#jumada al awwal
godhasheardtruthfully · 10 months
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Ceasefire Forever by Sam-Amina Bailey
Gouache on paper. 12 in. X 9 in.
15 Jumada Al Awwal 1445 / 11-28-“23
Sam-Amina Bailey is a proud member of Transexuals for Peace & The Prohibition of slaying children because it’s profitable.
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blogtruenorth · 10 months
"...a responsibility that does not expire with time".
🟢 Hamas:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Pentagon’s claim that Hamas is using Al-Shifa Hospital for military purposes, without knowing the exact location or time of use, and then the U.S. State Department’s allegation that Hamas is using hospitals and schools as military sites, is a repetition of a blatant false narrative, exposed by the flimsy and ridiculous theatrics of the spokesperson for the occupying army, after their raid on Al-Rantisi and Al-Shifa hospitals, and threatening the safety of patients and medical staff.
The insistence on lying, and ignoring the movement’s and Al-Shifa Hospital’s call to the United Nations and international institutions to form an international committee to inspect the hospitals and schools to confirm the falsehood of the occupation’s narrative, indicates the responsibility of the U.S. administration and its partnership with the occupation in the war crimes and genocide that our people in the Gaza Strip are subjected to, and constitutes a new U.S. cover for the continued aggression on the medical sector to destroy it with the aim of displacing our people.
We would like to remind President Biden and his administration that the occupation bombed most hospitals, cut off their electricity, fuel, and medicine, leading to 26 out of 35 hospitals being out of service, and the occupation also bombed 255 schools, including UNRWA schools housing displaced people under international care and protection, as witnessed by UNRWA and many international organizations.
The indulgence in lying and giving the green light to the occupation to commit more crimes and massacres, holds you politically and legally responsible, a responsibility that does not expire with time.
Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas
03 Jumada al-Awwal 1445H
Corresponding to November 17, 2023
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workersolidarity · 10 months
🇾🇪🇮🇱🇵🇸 🚨
According to the video:
The Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a military operation in the Red Sea, which resulted in the seizure of an Israeli ship and taking it to the Yemeni coast, in implementation of the directives of the Commander and in response to the demands of the Yemeni people to support and support the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance, Sunday 06 Jumada al-Awwal - 1415 AH corresponding to 19-11-2023 AD.
Al-Aqsa flood
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khizuo · 10 months
(via RNN)
🟢 Hamas: — In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
We applaud the global movement calling for a comprehensive strike in rejection of the zionist massacres in Gaza.
We commend the global movement advocating for a comprehensive strike, tomorrow, Monday, December 11, 2023. We invite all the free people of the world to participate widely in it, rejecting the genocide and zionist massacres against the defenseless civilians of our people in the Gaza Strip over the course of 65 days.
We also call for the continuation and escalation of all forms of mass marches and public demonstrations, in cities, capitals, and squares around the world, condemning the American support and that of some Western countries for these horrifying massacres against Palestinian children, women, and families. We urge pressure towards stopping this barbaric aggression, punishing and criminalizing all its supporters, leading to their trial as war criminals.
Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas Sunday: 26 Jumada al-Awwal 1445 AH Corresponding to: December 10, 2023
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Clarity of Qur’aanic interpretation (Tafsir) with daleel by Learning Islam Together. ﷽ Bismillah hir rahman nir rahim.
Alhumdulillah today is 1 7 Jumada Al-Awwal, 1442
Dec. 22, 2020
It was narrated from Umm Salamah that when the Prophet ﷺ performed the Subh (morning prayer), while he said the Salam, he would say:
‘Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘ilman nafi’an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan (O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, goodly provision and acceptable deeds).’”
To get the benefits asked in dua’s, we are required to be righteous. Allah Azawa Jal guarantees us:~
“Whoever works righteousness — whether male or female — while he (or she) is a true believer verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter).” (Quran 16:97)
The Arabic word for righteousness is ‘birr’ and it has various levels of meaning. It has been translated as righteousness, piety, virtue and charity. Birr also encompasses the inner satisfaction, pleasure and happiness a person feels when he does the right thing, when everything feels correct and at peace with itself and the surroundings. Thus, in an Islamic sense, when a person does the right thing, obeys God and worships Him correctly, he feels satisfied, secure and happy.
