#joker x female original character
teejaywyatt1 · 11 months
✨Chapter 7 of Heat of the Moment will drop on Thursday, November 9th at 2:30PM EST.✨
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missfortuneisblue · 2 months
"I hate talking about this, but... I do have depression. I hate it. I wasn't made to be sad and pathetic, I was made to be joyous and comical.
The pain makes it so much easier to ignore reality. To feel the sting of bruises and cuts, to beat the ever lovin' shit out of someone, to watch the misery and downfall of people who don't understand what it's really like to have one bad day ruining rest of your life...
It makes it so much easier to forget about my parents deaths…
*starts sobbing, putting her head in her hands…then starts laughing, the cackling and wheezing*
You know what’s the kicker? I see my parents everywhere. Still their happy-go-lucky selves! Laughing, enjoying life to the fullest, beckoning for me to come to them… but I have tried so many damn times to leave this godforsaken world! To be with them! To finally get a chance to hug them one last time!
Whoever created this universe, whatever fucked up piece of shit is watching, must think this is the funniest crap ever! And it is!
Who knew watching a psychopath wishing to die and go to Hell to see her dead parents was funny as fuck?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
- Miss Fortune, during a private conversation with the Joker upon a rooftop within Gotham City.
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ao3statistics · 2 months
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This is self-made. Date: 30.07.2024
Honestly, the only result surprising me is the HQ/Bruce Wayne ship...
OFC = Original Female Character(s)
The Jokester: a hero on Earth-3, appearing in the comic series "Countdown" in 2007.
Ivy Pepper: Poison Ivy from the Gotham TV series (correct me if I'm wrong)
Jerome Valeska: a mass murderer from the Gotham TV series who seems weirdly similar to the Joker
Richard "Rick" Flag Jr.: field commander of the modern Task Force X, also known as the Suicide Squad
Arthur Fleck: Jokers (potential) real name in some media
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
Includes all fandoms connected to the name "Harleen Quinzel" and her alias "Harley Quinn".
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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oddmawd · 2 years
The Most Coveted of Thrones (Part 1)
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SYNOPSIS: All she wanted was to make a deal with a demon. The assholes at her office needed to pay, you see. But the pink-winged devil she just summoned hardly looks like a demon at all, and with a name like "Joker," it's hard to take little things like supernatural safety precautions seriously.
Alas, Joker is not a demon to be trifled with. Especially if you don't know his true name.
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PAIRING: Doflamingo x Original Female Character, Doflamingo x Reader (no names or descriptions are given, so reads like a third person reader-insert story)
RATING: This intro is PG-13, but the full fic on AO3 is Explicit, Mature, FOR ADULTS ONLY
WORD COUNT: 16.8k total
GENRE: Smut, Horror
FANDOM: One Piece (Alternate Universe - Modern Day Urban Fantasy)
TAGS: Monster F*cking, Monster P*rn, Demon F*cking, Demon Summoning, Demon Deals, Demon/Human Relationships, POV Third Person, Reader-Insert, Original Character(s)POV, Original Female Character, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Religious Guilt, Inhuman Anatomy, Seven Deadly Sins, Magic, Virginity
WARNINGS: Virginity discussions, implied workplace misogyny, DOFLAMINGO IS HIS OWN WARNING, this first part doesn’t need many warnings beyond “dealing with demons,” find the comprehensive tag list on AO3 (THERE ARE A LOT OF WARNINGS FOR THE FULL STORY, PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS)
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NOTES: The second half of this fic is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. Please heed the tags if you click the AO3 link and read the last half...only the first half/lead-up is posted here on Tumblr because the rest might get me banned LMAO
This CAN be enjoyed fandom-blind! 
enjoy, all you Doffy Degenerates out there...
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According to the spell book she’d purchased from the sketchy goth dude at the occult supply shop she’d found on Google, the demon’s name was Joker, and he didn’t look anything like a demon at all. Or at least that’s what his summoner decided when the clove-scented smoke cleared and she beheld the creature’s shock of short blond hair, rippling abs gleaming like polished copper, and the cape of pink feathers hanging from his broad shoulders.
But then he flexed that cape and it turned into a pair of enormous, cotton-candy colored wings so huge they brushed basement’s opposing walls many feet apart, and she reevaluated her opinion of his demonic nature...slightly.
 What kind of demon had pink wings, after all?
She imprisoned the demon in the middle of a large summoning circle drawn in silver chains, a bit of blood, and some other fluids she’d had a hell of a time obtaining and didn’t want to remember with any degree of detail, thanks. Instead she focused on the demon. (The demon, the demon, the demon! she reminded herself. Don’t forget you’re dealing with demons.) Hard not to focus on the demon when he rose to his full height, because his head nearly scraped the basement’s dank rafters. The man (demon, demon, demon! she repeated like a mantra) was at least ten feet tall, utterly dwarfing her perfectly human frame. A huge figure, a colossal man, a giant of a guy. No wonder the book had said to draw such an enormous summoning circle. If he sat down on folded legs, his spread knees would probably brush the myriad candles flickering at the circle’s edge.
But honestly, he wasn’t all that intimidating. If it weren’t for the height and the pink wings (or so she told herself in an effort to weaponize logic and bully herself into a placid frame of mind) he’d looked totally human. Nose, lips, sexy abs, eyes (what little she could see of them, anyway) were all in the right places. It further helped that he wore white sunglasses with reflective red lenses, frames shaped liked curving wings cupping his face and hiding his eyes from view. Sunglasses on a demon? Yeah, apart from the wings, he just looked like a human with bad taste. Nothing like a demon at all.
...or so she thought until she spotted the horns, curling and golden, sprouting from his forehead. They caught the candlelight when he dipped his head to look at her, and — yup, that was definitely a demon, all right. The tiny horns curved up and back out of the fringe of his hairline, tiny gilt protrusions no longer than her index fingers curing over his skull like an ibex’s, but once she caught a glimpse, she couldn’t take her eyes off them.
Joker’s wide mouth split into an even wider grin. He bent at the waist to get a better look, and the cavalcade of necklaces on his chest jingled and glinted in the candlelight, slowly swinging in the air. Medallions hung from gilded chains, festooned with arcane symbols undecipherable. Closer up, more tiny horns the size of her fingernails dotted the skin along his hairline. They looked almost like...sequins, maybe. Or like a dusting of glimmering scales in diamond patterns.
“Hello, little human.” He spoke in a deep, rich purr, sound like a gloved hand tracing letters on her shivering nape. “Is it you who dared to summon me?”
She swallowed. “Yup.”
He regarded her for a time, expression somehow inscrutable despite his enormous, many-toothed grin. She fidgeted beneath its weight. Though his glasses were fundamentally ridiculous (and totally unbecoming of a demon) she had to admit they were effective. This was a demon of deal-making, as she understood it. The glasses and smile were a variation of a poker face, she was sure, elaborately over-performed to keep her guessing. She’d need to be on her guard no matter what he looked like, that was for sure.
“Interesting.” His head tilted, muscles in his neck gliding under bronze skin. “You do not cower in fear before me.”
She frowned, but — wow. He was telling the truth. Her knees held steady, her palms remained dry, and the beat of her heart plodded along at a measured pace. But perhaps her lack of panic was to be expected. This wasn't the first time she’d successfully summoned something, after all. While she was not a witch by any means, she’d performed some basic spell-work over the past few months — practice rounds, basically. She’d been shocked when those worked, sure. But the novelty had worn off fast, because the imps cavorting in her summoning ring couldn’t give her what she wanted. They weren’t powerful enough, and the bastards at her workplace had persisted on making her life a living hell.
This demon, though? Calling forth Joker was calling out the big guns...literally. Guy looked like he could bench press a semi-truck. Muscles for days, each abdominal carved from stone, forearms corded with power and strength. Just looking at him, she knew that if anyone could give her what she wanted, it had to be a demon like him. The spell book in her arms had told her so, too. This demon granted desires to the prideful, it said — and at this point, all she had left was her pride.
It was high time to get what she was owed. And fear would not stand in her way. Not anymore.
