#juliette x margot
wistfulwatcher · 2 years
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First Kill | 1.03, "First Fight"
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sabeedraws · 2 years
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star crossed lovers no more!! the girls have an air tight plan to convince their mums that they should be allowed to date!!!! 
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I watch Wednesday and instead of shipping the two teenage girls who obviously have a lot of chemistry and would be perfect for each other I ship the mother and the headmistress
I watch First Kill and instead of shipping the actual teenage couple that the show is about I ship their mothers
there is something seriously wrong right with me
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first kill s3 plot:
vampires and monster hunters team up to take down the true Bad Guy who drove monsters and humans against each other -- the Guild
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Elinor: Fine! Judge all you want but... 
Elinor, points at  Jack: Married a lesbian. 
Elinor, points at Juliette: Left a man at the altar. 
Elinor, points at Calliope: Fell in love with a gay vampire. 
Elinor, points at Sebastian: Ate your wife’s mother. 
Elinor, points at Margot: Is a horrible mother!
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firstkill4ever · 11 months
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📣 Calling all #FirstKill Fans! 🩸⚔️
Let's make some noise & show our support for this incredible series by streaming it non-stop from July 17-23. Please be sure to check out the graphic above for details about our week-long binge.
Together, we're going to make this a streaming event to remember! #SaveFirstKill #FirstKillTop10
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Juliette: I can be scary if I want to be
Calliope: *snorts* Sure, Jules
Juliette: *offended* I can be!
Calliope: *sarcastically* Ah yes, you're so scary that I flinch at the mere sight of you. Please don't eat me, tiny vampire!
Juliette: I don't know whether I should feel offended or happy
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adageeksout · 2 years
Burns family and the rest of the Guild: Welcome to the Fuck Vampires Club, where we say fuck you to vampires!
Calliope (and let's be honest, Talia too), standing up: Yeah, sorry, I think we had a misunderstanding.
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I like how the parents agreed the girls stay away from each other “forever” and Juliette’s smile came to mind because forever isn’t even “minimum” effort!!
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First Kill Character/Couple Playlists
(playlists updated frequently!)
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miraclottie · 2 years
I need in season 2 Juliette to have a breakdown in front of Margot and yelling at her that she does not understand her even though she fell in love with a human too
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sabeedraws · 2 years
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when you think “what if I sketched another first kill fanart” at MIDNIGHT on a WEDNESDAY?! (essentially way too rough to post, but eh - )
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crackedoutwalnut · 2 years
for I ne'er saw true beauty till this night
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Summary: Juliette runs out of pills in the midst of a hunger episode and seeks shelter and comfort from the one person that can make the pain go away.
Word Count: 1,349
A/N: Cross-posted from my ao3 account. I hope y'all enjoy :)
The pain pulsated through her like the echoing peals of a church bell. Juliette winced and stumbled to support herself against her dresser. The corners of her vision seemed stained crimson as her body grew feverish and hot. Her fangs drew themselves from their sheathes: demanding to be satiated. Juliette ignored the overwhelming sensation of thirst that seemed to squeeze her throat like a kinked hose and dragged herself to her nightstand. The drawer was partially opened, revealing the relieving sight of an ornate pill holder. The pills seemed to hold her evergrowing primal hunger at bay for long enough to function as an average fake human. 
Those same pills appeared to be missing from their container. They were gone. Juliette gasped, her nails digging into the corner of the nightstand. She ripped open the drawer below it, frantically rifling through the items kept there. Desperately she tore through every drawer and cabinet in her room before collapsing against the far wall of her room. Tears, thick scarlet droplets, stained her pallid face. Feverish sweat had gathered at the nape of her neck as she let out jagged puffs of air. The pills were gone, and just short of second-degree murder, there was nothing Juliette could do to rid herself of her starvation. 
She wanted Calliope not to feed on but to hold and kiss and have her make everything alright again. Calliope made everything better; she could make the pain go away. Visions of pantry kisses and cautious affections had Juliette stumbling towards her closet. In a blind haze, she yanked on tennis shoes and headed for the door. 
The stairs that led to her house's foyer seemed impossibly steep as she leaned her full weight against the railing. 
Her monster hunter's name rung lucid through her thoughts in a frantic mantra as the gelatinous mush that replaced her bones seemed to give way, sending her crashing to the base of the stairwell. 
"What the hell are you doing?" Elinor asked from the top of the stairs. Her voice overpowered the roaring in Juliette's ears, allowing the young vampire to shoot to her feet.
"Cal, I need Calliope," she gasped as crimson filled her vision in nauseating flashes. Juliette found herself blindly reaching for the front door only to be gently guided away. The vampire whimpered, "No, please. I need her." Faintly, Elinor sighed and lowered her sister to rest beside her on the bottom step. Juliette collapsed against her with a pained wheeze. Elinor, despite her frustration at her younger sibling's recklessness, found herself wrapping both of her arms around the teen's body. Juliette rested her cheek against her sister's strong shoulder and let out a broken sob. 
