#jurassic park one shot
toomanybandstocare · 10 months
Hi ❤️✨ can I please request a sneaking around with Ian Malcolm, maybe reader is a dino vet and you're teaching him about them? It can be romantic or platonic, whatever you want! Thank you, and happy birthday 🎂
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖ - Sneaking Around
Drabble for a character x reader of your request. Thank you for celebrating with me anon! This can be read as romantic or platonic :) <3
Pairing: Ian Malcolm x Dino Vet, GN! Reader
Alternative Pairing: Ian Malcolm & Dino Vet, GN! Reader
Genre: Angst
Length: 1008w
Warnings: Implied reader death & Petname (Sweetheart)
Counselor Notes: Ah! It's the last of the celebration requests :,) I had so much fun with these. Thank you to everyone who sent on in or left a kind note on them.
-> Celebration Announcement Post <- -> Celebration Masterlist <- -> Camp Isla Nublar Masterlist <-
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You heard them before anyone else did. As Grant and Ian argue over the best evacuation plan from the visitor center, a calculated footstep rung out in the distance. No, that’s too human for this shrill sound- a dull, claw scratch rings out against the metal construction flooring. With the vicious whispers, childish whimpers, and broken machinery hissing, the faint noise is barely noticeable. The adrenaline that rushes through your veins all throughout your body now burns at the creature’s taunting. Your eyes dart around the computer room, desperately searching through the darkness for something to disprove your worst fears. Your skin pricks as you lock onto the large window that looks into the hallway. Cloaked in shadows, something lurks behind the clouds of mist.
“Shut up,” you hiss. “Shut up, shut up, shut up”. The room immediately falls silent. Crouching down, you hide yourself behind one of the computer desks. Blood rushes to your ears, and your heartbeat thunders against your throat. Your fingernails dig into the palms of your fist. White knuckled and shaking, you cover your mouth with your hands.
“What did you see?” Ian quietly murmurs as he joins you. Knees pressed against yours, he crouches before you with a knowing expression.
His cologne mixes with the aroma of his leather jacket and sweat that brings you a twisted sense of comfort. You’re not alone in this. As you open your mouth to correct him, a chilling scratch rings out through the room. Eyes widening, you share a look of panic with Ian. Your breaths grow quick and haggard as a guttural growl echoes in the hallway, growing louder with every click-click-click. Claws lazily dragging against the floor another set joins them, cl-click-cl-click-cl-click. Your skin pricks at the abrasive noise. Cl-cl-click, cl-cl-click, cl-cl-click.
Pulling your shaking hands away from your mouth, you whisper, “It’s what I heard”.
Ian grasps your hands in his own and tightly squeezes them. His amber eyes darken as he looks at you in complete seriousness. “We’re safe,” he assures you, “As long as we stay in here, we’ll be alright until we can figure out how to get the power back on”.
Nerves shake your spine causing you to tremble. Your knees scream from holding this cramped position, but you don’t dare move a single inch. Even though it’s hopeless. They already know you’re all here. All because of you. A choked whimper passes from your lips and your hands grip Ian’s “It’s too late,” you shakily explain. If only you had just pushed the anxiety down and stopped the others’ argument. Not a single security precaution works without the main power leaving you all sitting in a dark room with only the deadbolt bar across the door keeping the raptors out.
A metal screech interrupts you. Your eyes snap up, and your gaze focuses just past Ian’s shoulder at the entryway. “Raptors have sharp hearing,” you breathe out. Your voice quivers, and you drag your gaze to meet Ian’s. Watching the last spark of hope dim in his eyes, your stomach knots. There’s only one way for them to get out of this. Darting your tongue across your chapped lip, you let out a choked breath. “They already know we’re in here by now,” you continue. “And they’re not going to stop until they have something else to focus on. Raptors feed off the thrill of the chase just as much as they do devouring their prey.”
Ian takes you in with his cool, calculating expression. Always trying to get to the root of the situation through logic and care. At the cost of just being just one step behind. As a look of realization breaks across his face, you push against the balls of your feet and dart past Ian.
For one fleeting moment, you feel absolute clarity. Wind stigs your cheeks as you run across the room. Grant, Ellie, the kids - their hushed shouts are drowned out by the sound of your heartbeat thundering. Only Ian’s cry crashes through the whirlwind. His voice shakes with scared desperation as he calls out your name. Pleading for you not to go through with this. As if time moves in a blur, you’re already reaching out to the metal door.
The coolness bites at your flushed fingertips as they wrap around the deadbolt bar. Sliding it across, your ears prick up as you hear footsteps rush behind you. You hastily slip through the opening. As you try to pull your arm through, a hand latches onto your forearm.
“Don’t do this,” Ian heaves. “There are other options. You don’t need to do this”.
Your veins burn as blood stings the inside of your body. “You know how fast a raptor is, Ian?” you ask. Voice light and airy as the words tremble of your tongue in a façade of confidence.
“Don’t do this, sweetheart,” Ian pleads. Eyes wide as he shakes his head in protest, and his grip on you tightens. “Come back inside. There’s still time”.
“Forty miles per hour,” you choke out. “You need to let me go, or they’ll kill us all. They need something else to play with. What’s better than a group of prey waiting for the slaughter? One running for their life with death on their heels”. Pulling your arm free, you take a step back and slide the door shut. Your knees buckle as you take a step down the hallway. Fists pound against the window pane to the side of the door when you pick up a running pace. Looking over your shoulder, you see Ian shouting from behind the glass as three silhouettes emerge from the murky mist. A flickering hallway light illuminates the creatures as they take slow steps towards you. Heads cocked to the side as they watch. 
Your heart climbs up your throat as a dizzying wave of adrenaline washes over you. Without a second glance or thought, you run down the hallway. Claws clicking and scratching against the metal flooring as the Velociraptors hunt their prey.
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Workaholic- Claire Dearing
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Pairing: Claire Dearing x Reader
Characters: Claire Dearing
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- hi! can i request “I’m not good with feelings, but here goes nothing. My life sucks less with you in it.” with claire dearing (jurassic world) please?
Word Count: 505
Author: Charlotte
Claire’s passion for work was one of the things that you found endearing when you first met her, but it quickly became one of the things that infuriated you most. You had been dating for a year now, and at first you could accept her cancelling dates to go back to work or spending your movie nights doing paperwork but after a year of it, you were done with being second fiddle to her being uncontrollably a workaholic.
Once again, the two of you had plans to go out for dinner but she had received a call, asking her to head back into the park to sort out some issues with staffing. It was a job that several other people could do, but she would always take it upon herself to do the work, not trusting that anyone could do anything up to her standards. She apologised to you, not looking up from her phone as she sent a text to someone about the issue and grabbed her packed handbag that was always ready for her to rush back to work.
“Can’t someone else, do it?” You asked, knowing the answer already.
“I’ll only be like an hour, maybe two… three tops,” she stated, still tapping away at her phone.
A year of being let down and feeling useless compared to her job finally bubbled up and spilled over. You were done with how she treated you.
“If you walk out that door, I will not be here when you get back,” you frowned. “I know your job is important to you, but for once I’d like it to seem like you give a shit about me and put me first.”
She looked up from the phone, a confused expression on her face. She had never been one to be open about her emotions, usually preferring to keep it all down and hope that other people could somehow tell, but this time it had clearly backfired.
“Of course, I care about you, Y/N,” she said. “How could you think that I didn’t?”
“Maybe the fact that you’ll drop me for work every single time, or the fact that you never tell me how you feel. There’s only so much one person can take. It seems pretty obvious to me that you would rather be at work and not here with me.”