So maybe that’s why she wasn’t scared. It had been a particularly bad work day, too. She’d been debating summoning Joker for weeks, but the assholes at the office had finally pushed her over the edge. She needed the spell to work after everything they put her through. She was too hungry for triumph to allow herself to fear.
Thus, intent on the goal before her, she shrugged and informed the demon she’d summoned: “You’re just not that scary, I guess.”
Pink feathers rattled like chains. “Not that scary?” he hissed between the blades of his teeth — which now looked a tad sharper than before. “Are you a fool, or merely ignorant? The impertinence.”
One massive hand rose, pressing toward her — but just as fear spiked her blood, a flash of light stopped Joker cold. Sparks fizzled against his skin with the scent of burned sugar, sickly sweet and nauseating. She released a tense breath. The summoning circle did more than merely summon. It also kept Joker locked within, keeping her safe and unafraid without.
And Joker understood this, because he lowered his hand from the barrier, fist clenching. “You should fear me, little witch. I am powerful beyond your wildest dreams. You are incapable of conceptualizing my immense might, my sway over the realms of Hell, my seat on the throne of the Dreaded Seven. You should fear — ”
“You look like an oversized twink who wandered out of a Miami gay bar,” she interjected. “I ain't scared of you.”
A beat of silence — and then Joker threw back his head and laughed. He laughed long and loud and lusty, hand on his horned forehead, chest heaving. It wasn’t a nice laugh. It made her feel small. Although she’d been the one to levy insults, he was laughing at her — she sensed that, felt the truth of his disdain in her bones. But it hardly mattered. So long as he gave her what she wanted, so long as he did as he was told, she could put up with being laughed at.
She’d had practice, after all. Her office was full of demons of a different stripe.
But, just like at work, her pride wouldn’t let her back down without a fight. She crossed her arms and looked him up and down, hip jutting out, feet shifting into a stance of lazy confidence (a posture she knew projected power — they’d told her so at the workshop for young professionals she’d attended last year).
“So. Your name is Joker. Fan of Batman, huh?” she asked.
His laughter faded to a mere chuckle. “Joker...is that the name your spell book gave you?”
His glasses glittered with mirth. “Interesting.”
“Don’t pretend I got your name wrong,” she spat. “You wouldn’t have shown up if it were wrong.”
“How very logical of you.” He grinned all the harder. “I’m impressed.”
Joker applauded her, then — palm on palm ringing out in the candlelit basement, every slap of flesh a patronizing thunderclap. Bracelets chimed like church bells on his desecrated wrists. She wanted to slap him, wipe that smirk off his handsome face...but he looked rich, damn him, with all those necklaces and that gold skin and that chiseled jaw a model would envy, and the spell book said he could grant boons to those seeking their own fortunes. Joker’s attitude, his pride...it’s why she’d picked him out of all the other demons in the book. His arrogance was as good a sign as the gold on his wrists. It gave her hope — but she didn’t let that hope show on her face, instead scowling up at him, one foot tapping the creaking floor.
“Neither trickery nor flattery will work on me, actually,” she said, tossing her head, “so you can save the ingratiating act.”
He chuckled again. “Noted, little witch.”
“I’m not a witch.”
“Oh, no?” A huge, pink tongue poked from the corner of his mouth, lascivious and indolent. “You look like a witch to me.”
“Well, I’m not.”
“Then what are you?”
“I’m a digital marketing manager.” The title grated like sandpaper on her tongue, as ill-fitting as her boss’s cheap suits. “But that’s not all I want to be. What I know I can be.”
“And that’s where I come in?” Joker said.
“How’d you guess?”
“Why else would you summon a demon? You want something.”
He drawled the world ‘want’ as if savoring its flavor. She suppressed a shudder.
“Yes. I do,” she said. “And I want you to give it to me.”
“You want me to give you what you want...” he said, still drawling that one particular word. “Is that right?”
“That’s right.”
“Would you say it for me, pet?” he purred, voice simpering and sweet despite its deep tenor. “I do so love hearing my assignments in plain language.”
It sounded like a simple request — but she didn’t grant it right away. The book had warned her about giving demons even the littlest leeway. But after analyzing the request in her head, she didn’t see any fault in it. There wasn’t any monkey-paw-wish-twisting happening that she could discern. So she shrugged, and squared her shoulders, and took the plunge.
“Sure,” she said. “I want you to give me what I want.”
He let out another long laugh. “Excellent.”
“As for what I want... well, let me start at the beginning.”
He hadn’t asked, but she figured he’d need to know in order to make good on their soon-to-be-discussed deal, so she explained: Her ungrateful bosses. The two-faced guys at work who sucked their metaphorical dicks to get the best projects. Late nights spent working for no recognition. Ideas sniped from under her by assholes who gave her zero credit. The way her workplace nemesis mocked and belittled her when her back was turned but played nice to her face. The petty minutiae, the annoyances, the burning hatred she felt for that one asshole in particular who did not deserve his success — the success that should be hers, dammit.
She should have been given the office when it opened up. She should have been recognized and promoted. She should be given the high-profile accounts with better bonuses. It should be her, dammit — but instead it was him. The man who treated her like garbage. The man sabotaged her at every turn. The man who didn’t deserve any of it, but the man who got it because he played the right kind of game, and played it dirty besides.
She went on for longer, perhaps, that she should have, but Joker didn’t tell her to stop — not with words, anyway. She’d launched into her fourth (fifth?) anecdote about her supremely shitty coworker by the time he heaved a sigh and rubbed his temple with a fingertip. His other hand prodded the barrier, idly coaxing forth sparks with every flick. She flinched the first time, but she ignored it the second, and the third. The barrier was impenetrable. She wasn’t worried; let the demon sulk. She needed to vent. Luxuriate in her anger before taking her revenge.
And her rage-marinated revenge, when she had it, would no doubt taste sweet.
“So you’re dissatisfied with your occupation,” Joker said when she paused for breath. The demon yawned, smile sleepy and wry. “How very dull. Humans are so tedious.”
“Sorry my problems seem so trivial to you,” she grumbled. “Now, about what I want — ”
Joker raised a finger and wagged it in her face (or as close to it as he could get, anyway). “Ah ah ah, little witch.”
“I told you, I’m not a witch.”
“You are, though. Anyone who can summon me must be a witch. And a clever one, at that.” He tutted, horned head shaking. “Although you seem woefully uneducated. Allow me to rectify this oversight.”
Wait. Was Joker being helpful? Oh, now that was suspicious as hell. She’d be damned if she’d blindly trust him after everything the book had told her. This demon “pulled the strings of the world to make destiny dance,” it said. Joker was a known wish-granted, a known deal-maker, a known bargainer of legend...but all demons hungered for human souls, and demons weren’t exactly known for their senses of fair play. Since her soul was the only price she wouldn’t consider paying to get what she wanted, she’d need to be on her guard through every last word, especially if he was pretending to be helpful. She’d hear him out but not take anything he said at face value lest she accidentally grant him ownership of that which she did not wish to give away.
Yeah. No genie tricks tonight, no sir. Just good ol’ fashioned bargaining. That’s what she was after, and that was all.
“Demons like me can give you what you want, whatever that may be, so long as you can command us,” Joker was saying in the same suspiciously gracious tones as before. “And you command us by knowing our true names.” He gestured at himself — at his powerful jaw, sculpted physique, and brilliant smile. He chuckled when she stared just a little too long; she ripped her eyes away, face flushed. “You summoned me. That is proof enough you know my true name and can command me as you like.”
“I knew all of that already,” she said, unimpressed.
“But I am willing to bet you didn’t know we still require payment for our services.”
She smiled. “Actually, I knew that, too.”
“Clever little witch!” Joker crowed. “Oh, but I am impressed.”
“Remember what I said about flattery?” She shook her head. “I suppose you’re about to ask me for payment. Gonna ask for my mortal soul?”
But Joker surprised her when he heaved a heavy, bored sigh. “Hardly. I have no use for a soul flitting about. Human souls are ever so tedious.” He laughed again, another derisive barrage of mirth that set her teeth on edge. “And besides. The worth of a human soul is hardly as costly as you humans tend to think. You hold yourselves in laughably high regard.” Another laugh, even louder than the one before. “And they call me prideful.”