Wiping the dark tear tracks from the girl's face, Elinor murmured, "You know if you just listened to me, none of this would have happened." 
Juliette burrowed further against the woman as if the hunger could not get to her when surrounded by the familiar scent of her elder sister's perfume. "I can't," she croaked, throat raw from exertion. 
Elinor tilted her head towards the ceiling and mouthed a few silent curses before scooping Juliette into her arms. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
The younger vampire wrapped her arms around the column of Elinor's neck in surprise, "What are you doing?" 
The woman adjusted her princess-style hold on the teen and opened the front door. "I'm taking you to your stupid human."
Juliette stared up at her sister, eyes glistening in wonderment. "Why?"
"Because, if you refuse to rid yourself of this issue like a proper Legacy, the least I can do is get you out of my sight," Elinor glanced down at her and felt her expression soften despite her anger, "Also, because you are my baby sister and I hate to see you starve yourself. Sweet little, if you keep depriving yourself of your basic needs, these fits will only worsen."
Juliette stared at the ground as Elinor set her in the car's passenger seat and murmured, "I know." 
"Clearly, you don't." Elinor climbed into the driver's side and pulled away from the house without another word. 
Juliette felt more than saw her sister slow to a stop. Her mind was foggy and loud; the sweat that dripped down her temple was tinted a faint pink. The color of diluted blood. Calliope. She cracked her eyes open and looked around. 
"This isn't Cal's house," she muttered. 
"I'm not going to pull up to a house filled to the brim with monster hunters, Jules. I parked at the end of the street. You will have to walk the rest of the way yourself." 
Resting a shaky hand on the door handle, Juliette offered Elinor a weak smile, "Thank you."
"I'm never doing this again." With that, Juliette shouldered the door open and scrambled onto the sidewalk. Elinor promptly drove away. The streetlamps cast pools of blood onto the concrete. The ground seemed to be soaked with it. Juliette swallowed and started her trek toward Calliope.
The vampire dragged herself down the street and through her girlfriend's lawn until she stood below her window. Hastily, Juliette clambered onto the lowest branch of a tree that stood just outside Calliope's window. Adrenaline and desperation allowed the teen to scale the limbs higher. Scooting forward, she hastily knocked on the monster hunter's window. 
Within moments, Calliope was yanking the window open and pulling her girlfriend inside. Juliette nearly sobbed at the sight of her. She radiated a comforting warmth that seemed to drive the crimson from her vision for a few fleeting seconds. 
"Cal-liope," she choked, face crumbling into a mess of blood-tears and sickly sweat. Reaching frantically for her lover, she was tenderly guided towards the girl's bed. 
"Jules, what the hell happened to you?" The monster hunter asked, pulling her closer. Calliope's hands gently rose to cradle the vampire's face as she inspected Juliette's sorry state. The Legacy let out a relieved sigh and collapsed her weight against her girlfriend. 
"Hunger pangs," she gasped, "I ran out of pills."
"Why come all the way here?"
Juliette turned so that her face was buried in Calliope's hand and muttered, "You make everything better. I knew you were the only one who could make the pain disappear." 
Calliope sighed and rested her back against the headboard of her bed. As tenderly as she could, she guided her girlfriend's body to rest on her thigh. Juliette let out a sigh of relief before turning to burrow her face into Calliope's t-shirt. 
Letting out an amused huff, the monster hunter ran a hand through the vampire's sweat-slicked hair. "What am I going to do with you, sunshine?" 
Juliette let out a muffled 'mmf' sound before nuzzling herself further into her girlfriend's lap. A sickly shiver ran through her body, causing Calliope to quicken her strokes through the vampire's hair. Juliette felt the wave of dizzying pain shoot through her as she reached to grasp at the back of her lover's shirt. Calliope seemed to take the hint because she quickly maneuvered the teen further onto her lap. Cal's calloused hands gently brushed the strands of hair that fell over her face away before leaning down to press a kiss behind her ear. 
"What do you need from me, Jules?" 
Juliette turned onto her back so that she was staring up at Calliope. "Read to me, please? I need something to take my mind off the hunger." 
Reaching over to her nightstand, Cal flicked on her lamp and grabbed an old copy of Romeo and Juliet. Offering a gentle smirk, she said, "I thought it would be fitting, given the context." Juliette grinned and waited for her lover to begin. 
 "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight. For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night..." as Calliope began the stanza, Juliette felt the last of her pangs fade into the background. The crimson receded into the darkest corners of the room before dispersing for good. Juliette allowed herself to drift away, finally safe in Calliope's arms. 
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zoeyisagaynerd · 2 years
hey guys make sure to go support First Kill and rate it on IMDb (and give it a thumbs up on netflix!) to make sure we get a season 2!
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intp-energy · 2 years
Are we still wondering how to kill legacies?
Sebastian is the key. You simply eat them. Lol
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orionfalling · 2 years
juliette isn’t a fan of family reunions; she considers a european vacation.
pls read tw at the top!
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