#jules vaughn x Howard!reader
bumblesimagines · 4 months
The Howards
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: After secretly meeting and hooking up, Jules is ready to take things to the next level and meet the Howards as (Y/N)'s official girlfriend.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
CW/TW: Mildly offensive/insensitive comment toward Jules
His fingers drummed against the steering wheel anxiously, his mind able to brush away the worried thoughts swirling around. No matter how much his mother prodded and questioned, he'd never brought a girl home before. Not with a family like his. Absentee addict father, an alcoholic mother, one wallflower-type sister, and another one who was famous at school for having her nudes spread around every few months. They were hardly the picture of a perfect family, much less a functional one. 
But Jules was... different. Stubborn, at the very least.
She'd sprung the idea onto him one night and practically pleaded to meet his family officially. She knew his sisters from school, Lexi through Rue and Cassie through Kat, but she hardly ever spoke to them one-on-one and she'd never seen his mother up close before. The idea of bringing a girl home to his slurring mother and likely weeping sister barely sounded appealing, but Jules batted her pretty blue eyes at him and he gave in. 
"Do you think she'll like me?" Jules asked from her spot in the passenger seat, head tilted toward the window to watch the houses pass by. 
"Your mom." Jules clarified. "Rue says she's really nice. I'm just worried that..." She trailed off, her fingertip circling her knee exposed through her ripped jeans. Her lips twisted, a nervous tic he first noticed when they talked about their feelings.
"Mom isn't a bigot if that's what you're worried about. She might... ask something that feels offensive, though, like about sex or some shit. She's got no filter, especially when she's drunk, and she's drunk... from the time she wakes up to the time she falls asleep." (Y/N) told her, glancing at her when she blew a raspberry and sighed heavily. Jules nodded weakly and took a deep inhale, tearing her eyes away from the window to look at his house through the windshield. 
"Do I look okay?" Jules asked breathlessly as the car pulled into the driveway, dragging her blonde and blue-tinted hair over her shoulders to run her fingers through it. "I feel like I should've brought something like- like, I don't know, muffins? I-I've never actually met anyone's parents before. Or- well, I have, but not like this, you know? Maybe-"
"Jules." (Y/N) turned the key and the soft rumbling of the car ceased, stopping the radio and AC along with it. He chuckled at her and reached out to grab her hand, tenderly squeezing her cool skin and rubbing comforting circles with his thumb. Jules met his gaze and exhaled through her nose, mustering a nervous smile for him. 
"Sorry." She whispered sheepishly. 
"You'll be fine, I promise. My mom doesn't bite. The most you'll have to deal with is her drunk ramblings and stories, I swear." (Y/N) released her hand to pull out the key, swinging open the car door and hopping out. The car beeped with the locks and (Y/N) faced his house, praying to whatever deity above that everything went well. Jules rounded the car and curled her long arms around his, leaning her cheek against his shoulder. 
The inside of the Howard Residence smelled like pasta, and (Y/N)'s stomach softly rumbled. He closed the door with a nudge from his foot and locked it, the sound bringing his mitten-wearing mother out from the kitchen. She looked the same as always. Her makeup seemed slightly smudged, likely from rubbing her eyes without thinking, and her hair remained tousled and semi-unkept. Suze smiled at the sight of them.
"You must be the lucky girl! Jules, right? I'm Suze." She approached them, still wearing the mittens, and gave her a welcoming hug. She stepped back, playfully smacking the mitten against (Y/N)'s arm and winking. "You've got yourself a pretty girl, huh?" Jules giggled bashfully at that, the nerves beginning to leave her body. (Y/N) tried to ease away the tension in his body but found himself unable to as they followed Suze into the kitchen where Lexi collected some plates and cutlery. 
"Hi, Jules!" Lexi smiled politely. 
"Hey, Lexi." Jules gave a small wave, eyes trailing over their kitchen before falling back on the two Howards. Suze poured the pasta and meatballs into a more appropriate bowl, adding some more sauce to it and stirring it around to mix everything. She glanced over her shoulder at them, keeping that same smile on her face. 
"You know, I was shocked when (Y/N) told me he was bringing a girl home for dinner. I mean, I expected it from Cassie, that girl talks about a new boy every month, but (Y/N)? God, about time, honestly. I was starting to worry he was going to become like- like a priest, or something. Or, like, one of those guys, you know the ones who shave their heads?"
"Monks?" Lexi's features scrunched up in confusion as she searched one of the cabinets for cups. (Y/N) inhaled deeply, eyes squeezing shut for a moment. Here we go. The show has officially started. 
"Yeah, yeah, those guys! Not that there's anything wrong with 'em, of course." Suze laughed, slipping the mittens off her hands and placing them aside. She immediately reached for what was likely her eighth cup of the day and took a sip of the wine, humming softly and licking her lips. "I'm so glad the day has come. And with you, Jules. You seem like such a lovely girl. I hear you're friends with Rue, too. That's nice."
Jules smiled. "Thank you. And, yeah, Rue's like my best friend."
"Good, good. She needs more of those." Suze sighed, raking her fingers through her hair and clearing her throat before she looked at them with a smile. "Well, I'm glad to have you here, Jules. At least we know (Y/N) won't be becoming a teen dad anytime soon, thank the lord." 
"Mom." Lexi and (Y/N) hissed simultaneously and shared an exasperated look. Jules blinked at Suze, lips forming silent words as her brows knitted. 
"What?" Suze huffed softly, jutting out her lips when Lexi rolled her eyes and scoffed softly, her big brown eyes turning to Jules and softening. Lexi smiled at her again, motioning to the cups on the counter with a slight pleading look. Jules took the hint and broke away from (Y/N)'s side, gingerly collecting the glass cups and following Lexi to the dining room. (Y/N) cut the distance, snatching the cup from his mother's hand before she could sip from it again, and tossed the contents into the sink. 
"Would it kill you to be sober for one day?"
"I paid for that wine, I get to decide how it's used. Now, excuse me if I'd like to enjoy myself after finding out my son has a secret girlfriend and he's just now introducing her to his family." Suze scowled and snatched the cup right back only to slam it down on the counter to pick up the bowl of pasta instead. (Y/N) rubbed his fingers into the bridge of his nose, feeling his mother brush past him to enter the dining room. 
"Sorry about her." Lexi sighed when she entered the kitchen, folding her arms over her stomach. He picked up Cassie and Jules's voices in the dining room, chatting about one thing and the other. Lexi's lips pursed and he arched a brow at her. "Listen, I... I think Jules is a cool girl and all but... Rue really likes her. Like, really likes her. Gia thinks she's in love. What do you think's gonna happen when Rue finds out you've been seeing Jules in secret this whole time?"
