#jordan watches bridgerton
alphinias · 2 months
I can’t wait to see Colin completely lose his restraint with Penelope in contrast to all this “being a gentleman” with Marina 🤭
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wh0re-behavi0r · 1 month
Bridgerton s3 ep 1 reactions:
Francesca is really pretty
Kate and Anthony are still everything!!
Non white cultures typically don't kick parents out so I'm glad Kate brought up the fact that she could stay
Agatha is slaying I love her
Penelope is so awkward I feel her
I like that when she asked for a break, Anthony was a lot more relaxed and kind. He's very gentle with his young siblings it's cute.
I get Eloise's change of heart about Pen, I'm with her and also she's so much like her mom, especially when she utters an apology.
The guy interested in Pen,,,,, we love to see it
Pen writes badly about her loved ones too often, it really is hurtful whether or not she's intending to be. I wonder what the fallout + resolution will look like for her and Colin because I wouldnt be able to handle that.
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aahsoka · 1 month
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are u trying to insinuate that the ending of episode 4 was somehow. not extremely straightforward?
“he fingered her and then asked her to marry him” like thats it lmfao.
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alligator-tearzz · 2 months
R.I.P Van Der Linde Gang 💔 You would have loved:
(seen a few ppl do this,, if you started this definitely lmk and I’ll credit u !!)
updated to add Kieran and Sean
Dutch - Self help books, those podcasts where people give you terribly incorrect health information and claim that they’re doctors
Uncle - The massage chairs in malls, Frank Gallagher, insane reddit stories that definitely never happened, scamming disability cheques from the government
Abigail - iPhone’s share your location feature, the Parent Teacher Association, audiobooks
Arthur - Remote control racing cars (aarwh it’s a toy boat!), the catch and cook youtube videos, Cowboy Carter by Beyoncé, free healthcare mayhaps…..
John - Maury, The sassy man apocalypse on TikTok, Sitting and watching Bluey in a trance with Abigail after Jack has already gone to bed
Miss Grimshaw - Supernanny, Judge Judy, Spas, Massages, Bear Grylls probably, Bed Bath and Beyond
Sadie - Streetwear, absolutely bodying men on FPS games, Rage rooms
Charles - Axe throwing to get the frustration out, wildlife protection acts, David Attenborough, ATLA
Javier - The head massage you get when you get your hair washed at the salon, edibles, Guitar Hero, collecting vinyls
Hosea - Game shows like The Chase and Deal or No Deal, Dolly Parton probably, cruises, community libraries where you take a book and leave a book behind
Strauss - Cryptocurrency, whatsapp scams
Mary-Beth - Wattpad, Ao3, Booktok, you name it. Those fanfic movie adaptations like After, 50 shades of Grey etc, Cottagecore aesthetic, Taylor Swift, TikTok edits, Bridgerton
Tilly - Those ‘Day in the Life of’ Tiktoks, Jazz bars, Chloe x Halle, cruises as well
Karen - How To Get Away With Murder, Bottomless brunch, Reality shows with a bunch of drama like Love Island or Married at First Sight, Ru Paul’s Drag Race
Bill - Mardi Gras, Brokeback Mountain 😋, Home Depot, probably, those giant American cars that are on the verge of being trucks, Call of Duty
Pearson - Those late night infomercials that show random kitchen utensils like a garlic mincer or a nutribullet blender, Reddit, Spending money on E-Harmony, standing in the club and staring awkwardly at a woman, Dungeons and Dragons
Lenny - Online self paced university, Jordan Peele movies, Studio Ghibli movies, Noise cancelling headphones, The Last of Us
Kieran - Animal crossing, Saddle Club, the Wikihow “how to talk to girls” page, taking horrible advice from tik tok just because the person who posted it sounded trustworthy, astrology probably
Sean - Getting drunk at local football games and heckling the other team, claiming he’s not into Karen’s reality shows but then standing there watching the whole episode with his arms crossed while asking her about every single person and their drama, would most definitely be famous for yapping on Twitter, Derry Girls would be his fave show
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just watched gen V episodes 1-3, lets go opinions nobody asked for!!