“We’re not worth much? Really?” she said, not quite believing him.
“Oh, yes.” He grinned like a shark, pink feathers rustling like clinking scales. “Trust me, little witch. Of all the sins, I understand pride most intimately of all.”
And then he was laughing again, condescending and demeaning and mean — second verse, same as the first. By then she was used to feeling like Joker got off on telling jokes he had no intention of explaining; no sense getting offended. She rolled her eyes and tapped her foot, impatient.
“So my soul isn’t worth anything,” she said. “What do you want from me, instead?”
“Nothing you cannot live without.” He gestured vaguely at nothing. “But it must be equal in value to whatever you ask for.”
“I haven’t asked for anything yet.”
“Of course you haven’t.” He hummed. “You must first pay my price.”
“A price you, once again, have not told me,” she reminded him. “Shouldn’t you hear what I want before naming your price, anyway? How can you know how much to charge me without knowing what I’m buying from you?”
He grinned like a waning moon. “What I desire will no doubt pay for whatever petty want you care to name.”
“And what do you desire, Joker?”
“Your virginity.”
Joker said it so bluntly, so confidently, she thought she’d misheard him. But then perception caught up with reality and her face caught fire, shame and shock setting every last nerve ablaze. Even the candles near her felt too hot, all of a sudden, the acrid tang of smoke cloying in her throat.
“H-how — ?” she stammered. “How do know I’m a — ?”
“I can smell it.” His tongue darted out, wetting his lips. “You’re pure. Untouched. Tantalizing. Demons can smell it for miles — that scent ripe for spoil. And virgins are so rare these days. There’s really no mistaking it.”
Both enormous hands lifted. His fingertips raked across the barrier — trying to touch her, but unable. A shower of sparks caught his golden horns where they curved upward, lifting away from his skull toward the heavens he had long been banished from.
“To be summoned by one as beautiful as you, as pure as you, as eager as you...” Joker’s laugh rumbled in his chest, razor sharp and velveteen. “This is a rare opportunity, one I do not intend to squander.”
She coughed into her fist. Virginity — of all the things he could’ve asked for, that particular bauble hadn’t ranked high on her list of payment possibilities. It wasn’t like she cared about her virginity. She’d happily prioritized studying (and then working a thankless job) over finding someone to fuck her. And besides, it wasn’t like virginity was real. It was just a misogynistic social construct meant to keep her from asserting her sexuality in a patriarchal society that feared powerful women. It meant nothing to have sex the first time. In fact, she’d debated many times the merits of finding a random hookup through a dating app just to get her “first time” over with, but she’d never quite found the opportunity to follow through.
Suffice to say, giving up her virginity didn’t mean anything to her...but she’d be damned in she told Joker as much. If he thought her useless virginity was valuable — well, she’d let him think so. She wasn’t about to cheapen what, to her, seemed like the biggest bargain ever.
Speaking of biggest: Would Joker even, y’know...fit? Inside her, that is? Because he was probably ten feet tall, horns scraping the rafters, and that meant he had to be packing, right?
Oh, god. If she hadn’t been praying for mercy before, now felt like a good time to start.
She didn’t let any of her misgivings show on her face, however. She didn’t have glasses, but her poker face was still pretty great after sitting through so many infuriating meetings without flinching. She pretended to mull it over, looking at Joker’s broad shoulders and trim waist as if considering his proposition. Not that thinking of him in such a context was a difficult task. Full lips framed Joker’s endless grin, his broad shoulders tapered to a narrow waist with a gorgeously cut Adonis belt, and that washboard stomach...well. She could lose her virginity to a lot worse, at least in the looks department. And at least she’d be losing it by candlelight! According to movies, candles were necessary (even if these candles smelled like outdated incense — a gift from the guy with the weird eyebrows at the occult supply shop, not that it even mattered).
“Virginity...that’s a big ask,” she said eventually.
“Indeed, considering.” He gestured at his hips like he’d read her mind, grin taking on a simmering heat. “But it is my price.”
“Why virginity, anyway?” she said — trying to ignore the way his smile set off fireworks in her belly. “How could that possibly be more valuable than my soul?”
“You have heard of an incubus, haven't you, my little witch? Demons who feed through sex?” he asked. “Sex is a mingling of essence, of energy, of pure power. A perfect conduit for magic.”
“I guess that tracks.” She looked him over with new understanding. “So you’re an incubus, then.”
His smile grew. “Incubus use the energy of intercourse to power themselves.”
To her, it seemed he spoke from a place of authority — which made sense. He was an incubus. Funny the book hadn’t mentioned that, but... “Makes sense.”
“Indeed,” he said with another of his knowing chuckles. “When in the mortal realm, demons such as incubuses are cut off from the fires of Hell, our homeland. We retain certain abilities, but we lack true power here. It is ever so dull.” She got the sense he’d rolled his eyes, though she couldn’t see them. “In order to give you what you want, I must have power. That power must come from the summoner, and that power must be enough to grant the summoner’s request — an exchange, equivalent and equal.”
“Still seems like my soul would be worth more than my virginity.”
“Perhaps — but to take your soul would kill you. How can I grant you what you want if you are dead? I trust you would need to be alive in order to enjoy whatever it is you intend to ask for.” A growl resonated in his chest, heavy and heated. His obscured eyes remained fixed on her. “And the first bite of a virgin is potent magic indeed. More than enough to place you on the most coveted of thrones.”
She frowned. “The most coveted...?”
“That is what you want, isn’t it?” he asked — but before she could reply, he held up a hand, bracelets on it ringing. “You needn’t say. You’re hungry for power. The scent of that ambition is nearly as strong as your virginity.” Again he licked his lips, tongue broad and hot and huge. “Pure and tainted all at once...oh, how delicious you’ll taste.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” His eager stare was doing things to her, thighs pressing together tightly, but she wasn’t about to admit it. Instead she backtracked, picking apart his language to focus on: “The most coveted of thrones...?”
It was a peculiar turn of phrase, but an evocative one. The job title her shitty coworker had usurped from under her, complete with a promotion and a raise and a huge oak desk with a leather top like something straight out of Mad Men over in the vacant corner office...that should’ve been hers. She should’ve had that metaphorical throne, not him. Joker had acted like her story about her workplace had bored him, but clearly he’d been listening well enough. That, or his demonic powers granted him knowledge of her world. Whatever the case, she was (grudgingly) impressed.
“So you know what I’m after,” she said. “I want — ”
But he lifted his finger and tutted again. “Not yet, little witch. Not yet. Payment comes first, fulfilled before services requested and rendered. Only once I have my payment may you tell me what you truly want.”
“I still think it’s weird. Like you’re doing this backward.”
“Perhaps I am.” His nose lifted, haughty as a preening flamingo. “But I wouldn’t expect a pretty little mortal to understand the ways of an infernal demon like me.”
“...I suppose that’s true.”
For a time, she sat in thought. He watched in silence, patient. Was that a predatory glint she spied behind his shades? Did the glasses hide the eyes of a hawk circling prey, perhaps? But no, that couldn’t be right. She knew Joker’s name. She had the power here, and she had been careful.
She was in control. Not him. And that meant she was safe.
Thus, confident in herself, she steeled her spine, breathed deeply of the smokey air, and asked: “Well, Joker. How would this work?”
One blond brow lifted. “Hmm?”
“You’re trapped in that circle. How could you even touch me?” She glared, daring him to contradict her as his smile grew and grew and grew until she feared his face might crack. “And before you tell me to let you out, I’m not stupid. I’m not about to loose a demon on the mortal realm.”
“Read your spell-book carefully, my dear. I am sure there is a solution to our dilemma within. I will hardly be the first demon to attend to his summoner’s sexual appetites.” His voice had adopted a simpering tone, low and cajoling, sticky and slick. “Does this mean you have accepted the terms of my bargain?”
“My virginity in exchange for the most coveted of thrones...I’m thinking on it.” She plopped down on the floor and opened her spell book on her lap. “Let’s see about this spell, first.”
