don’t-” Bucky frustratedly groaned, sitting back into his seat. ”I don’t know how to explain it.”
“Just try.”
Every moment he shared with Ruth replayed like a film in John’s mind as he tried to find the words to describe the way he felt.
“When I think about her,” he finally began, a fond smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “It just…It just does somethin’ to me, Buck, and can’t think straight.”
Gale listened intently, nodding along as John continued, his voice growing softer.
“And after last night, how she did all that for me? I’ve never met anyone like her.” His brow creased in thought as he struggled to find his next words. “She’s…she’s-”
“Everything,” Buck finished, Hope’s smiling face forming in his mind.
Gale’s words hung in the air for a few moments as the Majors thought of their beloved nurses. 
Bucky nodded slowly, his gaze drifting to the window where the morning sun filtered through the glass, lighting up the mess hall in a golden glow. He took a deep breath as he finally came to terms with what he was feeling. 
John Egan was in love.
“Yeah,” he murmured, his deep voice rumbling in his chest. “She’s everything.”
A knowing grin painted Gale’s face as he repeated his earlier statement. “You love her.”
“That how you feel about Hope?”
“Yeah, it is.”
As Buck’s words settled over them, John felt a weight lift off his shoulders. It was as if hearing the words out loud made them easier to grasp, and he couldn’t deny it any longer…he was in love with Ruth Morgan.
But even as the realization settled in, Bucky couldn’t shake the uncertainty that lingered in the back of his mind. This was a new territory for him, uncharted skies that both excited and terrified him. He’d always prided himself on his wild heart, but now he found himself willingly surrendering to feelings he’d managed to avoid for so long.
“You know,” Gale began, breaking the silence that had fallen over them. “You should tell her. It’s pretty clear she feels the same way.”
“We said we’d take it slow.”
Cleven pushed his plate aside and leaned further over the table. “So? When have you ever been one to follow the rules?”
Finally, John’s serious expression faded and he shook his head with a chuckle, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “And when have you ever encouraged me to break them?”
“Today,” he shrugged. “But only cause you need an extra shove.”
“Should I get used to this new Buck?”
“Don’t count on it,” Gale smirked as he sat back in his chair, taking a sip of his coffee. 
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1900 HRS: 7 PM 
The lively sound of Glenn Miller filled the Officer’s Club as the band brought the hall to life. Couples jitterbugged and lindy-hopped across the dance floor, and happy conversation filled the air, including loud cackles and laughter from a table in the bar section where Hope and Ruth sat with their Majors. They were reminiscing about their time in San Angelo, Texas, with the girls’ under their arms and Hugh to the right of his sister.
Buck took a sip of his ginger beer with a raised brow. “Isn’t that where you picked up that damned jacket?”
“Sure is,” John replied and sucked his teeth. “My pride and joy.”
“So that’s where you got it,” Ruth giggled, shaking her head.
“Well,” he shrugged, holding a hand up defensively. “It was being discontinued, so I had no choice.”
Sitting up in his chair across from them, Hugh let out something between a chuckle and a scoff. “It was a choice, alright.”
Hope’s eyes met Ruth’s at the comment, waiting for a snarky comeback from the Major, but the blonde just patted John’s chest consolingly before he could respond. “It was being discontinued for a reason, John. Have you seen that thing?”
“Thank you. It always looks dirty,” Gale interjected as he smirked at John. “Seems Ruth is on my side for this one, Bucky.”
A giggle escaped Ruth’s lips and she sheepishly looked up at Johnny to see him already staring down at her, a playful frown on his lips a few inches away. “Say it isn’t true, Ruthie.”
“Sorry, hotshot,” she laughed, her eyes unable to resist flicking to his mouth at their close proximity. “Buck’s right, hon, but know you’re still my favorite Major.”
John’s frown faded and his lips curled into a mischievous grin as her laughter filled the air, and to his surprise, she leaned up and kissed him softly. Ruth pulled away after a moment with bright pink cheeks. The taste of her drink lingered on Bucky’s lips as his gaze locked with hers, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
His plans to finally tell her how he cared about her, how he loved her, flashed in the forefront of his mind. But even as he stared down at her smiling face and a wave of pure adoration washed over him, his stomach swirled with nervousness. 
What if she thought it was too fast? Too soon? Too much?
Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, John forced himself to look away and took a sip of his pint before turning to Hope and pointing at her across the table. “And whaddya think, Hope? About my jacket? It’s nice, right?”
The woman met Ruth’s lovesick eyes and chuckled, shaking her head slightly. “It’s not the worst thing I’ve seen, but I prefer Gale’s.”
Gale smiled smugly, pressing his lips firmly to her forehead, “That’s my girl. Always knew you had good taste.” 
“Well, of course, I do. I picked you didn’t I?” She grinned at him, leaning up to press her lips to his, smiling into the kiss.
“Well, that’s right. You sure a lady with a good eye,” Gale mused, nuzzling his nose into her neck.
“Gale,” she chuckled, feeling his breath tickling against her collarbone, while her fingers carded through his tousled, blond locks. 
“Gaaaale,” John teased, dramatically drawing out the name with his eyes closed. “What kind of name is Gale, anyway?”
Hope’s eyes widened in amusement as Gale groaned beside her, having heard the joke a million times before. “Well, what kind of a name is Bucky?” she asked, tilting her head with a sarcastic grin. “Now Buck I can get because he’s a dashing young man, but Bucky? I don’t know…”
The group burst into laughter and John tried to send the woman a dirty look, but he couldn’t stop the corners of his mouth from curling into a smirk and joining in with them. Before long, he itched for a dance and stood to his feet, pulling Ruth toward the dance floor.
“I think it’s time for a dance, Ruthie.”
“Alright, I’m coming!” she giggled, sending Hope a wave as she tried to keep up with Bucky’s long strides in her tight skirt.
The couple found themselves at the edge of the dancefloor, swaying hand in hand to the soft trumpet solo ringing through the hall. Ruth rested her head on John’s chest, calmed by the gentle thrum of his heartbeat beneath her ear and his warmth as they danced. 
She could’ve stayed there in that moment forever…just her and her hotshot…just her and the man she loved. 
“You look beautiful, sweetheart,” he murmured against her hair, breaking the silence between them. “I know I told you earlier, but you do.”
Lifting her head from his chest, Ruth smiled sheepishly at him. “Thank you. I don’t normally wear my dress uniform, but-”
“Oh, I’m so glad you did.”
She raised an eyebrow and slid her hands around his neck. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he nodded with a smirk, his eyes drifting down to her breast pocket area that proudly displayed her pair of wings and lieutenant’s bars. “I’m a sucker for a woman in uniform.”
“So I need to worry about the WACs?”
Bucky chuckled, tugging Ruth against him. “Don’t worry. You’ve got nothing to worry about, lieutenant.”
As the music swirled around them, John’s gaze softened as he looked into her deep blues. Leaning down, he brushed his lips against hers in a tender kiss. Ruth’s cheeks flushed pink as she returned it, her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, melting into his embrace. She felt him smile against her lips and pulled back to get a good look at him.
“What are you smiling about, Major?” she joked.
Bucky wanted to say, ‘How much I love you,’ but anxiety churned in his stomach and he couldn’t go through with it.