I'm all in. It may be my black girl mc bias, but I am deeply invested.
I was really not into The Boys. The color-grading, bleak outlook on humanity, and six millionth deconstruction of superman all felt stale to me, and I wasn't a fan of incels recieving new ammo, no matter how satirical it was.
Watching Gen V though made me honestly want to give it another chance.
My one criticism is the criticism I have with most mainstream film, which is the lack of subtlety. There is a bigender character, a schizophrenic character, and a character with an ED in this show, and that is not even the half of it. I would appreciate this more if the show would talk directly to those audiences instead of seemingly spending the whole show adding footnotes explaining those concepts to the general public. But I can let this slide because a foot in the door is a foot in the door and we really need that right now.
Meta aside, oh my GOD this story. I have never been so invested in my life.
Andre and Cate haven't really grabbed me emotionally, but they're both acted so well that i'm intrigued anyways.
Jordan is really fun for me because she has a story outside of her gender. He's really direct and cool and is the exact character archetype I catch feelings for in media. He's also played by TWO actors who have blended their performances so well that I kept forgetting they were separate people.
Marie, Emma, and Sam are so perfect I could probably write dissertations on them, but for now I will settle for saying Waterworld is almost definitely foreshadowing, and if it's not it's a metaphor.
The DEAN is such good writing. They casted an actress who played a loving mother in bridgerton to be a sneak-attack villain, and I haven't seen such a good twist of expectations since Chris Evans in Knives Out.
idk i never know how to end these that's all I got.
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pepperonidk · 27 days
vii. where else can i go || all i could do
"Don't we get to be happy?" "Then he smiles and where else can I go?"
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Pairing: Lee Jihoon x f!Reader Summary: Don't you get to be happy at some point down the line? Warnings: angst, reader wears heels, jihyo mention bc that's my wife fr Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: oh boy. this was a doozy. there are like 3 versions of this song i listened to on repeat. Jonathan Bailey from Bridgerton, Jeremy Jordan, and Grant Gustin from Glee and the Flash. I cry every single time. the gaslight toxic boyfriend anthem. sorry jihoon.
join the taglist! previous chapter || back to library || next chapter
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The party was in full swing with people dancing to the jazz band that was playing on stage and the who’s whos of the music industry all mingling in small groups. And you were at the bar, nursing your second glass of expensive champagne, people watching.
“So what’s it like?” a voice coming up beside you drew your attention away from where you were watching Jihoon entertaining a group of whoevers across the room. He glanced and caught your eye with a smile before you turned away.
That was really the most you’d seen of him all day. Jihoon had just come home from his tour a few weeks ago and was already hitting the ground running. Phone calls were few and far in between during the last leg of the tour. And when he was finally home... Well, you’d wake up and softly slip away from a sleeping Jihoon as you got ready for your day at the lab, and by the time Jihoon was home from countless hours at the studio, you were well into a deep slumber. Sometimes you’d wake up in the middle of the night to an empty bed to see a text saying Jihoon was still at his studio.
This was the most you’d seen him in a while, actually.
“Sorry, what’s what like?” you questioned. The person beside you was Jihyo, another artist signed to Jihoon’s agency. You had spoken a handful of times but mostly in passing “hello”s and “nice to see you again”s. She was one of the names you had heard more frequently in Jihoon’s tour stories since Jihoon helped her produce her debut album even while he was overseas. In fact, you were 60% sure this party was for her.
She called her hand for the bartender to top up her glass of champagne before answering your question. “What’s it like to be the wife of this generation’s Beethoven,” she smiled kindly. You chuckled at her question before tilting your half empty champagne flute to hers in a toast.
“It’s great,” you returned her smile before turning and catching Jihoon’s eye once more. He was speaking to a few big shots of the agency, board members and whatnot. He winked at you slyly and you felt yourself blush.
“Oh come on,” another voice chimed. Seungkwan, another singer you’d become somewhat familiar with from Jihoon’s stories. “Give us something juicy,” he pleaded. He had helped Jihoon with some backing vocals on some of his songs and was an insanely talented singer. He was one of Jihoon’s reasons for signing on to this particular agency.