Claire let out a sigh. She didn’t want to have to explain how she felt but she also didn’t want to hurt you, something that she had been unknowingly doing for so long.
“I’m not good with feelings, but here goes nothing. My life sucks less with you in it,” she explained. “I didn’t realise I was hurting you, but I won’t go this time. I can’t promise I’ll never have to go to work and cancel a date or mess up again, but I will try, for you.”
The pain started to ease as you finally felt relaxed and calm.
“That’s all I want,” you smiled softly. “I just wanted you to try.”
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swan2swan · 28 days
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Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
Running Gag: Yaz Crashes the Car
It's a scientific fact that if you put Yaz in control of a wheeled vehicle, eventually, you will no longer have a vehicle. It may be deliberate, it may be the fault of the vehicle, she may not even be in the driver's seat, but if any insurance company were to find out, her premiums will be through the roof.
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mermaidgirl30 · 3 months
✨Just Breathe: The Dinosaur Diaries - Sticky Situation ✨
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Series Masterlist
A/N: This is my contribution to @undercoverpena April Showers Challenge! This was a really fun write, and I loved exploring an AU that is near and dear to my heart 💙 Please consider reblogging or leaving comments if you like this piece ☺️ I expanded and decided to do a little series, so be on the lookout for more parts to this 🥰
Series Summary: After going under the wings of doctor Miller, the hottest paleontologist you’ve ever seen, he takes you on a little adventure as his research assistant. You’ll get more than just knowledge and dinosaurs, you’ll also end up getting the sweet scientist who can’t seem to keep his hands off you.
Chapter Summary: You find yourself in the middle of a sticky situation in the pouring rain, not to mention a large T-Rex stalks the area you’re in. Joel steps in and saves the day, and he’s the best at calming you down.
Pairing: paleontologist! Joel x fem! reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
Tags: Fluff, tension, dinosaurs au, Jurassic Park au, kissing, mentions of smut, paleontologist Joel, protective Joel, cute nicknames
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Your heart thunders in your chest, lightning crackling through your spine as you lean against the dented RV. Rain pours down like a raging monsoon, raindrops like glass cutting into your skin as you shutter in your drenched sweater. You have no breath, no words in your constricted throat as your eyes stay wide, sheer terror coursing through your veins.
“Don’t move,” Joel whispers as he slips his hand around your wrist, his calloused fingers burning through your skin as the heat of his touch makes you feel a little less like you’re on thin ice.
His movements are slow, steady, composed as he pushes his broad back into your chest, his large frame towering over you as he covers you from view. From the large, starving T-Rex that stands mere inches from your face.
You feel its breath, its slimy drool as it dips its massive head and sniffs for its prey. Which is you. You are the prey, and it’s your own damn fault for going outside when it was dark. You knew it wasn’t safe. You knew. Joel warned you. Why didn’t you just listen?
The dinosaur's leathery skin collides against yours, just barely skimming its scratchy body against the surface of your arm as it lifts its head and lets out the loudest roar you’ve ever heard in your life.
Joel squeezes your hand and presses a little closer as he turns his head carefully and whispers against the shell of your ear. “Stay calm. It’ll go away as long as you're silent. Focus for me, sweetheart. Breathe,” he whispers gently against your skin as you feel his plush lips graze against yours, his pine scent filling your senses as it automatically calms your panicked body.
“Joel,” you whisper out terrified, your mouth brushing against his jawline where his soft salt-and-pepper scruff sits, the area you so hungrily lapped against earlier as he had you pinned against the little wooden table in the vehicle, rutting deep inside you as he painted you shades of white between your sticky thighs.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you. Just stay put, sweetheart. Ain’t gonna let anything happen to you,” he says adamantly as his deep, gravelly voice soothes every aching bone in your body.
Your foot catches on the side of a slippery rock and you freeze as you see the ravenous dinosaur turn toward you as its sharp claws dig into the sinking mud that turns into a dirty swimming pool. You hold your breath and close your eyes, trying your best not to make a single sound as Joel takes a step back, crowding your body as you feel his heat encase you as the rain continues to pound against your shaking body.
You can practically hear his soothing voice graze through your mind. Don’t make any movements. Breathe. You’re gonna be just fine.
You feel the rumbling of the jagged rocks underneath and tense your body as you wait for its teeth to rip into your flesh as it swallows you whole. You sink against the side of the RV just waiting for that awful moment when suddenly, you hear a distant roar in the distance. You feel the T-Rex turn toward the noise as it stomps off into the direction of the roar, saving you from what you thought was your watery grave. You hear the distant crashing of green vines and towering trees that fill the jungle. And then it’s quiet, only the sounds of pelting rain hitting the muddy ground.
You keep your eyes closed tight, your fingers flexed as you concentrate on not falling completely apart where you stand. You feel Joel try to pull you out of your misery, but his voice is far away. That deep rumble in a fog as you pretend this didn’t happen, that you didn’t nearly get yourself killed, along with Joel.
“Hey, sweetheart, open your eyes,” he says softly against your ear as you try to fight him off, keeping your eyes closed until you know it’s safe.
Joel shakes you, stirs you from your anxious thoughts and calls your name adamantly as he cups your face and whispers words of affirmation. “You’re alright. C’mon now. Open those pretty eyes for me.”
You bite your lower lip and slowly peel your eyes open and then gasp at the vision that stands before you. Joel stands there in the pouring rain, deft fingers clinging to your jawline as he cups your face affectionately, soft honey eyes staring straight into yours as rain pelts against his tanned skin. Water slips down his hair, his tousled curls slicked back by the rain as his green flannel sits soaked to his broad shoulders, his biceps flexing as he focuses solely on you.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come out here so late. I knew better, and I…”
He cuts you off as he pushes you up against the cool metal of the RV, one hand lingering on your jawline as his other snakes around your hip. His lips crash against yours as you taste sugar and coffee, the perfect mix that sets your taste buds on fire as you drink him down hungrily.
You part your lips and allow him to slot his tongue in. He laps at the inside of your mouth, your tongues colliding together as you breathe in the smell of autumn leaves and rain water that drips off his lips onto yours.
The kiss is hungry, romantic as you slide your hands through his dripping wet curls, twisting your fingers around him so you can be that much closer to him. He lifts you up and wraps your legs around his torso as you pant into his mouth, his calloused fingers digging into your skin as it burns for him.
It’s like a dream, the pouring rain and muted sparks of lightning across the dark sky mixing together to make the heated kiss that much more romantic. You stay like that for minutes just getting lost in each other, lost in the flavor of him.
When you’re both completely out of breath, Joel sets you down on the ground and rests his forehead against yours as he chuckles lightly, his smile lighting up his honey eyes like Christmas lights that shine bright just for you.
“What’s so funny?” you ask as you push against his broad chest. “I nearly got us killed,” you groan as you sulk into the back of the RV.
Joel cups your chin and pulls your face up to his as he looks calmly at you with a soft smile playing on his lips. “Next time jus’ be a little more careful, sweetheart,” he murmurs as he dips down and places a gentle kiss on your cheek.
Before you can ask why he isn’t mad, he bends down and picks something up against the rocks that sit at your feet. “Besides, I wouldn’t have found this if it wasn’t for you,” he grins as he holds up a broken, sharp black claw that clearly came from the T-Rex.
Your eyes go wide as you trace the edge of the claw. “Is this…”
“Yeah, it sure is,” he beams as he slides his thumb over the sharp curve of the claw. “Came right from that Tyrannosaurus rex. Now I have physical proof. Exactly what I needed to collect to do some data research and some tests in the lab.”