“Just you.”
Rolling her eyes, Ruth pecked the corner of his lips before returning her head to its place on his chest. “I’m so happy for Gale and Hope.”
“Me too,” he replied, his eyes scanning the room for the couple. “Speaking of Buck…where is he?”
Ruth joined him looking for their friends, but she had no luck and wiggled her eyebrows at Bucky. “They’re probably having some alone time.”
He sent her a mischievous smirk, and she knew what he planned to do. “Leave ‘em be, Johnny,” she groaned, sighing as he pulled her along behind him toward the door. “Don’t bother them.”
“But it’s my job to bother Buck.”
Before Ruth could respond, he flung open the side door and stuck his head outside. By the wild grin on his face, she knew he’d found them. “Hey, Lovebirds! Hurry up, you're missing the party!” 
“Five more minutes!” she heard Gale groan, and then John closed the door, a proud smirk hanging from his lips. 
“You’re terrible.”
Bucky shot her a wink and led her back to their table, settling back into their seats as they saw Gale and Hope enter the hall and begin swaying slowly. 
“Would you look at that?” John scoffed, sipping his pint and throwing an arm over the back of Ruth’s chair. “I’ve been trying to get Buck to dance for years and Hope did it in two months.”
The couple couldn’t help but watch their friends dance, both with lovesick smiles as they got lost in the song, spinning around the floor with a practiced grace that neither Ruth nor John expected. 
Buck was good at dancing.
Their concentration on the couple was broken when yells echoed through the air. Following the sound, they saw Harry throw peanuts across the table into Hugh’s mouth, laughing hysterically as Hugh caught another one. 
Ruth opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when Hope beat her to it.
“I leave you two alone for all of five minutes and you wreak havoc,” Hope tutted, patting Harry on the head like a small child. “If you choke on all those nuts Hugh, I swear…”
A giggle escaped the blonde’s lips at the comment and John chuckled beside her.
“Alright mother,” Hugh laughed, throwing one of the nuts at his sister. 
Hope and Gale took their seats beside Harry, settling easily beside each other with Gale’s hand draping lazily around her shoulder. The six of them fell into easy conversation, and soon, the table became more crowded when Veal, Crank, Brady, Blakely, and a few other airmen joined the group. Laughter and wisps of cigarette smoke filled the air as the men and the two nurses unwound, enjoying the company of friends.
Ruth remained tucked under Bucky’s arm, listening to yet another story from training in the States. This one was about a failed exercise where several forts experienced ‘equipment malfunctions’ and ‘discrepancies’ that forced them to land in or near the hometowns of family and girlfriends. 
Crank grinned, shaking his head. “Yeah, the Hundredth almost got canned after that.”
“And I got demoted for the first time,” John chimed as he thought about just how many times he’d changed commands over his time with the 100th.
Eyes widening in surprise, Ruth playfully smacked his chest. “For the first time? I thought you getting demoted back to Squadron CO only happened once?”
“It would’ve been three times if LeMay would have found him or Buck that day he came to base,” Kidd added.
Nudging Buck with her shoulder, Hope smirked. “And what about you, Gale?” 
Gale shrugged as he hid a smirk behind his glass of ginger beer. “I don’t know why LeMay thought both of us were responsible for the ‘raunchy discipline’ on base.”
“So you’re sayin’ it was just me?” John asked with an incredulous grin.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“I mean,” Benny started, trying to hold in a laugh as he rubbed Meatball’s head affectionately. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Buck tear up a bar with a narwhal tusk.”
Laughter erupted like a sudden burst of fireworks around the table, echoing around the lively room and drowning out the music. 
Narrowing his eyes at them, John pointed around the table.  “Technically, none of you dodos saw any of that!”
“We didn’t have to. We saw the aftermath,” Brady called out through his chuckles.
After a few moments, the laughter died down, and the large group broke into smaller conversations. 
Gale spoke quietly to Benny as Hope whispered with Hugh, and Ruth listened as Jack shared more stories of John’s escapades back in the States. Before long, the two majors went at it as they often did, but Ruth’s attention was drawn away by Hugh and Hope slinking away from the table and disappearing into the crowd.
‘This outta be good,’ she thought.
When the band slowly faded out, Ruth smirked, knowing what was most likely coming. She peered over at Gale, expecting him to be watching Hope, but he was engrossed in a conversation with Benny and didn’t seem to notice his fiancée’s absence from the seat beside him. 
The band thrummed to life, music springing out across the room in a less-than-subtle fashion that had all heads turning toward the siblings. Then Gale’s eyes found Hope’s across the room and he did a double take, glancing back at her empty chair in confusion. 
Ruth pointed at siblings, a wide smile painting her face as she whispered in John’s ear. “This is gonna be interesting. They both can sing.”
“Sparky? No way,” he griped with a grimace. “No way he’s got better pipes than me.”
Giggling, she patted his cheek lightly and turned back to the stage. “Just wait and see, hon.”
Hugh took his place in front of the microphone, encouraging Hope to do the same as he pressed his lips near the cool metal grille. The conductor gave them the queue, and she took a deep breath before singing into the microphone.
“One of our planes was missing, two hours overdue. 
Yes, one of our planes was missing with all its gallant crew,
The radio sets were hummin', they waited for the word,
Then a voice broke through that hummin',
And this is what they heard!”
The song, rather aptly chosen by Hugh for Dye’s 25th mission, began to flow easily. Hugh joined in, belting out,
“Comin' in on a wing and a prayer!”
The second Hugh’s voice rang through the speakers, the skeptical smirk on John’s lips fell, and he raised a brow at Ruth, who just rolled her eyes at his reaction.
“I told you he was good.”
“I never said he was good,” he defended.
The corners of the blonde’s eyes crinkled as she laughed. “You didn’t have to.”
Around them, some of the crowd began to join in, all looking at Dye whose cheeks were growing redder by the minute as he stood beside Lil, trying to shield his face. 
“What a show (What a show),
What a fight (What a fight).”
The instrumental section began to play, and the couple watched as Hugh took Hope’s arm and spun her around in quick concession. A wide grin spread on Ruth’s face that matched her best friend’s on stage. 
With her eyes glued on Hope, Ruth started to sing along. Her voice was slightly off-key, but she didn’t care, continuing to sing quietly where only John could hear. The man couldn’t look away from her smiling face as she sang. His gaze wandered over her face with a gentle intensity, watching how her lips moved, the slight quirk of her smile adding to her already breathtaking look.
“Yes, we really hit our target for tonight,
How we’ll sing as we limp through the air,
Look below, there’s a field over there.”
Ruth’s eyes flickered over to John and caught his gaze. For a brief moment, their eyes locked, and she noticed the same vulnerable glint in his eyes as the night he told her of his past. She offered him a questioning look, silently asking what was on his mind.
Johnny’s mind raced as his lips parted slightly. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but the words caught in his throat. Instead, he sent her a small, reassuring smile and barely shook his head as if to say, ‘nothing.’
There was something in his eyes that Ruth couldn’t quite put it into words, but it made her heart flutter nonetheless. With a soft nod, she turned her attention back to the stage, her hand reaching for John’s beneath the table, intertwining their fingers gently.