You let out a sigh as you turned back to them. “There’s not really anything juicy about it,” you answered. “He’s just... Jihoon.”
“And what’s Jihoon like?” Seungkwan asked.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You see him almost more than I do with the time he spends at the studio,” you began. “I’m sure you know what he’s like.”
“Yeah, well,” Jihyo replied. “We know the workaholic superstar side of him, so we really don’t know him that well.”
You hummed thoughtfully. At work, at these extravagant parties, on stage, he was charming in a way only a picture perfect idol could be. He laughed at all the right times, shook hands with all the important people, but it was all still a performance. It was nice to relish in the idea that you were by his side before all of this, when he was still a senior in college whose veins were pumping nothing but Coke Zero and instant noodles.
“Well at home, it’s just normal,” you finally answered, smiling to yourself. “We could be watching a movie and eating pizza and then suddenly he’ll think of something and it’s like he zones out for a bit until he jumps up to grab his journal.”
It was easy to visualize the scene as it happened frequently. He’d grab his journal and his lucky pen that he’s chewed on way too much and scribble furiously the same way you’ve always known. And then suddenly, he’d stop and look up and hum to himself until a small smile forms and his eyes light up and you know he’s found what he was looking for.
“It’s like music coming to life,” you mused. “And I’m a part of that.”
Jihyo chuckled politely, taking a sip of her champagne. “Doesn’t that get annoying?” she asked. “Jihoon constantly getting up in the middle of stuff to write? I’d be so annoyed if I had to pause my movie so he could write a song about Coke Zero.”
You rolled your eyes at her joke. “Yeah, yeah,” you answered. “He’ll scribble in his terrible handwriting, and log miles walking around the apartment while humming mumbled words, and he’s an insane genius... but then he smiles and how can I complain? I’m a part of that.”
“Well what about you then?” Seungkwan asked. “Maybe you’re not writing the next hit of the century, but knowing Jihoon... well you must be pretty amazing if he married you.”
He must have meant it as a compliment, but his words still found a way to bite at your heart. You looked over to Jihoon once again, but a couple of well dressed ladies stood in front of him and blocked your line of sight. However you didn’t miss the way one of them laid a hand on his arm.
“I’m uh,” you began. “I’m a lab assistant,” you confessed, unsure of why you hesitated in your reply.
“Oh so you’re like one of those scientists who are curing cancer or whatever?” Jihyo questioned with a smile.
“I remember having to take a biology class when I was in college for a bit,” Seungkwan added on. “Have you published anything?”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Uh, not really,” you answered. “I mostly just file reports and do calculations... it’s usually the head researchers who do the publishing. And we’re not studying cancer, we’re looking at how various binaural beats and their beta and gamma arms affect damaged language serving areas of the brain.”
You wanted to shy away, noting the way Jihyo and Seungkwan’s smiles faltered just for a bit to reveal their boredom before their celebrity training kicked in and they continued to smile through the now awkward tone of the conversation.
“But it’s fine, really,” you stammered out. Why you felt the need to defend yourself to people you didn’t know so badly, you had no clue. “I’ve also been applying to grad schools and studying for entrance exams so...” you nodded before turning to take a sip of your drink.
“Well that’s pretty cool,” Seungkwan said a little bit too quickly.
“Yeah,” Jihyo nodded her head in agreement. “I hope it works out for you.”
“Me too,” you raised your glass slightly in a salute as you turned away, giving them the opportunity to walk away from the conversation. You let out a sigh and swirled the remaining bit of your drink around the bottom of the glass.
Although they didn’t mean to, they did raise some valid points. For most of your relationship with Jihoon, he’s been on a rocket headed for the top while you followed in his stride. Were you ever by his side? Or have you always just been riding his coattails? You had told him when he proposed that you were on your way, assured him that you’d be beside him one day. But what if your dreams were changing? Would Jihoon still be waiting for you when you decide you’re fine with a smaller life without all of the glitz and glamor? Would he let his dreams change with yours and settle for that life with you?
Would he stop running his race to sit with you and watch the clouds go by? Would it be enough?