Slowly, the demon named Joker lowered himself to the floor, too. And as predicted, the spread of his folded knees brushed the edges of the summoning circle, the barrier there humming with proximity-fueled power that hummed in her molars. Gosh, Joker was absolutely enormous — but the weight of his stare intimidated her far more than the size of his body. The shades obscured everything but the smile that told her nothing at all. What kind of demons wears shades? she found herself wondering again. Such a weird dude, this Joker. And he had a weird name, too. What kind of dude was named Joker, anyway?
No. Not a dude. A demon, a demon — never forget that. Especially not when he was acting almost docile.
Errant thoughts like those wouldn’t help her solve her problems, though. She focused instead on flipping through her book and reading the section on summoning circles all over again — and soon, in the footnotes and by the light of her many candles, she found something.
“‘If the demon need interact in corporeal fashion with the mortal realm but not be loosed upon it with infernal agency intact,’” she read aloud to herself, “‘the summoner need only add another layer to the barrier of...’” She flipped a page. “So I just need to...?”
She wouldn’t need to do much, it turned out. It would take only a few minutes to follow the book’s guidance and draw a second, larger circle outside the first, one the book claimed both parties would be able to enter freely — but one it claimed only the summoner could leave. The current circle kept the summoner out as much as it kept the demon within, it said, to ensure the summoner’s safety. The new circle would not allow the demon to escape, but the summoner could physically access the demon at will without worry of being dragged to the underworld.
In short, it seemed...safe. Suspiciously safe, in fact.
“This new circle is like a one-way barrier that won’t fully release you, but it allows me entry if I want,” she said aloud, mostly to herself. “It would still keep you trapped.”
“A pity,” Joker told her. “I do so long to be free.”
“Fat chance.” She glanced at the book again. “It would keep you trapped, but I could enter it without fear. And you wouldn’t be able to pull me into the inner circle and hurt me, either. Or pull me down to Hell through the portal that brought you here.”
“Drag a human to Hell?” he asked with a scoffing laugh. “How archaic! What would I even do with a human, anyway?”
His annoyance at the very idea of dragging her to Hell was oddly reassuring. “Plus it says you can’t drag anyone to Hell without their consent, so I’m safe,” she went on. “And if you hurt me, it says you’d be banished at once. And there’s a dispelling word I can say, or even think, at any time to send you back inside the main circle, where you’ll be trapped again.” Was she trying to convince Joker or herself that this was a good idea? In a show of fake-it-till-you-make-it confidence, she declared: “Looks pretty foolproof to me.”
“A foolproof annoyance,” he returned with a grumble. “But it serves our shared desires well enough.” That smoldering look from earlier returned; Joker rolled to his knees, sitting back on his heels with thighs spread wide. He ran his palms up and down them in slow pulses, from groin to knee and back again. “Does this mean you have accepted — ?”
She yanked her gaze away. “Still thinking on it.”
And she did think on it — long and hard, which was probably a pun considering what she was about to (potentially) do with the demon before her. Virginity was such a small price to pay to make her dreams come true, wasn’t it? And she’d definitely ask for revenge on those who’d wronged her as part of her rise to the throne she coveted most...
What were a few minutes of sex in the grand scheme of things?
What was virginity in the face of her future?
Not daring to look Joker in the eye, she stood. She moved the candles back a few feet from the first summoning circle. She went to the bucket of paint in the corner (the one mixed with those fluids she didn’t want to think about) and grabbed the brush resting beside it on a painting tray. Still not looking at Joker, she went to the edge of the circle and began to draw.
But she needn’t speak for Joker to understand. “So you have accepted,” he said, watching her work with a simmering intensity she felt blazing against her skin. “I knew you’d see it my way, little witch. Soon I will give you what you want.”
Again, he drawled the word. Again, she shivered. Again, he laughed at her expense and at an unspoken joke only he understood.
“Yeah, yeah...” she grumbled. “Hold on, just let me concentrate...”
She painted the circle in what felt like both hours and seconds, both long and short, both infinite and finite time at once. Joker watched mostly in silence, though occasionally he chuckled to himself. He only moved once she finished painting and stood back to admire her work, which he tested by pressing a hand to the barrier of the inner circle. It sparked briefly against his palm...but then it gave way like a membrane under pressure, admitting him into the outer circle with a fizzle and a pop of deflated pressure.
She expected him to step into the outer circle at once, which afforded him at least a few more feet of space, but he surprised her. He stood without moving in the center of the inner summoning ring, grinning, rotating his head atop his neck as though preparing for some physical feat. The new circle gave him more room to maneuver, but although his wings rustled in anticipation, they did not stretch wide just yet.
“The time of our bargain is upon us, pet,” he said.
“Pet, again...” She rolled her eyes at the name.
“You know better than to tell me your real name, so my terms of endearment you will have to endure.” He licked his lips. “So...”
“So,” she repeated.
“Let us forge the pact.” He drew himself up, voice deepening. “You give yourself — ”
“Not myself. My virginity,” she said, on guard against the Monkey’s Paw he’d so clearly tried to instigate.
And he didn’t argue the distinction. “You give your virginity to me,” he readily amended, “in exchange for what you want — a prize to be named upon completion of payment rendered.” His head cocked to one side. “Do you agree to these terms?”
Again, she thought about it. Turned the wording over in her head. Analyzed and picked it apart until semantics blurred into loose sounds and unrecognizable shapes. But she could find no loopholes, and so she nodded.
“Yes,” she told the demon she called Joker. “I agree to the terms.”
Something passed between them. A solidity, a pressure, a connection — it snapped into place like magnets crashing, like a key entering a lock, like gravity snatching an apple from the air as it fell from some forbidden primordial tree. She shivered. A sharp crack of laughter boomed from Joker’s long throat, zealous and full of promise.
“Wonderful!” he said — and that booming laugh dropped low, like fire dwindling to coals burning beneath heap of satin ash. “Then let us begin.”
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Part 1 - END. Continued on AO3.
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(It is filthy. PLEASE HEED THE TAGS!)
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virtualtrashcollector · 9 months
🌼 Meeting the Joker
Joker x Female (Dark Knight Joker) 18+ only
Summary: This story takes place prior to 'Joker Comes for a Sleepover' and uses my same original character. Your name is Daisy and you are a young kinky British woman working as a gang member/ mechanic in Gotham City. Having previously worked for Chechen you now find yourself working for the Joker. As you work late one night in the garage your new boss decides to pay you a visit.
Warnings: 18+ VERY EXPLICIT. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised. No minors please.
Word count: 4,988
Note #1: Each chapter is posted separately as they are quite long. 4 chapters total. Enjoy!!
Note #2: It is worth mentioning that my OC has a few body modifications (some are mentioned in the story and some are not.) They include a pierced septum, split tongue, and pierced naughty bits.
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Chapter 1:
The garage was quiet except for a dusty radio playing a classic oldies station. Richie and Michael the other two grease monkeys had gone home over an hour ago, leaving you by yourself. You were lying on a metal creeper underneath of a large truck trying to figure out what the problem was. The clock on the wall read 11:15. Working on this stubborn bastard for an hour and a half now, there was no indication anything was wrong, yet it just would not start. Your mind began to drift to your new boss. Now that Chechen was finally out of the picture, you were excited to hear that you would be working for the Joker. You were very much looking forward to showing him all that you could do.
"Son of a bitch." You muttered as your hand slipped on the wrench causing you to nearly drop it on your face. Finally spotting what might possibly be the issue you heard someone nearby loudly clear their throat. A pair of dirty brown shoes slowly approached the side of the truck. You could also see matching multicolored socks, and the bottoms of purple pinstriped dress pants. Rolling back out you were met with the sight of your new boss standing above you. His head was cocked to the side curiously as he looked down.
"You...... must be Daisy." He said licking his lower lip as he abruptly thrust his hand out towards you. Taking it, he pulled you up off the creeper and onto your feet.
"At your service sir." You replied. Immediately you could tell that he was pleased with your response, and for the briefest of moments you saw a mischievous smile flash across his face.
