#jordan lore
avielex · 10 months
Your hurting will heal. Your waiting will end. Your life will come again. Laugh your heart out and be free.
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caption: excerpt from a short fic about jordan using a boggart to talk to their young self. (yes you read right, the boggart turns into their young self.)
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haliaiii · 4 months
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funger sketches :)))
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catpriciousmarjara · 8 months
Okay so there's this dp x dc tumblr post about the JL finding the Ghost King's family tree or something and lots of misunderstandings happening but I can't find it anymore and would be grateful if someone would send it to me... Anyhow I was inspired by it and this is the result!
Also on ao3 if you wanna check it out there!
The Family Tree
"So you're telling me this is just a family tree?", Green Lantern asked with a frown on his face.
Bruce could see Constantine's eyes twitching at that question. As always, leave it to Hal Jordan to annoy people.
"This isn't just anything", the sorcerer said with narrowed eyes. "It's a Class-X magical artifact. If this thing is used as a focus for a ritual, the magnitude of magical energy would rise by at least 80 factors. For those of you non-magical or unfamiliar with magic, that's fucking huge."
Beside him Zatanna nodded, her gaze still fixed on the ancient manuscript. She hadn't taken her eyes off the scroll for more than a minute since she got to the Watch Tower and first saw it spread out on the containment room table. Constantine was the same. Captain Marvel was not present, working along with Superman, Hawkgirl, and Aquaman on a case, but his reactions have always been dissimilar from his magical colleagues, so his case might be anywhere between staying the hell away from it to trying to inhale it.
It was clear to Bruce that Zatanna coveted it, but was sensible and cautious enough to stay away from it. Constantine had no sense so he was a tossup. From where he was standing between Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter, the Gotham vigilante resolved to keep an eye on the two magicians. They most likely won't try to steal the artifact, considering the heavy dose of 'not messing with that thing' overshadowing the desire to possess it, but the scroll itself might be enchanted to encourage covetous feelings on those nearby. It wouldn't be the first time. Better safe than sorry.
It was Diana that stepped up towards the two JL Dark members to seek more clarification. As both a Demigod and as someone familiar with magic, she was usually the one taking point on such issues.
She gestured to the scroll innocently sitting inside the runic circle the two mages had constructed around it. "You have told us that the artifact is not destructive, that it is merely a record, and that the information it contains is not a spell, or a runic arrangement, or a magic circle. You have also told us that the strange energy readings coming from it are mostly due to the material it's made out of than any catastrophic sorcery enchanted into it. You have at last decoded it as a record of a family tree. Yet it is dangerous, a Class-X relic as you've said. Given all this information, I suppose the correct question to ask here is this: why is a family tree capable of raising magical energy output by 80 factors?"
The two magicians looked at each other. Zatanna finally pried her eyes away from the scroll and faced the room.
"Magic is a force that simultaneously has laws but at the same time adheres to none. It's confusing to explain but for the time being just keep that in mind."
She walked to the center of the room, followed by Constantine, visibly trying to collect her words. Bruce prepared himself for a complicated explanation and activated another one of the batsuit's recorders. He felt the urge to sigh, for a supposed unchained force, Magic was needlessly complex at times, and practically incomprehensible to non-magicals.
At the front, Zatanna took a deep breath and began.
"As you know there are multiple dimensions. But magical dimensions come under a different category. Depending on the overall magical potential of a particular magical dimension, we call it the World State Stable Thaumaturgical Output Capacity, we can classify these dimensions in grades and levels, as either higher or lower, with relation to each other. These levels are dependent on a multitude of variables like space, time, gravity, Events, Proximity, etc and as such are non-linear, and unfixed. That's the first thing."
Bruce could practically see the capitals on the last two. Looks like they would need to hold another meeting to clarify a lot of these concepts. Seeing the dawning of lost expressions on some of the members however, Bruce mentally amended that to many future meetings.