As if sensing your distress, you felt Jihoon’s gentle touch on your shoulder and you turned to see him smiling gently at you. Against your judgment, your heart did a small flip. That damn smile, you thought to yourself. He smiles and where else can you go?
“Hey,” he called out to you before pressing a kiss to your temple. “Are you ready to go home?”
“Yeah,” you replied, hoping Jihoon didn’t notice the nervous lilt in your voice. You’d honestly been ready to go home hours ago, when you felt blisters forming where your shoes chafed against the skin. But Jihoon was still busy making conversation with all the right people, making small talk with other artists, and of course having his ass kissed by the many clout chasing nobodies in the room. It was pretty standard for every party Jihoon brought you to. Sure, it was part of his job, but it’s not like you were dragging him into a lab to calculate titrations with you.
The car ride home was mostly silent. Jihoon hummed along to whatever songs came on the radio while you turned your attention outside to the city lights that blurred by as he sped through the empty roads of 4 am.
Too fast, you had thought to yourself. It’s all too fast.
It wasn’t until you were home and sat on your bed that you finally spoke, relieved to be able to
drop the mask and just talk about what was on your mind.
“Jihoon,” you called. He popped his head out of the bathroom door in the middle of brushing his teeth to show he heard you. You looked down into your lap before continuing. “I don’t want to go to these parties anymore.” You heard him finish up in the bathroom before he came back into the room with you.
“Angel...” he called out. “What are you talking about?” He sat beside you on the bed and reached for one of your hands to hold in his.
“I just,” you began, stuttering. “I just don’t want to anymore.” The sentence came out much more biting than you intended but you tried to not look surprised at the defensiveness of your words.
“And I’m asking why not,” Jihoon snapped back. Your eyes shot up to him in surprise at his tone and he let out a sigh. “Why don’t you want to go to these parties anymore?” He asked again with more restraint.
Ever since Jihoon started working at the agency, he had been wound up more than you had seen him. You’d heard stories of him snapping at interns, feeling impatient with everyone else who was struggling to catch up with the genius’s mind. When did you become one of those people?
You chewed your lip, unsure of what to say. “I hate these parties,” you began, much firmer now. “Nobody ever talks to me and when they do, it’s because they think I’m someone important whose ass needs to be kissed, and when they realize I’m not, they walk away. I always have to wear uncomfortable outfits, the food sucks, and for a record label, they hire some really shitty DJ’s too.”
You stood from the bed and walked around to the other side of the room and began pacing back and forth, the nervous energy taking over your body as your hands fidgeted by your sides. You kept your eyes on the carpet, afraid that looking at Jihoon would ruin the momentum you’d generated. “I hate wearing heels,” you continued. “And all anyone ever wants to talk about is who the most famous person in the room is, and we could just be using that time to watch a movie or finally just spend time together after months of missed facetime calls, and I really just hate your parties.”
The room was silent for a beat before Jihoon spoke with a quiet and cold tone. “Are you done?” was all he asked.
“Yeah,” you answered firmly. Jihoon stood up to face you and you couldn’t read the expression on his face.
“Good,” Jihoon replied. He was quiet, but his words were calculated. “These parties are important to me and you know that–”
“Please,” You scoffed. You were angry now, mostly at the fact that it had taken you this long to speak your mind. “Important for what, Jihoon? For you to butter yourself up with the same people over and over again? For adoring women to fawn over you? I haven’t seen you in months, but they see you every day, so how is that even fair?”
“Stop,” he interrupted you, loudly and sternly. “Just stop, for a goddamn second and just listen.”
In the last few years, you and Jihoon had had your fair share of fights. They were usually resolved pretty quickly and usually ended with a sleepless night in bed together, but lately, things have felt different. This was different. Jihoon had never raised his voice at you, not like this.
You stopped and listened.
“Yes,” he sighed, running his hands through his hair. “It is important for me to kiss their asses and to play along with the adoring crowd, and you know exactly why I need to do it. So fine, if you hate seeing people cheer me on then you don’t have to come. But be fucking serious with yourself first.”
