#judo's mum
uncaaj · 1 year
Fanfic - The Brekkie After (Bluey)
The morning light crept into Bandit’s vision and seared his eyeballs. All at once he became painfully aware of how bad he felt. Time for his own version of the “Checklist.”
Dry mouth? Check.
Throbbing headache? Check.
Back aching from sleeping on Stripe’s floor and not his comfy bed? Double check.
Time to lay back. The show’s not going on today. 
“Ugh…babe?” he croaked. “I did it again.”
His wife Chilli didn’t move from where she lay next to him. “Me too,” she sighed.
“Me three,” groaned Stripe from the couch.
Bandit shrugged. “Well, that’s not too bad, I suppose.”
At that moment, a chorus of moans erupted from all the adults splayed out in all corners of Stripe’s living room, the casualties of the kid-free get-together they had last night that went a little too long and a little too crazy.
“Biscuits,” Bandit hissed. “Spoke too soon.” They were all irresponsible and were paying for it now. If he didn’t interact with any kids today, it would be a blessing.
BANDIT: *yawwwwwnnnn* This episode of Bandit is called “The Brekkie After."
Bandit massaged his forehead with his fingertips as he eased himself upright. Bright light assaulted his eyes as if the sun was right in his face. “Why did we think this was a good idea?”
“Can someone get the shade?” said Stripe, his strong bark barely a grunt today.
“Got it,” said Bandit. He dragged his lead paws behind the couch to the patio door. Pulling the shade across the glass felt like heaving a heavy rock across a swamp. He sighed with the relief of a dimmer living room.
“My towel is still wet,” said Wendy, rolling off the other couch and flopping onto the floor.
Pat scrubbed board game pieces off his chest and held up a bank note to show everyone. “Still have the bet I won when I dared you to jump in the pool.” He then let his arm go limp on the side table, accidentally knocking an empty beer can onto the floor. “Oops.”
“Only because Bandit dared to get cheeky with me,” Wendy grumbled.
“Seems to happen a lot at Heeler get-togethers, eh? The pool, I mean,” said Bandit, before feeling the roof of his mouth and making a yucky face. “Feels like there’s slime in my mouth.”
“Nah, that’s from when you ate a whole jar of peanut butter faster than Pat,” said Chilli.
“Blegh!” said Pat. “That stuff’s only good in small amounts and on crackers.”
Bandit leaned back and felt his back crack satisfyingly. He saw Josh Border Collie shiver and wince, which meant he was awake too. “I suppose since I’m the only one up, I’ll go put the kettle on and get brekkie goin’.” He shot a smug look over his shoulder as he stepped gingerly out of the living room. “You lot just lay there and have a think about what you did.”
“You as well,” said Chilli, sending that look back at him. “I recall this party being your idea.”
Bandit gulped. “Yes, babe,” he said as he trudged to Stripe’s kitchen.
“Well, I might have a shower then,” said Josh, sitting up rapidly, and collapsing back down just as fast. “Ugh, room’s spinnin’. Never mind.”
“Get in line, Josh,” said Wendy, shooting him a death glare with all the energy she had left.
The sink water filling up Stripe’s electric kettle sounded like a churning waterfall to Bandit’s sensitive ears. His headache rumbled inside him with the ferocity of a rolling timpani as he shut off the tap and placed the kettle on its perch to come to a boil. He then carefully placed the stray wine glasses on the bar into the sink before peering back through the entryway to the goo-like adults who had barely moved. “Stripe, what should I make for brekkie?”
“Could you make hangover eggs?” Stripe asked. “Those always do the trick.”
“What? No!” Pat protested, scrunching his snout. “That’s disgusting.”
“This isn’t like college, Pat,” Stripe rebutted, “I got more in my fridge now than just tomato sauce and day-old dim sims.”
“Don’t matter. Bandit’ll still put anything he wants in there, even stuff that doesn’t go together. Remember when he put instant noodles and anchovies in it after the ‘99 Winter Social? Blegh!”
“Never stopped you from lickin’ your plate clean every time, did it?” Bandit quipped.
Pat stuttered and the whole room mustered as much laughter as they could in their hungover state.
Bandit’s headache lightened slightly and his tail twitched with pride. “I’ve ‘improved’ the recipe through the years so just lay back and let the chef make some magic, alright?”
“Righto,” Pat chuckled, not willing to argue anymore.
Bandit nodded and went to grab some ibuprofen from a cabinet he knew was far out of reach for Muffin and Socks. The kettle clicked, signaling the water was ready. Just in time, thought Bandit. “And take some ibuprofen,” he told Pat. “It’ll take your crank away.”
Pat rolled his eyes and looked at Chilli. “Bandit sure is somethin’, eh?”
Chilli smiled. “Yeah. The best.”
After tea and ibuprofen were dispersed around the room, everyone seemed to come out of zombie mode. Of course, Bandit knew this was merely a chisel to the hangover when they needed a jackhammer. The kids were coming back from his big brother Rad’s pad later, so onto that brekkie.
The Faceytime jingle played on the tablet on the counter. Speak of the devil, and he shall ring, especially when you’re preoccupied with searching through Stripe’s refrigerator. He ducked away from the fridge to tap the green call button then returned to rummaging his paws through the vegetable drawer.
“How goes it, little brother?” greeted Rad in his usual sunny manner.
Cradling a green pepper, spinach, mushrooms, and bacon in his arm, he shut the fridge and turned to the tablet. He nodded to his brother on screen and tried to smile as he set the stuff on the counter. He silently wished that he didn’t look like he hadn’t slept in days, but perhaps the blue and red heeler mix wouldn’t notice. He was a little absent-minded at times.
“Whoa, you look like you haven’t slept in days,” Rad laughed. 
Well, throw that out the window. “Perceptive this morning, are we?” said Bandit, rubbing his eyes.
“Did you and your mates do it again?”
“Yeah, we did. Hope the kids ran you ragged as well,” said Bandit with a playful sneer.
“Yeah, I bet. Nah, it’s all good. We gave ‘em enough games to ensure they slept through the night. In fact, Bluey’s the only one up right now. She went on a run with me.”
Bluey scampered into the frame and waved. “Sure did!”
Bandit gave a thumbs up. “Good on ya, kiddo!” Didn’t matter if he was hungover or not, a grin from his oldest pup made feel light as a feather every time.
“Are you alright, dad?” Bluey asked, moving in closer.
Bandit rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, we just got to bed late last night.”