"Rue is none of my concern, Lexi. She's had plenty of time to do something about her feelings, just like you. Jules will tell her when she thinks it's the right time. The only person who can stop Rue from relapsing is Rue, okay?" (Y/N) reached for the lonesome salad bowl and picked it up, turning on his heel to round the corner into the dining room. 
"Hey," Cassie greeted him, groaning when he tousled her hair in return. Jules smiled widely, her eyes flickering between them before they followed him until he settled down beside them. Lexi and Suze re-entered the kitchen, both holding vastly different drink options. Lexi set down some cola cans while Suze happily set down a wine bottle. 
"Alright, sweet peas, I hope you enjoy." Suze chirped, sitting in her seat and immediately pouring herself a new cup of wine. She lifted it up toward Jules with a friendly, drunken smile. "Welcome to the family, honey."
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n0vabug · 1 year
Sleeping and Bowling
Summary: Reader sleeps in and Maddy skips school to go to her house, they cuddle, go bowling, yk that kind of stuff.
This was a request btw :)
Warnings: None, it's all fluff :) Words: 1.3k
Maddy walked into school that morning and immediately went to her girlfriend's locker, like normal. Maddy waited and waited. No (Y/N). She thought it was kind of weird since (Y/N) rarely ever missed school. Even though she wouldn't say it out loud at the moment, she was a bit worried that (Y/N) hadn't bolted through the school doors to hug her. Maddy eventually walked away, she went to look for Jules to ask her if she knew where (Y/N) was. It turns out (Y/N) was actually perfectly fine. She was just overslept that morning and when she woke up, she just decided to stay home since she would've been late anyways. Jules and (Y/N) had always been close. Jules was the second person (Y/N) came out too and also the second person who knew (Y/N) liked Maddy, but the first, was Lexi. (Y/N) was also pretty close to Lexi as they both had similar personalities. Lexi and (Y/N) had been friends since primary school (first grade to be specific). Lexi knew about (Y/N) liking Maddy since they started High school, and the second Maddy and (Y/N) started dating, Lexi was thrilled, like jumping up and down and continuously hugging (Y/N).
"Hey bitch, do you know where my Girlfriend is?" Maddy asked the blonde
"Yeah, she just texted me and said that she slept in today so she's just saying home." Jules responded and chuckled a bit at the end. She found it kind of funny since (Y/N) never sleeps in and is always on time.
"I'm gonna kill her." Maddy said obviously joking, which made Jules laugh.
Maddy decided to leave school and spend the day with her girlfriend, she wanted to take her bowling that night, and maybe watch a movie with her, Maddy literally wanted to do anything with her. They both really loved each other, (Y/N) was always doing kind gestures, showing Maddy every love language and giving Maddy all her love. Maddy on the other hand loved it, she was more of a physical touch quality time of person though, but every time (Y/N) showed any type of love to Maddy, she always said, "Ew (Y/N), that's like really gay." after that, (Y/N) would just give Maddy a look of confusion and say, "Aren't you literally gay?" The first that time Maddy did this, (Y/N) didn't realize she was joking and was upset because she thought Maddy didn't want to be with her, which led Maddy into explaining that it was all a big joke and she didn't mean it and a lot of cuddles and kisses from her. Maddy obviously wasn't homophobic, she never has been.
Maddy left the school and immediately drove to (Y/N's) place. Maddy got to her house, walked up to the door and knocked. (Y/N's) mom answered the door, she was one of the nicest people Maddy had met, next to (Y/N) of course.
"Oh hi Maddy!"
"Hello Mrs. (L/N), is (Y/N) here?" Maddy questioned the older woman
"Yep, she overslept, but she is just hanging out in her room if you want to come in. Do you need anything?" (Y/N's) mom said while opening the door more so Maddy could come inside.
"No I'm fine, thank you though!" Maddy said with a smile on her face. (Y/N) and her mom were both genuinely nice people, that's what Maddy liked about there house, it was sweet.
Maddy knocked on (Y/N's) door, and before (Y/N) could even say "come in", Maddy had already walked in.
"Oh hey Mads, I didn't know you were-" Maddy cut (Y/N) off by pressing a soft kips to her lips, but sadly, the kiss didn't last long. "Well, that's one way to say hello" said (Y/N) laughing.
"Well if I'm being completely honest, you make it very hard for me to like not miss you." Said Maddy, and before (Y/N) could get a word out, Maddy spoke up again. "Oh also tonight, you should like totally come bowling with me, Kat, Ethan, and Jules, and then you and me come back to your house and have a sleepover, if it's okay with you."
"That sounds like a great idea, also you basically live here, Mads, and I love it when you stay, you don't have to ask me." (Y/N) said with a smile. Maddy just smiled and admired her girlfriend for a minute before cupping her cheeks and pulling her in for another kiss, this time one that lasted a bit longer, Maddy melted into this kiss as she felt the warmth of her girlfriends lips flow perfectly against her lips. After a few minutes they both pulled away, out of breath.
"Come on let's get ready for tonight."
"We still have 7 hours Maddy."
"Well I want to make sure we both look perfect and I want to do your makeup." Maddy said with a grin on. her face
"You know I don't like a ton of makeup Mads." (Y/N) responded "Why don't we like relax for a bit before getting ready, we don't need 7 hours."
"Ugh fine, can I do a little makeup at least, also if we're relaxing then we're cuddling." Maddy said with a satisfied smile on her face.
"Fine you can do a little bit of makeup." (Y/N) said which made Maddy smile. (Y/N) laid down and patted the spot next to her for Maddy. Maddy laid on (Y/N's) chest and buried her head in the crook of (Y/N's) neck. Maddy's arms were around (Y/N's) waist while (Y/N's) arms were on Maddy's back. The two laid like this for a while until they both fell asleep.
(Y/N) woke up and immediately panicked, not knowing what time it was and not realizing they both fell asleep. "Shit, shit, shit" she said, which woke Maddy up.
"What time is it?" (Y/N) asked in a panicked voice which worried Maddy a bit.
"Calm down baby, it's only 12:14." Maddy responded in a reassuring voice, which caused (Y/N) to let out a heavy breath that she didn't realize she was holding in, showing that she was relived.
"Wait, how the hell did we sleep for 4 hours." (Y/N) asked confused
"I don't know, but let's get ready, bowling is at 5."
"Okay Mads, we can get ready." (Y/N) said with a smile and kissed Maddy's forehead.
