#johnny is his dad's worst nightmare
hoperays-song · 2 years
The Chaos Twins Strike Again
Marcus sent them to the mall under the agreement that they would behave...
Literally five and a half minutes later:
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overthinkingtaleblr · 2 years
Ref for Peewee Basically done
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Now the question is… facial hair yes or no…
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ellie-r2 · 1 month
Book Curtis Brothers hcs
because I won't leave you guys hanging just because it got second place
-He'll do anything for his brothers even if he hates the thing. (first scene in the book when Pony says he could've just called Darry to watch the movie even though Darry hates them)
-He tries really hard to be gentle when physically comforting people but he's always too rough without meaning to be.
-Genuinely believed Ponyboy hated him for a good while and it would actually keep him up at night at times which added to his stress levels.
-Always makes sure the house is stocked up with first aid supplies for the boys.
-He asks Soda to talk to Pony for him to make sure Pony knows he loves him because he thinks if he were to do it he'd just say the wrong thing and it would go bad.
-The five days Pony was gone were the worst of Darry's life even more so than the death of his parents because to him at least then he got the news the same day but for Ponyboy he had nothing letting him know if he truly was okay.
-Says he would've been okay if Ponyboy never spoke to him again after the slap because he would've deserved it but in reality he wouldn't know how to live with it.
-Hated when people would confuse him for being his dad's brother instead of son because he hated that people thought he looked older when he's only 20. (which doesn't get better now that he's taking care of his brothers)
-Technically this is canon but adding it anyway he is insecure about the fact he didn't get to go to college because he did want a chance to leave tulsa and pursue a career in football.
-Stays by Pony's door until he falls asleep whenever he wakes up screaming from a nightmare to ease his nerves.
-Only irons Soda's shirts because he knows even if Soda has time he won't do it himself.
-When Ponyboy was in denial of Johnny's death he and Soda made sure no one ever mentioned anything about Johnny around Pony.
-He asked Tim to have Curly tell Ponyboy stories about reformatory to scare him from being sent there.
-Used to consider wanting to reconcile with Paul so he'd still have other friends outside the gang. After the rumble happened he stopped thinking about it.
-Apart from his brothers the person he's closest to in the gang is Two-Bit since they're closest in age and he's the only one he truly trusts to leave alone with Pony.
-Used to hate being the only blond one of his brothers until his parents died because he liked having his mom's hair color.
-Ever since basically moving into Pony's room because of the nightmares he now uses his old room as a storage space or offers it to the gang if they want to sleep on a bed instead of the couch.
-Will defend his brothers to the ends of the earth over literally anyone no matter who it is (I mean according to Pony the only time he was ever mad at Steve was when he said something about Darry).
-Took everything in him not to tell Darry that he suspected that Dally knew where Pony and Johnny were and almost slipped by wanting to ask him to proofread the letter.
-Slept in his room the days Pony was gone because it didn't feel right to him to sleep in there without Pony but he still didn't sleep well anyway.
-Plays football with Darry even if he's not the best at it just so Darry can still play his favorite sport.
-Contrary to popular belief while he is named the the crier of the brothers it is actually Ponyboy but he lets himself be called that because he knows Pony doesn't like being seen as "weak".
-Even though Sandy cheated on him and everything he couldn't find it in himself to hate her not even a little bit.
-Despite what Pony may think about comparing Soda and Steve to Bob and Randy, Soda would actually be the one to fight even harder and be angry if Steve were the one to die while Steve would be the one to not fight.
-Will gives massages to Darry when Darry works long nights at work because while his brother won't admit it, he doesn't take care of himself as much as he should.
-Misses the days when Darry was just his brother and not guardian because while he gets let off more than Pony the change in relationship between himself and Darry is still noticeable to him.
-Will cling to anything or anyone that is near him when sleeping.
-Is quite literally the little brother of the gang even though he thinks it's Johnny. (Everyone including Steve will drop everything for him).
-(pre book but after their parents died) Desperately craved attention/affection from Darry but didn't know how to ask for it.
-He has drawn every member of the gang + Curly but hasn't shown them any of the drawings. His favorite to draw was Dally.
-For the purly/papercut fans (me). Pony is the only one who can keep Curly from getting into too much trouble. (Like we know from Tim that Curly has talked about Pony and even calls him a good kid.)
-After Johnny and Dally's deaths he hangs up his drawings of them in his room. He also keeps Dally's jacket in his room even if he never wears it.
-Tried to finish reading Gone with the Wind after Johnny died but couldn't.
-Has nightmares of him being the one who was stuck under the beam instead of Johnny and being the one who died and wakes up terrified because he truly thinks it would have been better if it was him.
-Makes Darry go into the room with him at doctor's appointments and looks at Darry whenever they ask him a question. He'll also clutch Darry or Soda's arm because he hates being there.
-Quit smoking or is in the process of trying to quit post book because of guilt of potentially starting the fire and because it's not good for him being on the track team and all.
For all 3:
-Darry and Soda go to ALL of Pony's track events.
-Post book they all try to have one day of the week where they all do something together for the other. For Darry, Pony and Soda play football with him. For Pony, they go watch a movie together. For Soda, Darry lets him take them out racing but sits in the back with Pony to keep him safe if anything.
-When they were younger Darry would give shit to anyone who would say anything about his younger brothers having weird names. While Pony and Soda would give Darry shit saying he's the one with a weird name. "seriously DARREL"
-They all sleep in Darry's room together the night before if they know the social worker is coming in fear of separated.
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peachesofteal · 1 year
OKAY OKAY but switch Gaz and Price. Takes place after this.
18+ / Disco baby AU / Mature themes including violence, blood, injury, aftermath of torture. Angst.
“We’ll see you soon baby girl.” Simon cuddles Bee close before depositing her into Price’s waiting arms with one last mournful look.
Johnny stands at his shoulder, leaning forward to brush his lips across her forehead. He closes his eyes, breathing in the smell of the baby shampoo, stroking his finger across the soft skin of her fist.
“We’re gonna go get your mum, Bee.” Anxiety burns a pit in his stomach, and he pats her cheek softly. She’s sleepy, and he hopes that Price will be able to get her back to bed after they leave.
“Remember.” Price warns, for the third time. He holds the baby against his chest, protectively cradling her head while she snuggles down into the crook of his arm. “You’re not there. Make it quick, and clean.” He claps Gaz on the shoulder gruffly, and levels him with a look.
“I’ll keep an eye on ‘em.” The younger man promises, and Johnny bites back a scoff. Gaz isn’t lying, per se, but the three of them know why it’s him going, and not their captain.
They’re going to slaughter everyone in their path. Johnny is going to paint the walls red with the blood of anyone who’s laid a finger on you. He’s going to do everything they can to get you home, get you to safety.
He's not going to live in this nightmare, this worst case scenario. He's not going to lose you, again.
“Johnny.” Simon murmurs, and he pivots to look at his partner, reading Simon’s face, dark eyes boring into his above the skull balaclava.
It’s the first time Simon has been away from Bee since she appeared in their lives.
It’s the first time his hands will be violent, become weapons, since holding their daughter.
“Ye alright?” He asks softly. Simon nods. His knuckles are tight against the backpack, and Johnny swallows the lump in his throat. “She’s going to be okay.” He’s not sure if he’s talking about you, or Bee. He tries to reassure him, but the words barely trickle out. He can’t even think about it… about you. Sitting in a dark room somewhere, hurt. In pain. Terrified.
He nods.
“She has to be.”
The halls are silent, save for some occasional groans. The sounds of men crying, in pain.
Simon cares for none of them. He's not a solider anymore, but you never unlearn the pattern of violence, the dance of a kill.
And, he would kill them all again without batting an eye, shove his knife into the soft of their bellies over and over to get to you, to find you. To protect you. To protect Bee.
His fingers trace over the top of the tac vest, feeling for the edge of the photograph he brought, a picture of Bee at the park from three weeks ago, the one that was hanging on the fridge.