His eyes light up like sparkling fireworks as he places the specimen in the pocket of his denim jeans. He hooks his arms around the back of your waist and brings you closer to his chest as he grazes his lips over the sheen of your rain covered lips.
You grip his damp flannel shirt and smile up at him as you brush your nose over his. “My smart paleontologist finally gets his real life dinosaur experience, yeah?” you hum as he brushes his wet lips over yours.
“Mhm, this smart scientist wants to go make love to his gorgeous assistant in the RV. Maybe take a warm shower first, make some hot coffee, maybe sit you on my lap so I can kiss you again and again and again.” He grabs a hold of your hair and presses his plush lips against yours once more as you fall into his arms, completely and utterly hooked on him. The man you fell head over heels for that first day in the lab.
When you pull your lips from his, he takes your hand and squeezes as he drags you back inside. “C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s get you back inside where it’s warm. Wanna go make love to my girl.”
Tags 💙 @keylimebeag @sawymredfox @amyispxnk @princesatracionera @mountainsandmayhem @lotusbxtch @littlevenicebitch69 @syd-djarin
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flurrys-creativity · 2 months
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Quondam (adj.) ~ belonging to some time long past; once but no longer
Pairing: Chwe Vernon (Seventeen) x GN!Reader; Genre: Jurassic Park AU, 90s AU, aquaintances to lovers/distant friends to lovers, Fluff, Angst; Rating: sfw, PG-15; Warnings: a boat crash, mentions of prehistorical animals, dangerous animals, mentions of possible deaths, reader falls down while running.. twice, Vernon being in moderate danger; Wordcount: 4.431; Collab: SVT 90s Collab by @mingsolo and @beomcoups
Summary: It should have been a fun weekend trip but after the boat got caught by a storm and crashed on one of the dinosaur islands, you got separated from the group. You nearly despaired until Vernon found you.
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Your heart hammered inside your chest as you ran along the rocky beach. Tears streamed down your cheeks and blurred your vision, yet you didn’t slow down. The harsh wind from the open sea tousled your hair but you couldn’t care less about it. Same with the pain radiating throughout your whole body.
As you jumped over another boulder your footing slipped and you fell face first to the ground. Your whole body heaved for air, lungs burning inside your chest. A sob ripped through your throat. “I shouldn’t have joined them”, you whispered and pulled your limbs to your core, making yourself as small as possible.
Three days ago your friend Sorn dragged you on a small cruise among friends. What was supposed to be a vacation with lots of fun, turned sour the second the group had decided to head towards the Las Cinco Muertes - better known as Jurassic Park. Even though Ten, who had steered the cruise, promised to only round the archipelago without stopping to set a foot on the shore, none of the group had thought of the sudden weather changes.
None of them could have predicted the storm that turned strong enough for the yacht to go shipwreck.
You had no idea how long you had been in the freezing ocean. The current and the waves had made it nearly impossible to swim towards the nearest island you had seen from the yacht before the accident happened.
Even after those three days your clothes still hadn’t dried. You shivered involuntarily, the cold after two nights had finally seeped into your bones. You curled in on yourself even more. While you hadn’t encountered any dinosaurs yet, you had found footprints of a Smilodon - the whole reason you just ran for your life.
You inhaled shakily and gnawed on your lower lip, mind racing with thoughts. Without the others and without a chance of contacting authorities the dread and knowledge you might die here, finally settled in. You had no idea how many of your friends survived the accident and how many actually made it to the shore like you.
You blinked several times, trying to clear your vision before you turned your head to look at the person that called out to you. Despite your pain, you pushed yourself up and rubbed over your eyes with the back of your hand. “Vernon?”
He simply stared at you, without saying another word. His expression appeared stoic and unreadable to you. 
“Are you alone?” You asked and got up on your knees, ignoring the small rocks digging into your skin. The pain actually felt welcome and like an escape of this awkward silence.
You hummed as well, looking down on the ground to avoid eye contact with him. Despite both of you being in the same friend group, you barely interacted with him. Vernon always seemed to be in his own world and rather closed off. Not that you were any different with your archaeology and palaeontology studies. Unless people were from the same field they rarely shared your passion.
Before the silence could stretch on, you stood up and dusted off your clothes. “We need to leave or find the others. Either way we’re not safe on this island.”
Vernon raised one eyebrow, questioning you without saying a word. 
You sighed deeply, wanting to shake your head but you focused on the issue at hand instead. You grabbed his elbow and pulled him into the direction he came from. “I found footprints of a Smilodon and-”
“A what?”
“A sabertooth tiger.”
Vernon’s face twisted in understanding, right before it turned into surprise and worry. 
Seeing his strong expressions, nearly made you giggle. If it weren’t for the situation though. “If this is the hunting ground of it, we have to leave immediately. I am pretty sure that we’re the easiest prey around here.” 
Vernon grimaced but followed you without any resistance. He quietly listened to you ramble about the prehistoric animal, fascinated by the knowledge you presented him.
“I only saw one set of footprints which indicates the researchers claiming Smilodons were no social predators are actually right. Honestly, if they wouldn’t be so dangerous, I’d love to observe or research them. There’s still so much that we don’t know!”
You stopped talking, realising you just dropped lots of information on him. You awkwardly glanced towards Vernon, trying to gauge his reaction. Usually people appeared bored or stopped listening but to your surprise he looked at you with interest. The apology you usually sputtered after a knowledge vomit about prehistoric animals got stuck in your throat.
You shook your head momentarily to clear your thoughts, deciding to go a different path instead. “We need to find a hideout.”
This time Vernon grabbed your wrist and pulled you along the foreign terrain. “I got a place.” Vernon didn’t say more afterwards, simply guiding you further and further away from the coast.
Soon enough some sort of cliff appeared in the distance, its steep edge looming into the grey sky. 
For just a second worry clouded your thoughts, fearing Vernon had found a cave that might even be the home to a prehistoric creature. Though the closer you came, you couldn’t see any opening in the stone wall.
Instead a small ledge protruded from the stone and right underneath it were parts of the ship that got washed ashore. 
“You carried all of these things here?”
Vernon glanced over his shoulder, upon your surprised question but only shrugged them and looked back ahead. He let go of your wrist after you reached the ledge.
While you stayed rooted in your place, you watched Vernon wander around and move stuff to the side. “I wasn’t able to start a fire so far. So we’re at least not a roasted meal for the tiger.” He looked up at you, his stare growing more and more intense as he waited for your response.
You made a grimace - barely able to pull off a smile at his weak joke. “I… yeah, nor a smoked meal, I guess.”
Vernon grinned at you, satisfied, and sat down on a piece of rubble. “You mentioned we needed to find the others.”
You sat down as well with a deep sigh. “I honestly don’t know if any of them even survived the crash but I mean I found you-”
“Technically I found you.”
You chuckled softly and shook your head. “So you found me and that gives me hope some of the others might be alive as well. It’s just. The more time passes the slimmer the chances of finding someone.”
Vernon frowned in thought, hiding his lower face behind his hand as he hummed.
You shivered involuntarily, the dread of being the only ones alive silently creeped through your mind. 
“How much do you know about these islands?” 
Your head snapped back up again. “Not much, to be honest. It’s some twisted version of science and research. There was Isla Nublar, several miles up north from the archipelago. That was the island to start it all, I guess. Then there’s Isla Sorna. As far as I know, it was for evolution purposes and to get more animals for the theme park. I don’t know much about the other four islands. I just assume they are for evolution too.”