“Excuse me?” you asked, taken aback by the way he cursed. Although he was more than an arm’s length away from you, you took a step back defensively. “This isn’t the life we promised each other, Jihoon.”
“What? A life where I’m living my dreams? Where I have you?” Jihoon scoffed and ran a hand through his hair. “Tell me then what life I’m supposed to have.”
“A life where we have each other,” you exclaim, frustrated. “A life where we have each other and it’s enough for you, Jihoon. Is that too much to ask for?”
He buried his face in his hands before standing to cautiously take a step towards you. “Please,” he sighed. “I’m sorry, I just...” he took a few more steps before reaching out for your hand. “What’s this really about, angel?”
Tears were now brimming your eyes as he continued to speak. “Is it really about the party, about me? Is it that you’re disappointed that another school rejected you? That you’re stuck in another dead end? Did you think this would all be easier than it turned out to be?”
You shook your head at him and pulled your hand out of his, walking back to the bed. You hated that you were fighting like this, and you hated that somewhere inside of you, you felt the self-doubt that you had pushed so far down coming back up.
It was hard not to be frustrated and disappointed with yourself when you were surrounded by everyone else’s success. You had worked as hard as he did and yet, life did not hand you the same rewards. And although lately you were beginning to finally feel like you were happy where you were, Jihoon was quick to remind you that you were far more than a few steps behind him. If your life now was enough for you, why wasn’t it for him? Was it enough for you or had you really given up?
The tears were spilling now, and you lay down, turning to the other side so Jihoon couldn’t see them.
“If I didn’t believe in you,” Jihoon began. You could hear that he had knelt down on the floor beside your side of the bed. “We wouldn’t have gotten this far. If I didn’t believe in you, if I didn’t think you could do anything you wanted, if I was certain that you’d come through... well the fact of the matter is that I wouldn’t be standing here now.”
You choked back a sob, aware that Jihoon definitely knew you were crying.
Jihoon’s hands found their way onto your side as he moved to sit beside you on the bed. You weren’t fully sure how you were feeling any more, but you shifted to move away from Jihoon ever so slightly and you heard him take a deep sigh as he retracted his hand from your side.
“Don’t we get to be happy?” he questioned, his voice beginning to raise again in frustration. Usually Jihoon’s sweet words would easily coax you back to his side. But tonight, they felt more like daggers than honey. “Like at any point down the line, don’t I get to be happy without you pushing me away? Why can’t you just be happy for me? Why do I have to feel like I’m committing a crime for doing something I’ve always dreamed of?”
He let out a sigh before continuing. “I will not fail so you can be comfortable,” he said with that calculated tone once again, an attempt to hide his frustration. His words betrayed his attempt. “I will not lose because you can’t win.”
He was quiet for a second and you wondered if he was finally finished. You were tired.
“If you just hold on, you’ll be fine,” he said, returning to a softer tone that didn’t match the heaviness of his words. “But don’t make me wait till you are to be happy with you.”
His words cut into you, but you couldn’t find it in you to look him in the eyes as he twisted the knife. He may have missed the point, but his pointed words found their way into your heart anyway.
He stood up and grabbed a pillow from beside you. The next time he spoke, he was further away. “If I didn’t believe in you,” he said quietly but loud enough for you to hear. “I wouldn’t have loved you at all.”
The door clicked shut behind him.
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Taglist:@yksthings @alonelystarfish @coveyland @xuimhao @sana-is-ms-rmty @gummymintae @maverey @jespescially
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meiloorunsmoothie · 12 days
jeremy jordan watches bridgerton between gatsby scenes and i'm dead
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clowngirlblues · 1 day
literally, just looking for queer friends.
Hi, my name is Jordan. I'm going to be 23 in August, and as of this time last year, I dropped a whole group of friends. It really comes down to this: they were friends from high school, I felt I was maturing as a person, and they weren't. That paired with the fact that one of them was blatantly transphobic, the others never really said anything to stop him from acting that way. Alot of my current friends are trans, as is my girlfriend and I was over it.
