#jonathan irons
clambuoyance · 9 months
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[DC] Smiley supers vs older angry supers slightly inspired by the My Adventures with Superman style (mainly the eyes) plus several superfam doodles!
The third pic is all based on panels from recent comics in Action Comics, Knight Terrors, and Steelworks
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nameforthemain · 6 months
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Alligator Loki #25
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fae-morrigan · 11 days
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happy pride, jon kent! (original onion article here)
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moonsun2010 · 2 years
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The End.
Thank you for reading Dracula Daily!
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dailydccomics · 9 months
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they are the family of all time Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow #6
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dragonseeds · 10 months
love and light to everyone but if i see one more post that’s like “the point of asoiaf is that feudalism is BAD” i’m going to rip out my hair and start eating dirt and worms. like yes, it is bad. yes, monarchies are bad. yes so true it’s annoying when people ignore all of that and focus on who they think deserves the throne more. but that’s not the point—that is the premise? it’s the beginning of the exploration and deconstruction. functionally this system is rigid (specifically in terms of gender and class) and horrifically violent: so what it’s really like to live in it? to try to be a hero, a knight, to be a lady in a world where your body belongs to your family, your lord, your order? is it possible to be a good person in a hierarchal world like this, with such vast power imbalances woven throughout it and every relationship and interaction that you have informed by that? how do you navigate that imbalance in order to have meaningful relationships—can you every truly do it? and who decides what is good? how do you know if it’s truly right or it just felt right because it’s what you wanted to do? what about the people who have no name, no family, no order: what happens to them? don’t they matter? what if in a lifetime of looking the other way or actively causing others harm, you do a few things—maybe one thing—that’s objectively good: does it mean anything? does it matter, even if no one ever knows? what if the best thing you ever did broke every vow you made, every law that governs your society? how do you live with that dissonance?
what’s it like to be a ruler, to be a king or queen—is it possible to be a good one in such an unequal system? to wield power justly? who decides what is just? who decides who should rule? at which point does the amount of power someone can have cross the line into too much? is it when you stop trying to figure out how to use it correctly and worry only about how to keep it? if holding onto it costs you everything, your family and all your relationships, is it still worth it? what if having that much power available is necessary to the survival of your people, maybe even your world, but when it’s misused the carnage left behind is beyond articulation—is it still worth it? are the lives it saves worth the lives it took? how do you measure that? who carries the weight of that choice and how? how do you live with it? how do you go on living in a world that can be harsh and cruel and unfair, a world where your good intentions and your personhood seem to matter very little in the face of someone else’s greed or when compared to the yoke of your duty? and the questions never stop and the answers when and if they come are rarely easy, but the point is that you keep asking and keep trying because that’s what it means to be alive lol
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kal8elle · 1 month
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By https://x.com/TJFriasArt
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biscuitrule · 8 months
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I miss them 🥲
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For around six months now I've been living next to an actual real life archive, and it's unnervingly similar to TMA! Here's a few notable things from these past months:
-i watched a balding man in a very posh suit carry a massive antique briefcase out of the building and put it into his car at 4am
-at 12:30am i made direct eye contact with someone working at a computer on a floor I'd never seen anyone go before. (there's a section of car park and pavement between my building and the archive so this was pretty impressive! )
-The smoking area is always full at weirdly specific hours of day and night (presumably breaks), and completely empty the rest of the time. Clearly archiving really does encourage a smoking habit!
-one of the floors has really bright LED lights which were left on day and night for a week, then off for four days, and now are on with every single blind closed.
-for the first few months I only ever saw three people go in or out of the building- a generic looking security guard who yells at people that park in front of the entrance; and a dishevelled looking man, pursued by another man from the smoking area.
-from my window I can see directly into a room that's filled with mannequins! I couldn't tell what they were at first due to the sheer amount, but they range from cpr dummies to full body mannequins.
-despite being able to see many desks I've only consistently seen two people working at them.
-the fire alarm once went off for hours and nobody evacuated.
-recently at 3am I watched a security guard from the building come out to feed bagels to the fox in the car park (not really that relevant but I thought it was quite nice)
-two of the windows have humanlike figures in them at all times, but they're impossible to focus on so I have no idea what they are.
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Michael Bishop shared a few pictures from the Superman And Lois Wrap Party
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momachan · 1 month
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"I've fought alien hordes, was stranded outside of reality, and I've explored the multiverse... Still, even with all the adventures I've had, right now feels like the most epic moment I've ever had in my life. I finally have my place in this family and in this universe... I can't wait to see where it brings me."
Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow (2023).
This is a great comic.
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Jonathan: Are we going to be okay?
Geoffrey: No. You're in a relationship with me. Nothing is going to be okay.
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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the Superfamily by Dan Mora
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fae-morrigan · 1 year
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drew the entire superfam in 2 days because i am insane
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turtlemurmurs · 2 months
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cartoonifies your archival men
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froot-batty · 9 months
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you check yourself into a mental asylum and they come out to greet you what do you do
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