“I thought they only researched dinosaurs.”
You scoffed and shook your head again. “If we were completely true to the name, they should have only researched dinosaurs from the Jurassic era. But here we are with animals from the Ice Age.”
“Do you think we’ll see a Mammoth?”
You shrugged with your shoulders, another shiver running through your whole body. “I don’t even know whether I’d wanna see any prehistoric animal.”
“Why not?” Vernon tilted his head, his eyes trained on your face. “Aren’t you studying these animals?”
“I am”, you nodded shortly before you sighed once again. “It’s just. What if everything I learned, everything I imagined them to be turns out to be wrong? I don’t want my little bubble to burst.”
“Ah.” Vernon nodded exaggeratingly in understanding before he turned quiet again. Yet he still stared at you. 
You shifted uncomfortably in your place, avoiding eye contact. You could still feel his eyes on you but you desperately tried thinking of something else. “Actually, I just remembered. Even though this was all some hoax research they would have needed base camps to stay updated on the population and the animals in general.”
“We could have been camping all along, huh.”
Now you simply stared at Vernon, trying to understand what was going on inside his mind. “It’s late already. We should get a good night’s rest and then search for the base camp. It’s our best chance of rescue.” 
Vernon nodded and stretched his arms above his head, groaning when his joints popped. “Sounds like a solid plan.” He lied down almost immediately and made himself comfortable.
You couldn’t take your eyes off him, stunned how easily he relaxed in such a situation. You on the other hand felt too much on edge to even think of sleeping. Once again another shiver ran through your body. You got reminded of the cold that seeped into your body and slowly but surely cooled your core temperature down.
You ignored the trembling of your body and scooted closer to the stone wall behind your back. While it wasn’t truly any warmer, it shielded you a little more from the wind and starting rain.
For the longest time you just sat there and stared ahead with distant eyes as the sky turned darker and darker. Despite the rain your ears picked up on various sounds and each one of them made you feel even more on edge.
“You should rest too”, Vernon mumbled, turning only his head to look at you.
Your attention snapped back to him, surprised he was still awake. “Someone has to stay awake in case something comes up.” You wrapped your arms even tighter around your torso, barely suppressing your shivers.
Vernon pushed himself up again and moved closer to you. He didn’t say another word but he gently pulled you against his body, sharing his warmth with you. Vernon wrapped his arms around you as well and pulled you down until you laid next to him. 
You were now between the stone wall and his body, facing away from him. You felt your muscles slowly relax with his warmth engulfing you. 
You hummed softly and turned around in his hold, ignoring the building embarrassment inside your stomach. “Thanks, this really helps.”
Vernon only hummed in return and closed his eyes again. “Relax now, tomorrow will be another long day.”
Once the first rays of sunshine appeared at the horizon the next morning, both Vernon and you headed back towards the coast. You assumed a base camp would be near the sea and convinced Vernon to walk along the shoreline. You also hoped to limit your chances of meeting any of the creatures roaming across the island.
It took everything within you to suppress yet another sigh. While you thought you got somehow closer to Vernon during the freezing night, the journey towards the base camp turned out to be just as awkwardly silent.
The terrain changed the further you two walked. At first it had been forests connected to the shore but those cleared out for wide fields of grass. “This would be the perfect habitat for mammoth or other horse-like prehistoric animals.”
“So there is a chance to see mammoths!” 
You chuckled softly. “Technically. I’m not certain it would be that safe to meet them though.” You glanced at Vernon, who shortly appeared quite disappointed before he nodded in resignation.
“Maybe from afar.”
A sad smile played over your lips as you focused back on your surroundings, still searching for the base camp even after being out for so long already. You nearly wanted to give up and suggest finding a place to stay for yet another night, when Vernon tapped your arm.
“Isn’t that a path for cars?” He pointed towards an overgrown passageway, barely visible if you weren’t actively searching for it. The path crossed the wide fields and vanished into another forest like area. 
You gasped in surprise, your heart thumping loudly within your chest as new hope bloomed inside. “Should we follow it?” You glanced at Vernon, sudden nervousness creeping up your spine.
“It will be alright.” Vernon grabbed your hand and pulled you along, steadily walking along the path without a worry in the world.
You on the other hand looked around, unable to shake off the feeling being watched. It only increased the minute you two entered the forest. 
Since the forest wasn’t as dense as the last one, you easily noticed how the sky darkened - the weather changing rapidly yet again. 
“I heard that the weather is unpredictable on Isla Pena.”
Vernon looked up at the sky for a second. “So you’re telling me we’re on Isla Pena due to the sudden changes?”
“Well, I only assume it could be that. I mean it’s definitely not Isla Nublar, which is not part of the Los Cinco Muertes and it’s not Isla Sorna since we saw hints of mammals living on this island instead of dinosaurs. Also I don’t think it’s Isla Tacano, because I haven’t noticed a sign of an active volcano.”
“Lucky us”, Vernon grunted with a soft chuckle as he pulled you further along the overgrown path. He tried to appear unbothered but even he felt like he was being watched and it made the hair on his neck stand up. “You’re like an expert, right? What kind of animal could live in a forest like this?”
You saw how Vernon glanced over his shoulder, uncertainty and worry mirroring in his expression. You bit on your lower lip, letting your gaze wander around one more time. “A light forest connected to a wide plain of grass. It honestly sounds like the perfect habitat for Terror Birds.”
Vernon sighed deeply, shaking his head. “I hope you’re wrong about this.”
“I hope so too”, you whispered.
As if on cue though you noticed a large nest a little to your right, half hidden behind the large roots of a tree.
You silently cursed under your breath and picked up your pace, tugging at Vernon’s hand to indicate he should move faster as well.
A huge weight got lifted from your chest when Vernon quietly pointed towards the outlines of a building, new hope making your steps lighter than before.
By now both of you nearly ran towards the base camp, trying to escape the sense of trepidation behind you. Safety was just at an arm’s length, when you heard the loud cries of something behind you.
Like a mechanical doll you turned your head around, eyes widening in horror when you saw a gigantic bird standing in the middle of the road behind you. Two more birds rushed to its side, tilting their heads in curiosity as they stared at your retreating forms.
Just as you wanted to inform Vernon about the Terror Birds behind you two, you tripped and fell to the ground. Due to the rain your hand slipped out of Vernon’s grasp and with a dull thud combined with a surprised yelp you found yourself flat on the ground.
Vernon immediately stopped in his tracks. He turned around, ready to help you when he saw the birds slowly approaching. “Fuck.” Not only did these birds appear to be twice as tall as a human, no they had incredibly strong legs with sharp claws at their feet. 
If someone thought the emus in Australia were scary, they truly hadn’t seen this terror. 
You groaned when Vernon helped you up, feeling a stinging pain shooting up from your ankle and through your whole leg. Yet, you tried to fight the pain, biting down on your lip and pushing through.
Vernon half dragged and half carried you towards the building, constantly looking behind him at the birds that came closer and closer.
You felt your heart pounding within your chest, louder than the thunder above your heads. It didn’t calm down either after Vernon pushed a metal door with a small window panel open. He helped you through and slipped inside right behind you, before he slammed the door shut again.
Vernon glanced through the small window, flinching when he saw and felt one of the Terror Birds running against the door. He pushed his whole weight against the metal, silently praying it would survive the onslaught. 
When the banging subsided, Vernon looked through the mirror again. He saw one bird marching from side to side, patiently eyeing the closed door as the other two birds rushed away to each side - probably searching for another entrance.