It comforts him. It grounds him. It reminds him, that’s there more. There’s more than the blood. The violence. The killing. There’s a little girl, at home. Waiting for her dads. Waiting for her mum.
He stares at the photograph for too long, seeking out the patterns that remind him of you, the pieces of his baby that are so like her mother.
He stares, and he stares, and he remembers to breathe. Remembers to move. Remembers where he is. Remembers enough, that he jerks forward when he hears Johnny shout something at him from where he's crouched, his hands pressed to your wounds, passing things back and forth with Gaz as they work on you. On stabilizing you.
On saving you.
“Simon.” Johnny snaps, jolting him from his stupor. "Help me with this." He directs, motioning to the gaping hole that's been torn open in your thigh, the one that bleeds freely.
When he packs a pad of gauze into it, you snap to consciousness with a broken moan.
“Hey, hey darling.” Johnny stammers, and his hands shake as he cradles your face. It’s swollen, and bruised, and your lips are dotted with blood. Your body is a crumpled mess of abuse and torture, physical evidence of their failures, the proof of your punishment for just knowing them. For once loving them. For giving them a child.
You take a long, deep breath. It's a struggle.
"You're he- here."
“Aye, we're here, we're here, love. We've got you.” Johnny chokes. You moan when he touches your neck, the sound hoarse and empty, and Simon wants to scream. He wants to tear through the bodies of of the people in the hall, wants to kill them all over again. Johnny says your name, twice, clear and loudly… and your lashes flutter.
“Keep your eyes open.” Simon demands roughly.
“Bee?” You croak, blinking up at him and he nods, fingers finding the edge of that same photograph, pulling it free.
“She’s safe. She’s at home, waiting for us. All of us.” He turns it towards you, and you squint to focus. The shadow of a smile curves across your face.
"We have to move her." Gaz instructs. He's calm. Clear headed. Simon's never been more grateful.
“We’re gonna get you home, darling.” Johnny promises, grabbing something from Gaz’s hand and pressing it to one of the wounds in your side. It's a bad sign, that you're not crying out in pain over all this. That you don't seem to be feeling it at all. “Stay with us.”
“‘kay.” You whisper, but it’s featherlight, papery thin and Simon swallows through the nausea that’s rising in his throat. You fall into uneasy silence for a second, and then-
"I want- wanted to s-see her, one last time." Your face is wet now, but it's not from blood.
"You will." Johnny shouts and Simon shoves the photo into your hand.
Your ribs stutter. Your lungs are fighting for every draw, and losing.
"You will, you will we promise. She's at home, waiting for you, darling." Simon tries to assure you, and he rests a hand against your forehead gently.
Your fingertip strokes a streak of red across the picture of your baby, dabbing onto her cheek before you look back up at Simon and Johnny with tears in your eyes. You battle yourself to take a deep breath, and then you whisper something they can barely hear as your eyes slip closed.
"Thank you... for bringing the picture."
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edutainer2022 · 6 months
It's a little two-part glimpse into Dad Jeff going away into the sky. And Scotty being not happy about it. Baby Virgil features briefly too. Jeff Tracy tells himself things that tide him over more difficult times (but are not necessarily true).
It was unbearable. The little face of the boy in his arms was wrought with boundless grief. Bright blue eyes full of tears and fear.
"Daddy, no gooooo! No gooooo!"
Tiny hands were clutching the collar of his uniform. The boy's voice was choking on sobs and Jeff felt his heart being ripped out. He was due at the base for a pick up and relocation for training before the Moon mission. He was a breath away from calling in his resignation right then and there and never leaving his son ever again. He forced himself to exhale and hoisted the child higher, bringing their forheads together. That gave Jeff a chance to blink away tears of his own:
"It's okay, Scotty. It's okay. Daddy will be back soon. I have a very important job for you, Bluejay. Look after Mommy and Virgie, when I'm gone, okay? Can you do that for me?"
The child's sobs halted for a moment it took him to nod very earnestly. Jeff leaned in to kiss the boy's forehead and then kiss away the tears from the blotchy little face as best he could. He turned to his wife with an apologetic smile.
Lucy was hovering in the doorway all this time, ready to intervene. Dad's departure for the Moon was a matter of wide-eyed wonder and endless enthusiasm till it was actually time for Jeff to leave. Then it quickly dissolved into a Greek tragedy. Her own hands were full with the baby. Little Virgie didn't yet understand what was happening, but he developed an uncanny ability to pick up his brother's moods. So to echo Scotty's desperate pleas, the baby's tears were now inconsolable.
Scotty settled to hug Dad's neck, so Jeff beaconed his wife with Virgie to step into the embrace. She leaned her head on his shoulder as he reached to kiss the baby.
"Are you really gonna be okay?"
She smiled up at him. So beautiful.
"We'll miss you like crazy, Flyboy. But we'll be alright. We're in good hands."
She lifted a hand to rub soothing circles on Scotty's back. The baby calmed down too and looked ready for a nap. Jeff gave himself extra minutes to just hold them all together. He didn't know yet he was already holding three sons in that embrace. Baby Johnny was to arrive while he was still thousands of miles away on the Moon. But in that moment he needed to capture the perfect memory of balance and fulfillment that would tide him over a long night in space. They were going to be alright.
It was unthinkable. The whole situation was his worst nightmare come true. The hijacked Zero-X was obviously speeding up and overheating. He ran a quick math and the fallout would quite easily cause an extinction of life on the planet. Unacceptable - his sons lived on that planet. His mother and friends. What made matters worse was giving in to Scott's big blue pleading eyes to let him come with him in One and watch the T-drive launch. Little Allie definitely learned to step up his puppy eyes game from the best. So Jeff was now stuck with the impossible variables of his son in the blast zone and One's still untested autopilot.
"Scott, I need you to take over the controls for me!"
He was halfway out of the pilot seat, leaving One on hover. Bright blue eyes, flooded with horror, shot up at him from where Scott was adjusting the harness by the cargo doors (oh, goodness, the boy was actually prepping to board Zero-X himself!)
"Dad! You can't go down alone!"
There it was. Daddy, no gooo! Jeff had to brace himself to enter full Commander mode.
"I need you to follow Zero-X flight path, align in formation. Once I board the hull, you will bank and scout the possible fallout zone perimeter in a thousand miles radius. I need you to shoo, tow or scare away anything that will be flying or floating there, understood?"
Jeff was sorely tempted to set the milage at a farther distance (as far and as fast away as possible, just fly away, Bluejay!), but he couldn't risk Scott questioning his intent in the moment. Blue eyes were still flooded with disbelief, pleading and barely concealed tears.
"Dad, please! Let me come with you! You'll need help!"
Daddy, no goooo!
"That's an order, Thunderbird!"
When he'd come to in the Zero-X wreck, in the middle of the galactic nowhere, and for endless years to come, he'd try and soothe himself with the knowledge Scott obeyed the order and got safely away from the blast. From that point on Jeff would try to convince himself he was not worried. Scotty knew what his job was. He'd look after his brothers and Grandma. They would be alright.
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di-daydreamer · 3 months
What are your favorite sopranos scenes so far?
Man I'm always the worst at answering these types of questions 😅 but...
I do like the scene in the first episode that cuts between Tony talking to Melfi and Tony and Chrissy chasing down and beating up a guy. Really sets the mood for this story
When Pussy came back and he and Tony argued then hugged, all was good in the world for five minutes at least 😂
The poker game! Tony being all "hey Silvio remember when we used to spy on my dad running poker games, and getting chased away?" That whole "omg we are now the adults doing the cool thing" vibe is funny
Chrissy and Paulie fighting for custody of the brain cell during Pine Barrens 😂
Silvio having weird mouse trap dreams and then showing up at Tony's door all "I had a nightmare can I sleep with you" 🥺
When Tony told Chrissy that he wanted him to bring them into the 21 century and Chrissy is all "but we are in the 21 century" 🤨 and Tony looks like this might not be a good idea after all.