“Yeah, everyone.”
Bluey raised an eyebrow. “That happens a lot at Heeler parties, doesn’t it?”
A cold sweat formed on Bandit’s back. He had forgotten he used that excuse once before. He’d better hop off before any more questions were asked.
Luckily, Rad was on top of it as he pet Bluey on the head. “Alright, I’ll take care of brekkie for the kids. You just make sure everyone else is right as rain, you hear?”
Bandit nodded. “Will do.”
“Bye, dad!”
“See ya, Bluey!” With that, they disappeared from the tablet.
“Was that Rad?” asked Stripe from the living room.
“Sure was,” said Bandit. “Bluey’s up so I better make this quick.” He got to work chopping the bacon into lardons and the pepper into a fine dice.
“Hey, mate,” said Pat, wandering in, mug in hand. “Top us off, could ya? Everything still tastes like peanut butter.”
Bandit smiled. “No worries.”
After his mug was refilled, Pat took a seat at the bar and sipped the warm liquid, swishing it around his mouth to rid every last speck of peanut butter. “If my kids ever find out what we grown-ups do when they’re not around, I couldn’t look ‘em in the eye again.”
“Bluey nearly did, I think,” Bandit gulped.
“Ha! Insightful nose, that one.”
“Did I ever tell you about what happened after Chilli and I were here for New Year’s?” Bandit asked. Pat shook his head and took another sip. “So in walks Bluey and Bingo, looking to play Whale Watching with us-”
“Hang on,” Chilli called, making her entrance. “You cook, I wanna tell him this story.”
Bandit winked at her. “Fine by me, babe. You tell it better anyhow.”
Josh tapped his foot as he sipped his tea, the warm drink putting him in better spirits. “Will we ever, doo doo-doo doo, be that funky again?” he hummed to himself.
“You’re going to get that silly song stuck in my head again,” Wendy barked playfully.
Josh shrugged. “You kiddin’? That was the best part of the night right there.”
“I didn’t sound too bad, did I?” asked Stripe.
“‘Course not!” came Bandit’s voice. “I’m just glad you sang with me at all!”
“Just like old times,” Stripe called back.
A content silence settled around the room, broken only by the distant sizzling of bacon and the release of its sweet, smoky aroma into the air. The quiet was welcome among them all, not only because of their still sensitive heads but because it was such a rarity in their households since they had kids. All those old times when they had not a care in the world were now left behind, having made way for the new times and the joy and responsibility they now shared.
Wendy piped up. “Yes, I suppose it was a good song…do you think we will ever be that funky again?”
Stripe stretched his neck, feeling it pop. “Nah.”
Josh shook his fluffy head. “Nope.”
“Not a chance!” Pat exclaimed.
Everyone laughed, wistful nostalgia echoing between them until they all settled again into their tired, hungover selves.
“That’s okay, though,” said Stripe. “I like how funky we are now.”
Wendy nodded and sat back. “Yes, I agree.”
“It’s certainly easier on me head, I’ll tell ya that for free,” said Josh.
“Brekkie’s on!” shouted Bandit.
Soon they were all congregated at the dining table, each adult provided with a generous egg scramble on a piece of toast. Tea was refilled and they all proceeded to tuck in.
Pat didn’t know what he was in for, but it was hot, it was here, and any brekkie he’d wait for back home would just be dry cereal. He picked up the toast and hesitantly took a bite. 
“What do ya reckon, Pat?” Bandit asked.
Pat swallowed and couldn’t help but wag his tail slightly. “I forgot you made ham and pineapple pizza a religious experience,” he said, licking his chops. “I will never doubt your abilities again.”
“Uss!” Bandit cheered, pumping his fist. “Still got it!”
“Good job, babe,” said Chilli, squeezing his hand.
“As long as I wake up to this,” said Josh through a mouthful, “Good friends and good food, I wouldn’t mind doing this again. Just not too funky next time, eh?”
Everyone nodded. “Agreed.”
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chibi-mushroom · 1 year
I’m thoroughly convinced that these two would not only be friends, but they’d make the most efficient PTA Brisbane has ever or will ever see.
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bearlythere · 5 months
will not shut up about how bluey's 30 min episode gave us so much more lore and references to the real world
the writes really made so much literal and euphemistic use of the word "sign" in this episode
in chronological order! and spoilers below!!
do let me know if I missed anything out!
FRISKY AND RAD'S WEDDING!!!! in the iconic heeler house!!
bandit's bully bucky dunstan being the real estate agent selling his house
English sheepdog buying the bluey house (emigration - would be nicer if they got english voice actors to voice them though)
the bluey house was actually for sale on an Australian real estate website! and as per the time of writing this post, it's been "withdrawn from sale" - the bluey digital marketing team AMAZES ME.
I wonder which city bandit got a new job in - don't know if they'll explore that in future seasons
bluey's friend the brown dog (I'm sorry I don't know his name) having 2 mums!
winton talking about his divorced parents and the terriers' saying their mom likes winton's dad!!!
jack and his army interest! him and rusty playing army!!
the sitting in a tree, kissing thing that kids do
Jeremy the gnome
bobo being the car's name
frisky's licence plate being fr15k
the first time kids sit in the front seat of the car
police officers pulling people on the road over LMAO
rad's profile picture being him goofing around with his 2 brothers
how realistic it is trying not to lose someone you're following on the road
the butterfly from slide!! 🦋 it has a name! flappy!
everyone being afraid of the butterfly except bingo because we know she loves insects!
chilli reminiscing how she and frisky used to go to the lookout to "think" when we all knew she meant drink LOL
frisky's 3rd friend appears!
the canon in d rendition as bgm
the busker being the priest??
also they got mort and maynard to come attend the wedding too!!
frisky's father is a typical surfer dude lmao
we see trixie standing amongst the girls during the bouquet toss. and then we see stripe come in to intercept the toss. does this mean that stripe and trixie are not married yet and have just been cohabitating? stripe grabs the bouquet and celebrates, but we see trixie face palm... what does this mean??
love the photo montage and the huge family photo, how it shows that you can't get everybody to be ready for the photo
GRANDPA BOB WENT TO INDIA TO FIND HIMSELF 😭 man needed spiritual rediscovery
the busker is the music dj too!!
uh oh... stripe and trixie are fighting... perhaps it was about the bouquet toss? and we see socks playing with the cake toppers - possibly mimicking her parents actions
awww Radley quit his job so that frisky could stay in a city she loved ❤️
they brought back the music from dance mode!