The Major’s heart sank as Ruth turned away, his own hand squeezing hers softly in response. He cursed himself silently for his inability to tell her how he felt, and frustration bubbled up within him.
How many more opportunities would he let slip away without telling her the truth?
“With our full crew aboard,
And our trust in the Lord,
Comin’ in on a wing and a prayer.”
As the song came to a close, Hugh wrapped his arms around his sister, squeezing her hard before grasping her hand and pulling her down from the stage. Hope hopped down the best she could, ignoring the small ripping noise from her skirt that would surely be a problem later. Hugh had a little skip in his step as they made their way back to the table.
Hugh threw himself down into his chair, downing the last of his whiskey, while Hope took her seat beside Gale, his face still in awe and his lips turned upwards into the largest smile.
“Have I ever told you how amazing you are?” He mumbled softly, kissing her cheek, letting the rough stubble on his chin graze against Hope’s cheek. 
She squirmed, laughing lightly, “Oh only about every hour that I’m on base and in every letter.”
“Good,” he mused, kissing her cheek once more, “Because you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met…” Gale was broken off by Bucky’s loud declaration. 
“What the hell was that, Sparky?” John asked with a mischievous grin, his eyebrows raised at Hugh. 
Scoffing as he settled into his chair, the lieutenant rolled his eyes. “I sounded a helluva lot better than you ever have…Isn’t that right, Croz?”
Harry’s expression dropped, his eyes widening nervously as he darted glances between Hugh and his Squadron CO, who sported a smirk and an eyebrow raised expectantly. “Uhhhhh…”
Ruth was in the middle of sipping her when the comment left Hugh’s lips, and she choked on the liquid, her hand flying to cover her mouth as she coughed, trying to regain her composure. Immediately, John’s hand on her chair moved to rub her back as he ducked to check on her, the rest of the table turning their attention to the pair. Before he could speak, she waved him off with a sheepish smile, finally managing to swallow. 
“Sorry about that,” she rasped, wiping at her eyes. “I’m alright…please continue.”
Looking around the group, Ruth met Hope’s concerned gaze and sent her a teary grin, her pale face splotchy as she caught her breath.
“Where was I?”
Bubbles chuckled under his breath before sending Hugh a smirk. “You were complimenting Bucky’s singing abilities.”
“Right! I-”
“Everyone look here!”
A flash of light momentarily blinded the group as Captain John Schwarz, the 100th’s photographer, stepped forward with his camera in hand. 
“Alright, everyone, let’s get a good one!” he called out cheerfully, adjusting the settings on his camera.
The group quickly turned toward him, and Ruth managed to put on a bright smile for the photo despite still trying to clear her throat. They all posed in their seats, and John’s arm draped casually over the blonde’s chair, her hand resting on his knee as she leaned into him.
With the click of the camera, the Captain took the picture, but before he could step back, John called out to him with a grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Hey, Schwarz. Mind getting a picture of just the two of us?”
He nodded enthusiastically, adjusting the camera to focus on the couple. Bucky flashed a charming smile as he reached over and gently tugged Ruth from her chair into his lap.
“Hey!” she protested playfully, her cheeks flushing pink as John wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close.
Ruth giggled as Johnny leaned in, his cheek pressing against hers as they posed for the picture. Despite her initial protest, she found herself melting into his embrace. The photographer chuckled at their antics, capturing the moment with a few clicks of his camera. She glanced up at the Major just as Schwarz lowered his camera, and Bucky planted a soft kiss on her lips.
The table erupted into a chorus of whistles and hoots, their friends cheering them on as they kissed. Ruth laughed against John’s lips, feeling a rush of happiness and warmth enveloping her. Pulling back slightly, John gazed into her blue eyes, his own filled with pure adoration as her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink. 
“Alright, lovebirds. That’s enough,” Gale grinned, repeating Bucky’s words from a few minutes before. 
Schwarz moved around the table, snapping a photo of Demarco and Meatball, Hugh with poor Harry in a headlock, until he moved around to Hope and Gale. Buck stood up, leading Hope slightly away from the table, and wrapping his arms around her from behind kissing her temple. Hope grinned widely at the photographer who snapped the picture with his own smile.
Hugh appeared beside the Captain, mumbling something under his breath before moving over to the couple. 
“Could I please borrow my sister, Cleven?”
Gale looked a little forlorn as he released Hope from his embrace, stepping back towards the table. Hugh pulled his sister into his side, a bright smile on his lips as Schwarz took the photo. 
Back at the table, Hope slipped into her seat beside Gale, his arm draping over her shoulder as they got comfortable. Ruth sent her a bright smile from her position on John’s lap, and soon the group’s conversation picked back up, laughter filling the air once more. This continued for a little while longer, but when Dye made his way over with Lil under his arm, there was a shift in the air.
It was almost unnoticeable at first.
Ruth chuckled under her breath, watching John take a drag of his cigarette across the table and point to Dye as he neared the group. “There’s our very own Charlie Robertson!”
She’d moved back to her own chair when he got up to get her another ginger beer. Ruth learned her lesson with alcohol after waking up with a raging migraine the morning following John’s birthday party.
“Charlie? Who’s Charlie?” Lil asked, trailing behind Glen and smiling at John as she passed him on his way back to Ruth.
“Not me,” Hugh snickered, sipping his whiskey with a grimace. The British liquor was nothing compared to the ‘good ole American stuff,’ as he called it. In his footlocker sat an unopened bottle of VAT-69 he was saving for his own 25th mission.
No one else thought anything was wrong with the alcohol, but Hugh just had his particular taste and he stuck to that.
“1922. White Sox at Tigers. No runs, no hits, no errors,” John answered, his hand gesturing in the air with each word before sinking into the chair beside Ruth. He kissed her on the cheek quickly, scooting his seat closer to her until their shoulders touched and she wrapped her arm around his bicep, whispering into his ear.
“He threw the last perfect game, right?”
“Sure did,”  he grinned, shooting her a wink. “Way to go, Slugger.”
Benny nodded from beside Hope and Gale, not having heard the blonde. “Yeah, he’s the last guy to throw a perfect game.”
“Til’ now!”
“You get to go home before Florida?” Jack asked, but the conversation soon Ruth faded as she turned her gaze to John with a fond smile. She traced the outline of his face, her eyes trailing over the dark pink scars from Regensburg, the slope of his nose, his mustache, and the natural pout of his lips…the soft lips she’d kissed dozens of times. The warmth of his touch seeped through her uniform, and a feeling of contentment washed over her. 
Over the last week, the couple exchanged multiple letters corresponding about the party and how each was doing, but John mainly raved about how much he liked his birthday present. 
‘Doll, I think I’m hooked…’ John wrote two days after the party.
She was broken from her inner dialogue when the toothy grin on John’s face suddenly fell, and Ruth’s heart jolted in concern as she became aware of the hush that fell over the group
“We’re all that’s left, aren’t we?” 
At Glen’s question, her eyes quickly scanned those around them and found that all the airmen shared the same pained and exhausted look. Curt’s smiling face flashed in her mind…a reminder of the sacrifices of the heroes from the 100th. 
Hope’s wandering eyes met Ruth’s across the table, and she sent her a weary frown at the way the lively men quieted, each lost in their thoughts. 