~~~Really short time-skip~~~
The two girls changed into their outfits, Maddy finished her makeup, and was adding finishing touches to (Y/N's), she was sitting down while Maddy straddled her lap.
"Can I add diamonds to it?"
"Sure, why not." (Y/N) said smiling
Maddy put a few diamonds on (Y/N's) face and smiled as she added the last one. "Okay, I'm done, what do you think?" Maddy moved off of (Y/N) as she got up and walked towards the mirror.
"You know, I'm not the biggest fan of makeup, but when you do it, I love it." (Y/N) said which made Maddy smile and pull her into a warm embrace.
"Come on let's go." Maddy said while grabbing her bag and intertwining her hand with (Y/N's) and dragging her to the car.
Maddy was always the one driving, she loved to treat (Y/N) like the passenger princess, Maddy loved to give her the aux, which is rare because Maddy doesn't even let Kat or Cassie (when they were still friends) control the music, but she loves (Y/N) so it didn't matter.
Both girls had arrived, they met up with Kat, Jules, and Ethan, they went bowling for a couple hours until they eventually were tired of it. Maddy and (Y/N) parted ways with the others and drove back to (Y/N's) house. They both took showers, put their pajamas on, and did whatever they had to do to get ready for bed. (Y/N) let Maddy pick a movie as they both laid on her bed, in the same position they were earlier. Maddy couldn't even see the movie because of the position she was in, but she didn't care.
"Hey, Mads?"
"I love you"
"I love you too (Y/N)" Maddy says, as she leans up and kisses (Y/N) on the forehead.
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svltzmans · 9 months
lizzie's masterlist ♡
the following works are all entirely written by me. all of my writing is intended for an audience that is 18 or older.
all works are fem! reader, i do not write any content involving men!
♕ denotes smut or sexual content.
hope mikaelson
hope bringing her girlfriend home
dating hope
being lizzie saltzman's best friend and dating hope
dating hope with her humanity off
drunk in love
i can see you
hope comforting you
hope nsfw headcanons ♕
so hot you're hurting my feelings ♕
for worse or for better
paint the town red ♕
jealousy, jealousy ♕
see you soon
softly ♕
'tis the damn season
message in a bottle
hope nsfw headcanons, part two ♕
dating hope after a bad day
fluff alphabet
nsfw alphabet ♕
out of the woods ♕
bottom! hope ♕
boxer! hope ♕
take it out on me ♕
playing pool with hope ♕
jealousy, jealousy, part two ♕
begin again
lizzie saltzman
being lizzie's best friend
josie saltzman
cooking with josie
penelope park
stranger things
robin buckley
she's just not into you
waves ♕
nancy wheeler
slow dancing in the dark ♕
fiona gallagher
it's nice to have a friend
take care
illicit affairs
fiona nsfw headcanons ♕
ink ♕
cassie howard
invisible string
lipstick ♕
maddy perez
jules vaughn
rue bennett
lexi howard
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wholesome-holland · 8 months
euphoria masterlist!
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emily’s navigation rules for requesting
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rue bennett
to be added!
fezco o’neill
look whose got a torch
mini me (lwgat part two)
empty house
ashtray o’neill (platonic only!)
mini me (lwgat part two)
maddy perez
karma’s a bitch
cassie howard
permanent mistakes
lexi howard
to be added!
kat hernandez
to be added!
jules vaughn
to be added!
nate jacobs
to be added!
ethan daley
to be added!
to be added!
to be added!
gia bennett (platonic only!)
to be added!
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theemptyartdeco · 1 year
Twin Tides (Nate Jacobs)
Chapter 1: Carnival | Nate Pov
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Warning; toxic fucked up Nate (his pov is fucked up)
"Yo are you at this Ferris wheel or that Ferris wheel?"
"I know I'm on my way. How the fuck am I supposed to know there are two Ferris wheels?"
Nate paced through the crowd, Maddy's complaints combined with the overwhelming carnival music raged the familiar storm of anger in his chest, threatening to explode at any moment. Finally, the sight of Maddy in that outfit drove him off the edge.
"Why are you dressed like a hooker?"
He demanded furiously.
What my ass.
"Jesus Christ, Maddy, I'm here with my parents."
His ire grew with every word, a storm brewing beneath the surface.
"So? It's a carnival."
"No, it's the chilli cook-off, it's very important. I can't have you hanging around the booth dressed like that." Nate walked past her impatiently, attempting to keep his temper in check, not because he felt the need to, but because the thought of Maddy's endless complaints and provocations once she was triggered made him want to do things.
Risky things.
The ones that would feel good yet which his rational judgement dissuaded him from constantly.
Nate Jacobs was many things.
Driven, manipulative, angry, narcissistic, even dangerous maybe, but impulsiveness was not one of them, let alone stupidity. Every time the boy makes a move, he already anticipates the next three.
The cycle was not that complicated.
Anger, evaluation, calculation, action and scheme.
Each of those steps was essential, and he had gotten away every single time, but it didn't mean the process was not exhausting.
So there he was.
He succeeded in controlling his body, team, grades, and people around him. And now comes the most challenging task: controlling his rage.
"Maybe it will sell better."
His fists clenched Maddy's flirtatious and coquette comment. A part of him desired to rip off her revealing pieces, mock her and take her right there and then, "If you want to dress like a whore, I shall treat you like one." The other part burnt with frustration and rage.
"This isn't a fucking joke, ok?"
Does she ever have fucking common sense?
"Why are you being like this?"
No, she does not.
"Listen, my parents already don't like you."
"Go home, get changed, and come back looking like a person."
Nate hissed and left her standing in the middle of the crowd, toning down the aggression in his voice as much as possible with effort.
"Another breakup?" he queried, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"No," Nate replied tersely, every muscle in his body tensed.
Keep your damn nose out of my business.
"She's nothing but a distraction," Cal observed nonchalantly.
A muffled scoff escaped Nate's lips. Maybe Cal had a point.
Yet what had it ever not been a distraction for him? Some things slip away more quickly, some less so.
First, it was conquering his body, followed by conquering the field, next conquering his mind in the classroom, then Maddy, who was often undoubtedly a pain in his ass, like the night at Mckay's party. Still, it was exactly her unpredictability and her boldness, which some would call shamelessness, that made his quest of conquest interminable, more addicting.
In Cal's head, Maddy was the distraction from his goals.
He didn't like to think about it, but he knew the truth. It seemed that none of it, whether it was football, victories on the field or Maddy, could contain the flame of anger blazing in his chest forever, and it scared him.