Johnny Sack being on the war path to defend Ginny.
And I have a love/hate relationship about Tony, Silvio, Paulie and Pussy on the boat 🥺 It's so sad and aweful, but at the same time so absurd! Tony with his food poisoning and Silvio getting sea sick.
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
hii! 🌼 here :)
LOVED it and would love to see more! 🫶🏽
I definitely think Miguel would fall a lot deeper into the Cobra Kai hole because he'd feel the loss of his nice™️ friends so much deeper and MUCH sooner. He's also very much a family guy so he'd probably be so sad to lose that uncle title 😭
I also think that the Robby/Eli/Demetri friendship would be TOP TIER. Those are his nerds 😭 And like if Johnny ever sees Robby with his new friend group, maybe he'd say something dickish early on- like assuming that Robby was the BD because how could either of those other nerds do it 😭 Protective Robby is the sweetest.
Sorry I LOVE the idea of Robby eventually trying to forgive his dad bc the boys, Sam, and reader have talked to him about Miguel and how he's really not that awful (even if he kind of it at this point) but idk how that would go here if he doesn't have Miguel to pull from his own CK trauma hole?
How do you think Eli would handle attention from girls in this scenario? Would Moon still approach him? Omg would Moon and Yasmine chill out sooner? Or not at all?
Totally ventured into my own hypotheticals, but totally ignore these if they don't match your vision LOL I would love to see how you think Miyagi Eli would influence the rest of the show 🫶🏽
OMG this is all so great and a lot to think about, I love it! I have so much to say, so this is a long one.
A question I don't know the answer to though: does the school fight happen in this? Idk if it does or if it should? Or at least not in the way it does in the show. Like I think Miguel and Tory are so deep in CK and each other because of CK that Miguel and Sam wouldn't kiss at Moon's party 👀 what do you think tho?
Miguel falling deep in the Cobra Kai snake pit would be interesting. He wouldn't have Hawk to compare his deeds to and only have Tory to keep doing bad shit with. The Medal of Honor doesn't get stolen, which is one of Miguel's big clues that something isn't right with the direction Cobra Kai is going in. Johnny could try all day and night to tell Miguel that this isn't the right way to go, but as time goes on, he loses his grip on not only him but all the Cobra Kais. Given the choice from Kreese, he'd still not join him in teaching the old ways of Cobra Kai to the students and Kreese would eject him from the dojo. They'd fight about it, literally, but the students would stand with Kreese. Johnny tries appealing to them that this isn't what he was teaching them and that this isn't the way to go, but he says it in all the wrong ways and Miguel steps up and tells him that his era of Cobra Kai is over now because it wasn't helping them anymore; they weren't becoming stronger with him in charge and they need Sensei Kreese to help them get stronger.
Johnny gives up on the dojo because the students don't see anything in him anymore and refuse his tough love and guidance. Maybe he'd try to reach out to Robby again and put his focus on his son. However...
I can just see Reader and Robby happen to be together out and about somewhere because he has a driver's license and is available to take her where she needs to go, and Johnny just happens to be there too. He would see the two of them together and wonder what the fuck. He asks himself if his kid knocked up LaRusso's kid and at that point, that's his worst nightmare. He'll call Robby out and ask to talk to him and Robby, begrudgingly, agrees only for his dad to jump to conclusions and say, "What the Hell, man? I thought you were smart enough to wear protection."
Robby goes off on him telling him how he doesn't know shit and shouldn't try now to parent him now because he failed at running a dojo. He lays into his dad for talking that way about his life and Reader's life when he doesn't know them at all. He'll walk away and lead Reader, who witnessed the whole backfired conversation, away from his dad because she doesn't need that kind of stress in her life. To him, Johnny is a walking headache.
Their reconciliation would be drastically different but could come sooner since Johnny wouldn't be allowed in Miguel's life by Miguel's decision. It would just take a lot of work on Johnny's end (as it should be) before they can be a father/son duo.
As for Moon, over the summer when she reconnects with Sam, she becomes friends with Reader and just loves gushing over her baby bump. Moon is someone very in tune with other people's emotions and probably sensed that Eli and Reader liked each other from the very beginning. Even when she was a mean girl, she picked up on their crushes for each other, but because she wasn't their friend or anything like that, she didn't care. Now that she and Reader are friends, she'd never go after Eli. If anything, Moon is probably their biggest supporter outside of their families.
Yasmine on the other hand probably stays the same as she is in the show. She comes back from Paris and still tries to keep her mean girl/popular status intact while being friends with Moon and Sam again. I still think the front wedgie happened so she's facing some teasing from schoolmates and such. She becomes friends with Reader but they aren't close - she's actually super awkward around Reader because of the pregnancy and doesn't know how to react to it, especially because she's so big and ready to pop by the time she returns to school. However, she will verbally destroy anyone who has anything to say about Reader or the baby. She doesn't know how to act around Reader but she sure as shit knows how to defend her. Yasmine is a nice friend, just in her own way.
None of this to say Eli doesn't get attention from other girls though. He would definitely catch the eyes of other girls because of his All Valley win and his "summer glow up" (he didn't do anything but let his hair grow out and he stands with more confidence but it's still a glow up ig). However, he wouldn't pay attention to them because he only has eyes for his baby mama. If someone were to approach him, he'd turn them down gently by explaining their flirting makes him uncomfortable because he's in a committed relationship. If another girl approached him and said he could do better than Reader because she's pregnant and fat or whatever the insult would be, he'd get upset and tell her that Reader is the mother of his child and no one is going to disrespect her like that. He'd tell her to hit the road and then go to Reader for some recharge because he still gets socially drained from time to time, especially if the conversation is long, boring, or absolutely stupid.
School comes to a halt for Reader and Eli soon after the new year starts, though, because that's when the baby is due. Daniel, in a fret, tells Reader to stay home a week before her due date so there won't be any issues at school if she were to go into labor. She isn't going to argue with him about it because walking around the school was tiring her out a lot faster than it had before and she's sore all over and her back hurts; she needs as much rest as she can get before the baby is born, but she could do without her dad fussing over her 24/7. Eli brings her the schoolwork she'll be missing out on and he'll help her complete it (or just do it for her because he doesn't want to overwork or bother her). He's there by her side as much as possible, staying with her as the due date creeps closer and closer until finally, she goes into labor in the middle of the night.
The only person spazzing out about it is Daniel and Amanda has to clam him down before they can go anywhere. Of course, Reader and Eli are nervous and worried, but they're keeping themselves together a lot better than grandpa-to-be. They keep the news about Reader being in labor a secret so as to not draw any unwanted attention to themselves (and to not give CK a chance to strike when Daniel and Eli - arguably one of the best MD students - are distracted; the last thing they need in menaces Miguel and Tory giving Robby, Demetri and the other MDs a hard time while they're fussing over Reader) (<- they do not mention any of that to Reader though because the last thing she needs to worry about is karate drama). Despite all that, it goes smoothly.
Reader only wants Eli in the room with her when it's time to give birth and her parents agree (Daniel is a little sad that his daughter doesn't want him there and Amanda drags his sappy ass out to the waiting room). Eli is so attentive to her, kissing her forehead and holding her hand as she pushes. He keeps the sweat out of her eyes and tells her how great she's doing.
Once their baby is born, he wants to cry. He's more okay with being vulnerable and not hiding his emotions since he's in Miyagi-Do. He is so happy and overwhelmed by his feelings that he can't help but cry as he hears his little girl wail for the first time. He rambles on about how cute she is while she lies on Reader's chest. All he can do is stare at her in wonder because wow, she's finally here. What an amazing feeling.
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huevinart · 11 months
What would happen if..?
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What would happen if Choso was invited as a Mortal Kombat dlc?
Dialogues, Jujutsu Kaisen x Mortal Kombat (part 1)
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Johnny: So... you're a talking dead man?
Choso: Do I look dead to you?