Noticing your hands and forearms were smeared with oil, you secretly wished you had looked a little nicer. Your long dark green hair was tied up in a ponytail, and you were wearing black shop coveralls with light colored work boots. He looked you up and down seeming to admire your dirty work attire.
"I've heard a lot about you. Mechanic, marksman, hand to hand combat, and a pilot." He paused to lick his lips.
"You're quite impressive." He said while looking over the assortment of dirty tools sitting on top of the nearby rolling cart. Picking up a small sharp screw he inspected it closely then set it back down. Very curious as to where he was going with this, you grabbed a fresh rag and started to wipe off your dirty hands and arms. J watched as you cleaned yourself up, his tongue lingering in the corner of his mouth. A few more moments of silence passed before he spoke again.
"I also heard you're good at another particular task." As he said this, he stepped forward and leaned in a little closer.
"I heard ya like to suck dick." He said softly.
"Well......." He licked his bottom lip, looked down at his groin then back up at you. Actively fighting the urge to break out into a giant grin and tackle him, you restrained yourself. Moving closer you inquired,
"Are you asking me to suck on your cock?" He nodded his head quickly and emphatically. You slowly walked up to him while letting your eyes drift down his torso to his waist. Spotting the shiny metal chain that hung from his pants pocket, you gingerly grabbed ahold of it and pulled him towards you. He grinned slightly, his eyes burning with intensity and lust.
"Not here. Follow me." You said in little more than a whisper. Turning around, you both headed for the steel staircase in the back of the shop.
At the top of the stairs was a single solitary door. J stood beside you as you produced a large metal key from inside your pocket. He looked confused. Tilting his head to the side he asked,
"I thought the key to this storage room was lost?"
"It is." You replied coyly.
"And that is what I expect you to tell anyone who might ask." He grinned knowingly then clicked his tongue.
"You got it doll." Inserting the key you pushed open the metal door to reveal your secret sanctuary. It was a small room but the ceiling was tall, making it feel larger than it actually was. The walls were steel and the floors were concrete in typical warehouse fashion. In the room was a couch and a loveseat, an end table, and a desk with a chair. A green lava lamp sat atop the end table and you had hung tiny string lights all around the room. The only sound was a gentle hum coming from an air vent in the wall. You turned to look at J.
"Cozy." He said walking further in.
"Have a seat. I'm just going to freshen up." You told him. He sat down on the couch and leaned back, spreading his legs somewhat as he did so.
"Hurry back." He said eyes locked with yours.
In reality, you very much needed to wee. Heading for the washroom you were rounding a corner when you literally bumped into Rusty.
"Shit sorry Daisy. Have you seen the boss? I've been looking everywhere." He asked sounding frustrated.
"Sorry I haven't. I'm sure he's around here somewhere." You reassured him with a gentle pat on the back. You very much liked Rusty and hated lying to him, but there was no way you were missing out on the chance to have some private time with J. Continuing on to the bathroom you quickly did your business, washed your hands, and checked your reflection in the small cracked mirror. You then used a damp paper towel to rid yourself of a few oil smudges on your face. Unzipping your coveralls to just below your breasts, the white undershirt was a stark contrast against the dark dirty fabric on top. The black bra you were wearing was very thin so your nipple rings were visible through the material. Now happy with your appearance you started back for the storage room. Opening the door, J was just as you'd left him. He immediately noticed your altered attire, letting his eyes freely roam your chest. You approached and stood quietly before him. He was now exactly eye level with your breasts. You could clearly see the outline of his manhood underneath his trousers. Placing your hands gently on his broad shoulders, you sat down in his lap. He smelled like cigarettes and musky cologne.
"You can touch me if you like." You whispered in his ear while moving your hands to rest on his chest. He responded by grabbing your upper thigh and sliding his hand up to rest on your ass. His other hand did the same. After a moment or two he started upwards, moving his hands slowly up your hips, then to your waist, and then finally to your tits.
"Fuck....." J exhaled as he tenderly grabbed and squeezed your still covered breasts. You could now feel his throbbing erection pressing hard against you. Gripping your nipples through the thin fabric, his fingers pinched and pulled lightly.
"Mmmm yes." You moaned feeling a warm wetness forming between your thighs. He watched you closely, clearly enjoying your reaction.
"Heard you were pierced. Can I see 'em?" He asked in a deep tone, a somewhat hopeful expression on his face. You grinned placing your hands on top of his and removing them from your chest.
"Yes sir." You answered.
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cielkissrr · 1 month
Helooo, I just wanted to ask, could you maybe write a lil something for meee??? I love Kuro so much!
Something involving the Noah Ark Circus members? I imagine there's space for new members to join them cuz there's lots of circus acts that could be performed, what if a hypnotist joined the circus and was dared to work his magic on Doll? Either in her Doll persona or without her costume as Freckles?
Thank yaaaa already, don't feel pressured or nothing, it's just I love your writing and can't wait to read more!
i was originally going to do a small ficlet but... i cant keep things short apparently. so here's a whole fic inspired by this!!
honey, please dont be polite | a doll x joker fic
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relationship : joker x doll x hypnotist (original character)
tags: underage, hypnotism, (psuedo) incest, voyerism, trans female character, grooming, dubious consent, threesome
1.9k words + smut
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female-eren · 10 months
What is your opinion on jeankasa? I know its the butt of a lot of fandom jokes but personally I really like it and I think they make a lot of sense together - they both have dream of domestic life, raising a family, that kind of thing. I think they have a really interesting dynamic with a lot to explore. Again Jean is the butt of a tonne of fandom jokes lmao but he’s always been super respectful to Mikasa (Unlike Eren I love him sm but lets be fr) and I also love how he doesn’t hesitate to call her out on a couple different instances on s4 despite his crush, he’s really in tune with reality, like he’s so head over heels but also a potentially very grounding force for her
2/3 (same anon) Also your thoughts on AruAni? I loved it even in S1. I hate when people say it’s random because the seed was planted back then !!! Like it’s very subtle but like…. ofcourse it’s going to be like that given the kind of character Annie, especially, is. They definitely could’ve been handled better in S4, but I think that goes for pretty much everything in the latter half of S4, everything was a bit rushed and packed in all at once
3/3 Also I love all your takes on Aot and Fem!Eren!!! Which brings me to I genuinely hate when people joke about Eren being an incel and I hate how dudebros who be like “mee!!” to American Psycho and Joker and shit have adopted Eren. Like no… he’s for the girls. Eren is #1 woman respecter unironically…He was on the frontlines fighting for womens rights I was there I saw it
Hiii so sorry I've taken so long to answer this ask. Thank you!
I love making fun of Eren but the sigmachadbatemanjoker males don't understand and never will
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Regarding jeankasa... I honestly don't like it. I agree with you that Jean is a good character and a good person, but I think that ship and especially it being more or less endgame (at least in the manga) comes from the classic case in a lot of male-authored stories, ie that because a male character is in love with a female character, obviously they end up together. His desire is the only necessary building block of the relationship, her purpose is to be desired and since he desires her, it's basically her duty to be with him.
Also this meme lol
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I also think my unenthusiasm for any Mikasa ship (Eren x Mikasa, Jean x Mikasa etc) come from how poorly I think Mikasa herself was handled. Even if she was given somewhat more personality in the manga, she still had basically zero development. The half-assed last chapter and the shoehorned theme of "love" and Mikasa being the one to free Ymir the Founder didn't help. Mikasa as a person is in essence passive and stagnant. She hasn't ever had any goal besides "be close to Eren". I think that if she was given an arc of, for example, travelling to Hizuru and earning an education or accompanying Historia on negotiations with other world leaders would have expanded her character and given her something else to do. Exploring Mikasa's relationship with anyone other than Eren and Armin would've been interesting, even if I love the original trio. I would've really enjoyed seeing Mikasa use her strength and intelligence for something else, and develop interests and motivations separate from Eren. Had she done these things, I think both her relationship to Eren and Jean could've felt more... I don't know, like they had substance?