Aaron yawned. Nate frowned, sensing the revolting scent of alcohol in his brother's throat even if he wasn't facing him.
"Now that-" Aaron grinned foolishly at Cal, pointing drunkenly, "Is what you don't call a distraction. That's a girl you fuck for life."
Nate chuckled blatantly with disdain. The mere idea that a girl finding her cunt buried with Aaron's weak drunken cock was one the few things that could echo sympathy in Nate Jacobs' blackened heart.
Nate raised his head, the amusement and disdain written only in the depth of his pupils, which were met unexpectedly with another pair of dark eyes, which, as ridiculous and improbable as it sounds, were so beautifully similar to his.
She was standing in front of the booth, her mouth slightly opened, clearly shocked, disturbed, offended yet holding back her irritation at Aaron's comment for the sake of politeness.
Nate was momentarily taken by her presence, a reaction he would've usually blamed himself for, but this time, he couldn't.
The stranger girl appeared out of place in ways he couldn't even count. Among the teenagers like him, whose hormones for sex and high misted everywhere, her perfectly toned figure balanced between slenderness and fullness, molded into simple yet stylish black dress just above her knees that revealed just the right amount of her flesh straddled the fine between seduction and elegance. It was also the way she held her head high, showcasing her collarbones and snow-like slender neck, despite the ostensible discomfort and startle. It was an inborn pride.
"Excuse my brother," Nate apologized tactfully, putting on the mask of the charming gentleman, "He's a loser."
"Apologize, Aaron."
"Are you fucking serious right now?" The older brother's widened in annoyance.
Before Aaron could retort by unveiling Nate's label-whoring routine.
Nate repeated, his voice unyielding, it was a command.
"Fuck this," Aaron threw the beer can in the garbage, "Sorry."
Nate watched the irritated and conflicting tension among her features dissipating naturally, replaced by a sweet smile on her doll-like face, "I appreciate it."
He chuckled when pouring the hot chilli into the cup, "I don't recognize you from here," he raised his eyes calculatedly, observing her face, "Are you new in town?"
She nodded with that harmless and innocent smile, "Just arrived last weekend. My mother and I are still adjusting."
Her cheeks seemed so soft, delicate, untouched. And her voice.
If only a girl in East Highland had that voice chord...
"Going to East Highland High soon?" He hands her the chili cup, his fingers brushed against hers, "It's on the house, as an apology on my brother's behalf. It's Nate, by the way."
"I'm Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn Arundel," her lips curled naturally, "Yeah, I'll be attending East Highland High."
He raised his brows, "Junior?"
"Senior," she swallowed.
Nate noticed that faint hesitance, shame, and something else... anger behind radiating through her carefully crafted innocence.
"It's nice to meet you, Kaitlyn," he simply nodded in acknowledgment without further pursuing questions, knowing that he would crack them, one by one, eventually.
"You may want to be careful around here. My brother just has a loud mouth, but he bears no ill intentions."
Kaitlyn tilted her head, her dark doe eyes seemingly confused and surprised.
"A beautiful girl like you," Nate approached her quietly, his large figure hovering over hers, "A lot of men would try to get their hands on a beautiful girl like you. You don't want to get yourself in that kind of situation."
"I'm not trying to," she whispers softly.
"Good girl," He brushes his finger tips on her cheek.
If only Maddy saw this.
It amused him how she would have reacted.
Call him a cunt? Slap her on the face?
He could get used to imagine how he would shield this innocent, sweet, beautiful, decent girl, her face red from the slap, sobbing in shock in his chest, from Maddy.
"It was nice meeting you," Kaitlyn retreated slowly but firmly from their proximity, yet her voice still gentle, her smile defenceless, "Nate Jacobs."
With that, she disappeared into the crowd, the last glint in her eyes screamed an innocence and purity that made his cock twitch, yet something behind those dark eyes had left him unsettled.
Until next time, little girl.
Taglist; @tember1
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some-lonely-loser · 1 year
📍Location-Perez Household
📷POV- Narrator (3rd)
Brooke sat on Maddy's bed with a small, foldable mirror in one hand while her other hand lined her lips with a walnut brown shade while listening to Maddy and Kat's conversation. "Do you think my areolas look weird?" Maddy asked, while looking at her boobs in the mirror.
"No." Kat responded while Brooke just hummed in agreement, moving onto her eyeshadow, gathering her brushes together.
"But like.. The edges though." Maddy spun a little round, glancing at her friends who weren't even paying attention to what she was saying.
"Maddy, they're fine." Kat said while Brooke responded, "Yeah girl, calm down."
Maddy scoffed and said "Fine like they're weird, or fine like nobody but me would notice what I notice?"
"Fine like shut the fuck up Maddy!" BB yelled from Maddy's bathroom which caused Brooke to stop applying her makeup and start laughing
"I'm disgusting. I literally look disgusting." Maddy said while  pulling her tank top back up while Brooke scoffed and Kat responded "Maddy, you need to snap the fuck out of this. You're hot as fuck and Nate's a loser. Who cares?" Kat said, looking up at her while Brooke hummed in agreement, finishing her makeup and putting the mirror back on Maddy's table.
"He's not a loser, he's a dick." Maddy defended him. "All dicks are losers... duh." Kat mumbled. Brooke stood up and grabbed her phone, walking into the bathroom that BB was previously getting ready in, no longer interested in the seemingly never ending conversation. She pulled up her periwinkle colored jeans and smoothed out the wrinkles on her satin, indigo shirt.
Brooke came back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed and grabbed her phone to get more details about the party that was being thrown later.
"Brooke! You ready?" Maddy yelled from downstairs, glancing at Kat and BB who were also confused on what Brooke was doing. "Yep! I'm coming, gimme a sec I'm putting my shoes on." Maddy shrugged and turned around, walking to the door while BB shouted "We're gonna wait for you in the car." while following Kat and Maddy outside, shutting the door.
Maddy slowed the car down, beginning to pull into the parking lot of the store that Fezco owned with his brother. A certain curly haired girl walked past  the car and as soon as Maddy parked, she squinted her eyes and leaned closer to where the familiar figure was coming from.
"Is that..?" Maddy mumbled
"Oh shit. Slow down." Kat told her, even though she was already parked.
"Dude that's Rue! Oh my god.." Kat yelled.
Brooke sat up and smiled. "Oh shit! It is her!"
"Wait. didn't Rue like.. Die?" Maddy asked, confused.
BB leaned back in her seat and said "Oh my god.. I hate ghosts." Making Brooke laugh and say "She was in rehab I think."