JC: You remind me of Carrie
Choso: And you to Noritoshi Kamo and his negative sense of humor
JC: hey wait a second, are you telling me that your dad is your brother's mom?!
Choso: Kenjaku can even be your worst nightmare if he wants it
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BH: Mind your own business Choso
C: I'll teach you what it's like to be an older brother.
Choso: An older brother must ensure the well-being of his younger brothers
BH: That thought just shows how weak you are.
BH: Does your brother know me?
Choso: Yes, Yuji loved to do fatalities to you using Scorpion
Kung Lao
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KL: Do you think I'm his type?
Choso: Yes, from Yuki? I doubt it.
KL: Are you an experiment?
Choso: I am my mother's worst suffering, a curse
KL: So, Yuki and you?...
Choso: She is a friend, and battle companion.
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ruinedsam · 5 months
To further my “Meg calls Sam her little brother” agenda, when Azazel possesses John and tells Dean that he killed his son and exorcised his daughter, he makes a reference to Sam being his son as well. Maybe it’s when Dean is staring at his father’s body and it’s his voice threatening to kill Dean and when Sam starts to struggle to try to help Dean, Azazel turns around to say “Now now, son, I’m not ignoring you, but I need a few minutes to talk to your brother here.” Sam and Dean have other things to worry about and this slips their mind until other demons start referring to him as such as well. And when John goes to make his deal with Azazel and Azazel comments about how if only the boys knew how much their daddy loved them, he adds on something about how Sam is more Azazel’s kid than John, or at least he will be soon enough; maybe this happens when John reveals he’s hidden the truth about the special kids from Sam and Azazel says, “Oh Johnny boy, that’s colder than even I expected. Letting your kid run around searching for answers when you’ve had them all this time. And to think, you’re willing to make a deal for one son but you can’t even tell the other the truth about himself. But then again, Sammy’s more my son than he is yours, isn’t he? Or at least, he will be before long.” John has to weigh Dean’s life against whatever Azazel’s plan is that makes him so sure Sam will be Azazel’s son by the end, and still makes the same choice as in canon, still tells Dean he might have to kill Sam but tells Sam nothing. It still gets revealed to Sam around the time it does, but when Meg reveals she’s possessing Sam, she calls him “our little brother” to Dean; also it’s important to me that Meg genuinely viewed this possession as a sibling bonding activity because she’s a demon. But one demon early in s3, I wanna say in Sin City but I’m not sure, tells Dean that Sam was supposed to take over after Azazel died and now there’s nobody actually in charge down there, so unless Ruby and this demon were lying and Pride was just running his mouth when he talked about how he was supposed to bow to Sam and called him the boyking, Sam was genuinely Azazel’s heir. But then we get to season 5, assuming HBO supernatural would follow the same broad plot, and when they’re in heaven and they see Sam’s memories, Dean talks about how he shouldn’t even be surprised none of Sam’s memories are of their family, after all he’s more Azazel’s son than he is John nowadays—and it is key that Sam and Dean never learn exactly what Azazel said to John, Dean is referring to the blood drinking the season before and all the demons calling Sam Azazel’s kid—and this is Sam’s worst nightmare, that he really is Azazel’s son and Lucifer’s vessel and the heir to the throne of hell and nothing he ever does will ever change that blood in his veins.
But to lighten it up a bit, because this agenda is not solely limited to HBO supernatural, I need a meeting with Sam and Abbadon where she kinda feels him out about maybe Sam taking over, because Azazel was a Prince of Hell who became the king and Abbadon was chosen by Lucifer to be a Knight and she just wants Crowley off the throne so she’s perfectly willing to use the original plan, and Sam stares at her for a solid minute because of all the things he expected from a Knight of Hell, inquiring after his interest in ruling Hell was not one of them. This also means that at any given moment, Crowley’s biggest competition for the throne is Sam, who flatly refuses every time. Abbadon catches up on everything that’s happened since her jump to the future and she learns Sam killed Samuel Campbell; she tries to use that as a reason to bond, because I think it’s funny if the demons just latch onto Sam: “I killed your dad’s dad, you killed your mom’s dad, we have loads in common.” Sam also gradually gets demons’ phone numbers until they make up about 80% of his contact list. Also, Crowley does not kill Meg here, because he knows she considers Sam a brother but isn’t sure if Sam considers her a sister and Crowley has no interest in dealing with Sam trying to kill him for killing his sister, just in case. Winchester Family Drama, Azazel blood edition. “Dean Winchester’s behind you, dumbass” but instead it’s “you know Sam Winchester’s my brother right?”
Ahhhhhh 👀👀👀 Omg I love both scenarios so much!!! Thank you mysterious speedy anon <3
it’s important to me that Meg genuinely viewed this possession as a sibling bonding activity because she’s a demon
You're so right about this!! We should see how demon's perceptions and opinions are just so skewed because they're no longer humans. According to the demon lore of the early seasons demons forget about being human, so of course they don't get them. And Meg being like well this was fun is much more compelling than her doing it for the sake of being evil or revenge (as I think she cited in canon).
this is Sam’s worst nightmare, that he really is Azazel’s son and Lucifer’s vessel and the heir to the throne of hell and nothing he ever does will ever change that blood in his veins.
You should know I was in full on sicko mode as I read this.
“I killed your dad’s dad, you killed your mom’s dad, we have loads in common.” Sam also gradually gets demons’ phone numbers until they make up about 80% of his contact list.
LMAO I love this so much 😂😂
Crowley does not kill Meg here, because he knows she considers Sam a brother but isn’t sure if Sam considers her a sister and Crowley has no interest in dealing with Sam trying to kill him for killing his sister, just in case.
This but, to bring in my cram agenda, he then goes to Sam and is like "look I didn't even try to kill your sister will you please fuck me now 🥺"
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honeyjars-sims · 8 months
2.7 Opening Up
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Lexie: It’s too bad we got assigned to set design for the first production, but at least we’ll be able to hang out together. 
Johnny: Yeah, it looks like most of the acting roles went to the juniors and seniors. Maybe next year we’ll have better luck.
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Lexie: Well, the semester’s just getting started. Who knows what will happen. We could impress them with our sick acting skills and get the leads next time. 
Johnny: [laughing] I support your delusional optimism! Oh, I almost forgot…my mom wanted me to tell you hi and that she enjoyed meeting you.
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Lexie: Hmm, that’s nice of her. I guess let her know I said hi as well.
Johnny: [teasingly] You’re not going to say it was nice to meet her too?
Lexie: No comment.
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Johnny: I don’t blame you! Honestly, it went better than I was expecting.
Lexie: Really? That's kind of sad.
Johnny: Yeah, unfortunately, that was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my mom. 
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Lexie: Well, it really bothered me how she was speaking about you. I kept trying to change the subject, but she’d always end up making some snarky little comment. 
Johnny: I’m used to it, I guess. The thing is, if I’d called her out she’d say I was overreacting. In the past, I would’ve believed her, but now…not so much.
Lexie: Good, because she’s wrong about you. I can’t imagine how it affected you to hear that as a child, or even now.
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Johnny: [sighs] I wish I could say that was the worst thing I had to deal with as a kid, but it wasn’t by a long shot. If you don’t mind, I think I’m ready to talk to you about it.
Lexie: Of course. You can tell me anything. Let's go somewhere more private.
TW: The dialogue below includes discussion of child abuse and drug abuse (not graphic but please use your own discretion if this topic is triggering to you).
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Johnny: It wasn’t just my mom who treated me badly. It was also her husband, Jimmy. I refuse to call him my stepdad because he wasn’t any kind of parent to me. He was way worse, though. With my mom it’s this kind of passive aggressive backhanded shit, but Jimmy? He was full-on aggressive. Not just with his words, either. 
Lexie: Oh my God, he hurt you? Johnny, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was that bad.
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Johnny: Yeah, it was pretty awful. I started having nightmares and I was anxious all the time. I tried to talk to my mom about it, but I was too scared to tell her what was really going on so she thought I was just being dramatic. 