AruAni I do find cute in some ways, although I'm not really a shipper when it comes to AoT (goes for all ships in this series tbh). Especially in S1 I thought Armin and Annie had potential. I think Bertholdt's memories complicates the relationship, and the character assassination of Armin in S4 really sours the character and the ship for me. I also found the treatment of Annie strange. There's zero animosity in this group. The last time most of them encountered Annie she murdered dozens of people in really awful ways in front of them. She wrecked a city. Not even Connie seems to resent the Warriors at all, and while I found the pie-eating scene both funny and actually realistic (it's absurd, and due to the extremely complex emotions and experiences surrounding the scene, Connie's absurd reaction actually feels believable to me), I also think giving us JUST the pie scene isn't enough.
I also like Hitch and Annie. love this pic though
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I think those are pretty much my thoughts rn. I hope to get more asks about aot :-)
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queenofsliferred · 4 months
*crashes through the ceiling* Hello, hello ~💜
So, not an ask game question, I'm just curious af. Would you mind telling me more about Sora Kurohoshi? And Rin Amamiya? And Dolores "Lolita"? And Jeff the Pom?
Also, how do Kitana Garrison and Nerissa look like? (description, picrew, whatever you prefer!)
sora was originally made for a death note RP forum that i made with my friends. she was really egotistical and was the catalyst for one of the "big events" of the thing. she at first killed a bully of hers then went on to kill her family to get more attention from kira. she threatened to kill her cousin who was testifying against her and smuggle in a weapon to her court case then she would somehow steal it and then cause an even bigger scene that kira just couldn't ignore. she really wanted to die by kira but light winds up having her kill herself by using the death note (like writing in the fact that she commits suicide, not like giving her the note and then lol.)
i used this anime girl as a face claim. you just dont see anime girl pics like this anymore :')
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Rin Amamiya is basically a female version of Joker Persona 5. i got super attached to her as i fleshed her out and wrote more about her. i rp as her a lot on a ERP site and have done crossover stuff which led to her MHA AU counterpart.
MHA!Rin is a petty criminal. she isn't super serious about actually committing crimes and is lowkey kind of a coward despite the showiness of her heists and costumes (which is a revealing leotard). like the traditional phantom thief, she sends a letter announcing that she is going to steal X thing and that the police better catch her and stop her. i personally think that she does all this for attention because she's so unassuming and considered really plain outside of the Joker persona.
she has beef with Neito because she couldn't use the name Phantom Thief due to him. the two butt heads a lot because he always wound up having to chase her and stuff when he was on his internship.
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(art by nemirutami)
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Dolores (though she wants you to call her Lolita-chan! its totally more cute that way!) is a trainer born in Paldea but had to move to Galar for most of her life. she has a huge fangirl crush on Raihan (and Bede when he becomes a gym leader) due to his amazing charisma and impeccable social media prescence. he inspires her to try to become a champion and idol as well. she has a HUGE fascination with sinnohian and hoennian culture, finding them really cute and aesthetically pleasing plus the animation that comes from there is really cool.
she has a tendency to get new crushes ALL THE TIME even if she's in a relationship atm. her girlfriend goes to another school (naranja while she is an uva student). you don't know her. (the girlfriend is real and is named maria, she belongs to my partner). her biggest crush is probably professor jacq, her biology teacher, but she doesn't pursue it.
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jeff the pom isn't the most fleshed out tbh. he be my dog, jeff who is a pommeranian, but as a sonic character. i imagine him being a 'speed' type character in a sonic heroes setting. he's a doofus who wears his heart on his sleeve and sleeps all the time.
i dont have a ref image for him yet sadly gshfhgsdfh
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when i originally made kitana, i used this anime girl as a face claim.
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i eventually drew her in 2014 and lol its kinda rough to look at.
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nerissa looks like this!
on the left is her current design and the right is her old design.
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thanks for the questions!
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p5x-theories · 6 months
I know you posted something similar to this but, since both Persona 5 and Persona 5 X take place in 2 different universes then do you think that each Phantom Thief and/or Phantom Idol matches with someone else in the other universe if so then who with who. And how do you think they would interact with each other.
By "matches", do you mean the idea that the P5X cast are counterparts of the original P5 cast? I've talked about them having similar roles a lot, even on some of their information posts, but I don't think it occurred to me they might literally be the alternate universe versions of characters, like the female P3 protagonist is with the male P3 protagonist.
To say it again though, at least role-wise, I'm of the theory that besides the obvious ones (Wonder and Joker, Cattle and Mona), Motoha's role is similar to a mix of Ann and Ryuji, Tomoko is Shiho, Shun is Yusuke, and Riko is Makoto. For the Confidants that aren't directly involved in the story, it's a bit harder to say, because it really just comes down to what their Arcana is.
As for how they might interact, I got an ask about that after the second beta, so it's a little outdated, but I'll direct you there!
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vecnokriv-nikolicel · 4 months
Pinned Post! <3
This will be updated the more that I create btw! So at the moment it may look a bit bare.
So the main reason behind creating this blog was so I could post about my fanfic(s) in a space where I'm much less likely to be scrutinized lol.
Anyways here's the main tags that I use on my blog:
#GFNWVKNC > Guilty Forever, Never Whole / Večno Kriv, Nikoli Cel
Fanfiction link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54853639
Timeline: Set in around 2023-2024 era
Pairing: None, just platonic stuff again lmao
Plot: View this as a oneshot set in the 'One in a Hundred' AU. An experience of Kris having a meltdown after a show due to a multitude of events going wrong.
Chapter & Word Count: 1 Chapter / 3,059 words
#TAMSAU > 'Twice as Many Stars as Usual'.
Fanfiction link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55673200
Timeline: No real timeline for this one, just set a little bit before they performed at Spil Liga + some snippets of the years after.
Pairing: None! (As of right now 🤭) But later on there is a pairing with an original fem!character so yeah
Plot: Kris' experiences of him navigating school-life, as well as band-life, as an autistic individual. (these experiences somewhat negative to begin with, but there's also positives, too!)
Chapter & Word Count: 14 Chapters, 67K+ words
#TTIK > 'The Things I Know'
Fanfiction link: will be updated once published
Timeline: Set in mid-to-late 2030 and onwards
Pairings: Kris/Original Female Character & Jan Peteh/Nace Jordan
Plot: After Joker Out announces a year-long hiatus, the boys take the time to work through life admin and the long-overdue completion of their smaller dreams and aspirations. Bojan goes off travelling, Jan and Nace put the wheels in motion for adoption, Jure is off within the South-Eastern woods and building a cabin, whilst Kris?
Kris sets up his own music-based therapy club.
Things ensue.
Chapter & Word Count: tbc
#LoveLiberates > Love Liberates
Timeline: Set in London between the years of 2025 and 2029
Pairing: Kris x Damon (DamKris)
Plot: Kris and Damon decide to adopt a little girl, with the short story revolving around their experiences of raising her - including when their kid comes out to them.
Chapter & Word Count: 3K
vecnokriv yaps > posts that are just about me and not related to joker out lol
One thing I should say is that, in these fanfics, please treat the people discussed within them as characters, not the actual, real-life people. These stories are also based off my own experiences of growing up as (an undiagnosed for the most part, until i was like 16?) autistic individual.
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denjis-chainsaws · 2 years
Sources & Characters
Long list, so it's going under the readmore!! If a source or character is not listed on here, I will NOT write for them! Only because I live under a rock and take forever to get into new stuff and get comfortable with a character enough to write them.
I'm not limited to solely character x reader! I do character headcanons, too!! As long as it's not just canon x canon, I'll try writing any SFW topic. I will NEVER write NSFW, regardless of if the character is an adult or minor. And characters 14 or younger and pet / animal characters will only be written in platonic or familial scenarios.
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
Special Notes:
- Personal character headcanons are allowed to be included in requests. Eg. trans-masc. Yu Narukami from Persona 4, agender + ADHD Happy Chaos from Guilty Gear, autistic Denji from Chainsaw Man, etc.
- For characters with questionable gender representation and/or fanon interpretations, they will be written as gender neutral or genderfluid characters unless requested otherwise. Eg. Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 will be written as genderfluid with any pronouns.