You leaned against the wall next to the door, trying to keep the weight off of your foot. You narrowed your eyes and tried to identify your surroundings. “I think this is some kind of hallway that leads to the centre of the base camp.”
“Then we should follow that. Those birds seem more intelligent than I had hoped for.” Vernon came to your side and slung one of your arms around his shoulder, snaking his own around your waist and steadying you as he pulled you along the hall.
“If those birds live around the area of the base camp, we’re lucky we got inside”, you mumbled, eyes cast down. “I’m not sure any of the others would have been just as lucky.”
Vernon stayed silent, understanding what you were trying to say but just like you he didn’t want to think about that possibility. So far he easily ignored the thought his group of friends might have been killed or died another way on this island already.
Soon enough you two reached an abandoned laboratory. Vernon helped you to sit down on a chair, before he roamed around the room, checking for possible light sources and other useful things.
You looked around, picturing how people in white lab coats rushed through the room, typing quickly on keyboards, analysing data from a large computer or scribbling down notes. You assumed this site got abandoned right after the Isla Nublar or Sorna incident, leaving all the animals to fend for themselves. You wondered how much changed since the controlled growth stopped.
Vernon stepped next to you again, presenting you a dusty emergency bag. “There’s a first aid kit, some energy bars and a satellite phone in it.”
You smiled up at him. “Everything we need.” You held out your hand, waiting for Vernon to give you the bag. You then opened it immediately and pulled out the satellite phone, hoping it was still able to operate. 
Meanwhile Vernon grabbed the first aid kit and crouched down before you, gently grabbing your leg and placing it on his thigh so he could secure your swollen ankle.
The phone cracked a few times before you finally got through and heard the voice of another person. Static interrupted their words from time to time, making it incredibly hard to understand what they were saying.
You assumed your voice would be just as broken off like theirs and therefore decided to simply repeat the same words over and over again until you heard some form of confirmation. “S.O.S. Isla Pena. Need rescue. Base camp.”
Both Vernon and you held your breaths for a moment, trying to understand their reply through all the white noise.
“Chopper after storm?” Vernon mouthed silently, raising an eyebrow questioningly as if he wanted to confirm you heard the same.
You nodded vigorously and thanked the person gleefully before cutting the call again. A relieved laugh escaped your lips as you slumped down on the chair. “We’re actually getting rescued. I can’t believe it.” Before you could hold it back, tears streamed down your cheeks and your laughter turned into quiet sobs.
Vernon stared at you with wide eyes, feeling somewhat awkward witnessing your vulnerable side.
“Can you hold me?” 
Your voice was barely above a whisper but Vernon immediately scooted closer and pulled you against his chest, gently rubbing over your back in a soothing manner. “It’s going to be alright. We just need to stay here and wait until the rescuers come and get us.”
You slowly shook your head. “There must be a landing place. We should find it and stay near it, so when the helicopter arrives we’re able to leave immediately before the next storm starts.”
After you had calmed down, Vernon helped you walk around the base camp. Thankfully there were signs everywhere and the constant lightning illuminated your paths enough for you two to walk freely and find the heli-port rather easily.
“I don’t think they’ll be able to land on here”, Vernon mumbled as you two stared out of the window, seeing fallen trees and broken things scattered all over the port. “Is there another place where they could land on?”
“Maybe the roof but I don’t know whether it’s strong enough to hold the weight of a helicopter.”
“That only leaves the option of climbing a ladder.” Vernon sighed and rubbed over his face. “Will you be able to do that?”
You nudged his shoulder with yours and grinned reassuringly. “I probably won’t be fast but yes, I got that.” You turned back to look outside, watching the strings of raindrops falling to the ground and the trees bending in the wind. You easily pretended that everything would be just fine but the nervousness still had a tight grip around your thoughts.
Vernon and you rested next to the door leading outside to the port. Any unusual sound made you tense up, worrying you missed something and would be stuck on this island until your last breath. 
You slightly turned your head, looking at Vernon. He had his eyes closed and brows furrowed, appearing tense and stern. You leaned over and cupped his cheek, smoothing down his features with a soft smile. “Don’t worry, we’ll get out of here unhar- we’ll get out of here.”
As if some benevolent god heard your voice, the storm subsided. The rain got reduced to a soft pitter-patter against the window and the dark clouds dissipated. Only minutes later you heard the distinct sound of an engine and the chopping sound the rotor blades of a helicopter made.
Vernon jumped up, pulling you with him as he pushed the door open and hurried out into the open - forgetting about his surroundings completely.
Both of you stared up at the sky. You shielded your eyes when the helicopter halted right above you, the strong wind whirling up puddles and small leaves.
Just like Vernon predicted they threw a ladder out of the open side of the chopper, motioning to the both of you to climb up.
Vernon grabbed the lower end of the ladder and kept it steady as he turned towards you. “You’re going up first.”
“But I told you I’m slower-”
“Which is why I’m holding onto this to make it easier for you.” 
You sighed, sensing he wouldn’t budge. Carefully, you climbed the first few steps. The higher you got, the more thankful you felt for Vernon holding the ladder as still as possible. You already made it halfway up the ladder when the rescuers yelled at you. Confused, you looked back down.
One of the Terror Birds appeared at the edge of the heli-port. While it eyed the helicopter warily and kept as low as possible, it didn’t seem phased enough to flee. No, instead its focus turned towards Vernon, who still stood on the ground holding the ladder.
“Vernon!” Your voice sounded borderline hysteric. He didn’t react, your voice probably drowning out by the noise from the helicopter. You knew he wouldn’t start climbing before you made it up. You bit on your lower lip and pushed yourself to climb up faster, ignoring the stinging pain that flared up inside of your ankle again.
The second the rescuer pulled you into the chopper, you turned around and screamed at Vernon. 
He already climbed a quarter of the way, when the Terror Bird decided to charge. 
Your mind got filled with white noise as you stared at the scene unfolding underneath you. You barely registered the yelling of the rescuers, nor that the helicopter suddenly pulled up. You could only see how the Terror Bird had its beak around the ladder, right underneath Vernon’s foot. 
As the bird struggled and sent tremors through the ladder, Vernon was barely able to ascend further. 
Your eyes met with his, before you watched in horrible silence how Vernon climbed the few steps back down, kicking against the beak of the Terror Bird.
Another scream got stuck in your throat when the helicopter shook from another tremble. This time because a Sabertooth Tiger jumped from the roof of the base camp and attacked the bird. 
As both fell to the ground, the ladder got pulled back into the helicopter by the rescuers. They pushed you aside, obstructing your view and sudden fear immobilised you. 
Only after Vernon got pulled into the chopper as well, did you feel like you were able to breathe again. You scrambled over to his side, basically falling into his form. You wrapped your arms around his neck, mumbling your thanks for him being unharmed over and over again.
Vernon wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled you into a tight embrace, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. He nosed along your temple, placing soft kisses on your skin.
You didn’t pull back. Instead you ever so slowly turned your head until the tips of your noses met and your breaths mingled. 
Vernon closed the gap, being just as careful as before. He gave you enough time to pull away but you only leaned more into him. 
The second your lips met, all your worries, the dread and fear melted away, leaving a soft fluttering and tingling that spread throughout your body.
You actually made it out alive and with the help of the authorities you could also find your missing friends. Most importantly you found something else during this experience. 
Vernon broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours as he chuckled softly. “Next time I’ll try a simple museum date to get closer to you.”
“Or library.” You giggled and shook your head, surprised you found love within this rollercoaster ride.
