#jonah stress
terry02jak · 8 months
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Just Vibing at Night
So, only to say, this is just a semi-vent picture.
I also felt somewhat nostalgic and drew my fursona with black eye, that is also reference to animation memes from 2006, where characters had black eyes, when they were showing off their bad side.
(Not to mention the fact, that I actually drew my fursona like that, when I was younger).
That wasp thing is literally an embodiment of my bad moods or negative feelings.
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The erasure of Andi Mack makes me so sad as someone who watched it as it was airing. I understand the show had issues regarding a Certain Actor, but it still makes me really sad for the people who worked on it. And because the show is such a gem. I want to write about Andi Mack in general one day, but because it's pride month I want to briefly talk about the show through that lens specifically.
Firstly, Andi Mack has so many episodes missing on Disney+ AND DisneyNow that it would be impossible to try to watch the series in full by using any of these apps. Until recently, DisneyNow had completely removed Andi Mack from its app, and put it back on with only an incomplete season three and without any of the games that were there originally (like Andi's Texts). This, I'm assuming, has to do with that Certain Actor, but the missing episodes has also made including Cyrus in any pride posts or collections harder than it should be (more on that in a second).
On Disney+, there is a "Pride Collection" which does not include anything Andi Mack related despite Cyrus being the first openly gay main character on Disney Channel. His coming out scenes (plural because of the individual scenes with Buffy, Andi and then Jonah) were extremely prominent not only to real people, but also to Cyrus' character as a whole. Two out of the three episodes where Cyrus comes out - "Hey, Who Wants Pizza?" (season 2, episode 1) | "Cyrus' Bash-Mitzvah!" (season 2, episode 13) | "One in a Minyan" (season 3, episode 11) - are not even available on Disney+, nor are any of them on DisneyNow (sidebar, Andi Mack isn't featured on DisneyNow 's pride section either). What's even more frustrating is that the series finale, "We Were Here", where Cyrus and TJ are confirmed to have mutual feelings for each other, are available on both Disney+ AND DisneyNow, yet it does not feature on either app's pride sections. Cyrus being gay wasn't just implied, he literally says the words "I'm gay" the third time he comes out and the second time he clearly says he has a crush on Jonah. It's not easy to overlook him as gay, and as a character who should be included in those pride collections, so his omission is clearly deliberate.
Even if the coming out episodes weren't featured, at the very least, any episode with Cyrus and TJ after they became friends should count; episodes like "For the Last Time", "The Cake That Takes the Cake", "Mount Rushmore or Less", "Something to Talk A-Boot" and of course the series finale. Surprising no one, only three of the Tyrus episodes I listed (and there are more) are actually on Disney+. I mean, they included a Miraculous episode in the Disney+ "Pride Episodes" collection that had the most minute blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene of Alec in a wig, so why not include any episode at all with TJ and Cyrus? Idk the whole thing is just very frustrating for so many reasons.
Edit: if anyone is interested in putting together a fan collection of art, stories etc etc of Andi Mack or letters detailing what the show meant to you that we could somehow share with Terri Minsky to let her know how much we appreciate her and Andi Mack, please dm me. There has to be some way we can show her that we haven’t forgotten about the show or her. I can always make another post if there’s enough interest to spread the word
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dilutedbeanibeans · 1 year
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dandyleyen · 5 months
Spoilers, duh !
I knew something was up with that slimy little motherfucker. I felt it for so long and it's so incredibly satisfying to have this reveal finally. The thing that really had cemented it for me was when we learned a couple episodes back (I can't remember now) that somebody was surprised to hear that Elias was the new head of the institute and that he had apparently gone through a change ? I'd been theorizing for some time now that Jonah had somehow become Elias and I had no clue how. I figured he had gotten help from another entity somehow because I couldn't grasp how it would have happened. THIS ? This is beautiful. This is golden. This is EVERYTHING. Ohhhhh I KNEW IT !!!! Jonah Magnus you little fucking freak.
Also I'm elated to see that Martin was, in fact, playing the fuck out of Peter. He was still frustrating this season but it's nice to have confirmation that he knew full well that Peter was full of shit. We have officially reached the point where I am caught up ! I no longer know what is next or what to expect at all from this podcast so everything will now be a regular listen rather than a relisten ! Fascinating
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betonbennett · 3 months
Would you awfully mind bringing me a book, dear? I think I could do with a distraction from Elias's rather smitten state.
I– Of course! I would not mind at all.
Would you um, prefer anything in particular or is whichever alright?
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ragyragd0ll · 1 month
Let me be completely honest, I thought Amon was short for the longest time until he was described as "tall and slender" in one route.
I also couldn't decide how to pronounce his name and just stuck with the thing that sounded closest to "almond"
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r0tting-teeth · 1 year
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behold! it’s the evil eye guy doing evil eye guy things!
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J. Jonah Jameson is crying in a corner
So, I saw a post about Harry telling the world about Peter's secret Identity and it got me thinking. Imagine Harry telling J. Jonah Jameson that he knows who Spiderman is but refuses to tell him anything else. Like, one day Peter brings Harry to his work and Jameson is being a total dick about spiderman while Peter tries to defend him (Spiderman). Harry not taking a liking to the boyfriend slander lets it slip that he knows who Spiderman is cause his dad told him (at this point everyone knows that Norman was the goblin). J. Jonah Jameson is interrogating Harry and Harry refuses to tell him. Poor Jameson is trying to do everything he can to get the scoop while Harry continues to be a petty rich gay. Jameson even considers threatening Peter's job, but he knows Peter doesn't deserve that and that doing it would guarantee that he will never know the identity of his rival.
Meanwhile Peter is in the back annoyed but in awe at the sheer pettiness of his boyfriend
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humlors · 5 months
Drawing ships w height difference:
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Realizing all reference pics don't account for said height difference, so you have to adjust it yourself and hope it doesn't look absolutely nuts:
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Since I based my TMAGP!Gerry and Needles off their voice actors, I figured I’d do the same for the main cast. Subject to change of course, but I’ve really come around to loving these freaks.
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mordechai rarely emotes. his emotion range is angry to irritated/annoyed to patronizing
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stillcominback · 1 year
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
jonah can't sleep that night, and adam stays up with him, being a silent comfort and shoulder to lean on, despite really wanting to ask what happened, he has enough self awareness not to
meanwhile seth is in his room blaming himself for even letting jonah out of his sight... aughgh.... :(( /lh
:( /lh
Everyone's having a bad time in this house tonight-
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a-mint-bear · 1 year
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The Boys (again)
fixed some typos and formatting and revised V's story a bit
V doesn't have the people pleasing skills to be a full-on cult leader, as the right hand, he can be above everyone else and dole out punishment as he pleases, and he can be questioned by the commune members (if they're dumb lol)
but the mystery becomes who would this narcissistic lunatic listen to?
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hehosts-moved · 10 months
ren’s English VC for both singing and speaking is now jonah scott — listen to him here! his Japanese VC is still mamoru ✨✨
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ask-lemon-and-apple · 2 years
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