Lexie: Geez, I can’t imagine my parents just brushing me off like that. You must have been terrified.
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Johnny: I was. It only got worse when my mom started doing drugs. By that time I was old enough to start fighting back and all the blame fell on me. Jimmy almost convinced mom to send me to military school but then my dads got custody of me and Chantal.
Lexie: Thank God for your dads! 
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Johnny: For real, I’m so grateful for them. It’s weird, though…whenever a kid gets away from their abusive family, everyone expects them to be happy about it. No one ever talks about all the mixed emotions. I knew I was better off with my dads, but I still thought about the good times I had with my mom. It was hard to leave her.
Lexie: I think I understand more why you’re still trying to work things out with her. It sounds like the whole situation was really traumatic for you.
Johnny: Yeah, even when I wasn’t talking to her I always had this feeling of “what if?” Like maybe there is a way to fix everything and make it go away.
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Lexie: Some things can’t be fixed, no matter how hard you try. I don’t know if your relationship with your mom is one of them, but I hope you’ll recognize when it’s time to let go if it comes to that.
Johnny: I think I will. I’m going to give it more time, but I’m starting to feel like…like I deserve better. I didn’t feel that way before.
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Lexie: You deserve so much better, Johnny. You’re so much more than what your mom sees you as. And Jimmy. He better hope I never see him ‘cause I’ll kick him right in the balls!
Johnny: [laughing] Lexie! I’ve never heard you so angry before. I can’t see you doing something like that, you’re too sweet.
Lexie: I’d do it to him! And I’d enjoy watching him suffer. Oh, sorry, I probably shouldn’t be so violent about it. It just really got me worked up. 
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Johnny: It’s ok. You’re cute when you’re protective.
Lexie: Well, consider me your bodyguard, then.
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Previous | Beginning of story | Beginning of chapter | Next
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The title makes me very worried!
Lmao not me being confused that parents come to pick up their kids at night when Lex says there are vans outside the school. 😂😂 I'm so stupid.
This underworld storm sounds very bad and really gross.
Something that is dormant, but does not sleep. One of those Zantosa house gross antedeluvians?
I forgot about the raven feathers.
Lmao Wynn keeps forgetting she is an archon now and people respect her.😂
Red death?? 😂 I'm sorry, it's judt so funny that they get to pick their own names and they pick them like they're edgy 13 year old gamer boys.
Why the fuck would they go to hell house?!?
Wynn just casually throwing out weird ass occult names.
Wow. Justicar Lucinde being well not kind but practical, giving guidance and not being unnecessarily cruel. I didn't think she had it in her.
Wynn is a necromancer??? I feel so stupid, how did I not know this? Or is this Wynn's ghost stuff?
NO!!! Noooooooooo!!!! Lex, don't do it!!! Not the bloodbond 3 please! 🙏😭
Fucking lady lucinde farquad.
Fuck the camarilla.
What??? It's still the same fucking night???? These nights are endless!!!! But I'm relieved! There still is a chance. 😭
The masquerade is failing in new York where they are fighting and diablerising in the streets? Oh no. Who could have for seen this unlikely turn of events...
Lol pendragon being scared of getting diablerised.😂
I know Wynn hates this, but it sounds like she's doing a good job at being an archon. Fighting ghost stuff and being a badass is kind of her thing.
The sabbat doing their weird fire ritual stuff? Yuk.
Serpentine? Is he a settite??
A nun? FLAYED OFF FACE???? what the fuck. 😭 (the painted bone with flowers and stuff is kind of cool, but very gross)
Well I guess this explains the desecration of graves cw.
Archon Cabot. Sounds kind of hot, sorry not sorry. 🤷 Wynn having someone reach out to keep the coterie updated is much appreciated.
I totally forgot they hadn't talked about the ritual yet. 😂
Zofiel is being channeled by Pendragon??? This sounds like the worst idea I've ever heard.😂
So either Zofiel has taken over Pendragon, or Pendragon is fleeing diablerie?? Either way he is facing some deserved consequences of his own actions. 😂😂
Britta tiny voice: I stepped into the circle and kissed him. Lmao
Johnny is cracking me up this episode. First with the phone and now with the mirror and Britta. He doesn't give a shit.
Johnny 😂😂 gping full dad! 😂😂😂 So angry, yelling he's turning this combat suv around.
Miles just so tired and annoyed, and no one is listening to him.
Lil baby Neil needs Wynn with him. 🥺 I grt yiu baby Neil, I also need powerful Wynn with me to protect me with her claws of doom!
13 levels of damage? That seems like a lot???
So if corpses are running around eating people, I'm assuming the masquerade is also breached in new haven?
No not Rufio and his dogs 😂😂 I know this is all super serious but I cannot take anything seriously when they are around.
Wait why do they need to heal? Am I forgetting something?
Not me thinking my phone broke but it is just sound editing week of nightmares effect. 😂😂
Also yaaay Wynn!!!! Is this part of Neil's new power he got for ascending?? Dope af.
Oh no. Lex saying Miles, Miles Miles Miles in that specific tone cannot be good.
Zofiel? He sounds kind of scared or smth? Wheres your fucking power when we need it?
He's hitting Rufio with his sword and it's like killing a child, he's just a teenager pretending to be a badass but he's actually just got 3 down hairs on his lip and doesn't know how to properly smoke.
Tim rolling a lot of dice! Yay!
Wow sword bisected and torpored though, nice job Miles. That sword is badass.
Whoooo baby, Johnny omg. You're so badass. I need to fan myself like Al middle aged Southern woman on a hot day.
We can say all we want about Neil, he might not be the raw damage dealer that the others are, but he got Wynn here, and his hiding stuff is clutch!! Also I know it's been a while but remember when he made it easier for Johnny to resist frenzying for like 3 months. That was clutch! (I know there's no point in me defending Neil here, we all love him, I'm preaching to the choir)
Oh no. Lex is letting them have freebies, I don't trust it. Bad stuff is coming. If not this fight then the next one.
Weeping bear???? Wtf. I'm almost there on my relisten too. 😂
Beserker merit? Reduce by 3??!!!?? Holy freaking fuck. That is so good!!!
Ohhh we're basically getting canary mode? Damn. So cool.
The blood is so bad it hurts the special armour? That's not Good.
The bullets are consumed by an en tropic field??? They're just freaking dusted like in endgame? Damn that is not great.
He feels sick??? No! Not my baby sweating!!! Hell have to throw away that suit!!!! 😔
They fight so well together now! Like it's almost instinctual. Love that for them, hopefully it will keep them alive.
I feel like I don't know enough about combat and vtm lore to know how bad this fight is. Because honestly it doesn't seem that bad, they keep killing folks, they're all laughing and it doesn't sound like the panicked hysterical laughter yet (I could be wrong though) but then we have them running and throwing dead bodies at a nun with an entropy shield, and that sounds very bad??
Okay that is a lie, I know it has to be bad, but the vibe isn't that bad!!
That no did sound very panicked. And bone rafting has to be bad right??? Isn't that what Vito did??
Fuck yeah Wynn!!!!
They were all so good!!! 😍😍😍 (Neil did his best, you guys!)
Lmaooo I clearly didn't understand how bad this fight was until the after credit scene. 😂😂😂 Holy hell!!! "Are you touching your weapon to her?!?" it would just be gone??? That's crazy! He hardly got to swing it at all!!!
I know he's going into torpor within 24 hours but it feels like a fair trade.
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Johnny’s Twitter Adventures PT. DeLetE tHaT
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***Rosita, while finding this hysterical, does get on to him for this. (No, he doesn’t delete it.)
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korrinhorizon · 2 years
Why each of the New Moon Theatre crew needs therapy (fanfiction headcanons + my oc:Zotz)
Moon: PTSD (due to the events in sing 2 of him almost getting killed) and now a fear of heights
Rosita: PTSD as well, but is probably one of the ones that would actually be willing to go to therapy. She still has the fear of heights, but it’s not as bad anymore.