I'm looking for anyone age 22+ who identifies as part of the lgbtq+ community. I identify as a lesbian. (She/Her)
My favorite show is adventure time, (I have a bubbline tattoo on my thigh) but I like other shows, as well. Recently, I've been watching Bridgerton and getting back into having a solid creative outlet- digital art.
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I have hypothyroidism and am not currently a super physically active person- although I really enjoy roller skating and want to get better at it so I can eventually participate in derby! (That's the hope, at least)
I love to chat about everything and anything. i hope to speak to you soon!
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spatialjump05 · 3 months
AB / spatialjump05
“That’s one badass stapler!” — Five Hargreeves, the Umbrella Academy
Name: AB (she/her) Birthday: 17th March (minor); Pisces Ethnicity: Asian British, of Indian descent Hobbies: Reading, writing, procrastinating, netball, badminton, swimming Favourite colour(s): Aquamarine, royal purple Height: 5’2” or 5’3” A-Level Subjects: Maths, Economics, Classical Civilisations Likes: Flapjacks, books, the rain, thunderstorms, lightning, chocolate, broccoli, the night sky, space, cats, monkeys, volcanoes, oceans, Greek and Roman mythology, Spring, my favourite fandoms and characters Other: INTP, incredibly stubborn, grammar freak, angsty writer, sarcastic, mix of introvert and ambivert
Quotev: Main, Writing Account Wattpad: Main AO3: Main Pinterest: Main Discord: ABADA17
Primary: Harry Potter, Marauders Era, Fantastic Beasts, AVPM Trilogy, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, TLT Musical, Heroes of Olympus, the Maze Runner, the Hunger Games, the Umbrella Academy, Stranger Things, Divergent, Once Upon a Time, Anne With an E, Dead Poets Society
Secondary: A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, Chronicles of Narnia, Miss. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, Murder Most Unladylike, How to Train Your Dragon (books), Noughts & Crosses
Other books: Five Survive, Yellowface, Love You to Death, Anne of Green Gables, Black Beauty, Swallows and Amazons, Pride and Prejudice, The Secret Garden, Malory Towers, Famous Five, THUG, the Midnight Game, This Book Kills, the Odyssey, War Horse, Arc of a Scythe, Nancy Drew, A Series of Unfortunate Events, the Atlas Six (first book only)
Other films/TV shows: Line of Duty, Red Eye, the Capture, Trigger Point, the Green Mile, the Shawshank Redemption, the Hurt Locker, Terminator, James Bond, the Bay, the Tourist, Barbie, Troy, Cruella, Ghosts UK, the Apprentice, Dragons’ Den, the Traitors
Currently reading: The Maze Cutter, Little Women
Currently watching: Teen Wolf, Runaways, Pirates of the Caribbean
Future: Supernatural, Bridgerton, Good Omens, the Kane Chronicles, the Mortal Instruments, the Matrix, the Shining, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, the Godfather
(Favourites are in italics.)
Comfort kins: Five Hargreeves (TUA), James Potter (HP), Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano (Hoo), Henry Mills (OUaT), Thomas (TMR)
Kins: Ron Weasley (HP), Lee Jordan (HP), Dustin Henderson (ST), Charlie/Nuwanda Dalton (DPS), Severus Snape (HP), Percy Jackson (PJO), Hazel Levesque (HoO), Tina Goldstein (FB)
Comforts: Teddy the Niffler (FB), Pickett the Bowtruckle (FB), Kreacher (HP), Newt Scamander (FB), Regulus Black (HP), Newt (TMR), Eleven (ST), Steve Harrington (ST), Leo Valdez (HoO), Sadie Kane (TKC), Killian Jones (OUaT), Mulan (OUaT), Gilbert Blythe (AWaE), Jerry Baynard (AWaE)
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alphinias · 1 month
How many times did I rewind Colin looking at Penelope when he got home from his travels?