Blakely spoke first, breaking the silence that fell over the group “12 crews out of-”
“35 that flew in from Greenland,” Crank finished.
With his lips in a tight line, Bucky nodded solemnly. “That’s right.”
Ruth reached out, her free hand finding John’s atop his chair’s armrest, squeezing it gently. He didn’t meet her gaze, but she felt him deflate slightly beside her just before Gale began to speak.
“We’re just happy for you, Dye.”
“That’s right. We are,” John added, his voice deepening as he raised his glass. “Very happy for you. Very happy.”
Glen held out his drink to the group. “And to all the fellas that aren’t here tonight, who should’ve been.”
The table broke out into quiet mumbles of agreement as they all lifted their glasses in a toast before tipping them back. Ruth’s ginger beer fizzed as it traveled down her throat, and beside her, John downed the rest of the amber liquid in his glass, unfazed. She watched him stare at the tabletop in front of them for a few seconds until Dye’s voice filled the air.
“Gentlemen…and ladies, I’m gonna go check on the boys, make sure they aren’t celebrating too hard without me.”
As he walked away with Lil tugged against his side, John’s eyes followed them and he pointed in their direction, muttering, “Charlie Robertson,” under his breath.
The jovial atmosphere from before shattered as the group remained quiet despite the raging party around them. And to think…John’s day had started off so well, had gone off without a hitch until that very moment.
He got to see Ruth, and Dye made it back from his 25th Mission, but as Bucky leaned back in his chair, he couldn’t help but be bothered by all the new faces and the lack of old ones.
Even Ruth’s presence beside him wasn’t enough to quell the rising anger and frustration that swirled in his stomach when he thought of the numbers. 
Out of 35 crews that flew in from Greenland, only 12 remained. 
120 men out of 350…230 gone in the matter of a few months. 
‘Will we all just be another number? Another crew marked off the list until replacements come and fill the huts like we never existed in the first place?’ 
These questions floated in his mind while his gaze stayed on the empty glass in front of him. “I’m, uh, gonna get another drink. I’ll be back,” he announced quickly, rising from his chair and turning toward the bar. Ruth’s anxious eyes followed him before she glanced back at Hope.
Buck watched him go with a pang of concern and kissed Hope on the temple, promising his return before he got up and followed after his friend. The women shared a knowing look as they watched the men they loved disappear into the crowd. Seemingly following their Majors, the rest of the men got up and trailed after them a few minutes later, leaving Hope and Ruth alone at the table.
“I’m worried,” Ruth muttered, chewing her bottom lip nervously. “What happens if John or Gale don’t make it back one-”
Hope cut her off quickly and moved to sit beside her.  “Hey. They’re going to be fine, Rue. Before long, we’re gonna be celebrating their 25th mission, alright?”
“Alright,” she whispered as her gaze fell to the table.
The dance floor cleared over the next few minutes, and just a few couples remained dancing. In the middle of the floor was Helen, wrapped up in the arms of an airman they’d never seen before. Wide grins grew on their faces as they watched her place a few kisses against the dark-headed stranger’s jawline. Over his shoulder, Helen’s eyes wandered to the two women sitting alone, and Ruth smiled, giving her a thumbs up as Hope winked at her.
Feeling someone’s gaze on her, Hope scanned the room, meeting the familiar but concerned blues of Gale across the room from where he leaned against the bar beside John. They talked to yet another new airman the girls had never met, but even she could see the grimace on Bucky’s face as he leaned closer to the man, gesturing his hands out.
She glanced over at Ruth who thankfully was too busy tidying up the mess the men left before returning her eyes to her fiancée. In the few seconds she’d looked away, the replacement airman disappeared, and the two Majors stood alone.
“Come on, Rue. Let’s rejoin the party, shall we?” Hope asked, rising to her feet and offering Ruth her hand with a forced smile.
She knew something was up with John. She could tell by Gale’s body language alone.
The blonde took her hand, allowing Hope to lead them towards the men. But just as they passed Helen and the dancing soldier, Colonel Harding and Major Bowman stepped through the doors and sauntered over the bar, a fat cigar hanging from Chick’s lips. 
“My boys!”
Not wanting to interrupt, the women stood on the outskirts of the group, moving to stand beside Tatty, even though both Buck and Johnny sent them a questioning look. Ruth scanned Bucky’s face, but her smile fell when she immediately noticed the line between his brows and the muscle twitching in his jaw.
“Listen up! I just had a mood-killing conversation with Doc Stover. He thinks you sissies could be getting flack happy.”
“No, not us, sir,” the airmen chorused.
“I told him war is war. The longer you go at it, the more it screws a man up. And it’s been that way since the first caveman son of a bitch picked up a club and went after the other. Did cavemen go for head-shrinking?”
As the men shook their heads, Ruth and Hope shared a wary glance. 
Where was this going?
“No! Damn sure not! What counts is that you soldiers show up ready and able to fight. What you do between battles…” Harding trailed off with a chuckle, smirking as he took a drag of his cigar.
Hope watched as Buck remained stoic, no reaction on his face, but John looked over at Ruth, sending her a wink. “I like your style, sir!”
For the first time, Bucky’s wink didn’t make her heart skip a beat…it made it drop into her stomach. His grin was so clearly forced that her mind went haywire, and he was the only thing she could focus on. Sensing the blonde finally picked up on John’s demeanor, Hope silently intertwined their hands, squeezing Ruth’s reassuringly.
Red broke his silence, shaking his head slightly as he spoke. “Aerial combat like this hasn’t been around since the caveman, sir.”
“Of course not, Red. Every war has its novelties,” Harding dismissed the Major, turning to look at the dance hall. A few seconds later, his demeanor changed, and his voice grew serious. “Who the hell decorated this fiesta?”
Everyone looked around the group before Jack hesitantly spoke. “I put together a committee, sir.”
Craning their heads to see around the Colonel, the women confusedly searched the hall for what he possibly could be upset about, but had no such luck.
“The damned plane looks like it’s in a nosedive.”
The sound of chuckles filled the air as John grinned over at Ruth. “Fire ‘em. Fire the committee…Ruth can decorate next time.”
She did her best to smile back at him, but it was just as forced as the grin on his lips.
“I won’t bother next time,” Kidd muttered.
Harding seemed to move on and faced the men again, waving them all closer. “Come on, get in. Come here. Got something to tell ‘ya.”
Hope and Ruth stepped forward, watching the Colonel over Tatty’s shoulder, their eyes moving between their Majors and the CO. 
“You know how we could end this whole thing tonight?” Chick asked, his face scrunched into a half-grimace as he leaned into the group. “We fill up one of our forts with as many 500-pounders as she can hold, we bomb the hell out of Hitler’s hidey-hole.”
The grin on Johnny’s face fell, and he tilted his face to the floor with slightly pursed lips for a moment before returning his gaze to Harding. His forced smiles and strained banter only added to the underlying tension in the room. Ruth’s fingers tightened around Hope’s hand, seeking reassurance as Chick continued.
“I’m sure Red and Bubbles could locate that mustachioed little fucker.”
Bubbles grinned proudly. “Yes, sir.”
“Well, now who’s flack happy?”
The second the words left John’s mouth, Ruth’s heart plummeted, and a knot formed in the pit of her stomach. She held her breath waiting for what would happen next.