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lolahauri · 4 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ when you touch me i die just a little inside
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My brain is completely flooded with jumbled scenarios of Ian, so let me just ramble and get this out here before I explode 😩 no proof reading and no warnings btw, someday soon ill rewrite this better, but for now this is what yall get 🥴(MDNI)
Just imagine him being your mathematics professor. he's in his early forties, you're in your early-mid twenties. you've always had a thing for older men, and them being an authority figure only made the fantasies more exciting.
you noticed after some months of being in his class, he seemed to start eyeing you more. lingering gazes cast in your direction were becoming increasingly noticeable. he always asked your thoughts on the subject being taught first. he praised your papers and projects much more than the other students.
you wondered if you were being delusional, or if maybe you actually had a chance...
you wanted to test him and see if your suspicions were correct, but without being too obvious, of course. so to start, you began wearing short skirts more often, maybe with a sweater on top so it didn't seem so clear you were trying to show some skin. you took note of how he looked directly at your legs every time you strolled into class with a miniskirt. you couldn't see after you turned your back, but man he couldn't take his eyes off of them until you got to your seat.
after a couple weeks, you moved your spot to the front row, closer to his main desk. occasionally, when he was up at the board, looking out to the class, you'd switch your crossed legs to the other side. spreading them just enough that he could catch a glimpse of your lace panties. you knew you caught him in the act when he began to clear his throat profusely afterwards, refusing to look you in the eyes for the rest of the day.
you continued to amp up your little game until you were sure you could make a move. but before you could, he did.
class was out for the day, you were the last student to get your things packed and ready to leave. before you could head out the door though, Dr. Malcolm called out to you.
"Uh, Ms. [L/N]?" you turned to look at him, his face was serious. your stomach dropped, shit, what if the teasing wasn't affecting him the way you thought it was?
"Oh- um. yes, professor?" you were trying to play it cool, maybe he'd buy the 'i had no idea' act if you pitched it well enough.
"would you, uh, mind seeing me in my office for a sec?"
"of course! yes..." you walked with him to a door near the corner of his room, hands beginning to tremble a bit. as you entered, he walked in behind you and... locked the door?
before you could ask what this was about, he roughly grabbed your cheeks in one hand, tilting your head up to force eye contact with you.
"do you have something you wanna tell me, Ms. [L/N]" heat pooled in your stomach immediately as his deep brown eyes pierced into yours "you wanna explain this - this little game you've playing? huh?" he squeezed your soft face a little harder, lips slowly inching towards you.
"Sir, i-"
"what? you- you think I didn't notice what you were doing? wearing these little, uh, short skirts, spreadin' your legs right in front me everyday." his voice raised a bit, but oddly enough, he didn't exactly sound angry. it must be the sexual frustration coming out.
and maybe this wasn't the time to be bold, but you couldn't hold back anymore, you needed him now.
"maybe I wanted you to notice, professor."
he smirked down at you, wrapping a strong arm around your back "oh, really? well, uh, you got my attention now sweetheart."
oh, it's game on.
both of you leaned forward to quickly close the gap between your mouths. your lips fit together like puzzle pieces, your head was spinning as you reached up to snake your arms around his neck. he's so tall...
a surprised noise came out of you as he leaned down to pick you up, one arm under your ass, the other still on your back, pressing you into his body firmly. the kiss quickly deepened, he slid his tongue past your lips, swirling it around your own as you moaned into his mouth.
ian stumbles forward a bit, carefully finding the table in the room and lying you down on it, pulling away from the kiss briefly.
"you, uh, wanna take this further sweetheart?" he grinned down at you, his arms caging your head in.
"god, yes" you breathed out, wrapping your legs around his hips and bringing him into another kiss.
he chuckled against your lips, not wasting any time to run a large hand up both your top and skirt. one hand was grabbing your breast as the other worked to pull your panties down. usually he'd prep a woman more before fucking her, but you've worked him up so much he can't wait any longer.
ian pulled back once again, hastily undoing his belt. you watched in awe as he pulled his pants down, just far enough to let his long cock spring out. he let out a breathy laugh, "like what you see?"
under normal circumstances you'd be embarrassed, but you were so turned on and dazed all you could do was nod, slowly lifting your gaze back to his eyes.
he stepped forward and bent down slightly to align his hips with yours, grabbing your legs and wrapping them around his waist. you were breathing heavily as his tip grazed your hole, dripping wet and ready to be fucked.
"are you, um, are you sure you wanna do this? i can stop-"
"just fuck me already, please" you interrupted, you weren't trying to be rude, but you're getting seriously desperate right now.
"shit..." he mutters under his breathe, quickly following your orders and slipping himself in. he was big, but there was no resistance at all from your slick pussy.
ian set a quick, but gentle pace, not wanting to be too rough too fast. you were both filling the small space with moans and groans, getting dangerously loud considering the building you're in. but neither of you could honestly care right now, this felt way too good to hold back.
you gripped onto his biceps tightly, trying to keep yourself stable and grounded. with every thrust he was hitting that spot inside you that made your knees weak, you let out a couple broken whines after he hit your sweet spot particularly hard.
he groaned at the feeling your nails digging into his arms, he loved seeing the affect he had on you. ian picked up the intensity, brutally shoving his hips forward and pounding into you at an almost painful degree.
you were practically screaming his name now, steadily building up to your climax. you could tell he was getting close too, his breathing was heavy and ragged, droplets of sweat running down his forehead.
"Ian, -fuck- please cum in me, please." you sobbed out the sentence, moaning after every thrust. your pussy clenched around him as your orgasm began to erupt. the feeling spread over your entire body, sending jolts of electricity through your nervous system, thighs quivering around his torso as your juices coated his cock.
"oh shit-" ian threw his head back at the sensation, following right behind you as his thrusts became sloppy and irregular, filling you to the brim with his cum as he groaned loudly. he fucked into you a few more times, riding out your orgasms until you were both on the verge of overstimulation.
he stayed inside you for a moment, catching his breath and letting you calm down from the high. soon though, you both sighed as he pulled out, letting his fresh load pour out of you and onto the table, making a complete mess. the sight was truly obscene, but in the best way possible.
you two might need to make a habit of this...
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guillotineman · 1 year
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
Okay but a Jurassic Park type HTTYD thing? Like dragons instead of dinosaurs? Either a thing where the gang works at the park and wind up bonding with some of the dragons
A thing where (hold on okay you remember how the dinosaurs got out into the regular world in one of the newer Jurassic World movies? (I haven’t watched those ones but I do know it happens at some point)) the dragons get out into the world and people have been trying to survive them for at least a generation before Hiccup and the gang’s time, and then the plot of the actual series just kinda happens in a modern era
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bonkwosher · 1 year
I'm gauging interest for which I should write this weekend & requests I should prioritize in general! Requests are still open too if you want to request more!
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retrokid616 · 3 months
and were back and is liam's pv (im sorry don't know names yet) doing this to the beast
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bulletsgirl · 2 years
so high and just came up with a really fun idea for a campaign that im probably gonna be dming starting in august. kind of excited
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
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{Ian Malcolm}
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Getting Through the Day
Program: The first day of the new school year and semester sits heavy in you. Scorching heat from the summer heat wave and Ian's fleeting touches drive you insane through the day. All you can do it throw it back at him and hope to last until you can escape to his apartment for the weekend. Pairing: Professor! Ian Malcolm x College Junior, GN! Reader Genre: Slowburn NSFW, Requested -> Minors Do Not Interact
When you have a migraine and Ian treats you so carefully with tender touches or acts of care.