Gunter: I actually don’t know for Gunter? He seems to be having a huge smile most of the time, but he may have slight trauma from sing 2
Ms. Crawly: also like Gunter but now has a slight phobia to paint balls lol
Ash: like Rosita, she’s one of the only ones to actually to go therapy willingly, has slight trauma from the events from sing 2, and has recovered greatly from her break up, and is doing pretty good
Meena: Social anxiety, and has some panic attacks due to it, she gets help from her friends, family, and a therapist now to help her through it. In sing 2 she’s way better than in the first movie, but also has slight PTSD due to the events of 2
Clay Calloway: Depression, due to the death of his late wife. While also doing self-isolation to the rest of the world, now he’s getting help from the Cast and a therapist
(Now to the three I’ll like to call, “a therapist’s worst nightmare” trio)
Ryan: Imposter syndrome, due to Klaus’s ridicule, abuse, and influence towards other students and to Ryan. As well as PTSD due some things that happen in my Fanfic (*wink*wink*) and also self depricates himself (forced to go to therapy by Zotz and Johnny)
Johnny: (Woooof get ready for this) Panic attacks, self-deprication as well, depression in events in the first movie for a bit, PTSD due to events in Sing 1 & 2 as well as my Fanfic, losing sleep and eating less during sing 1. (Don’t worry, Ryan, Zotz, his dad, and the cast forced him to go to therapy)
Zotz: PTSD due to the events of Sing 2 and his past, social anxiety, not as bad as Meena but when crowded, he gets panic attacks, lets say 2x worse then Meena due to him not telling his family or friends, and being alone in a apartment for a few years. Slight hallucinations (for example dozens, sometimes hundreds of eyes watching him.) and hears voices in his head, which is rare but happens, mostly either saying silly shit or self-depricating words. (He is also now being forced to go to therapy by Ryan, Johnny, and the crew)
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texas-writes · 1 year
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All long-form fics will be linked to Ao3
My entire catalogue of fics are linked under the cut, if there’s no link it means I haven’t cross-posted it yet. (I’m still working on it, I promise)
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Many Paths- Leon decides to put off joining the military for one very specific reason
Shifter- An illusion is the truth aka: Leon’s worst nightmare
Special Girl- You finally get Leon right where you’ve always wanted him. Your bed
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Strictly Business- A Princess marries Kylo Ren for the sake of her planet (long-form)
Lead Me Home- Two spies fall for each other without realizing they’re on the same side (long-form)
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Cool Water- When the outlaw Levi Ackerman gets captured by a handsome Sheriff, he has until the end of their journey to prove he’s really not that bad of a guy (Cowboy au, Long-form)
Winter Break- Your hot step-brother Eren comes home from college, shenanigans ensue
Fraulein- Reiner recalls a summer he spent with a farmer’s daughter (1920s Texas au)
Mister Right- The wondrous algorithms of Tinder lead you to the man of your dreams (Long-form)
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Phantom Blood
Gentle Giant- Johnathan Joestar gets down and dirty (respectfully)
Battle Tendency
Stardust Crusaders
Stay With Me- After realizing how close he came to losing you, Jotaro comes clean about his feelings (Star-Crossed Crusaders pt 1/4
Remember Summer Days- You and Jotaro cross paths a few years later when your exchange program sends you to Japan (Star-Crossed Crusaders pt 2/4)
Diamond is Unbreakable
Never Meant- Jotaro tells you he’s married, you can’t take it anymore (Star-Crossed Crusaders pt 3/4) (wip)
Golden Wind
Science Fiction- Ghiaccio has a giant crush on the maid, good thing she’s a loser too
Science Fiction Double Feature- You and Ghiaccio decide to get serious
Antici…pation- Ghiaccio finds out the hard way where babies come from
Simple Solutions- Screaming babies are the worst
Run With Me?- Risotto has more secrets than Passione knows
Easter Sunday- Mista meets a pretty girl at Mass, and then almost fucking dies
Stone Ocean
Highlight of My Evening- Jotaro and his girlfriend smoke some pot and get horny
Lovefool- You knew hooking up with your best friend’s dad was wrong, but just once couldn’t hurt, right?
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Right Enough for Me- It was always Joel, no matter what problem you had, he would take care of it.
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Calander Girl- You meet Johnny when he accidentally walks onto your modeling set. What could happen?
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Come on Princess- Hawks invites you to go out with him and his boyfriend, you end up being their third
Candlelight- In which Eli Sunday is more than happy to consummate his marriage
“Bible Study”- Father Sunday lies to protect your reputation, after all, how would that make him look?
Stars and Oblivion- after years of searching, you finally find her (a Mad Max fic)
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Poor Stingray, looking so nervous coming into the dojo, to the man who hospitalized him.
The way Kenny is the first one to spot him, how all the students look confused.
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Tory looks upset
Stingray looks uncomfortable but tries to stand tall as Terry circles him, and heaps praise on him.
The way Silver pats Stingray's shoulder and he involuntarily flinches and gasps.
Tory runs classes now.
Silver got Stingray an apartment, he says no ones done that before and he feels like a kept woman.
Silver calls Stingray his 'loyal soldier' and that he wants him living in style.
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Oh man, Stingray you weren't ready for this yet. It was super brave but you are struggling. "I tend to do more then the least"
Return of the Cobra Kai charger
Stingray: Sensei Lawrence, er my ex-sensei used to have it.
It's wild how he quickly corrects himself because he realizes how dangerous it is to seem like he has an allegiance to any other sensei.
Silver: It was sensei lawrences.
I'm surprised he gave Johnny that title.
Silver says his car guy found it at an impound auction.
Silver throws him the keys, Johnny's lucky rabbit foot, all the other keys and keychains are gone. In the trunk of the car is a red cobra gi where instead of like sensei like Silver's has it says stingray
Ah. Olive Garden advertisement
Johnny tried parent trapping Robby and Miguel.
Johnny admits he lied to get them there and it's one of the first things he says. they look so unhappy.
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I know you're both in bitchy moods because you just broke up with your girlfriends. (The confused looks on their faces realizing that they both broke up with their girlfriends at the same time) It's nice that Johnny actually knows that. Which means both of them talk to him about it. Miggy makes sense, but Robby is some pretty great progress.
They're on a trip to a mall in Chatsworth (16 mins from Reseda via car)
Henry is truly selling this Olive Garden advertisement mid show. And apparently Johnny knows Henry. (Henry's their server)
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I mean, breadsticks are pretty great Robby.
A basket of breadsticks just for Johnny.
Speaking of Italy...er an American-Italian....Sad Daniel.
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Try selling that to Amanda. Daniel, you're the salesman. You could've sold Amanda on this.
But the poor guy is just drowning in trauma and his worst nightmares.
I do appreciate that he's not alone, that Chozen is there still ready to fight Silver and also remind Daniel that his family will return,
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808 Prospect St.
Kreese was sentenced to 2 years in prison. It's his first conviction. He was charged with aggravated battery and serious bodily injury. Stingray said Kreese was "violently unhinged" and gave an "emotional testimony". Kreese didn't have an alibi for the night of the attack and there was enough circumstantial evidence for the jury to decide in about an hour that he was guilty. The judge was Harold T. Stone. Stingray (Raymond Porter) said he might file civil charges as well.
Chozen very carefully and gently stops Daniel from drinking more and pours him a glass of either water or coffee?
Welcome to the midwest. Ohio:
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Joanne, Amanda's mother. Not the aunt in California who owns the pottery store (who was an aunt pat)
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JESSICA ANDREWS!!!! (same subtitles, same)
Jessica calls Amanda, Mandy, and Amanda calls Jessica Jessie.
Clearly Amanda didn't update on the fact Daniel didn't come with, also, how dare they. How dare the creators of this bring Jessica Andrews back and not put her and her bestie Daniel LaRusso in the same scene????
She brought him 10 lbs of mac and cheese and asks the kids where their old man is.