chattermax randomly appearing 😭
bingo getting stuck in the railing again
bingo being sad because she has to move and lila won't be able to follow. which is also the moment I realised they won't be moving in the end, because of the montage at the end of daddy drop-off episode where bingo and lila grow up together and be friends "forever and ever and ever"!
the 2 English sheepdogs pushing their fluff away from their eyes to see haha
seeing the iconic bluey house empty, with spots where furniture used to be somehow makes me feel a little empty and nostalgic
the montage of them saying goodbye to their old neighbours, bandit having one last chat with pat, the girls and chilli saying goodbye to judo and her mum
Judo still has short hair!
chilli reminiscing the kitchen because bluey took her first steps there
you can tell how much chilli didn't want to move as she was the first one out of the car running over to hug him when she realised bandit didn't want to sell the house anymore. and the shoulder shakes shows that she was fully sobbing too
iconic kiwi rug! loved the simplicity of the last scene, where even if there's nothing around you, as long as you're together with the people you love, eating the simplest meal, enjoying the moment, that's family.
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noturlondonboy · 2 months
What TV shows do you think Yelena likes
Bluey: she would eat this shit up. At first it’s the pretty typical “this is a baby show, Kate Bishop, I’m not watching it” but then a few nights later Kate comes down to get some water at like three in the morning to see Yelena on the couch crying to the episode Sleepy Time and it becomes a pretty regular thing. Bingo, Judo, Aunt Brandy, Calypso, Chili’s Mum, and the Terrier’s are her favorite characters. (There are reasons behind all of them) she adores Grannymobile and Rug Island especially.
Cop dramas: she’s not the biggest fan, but she does love to mock how the characters are portrayed and how they do things. “Kate Bishop, I can’t believe this. Do you see how they’re holding their guns? This is ridiculous.”
Hannibal: I think this is either she hates it with her entire being and even being in the same room as a tv playing it can make her spiral into an episode, or she’s addicted to the dark, gruesome grittiness of it
Carmen Sandiego: very similar to the cop dramas, but she’s quickly genuinely invested in it. She relates to Carmen a concerning amount and is constantly rooting for her or trying to coach the thief through the screen. Kate thinks it’s wonderful and sends a letter to the creators. They write back and send merch for Yelena. She doesn’t shut up about it for months.
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
I've been thinking on it and I'm curious so I have a fun little ask game - if you were in the one piece universe, what would your dream be? As outlandish and ambitious as you like, Lord knows one piece characters have no sense of subtlety or self preservation, why should we?
For reference, I think mine would be (and I really can't think of a way to avoid the euphemisms here) to be the best rider - that is to ride every single animal as a steed, even if I had to rodeo / break in the sea beasts. (I used to help break in horses when my family used to sell them). A sub category of this dream would be to find the best steed most suited to my needs.
Suicidal, I know.
What would yours be?
What's Your Dream
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(Wow, got me having a lil spiralling existential crisis over here)
Your One-Piece dream sounds spectacular!! A druidic, empathetic beast-master would be such an incredible ability to have. There are so many beautiful creatures in the OP world, what a beautiful dream to tame them all.
Mix that in with some Avatar: the last Airbender "water-bending", my goodness; what a delightful combo that would be!!
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Personally, I'm a bard at heart. I have been playing music for over 20 years, and I feel like I'd have to do something with it. I'd want to serenade the on the high seas, play a single gig at Baratie, woo the warriors with my warcry, splitting bow-hairs with my violin as I do. I'd love duel Brook with The Devil Went Down to Georgia, that's for sure. Or perhaps Bach's Double Violin Concerto or Vivaldi's Winter.
But I'm more than just that. I have done so much with my life, and I'd want to use every single bit of my accumulation of knowledge and skills in some way. I've worked in so many industries: entertaining through music, horticulture (specialising in viticulture and winemaking), a teaching degree, circus skills and gymnastics, dance, judo and jujutsu, hair-dressing certificates and makeup work, disability support services, working in tourism in cellar doors - selling wine and sampling it to ensure its quality. I'm also the ever present "mum-friend," rallying the troops and fighting battles for my friends through unwavering support and omnipresent, unconditional love.
Truthfully, if given the opportunity and means: my dream would be to leave behind a legacy of joy - it wouldn't matter what I did, as long as people enjoyed the time they spent with me. Very cliché answer, I know. I am just a snail.
I absolutely know what I wouldn't want. I would not be able to survive without swimming. I love swimming. Lazy beach swimming days, snorkelling and witnessing the wonder below the waves. No devil-fruits for this snail. No way.
So, to sum up all that nonsense, I'd probably end up working for The Clown.
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love: and be loved in return."
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super-predictable98 · 11 months
Glass and Gold Child (There She Goes AU)
Chapter 1: One Day in the Life of Alex Yates
Word Count: 2 k
Warning: Strong language, alcohol abuse
a/n: Hello everyone! In my mission to write as many Michael and David characters as I can, here's another effort: a wee rewrite of There She Goes with my OC.
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Simon had been trying to get Rosie to calm down all morning. Ben just watched that disaster unfold while their father tried to drag her back from the park to have dinner.
"Where's your sister when we need her?" Simon groaned, pulling Rosie away from a car that she ran to because the license plate had a big X on it, her absolute favorite.
"What's going on?" Alex asked when she came back from her judo practice. She still wore her white trousers with a black tank top and her brown belt wrapped around her waist.
"Fuck, Alexandra, there you are! Can you…?"
"Hey, Rosie!" She greeted with a big smile.
"X! X!" The little girl called.
"That's me, come on, are you gonna be good or will I have to give these wotsits to Dad?"
Rosie let out a happy screech when she saw the blue package and reached for it. It was never too quiet around her, she was always making noises to communicate, but those happy noises were always welcome.
She took the snack from Alex and gave her older sister a clumsy hug.
"Can you say thank you?" Alexandra asked.
In response, Rosie did the sign in BSL and her sister ruffled her hair.
"You're a miracle worker," Simon sighed as they walked from the park. "You can't be going around and leaving us alone. She needs you."
"You hear how insane that sounds, Dad?" Ben chuckled. "She's not her mum, besides, she was at practice not even hanging out."
"Not helping, Ben," he hissed.
"It went well then?" Emily, the matriarch of the family, asked while she prepared the food.