Kat stuck her head out the window and yelled, "Yo Casper! You want a ride?"
Rue turned around and started walking slowly to the car. "Why thank you."
Brooke moved over to the middle seat, making room for Rue while she opened the door and got in the car. "Hey Rueee" Brooke said, making Rue turn to her and grin lazily. "Oh hey."
Maddy pulled out the parking spot and continued driving while rap music played and the smoke from BB's vape and the blunts that were being passed around, filled the car.
Brooke looked down at her phone, getting a message from her best friend, Sienna.
Hey bitchh, where u at?
I'm omw rn. I'm in the car wit Maddy and evb else. This car loud asf
Ok girl be safe
Love u. see u soon
I will! Love u too.
Brooke shut her phone off and laid her head against the headrest behind her, growing a headache every time BB blew smoke in her direction. Brooke just kept calm and continued listening to the rap music playing throughout the car, thankful that the current situation would only be for a couple more minutes. When the girls arrived at the party, they all said their goodbyes and ran off inside.
Brooke planned to stay with Maddy, but of course that wasn't happening since she already walked off, probably to find Nate. Her eyes darted across the room, hoping to find Sienna, or anybody else that was familiar to her.
After walking around for a few minutes, Brooke grew irritated with how many people shoved into her, unapologetically. Looking through the crowd of people one last time, before eventually deciding that she would find Sienna later, Brooke walked to the kitchen.
She grabbed a red solo cup, glancing at all the bottles of alcohol and shot glasses that were scattered throughout the kitchen. Making sure her cup was clean, she walked over to the fruit punch bowl and made herself a drink, making a mental note to add some tequila to it as well.
"Hey Brooke! I've been looking for you!" Brooke's head snapped to where the voice came from, thinking it was Sienna but it was just one of her friends from school, Isobel. "Hey Isobel! You liking the party so far?" She said drinking from her cup.
"It's ight." Isobel shrugged. "You?" Brooke grinned before shrugging as well. "Yeah it's ight. You know where Sienna is?" She shouted over the loud music.
"Uhm.. The last I saw her, she was at the bathroom so try there." Isobel spoke before grabbing a bottle of alcohol and walking away, saying her goodbyes.
Brooke drank the rest of her drink, scrunching her face, looking down into the cup, only to see that it was clear. She put the cup down, rolling her eyes as she realized she just drank from the wrong cup. She shrugged it off, walking back into the living room, to find Sienna. Her eyes scanned over all the dancing figures before she found what she guessed
were the bathrooms, where a lot of people gathered.
Brooke looked at all the figures, not finding one with noticeably crimson colored hair, which caused her to turn around, figuring whatever was going on behind that crowded door, was most likely bullshit.
She walked around more, still trying to find Sienna before eventually giving up and sitting herself down onto an empty seat on the couch. Her eyes scanned the room, watching all the people who were doing their own thing before she turned her head to get a look at who she was sitting beside. Her eyebrows raised and when she saw Sienna
"Where the hell were you?" Brooke shouted over the loud music, causing Sienna to look at her and smile. "I was looking for you everywhere!" Sienna yelled before pulling her into a hug.
Brooke's smile faded away as she felt a tug on her bladder. "Hey, stay here, don't go anywhere. I gotta use the bathroom." Sienna pulled away from the hug and said "Alright, but be quick" she chuckled and walked off to the bathroom.
Brooke walked out the bathroom, shaken up from all the drama she had heard. She shrugged it off, walking back to the couch that she was previously at. She looked around for Sienna before eventually sitting down, figuring she just went to get a drink.
She grabbed her phone out of her bag and started scrolling on instagram, no longer having interest in this party.
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Liked by MaddyPerez, and 4,728 others.. Ashtrayoneil: Jus got done countin View all 1,384 comments
She started scrolling through the comments before she felt the seat beside her sink down. She looked over and saw Sienna. "I told you not to leave!" Sienna laughed "I'm sorry, I was thirsty I had to get a drink. You wanna dance?" She yelled over the loud music. Brooke nodded as Sienna pulled her up and led her toward the middle of the living room, crowded with dancing figures.
Sienna and Brooke started dancing together but Brooke felt eyes watching her. Brooke continued dancing but shrugged the feeling off
Unbeknownst to Brooke, Ashtray was staring ahead of them. He watched as they grabbed onto each other, dancing and singing along with the music. He didn't know either of the girls well, but he did know that Sienna bought weed from him alot and Brooke just seemed.. Confusing.
He met her a couple times before. Sometimes she was dressed in sweatpants and a tee and didn't talk at all while looking at her phone and other times, she was dressed all fancy with her hair done up in some kind of way while being chatty.
He knew she came from a rich family and just figured she would be one of those rich, annoying, stuck up girls with an everlasting bitchy attitude. Maybe he was judging her based on what he heard about her but she just seemed like she was uninteresting and annoying.
Despite how Ashtray was staring her down, Brooke didn't notice it. But Sienna did. And just as she was about to tell Brooke, and suggest going over there, she heard a loud voice.
"Do you guys know who the fuck this is?" Brooke and Sienna stopped dancing and the music stopped. Everyone was staring at Nate Jacobs pointing at a girl Brooke had never seen before.
"Does anybody know who the fuck this is? Does anybody know who the fuck Jules is?" Nate yelled again, while everyone stood awkwardly, but silent. He walked away from the girl and towards the crowd of people around him and started pointing at someone "Anyone at all. You. Do you know who the fuck Jules is?" He turned around and started walking back towards her. Continuing their previous conversation, Brooke couldn't hear because she was too far away.
Nate started getting in the girl's face which obviously upset her before he yelled again "Yo is anybody here, friends with Jules? Anyone? Does anyone know who the fuck this bitch is?"
He got quiet again, waiting for someone to speak before yelling louder. "Somebody better speak up or this bitch is gonna get fucked up!" The girl, seemingly tired of Nate being an asshole to her, grabbed a knife
"Oh shit.." Brooke mumbled while Sienna hummed in agreement to her reaction. Nate walked backwards away from the girl, as if he was retreating from a bear. "You wanna fucking hurt me!?" She yelled, walking towards him. "No! I was fucking kidding!" He yelled, trying to calm her down, which obviously in this case, wouldn't work. "Back the fuck up! What the fuck is your problem?!" She yelled, getting him against a cabinet with a scared look as he eyed the knife in her hand. "Put the fucking knife down okay- It was a joke-" He scrambled, trying to find the right words.
"You wanna fucking hurt me!?" "No no no-" Nate mumbled, still eyeing the knife. "You have no fucking idea." She said, slicing her wrist after. Brooke gasped like everyone else and looked at Sienna, who was just shaking her head, at a loss for words.