What happened in the last few minutes to change his attitude completely?
All the officer’s went silent, shooting each other worried looks while Bucky and Harding stared at each other.
“You are,” John nodded, his expression bearing no trace of any amusement.
Harding smirked, “You are.”
“No, you are,” Egan leaned forward, thwacking Harding’s chest with his hand. “Sir.” 
The next few seconds seemed to stretch on for hours as the atmosphere became even more tense, the room seeming to hold its breath. Gale quickly glanced over at Hope, his eyes filled with concern, much like the rest of the officers. The blonde beside her didn’t notice Buck, unable to tear her eyes away from John, who looked like he was teetering on the edge of an outburst.
The Major and the Colonel stared at each other until a smirk broke out on Chick’s face and he chuckled, the rest of the group following suit when the tension eased.
“Mmm, Single fillies. Come on, boys. Let’s get the lead out!” Harding smirked, taking a drag from his cigar, and left the party with Red trailing behind him.
The officers dispersed out onto the dance floor, leaving John, Gale, Hope, Ruth, and Benny at the bar. 
Gale turned to catch Hope’s eye, his face saying ‘hold on while I talk to him’. Hope nodded in agreement, catching Ruth’s arm and leading her away from their men. 
“What about John?” Ruth looked hastily over her shoulder for him, meeting his conflicted eyes momentarily, but Hope pulled her on. 
“Gale’s going to talk to him, it’ll be okay. They’ve been through a lot, remember? It’s bound to catch up with them all at some point, and we just need to be here to help them if they fall.” Hope led her back to the table, sitting her down and placing the glass of ginger beer in front of her. 
Hope hated watching Ruth’s worried eyes keep darting back toward the boys, but she knew that her own eyes kept drifting back to Gale’s. If this evening had taught her anything, it was that life was more precious than they could ever realize, and each moment should be cherished. 
They needed a distraction from their anxieties, and Hope blurted the first story that came to mind.
“Do you remember that day when you were new to the Grove and you walked in on Frank naked?” 
The blonde’s cheeks immediately heated up as she buried her head in her hands, “How could I forget? I’d only known the man for three days.”
Hope laughed too, “Well, it could be worse. On my first day on base, he nearly ran me over with a jeep. That was before he realized I was on his plane. He bought me a beer that same evening to apologize.” 
Ruth laughed, imagining a younger Hope giving Frank hell for trying to run her down. 
“We had a medical technician on our plane with us back then. Joseph was his name. He was a right pretty boy…thought he was the bee's knees but I soon told him otherwise.” 
Ruth chuckled, knowing Hope probably gave the poor boy hell. It was strange thinking back to when they first came to the Grove, the airbase that had quickly become their home and safe haven. 
“It seems like a lifetime ago that I met you, Hope. I thought you hated me at first.”
“Oh, I didn’t hate you…I just thought you weren’t going to make it,” Hope replied honestly, feeling slightly guilty about how she’d misjudged her best friend. “You soon proved me wrong though, Rue. You’re a good nurse.” 
Hope looked up as Gale approached them, smiling brightly at her while John still stood near the bar still looking quite somber. Ruth stood up, quickly excusing herself as she made her way over to the bar, resting her hand against John’s arm.
“Hey,” she whispered, her blue eyes filled with worry. “Let’s go somewhere we can talk.”
He nodded, allowing her to take his hand and tug him to the door.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” she finally asked when they excited the club into the English night, her voice soft with concern.
John pursed his lips and a flicker of hesitation crossed his features before he shrugged. “Nothing. What do you mean?”
“John,” Ruth urged, her voice hardening as she gave him the look that always made her students squirm in their seats. 
And her tone…it was only used when dealing with problem students, the ones who lied directly to her face when she already knew the truth.
He sighed, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly. “I’m fine.”
“What was that, then?” Ruth pressed, refusing to let it go. She needed to know exactly what was wrong…needed to help him in whatever way she could.
But how could he tell her the truth?
He could go down the next day and it would be like he never was there in the first place. Gone like the 230 men they’d lost.
How was he supposed to tell the woman he loved that she could lose him in the blink of an eye?
That he could lose her just the same?
That he couldn’t write another life-shattering letter to a boy’s family?
His nervousness to confess his feelings was replaced with guilt, anger, and frustration that compounded in his chest, creating a volatile mixture that was bound to explode. 
“Nothing,” he insisted, his tone growing defensive. “Like I said.”
“Please don’t lie to me,” Ruth pleaded as she grasped his hand, her voice barely above a whisper. “I know-”
The flood he’d been trying to hold back finally broke, and his voice raised just a fraction as he pulled his hand from hers. “Damn it, Ruth. I said I’m fine!”
The sharpness of his tone caught the woman off guard, and she recoiled slightly, blinking furiously to hold back the tears threatened to fill her eyes. “I’m just trying to help,” she whispered.
Without another word, she turned and walked back into the dance, leaving Bucky standing there in the chilly night. His hands moved to his hips as his chest heaved, the anger slowly leaving his body and morphing into guilt as his mind replayed her baby blues shining with tears and the tremble in her voice.
He was supposed to be a better man, someone worthy of her, and what did he do at the first chance?
Despite the mix of emotions within him, Johnny knew she was only trying to help, only trying to be there for him, and he’d raised his voice at her. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before following after her, his heart pounding in his chest.
Pushing open the door and stepping inside, the sounds of the party filled Bucky’s ears, but for once, he couldn’t bring himself to care that the band played ‘Blue Skies’. His eyes scanned the bustling club and caught a glimpse of her blonde hair disappearing into the women’s bathroom.
John hesitated where he stood in the middle of the club, lost and unsure of what to do next. He knew he needed to talk to her, to make things right, but he also didn’t want to intrude on her privacy. Frustratingly running a hand over his mouth, he caught sight of Gale on the dance floor where he swayed slowly with Hope. Buck’s brow furrowed in confusion as he glanced in the direction Ruth had gone over Hope’s shoulder. With a nod of his head, he silently urged Johnny to go after her. 
It was the push that he needed to make a decision.
Swallowing thickly, he approached the bathroom door and knocked, his knuckles rapping against the wood gently. “Ruthie, can I come in?”
His heart sank when he heard sniffles from inside.
“Please,” John murmured softly, his voice barely audible through the door.
A few seconds ticked by and he was about to ask again when the door clicked open, giving him a view of her reddened and splotchy face. Ruth backed up, allowing him to slowly push in the door. She stood before him with her arms wrapped tightly around herself, barely meeting his gaze as her eyes remained on the floor. John silently stepped into the room and closed the door behind him gently, muffling the sounds of the party outside.
They stood there silently for a few moments until Ruth finally looked up at him, quickly wiping a tear from her cheek as she chewed on her bottom lip. 
“Come here,” he mumbled, pulling her softly into his chest, running a hand up and down her back. “I’m sorry, doll. So sorry.”
Ruth stiffened for a moment before relaxing against him, burying her face into his chest.
“I’m not mad at you. I just,” he sighed against her hair. “I hate myself for making you upset. I know you’re just trying to help me.”
She lifted her head from his chest and broke her silence, her voice wavering. “Then talk to me.”