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Bold = Lots of writing experience / favorite to write
Italics = Little writing experience / not very familiar with
Normal = Decent writing experience / good enough feel to write
Small Text = Platonic / Familial ONLY
- Chainsaw Man
Denji, Power, Aki Hayakawa
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Guilty Gear
Happy Chaos, Bridget, Sol Badguy/Frederick Bulsara, Jack-O, I-No, Baiken, May, Asuka R. Kreutz/That Man, Nagoriyuki, Giovanna, Goldlewis Dickinson
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Persona 3
Male Protagonist (any name, defaults to Minato Arisato), Female Protagonist (any name, defaults to Hamuko Arisato), Yukari Takeba, Junpei Iori, Fuuka Yamagishi, Mitsuru Kirijo, Akihiko Sanada, Ken Amada, Koromaru, Shinjiro Aragaki
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Persona 4
Yu Narukami (or Souji Seta), Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Kanji Tatsumi, Rise Kujikawa, Naoto Shirogane, Teddie, Tohru Adachi, Ryotaro Dojima
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Persona 5
Joker (any name, defaults to Ren Amamiya), Morgana, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Nijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Goro Akechi, Sojiro Sakura, Tae Takemi, Sae Nijima, Yuuki Mishima
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Dragon Ball
Son Goku, Son Gohan, Chi-Chi, Vegeta, Bulma, Piccolo, Freiza, Perfect Cell, Raditz, Krillin, Yamcha, the Ginyu Force (all of them), Broly (Super + Original)
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
Shotaro Kaneda, Tetsuo Shima, Kai, Yamagata, Kei, Kaori
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- TMNT (2012)
Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Splinter
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Bandori / BanG Dream
Kokoro Tsurumaki, Nanami Hiromachi, Chiyu Tamade (Chu²)
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
by Jackieshalom02
"For my dearly beloved ghost."
 (DC; Batman) Based loosely around Arkham Knight. Jason Todd x Fem!oc Rivals to allies to lovers.
Words: 684, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU, Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), Batman: Arkham - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Joker (DCU), Robin (DCU), Duke Thomas, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Pamela Isley, Reader
Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Female Character(s), Batfamily Members & Original Female Character(s), Bruce Wayne & Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Rival Relationship, Partners to Lovers, Partners in Crime, Jason Todd Has Issues, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Mental Health Issues, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Slow Romance, Touch-Starved, Fluff and Angst, Dysfunctional Family, Batfamily (DCU), Superpowers, Morally Ambiguous Character, Jason Todd Deserves Better, Mutual Pining
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47406754
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missfortuneisblue · 2 months
"You know, life is such a fickle thing, really. You're born into the world, tiny and fragile, then suddenly you have to figure out what you have to do in life. You don't really have time to process any of your best childhood moments before responsibilities are thrown at you, especially for the few of us who grew too fast. And especially for the ones who had everything ripped away from them at the age of ten.
My parents were ripped away from me. They were my “everything”, as much I was everything to them. I was—am, actually—their legacy. I am what is left. And I don’t have many stories or details of them to talk about. They were simply acrobats trying to make a living from a shitty workplace, with shitty workers and shitty working conditions, and with an even more shitty boss for a ringleader. They were practically nobodies in this society.
And they were murdered by someone who thought their efforts to entertain weren’t good enough.
Nobodies…targeted by someone disguised as a functional member of society. And left me behind to deal with the consequences of their actions! How ffff-FUCKED is that?
As much as I hate to admit it…
I suffered. I suffered through a hellhole of emotions, survivor’s guilt, and sense of emptiness from that night for 18 years. I was diagnosed way too late, I was refused to get treatment from my boss because he had the audacity to think I was fine and “would grow out of it” so he didn’t have to waste money on ME, and not a single PERSON—other than my maternal figure—in that whole damn circus thought to ask “Hey, Alice! You doin’ good?”…
…so to answer your question…I joined the Joker for a variety of reasons. For a sense of independence to quit an oppressive job, to finally feel free from my personal madhouse, to satisfy my desire of being my own person and do whatever my heart yearns…
And to give back some of the love that society has always shown me.”
— Allison Morrigan, when asked by an Arkham Asylum psychiatrist why she allied with the Joker.
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Everything Burns - Chapter 9
Pairing: Ledger Joker X OC
Warnings: none
Word count: 2414 
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 l Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
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Chapter 9: The Fundraiser
She wasn't sure at what point that night, she had past out, but it can’t have been very long after they had got back in. It was late or rather early, the sun was just beginning to rise as they stumbled into her apartment together. Joker was giddy with happiness, he held he tightly to him and she felt better than she ever had in her life before. When she woke it was morning and to her surprise, the Joker was still there. He smiled madly at her as she removed her stiff body from the sofa and stood her make-up was sticky and it made her slightly itchy.
"I sent our home video to the news station, in no time The real batman will come running or better yet he will show us who he really is," giggled The Joker and Scarlett smiled through her yawn.
She headed off towards the bathroom to scrub her face, as she heard him switch on the TV clearly waiting for them to show his tape.
"I can't wait for the police to find the clue I left them," said the Joker giddily jumping up and down in his seat as he searched through the new channels on the TV.
"Clue" she queried.
"I may have had a little help acquiring the DNA of Commissioner Loeb, Judge Surrillo and Harvey Dent," said the Joker happily.
"Wow, impressive," said Scarlett her eyebrows raised slightly.
"I know, I am, and all this time you thought I was just ignoring you. I've been busy, sweetheart. All three are gonna die tonight. I've got connections now, Mob bosses, crooked cops, Arkham inmates, I've got quite the team now. I know where the Judge and The commissioner are gonna be but Harvey is an unknown at the moment, but once the police work out my clue, they will send a cop to Harvey and I may just tag along. I think Harvey is gonna be the most fun, so I think I'll supervise that one myself. As for the judge and the commissioner, they are already taken care of all they need is a little push" said the Joker laughing madly and Scarlett only grinned.
The phone rang and The Joker shot it a disgusted look as Scarlett answered.
"Hello" she called into the phone and The Joker looked at her strangely and so she poked her tongue out and he simply copied her.
"Hello Miss Jesterson, this is Alfred," said the British accent at the other end of the phone.
"Oh Hi Alfred how are you?" she said happily to the only other Englishman she knew in Gotham.
"I'm very good thank you for asking, I hope you are well, I'm just calling to invite you to Bruce's fund-raiser this evening for Harvey Dent. I did try to call last night but there was no answer" he said
"Oh yeah sorry, I was out last night, but a fund-raiser for Harvey Dent you say?" she said into the phone and The Joker was by her side in a second like a dog being called for dinner. He was nodding at her madly and looked as though he was about ready to snatch the phone from her hands.
"Urr yes, of course, I'll be there, I'm sure I can dig something out to wear, what time?" she said as The Joker continued to jump up and down slightly.
"It starts at 8, we will see you tonight?" said Alfred.
"Yep see you tonight, bye" she called before she hung up and the Joker burst into laughter.
"This is perfect! Now I know where Mr Dent will be" he cackled and she looked at him happily.
"And you can watch the show!"
"But you have to go as you, no Jester tonight," he said shaking his finger in front of her face and she nodded happily before she leaned forward and kissed his finger lightly, before skipping off towards the sofa, leaving him slightly bemused.
He explained his full plan to her as they sat for most of the rest of the day together. The Judge had a bomb planted in her car and the commissioner had a poisoned bottle of scotch as for Harvey the Joker felt that he needed the personal touch, and all this was to get Batman to come out and play. Scarlett wondered if The Batman knew just what he was in for. She couldn’t help but be in pure awe of Joker and just how much of genius he really was. 
Around 6 The Joker left to ready the boys and she began to ready herself, she felt like something was really going to happen tonight and the anticipation was killing her. As she dug through her wardrobe, for something to wear, she found the dress the Joker had got her from her birthday, that felt like so long ago now.
She spent the full hour and a half, getting ready, styling her hair, painting her nails and applying her make-up, when she was finished she was very pleased with the results and she called a cab. When it arrived she jumped in and headed for Bruce Wayne's penthouse. 