"I'm fucking invincible!" Jules said, with her hand raised up, walking over to Nate and putting her blood on his shoulder. She backed up from Nate, putting her arm down and shouted, "By the way, I'm Jules. I just moved here!" She said, smiling and walking out the kitchen,
The music started back up and everyone continued dancing. Brooke nodded slowly, finding the new girl cool but somewhat weird. She then  turned to Sienna, who was already looking at her. "Okay then.." Sienna mumbled over the music. "The fuck just happened" Sienna shrugged in confusion
WC: 1946
I haven't posted on here in so long but I hope u enjoyed LMAO
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infernalodie · 2 years
Euphoria Masterlist PT.2
$ = Smut * = Fluff ! = Angst
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Maddy Perez
(*) IT’S YOU - Maddy Perez x Male!reader
(!) END SCENE - Maddy Perez x Perez!Male!reader
(!) The Stone - Maddy Perez x Gn!reader
(!) DYWTYLM - Maddy Perez x Black!Male!reader
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Rue Bennett
(!) Hot Soup - Rue Bennett x Bennett!Male!reader
(!) SORRY NOT SORRY - Rue Bennett X Bennett!Male!reader
(!) people don’t change - Rue Bennett x Black!Male!reader
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(! $ *) Dark Circles - Elliot x FemMale!reader Part One - Part Two
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Cassie Howard
(! $) REVENGE - Cassie Howard x Male!reader
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Jules Vaughn
(!) LIE - Jules Vaughn x Black!Male!reader
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Lexi Howard
(! *) young gun - Lexi Howard x Black!Male!reader
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kookiesnerotica · 1 year
For the girls. Who like girls.
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i see you. You see me. WE SEE EACH OTHER!
WELCOME to Slut zone #5. You are very much responsible for your pleasure.
M a d e l y n C l i n e.
S a r a h C a m e r o n.
M a d i s o n B a i l e y.
K i a r a C a r e r r a.
C l e o.
S d y n e y S w e e n e y.
C a s s i e H o w a r d.
A l e x a D e m i e.
M a d d i e P e r e z.
J u l e s v o u g h n.
H u n t e r S c h a f e r.
Z e n d a y a.
R u e B e n n e t t.
A l y c i a D e b n a m - C a r e y.
L e x a K o m T r i k r u.
O d e s s a A' z i o n.
Shamless Self Promo; If you want more from me, check out MY MASTERLIST.
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Requests open!
From now on, you can leave requests with what you want me to write. I will try to do it as fast as possible, but please understand that sometimes I don’t have the time and energy to start a fanfic.
Also, I only write for 18+ characters and I don’t write work that encourages illegal or wrong activities. So keep that in mind when you submit.
I write for every genre, like fluff , angst even smut etc.
Fandoms I write for:
-Money heist/ La casa de papel
-Harry Potter
-Dead poet society
I will add more on the future or if you suggest another one. That being said, feel free to ask🤎
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jjsmaybank20 · 2 years
𝔼𝕦𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕒 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
✰ - Personal Favorite ✎ - Most inspired for rn
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Maddy Perez ✎
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1. Finally Got the Girl [fluff] ✰
2. Intervention [angst, fluff]
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nothing yet
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Cassie Howard
nothing yet
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Lexi Howard ✎
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nothing yet
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1. Rainy Day [fluff] ✰
2. The Project [fluff] 
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Fezco (Platonic Only)
nothing yet
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Rue Bennett (Platonic Only)
nothing yet
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Jules Vaughn (Platonic Only)
nothing yet
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Kat Hernandez (Platonic Only)
nothing yet
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Ashtray (Platonic Only)
nothing yet
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venusbyline · 6 months
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Hey guys, I'm Vênus (she/her). This is my new ff blog and requests are already open!
I really like writing dark, smut and/or angst contents for s/o x female readers.
Almost all the characters and artists I'll write for are tagged. Feel free to send me your writing requests on my ask. (ps¹: practically i'll write for all Jacob Elordi and Ryan Gosling's characters, there just wasn't enough space in the tags).
So don't be shy... I'm a member of the "toxic characters stan" too <3
ps²: some characters besides the other characters of Ryan Gosling and Jacob Elordi that I didn't put in the tags but that I can also write for:
Scream: Ethan Landry, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher.
Euphoria: Rue Bennet, Jules Vaughn, Ethan Lewis, Lexi Howard, Chris McKay, Fezco.
Hunger Games: Lucy Gray Baird, Katniss Everdeen, Sejanus Plinth, Johanna Mason, Treech, Clemensia Dovecote, Tigris Snow, Haymitch Abernathy.
MCU: Tom Holland!Peter Parker & Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff.
Daisy Jones & The Six: Eddie Roundtree, Daisy Jones, Camila Dunne.
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Silas, Rebekah Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce.
Margot Robbie: Barbie, Harley Quinn.
Gossip Girl: Chuck Bass, Nate Archibald, Carter Baizen, Blair Waldorf.
YOU: Love Quinn, Joe Goldberg.
Harry Potter: Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black.
Grey's Anatomy: Jackson Avery, Derek Shepherd, Mark Sloan, Alex Karev.
Outer Banks: Rafe Cameron, JJ Maybank.
Anyway, more characters can be added here over time!