John stared at her for a moment, running his fingers through her hair gently as he thought of a way to explain what he felt…the weight he felt on his shoulders. “There’s nothing you can do about it, Ruth,” he muttered, his face tilting to the ground.
“I don’t care,” the nurse answered quietly, reaching up and gently lifting his face to meet her teary gaze. "Just…just please don’t shut me out.”
For a moment, they stood there in silence as Bucky nodded to himself with his lips pulled into a tight line. When he finally found the words, his voice was barely audible as he fought to keep his composure. 
“You heard Crank earlier. We’ve lost so many boys, and I-,” he cleared his throat, looking over her shoulder at the wall while fighting the burning sensation in his eyes. “I don’t know how much more I can take.”
Ruth’s heart broke at his confession, and she cupped his cheeks and pulled him down to her, their foreheads pressing together.
“John, you are going to get through this. We are going to get through this,” Ruth whispered. “I’m right here, and I don’t plan on going anywhere. You can talk to me, alright?”
He released a shuddering breath against her face, allowing his eyes to flutter shut as he savored the feeling of her warm touch. The three words he’d been meaning to say all night danced on the tip of his tongue but refused to pour from his lips.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you. I-”
“You didn’t have to do anything,” she interrupted, her thumb caressing his cheekbone lightly. “I know I don’t say it enough, but thank you. You make me so happy, Johnny.”
Bucky raised his hand to cover her much smaller one on his cheek as he sent her a soft smile. “I should be the one thanking you. You…you mean everything to me, Ruth. Everything. And I’m so sorry for talking to you like-”
“Just kiss me,” she whispered, her eyes flicking to his lips.
John immediately obeyed, tilting his head to connect their lips softly, their worries fading away as they lost themselves in each other. Ruth’s hands slid from his face to the nape of his neck, her fingers tangling in his hair as she deepened the kiss with an eagerness he’d never seen from her before. He fought against every instinct in him urging him to take things farther, but she deserved more than that…they both did.
As they pulled away from the kiss, they remained wrapped in the other’s arms, their breaths mingling in the air between them. John’s gaze softened as he looked into Ruth’s eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. He noticed the remnants of tears still clinging to her lashes, her eyes red and puffy, and his hand raised to brush her hair behind her ear.
“I’m getting a weekend pass to London,” he said breathlessly, nervously peering down at her. “Come with me.”
Ruth grinned and pecked his lips again softly. “I’d want nothing more.”
In that moment, with Ruth in his arms, John Egan vowed London would be the place…would be the time he’d confess his love for her. 
How he couldn’t imagine life without her.
London…it would be the place that everything changed.
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Monday, September 20th: AAF Grove, Berkshire: 0700 HRS: 7 AM
Hope let out a long sigh as the C-47’s wheels left the runway in one swoop, rising above the airstrip and leaving the base far below them as they climbed into the clouds. Frank talked quietly to Bill in the cockpit, and both girls couldn’t help but smile at their pilot's antics. He was a good pilot, but as a mentor, he was a hard task-master, and Bill was being put through his paces. Ruth pulled John’s latest letter from her pocket, rereading his words with a small smile.
September 17th My Ruth, Hey, slugger. I hope you’ve had a good few days. Have your runs been okay? Has Frank been nice to you? You know I won’t hesitate to rough him up if not. I have been unable to keep my mind off of you…as usual. Schwarz developed the pictures from the party yesterday, and I’ve found myself staring at our photo for longer than I’d like to admit. You’re just so beautiful…the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on…have I told you that? Schwarz also gave each Buck and Hugh individual pictures of them with Hope. I’m pretty sure Buck is sending copies of the letter he’s writing from his bunk. You’ll find one of us in this envelope, as well. I’m sure you’ll love it just as much as I do. I keep my copy in my breast pocket, next to my heart so you’ll be with me everywhere I go. When I start to spiral, I just look at you and your smiling face, and I remember what all this is for. Every day I ask myself how I got so lucky that you landed on my base out of the hundreds scattered around England, and after months of wondering, I still have no explanation.  All I know is that I kiss the lucky cross around my neck every time I leave and come back from a mission, thanking Mrs. Virginia Morgan that I made it back to the ground…back to you. I still can’t believe you wouldn’t take it back, Ruthie, but I promise to keep it safe until you’re ready to.  I can’t wait to take you to London, doll. Did your CO approve your leave? I can try to pull some strings if she doesn’t. Maybe I could give her a call and use my charm to convince her? What do you think? Stay safe up there for me, alright? Yours Completely, John Egan P.S. The Yankees swept the Athletics in their series, keeping their 9-game win streak alive. We’ve got the American League in the bag! What do I always say? The Yankees always end on top! Remember that, doll. You’ll be hearing it a lot after we win the World Series next month.
Both women received letters from their Majors late the night before and immediately wrote their responses, promising to send them the following morning. But when they were called up for a run before dawn, both dashed to the post room before hurrying back to ‘The Angel.’ 
“So how is the hotshot then?” Hope asked with a grin, amused by Ruth’s embarrassed expression, her pale cheeks blushing deeply. 
“How do you know I call him that?” Ruth asked curiously, but Hope just shook her head with a chuckle. 
“Ruth, you've read his letters out loud enough times when I’m around that I’ve basically read them myself.” The blonde nodded slowly, half listening to Hope and the other half of her too engrossed in John’s words as she reread them again. After a few moments, she looked up from the letter.
“I wrote to my parents about John the other day,” Ruth called out over the engine’s whine, a fond smile on her lips.
“Oh yeah?”
The blonde nodded. “Yeah.”
“What all did you tell them?” Hope asked with a raised brow.
Ruth’s innocent smile turned into a mischievous smirk as she chuckled to herself. “Well, my Mama always reads the letters, so I wrote the basics for her to tell my Dad and Jamie, but gave her all the details.”
“John’s right,” she laughed. “You are a sneaky woman.”
Shrugging, Ruth pulled out the picture he sent from her pocket, her heart fluttering as she studied it, tracing the lines of John’s face on the small photo. She was glad to finally have a piece of Johnny to carry around with her, being able to whip it out whenever she missed him or just wanted to see his handsome face.
The plane rocked from side to side as they gained altitude, and the large metal bird flew ‘through the ‘gate’ as Frank liked to call it as she moved to full throttle, soaring up into the clouds. 
“Stop being a clot,” Frank hissed to Bill, flicking a few switches in the cockpit with a long sigh, “You know what you’re doing kid, but shit, try using your head sometimes okay?” 
“Yes Sir,” Bill nodded shyly, turning his attention back to the plane's control panel. The girls smiled at each other, listening to the two men bickering in the cockpit
“Where do you think the boys are right now?” Ruth asked, looking up nervously at Hope. She always worried when she thought of where their men could be. The thought of them in harm's way made her sick to the stomach. 
Were they flying like girls were? Were they in danger? 
Hope slouched in her seat as the plane leveled out, “I don’t know, Rue. I’d like to think that they’re at Thorpe Abbotts. Hugh’s probably getting into some sort of trouble or terrorizing poor Harry Crosby. John is probably having some coffee with his whiskey about now at breakfast.” This caused Ruth to laugh lightly at the thought of John’s usual morning routine.
“What about Gale?” 