"As well as it can go," Simon murmured, watching the kids get around the table. "I was thinking, what if we never send Alex to college?"
"What? Are you insane?"
"You know what I mean! Sometimes she's the only one who can calm Rosie down and can you imagine the epic meltdown that Darwin's little exception is gonna have when her big sis moves out?"
"Simon, we can't just ask Alex not to live her life. We're their parents, it's our job to look after them, not hers."
"Now you just sound like Ben!"
"Because even an 11-year-old boy has more common sense than you! She's 17, she'll leave eventually, we're gonna have to make it work."
"Remember when it was just her?" Simon smiled.
"When you were not a total prick? Yeah, I remember."
"Where's Daddy?" Alexandra asked, crawling on the floor, even after she learned how to walk, she still loved to crawl.
"He's coming home, remember when I told you about Daddy working to buy your Christmas presents?" Emily picked up her little girl and kissed her forehead. "Why do you love Daddy so much? Can't it be Mummy?"
"No! Only Daddy," Alex laughed at her mother's expression when she said that.
"Where are my girls?" Simon opened the door and opened his arms to take his daughter. "There's my little princess! How you doing, sweet pea?"
"Good! I missed you!"
"I missed you too!" He bounced her and kissed all over her chubby little cheeks. "Oh, there's my queen."
"Good one," Emily laughed. "She's been talking about you all day, she's a little chatterbox."
"Aww but that's cute! Remember when she'd speak full sentences before she could even walk? It was a nice party trick."
"I know, and it's cute, but I do hope our next daughter is less chatty. For my sanity."
"I heard that!" Alex gasped.
"See, now you hurt my little princess!" Simon joked. "Can you get me a beer, Em?"
"Noooo I don't like beer Daddy," the little girl cried.
"Wow, that is not concerning at all…" Emily arched an eyebrow. "Did Daddy ever hurt you after drinking beer?"
"Only on the inside…"
"No! I'm not-! You meant your heart, right? I hurt your feelings?" Simon asked, panicked.
"Yeah, you were mean."
"See, Em? Never say that again, sweetie, people might get the wrong idea and then they'll take Daddy to jail. Is that what you want?"
"No! We need to watch Barbie and the Nutcracker!"
"Good girl, if Daddy's in jail he can't watch Barbie and the Nutcracker with you."
"HIYAAAAAA!" Alex jumped on her father's stomach after bringing him to the floor with a rather flawless valley drop.
"Jesus Christ! That's what we're paying for? For you to learn how to kill your father in karate?" Simon groaned, curling up into a ball.
"It's judo, Daddy!" She laughed.
"Oh pardon me, I wouldn't wanna be rude to the little girl who just broke my ribs. You're always complaining I'm not home enough and when I am, you just wanna punish me."
Alexandra frowned and wrapped her little arms around him, kissing his cheek. She did complain because ever since her mum got pregnant, she would barely see him at all.
He was always 'at work' or with his friends and whenever she saw him, it was beer Daddy, not the one she loved.
"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna hurt you."
"Hey, sweetheart, it's okay," Simon assured, kissing the top of her head. "Daddy's sorry, okay? I wish I could be home more, but- it's hard to explain, my baby. Sometimes grown-ups do silly things even when they know it's wrong and then when they try to undo it, they can't right away. But I promise I'll make it better."
"Are you and Mummy getting divorced?"
"Why did you have to be such a smart girl?" He sighed. "I don't know, darling, I don't want to, but sometimes it's what's best for mummies and daddies."
"And then we'll never see you again?"
"Of course you'll see me, Alex! Even if one day I'm no longer Mummy's husband, I'm still your and your siblings' daddy, that'll never change. You're stuck with me for life, kiddo. Is that okay? You being stuck with your old man?"
"That's okay," Alex smiled. "I wanna come live with you if you leave."
"Why is that, princess?" Simon sat up, a bit worried that she'd given that whole thing so much thought. She shouldn't be pondering on that sort of thing.
"Because Mummy loves Rosie more. She only ever holds Rosie and talks to Rosie and about Rosie."
"Awww Alex, that's not true," he took her in his arms, stroking her long dark waves. "Mummy is only busy with Rosie because she was just born. She's just a little baby and she was born really small, she needs attention."
"I know, but when Ben was born, it wasn't like that. Mummy still loved me when he was a baby."
"Mummy still loves you now, sweetie, don't worry. But if you ever wanna come live with me, that'll be okay and… I mean, not that we're actually getting divorced. That's not happening as far as I'm concerned. Okay?"
"Okay… is it time to go to judo yet?"
"Yeah, it's time, come on."
Simon grabbed her Barbie backpack with her uniform and a little snack.
"Are you gonna stay and watch me?" Alex asked hopefully.
"I can't, sweetie. Daddy's meeting Aunt Helen, but I'll be there when you're done," Simon picked her up and looked up the stairs. "Em! I'm taking the little monster to judo!"
Father and daughter took the train, as Simon wouldn't learn how to drive to save his life, and he dropped her off at her class.
Alex saw Daddy leave and wanted to cry, to scream about how he never sat to watch her practices anymore like the other parents did, but she didn't. She was brave and put on her uniform all by herself.
She diligently got through her class and changed back into her street clothes, excited to tell her father that she was getting a new belt soon.
"Hey, I'm getting the yellow-orange belt, Daddy. It means I'm halfway to getting my orange belt which is my favorite color! I can't wait!" She whispered to herself as she sat right outside the dojo with the other kids.
One by one, the kids were picked up by their parents, but Alexandra stayed there, swinging her little legs and rehearsing what to say to Dad when he finally arrived.
"Yeah, she's still here," the sensei said into the phone. "Don't worry, I know you have a new baby at home, Mrs. Yates, I can drive her. It's no problem."
Alex never got to say her perfectly rehearsed lines celebrating her new achievement. She sat in silence the entire car ride back to her house and when her mother opened the door, she burst into tears.
"Hey, hey sweetie, it's okay," Emily hugged her after putting Rosie down in the crib. "Don't cry, baby. I'm sorry you were scared."
"I wasn't scared! He didn't come and he told me he would! Why won't anyone love me anymore?" Alexandra hit her head on the wall a few times before her mother could catch her.
"Mum? Why is Al hurting herself? Don't hurt yourself, Al!" Ben whispered, bringing her a pillow.
"Hear that? Your brother is worried about you, he loves you and so do I, so does Rosie, so does Daddy. And your grandparents, Aunt Soph…"
"Daddy doesn't love me, he left me there. He's not my daddy anymore!"