Birr is righteousness; it is acting in a way that invokes this inner peace. It is a firm set of beliefs and actions that will keep your life balanced and safe. Birr encompasses all 5 pillars of Islam and all that is fardh upon us. To earn this title with Allah Subhana Ta’ala the mu’min have to prove themselves capable of turning faith and righteousness into a practical way of life.
Digital creativity by Learning Islam with the mercy of Allah al~Baari’.
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lifeofresulullah · 3 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah
Ghazwas and Sariyyas
Ghazwa : (Military expeditions in which the prophet took part)
Sariyya : (Military expeditions in which the prophet did not take part)
Ghazwah of Buwat(Month of Rabiulawwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
The Prophet left Madinah with two hundred Muhajirs. His aim was to walk against and intimidate the big caravan of Quraysh consisting of 2500 camels controlled by one hundred guards, among whom was Umayya b. Khalaf, the ferocious polytheist.
The Prophet proceeded up to the Buwat Mount but did not see anyone; so he returned to Madinah. 
Ghazwah of Safawan(Month of Rabiulawwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
Kurz bin Jabir al-Fihri, one of the Makkan polytheists, attacked the meadows of Madinah with his friends and stole many animals belonging to the people of Madinah and Muslims.
Upon this attack, the Prophet appointed Zayd b. Haritha as his deputy in Madinah and set out to follow the plunderer. He proceeded to the Safawan valley of Badr region. However, Kurz was informed that he was being followed; so, he fled through a far away road.
Thereupon the Prophet returned to Madinah.
This ghazwa is also called “Badr al-Ula”; that is, “the first Ghazwa of Badr”. 
Ghazwah of Ushayra(Month of Jumada al-awwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
Three months after the Ghazwah of Safawan, the Messenger of Allah left Madinah with a military unit consisting of 150-200 muhajirs. They had thirty camels with them. The soldiers rode the camels in turns.
The aim was to follow the caravan of trade sent by Quraysh to Damascus.
However, when they reached the plain of Ushayra, belonging to Banu Mudlij and which was nine halting places away from Madinah, they found out that the caravan of Quraysh had passed two or three days earlier.
The Prophet who gave great importance to securing the surroundings of Madinah signed a treaty of friendship with Banu Mudlij, who were the allies of Banu Damra, with whom the Prophet had agreed a similar agreement before, there. Then, he returned to Madinah. 
Sariyya Led by Abdullah b. Jahsh(Month of Rajab, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
The Prophet called Abdullah b. Jahsh to his presence and ordered him to go to the Valley of Nahla with a team of eight Muslims. He addressed that team as follows: “I will appoint someone as your leader; he is not the best of you but he can put with hunger and thirst the most.” 
The Messenger of Allah gave a letter to Abdullah b. Jahsh, whom he appointed as their leader. He told him to open the letter after proceeding for two days and to act accordingly.
After a journey of two days, Abdullah b. Jahsh opened the letter and read it as he was commanded. He saw that the following was written in the letter:
“When you read the letter, go down to the Valley of Nahla, which is between Makka and Taif. Watch the Qurayshis there and inform me about them.”
Then, the aim of the sariyya was to watch the Qurayshis and find out about their preparations.
Abdullah b. Jahsh, the heroic Companion, said, “Sa¬mi’na wa ata’na [We have listened to it and obeyed it]”. Then, he turned toward his soldiers and said, “If you want to be a martyr and desire martyrdom, come with me; if you do not want to be a martyr, return. I will fulfill the order of the Messenger of Allah.”
The self-sacrificing warriors stated without hesitation that they were ready for the orders of their leader.
The warriors reached the Valley of Nahla by riding the camels in turns. They stopped there for the night.
Meanwhile, they saw a Quraysh caravan that was carrying raisins and some other kinds of food. They stopped over at a place near them.
The warriors discussed about what to do. They could not decide whether to attack or not at first. They were hesitant whether the month of Rajab, in which it is haram to shed blood, had started or not. Then, they decided that it was one day before the month of Rajab; thereupon, they agreed unanimously to capture the caravan. Meanwhile, Waqid bin Abdullah killed Amr bin Khadrami, the leader of the caravan, with an arrow. The Muslim warriors attacked the others. They took two people captives and captured the caravan.
Those who were not killed or captured ran away toward Makkah to inform the Qurayshis about the incident. The Muslim warriors returned to Madinah with two captives and the caravan.