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{Ellie Sattler}
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When you have a migraine, and Ellie knows just what you need when the pain hits.
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swan2swan · 7 hours
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How and why are his business.
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cowgirlcherrie · 10 months
☆ WISHFUL THINKING. loser! sbf! ellie williams headcanons
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♪ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠…wishful thinking by benee
a/n: here are just some quick head-canons of loser ellie, ellie is best friends with the readers sister, basically like bbf! ellie but girls girl coded dynamic.
warnings/content: 18+ MDNI. a nsfw section. breeding kink. switch!ellie. kissing. petname usage. ellie is so loser…LOL but it intertwines with canon ellie. cursing. dirty talking. finger sucking. edging. mostly toothrotting fluff for the first section
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
౨ৎ loser! Ellie owns an obscure amount of graphic tees with silly slogans on them:
** I can’t find the post but one of my mutuals had an exact post of how she would dress…adam sandler core fr
When she gets complimented on them, she does not know how to take a compliment. When you found one of the slogans funny, your hands delicately intertwined with the fabric of her shirt as you tugged the fabric — with your phone hovering over the bolded text to take a picture – Ellie was sweating bullets beneath your touch.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie dismissed you the first time that the two of you met; she moved like a shadow whenever you were around; if you were talking in the kitchen, she would completely walk out of the room and just avoid the area. At first, you thought Ellie stopped coming around and being friends with your sister until you actively caught her turning on her heels and just heads in another direction.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie goes to your college and is a year above you but you didn’t know she was going to JSU (Jackson state university) because you thought she was planning on community, so it was a shocker to see her around campus because she actually would say hi to you or sit and chat if she wasn’t with Dina or Jesse.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie is obsessed with Jurassic Park and owns all of the DVD collections. She even has posters up on the wall that is stills from the movie and ones she was able to find with a deep dive online *cough* Reddit *cough* Facebook marketplace *cough* 
Frequently she tried to get your sister into it who gets sick of her asking–  but kept on nagging at Ellie to ask you instead, and with many dab pen hits and a quick pep talk in the bathroom, Ellie built up enough courage to ask you to watch it with her. 
The two of you bonded over having crushes on Ellie Sattler which was the first time that Ellie realized that you liked girls and she might have a shot with you.
“It’s even better to watch when you’re high because the dinosaurs are all like-…woahh”
౨ৎ loser! Ellie enjoys it’s always sunny in Philadelphia and parks and recreation, and would definitely enjoy emergency intercom or just podcast-y youtube channels 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie sucks at eye contact, whenever you start talking to her she rubs at the back of her neck, and looks at her feet, twirling the necklace that’s tucked closely to her skin and her shirt. She just doesn’t stop fidgeting. Her face gets all red but she plays it off that Joel kept on turning the heater on when there was no need for it.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie wears flat-brim vintage hats, especially some with corduroy fabric, and apart from her standard arm tattoo gets silly patchwork ones, like one of a drawing she did for Joel. Has a lot of rings and especially enjoys the spinny ones.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie who collects Savage Starlight comics, as always, is surprised when you tell her you found some copies in the bookstore that was actually going to get thrown away but you bargained with the owner to buy the barrel of the books because you knew she would like to have them. She gets all flustered when she realizes that you were thinking of her and it brings the craziest smile to her fast that you took enough time to remember such minuscule detail about her. 
“Do you– uh- do you want me to pay you back?”
౨ৎ loser! Ellie wakes up late all the time when she sleeps over at your house like I’m talking 11-12:30 pm and will walk around the house with messy hair, a large t-shirt and boxers, and dry drool patch on her mouth and down her cheek until she realizes she had been watched for the past few minutes by you who was scared shitless because you didn’t even she spent the night.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie in traditional Ellie fashion uses cursing as a coping mechanism when she gets nervous and doesn’t know what to say:
“I don’t fuckin’ know ask your sister”
“That’s fuckin cute… I guess”
“Oh – Fuck you!”
౨ৎ when your sister started this thing every two weeks where there is a girl’s night, she’d invite Ellie over for a sleepover and the sleepless night would be full of gossip, painting each other’s nails, drinking cheap wine that Ellie got from the gas station down the way —  primarily a self-care night, it takes a lot of convincing to get Ellie to join in but once she does, she regrets it slightly. However, she tolerates it because she can use it as an excuse just to see you and learn about what is up with your life or if you started seeing anyone.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie who bitches and cries when she has a facemask on, and is hissing and spewing curses under her breath every few minutes, with a fluffy headband on that is pushing her auburn hair back, begging you to take it off; meanwhile, you are applying a clear coat on her nails because she would complain about any other color but she keeps tensing up.
“Ow! What the fuck is in this…it hurts, take it off! Take it off!”
౨ৎ loser! Ellie when the summertime rolled around, meant she would be spending way more time with you and your sister – eventually, your sister goes to the locksmith and get Ellie her own key. Ellie will be indulging in pool days with you which is a recipe for disaster
She is tripping all over the place, and terribly applied sunscreen on her face which cast a slight ghostly white cast on her face, adding to how stunned she was to see you in a swimsuit, but she couldn’t look away and caught herself wandering her eyes to places she probably shouldn’t have. 
Underwater kiss! Underwater kiss! 
But she tries to play it off and acts like it never even happened the next day. But when Ellie closed her eyes all she could feel was your wet lips on hers, as the two of you were grabbing at each other and the way for a second time slowed down and all she could feel was the movement of the water and your hands on her skin.
When she applied sunscreen wrong and asks you to fix it for her, gets so embarrassed as you rub your hands over her face to moisturize the sunscreen into her face, but every time she opens her eyes she just sees the view of your boobs in the bikini you are wearing and just squeezes her eyes shut. Visibly pretends to bite her fist when you’re done
౨ৎ loser! Ellie 100% asking strangers on Reddit how to confess for you with crazy ass headlines, 
F(22) IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND'S SISTER F(21) ADVICE? If a girl’s arm lingers on you for too long does it mean she likes you? (F) Good pick-up lines that aren’t cringy for gays only…please How much does astrology and birth chart compatibility really matter? 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie splits her sandwiches with you and gives you a jacket when you are cold because even though she asks you a million times and you said no each time she asked. She still brings a jacket just for you — and how she would scold you for not bringing one. (all out of love though)
“You fucker! I knew you would be cold, see this is why I said to bring a jacket” 
Pretends to be angry but really she was waiting for this moment.
Eventually, you build a collection, having 3 of Ellie’s jackets in your room, which was Ellie’s subtle excuse to be able to talk to you. 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie doesn’t hesitate to pick you up from an on-campus party, and her heart shatters when you are crying because you had a shitty night and you don’t want her to tell your sister. Takes you to whatever fast food is open at that hour even if that means she’d have to drive 30 minutes extra just to make you smile.  
“Shh…sweetheart terrible nights happen it’s okay”
“Are you hungry?…cuz’ like I’m fuckin hungry” Ellie whispers amidst a thick awkward silence, mentally cringing and wanting to bang her head on the steering wheel as she grips the wheel until her knuckles turn white.
Suddenly becomes good with comforting people when it comes to you, but anyone else – the spinny wheel of death appears above her head as she struggles to formulate a good sentence. 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie who hates when you bring up anyone you start talking to or that you are going out with, will sit there with her fist tight and jaw clenched whispering to you:
“There are people who can treat you way better”
And by people she really means herself. 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie who set off the fire alarm once by accident because she was hotboxing in her room with Jesse and Dina and almost got a dean’s office summons and tried to blame it on the neighbors next door. 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie when Ellie tells your sister that she likes you, your sister makes the most disgusted face at her, but becomes Ellie’s wing-woman and kinda tells Ellie all of your likes and dislikes, which Ellie has a whole page in her journal with facts about you. 