"It's not true, Al, you're his precious little princess and he just made a mistake. He forgot he was supposed to be there or he missed the train- the point is, everyone makes mistakes," Emily said even though she was also furious with her husband and that was far from his first fuck up. "Tell me how was class, let me make you something to eat."
"I get a yellow-orange belt next week, I'm not hungry," Alex said while she stomped up the stairs to get to her bedroom.
She hid in there all afternoon and when it was almost time to sleep, the door slowly opened and Simon came in stumbling over himself.
"Mummy just told me what happened, I'm so sorry, my pumpkin pie. I lost track of time, when I realized it was already eight," he slurred.
"Get out of here! You stink, I hate beer Daddy! I hate all daddies! I hate you!"
"I understand, I get it. I love you though and I'm really sorry," he said, too embarrassed to look her in the eye. "Mum told me you're getting a new belt? That's exciting, you're one closer to orange, your favorite."
"Whatever, if you cared you would've watched me."
"I swear, I promise next week I'll be there to see it."
"No, you won't! I don't believe you anymore. Go away, I'm going to sleep."
"That is my monster, its ears are so fluffy!" Alex read and closed the book. "Now, my little monster Rosie, it's time for bed."
The noise her sister made was indication she wasn't happy about it.
"I know, I know you don't want to. But let me tell you something. I know you can't talk, but you understand me, right? You get what X is saying?"
Rosie didn't nod or give any proof that it was true, but she stared directly at Alex, she was listening.
"If you close your eyes and fall asleep, you can play with the nice monsters and Hippo in dreamland. Right here," she touched Rosie's head. "Don't you wanna play with Hippo and the monsters from the book? Yeah, I know. So please, close your eyes and sleep, alright? I love you, pretty girl."
When Alexandra put up the gate to stop her sister from leaving the room, she noticed her parents were watching from afar.
"Sorry, I'm gonna go wash the dishes now," she chuckled, knowing she was behind on her chores.
"No! Don't you dare, Alex," Emily hugged her tightly. "You help more than enough and honestly I feel bad about it sometimes. Daddy will do the dishes."
"What? Why me?" Simon yelped. "I mean, yeah, I agree she shouldn't have to after getting Rosie to sleep, but why me?"
"Because you're a lazy arse," Alexandra laughed.
"You know what? Let's just order some pizza and relax while we have a little time," Emily suggested.
"Ah come on! We order pizza every week, let's have something different," Simon wrapped his arms around each of them.
"I don't think lazy arses have the right to decide," Alex laughed. "Come on, let's play a game while we wait. Oh! And remember tomorrow everyone needs to come to the gym, I'm getting my black belt!"
"Don't worry, princess, we'll all be there for you," he smiled.
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know-the-way · 2 years
Continued Stages of Falling Down the Miss Fisher Rabbit Hole
I’m gonna be real - I wish I could watch things in chronological order, I really do, but my ADHD brain just doesn’t work like that. So, I’ve bounced all around the different seasons and my overall thoughts are a jumbled mess. However, there are some things - in chronological order - that I just continue to go feral over the more I look at them, so I’m gonna share with the class. (P.S. Thank you so much for the warm welcome! You’re all very lovely and I just hope I don’t fuck that up by being annoying 😅… Uh… yep. Anyway, have a nice day! Lots of nonsense and a wee bit of meta below!)
- “Perhaps we could allow ourselves one candle?” “I think I could cope with that.”
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Mmhm, listen here you cheeky fuckers, I see you. Whoever wrote this show learned the art of subtle symbolism and slow burn majesty, and while I am HERE for it, I also just… ya know… *pushes heads together* kiss already.
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- Hearing Phryne say “I’m looking for my daughter” when she was searching for Jane in Queen of the Flowers. *clutches chest* Owwww. Her progression from “ugh, kids” to “this one’s okay, I guess” to “she is a part of me and to wrench her away would be akin to removing my very heart.” Just… yes. I will always love that dynamic. But I also appreciated Phryne emphasizing that Jane’s mum would always be her mum. I feel like there’s normally a focus on the child needing to choose between their biological or adoptive parents and it was refreshing that they allowed room for both of those relationships with Jane to exist equally.
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- Maybe it’s just me, but whyyyyy does this exchange feel so domestic? There’s something about Jack just sitting there, marveling at her being in her own element, telling Hugh “of course” when he asks if Phryne knows judo (‘cause he knows her well enough to not be shocked anymore - like ‘of course she knows judo and speaks 8 languages and flies planes, it’s common sense Collins, get with the program’), and already knowing the answer to his suspicion about the “dangerous weapon.” It all just has an air of ‘gently teasing my spouse of 10 years in front of people because I know it winds them up and that’s our love language’ about it.
I’m also kind of curious how long Phryne has been practicing martial arts. Was it a ‘from childhood’ thing or a ‘from a traumatic event that made learning this skill feel necessary’ thing? If that fic hasn’t been written yet, I’d love to read one.
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- “This time, you’re an accomplice. And unless you plan on killing Inspector Robinson yourself, he’ll make sure you hang.”
Again… I could so easily be reaching, but to me this comes off very much like “once my husband finds out what you’ve done to me, he will spend every waking moment ensuring your demise.” Couple that with Jack carrying her out like Prince Fucking Valiant and… yeah. #FERAL
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- The fact that he wasn’t already holding her hand, but she was reaching for him… 🥺 The hurt/comfort goblin that lives in my brain: thriving. Just… fuck me up.
I still have two episodes of season 2 to finish, but so far my overall summary is that - by episode 3 - they’re together. Together, together. Don’t even care that it’s not “official,” don’t care that they don’t say it explicitly… they’re committed to each other in every way that matters, so they are bloody together. Just need them to realize that and accept it. For all our sakes.
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late-to-the-party-81 · 5 months
15 questions (for 15 friends)
Thank you for tagging me @zenaidamacrouras1 and sorry this took me so long.
Are you named after anyone? Officially, no. My mum specifically picked names for me and my sibling that weren't family names so no-one could act like a shithead. What she didn't realise at the time is that her name and my name are actually from the same route, so you could say I'm named after her, lol
When was the last time you cried? I am a weepy cow and will cry at tv shows and emotive tik-toks. I last cried watching a tik-tok about some kittens that passed away :(
Do you have kids? I have one super-powered IVF miracle. The love of my life and the bane of my existence.