When Abdullah b. Jahsh, the leader of the Sariyya, informed the Messenger of Allah what had happened, the Prophet got angry and said, “I did not order you to fight in a haram month!”; he did not take anything from the booty.
The warriors who were on the expedition were astonished by the act of the Prophet. When the other Companions did not approve of what they had done, they were in great distress and trouble.
They explained the situation to the Messenger of Allah. They said, “O Messenger of Allah! We killed him on the last day and night of the month of Jumada al-akhir! We sheathed our swords when the month of Rajab started!”
However, the Messenger of Allah did not take the booty allocated to him because there was a doubt about the situation.
As a matter of fact, the Makkan polytheists kept harping about the incident. They said, “Muhammad and his Companions rendered what was haram as halal and shed blood in a haram month, captured bounties and took our men captives.”
Those rumors were heard in Madinah, too.
Besides, the Jews in Madinah started to talk about it, too.
The warriors that were on the expedition were very sorry; on the other hand, Makkan polytheists and Jews in Madinah were talking against them. The Prophet did not accept the booty allocated for him.
After a while, a verse was sent down regarding the issue and the issue was settled down. The following is stated in the verse:
“They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: “Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members. Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can.” 
The warriors who joined the sariyya were relieved of the troubles and spiritual agonies. The Prophet accepted his share of the beauty. The polytheists paid ransom for the captives. One of the captives, Uthman b. Abdullah went to Makkah but the other one, Ha¬kam b. Kaysan became a Muslim and stayed in Madinah. 
How did Hakam b. Kaysan become a Muslim?
We would like to state how Hakam b. Kaysan, one of the captives, became a Muslim to draw lessons here.
When he was taken captive by the warriors, Abdullah b. Jahsh, the commander, wanted to kill him; however, the other Companions prevented it by saying, “No. Let us take him to the Messenger of Allah.” Thus, Hakam was saved from being killed.
When they returned to Madinah, they took him to the Prophet. The Messenger of Allah asked Hakam to become a Muslim. However, he did not accept it and started to say bad things.
Having got furious due to Hakam’s talk, Hazrat Umar said, “He will not become a Muslim, O Messenger of Allah! Let me kill him!”
The Messenger of Allah did not let him do it and asked Hakam to become a Muslim again. Hakam asked, “What is Islam?”
The Messenger of Allah said, “Islam is belief in the existence of one Allah, who has no partners and worshipping Him, and witnessing that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.” Thereupon, Hakam said, “I have become a Muslim.” and uttered kalima ash-shahadah.
The Messenger of Allah turned toward the Companions and said, “If we had killed him as you wanted, he would have gone to Hell!”, teaching us all a lesson.
The desire, patience and steadfastness about calling people to Islam saved a person from Hell and elevated him to the honorable rank of Companionship.
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uma1ra · 1 year
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The Islamic calendar differs from the Gregorian calendar because it follows the cycle of the moon rather than the cycle of the sun, but the two calendars have one thing in common: they both have 12 months. The 12 Islamic months each have different meanings, with four of them being sacred months during which fighting and conflict is forbidden.
There is a rich history behind each of the months which is both symbolic and deeply interesting, so if you want to learn more about the meaning of Islamic months, keep reading.
The first month in the Islamic calendar is Muharram and it translates from Arabic to ‘forbidden’. Its name relates to the fact that it is the first of the four sacred month during which fighting is haram. It is sacred so that Muslims can return from Hajj without being attacked. There are a number of notable events that took place during Muharram, with the most significant being the Day of Ashura which occurs on the 10th day.
The second month is called Safar. The translation means ‘void’, and there are two possible reasons for this. Some believe the name comes from the fact Arab homes were empty at this time of year because everyone was out finding and gathering food. In contrast, some people believe that the meaning of the month comes from tales of Arabs looting the homes of their enemies post-battle. Several battles were fought during Safar, and in an effort to cement Islam as a peaceful religion, Allah (SWT) commanded the Muslims move to Medina during Safar to avoid any further conflict.
Rabi al-Awwal
The third month in the Islamic calendar is called Rabi al-Awwal and it is an extremely joyous month. It translates to ‘the first spring’ or ‘to graze’, as this was when cattle began grazing as the earth sprouted with new life. The most prominent event during Rabi al-Awwal is the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 570 A.D. Many Muslims celebrate his birth, but they also grieve for him as it was also during Rabi al-Awwal that he passed away and returned to Allah (SWT) in 632 A.D.