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mariejordans · 8 months
What are your favorite fictional couples? Besides Marie/Jordan
alright, doing this rapid fire bc there’s a LOT on my list and i’m already sure i forgot some…
percabeth—riordanverse, naley—one tree hill, literati—gilmore girls (yes, i am a team jess girlie), kataang—avatar: the last airbender, twiyor—spy x family (i cannot believe i left them off my tv show romance recs consider this me adding them in retrospectively), EVERLARK—the hunger games (y’all don’t know about my obsession with the hunger games…it runs DEEP), slexie—grey’s anatomy (i legit stopped watching when they died), KANEJ—six of crows (never speak to me about that show…), SHIRBERT—anne with an e (diana WHAT LETTER changed my life), herongraystairs—the infernal devices (c*ssandra clare sucks but this series changed my life), fitzsimmons—agents of shield, kanthony—bridgerton, samcedes, tike, brittana—glee, shoni—the wilds
this list is already too long so i’ll stop here before i embarrass myself 😭
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aahsoka · 7 days
bisexual benedict canon ????????
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vampiremilfs · 1 year
hiiii <3 big ask big answer is what i'm expecting would LOVE to know your top 5/faves across various media that are new(in release or just new to you) this year! so: shows, movies, games, books, songs/albums, new artists you've discovered etc
brief comment i wanted to make, but this was the year i finally took control of my mental health and went to go see someone about it so congratulations to me for finally breaking down the wall of "im fine" and allowing myself to admit that i could use some help. that aside, lets get into it! beware, possible spoilers
1. Nope (dir. Jordan Peele) - this movie surprised me so much and reflects a LOT of my views on performative/spectacle-like behavior in front of the Camera and the effects things like hollywood or social media could potentially have on people...not going to get into that but i just liked the movie alot okay
2. X (dir. Ti West) - love me some camp. love mia goth. i also really liked Pearl and cannot WAIT for MaXXXine, i am so ready
3. Cruel Intentions (dir. Roger Kumble) - i dont think 2022 was the first year i watched Cruel Intentions but everytime i watch it, it feels like something brand new...i am so compelled to read the book that its based on like seriously
4. Turning Red (dir. Domee Shi) - this is the only Disney movie that exists to me...the mother-daughter relationship portrayed here is just so personal
5. Kiki’s Delivery Service (dir. Hayao Miyazaki) - yeah im extremely late to watching this lol. i watched literally every other ghibli film growing up but somehow, in some way, skipped over Kiki. so i watched it over the summer as an adult and needless to say...yeah i missed out as a kid asjashd
6. American Psycho (dir. Mary Harron) - this is the funniest film ive seen this whole year. im not even kidding
1. Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul - never thought id enjoy a show about a middle-aged white male turning to meth production to make ends meet and becoming the most annoying character ever created, but here we are. loved it, and literally EVERYONE around walt deserved so much better (jesse, gus, johnny/saul, mike, skylar, marie, hank)
2. Ranma 1/2 - ive taken a break from watching new anime this year and started diving into older ones. i love ranma simply bc its a bit ahead of its time and is just so easy to digest. just a fun little show!!! a great way to take my mind off of shit
3. The Sandman - just found out recently that this was a DC comic so congrats to DC for successfully infiltrating my anti-superhero visual barrier LOL. anyways i am in dire NEED of the next season
4. You - PENN BADGLEY. thats all im going to say. im a huge fan of Gossip Girl (2007) and as soon as i saw him playing the lead character i RAN to watch the first season when it dropped. was not disappointed
5. The Witcher - ive never played the game lol but the show is so good...im not a fan of GoT (and therefore will never watch HotD) so this show p much fills the dark fantasy void for me
6. Bridgerton - im so glad i got over my weird distaste and finally gave this show a try...i see the hype, i see it!! and the show itself is so beautiful to look at, despite being historically innacurate or whatever
7. Gossip Girl (2007) - ive watched and rewatched this show a grand total of maybe like....20 times in my life total. rewatched it again this year. all six seasons. it never gets old despite being the most ridiculous insipid shit ever. im also currently watching the new version, and while i love the cast and maybe the soundtrack, it doesnt match up to the campy and fun vibe that the first one had. it takes itself way too seriously and the plot is almost nonexistent lol
but anyway, lets move on to music!! im skipping over books bc i have currently finished NONE from the book haul i had back in october.