What sports do you play/have you played? I am quite bad at sport. My hand-eye coordination is fantastically crap. However, I did learn Judo for all my years at highschool (age 11 to 18) and I have recently started learning taekwondo with my son, to help
Do you use sarcasm?
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What’s the first thing you notice about people? If they need help with something, lol
What’s your eye color? Grey/Blue
Scary movies or happy endings comedies? Action comedies are my bag. I hate horror/scary movies with a passion. I am a wuss.
Any talents? Baking, crafting, singing, violin, infodumping about the medieval period
Where were you born? South London, UK
What are your hobbies? Writing, Crafting, Sims and Minecraft, Medieval Reenactment, Cooking/Baking, being alone.
Do you have any pets? Yes. One cat (I posted a pic of her on Boop day)
How tall are you? 5'3" and 1/2. The 1/2 is very important.
Favorite subject in school? Geography and Biology
Dream job? Getting paid to be creative, but I am mediocre at these things at best. I briefly had a crafting business, but the only time I made money from it was making fabric face masks during the pandemic.
Tags: @lokischambermaid @mrs-illyrian-baby @sparkagrace @cable-knit-sweater, @blackwood4stucky and anyone who wants to play.
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
Eclipse Episode 8
Okay I am officially providing updates every episode because Holy DAMN THIS SHOW.
@plantsarepeopletoo @grapejuicegay @thegalwhorants @wen-kexing-apologist
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Oh adding this in at the start because the entire Akk/Ayan scene in Akks bedroom was so good I watched it twice and also
this was HILARIOUS:
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Boy moved so fast I couldn't get a clean screenshot, he was DOWN
Also Khan is shipping it.
Back to the theories:
The curse has been around since teacher whats-his-face face was head prefect so I'm leaning more towards like: it is the head prefects job to enforce the curse or something, still not sure if Khan or Wat know about it
This show went ALL IN on the power framing here and wow it was ominous
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Also Manipulation via scholarship promise + a direct reference to Mes the ?previous? head prefect (I'm a bit unsure about the age gap here, because I THOUGHT he was a few years ago, not one year older but I am feeling much less certain about this.)
ALSO I'm confused again because it was implied Namo was in the same Judo class as our mains + sides and I thought he was a year younger, could be a rando with a similar sounding name though
Khan is DEFINITELY behind the messaging so called that although Thua definitely knows now, whether he knew earlier is anyones guess.
Also Thua's WHOLE CHAT with Khan about the protests felt sus and like he was fishing for information so I am back to being suspicous about him
Khan relating to Aye is legit hilarious because he is the Akk in his own relationship
Namo again is giving me bad vibes, serious case of hero worship to a stalking level going on for Akk
and then Akk is legit allowing Ayan to just search teacher Chadok's office wow
It was definitely NOT already under the desk and this WAS definitely planned and he IS FECKIN Behind it all I KNEW IT
(Lol I could still be wrong)
still have a bunch of questions about the circumstances around the uncles death but I trust this will be revealed in time
did he and Chadok have a relationship?? How deep does this closet metaphor GO????
What made Thua plan all this, how is he managing it and how does he really feel about Khan?
Oh not a question but Mum and Ayans moment in his room was POIGNANT
Namo seems to believe in the curse but I also feel like he's about to take over enforcing it so ????
Episode 9 here I come
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oifaaa · 2 years
Annabeth anon here. Yeah I agree Percy never seemed to have much patience w Annabeth in the first books and he’s been oblivious throughout, and you’re right, I need to readjust my perspective, just because she’s a daughter of Athena I shouldn’t expect her to behave a certain way to show that’s she’s smart/good fighter, she’s her own person first. And that we’re only seeing things from Percy’s narrative first so it’s never the whole picture.
When I said her being mean, I didn’t mean the usual violence forced onto all demigods, I meant more of the times Annabeth casually punched Percy and called him stupid etc. as a sort of way of showing her affections, pulling on his metaphorical pigtails. For example when I saw fanarts about the judo flip, there were almost dozens of comments similar to “this is such an iconic romantic scene” “she hit him because she was so worried, I would do that to my so too if it were me” “she only hurt him because of how much she loves him” and it’s times like this when I think, if their role were reversed how would the fandom react, and if this is a good way to portray a relationship, especially when those comments seem to have come from younger audiences. If it were Percy who punched Annabeth in the gut and told her to ask him to dance, if it were Percy who slammed Annabeth onto the ground (without knowing the loss of the curse), if it were Percy’s jealousy that kept Annabeth from certain friends, would that still be considered romantic? (Of course we need to take in the account of them both being traumatized teenagers and being demigods their circumstances are different). I would love to hear your thoughts if you want to share , I know it’s a long ass ask and not even your primary interest, and please correct me of any biases and misconceptions x
See I get were your coming from expecially the whole if the roles are reversed would this still be okay and the obvious answer is no but i think this is another matter of perspective as well the question of how percy feels about it is percy actually hurt by it does annabeth actually do these things to hurt percy like if percy asked her to stop would she which is the really important thing the fact that they're demigods on top of this and they're trained gives the impression that it's more play fighting then anything, as for Rachel I think you need to remember she did have feelings for percy and jealousy may not be pretty but it's natural and speaks more of Annabeths insecurities (which we know annabeth has it one of her character faults we see it with her Step mum and half brother) like these are issues and trauma annabeth has but like I said having negative character traits doesn't make a character the devil it just makes them more realistic and at the end of the day if the characters flaws mean you can't like them that's fine honestly
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soclonely · 1 year
Whenever you gwt a chance if you're up for it
The clones as which episode of bluey made them emotional
HELLO IT IS I. I AM BACK, AND HERE AND READY FOR SOME CLONES AS! Ironically I am watching Bluey with a group of little ones as we speak and had to hold back a few sobs a moment ago:'))
Rex- Daddy Dropoff: It's Dad's turn to get the kids ready for school and kindy, but Bluey and Bingo aren't making things easy! Dad tries to keep everything on track, but can't help playing along with their games, making them all late… again!
Echo- Camping: Bluey is on a family camping trip, where she makes a new friend, Jean-Luc. Even though Bluey and Jean-Luc don't speak the same language, they teach each other how to camp, plant trees and hunt a "wild pig"
Fives- Bike: Bluey struggles to learn how to ride her bike, but finds inspiration when she watches her friends' determination with their own tasks.