“can I have your blessing to uh…date your um, fuck sorry your sister?”
“ellie please shut up I’m gonna throw up”
౨ৎ loser! Ellie has pictures of michael cera as her icons on every form of social media.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie gets flustered easily over indirect kisses, like sharing food or sharing drinks, and suddenly she becomes so hyperaware. 
nsfw 𖦹⋆彡🫧꩜♪⋆
౨ৎ When Ellie started having more than just friendly feelings for you…her whole demeanor changed, the tension was so thick it could cut with a sharp knife. Subtle touches suddenly had more meaning and her body felt like someone lit a match with gasoline dripping from her body and set her aflame. 
౨ৎ after an accidental confession that leads to the two of you dating, lewd thoughts from the shadow of her brain came after and she couldn’t control it — initially was too embarrassed to tell you and had nights where she would just walk to the bathroom and try her best to get off in the shower but it only got her so far before it wasn’t helping or doing enough and at this point she needed to actually touch you
౨ৎ That time she slept over and was sleeping on your couch, hoodie on her body with the hood up covering her face, blankets falling off of her body giving a full view of her sleep boxer shorts. When you walked by to go grab a drink of water around 3 am you could hear her moaning your name in your sleep.
౨ৎ is one of those people who seem bashful, sparky, and innocent throughout the day but in the sheets is the biggest freak ever, she becomes another level of unholy.
౨ৎ a breeding kink! Definitely owns one of the squirting dildos because she loves to watch the way liquids drip out of you when she’s done, will sit back pulling at your folds with her fingers with the shit-eating grin on her face that reads I did that 
“Look at you~” “all fucked out for me” Ellie speaks coly and in between breaths as her head reaches down to put kisses all over your face.
౨ৎ Ellie likes to see how much she can get away with, smacks your ass, pulls you back by your belt loop, sticks her hand way too far up your thigh, moans high pitched in your ear during public settings 
౨ৎ falls asleep with her hand on your boobs, god forbid she’s having a nightmare, she starts squeezing them in the midst of it. 
౨ৎ makes dick jokes talking about some:
“My pullout game is not weak thank you very much, if that was the case we would have had a lot of children already”
When listening to rap music that goes into heavy description about fucking humps the air sometimes to the lyrics...not elaborating she's hella immature LOL 
౨ৎ The minute the two of you go out and one of your friends says how she is a simp and how you have all the control in the situation, Ellie will make sure you know that she indefinitely has the upper hand. It’s like a switch flips in her head she gets so ruthless and so mean, she doesn’t want you to forget it either and fucks you until you can’t think
You will be moaning and clawing at her back as she pounds in a rhythmic motion in and out of you, her mouth would get so filthy, smirking as her fingers rub over your lips as she slips her thumb in for you to suck,
“but …do your friends know that you cry like this under me? that you look so pathetic under me?”
“Who’s in charge again cuz’ I fuckin’ know it’s not you”
“Are you cumming? Oh no you don’t…let me see you” “What if I just stopped right now?”
Likes to edge you, no doubt.
౨ৎ a switch likes to be topped or touched but also likes to be the top
౨ৎ whimpers whenever you touch her like a puppy, her eyes get glassy and her face gets red as she lets out low mewls of your name, and suddenly it’s like you’re an angel hovering over her and your touch is an addictive drug that she never wants to stop having.
౨ৎ  Overall just the best girlfriend ever, with a combination of silliness and fun in one, a big ol’ dork that is really just obsessed with you.
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© cowgirlcherrie
@beforeimdeceased @starologist @destielcore @luvrgalore @ellsss @zahraaziza @emluvselandabs @abbyily @elliestrwbrry @mossc0vered @spacewlf @as2rid @spaceshipellie @lottiematthewsceo @emonopolyman @mikasbby @trulygnomed @machetegirl109 @munsonsfairy
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ozzgin · 10 months
Can I request a headcanon where baki has a very cute s/o and pickle just so happens to escape the arena and runs into the cute s/o and everyone scared they'll be eaten pickle is nice and cute with the s/o and the scientists says they're looking at eachother like how kids look at puppies and s/o teaches pickle tricks making yujiro mad he's no longer fighting
Let’s just hope Pickle doesn’t experience cute aggression and has the urge to bite into your face or something.
Baki Headcanons: Pickle meets Baki’s significant other
Featuring Pickle, Baki and his cute partner that builds a strange relationship with the Jurassic man.
[Baki Masterlist] [Part II]
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You’re dangling your legs back and forth over the wooden bench that faces away from the large arena building. The nerve of Baki to postpone your date night! You pout to yourself, mildly annoyed that whatever currently stands in the underground ring is more important than you. Who on Earth could it be this time? Baki has already fought most of the big shots.
You don’t have the time to think too hard about it as your seat topples over and you roll on the grass, wildly confused. You quickly lift yourself up and look around, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. At the same time, Pickle scans the area for the obstacle that caused him to trip this badly. He spots the bench, now torn from its bolts, and his gaze then stops on you. Another human. Somehow, this one reminds him of a small animal, like the kind of wild pup he’d chase around when he was younger.
You can now hear the multiple footsteps approaching your location and glance over. There’s a couple of armed men, old man Tokugawa, and behind them Baki is panting in panic. “(Y/N), get the hell back! Fuck, I won’t make it in time” he grunts to himself. Aha! You return to Pickle. So this was the irresistible opponent that had you wait alone next to a parking lot. “The homewrecker!” you exclaim, amused. The large prehistoric man doesn’t register your words but seems to be pleased with your smile.
He lowers himself to your level and inspects your scent. You find his wide, curious eyes and puzzled expression rather cute. Without much consideration you extend your hand and ruffle his hair. Baki gasps at your unhinged act and is about to shove his way through before Tokugawa gently stops him. “I don’t think you need to worry”, he whispers with a finger against his lips. And, true to his word, Pickle is now kneeling before you with a wide grin. One can almost notice a wagging tail behind his giant frame.
Well, you’re certainly cheaper than tranquilizer guns. The research team can’t complain as long as you get Pickle to behave. Baki, on the other hand, isn’t as excited about having his s/o giggling around with a Jurassic man at least twice the size. Now it’s his turn to pout, sitting against the fence and occasionally barking at Pickle that you’re his mate in case he gets funny ideas.
Though the one most annoyed by the situation is probably Yuujirou. He feels like he just got robbed and left empty handed on the side of the highway. No matter how often he parades the ring with a puffed up chest, Pickle seems to be more entranced by your shitty games. Honestly, he’d just get rid of you, but fighting an enraged Pickle and Baki simultaneously could be a stretch even for the Ogre himself.
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les4elliewilliams · 3 months
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⋮ ELLIE IS AWAY... ⋆ masterlist
⋮ WITH ALL MY HEART. ⋆ nsfw n fluff
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⋮ BOUND BY LOVE. ⋆ ex-girlfriend!ellie ; nsfw
⋮ UNWANTED ATTRACTION ⋆ coworker!ellie ; nsfw
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─ thank you for reading `(*>﹏<*)′
ⓘ — do not repost my stuff or I swear I'll hunt you down ; writing isn't my thing, it's only for fun, I don't even know if I'm gonna be posting a lot. mostly here to read.
¡! palestine masterpost・read this・daily clicks ¡!
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