Rabi al-Thani
Rabi al-Thani is the fourth Islamic month in the calendar and means ‘the second spring’. There are a number of different events that took place in this month, but for many Muslims, it is a time for mourning. Fatimah bint Musa, the daughter of the seventh Twelver Shia Imam, Musa al-Kadhim, and Sufi sheikh, Abdul-Qadir Gilani, both died during Rabi al-Thani.
Jumada al-Awwal
Jumada al-Awwal is the fifth month of the year and it translates to ‘the first parched land’. It’s thought that historically Jumada al-Awwal was the first month of summer pre-Islam, but some people believe it means ‘to freeze’ and relates to frozen weather causing parched land.
Jumada al-Thani
The sixth month of the Islamic calendar is Jumada al-Thani which means ‘the last parched land’. It is a significant month within the calendar, but different sects of Muslims celebrate it for different reasons. Fatimah al-Zahra, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Khadijah’s youngest daughter, was born during this month, and she also died during this month. Caliph Abu Bakr passed away during Jumada al-Thani, making this a month of mourning for many.
Rajab is the seventh month of the Islamic calendar and translates to ‘respect’ or ‘honour’. It is the second of the sacred months and therefore it is haram to fight or engage in conflict during this time. Rajab is considered Allah’s (SWT) month and is therefore a highly significant time during the year. It’s believed the Creator designated Rajab as a sacred month so that Muslims could complete the voluntary pilgrimage, Umrah, without being attacked.
The eighth month of the Islamic year is called Sha’ban and is considered the month of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is sometimes referred to as the neglected month because Rajab precedes it and Ramadan comes straight after it, but it is an important month nonetheless. Sha’ban means ‘scattered’ and relates to the time of the year when Arabs would historically scatter to find water. Nowadays, many Muslims use Sha’ban to prepare for Ramadan.
The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is one of the most prominent and is well known outside the Muslim community, too. Ramadan means ‘burning heat’ because it historically fell during a hot time of the year. Muslims observe Ramadan by fasting from dawn to dusk in order to cleanse their minds, bodies, and souls, and to be reminded of the fortune Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon them. Fasting gives Muslims an insight into what their lesser fortunate brothers and sisters go through when hungry.
After Ramadan comes the 10th month of Shawwal, which means ‘raised’. The meaning of the name relates to the fact that female camels are normally pregnant at this time of year. Shawwal is a celebratory month, with Eid al-Fitr taking place from the first to the third day. Lots of food, gifts, and prayers are exchanged during Shawwal, with many praying that their Ramadan is accepted by Allah (SWT).
Dhul al-Qadah
The 11th month of the Islamic calendar is Dhul al-Qadah which means ‘the month of truce’. It is the third sacred month during which Allah (SWT) forbids violence so that Muslims can make their way to Mecca to commence their Hajj safely. It is special because Allah (SWT) said so, and like the other sacred months, good and bad deeds are weighted more heavily at this time.
Dhul Hijjah
The final month of the Islamic year is the holiest and most significant of all. Dhul Hijjah means ‘pilgrimage’ and relates to the fact that Muslims carry out their religious due of Hajj during this month. There are many significant days during this month, including the Day of Arafah when Allah (SWT) finalised Islam. Other key dates include Qurbani, the Festival of Sacrifice that honours Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his devotion to the Creator. Following Qurbani is Big Eid, also called Eid al-Adha – a time for great celebration and joy. Dhul Hijjah is the fourth and final sacred month so that Muslims can complete Hajj in safety.
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houseofpurplestars · 10 months
⚫ Palestinian Islamic Jihad:
We salute all the free people of the world who have stood in solidarity with our Palestinian people in the face of the barbaric aggression against the Gaza Strip. The demonstrations that swept through cities around the world, rejecting the brutal massacres and ethnic cleansing, have had a significant impact in strengthening the steadfastness of our people.
As we commend all forms of solidarity with the Palestinian people and highly value the chants for the liberation of Palestine from the river to its sea, we remind the world that November 29 marks the anniversary of the decision to partition Palestine in 1947. This ominous decision was a fundamental element in our people's tragedy, providing cover for the zionist project aimed at stealing our land under the guise of a United Nations resolution, and paving the way for our people's Nakba in 1948.