Jesse-Curry Quest: Bingo and Dad must brave a swooping magpie protecting its nest, when they go on a curry swap to Mackenzie's house through the park.
Kix- Rug Island : On Bingo and Bluey's Rug Island, a pack of felt pens can be anything: bananas, campfires, even a snake. But Dad will need to embrace his inner kid if he wants to make it his home.
Tup- Sleepytime: Bingo wants to do a Big Girl sleep. As she drifts away into a dreamy adventure with Flopsy, will Bingo make it through the night and wake up in her own bed?
Dogma-The Show: When Bingo accidentally spills Chilli's Mother's Day breakfast in bed, Bluey decides they should put on a show to make her feel better.
Hardcase- Army: Jack is the new dog at school and the newest recruit in Rusty's Army. Jack struggles with following instructions and always forgets his hat, but Rusty will make a soldier of him yet.
Coric-Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound :Bingo is sick in hospital, so Bluey and her Dad make, and send her a homemade video to lift her spirits. It tells the tale of Barnicus' quest to heal her spotty dog named Bumpy.
Bly- Onesies: When Mum's sister Brandy comes over for a visit, she brings the kids onesies as a present, which has an unexpected effect on Bingo.
99- Flatpack : Bluey and Bingo turn flatpack boxes into a whole new world while Chilli and Bandit struggle to assemble the furniture itself. it is the symbolism of its final scenes that hit home as we see Bluey pretend to become a mother of her own and watch her own child head into adulthood.The show tenderly depicts her passing as she heads to a heaven-like Utopia alongside her own parents as she watched her ‘daughter’ live on.
Cody- Charades: Bluey and Bingo want everyone to play Charades, but Muffin and Socks are too young to understand the rules, which threatens to derail the game. But Nana has her own special rule so everyone is happy!
Waxer/Boil- Bingo : When Bluey has a playdate at Chloe's, Bingo must learn how to play by herself. But all the games she knows need more than one person! Luckily, Dad has a problem that needs solving.
Wolffe- Stories : Indy thinks she's no good because her model horse looks like a cow, but Calypso encourages her not to give up, so she tries to fix it with a little help from Winton.
Boost/Sinker- Butterflies : Playing Butterflies in the backyard is great fun, until Bluey runs away with Judo leaving Bingo all alone. Now poor Bingo's heartbroken and Bluey needs to make it better.
Hunter- Baby Race: Mum reminisces about Bluey and Judo as babies. Bluey learnt to roll over first, but Judo was the first to crawl, so then it became a race to see who would walk first.
Wrecker- Handstand: At a party, Bingo is desperate to show off her handstand skills, while Nanna can't find a way to make herself useful. They're both feelings bit lost, until they find each other.
Tech- Mum School: Bluey plays mum to a brood of bouncy balloons, including an irrepressible floater named Greeny. But she soon discovers that mothering is much harder than she imagined.
Crosshair- Space : Mackenzie, Jack and Rusty are playing as astronauts on a mission to Mars. But during their journey, Mackenzie keeps going missing and no one knows why, not even Mackenzie.
Omega- Bin Night: Bluey, Bingo and Dad always take the bins out. Over a few weeks, Bingo tells dad about a new kid at kindy who is mean to her and Mum offers some good advice.
Howzer- The Decider: Bluey and Lucky's families get together to watch the big game!
Fox- Copycat: Bluey's having fun copying everything Dad says and does, but the game takes a serious turn when Bluey finds a hurt budgie, and they have to make an emergency trip to the vet
Gregor- Grandad: Grandad is supposed to be resting, but when Bluey and Bingo go to visit him, he makes a run for it with the kids and takes them on a madcap adventure into the bush.
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mirrorthoughts · 11 months
15 questions 15 less than 15 mutuals
I got tagged by the lovely @vmures 💕 thanks!
1. Are you named after anyone? Yeah, my second name comes from my great grandmother who was still alive when I was born (though she died when I was around 1) and my third one comes from my godmother!
2. When was the last time you cried? It was either Monday the second October or somewhere later during that week. I did cry on monday, not sure about the rest of the week, I was not in a good head space then.
3. Do you have kids? Nope!
4. What sports do you play/have you played? Oh that's gonna be a funny list: Ballet (I was very young, didn't do it v long thanks to my mum), soccer/Fußball (also not that long), swimming (actually did that for a while competitve), standard dance, judo, aikido, I tried capoera (but being fat didn't help with trying to do the movements slowly - my center of gravity is different), currently I'm trying to somehow get into the shape for parcour
5. Do you use sarcasm? Nooo, I would never dare to use sarcasm...
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone? Their voice and their general vibe I think...
7. What’s your eye color? Blue with a brown ring in the middle which makes it look blue-green-grey-ish
8. Scary movies or happy endings? I like both. I do generally prefer happy endings though. (So I love Scary movies with happy endings!)
9. Any talents? I'm a jack of all trades.
10. Where were you born? Germany, Bavaria
11. What are your hobbies? This will be another funny and long list 😂 Writing (stories & rpgs), reading, reaseraching, listening to & making music, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, drawing, video games, movies & shows, documentations & video essays, crafts in general, puzzles & riddles, boardgames, TTRPGs, escape rooms, trying new stuff other people gushed about.
12. Do you have any pets? Sadly no.
13. How tall are you? 1,67m
14. Favorite subject in school? Math, Economy & Law (that was one single subject at our school)
15. Dream job? I wanted to be an astronaut and an author when I was young (and also later - at least the author), but my perfect job would be owning a café (and yes I know v already said that, but we are apparently simmilar in that way 😂) and I say owning bc my social skills are horrible and my social anxiety would not help in actually working there myself. I'd call it the "Black Cat Coffee Corner" and it would be a 24/7 book café with large shelves of second hand books, comfy chairs and large baskets of yarn and crochet and knitting needles everywhere. And you can crochet/knit or read while you're there but if you want to take what you crocheted/knitted/read with you you would need to pay for the yarn/book. And. Well. For whatever coffee and stuff you'd consumed.