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rosemarycovet · 1 year
characters I write for
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Edward Cullen
Alice Cullen
emmet Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Bella Swan
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(Mostly billy and Stu)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Dewey Riley
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Robert
Ethan landry
Tara carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Chad meeks
Amber Freeman
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gilmore girls
(chilton) Rory Gilmore
Dean Forester
Jess Mariano
Tristin Dugray
Dave Rygalski
Lane Kim
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Finn Wolfhard characters
Mike wheeler
Boris pavlikovsky
Miles Fairchild
Richie Toizer
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Harry potter/wizarding world
Theodore Nott
Mattheo Riddle
Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Harry potter
Ron Weasley
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American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
kit walker
Zoe Benson
Kyle Spencer
Madison Montgomery
Jimmy darling
James march
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rue bennett
Jules vaughn
maddy perez
cassie howard
lexi howard
kat hernandez
Nate Jacobs
chris mckay
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Scott pilgrim VS. The world
Scott pilgrim
Ramona Flower
wallace wells (x male reader)
Envy Adams
Knives Chau
Kim Pine
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Rodrick Heffely-Diary of a wimpy kid
Patrick bateman-American Pyscho
Jesse Pinkman-Breaking bad
Peeta Mellark-hunger games
Finnick Odair-hunger games
Nanno-Girl from no where
Danny Jenner-Jeepers Creepers
Kat Stratford-10tihay
Patrick Verona-10tihay
Cameron James-10tihay
Dave Lizewski-Kick ass
Charlie-the perks of being a wallflower
jennifer check- jennifer’s body
Tim LaFlour-senseless
Robin Buckley-stranger things
glen glantz-nightmare on elm street
Request are open
181 notes · View notes
n0vabug · 1 year
Summary: Maddy thinks the reader is cheating on her
Warnings: Angst, swearing, mentions of cheating, Cassie being a bitch and flirting with the reader, slight mentions of drinking, etc. Words: 1.5k
(Y/N) was a pretty quiet person, but could be very talkative if she was comfortable enough. (Y/N) had met Kat during their Freshmen year, they quickly became very close. As they got further into high school, they met more and more people and their friend group started to form. Kat, (Y/N), Lexi, Cassie, Maddy, Jules, and Rue. (Y/N) had set her eyes on Cassie Howard at first, they dated in their Sophomore year for about 3 months, but Cassie got really controlling and a bit crazy too. After that, (Y/N) went through a bit of a depressive episode, because even though Cassie was controlling and crazy, (Y/N) had still loved her. Maddy quickly noticed (Y/N) during this time, so Maddy decided to try and help her through this. Cassie was her best friend after all, so Maddy gave some great advice and became really close with (Y/N). After that (Y/N) developed feelings for Maddy and accidentally blurted it out once while she was drunk. Maddy mentioned it when (Y/N) was sober, and lets just say, it went great. They started dating the summer before Junior year and during Junior year.
It is Sunday, which was always when Maddy and (Y/N) hung out together, they usually went out to different places. Yes, every weekend, but both of them seemed to really love it and if one of them had a bad week, or just had any stress or something bad going on, that's when they would go to the other's house, and have a movie night with their favorite snacks and drinks, whoever was sad or stressed got to pick the movie they watched and got a lot of kisses and cuddles.
"(Y/N) come here!" Maddy yelled from the other side of the store. "Yes, Maddy?"
"You would look so good in this!" Maddy held up a dress, which in (Y/N's) opinion, was very ugly."1. I love you Maddy, but I hate that color. 2. Again, I love you, but I'm gonna be completely honest, that is really ugly."
"Ugh, whatever bitch, it would probably look better on me anyways." Maddy said jokingly, which made (Y/N) give Maddy a look of offense. "Chill out, I'm just joking." Maddy said, then giving (Y/N) a quick peck on the lips.
(Y/N) and Maddy walked around the mall, with their hands intertwined the entire time, until they finished going inside every store that looked appealing to them. As they were about to walk out, Maddy spoke up, "Okay so like I really need to pee, I'm going to find a bathroom before I get a UTI." (Y/N) chuckled at this and just waited for Maddy outside the bathroom. While standing there, (Y/N) thought she had seen a familiar face walk inside a store. The familiar face being Cassie Howard along with her younger sister, Lexi Howard. It was rare for them to get along like this to the point where they actually did stuff together without their friend group, but it happens sometimes. (Y/N's) thoughts are interrupted by Maddy walking out.
"You ready to go?" Maddy asks.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine why?"
"You just seem super out of it"
"I'm just kinda tired, Mads. Getting 3 hours of sleep and then drinking an energy drink in the morning, is not the best thing to do, it's starting to catch up with me." (Y/N) says while laughing. Both girls leave the store and get in (Y/N's) car, (Y/N) drops Maddy off at home, goes to her own house, showers, and goes to sleep.
The next morning, (Y/N) got up and got ready for school. When she walked in, she was immediately greeted by her girlfriend.
"Hey!" Maddy yelled as she ran up to (Y/N). "Hi, I got to go to class, okay? I'll see you later!" (Y/N) says. They both say their goodbyes and walk to their classes. (Y/N) was walking to class but quickly got stopped by someone calling her name.
"(Y/N), hey, can we maybe talk for a moment?" (Y/N) turns around, and sees her ex-girlfriend, Cassie Howard. "I guess so, about what?" (Y/N) ask suspiciously, she would have never expected Cassie to be talking to her right now.
"I can tell you're still in love with me, (Y/N)" Cassie says as she grabs (Y/N) by the waist and pulls her closer. "Cassie, what are you talking about, I have a girlfriend, please get your hands off of me." The younger girl says, but Cassie doesn't listen, she lifts up (Y/N's) chin with her finger. "Cassie, stop, I have a girlfriend!"
What neither of them didn't realize, is that Maddy and Lexi had seen the whole thing, Lexi had saw how (Y/N) tried pushing off her sister and wasn't enjoying it, but Maddy on the other hand, didn't realize that (Y/N) wasn't enjoying this, Maddy instead had thought (Y/N) was cheating on her.
"You fucking bitch, did you actually think you could cheat on me and fucking get away with it?!" Maddy yelled at (Y/N). "You know what, (Y/N)? You weren't the fucking shit anyways!" (Y/N) had tears streaming down her face.
"Maddy it's not like that (Y/N) wasn't-" Lexi tried to help (Y/N) out but Maddy shut her up.
"Shut the fuck up, Lexi, this doesn't fucking concern you!" Maddy yelled at the Lexi. "Why the fuck are you crying. You weren't shit (Y/N), you were fucking annoying, and you weren't even that fucking hot either. You were a shitty ass girlfriend, and I hope I never fucking see you again!" Maddy ran to the bathroom with tears in her eyes, (Y/N) fell to the floor with her knees against her chest, uncontrollably sobbing.
"Cassie, why the fuck would you do that?" Lexi yelled at her older sister as she then followed Maddy to the bathroom.
Lexi saw Maddy standing at the sinks, trying to fix her makeup that was a bit messed up since she let a few tears slip. "Maddy?" Lexi tried approaching Maddy calmly to avoid being yelled at again. "I know you don't want me to be talking to you right now, but there is something really important I thought you should know. "What is it?" Maddy says confused and partially annoyed. "(Y/N) wasn't cheating on you, Cassie grabbed her and started being all weird and flirty with her, (Y/N) was trying to push Cassie away, I just thought you should know that." Lexi said which made Maddy's face change to guilt. "Are you sure?" Maddy asked. "Just because Cassie is my sister, doesn't mean I'm always going to take her side, but just trust me, I know (Y/N). She loves you, she would've never done something like that." Lexi before walking out to check on (Y/N).