We warn that the barbaric Nazi aggression carried out by the entity against our people in the Gaza Strip, and the attacks by the occupation army and settlers against our people in the West Bank and Al-Quds, as well as the oppression of our people in the 1948 occupied territories, are part of a single project aimed at expelling our people from their land and emptying Palestine of its inhabitants, executing a second Nakba.
We call on all Arab and Islamic nations, the free people of the world, humanitarian and human rights organizations, Islamic parties and forces, scholars, and intellectuals, to stand in solidarity with our Palestinian people with all available means, to expose the practices of the occupation, to confront its plans, and to make every possible effort to support Palestine and its people.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - Jumada al-Awwal 15, 1455 AH.
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ynx1 · 2 years
‎Next three days are white days :- Three days we should try to fast every month
‎-Wednesday 13th Jumada al-Awwal
‎-Thursday 14th Jumada al-Awwal
‎-Friday 15th Jumada al-Awwal
‎Prophet ﷺ said :-
‎“If you fast three days of the month, then fast the 13th, 14th and 15th.” (Tirmidhi)
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Their newest message to the world
🟢 Hamas:—In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
On the 36th Anniversary of the Stone Intifada: The Al-Aqsa Flood is a Continuation of the Stone Intifada, Until the Occupation Ends and Our People's Aspirations for Liberation and Return Are Realized.The 36th anniversary of the Stone Intifada comes on December 8, 1987, amidst a Nazi aggression waged by the zionist occupation against our people in the Gaza Strip for over two months, failing to achieve any of its goals in the face of our people's steadfastness and the bravery of our resistance and the strikes of the men of the Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades.
The Stone Intifada was an important milestone in the ongoing struggle of our people, ignited from the land of proud Gaza, its flames spreading to all arenas of the homeland, able to bring our national cause back to its Arab, Islamic, and international presence. Today, the ongoing battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, from that steadfast land with its patient and enduring people, and the men of resistance, strong, brave, and inflicting heavy losses on the enemy, renews the spark of this Intifada and completes its blessed journey, at a time when enemies planned to erase the features of our national cause and obscure our legitimate rights, monopolizing our Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa.
We in Hamas, on this blessed anniversary, as pay tribute to the souls of the martyrs of our people's intifadas and heroic battles, and pray to Allah Almighty for a speedy recovery for the wounded and injured of our people due to zionist criminality, affirm the following:
First: The battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, this great historical epic written by the Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades and the Palestinian resistance, embraced by our people across the homeland and abroad, is a legitimate right of our people to defend themselves, their land, and their sanctities, and a natural continuation of our people's intifadas to confront the aggression of the Nazi occupation, thwarting all its settlement and Judaization plans.
Second: We will confront and thwart the plans of the Nazi occupation and its supporters to displace our people from their land, imposing solutions that rob them of their right to freedom and dignified life on their land. We renew our rejection of all settlement and normalization projects with the zionist occupation, which poses a real danger to the security and stability of the nation and the world due to its dangerous colonial project.
Third: We stand today with pride and honor before the steadfastness, patience, and sacrifices of our people in the Gaza Strip—men, children, women, elders, and families—as they set the finest examples of heroism and sacrifice in solidarity, cooperation, challenge, sharing bread and water, despite the killing and horrific massacres, loss of family and loved ones, hunger and thirst, amidst an aggressive war and barbaric bombing that affected all aspects of human life.
Fourth: We call upon our Palestinian people in the occupied interior and the entire West Bank to travel and station in Al-Aqsa Mosque, challenging the occupation's prevention of access. We call on our revolution youth in the cities, villages, and camps of the occupied West Bank to clash with the enemy and inflict heavy losses on its soldiers and settler hordes by all means, in solidarity with the Al-Aqsa Flood battle in defense of our land and Al-Quds.
Fifth: We call on our Arab and Islamic nationband the free people of the world to continue their solidarity movements with the Gaza Strip, and to take to the streets in marches and demonstrations in all cities, capitals, and squares, rejecting aggression and supporting the justice of the Palestinian cause and our people's right to freedom and self-determination in establishing the Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital.
Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas
Friday: 24 Jumada al-Awwal 1445H
Corresponding to: December 8, 2023
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godhasheardtruthfully · 10 months
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This evening is Sam-Amina’s (our) moon birthday 🥳 🌕✨ I’m eating an orange 🍊 to celebrate 🎉
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amin13864 · 10 months
On this day, on the fifth of the month of Jumada al-Awwal in the fifth year of the Hijra, the House of the People of Prophethood celebrated the birth of the descendant of the pure, the wife of the Hashemites, our lady and mistress Zainab bint Ali (peace be upon them). # Blessed with the blessed birth and every year and you are fine #❤️🙏🏻
في مثل هذا اليوم في الخامس من شهر جمادى الأول في السنة الخامسة للهجرة شع بيت أهل النبوة بمولد سليلة الأطهار عقيلة الهاشميين سيدتنا ومولاتنا زينب بنت علي (عليهما السلام )# متباركين بالمولد المبارك وكل عام وأنتم بخير #❤️🙏🏻
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cas-50-28-2 · 10 months
🚨🇾🇪 BREAKING - Yemeni Armed Forces: — In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, The Almighty said, “Permission [to fight] has been granted to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory.” This is the Truth of Allah Almighty.
After the successful efforts of the Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of Allah the Almighty, in enforcing their decision to prohibit Israeli ships from navigating the Red and Arabian Seas, and due to the continuous zionist enemy's perpetration of horrific massacres, a genocidal war, and siege against our brothers in Gaza:
The Yemeni Armed Forces announce the prohibition of ships headed to the zionist entity of any nationality from passing, unless the needs of the Gaza Strip for food and medicine are met. These ships will become legitimate targets for our armed forces.
Out of our concern for the safety of maritime navigation, we warn all ships and companies against dealing with "israeli" ports. The Yemeni Armed Forces affirm their full commitment to ensuring the continuity of global trade movement through the Red and Arabian Seas for all ships and all countries, except for those associated with "isaelis" or those transporting goods to "israeli" ports.
The Yemeni Armed Forces will implement this decision from the moment this statement is announced.
Sana'a, 26 Jumada al-Awwal 1445 AH Corresponding to December 9, 2023 Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces
translation via RNN: https://t.me/PalestineResist
seems like a major escalation by Ansarallah
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workersolidarity · 10 months
🇵🇸🇮🇱 🚨
Military statement issued by the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades:
Al-Qassam adopts the heroic Jerusalem operation and condemns its perpetrators, the two Qassam brothers Murad and Ibrahim al-Nimr
With God’s help, strength, and success, the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades declares its full responsibility for the heroic Jerusalem operation, which was carried out at the northwestern entrance to the occupied city of Jerusalem, this morning, Thursday 16 Jumada al-Awwal 1445 AH, corresponding to November 30, 2023, and resulted in the killing of three Zionists and the wounding of 12 others with varying injuries. We also presented to our people and our nation the knights of this heroic operation, namely:
The Qassami martyr, the Mujahid/ Murad Muhammad Nimr (38 years old) The Qassami martyr, the Mujahid Ibrahim Muhammad Nimr (30 years old) from the town of Sur Baher
The Al-Qassam Brigades, in declaring its responsibility for this heroic operation, confirm that this operation comes within the responsibility of responding to the crimes of the occupation by killing children and women in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank, and desecrating the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy sites, and a direct warning message against the violations practiced by Ben Ghafir and his gang against male and female prisoners in Occupation prisons.
It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom
Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Thursday 16 Jumada al-Ula, 1445 AH
Corresponding to 11/30/2023 AD
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the-dazzling-rahim · 10 months
it’s December 25th
Like that helps me. *huffs, comparing calendars* If today is Jumada Al-Awwal 25, 1445 AH and on that one 9.12.2023 then Christmas is... before fasting Ayyamul Bidh so... Jumada Al-Akhirah 12?
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rasif-khan · 10 months
🇮🇶 Islamic Resistance in Iraq:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
With greater pride and honor, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq exalts a group of five martyrs, who join the caravan of light, (Rejoicing in what Allah has given them of His bounty), who rose in the battle of truth against falsehood embodied by the American occupation forces in Iraq.
At a time when the resistance is affirming its steadfastness and continuity in confronting the enemies, we promise the army occupying our country with more painful strikes until they are expelled humiliated and defeated from the land of the holy places, (So kill the friends of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan is weak)..!!
Islamic Resistance in Iraq
Sunday 19 Jumada al-Awwal 1445 AH
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