Low/no pressure tags for: @lucky-bishop, @aurevell,@bucky-boychik-barnes, @midmorning-bomb, @meggie-stardust, @the-clintster, @tkwritesdumbassassins, @msridcully, @teenwerewoofs
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crayonurchin · 7 months
15 questions, 15 answers, tagged by @empressofthelibrary!
are you named after anyone? Sort of. My first name was the only name that mum and dad agreed on, but both my middle names are after my grandmothers!
when was the last time you cried? Today, I was walking the dog, saw a really whimsical fallen tree in the woods, and got emotional over it. That was just a little tear up though. A big cry was yesterday, reading more news on Palestine.
do you have kids? I do not, but I think in like, 10ish years, I'd like to adopt a kiddo. When I'm financially, emotionally and mentally ready for it, being a parent genuinely sounds nice to me, but I have 0 intention of ever giving birth. I've wanted to adopt since I was about 8 years old. I'm 27, and it's only NOW the thought of being pregnant isn't horrifying beyond words to me, but even if I wanted to have a uterus baby, I'd still adopt.
what sports do you play/have you played? I did quite a few martial arts classes growing up. Boxing, Kick boxing, karate, judo. I went to a cheerleading class once, but I got really bored because they wouldn't let me join in, so I left ^^;
do you use sarcasm? ... I don't know??? I've been told I am when I'm not trying to, and told I'm not when I'm trying to. I don't know, am I using sarcasm??!
what is the first thing you notice about people? Personal energy. As in, what's the vibe they're putting out. It sound so corny I know but I meet endless people at work and can only remember a few faces, but vibes have stuck with me.
what is your eye color? Dark brown! They look almost black unless I'm in the light, and it makes it look like I have giant pupils. I really like my eyes ^^
scary movies or happy endings? Oddly enough I'm all happy endings these days. I used to looooove scary movies, and while now I appreciate a good horror thriller, too much just drains me. Nothing wrong with a struggle in the film, but now, I want my good ending escapism.
any talents? I'm really good at throwing food into the air and catching it in my mouth. Other than that, I'm not too bad at singing belt style and I'm really good at performing for kids. parents tell me often they're impressed I keep the kids attention
where were you born? Hammersmith in West London in a particularly gloomy hospital XD Seriously, google pictures of Hammersmith London , some of the old buildings are gorgeous but it's all getting pretty grey over there
what are your hobbies? It's drawing. I just love to draw so much. Writing is something I'm trying to make into a job so it's less of a hobby now but I still like it. And while soap making is done only for conventions, I really enjoy doing it. And dungeons and dragons. Loooove d&d
do you have any pets? A very old cat named Crikey and a middle aged dog named Butch. Crikey is my baby boy and I adore him
how tall are you? 5'7
favorite subject in school? I liked art, it was fun and until A-Level my teachers kicked ass. Funnily enough I remember liking history until we had to do exams, where I learned liking history and being good at history are different things, and I started to hate it.
dream job? At this point, I'd like this. I'd like to write/ illustrate and publish books, and let that be enough to live on. As a side thing, I want to sell my soaps at a few conventions a year, and do kids parties maybe 1 day a week. So, all the stuff I'm doing now, I'd like to do at a level I can live happily on.
Okay, I'm tagging @paeonia-horse @theamishpirate and @kajeaynart
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episodeoftv · 1 year
Round 1 of 8, Group 1 of 8
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propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
America’s Next Top Model: 4.07 The Girl Who Pushes Tyra Over The Edge
Tyra is pushed beyond her limit and yells at a model for her negative attitude and the participants' acting skills are put to the test when they must perform a scene or Boris Kodjoe serves as a guest judge and makes a guest appearance along with male model Rib Hillis, photographer Kwaku and acting coach Larry Moss. Later, some of the participants are stressed out when they must pose in an intimate lingerie photo shoot with a top male model. Another model is eliminated.
Bluey: 2.50 Baby Race
tw Mayyyybe implications of unintentional child abuse from Nana Heeler (Bandit says her tips on getting Bluey walking aren't legal anymore).
Mum reminisces about Bluey and Judo as babies. Bluey learnt to roll over first, but Judo was the first to crawl, so then it became a race to see who would walk first.
It's just really stinkin' cute (Babby Bluey my beloved)! Also, since the adult characters are in the spotlight, the jokes are allowed to get a bit more abstract (though Bandit does still get hurt constantly, bless him), and a bit dark (Nana Heeler what the fuck are you doing with that grit). I feel ridiculously validated and I'm childless, so I feel like the parents in the audience must have been so happy about this episode.
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spocks-evil-godmother · 7 months
The first episode of Bluey I ever saw was "Baby Race" which is generally about not seeing childhood development as a race but now having seen the preceding episodes there is certainly some flavor in the fact that Bluey's mum was beefing with Judo's mum, with whom there is a longstanding neighborly dislike. Loool
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beezonia · 1 year
Thinking bout the layton women again so you get some head-cannons for them
Claire Foley
A mechanic wiz, she knows her way around machines (as we see in uf)
She and Hershel met in Uni when Dimitri nearly smacked her on the head with his locker door
She’s a bit clumsy
Tends to do extremely dangerous things whilst on ten cups of coffee
Her favourite tea is a citrus flavour but she does like Earl grey
Claire adores jazz music
plays the sax
Can be extremely stern and motherly when she wants
Hates when people get hurt under her leadership
Has a lot of anxiety about the future but doesn’t tell anyone
Swears in different languages when Hershel is around so he doesn’t scold her
She’s overall and anxious but chill mum bean
Emmy Altava
Emmy wants to prove she can do anything anyone asks of her
It sets of her low self esteem
Knows karate and judo because of leon/targent
Likes to go mountain biking
A photography major
Loves spilling the tea with everyone (yes even hersh)
Can be very violent sometimes
She dabbled in violin playing but it really was not for her
Does like creating collages of photos she’s taken
Is more of a coffee lover
Stays up late and is the type not to remember anything that happened the night prior even though she was sober
More of a klutz but a calculated one
Thinks of Luke and flora as her little siblings
She’s the energetic bean who hides her true feelings
Flora Reinhold
Is extremely smart but has only started to come out of her shell so doesn’t prove it often
Shy but badass bean
Loves to sew and create new dolls or plushies for her and Luke
Knows judo (Emmy taught her)
Is slightly deaf in one ear (wears a hearing aid)
Socially awkward most of the time but has a plan to make new friends
Luke is helping her become more comfortable with others she doesn’t know
Becomes a detective and easily questions suspects with her charms
Plays the piano and the cello
A tea gal
Loves to garden (her favourite flowers are daisies)
Although she’s a bit skittish around people she really does love to hear their stories of adventures or romance
Hopeless romantic
Loves happy endings
Isn’t afraid to call anyone out for their bullshit
She’s the badass but shy bean
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