Zatanna continued. "Magical objects from higher dimensions become stronger in lower ones. The inverse is also true. This is all in relation to the Overture and the same polarity orientation of course but we don't need to get into that now-"
On the contrary Bruce thought they really needed more explanation on all of that.
"-In simple terms, a child's toy from a higher dimension could become the focus for an apocalyptic ritual in a much lower dimension, while an apocalyptic artifact from a lower dimension might as well be paperweight in a sufficiently higher one. There are ways around it, but if those methods are not implemented, then this is how it generally goes. The larger the level difference, the higher the power."
Now that wasn't concerning at all. Bruce really needed to update his contingency plans regarding magic.
Constantine continued from where Zatanna left off, looking like he'd rather be anywhere but here.
"The second thing is that when it comes to magic, things that are indefinable or unquantifiable become definable and quantifiable. Stuff like love, hate, happiness, despair, fate, necessity, authority? All measurable. Not always needed of course, But definitely possible and frequently used in a variety of magical fields."
The sorcerer leaned against a nearby chair. "One such thing is Significance. The magic contained in true names for instance is mostly based on significance. A true name is significant to you, its a doorway to your soul, and therefore it holds power. Significance is also what we call a positive, additive factor in magic. In the absence of interfering variables, significance as a quantity is directly proportional to magical output. In other words-"
"-the more significant an object or an event, the higher the magical energy output, and consequently higher the magical power", J'onn finished. He looked towards the scroll. "The information recorded on it, the family tree as you've said, valuable in significance, most likely in terms of whose family it's a record of. In addition, the artifact is from a higher dimension with relation to ours, and that has a cumulative effect."
"Yeah exactly", said Constantine with a raised eyebrow. "Which means that if that hypothetical toy Zatanna mentioned? If that happened to be important enough, like a first toy, or a cherished gift or something like that, its significance increases, its potential increases, and in the right hands, or in the wrong hands really, that potential could be harnessed at a lower level."
There was a bout of thoughtful silence as they absorbed all of the information.
But Bruce felt as if he had been quiet enough and took the chance to ask a question of his own. "You mentioned something called the Overture, and polarity orientation. What do they mean?"
Constantine just sighed. "For fuck's sake Batsy those things aren't really important to the discussion..."
Bruce just stared.
..."Fine", the mage said in defeat. "There are many names for it, the Overture, Exordium, Legerdomain, Nascence...but the most accepted two are the Beforebirth, and the Womb. It's not a something as much as it's a someplace, but then again it's not really a place either. Simply put it's the birthplace of Magic, where it all began and all that. It can't be accessed without the Key and that's been lost for a long time. It's actually a mission for many magicals to find it you know? A holy quest for a lot of them. Some of them are straight up crazy though."
Bruce field that information safely away. Figure out a plan to combat fanatic magicians trying to find the birthplace of magic for sinister reasons. "And polarity?"
"Well", Zatanna began, "its how magic is classified according to the nature of...magic? Or rather the essence? It's hard to put in mundane terms...Anyhow broadly speaking there are two main polarities, the Obverse, and the Reverse."
For a moment, she struggled with the explanation before brightening, seemingly having found an idea.
"Picture a number line, but like on the y-axis! Zero is the Overture, Obverse dimensions are the positive number side, and Reverse dimensions are the negative numbers! The higher up the obverse dimension, the larger its magical output! Similarly, the lower down the reverse dimension, the higher its magical output."
Bruce had hardly parsed through that when their resident speedster spoke up.
"Guys", the red clad hero said, "I feel like we missed the obvious follow up question after Ollie over here...like I feel like this is important, but where exactly is the scroll from?"
As one everyone turned towards the artifact.
Constantine grimaced and Zatanna winced. They looked at each other as if asking who wanted to bite the bullet. Finally it looked as if Constantine lost. The sorcerer cursed under his breath.
"Well which dimension is the scroll from?", asked Wonder Woman.