I forgot this was in this episode. Prepare for a lot of shots of the beer can recycled art project.
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Beer can cactus.
And another plant??????
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Lol jail doors made out of duct tape coors boxes.
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The one on the right looks so Bishie. It also looks kinda like it's two different artists did it. The handwriting is even different.
Robby not even like blinking at the fact his dad turned his apartment into a n arts and crafts wild west project.
"I did some internetting"
He found a lot of building team work stuff through cooperative exercises and the least lame to him sounded like an escape room. Aww he's putting a lot of effort into this.
Johnny reversed the doorknobs so it's locked from the inside, creating an actual escape room.
The only key just went down the garbage disposal, Johnny as a guy who did maintenance work, that had to have screwed something up and you know it.
He also glued the windows shut.
Their theme is the Lincoln County War, it's the plot of Young Guns 2.
Miguel saw it with Johnny (Johnny forgot)
Rosa and her cowboy out fit. I love that she cosplayed for this.
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I love this. This means Johnny did all this research, built all this stuff, asked Rosa to help him, gave her lines (that she wrote on her palm), set it all up, practiced his own lines, reversed the door knobs and glued the windows, and then summoned the kids. And all for naught.
It was a good try and a lot of wasted effort. But, this type of thing is so fun.
Johnny truly is picking up Spanish, or at least he knows "I screwed up" which ow. Because she says it in Spanish and he softly says "No Rosa, I did, Again." And then she leaves, locking Robby and Johnny in the apartment. I guess he's gotta do the escape on his own.
Daniel's afternoon messages to Amanda, due to the time difference between LA and Ohio, it'd be 4pm where Amanda and the kids are.
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Chozen trying to give advice when he realizes Amanda hasn't texted back and that Daniel isn't paying attention to their stakeout.
Asking some great questions here Daniel. That's Johnny's old car, Kreese put him in a coma and he's in a Cobra Kai billboard on wheels?
Daniel doesn't even tell Chozen he's going in, but Chozen realizes it and hurries to catch up, moving fast enough to only be like a half a second behind. Chozen's out here legit using his karate training for things I doubt he ever thought he would.
Stingray is only partially moved in. He's still in boxes. I do like the giant snake carpet.
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Pretty sure he's singing Judas by Fozzy probably on purpose.
The way Stingray looks behind him, like he's not alone. Like Daniel, just rushing in isn't a good choice. Especially when Stingray is trying to kinda hint he's not alone.
cobra kai has completely changed since Sensei Silver took over "It's about loyalty and dicipline" (and very softly to Daniel "and loyalty") Like I feel like he's trying to hint but very aware that his every move is probably being watched or listened to, or scared that it is.
Chozen says: Ninja level gaming system
I don't know if that means he knows who that streamer is but that's what Stingray takes it as.
Stingray is not looking Daniel in the eye for almost anything he says.
Chozen has to reel Daniel in. "You are not yourself."
Accurate. For 5 seasons he's been spiraling from trauma/grief and without his family there and silver around it's a million times worse.
Chozen: He is also no stingray, he is turtle, if pressed retreat further into shell.
Apparently Amanda used to play video games a lot in the 80s, had top score on the game in this bar. (Until she got into underage drinking)
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I can't believe childhood gamer Amanda doesn't play video games or try to bond with Anthony over games. I also can't believe this is the most positive family interaction we've seen with Anthony in so long where someone is actually being positive about his love for video games.
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Jessica just got back from climbing in the Gorge an both the girls are working out that way. Amanda's maiden name is Steiner
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This is Lizzie-Anne (Elizabeth Anne Rooney, aka the girl who stole Jessica's boyfriend and one of the reasons Jessica went to California in the first place)
Johnny is scraping the glue off his windows.
The way Daniel runs in is...such a choice. He looks drunk or hungry or both and looking for something.
Daniel asking Johnny to get Stingray to flip on Silver.
Daniel did you leave Chozen waiting in the car again?
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Daniel: Enough of your family B plot, get back in the A plot karate soap opera again with me.
Daniel tried to push every button he could think of.
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and now you want to fight me because I don't want to get pulled back into this rivalry with Silver?
Again, not a rivalry with Silver.
Earnestly and calmly: What's going on with you man?
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Talking to Johnny for some perspective was the cold water on the face Daniel needed.
Johnny: Way off the rails, look at you, your shirts not even tucked in.
Johnny gives him a coors, asks if Amanda let him leave the house like that and learns that Amanda's at her mother's with the kids in Ohio.
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Sam you're supposed to be on a journey of self discovery, what are you doing on your phone?
Sam you were there when Kenny kicked Anthony into the pool How did you not know that that was why you all got kicked out of the water park?
Anthony finally tells Sam about his issues with Kenny, though I thought they'd at least started talking about it earlier in the summer.
The way Amanda name drops Terry Silver and Jessica coughs on her beer.
Jessica put Amanda in touch with Daniel when Amanda went to LA.
Headlines don't do it justice. Correct Jessica. Very correct.
'First he pretended to be his friend, then his mentor, while his goons wrecked his bonsai shop, beat him up, assaulted me, terrorized Daniel at every opportunity. All to drive a wedge between Mr. Miyagi and Daniel and it worked.'
Yeah, Amanda you didn't know it got that intense because Daniel never told you. He thought he could push past his trauma and move on and instead it just sprung up like you said an awful wack a mole
Jessica, he may have 'got past it back then' but I think it's been more like hiding an open wound, he need to heal it. And he needs support if he's going to get past it now.
Thank you Amanda!
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She's right. And part of what I think Cobra Kai is is that Johnny and Daniel have never got over their trauma. But it's more 'noticable' for Johnny who when the show started didn't have his life together. He was drunk all the time, he didn't really have much a job and he didn't care about himself. Daniel on the other hand I think it was less noticeable for the people in his life or who knew him because rather than stay stuck due to the trauma, Daniel pushed forward. Probably a lot of which was due to Mr. Miyagi.
But he was walking a tight rope and as soon as he saw Johnny the tight rope sort of wobbled but he still had it because, look how high he'd gotten. But as soon as Cobra Kai popped up he fell.
Daniel: I left her a bunch of bourbon soaked messages but she hasn't called me back.
lol the way Johnny looks around like he's trying to decide whether to give advice or not or even what to say because this is new. But he looks at his couch where he gave good advice to Miguel on before trying.
family is your strong suit, which always annoyed me. I'm sure you've always had hiccups before and got through them, there's no reason this would be different, just keep your head out of your ass.
That's a valid point.
Johnny: so much for Goggle's advice on conflict resolution
Daniel: Hmm, surprised you know how to goggle, let alone the phrase conflict resolutiion.
Ah, there he is.
Awww, he reassured Johnny too after Johnny didn't rise to the bait and he realized Johnny was being sincere. "You clearly care about them both and will work something out whether it's this new tech savvy Johnny or something more...(grins into his beer) Johnny Classic"
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"Tell anyone I said that and we're really going to fight again."
Bud, literally you have a great time every time you hang out with Johnny.
Maybe if we weren't stopped by a 3 point system we would've gotten it all out of our system.
I hope Chozen at least had snacks in the car.
Anthony tells Sam Robby stopped Kenny before it got worse at the tournament.
Babe Ruthless was the nickname Mandy had and now Lizzie-Anne says "Does miss costal elite not like to be reminded of where she came from?"
Lol. I forgot Jessica says "Blow it out your ass Rooney."
I think Johnny would also really like Jessica.
Elizabeth-Anne has like 5 friends with her. Jessica gets one by her hair, one holds Amanda's arms back and the other holds her legs so Elizabeth can punch her but Sam runs in and kicks her in the side.
the whole gang runs out asap, including Anthony after that.
Chozen out here being the greatest, always. Packing up to go home, but saying he doesn't want to because they didn't defeat Silver so he feels like a failure and Daniel apologizes for wasting his time "Never waste of time defending Miyagi-do honor, nor helping a friend."