Hope took a little longer to reply this time. “I think Gale would… well I don’t know. He’s probably either eating breakfast with John, walking Meatball, or he’s with his baby.” 
“His baby?” Ruth sputtered, cocking her head and looking at her friend for the answer.
“His Fort, ‘Our Baby’,” Hope laughed, watching as Ruth nodded, understanding the men’s attachment to their Forts. She guessed they all felt the same way about their own plane, although Ruth thought if she never had to fly again it would be a blessing. 
The pair soon fell into silence, both organizing their mussette bags for the hundredth time, as if they hadn’t checked all their supplies pre-flight. Hope moved up to the cockpit to check in with the pilots while Ruth moved along the racks of supplies, laying out fresh blankets on each cot, humming an Artie Shaw song to herself as she went.
“How’s it going up here, boys?” Hope leant over Frank’s shoulder, watching as the cloudy sky unfolded before them. 
“Can’t complain,” Frank replied plainly. “I think Billy Boy here is getting the hang of things at last.” The young pilot grinned at the compliment and Hope couldn’t help the sense of pride that filled her chest. They’d had several copilots training with Frank, but Bill was definitely the girl's favorite. 
Looking back out the window, Hope pointed towards the dark clouds erupting ahead of them. 
“Hey Frank, what’s that up ahead? That’s not what I think it is…right?”
“That, my dear Hope, is flak fire,” he said regretfully. “Looks like we’re heading to the movies. I suggest you girls grab a seat…Ruth may want a blindfold for this next part.” 
Hope swallowed, nodding quickly before rushing back to her seat. Bill talked quickly to Frank in the cockpit but remained calm, it wasn’t anything they hadn’t been through before. 
Ruth’s fearful eyes widened as Hope explained what Frank had told her before swiftly strapping herself into her seat. Her mind raced at all the terrible outcomes that could occur. 
What happens if they go down? 
What would happen if they just blew up over Germany? 
She tried to put on a brave face but she knew Hope would see right through it, she always did. 
The plane swerved as flak erupted around them, swooping and diving as the black clouds and wuffs from the Ack-Acks flew wildly around them. Hope and Ruth were thrown around in their seats as the plane swerved, flack bursts shaking the bird. They were very grateful that they always secured all their supplies and stretchers down pre-flight.
Hope’s fingers dug into the metal seat and her eyes closed as her stomach flipped in circles with each turn. She’d not had any issues with her motion sickness since her training, but the urge to vomit up her breakfast only grew as the bile rose in the back of her throat. 
Ruth opposite from her was as white as a sheet, her already pale face now the color of a corpse with her lips set in a thin worried line. Her teeth clenched tightly together and her eyes squeezed shut as flack pierced through the plane's fuselage above her head. 
“Shit!” Ruth shrieked, covering her head with her hands.
“You okay, Rue?” Hope shouted over the noise of the war around them. A glossy-eyed and panting Ruth only nodded quickly in response.
Bullets ripped through the riveted sheets of the fuselage with a series of metallic pings, piercing through easily and sending metal flying into the cabin like confetti. With the chaos surrounding them, Ruth barely noticed when a piece of shrapnel flew past her face, just grazing her temple. Flak fire continued to blast in the air surrounding the skytrain and the noise was deafening to everyone inside. 
How could anyone think strategically in these conditions? 
“OH FUCK!” Frank’s voice shouted from the cockpit as he leaned over to Bill, “Stay with me, kid.” Bill’s lifeless body lay wide-eyed staring straight ahead, his young face frozen, expressionless. “DAMMIT!” 
“What’s wrong, Frank?” Hope called out as she unbuckled herself and stumbled from her seat, edging her way towards him. 
Ruth’s eyes widened. “Hope! What are you doing?!”
She simply sent her a worried glance, seeing the blood trickling down Ruth’s cheek before disappearing from view, and the blonde stared at her in disbelief. When another burst sent burning hot metal through the plane’s fuselage around her, Ruth’s eyes clenched shut, her head bowing as she mumbled a prayer for them, her hand instinctively reaching up for her usual comfort… her necklace….her lucky necklace that now hung around the neck of John Egan.
“Our Father, who art in heaven…”
In the cockpit, Frank didn’t turn to face Hope when he spoke, his eyes trained on the incoming fire from the Messerschmitts flying in all directions around them. 
“We have been fucked by the fickle finger of fate and today is not our day. We’re down to one engine and she isn’t sounding too healthy. We’re littered with holes and,” he paused, his throat constricting as he motioned to the young boy who lay dead beside him. “And the Krauts…they got Billy.” 
The plane juddered and smoke poured from the remaining engine with a horrendous screech as Frank took a steadying breath. The next words to leave his lips sent a shiver down Hope’s spine. 
They were the ones every airman, flight nurse, and pilot prayed they’d never have to hear…
“There goes the last engine. We’re going down!”
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73 notes · View notes
staid-skipper · 10 months
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I think about young Silver a lot.
51 notes · View notes
etoilesombre · 18 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Black Sails Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Captain Flint | James McGraw/John Silver Characters: John Silver, Captain Flint | James McGraw Additional Tags: BDSM as Character Study, Under-negotiated Kink, Humiliation, Angst, sub!Flint, Insecure Top John Silver, (no but imagine how stressful topping Flint would be), Gunplay, Object Insertion, mention of lots of other kink, Past childhood sexual abuse, Discussion of Past Abuse, past Flint/Hennessey, trauma responses, Sub Drop, Sort Of, Heavy Alcohol Use, Drunk Sex, Oral Sex, thigh fucking, some fluff at the end Series: Part 3 of Kinkmeme-Verse Summary:
Prompt: Flint and Silver fucking, with Flint so deep in subspace he couldn't find his way out if he tried. And then Silver does something unintentional that crashes him out of it. Subdrop, a lot of helpless but caring and trying Silver, bonus points for them finishing sexytimes out of the subspace once they both calmed down. No infantilization or daddy kink please. Can be canon or modern, dealer's choice.
After Charles Town, Silver and Flint become intimately familiar with each other’s pain. A mutually beneficial arrangement helps Flint cope, and provides Silver with a much needed outlet. Eventually, though, difficult memories are brought to the surface, forcing Flint to confront his past. Silver is there to help him pick up the pieces.
22 notes · View notes
threshergm · 4 months
An experimental one-shot to see if I can figure out how to write John and Talia being intimate and affectionate with one another. Turned out pretty good, I think. Now I just need to figure out how to get them from strangers meeting on a battlefield to this, haha. Missing Pieces will be posted, some day! Still working on it. @lpmurphy @authortobenamedlater @mrtobenamedlater @pelgraine @ageless-aislynn @inthatfandom @whirlybirbs @fabulaprima @silverpelt3600 @halofanfiction @thefinaljediknight @eureka-its-zico @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask @t65flyer @makowrites
The rental kiva was spacious; but Talia wasn't surprised, this was an ONI psyop, after all, and they'd spared no expense. John had held her hand as they'd wound their way up the flagstone path set into the hillside, insisting on carrying their bags, as if her arm hadn't fully healed months ago. The entranceway was wide and curved, wrapping around the shape of the cliffside it was set into. An open building style, the entranceway blended into a living room with an open hearth, which transformed into a spacious kitchen next to a dining table for six. The only interior walls were to the left and rear, the first containing a frosted glass door, and the second a door of polished oak and slightly ajar, revealing a bedroom with a single large bed. Talia's heart fluttered at the implication. It was a honeymoon rental, after all.