Constantine took what looked like a fortifying breath.
"It's from the Infinite Realms."
"What?", the Green Lantern asked intelligently.
"It's from the Infinite Realms. As in Infinite. As in end of the figurative fucking line, number line whatever!"
Everyone stared at the magicians as understanding slowly dawned.
There was what was essentially a magical nuke in the Watch Tower.
"Now", began Martian Manhunter, "this is unfortunate".
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snikt111 · 8 months
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propertyofwhitney67 · 7 months
Things I liked that I found on blogspot
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dolyx · 28 days
(other q&a answers that i wanna save. personally interested in the chance of going to sydney's house.)
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poppy-metal · 8 months
thinking about the line in episode 3 where jordans dad was talking about the girl jordan used to be childhood friends with n how jordan would make a good 'husband' and jordan says "we were trying on prom dresses in high-school so maybe we'd be wives." and now im creating a whole backstory of being jordans childhood best friend who was probably jordans first love, the first person to accept both forms of them and still love them as a whole, and how they probably wanted to kiss her but never did, because they were too terrified back then to ever kiss another girl in their fem form.
and now im thinking of that girl, probably grown apart from jordan since they got accepted into GodU and estranged themselves from their family, thinking about her in her normal human college, with her shitty boyfriend, staring at the polaroid picture of her and jordan that'd been taken ages ago, junior year of high-school in a shitty mall photo booth, 3 of the pictures of her and jordan as a guy, and the last, of jordan as a girl, her smile big and dimpled. the edges of the photo are faded as the girl runs her fingers over that smile, and she wonders if jordan is happy. thinks about those small moments when they were growing up when she'd wanted jordan to kiss her, as a guy, as a girl, but it never happened.
she hoped at least, they found someone they can smile that big with again.
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pinkb00bsocks · 7 months
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
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have some sillies… i miss my starbornes
(also bonus o!flower husbands cause why not.. thinks about avian-starbornes)
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avielex · 10 months
holy water cannot help you now.
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(lore summary: jordan casts protego diabolica in a furious attempt to protect their friends but end up actually incinerating an enemy and watching the guy dissolve into ashes in front of their very eyes)
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musicalislife · 3 months
Nace lore
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
if origins does come back soon i am BEGGING for a sneeg-jordan interaction. man who’s only here to fuck around and find out vs man who’s so into the roleplay he refuses to break character even for a second. unstoppable force meets an immovable object. this is not a want this is a need
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propertyofwhitney67 · 6 months
I went digging for more lore and answers
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pornstar-beauties · 1 year
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poppy-metal · 6 months
Okay but in which form does mafia Jordan marries reader?
masc bc its what their father expects and they dont want to deal with the uproar of both your familes for one act of defiance, even if it pisses them off that its 2023 and everyone's still so fucking concerned w that shit. they spend the whole day as a guy, and its not like they hate being a man, its half of who they are, but the expectation that they have to be one on this day is what makes them upset. shifting at the end of the night is a relief, almost.
and they dont comment on it, but they notice the way you dont seem to be grossed out - or offended - by sleeping in the same bed as a woman. one of the reasons jordan has dreaded marriage, is because, in this life, they'd known - they'd expected - for their wife to want them to be predominantly a man around her. your lack of reaction to sharing your marriage bed with them in fem!form makes them look at you differently.
even if you're completely naive about how sex works, they can tell its from a place of misinformation and not hate. a small part of them warms up to you that night, just for that.
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jordan-the-pious · 5 months
Jordan looked up from their phone as their name was called. The last several days had been beyond stressful, with the last hour and a half alone surpassing anything they had ever experienced. It was no wonder they had a crushing migraine. All this stuff with Briar… it was bringing up old memories and bad feelings, things Jordan thought they had long since forgotten about. They supposed Briar just has a way of sticking around, even when they aren’t wanted.