"Hey, you alright?" Lexi asked (Y/N). "I just don't understand. I mean why did she immediately assume I was doing something wrong, does she not trust me? Did she really mean all those things?" (Y/N) said through tears, Lexi wrapped her arms around her. "She didn't mean any of those things, she was just mad. She may look confident, but deep down she gets scared and insecure. Trust me, she still loves you." Lexi reassured the older girl.
Lexi sat there for a few minutes with her arms wrapped around (Y/N) until Maddy started walking in their direction. "I'll leave you two alone" Lexi walked away and went to her class.
Maddy kneeled down next to (Y/N). "Maddy, I promise I would never do any-" (Y/N) is cut off by a passionate kiss, which was surprising because she thought she was about to be killed. "I'm sorry, I may have assumed a bit too quickly that you still liked Cassie and were cheating on me with her, I just get really scared sometimes? What I said was pretty harsh, and I promise you didn't mean any of it, I was just really mad in the moment. Can you forgive me? I love you."
"I guess I can forgive you, but if anything like this happens again, just please try and ask me about it first instead of yelling, but thank you for apologizing, I love you too." (Y/N) says. "Okay I can try and do that, only for you though, but do you forgive me enough to leave this shitty place and go to my house, we can maybe watch a movie and order food?" (Y/N) smiled at this. "Yeah I do, that sounds great"
Both girls went back to Maddy's house, they both changed into something comfier and laid in Maddy's bed, their bodies intertwined with one another. They stayed like this all day and even after they fell asleep.
A/N Sorry for taking so long to write this, I have been pretty busy 😭😭. Anyways I didn't proofread this because it's 3 in the morning and I have to wake up in 4 hours. If you have any requests for any Euphoria characters, or any characters I write for in general, then lmk, requests are always open. By the way, I have a couple Sam Carpenter imagines on my Wattpad that I haven't posted on here, so if you want to check it out, my Wattpad is @n0vabug! By the way thank you so much for all the notes, I highly appreciate it!
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gorgeys · 1 year
Who I Write For
Maddy Perez
Cassie Howard
Lexi Howard
Rue Bennett
Jules Vaughn
Kat Hernandez
The Boys
Queen Maeve
Starlight/Annie January
Victoria Neuman
(seasons 1-3)
Scream 5-6
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Quinn Bailey
Jennifer’s Body
Jennifer Check
D.C. Universe
Harley Quinn
Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Lena Luthor
Carla Roson
Nadia Shanaa
Rebeka Parrilla
Lucrecia Montesinos
Cayetana Grajera
La Casa de Papel/Money Heist
Wolf of Wall Street
Naomi Lapaglia
The Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen
The Fall of the House of Usher
Camille L'espanye
Tamerlane Usher
Madeline Usher
Basically all the Barbies
Killing Eve
Eve Polastri
Santana Lopez
Quinn Fabray
Brittany S. Pierce
Mercedes Jones
Tina Cohen-Chang
Kitty Wilde
Marley Rose
Sex Education
Maeve Wiley
Olivia Hanan
Ruby Matthews
Aimee Gibbs
Emilia Alo
Andi Agosti
Jana Cohen
Dare Me
Addy Hanlon
Beth Cassidy
Collette French
Cher Horowitz
Dionne Davenport
Sarah Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Little Mix
Alexa Demie
Sydney Sweeney
Margot Robbie
Madison Beer
Dua Lipa
Megan Thee Stallion
Megan Fox
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multimuseficreblogs · 2 years
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𝐚𝐡𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 ❅ all murder house ❅ all asylum ❅ all coven ❅ all freak show ❅ all hotel ❅ all roanoke ❅ all cult ❅ all apocalypse ❅ all 1984 ❅ all double feature 𝐚𝐡𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ❅ all evan peters characters ❅ all moira o'hara ❅ all violet harmon ❅ all cordelia goode ❅ all madison montgomery ❅ all misty day ❅ all zoe benson ❅ all mallory ❅ all michael langdon ❅ all brooke thompson ❅ all montana duke ❅ all xavier plympton ❅ all harry gardner ❅ all lark feldman
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 ❅ all criminal minds ❅ all criminal minds masterlists ❅ all criminal minds smut ❅ all criminal minds fluff ❅ all criminal minds angst 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫 ❅ all aaron hotchner 𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧 ❅ all derek morgan 𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐬 ❅ all emily prentiss ❅ all emily smut ❅ all emily fluff ❅ all emily angst 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐮 ❅ all jennifer jareau ❅ all jj smut ❅ all jj fluff ❅ all jj angst
𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐚 ❅ all penelope garcia 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 ❅ all spencer reid
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 ❅ all euphoria ❅ all euphoria masterlists ❅ all euphoria smut ❅ all euphoria fluff ❅ all euphoria angst 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 ❅ all cassie howard ❅ all cassie smut ❅ all cassie fluff ❅ all cassie angst 𝐟𝐞𝐳𝐜𝐨 ❅ all fezco ❅ all fezco smut ❅ all fezco fluff ❅ all fezco angst 𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐯𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐧 ❅ all jules vaughn 𝐤𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐳 ❅ all kat hernandez  𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 ❅ all lexi howard 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳 ❅ all maddy perez ❅ all maddy smut ❅ all maddy fluff ❅ all maddy angst 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐬 ❅ all nate jacobs ❅ all nate smut ❅ all nate fluff ❅ all nate angst 𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭 ❅ all rue bennett 
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juulrry · 2 years
I'm about to try writing a little, but I wanted to give yall an update!
first of all, THANK YOU for being so patient, supporting, and sending me requests! It makes me so so happy that y'all like what I write, it fills me with so much joy and I love you all!
secondly, I know I sound like a broken record, but I am still dealing with a lot medically and mentally... I can't seem to catch a fucking break and my body hates me ☹︎
also, I wanted to add some more people to my master list, if I wrote some Jules Vaughn, Rue Bennett, Cassie Howard, Maddie Perez, Lexie Howard, & maybe Fezco fics would yall like that? I may only start off with Jules and Rue fics at first but Euphoria is a comfort show for me and the imagery is too beautiful to not write about.
And one more, I'm thinking of trying to write a special AU about reader x The Perks Of Being A Wallflower fic if yall would read it? It's my favorite movie & novel and has been since I first watched it in 2012 lmao
Please send me asks / messages letting me know! I want to hear from you!! ☀︎
I have been working on some requests, It's just taking a lot longer than I hoped😅 Anyways, if you're reading this I adore you, I love you, I'm proud of you for making it to 2023 and I hope all of you have the best year of your lives from here on out! <3
✧♡✧ xo Jules ✧♡✧
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