"Wait here," John said, setting their bags down gently near the front door. He walked slowly - somehow silent, even in boots - right hand hovering over his hip, where Talia knew he carried his sidearm concealed under his jacket. With Spartan reflexes, no one could beat him on the draw. He came first to the frosted door, sliding it aside quickly, right hand steady over his hip. Seeing nothing, he moved quickly back to the bedroom, drew his sidearm and cleared the larger room with it at high ready just as quickly. John came back to Talia at a fast walk, looking sheepish and holstering his sidearm, tugging the jacket back over it.
"We're secure. Sorry. Old habits." 
Talia smiled, shaking her head, "A lifetime of training, and it's your first vacation. Don't be sorry." She smiled that patient, slightly bemused smile, like she was schooling a clueless tourist on how to use their transit card on the Metro. John scooped up their bags and carried them to the small card table in the living room, setting them down with a thud, while Talia looked around. She had only been out of the big cities a handful of times in her life, but everyone born on Reach knew what a kiva looked like. So many holovid dramas were set in places like the Highland Mountains. Hardy first-generation pioneers scraping out a living among the jagged peaks, titanium prospectors looking to strike the motherlode, honest folk struggling to save the family farm. The reality of the rental kiva wasn't quite so rustic, but you could see that history in the hand-carved oaken furniture, woolen rugs on the polished instacrete floors, and real wood-burning fireplace in the living room. Through the large picture windows facing east, she could even see a flock of moa pecking at the hillside.
Talia pulled her coat off, while John walked over to the fireplace. Open hearth with a cylindrical chimney leading up and through the polished instacrete ceiling; the staff had helpfully left a box of pre-cut kindling and crumpled paper on the rim of the hearth. John hadn't lit a campfire since survival training as a child, but it came back to him, as he arranged the fuel, kindling, and tinder in a pyramid. He was fishing for matches at the bottom of the box, when he felt Talia's hands glide over his shoulders, and reach for the lapels of his jacket.
John used to flinch when she touched him. He didn't flinch anymore.
Talia peeled his jacket off his back, and walked over to the wall, hanging it on the line of steel coat hooks next to her own. As she returned, her hand pulled the tight band keeping her hair back in a low pony and shook it out, wavy locks cascading over her shoulders. John's heart skipped a beat, mind flashing back to how she'd looked at the Marine Corps Birthday Ball; hair up and pinned to perfection, neck elegant, skin exuding the warmth of the ruby-red dress she wore, and smile as radiant as the sun cresting the horizon in low orbit. Warmth crept up his neck from the spots Talia's palms had brushed his shoulders. Talia returned to his side, and her hand found the small of his back, rubbing it gently. The skin on John’s arms prickled at the contact, and he hoped she didn’t notice.
“I wonder what the others are doing? Vannak has command of Silver Team when you’re not around, right?” She smiled as he struck a match, touching it to the small mound of paper atop the wooden pyramid. The flames took, spreading downwards into the kindling, and the kiva was quickly filled with the hiss and pop of burning hardwood. John glanced at Talia, warmth spreading from his neck down into his chest as he noticed the flames dancing in her umber eyes. He cleared his throat, trying to focus. “I know exactly what they’re doing. I left orders that they take ten days leave, duties permitting. It didn’t feel right, taking a… vacation, if they couldn’t do the same. Even booked a hotel for them downtown; some place called The Savoy. Supposed to be nice. I paid.” Talia cocked her head, “John… The Savoy is, like, six stars. The best in the city - no, the best on the planet. How can you afford that on an NCO’s salary?” John shrugged, “I’ve been drawing pay since I was six years old and never had anything to spend it on. If I’m going to spend it on anything, I want to spend it on them.” Talia’s hand crept upwards from the small of his back to rub between his shoulder blades, eyes on the way the firelight flickered across his stubbled cheeks and jawline as she smiled. “I love how good you are to your team.” “They’re my family,” John’s eyes met her own now, holding them in a steady gaze, “You’re my family now too.” “Yeah?” Talia’s breath caught in her throat, her gaze dancing between his hazel-green eyes and his lips, gliding closer as her heart began to thunder in her chest. “Yeah.” They brushed lips; experimental, as if fighters in the ring, feeling each other out. Second contact was more committed, Talia’s hand reaching up to cup the back of John’s head, palm prickling on his close-shorn hair. John’s hands found her hips, fingers wrapping gently around the swell of them; a proper kiss, lips pressed to lips. Talia pulled away, just barely, breath hot. “That was nice,” she whispered hungrily. “It was,” John growled, pulling her to him, her small frame crushed against his, lips crashing into hers, needful and unrestrained. Talia knew this was the end; the last lines of resistance crumbled, the last stronghold taken. He would never be the Master Chief again, not to her. He was forever John now.
The floodgates opened, and in poured love.
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indigograceauthor · 4 months
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A Flip of the Coin Master List
Unconditionally - Part 1 Full Work on ao3 Spotify Playlist
Summary: When Master Chief rescues Corporal Perez on Sanctuary, the event not only starts a chain reaction that unravels John-117's life, it brings him to a realization that the person he needed all along was the one he least expected. Pairing: John-117/Talia Perez Status: Complete
Chapter 1 : Sanctuary Part 1 - Shadow of a Soul
Chapter 2: Sanctuary Part 2 - I Fucking Hate You
Chapter 3: Sanctuary Part 3 - Love-Hate-Sex-Pain
Chapter 4: Sword Part 1 - I Don't Belong
Chapter 5: Sword Part 2 - Running Blind
Chapter 6: Visegrad - Make Me Believe
Chapter 7: Reach - Eye of the Storm
Chapter 8: Aleria Part 1 - Hollow
Chapter 9: Aleria Part 2 - Serenity
Chapter 10: Onyx - Truth
Chapter 11: Thermopylae Part 1 - Surrender
Chapter 12: Thermopylae Part 2 - Under Your Scars
Chapter 13: Halo Part 1 - Legends Rise
Chapter 14: Halo Part 2 - Bulletproof
Chapter 15: Epilogue - Oracle
Possibilities - Part 2 NOW POSTED !!
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heycarrots · 11 months
Black Sails Nation! Rise! It’s time for some Cinnamon!
Reading Between the Lines Podcast is BACK with more SilverFlint!
This month, I chat with Polish author, @tiofrean about her beautiful story, the Queen Mother of all hurt/comfort fics, Cinnamon. We get back into the SilverFlint lane and finally earn our E rating! I told you all it was coming! You do NOT want to miss this episode! There’s no pumpkin, but there is definitely some spice to raise your t’gallants!
This episode was months in the making. We recorded our interview at the beginning of July and Tora has been fully hands on in the planning process for this episode, including creating her own ABSOLUTELY STUNNING cover art! I mean . . . LOOK AT THEM!!! The curls! The freckles! JOHN’S TINY EARS!!!
Listen, I’m unhinged about this episode. I’m so proud of it and I think you’re REALLY going to love it!
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Here are the links!
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