Daniel's going to go apologize to Raymond.
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Johnny all the people in your apartment complex hate you right now.
Johnny has given up on trying to get these two into a 'get along t-shirt' and now has set up the baby fighting ring.
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"Is that all you've got? I Thought you guys were sworn enemies."
Miguel gets a kick to Robby's face and draws blood.
Those were some cool moves Robby.
Robby kicks Miguel in the face, sending him through the door and up into the upper floor.
Johnny "stairwell is out of bounds"
"Why'd you hold back?"
"I didn't get into karate to hurt people. I did it to be badass and find balance."
Robby barely knew where they were in the last fight, he got so mad he got tunnel vision and would take it back in a second if he could.
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Robby slowly hugs his dad first and Miguel like runs at Johnny to hug him.
Anthony and Sam are having White Castle. Sam offers to teach Anthony and fast forward past the chores part, just he can't tell dad. "No problem, I've been lying to him for years."
"We just got in a bar fight over nothing, mean while Daniel has every reason to hate silver."
I think after Johnny (who turned out okay) and Kreese, Amanda needed to hear it from someone else. Someone who'd been there who could tell her what happened since Daniel couldn't voice it.
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Like, Jessica left in November, she wasn't there for the all-valley, or a lot of it. And if it was this bad just for her, I feel like it should be very telling of how much Daniel tried to bury and didn't quite manage to fully bury.
Johnny went back to Olive Garden (who btw if you didn't know, their tagline is "Here you're family" which I find hilarious and probably the whole point he took them there)
"I wouldn't lie to you, 3 times on the same day." (He's keeping track, because he truly doesn't lie much at all)
He set up the Olive garden dinner at the Diaz's. Which is a wild choice.
Awww "I hope it's cool I'm having dinner here." "it's more than cool, you're welcom here any time Robby."
Look at Robby, once homeless, now having multiple people and places he can safely stay at, multiple places where people will welcome him and he can call home.
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lol Carmen
Johnny: No of course not, they beat each other into submission. Don't worry it was supervised. It was LaRusso's idea.
Look at him, even giving Daniel credit.
Johnny realizing that maybe he needs to help Daniel if he's messing with SIlver, now that he's fixed his family issue he can go help.
Daniel going in while the door is open. Not a good choice man.
He bought a new playstation as an apology. And ah there's Silver.
Daniel: I'm out of this war, I surrender, the Valley is yours.
Daniel tries to leave and Silver steps in the way. And then he pushes the right buttons, talking about Daniel's wife and kids and Daniel strikes first.
I was trying to figure out how Silver knew Daniel would be here, but Daniel says he left a message. Daniel, you gotta stop leaving messages.
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I truly hope TIG had fun reprising this role. Terry Silver was his first film role. (Two TV shows before that)
I want to point out that Daniel punches the wall so hard it makes holes in the wall next to Terry's head. He really is trying very hard in this fight.
The no longer playing cat and mouse moves Terry uses is to kick Daniel's punch away, grab his arm, pull it back/hold it and strike his arm, kick him in the stomach, then kick him in the face. Then he put his boot on Daniel's neck and says not to look at this as an act of mercy, he wants Daniel alive for what happens next which is more pain. Then he throws a towel down and leaves.
Tory says that things were supposed to be better after the tournament, but they've just been getting worse. She's becoming someone she doesn't want to be.
Robby fixes the door to their apartment.
Tory says she delivered anonymous notes that could put people in danger (I think she sent the newspaper clipping)
I think Chozen must've called Amanda. I don't know whether he waited for Daniel and realized he wasn't home and went to get him and found him, or if like Johnny after his fight with Silver that after a while he picked himself up and got himself home.
But Johnny and Amanda are there now. And it even hurts for Daniel to swallow.
Johnny also showed up in his red hoodie which is very reminiscent to Daniel's in TKK and is greeted by Amanda who looks upset and Chozen.
And Tory of course is talking to Kreese.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
We bath in the insanity and flames:
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Inspired by @dragoneyes618 and her ao3 story 'Nightmares' and her ao3 series 'De Vil' child but with a few tweaks. Go check out their blog and. Carlotta belongs to her.
Trigger warning; murder, child murder, spousal murder, animal murder, child abuse, Arson, and a teenager experiencing a serve mental breakdown.
Harry Badun stood in front of an almost empty HellHall, shoulders shaking as he watched the flames slowly begin to swallow it up. Beezlebub the cat sitting atop of boxes of sentimental items beside him. Matches in hand.
He heard hurried footsteps behind him and 5 pairs of feet skidding to a stop followed by a mix of gasps.
He felt hands on his shoulders, yanking him around and found himself face to face with his giant of a cousin, Jace.
Jace, a giant of a young man with curly brown-- nearly black hair-- and nearly black eyes, who looked very freaked out.
"Harry, what have you done?"
The smaller teen let out a small wheeze.
And then a chuckle.
And then he began to cackle, letting out a Joker like laugh as silent tears ran down his cheeks.
Yzla grabbed Beezlebub and held her to her chest, eyes darting to the fire.
Reza grabbed a couple of the boxes and Hermie grabbed the others.
"What are you guys doing?" Jace asked, tearing his eyes away from his laughing cousin. Still very much panicking.
"Dude, grab Harry and run first. Questions later" Eddie said staring at the flames, surprisingly calm. Much calmer than any of them had any right to be at the moment.
"No buts!" Reza snapped "we gotta go!"
"What about Diego and the others?! They're in there!" Jace protested.
"No they're not" Hermie spoke up quietly, not looking at him.
"What?" Jace felt like his head was spinning. As if the world had been flipped upside down. He couldn't understanding what was going on.
First Harry had seemingly lost his mind and now his friends were all freakish calm about it. What the heck was going on?
"They aren't in there. As soon as the bodies were found, Diego informed the others and he, Hunter, and Ivy moved out. The only ones in there are your dad, his dad, and Cruella" Hermie informed emotionlessly. "Now let's go."
Eddie stormed over and grabbed him by his collar. "Jace, do you want your cousin to die?"
Jace jerked back as if he'd been slapped.
"What? Of course not!"
"Then fricking move it!"
Harry's insane laughter didn't flatter as they ran to Eddie's house, though it could be because he himself wasn't actually doing any running. No, he left that all to Jace who had dragged them all the way there as lights flickered on all over the isle.
His friends didn't know what to do as the young detective continued to alternate between laughing and crying madly. They hadn't expected this when they went to find him.
They never expected their strong-willed leader to break.
Though who could blame him after what they had found the day before?
Twenty-six human bodies and over a hundred animal ones had been found under the catacombs of HellHall.
Two toddlers. Three babies. Seven children. Eight women. Two men.
And the worst part was that Harry, Jace, and the isle residing three de vil cousins could identify each and every one of them.
Carlotta de Vil, daughter of Jean Pierre le Pelt and Cruella de Vil.
Baby C. De vil, the daughter of Cruella and Jean Pierre le Pelt.
Henrick Badun, the son of Hoarce Badun.
Harley and Mabel Badun, the daughters of Hoarce Badun.
James and Joseph Badun, the sons of Jasper Badun.
Jacqueline' Badun, the son of Jasper Badun.
Horace's four wives.
Jasper's four wives, including Jace's mother.
Harry's half siblings, Hartley and Harper.
Harry's two step siblings, Henny and Heidi.
Jasper's half sister, Jodie, and his three half siblings, Johnny, Judy, and Josephine.
Jean Pierre le Pelt, Baby C and little Carlotta's dad.
And... James Charming, Carlos' dad.
Harry had taken it upon himself to draw each and every one of them, and dig up the pictures of them for their files as the rest of them relocated the bodoes
And after staring at the dead's faces for nearly 40 hours, he couldn't take it anymore.
Cruella had to pay and his dad and uncle did too for allowing it to go on and if he didn't do it, no one would.
And that's when the matches caught his eye and the idea sparked in his mind.
What a suiting way for a devil to go out?
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