just gonna list out a bunch of songs that have carried me thru the last half of this year :]
ass like that victoria monet / bang (my body) chase icon / meta angel fka twigs / wish i never kehlani / king for a day pierce the veil, kellin quinn / pass the nirvana pierce the veil / antagonist nova twins / gibson girl ethel cain / like a tattoo sade / the perfect pair beabadoobee / so it goes tamino / daybreak’s bell l’arc-en-ciel / colors flow / distant tevomxntana, cayo / grapefruit tove lo
sorry if this is extremely long. thanks for asking!!!!!! ❤️
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consoledacup · 11 months
Do you see any similarities between Jordayla and other couples from different tv shows or movies? Do you think the writers take inspiration from other couples when writing for Jordayla?
Love this question. Of all the pairings across the shows, they're the most rom com to me, so I absolutely do.
Here's something fun... at least to me. I had JUST watched While You Were Sleeping the day before 4x07 aired. As you might imagine, I freaked out. That movie is in my top 3 ever, so the LEANING THING?? Dead.
I also see a bit of When Harry Met Sally. Phone scene in bed has got to be something, right? That just screams rom com. And the scenes of them silly together, like the "paprikesh" and "Leylani" scenes. Also one of my top 3 movies, so there ya go.
I think Jordan confessing to Layla that he tried to get rid of his feelings in 4x19 is a slight nod to Pacey's declaration in Dawson's Creek ep 3x19 when he says, "It is tearing me up inside to have these feelings for you. But I can't get rid of 'em." There's a lot of Pacey Witter in Jordan to me. And I do personally believe NK was thinking of poey when she was plotting jordayla.
The "I know that you know" line to JJ in 5x05 is absolutely a wink to "they don't know that we know they know" in the whole Chandler and Monica secret dating saga in Friends.
The 8 facial expressions absolutely is a callback to Win a Date With Tad Hamilton and the number of smiles. And of course the 10 Thing I Hate About You actual callout. What I didn't realize until I watched @edaserkqn's brilliant rom com edit on twitter is that the line "I'd rather fight with you than love anyone else," is from The Wedding Date?? Amazing. Laura and Billy must've been a fan of that one, too.
I mean, in true childhood friends to lovers fashion, I see a little bit of Colin and Penelope, from both the books and the show. Colin's and Jordan's self-doubt masked by bravado are pretty similar, and Penelope and Layla have always wanted to be a Bridgerton and Baker respectively.
Also, the "when I am with you, I feel like I'm home," is very Dory in Finding Nemo, and that's pretty adorable. I know that's not a rom com, but still.
I'm sure I'm missing some connections. But based on what I've personally watched, those are the most prevalent. And as rom com as jordayla is with all the various references, it's also a very fresh, compelling ship that's fun and unpredictable.
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toolazytodecide · 2 years
I finally got around to watching Bridgerton and my God Anthony and Kate are so goddamn Jordan/Declan coded
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whoslaurapalmer · 1 year
unrecommending you Sixteen Scandals by Sophie Jordan — i bought this book. the full priced, beautiful hardcover, with promising book jacket ! and ,,, i wanted to like this story so bad, but it reads like a thirteen year old’s bridgerton self insert. which is fine, if it hadn’t been in the adult section of the book store ?? marketed beside the dramatic romances ? the characters would be like-able, but the plot moves so quickly, from a pub to bear wrestling to kissing in the bushes, that ?? you can’t keep up. the bear wrestling really comes out of left field and ??? it unfortunately is the one bit of the book that has stuck with me, like what was she trying to say ? then they make out, after the bear wrestling ??? is that normal ? it references John Hughes’ classic only in name, and leaves you wishing you did spend the afternoon watching Sixteen Candles. which is a total bummer, because the story beats in SC are timeless ! and would have translated into a good regency story, but no ! this book is overall a bad case of good idea, bad execution. great cover though. 2/10
noooooo!!!!!!! oh my god it sounds so PROMISING. bear wrestling!!! oh i'm so upset. I hate when a book is full of potential and especially when it's GORGEOUS and then just fails, over and over. also sounds like that book store has gotta shelve better
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