She thought over everything the Joker had told her and that's when it finally made sense. Why was the Joker going after Harvey more than the rest? Because Harvey was the icon of good in Gotham, he was Gotham's White Knight and if the Joker killed him then Batman was sure to show his true face. But maybe there was something to The Joker's plan, something more than just killing Harvey.
She thought about everything and that's when she finally understood, he wouldn't just kill Harvey. He would break him down, turn him against the Batman and show Gotham that deep down everyone is bad, no matter how good they seem, no one is incorruptible. That was The Joker's ultimate play.
When she arrived at Bruce's penthouse the room was already full of people chatting, causing the room to sound as though it were full of a thousand flies. The mutterings of the people were almost so distracting she didn't notice when Alfred Pennyworth approached a tray of drinks in his hand.
"Care for a drink?" he said smiling warmly at her, his rough accent not far off her own.
"Alfred how are you?" she said happily with a nod before she took a flute of champagne from the tray.
"I'm very good thank you, and yourself, we heard about your aunt," he said his face growing solemn, she had almost forgotten and so dropped her smile quickly.
"Well yes, I'm fine, we lost contact when I moved here so I hadn't seen her in a long time and she was very old. But I was rather fond of her growing up in England, she used to make the best cake" Scarlett said smiling sadly and Alfred returned the expression.
"I think I'm probably going to fly home next week sometime," she said and Alfred only nodded before a voice of a waiter called and he turned away.
"I'm being beckoned but make yourself comfortable there is food over there," he said motioning with his head with a smile before he was called again.
"Oh right bloody hell, I'm coming" he moaned before he turned his back and walked away.
Scarlett didn't know anyone there, though these people were not the type of people that Scarlett often hung around with, nor did she have any wish to associate with.
She mingled her way into a conversation and soon was laughing along with their grandiloquent jokes.
"So what is it that you do then, Scarlett?" said the woman to her right, in an overly friendly way. She knew it was a fake politeness and she despised it but she needed to keep her cool. 
"I'm a nurse practitioner at Gotham General Hospital" she replied smiling before she took a sip of her drink.
"Oh wow, that super, but I don't think I could do it myself. I think if I got vomited on I would vomit too" said another overly pretentious woman and she laughed slightly.
"Well I work on the wards so there isn't so much of that now, but I used to work in the emergency department. There it wasn't so much the vomit as the blood and guts" Scarlett said with a laugh but the others didn't seem to get her joke and looked at her strangely. Scarlett sighed and grabbed another flute of drink as the waiter passed and excused herself from the group.
The elevator doors opened and out stepped Rachel Dawes and Harvey Dent. Rachel spotted Scarlett almost instantly and headed over whispering a quick word in Dent's ear, before heading over to were Scarlett stood. Scarlett smiled happily at the brunette woman, though she had never really liked Rachel. It was just something about her, she didn't know what it was, she just didn't like her. They had met when they were young, Bruce introducing the pair when they were hardly teenagers. But before she had to force pleasantries with Rachel, everyone's attention was pulled away as a helicopter began to land on the helipad outside the penthouse.
Scarlett watched as Bruce climbed out the helicopter, before helping out three tall beautiful women, he walked over to the door with one under each arm and the third following behind, Alfred held the door for him.
"I'm sorry that I'm late. I'm glad to see that you all got started without me." Bruce called as the door was shut behind him and the girls under his arms dispersed into the crowd.
"Now, where is Harvey?" Bruce began making his way through the crowd.
"Where-?" Bruce spotted Harvey and made a beeline for him.
"Harvey Dent, the man of the hour," Bruce said holding his hands out towards Harvey.
"Where's Rachel Dawes?" he said looking at the crowd again before he spotted Rachel and Scarlett stood together.
"She is my oldest friend. Come here," he said motioning for Rachel to go to him, Rachel crossed her arms over her chest and gave Scarlett a look before she headed off to meet Bruce.
"You know when Rachel first told me she was dating Harvey Dent, I had one thing to say: "The guy from those God-awful campaign commercials?" "I believe in Harvey Dent." Yeah, nice slogan, Harvey." Bruce said the crowd around Scarlett laughed in chorus.
"But it caught Rachel's attention. And then I started to pay attention to Harvey … and all that he's been doing as our new DA. And you know what? I believe in Harvey Dent. I believe that on his watch Gotham can feel a little safer, a little more optimistic. Look at this face. This is the face of Gotham's bright future. To Harvey Dent. Let's hear it for him." Said Bruce and in unison, everyone began to clap.
After that Bruce dispersed into the crowd and Scarlett moved away, not allowing Rachel to catch her in conversation again. Nor did she have much interest in talking to Bruce, after all she knew she was here simply for numbers and politeness. Having met the Joker meant that Scarlett looked at certain things differently now, and her friendship with Bruce was defiantly one of those. Was he really her friend or did he just feel sorry for her because she had no one else. But she did now, she had someone who filled her life so perfectly that all other would naturally be pushed aside. 
Bruce's house was on the top of one of Gotham's highest buildings and she peered over the edge, through the enormous glass windows that surrounded three sides of Bruce's front room. For a moment she imagined throwing herself out the window and over the edge. The wind flying through her hair, before the ground came up to meet her and then there was nothing. Her beautiful thoughts were interrupted by a voice and Scarlett turned to the man leaning on the window beside her.
"I don't think we have met, I'm Marcus," said the man and Scarlett faked a smiled.
"Scarlett" she offered her name but not her hand.
"So how do you know Harvey then?" he said making small talk, inside her head she was imagining blowing his head off but her face told none of this as her sweet smile continued.
"I don't but I went to school with Bruce," she said and the man only nodded. After all that all it really was, they went to school together, there really was nothing else the pair had in common. 
"Wow from your accent I wouldn't have known you were educated here," he said and she simply shrugged her shoulders.
"So Australia?" he asked trying to guess her accent, she resisted the urge to roll her eyes or even worse and smiled laughed slightly.
"Not quite, England," she said a fake cheery smile on her face.
"Oh well they all sound the same to me," he said and Scarlett resisted the urge to kick him through the window.
"You are stunning you know that," he said trying to change the subject, this time Scarlett did roll her eyes.
"What?! You don't believe me, I bet half the men in here agree and the other half are gay," he said with a chuckle, she didn’t bother faking a smile this time.
"Look, I'm not really here to be flirted at, in fact, I supposed to be meeting someone here a bit later on" she admitted to him, but Marcus didn't seem that broken down.
"So you are dating this guy?" he said
"No" she replied, She wasn’t sure what she and Joker had. Was it more than friendship, it certain felt like more. 
"So, what's the problem then, we are only having fun," he said raising his eyebrows at her.
"Is that what you call it?" she asked sarcasm dripping from her words.
She couldn't wait for The Joker to get here, she knew she would have to keep up her act even then but at least then there would be some entertainment.
"So can I have your number?" asked Marcus, bringing her out of her thoughts.
"Umm no," she said before she smiled kindly and wondered off past him
But she didn't get far when finally the night started getting good.
"We made it!" called an all to familiar voice.
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Because i am so excited about the sequel to "if you're good at something" i was thinking a lot about J and Nora again and i was wondering if J and / or Nora would do something special about the first anniversary day of Nora saving J's life in the clinic when they met for the very first time.
I don't think J is a big fan of sentiment but Nora is his special girl, so who knows? 🤷‍♀️
What do you think? 🥰
Oh my goodness!! 😭😭😭😭 my heart!!!! I’m so damn touched that you’ve been thinking about J and Nora omg!!! ❤️❤️ and THAT is a fantastic idea!! I absolutely love it and you bet it’s gonna be included!! I know exactly what to do!
Seriously thank you SO much for sending me this ask, you’re the sweetest! I love the idea and you made my day! 💖
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teejaywyatt1 · 3 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Suicide Squad (2016), DC Extended Universe, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Joker (DCU)/Original Female Character(s), Joker (DCU)/Reader, Joker (DCU)/You Characters: Joker (DCU), Batman Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Content, Drugged Sex, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Dominance, Rough Sex, Violence, Clubbing, Gang Violence, Organized Crime Summary:
To think a night partying with friends would get you involved with an infamous, psychopathic crime lord was ludicrous...and yet here you are. (Black reader insert fic.
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