Snapping back to reality, they stood and walked towards the young nurse who had called their name, offering him a smile. Silently, they were led back to an appointment room.
“So, what brings you in today?” The nurse asked politely.
“Ah I’ve um, I’ve had this headache for the last bit. Nothing I’ve done has helped get rid of it, I believe it’s stress related though. I was hoping you could help me out.”
“A headache…” the nurse took some notes. Jordan swallowed, suddenly feeling nervous for no reason. They knew Briar said they were on their way to the hospital, but surely that was a bluff, right? And if it wasn’t they’d be stopped by the staff, Jordan really didn’t want to see them right now. They didn’t know what they might say in a fit of emotion right now.
The nurse stood up, jolting Jordan out of their thoughts. He approached, and began taking Jordan’s blood pressure. Jordan looked at the floor in front of their feet, unsure where else to rest their gaze.
“Alright, everything sounds normal, I’ll let Doctor Harper know that you’re here! They’ll be in shortly!” Jordan exchanges another small smile with the nurse before being left alone in silence with just themselves and their thoughts.
How awful. This was the very last thing they needed right now. To have to sit and think. They could get their device back out, but that was what led to this mess in the first place. If they had never made that account, never started posting, they wouldn’t have seen Briar again. Wouldn’t have spoken to them again. Wouldn’t have caught their attention again.
They should have known from the last time they caught their attention how it was. They had been a good, pure child, and Briar had approached them with impure intentions. They wanted to corrupt Jordan’s soul, saw it as a challenge they were desperate to undertake. They got close to Jordan, infiltrated every aspect of the young initiates life. They because everything to Jordan, and Jordan foolishly assumed they were everything to Briar.
At one point Briar had come clean. Told to truth about why they approached Jordan in the first place, but swore that it was different now, that their feelings were real and true, and that they wanted to spend the future together. And Jordan believed them. They were so earnest, so desperate in the way they said it, that it had to be true.
But it wasn’t.
They had passed the test to be sworn to one another, and were just waiting for the ritual to start. Back then there was more of delay between events, it was faster now because of this incident. They had both been pure when they left the temple after passing their test, but upon inspection the next day before the ceremony, Briar was no longer pure. They had broken the oath, broken the promise, betrayed Jordan, all at the very last minute.
They didn’t even have the dignity to tell Jordan themselves, they had to find out from the Head Priestess at the time. She was a kindly old woman, and had always been like a Grandmother to Jordan. So when she walked in with a horrible look on her face, Jordan knew something was wrong.
“What is it?” They asked. “Is Briar okay? Are they injured?”
“Far worse my child. They betrayed you.”
That was the last time Jordan spoke of Briar for many years. After this incident they devoted themselves fully to the temple, and were soon selected to be the successor to the High Priestess. They had hoped these memories would stay buried. But nothing ever works out the way we want it to.
Jordan was pulled from their contemplation by a knock at the door, and it opening to reveal Dr. Harper. They exchanged hellos and smiles, and a few pleasantries before the doctor got down to business.
“So I understand you’ve had a headache for the last couple of days?” Doctor Harper’s methodical voice asked, every syllable measured.
“Yes Doctor. I think I’ve just been stressed recently.”
“I understand. Well, since you don’t have any history of headaches, I think just a pain killer and a good nights sleep should fix you right up.”
“That’s wonderful news! Thank you so much Doctor. Oh, but um, while we’re on the subject, I know it isn’t really allowed, but could I maybe be permitted to spend the night here, at the hospital? I love the temple but I fear returning to my place of work so quickly might make the stress worse.”
Harper raked their eyes up and down Jordan’s form, a sick smile appearing on their face. “Oh of course you can! Here, go ahead and take this pain killer for me, and I’ll go get the necessary paperwork. I am looking forward to you spending the night with me.” Harper said, pulling a small pink pill from their coat pocket.
Jordan smiled in return, and took the pill without a second thought.
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